[roojs1] / docs / Roo.docs.bjs
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355          },
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360           {
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363            "String dataIndex" : "name",
364            "$ Function renderer" : "function(v,x,r) { \n\n    return Roo.docs.template.method(r.json);\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\n}",
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367            "Boolean sortable" : false,
368            "* prop" : "cm[]"
369           },
370           {
371            "String header" : "<small>Defined by</small>",
372            "Number md" : 1,
373            "String dataIndex" : "memberOf",
374            "$ Function renderer" : "function(v,x,r) { \n\n if (r.json.memberOf  == Roo.docs.init.currentClass) {\n            return '';\n        }\n\t\treturn \t'<small><a href=\"#' + r.json.memberOf + '\">' + r.json.memberOf + '</a></small>';\n\t\t\t\n}",
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379           },
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386             {
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395              "* prop" : "reader"
396             }
397            ]
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402       },
403       {
404        "listeners" : {
405         "render" : "function (_self)\n{\n    _this.eventsTableContainer   = this;\n}"
406        },
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415         {
416          "listeners" : {
417           "rowclass" : "function (_self, rowcfg)\n{\n      rc = rowcfg.record.json.memberOf == Roo.docs.init.currentClass ? 'doc-added-member '  : 'doc-not-member ';\n      rowcfg.rowClass = rc + (rowcfg.record.json.expanded ? 'expanded' : '');\n}",
418           "render" : "function (_self)\n{\n    _this.eventsTable = this;\n}",
419           "rowclick" : "function (_self, el, rowIndex, e)\n{\n        if (e.target.className != 'fixedFont' && e.target.parentNode.className != 'fixedFont') {\n        return false;\n    }\n    var r = this.store.getAt(rowIndex);\n    r.json.expanded = !r.json.expanded ;\n    this.refreshRow(r);\n}"
420          },
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425           {
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433           },
434           {
435            "String header" : "<small>Defined by</small>",
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437            "Number md" : 1,
438            "$ Function renderer" : "function(v,x,r) { \n        if (r.json.memberOf  == Roo.docs.init.currentClass) {\n            return '';\n        }\n\n\t\treturn \t'<small><a href=\"#' + r.json.memberOf + '\">' + r.json.memberOf + '</a></small>';\n\t\t\t\n}",
439            "xtype" : "ColumnModel",
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443           },
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454             },
455             {
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458              "* prop" : "proxy"
459             }
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461           }
462          ]
463         }
464        ]
465       }
466      ]
467     }
468    ]
469   }
470  ]
471 }