initialize with copy of old builder
authorAlan Knowles <>
Mon, 13 Jun 2016 02:52:48 +0000 (10:52 +0800)
committerAlan Knowles <>
Mon, 13 Jun 2016 02:52:48 +0000 (10:52 +0800)
131 files changed:
AUTHORS [new file with mode: 0644]
COPYING [new file with mode: 0644]
ChangeLog [new file with mode: 0644]
INSTALL [new file with mode: 0644]
INSTALL.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
NEWS [new file with mode: 0644]
README [new file with mode: 0644]
README.txt [new file with mode: 0644] [new file with mode: 0755]
pixmaps/16x16/apps/roobuilder.png [new file with mode: 0644]
pixmaps/22x22/apps/roobuilder.png [new file with mode: 0644]
pixmaps/24x24/apps/roobuilder.png [new file with mode: 0644]
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pixmaps/48x48/apps/roobuilder.png [new file with mode: 0644]
pixmaps/ [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.GridPanel.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.GridPanel.js [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.LayoutDialog.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.LayoutDialog.js [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/Gir.overides [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/GtkUsage.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/RooUsage.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/bootstrap.builder.html [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/mailer.builder.html [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/roo.builder.html [new file with mode: 0644]
resources/roo.builder.js [new file with mode: 0644]
roobuilder.desktop [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Application.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/About.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/About.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ClutterFiles.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ClutterFiles.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/CompileState.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogConfirm.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogConfirm.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogNewComponent.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogNewComponent.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogPluginWebkit.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogPluginWebkit.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogSaveModule.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogSaveModule.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogSaveTemplate.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogSaveTemplate.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogTemplateSelect.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/DialogTemplateSelect.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/EditProject.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/EditProject.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/Editor.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/Editor.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/FakeServer.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/GladeExtras.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/GladeView.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/GladeView.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/GtkView.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/GtkView.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/MainWindow.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/MainWindow.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/PopoverFileDetails.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/PopoverFileDetails.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/PopoverProperty.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/PopoverProperty.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ProjectSettings.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ProjectSettings.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/RooProjectProperties.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/RooProjectProperties.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/StandardErrorDialog.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/StandardErrorDialog.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ValaCompileErrors.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ValaCompileErrors.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ValaCompileResults.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ValaCompileResults.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ValaProjectSettings.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/ValaProjectSettings.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowAddProp.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowAddProp.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowLeftProjects.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowLeftProjects.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowLeftProps.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowLeftProps.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowLeftTree.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowLeftTree.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowRightPalete.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowRightPalete.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowRooView.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/WindowState.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Builder4/config1.builder [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/Gtk.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/JsRender.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/Lang.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/Node.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/NodeToGlade.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/NodeToGtk.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/NodeToJs.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/NodeToVala.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/PlainFile.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/JsRender/Roo.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Main.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/CompletionProvider.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/Gir.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/GirFile.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/GirObject.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/Gtk.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/Javascript.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/Palete.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/Roo.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/RooDatabase.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/ValaSource.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/ValaSourceCompiler.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Palete/VapiParser.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Project/Gtk.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Project/Project.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Project/Roo.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Resources.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/Spawn.vala [new file with mode: 0644]
src/c/jscore_object_call_as_function.c [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/clutter-1.0.deps [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/clutter-1.0.vapi [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/gladeui-2.0.vapi [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/gobject-introspection-1.0.vapi [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/javascriptcore.vapi [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/libgda-4.0.deps [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/libgda-4.0.vapi [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/libgda-5.0.deps [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/libgda-5.0.vapi [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/seed.vapi [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/webkit2gtk-3.0.vapi [new file with mode: 0644]
src/vapi/webkit2gtk-4.0.vapi [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5088c18
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Alan Knowles <>
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..94a9ed0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                       Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                            Preamble
+  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                       TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+  0. Definitions.
+  "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+  "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+  "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+  To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+  A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+  To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+  To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+  An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+  1. Source Code.
+  The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+  A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+  The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+  The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+  2. Basic Permissions.
+  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+    it, and giving a relevant date.
+    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+    released under this License and any conditions added under section
+    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+    "keep intact all notices".
+    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
+    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
+    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+    work need not make them do so.
+  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+    customarily used for software interchange.
+    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
+    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+    with subsection 6b.
+    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
+    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
+    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
+    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+    charge under subsection 6d.
+  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+  A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+  "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+  7. Additional Terms.
+  "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+    Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+    authors of the material; or
+    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+    those licensors and authors.
+  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+  8. Termination.
+  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+  An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+  11. Patents.
+  A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+  A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+  In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+  A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+  14. Revised Versions of this License.
+  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+  Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+  16. Limitation of Liability.
+  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2099840
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+Installation Instructions
+Copyright (C) 1994-1996, 1999-2002, 2004-2013 Free Software Foundation,
+   Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
+are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
+notice and this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is,
+without warranty of any kind.
+Basic Installation
+   Briefly, the shell command `./configure && make && make install'
+should configure, build, and install this package.  The following
+more-detailed instructions are generic; see the `README' file for
+instructions specific to this package.  Some packages provide this
+`INSTALL' file but do not implement all of the features documented
+below.  The lack of an optional feature in a given package is not
+necessarily a bug.  More recommendations for GNU packages can be found
+in *note Makefile Conventions: (standards)Makefile Conventions.
+   The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
+various system-dependent variables used during compilation.  It uses
+those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
+It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
+definitions.  Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
+you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a
+file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for
+debugging `configure').
+   It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache'
+and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves
+the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring.  Caching is
+disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale
+cache files.
+   If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
+to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
+diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
+be considered for the next release.  If you are using the cache, and at
+some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you
+may remove or edit it.
+   The file `' (or `') is used to create
+`configure' by a program called `autoconf'.  You need `' if
+you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version
+of `autoconf'.
+   The simplest way to compile this package is:
+  1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
+     `./configure' to configure the package for your system.
+     Running `configure' might take a while.  While running, it prints
+     some messages telling which features it is checking for.
+  2. Type `make' to compile the package.
+  3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
+     the package, generally using the just-built uninstalled binaries.
+  4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
+     documentation.  When installing into a prefix owned by root, it is
+     recommended that the package be configured and built as a regular
+     user, and only the `make install' phase executed with root
+     privileges.
+  5. Optionally, type `make installcheck' to repeat any self-tests, but
+     this time using the binaries in their final installed location.
+     This target does not install anything.  Running this target as a
+     regular user, particularly if the prior `make install' required
+     root privileges, verifies that the installation completed
+     correctly.
+  6. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
+     source code directory by typing `make clean'.  To also remove the
+     files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
+     a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'.  There is
+     also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
+     for the package's developers.  If you use it, you may have to get
+     all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
+     with the distribution.
+  7. Often, you can also type `make uninstall' to remove the installed
+     files again.  In practice, not all packages have tested that
+     uninstallation works correctly, even though it is required by the
+     GNU Coding Standards.
+  8. Some packages, particularly those that use Automake, provide `make
+     distcheck', which can by used by developers to test that all other
+     targets like `make install' and `make uninstall' work correctly.
+     This target is generally not run by end users.
+Compilers and Options
+   Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
+the `configure' script does not know about.  Run `./configure --help'
+for details on some of the pertinent environment variables.
+   You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters
+by setting variables in the command line or in the environment.  Here
+is an example:
+     ./configure CC=c99 CFLAGS=-g LIBS=-lposix
+   *Note Defining Variables::, for more details.
+Compiling For Multiple Architectures
+   You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
+same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
+own directory.  To do this, you can use GNU `make'.  `cd' to the
+directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
+the `configure' script.  `configure' automatically checks for the
+source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.  This
+is known as a "VPATH" build.
+   With a non-GNU `make', it is safer to compile the package for one
+architecture at a time in the source code directory.  After you have
+installed the package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before
+reconfiguring for another architecture.
+   On MacOS X 10.5 and later systems, you can create libraries and
+executables that work on multiple system types--known as "fat" or
+"universal" binaries--by specifying multiple `-arch' options to the
+compiler but only a single `-arch' option to the preprocessor.  Like
+     ./configure CC="gcc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch ppc64" \
+                 CXX="g++ -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch ppc64" \
+                 CPP="gcc -E" CXXCPP="g++ -E"
+   This is not guaranteed to produce working output in all cases, you
+may have to build one architecture at a time and combine the results
+using the `lipo' tool if you have problems.
+Installation Names
+   By default, `make install' installs the package's commands under
+`/usr/local/bin', include files under `/usr/local/include', etc.  You
+can specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving
+`configure' the option `--prefix=PREFIX', where PREFIX must be an
+absolute file name.
+   You can specify separate installation prefixes for
+architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files.  If you
+pass the option `--exec-prefix=PREFIX' to `configure', the package uses
+PREFIX as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
+Documentation and other data files still use the regular prefix.
+   In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
+options like `--bindir=DIR' to specify different values for particular
+kinds of files.  Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
+you can set and what kinds of files go in them.  In general, the
+default for these options is expressed in terms of `${prefix}', so that
+specifying just `--prefix' will affect all of the other directory
+specifications that were not explicitly provided.
+   The most portable way to affect installation locations is to pass the
+correct locations to `configure'; however, many packages provide one or
+both of the following shortcuts of passing variable assignments to the
+`make install' command line to change installation locations without
+having to reconfigure or recompile.
+   The first method involves providing an override variable for each
+affected directory.  For example, `make install
+prefix=/alternate/directory' will choose an alternate location for all
+directory configuration variables that were expressed in terms of
+`${prefix}'.  Any directories that were specified during `configure',
+but not in terms of `${prefix}', must each be overridden at install
+time for the entire installation to be relocated.  The approach of
+makefile variable overrides for each directory variable is required by
+the GNU Coding Standards, and ideally causes no recompilation.
+However, some platforms have known limitations with the semantics of
+shared libraries that end up requiring recompilation when using this
+method, particularly noticeable in packages that use GNU Libtool.
+   The second method involves providing the `DESTDIR' variable.  For
+example, `make install DESTDIR=/alternate/directory' will prepend
+`/alternate/directory' before all installation names.  The approach of
+`DESTDIR' overrides is not required by the GNU Coding Standards, and
+does not work on platforms that have drive letters.  On the other hand,
+it does better at avoiding recompilation issues, and works well even
+when some directory options were not specified in terms of `${prefix}'
+at `configure' time.
+Optional Features
+   If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
+with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
+option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
+   Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
+`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
+They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
+is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System).  The
+`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
+package recognizes.
+   For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
+find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
+you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
+`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
+   Some packages offer the ability to configure how verbose the
+execution of `make' will be.  For these packages, running `./configure
+--enable-silent-rules' sets the default to minimal output, which can be
+overridden with `make V=1'; while running `./configure
+--disable-silent-rules' sets the default to verbose, which can be
+overridden with `make V=0'.
+Particular systems
+   On HP-UX, the default C compiler is not ANSI C compatible.  If GNU
+CC is not installed, it is recommended to use the following options in
+order to use an ANSI C compiler:
+     ./configure CC="cc -Ae -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500"
+and if that doesn't work, install pre-built binaries of GCC for HP-UX.
+   HP-UX `make' updates targets which have the same time stamps as
+their prerequisites, which makes it generally unusable when shipped
+generated files such as `configure' are involved.  Use GNU `make'
+   On OSF/1 a.k.a. Tru64, some versions of the default C compiler cannot
+parse its `<wchar.h>' header file.  The option `-nodtk' can be used as
+a workaround.  If GNU CC is not installed, it is therefore recommended
+to try
+     ./configure CC="cc"
+and if that doesn't work, try
+     ./configure CC="cc -nodtk"
+   On Solaris, don't put `/usr/ucb' early in your `PATH'.  This
+directory contains several dysfunctional programs; working variants of
+these programs are available in `/usr/bin'.  So, if you need `/usr/ucb'
+in your `PATH', put it _after_ `/usr/bin'.
+   On Haiku, software installed for all users goes in `/boot/common',
+not `/usr/local'.  It is recommended to use the following options:
+     ./configure --prefix=/boot/common
+Specifying the System Type
+   There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out
+automatically, but needs to determine by the type of machine the package
+will run on.  Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the
+_same_ architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints
+a message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the
+`--build=TYPE' option.  TYPE can either be a short name for the system
+type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form:
+where SYSTEM can have one of these forms:
+     OS
+   See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field.  If
+`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
+need to know the machine type.
+   If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should
+use the option `--target=TYPE' to select the type of system they will
+produce code for.
+   If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a
+platform different from the build platform, you should specify the
+"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will
+eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'.
+Sharing Defaults
+   If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
+you can create a site shell script called `' that gives
+default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
+`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then
+`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists.  Or, you can set the
+`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
+A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
+Defining Variables
+   Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the
+environment passed to `configure'.  However, some packages may run
+configure again during the build, and the customized values of these
+variables may be lost.  In order to avoid this problem, you should set
+them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'.  For example:
+     ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc
+causes the specified `gcc' to be used as the C compiler (unless it is
+overridden in the site shell script).
+Unfortunately, this technique does not work for `CONFIG_SHELL' due to
+an Autoconf limitation.  Until the limitation is lifted, you can use
+this workaround:
+     CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash
+`configure' Invocation
+   `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
+     Print a summary of all of the options to `configure', and exit.
+     Print a summary of the options unique to this package's
+     `configure', and exit.  The `short' variant lists options used
+     only in the top level, while the `recursive' variant lists options
+     also present in any nested packages.
+     Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
+     script, and exit.
+     Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE,
+     traditionally `config.cache'.  FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to
+     disable caching.
+     Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'.
+     Do not print messages saying which checks are being made.  To
+     suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
+     messages will still be shown).
+     Look for the package's source code in directory DIR.  Usually
+     `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
+     Use DIR as the installation prefix.  *note Installation Names::
+     for more details, including other options available for fine-tuning
+     the installation locations.
+     Run the configure checks, but stop before creating any output
+     files.
+`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.  Run
+`configure --help' for more details.
diff --git a/INSTALL.txt b/INSTALL.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..17bcd86
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+apt-cache search '^valac-[0-9.]+$' | sort -n -r | head -n 1 | awk ' { print "sudo apt-get install -y " $1  }' | sh
+apt-cache search '^valac-[0-9.]+-vapi$' | sort -n -r | head -n 1 | awk ' { print "sudo apt-get install -y " $1  }' | sh
+apt-cache search '^libvala-[0-9.]+-dev$' | sort -n -r | head -n1 | awk ' { print "sudo apt-get install -y " $1  }' | sh
+apt-cache search '^libvte-[0-9.]+-dev$' | sort -n -r | head -n1 | awk ' { print "sudo apt-get install -y " $1  }' | sh
+sudo  apt-get install libgtk-3-dev  libgtksourceview-3.0-dev libxml2-dev libjson-glib-dev libgee-dev \
+       libgirepository1.0-dev
+# not sure why we are not using 4 yet?
+sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev
+sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
+sudo apt-get install  libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev libgladeui-dev libsoup2.4-dev \
+       libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-dev
+// test
\ No newline at end of file
index 60db302..b949552 100644 (file)
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-SUBDIRS = src
\ No newline at end of file
+SUBDIRS = src pixmaps
+desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
+desktop_DATA =roobuilder.desktop 
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4327969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8178c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f912c73
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+App Builder
+This is a Seed based application builder.. - currently basically a prototype..
+The idea is that it can build applications both web based (using roojs) and Desktop based using Gtk
+and the gobject introspection bindings.
+It's kind of like Glade on steroids..
+seed gtkrun.js Builder
+-> create a project
+-> add a folder to the project
+-> add a file to the project..
+Files are JSON data files at present.. 
+Where it is..
+* basic builder app runs - you can build a tree of elements making up a interface for roo and gtk.
+* listeners are  created correctly.
+* listeners with gtk prototypes
+* Gtk properties that are enums - now show a combo selector..
+* application is used to write itself...
+* Projects can be created and deleted (basically a directory)
+* sourceview to uses spaces rather than tabs. (and autoindents..)
+* Help view - load docs..
+* highlight in gtk preview - works but is klunky..
+* Support for extra code in Roo HTML is done by "Set extra HTML in rendere"
+git clone git://
+cd app.Builder.js
+git clone git:// gir-1.2
+cd gir-1.2
+** This file may need running as root if sudo fails..
+cd ..
+seed gtkrun.js Builder3 
+TODO (Gtk)
+* Tables are not rendering first time round..
+* Dialog buttons - need special rendering on preview.
+* Icon-size (should be an enum...??)
+* (Image|....??? ).stock - should be a list of stock icons..
+* fix pulldowns for types.. - it's a bit hap hazard with the delayed / loading of settings.
+* packing - gather from methods to find out which match.. (including false)
+* adding a file does not display on project tree straight awya..
+* templates for elements... - eg. defaults for classic elements.
+* sort out add heirachy for Gtk..
+* Project Tree needs to work perhaps like a left hand popout.
+* make heirachy editor...
+* new file = should specify type (eg. gtk window etc..)
+* Help view - next/back.. url?
+TODO (Roo)
+* file properties - title, parent etc..
+* Widget definition files.. (to replace our 'Usage.txt' files)
+-> defaults  { ... }
+-> onAdd(name_of_parent, cfg) { modifies defaults.. }
+-> validParents : [ .... ]
+-> validChildren???: [ .... ]
+* how to handle stuff like GtkTable.. - 
+ - needs cols,rows in constructor.
+ - child properties do not appear to work?  -- investigate?
+* XObject - Use Buildable interface???
+* Preview area - use glade widgets?
+Basically both Roo and JS are built using a tree of elements (tagged with xtype/xns)
+sub elements always go in the items array..
+we have some special properties of elements, eg.
+*prop (a property of the parent)
+xtype (element type) eg. Window / Button etc..
+|xns  (namespace) = eg. Gtk/Roo etc.
+|**** anything starting with a pipe is raw data field rather than quoted..
+each element can have a property listeners which is where the listeners go...
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..f7996a9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# Run this to generate all the initial makefiles, etc.
+srcdir=`dirname $0`
+test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.
+(test -f $srcdir/ || {
+    echo -n "**Error**: Directory "\`$srcdir\'" does not look like the"
+    echo " top-level package directory"
+    exit 1
+(autoconf --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
+  echo
+  echo "**Error**: You must have \`autoconf' installed."
+  echo "Download the appropriate package for your distribution,"
+  echo "or get the source tarball at"
+  DIE=1
+#?? needed??
+(grep "^IT_PROG_INTLTOOL" $srcdir/ >/dev/null) && {
+  (intltoolize --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
+    echo 
+    echo "**Error**: You must have \`intltool' installed."
+    echo "You can get it from:"
+    echo ""
+    DIE=1
+  }
+(grep "^LT_INIT" $srcdir/ >/dev/null) && {
+  (libtool --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
+    echo
+    echo "**Error**: You must have \`libtool' installed."
+    echo "You can get it from:"
+    DIE=1
+  }
+(automake --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
+  echo
+  echo "**Error**: You must have \`automake' installed."
+  echo "You can get it from:"
+  DIE=1
+# if no automake, don't bother testing for aclocal
+test -n "$NO_AUTOMAKE" || (aclocal --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
+  echo
+  echo "**Error**: Missing \`aclocal'.  The version of \`automake'"
+  echo "installed doesn't appear recent enough."
+  echo "You can get automake from"
+  DIE=1
+if test "$DIE" -eq 1; then
+  exit 1
+if test -z "$*"; then
+  echo "**Warning**: I am going to run \`configure' with no arguments."
+  echo "If you wish to pass any to it, please specify them on the"
+  echo \`$0\'" command line."
+  echo
+case $CC in
+xlc )
+  am_opt=--include-deps;;
+if test -f $dr/NO-AUTO-GEN; then
+    echo skipping $dr -- flagged as no auto-gen
+    echo processing $dr
+    ( cd $dr
+      aclocalinclude="$ACLOCAL_FLAGS"
+        if grep "^AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT" >/dev/null; then
+          echo "Creating $dr/aclocal.m4 ..."
+          test -r $dr/aclocal.m4 || touch $dr/aclocal.m4
+          echo "Making $dr/aclocal.m4 writable ..."
+          test -r $dr/aclocal.m4 && chmod u+w $dr/aclocal.m4
+        fi
+        #  if grep "^IT_PROG_INTLTOOL" >/dev/null; then
+        #    echo "Running intltoolize..."
+        #intltoolize --copy --force --automake
+        #  fi
+        #
+        if grep "^LT_INIT" >/dev/null; then
+            if test -z "$NO_LIBTOOLIZE" ; then 
+              echo "Running libtoolize..."
+              libtoolize --force --copy
+            fi
+        fi
+        echo "Running aclocal $aclocalinclude ..."
+        aclocal $aclocalinclude
+        if grep "^A[CM]_CONFIG_HEADER" >/dev/null; then
+            echo "Running autoheader..."
+            autoheader
+        fi
+        echo "Running automake  $am_opt ..."
+        automake --add-missing --copy  $am_opt
+        echo "Running autoconf ..."
+        autoconf
+    )
+if test x$NOCONFIGURE = x; then
+  echo Running $srcdir/configure "$@" ...
+  $srcdir/configure "$@" \
+  && echo Now type \`make\' to compile. || exit 1
+  echo Skipping configure process.
\ No newline at end of file
index aa10037..7184541 100644 (file)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-AC_INIT([builder], [4.0.0])
+AC_INIT([roobuilder], [4.0.0])
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AC_CHECK_LIB([m],[cos])
 dnl we need to check these exist, then it will generate a compile string for them.
                 glib-2.0 >= 2.24.1
                 gobject-2.0 >= 2.24.1
@@ -29,48 +29,55 @@ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(BUILDER, [
-                libsoup-2.4
+                libsoup-2.4,
+                roojspacker-1.0
 dnl --- libvala -- needs to find matching really..
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA30, [libvala-0.30],
-                               [vala_3_0_enabled=yes],
-                               [vala_3_0_enabled=no]) 
-if test $vala_3_0_enabled = yes; then
-                   AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA30,1,[libvala 0.30 support])
-    PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA28, [libvala-0.28],
-                               [vala_2_8_enabled=yes],
-                               [vala_2_8_enabled=no]) 
-    if test $vala_2_8_enabled = yes; then
-                   AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA28,1,[libvala 0.28 support])
-    else
-                   PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA26, [libvala-0.26],
-                                   [vala_2_6_enabled=yes],
-                                   [vala_2_6_enabled=no])
-                   if test $vala_2_6_enabled = yes; then
-                           AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA26,1,[libvala 0.26 support])
-                   else
-                            PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA24, [libvala-0.24],
-                                   [vala_2_4_enabled=yes],
-                                   [vala_2_4_enabled=no])
-                           if test $vala_2_4_enabled = yes; then
-                                   AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA24,1,[libvala 0.24 support])
-                           else
-                                   PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA22, [libvala-0.22],
-                                           [vala_2_2_enabled=yes] )
-                                   AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA22,1,[libvala 0.22 support])
-                           fi
-                   fi
+                [vala_3_2_enabled=yes],
+                [vala_3_2_enabled=no]) 
+if test $vala_3_2_enabled = yes; then
+            AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA32,1,[libvala 0.32 support])
+    PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA, [libvala-0.30],
+                    [vala_3_0_enabled=yes],
+                    [vala_3_0_enabled=no]) 
+    if test $vala_3_0_enabled = yes; then
+                AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA30,1,[libvala 0.30 support])
+    else                               
+        PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA, [libvala-0.28],
+                    [vala_2_8_enabled=yes],
+                    [vala_2_8_enabled=no]) 
+        if test $vala_2_8_enabled = yes; then
+                AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA28,1,[libvala 0.28 support])
+        else
+                PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA, [libvala-0.26],
+                        [vala_2_6_enabled=yes],
+                        [vala_2_6_enabled=no])
+                if test $vala_2_6_enabled = yes; then
+                    AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA26,1,[libvala 0.26 support])
+                else
+                     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA, [libvala-0.24],
+                        [vala_2_4_enabled=yes],
+                        [vala_2_4_enabled=no])
+                    if test $vala_2_4_enabled = yes; then
+                        AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA24,1,[libvala 0.24 support])
+                    else
+                        PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVALA, [libvala-0.22],
+                            [vala_2_2_enabled=yes] )
+                        AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBVALA22,1,[libvala 0.22 support])
+                    fi
+                fi
+        fi
+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBVALA32, test "$vala_3_2_enabled" = "yes")
 AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBVALA30, test "$vala_3_0_enabled" = "yes")
 AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBVALA28, test "$vala_2_8_enabled" = "yes")
 AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBVALA26, test "$vala_2_6_enabled" = "yes")
@@ -162,11 +169,12 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_VTE_2_91, test "$vte_2_91_enabled" = "yes")
+       pixmaps/Makefile
diff --git a/pixmaps/16x16/apps/roobuilder.png b/pixmaps/16x16/apps/roobuilder.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8144c1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/pixmaps/16x16/apps/roobuilder.png differ
diff --git a/pixmaps/22x22/apps/roobuilder.png b/pixmaps/22x22/apps/roobuilder.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8144c1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/pixmaps/22x22/apps/roobuilder.png differ
diff --git a/pixmaps/24x24/apps/roobuilder.png b/pixmaps/24x24/apps/roobuilder.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8144c1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/pixmaps/24x24/apps/roobuilder.png differ
diff --git a/pixmaps/32x32/apps/roobuilder.png b/pixmaps/32x32/apps/roobuilder.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8144c1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/pixmaps/32x32/apps/roobuilder.png differ
diff --git a/pixmaps/48x48/apps/roobuilder.png b/pixmaps/48x48/apps/roobuilder.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8144c1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/pixmaps/48x48/apps/roobuilder.png differ
diff --git a/pixmaps/ b/pixmaps/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..14d5f5c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+public_icons_themes =  hicolor
+iconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor
+public_icon_dirs = \
+    16x16/apps \
+    22x22/apps \
+    24x24/apps \
+    32x32/apps \
+    48x48/apps
+public_icons = \
+    16x16/apps/roobuilder.png \
+    22x22/apps/roobuilder.png \
+    24x24/apps/roobuilder.png \
+    32x32/apps/roobuilder.png \
+    48x48/apps/roobuilder.png
+gtk_update_icon_cache = gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t
+               $(public_icons)
+install-data-hook: update-icon-cache
+uninstall-hook: update-icon-cache
+       @-if test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \
+               echo "Updating Gtk icon cache."; \
+               for theme in $(public_icons_themes); do \
+                       $(gtk_update_icon_cache) $(datadir)/icons/$$theme; \
+               done; \
+       else \
+               echo "*** Icon cache not updated.  After (un)install, run this:"; \
+               for theme in $(public_icons_themes); do \
+                       echo "***   $(gtk_update_icon_cache) $(datadir)/icons/$$theme"; \
+               done; \
+       fi
+       for icon in $(public_icon_dirs); do \
+               mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$$icon; \
+               $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$icon/roobuilder.png $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$$icon/roobuilder.png; \
+       done; 
+       -for icon in $(public_icons_dirs); do \
+               rm -f  $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$$icon/roobuilder.png; \
+       done;
+install-data-local: install-icons update-icon-cache
+uninstall-local: uninstall-icons update-icon-cache
diff --git a/resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.GridPanel.bjs b/resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.GridPanel.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..effbc0c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ "name" : "Editor.Roo.GridPanel",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/edward/gitlive/app.Builder.js/resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.GridPanel.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "001",
+ "strings" : {
+  "4ce58cbe362a5d7b156992a496d55bf3" : "Database Column",
+  "b78a3223503896721cca1303f776159b" : "Title",
+  "2f616612593df62aeed112de4f03110e" : "Edit a Grid",
+  "0ccc2bf3fb98387c23b6ca5500244d6e" : "Use ",
+  "c671c787b49f50a3ace9fdc5bd597825" : "core_enum",
+  "32954654ac8fe66a1d09be19001de2d4" : "Width",
+  "a1fa27779242b4902f7ae3bdd5c6d508" : "Type",
+  "6e7376dca68a2386a8737944196ab491" : "Create / Edit Grid"
+ },
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "|activate" : "function() {\n    _this.panel = this;\n    if (_this.grid) {\n        _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n    }\n}"
+   },
+   "| function loadData" : "function(data) { \n\n     alert(\"IPC:TEST:\" + JSON.stringify(data,null,4));\n    var ar = [];\n    for (var k in data) { \n        var r = data[k];\n        var has_s = typeof(r.relates_to_schema) != 'undefined'\n        ar.push([ !has_s , r.Field, r.Type,  r.Field, 100] );\n        if (!has_s) {\n            continue;\n        }\n        for (var kk in r.relates_to_schema) {         \n            var rr = r.relates_to_schema[kk];\n            if (rr.Field == r.relates_to_col) {\n                continue;\n            }\n            ar.push([ false, r.Field + '_'+ rr.Field, rr.Type,  rr.Field, 100] );\n        }\n    }\n    \n    alert(\"IPC:TEST:\" + JSON.stringify(ar));\n    this.grid.dataSource.loadData(ar);\n}",
+   "| function toBJS" : "function() { \n\n// convert the selected cells into a BJS data ready to send back to the UI..\n   \n    this.table = \"XXX\";\n    this.firstTxtCol = \"XXX\";\n   \n    \n    var jreader = {};\n    var     colmodel = [];\n    this.grid.dataSource.each(function(rec) {\n        if (! {\n            return;\n        }\n        \n        \n        \n        colmodel.push({\n            \"xtype\": \"ColumnModel\",\n            \"header\":,\n            \"width\": * 1,\n            \"dataIndex\":,\n            \"|renderer\": ! ? \n                    \"function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }\" :\n                    \"function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v ? v.format('d/M/Y') : ''); }\" , // special for date\n            \"|xns\": \"Roo.grid\",\n            \"*prop\": \"cm[]\"\n        });\n    });\n    \n    \n    \n\n    alert(\"IPC:OUT:\" + JSON.stringify({\n        '|xns' : 'Roo',\n        xtype : \"GridPanel\",\n        \"title\": this.table,\n        \"fitToframe\": true,\n        \"fitContainer\": true,\n        \"tableName\": this.table,\n        \"background\": true,\n        \"region\" : 'center',\n        \"listeners\": {\n            \"|activate\": \"function() {\\n    _this.panel = this;\\n    if (_this.grid) {\\n        _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\\n    }\\n}\"\n        },\n        \"items\": [\n            {\n                \"*prop\": \"grid\",\n                \"xtype\": \"Grid\",\n                \"autoExpandColumn\": this.firstTxtCol,\n                \"loadMask\": true,\n                \"listeners\": {\n                    \"|render\": \"function() \\n\" +\n                        \"{\\n\" +\n                        \"    _this.grid = this; \\n\" +\n                        \"    //_this.dialog = Pman.Dialog.FILL_IN\\n\" +\n                        \"    if ( {\\n\" +\n                        \"       this.footer.onClick('first');\\n\" +\n                        \"    }\\n\" +\n                        \"}\",\n                    \"|rowdblclick\": \"function (_self, rowIndex, e)\\n\" + \n                        \"{\\n\" + \n                        \"    if (!_this.dialog) return;\\n\" + \n                        \" this.getDataSource().getAt(rowIndex).data, function() {\\n\" + \n                        \"        _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\\n\" + \n                        \"    }); \\n\" + \n                        \"}\\n\"\n                },\n                \"|xns\": \"Roo.grid\",\n\n                \"items\": [\n                    {\n                        \"*prop\": \"dataSource\",\n                        \"xtype\": \"Store\",\n                         remoteSort : true,\n                        '|sortInfo' : \"{ field : '\" + this.firstTxtCol  +  \"', direction: 'ASC' }\", \n                        \"|xns\": \"\",\n                        \"items\": [\n                            \n                            {\n                                \"*prop\": \"proxy\",\n                                \"xtype\": \"HttpProxy\",\n                                \"method\": \"GET\",\n                                \"|url\": \"baseURL + '/Roo/\" + this.table + \".php'\",\n                                \"|xns\": \"\"\n                            },\n                            {\n                                '*prop' : 'reader',\n                                'xtype' : 'JsonReader',\n                                '|xns' : '',\n                                'id' : 'id',\n                                'root' : 'data',\n                                'totalProperty' : 'total'\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    },\n                    {\n                        \"*prop\": \"footer\",\n                        \"xtype\": \"PagingToolbar\",\n                        \"pageSize\": 25,\n                        \"displayInfo\": true,\n                        \"displayMsg\": \"Displaying \" + this.table + \"{0} - {1} of {2}\",\n                        \"emptyMsg\": \"No \" + this.table + \" found\",\n                        \"|xns\": \"Roo\"\n                    },\n                    {\n                        \"*prop\": \"toolbar\",\n                        \"xtype\": \"Toolbar\",\n                        \"|xns\": \"Roo\",\n                        \"items\": [\n                            {\n                                \"text\": \"Add\",\n                                \"xtype\": \"Button\",\n                                \"cls\": \"x-btn-text-icon\",\n                                \"|icon\": \"Roo.rootURL + 'images/default/dd/drop-add.gif'\",\n                                \"listeners\": {\n                                    \"|click\": \"function()\\n\"+\n                                        \"{\\n\"+\n                                        \"    if (!_this.dialog) return;\\n\" +\n                                        \" { id : 0 } , function() {\\n\"+\n                                        \"        _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\\n\"+\n                                        \"   }); \\n\"+\n                                        \"}\\n\"\n                                },\n                                \"|xns\": \"Roo.Toolbar\"\n                            },\n                             // fill ????\n                            {\n                                \"text\": \"Delete\",\n                                \"cls\": \"x-btn-text-icon\",\n                                \"|icon\": \"rootURL + '/Pman/templates/images/trash.gif'\",\n                                \"xtype\": \"Button\",\n                                \"listeners\": {\n                                    \"|click\": \"function()\\n\"+\n                                        \"{\\n\"+\n                                        \"     Pman.genericDelete(_this, '\" + this.table + \"'); \\n\"+\n                                        \"}\\n\"+\n                                        \"        \"\n                                },\n                                \"|xns\": \"Roo.Toolbar\"\n                            }\n                        ]\n                    }, // end toolbar\n                ].concat( colmodel)\n            }\n        ]\n        \n        \n    }, null, 4));\n\n}",
+   "fitToframe" : true,
+   "background" : false,
+   "region" : "center",
+   "title" : "core_enum",
+   "xtype" : "GridPanel",
+   "$ xns" : "Roo",
+   "fitContainer" : true,
+   "String title" : "Create / Edit Grid",
+   "tableName" : "core_enum",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "listeners" : {
+      "|rowdblclick" : "function (_self, rowIndex, e)\n{\n    if (!_this.dialog) return;\n  \n}\n",
+      "cellclick" : "function (_self, rowIndex, columnIndex, e)\n{\n\n        var di = this.colModel.getDataIndex(columnIndex);\n        if (di != 'active') {\n            return;\n        }\n         \n        var rec = _this.grid.ds.getAt(rowIndex);\n        \n        rec.set('active', * 1 ? 0 : 1);\n        rec.commit();\n         \n        \n}",
+      "|render" : "function() \n{\n    _this.grid = this; \n    //_this.dialog = Pman.Dialog.FILL_IN\n\n}"
+     },
+     "Number clicksToEdit" : 1,
+     "autoExpandColumn" : "title",
+     "xtype" : "EditorGrid",
+     "loadMask" : true,
+     "$ xns" : "Roo.grid",
+     "* prop" : "grid",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "$ Array fields" : "[ 'active', 'dataIndex', 'type','title', 'width' ]",
+       "$ Array data" : "[\n  [ 1, 'test', 'test', 110 ]\n  \n\n]",
+       "Number id" : "'dataIndex'",
+       "xtype" : "SimpleStore",
+       "$ xns" : "",
+       "* prop" : "ds"
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "Toolbar",
+       "$ xns" : "Roo",
+       "* prop" : "toolbar",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "string text" : "Edit a Grid",
+         "xtype" : "TextItem",
+         "$ xns" : "Roo.Toolbar"
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "ColumnModel",
+       "header" : "Use ",
+       "width" : 75,
+       "$ renderer" : "function(v) {  \n    var state = v *1 > 0 ?  '-checked' : '';\n\n    return '<img class=\"x-grid-check-icon' + state + '\" src=\"' + Roo.BLANK_IMAGE_URL + '\"/>';\n                \n }",
+       "$ xns" : "Roo.grid",
+       "* prop" : "cm[]",
+       "dataIndex" : "active"
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "ColumnModel",
+       "width" : 150,
+       "header" : "Database Column",
+       "$ renderer" : "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }",
+       "$ xns" : "Roo.grid",
+       "* prop" : "cm[]",
+       "dataIndex" : "dataIndex"
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "ColumnModel",
+       "header" : "Type",
+       "width" : 100,
+       "$ renderer" : "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }",
+       "$ xns" : "Roo.grid",
+       "* prop" : "cm[]",
+       "dataIndex" : "type"
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "ColumnModel",
+       "width" : 75,
+       "header" : "Title",
+       "$ renderer" : "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }",
+       "$ xns" : "Roo.grid",
+       "* prop" : "cm[]",
+       "dataIndex" : "title",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "xtype" : "GridEditor",
+         "$ xns" : "Roo.grid",
+         "* prop" : "editor",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "xtype" : "TextField",
+           "$ xns" : "Roo.form",
+           "* prop" : "field"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "ColumnModel",
+       "header" : "Width",
+       "width" : 75,
+       "$ renderer" : "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }",
+       "$ xns" : "Roo.grid",
+       "* prop" : "cm[]",
+       "dataIndex" : "width",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "xtype" : "GridEditor",
+         "$ xns" : "Roo.grid",
+         "* prop" : "editor",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "xtype" : "NumberField",
+           "Number decimalPrecision" : 0,
+           "$ xns" : "Roo.form",
+           "* prop" : "field"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.GridPanel.js b/resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.GridPanel.js
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7629411
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+//<script type="text/javascript">
+// Auto generated file - created by app.Builder.js- do not edit directly (at present!)
+Editor.Roo.GridPanel = new Roo.XComponent({
+ _strings : {
+  '4ce58cbe362a5d7b156992a496d55bf3' :"Database Column",
+  'b78a3223503896721cca1303f776159b' :"Title",
+  '2f616612593df62aeed112de4f03110e' :"Edit a Grid",
+  '0ccc2bf3fb98387c23b6ca5500244d6e' :"Use ",
+  'c671c787b49f50a3ace9fdc5bd597825' :"core_enum",
+  '32954654ac8fe66a1d09be19001de2d4' :"Width",
+  'a1fa27779242b4902f7ae3bdd5c6d508' :"Type",
+  '6e7376dca68a2386a8737944196ab491' :"Create / Edit Grid"
+ },
+  part     :  ["Editors", "GridPanel" ],
+  order    : '001-Editor.Roo.GridPanel',
+  region   : 'center',
+  parent   : false,
+  name     : "unnamed module",
+  disabled : false, 
+  permname : '', 
+  _tree : function()
+  {
+   var _this = this;
+   var MODULE = this;
+   return {
+   grid : {
+    ds : {
+     '|xns' : '',
+     data : [
+       [ 1, 'test', 'test', 110 ]
+     ],
+     fields : [ 'active', 'dataIndex', 'type','title', 'width' ],
+     id : 'dataindex',
+     xns :,
+     xtype : 'SimpleStore'
+    },
+    toolbar : {
+     '|xns' : 'Roo',
+     xns : Roo,
+     xtype : 'Toolbar',
+     items : [
+      {
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.Toolbar',
+       text : _this._strings['2f616612593df62aeed112de4f03110e'],
+       xns : Roo.Toolbar,
+       xtype : 'TextItem'
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+    autoExpandColumn : 'title',
+    clicksToEdit : 1,
+    loadMask : true,
+    xns : Roo.grid,
+    xtype : 'EditorGrid',
+    cm : [
+      {
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'active',
+       header : _this._strings['0ccc2bf3fb98387c23b6ca5500244d6e'],
+       renderer : function(v) {  
+           var state = v *1 > 0 ?  '-checked' : '';
+           return '<img class="x-grid-check-icon' + state + '" src="' + Roo.BLANK_IMAGE_URL + '"/>';
+        },
+       width : 75,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel'
+      },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'dataIndex',
+       header : _this._strings['4ce58cbe362a5d7b156992a496d55bf3'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 150,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel'
+      },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'type',
+       header : _this._strings['a1fa27779242b4902f7ae3bdd5c6d508'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 100,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel'
+      },
+       editor : {
+        field : {
+         '|xns' : 'Roo.form',
+         xns : Roo.form,
+         xtype : 'TextField'
+        },
+        '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+        xns : Roo.grid,
+        xtype : 'GridEditor',
+        items : [
+        ]
+       },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'title',
+       header : _this._strings['b78a3223503896721cca1303f776159b'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 75,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel',
+       items : [
+       ]
+      },
+       editor : {
+        field : {
+         '|xns' : 'Roo.form',
+         decimalPrecision : 0,
+         xns : Roo.form,
+         xtype : 'NumberField'
+        },
+        '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+        xns : Roo.grid,
+        xtype : 'GridEditor',
+        items : [
+        ]
+       },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'width',
+       header : _this._strings['32954654ac8fe66a1d09be19001de2d4'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 75,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel',
+       items : [
+       ]
+      }
+    ],
+    listeners : {
+     cellclick : function (_self, rowIndex, columnIndex, e)
+      {
+              var di = this.colModel.getDataIndex(columnIndex);
+              if (di != 'active') {
+                  return;
+              }
+              var rec = _this.grid.ds.getAt(rowIndex);
+              rec.set('active', * 1 ? 0 : 1);
+              rec.commit();
+      },
+     render : function() 
+      {
+          _this.grid = this; 
+          //_this.dialog = Pman.Dialog.FILL_IN
+      },
+     rowdblclick : function (_self, rowIndex, e)
+      {
+          if (!_this.dialog) return;
+      }
+    },
+    items : [
+    ]
+   },
+   '|xns' : 'Roo',
+   background : false,
+   fitContainer : true,
+   fitToframe : true,
+   loadData : function(data) { 
+        alert("IPC:TEST:" + JSON.stringify(data,null,4));
+       var ar = [];
+       for (var k in data) { 
+           var r = data[k];
+           var has_s = typeof(r.relates_to_schema) != 'undefined'
+           ar.push([ !has_s , r.Field, r.Type,  r.Field, 100] );
+           if (!has_s) {
+               continue;
+           }
+           for (var kk in r.relates_to_schema) {         
+               var rr = r.relates_to_schema[kk];
+               if (rr.Field == r.relates_to_col) {
+                   continue;
+               }
+               ar.push([ false, r.Field + '_'+ rr.Field, rr.Type,  rr.Field, 100] );
+           }
+       }
+       alert("IPC:TEST:" + JSON.stringify(ar));
+       this.grid.dataSource.loadData(ar);
+   },
+   region : 'center',
+   tableName : 'core_enum',
+   title : _this._strings['c671c787b49f50a3ace9fdc5bd597825'],
+   title : _this._strings['c671c787b49f50a3ace9fdc5bd597825'],
+   toBJS : function() { 
+   // convert the selected cells into a BJS data ready to send back to the UI..
+       this.table = "XXX";
+       this.firstTxtCol = "XXX";
+       var jreader = {};
+       var     colmodel = [];
+       this.grid.dataSource.each(function(rec) {
+           if (! {
+               return;
+           }
+           colmodel.push({
+               "xtype": "ColumnModel",
+               "header":,
+               "width": * 1,
+               "dataIndex":,
+               "|renderer": ! ? 
+                       "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); }" :
+                       "function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v ? v.format('d/M/Y') : ''); }" , // special for date
+               "|xns": "Roo.grid",
+               "*prop": "cm[]"
+           });
+       });
+       alert("IPC:OUT:" + JSON.stringify({
+           '|xns' : 'Roo',
+           xtype : "GridPanel",
+           "title": this.table,
+           "fitToframe": true,
+           "fitContainer": true,
+           "tableName": this.table,
+           "background": true,
+           "region" : 'center',
+           "listeners": {
+               "|activate": "function() {\n    _this.panel = this;\n    if (_this.grid) {\n        _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n    }\n}"
+           },
+           "items": [
+               {
+                   "*prop": "grid",
+                   "xtype": "Grid",
+                   "autoExpandColumn": this.firstTxtCol,
+                   "loadMask": true,
+                   "listeners": {
+                       "|render": "function() \n" +
+                           "{\n" +
+                           "    _this.grid = this; \n" +
+                           "    //_this.dialog = Pman.Dialog.FILL_IN\n" +
+                           "    if ( {\n" +
+                           "       this.footer.onClick('first');\n" +
+                           "    }\n" +
+                           "}",
+                       "|rowdblclick": "function (_self, rowIndex, e)\n" + 
+                           "{\n" + 
+                           "    if (!_this.dialog) return;\n" + 
+                           " this.getDataSource().getAt(rowIndex).data, function() {\n" + 
+                           "        _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n" + 
+                           "    }); \n" + 
+                           "}\n"
+                   },
+                   "|xns": "Roo.grid",
+                   "items": [
+                       {
+                           "*prop": "dataSource",
+                           "xtype": "Store",
+                            remoteSort : true,
+                           '|sortInfo' : "{ field : '" + this.firstTxtCol  +  "', direction: 'ASC' }", 
+                           "|xns": "",
+                           "items": [
+                               {
+                                   "*prop": "proxy",
+                                   "xtype": "HttpProxy",
+                                   "method": "GET",
+                                   "|url": "baseURL + '/Roo/" + this.table + ".php'",
+                                   "|xns": ""
+                               },
+                               {
+                                   '*prop' : 'reader',
+                                   'xtype' : 'JsonReader',
+                                   '|xns' : '',
+                                   'id' : 'id',
+                                   'root' : 'data',
+                                   'totalProperty' : 'total'
+                               }
+                           ]
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "*prop": "footer",
+                           "xtype": "PagingToolbar",
+                           "pageSize": 25,
+                           "displayInfo": true,
+                           "displayMsg": "Displaying " + this.table + "{0} - {1} of {2}",
+                           "emptyMsg": "No " + this.table + " found",
+                           "|xns": "Roo"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "*prop": "toolbar",
+                           "xtype": "Toolbar",
+                           "|xns": "Roo",
+                           "items": [
+                               {
+                                   "text": "Add",
+                                   "xtype": "Button",
+                                   "cls": "x-btn-text-icon",
+                                   "|icon": "Roo.rootURL + 'images/default/dd/drop-add.gif'",
+                                   "listeners": {
+                                       "|click": "function()\n"+
+                                           "{\n"+
+                                           "    if (!_this.dialog) return;\n" +
+                                           " { id : 0 } , function() {\n"+
+                                           "        _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n"+
+                                           "   }); \n"+
+                                           "}\n"
+                                   },
+                                   "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar"
+                               },
+                                // fill ????
+                               {
+                                   "text": "Delete",
+                                   "cls": "x-btn-text-icon",
+                                   "|icon": "rootURL + '/Pman/templates/images/trash.gif'",
+                                   "xtype": "Button",
+                                   "listeners": {
+                                       "|click": "function()\n"+
+                                           "{\n"+
+                                           "     Pman.genericDelete(_this, '" + this.table + "'); \n"+
+                                           "}\n"+
+                                           "        "
+                                   },
+                                   "|xns": "Roo.Toolbar"
+                               }
+                           ]
+                       }, // end toolbar
+                   ].concat( colmodel)
+               }
+           ]
+       }, null, 4));
+   },
+   xns : Roo,
+   xtype : 'GridPanel',
+   listeners : {
+    activate : function() {
+         _this.panel = this;
+         if (_this.grid) {
+             _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');
+         }
+     }
+   },
+   items : [
+   ]
+  };  }
diff --git a/resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.LayoutDialog.bjs b/resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.LayoutDialog.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..55a49ef
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ "name" : "Editor.Roo.LayoutDialog",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/edward/gitlive/app.Builder.js/resources/Editors/Editor.Roo.LayoutDialog.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "001",
+ "strings" : {
+  "b021df6aac4654c454f46c77646e745f" : "Label",
+  "793548e77e782c209a78ed67f255b5e2" : "Display Field",
+  "040076bde7f6b3387448e32b66c2eee0" : "To BJS",
+  "4ce58cbe362a5d7b156992a496d55bf3" : "Database Column",
+  "189efd19c4153526994a6d7ea5f6f068" : "Field Type",
+  "2f616612593df62aeed112de4f03110e" : "Edit a Grid",
+  "0ccc2bf3fb98387c23b6ca5500244d6e" : "Use ",
+  "c671c787b49f50a3ace9fdc5bd597825" : "core_enum",
+  "32954654ac8fe66a1d09be19001de2d4" : "Width",
+  "a1fa27779242b4902f7ae3bdd5c6d508" : "Type",
+  "6e7376dca68a2386a8737944196ab491" : "Create / Edit Grid",
+  "f541774a08fc687f6e2016c77a6ebca5" : "Load Data"
+ },
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "|activate" : "function() {\n    _this.panel = this;\n    if (_this.grid) {\n        _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');\n    }\n}"
+   },
+   "| function loadData" : "function(data) { \n\n    //alert(\"IPC:TEST:\" + JSON.stringify(data,null,4));\n\n    var fields = _this.grid.dataSource.reader.recordType.prototype.fields;\n    \n    var d = [];\n\n    for (var k in data) { \n        var r = data[k];\n        var has_s = typeof(r.relates_to_schema) != 'undefined';\n        \n        Roo.log(r.Type);\n        var field_type = 'TextField';\n        \n        if (r.Type == 'text'){\n            field_type = 'TextArea';\n        }\n        \n        if(r.Type == 'date' || r.Type == 'datetime'){\n            field_type = 'DateField';\n        }\n            \n        var regex = /(.*?)\\((.*?)\\)/;\n        \n        if(regex.test(r.Type)){\n            var type_match = regex.exec(r.Type);\n            \n            if(type_match[1] == 'int'){\n                field_type = 'NumberField';\n                    \n                if(type_match[2] * 1  < 11){\n                    field_type = 'Checkbox';\n                }\n            }\n        } \n        \n        var rt = '', rc = '', rs = [];\n        \n        if(has_s){\n            for (var kk in r.relates_to_schema) {         \n                var rr = r.relates_to_schema[kk];\n                \n                rt = r.relates_to_table;\n                rc = r.relates_to_col;\n                \n                rs.push([rr.Field]);\n                \n            }\n            \n            field_type = 'ComboBox';\n        }\n        \n        if(r.Field == 'id'){ // usually 'id' is hidden on the form\n            field_type = 'Hidden';\n        }\n        \n        \n        \n        var o = {\n            active : !has_s,\n            dataIndex : r.Field,\n            type : r.Type,\n            title : r.Field,\n            width : 200,\n            ftype : field_type,\n            display_field : rc, //r.Field + '_display_name',\n            relates_to_table : rt,\n            relates_to_col : rc,\n            relates_to_schema : rs\n        };\n        \n        d.push(o);\n        \n    }\n\n    var ar = [];\n    \n    Roo.each(d, function(dd){\n\n        var a = [];\n        \n        for(var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++){\n            var f = fields.items[j];\n            \n            if(dd.hasOwnProperty({\n                a.push(dd[]);\n            }\n        }\n        \n        ar.push(a);\n    });\n    \n    this.schema = data;\n    \n    //alert(\"IPC:TEST:\" + JSON.stringify(ar));\n    this.grid.dataSource.loadData(ar);\n}",
+   "| function toBJS" : "function() { \n\n// convert the selected cells into a BJS data ready to send back to the UI..\n\n    this.table = \"XXX\";\n    this.firstTxtCol = \"XXX\";\n   \n    var formHeight = 50;\n    \n    var jreader = {};\n    var  formElements = [];\n    this.grid.dataSource.each(function(rec) {\n        if (! {\n            return;\n        }\n        \n        var el = {\n            fieldLabel :,\n            name :,\n            width :,\n            '|xns' : 'Roo.form',\n            xtype :\n        }\n         if (el.xtype == 'DateField') {\n            el.format = 'Y-m-d';\n            el.useIso = true;\n            el.width = 100;\n        }\n        \n        if (el.xtype == 'TextArea') {\n            el.height = 100;\n        }\n        \n        if (el.xtype == 'Hidden') {\n            delete el.fieldLabel;\n            delete el.width;\n        }\n        \n        if (el.xtype == 'ComboBox') {\n        \n            el.alwaysQuery = true;\n            el.triggerAction = 'all';\n            el.forceSelection = true;\n            el.selectOnFocus = true;\n            el.minChars = 2;\n            el.editable = true;\n            el.emptyText = 'Select a value';\n            \n            \n            el.queryParam  = 'query[' + + ']';// SET WHEN USED\n            \n            el.hiddenName = // SET WHEN USED eg. project_id\n    = + '_' +; // SET WHEN USED eg. project_id_name\n            \n            el.displayField = // SET WHEN USED eg. project_id\n            el.valueField = \n            \n            el.tpl = '<div class=\"x-grid-cell-text x-btn button\"><b>{' + +'}</b> </div>'; // SET WHEN USED\n          \n        \n           el.items = [\n                {\n                        \n                    '*prop' : 'store',\n                    'xtype' : 'Store',\n                    '|xns' : '',\n                    'remoteSort' : true,\n                    '|sortInfo' : '{ direction : \\'ASC\\', field: \\'id\\' }',\n                    listeners : {\n                        '|beforeload' : 'function (_self, o)' +\n                        \"{\\n\" +\n                        \"    o.params = o.params || {};\\n\" +\n                        \"    // set more here\\n\" +\n                        \"}\\n\"\n                    },\n                    items : [\n                        {\n                            '*prop' : 'proxy',\n                            'xtype' : 'HttpProxy',\n                            'method' : 'GET',\n                            '|xns' : '',\n                            '|url' : \"baseURL + '/Roo/\" + + \".php'\",\n                        },\n                        \n                        {\n                            '*prop' : 'reader',\n                            'xtype' : 'JsonReader',\n                            '|xns' : '',\n                            'id' : 'id',\n                            'root' : 'data',\n                            'totalProperty' : 'total'\n\n                            \n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ];\n        \n        }\n        \n        if (el.xtype == 'ComboBoxArray') {\n        \n            el.hiddenName =;\n   = + '_' +;\n            \n            el.items = [\n                {\n                    'alwaysQuery' : true,\n                    'triggerAction' : 'all',\n                    'forceSelection': true,\n                    'selectOnFocus' : true,\n                    'minChars' :2,\n                    'editable' : true,\n                    'emptyText' : 'Select a value',\n                    'displayField' :,\n                    'valueField' :,\n                    'xtype' : 'ComboBox',\n                    '$ xns' : 'Roo.form',\n                    '* prop' : 'combo',\n                    'queryParam' : 'query[' + + ']',\n                    'tpl' : '<div class=\"x-grid-cell-text x-btn button\"><b>{' + +'}</b> </div>',\n                    \n                    items : [\n                        {\n                            '*prop' : 'store',\n                            'xtype' : 'Store',\n                            '|xns' : '',\n                            'remoteSort' : true,\n                            '|sortInfo' : '{ direction : \\'ASC\\', field: \\'id\\' }',\n                            listeners : {\n                                '|beforeload' : 'function (_self, o)' +\n                                \"{\\n\" +\n                                \"    o.params = o.params || {};\\n\" +\n                                \"    // set more here\\n\" +\n                                \"}\\n\"\n                            },\n                            items : [\n                                {\n                                    '*prop' : 'proxy',\n                                    'xtype' : 'HttpProxy',\n                                    'method' : 'GET',\n                                    '|xns' : '',\n                                    '|url' : \"baseURL + '/Roo/\" + + \".php'\",\n                                },\n                                {\n                                    '*prop' : 'reader',\n                                    'xtype' : 'JsonReader',\n                                    '|xns' : '',\n                                    'id' : 'id',\n                                    'root' : 'data',\n                                    'totalProperty' : 'total'\n                                }\n                            \n                            ]\n                        }\n                    ]\n                }\n            ];\n        }\n        \n        if (el.xtype == 'HtmlEditor') {\n            el.height = 250,\n            el.resizable = 's',\n            el.items = [\n                {\n                    '* prop' : 'toolbars[]',\n                    '|xns' : 'Roo.form.HtmlEditor',\n                    'xtype' : 'ToolbarContext'\n                },\n                {\n                    '* prop' : 'toolbars[]',\n                    '|xns' : 'Roo.form.HtmlEditor',\n                    'xtype' : 'ToolbarStandard'\n\n               }\n            ]\n        }\n        \n        formElements.push(el);\n        \n        formHeight += == 'TextArea' ? 100 : (( == 'HtmlEditor') ? 250 : 30);\n        \n        \n    });\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n     var frmCfg = \n    {\n        '|xns' : 'Roo.form',\n        xtype : \"Form\",\n        listeners : {\n            \"|actioncomplete\" : \"function(_self,action)\\n\"+\n                \"{\\n\"+\n                \"    if (action.type == 'setdata') {\\n\"+\n                \"       //this.load({ method: 'GET', params: { '_id' : }});\\n\"+\n                \"       return;\\n\"+\n                \"    }\\n\"+\n                \"    if (action.type == 'load') {\\n\"+\n                \"        return;\\n\"+\n                \"    }\\n\"+\n                \"    if (action.type =='submit') {\\n\"+\n                \"    \\n\"+\n                \"        _this.dialog.hide();\\n\"+\n                \"    \\n\"+\n                \"         if (_this.callback) {\\n\"+\n                \"  ,;\\n\"+\n                \"         }\\n\"+\n                \"         _this.form.reset();\\n\"+\n                \"         return;\\n\"+\n                \"    }\\n\"+\n                \"}\\n\",\n            \n            \"|rendered\" : \"function (form)\\n\"+\n                \"{\\n\"+\n                \"    _this.form= form;\\n\"+\n                \"}\\n\"\n        },\n        method : \"POST\",\n        style : \"margin:10px;\",\n        \"|url\" : \"baseURL + '/Roo/\" + this.table + \"'\",\n        items : formElements\n    };\n    \n\n    alert(\"IPC:OUT:\" + JSON.stringify({\n            \"closable\": false,\n            \"collapsible\": false,\n            \"height\": formHeight,\n            \"resizable\": false,\n            \"title\": \"Edit / Create \" + this.table,\n            \"width\": 400,\n            \"modal\" : true,\n            \"xtype\": \"LayoutDialog\",\n            \"|xns\": \"Roo\",\n            \"items\": [\n                {\n                    \"|xns\": \"Roo\",\n                    \"xtype\": \"LayoutRegion\",\n                    \"*prop\": \"center\"\n                },\n                {\n                    \"region\": \"center\",\n                    \"xtype\": \"ContentPanel\",\n                    \"|xns\": \"Roo\",\n                    \"items\": [\n                        frmCfg\n                    ]\n                },\n                \n                {\n                    \"listeners\": {\n                        \"click\": \"function (_self, e)\\n{\\n    _this.dialog.hide();\\n}\"\n                    },\n                    \"*prop\": \"buttons[]\",\n                    \"text\": \"Cancel\",\n                    \"xtype\": \"Button\",\n                    \"|xns\": \"Roo\"\n                },\n                {\n                    \"listeners\": {\n                        \"click\": \"function (_self, e)\\n{\\n    // do some checks?\\n     \\n    \\n    _this.dialog.el.mask(\\\"Saving\\\");\\n    _this.form.doAction(\\\"submit\\\");\\n\\n}\"\n                    },\n                    \"*prop\": \"buttons[]\",\n                    \"text\": \"Save\",\n                    \"xtype\": \"Button\",\n                    \"|xns\": \"Roo\"\n                }\n            ]\n        \n        \n        \n    }, null, 4));\n\n}",
+   "fitToframe" : true,
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+   "region" : "center",
+   "title" : "core_enum",
+   "xtype" : "GridPanel",
+   "$ xns" : "Roo",
+   "fitContainer" : true,
+   "String title" : "Create / Edit Grid",
+   "tableName" : "core_enum",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "listeners" : {
+      "|rowdblclick" : "function (_self, rowIndex, e)\n{\n    if (!_this.dialog) return;\n  \n}\n",
+      "beforeedit" : "function (e)\n{\n    Roo.log('before edit!!!');\n    Roo.log(e);\n    \n    if(e.field != 'display_field'){\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    _this.grid.colModel.getCellEditor(e.column, e.row);\n}",
+      "cellclick" : "function (_self, rowIndex, columnIndex, e)\n{\n\n        var di = this.colModel.getDataIndex(columnIndex);\n        if (di != 'active') {\n            return;\n        }\n         \n        var rec = _this.grid.ds.getAt(rowIndex);\n        \n        rec.set('active', * 1 ? 0 : 1);\n        rec.commit();\n         \n        \n}",
+      "|render" : "function() \n{\n    _this.grid = this; \n    //_this.dialog = Pman.Dialog.FILL_IN\n\n}"
+     },
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+     "autoExpandColumn" : "title",
+     "xtype" : "EditorGrid",
+     "loadMask" : true,
+     "$ xns" : "Roo.grid",
+     "* prop" : "grid",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "$ Array fields" : "[ \n    'active', \n    'dataIndex', \n    'type',\n    'title', \n    'width', \n    'ftype', \n    'display_field',\n    'relates_to_table',\n    'relates_to_col',\n    'relates_to_schema'\n]",
+       "$ Array data" : "[\n  [ 1, 'test', 'test', 110 ]\n  \n\n]",
+       "Number id" : "'dataIndex'",
+       "xtype" : "SimpleStore",
+       "$ xns" : "",
+       "* prop" : "ds"
+      },
+      {
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+       "$ xns" : "Roo",
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+                 },
+                 "updated_dt": {
+                     "Field": "updated_dt",
+                     "Type": "datetime",
+                     "Null": "NO",
+                     "Key": null,
+                     "Default": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
+                     "Extra": null
+                 }
+             };
+             Roo.log('Loading Data...');
+             _this.panel.loadData(data);
+         }
+       }
+      },
+      {
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.Toolbar',
+       xns : Roo.Toolbar,
+       xtype : 'Separator'
+      },
+      {
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.Toolbar',
+       text : _this._strings['040076bde7f6b3387448e32b66c2eee0'],
+       xns : Roo.Toolbar,
+       xtype : 'Button',
+       listeners : {
+        click : function (_self, e)
+         {
+             Roo.log('Converting to BJS...');
+             _this.panel.toBJS();
+         }
+       }
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+    autoExpandColumn : 'title',
+    clicksToEdit : 1,
+    loadMask : true,
+    xns : Roo.grid,
+    xtype : 'EditorGrid',
+    cm : [
+      {
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'active',
+       header : _this._strings['0ccc2bf3fb98387c23b6ca5500244d6e'],
+       renderer : function(v) {  
+           var state = v *1 > 0 ?  '-checked' : '';
+           return '<img class="x-grid-check-icon' + state + '" src="' + Roo.BLANK_IMAGE_URL + '"/>';
+        },
+       width : 75,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel'
+      },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'dataIndex',
+       header : _this._strings['4ce58cbe362a5d7b156992a496d55bf3'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 150,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel'
+      },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'type',
+       header : _this._strings['a1fa27779242b4902f7ae3bdd5c6d508'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 100,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel'
+      },
+       editor : {
+        field : {
+         '|xns' : 'Roo.form',
+         xns : Roo.form,
+         xtype : 'TextField'
+        },
+        '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+        xns : Roo.grid,
+        xtype : 'GridEditor',
+        items : [
+        ]
+       },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'title',
+       header : _this._strings['b021df6aac4654c454f46c77646e745f'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 120,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel',
+       items : [
+       ]
+      },
+       editor : {
+        field : {
+         store : {
+          '|xns' : '',
+          data : [ 
+              [ 'ComboBox', "ComboBox"],
+              [ 'ComboBoxArray', "ComboBoxArray"],
+              [ 'TextField' , "TextField"],
+              [ 'NumberField', "NumberField"],
+              [ 'TextArea', "TextArea"],
+              [ 'HtmlEditor', "HtmlEditor"],
+              [ 'Hidden', "Hidden"],
+              [ 'DateField', "DateField"],
+              [ 'Checkbox', "Checkbox"]    
+              // checkbox?
+          ],
+          fields : [  'ftype', 'fname'],
+          xns :,
+          xtype : 'SimpleStore'
+         },
+         '|xns' : 'Roo.form',
+         allowBlank : false,
+         displayField : 'fname',
+         editable : false,
+         hiddenName : 'status',
+         listWidth : 200,
+         mode : 'local',
+         name : 'ftype',
+         triggerAction : 'all',
+         valueField : 'ftype',
+         width : 150,
+         xns : Roo.form,
+         xtype : 'ComboBox',
+         items : [
+         ]
+        },
+        '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+        xns : Roo.grid,
+        xtype : 'GridEditor',
+        items : [
+        ]
+       },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'ftype',
+       header : _this._strings['189efd19c4153526994a6d7ea5f6f068'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 120,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel',
+       items : [
+       ]
+      },
+       editor : {
+        field : {
+         store : {
+          '|xns' : '',
+          data : [ 
+              ['id']
+          ],
+          fields : [  'dfield'],
+          xns :,
+          xtype : 'SimpleStore'
+         },
+         '|xns' : 'Roo.form',
+         allowBlank : false,
+         displayField : 'dfield',
+         editable : false,
+         hiddenName : 'status',
+         listWidth : 200,
+         mode : 'local',
+         name : 'display_field',
+         triggerAction : 'all',
+         valueField : 'dfield',
+         width : 150,
+         xns : Roo.form,
+         xtype : 'ComboBox',
+         items : [
+         ]
+        },
+        '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+        xns : Roo.grid,
+        xtype : 'GridEditor',
+        items : [
+        ]
+       },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'display_field',
+       header : _this._strings['793548e77e782c209a78ed67f255b5e2'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 150,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel',
+       items : [
+       ]
+      },
+       editor : {
+        field : {
+         '|xns' : 'Roo.form',
+         decimalPrecision : 0,
+         xns : Roo.form,
+         xtype : 'NumberField'
+        },
+        '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+        xns : Roo.grid,
+        xtype : 'GridEditor',
+        items : [
+        ]
+       },
+       '|xns' : 'Roo.grid',
+       dataIndex : 'width',
+       header : _this._strings['32954654ac8fe66a1d09be19001de2d4'],
+       renderer : function(v) { return String.format('{0}', v); },
+       width : 75,
+       xns : Roo.grid,
+       xtype : 'ColumnModel',
+       items : [
+       ]
+      }
+    ],
+    listeners : {
+     beforeedit : function (e)
+      {
+          Roo.log('before edit!!!');
+          Roo.log(e);
+          if(e.field != 'display_field'){
+              return;
+          }
+          _this.grid.colModel.getCellEditor(e.column, e.row);
+      },
+     cellclick : function (_self, rowIndex, columnIndex, e)
+      {
+              var di = this.colModel.getDataIndex(columnIndex);
+              if (di != 'active') {
+                  return;
+              }
+              var rec = _this.grid.ds.getAt(rowIndex);
+              rec.set('active', * 1 ? 0 : 1);
+              rec.commit();
+      },
+     render : function() 
+      {
+          _this.grid = this; 
+          //_this.dialog = Pman.Dialog.FILL_IN
+      },
+     rowdblclick : function (_self, rowIndex, e)
+      {
+          if (!_this.dialog) return;
+      }
+    },
+    items : [
+    ]
+   },
+   '|xns' : 'Roo',
+   background : false,
+   fitContainer : true,
+   fitToframe : true,
+   loadData : function(data) { 
+       //alert("IPC:TEST:" + JSON.stringify(data,null,4));
+       var fields = _this.grid.dataSource.reader.recordType.prototype.fields;
+       var d = [];
+       for (var k in data) { 
+           var r = data[k];
+           var has_s = typeof(r.relates_to_schema) != 'undefined';
+           Roo.log(r.Type);
+           var field_type = 'TextField';
+           if (r.Type == 'text'){
+               field_type = 'TextArea';
+           }
+           if(r.Type == 'date' || r.Type == 'datetime'){
+               field_type = 'DateField';
+           }
+           var regex = /(.*?)\((.*?)\)/;
+           if(regex.test(r.Type)){
+               var type_match = regex.exec(r.Type);
+               if(type_match[1] == 'int'){
+                   field_type = 'NumberField';
+                   if(type_match[2] * 1  < 11){
+                       field_type = 'Checkbox';
+                   }
+               }
+           } 
+           var rt = '', rc = '', rs = [];
+           if(has_s){
+               for (var kk in r.relates_to_schema) {         
+                   var rr = r.relates_to_schema[kk];
+                   rt = r.relates_to_table;
+                   rc = r.relates_to_col;
+                   rs.push([rr.Field]);
+               }
+               field_type = 'ComboBox';
+           }
+           if(r.Field == 'id'){ // usually 'id' is hidden on the form
+               field_type = 'Hidden';
+           }
+           var o = {
+               active : !has_s,
+               dataIndex : r.Field,
+               type : r.Type,
+               title : r.Field,
+               width : 200,
+               ftype : field_type,
+               display_field : rc, //r.Field + '_display_name',
+               relates_to_table : rt,
+               relates_to_col : rc,
+               relates_to_schema : rs
+           };
+           d.push(o);
+       }
+       var ar = [];
+       Roo.each(d, function(dd){
+           var a = [];
+           for(var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++){
+               var f = fields.items[j];
+               if(dd.hasOwnProperty({
+                   a.push(dd[]);
+               }
+           }
+           ar.push(a);
+       });
+       this.schema = data;
+       //alert("IPC:TEST:" + JSON.stringify(ar));
+       this.grid.dataSource.loadData(ar);
+   },
+   region : 'center',
+   tableName : 'core_enum',
+   title : _this._strings['c671c787b49f50a3ace9fdc5bd597825'],
+   title : _this._strings['c671c787b49f50a3ace9fdc5bd597825'],
+   toBJS : function() { 
+   // convert the selected cells into a BJS data ready to send back to the UI..
+       this.table = "XXX";
+       this.firstTxtCol = "XXX";
+       var formHeight = 50;
+       var jreader = {};
+       var  formElements = [];
+       this.grid.dataSource.each(function(rec) {
+           if (! {
+               return;
+           }
+           var el = {
+               fieldLabel :,
+               name :,
+               width :,
+               '|xns' : 'Roo.form',
+               xtype :
+           }
+            if (el.xtype == 'DateField') {
+               el.format = 'Y-m-d';
+               el.useIso = true;
+               el.width = 100;
+           }
+           if (el.xtype == 'TextArea') {
+               el.height = 100;
+           }
+           if (el.xtype == 'Hidden') {
+               delete el.fieldLabel;
+               delete el.width;
+           }
+           if (el.xtype == 'ComboBox') {
+               el.alwaysQuery = true;
+               el.triggerAction = 'all';
+               el.forceSelection = true;
+               el.selectOnFocus = true;
+               el.minChars = 2;
+               el.editable = true;
+               el.emptyText = 'Select a value';
+               el.queryParam  = 'query[' + + ']';// SET WHEN USED
+               el.hiddenName = // SET WHEN USED eg. project_id
+       = + '_' +; // SET WHEN USED eg. project_id_name
+               el.displayField = // SET WHEN USED eg. project_id
+               el.valueField = 
+               el.tpl = '<div class="x-grid-cell-text x-btn button"><b>{' + +'}</b> </div>'; // SET WHEN USED
+              el.items = [
+                   {
+                       '*prop' : 'store',
+                       'xtype' : 'Store',
+                       '|xns' : '',
+                       'remoteSort' : true,
+                       '|sortInfo' : '{ direction : \'ASC\', field: \'id\' }',
+                       listeners : {
+                           '|beforeload' : 'function (_self, o)' +
+                           "{\n" +
+                           "    o.params = o.params || {};\n" +
+                           "    // set more here\n" +
+                           "}\n"
+                       },
+                       items : [
+                           {
+                               '*prop' : 'proxy',
+                               'xtype' : 'HttpProxy',
+                               'method' : 'GET',
+                               '|xns' : '',
+                               '|url' : "baseURL + '/Roo/" + + ".php'",
+                           },
+                           {
+                               '*prop' : 'reader',
+                               'xtype' : 'JsonReader',
+                               '|xns' : '',
+                               'id' : 'id',
+                               'root' : 'data',
+                               'totalProperty' : 'total'
+                           }
+                       ]
+                   }
+               ];
+           }
+           if (el.xtype == 'ComboBoxArray') {
+               el.hiddenName =;
+      = + '_' +;
+               el.items = [
+                   {
+                       'alwaysQuery' : true,
+                       'triggerAction' : 'all',
+                       'forceSelection': true,
+                       'selectOnFocus' : true,
+                       'minChars' :2,
+                       'editable' : true,
+                       'emptyText' : 'Select a value',
+                       'displayField' :,
+                       'valueField' :,
+                       'xtype' : 'ComboBox',
+                       '$ xns' : 'Roo.form',
+                       '* prop' : 'combo',
+                       'queryParam' : 'query[' + + ']',
+                       'tpl' : '<div class="x-grid-cell-text x-btn button"><b>{' + +'}</b> </div>',
+                       items : [
+                           {
+                               '*prop' : 'store',
+                               'xtype' : 'Store',
+                               '|xns' : '',
+                               'remoteSort' : true,
+                               '|sortInfo' : '{ direction : \'ASC\', field: \'id\' }',
+                               listeners : {
+                                   '|beforeload' : 'function (_self, o)' +
+                                   "{\n" +
+                                   "    o.params = o.params || {};\n" +
+                                   "    // set more here\n" +
+                                   "}\n"
+                               },
+                               items : [
+                                   {
+                                       '*prop' : 'proxy',
+                                       'xtype' : 'HttpProxy',
+                                       'method' : 'GET',
+                                       '|xns' : '',
+                                       '|url' : "baseURL + '/Roo/" + + ".php'",
+                                   },
+                                   {
+                                       '*prop' : 'reader',
+                                       'xtype' : 'JsonReader',
+                                       '|xns' : '',
+                                       'id' : 'id',
+                                       'root' : 'data',
+                                       'totalProperty' : 'total'
+                                   }
+                               ]
+                           }
+                       ]
+                   }
+               ];
+           }
+           if (el.xtype == 'HtmlEditor') {
+               el.height = 250,
+               el.resizable = 's',
+               el.items = [
+                   {
+                       '* prop' : 'toolbars[]',
+                       '|xns' : 'Roo.form.HtmlEditor',
+                       'xtype' : 'ToolbarContext'
+                   },
+                   {
+                       '* prop' : 'toolbars[]',
+                       '|xns' : 'Roo.form.HtmlEditor',
+                       'xtype' : 'ToolbarStandard'
+                  }
+               ]
+           }
+           formElements.push(el);
+           formHeight += == 'TextArea' ? 100 : (( == 'HtmlEditor') ? 250 : 30);
+       });
+        var frmCfg = 
+       {
+           '|xns' : 'Roo.form',
+           xtype : "Form",
+           listeners : {
+               "|actioncomplete" : "function(_self,action)\n"+
+                   "{\n"+
+                   "    if (action.type == 'setdata') {\n"+
+                   "       //this.load({ method: 'GET', params: { '_id' : }});\n"+
+                   "       return;\n"+
+                   "    }\n"+
+                   "    if (action.type == 'load') {\n"+
+                   "        return;\n"+
+                   "    }\n"+
+                   "    if (action.type =='submit') {\n"+
+                   "    \n"+
+                   "        _this.dialog.hide();\n"+
+                   "    \n"+
+                   "         if (_this.callback) {\n"+
+                   "  ,;\n"+
+                   "         }\n"+
+                   "         _this.form.reset();\n"+
+                   "         return;\n"+
+                   "    }\n"+
+                   "}\n",
+               "|rendered" : "function (form)\n"+
+                   "{\n"+
+                   "    _this.form= form;\n"+
+                   "}\n"
+           },
+           method : "POST",
+           style : "margin:10px;",
+           "|url" : "baseURL + '/Roo/" + this.table + "'",
+           items : formElements
+       };
+       alert("IPC:OUT:" + JSON.stringify({
+               "closable": false,
+               "collapsible": false,
+               "height": formHeight,
+               "resizable": false,
+               "title": "Edit / Create " + this.table,
+               "width": 400,
+               "modal" : true,
+               "xtype": "LayoutDialog",
+               "|xns": "Roo",
+               "items": [
+                   {
+                       "|xns": "Roo",
+                       "xtype": "LayoutRegion",
+                       "*prop": "center"
+                   },
+                   {
+                       "region": "center",
+                       "xtype": "ContentPanel",
+                       "|xns": "Roo",
+                       "items": [
+                           frmCfg
+                       ]
+                   },
+                   {
+                       "listeners": {
+                           "click": "function (_self, e)\n{\n    _this.dialog.hide();\n}"
+                       },
+                       "*prop": "buttons[]",
+                       "text": "Cancel",
+                       "xtype": "Button",
+                       "|xns": "Roo"
+                   },
+                   {
+                       "listeners": {
+                           "click": "function (_self, e)\n{\n    // do some checks?\n     \n    \n    _this.dialog.el.mask(\"Saving\");\n    _this.form.doAction(\"submit\");\n\n}"
+                       },
+                       "*prop": "buttons[]",
+                       "text": "Save",
+                       "xtype": "Button",
+                       "|xns": "Roo"
+                   }
+               ]
+       }, null, 4));
+   },
+   xns : Roo,
+   xtype : 'GridPanel',
+   listeners : {
+    activate : function() {
+         _this.panel = this;
+         if (_this.grid) {
+             _this.grid.footer.onClick('first');
+         }
+     }
+   },
+   items : [
+   ]
+  };  }
diff --git a/resources/Gir.overides b/resources/Gir.overides
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4705c4e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    "":  "label" ,
+    "Gtk.Label.new_with_mnemonic.str":  "label" ,
+    "" : "transient_for",
+    "" : "message_type",
+    "" : "text",
+    "" : "tag_table",
+    "" : "n_rows",
+    "" : "n_columns",
+    "" : "columns",
+    "" : "columns",
+       "" : "top_attach",
+    "Gtk.Grid.attach.left" : "left_attach",
+    "-" : ""
diff --git a/resources/GtkUsage.txt b/resources/GtkUsage.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ca62f9d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// what can be added where...
+ *top
+       Gtk.Window 
+       Gtk.Dialog
+       Gtk.MessageDialog
+       Gtk.AboutDialog
+       Gtk.Dialog
+       Gtk.FontSelectionDialog 
+       Gtk.InputDialog 
+       Gtk.ColorSelectionDialog 
+       Gtk.FileChooserDialog
+       Gtk.Menu
+       GtkClutter.Window
+       Gtk.OffScreenWindow
+       Gtk.Popover
+    Clutter.ScrollActor
+    Clutter.Actor    
+// these should really be based on heirachy..
+       Gtk.Window
+       Gtk.Dialog
+       Gtk.MessageDialog
+       Gtk.AboutDialog
+       Gtk.Dialog
+       Gtk.OffScreenWindow
+       Gtk.Popover
+       Gtk.Alignment 
+       Gtk.AspectFrame 
+       Gtk.Box 
+       Gtk.ButtonBox 
+       Gtk.Paned 
+       Gtk.Table
+       Gtk.Layout 
+       Gtk.Notebook
+       //Gtk.Table 
+       //Gtk.Fixed 
+       Gtk.Expander 
+       Gtk.Frame
+       Gtk.ScrolledWindow
+       Gtk.ToolItem
+       Gtk.Viewport
+       Gtk.Button
+       GtkClutter.Actor
+       Gtk.HeaderBar 
+       Gtk.ToolButton
+       Gtk.Alignment 
+       Gtk.AspectFrame 
+       Gtk.Box 
+       Gtk.ButtonBox 
+       Gtk.Fixed 
+       Gtk.Paned 
+       Gtk.Layout 
+       Gtk.Notebook 
+       Gtk.Table 
+       Gtk.Expander 
+       Gtk.Frame
+       Gtk.ScrolledWindow
+       Gtk.AccelLabel 
+       Gtk.Image 
+       Gtk.Label 
+       Gtk.ProgressBar
+       Gtk.Statusbar
+       Gtk.InfoBar 
+       Gtk.StatusIcon
+       Gtk.Spinner 
+       Gtk.Button
+       Gtk.CheckButton 
+       Gtk.RadioButton 
+       Gtk.ToggleButton
+       Gtk.LinkButton
+       Gtk.ScaleButton 
+       Gtk.VolumeButton 
+       Gtk.Entry 
+       Gtk.HeaderBar 
+       Gtk.HScale 
+       Gtk.VScale 
+       Gtk.SpinButton 
+       Gtk.TreeView
+        Gtk.TextView
+        Gtk.ComboBox 
+       Gtk.ComboBoxEntry 
+       Gtk.Menu 
+       Gtk.MenuBar 
+       Gtk.Toolbar 
+       Gtk.ToolPalette
+       Gtk.ColorButton 
+       Gtk.ColorSelection
+       Gtk.HSV
+       Gtk.FileChooserButton 
+       Gtk.FileChooserWidget
+       Gtk.FontButton 
+       GtkSource.View
+       WebKit.WebView
+    Gtk.Viewport
+       Vte.Terminal
+       GtkClutter.Embed
+       Gdl.Dock
+       Gdl.DockBar
+       Gdl.Dock
+       Gdl.DockItem
+       Gdl.DockItem
+       Gdl.DockItem
+       Gtk.Alignment 
+       Gtk.AspectFrame 
+       Gtk.Box 
+       Gtk.ButtonBox 
+       Gtk.Fixed 
+       Gtk.Paned 
+       Gtk.Layout 
+       Gtk.Notebook 
+       Gtk.Table 
+       Gtk.Expander 
+       Gtk.Frame
+       Gtk.ScrolledWindow
+       Gtk.AccelLabel 
+       Gtk.Image 
+       Gtk.Label 
+       Gtk.ProgressBar
+       Gtk.Statusbar
+       Gtk.InfoBar 
+       Gtk.StatusIcon
+       Gtk.Spinner 
+       Gtk.Button
+       Gtk.CheckButton 
+       Gtk.RadioButton 
+       Gtk.ToggleButton
+       Gtk.LinkButton
+       Gtk.ScaleButton 
+       Gtk.VolumeButton 
+       Gtk.Entry 
+       Gtk.HScale 
+       Gtk.VScale 
+       Gtk.SpinButton 
+       Gtk.TreeView
+        Gtk.ComboBox 
+       Gtk.ComboBoxEntry 
+       Gtk.Menu 
+       Gtk.MenuBar 
+       Gtk.Toolbar 
+       Gtk.ToolPalette
+       Gtk.ColorButton 
+       Gtk.ColorSelection
+       Gtk.HSV
+       Gtk.FileChooserButton 
+       Gtk.FileChooserWidget
+       Gtk.FontButton 
+       GtkSource.View
+       WebKit.WebView
+       Vte.Terminal
+       GtkClutter.Embed
+       Gtk.MenuBar
+       Gtk.Menu
+       Gtk.MenuItem 
+       Gtk.ImageMenuItem 
+       Gtk.RadioMenuItem 
+       Gtk.CheckMenuItem 
+       Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem 
+       Gtk.TearoffMenuItem 
+       Gtk.ImageMenuItem
+       Gtk.Image
+       Gtk.MenuItem:submenu
+       Gtk.Menu
+       Gtk.Toolbar
+       Gtk.ToolButton
+       Gtk.ToolItem
+       Gtk.MenuToolButton 
+       Gtk.ToggleToolButton
+       Gtk.RadioToolButton 
+       Gtk.ToolItemGroup 
+       Gtk.SeparatorToolItem 
+       Gtk.TreeView
+       Gtk.TreeStore
+       Gtk.ListStore
+       Gtk.TreeModelFilter
+       Gtk.TreeViewColumn
+       Gtk.TreeModelFilter
+       Gtk.TreeStore
+       Gtk.ListStore
+       Gtk.TreeViewColumn      
+       Gtk.CellRendererText
+       Gtk.CellRendererCombo
+       Gtk.CellRendererToggle
+       Gtk.CellRendererCombo:model
+       Gtk.ComboBox
+       Gtk.ListStore
+       Gtk.ComboBox
+       Gtk.CellRendererText
+       Gtk.ScrolledWindow
+       Gtk.Viewport
+       GtkSource.View
+       GtkSource.Buffer
+       GtkClutter.Window
+       GtkClutter.Embed
+       GtkClutter.Actor
+       Gdl.Dock
+       Gdl.DockItem
+    Clutter.ScrollActor:layout_manager
+    Clutter.Actor:layout_manager
+    Clutter.GridLayout
+    Clutter.FlowLayout
+    Clutter.FixedLayout
+    Clutter.TableLayout
+    Clutter.BinLayout
+    Clutter.BoxLayout
+    Clutter.ScrollActor
+    Clutter.Actor
+    Clutter.Actor
+    Clutter.ScrollActor
+    Clutter.Texture
+    Clutter.Text
+    Clutter.Rectangle
diff --git a/resources/RooUsage.txt b/resources/RooUsage.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d1f9a05
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+// what can be added where...
+ *top
+ Roo.LayoutDialog         
+ Roo.NestedLayoutPanel
+ Roo.ContentPanel         
+ Roo.GridPanel         
+ Roo.TreePanel
+ Roo.bootstrap.Body
+ Roo.bootstrap.Modal
+ Roo.bootstrap.Container
+ Roo.mailer.Body
+// added with a property..  (*prop)
+ Roo.LayoutDialog:center
+ Roo.LayoutDialog:east          
+ Roo.LayoutDialog:west          
+ Roo.LayoutDialog:south          
+ Roo.LayoutDialog:north          
+ Roo.BorderLayout:center          
+ Roo.BorderLayout:east          
+ Roo.BorderLayout:west          
+ Roo.BorderLayout:south          
+ Roo.BorderLayout:north          
+ Roo.LayoutRegion
+// add with region? region= 
+  Roo.LayoutDialog
+  Roo.BorderLayout
+  Roo.ContentPanel         
+  Roo.NestedLayoutPanel
+  Roo.GridPanel
+  Roo.TreePanel
+// should probably look like this
+//  Roo.ContentPanel:region=center         
+//  Roo.NestedLayoutPanel:region=center
+// Roo.GridPanel:region=center
+// Roo.TreePanel:region=center
+  Roo.NestedLayoutPanel:layout 
+  Roo.BorderLayout         
+  Roo.ContentPanel 
+  Roo.form.Form         
+  Roo.JsonView  
+  Roo.View
+// some popup menus..     
+  Roo.ContentPanel:menu
+  Roo.NestedLayoutPanel:menu
+  Roo.GridPanel:menu
+  Roo.TreePanel:menu
+// Parent items         
+ Roo.form.Form
+ Roo.form.FieldSet 
+ Roo.form.Column 
+ Roo.form.Row
+  Roo.form.Column         
+  Roo.form.FieldSet         
+  Roo.form.Row         
+  Roo.form.Hidden         
+  Roo.form.TextField         
+  Roo.form.GridField
+  Roo.form.DateField
+  Roo.form.MonthField
+  Roo.form.NumberField         
+  Roo.form.Checkbox         
+  Roo.form.Radio         
+  Roo.form.ComboBox
+  Roo.form.ComboBoxArray         
+  Roo.form.TextArea         
+  Roo.form.HtmlEditor         
+  Roo.form.FCKeditor         
+  Roo.Button         
+  Roo.form.HtmlEditor:toolbars[]
+  Roo.form.HtmlEditor.ToolbarStandard
+  Roo.form.HtmlEditor.ToolbarContext
+  Roo.form.HtmlEditor.ToolbarStandard:btns[]
+  Roo.form.HtmlEditor.ToolbarContext:btns[]
+  Roo.form.TextField         
+  Roo.form.DateField   
+  Roo.form.MonthField      
+  Roo.form.NumberField         
+  Roo.form.Checkbox         
+  Roo.form.Radio         
+  Roo.form.ComboBox         
+  Roo.form.TextArea
+  Roo.Toolbar.Button         
+  Roo.Toolbar.Fill         
+  Roo.Toolbar.Separator         
+  Roo.Toolbar.Spacer         
+  Roo.Toolbar.SplitButton         
+  Roo.Toolbar.TextItem
+  Roo.grid.GridEditor:field
+  Roo.form.TextField         
+  Roo.form.DateField   
+  Roo.form.MonthField      
+  Roo.form.NumberField         
+  Roo.form.Checkbox         
+  Roo.form.Radio         
+  Roo.form.ComboBox         
+  Roo.form.TextArea         
+ Roo.LayoutDialog:buttons[]
+ Roo.form.Form:buttons[] 
+ Roo.Button         
+ Roo.Toolbar 
+ Roo.PagingToolbar 
+  Roo.Toolbar.Button         
+  Roo.Toolbar.Fill         
+  Roo.Toolbar.Separator         
+  Roo.Toolbar.Spacer         
+  Roo.Toolbar.SplitButton         
+  Roo.Toolbar.TextItem        
+  Roo.form.ComboBox
+  Roo.form.DateField
+  Roo.form.MonthField
+  Roo.form.TextField
+ Roo.Toolbar.Button:menu 
+ Roo.Toolbar.SplitButton:menu
+       Roo.GridPanel:grid
+       Roo.grid.Grid         
+       Roo.grid.EditorGrid         
+       Roo.grid.PropertyGrid
+  Roo.grid.Grid:sm
+  Roo.grid.EditorGrid:sm
+ Roo.grid.CellSelectionModel         
+ Roo.grid.RowSelectionModel         
+ Roo.grid.Grid:view
+ Roo.grid.EditorGrid:view          
+ Roo.grid.GridView                 
+ Roo.grid.Grid:cm[] 
+ Roo.grid.EditorGrid:cm[]          
+ Roo.grid.ColumnModel
+    Roo.grid.ColumnModel:editor
+    Roo.grid.GridEditor         
+       Roo.grid.EditorGrid:footer
+       Roo.grid.Grid:footer
+       Roo.Grid:footer
+       Roo.PagingToolbar
+       Roo.grid.EditorGrid:toolbar
+       Roo.grid.Grid:toolbar
+       Roo.Grid:toolbar
+       Roo.ContentPanel:toolbar
+       Roo.TreePanel:toolbar
+       Roo.Toolbar
+ Roo.TreePanel:tree
+ Roo.tree.TreePanel         
+ Roo.tree.TreePanel:root
+ Roo.tree.AsyncTreeNode         
+  Roo.tree.TreeNode         
+  Roo.tree.TreePanel:editor
+  Roo.tree.TreeEditor
+  Roo.tree.TreeEditor:field
+  Roo.form.TextField
+ Roo.tree.TreePanel:loader 
+ Roo.tree.TreeLoader         
+       Roo.tree.TreePanel:sm
+       Roo.tree.DefaultSelectionModel         
+       Roo.tree.MultiSelectionModel         
+// combos
+  Roo.grid.EditorGrid:ds
+  Roo.grid.Grid:ds
+  Roo.form.ComboBox:store
+  Roo.View:store
+  Roo.JsonView:store
+  Roo.bootstrap.ComboBox:store
+  Roo.bootstrap.Calendar:store
+  Roo.bootstrap.Table:store
+    Roo.form.ComboBoxArray:combo
+    Roo.form.ComboBox
+  Roo.View:tpl
+  Roo.JsonView:tpl
+  Roo.Template
+  //drag drop..
+   Roo.grid.Grid:dragTarget
+   Roo.dd.DropTarget
+// bootstrap?
+    Roo.bootstrap.Body
+    Roo.bootstrap.Container
+    Roo.bootstrap.Modal
+    Roo.bootstrap.Column
+    Roo.bootstrap.Row
+    Roo.bootstrap.TabPanel
+    Roo.bootstrap.Element
+    Roo.bootstrap.Form
+    Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox
+    Roo.bootstrap.Popover
+    Roo.bootstrap.Link
+    Roo.bootstrap.Container
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button
+    Roo.bootstrap.ButtonGroup
+    Roo.bootstrap.Column
+    Roo.bootstrap.Form
+    Roo.bootstrap.Navbar
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavGroup
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavSimplebar
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavHeaderbar
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavSidebar
+    Roo.bootstrap.Row
+    Roo.bootstrap.Header
+    Roo.bootstrap.Img
+    Roo.bootstrap.Link
+    Roo.bootstrap.Calendar  
+    Roo.bootstrap.Popover
+    Roo.bootstrap.Input
+    Roo.bootstrap.TextArea
+    Roo.bootstrap.Table
+    Roo.bootstrap.Pagination
+    Roo.bootstrap.Progress
+    Roo.bootstrap.TabPanel
+    Roo.bootstrap.DateField
+    Roo.bootstrap.MonthField
+    Roo.bootstrap.TimeField
+    Roo.bootstrap.CheckBox
+    Roo.bootstrap.Radio
+    Roo.bootstrap.ComboBox
+    Roo.bootstrap.Element
+    Roo.bootstrap.HtmlEditor
+    Roo.bootstrap.MessageBar
+    Roo.bootstrap.dash.NumberBox
+    Roo.bootstrap.Graph
+    Roo.bootstrap.dash.TabBox
+    Roo.bootstrap.LocationPicker
+    Roo.bootstrap.Alert
+    Roo.bootstrap.TabGroup
+    Roo.bootstrap.LayoutMasonry
+    Roo.bootstrap.UploadCropbox
+    Roo.bootstrap.DocumentManager
+    Roo.bootstrap.DocumentViewer
+    Roo.bootstrap.PagingToolbar
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavProgressBar
+    Roo.bootstrap.FieldLabel
+    Roo.bootstrap.DateSplitField
+    Roo.bootstrap.TabGroup
+    Roo.bootstrap.TabPanel
+    Roo.bootstrap.Progress
+    Roo.bootstrap.ProgressBar
+    Roo.bootstrap.Table
+    Roo.bootstrap.TableRow
+    Roo.bootstrap.TableCell
+    Roo.bootstrap.TableBody
+    Roo.bootstrap.Table:cm[]          
+    Roo.grid.ColumnModel
+#-??? it this correct?
+    Roo.bootstrap.Table:sm
+    Roo.bootstrap.Table.RowSelectionModel    
+    Roo.bootstrap.Table:footer
+    Roo.bootstrap.PagingToolbar
+    Roo.bootstrap.PagingToolbar:buttons[]
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button
+    Roo.bootstrap.PagingToolbar:store
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavProgressBar:bullets[]
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavProgressItem
+    Roo.bootstrap.TableBody
+    Roo.bootstrap.TableRow
+    Roo.bootstrap.TableCell
+    Roo.bootstrap.TableRow
+    Roo.bootstrap.TableCell
+    Roo.bootstrap.TableCell
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button
+    Roo.bootstrap.ButtonGroup
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button
+    Roo.bootstrap.Form
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button:menu
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavItem:menu
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavSidebarItem:menu
+    Roo.bootstrap.Menu
+    Roo.bootstrap.Menu
+    Roo.bootstrap.MenuItem
+    Roo.bootstrap.Navbar
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavSimplebar
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavHeaderbar
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavSidebar
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavGroup
+    Roo.bootstrap.Form
+    Roo.bootstrap.Row
+    Roo.bootstrap.Column
+    Roo.bootstrap.Container
+    Roo.bootstrap.Link
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavGroup
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavItem
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavSidebarItem
+    Roo.bootstrap.Form
+    Roo.bootstrap.Container
+    Roo.bootstrap.Input
+    Roo.bootstrap.TextArea
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button
+    Roo.bootstrap.ComboBox
+    Roo.bootstrap.Container
+    Roo.bootstrap.Row
+    Roo.bootstrap.TabPanel
+    Roo.bootstrap.DateField
+    Roo.bootstrap.MonthField
+    Roo.bootstrap.TimeField
+    Roo.bootstrap.CheckBox
+    Roo.bootstrap.Radio
+//    Roo.bootstrap.Fieldset
+    Roo.bootstrap.Body
+    Roo.bootstrap.Modal
+    Roo.bootstrap.Modal:buttons[]
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button
+    Roo.bootstrap.Modal:tmpl
+    Roo.Template
+    Roo.XTemplate
+    Roo.DomTemplate
+    Roo.bootstrap.Header
+    Roo.bootstrap.Container
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavItem
+    Roo.bootstrap.NavSidebarItem
+    Roo.bootstrap.Container
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button
+    Roo.bootstrap.Pagination
+    Roo.bootstrap.PaginationItem
+    Roo.bootstrap.Input:before
+    Roo.bootstrap.Input:after
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button
+    Roo.mailer.Body
+    Roo.mailer.BodyContainer
+    Roo.mailer.BodyContainer    
+    Roo.mailer.Block
+    Roo.mailer.Block
+    Roo.mailer.Column
+    Roo.mailer.Column
+    Roo.mailer.Block
+    Roo.bootstrap.Header
+    Roo.bootstrap.Container
+    Roo.bootstrap.Image
+    Roo.bootstrap.Link
+    Roo.bootstrap.dash.TabBox
+    Roo.bootstrap.dash.TabPane
+    Roo.bootstrap.dash.TabPane
+    Roo.bootstrap.Graph
+    Roo.bootstrap.Column
+    Roo.bootstrap.MenuItem
+    Roo.bootstrap.Button
+    Roo.bootstrap.Row
+    Roo.bootstrap.Column
+    Roo.bootstrap.Container
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/bootstrap.builder.html b/resources/bootstrap.builder.html
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..152425c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html 
+      PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+      ""> 
+<html xmlns="" 
+      xmlns:html="" 
+      xmlns:svg=""
+      xmlns:xlink="">
+<!-- this is the code embeded in the webkit browser -->
+    <head>
+        <title>Gtk Builder App Runner.</title>
+        <!-- this lot needs to be available on the target site.. if used on remote.. -->
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="roojs1/css-bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css"> 
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="roojs1/css-bootstrap/sticky-footer.css">     
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="roojs1/roojs-core-debug.js?ts=1234"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="roojs1/roojs-bootstrap-debug.js?ts=1234"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript">
+            Ext=Roo; // bc
+            Roo.BLANK_IMAGE_URL =  "roojs1/images/gray/s.gif";
+            Roo.rootURL = 'roojs1/';
+            Roo.XComponent.hideProgress = true;
+            BuilderUseBootstrap = true;
+            // local apps can override these ..
+            rootURL = 'http://localhost';
+            baseURL = rootURL + '/index.php';
+        </script>
+        <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="builder.html.js?ts=1234"></script>    -->
+    <!-- user generate code ends up here... -->
+     </head>
+       <!--background:#F8ECB2;-->   
+    <body class=" " id="bootstrap-body">  
+    </body>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/mailer.builder.html b/resources/mailer.builder.html
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..14901b3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html 
+      PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+      ""> 
+<html xmlns="" 
+      xmlns:html="" 
+      xmlns:svg=""
+      xmlns:xlink="">
+<!-- this is the code embeded in the webkit browser -->
+    <head>
+        <title>Gtk Builder App Runner.</title>
+        <!-- this lot needs to be available on the target site.. if used on remote.. -->
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="roojs1/css-mailer/mailer.css"> 
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="roojs1/roojs-core-debug.js?ts=1234"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="roojs1/roojs-bootstrap-debug.js?ts=1234"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="roojs1/roojs-mailer-debug.js?ts=1234"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript">
+            Ext=Roo; // bc
+            Roo.BLANK_IMAGE_URL =  "roojs1/images/gray/s.gif";
+            Roo.rootURL = 'roojs1/';
+            Roo.XComponent.hideProgress = true;
+        </script>
+        <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="builder.html.js?ts=1234"></script>    -->
+    <!-- user generate code ends up here... -->
+     </head>
+       <!--background:#F8ECB2;-->   
+    <body class="  ">  
+    </body>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/roo.builder.html b/resources/roo.builder.html
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a327a91
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html 
+      PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+      ""> 
+<html xmlns="" 
+      xmlns:html="" 
+      xmlns:svg=""
+      xmlns:xlink="">
+<!-- this is the code embeded in the webkit browser -->
+    <head>
+        <title>Gtk Builder App Runner.</title>
+        <!-- this lot needs to be available on the target site.. if used on remote.. -->
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="roojs1/css/roojs-debug.css" />
+        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="roojs1/css/xtheme-slate.css" />
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="roojs1/roojs-debug.js?ts=1234"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript">
+            Ext=Roo; // bc
+            Roo.isTouch = false; // force non-touch..
+            Roo.BLANK_IMAGE_URL =  "roojs1/images/gray/s.gif";
+            Roo.rootURL = '/roojs1/';
+            Roo.XComponent.hideProgress = true;
+              // local apps can override these ..
+            rootURL = 'xhttp://localhost';
+            baseURL = rootURL + '/index.php';
+        </script>
+        <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="builder.html.js?ts=1234"></script>    -->
+    <!-- user generate code ends up here... -->
+     </head>
+       <!--background:#F8ECB2;-->   
+    <body class="ytheme-gray" id="bootstrap-body">  
+    </body>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/roo.builder.js b/resources/roo.builder.js
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a53f114
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+//<script type="text/javascript">
+// IPC: - via alert("IPC:{method}:{data}
+var MODULE = { isBuilder : true };
+// BC
+var _this = MODULE;
+// the apprenderer.
+Builder  = {
+    scriptTag : false,
+    id : 1,
+    saveHTML :  function( ) 
+       {
+            //print("TRAVERSE DOM?");
+            var dom = document.body;
+            //print(dom);
+            var ret = '';
+            //'body > div',true).each(function(el) {
+            // if the tree is not ready yet?
+            this.traverseDOMTree(function(s) { ret+=s; }, dom, 1);
+               alert("IPC:SAVEHTML:" + ret);
+            return ret;
+        },
+        traverseDOMTree : function(cb, currentElement, depth) {
+            if (!currentElement ) {
+                return;
+            }
+            //console.log(currentElement);
+            if (currentElement.className && currentElement.className.match(/roo-dynamic/)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            //Roo.log(currentElement);
+            var j;
+            var nodeName = currentElement.nodeName;
+            var tagName = currentElement.tagName;
+            if  (nodeName == '#text') {
+                cb(currentElement.nodeValue);
+                return;
+            }
+            if (nodeName.match(/^#/)) { // comments?
+                return;
+            }
+            if(nodeName == 'BR'){
+                cb("<BR/>");
+                return;
+            }
+            if (nodeName != 'BODY') {
+                //Roo.log(currentElement);
+                if (currentElement.hasAttribute('flexy:include')) {
+                    cb( '<flexy:include src="'+currentElement.getAttribute('flexy:include')+'"></flexy:include>');
+                    return;
+                }
+                var i = 0;
+              // Prints the node tagName, such as <A>, <IMG>, etc
+                if (tagName) {
+                    var attr = [];
+                    for(i = 0; i < currentElement.attributes.length;i++) {
+                        var attre = currentElement.attributes.item(i);
+                        var aname =;
+                        var aval = attre.value || '';
+                        if (aname=='id' && aval.match(/^roo\-/)) { // only roo -elements hide..
+                            aname= 'xbuilderid';
+                        }
+                        // skip -- component created by the builder?
+                        if (aval == 'builderel') { 
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        attr.push(aname + '="' + aval + '"' );  //?? escaping attributes?
+                    }
+                    cb("<"+currentElement.tagName+ ( attr.length ? (' ' + attr.join(' ') ) : '') + ">");
+                } 
+                else {
+                  cb("[unknown tag]");
+                }
+            } else {
+                tagName = false;
+            }
+            // Traverse the tree
+            i = 0;
+            var currentElementChild = currentElement.childNodes.item(i);
+            var allText = true;
+            while (currentElementChild) {
+                // Formatting code (indent the tree so it looks nice on the screen)
+                if  (currentElementChild.nodeName == '#text') {
+                    cb(currentElementChild.nodeValue);
+                    i++;
+                    currentElementChild=currentElement.childNodes.item(i);
+                    continue;
+                }   
+                allText = false;
+                cb("\n");
+                for (j = 0; j < depth; j++) {
+                  // &#166 is just a vertical line
+                  cb("  ");
+                }               
+                // Recursively traverse the tree structure of the child node
+                this.traverseDOMTree(cb, currentElementChild, depth+1);
+                i++;
+                currentElementChild=currentElement.childNodes.item(i);
+            }
+            if (!allText) {
+                    // The remaining code is mostly for formatting the tree
+                cb("\n");
+                for (j = 0; j < depth - 1; j++) {
+                  cb("  ");
+                }     
+            }
+            if (tagName) {
+                cb("</"+tagName+">");
+            }
+        },
+       // this lot is to deal with draging // selecting? - not used at present
+       // 
+    findNode : function(ftg , method) {
+        if (!ftg) {
+            return; false
+        }
+      // console.log(;
+        if ( && typeof( == 'string' && {
+            var nid ='builder-', '').replace('x-form-el-', '');
+            this[method]( nid );
+            return true;
+        }
+        // needs fixing..
+        if (ftg.dom.className.match(/[0-9]+/)) {
+            //console.log(ftg.dom.className);
+            var cmat = ftg.dom.className.match(/x-grid-hd-builder-(form-gen-[0-9:]+)/);
+            if (cmat) {
+                this[method]( cmat[1] );
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    },
+    overPos: function(x,y) 
+    {
+        var el = document.elementFromPoint(x,y);
+       // //console.log(;
+       // console.log(document.body.innerHTML);
+        this.hover( {
+            getTarget : function () {
+                return el;
+            },
+            stopEvent : function() {
+            }
+        });
+    },
+    onclick: function(e) {
+        var tg = Roo.get(e.getTarget());
+        if (!tg) {
+            //console.log('no target');
+            return;
+           }
+        if (this.findNode(tg,'logClick')) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var dp = Roo.get(tg.up(''));
+        if (dp && this.findNode(dp,'logClick')) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var ns = Roo.get(tg.getNextSibling());
+        if (ns && this.findNode(ns,'logClick')) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (ns && ns.down('') && this.findNode(Roo.get(ns.down('')) ,'logClick') ) {
+            return;
+        }
+        for(var i =0; i < 5; i++) {
+            tg = Roo.get(tg.up(''));
+            if (!tg) {
+                //console.log('no parent' + i);
+                return;
+            }
+            if (tg && this.findNode(tg,'logClick')) {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        //console.log('no target in parents');
+    },
+    logClick : function(id) 
+    {
+         var bid = id.length ? 'builder-' + id : '';
+         console.log('{ "id" :  "' + bid + '"}');
+    },
+    hover : function(e) {
+        var tg = Roo.get(e.getTarget());
+        if (!tg) {
+            //console.log('no target');
+            this.logMove('');
+            return;
+           }
+        if (this.findNode(tg,'logMove')) {
+            e.stopEvent();
+            return;
+        }
+        var dp = Roo.get(tg.up(''));
+        if (dp && this.findNode(dp,'logMove')) {
+            e.stopEvent();
+            return;
+        }
+        var ns = Roo.get(tg.getNextSibling());
+        if (ns && this.findNode(ns,'logMove')) {
+            e.stopEvent();
+            return;
+        }
+        if (ns && ns.down('') && this.findNode(Roo.get(ns.down('')) ,'logMove' )) {
+            e.stopEvent();
+            return;
+        }
+        for(var i =0; i < 5; i++) {
+            tg = Roo.get(tg.up(''));
+            if (!tg) {
+                //console.log('no parent' + i);
+                this.logMove('');
+                return;
+            }
+            if (tg && this.findNode(tg,'logMove')) {
+                e.stopEvent();
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        //console.log('no target in parents');
+        this.logMove('');
+    },
+    logMove : function (id) {
+        //console.log("LOGMOVE: " + id);
+        if (this.lastID === id) {
+            return;
+       }
+       id = ''+ id;
+       var bid = id.length ? 'builder-' + id : '';
+       //console.log('{ "hover-node" :  "' + bid + '"}');
+       this.lastID = id;
+    },
+    clearBootstrap : function()
+    {
+        // if the page is not bootstrap
+        if ( typeof(BuilderUseBootstrap) != 'undefined' ) {
+            Roo.log("it's boostrap - BuilderUseBootstrap is defined ");
+            // it's bootstrap - probably remove roo's css..
+            return;
+        }
+        Roo.log("remove css = BuilderUseBootstrap is not defined");
+        var rem = [];
+        var ar = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
+        for (var i = 0; i < ar.length;i++) {
+            var l = ar[i];
+            Roo.log(l.getAttribute('href'));
+            if (l.getAttribute('href').match(/bootstrap/)) {
+                rem.push(l);
+            }
+            //code
+        }
+        Roo.each(rem, function(l) { l.parentNode.removeChild(l);});
+    },
+    applyFlexy: function(tree)
+    {
+        if (!tree.el) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (typeof(tree['flexy:foreach']) != 'undefined') {
+            //Roo.log("add flexy:foreach");
+            tree.el.attr('flexy:foreach', tree['flexy:foreach']);
+        }
+        if (typeof(tree['flexy:if']) != 'undefined') {
+            //Roo.log("add flexy:if");
+            tree.el.attr('flexy:if', tree['flexy:if']);
+        }
+        if (typeof(tree['xtype-bootstrap']) != 'undefined') {
+            //Roo.log("add flexy:if");
+            tree.el.attr('xtype', tree['xtype-bootstrap']);
+        }
+        if (typeof(tree['flexy:include']) != 'undefined') {
+            //Roo.log("add flexy:if");
+            tree.el.attr('flexy:include', tree['flexy:include']);
+        }
+        if (typeof(tree['flexy:ignore']) != 'undefined') {
+            //Roo.log("add flexy:if");
+            tree.el.attr('flexy:ignore', tree['flexy:ignore']);
+        }
+        tree.el.attr('xtype', tree['|xns'] + '.' +  tree['xtype']);
+        //Roo.log(tree);
+        //Roo.log("Add xtype")
+        if (tree.items && tree.items.length > 0) { 
+        //Roo.log(tree);
+            for (var i = 0; i < tree.items.length; i++){
+                this.applyFlexy(tree.items[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        if (typeof( == 'object') {
+            this.applyFlexy(;
+        }
+    }
+Roo.onReady(function() { Builder.clearBootstrap(); });
+Roo.XComponent.on('buildcomplete', function() {
+    Roo.log("xcomponent built!");
+    var m = Roo.XComponent.modules;
+    Builder.applyFlexy(m[m.length-1].el);
+       Builder.saveHTML.defer(100, Builder);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/roobuilder.desktop b/roobuilder.desktop
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..886ffff
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Roo JS Builder
+Comment=Vala and Javascript Application Biuilder
diff --git a/src/Application.vala b/src/Application.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2892ae3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+       public class AppSettings : Object
+       {
+               // what are we going to have as settings?
+               public string roo_html_dir { get; set; }
+               public AppSettings()
+               {
+                       this.notify.connect(() => {
+                     ;
+                       });
+               }
+               public static AppSettings factory()
+               {
+                       var setting_file = BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/builder.settings";
+                       if (!FileUtils.test(setting_file, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                                return new AppSettings();
+                       }
+                       string data; 
+                       FileUtils.get_contents(setting_file, out data);
+                       return Json.gobject_from_data (typeof (AppSettings), data) as AppSettings;
+               }
+               public void save()
+               {
+                       var dirname = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder";
+                       var setting_file = dirname + "/builder.settings";
+                       string data = Json.gobject_to_data (this, null);
+                       print("saving application settings\n");
+                       FileUtils.set_contents(setting_file,   data);
+               }
+       }
+       public static BuilderApplication application = null;
+       public class BuilderApplication : Gtk.Application
+       {
+               // options - used when builder is run as a compiler
+               // we have to spawn ourself as a compiler as just running libvala
+               // as a task to check syntax causes memory leakage..
+               // 
+               const OptionEntry[] options = {
+                       { "project", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_project, "Compile a project", null },
+                       { "target", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_target, "Target to build", null },
+                       { "skip-file", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_skip ,"For test compiles do not add this (usually used in conjunction with add-file ", null },
+                       { "add-file", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_add, "Add this file to compile list", null },
+                       { "output", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_output, "output binary file path", null },
+                       { "debug", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref opt_debug, "Show debug messages", null },
+            // some testing code.
+            { "list-projects", 0, 0,  OptionArg.NONE, ref opt_list_projects, "List Projects", null },
+            { "list-files", 0, 0,  OptionArg.NONE, ref  opt_list_files, "List Files (in a project", null},
+            { "bjs", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_bjs_compile, "convert bjs file", null },
+            { "bjs-target", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_bjs_compile_target, "convert bjs file to tareet  : vala / js", null },
+                       { null }
+               };
+               public static string opt_compile_project;
+               public static string opt_compile_target;
+               public static string opt_compile_skip;
+               public static string opt_compile_add;
+               public static string opt_compile_output;
+        public static string opt_bjs_compile;
+        public static string opt_bjs_compile_target;
+               public static bool opt_debug = false;
+               public static bool opt_list_projects = false;
+               public static bool opt_list_files = false;
+               public static string _self;
+               enum Target {
+                   INT32,
+                   STRING,
+                   ROOTWIN
+               }
+               public const Gtk.TargetEntry[] targetList = {
+                   { "INTEGER",    0, Target.INT32 },
+                   { "STRING",     0, Target.STRING },
+                   { "application/json",     0, Target.STRING },                       
+                   { "text/plain", 0, Target.STRING },
+                   { "application/x-rootwindow-drop", 0, Target.ROOTWIN }
+               };
+               public AppSettings settings = null;
+               public BuilderApplication (  string[] args)
+               {
+                       _self = FileUtils.read_link("/proc/self/exe");
+                       GLib.debug("SELF = %s", _self);
+                       Object(
+                              application_id: "",
+                               flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE
+                       );
+                       configDirectory();
+                       this.settings = AppSettings.factory();  
+                       var opt_context = new OptionContext ("Application Builder");
+                       try {
+                               opt_context.set_help_enabled (true);
+                               opt_context.add_main_entries (options, null);
+                               opt_context.parse (ref args);
+                       } catch (OptionError e) {
+                               stdout.printf ("error: %s\n", e.message);
+                               stdout.printf ("Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n %s", 
+                                                        args[0], opt_context.get_help(true,null));
+                               GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_FAILURE);
+                       }
+               }
+               public static BuilderApplication  singleton(  string[] args)
+               {
+                       if (application==null) {
+                               application = new BuilderApplication(  args);
+                       }
+                       return application;
+               }
+               public static string configDirectory()
+               {
+                       var dirname = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder";
+                       if (!FileUtils.test(dirname,FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                               var dir = File.new_for_path(dirname);
+                               dir.make_directory();    
+                       }
+                       if (!FileUtils.test(dirname + "/resources",FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                               var dir = File.new_for_path(dirname + "/resources");
+                               dir.make_directory();    
+                       }
+                       return dirname;
+               }
+       } 
diff --git a/src/Builder4/About.bjs b/src/Builder4/About.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e105790
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ "name" : "About",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/About.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "response" : "(rid) => {\n    this.el.hide();\n}\n "
+   },
+   "|    void show" : "(Gtk.Window parent) {\n    this.el.set_transient_for(parent);\n    this.el.modal = true;\n;\n}\n ",
+   "xtype" : "AboutDialog",
+   "program_name" : "app.Builder.js",
+   "$ modal" : true,
+   "$ authors" : "{ \"Alan Knowles\" }",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "website" : "",
+   "string copyright" : "LGPL",
+   "string license" : "LGPL"
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/About.vala b/src/Builder4/About.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c8e1c42
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+static About  _About;
+public class About : Object
+    public Gtk.AboutDialog el;
+    private About  _this;
+    public static About singleton()
+    {
+        if (_About == null) {
+            _About= new About();
+        }
+        return _About;
+    }
+        // my vars (def)
+    // ctor
+    public About()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.AboutDialog();
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.program_name = "app.Builder.js";
+        this.el.license = "LGPL";
+        this.el.authors = { "Alan Knowles" };
+ = "";
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        this.el.copyright = "LGPL";
+        //listeners
+        this.el.response.connect( (rid) => {
+            this.el.hide();
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public    void show (Gtk.Window parent) {
+        this.el.set_transient_for(parent);
+        this.el.modal = true;
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ClutterFiles.bjs b/src/Builder4/ClutterFiles.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..03c89e8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ "name" : "ClutterFiles",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/ClutterFiles.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "id" : "ClutterFiles",
+   "|  void clearFiles" : "() {\n    \n    this.filelayout.el.remove_all_children();\n    // we need to unref all the chidren that we loaded though...\n    \n}\n ",
+   "Clutter.ScrollMode scroll_mode" : "Clutter.ScrollMode.VERTICALLY",
+   "xtype" : "Actor",
+   "|  void loadProject" : "(Project.Project pr) {\n    // list all the files, and create new Xcls_fileitem for each one.\n    \n    this.project = pr;\n    \n    \n    // LEAK --- we should unref all the chilren...\n    this.filelayout.el.y = 0;\n    this.clearFiles();\n    \n    print(\"clutter files - load project: \" + +\"\\n\");\n    // should unref.. them hopefully.\n    \n    this.project_title_name.el.text =;\n    this.project_title_path.el.text = pr.firstPath();\n    \n    // file items contains a reference until we reload ...\n    this.fileitems = new Gee.ArrayList<Object>();\n\n    \n\n    var fiter = pr.sortedFiles().list_iterator();\n    while ( {\n        var a = new Xcls_fileitem(this,fiter.get());\n        this.fileitems.add(a);\n\n//        a.ref();\n        print(\"add to clutter file view: \" + fiter.get().name + \"\\n\");\n        this.filelayout.el.add_child(a.el);\n    }\n    \n    // folders...\n    \n    if (!(pr is Project.Gtk)) {\n        print (\"not gtk... skipping files\");\n        return;\n    }\n    var gpr = (Project.Gtk)pr;\n     var def = gpr.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\");\n     var items  = def.sources;\n     \n     \n     \n    for(var i =0 ; i < items.size; i++) {\n        print (\"cheking folder %s\\n\", items.get(i));\n         var files = gpr.filesForOpen(items.get(i));\n         if (files.size < 1) {\n            continue;\n         }\n\n        // add the directory... items.get(i);\n        var x = new Xcls_folderitem(this,items.get(i));\n        this.fileitems.add(x);\n        this.filelayout.el.add_child(x.el);\n        \n        for(var j =0 ; j < files.size; j++) {\n            print (\"adding file %s\\n\", files.get(j));\n        \n            var y = new Xcls_folderfile(this, files.get(j));\n            this.fileitems.add(y);\n            x.el.add_child(y.el);\n\n            // add file to files.get(j);\n            \n        }\n        \n        \n        //this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.get(i) );\n    }\n    \n   \n    \n;\n}\n",
+   "# Gdk.Pixbuf missing_thumb_pixbuf" : "null",
+   "@ void open" : "(JsRender.JsRender file)",
+   "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+   "bool reactive" : true,
+   "Project.Project project" : "",
+   "|  void set_size" : "(float w, float h) \n{\n    \n     // called by window resize... with is alreaddy -50 (for the buttons?)\n     \n\n\n\n     if (this.el == null) {\n        print(\"object not ready yet?\");\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    print(\"recv width %f, filelayoutw = %f\", w, w-200);\n    \n    w = GLib.Math.floorf ( w/120.0f) * 120.0f;\n    \n    \n    \n    \n   //_this.filelayout_manager.el.max_column_width = w - 200;\n   _this.filelayout.el.width = w ;\n   \n    this.el.set_size(\n           // this.el.get_stage().width-150,\n           w,\n           h  // this.el.get_stage().height\n    );\n    \n    // 100 right for buttons ..\n    this.el.set_position(75,0);\n   \n   \n   this.scroller.el.set_size(\n           // this.el.get_stage().width-150,\n           w,\n           h  // this.el.get_stage().height\n    );\n    \n    // 100 right for buttons ..\n    this.scroller.el.set_position(0,50);\n    // scroll...\n    _this.filelayout.el.y = 0.0f;\n    \n}\n",
+   "# Gee.ArrayList<Object> fileitems" : "new Gee.ArrayList<Object>()",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "id" : "project_title",
+     "* init" : "\nthis.el.add_constraint(\n    new Clutter.BindConstraint(_this.el,Clutter.BindCoordinate.SIZE, 0.0f)\n);\nthis.el.set_position(0,0);\n ",
+     "xtype" : "Actor",
+     "* pack" : "add_child",
+     "$ reactive" : true,
+     "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "id" : "project_title_manager",
+       "$ orientation" : "Clutter.FlowOrientation.HORIZONTAL",
+       "xtype" : "FlowLayout",
+       "boolean homogeneous" : false,
+       "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+       "row_spacing" : 5,
+       "* prop" : "layout_manager",
+       "column_spacing" : 20
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "FixedLayout",
+       "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+       "* prop" : "layout_manager"
+      },
+      {
+       "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 20px\", \"\",  Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#eee\"))",
+       "id" : "project_title_name",
+       "float x" : "0.0f",
+       "* pack" : "add_child",
+       "xtype" : "Text",
+       "float y" : "10.0f",
+       "boolean x_expand" : false,
+       "$ xns" : "Clutter"
+      },
+      {
+       "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 10px\", \"\",  Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#ccc\"))",
+       "id" : "project_title_path",
+       "float x" : "0.0f",
+       "* pack" : "add_child",
+       "xtype" : "Text",
+       "float y" : "35.0f",
+       "$ xns" : "Clutter"
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "listeners" : {
+      "scroll_event" : "( event) => {\n    print(\"scroll event\\n\");\n    var y = _this.filelayout.el.y;\n    var dir = event.direction;\n    \n    var last_child_bottom = _this.filelayout.el.last_child.y +  _this.filelayout.el.last_child.height;\n    var bottompos = -1 * (  last_child_bottom - (0.5f * this.el.height));\n    \n    switch (dir) {\n        case Clutter.ScrollDirection.UP:\n            print(\"Scroll up by %f\\n\", event.y);\n            y += event.y /2;\n            y = float.min(0, y); // \n            break;\n            \n        case Clutter.ScrollDirection.DOWN:\n            print(\"Scroll down by %f\\n\", event.y);\n            y -= event.y /2 ;\n            y = float.max(bottompos, y);\n            \n            \n            break;\n     \t  case Clutter.ScrollDirection.SMOOTH:\n     \t    double delta_x, delta_y;\n     \t    event.get_scroll_delta(out delta_x, out delta_y);\n            //print(\"Scroll SMOOTH? by %f\\n\",  delta_y * event.y);\n            y += ((float)delta_y * event.y * -1.0f) /2 ;\n            y = float.max(bottompos, y);\n            y = float.min(0, y); // \n                       \n            break;\n        default:\n\t        print(\"scroll event = bad direction %s\\n\", dir.to_string());\n            return false;\n    }\n    // range of scroll -- can go up -- eg.. -ve value.\n    \n\n    \n   print(\"Set scroll to %f (lcb=%f / height = %f)\\n\", y, last_child_bottom, this.el.height);\n   \n    _this.filelayout.el.y = y;\n    return true;\n          \n}"
+     },
+     "# Gee.ArrayList<Xcls_fileitem> fileitems" : "new Gee.ArrayList<Xcls_fileitem>()",
+     "id" : "scroller",
+     "Clutter.ScrollMode scroll_mode" : "Clutter.ScrollMode.VERTICALLY",
+     "xtype" : "ScrollActor",
+     "* pack" : "add_child",
+     "# Gdk.Pixbuf missing_thumb_pixbuf" : "null",
+     "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+     "bool reactive" : true,
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "id" : "filelayout",
+       "* init" : "\nthis.el.add_constraint(\n    new Clutter.BindConstraint(_this.el,Clutter.BindCoordinate.SIZE, 0.0f)\n);\n\n ",
+       "xtype" : "Actor",
+       "* pack" : "add_child",
+       "$ reactive" : true,
+       "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "id" : "filelayout_manager",
+         "bool homogeneous" : false,
+         "$ orientation" : "Clutter.FlowOrientation.HORIZONTAL",
+         "xtype" : "FlowLayout",
+         "float max_column_width" : "100.0f",
+         "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+         "row_spacing" : 20,
+         "* prop" : "layout_manager",
+         "column_spacing" : 20
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "button_press_event" : "  (  event) => {\n;\n    return false;\n} ",
+          "enter_event" : "(  event)  => {\n    this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#333\");\n    this.title.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n    this.typetitle.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n    this.title.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n    this.typetitle.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n    \n        return false;\n}",
+          "leave_event" : "(  event)  => {\n    this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n     this.title.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n    this.typetitle.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n    this.title.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n    this.typetitle.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n   \n    \n    return false;\n}"
+         },
+         "id" : "*fileitem",
+         "* args" : "JsRender.JsRender file",
+         "* init" : "this.file = file;\nthis.el.set_size(100,100);",
+         "* pack" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Actor",
+         "# JsRender.JsRender file" : "",
+         "$ reactive" : true,
+         "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "spacing" : 4,
+           "xtype" : "BoxLayout",
+           "orientation" : "Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+           "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+           "* prop" : "layout_manager"
+          },
+          {
+           "$ margin_right" : 5,
+           "$ margin_top" : 5,
+           "id" : "+image",
+           "* args" : "JsRender.JsRender file",
+           "* init" : "{\n    Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf= null;\n    \n    var fname = file.getIconFileName(false);\n\n    try {\n        if (FileUtils.test(fname, FileTest.EXISTS)) {\n            pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file(fname);\n        } \n    } catch (Error e) {\n        // noop\n    \n    }\n    if (pixbuf == null) {\n        \n        try {\n            if (_this.missing_thumb_pixbuf == null) {\n                    var icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default ();\n                    _this.missing_thumb_pixbuf = icon_theme.load_icon (\"package-x-generic\", 92, 0);\n                    _this.missing_thumb_pixbuf.ref();\n                }\n                pixbuf = _this.missing_thumb_pixbuf;\n\n        } catch (Error e) {\n            // noop?\n        }\n    }\n    try {\n        var img = new Clutter.Image();\n        img.set_data(pixbuf.get_pixels(),   \n                            pixbuf.has_alpha \n                              ? Cogl.PixelFormat.RGBA_8888\n                              : Cogl.PixelFormat.RGB_888,\n                            pixbuf.get_width (),\n                pixbuf.get_height (),\n                            pixbuf.get_rowstride ()\n        );\n        this.el.set_content(img);\n    } catch (Error e) {\n        // noop?\n    }\n     // should probably do smarter scaling...\n    \n    \n    this.el.set_size(90, 70);\n}\n",
+           "* pack" : "add_child",
+           "xtype" : "Actor",
+           "bool x_expand" : false,
+           "$ y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START",
+           "$ margin_left" : 5,
+           "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+           "bool y_expand" : false,
+           "$ x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START"
+          },
+          {
+           "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 10px\", file.nickType(),  Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\"))",
+           "* args" : "JsRender.JsRender file",
+           "id" : "+typetitle",
+           "* pack" : "add_child",
+           "xtype" : "Text",
+           "bool x_expand" : false,
+           "$ y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START",
+           "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+           "bool y_expand" : false,
+           "$ x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START"
+          },
+          {
+           "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 10px\", file.nickName(),  Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\"))",
+           "* args" : "JsRender.JsRender file",
+           "id" : "+title",
+           "* pack" : "add_child",
+           "xtype" : "Text",
+           "bool x_expand" : false,
+           "$ y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START",
+           "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+           "bool y_expand" : false,
+           "$ x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "*folderitem",
+         "* args" : "string folderpath",
+         "* init" : " \n//this.el.set_size(100,100);",
+         "* pack" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Actor",
+         "$ reactive" : true,
+         "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "spacing" : 2,
+           "xtype" : "BoxLayout",
+           "orientation" : "Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+           "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+           "* prop" : "layout_manager"
+          },
+          {
+           "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans bold 14px\", GLib.Path.get_basename(folderpath),  Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\"))",
+           "id" : "+foldertitle",
+           "* args" : "string folderpath",
+           "$ x_expand" : true,
+           "* pack" : "add_child",
+           "xtype" : "Text",
+           "$ y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START",
+           "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+           "bool y_expand" : false,
+           "$ x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "button_press_event" : "  (  event) => {\n    \n   var f = JsRender.JsRender.factory(\"PlainFile\", _this.project, this.filepath);\n;\n    return false;\n} ",
+            "enter_event" : "(  event)  => {\n    this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n    this.el.color =  Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n        return false;\n}",
+            "leave_event" : "(  event)  => {\n    this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n     this.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\");\n    return false;\n}"
+           },
+           "* ctor" : "new Clutter.Text.full(\"Sans 10px\", GLib.Path.get_basename(filepath),  Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#fff\"))",
+           "* args" : "string filepath",
+           "id" : "*folderfile",
+           "* init" : "{\n\tthis.filepath = filepath;\n}\n",
+           "xtype" : "Text",
+           "bool x_expand" : true,
+           "Clutter.ActorAlign y_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START",
+           "string filepath" : "",
+           "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+           "bool reactive" : true,
+           "Clutter.ActorAlign x_align" : "Clutter.ActorAlign.START",
+           "bool y_expand" : true
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ClutterFiles.vala b/src/Builder4/ClutterFiles.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f10613d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+static Xcls_ClutterFiles  _ClutterFiles;
+public class Xcls_ClutterFiles : Object
+    public Clutter.Actor el;
+    private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+    public static Xcls_ClutterFiles singleton()
+    {
+        if (_ClutterFiles == null) {
+            _ClutterFiles= new Xcls_ClutterFiles();
+        }
+        return _ClutterFiles;
+    }
+    public Xcls_project_title project_title;
+    public Xcls_project_title_manager project_title_manager;
+    public Xcls_project_title_name project_title_name;
+    public Xcls_project_title_path project_title_path;
+    public Xcls_scroller scroller;
+    public Xcls_filelayout filelayout;
+    public Xcls_filelayout_manager filelayout_manager;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Clutter.ScrollMode scroll_mode;
+    public Gdk.Pixbuf missing_thumb_pixbuf;
+    public signal void open (JsRender.JsRender file);
+    public Project.Project project;
+    public Gee.ArrayList<Object> fileitems;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_ClutterFiles()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.scroll_mode = Clutter.ScrollMode.VERTICALLY;
+        this.missing_thumb_pixbuf = null;
+        this.fileitems = new Gee.ArrayList<Object>();
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.reactive = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_project_title( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_scroller( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.add_child (  child_1.el  );
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public  void clearFiles () {
+        this.filelayout.el.remove_all_children();
+        // we need to unref all the chidren that we loaded though...
+    }
+    public  void loadProject (Project.Project pr) {
+        // list all the files, and create new Xcls_fileitem for each one.
+        this.project = pr;
+        // LEAK --- we should unref all the chilren...
+        this.filelayout.el.y = 0;
+        this.clearFiles();
+        print("clutter files - load project: " + +"\n");
+        // should unref.. them hopefully.
+        this.project_title_name.el.text =;
+        this.project_title_path.el.text = pr.firstPath();
+        // file items contains a reference until we reload ...
+        this.fileitems = new Gee.ArrayList<Object>();
+        var fiter = pr.sortedFiles().list_iterator();
+        while ( {
+            var a = new Xcls_fileitem(this,fiter.get());
+            this.fileitems.add(a);
+    //        a.ref();
+            print("add to clutter file view: " + fiter.get().name + "\n");
+            this.filelayout.el.add_child(a.el);
+        }
+        // folders...
+        if (!(pr is Project.Gtk)) {
+            print ("not gtk... skipping files");
+            return;
+        }
+        var gpr = (Project.Gtk)pr;
+         var def = gpr.compilegroups.get("_default_");
+         var items  = def.sources;
+        for(var i =0 ; i < items.size; i++) {
+            print ("cheking folder %s\n", items.get(i));
+             var files = gpr.filesForOpen(items.get(i));
+             if (files.size < 1) {
+                continue;
+             }
+            // add the directory... items.get(i);
+            var x = new Xcls_folderitem(this,items.get(i));
+            this.fileitems.add(x);
+            this.filelayout.el.add_child(x.el);
+            for(var j =0 ; j < files.size; j++) {
+                print ("adding file %s\n", files.get(j));
+                var y = new Xcls_folderfile(this, files.get(j));
+                this.fileitems.add(y);
+                x.el.add_child(y.el);
+                // add file to files.get(j);
+            }
+            //this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.get(i) );
+        }
+    }
+    public  void set_size (float w, float h) 
+    {
+         // called by window resize... with is alreaddy -50 (for the buttons?)
+         if (this.el == null) {
+            print("object not ready yet?");
+            return;
+        }
+        print("recv width %f, filelayoutw = %f", w, w-200);
+        w = GLib.Math.floorf ( w/120.0f) * 120.0f;
+       //_this.filelayout_manager.el.max_column_width = w - 200;
+       _this.filelayout.el.width = w ;
+        this.el.set_size(
+               // this.el.get_stage().width-150,
+               w,
+               h  // this.el.get_stage().height
+        );
+        // 100 right for buttons ..
+        this.el.set_position(75,0);
+       this.scroller.el.set_size(
+               // this.el.get_stage().width-150,
+               w,
+               h  // this.el.get_stage().height
+        );
+        // 100 right for buttons ..
+        this.scroller.el.set_position(0,50);
+        // scroll...
+        _this.filelayout.el.y = 0.0f;
+    }
+    public class Xcls_project_title : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_project_title(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.project_title = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.reactive = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_project_title_manager( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.layout_manager = child_0.el;
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_FixedLayout4( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.layout_manager = child_1.el;
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_project_title_name( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_2.el  );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_project_title_path( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_3.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_constraint(
+                new Clutter.BindConstraint(_this.el,Clutter.BindCoordinate.SIZE, 0.0f)
+            );
+            this.el.set_position(0,0);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_project_title_manager : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.FlowLayout el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_project_title_manager(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.project_title_manager = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.FlowLayout( Clutter.FlowOrientation.HORIZONTAL );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            this.el.row_spacing = 5f;
+            this.el.column_spacing = 20f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_FixedLayout4 : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.FixedLayout el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_FixedLayout4(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.FixedLayout();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_project_title_name : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Text el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_project_title_name(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.project_title_name = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Text.full("Sans 20px", "",  Clutter.Color.from_string("#eee"));
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.x = 0.0f;
+            this.el.y = 10.0f;
+            this.el.x_expand = false;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_project_title_path : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Text el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_project_title_path(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.project_title_path = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Text.full("Sans 10px", "",  Clutter.Color.from_string("#ccc"));
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.x = 0.0f;
+            this.el.y = 35.0f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_scroller : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.ScrollActor el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public Gee.ArrayList<Xcls_fileitem> fileitems;
+        public Gdk.Pixbuf missing_thumb_pixbuf;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_scroller(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.scroller = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.ScrollActor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.fileitems = new Gee.ArrayList<Xcls_fileitem>();
+            this.missing_thumb_pixbuf = null;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.scroll_mode = Clutter.ScrollMode.VERTICALLY;
+            this.el.reactive = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_filelayout( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.scroll_event.connect( ( event) => {
+                print("scroll event\n");
+                var y = _this.filelayout.el.y;
+                var dir = event.direction;
+                var last_child_bottom = _this.filelayout.el.last_child.y +  _this.filelayout.el.last_child.height;
+                var bottompos = -1 * (  last_child_bottom - (0.5f * this.el.height));
+                switch (dir) {
+                    case Clutter.ScrollDirection.UP:
+                        print("Scroll up by %f\n", event.y);
+                        y += event.y /2;
+                        y = float.min(0, y); // 
+                        break;
+                    case Clutter.ScrollDirection.DOWN:
+                        print("Scroll down by %f\n", event.y);
+                        y -= event.y /2 ;
+                        y = float.max(bottompos, y);
+                        break;
+                         case Clutter.ScrollDirection.SMOOTH:
+                           double delta_x, delta_y;
+                           event.get_scroll_delta(out delta_x, out delta_y);
+                        //print("Scroll SMOOTH? by %f\n",  delta_y * event.y);
+                        y += ((float)delta_y * event.y * -1.0f) /2 ;
+                        y = float.max(bottompos, y);
+                        y = float.min(0, y); // 
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                       print("scroll event = bad direction %s\n", dir.to_string());
+                        return false;
+                }
+                // range of scroll -- can go up -- eg.. -ve value.
+               print("Set scroll to %f (lcb=%f / height = %f)\n", y, last_child_bottom, this.el.height);
+                _this.filelayout.el.y = y;
+                return true;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_filelayout : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_filelayout(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.filelayout = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.reactive = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_filelayout_manager( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.layout_manager = child_0.el;
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_constraint(
+                new Clutter.BindConstraint(_this.el,Clutter.BindCoordinate.SIZE, 0.0f)
+            );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_filelayout_manager : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.FlowLayout el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_filelayout_manager(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.filelayout_manager = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.FlowLayout( Clutter.FlowOrientation.HORIZONTAL );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            this.el.max_column_width = 100.0f;
+            this.el.row_spacing = 20f;
+            this.el.column_spacing = 20f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_fileitem : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public JsRender.JsRender file;
+        public Xcls_image image;
+        public Xcls_typetitle typetitle;
+        public Xcls_title title;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_fileitem(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner , JsRender.JsRender file)
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.reactive = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_BoxLayout11( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.layout_manager = child_0.el;
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_image( _this ,file);
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_1.el  );
+            this.image =  child_1;
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_typetitle( _this ,file);
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_2.el  );
+            this.typetitle =  child_2;
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_title( _this ,file);
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_3.el  );
+            this.title =  child_3;
+            // init method
+            this.file = file;
+            this.el.set_size(100,100);
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( (  event) => {
+      ;
+                return false;
+            });
+            this.el.enter_event.connect( (  event)  => {
+                this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#333");
+                this.title.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff");
+                this.typetitle.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff");
+                this.title.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#000");
+                this.typetitle.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#000");
+                    return false;
+            });
+            this.el.leave_event.connect( (  event)  => {
+                this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#000");
+                 this.title.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#000");
+                this.typetitle.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#000");
+                this.title.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff");
+                this.typetitle.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff");
+                return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_BoxLayout11 : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.BoxLayout el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_BoxLayout11(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.BoxLayout();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.spacing = 4;
+            this.el.orientation = Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_image : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_image(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner , JsRender.JsRender file)
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin_right = 5f;
+            this.el.margin_left = 5f;
+            this.el.x_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.x_expand = false;
+            this.el.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.margin_top = 5f;
+            this.el.y_expand = false;
+            // init method
+            {
+                Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf= null;
+                var fname = file.getIconFileName(false);
+                try {
+                    if (FileUtils.test(fname, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                        pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file(fname);
+                    } 
+                } catch (Error e) {
+                    // noop
+                }
+                if (pixbuf == null) {
+                    try {
+                        if (_this.missing_thumb_pixbuf == null) {
+                                var icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default ();
+                                _this.missing_thumb_pixbuf = icon_theme.load_icon ("package-x-generic", 92, 0);
+                                _this.missing_thumb_pixbuf.ref();
+                            }
+                            pixbuf = _this.missing_thumb_pixbuf;
+                    } catch (Error e) {
+                        // noop?
+                    }
+                }
+                try {
+                    var img = new Clutter.Image();
+                    img.set_data(pixbuf.get_pixels(),   
+                                        pixbuf.has_alpha 
+                                          ? Cogl.PixelFormat.RGBA_8888
+                                          : Cogl.PixelFormat.RGB_888,
+                                        pixbuf.get_width (),
+                            pixbuf.get_height (),
+                                        pixbuf.get_rowstride ()
+                    );
+                    this.el.set_content(img);
+                } catch (Error e) {
+                    // noop?
+                }
+                 // should probably do smarter scaling...
+                this.el.set_size(90, 70);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_typetitle : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Text el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_typetitle(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner , JsRender.JsRender file)
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Text.full("Sans 10px", file.nickType(),  Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff"));
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.x_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.x_expand = false;
+            this.el.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.y_expand = false;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_title : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Text el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_title(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner , JsRender.JsRender file)
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Text.full("Sans 10px", file.nickName(),  Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff"));
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.x_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.x_expand = false;
+            this.el.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.y_expand = false;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_folderitem : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public Xcls_foldertitle foldertitle;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_folderitem(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner , string folderpath)
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.reactive = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_BoxLayout16( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.layout_manager = child_0.el;
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_foldertitle( _this ,folderpath);
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_1.el  );
+            this.foldertitle =  child_1;
+            // init method
+            //this.el.set_size(100,100);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_BoxLayout16 : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.BoxLayout el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_BoxLayout16(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.BoxLayout();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.spacing = 2;
+            this.el.orientation = Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_foldertitle : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Text el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_foldertitle(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner , string folderpath)
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Text.full("Sans bold 14px", GLib.Path.get_basename(folderpath),  Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff"));
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.x_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.x_expand = true;
+            this.el.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.y_expand = false;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_folderfile : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Text el;
+        private Xcls_ClutterFiles  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public string filepath;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_folderfile(Xcls_ClutterFiles _owner , string filepath)
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Text.full("Sans 10px", GLib.Path.get_basename(filepath),  Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff"));
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.x_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.x_expand = true;
+            this.el.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START;
+            this.el.reactive = true;
+            this.el.y_expand = true;
+            // init method
+            {
+               this.filepath = filepath;
+            }
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( (  event) => {
+               var f = JsRender.JsRender.factory("PlainFile", _this.project, this.filepath);
+      ;
+                return false;
+            });
+            this.el.enter_event.connect( (  event)  => {
+                this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff");
+                this.el.color =  Clutter.Color.from_string("#000");
+                    return false;
+            });
+            this.el.leave_event.connect( (  event)  => {
+                this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#000");
+                 this.el.color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#fff");
+                return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/CompileState.vala b/src/Builder4/CompileState.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4a81482
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * handle the compile state 
+ * 
+ * when the app tries to compile the application, it will output information
+ * about errors/warnings and depricated information.
+ * 
+ * This has a number of effects..
+ * 
+ * - when it compiles
+ *  -- if any of the errors// etc.. are affecting the current open file
+ *     then we should flag the tree indicating which node has a problem
+ * 
+ *  -- update the footer bar to show stats (eg. how many errors etc..)
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * - when you open a file
+ *   - if there are any notices for that file, then we should flag the tree
+ *    to show the errors.
+ * 
+ *  
+ * 
+ */
+public class CompileState : Object 
+       public Xcls_MainWindow win;
+       public enum State {
+               NONE,
+               PREVIEW,
+               OBJECT,
+               PROP,
+               LISTENER,
+               CODE,
+               FILES,
+               PROJECT // project settings..
+       }
+       public State state = State.NONE;
+       public bool children_loaded = false;
+       public X
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogConfirm.bjs b/src/Builder4/DialogConfirm.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..69d8d87
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "name" : "DialogConfirm",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/DialogConfirm.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "delete_event" : " (event) => {\n    this.el.response(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);\n    this.el.hide();\n    return true;\n    \n}\n \n\n\n"
+   },
+   "$ message_type" : "Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION",
+   "text" : "Tests",
+   "title" : "Please Confirm d",
+   "xtype" : "MessageDialog",
+   "$ modal" : true,
+   "|   int show" : "  (string title, string msg) {\n     //if (!this.el) { this.init(); } \n     //this.success = success;\n     this.el.title = title;\n    this.el.text =  msg;\n    this.el.show_all();\n    var ret =;\n    //print(\"ret got %d\", ret);\n    this.el.hide();\n    return ret;\n    \n\n}\n \n\n\n\n",
+   "$ buttons" : "Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "flags" : "Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL",
+   "$ use_markup" : true,
+   "name" : "DialogConfirm"
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogConfirm.vala b/src/Builder4/DialogConfirm.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8b940e0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+static DialogConfirm  _DialogConfirm;
+public class DialogConfirm : Object 
+    public Gtk.MessageDialog el;
+    private DialogConfirm  _this;
+    public static DialogConfirm singleton()
+    {
+        if (_DialogConfirm == null) {
+            _DialogConfirm= new DialogConfirm();
+        }
+        return _DialogConfirm;
+    }
+        // my vars (def)
+    // ctor 
+    public DialogConfirm()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.MessageDialog( null, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, "Tests", null );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.title = "Please Confirm d";
+ = "DialogConfirm";
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        this.el.use_markup = true;
+        // listeners 
+        this.el.delete_event.connect( (event) => {
+            this.el.response(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
+            this.el.hide();
+            return true;
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions 
+    public   int show (string title, string msg) {
+         //if (!this.el) { this.init(); } 
+         //this.success = success;
+         this.el.title = title;
+        this.el.text =  msg;
+        this.el.show_all();
+        var ret =;
+        //print("ret got %d", ret);
+        this.el.hide();
+        return ret;
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogNewComponent.bjs b/src/Builder4/DialogNewComponent.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..07f0445
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ "name" : "DialogNewComponent",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/DialogNewComponent.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "delete_event" : "(self, event) => {\n    this.el.hide();\n    return true; \n    //test  \n}\n ",
+    "response" : " (self, response_id) =>  { \n  \n\tif (response_id < 1) { // cancel!\n            this.el.hide();\n            return;\n        }\n\n\n\n        if (  < 1) {\n  \n                this.el,\n                \"You have to set Component name \"\n            );\n             \n            return;\n        }\n        // what does this do?\n        \n        var isNew =  > 0 ? false : true;\n        /*\n        if (!isNew && != {\n            Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n                this.el,\n                \"Sorry changing names does not work yet. \"\n            );\n             \n            return;\n        }\n        */\n         \n        \n      \n        // FIXME - this may be more complicated...\n        //for (var i in this.def) {\n        //    this.file[i] =  this.get(i).el.get_text();\n        //}\n\n        if (!isNew) {\n            try {\n                 this.updateFileFromEntry();\n             } catch( JsRender.Error.RENAME_FILE_EXISTS er) {\n                  Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n                    this.el,\n                    \"The name you used already exists \"\n                );\n                return;\n                 \n             }\n                                                        \n        \n  ;\n            this.el.hide();\n            return;\n        }\n        var fn =;\n        var dir = _this.project.firstPath();\n       \n        if (GLib.FileUtils.test(dir + \"/\" + fn + \".bjs\", GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {\n            Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n                this.el,\n                \"That file already exists\"\n            ); \n            return;\n        }\n       \n       var f =  JsRender.JsRender.factory(\n                _this.file.project.xtype,  \n                _this.file.project, \n                dir + \"/\" + fn + \".bjs\");\n\n        _this.file = f;\n        \n\n        \n        this.updateFileFromEntry();\n;\n        _this.file.project.addFile(_this.file);\n        \n\t \n        // what about .js ?\n       \n        this.el.hide();\n        \n        \n        //var tmpl = this.project.loadFileOnly(DialogNewComponent.get('template').getValue());\n         \n        //var nf = _this.project.create(dir + \"/\" + + \".bjs\");\n        //for (var i in this.file) {\n        //    nf[i] = this.file[i];\n        //}\n        _this.success(_this.project, _this.file);\n        /*\n\n        -- fixme -- needs to be a signal..\n        if (DialogNewComponent.success != null) {\n            DialogNewComponent.success(_this.project, nf);\n        }\n        */\n}",
+    "show" : "(self)  => {\n  this.el.show_all();\n  //test\n}"
+   },
+   "|   void updateFileFromEntry" : "() {\n\n        _this.file.title = _this.title.el.get_text();\n        _this.file.region = _this.region.el.get_text();            \n        _this.file.parent = _this.parent.el.get_text();                        \n        _this.file.permname = _this.permname.el.get_text();                                    \n        _this.file.modOrder = _this.modOrder.el.get_text();\n        \n        if (  > 0 && != {\n            _this.file.renameTo(;\n        }\n        // store the module...\n        _this.file.build_module = \"\";        \n         Gtk.TreeIter iter; \n        if (_this.build_module.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {\n             Value vfname;\n             this.dbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);\n             if (((string)vfname).length > 0) {\n                 _this.file.build_module = (string)vfname;\n             }\n    \n        }\n        \n        \n\n                                                    \n}    ",
+   "id" : "DialogNewComponent",
+   "@ void success" : "(Project.Project pr, JsRender.JsRender file)",
+   "default_width" : 500,
+   "$ deletable" : true,
+   "# Project.Project project" : "",
+   "title" : "New Component",
+   "xtype" : "Dialog",
+   "|   void show" : "(JsRender.JsRender c) \n{\n    this.project = c.project;\n    \n    //if (!this.el) {\n        //this.init();\n     //}\n    \n;\n    _this.title.el.set_text(c.title);\n    _this.parent.el.set_text(c.parent);    \n    _this.region.el.set_text(c.region);\n    _this.modOrder.el.set_text(c.modOrder);\n     _this.permname.el.set_text(c.permname);\n    \n    if (c.path.length > 0) {\n        this.el.set_title(\"Edit File Details - \" +;\n    } else {\n        this.el.set_title(\"Create New File\");\n    }\n    \n     var ar = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();\n     _this.dbmodel.loadData(ar,\"\");\n    // load the modules... if relivant..\n    if (this.project.xtype == \"Gtk\") {\n        var p = (Project.Gtk)c.project;\n          var cg = p.compilegroups;\n\n        var iter = cg.map_iterator();\n       while( {\n            var key = iter.get_key();\n            if (key == \"_default_\") {\n                continue;\n            }\n            ar.add(key);\n        };\n        _this.dbmodel.loadData(ar, c.build_module);\n\n    }\n    \n     \n    _this.file = c;\n    //console.log('show all');\n    this.el.show_all();\n    \n    //this.success = c.success;\n    \n    \n}",
+   "# JsRender.JsRender file" : "null",
+   "default_height" : 200,
+   "$ modal" : true,
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "xtype" : "VBox",
+     "$ pack" : "get_content_area().add",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+       "xtype" : "Table",
+       "n_columns" : 2,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "n_rows" : 3,
+       "$ homogeneous" : true,
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "label" : "Component Name",
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,0,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "name",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,0,1",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Title",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,1,2",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "title",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,1,2",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Region",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "tooltip_text" : "center, north, south, east, west",
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,2,3",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "region",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,2,3",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Parent Name",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,3,4",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "parent",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,3,4",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Permission Name",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,4,5",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "permname",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,4,5",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Order (for tabs)",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,5,6",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "modOrder",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,5,6",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Module to build (Vala only)",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,6,7",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "build_module",
+         "* init" : "this.el.add_attribute(_this.dbcellrenderer.el , \"markup\", 1 );",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,6,7",
+         "xtype" : "ComboBox",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "dbcellrenderer",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "dbmodel",
+           "xtype" : "ListStore",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string)",
+           "n_columns" : 2,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "| void loadData" : "  (Gee.ArrayList<string> data, string cur) {\n    this.el.clear();                                    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    var el = this.el;\n    \n   /// el.append(out iter);\n    \n     \n   // el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n   // el.set_value(iter, 1, \"aaa  - Just add Element - aaa\");\n\n    el.append(out iter);\n\n    \n    el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n    el.set_value(iter, 1, \"-- select a module --\");\n    _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n    \n    for (var i = 0; i < data.size;i++) {\n    \n\n        el.append(out iter);\n        \n        el.set_value(iter, 0, data.get(i));\n        el.set_value(iter, 1, data.get(i));\n        \n        if (data.get(i) == cur) {\n            _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n        }\n        \n    }\n     this.el.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          \n                                     \n}\n"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "Cancel",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,0",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "OK",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,1",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogNewComponent.vala b/src/Builder4/DialogNewComponent.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ff65b70
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+static Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _DialogNewComponent;
+public class Xcls_DialogNewComponent : Object 
+    public Gtk.Dialog el;
+    private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+    public static Xcls_DialogNewComponent singleton()
+    {
+        if (_DialogNewComponent == null) {
+            _DialogNewComponent= new Xcls_DialogNewComponent();
+        }
+        return _DialogNewComponent;
+    }
+    public Xcls_name name;
+    public Xcls_title title;
+    public Xcls_region region;
+    public Xcls_parent parent;
+    public Xcls_permname permname;
+    public Xcls_modOrder modOrder;
+    public Xcls_build_module build_module;
+    public Xcls_dbcellrenderer dbcellrenderer;
+    public Xcls_dbmodel dbmodel;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public signal void success (Project.Project pr, JsRender.JsRender file);
+    public Project.Project project;
+    public JsRender.JsRender file;
+    // ctor 
+    public Xcls_DialogNewComponent()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Dialog();
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.file = null;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.title = "New Component";
+        this.el.default_height = 200;
+        this.el.default_width = 500;
+        this.el.deletable = true;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_VBox2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.get_content_area().add (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_Button20( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_1.el , 0 );
+        var child_2 = new Xcls_Button21( _this );
+        child_2.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_2.el , 1 );
+        // listeners 
+        this.el.delete_event.connect( (self, event) => {
+            this.el.hide();
+            return true; 
+            //test  
+        });
+        this.el.response.connect( (self, response_id) =>  { 
+               if (response_id < 1) { // cancel!
+                    this.el.hide();
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (  < 1) {
+                        this.el,
+                        "You have to set Component name "
+                    );
+                    return;
+                }
+                // what does this do?
+                var isNew =  > 0 ? false : true;
+                /*
+                if (!isNew && != {
+                    Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                        this.el,
+                        "Sorry changing names does not work yet. "
+                    );
+                    return;
+                }
+                */
+                // FIXME - this may be more complicated...
+                //for (var i in this.def) {
+                //    this.file[i] =  this.get(i).el.get_text();
+                //}
+                if (!isNew) {
+                    try {
+                         this.updateFileFromEntry();
+                     } catch( JsRender.Error.RENAME_FILE_EXISTS er) {
+                          Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                            this.el,
+                            "The name you used already exists "
+                        );
+                        return;
+                     }
+          ;
+                    this.el.hide();
+                    return;
+                }
+                var fn =;
+                var dir = _this.project.firstPath();
+                if (GLib.FileUtils.test(dir + "/" + fn + ".bjs", GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                    Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                        this.el,
+                        "That file already exists"
+                    ); 
+                    return;
+                }
+               var f =  JsRender.JsRender.factory(
+                        _this.file.project.xtype,  
+                        _this.file.project, 
+                        dir + "/" + fn + ".bjs");
+                _this.file = f;
+                this.updateFileFromEntry();
+      ;
+                _this.file.project.addFile(_this.file);
+                // what about .js ?
+                this.el.hide();
+                //var tmpl = this.project.loadFileOnly(DialogNewComponent.get('template').getValue());
+                //var nf = _this.project.create(dir + "/" + + ".bjs");
+                //for (var i in this.file) {
+                //    nf[i] = this.file[i];
+                //}
+                _this.success(_this.project, _this.file);
+                /*
+                -- fixme -- needs to be a signal..
+                if (DialogNewComponent.success != null) {
+                    DialogNewComponent.success(_this.project, nf);
+                }
+                */
+        });
+ (self)  => {
+          this.el.show_all();
+          //test
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions 
+    public   void updateFileFromEntry () {
+            _this.file.title = _this.title.el.get_text();
+            _this.file.region = _this.region.el.get_text();            
+            _this.file.parent = _this.parent.el.get_text();                        
+            _this.file.permname = _this.permname.el.get_text();                                    
+            _this.file.modOrder = _this.modOrder.el.get_text();
+            if (  > 0 && != {
+                _this.file.renameTo(;
+            }
+            // store the module...
+            _this.file.build_module = "";        
+             Gtk.TreeIter iter; 
+            if (_this.build_module.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {
+                 Value vfname;
+                 this.dbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);
+                 if (((string)vfname).length > 0) {
+                     _this.file.build_module = (string)vfname;
+                 }
+            }
+    }
+    public   void show (JsRender.JsRender c) 
+    {
+        this.project = c.project;
+        //if (!this.el) {
+            //this.init();
+         //}
+        _this.title.el.set_text(c.title);
+        _this.parent.el.set_text(c.parent);    
+        _this.region.el.set_text(c.region);
+        _this.modOrder.el.set_text(c.modOrder);
+         _this.permname.el.set_text(c.permname);
+        if (c.path.length > 0) {
+            this.el.set_title("Edit File Details - " +;
+        } else {
+            this.el.set_title("Create New File");
+        }
+         var ar = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+         _this.dbmodel.loadData(ar,"");
+        // load the modules... if relivant..
+        if (this.project.xtype == "Gtk") {
+            var p = (Project.Gtk)c.project;
+              var cg = p.compilegroups;
+            var iter = cg.map_iterator();
+           while( {
+                var key = iter.get_key();
+                if (key == "_default_") {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                ar.add(key);
+            };
+            _this.dbmodel.loadData(ar, c.build_module);
+        }
+        _this.file = c;
+        //console.log('show all');
+        this.el.show_all();
+        //this.success = c.success;
+    }
+    public class Xcls_VBox2 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.VBox el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_VBox2(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.VBox( true, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Table3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Table3 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Table el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Table3(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Table( 3, 2, true );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label4( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_0.el , 0,1,0,1 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_name( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_1.el , 1,2,0,1 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Label6( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_2.el , 0,1,1,2 );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_title( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_3.el , 1,2,1,2 );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_Label8( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_4.el , 0,1,2,3 );
+            var child_5 = new Xcls_region( _this );
+            child_5.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_5.el , 1,2,2,3 );
+            var child_6 = new Xcls_Label10( _this );
+            child_6.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_6.el , 0,1,3,4 );
+            var child_7 = new Xcls_parent( _this );
+            child_7.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_7.el , 1,2,3,4 );
+            var child_8 = new Xcls_Label12( _this );
+            child_8.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_8.el , 0,1,4,5 );
+            var child_9 = new Xcls_permname( _this );
+            child_9.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_9.el , 1,2,4,5 );
+            var child_10 = new Xcls_Label14( _this );
+            child_10.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_10.el , 0,1,5,6 );
+            var child_11 = new Xcls_modOrder( _this );
+            child_11.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_11.el , 1,2,5,6 );
+            var child_12 = new Xcls_Label16( _this );
+            child_12.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_12.el , 0,1,6,7 );
+            var child_13 = new Xcls_build_module( _this );
+            child_13.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_13.el , 1,2,6,7 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label4 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label4(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Component Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_name : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_name(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+   = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label6 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label6(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Title" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_title : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_title(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.title = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label8 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label8(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Region" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "center, north, south, east, west";
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_region : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_region(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.region = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label10 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label10(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Parent Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_parent : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_parent(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.parent = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label12 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label12(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Permission Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_permname : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_permname(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.permname = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label14 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label14(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Order (for tabs)" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_modOrder : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_modOrder(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.modOrder = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label16 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label16(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Module to build (Vala only)" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_build_module : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.ComboBox el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_build_module(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.build_module = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ComboBox();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_dbcellrenderer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_dbmodel( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method 
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.dbcellrenderer.el , "markup", 1 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dbcellrenderer : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_dbcellrenderer(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dbcellrenderer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dbmodel : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_dbmodel(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dbmodel = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string),typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+        public void loadData (Gee.ArrayList<string> data, string cur) {
+            this.el.clear();                                    
+            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            var el = this.el;
+           /// el.append(out iter);
+           // el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+           // el.set_value(iter, 1, "aaa  - Just add Element - aaa");
+            el.append(out iter);
+            el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+            el.set_value(iter, 1, "-- select a module --");
+            _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+            for (var i = 0; i < data.size;i++) {
+                el.append(out iter);
+                el.set_value(iter, 0, data.get(i));
+                el.set_value(iter, 1, data.get(i));
+                if (data.get(i) == cur) {
+                    _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+                }
+            }
+             this.el.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button20 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Button20(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Cancel";
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button21 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_DialogNewComponent  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Button21(Xcls_DialogNewComponent _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "OK";
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogPluginWebkit.bjs b/src/Builder4/DialogPluginWebkit.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..39c559e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "name" : "DialogPluginWebkit",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/DialogPluginWebkit.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "delete_event" : "(self, event) => {\n    this.el.hide();\n    return true; \n    //test  \n} \n  "
+   },
+   "string tmpjs" : "",
+   "id" : "DialogPluginWebkit",
+   "utf8 title" : "Add / Edit Component",
+   "gint default_height" : 500,
+   "gboolean deletable" : true,
+   "xtype" : "Dialog",
+   "| string show" : " (Gtk.Window ?parent, Project.Project project, string cls, string tbl) {// JsRender.Node node) {\n \n    if (parent  != null) {\n        this.el.set_transient_for(parent);\n        this.el.modal = true;\n    }\n    this.result_json = \"\";\n     var  db = project.roo_database;\n     \n    \n     this.el.show_all();\n     var   ret = \"\";\n     while (true) {\n    \n        var runhtml = \"<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\">\\n\" ;\n        string builderhtml;\n        \n        try {\n            GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/roo.builder.js\", out builderhtml);\n        } catch (Error e) {\n            builderhtml = \"\";\n        }\n        \n\n        runhtml += builderhtml + \"\\n\";\n        \n        \n        runhtml += \"\\n\" +\n            \"Builder.saveHTML = function() {};\\n\" + \n\t    \"Roo.onReady(function() {\\n\" +\n\n\t    \";\\n\" +\n\t    \"});\\n\";\n\t\n\t\n        \n\n        var ar = db.readForeignKeys(tbl);\n        var  generator = new Json.Generator ();\n        var  root = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);\n        root.init_object(ar);\n        generator.set_root (root);\n        \n        generator.pretty = true;\n        generator.indent = 4;\n        \n        runhtml += \"\\n\" +\n        \" Roo.XComponent.on('buildcomplete', function() {\\n\" +\n         \"    Editor.\" + cls + \".panel.loadData(\" + generator.to_data (null) + \"); \" +\n        \"});\\n\";\n\n        \n\t\n\t\n\n        runhtml += \"</script>\\n\" ;\n\n        print(runhtml);\n        // fix to make sure they are the same..\n        \n        // need to modify paths\n\n        string inhtml;\n        try {\n            GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(\n                BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/roo.builder.html\"\n                    , out inhtml);\n        \n        } catch (Error e) {\n            inhtml = \"\";\n        }\n        // fetch the json from the database...\n        \n        //print(runhtml);\n        \n        var html = inhtml.replace(\"</head>\", runhtml + // + this.runhtml + \n            \"<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\" src=\\\"resources://localhost/Editors/Editor.\" + cls + \".js\\\"></script>\" + \n      \n                        \n        \"</head>\");\n        //print(\"LOAD HTML \" + html);\n        \n         //var rootURL = _this.file.project.rootURL;\n   \n        \n        \n        this.webview.el.load_html( html , \n            //fixme - should be a config option!\n            \"xhttp://localhost/app.Builder.js/\"\n        );\n    \n        \n    \n   \n         var response_id =;\n        \n         if (response_id == 1) { // OK...\n             var loop = new MainLoop();\n             // run toBJS to get the data... (calls back into alert handler)\n                _this.result_json = \"\";\n                 this.webview.el.run_javascript.begin(\"Editor.\" + cls + \".panel.toBJS();\", null, (obj, res) => {\n                     try {\n                        this.webview.el.run_javascript.end(res);\n                    } catch(Error e) {\n                \n                     }\n                     loop.quit();\n                 });\n       ;\n                 ret = _this.result_json;\n                 \n             \n    //           print(\"LOOP END?\");\n             // try and get the resopse...\n            break;\n         }\n        if (response_id < 1) {\n            this.el.hide();\n             return \"\";\n        }\n        // keep showing...?\n        continue;\n    }\n    \n    // now we save it..\n    this.el.hide();\n    \n    return ret;\n    \n    \n    \n}\n",
+   "| bool has_plugin" : "(string cls) {\n\n     return GLib.FileUtils.test(\n            BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/Editors/Editor.\" + cls + \".js\",\n            GLib.FileTest.IS_REGULAR\n      );\n    \n\n\n}\n",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "gint default_width" : 750,
+   "gboolean modal" : true,
+   "string result_json" : "",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ pack" : "get_content_area().add",
+     "gboolean homogeneous" : false,
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "* init" : "  this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n \n",
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,true,3",
+       "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+       "gboolean expand" : true,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "script_dialog" : " (dialog) => {\n    if (this.el == null) {\n        return true;\n    }\n    \n     var msg = dialog.get_message();\n     if (msg.length < 4) {\n        return false;\n     }\n     if (msg.substring(0,4) != \"IPC:\") {\n         return false;\n     }\n     var ar = msg.split(\":\", 3);\n    if (ar.length < 3) {\n        return false;\n    }\n    print(\"CMD: %s\\n\",ar[1]);\n    print(\"ARGS: %s\\n\",ar[2]);\n    switch(ar[1]) {\n    \n        case \"SAVEHTML\":\n            // print(\"%sw\",ar[2]);\n            //  _this.file.saveHTML(ar[2]);\n            return true;\n            \n        case \"OUT\":\n            _this.result_json = ar[2];\n            return true;\n            \n        default:\n            return true;\n    }\n    \n}"
+         },
+         "id" : "webview",
+         "* init" : " {\n    // this may not work!?\n    var settings =  this.el.get_settings();\n    settings.enable_write_console_messages_to_stdout = true;\n     \n    var fs= new FakeServer(this.el);\n    fs.ref();\n    // this was an attempt to change the url perms.. did not work..\n    // settings.enable_file_access_from_file_uris = true;\n    // settings.enable_offline_web_application_cache - true;\n    // settings.enable_universal_access_from_file_uris = true;\n   \n     \n    \n    \n    \n\n     // FIXME - base url of script..\n     // we need it so some of the database features work.\n    this.el.load_html( \"Render not ready\" , \n            //fixme - should be a config option!\n            // or should we catch stuff and fix it up..\n            \"xhttp://localhost/app.Builder/\"\n    );\n        \n        \n    \n    \n}\n",
+         "xtype" : "WebView",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "$ xns" : "WebKit"
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "Reload",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,3",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "Cancel",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,0",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "OK",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,1",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogPluginWebkit.vala b/src/Builder4/DialogPluginWebkit.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e4c46f4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+static Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit  _DialogPluginWebkit;
+public class Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit : Object
+    public Gtk.Dialog el;
+    private Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit  _this;
+    public static Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit singleton()
+    {
+        if (_DialogPluginWebkit == null) {
+            _DialogPluginWebkit= new Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit();
+        }
+        return _DialogPluginWebkit;
+    }
+    public Xcls_webview webview;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public string tmpjs;
+    public string result_json;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Dialog();
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.title = "Add / Edit Component";
+        this.el.default_height = 500;
+        this.el.default_width = 750;
+        this.el.deletable = true;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.get_content_area().add (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_Button5( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_1.el , 3 );
+        var child_2 = new Xcls_Button6( _this );
+        child_2.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_2.el , 0 );
+        var child_3 = new Xcls_Button7( _this );
+        child_3.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_3.el , 1 );
+        //listeners
+        this.el.delete_event.connect( (self, event) => {
+            this.el.hide();
+            return true; 
+            //test  
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public string show (Gtk.Window ?parent, Project.Project project, string cls, string tbl) {// JsRender.Node node) {
+        if (parent  != null) {
+            this.el.set_transient_for(parent);
+            this.el.modal = true;
+        }
+        this.result_json = "";
+         var  db = project.roo_database;
+         this.el.show_all();
+         var   ret = "";
+         while (true) {
+            var runhtml = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" ;
+            string builderhtml;
+            try {
+                GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/roo.builder.js", out builderhtml);
+            } catch (Error e) {
+                builderhtml = "";
+            }
+            runhtml += builderhtml + "\n";
+            runhtml += "\n" +
+                "Builder.saveHTML = function() {};\n" + 
+           "Roo.onReady(function() {\n" +
+           ";\n" +
+           "});\n";
+            var ar = db.readForeignKeys(tbl);
+            var  generator = new Json.Generator ();
+            var  root = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+            root.init_object(ar);
+            generator.set_root (root);
+            generator.pretty = true;
+            generator.indent = 4;
+            runhtml += "\n" +
+            " Roo.XComponent.on('buildcomplete', function() {\n" +
+             "    Editor." + cls + ".panel.loadData(" + generator.to_data (null) + "); " +
+            "});\n";
+            runhtml += "</script>\n" ;
+            print(runhtml);
+            // fix to make sure they are the same..
+            // need to modify paths
+            string inhtml;
+            try {
+                GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(
+                    BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/roo.builder.html"
+                        , out inhtml);
+            } catch (Error e) {
+                inhtml = "";
+            }
+            // fetch the json from the database...
+            //print(runhtml);
+            var html = inhtml.replace("</head>", runhtml + // + this.runhtml + 
+                "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"resources://localhost/Editors/Editor." + cls + ".js\"></script>" + 
+            "</head>");
+            //print("LOAD HTML " + html);
+             //var rootURL = _this.file.project.rootURL;
+            this.webview.el.load_html( html , 
+                //fixme - should be a config option!
+                "xhttp://localhost/app.Builder.js/"
+            );
+             var response_id =;
+             if (response_id == 1) { // OK...
+                 var loop = new MainLoop();
+                 // run toBJS to get the data... (calls back into alert handler)
+                    _this.result_json = "";
+                     this.webview.el.run_javascript.begin("Editor." + cls + ".panel.toBJS();", null, (obj, res) => {
+                         try {
+                            this.webview.el.run_javascript.end(res);
+                        } catch(Error e) {
+                         }
+                         loop.quit();
+                     });
+           ;
+                     ret = _this.result_json;
+        //           print("LOOP END?");
+                 // try and get the resopse...
+                break;
+             }
+            if (response_id < 1) {
+                this.el.hide();
+                 return "";
+            }
+            // keep showing...?
+            continue;
+        }
+        // now we save it..
+        this.el.hide();
+        return ret;
+    }
+    public bool has_plugin (string cls) {
+         return GLib.FileUtils.test(
+                BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/Editors/Editor." + cls + ".js",
+                GLib.FileTest.IS_REGULAR
+          );
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,true,3 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow3(Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.expand = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_webview( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_webview : Object
+    {
+        public WebKit.WebView el;
+        private Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_webview(Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.webview = this;
+            this.el = new WebKit.WebView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            {
+                // this may not work!?
+                var settings =  this.el.get_settings();
+                settings.enable_write_console_messages_to_stdout = true;
+                var fs= new FakeServer(this.el);
+                fs.ref();
+                // this was an attempt to change the url perms.. did not work..
+                // settings.enable_file_access_from_file_uris = true;
+                // settings.enable_offline_web_application_cache - true;
+                // settings.enable_universal_access_from_file_uris = true;
+                 // FIXME - base url of script..
+                 // we need it so some of the database features work.
+                this.el.load_html( "Render not ready" , 
+                        //fixme - should be a config option!
+                        // or should we catch stuff and fix it up..
+                        "xhttp://localhost/app.Builder/"
+                );
+            }
+            //listeners
+            this.el.script_dialog.connect( (dialog) => {
+                if (this.el == null) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                 var msg = dialog.get_message();
+                 if (msg.length < 4) {
+                    return false;
+                 }
+                 if (msg.substring(0,4) != "IPC:") {
+                     return false;
+                 }
+                 var ar = msg.split(":", 3);
+                if (ar.length < 3) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                print("CMD: %s\n",ar[1]);
+                print("ARGS: %s\n",ar[2]);
+                switch(ar[1]) {
+                    case "SAVEHTML":
+                        // print("%sw",ar[2]);
+                        //  _this.file.saveHTML(ar[2]);
+                        return true;
+                    case "OUT":
+                        _this.result_json = ar[2];
+                        return true;
+                    default:
+                        return true;
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button5 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button5(Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Reload";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button6 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button6(Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Cancel";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button7 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button7(Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "OK";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogSaveModule.bjs b/src/Builder4/DialogSaveModule.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ec71f65
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ "name" : "DialogSaveModule",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/DialogSaveModule.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "delete_event" : " (self, event) => {\n    this.el.response(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);\n    return true;\n} "
+   },
+   "default_width" : 400,
+   "# Project.Project project" : "",
+   "xtype" : "Dialog",
+   "default_height" : 200,
+   "$ modal" : true,
+   "# JsRender.Node data" : "",
+   "|   string show" : " (Gtk.Window parent, Project.Project project, JsRender.Node data) {\n \n     \n    this.el.set_transient_for(parent);\n    this.el.modal = true;\n    \n = data;\n    this.project = project;\n\"\");\n    this.el.show_all();\n     var   name = \"\";\n    while (true) {\n        var response_id =;\n        if (response_id < 1) {\n            this.el.hide();\n             return \"\";\n        }\n        \n        name =;\n        if (name.length < 1) {\n            StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n                 _this.el,\n                \"You must give the template a name. \"\n            );\n            continue;\n        }\n        if (!Regex.match_simple (\"^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9.]+$\", name) )\n        {\n            StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n                 _this.el,\n                \"Template Name must contain only letters dots\"\n            );\n            continue;\n        }\n        break;\n    }\n    var f = project.newFile(name);\n    f.tree =;\n;\n    \n    // now we save it..\n    this.el.hide();\n    \n    return name;\n    \n    \n    \n}\n",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ pack" : " get_content_area().add\n\n",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "label" : "Name",
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "name",
+       "xtype" : "Entry",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "Cancel",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,0",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "OK",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,1",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogSaveModule.vala b/src/Builder4/DialogSaveModule.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..84c2f08
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+static DialogSaveModule  _DialogSaveModule;
+public class DialogSaveModule : Object
+    public Gtk.Dialog el;
+    private DialogSaveModule  _this;
+    public static DialogSaveModule singleton()
+    {
+        if (_DialogSaveModule == null) {
+            _DialogSaveModule= new DialogSaveModule();
+        }
+        return _DialogSaveModule;
+    }
+    public Xcls_name name;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Project.Project project;
+    public JsRender.Node data;
+    // ctor
+    public DialogSaveModule()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Dialog();
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.default_height = 200;
+        this.el.default_width = 400;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.get_content_area().add (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_Button5( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_1.el , 0 );
+        var child_2 = new Xcls_Button6( _this );
+        child_2.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_2.el , 1 );
+        //listeners
+        this.el.delete_event.connect( (self, event) => {
+            this.el.response(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
+            return true;
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public   string show (Gtk.Window parent, Project.Project project, JsRender.Node data) {
+        this.el.set_transient_for(parent);
+        this.el.modal = true;
+ = data;
+        this.project = project;
+        this.el.show_all();
+         var   name = "";
+        while (true) {
+            var response_id =;
+            if (response_id < 1) {
+                this.el.hide();
+                 return "";
+            }
+            name =;
+            if (name.length < 1) {
+                StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                     _this.el,
+                    "You must give the template a name. "
+                );
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (!Regex.match_simple ("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9.]+$", name) )
+            {
+                StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                     _this.el,
+                    "Template Name must contain only letters dots"
+                );
+                continue;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        var f = project.newFile(name);
+        f.tree =;
+        // now we save it..
+        this.el.hide();
+        return name;
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private DialogSaveModule  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(DialogSaveModule _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_name( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private DialogSaveModule  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label3(DialogSaveModule _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_name : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private DialogSaveModule  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_name(DialogSaveModule _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+   = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button5 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private DialogSaveModule  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button5(DialogSaveModule _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Cancel";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button6 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private DialogSaveModule  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button6(DialogSaveModule _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "OK";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogSaveTemplate.bjs b/src/Builder4/DialogSaveTemplate.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9800a57
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ "name" : "DialogSaveTemplate",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/DialogSaveTemplate.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "delete_event" : " (self, event) => {\n   this.el.response(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);\n    return true;\n    \n}"
+   },
+   "default_width" : 400,
+   "|    void show" : " (Gtk.Window parent, Palete.Palete palete, JsRender.Node data) {\n \n    \n        this.el.set_transient_for(parent);\n        this.el.modal = true;\n        \n\"\");\n        this.el.show_all();\n         var   name = \"\";\n        while (true) {\n            var response_id =;\n            if (response_id < 1) {\n                this.el.hide();\n                 return;\n            }\n            \n            name =;\n            if (name.length < 1) {\n                StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n                     _this.el,\n                    \"You must give the template a name. \"\n                );\n                continue;\n            }\n            if (!Regex.match_simple (\"^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9. ]+$\", name) )\n            {\n                StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n                     _this.el,\n                    \"Template Name must contain only letters dots\"\n                );\n                continue;\n            }\n            break;\n        }\n        palete.saveTemplate(name, data);\n        \n        // now we save it..\n        this.el.hide();\n        \n         \n  \n   \n}\n",
+   "xtype" : "Dialog",
+   "default_height" : 200,
+   "# Palete.Palete palete" : "",
+   "$ modal" : true,
+   "# JsRender.Node data" : "",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ pack" : " get_content_area().add\n\n",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "label" : "Name",
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "name",
+       "xtype" : "Entry",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "Cancel",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,0",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "OK",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,1",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogSaveTemplate.vala b/src/Builder4/DialogSaveTemplate.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1a0936c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+static DialogSaveTemplate  _DialogSaveTemplate;
+public class DialogSaveTemplate : Object
+    public Gtk.Dialog el;
+    private DialogSaveTemplate  _this;
+    public static DialogSaveTemplate singleton()
+    {
+        if (_DialogSaveTemplate == null) {
+            _DialogSaveTemplate= new DialogSaveTemplate();
+        }
+        return _DialogSaveTemplate;
+    }
+    public Xcls_name name;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Palete.Palete palete;
+    public JsRender.Node data;
+    // ctor
+    public DialogSaveTemplate()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Dialog();
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.default_height = 200;
+        this.el.default_width = 400;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.get_content_area().add (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_Button5( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_1.el , 0 );
+        var child_2 = new Xcls_Button6( _this );
+        child_2.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_2.el , 1 );
+        //listeners
+        this.el.delete_event.connect( (self, event) => {
+           this.el.response(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
+            return true;
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public    void show (Gtk.Window parent, Palete.Palete palete, JsRender.Node data) {
+            this.el.set_transient_for(parent);
+            this.el.modal = true;
+    "");
+            this.el.show_all();
+             var   name = "";
+            while (true) {
+                var response_id =;
+                if (response_id < 1) {
+                    this.el.hide();
+                     return;
+                }
+                name =;
+                if (name.length < 1) {
+                    StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                         _this.el,
+                        "You must give the template a name. "
+                    );
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (!Regex.match_simple ("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9. ]+$", name) )
+                {
+                    StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                         _this.el,
+                        "Template Name must contain only letters dots"
+                    );
+                    continue;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            palete.saveTemplate(name, data);
+            // now we save it..
+            this.el.hide();
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private DialogSaveTemplate  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(DialogSaveTemplate _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_name( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private DialogSaveTemplate  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label3(DialogSaveTemplate _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_name : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private DialogSaveTemplate  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_name(DialogSaveTemplate _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+   = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button5 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private DialogSaveTemplate  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button5(DialogSaveTemplate _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Cancel";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button6 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private DialogSaveTemplate  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button6(DialogSaveTemplate _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "OK";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogTemplateSelect.bjs b/src/Builder4/DialogTemplateSelect.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4fb7c03
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ "name" : "DialogTemplateSelect",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/DialogTemplateSelect.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "delete_event" : "  (self, event)  =>{\n    this.el.hide();\n    return true;\n} "
+   },
+   "default_width" : 400,
+   "title" : "Add an Object",
+   "xtype" : "Dialog",
+   "default_height" : 200,
+   "$ modal" : true,
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "| JsRender.Node? show" : " (Xcls_MainWindow mwindow, Palete.Palete pal, JsRender.Node node, Project.Project project) {\n    \n    this.el.show_all();\n    var opts = pal.listTemplates(node);\n    if (opts.length() < 1) {\n        this.el.hide();\n        return node;\n    }\n    this.el.set_attached_to( mwindow.el);\n    this.el.set_transient_for( mwindow.el);\n    \n    //opts.unshift({ path: '' , name :'Just add Element' });\n     _this.model.loadData(opts);\n     _this.combo.el.set_active(-1);\n     \n     \n     var db =  new Palete.RooDatabase.from_project(project);\n     _this.dbmodel.loadData(db.readTablesGee());\n     \n     var plug = mwindow.windowstate.webkit_plugin;\n     \n     _this.dbcombo.el.set_active(-1);\n     \n     \n   \n    var res =;\n    this.el.hide();    \n    //var ix = _this.combo.el.get_active();\n    if (res < 1 ) {\n        return null; // 0 = cancel.\n    }\n    if (res < 2 ) {\n        return node; // 1 = just add it..\n    }\n    \n    // have they selected a table??\n    \n   Gtk.TreeIter iter; \n    Value vfname;   \n    if (_this.dbcombo.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {    \n         this.dbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);\n         if (((string)vfname).length > 0 && plug.has_plugin(node.fqn())) {\n            var json_str =, project, node.fqn(), (string)vfname);\n            print(\"json_str = %s\\n\", json_str);\n            if (json_str.length < 1) {\n\n                return node;\n            }\n            var pa = new Json.Parser();\n            try {\n\n\t        pa.load_from_data(json_str);\n\t    } catch(Error e) {\n\t        return node;\n\t    }\n\t    var new_node = pa.get_root();\n    \n\t    if (new_node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) {\n\t\t    return node;\n\t    }\n\t    var obj = new_node.get_object ();\n\n\t    var ret = new JsRender.Node();\n\n\t    ret.loadFromJson(obj, 1);\n\t    return ret;\n         }\n        \n    }\n\n    if (!_this.combo.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {\n\n        return node; // nothing selected...\n    }\n   \n    this.model.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);\n    \n    \n    return pal.loadTemplate((string)vfname);\n\n}\n",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ pack" : "get_content_area().add ",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+       "xtype" : "Box",
+       "gint margin" : 3,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "label" : "Select Template : ",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "combo",
+         "* init" : "this.el.add_attribute(_this.cellrenderer.el , \"markup\", 1 );",
+         "xtype" : "ComboBox",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "cellrenderer",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "model",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "xtype" : "ListStore",
+           "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string)",
+           "n_columns" : 2,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "| void loadData" : "  (GLib.List<string> data) {\n    this.el.clear();                                    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    var el = this.el;\n    \n   /// el.append(out iter);\n    \n     \n   // el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n   // el.set_value(iter, 1, \"aaa  - Just add Element - aaa\");\n    \n    for (var i = 0; i < data.length();i++) {\n    \n\n        el.append(out iter);\n        var str = data.nth_data(i);\n        var fn = Path.get_basename (str);\n        fn.replace(\".json\", \"\");\n        \n        el.set_value(iter, 0, str);\n        el.set_value(iter, 1, fn);\n        \n    }\n    this.el.set_sort_column_id(1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          \n                                     \n}\n"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+       "xtype" : "Box",
+       "gint margin" : 3,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "label" : "Select Database Table : ",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "dbcombo",
+         "* init" : "this.el.add_attribute(_this.dbcellrenderer.el , \"markup\", 1 );",
+         "xtype" : "ComboBox",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "dbcellrenderer",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "dbmodel",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "xtype" : "ListStore",
+           "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string)",
+           "n_columns" : 2,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "| void loadData" : "  (Gee.ArrayList<string> data) {\n    this.el.clear();                                    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    var el = this.el;\n    \n   /// el.append(out iter);\n    \n     \n   // el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n   // el.set_value(iter, 1, \"aaa  - Just add Element - aaa\");\n\n    el.append(out iter);\n\n    \n    el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n    el.set_value(iter, 1, \"-- select a table --\");\n    \n    \n    for (var i = 0; i < data.size;i++) {\n    \n\n        el.append(out iter);\n        \n        el.set_value(iter, 0, data.get(i));\n        el.set_value(iter, 1, data.get(i));\n        \n    }\n     this.el.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          \n                                     \n}\n"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "Cancel",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,0",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "Just add it",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,1",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "OK",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,2",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/DialogTemplateSelect.vala b/src/Builder4/DialogTemplateSelect.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..02b788c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+static DialogTemplateSelect  _DialogTemplateSelect;
+public class DialogTemplateSelect : Object
+    public Gtk.Dialog el;
+    private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+    public static DialogTemplateSelect singleton()
+    {
+        if (_DialogTemplateSelect == null) {
+            _DialogTemplateSelect= new DialogTemplateSelect();
+        }
+        return _DialogTemplateSelect;
+    }
+    public Xcls_combo combo;
+    public Xcls_cellrenderer cellrenderer;
+    public Xcls_model model;
+    public Xcls_dbcombo dbcombo;
+    public Xcls_dbcellrenderer dbcellrenderer;
+    public Xcls_dbmodel dbmodel;
+        // my vars (def)
+    // ctor
+    public DialogTemplateSelect()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Dialog();
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.title = "Add an Object";
+        this.el.default_height = 200;
+        this.el.default_width = 400;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.get_content_area().add (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_Button13( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_1.el , 0 );
+        var child_2 = new Xcls_Button14( _this );
+        child_2.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_2.el , 1 );
+        var child_3 = new Xcls_Button15( _this );
+        child_3.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_3.el , 2 );
+        //listeners
+        this.el.delete_event.connect( (self, event)  =>{
+            this.el.hide();
+            return true;
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public JsRender.Node? show (Xcls_MainWindow mwindow, Palete.Palete pal, JsRender.Node node, Project.Project project) {
+        this.el.show_all();
+        var opts = pal.listTemplates(node);
+        if (opts.length() < 1) {
+            this.el.hide();
+            return node;
+        }
+        this.el.set_attached_to( mwindow.el);
+        this.el.set_transient_for( mwindow.el);
+        //opts.unshift({ path: '' , name :'Just add Element' });
+         _this.model.loadData(opts);
+         _this.combo.el.set_active(-1);
+         var db =  new Palete.RooDatabase.from_project(project);
+         _this.dbmodel.loadData(db.readTablesGee());
+         var plug = mwindow.windowstate.webkit_plugin;
+         _this.dbcombo.el.set_active(-1);
+        var res =;
+        this.el.hide();    
+        //var ix = _this.combo.el.get_active();
+        if (res < 1 ) {
+            return null; // 0 = cancel.
+        }
+        if (res < 2 ) {
+            return node; // 1 = just add it..
+        }
+        // have they selected a table??
+       Gtk.TreeIter iter; 
+        Value vfname;   
+        if (_this.dbcombo.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {    
+             this.dbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);
+             if (((string)vfname).length > 0 && plug.has_plugin(node.fqn())) {
+                var json_str =, project, node.fqn(), (string)vfname);
+                print("json_str = %s\n", json_str);
+                if (json_str.length < 1) {
+                    return node;
+                }
+                var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                try {
+               pa.load_from_data(json_str);
+           } catch(Error e) {
+               return node;
+           }
+           var new_node = pa.get_root();
+           if (new_node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) {
+                   return node;
+           }
+           var obj = new_node.get_object ();
+           var ret = new JsRender.Node();
+           ret.loadFromJson(obj, 1);
+           return ret;
+             }
+        }
+        if (!_this.combo.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {
+            return node; // nothing selected...
+        }
+        this.model.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);
+        return pal.loadTemplate((string)vfname);
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Box3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_Box8( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_1.el , false,false,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box3(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin = 3;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label4( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_combo( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label4 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label4(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Select Template : " );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_combo : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ComboBox el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_combo(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.combo = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ComboBox();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_cellrenderer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_model( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.cellrenderer.el , "markup", 1 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_cellrenderer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_cellrenderer(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.cellrenderer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_model : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_model(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.model = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string),typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void loadData (GLib.List<string> data) {
+            this.el.clear();                                    
+            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            var el = this.el;
+           /// el.append(out iter);
+           // el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+           // el.set_value(iter, 1, "aaa  - Just add Element - aaa");
+            for (var i = 0; i < data.length();i++) {
+                el.append(out iter);
+                var str = data.nth_data(i);
+                var fn = Path.get_basename (str);
+                fn.replace(".json", "");
+                el.set_value(iter, 0, str);
+                el.set_value(iter, 1, fn);
+            }
+            this.el.set_sort_column_id(1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box8 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box8(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin = 3;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label9( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_dbcombo( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label9 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label9(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Select Database Table : " );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dbcombo : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ComboBox el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dbcombo(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dbcombo = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ComboBox();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_dbcellrenderer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_dbmodel( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.dbcellrenderer.el , "markup", 1 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dbcellrenderer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dbcellrenderer(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dbcellrenderer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dbmodel : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dbmodel(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dbmodel = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string),typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void loadData (Gee.ArrayList<string> data) {
+            this.el.clear();                                    
+            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            var el = this.el;
+           /// el.append(out iter);
+           // el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+           // el.set_value(iter, 1, "aaa  - Just add Element - aaa");
+            el.append(out iter);
+            el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+            el.set_value(iter, 1, "-- select a table --");
+            for (var i = 0; i < data.size;i++) {
+                el.append(out iter);
+                el.set_value(iter, 0, data.get(i));
+                el.set_value(iter, 1, data.get(i));
+            }
+             this.el.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button13 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button13(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Cancel";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button14 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button14(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Just add it";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button15 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private DialogTemplateSelect  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button15(DialogTemplateSelect _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "OK";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/EditProject.bjs b/src/Builder4/EditProject.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b55233e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ "name" : "EditProject",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/EditProject.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "destroy_event" : "(self, event) => {\n\tthis.el.response(0);\n//     this.el.hide();\n    return false;\n}"
+   },
+   "default_width" : 600,
+   "$ deletable" : true,
+   "title" : "Project Properties",
+   "xtype" : "Dialog",
+   "default_height" : 500,
+   "| Project.Project? show" : "() {\n      \n\n    //[ 'xtype'  ].forEach(function(k) {\n    //    _this.get(k).setValue(typeof(c[k]) == 'undefined' ? '' : c[k]);\n    //});\n\t// shouild set path..\n    _this.model.loadData();\n    this.el.show_all();\n    \n    var err_dialog = StandardErrorDialog.singleton();\n\n    var id = -1;\n    while (id < 0) {\n         id =;\n         if (id < 1) {\n                this.el.hide();\n                return null;\n        }\n \n         \n          if (_this.xtype.getValue().length < 1) {\n               \n      ,\"You have to set Project type\");             \n                id = -1;\n                continue;\n            }\n            if (_this.dir.el.get_filename().length < 1) {\n \n      ,\"You have to select a folder\");             \n                id = -1;\n                continue;\n            }\n           \n    }\n    \n    this.el.hide();\n    \n    \n    \n \n    var fn = _this.dir.el.get_filename();\n    print(\"add %s\\n\" , fn);\n    \n    var project = Project.Project.factory(_this.xtype.getValue(), fn);\n;\n    Project.projects.set(,project);\n    \n    //var pr = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager.update(this.project);\n    \n    return project;\n\n    \n    //this.success = c.success;\n}\n",
+   "$ modal" : true,
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "border_width" : 3,
+   "name" : "EditProject",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "bool expand" : true,
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ pack" : " get_content_area().add \n \n",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "$ homogeneous" : false,
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "xtype" : "Box",
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,true,3",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+       "$ homogeneous" : false,
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "label" : "Project type :",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,true,3",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "| string getValue" : " () {\n     var ix = this.el.get_active();\n        if (ix < 0 ) {\n            return \"\";\n        }\n        switch(ix) {\n            case 0:\n                return \"Roo\";\n            case 1:\n                return \"Gtk\";\n        }\n        return \"\";\n}\n",
+         "id" : "xtype",
+         "* init" : " this.el.add_attribute(_this.cellrender.el , \"markup\", 1 );  \n  ",
+         "xtype" : "ComboBox",
+         "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,3",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "cellrender",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "model",
+           "xtype" : "ListStore",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string)",
+           "n_columns" : 2,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "| void loadData" : "  ( ) {\n        this.el.clear();\n                      \n        Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n                \n        el.append(out iter);\n        \n        el.set_value(iter, 0, \"Roo\");\n        el.set_value(iter, 1, \"Roo Project\");\n         el.append(out iter);\n        \n        el.set_value(iter, 0, \"Gtk\");\n        el.set_value(iter, 1, \"Gtk Project\");\n         \n              \n                                     \n}\n"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "$ create_folders" : false,
+       "id" : "dir",
+       "$ action" : "Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER",
+       "bool expand" : true,
+       "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,5",
+       "xtype" : "FileChooserWidget",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "$ select_multiple" : false
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "OK",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,1",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "Cancel",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,0",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/EditProject.vala b/src/Builder4/EditProject.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..af62627
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+static EditProject  _EditProject;
+public class EditProject : Object
+    public Gtk.Dialog el;
+    private EditProject  _this;
+    public static EditProject singleton()
+    {
+        if (_EditProject == null) {
+            _EditProject= new EditProject();
+        }
+        return _EditProject;
+    }
+    public Xcls_xtype xtype;
+    public Xcls_cellrender cellrender;
+    public Xcls_model model;
+    public Xcls_dir dir;
+        // my vars (def)
+    // ctor
+    public EditProject()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Dialog();
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.title = "Project Properties";
+ = "EditProject";
+        this.el.border_width = 3;
+        this.el.default_height = 500;
+        this.el.default_width = 600;
+        this.el.deletable = true;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.get_content_area().add (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_Button9( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_1.el , 1 );
+        var child_2 = new Xcls_Button10( _this );
+        child_2.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_2.el , 0 );
+        //listeners
+        this.el.destroy_event.connect( (self, event) => {
+               this.el.response(0);
+        //     this.el.hide();
+            return false;
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public Project.Project? show () {
+        //[ 'xtype'  ].forEach(function(k) {
+        //    _this.get(k).setValue(typeof(c[k]) == 'undefined' ? '' : c[k]);
+        //});
+       // shouild set path..
+        _this.model.loadData();
+        this.el.show_all();
+        var err_dialog = StandardErrorDialog.singleton();
+        var id = -1;
+        while (id < 0) {
+             id =;
+             if (id < 1) {
+                    this.el.hide();
+                    return null;
+            }
+              if (_this.xtype.getValue().length < 1) {
+          ,"You have to set Project type");             
+                    id = -1;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                if (_this.dir.el.get_filename().length < 1) {
+          ,"You have to select a folder");             
+                    id = -1;
+                    continue;
+                }
+        }
+        this.el.hide();
+        var fn = _this.dir.el.get_filename();
+        print("add %s\n" , fn);
+        var project = Project.Project.factory(_this.xtype.getValue(), fn);
+        Project.projects.set(,project);
+        //var pr = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager.update(this.project);
+        return project;
+        //this.success = c.success;
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private EditProject  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(EditProject _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            this.el.expand = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Box3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,true,3 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_dir( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , true,true,5 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private EditProject  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box3(EditProject _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label4( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,true,3 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_xtype( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , true,true,3 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label4 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private EditProject  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label4(EditProject _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Project type :" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_xtype : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ComboBox el;
+        private EditProject  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_xtype(EditProject _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.xtype = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ComboBox();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_cellrender( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_model( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.cellrender.el , "markup", 1 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public string getValue () {
+             var ix = this.el.get_active();
+                if (ix < 0 ) {
+                    return "";
+                }
+                switch(ix) {
+                    case 0:
+                        return "Roo";
+                    case 1:
+                        return "Gtk";
+                }
+                return "";
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_cellrender : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private EditProject  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_cellrender(EditProject _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.cellrender = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_model : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private EditProject  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_model(EditProject _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.model = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string),typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void loadData ( ) {
+                this.el.clear();
+                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                el.append(out iter);
+                el.set_value(iter, 0, "Roo");
+                el.set_value(iter, 1, "Roo Project");
+                 el.append(out iter);
+                el.set_value(iter, 0, "Gtk");
+                el.set_value(iter, 1, "Gtk Project");
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dir : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.FileChooserWidget el;
+        private EditProject  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dir(EditProject _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dir = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.FileChooserWidget( Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.expand = true;
+            this.el.create_folders = false;
+            this.el.select_multiple = false;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button9 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private EditProject  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button9(EditProject _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "OK";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button10 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private EditProject  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button10(EditProject _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Cancel";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/Editor.bjs b/src/Builder4/Editor.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..547bff8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ "name" : "Editor",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/Editor.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "# Xcls_MainWindow window" : "null",
+   "|   bool saveContents" : "  ()  {\n    \n    \n    if (_this.file == null) {\n        return true;\n    }\n    \n    \n   \n   \n     \n     var str = _this.buffer.toString();\n     \n     _this.buffer.checkSyntax();\n     \n     \n     \n     // LeftPanel.model.changed(  str , false);\n     _this.dirty = false;\n     _this.save_button.el.sensitive = false;\n     \n    // find the text for the node..\n    if (_this.file.xtype != \"PlainFile\") {\n        if (ptype == \"listener\") {\n            this.node.listeners.set(key,str);\n        \n        } else {\n             this.node.props.set(key,str);\n        }\n    } else {\n        _this.file.setSource(  str );\n     }\n    \n    // call the signal..\n;\n    \n    return true;\n\n} ",
+   "# string activeEditor" : "\"\"",
+   "| void scroll_to_line" : "(int line) {\n\n\tGLib.Timeout.add(500, () => {\n   \n\t\tvar buf = this.view.el.get_buffer();\n\n\t\tvar sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;\n\n\n\t\tGtk.TextIter iter;   \n\t\tsbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  line);\n\t\tthis.view.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);\n\t\treturn false;\n\t});   \n}\n",
+   "# int pos_root_x" : "",
+   "# int pos_root_y" : "",
+   "# string ptype" : "\"\"",
+   "bool hexpand" : true,
+   "| int search" : "(string txt) {\n\n\tvar s = new Gtk.SourceSearchSettings();\n\t\n\tthis.searchcontext = new Gtk.SourceSearchContext(this.buffer.el,s);\n\tthis.searchcontext .set_highlight(true);\n\ts.set_search_text(txt);\n\tGtk.TextIter beg, st,en;\n\t \n\tthis.buffer.el.get_start_iter(out beg);\n\tthis.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en);\n\tthis.last_search_end = 0;\n\t\n\treturn this.searchcontext.get_occurrences_count();\n\n \n   \n\n}\n",
+   "int last_search_end" : 0,
+   "# string key" : "\"\"",
+   "* pack" : "add",
+   "xtype" : "Box",
+   "Gtk.SourceSearchContext searchcontext" : "null",
+   "|   void show" : "(JsRender.JsRender file, JsRender.Node? node, string ptype, string key)\n{\n    this.file = file;    \n    this.ptype = \"\";\n    this.key  = \"\";\n    this.node = null;\n\tthis.searchcontext = null;\n    \n    if (file.xtype != \"PlainFile\") {\n    \n        this.ptype = ptype;\n        this.key  = key;\n        this.node = node;\n         string val = \"\";\n        // find the text for the node..\n        if (ptype == \"listener\") {\n            val = node.listeners.get(key);\n        \n        } else {\n            val = node.props.get(key);\n        }\n        this.view.load(val);\n;\n        this.key_edit.el.text = key;  \n    \n    } else {\n        this.view.load(        file.toSource() );\n        this.key_edit.el.hide();\n    }\n\n       \n}",
+   "# JsRender.JsRender file" : "null",
+   "# bool pos" : false,
+   "string id" : "Editor",
+   "# bool dirty" : false,
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+   "@ void save" : "()",
+   "$ homogeneous" : false,
+   "| void forwardSearch" : "(bool change_focus) {\n\n\tif (this.searchcontext == null) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t\n\tGtk.TextIter beg, st,en;\n\t \n\tthis.buffer.el.get_iter_at_offset(out beg, this.last_search_end);\n\tif (!this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en)) {\n\t\n\t\tthis.last_search_end = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.last_search_end = en.get_offset();\n\t\tif (change_focus) {\n\t\t\tthis.view.el.grab_focus();\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.buffer.el.place_cursor(st);\n\t\tthis.view.el.scroll_to_iter(st,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);\n\t}\n\n}\n",
+   "# JsRender.Node node" : "null",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "* pack" : "pack_start,false,true",
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+     "$ homogeneous" : false,
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "clicked" : " () => { \n    _this.saveContents();\n}\n  "
+       },
+       "label" : "Save",
+       "id" : "save_button",
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false",
+       "xtype" : "Button",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "key_edit",
+       "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true",
+       "xtype" : "Entry",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "id" : "RightEditor",
+     "* init" : "this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);",
+     "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+     "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "key_release_event" : " (event) => {\n    \n    if (event.keyval == 115 && (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) {\n        print(\"SAVE: ctrl-S  pressed\");\n        _this.saveContents();\n        return false;\n    }\n   // print(event.key.keyval)\n    \n    return false;\n\n} \n\n "
+       },
+       "gboolean show_line_marks" : true,
+       "id" : "view",
+       "* init" : " \n\n\t\tvar description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string(\"monospace\");\n\t\tdescription.set_size(8000);\n\n\t\t this.el.override_font(description);\n\n\ttry {        \n\t\tthis.el.completion.add_provider(new Palete.CompletionProvider(_this));\n    } catch (GLib.Error  e) {}\n    \n\tthis.el.completion.unblock_interactive();\n\tthis.el.completion.select_on_show\t\t\t= true; // select\n\tthis.el.completion.show_headers\t\t\t= false;\n\tthis.el.completion.remember_info_visibility\t\t= true;\n    \n  \n    var attrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  pink =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    pink.parse ( \"pink\");\n    attrs.set_background ( pink);\n    attrs.set_icon_name ( \"process-stop\");    \n    attrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {\n        //print(\"tooltip query? %s\\n\",;\n        return;\n    });\n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"ERR\", attrs, 1);\n    \n     var wattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  blue =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    blue.parse ( \"#ABF4EB\");\n    wattrs.set_background ( blue);\n    wattrs.set_icon_name ( \"process-stop\");    \n    wattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {\n        //print(\"tooltip query? %s\\n\",;\n        return;\n    });\n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"WARN\", wattrs, 1);\n    \n \n    \n     var dattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  purple =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    purple.parse ( \"#EEA9FF\");\n    dattrs.set_background ( purple);\n    dattrs.set_icon_name ( \"process-stop\");    \n    dattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {\n        //print(\"tooltip query? %s\\n\",;\n        return;\n    });\n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"DEPR\", dattrs, 1);\n    \n    ",
+       "uint tab_width" : 4,
+       "$ Gtk.SourceDrawSpacesFlags draw_spaces" : "Gtk.SourceDrawSpacesFlags.LEADING + Gtk.SourceDrawSpacesFlags.TRAILING + Gtk.SourceDrawSpacesFlags.TAB + Gtk.SourceDrawSpacesFlags.SPACE",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "xtype" : "SourceView",
+       "gboolean highlight_current_line" : true,
+       "$ gboolean auto_indent" : true,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "|   void load" : " (string str) {\n\n// show the help page for the active node..\n   //this.get('/Help').show();\n\n\n  // this.get('/BottomPane').el.set_current_page(0);\n    var buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)this.el.get_buffer();\n    buf.set_text(str, str.length);\n    buf.set_undo_manager(null);\n    \n    var lm = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default();\n    var lang = \"vala\";\n    if (_this.file != null) {\n         lang = _this.file.language;\n    }\n    print(\"lang=%s, content_type = %s\\n\", lang, _this.file.content_type);\n    var lg = _this.file.content_type.length > 0  ?\n            lm.guess_language(_this.file.path, _this.file.content_type) :\n            lm.get_language(lang);\n     \n   \n    ((Gtk.SourceBuffer)(this.el.get_buffer())) .set_language(lg); \n\n    this.el.insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs = true;\n    if (lg != null) {\n\t\tprint(\"sourcelanguage  = %s\\n\",;\n\t\tif ( == \"Vala\") {\n\t\t    this.el.insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs = false;\n\t\t}\n     }\n    _this.dirty = false;\n    this.el.grab_focus();\n    _this.save_button.el.sensitive = false;\n}",
+       "bool insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs" : true,
+       "indent_width" : 4,
+       "$ show_line_numbers" : true,
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "changed" : " () => {\n    // check syntax??\n    // ??needed..??\n    _this.save_button.el.sensitive = true;\n    print(\"EDITOR CHANGED\");\n    this.checkSyntax();\n   \n    _this.dirty = true;\n\n    // this.get('/LeftPanel.model').changed(  str , false);\n    return ;\n}\n\n \n"
+         },
+         "bool check_queued" : false,
+         "int error_line" : "-1",
+         "id" : "buffer",
+         "| bool highlightErrors" : "( Gee.HashMap<int,string> validate_res) {\n         \n        this.error_line = validate_res.size;\n\n        if (this.error_line < 1) {\n              return true;\n        }\n        var tlines = this.el.get_line_count ();\n        Gtk.TextIter iter;\n        var valiter = validate_res.map_iterator();\n        while ( {\n        \n    //        print(\"get inter\\n\");\n            var eline = valiter.get_key();\n            if (eline > tlines) {\n                continue;\n            }\n            this.el.get_iter_at_line( out iter, eline);\n            //print(\"mark line\\n\");\n            this.el.create_source_mark(valiter.get_value(), \"ERR\", iter);\n        }   \n        return false;\n    }",
+         "|   string toString" : "  () {\n    \n    Gtk.TextIter s;\n    Gtk.TextIter e;\n    this.el.get_start_iter(out s);\n    this.el.get_end_iter(out e);\n    var ret = this.el.get_text(s,e,true);\n    //print(\"TO STRING? \" + ret);\n    return ret;\n}\n ",
+         "|   bool checkSyntax" : " () {\n \n    if (this.check_running) {\n        print(\"Check is running\\n\");\n        if (this.check_queued) { \n            print(\"Check is already queued\");\n            return true;\n        }\n        this.check_queued = true;\n        print(\"Adding queued Check \");\n        GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1, () => {\n            this.check_queued = false;\n            \n            this.checkSyntax();\n            return false;\n        });\n    \n\n        return true;\n    }\n    var str = this.toString();\n    \n    // needed???\n    if (this.error_line > 0) {\n         Gtk.TextIter start;\n         Gtk.TextIter end;     \n        this.el.get_bounds (out start, out end);\n\n        this.el.remove_source_marks (start, end, null);\n    }\n    if (str.length < 1) {\n        print(\"checkSyntax - empty string?\\n\");\n        return true;\n    }\n    \n    if (_this.file.xtype == \"PlainFile\") {\n    \n        // assume it's gtk...\n           this.check_running = true;\n \n         if (!_this.window.windowstate.valasource.checkPlainFileSpawn(\n\t   _this.file,\n\t    str\n\t )) {\n            this.check_running = false;\n        }\n\t\n        return true;\n    \n    }\n   if (_this.file == null) {\n       return true;\n   }\n    var p = Palete.factory(_this.file.xtype);   \n    \n\n     \n    this.check_running = true;\n    \n    \n    if (_this.file.language == \"js\") {\n        this.check_running = false;\n        print(\"calling validate javascript\\n\"); \n        Gee.HashMap<int,string> errors;\n        p.javascriptHasErrors(\n    \t\t_this.window.windowstate,\n            str, \n             _this.key, \n            _this.ptype,\n            _this.file,\n \n            out errors\n        );\n        return this.highlightErrors(errors);    \n        \n    }\n        \n        \n    print(\"calling validate vala\\n\");    \n    // clear the buttons.\n \n    \n   if (! _this.window.windowstate.valasource.checkFileWithNodePropChange(\n        _this.file,\n        _this.node,\n         _this.key,        \n         _this.ptype,\n            str\n        )) {\n        this.check_running = false;\n    } \n     \n    \n    \n    //print(\"done mark line\\n\");\n     \n    return true; // at present allow saving - even if it's invalid..\n}\n",
+         "* pack" : "set_buffer",
+         "xtype" : "SourceBuffer",
+         "bool check_running" : false,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "| bool highlightErrorsJson" : "(string type, Json.Object obj) {\n      Gtk.TextIter start;\n     Gtk.TextIter end;     \n        this.el.get_bounds (out start, out end);\n        \n        this.el.remove_source_marks (start, end, type);\n                 \n     \n     // we should highlight other types of errors..\n    \n    if (!obj.has_member(type)) {\n        print(\"Return has no errors\\n\");\n        return true;\n    }\n    \n    if (_this.window.windowstate.state != WindowState.State.CODEONLY && \n        _this.window.windowstate.state != WindowState.State.CODE\n        ) {\n        return true;\n    } \n    \n    \n    var err = obj.get_object_member(type);\n    \n    \n    if (_this.file == null) {\n        return true;\n    \n    }\n    var valafn = _this.file.path;\n \n    if (_this.file.xtype != \"PlainFile\") {\n\n\n        \n        \n         valafn = \"\";\n          try {             \n               var  regex = new Regex(\"\\\\.bjs$\");\n               // should not happen\n              \n             \n                valafn = regex.replace(_this.file.path,_this.file.path.length , 0 , \".vala\");\n             } catch (GLib.RegexError e) {\n                return true;\n            }   \n\n\n\n      }\n       if (!err.has_member(valafn)) {\n            print(\"File path has no errors\\n\");\n            return  true;\n        }\n\n        var lines = err.get_object_member(valafn);\n        \n        var offset = 1;\n        if (obj.has_member(\"line_offset\")) {\n            offset = (int)obj.get_int_member(\"line_offset\") + 1;\n        }\n    \n\n     \n    \n    var tlines = this.el.get_line_count () +1;\n    \n    lines.foreach_member((obj, line, node) => {\n        \n             Gtk.TextIter iter;\n    //        print(\"get inter\\n\");\n            var eline = int.parse(line) - offset;\n            print(\"GOT ERROR on line %s -- converted to %d\\n\", line,eline);\n            \n            \n            if (eline > tlines || eline < 0) {\n                return;\n            }\n            this.el.get_iter_at_line( out iter, eline);\n            //print(\"mark line\\n\");\n            var msg  = \"Line: %d\".printf(eline+1);\n            var ar = lines.get_array_member(line);\n            for (var i = 0 ; i < ar.get_length(); i++) {\n\t\t    msg += (msg.length > 0) ? \"\\n\" : \"\";\n\t\t    msg += ar.get_string_element(i);\n\t    }\n            \n            \n            this.el.create_source_mark(msg, type, iter);\n        } );\n        return false;\n    \n\n\n\n\n}\n"
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/Editor.vala b/src/Builder4/Editor.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3b4d09b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+static Editor  _Editor;
+public class Editor : Object
+    public Gtk.Box el;
+    private Editor  _this;
+    public static Editor singleton()
+    {
+        if (_Editor == null) {
+            _Editor= new Editor();
+        }
+        return _Editor;
+    }
+    public Xcls_save_button save_button;
+    public Xcls_key_edit key_edit;
+    public Xcls_RightEditor RightEditor;
+    public Xcls_view view;
+    public Xcls_buffer buffer;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Xcls_MainWindow window;
+    public string activeEditor;
+    public int pos_root_x;
+    public int pos_root_y;
+    public string ptype;
+    public int last_search_end;
+    public string key;
+    public Gtk.SourceSearchContext searchcontext;
+    public JsRender.JsRender file;
+    public bool pos;
+    public bool dirty;
+    public signal void save ();
+    public JsRender.Node node;
+    // ctor
+    public Editor()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.window = null;
+        this.activeEditor = "";
+        this.ptype = "";
+        this.last_search_end = 0;
+        this.key = "";
+        this.searchcontext = null;
+        this.file = null;
+        this.pos = false;
+        this.dirty = false;
+        this.node = null;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.homogeneous = false;
+        this.el.hexpand = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,true );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_RightEditor( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , true,true );
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public   bool saveContents ()  {
+        if (_this.file == null) {
+            return true;
+        }
+         var str = _this.buffer.toString();
+         _this.buffer.checkSyntax();
+         // LeftPanel.model.changed(  str , false);
+         _this.dirty = false;
+         _this.save_button.el.sensitive = false;
+        // find the text for the node..
+        if (_this.file.xtype != "PlainFile") {
+            if (ptype == "listener") {
+                this.node.listeners.set(key,str);
+            } else {
+                 this.node.props.set(key,str);
+            }
+        } else {
+            _this.file.setSource(  str );
+         }
+        // call the signal..
+        return true;
+    }
+    public void scroll_to_line (int line) {
+       GLib.Timeout.add(500, () => {
+               var buf = this.view.el.get_buffer();
+               var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;
+               Gtk.TextIter iter;   
+               sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  line);
+               this.view.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);
+               return false;
+       });   
+    }
+    public int search (string txt) {
+       var s = new Gtk.SourceSearchSettings();
+       this.searchcontext = new Gtk.SourceSearchContext(this.buffer.el,s);
+       this.searchcontext .set_highlight(true);
+       s.set_search_text(txt);
+       Gtk.TextIter beg, st,en;
+       this.buffer.el.get_start_iter(out beg);
+       this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en);
+       this.last_search_end = 0;
+       return this.searchcontext.get_occurrences_count();
+    }
+    public   void show (JsRender.JsRender file, JsRender.Node? node, string ptype, string key)
+    {
+        this.file = file;    
+        this.ptype = "";
+        this.key  = "";
+        this.node = null;
+       this.searchcontext = null;
+        if (file.xtype != "PlainFile") {
+            this.ptype = ptype;
+            this.key  = key;
+            this.node = node;
+             string val = "";
+            // find the text for the node..
+            if (ptype == "listener") {
+                val = node.listeners.get(key);
+            } else {
+                val = node.props.get(key);
+            }
+            this.view.load(val);
+  ;
+            this.key_edit.el.text = key;  
+        } else {
+            this.view.load(        file.toSource() );
+            this.key_edit.el.hide();
+        }
+    }
+    public void forwardSearch (bool change_focus) {
+       if (this.searchcontext == null) {
+               return;
+       }
+       Gtk.TextIter beg, st,en;
+       this.buffer.el.get_iter_at_offset(out beg, this.last_search_end);
+       if (!this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en)) {
+               this.last_search_end = 0;
+       } else {
+               this.last_search_end = en.get_offset();
+               if (change_focus) {
+                       this.view.el.grab_focus();
+               }
+               this.buffer.el.place_cursor(st);
+               this.view.el.scroll_to_iter(st,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);
+       }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Editor  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(Editor _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_save_button( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_key_edit( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , true,true );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_save_button : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Editor  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_save_button(Editor _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.save_button = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Save";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( () => { 
+                _this.saveContents();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_key_edit : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Editor  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_key_edit(Editor _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.key_edit = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_RightEditor : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Editor  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_RightEditor(Editor _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.RightEditor = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_view( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_view : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SourceView el;
+        private Editor  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_view(Editor _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.view = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SourceView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.auto_indent = true;
+            this.el.indent_width = 4;
+            this.el.show_line_marks = true;
+            this.el.insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs = true;
+            this.el.show_line_numbers = true;
+            this.el.draw_spaces = Gtk.SourceDrawSpacesFlags.LEADING + Gtk.SourceDrawSpacesFlags.TRAILING + Gtk.SourceDrawSpacesFlags.TAB + Gtk.SourceDrawSpacesFlags.SPACE;
+            this.el.tab_width = 4;
+            this.el.highlight_current_line = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_buffer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_buffer (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string("monospace");
+                       description.set_size(8000);
+                        this.el.override_font(description);
+               try {        
+                       this.el.completion.add_provider(new Palete.CompletionProvider(_this));
+                } catch (GLib.Error  e) {}
+               this.el.completion.unblock_interactive();
+               this.el.completion.select_on_show                       = true; // select
+               this.el.completion.show_headers                 = false;
+               this.el.completion.remember_info_visibility             = true;
+                var attrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  pink =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                pink.parse ( "pink");
+                attrs.set_background ( pink);
+                attrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop");    
+                attrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {
+                    //print("tooltip query? %s\n",;
+                    return;
+                });
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("ERR", attrs, 1);
+                 var wattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  blue =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                blue.parse ( "#ABF4EB");
+                wattrs.set_background ( blue);
+                wattrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop");    
+                wattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {
+                    //print("tooltip query? %s\n",;
+                    return;
+                });
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("WARN", wattrs, 1);
+                 var dattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  purple =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                purple.parse ( "#EEA9FF");
+                dattrs.set_background ( purple);
+                dattrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop");    
+                dattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {
+                    //print("tooltip query? %s\n",;
+                    return;
+                });
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("DEPR", dattrs, 1);
+            //listeners
+            this.el.key_release_event.connect( (event) => {
+                if (event.keyval == 115 && (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) {
+                    print("SAVE: ctrl-S  pressed");
+                    _this.saveContents();
+                    return false;
+                }
+               // print(event.key.keyval)
+                return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public   void load (string str) {
+        // show the help page for the active node..
+           //this.get('/Help').show();
+          // this.get('/BottomPane').el.set_current_page(0);
+            var buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)this.el.get_buffer();
+            buf.set_text(str, str.length);
+            buf.set_undo_manager(null);
+            var lm = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default();
+            var lang = "vala";
+            if (_this.file != null) {
+                 lang = _this.file.language;
+            }
+            print("lang=%s, content_type = %s\n", lang, _this.file.content_type);
+            var lg = _this.file.content_type.length > 0  ?
+                    lm.guess_language(_this.file.path, _this.file.content_type) :
+                    lm.get_language(lang);
+            ((Gtk.SourceBuffer)(this.el.get_buffer())) .set_language(lg); 
+            this.el.insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs = true;
+            if (lg != null) {
+                       print("sourcelanguage  = %s\n",;
+                       if ( == "Vala") {
+                           this.el.insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs = false;
+                       }
+             }
+            _this.dirty = false;
+            this.el.grab_focus();
+            _this.save_button.el.sensitive = false;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_buffer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SourceBuffer el;
+        private Editor  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public bool check_queued;
+        public int error_line;
+        public bool check_running;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_buffer(Editor _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.buffer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SourceBuffer( null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.check_queued = false;
+            this.error_line = -1;
+            this.check_running = false;
+            // set gobject values
+            //listeners
+            this.el.changed.connect( () => {
+                // check syntax??
+                // ??needed..??
+                _this.save_button.el.sensitive = true;
+                print("EDITOR CHANGED");
+                this.checkSyntax();
+                _this.dirty = true;
+                // this.get('/LeftPanel.model').changed(  str , false);
+                return ;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public bool highlightErrors ( Gee.HashMap<int,string> validate_res) {
+                this.error_line = validate_res.size;
+                if (this.error_line < 1) {
+                      return true;
+                }
+                var tlines = this.el.get_line_count ();
+                Gtk.TextIter iter;
+                var valiter = validate_res.map_iterator();
+                while ( {
+            //        print("get inter\n");
+                    var eline = valiter.get_key();
+                    if (eline > tlines) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    this.el.get_iter_at_line( out iter, eline);
+                    //print("mark line\n");
+                    this.el.create_source_mark(valiter.get_value(), "ERR", iter);
+                }   
+                return false;
+            }
+        public   string toString () {
+            Gtk.TextIter s;
+            Gtk.TextIter e;
+            this.el.get_start_iter(out s);
+            this.el.get_end_iter(out e);
+            var ret = this.el.get_text(s,e,true);
+            //print("TO STRING? " + ret);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        public   bool checkSyntax () {
+            if (this.check_running) {
+                print("Check is running\n");
+                if (this.check_queued) { 
+                    print("Check is already queued");
+                    return true;
+                }
+                this.check_queued = true;
+                print("Adding queued Check ");
+                GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1, () => {
+                    this.check_queued = false;
+                    this.checkSyntax();
+                    return false;
+                });
+                return true;
+            }
+            var str = this.toString();
+            // needed???
+            if (this.error_line > 0) {
+                 Gtk.TextIter start;
+                 Gtk.TextIter end;     
+                this.el.get_bounds (out start, out end);
+                this.el.remove_source_marks (start, end, null);
+            }
+            if (str.length < 1) {
+                print("checkSyntax - empty string?\n");
+                return true;
+            }
+            if (_this.file.xtype == "PlainFile") {
+                // assume it's gtk...
+                   this.check_running = true;
+                 if (!_this.window.windowstate.valasource.checkPlainFileSpawn(
+                  _this.file,
+                   str
+                )) {
+                    this.check_running = false;
+                }
+                return true;
+            }
+           if (_this.file == null) {
+               return true;
+           }
+            var p = Palete.factory(_this.file.xtype);   
+            this.check_running = true;
+            if (_this.file.language == "js") {
+                this.check_running = false;
+                print("calling validate javascript\n"); 
+                Gee.HashMap<int,string> errors;
+                p.javascriptHasErrors(
+                       _this.window.windowstate,
+                    str, 
+                     _this.key, 
+                    _this.ptype,
+                    _this.file,
+                    out errors
+                );
+                return this.highlightErrors(errors);    
+            }
+            print("calling validate vala\n");    
+            // clear the buttons.
+           if (! _this.window.windowstate.valasource.checkFileWithNodePropChange(
+                _this.file,
+                _this.node,
+                 _this.key,        
+                 _this.ptype,
+                    str
+                )) {
+                this.check_running = false;
+            } 
+            //print("done mark line\n");
+            return true; // at present allow saving - even if it's invalid..
+        }
+        public bool highlightErrorsJson (string type, Json.Object obj) {
+              Gtk.TextIter start;
+             Gtk.TextIter end;     
+                this.el.get_bounds (out start, out end);
+                this.el.remove_source_marks (start, end, type);
+             // we should highlight other types of errors..
+            if (!obj.has_member(type)) {
+                print("Return has no errors\n");
+                return true;
+            }
+            if (_this.window.windowstate.state != WindowState.State.CODEONLY && 
+                _this.window.windowstate.state != WindowState.State.CODE
+                ) {
+                return true;
+            } 
+            var err = obj.get_object_member(type);
+            if (_this.file == null) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            var valafn = _this.file.path;
+            if (_this.file.xtype != "PlainFile") {
+                 valafn = "";
+                  try {             
+                       var  regex = new Regex("\\.bjs$");
+                       // should not happen
+                        valafn = regex.replace(_this.file.path,_this.file.path.length , 0 , ".vala");
+                     } catch (GLib.RegexError e) {
+                        return true;
+                    }   
+              }
+               if (!err.has_member(valafn)) {
+                    print("File path has no errors\n");
+                    return  true;
+                }
+                var lines = err.get_object_member(valafn);
+                var offset = 1;
+                if (obj.has_member("line_offset")) {
+                    offset = (int)obj.get_int_member("line_offset") + 1;
+                }
+            var tlines = this.el.get_line_count () +1;
+            lines.foreach_member((obj, line, node) => {
+                     Gtk.TextIter iter;
+            //        print("get inter\n");
+                    var eline = int.parse(line) - offset;
+                    print("GOT ERROR on line %s -- converted to %d\n", line,eline);
+                    if (eline > tlines || eline < 0) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    this.el.get_iter_at_line( out iter, eline);
+                    //print("mark line\n");
+                    var msg  = "Line: %d".printf(eline+1);
+                    var ar = lines.get_array_member(line);
+                    for (var i = 0 ; i < ar.get_length(); i++) {
+                           msg += (msg.length > 0) ? "\n" : "";
+                           msg += ar.get_string_element(i);
+                   }
+                    this.el.create_source_mark(msg, type, iter);
+                } );
+                return false;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/FakeServer.vala b/src/Builder4/FakeServer.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b788213
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ * Originally this was supposed to intercept http calls and redirect them
+ * but that is not supported in webkit2 (without using the extension api)
+ * 
+ * so for now we have modified our server to serve use a base url of xhttp:
+ * 
+ * so all relative urls are based on that 
+ * 
+ * Idea is to serve the files from the file system, so no need to setup apache etc...
+ * This should work for the static content like css / javascript etc.. but 
+ * will cause issues with 'dynamic' xhr files (eg. the php stuff)
+ *
+ * the idea is nicked from geary.
+ * 
+ * At present this serves from ~/gitlive/****  - that probably needs more thought..
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+public errordomain FakeServerError {
+public class FakeServerCache : Object
+       public string fname;
+       public  uint8[]  data;
+       public string content_type;
+       public int64 size; 
+       public static Gee.HashMap<string,FakeServerCache> cache;
+       public static FakeServerCache factory(string fname, string scheme)
+       {
+               if (cache == null) {
+                       cache = new Gee.HashMap<string,FakeServerCache>();
+               }
+          // print ("CACHE look for ==%s==\n", fname);
+           if (scheme == "resources") {
+                       return new FakeServerCache.from_resource(fname);
+               }
+           if (cache.has_key(fname)) {
+                       print ("CACHE got  %s\n", fname);
+                       return cache.get(fname);
+               }
+           print ("CACHE create %s\n", fname);
+           var el = new  FakeServerCache(fname);
+           cache.set(fname, el);
+           return el;
+       }
+       // called onload to clear the temporary cached file..
+       public static void remove(string fname) {
+               if (cache == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (!cache.has_key(fname)) {
+                       return;
+               }
+           FakeServerCache v;
+           cache.unset(fname, out v);
+       }
+       public static  void clear()
+       {
+               if (cache == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               cache.clear();
+       }
+       public static FakeServerCache factory_with_data(string data) {
+               if (cache == null) {
+                       cache = new Gee.HashMap<string,FakeServerCache>();
+               }
+               var el = new  FakeServerCache.with_data(data);
+               print("CACHE - store %s\n", el.fname);
+               cache.set(el.fname, el);
+               return el;
+       }
+       public FakeServerCache.with_data( string data )
+       {
+               this.fname = "/" + GLib.Checksum.compute_for_string(GLib.ChecksumType.MD5, data, data.length) + ".js";
+      =;
+               this.content_type = "text/javascript";
+               this.size= data.length;
+       }
+       public FakeServerCache.from_resource( string fname )
+       {
+               this.fname = fname;
+               var  file = File.new_for_path ( BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/" + fname);
+               if (!file.query_exists()) {
+              = "".data;
+                       this.content_type = "";
+                       this.size = 0;
+                       return;
+               }
+               try {
+                   var info = file.query_info(
+                                    "standard::*",
+                                   FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE
+                   );
+                   this.content_type = info.get_content_type();
+                   this.size = info.get_size();
+                   uint8[] data;
+                   GLib.FileUtils.get_data(file.get_path(), out data);
+          = data;
+               } catch (Error e) {
+              = "".data;
+                       this.size = 0;
+                       this.content_type = "";
+                       return;
+               }
+       }
+       public FakeServerCache( string fname ) {
+               this.fname = fname;
+               var  file = File.new_for_path ( GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/gitlive" + fname);
+               if (!file.query_exists()) {
+              = "".data;
+                       this.content_type = "";
+                       this.size = 0;
+                       return;
+               }
+               try { 
+                   var info = file.query_info(
+                                    "standard::*",
+                                   FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE
+                   );
+                   this.content_type = info.get_content_type();
+                   this.size = info.get_size();
+                   uint8[] data;
+                   GLib.FileUtils.get_data(file.get_path(), out data);
+          = data;
+               } catch (Error e) {
+              = "".data;
+                       this.size = 0;
+                       this.content_type = "";
+                       return;
+               }
+               print("FakeServerCache :%s, %s (%s/%d)\n", fname , 
+                       this.content_type, this.size.to_string(),;
+       }
+       public void run(WebKit.URISchemeRequest request, Cancellable? cancellable) 
+       {
+               var stream =  new GLib.MemoryInputStream.from_data (,;
+               print("SEND %s\nwe", this.size.to_string()); 
+               request.finish(stream,
+                                        this.size,
+                                        this.content_type);
+           return;
+       }
+public class FakeServer : Object
+       WebKit.WebView view;
+       public FakeServer(WebKit.WebView wkview)
+       {
+               this.view = wkview;
+               var cx = WebKit.WebContext.get_default();
+               //var cx = this.view.get_context();
+               cx.register_uri_scheme("xhttp",  serve);
+               cx.register_uri_scheme("resources",  serve);
+               cx.set_cache_model (WebKit.CacheModel.DOCUMENT_VIEWER);
+               // these do not help for cross domain requests..
+               //cx.get_security_manager().register_uri_scheme_as_cors_enabled("xhttp");
+               //cx.get_security_manager().register_uri_scheme_as_cors_enabled("http");
+               //cx.register_uri_scheme_as_cors_enabled("xhttp");
+       // = crash  cx.set_process_model (WebKit.ProcessModel.MULTIPLE_SECONDARY_PROCESSES );
+    }
+    public void serve(WebKit.URISchemeRequest request)
+    { 
+               // request is URISchemeRequest
+               print("REQ: %s\n",request.get_path());
+               var cdata = FakeServerCache.factory(request.get_path() , request.get_scheme());
+               if (cdata.size < 1 ) {
+                       print("Skip file missing = %s/gitlive%s\n", GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() , request.get_path());
+                       request.finish_error(new FakeServerError.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ("My error msg"));
+                       return;
+               }
+               print("Send :%s, %s (%s/%d)", request.get_path(), 
+                     cdata.content_type, cdata.size.to_string(),;
+     ,    null);
+       }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/GladeExtras.vala b/src/Builder4/GladeExtras.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ce8c8fd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+public class GladeExtras : Object 
+       static void init()
+       {
+       }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/GladeView.bjs b/src/Builder4/GladeView.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c59b8e4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+    "name" : "GladeView",
+    "parent" : "",
+    "title" : "",
+    "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/Builder4/GladeView.bjs",
+    "permname" : "",
+    "modOrder" : "",
+    "items" : [
+        {
+            "* ctor" : "new Glade.DesignView(new Glade.Project())",
+            "id" : "GladeView",
+            "| void createThumb" : "() {\n    \n    \n    if (this.file == null) {\n        return;\n    }\n    var filename = this.file.getIconFileName(false);\n    \n    var  win = this.el.get_parent_window();\n    var width = win.get_width();\n    var height = win.get_height();\n\n    Gdk.Pixbuf screenshot = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(win, 0, 0, width, height); // this.el.position?\n\n,\"png\");\n    return;\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n     \n    \n    // should we hold until it's printed...\n    \n      \n\n    \n    \n\n\n    \n     \n}\n",
+            "| void loadFile" : "(JsRender.JsRender file)\n{\n    \n\n    this.file = file;\n    \n\n        // clear existing elements from project?\n        \n        var  p = this.el.get_project();\n        var    li = p.get_objects().copy();\n        // should remove all..\n        for (var i =0;    i < li.length(); i++) {   \n            p.remove_object(li.nth_data(i)); \n        }\n\n        if (file.tree == null) {\n            return;\n        }\n\n//        print(\"%s\\n\",tf.tree.toJsonString());\n\tvar x = new JsRender.NodeToGlade(file.tree,  \"\");\n\n\t \n\tFileIOStream iostream;\n\tvar  f = File.new_tmp (\"\", out iostream);\n\tvar ostream = iostream.output_stream;\n\tvar dostream = new DataOutputStream (ostream);\n\tdostream.put_string (x.munge());\n\;\n\t print(\"LOADING %s\\n\",f.get_path ());\n        p.load_from_file(f.get_path ());\n        \n \n\n}",
+            "xtype" : "DesignView",
+            "# JsRender.JsRender file" : "null",
+            "$ xns" : "Glade"
+        }
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/GladeView.vala b/src/Builder4/GladeView.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..921ac96
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+static Xcls_GladeView  _GladeView;
+public class Xcls_GladeView : Object 
+    public Glade.DesignView el;
+    private Xcls_GladeView  _this;
+    public static Xcls_GladeView singleton()
+    {
+        if (_GladeView == null) {
+            _GladeView= new Xcls_GladeView();
+        }
+        return _GladeView;
+    }
+        // my vars (def)
+    public JsRender.JsRender file;
+    // ctor 
+    public Xcls_GladeView()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Glade.DesignView(new Glade.Project());
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.file = null;
+        // set gobject values
+    }
+    // user defined functions 
+    public void createThumb () {
+        if (this.file == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var filename = this.file.getIconFileName(false);
+        var  win = this.el.get_parent_window();
+        var width = win.get_width();
+        var height = win.get_height();
+        Gdk.Pixbuf screenshot = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(win, 0, 0, width, height); // this.el.position?
+        return;
+        // should we hold until it's printed...
+    }
+    public void loadFile (JsRender.JsRender file)
+    {
+        this.file = file;
+            // clear existing elements from project?
+            var  p = this.el.get_project();
+            var    li = p.get_objects().copy();
+            // should remove all..
+            for (var i =0;    i < li.length(); i++) {   
+                p.remove_object(li.nth_data(i)); 
+            }
+            if (file.tree == null) {
+                return;
+            }
+    //        print("%s\n",tf.tree.toJsonString());
+       var x = new JsRender.NodeToGlade(file.tree,  "");
+       FileIOStream iostream;
+       var  f = File.new_tmp ("", out iostream);
+       var ostream = iostream.output_stream;
+       var dostream = new DataOutputStream (ostream);
+       dostream.put_string (x.munge());
+        print("LOADING %s\n",f.get_path ());
+            p.load_from_file(f.get_path ());
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/GtkView.bjs b/src/Builder4/GtkView.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..88f215d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ "name" : "GtkView",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/GtkView.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "size_allocate" : "(aloc) => {\n \n    this.width = aloc.width;\n    this.height =aloc.height;\n}\n "
+   },
+   "| void scroll_to_line" : "(int line) {\n = 1;// code preview...\n   \n   GLib.Timeout.add(500, () => {\n   \n   \n\t   \n\t   \n\t\t  var buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();\n\t \n\t\tvar sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;\n\n\n\t\tGtk.TextIter iter;   \n\t\tsbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  line);\n\t\tthis.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);\n\t\treturn false;\n\t});   \n\n   \n}\n",
+   "id" : "GtkView",
+   "# Gtk.Widget lastObj" : "null",
+   "| void createThumb" : "() {\n    \n    \n    if (this.file == null) {\n        return;\n    }\n    // only screenshot the gtk preview..\n    if ( > 0 ) {\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    \n    var filename = this.file.getIconFileName(false);\n    \n    var  win = this.el.get_parent_window();\n    var width = win.get_width();\n    var height = win.get_height();\n    try {\n         Gdk.Pixbuf screenshot = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(win, 0, 0, width, height); // this.el.position?\n,\"png\");\n    } catch (Error e) {\n        \n    }\n\n   \n    return;\n    \n    \n     \n     \n    \n    // should we hold until it's printed...\n    \n      \n\n    \n    \n\n\n    \n     \n}\n",
+   "| void loadFile" : "(JsRender.JsRender file) \n{\n        this.file = null;\n        \n        if (file.tree == null) {\n            return;\n        }\n = 0;// gtk preview \n   \n  \n        \n       this.file = file;     \n        this.sourceview.loadFile();\n        this.searchcontext = null;\n        \n\n        if (this.lastObj != null) {\n            this.container.el.remove(this.lastObj);\n        }\n        \n        // hide the compile view at present..\n          \n        \n        var w = this.width;\n        var h = this.height;\n        \n        print(\"ALLOC SET SIZES %d, %d\\n\", w,h); \n        \n        // set the container size min to 500/500 or 20 px less than max..\n        w = int.max (w-20, 500);\n        h = int.max (h-20, 500); \n        \n        print(\"SET SIZES %d, %d\\n\", w,h);       \n        _this.container.el.set_size_request(w,h);\n        \n        _this.view_layout.el.set_size(w,h); // should be baded on calc.. -- see update_scrolled.\n        var rgba = Gdk.RGBA ();\n        rgba.parse (\"#ccc\");\n        _this.view_layout.el.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, rgba);\n        \n        \n\tvar x = new JsRender.NodeToGtk(file.tree);\n        var obj = x.munge() as Gtk.Widget;\n        this.lastObj = null;\n\tif (obj == null) {\n        \treturn;\n\t}\n\tthis.lastObj = obj;\n        \n        this.container.el.add(obj);\n        obj.show_all();\n        \n         \n        \n}\n ",
+   "int width" : 0,
+   "bool hexpand" : true,
+   "| int search" : "(string txt) {\n\ = 1;\n \tvar s = new Gtk.SourceSearchSettings();\n\tvar buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();\n\tthis.searchcontext = new Gtk.SourceSearchContext(buf,s);\n\tthis.searchcontext.set_highlight(true);\n\ts.set_search_text(txt);\n\t\n\tGtk.TextIter beg, st,en;\n\t \n\tbuf.get_start_iter(out beg);\n\tthis.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en);\n\tthis.last_search_end  = 0;\n\treturn this.searchcontext.get_occurrences_count();\n\n   \n}\n",
+   "int last_search_end" : 0,
+   "xtype" : "Box",
+   "Gtk.SourceSearchContext searchcontext" : "",
+   "# JsRender.JsRender file" : "null",
+   "int height" : 0,
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+   "# Xcls_MainWindow main_window" : "",
+   "| void forwardSearch" : "(bool change_focus) {\n\n\tif (this.searchcontext == null) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\ = 1;\n\tGtk.TextIter beg, st,en, stl;\n\t\n\tvar buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();\n\tbuf.get_iter_at_offset(out beg, this.last_search_end);\n\tif (!this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en)) {\n\t\tthis.last_search_end = 0;\n\t} else { \n\t\tthis.last_search_end = en.get_offset();\n\t\tif (change_focus) {\n\t\t\tthis.sourceview.el.grab_focus();\t\n\t\t}\n\t\tbuf.place_cursor(st);\n\t\tvar ln = st.get_line();\n\t\tbuf.get_iter_at_line(out stl,ln);\n\t\t \n\t\tthis.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(stl,  0.0f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);\n\t}\n\n}\n",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "id" : "notebook",
+     "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+     "xtype" : "Notebook",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "id" : "label_preview",
+       "* pack" : false,
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "utf8 label" : "Preview"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "label_code",
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "* pack" : false,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "utf8 label" : "Preview Generated Code"
+      },
+      {
+       "* pack" : "append_page,_this.label_preview.el",
+       "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "id" : "view_layout",
+         "xtype" : "Layout",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "container",
+           "* pack" : "put,10,10",
+           "xtype" : "Box",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+       "* pack" : "append_page,_this.label_code.el",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "gboolean show_line_marks" : true,
+         "id" : "sourceview",
+         "* init" : "{\n   \n    var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string(\"monospace\");\n    description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);\n\n    this.loading = true;\n    var buf = this.el.get_buffer();\n    buf.notify.connect((ps) => {\n        if (this.loading) {\n            return;\n        }\n        if ( != \"cursor-position\") {\n            return;\n        }\n        print(\"cursor changed : %d\\n\", buf.cursor_position);\n        Gtk.TextIter cpos;\n        buf.get_iter_at_offset(out cpos, buf.cursor_position);\n        \n        var ln = cpos.get_line();\n \n        var node = _this.file.lineToNode(ln);\n \n        if (node == null) {\n            print(\"can not find node\\n\");\n            return;\n        }\n        var ltree = _this.main_window.windowstate.left_tree;\n        var tp = ltree.model.treePathFromNode(node);\n        print(\"got tree path %s\\n\", tp);\n        if (tp != \"\") {\n\t       this.allow_node_scroll = false;        \n\t       print(\"changing cursor on tree..\\n\");\n            ltree.view.el.set_cursor(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(tp), null, false);\n            // scrolling is disabled... as node selection calls scroll 10ms after it changes.\n            GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,100 , () => {\n\t            this.allow_node_scroll = true;\n\t            return false;\n            });\n        }\n        \n        // highlight the node..\n        \n    });\n  \n  \n  \n    var attrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  pink =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    pink.parse ( \"pink\");\n    attrs.set_background ( pink);\n    attrs.set_icon_name ( \"process-stop\");    \n    attrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {\n        //print(\"tooltip query? %s\\n\",;\n        return;\n    });\n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"ERR\", attrs, 1);\n    \n     var wattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  blue =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    blue.parse ( \"#ABF4EB\");\n    wattrs.set_background ( blue);\n    wattrs.set_icon_name ( \"process-stop\");    \n    wattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {\n        //print(\"tooltip query? %s\\n\",;\n        return;\n    });\n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"WARN\", wattrs, 1);\n    \n \n    \n     var dattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  purple =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    purple.parse ( \"#EEA9FF\");\n    dattrs.set_background ( purple);\n    dattrs.set_icon_name ( \"process-stop\");    \n    dattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {\n        //print(\"tooltip query? %s\\n\",;\n        return;\n    });\n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"DEPR\", dattrs, 1);\n    \n    \n    var gattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  grey =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    grey.parse ( \"#ccc\");\n    gattrs.set_background ( grey);\n \n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"grey\", gattrs, 1);\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n}\n ",
+         "| void nodeSelected" : "(JsRender.Node? sel) {\n  \n    \n  \n    // this is connected in widnowstate\n    print(\"Roo-view - node selected\\n\");\n    var buf = this.el.get_buffer();\n \n    var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;\n\n   \n    while(Gtk.events_pending()) {\n        Gtk.main_iteration();\n    }\n    \n   \n    // clear all the marks..\n     Gtk.TextIter start;\n    Gtk.TextIter end;     \n        \n    sbuf.get_bounds (out start, out end);\n    sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, \"grey\");\n    \n    \n     if (sel == null) {\n        // no highlighting..\n        return;\n    }\n    Gtk.TextIter iter;   \n    sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  sel.line_start);\n    \n    \n    Gtk.TextIter cur_iter;\n    sbuf.get_iter_at_offset(out cur_iter, sbuf.cursor_position);\n    \n    //var cur_line = cur_iter.get_line();\n    //if (cur_line > sel.line_start && cur_line < sel.line_end) {\n    \n    //} else {\n    if (this.allow_node_scroll) {\n\t\t \n    \tthis.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);\n\t}\n    \n     \n    \n    for (var i = 0; i < buf.get_line_count();i++) {\n        if (i < sel.line_start || i > sel.line_end) {\n           \n            sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter, i);\n            sbuf.create_source_mark(null, \"grey\", iter);\n            \n        }\n    \n    }\n    \n\n}\n",
+         "bool loading" : true,
+         "| string toString" : "() {\n   Gtk.TextIter s;\n    Gtk.TextIter e;\n    this.el.get_buffer().get_start_iter(out s);\n    this.el.get_buffer().get_end_iter(out e);\n    var ret = this.el.get_buffer().get_text(s,e,true);\n    //print(\"TO STRING? \" + ret);\n    return ret;\n}\n",
+         "| void loadFile" : "( ) {\n    this.loading = true;\n    var buf = this.el.get_buffer();\n    buf.set_text(\"\",0);\n    var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;\n\n    \n\n    if (_this.file == null || _this.file.xtype != \"Gtk\") {\n        print(\"xtype != Gtk\");\n        this.loading = false;\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    var valafn = \"\";\n      try {             \n           var  regex = new Regex(\"\\\\.bjs$\");\n        \n         \n            valafn = regex.replace(_this.file.path,_this.file.path.length , 0 , \".vala\");\n         } catch (GLib.RegexError e) {\n             this.loading = false;\n            return;\n        }   \n    \n\n   if (!FileUtils.test(valafn,FileTest.IS_REGULAR) ) {\n        print(\"File path has no errors\\n\");\n        this.loading = false;\n        return  ;\n    }\n    \n    string str;\n    try {\n    \n        GLib.FileUtils.get_contents (valafn, out str);\n    } catch (Error e) {\n        this.loading = false;\n        return  ;\n    }\n\n//    print(\"setting str %d\\n\", str.length);\n    buf.set_text(str, str.length);\n    var lm = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default();\n     \n    //?? is javascript going to work as js?\n    \n    ((Gtk.SourceBuffer)(buf)) .set_language(lm.get_language(_this.file.language));\n  \n    \n    Gtk.TextIter start;\n    Gtk.TextIter end;     \n        \n    sbuf.get_bounds (out start, out end);\n    sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, null); // remove all marks..\n    \n    \n    if (_this.main_window.windowstate.last_compile_result != null) {\n        var obj = _this.main_window.windowstate.last_compile_result;\n        this.highlightErrorsJson(\"ERR\", obj);\n        this.highlightErrorsJson(\"WARN\", obj);\n        this.highlightErrorsJson(\"DEPR\", obj);\t\t\t\n    }\n    //while (Gtk.events_pending()) {\n     //   Gtk.main_iteration();\n   // }\n    \n    this.loading = false; \n}\n",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "xtype" : "SourceView",
+         "bool allow_node_scroll" : true,
+         "| void highlightErrorsJson" : " (string type, Json.Object obj) {\n      Gtk.TextIter start;\n     Gtk.TextIter end;   \n     \n     var buf =  this.el.get_buffer();\n       var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)buf;\n        buf.get_bounds (out start, out end);\n        \n        sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, type);\n                 \n     \n     // we should highlight other types of errors..\n    \n    if (!obj.has_member(type)) {\n        print(\"Return has no errors\\n\");\n        return  ;\n    }\n    var err = obj.get_object_member(type);\n    \n    if (_this.file == null) { \n        return; // just in case the file has not loaded yet?\n    }\n \n\n    var valafn = \"\";\n      try {             \n           var  regex = new Regex(\"\\\\.bjs$\");\n        \n         \n            valafn = regex.replace(_this.file.path,_this.file.path.length , 0 , \".vala\");\n         } catch (GLib.RegexError e) {\n            return;\n        }   \n\n   if (!err.has_member(valafn)) {\n        print(\"File path has no errors\\n\");\n        return  ;\n    }\n    var lines = err.get_object_member(valafn);\n    \n   \n    \n    var tlines = buf.get_line_count () +1;\n    \n    lines.foreach_member((obj, line, node) => {\n        \n             Gtk.TextIter iter;\n    //        print(\"get inter\\n\");\n            var eline = int.parse(line) -1  ;\n            print(\"GOT ERROR on line %s -- converted to %d\\n\", line,eline);\n            \n            \n            if (eline > tlines || eline < 0) {\n                return;\n            }\n            sbuf.get_iter_at_line( out iter, eline);\n            //print(\"mark line\\n\");\n            var msg  = type + \" on line: %d - %s\".printf(eline+1, valafn);\n            var ar = lines.get_array_member(line);\n            for (var i = 0 ; i < ar.get_length(); i++) {\n\t\t    msg += (msg.length > 0) ? \"\\n\" : \"\";\n\t\t    msg += ar.get_string_element(i);\n\t    }\n            \n            \n            sbuf.create_source_mark(msg, type, iter);\n        } );\n        return  ;\n    \n \n\n\n}",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "gboolean show_line_numbers" : true,
+         "gboolean editable" : false
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/GtkView.vala b/src/Builder4/GtkView.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9851abb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
+static Xcls_GtkView  _GtkView;
+public class Xcls_GtkView : Object
+    public Gtk.Box el;
+    private Xcls_GtkView  _this;
+    public static Xcls_GtkView singleton()
+    {
+        if (_GtkView == null) {
+            _GtkView= new Xcls_GtkView();
+        }
+        return _GtkView;
+    }
+    public Xcls_notebook notebook;
+    public Xcls_label_preview label_preview;
+    public Xcls_label_code label_code;
+    public Xcls_view_layout view_layout;
+    public Xcls_container container;
+    public Xcls_sourceview sourceview;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Gtk.Widget lastObj;
+    public int width;
+    public int last_search_end;
+    public Gtk.SourceSearchContext searchcontext;
+    public JsRender.JsRender file;
+    public int height;
+    public Xcls_MainWindow main_window;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_GtkView()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.lastObj = null;
+        this.width = 0;
+        this.last_search_end = 0;
+        this.file = null;
+        this.height = 0;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.hexpand = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_notebook( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+        //listeners
+        this.el.size_allocate.connect( (aloc) => {
+            this.width = aloc.width;
+            this.height =aloc.height;
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void scroll_to_line (int line) {
+ = 1;// code preview...
+       GLib.Timeout.add(500, () => {
+                 var buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();
+               var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;
+               Gtk.TextIter iter;   
+               sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  line);
+               this.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);
+               return false;
+       });   
+    }
+    public void createThumb () {
+        if (this.file == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // only screenshot the gtk preview..
+        if ( > 0 ) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var filename = this.file.getIconFileName(false);
+        var  win = this.el.get_parent_window();
+        var width = win.get_width();
+        var height = win.get_height();
+        try {
+             Gdk.Pixbuf screenshot = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(win, 0, 0, width, height); // this.el.position?
+   ,"png");
+        } catch (Error e) {
+        }
+        return;
+        // should we hold until it's printed...
+    }
+    public void loadFile (JsRender.JsRender file) 
+    {
+            this.file = null;
+            if (file.tree == null) {
+                return;
+            }
+   = 0;// gtk preview 
+           this.file = file;     
+            this.sourceview.loadFile();
+            this.searchcontext = null;
+            if (this.lastObj != null) {
+                this.container.el.remove(this.lastObj);
+            }
+            // hide the compile view at present..
+            var w = this.width;
+            var h = this.height;
+            print("ALLOC SET SIZES %d, %d\n", w,h); 
+            // set the container size min to 500/500 or 20 px less than max..
+            w = int.max (w-20, 500);
+            h = int.max (h-20, 500); 
+            print("SET SIZES %d, %d\n", w,h);       
+            _this.container.el.set_size_request(w,h);
+            _this.view_layout.el.set_size(w,h); // should be baded on calc.. -- see update_scrolled.
+            var rgba = Gdk.RGBA ();
+            rgba.parse ("#ccc");
+            _this.view_layout.el.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, rgba);
+       var x = new JsRender.NodeToGtk(file.tree);
+            var obj = x.munge() as Gtk.Widget;
+            this.lastObj = null;
+       if (obj == null) {
+               return;
+       }
+       this.lastObj = obj;
+            this.container.el.add(obj);
+            obj.show_all();
+    }
+    public int search (string txt) {
+ = 1;
+       var s = new Gtk.SourceSearchSettings();
+       var buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();
+       this.searchcontext = new Gtk.SourceSearchContext(buf,s);
+       this.searchcontext.set_highlight(true);
+       s.set_search_text(txt);
+       Gtk.TextIter beg, st,en;
+       buf.get_start_iter(out beg);
+       this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en);
+       this.last_search_end  = 0;
+       return this.searchcontext.get_occurrences_count();
+    }
+    public void forwardSearch (bool change_focus) {
+       if (this.searchcontext == null) {
+               return;
+       }
+ = 1;
+       Gtk.TextIter beg, st,en, stl;
+       var buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();
+       buf.get_iter_at_offset(out beg, this.last_search_end);
+       if (!this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en)) {
+               this.last_search_end = 0;
+       } else { 
+               this.last_search_end = en.get_offset();
+               if (change_focus) {
+                       this.sourceview.el.grab_focus();        
+               }
+               buf.place_cursor(st);
+               var ln = st.get_line();
+               buf.get_iter_at_line(out stl,ln);
+               this.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(stl,  0.0f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);
+       }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_notebook : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Notebook el;
+        private Xcls_GtkView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_notebook(Xcls_GtkView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.notebook = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Notebook();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_label_preview( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_label_code( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow5( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.append_page (  child_2.el , _this.label_preview.el );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow8( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.append_page (  child_3.el , _this.label_code.el );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_label_preview : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_GtkView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_label_preview(Xcls_GtkView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.label_preview = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Preview" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_label_code : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_GtkView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_label_code(Xcls_GtkView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.label_code = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Preview Generated Code" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow5 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_GtkView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow5(Xcls_GtkView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_view_layout( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_view_layout : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Layout el;
+        private Xcls_GtkView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_view_layout(Xcls_GtkView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.view_layout = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Layout( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_container( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.put (  child_0.el , 10,10 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_container : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_GtkView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_container(Xcls_GtkView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.container = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow8 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_GtkView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow8(Xcls_GtkView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_sourceview( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_sourceview : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SourceView el;
+        private Xcls_GtkView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public bool loading;
+        public bool allow_node_scroll;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_sourceview(Xcls_GtkView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.sourceview = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SourceView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.loading = true;
+            this.allow_node_scroll = true;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.editable = false;
+            this.el.show_line_marks = true;
+            this.el.show_line_numbers = true;
+            // init method
+            {
+                var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string("monospace");
+                description.set_size(8000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);
+                this.loading = true;
+                var buf = this.el.get_buffer();
+                buf.notify.connect((ps) => {
+                    if (this.loading) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    if ( != "cursor-position") {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    print("cursor changed : %d\n", buf.cursor_position);
+                    Gtk.TextIter cpos;
+                    buf.get_iter_at_offset(out cpos, buf.cursor_position);
+                    var ln = cpos.get_line();
+                    var node = _this.file.lineToNode(ln);
+                    if (node == null) {
+                        print("can not find node\n");
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    var ltree = _this.main_window.windowstate.left_tree;
+                    var tp = ltree.model.treePathFromNode(node);
+                    print("got tree path %s\n", tp);
+                    if (tp != "") {
+                      this.allow_node_scroll = false;        
+                      print("changing cursor on tree..\n");
+                        ltree.view.el.set_cursor(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(tp), null, false);
+                        // scrolling is disabled... as node selection calls scroll 10ms after it changes.
+                        GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,100 , () => {
+                           this.allow_node_scroll = true;
+                           return false;
+                        });
+                    }
+                    // highlight the node..
+                });
+                var attrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  pink =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                pink.parse ( "pink");
+                attrs.set_background ( pink);
+                attrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop");    
+                attrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {
+                    //print("tooltip query? %s\n",;
+                    return;
+                });
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("ERR", attrs, 1);
+                 var wattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  blue =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                blue.parse ( "#ABF4EB");
+                wattrs.set_background ( blue);
+                wattrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop");    
+                wattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {
+                    //print("tooltip query? %s\n",;
+                    return;
+                });
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("WARN", wattrs, 1);
+                 var dattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  purple =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                purple.parse ( "#EEA9FF");
+                dattrs.set_background ( purple);
+                dattrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop");    
+                dattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {
+                    //print("tooltip query? %s\n",;
+                    return;
+                });
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("DEPR", dattrs, 1);
+                var gattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  grey =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                grey.parse ( "#ccc");
+                gattrs.set_background ( grey);
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("grey", gattrs, 1);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void nodeSelected (JsRender.Node? sel) {
+            // this is connected in widnowstate
+            print("Roo-view - node selected\n");
+            var buf = this.el.get_buffer();
+            var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;
+            while(Gtk.events_pending()) {
+                Gtk.main_iteration();
+            }
+            // clear all the marks..
+             Gtk.TextIter start;
+            Gtk.TextIter end;     
+            sbuf.get_bounds (out start, out end);
+            sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, "grey");
+             if (sel == null) {
+                // no highlighting..
+                return;
+            }
+            Gtk.TextIter iter;   
+            sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  sel.line_start);
+            Gtk.TextIter cur_iter;
+            sbuf.get_iter_at_offset(out cur_iter, sbuf.cursor_position);
+            //var cur_line = cur_iter.get_line();
+            //if (cur_line > sel.line_start && cur_line < sel.line_end) {
+            //} else {
+            if (this.allow_node_scroll) {
+               this.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);
+               }
+            for (var i = 0; i < buf.get_line_count();i++) {
+                if (i < sel.line_start || i > sel.line_end) {
+                    sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter, i);
+                    sbuf.create_source_mark(null, "grey", iter);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        public string toString () {
+           Gtk.TextIter s;
+            Gtk.TextIter e;
+            this.el.get_buffer().get_start_iter(out s);
+            this.el.get_buffer().get_end_iter(out e);
+            var ret = this.el.get_buffer().get_text(s,e,true);
+            //print("TO STRING? " + ret);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        public void loadFile ( ) {
+            this.loading = true;
+            var buf = this.el.get_buffer();
+            buf.set_text("",0);
+            var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;
+            if (_this.file == null || _this.file.xtype != "Gtk") {
+                print("xtype != Gtk");
+                this.loading = false;
+                return;
+            }
+            var valafn = "";
+              try {             
+                   var  regex = new Regex("\\.bjs$");
+                    valafn = regex.replace(_this.file.path,_this.file.path.length , 0 , ".vala");
+                 } catch (GLib.RegexError e) {
+                     this.loading = false;
+                    return;
+                }   
+           if (!FileUtils.test(valafn,FileTest.IS_REGULAR) ) {
+                print("File path has no errors\n");
+                this.loading = false;
+                return  ;
+            }
+            string str;
+            try {
+                GLib.FileUtils.get_contents (valafn, out str);
+            } catch (Error e) {
+                this.loading = false;
+                return  ;
+            }
+        //    print("setting str %d\n", str.length);
+            buf.set_text(str, str.length);
+            var lm = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default();
+            //?? is javascript going to work as js?
+            ((Gtk.SourceBuffer)(buf)) .set_language(lm.get_language(_this.file.language));
+            Gtk.TextIter start;
+            Gtk.TextIter end;     
+            sbuf.get_bounds (out start, out end);
+            sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, null); // remove all marks..
+            if (_this.main_window.windowstate.last_compile_result != null) {
+                var obj = _this.main_window.windowstate.last_compile_result;
+                this.highlightErrorsJson("ERR", obj);
+                this.highlightErrorsJson("WARN", obj);
+                this.highlightErrorsJson("DEPR", obj);                 
+            }
+            //while (Gtk.events_pending()) {
+             //   Gtk.main_iteration();
+           // }
+            this.loading = false; 
+        }
+        public void highlightErrorsJson (string type, Json.Object obj) {
+              Gtk.TextIter start;
+             Gtk.TextIter end;   
+             var buf =  this.el.get_buffer();
+               var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)buf;
+                buf.get_bounds (out start, out end);
+                sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, type);
+             // we should highlight other types of errors..
+            if (!obj.has_member(type)) {
+                print("Return has no errors\n");
+                return  ;
+            }
+            var err = obj.get_object_member(type);
+            if (_this.file == null) { 
+                return; // just in case the file has not loaded yet?
+            }
+            var valafn = "";
+              try {             
+                   var  regex = new Regex("\\.bjs$");
+                    valafn = regex.replace(_this.file.path,_this.file.path.length , 0 , ".vala");
+                 } catch (GLib.RegexError e) {
+                    return;
+                }   
+           if (!err.has_member(valafn)) {
+                print("File path has no errors\n");
+                return  ;
+            }
+            var lines = err.get_object_member(valafn);
+            var tlines = buf.get_line_count () +1;
+            lines.foreach_member((obj, line, node) => {
+                     Gtk.TextIter iter;
+            //        print("get inter\n");
+                    var eline = int.parse(line) -1  ;
+                    print("GOT ERROR on line %s -- converted to %d\n", line,eline);
+                    if (eline > tlines || eline < 0) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    sbuf.get_iter_at_line( out iter, eline);
+                    //print("mark line\n");
+                    var msg  = type + " on line: %d - %s".printf(eline+1, valafn);
+                    var ar = lines.get_array_member(line);
+                    for (var i = 0 ; i < ar.get_length(); i++) {
+                           msg += (msg.length > 0) ? "\n" : "";
+                           msg += ar.get_string_element(i);
+                   }
+                    sbuf.create_source_mark(msg, type, iter);
+                } );
+                return  ;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/MainWindow.bjs b/src/Builder4/MainWindow.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c1ec4a3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+ "name" : "MainWindow",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/MainWindow.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "delete_event" : "  (   event) => {\n    return false;\n} ",
+    "destroy" : "() =>  {\n Xcls_MainWindow.singleton().no_windows--;\n \n Resources.singleton().disconnect(_this.statusbar.handler_id);\n \n \n if (Xcls_MainWindow.singleton().no_windows < 1) {\n\n     Gtk.main_quit();\n }\n}",
+    "show" : "  ( ) => {\n    // hide the file editing..\n   \n    //this.hideViewEditing();\n    _this.statusbar.el.hide();\n     _this.statusbar_errors.el.hide();\n    _this.statusbar_warnings.el.hide();\n    _this.statusbar_depricated.el.hide();\n    \n  \n    Resources.singleton().checkResources();\n\n}",
+    "key_release_event" : " (event) => {\n    \n    if (this.search_entry.el.is_visible()) {\n\t\tif (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.f && (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) {\n\t\t    print(\"SAVE: ctrl-f  pressed\");\n\t\t\tthis.search_entry.el.grab_focus();\n\t\t    return false;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.g && (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) {\n\t\t    print(\"SAVE: ctrl-g  pressed\");\n\t\t\tthis.search_entry.forwardSearch(true);\n\t\t    return false;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t}    \n\t\n\tif (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.n && (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) {\n\t\tprint(\"SAVE: ctrl-n  pressed\");\n\t\tthis.openNewWindow();\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t\n   // print(event.key.keyval)\n    \n    return false;\n\n} \n\n"
+   },
+   "id" : "MainWindow",
+   "default_width" : 800,
+   "* init" : " \n\t  \n    //this.el.show_all();\n    //try {\n         this.el.set_icon_name(\"roobuilder\");\n\t//} catch (Exception e) {\n\t//\tprint(\"no icon found\");\n//\t}",
+   "| void openNewWindow" : "() {\n\tXcls_MainWindow.singleton().no_windows++;\n        var w = new Xcls_MainWindow();\n        w.ref();\n\n        w.el.show_all();\n        w.initChildren();\n        w.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILES);\n}\n",
+   "# Project.Project project" : "null",
+   "# string title" : "\"Application Builder\"",
+   "xtype" : "Window",
+   "# int no_windows" : 1,
+   "default_height" : 500,
+   "|        void initChildren" : " () {\n    // this needs putting in a better place..\n    this.windowstate = new WindowState(this);\n     \n\n    //w.el.show_all();\n    var tl = new Clutter.Timeline(6000);\n    tl.set_repeat_count(-1);\n    tl.start();\n    tl.ref();\n\n    \n\n\n\n}\n",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "|             void show" : "() {\n   \n    this.el.show_all();\n\n}",
+   "# WindowState windowstate" : "null",
+   "border_width" : 0,
+   "$ type" : "Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL",
+   "|             void setTitle" : " (string str) {\n    this.headerbar.el.set_title(this.title + \" - \" + str);\n} \n",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "id" : "headerbar",
+     "xtype" : "HeaderBar",
+     "* pack" : "set_titlebar",
+     "bool show_close_button" : true,
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "string title" : "Application Builder",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "* pack" : "pack_start",
+       "xtype" : "Box",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "bool use_popover" : false,
+         "xtype" : "MenuButton",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "topbarmenu",
+           "* init" : "{\n    this.el.show_all();\n}\n",
+           "xtype" : "Menu",
+           "* pack" : "set_popup",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "activate" : "( ) => {\n       _this.openNewWindow();\n}"
+             },
+             "string label" : "Open a new Window",
+             "* pack" : "append",
+             "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            },
+            {
+             "* pack" : "append",
+             "xtype" : "SeparatorMenuItem",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            },
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "activate" : " ( ) => {\n         Resources.singleton().fetchStart();\n}"
+             },
+             "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+             "string label" : "Download updated Resources",
+             "* pack" : "append",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            },
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "activate" : "() => {\n    About.singleton();\n    }"
+             },
+             "* pack" : "append",
+             "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+             "string label" : "About the Builder",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            }
+           ]
+          },
+          {
+           "utf8 icon_name" : "help-about",
+           "* pack" : "set_image",
+           "xtype" : "Image",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n   _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILES);\n      \n\n}"
+         },
+         "id" : "openbtn",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "xtype" : "Button",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "$ tooltop_text" : "\"Open File\"",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "xtype" : "Image",
+           "utf8 icon_name" : "document-open",
+           "* pack" : "set_image",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n  \n    _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PREVIEW);\n    \n\n}"
+         },
+         "id" : "openbackbtn",
+         "utf8 tooltip_text" : "Back",
+         "xtype" : "Button",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "bool visible" : false,
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "* pack" : "set_image",
+           "xtype" : "Image",
+           "utf8 icon_name" : "go-previous",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "id" : "vbox",
+     "* pack" : "add",
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "$ homogeneous" : false,
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "id" : "mainpane",
+       "position" : 400,
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+       "# int lastWidth" : 0,
+       "xtype" : "Paned",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
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+        {
+         "id" : "leftpane",
+         "xtype" : "Box",
+         "* pack" : "add1",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "editpane",
+           "xtype" : "Paned",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "id" : "tree",
+             "xtype" : "Box",
+             "* pack" : "add1",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL"
+            },
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+             "xtype" : "Box",
+             "* pack" : "add2",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL"
+            }
+           ]
+          }
+         ]
+        },
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+         "* pack" : "add2",
+         "xtype" : "Box",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "size_allocate" : "  (  alloc) => {\n    if (_this.windowstate == null) {\n        return;\n    }\n    _this.windowstate.resizeCanvas(); \n        \n}"
+           },
+           "id" : "clutterembed",
+           "* init" : "    var stage = this.el.get_stage();\n    stage.set_background_color(  Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\"));\n    \n    \n",
+           "xtype" : "Embed",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+           "$ xns" : "GtkClutter",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "id" : "rooview",
+             "* init" : "{\n   \n   \n    this.el.add_constraint(\n        new Clutter.AlignConstraint(\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), \n            Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,\n            1.0f\n        )\n    );\n        \n    //this.el.set_position(100,100);\n    this.el.set_pivot_point(1.0f,1.0f);\n    \n    this.el.set_size(_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50,\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);\n            \n}",
+             "xtype" : "Actor",
+             "* pack" : "get_stage().add_child",
+             "$ xns" : "GtkClutter"
+            },
+            {
+             "id" : "objectview",
+             "* init" : "{\n   \n   /*\n    this.el.add_constraint(\n        new Clutter.AlignConstraint(\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), \n            Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,\n            0.0f\n        )\n    );\n    */\n    this.el.fixed_x = 50.0f;\n    this.el.fixed_y = 0.0f;\n    //this.el.set_position(100,100);\n    this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f);\n    this.el.set_scale(0.0f,1.0f);\n    this.el.set_size((_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50)/2,\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);\n            \n}",
+             "xtype" : "Actor",
+             "* pack" : "get_stage().add_child",
+             "$ xns" : "GtkClutter"
+            },
+            {
+             "id" : "codeeditview",
+             "* init" : "{\n   \n   /*\n    this.el.add_constraint(\n        new Clutter.AlignConstraint(\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), \n            Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,\n            0.0f\n        )\n    );\n    */\n    this.el.fixed_x = 50.0f;\n    this.el.fixed_y = 0.0f;\n    //this.el.set_position(100,100);\n    this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f);\n    this.el.set_scale(0.0f,1.0f);\n    this.el.set_size((_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50)/2,\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);\n            \n}",
+             "xtype" : "Actor",
+             "* pack" : "get_stage().add_child",
+             "$ xns" : "GtkClutter"
+            },
+            {
+             "id" : "addpropsview",
+             "* init" : "{\n   \n   /*\n    this.el.add_constraint(\n        new Clutter.AlignConstraint(\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), \n            Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,\n            0.0f\n        )\n    );\n    */\n    this.el.fixed_x = 50.0f;\n    this.el.fixed_y = 0.0f;\n    //this.el.set_position(100,100);\n    this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f);\n    this.el.set_scale(0.0f,1.0f);\n    this.el.set_size((_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50)/2,\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);\n            \n}",
+             "xtype" : "Actor",
+             "* pack" : "get_stage().add_child",
+             "$ xns" : "GtkClutter"
+            },
+            {
+             "id" : "projecteditview",
+             "* init" : "{\n   \n   \n    this.el.add_constraint(\n        new Clutter.AlignConstraint(\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), \n            Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,\n            1.0f\n        )\n    );\n        \n    //this.el.set_position(100,100);\n    this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f);\n    this.el.set_scale(1.0f,0.0f);\n    this.el.set_size(_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50,\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height /2);\n            \n}",
+             "xtype" : "Actor",
+             "* pack" : "get_stage().add_child",
+             "$ xns" : "GtkClutter"
+            },
+            {
+             "id" : "buttonlayout",
+             "* init" : "{\n    \n    this.el.add_constraint(\n        new Clutter.AlignConstraint(\n            _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), \n            Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,\n            0.0f\n        )\n    );\n     \n    \n    //this.el.set_position(100,100);\n    this.el.set_pivot_point(0.5f,0.5f);\n     this.el.set_size(50,\n           _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);\n     \n}",
+             "xtype" : "Actor",
+             "* pack" : "get_stage().add_child",
+             "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+             "items" : [
+              {
+               "$ orientation" : "Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+               "xtype" : "BoxLayout",
+               "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+               "* prop" : "layout_manager"
+              },
+              {
+               "id" : "backbutton",
+               "* init" : "this.el.set_size(50,50);",
+               "xtype" : "Actor",
+               "* pack" : "add_child",
+               "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+               "items" : [
+                {
+                 "* init" : "((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);",
+                 "xtype" : "Actor",
+                 "* pack" : "add_child",
+                 "$ xns" : "GtkClutter",
+                 "items" : [
+                  {
+                   "listeners" : {
+                    "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n   if (_this.windowstate.state == WindowState.State.FILEPROJECT) {\n    \n\t     _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILES);\n     } else { \n\t    _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PREVIEW);\n    }\n    \n\n}"
+                   },
+                   "utf8 tooltip_text" : "Back",
+                   "* pack" : false,
+                   "xtype" : "Button",
+                   "width_request" : 50,
+                   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+                   "height_request" : 50,
+                   "items" : [
+                    {
+                     "xtype" : "Image",
+                     "utf8 icon_name" : "go-previous",
+                     "* pack" : "set_image",
+                     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+                    }
+                   ]
+                  }
+                 ]
+                }
+               ]
+              },
+              {
+               "id" : "editfilebutton",
+               "* init" : "this.el.set_size(50.0f,50.0f);",
+               "xtype" : "Actor",
+               "* pack" : "add_child",
+               "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+               "items" : [
+                {
+                 "* init" : "((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);",
+                 "* pack" : "add_child",
+                 "xtype" : "Actor",
+                 "$ xns" : "GtkClutter",
+                 "items" : [
+                  {
+                   "listeners" : {
+                    "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n  \n    // create a new file in project..\n    if (_this.project == null || _this.windowstate.file == null) {\n        return  ;\n    }\n\n        _this.windowstate.file, this.el\n    );\n     \n    return  ;    \n\n\n}"
+                   },
+                   "* pack" : false,
+                   "xtype" : "Button",
+                   "width_request" : 50,
+                   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+                   "$ tooltip_text" : "\"File Details\"",
+                   "height_request" : 50,
+                   "items" : [
+                    {
+                     "utf8 icon_name" : "document-properties",
+                     "* pack" : "set_image",
+                     "xtype" : "Image",
+                     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+                    }
+                   ]
+                  }
+                 ]
+                }
+               ]
+              },
+              {
+               "id" : "projecteditbutton",
+               "* init" : "this.el.set_size(50,50);",
+               "xtype" : "Actor",
+               "* pack" : "add_child",
+               "$ xns" : "Clutter",
+               "items" : [
+                {
+                 "* init" : "((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);",
+                 "* pack" : "add_child",
+                 "xtype" : "Actor",
+                 "$ xns" : "GtkClutter",
+                 "items" : [
+                  {
+                   "listeners" : {
+                    "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n     \n     if (_this.windowstate.state == WindowState.State.FILES) {\n     \n\t     _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILEPROJECT);\n     } else {\n \t     _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PROJECT);\n\t }     \n   \n\n\n}"
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+                "enter_event" : "(  event)  => {\n    this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#333\");\n        return false;\n}",
+                "leave_event" : "(  event)  => {\n    this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string(\"#000\");\n    return false;\n}"
+               },
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+                    "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n    \n     _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.OBJECT);\n  \n \n}"
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+                   ]
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+                    "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n    \n     _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PROP);\n \n\n}"
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+                {
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+                    "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n    \n    _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.LISTENER);\n  \n\n\n}"
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+                   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+                   "$ tooltip_text" : "\"Add Event Code\"",
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+                   ]
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+                {
+                 "* init" : "((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);",
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+                 "items" : [
+                  {
+                   "listeners" : {
+                    "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n  \n    // create a new file in project..\n    //Xcls_DialogNewComponent.singleton().show(\n   var  pe =      EditProject.singleton();\n    pe.el.set_transient_for(_this.el);\n    pe.el.set_modal(true);   \n   \n    var p  =;\n\n    if (p == null) {\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    \n    _this.windowstate.left_projects.is_loaded = false;    \n    _this.windowstate.left_projects.load();\n    _this.windowstate.left_projects.selectProject(p);\n    return  ;    \n\n\n}"
+                   },
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+                   "width_request" : 50,
+                   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+                   "$ tooltip_text" : "\"New\\nProj.\"",
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+                    {
+                     "utf8 icon_name" : "folder-new",
+                     "* pack" : "set_image",
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+                     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+                    }
+                   ]
+                  }
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+               "* init" : "this.el.set_size(50.0f,50.0f);",
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+                {
+                 "* init" : "((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);",
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+                 "$ xns" : "GtkClutter",
+                 "items" : [
+                  {
+                   "listeners" : {
+                    "clicked" : " () => {\n    // create a new file in project..\n    print(\"add file selected\\n\");\n    // what's the currently selected project...\n    var proj = _this.windowstate.left_projects.getSelectedProject();\n    \n    if (proj == null) {\n\t\tprint(\"no project selected?\\n\");\n        return  ;\n    }\n    \n    print(\"creating file?\");\n    \n    var f = JsRender.JsRender.factory(proj.xtype,  proj, \"\");\n    _this.project = proj;\n        print(\"showing popup?\");\n\n       f, this.el\n    );\n    \n    \n    return  ;    \n}"
+                   },
+                   "* pack" : false,
+                   "xtype" : "Button",
+                   "width_request" : 50,
+                   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+                   "$ tooltip_text" : "\"Add File\"",
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+                   "items" : [
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+                     "xtype" : "Image",
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+                     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
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+                   ]
+                  }
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+                }
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+              },
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+               "* init" : "this.el.set_size(50,50);",
+               "xtype" : "Actor",
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+               "items" : [
+                {
+                 "* init" : "((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);",
+                 "* pack" : "add_child",
+                 "xtype" : "Actor",
+                 "$ xns" : "GtkClutter",
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+                  {
+                   "listeners" : {
+                    "clicked" : "  ( ) => {\n     \n     var cd = DialogConfirm.singleton();\n     cd.el.set_transient_for(_this.el);\n    cd.el.set_modal(true);\n\n     var project =   _this.windowstate.left_projects.getSelectedProject();\n    if (project == null) {\n        print(\"SKIP - no project\\n\");\n        return;\n    }\n    \n        \n     if (Gtk.ResponseType.YES !=\"Confirm\", \n        \"Are you sure you want to delete project %s\".printf( {\n        return;\n    }\n     \n\n    // confirm?\n    Project.Project.remove(project);\n    _this.project = null;\n    \n    _this.windowstate.left_projects.is_loaded =  false;\n    _this.windowstate.left_projects.load();\n    _this.windowstate.clutterfiles.clearFiles();\n\n}"
+                   },
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+                   "xtype" : "Button",
+                   "width_request" : 50,
+                   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+                   "$ tooltip_text" : "\"Delete Project\"",
+                   "height_request" : 50,
+                   "items" : [
+                    {
+                     "utf8 icon_name" : "user-trash",
+                     "* pack" : "set_image",
+                     "xtype" : "Image",
+                     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+                    }
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+                }
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+              }
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+          }
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+         "bool show_text" : true,
+         "id" : "statusbar",
+         "ulong handler_id" : "-1",
+         "* init" : "{\n     this.handler_id = Resources.singleton().updateProgress.connect((pos,total) => {\n        if (pos < 1) {\n            this.el.hide();\n            _this.mainpane.el.set_sensitive(true);\n            \n            return;\n        }\n         _this.mainpane.el.set_sensitive(false);\n;\n         this.el.set_fraction ((1.0f * pos) / (1.0f * total));\n         this.el.set_text(\"Fetching Resource : %s/%s\".printf(pos.to_string(), total.to_string()));\n       \n     });\n}\n",
+         "xtype" : "ProgressBar",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
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+         "listeners" : {
+          "key_press_event" : "(event) => {\n    \n \tif (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.Return) {\n\t\tthis.forwardSearch(false);\n\t    return true;\n\n\t}    \n   // print(event.key.keyval)\n    \n    return false;\n\n} ",
+          "changed" : "() => {\n\tif (this.el.text == \"\") {\n\t\t_this.search_results.el.hide();\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tvar res = 0;\n\tswitch(_this.windowstate.state) {\n\t\tcase WindowState.State.CODEONLY:\n\t\tcase WindowState.State.CODE:\n\t\t\t// search the code being edited..\n\t\t\tres =;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase WindowState.State.PREVIEW:\n\t\t\tif (_this.windowstate.file.xtype == \"Gtk\") {\n\t\t\t\t res =;\n\t\t\t} else { \n\t\t\t\t res =;\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\;\n\tif (res > 0) {\n\t\t_this.search_results.el.label = \"%d Matches\".printf(res);\n\t} else {\n\t\t_this.search_results.el.label = \"No Matches\";\n\t}\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n}\n"
+         },
+         "id" : "search_entry",
+         "* init" : "var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string(\"monospace\");\n\tdescription.set_size(8000);\n\t this.el.override_font(description);\n\n",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,true,0",
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+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "| void forwardSearch" : "(bool change_focus) {\n\tswitch(_this.windowstate.state) {\n\t\tcase WindowState.State.CODEONLY:\n\t\tcase WindowState.State.CODE:\n\t\t\t// search the code being edited..\n\t\t\t_this.windowstate.code_editor.forwardSearch(change_focus);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase WindowState.State.PREVIEW:\n\t\t\tif (_this.windowstate.file.xtype == \"Gtk\") {\n\t\t\t\t_this.windowstate.window_gladeview.forwardSearch(change_focus);\n\t\t\t} else { \n\t\t\t\t _this.windowstate.window_rooview.forwardSearch(change_focus);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\t\n}\n"
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+            "button_press_event" : "() => {\n/*\n    if (this.popup == null) {\n        this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors();\n        this.popup.window = _this;\n    }\n   \n    \n, this.el);\n    */\n    return true;\n}"
+           },
+           "bool always_show_image" : true,
+           "id" : "search_results",
+           "Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup" : "",
+           "string label" : "Matches",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "ImageMenuItem",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
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+             "xtype" : "Image",
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+             "bool sensitive" : false,
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            }
+           ]
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "statusbar_compilestatus_label",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "string label" : "Compile Status:",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
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+            "button_press_event" : "() => {\n    if (this.popup == null) {\n        this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors();\n        this.popup.window = _this;\n    }\n   \n    \n, this.el);\n    return true;\n}"
+           },
+           "bool always_show_image" : true,
+           "id" : "statusbar_errors",
+           "| void setNotices" : "(Json.Object nots, int qty) {\n;\n    this.el.label = qty.to_string() + \" Errors\";\n    this.notices = nots;\n\n}\n",
+           "Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup" : "",
+           "string label" : "Errors",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "ImageMenuItem",
+           "# Json.Object notices" : "new Json.Object() ",
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+            {
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+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
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+            "button_press_event" : "() => {\n    if (this.popup == null) {\n        this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors();\n        this.popup.window = _this;\n    }\n    \n, this.el);\n    return true;\n}"
+           },
+           "bool always_show_image" : true,
+           "id" : "statusbar_warnings",
+           "| void setNotices" : "(Json.Object nots, int qty) {\n;\n    this.el.label = qty.to_string() + \" Warnings\";\n    this.notices = nots;\n\n}\n",
+           "Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup" : "",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "string label" : "Warnings",
+           "xtype" : "ImageMenuItem",
+           "# Json.Object notices" : "new Json.Object()",
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+            {
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+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            }
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+            "button_press_event" : "() => {\n    if (this.popup == null) {\n        this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors();\n        this.popup.window = _this;\n    }\n    \n    \n, this.el);\n    return true;\n}"
+           },
+           "bool always_show_image" : true,
+           "id" : "statusbar_depricated",
+           "| void setNotices" : "(Json.Object nots, int qty) {\n;\n    this.el.label = qty.to_string() + \" Depricated\";\n    this.notices = nots;\n\n}\n",
+           "Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup" : "",
+           "string label" : "Depricated",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "ImageMenuItem",
+           "# Json.Object notices" : "new Json.Object()",
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+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "utf8 icon_name" : "dialog-information",
+             "* pack" : "set_image",
+             "xtype" : "Image",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            }
+           ]
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "button_press_event" : "() => {\n\tif (_this.windowstate.file == null) {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\t_this.windowstate.valasource.spawnExecute(_this.windowstate.file);\n\t\n\,true);\n\t\n\treturn true;\n}"
+           },
+           "bool always_show_image" : true,
+           "id" : "statusbar_run",
+           "Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup" : "",
+           "string label" : "Run",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "ImageMenuItem",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "* pack" : "set_image",
+             "xtype" : "Image",
+             "utf8 icon_name" : "media-playback-start",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            }
+           ]
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/MainWindow.vala b/src/Builder4/MainWindow.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d62b8db
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2861 @@
+static Xcls_MainWindow  _MainWindow;
+public class Xcls_MainWindow : Object
+    public Gtk.Window el;
+    private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+    public static Xcls_MainWindow singleton()
+    {
+        if (_MainWindow == null) {
+            _MainWindow= new Xcls_MainWindow();
+        }
+        return _MainWindow;
+    }
+    public Xcls_headerbar headerbar;
+    public Xcls_topbarmenu topbarmenu;
+    public Xcls_openbtn openbtn;
+    public Xcls_openbackbtn openbackbtn;
+    public Xcls_vbox vbox;
+    public Xcls_mainpane mainpane;
+    public Xcls_leftpane leftpane;
+    public Xcls_editpane editpane;
+    public Xcls_tree tree;
+    public Xcls_props props;
+    public Xcls_clutterembed clutterembed;
+    public Xcls_rooview rooview;
+    public Xcls_objectview objectview;
+    public Xcls_codeeditview codeeditview;
+    public Xcls_addpropsview addpropsview;
+    public Xcls_projecteditview projecteditview;
+    public Xcls_buttonlayout buttonlayout;
+    public Xcls_backbutton backbutton;
+    public Xcls_editfilebutton editfilebutton;
+    public Xcls_projecteditbutton projecteditbutton;
+    public Xcls_objectshowbutton objectshowbutton;
+    public Xcls_addpropbutton addpropbutton;
+    public Xcls_addlistenerbutton addlistenerbutton;
+    public Xcls_addprojectbutton addprojectbutton;
+    public Xcls_addfilebutton addfilebutton;
+    public Xcls_delprojectbutton delprojectbutton;
+    public Xcls_statusbar statusbar;
+    public Xcls_search_entry search_entry;
+    public Xcls_search_results search_results;
+    public Xcls_statusbar_compilestatus_label statusbar_compilestatus_label;
+    public Xcls_statusbar_errors statusbar_errors;
+    public Xcls_statusbar_warnings statusbar_warnings;
+    public Xcls_statusbar_depricated statusbar_depricated;
+    public Xcls_statusbar_run statusbar_run;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Project.Project project;
+    public string title;
+    public int no_windows;
+    public WindowState windowstate;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_MainWindow()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Window( Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.project = null;
+        this.title = "Application Builder";
+        this.no_windows = 1;
+        this.windowstate = null;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.border_width = 0;
+        this.el.default_height = 500;
+        this.el.default_width = 800;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_headerbar( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.set_titlebar (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_vbox( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        // init method
+        //this.el.show_all();
+            //try {
+                 this.el.set_icon_name("roobuilder");
+               //} catch (Exception e) {
+               //      print("no icon found");
+        //     }
+        //listeners
+        this.el.delete_event.connect( (   event) => {
+            return false;
+        });
+        this.el.destroy.connect( () =>  {
+         Xcls_MainWindow.singleton().no_windows--;
+         Resources.singleton().disconnect(_this.statusbar.handler_id);
+         if (Xcls_MainWindow.singleton().no_windows < 1) {
+             Gtk.main_quit();
+         }
+        });
+ ( ) => {
+            // hide the file editing..
+            //this.hideViewEditing();
+            _this.statusbar.el.hide();
+             _this.statusbar_errors.el.hide();
+            _this.statusbar_warnings.el.hide();
+            _this.statusbar_depricated.el.hide();
+            Resources.singleton().checkResources();
+        });
+        this.el.key_release_event.connect( (event) => {
+            if (this.search_entry.el.is_visible()) {
+                       if (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.f && (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) {
+                           print("SAVE: ctrl-f  pressed");
+                               this.search_entry.el.grab_focus();
+                           return false;
+                       }
+                       if (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.g && (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) {
+                           print("SAVE: ctrl-g  pressed");
+                               this.search_entry.forwardSearch(true);
+                           return false;
+                       }
+               }    
+               if (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.n && (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) > 0 ) {
+                       print("SAVE: ctrl-n  pressed");
+                       this.openNewWindow();
+                       return false;
+               }
+           // print(event.key.keyval)
+            return false;
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void openNewWindow () {
+       Xcls_MainWindow.singleton().no_windows++;
+            var w = new Xcls_MainWindow();
+            w.ref();
+            w.el.show_all();
+            w.initChildren();
+            w.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILES);
+    }
+    public        void initChildren () {
+        // this needs putting in a better place..
+        this.windowstate = new WindowState(this);
+        //w.el.show_all();
+        var tl = new Clutter.Timeline(6000);
+        tl.set_repeat_count(-1);
+        tl.start();
+        tl.ref();
+    }
+    public             void show () {
+        this.el.show_all();
+    }
+    public             void setTitle (string str) {
+        this.headerbar.el.set_title(this.title + " - " + str);
+    }
+    public class Xcls_headerbar : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.HeaderBar el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_headerbar(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.headerbar = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.HeaderBar();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Application Builder";
+            this.el.show_close_button = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Box3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box3(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuButton4( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_openbtn( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_openbackbtn( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_2.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuButton4 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuButton el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuButton4(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuButton();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.use_popover = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_topbarmenu( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_popup (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_Image10( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_topbarmenu : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Menu el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_topbarmenu(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.topbarmenu = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Menu();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuItem6( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem7( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_MenuItem8( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_2.el  );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_MenuItem9( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_3.el  );
+            // init method
+            {
+                this.el.show_all();
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem6 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem6(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Open a new Window";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => {
+                   _this.openNewWindow();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem7 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem7(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem8 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem8(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Download updated Resources";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => {
+                     Resources.singleton().fetchStart();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem9 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem9(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "About the Builder";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( () => {
+                About.singleton();
+                });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image10 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image10(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "help-about";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_openbtn : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_openbtn(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.openbtn = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image12( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+               _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILES);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image12 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image12(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "document-open";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_openbackbtn : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_openbackbtn(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.openbackbtn = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "Back";
+            this.el.visible = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image14( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+                _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PREVIEW);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image14 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image14(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "go-previous";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_vbox : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_vbox(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.vbox = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_mainpane( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_Box66( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , false,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_mainpane : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Paned el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public int lastWidth;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_mainpane(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.mainpane = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Paned( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.lastWidth = 0;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.position = 400;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_leftpane( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add1 (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_Box21( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add2 (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_leftpane : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_leftpane(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.leftpane = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_editpane( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_editpane : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Paned el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_editpane(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.editpane = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Paned( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_tree( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add1 (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_props( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add2 (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_tree : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_tree(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.tree = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_props : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_props(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.props = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box21 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box21(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_clutterembed( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_clutterembed : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Embed el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_clutterembed(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.clutterembed = this;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Embed();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_rooview( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.get_stage().add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_objectview( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.get_stage().add_child (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_codeeditview( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.get_stage().add_child (  child_2.el  );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_addpropsview( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.get_stage().add_child (  child_3.el  );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_projecteditview( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.get_stage().add_child (  child_4.el  );
+            var child_5 = new Xcls_buttonlayout( _this );
+            child_5.ref();
+            this.el.get_stage().add_child (  child_5.el  );
+            // init method
+            var stage = this.el.get_stage();
+                stage.set_background_color(  Clutter.Color.from_string("#000"));
+            //listeners
+            this.el.size_allocate.connect( (  alloc) => {
+                if (_this.windowstate == null) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                _this.windowstate.resizeCanvas(); 
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_rooview : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_rooview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.rooview = this;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            {
+                this.el.add_constraint(
+                    new Clutter.AlignConstraint(
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), 
+                        Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,
+                        1.0f
+                    )
+                );
+                //this.el.set_position(100,100);
+                this.el.set_pivot_point(1.0f,1.0f);
+                this.el.set_size(_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50,
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_objectview : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_objectview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.objectview = this;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            {
+               /*
+                this.el.add_constraint(
+                    new Clutter.AlignConstraint(
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), 
+                        Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,
+                        0.0f
+                    )
+                );
+                */
+                this.el.fixed_x = 50.0f;
+                this.el.fixed_y = 0.0f;
+                //this.el.set_position(100,100);
+                this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f);
+                this.el.set_scale(0.0f,1.0f);
+                this.el.set_size((_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50)/2,
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_codeeditview : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_codeeditview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.codeeditview = this;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            {
+               /*
+                this.el.add_constraint(
+                    new Clutter.AlignConstraint(
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), 
+                        Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,
+                        0.0f
+                    )
+                );
+                */
+                this.el.fixed_x = 50.0f;
+                this.el.fixed_y = 0.0f;
+                //this.el.set_position(100,100);
+                this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f);
+                this.el.set_scale(0.0f,1.0f);
+                this.el.set_size((_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50)/2,
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_addpropsview : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_addpropsview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.addpropsview = this;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            {
+               /*
+                this.el.add_constraint(
+                    new Clutter.AlignConstraint(
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), 
+                        Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,
+                        0.0f
+                    )
+                );
+                */
+                this.el.fixed_x = 50.0f;
+                this.el.fixed_y = 0.0f;
+                //this.el.set_position(100,100);
+                this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f);
+                this.el.set_scale(0.0f,1.0f);
+                this.el.set_size((_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50)/2,
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_projecteditview : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_projecteditview(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.projecteditview = this;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            {
+                this.el.add_constraint(
+                    new Clutter.AlignConstraint(
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), 
+                        Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,
+                        1.0f
+                    )
+                );
+                //this.el.set_position(100,100);
+                this.el.set_pivot_point(0.0f,0.0f);
+                this.el.set_scale(1.0f,0.0f);
+                this.el.set_size(_this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().width-50,
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height /2);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_buttonlayout : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_buttonlayout(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.buttonlayout = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_BoxLayout29( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.layout_manager = child_0.el;
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_backbutton( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_editfilebutton( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_2.el  );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_projecteditbutton( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_3.el  );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_objectshowbutton( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_4.el  );
+            var child_5 = new Xcls_addpropbutton( _this );
+            child_5.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_5.el  );
+            var child_6 = new Xcls_addlistenerbutton( _this );
+            child_6.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_6.el  );
+            var child_7 = new Xcls_addprojectbutton( _this );
+            child_7.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_7.el  );
+            var child_8 = new Xcls_addfilebutton( _this );
+            child_8.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_8.el  );
+            var child_9 = new Xcls_delprojectbutton( _this );
+            child_9.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_9.el  );
+            // init method
+            {
+                this.el.add_constraint(
+                    new Clutter.AlignConstraint(
+                        _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage(), 
+                        Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,
+                        0.0f
+                    )
+                );
+                //this.el.set_position(100,100);
+                this.el.set_pivot_point(0.5f,0.5f);
+                 this.el.set_size(50,
+                       _this.clutterembed.el.get_stage().height);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_BoxLayout29 : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.BoxLayout el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_BoxLayout29(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Clutter.BoxLayout();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.orientation = Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_backbutton : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_backbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.backbutton = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor31( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_size(50,50);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Actor31 : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Actor31(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button32( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            // init method
+            ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button32 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button32(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.width_request = 50;
+            this.el.height_request = 50;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "Back";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image33( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+               if (_this.windowstate.state == WindowState.State.FILEPROJECT) {
+                    _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILES);
+                 } else { 
+                   _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PREVIEW);
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image33 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image33(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "go-previous";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_editfilebutton : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_editfilebutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.editfilebutton = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor35( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_size(50.0f,50.0f);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Actor35 : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Actor35(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button36( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            // init method
+            ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button36 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button36(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.width_request = 50;
+            this.el.height_request = 50;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "File Details";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image37( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+                // create a new file in project..
+                if (_this.project == null || _this.windowstate.file == null) {
+                    return  ;
+                }
+                    _this.windowstate.file, this.el
+                );
+                return  ;    
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image37 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image37(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "document-properties";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_projecteditbutton : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_projecteditbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.projecteditbutton = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor39( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_size(50,50);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Actor39 : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Actor39(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button40( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            // init method
+            ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button40 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button40(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.width_request = 50;
+            this.el.height_request = 50;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "Project Details";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image41( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+                 if (_this.windowstate.state == WindowState.State.FILES) {
+                    _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILEPROJECT);
+                 } else {
+                    _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PROJECT);
+                }     
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image41 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image41(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "emblem-system";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_objectshowbutton : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_objectshowbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.objectshowbutton = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor43( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_size(50,50);
+            //listeners
+            this.el.enter_event.connect( (  event)  => {
+                this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#333");
+                    return false;
+            });
+            this.el.leave_event.connect( (  event)  => {
+                this.el.background_color =   Clutter.Color.from_string("#000");
+                return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Actor43 : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Actor43(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button44( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            // init method
+            ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button44 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button44(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.width_request = 50;
+            this.el.height_request = 50;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "Add Child Element";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image45( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+                 _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.OBJECT);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image45 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image45(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "list-add";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_addpropbutton : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_addpropbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.addpropbutton = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor47( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_size(50,50);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Actor47 : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Actor47(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button48( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            // init method
+            ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button48 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button48(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.width_request = 50;
+            this.el.height_request = 50;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "Add Property";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image49( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+                 _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.PROP);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image49 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image49(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "format-justify-left";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_addlistenerbutton : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_addlistenerbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.addlistenerbutton = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor51( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_size(50,50);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Actor51 : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Actor51(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button52( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            // init method
+            ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button52 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button52(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.width_request = 50;
+            this.el.height_request = 50;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "Add Event Code";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image53( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+                _this.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.LISTENER);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image53 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image53(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "appointment-new";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_addprojectbutton : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_addprojectbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.addprojectbutton = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor55( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_size(50.0f,50.0f);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Actor55 : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Actor55(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button56( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            // init method
+            ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button56 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button56(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.width_request = 50;
+            this.el.height_request = 50;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "New\nProj.";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image57( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+                // create a new file in project..
+                //Xcls_DialogNewComponent.singleton().show(
+               var  pe =      EditProject.singleton();
+                pe.el.set_transient_for(_this.el);
+                pe.el.set_modal(true);   
+                var p  =;
+                if (p == null) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                _this.windowstate.left_projects.is_loaded = false;    
+                _this.windowstate.left_projects.load();
+                _this.windowstate.left_projects.selectProject(p);
+                return  ;    
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image57 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image57(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "folder-new";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_addfilebutton : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_addfilebutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.addfilebutton = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor59( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_size(50.0f,50.0f);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Actor59 : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Actor59(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button60( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            // init method
+            ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button60 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button60(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.width_request = 50;
+            this.el.height_request = 50;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "Add File";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image61( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( () => {
+                // create a new file in project..
+                print("add file selected\n");
+                // what's the currently selected project...
+                var proj = _this.windowstate.left_projects.getSelectedProject();
+                if (proj == null) {
+                       print("no project selected?\n");
+                    return  ;
+                }
+                print("creating file?");
+                var f = JsRender.JsRender.factory(proj.xtype,  proj, "");
+                _this.project = proj;
+                    print("showing popup?");
+                   f, this.el
+                );
+                return  ;    
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image61 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image61(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "document-new";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_delprojectbutton : Object
+    {
+        public Clutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_delprojectbutton(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.delprojectbutton = this;
+            this.el = new Clutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Actor63( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add_child (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_size(50,50);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Actor63 : Object
+    {
+        public GtkClutter.Actor el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Actor63(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new GtkClutter.Actor();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button64( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            // init method
+            ((Gtk.Container)(this.el.get_widget())).add ( child_0.el);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button64 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button64(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.width_request = 50;
+            this.el.height_request = 50;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "Delete Project";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image65( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+                 var cd = DialogConfirm.singleton();
+                 cd.el.set_transient_for(_this.el);
+                cd.el.set_modal(true);
+                 var project =   _this.windowstate.left_projects.getSelectedProject();
+                if (project == null) {
+                    print("SKIP - no project\n");
+                    return;
+                }
+                 if (Gtk.ResponseType.YES !="Confirm", 
+                    "Are you sure you want to delete project %s".printf( {
+                    return;
+                }
+                // confirm?
+                Project.Project.remove(project);
+                _this.project = null;
+                _this.windowstate.left_projects.is_loaded =  false;
+                _this.windowstate.left_projects.load();
+                _this.windowstate.clutterfiles.clearFiles();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image65 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image65(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "user-trash";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box66 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box66(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label67( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_statusbar( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_1.el , true,true,0 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_search_entry( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_2.el , false,true,0 );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_MenuBar70( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_3.el , false,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label67 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label67(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "   " );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_statusbar : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ProgressBar el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public ulong handler_id;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_statusbar(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.statusbar = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ProgressBar();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.handler_id = -1;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.show_text = true;
+            // init method
+            {
+                 this.handler_id = Resources.singleton().updateProgress.connect((pos,total) => {
+                    if (pos < 1) {
+                        this.el.hide();
+                        _this.mainpane.el.set_sensitive(true);
+                        return;
+                    }
+                     _this.mainpane.el.set_sensitive(false);
+           ;
+                     this.el.set_fraction ((1.0f * pos) / (1.0f * total));
+                     this.el.set_text("Fetching Resource : %s/%s".printf(pos.to_string(), total.to_string()));
+                 });
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_search_entry : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SearchEntry el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_search_entry(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.search_entry = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SearchEntry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string("monospace");
+               description.set_size(8000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);
+            //listeners
+            this.el.key_press_event.connect( (event) => {
+               if (event.keyval == Gdk.Key.Return) {
+                       this.forwardSearch(false);
+                   return true;
+               }    
+               // print(event.key.keyval)
+                return false;
+            });
+            this.el.changed.connect( () => {
+               if (this.el.text == "") {
+                       _this.search_results.el.hide();
+                       return;
+               }
+               var res = 0;
+               switch(_this.windowstate.state) {
+                       case WindowState.State.CODEONLY:
+                       case WindowState.State.CODE:
+                               // search the code being edited..
+                               res =;
+                               break;
+                       case WindowState.State.PREVIEW:
+                               if (_this.windowstate.file.xtype == "Gtk") {
+                                        res =;
+                               } else { 
+                                        res =;                   
+                               }
+                               break;
+               }
+     ;
+               if (res > 0) {
+                       _this.search_results.el.label = "%d Matches".printf(res);
+               } else {
+                       _this.search_results.el.label = "No Matches";
+               }
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void forwardSearch (bool change_focus) {
+               switch(_this.windowstate.state) {
+                       case WindowState.State.CODEONLY:
+                       case WindowState.State.CODE:
+                               // search the code being edited..
+                               _this.windowstate.code_editor.forwardSearch(change_focus);
+                               break;
+                       case WindowState.State.PREVIEW:
+                               if (_this.windowstate.file.xtype == "Gtk") {
+                                       _this.windowstate.window_gladeview.forwardSearch(change_focus);
+                               } else { 
+                                        _this.windowstate.window_rooview.forwardSearch(change_focus);
+                               }
+                               break;
+               }
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuBar70 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuBar el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuBar70(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuBar();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_search_results( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_statusbar_compilestatus_label( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_statusbar_errors( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_2.el  );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_statusbar_warnings( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_3.el  );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_statusbar_depricated( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_4.el  );
+            var child_5 = new Xcls_statusbar_run( _this );
+            child_5.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_5.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_search_results : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ImageMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_search_results(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.search_results = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.always_show_image = true;
+            this.el.label = "Matches";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image72( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => {
+            /*
+                if (this.popup == null) {
+                    this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors();
+                    this.popup.window = _this;
+                }
+      , this.el);
+                */
+                return true;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image72 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image72(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "system-search";
+            this.el.sensitive = false;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_statusbar_compilestatus_label : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_statusbar_compilestatus_label(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.statusbar_compilestatus_label = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Compile Status:";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_statusbar_errors : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ImageMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup;
+        public Json.Object notices;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_statusbar_errors(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.statusbar_errors = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.notices = new Json.Object() ;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.always_show_image = true;
+            this.el.label = "Errors";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image75( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => {
+                if (this.popup == null) {
+                    this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors();
+                    this.popup.window = _this;
+                }
+      , this.el);
+                return true;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void setNotices (Json.Object nots, int qty) {
+  ;
+            this.el.label = qty.to_string() + " Errors";
+            this.notices = nots;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image75 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image75(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "dialog-error";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_statusbar_warnings : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ImageMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup;
+        public Json.Object notices;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_statusbar_warnings(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.statusbar_warnings = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.notices = new Json.Object();
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.always_show_image = true;
+            this.el.label = "Warnings";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image77( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => {
+                if (this.popup == null) {
+                    this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors();
+                    this.popup.window = _this;
+                }
+      , this.el);
+                return true;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void setNotices (Json.Object nots, int qty) {
+  ;
+            this.el.label = qty.to_string() + " Warnings";
+            this.notices = nots;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image77 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image77(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "dialog-warning";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_statusbar_depricated : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ImageMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup;
+        public Json.Object notices;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_statusbar_depricated(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.statusbar_depricated = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.notices = new Json.Object();
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.always_show_image = true;
+            this.el.label = "Depricated";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image79( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => {
+                if (this.popup == null) {
+                    this.popup = new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors();
+                    this.popup.window = _this;
+                }
+      , this.el);
+                return true;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void setNotices (Json.Object nots, int qty) {
+  ;
+            this.el.label = qty.to_string() + " Depricated";
+            this.notices = nots;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image79 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image79(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "dialog-information";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_statusbar_run : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ImageMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors popup;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_statusbar_run(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.statusbar_run = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.always_show_image = true;
+            this.el.label = "Run";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image81( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_image (  child_0.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => {
+               if (_this.windowstate.file == null) {
+                       return true;
+               }
+               _this.windowstate.valasource.spawnExecute(_this.windowstate.file);
+     ,true);
+               return true;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image81 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_MainWindow  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image81(Xcls_MainWindow _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.icon_name = "media-playback-start";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/PopoverFileDetails.bjs b/src/Builder4/PopoverFileDetails.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9368eac
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+ "name" : "PopoverFileDetails",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/PopoverFileDetails.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "closed" : "() => {\n  if (!this.done) {\n;\n  \n  }\n} "
+   },
+   "|   void updateFileFromEntry" : "() {\n\n        _this.file.title = _this.title.el.get_text();\n        _this.file.region = _this.region.el.get_text();            \n        _this.file.parent = _this.parent.el.get_text();                        \n        _this.file.permname = _this.permname.el.get_text();                                    \n        _this.file.modOrder = _this.modOrder.el.get_text();\n        \n        if (  > 0 && != {\n            _this.file.renameTo(;\n        }\n        // store the module...\n        _this.file.build_module = \"\";        \n         Gtk.TreeIter iter; \n        if (_this.build_module.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {\n             Value vfname;\n             this.dbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);\n             if (((string)vfname).length > 0) {\n                 _this.file.build_module = (string)vfname;\n             }\n    \n        }\n        \n        \n\n                                                    \n}    ",
+   "@ void success" : "(Project.Project pr, JsRender.JsRender file)",
+   "id" : "PopoverFileDetails",
+   "| void show" : "(JsRender.JsRender c, Gtk.Widget btn) \n{\n    this.project = c.project;\n    this.done = false;\n    \n    \n    //if (!this.el) {\n        //this.init();\n     //}\n    \n;\n    _this.title.el.set_text(c.title);\n    _this.parent.el.set_text(c.parent);    \n    _this.region.el.set_text(c.region);\n    _this.modOrder.el.set_text(c.modOrder);\n     _this.permname.el.set_text(c.permname);\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n     var ar = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();\n     _this.dbmodel.loadData(ar,\"\");\n    // load the modules... if relivant..\n    if (this.project.xtype == \"Gtk\") {\n        var p = (Project.Gtk)c.project;\n          var cg = p.compilegroups;\n\n        var iter = cg.map_iterator();\n       while( {\n            var key = iter.get_key();\n            if (key == \"_default_\") {\n                continue;\n            }\n            ar.add(key);\n        };\n        _this.dbmodel.loadData(ar, c.build_module);\n\n    }\n    \n     \n    _this.file = c;\n    //console.log('show all');\n   this.el.set_modal(true);\n    this.el.set_relative_to(btn);\n\n    this.el.set_position(Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT);\n    \n    // window + header?\n     print(\"SHOWALL - POPIP\\n\");\n    this.el.show_all();\n;\n    \n    \n    \n    if (c.path.length > 0) {\n\t    this.save_btn.el.set_label(\"Save\");\n\t\t_this.filetype.el.hide();\n\t\t_this.filetypelbl.el.hide();\n\t\t_this.filetype.showhide(true); // as we only work on bjs files currently\n    } else {\n        this.save_btn.el.set_label(\"Create\");\n        _this.ftdbmodel.loadData(\"bjs\"); // fixme - need to determine type..\n\t;\n\t;\n    }\n    \n    \n    //this.success = c.success;\n    \n    \n}",
+   "bool done" : false,
+   "# Project.Project project" : "",
+   "xtype" : "Popover",
+   "Gtk.PositionType position" : "Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT",
+   "# JsRender.JsRender file" : "null",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "Xcls_MainWindow mainwindow" : "null",
+   "bool modal" : true,
+   "uint border_width" : 0,
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "bool homogeneous" : false,
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ pack" : "add",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,true,0",
+       "xtype" : "HeaderBar",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "string title" : "Add / Edit File"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "grid",
+       "int margin_right" : 4,
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,4",
+       "xtype" : "Grid",
+       "uint row_spacing" : 2,
+       "n_columns" : 2,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "n_rows" : 7,
+       "$ homogeneous" : true,
+       "int margin_left" : 4,
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "label" : "File type",
+         "id" : "filetypelbl",
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach,0,0,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "changed" : "() => {\n\tGtk.TreeIter iter;\n\tbool is_bjs = true;\n\tif (this.el.get_active_iter(out iter)) {\n\t\tValue vfname;\n\t\t_this.ftdbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);\n\t\t is_bjs = ((string)vfname) == \"bjs\";\n\t}\n    \n  \n    // directory is only available for non-bjs \n    this.showhide(is_bjs);\n\n\n}\n"
+         },
+         "id" : "filetype",
+         "* init" : "this.el.add_attribute(_this.ftdbcellrenderer.el , \"markup\", 1 );",
+         "* pack" : "attach,1,0,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "ComboBox",
+         "| void showhide" : "(bool is_bjs) {\n\tfor (var i = 2; i < 9;i++) {\n\t\tvar el = _this.grid.el.get_child_at(0,i);\n\t\t\n\t\tvar showhide= is_bjs;\n\t\tif (i> 7) {\n\t\t\tshowhide = !showhide;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (showhide) {\n\t\t;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tel.hide();\n\t\t}\n\t\t el = _this.grid.el.get_child_at(1,i);\n\t\tif (showhide) {\n\t\t;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tel.hide();\n\t\t}     \n    }\n    // load up the directories\n    //??? why can we not create bjs files in other directories??\n\tif (!is_bjs && _this.file.path.length < 1) {\n\t\t_this.dirmodel.loadData();\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t}\n   \n    \n}\n",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "ftdbcellrenderer",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "ftdbmodel",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "xtype" : "ListStore",
+           "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string)",
+           "n_columns" : 2,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "| void loadData" : "  (string cur) {\n    this.el.clear();                                    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    var el = this.el;\n    \n   /// el.append(out iter);\n    \n     \n   // el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n   // el.set_value(iter, 1, \"aaa  - Just add Element - aaa\");\n\n    el.append(out iter);\n\n    \n    el.set_value(iter, 0, \"bjs\");\n    el.set_value(iter, 1, \"User Interface File (bjs)\");\n    _this.filetype.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n\n    el.append(out iter);\n    \n    el.set_value(iter, 0, \"vala\");\n    el.set_value(iter, 1, \"Vala\");\n\tif (cur == \"vala\") {\n\t    _this.filetype.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n    }\n\n\n\n    el.append(out iter);\n    \n    el.set_value(iter, 0, \"js\");\n    el.set_value(iter, 1, \"Javascript\");\n\n\tif (cur == \"js\") {\n\t    _this.filetype.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n    }\n\n    el.append(out iter);\n    \n    el.set_value(iter, 0, \"css\");\n    el.set_value(iter, 1, \"CSS\");\n\n\tif (cur == \"css\") {\n\t    _this.filetype.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n    }\n                                     \n}\n"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Component Name",
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach,0,1,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "name",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach,1,1,1,1",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Title",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach,0,2,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "title",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach,1,2,1,1",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Region",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "tooltip_text" : "center, north, south, east, west",
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach,0,3,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "region",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach,1,3,1,1",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Parent Name",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach,0,4,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "parent",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach,1,4,1,1",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Permission Name",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach,0,5,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "permname",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach,1,5,1,1",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Order (for tabs)",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach,0,6,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "modOrder",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach,1,6,1,1",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Module to build (Vala only)",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach,0,7,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "build_module",
+         "* init" : "this.el.add_attribute(_this.dbcellrenderer.el , \"markup\", 1 );",
+         "* pack" : "attach,1,7,1,1",
+         "xtype" : "ComboBox",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "dbcellrenderer",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "dbmodel",
+           "xtype" : "ListStore",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string)",
+           "n_columns" : 2,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "| void loadData" : "  (Gee.ArrayList<string> data, string cur) {\n    this.el.clear();                                    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    var el = this.el;\n    \n   /// el.append(out iter);\n    \n     \n   // el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n   // el.set_value(iter, 1, \"aaa  - Just add Element - aaa\");\n\n    el.append(out iter);\n\n    \n    el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n    el.set_value(iter, 1, \"-- select a module --\");\n    _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n    \n    for (var i = 0; i < data.size;i++) {\n    \n\n        el.append(out iter);\n        \n        el.set_value(iter, 0, data.get(i));\n        el.set_value(iter, 1, data.get(i));\n        \n        if (data.get(i) == cur) {\n            _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n        }\n        \n    }\n     this.el.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          \n                                     \n}\n"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Directory",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach,0,8",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "dir",
+         "* init" : "this.el.add_attribute(_this.dircellrenderer.el , \"markup\", 1 );",
+         "* pack" : "attach,1,8",
+         "xtype" : "ComboBox",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "dircellrenderer",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "dirmodel",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "xtype" : "ListStore",
+           "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string)",
+           "n_columns" : 2,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "| void loadData" : "  () {\n\t\n\t\n  \n    this.el.clear();                                    \n    \n    if (!(_this.project is Project.Gtk)) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n    var sd = ((Project.Gtk)_this.project).sourcedirs();\n    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    var el = this.el;\n    \n   /// el.append(out iter);\n    \n     \n   // el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n   // el.set_value(iter, 1, \"aaa  - Just add Element - aaa\");\n\n//    el.append(out iter);\n\n    \n//    el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n  //  el.set_value(iter, 1, \"-- select a directoyr --\");\n    //_this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n    \n    for (var i = 0; i < sd.length;i++) {\n    \n\n        el.append(out iter);\n        \n        el.set_value(iter, 0, sd[i]);\n        el.set_value(iter, 1, sd[i]);\n        \n        //if (data.get(i) == cur) {\n        //    _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);\n       // }\n        \n    }\n  //  this.el.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          \n                                     \n}\n"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "int margin_bottom" : 4,
+       "int margin_right" : 4,
+       "* pack" : "pack_end,false,true,0",
+       "xtype" : "HButtonBox",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "int margin_left" : 4,
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "clicked" : "() => { \n\n  _this.done = true;\n    _this.el.hide(); \n}"
+         },
+         "string label" : "Cancel",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "xtype" : "Button",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "clicked" : "( ) =>  { \n\n \n\n\n\tif (  < 1) {\n\t\n\t        _this.mainwindow.el,\n\t        \"You have to set Component name \"\n\t    );\n\t     \n\t    return;\n\t}\n\t// what does this do?\n\t\n\tvar isNew =  > 0 ? false : true;\n\t/*\n\tif (!isNew && != {\n\t    Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n\t        this.el,\n\t        \"Sorry changing names does not work yet. \"\n\t    );\n\t     \n\t    return;\n\t}\n\t*/\n\t \n\t\n  \n\t// FIXME - this may be more complicated...\n\t//for (var i in this.def) {\n\t//    this.file[i] =  this.get(i).el.get_text();\n\t//}\n\n\tif (!isNew) {\n\t    try {\n\t         _this.updateFileFromEntry();\n\t     } catch( JsRender.Error.RENAME_FILE_EXISTS er) {\n\t          Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n\t            _this.mainwindow.el,\n\t            \"The name you used already exists \"\n\t        );\n\t        return;\n\t         \n\t     }\n\n\t      _this.done = true;\n\t;\n\t    _this.el.hide();\n\t    return;\n\t}\n\t\n\t// ---------------- NEW FILES...\n\tGtk.TreeIter iter;\n\n\tif (!_this.filetype.el.get_active_iter(out iter)) {\n\t\t// should not happen...\n\t\t// so we are jut going to return without \n\t\\n\t        _this.mainwindow.el,\n\t        \"You must select a file type. \"\n\t    );\n\t    return;\n\t\t \n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\tvar fn =;\n\t\n\tValue ftypename;\n\t_this.ftdbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out ftypename);\n\tvar ext = ((string)ftypename);\n\tvar dir = _this.project.firstPath(); \n\tif (ext != \"bjs\") {\n\t \n\t\tif (!_this.dir.el.get_active_iter(out iter)) {\n\t\t\t// should not happen...\n\t\t\t// so we are jut going to return without \n\t\t\\n\t\t\t    _this.mainwindow.el,\n\t\t\t    \"You must select a directory \"\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tValue vdir;\n\t\t_this.dirmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vdir);\n\t\tdir = (string)vdir;\n\t}\n\t\n\tvar targetfile = dir + \"/\" + fn;\n\t\n\t// strip the file type off the end..\n\t\n\t\n    var rx = new GLib.Regex(\"\\\\.\" + ext + \"$\",GLib.RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS);\n    targetfile = rx.replace(targetfile, targetfile.length, 0, \"\"); \n   \n\tif (GLib.FileUtils.test(targetfile + \".\" + ext, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {\n\t    Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(\n\t        _this.mainwindow.el,\n\t        \"That file already exists\"\n\t    ); \n\t    return;\n\t}\n   \n   var f =  JsRender.JsRender.factory(\n\t\text == \"bjs\" ? _this.file.project.xtype : \"PlainFile\",  \n\t\t_this.file.project, \n\t\ttargetfile + \".\" + ext);\n\n\t_this.file = f;\n\t\n\n\t\n\t_this.updateFileFromEntry();\n\t_this.file.loaded = true;\n\;\n\tif (ext == \"bjs\") {\n\t\t_this.file.project.addFile(_this.file);\n\t}\n\t\n \n\t// what about .js ?\n   _this.done = true;\n\t_this.el.hide();\n\n// hopefull this will work with bjs files..\n\t\n\t_this.success(_this.project, _this.file);\n   \n}"
+         },
+         "id" : "save_btn",
+         "xtype" : "Button",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "string label" : "Save",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/PopoverFileDetails.vala b/src/Builder4/PopoverFileDetails.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9bfab0a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1303 @@
+static Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _PopoverFileDetails;
+public class Xcls_PopoverFileDetails : Object
+    public Gtk.Popover el;
+    private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+    public static Xcls_PopoverFileDetails singleton()
+    {
+        if (_PopoverFileDetails == null) {
+            _PopoverFileDetails= new Xcls_PopoverFileDetails();
+        }
+        return _PopoverFileDetails;
+    }
+    public Xcls_grid grid;
+    public Xcls_filetypelbl filetypelbl;
+    public Xcls_filetype filetype;
+    public Xcls_ftdbcellrenderer ftdbcellrenderer;
+    public Xcls_ftdbmodel ftdbmodel;
+    public Xcls_name name;
+    public Xcls_title title;
+    public Xcls_region region;
+    public Xcls_parent parent;
+    public Xcls_permname permname;
+    public Xcls_modOrder modOrder;
+    public Xcls_build_module build_module;
+    public Xcls_dbcellrenderer dbcellrenderer;
+    public Xcls_dbmodel dbmodel;
+    public Xcls_dir dir;
+    public Xcls_dircellrenderer dircellrenderer;
+    public Xcls_dirmodel dirmodel;
+    public Xcls_save_btn save_btn;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public signal void success (Project.Project pr, JsRender.JsRender file);
+    public bool done;
+    public Project.Project project;
+    public JsRender.JsRender file;
+    public Xcls_MainWindow mainwindow;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_PopoverFileDetails()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Popover( null );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.done = false;
+        this.file = null;
+        this.mainwindow = null;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.border_width = 0;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        this.el.position = Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        //listeners
+        this.el.closed.connect( () => {
+          if (!this.done) {
+  ;
+          }
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public   void updateFileFromEntry () {
+            _this.file.title = _this.title.el.get_text();
+            _this.file.region = _this.region.el.get_text();            
+            _this.file.parent = _this.parent.el.get_text();                        
+            _this.file.permname = _this.permname.el.get_text();                                    
+            _this.file.modOrder = _this.modOrder.el.get_text();
+            if (  > 0 && != {
+                _this.file.renameTo(;
+            }
+            // store the module...
+            _this.file.build_module = "";        
+             Gtk.TreeIter iter; 
+            if (_this.build_module.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {
+                 Value vfname;
+                 this.dbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);
+                 if (((string)vfname).length > 0) {
+                     _this.file.build_module = (string)vfname;
+                 }
+            }
+    }
+    public void show (JsRender.JsRender c, Gtk.Widget btn) 
+    {
+        this.project = c.project;
+        this.done = false;
+        //if (!this.el) {
+            //this.init();
+         //}
+        _this.title.el.set_text(c.title);
+        _this.parent.el.set_text(c.parent);    
+        _this.region.el.set_text(c.region);
+        _this.modOrder.el.set_text(c.modOrder);
+         _this.permname.el.set_text(c.permname);
+         var ar = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+         _this.dbmodel.loadData(ar,"");
+        // load the modules... if relivant..
+        if (this.project.xtype == "Gtk") {
+            var p = (Project.Gtk)c.project;
+              var cg = p.compilegroups;
+            var iter = cg.map_iterator();
+           while( {
+                var key = iter.get_key();
+                if (key == "_default_") {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                ar.add(key);
+            };
+            _this.dbmodel.loadData(ar, c.build_module);
+        }
+        _this.file = c;
+        //console.log('show all');
+       this.el.set_modal(true);
+        this.el.set_relative_to(btn);
+        this.el.set_position(Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT);
+        // window + header?
+         print("SHOWALL - POPIP\n");
+        this.el.show_all();
+        if (c.path.length > 0) {
+           this.save_btn.el.set_label("Save");
+               _this.filetype.el.hide();
+               _this.filetypelbl.el.hide();
+               _this.filetype.showhide(true); // as we only work on bjs files currently
+        } else {
+            this.save_btn.el.set_label("Create");
+            _this.ftdbmodel.loadData("bjs"); // fixme - need to determine type..
+ ;
+ ;
+        }
+        //this.success = c.success;
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_HeaderBar3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,true,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_grid( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_1.el , false,false,4 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_HButtonBox29( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_2.el , false,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_HeaderBar3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.HeaderBar el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_HeaderBar3(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.HeaderBar();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Add / Edit File";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_grid : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Grid el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_grid(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.grid = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Grid();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin_right = 4;
+            this.el.margin_left = 4;
+            this.el.row_spacing = 2;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_filetypelbl( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_0.el , 0,0,1,1 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_filetype( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_1.el , 1,0,1,1 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Label9( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_2.el , 0,1,1,1 );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_name( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_3.el , 1,1,1,1 );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_Label11( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_4.el , 0,2,1,1 );
+            var child_5 = new Xcls_title( _this );
+            child_5.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_5.el , 1,2,1,1 );
+            var child_6 = new Xcls_Label13( _this );
+            child_6.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_6.el , 0,3,1,1 );
+            var child_7 = new Xcls_region( _this );
+            child_7.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_7.el , 1,3,1,1 );
+            var child_8 = new Xcls_Label15( _this );
+            child_8.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_8.el , 0,4,1,1 );
+            var child_9 = new Xcls_parent( _this );
+            child_9.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_9.el , 1,4,1,1 );
+            var child_10 = new Xcls_Label17( _this );
+            child_10.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_10.el , 0,5,1,1 );
+            var child_11 = new Xcls_permname( _this );
+            child_11.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_11.el , 1,5,1,1 );
+            var child_12 = new Xcls_Label19( _this );
+            child_12.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_12.el , 0,6,1,1 );
+            var child_13 = new Xcls_modOrder( _this );
+            child_13.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_13.el , 1,6,1,1 );
+            var child_14 = new Xcls_Label21( _this );
+            child_14.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_14.el , 0,7,1,1 );
+            var child_15 = new Xcls_build_module( _this );
+            child_15.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_15.el , 1,7,1,1 );
+            var child_16 = new Xcls_Label25( _this );
+            child_16.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_16.el , 0,8 );
+            var child_17 = new Xcls_dir( _this );
+            child_17.ref();
+            this.el.attach (  child_17.el , 1,8 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_filetypelbl : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_filetypelbl(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.filetypelbl = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "File type" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_filetype : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ComboBox el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_filetype(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.filetype = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ComboBox();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_ftdbcellrenderer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_ftdbmodel( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.ftdbcellrenderer.el , "markup", 1 );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.changed.connect( () => {
+               Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+               bool is_bjs = true;
+               if (this.el.get_active_iter(out iter)) {
+                       Value vfname;
+                       _this.ftdbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);
+                        is_bjs = ((string)vfname) == "bjs";
+               }
+                // directory is only available for non-bjs 
+                this.showhide(is_bjs);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void showhide (bool is_bjs) {
+               for (var i = 2; i < 9;i++) {
+                       var el = _this.grid.el.get_child_at(0,i);
+                       var showhide= is_bjs;
+                       if (i> 7) {
+                               showhide = !showhide;
+                       }
+                       if (showhide) {
+                ;
+                       } else {
+                               el.hide();
+                       }
+                        el = _this.grid.el.get_child_at(1,i);
+                       if (showhide) {
+                ;
+                       } else {
+                               el.hide();
+                       }     
+            }
+            // load up the directories
+            //??? why can we not create bjs files in other directories??
+               if (!is_bjs && _this.file.path.length < 1) {
+                       _this.dirmodel.loadData();
+               }
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ftdbcellrenderer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ftdbcellrenderer(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.ftdbcellrenderer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ftdbmodel : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ftdbmodel(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.ftdbmodel = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string),typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void loadData (string cur) {
+            this.el.clear();                                    
+            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            var el = this.el;
+           /// el.append(out iter);
+           // el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+           // el.set_value(iter, 1, "aaa  - Just add Element - aaa");
+            el.append(out iter);
+            el.set_value(iter, 0, "bjs");
+            el.set_value(iter, 1, "User Interface File (bjs)");
+            _this.filetype.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+            el.append(out iter);
+            el.set_value(iter, 0, "vala");
+            el.set_value(iter, 1, "Vala");
+               if (cur == "vala") {
+                   _this.filetype.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+            }
+            el.append(out iter);
+            el.set_value(iter, 0, "js");
+            el.set_value(iter, 1, "Javascript");
+               if (cur == "js") {
+                   _this.filetype.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+            }
+            el.append(out iter);
+            el.set_value(iter, 0, "css");
+            el.set_value(iter, 1, "CSS");
+               if (cur == "css") {
+                   _this.filetype.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label9 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label9(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Component Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_name : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_name(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+   = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label11 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label11(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Title" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_title : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_title(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.title = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label13 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label13(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Region" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "center, north, south, east, west";
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_region : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_region(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.region = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label15 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label15(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Parent Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_parent : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_parent(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.parent = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label17 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label17(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Permission Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_permname : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_permname(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.permname = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label19 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label19(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Order (for tabs)" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_modOrder : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_modOrder(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.modOrder = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label21 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label21(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Module to build (Vala only)" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_build_module : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ComboBox el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_build_module(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.build_module = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ComboBox();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_dbcellrenderer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_dbmodel( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.dbcellrenderer.el , "markup", 1 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dbcellrenderer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dbcellrenderer(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dbcellrenderer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dbmodel : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dbmodel(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dbmodel = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string),typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void loadData (Gee.ArrayList<string> data, string cur) {
+            this.el.clear();                                    
+            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            var el = this.el;
+           /// el.append(out iter);
+           // el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+           // el.set_value(iter, 1, "aaa  - Just add Element - aaa");
+            el.append(out iter);
+            el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+            el.set_value(iter, 1, "-- select a module --");
+            _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+            for (var i = 0; i < data.size;i++) {
+                el.append(out iter);
+                el.set_value(iter, 0, data.get(i));
+                el.set_value(iter, 1, data.get(i));
+                if (data.get(i) == cur) {
+                    _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+                }
+            }
+             this.el.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label25 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label25(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Directory" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dir : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ComboBox el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dir(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dir = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ComboBox();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_dircellrenderer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_dirmodel( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.dircellrenderer.el , "markup", 1 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dircellrenderer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dircellrenderer(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dircellrenderer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dirmodel : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dirmodel(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dirmodel = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string),typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void loadData () {
+            this.el.clear();                                    
+            if (!(_this.project is Project.Gtk)) {
+                       return;
+               }
+            var sd = ((Project.Gtk)_this.project).sourcedirs();
+            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            var el = this.el;
+           /// el.append(out iter);
+           // el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+           // el.set_value(iter, 1, "aaa  - Just add Element - aaa");
+        //    el.append(out iter);
+        //    el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+          //  el.set_value(iter, 1, "-- select a directoyr --");
+            //_this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+            for (var i = 0; i < sd.length;i++) {
+                el.append(out iter);
+                el.set_value(iter, 0, sd[i]);
+                el.set_value(iter, 1, sd[i]);
+                //if (data.get(i) == cur) {
+                //    _this.build_module.el.set_active_iter(iter);
+               // }
+            }
+          //  this.el.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);          
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_HButtonBox29 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.HButtonBox el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_HButtonBox29(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.HButtonBox();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin_right = 4;
+            this.el.margin_left = 4;
+            this.el.margin_bottom = 4;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button30( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_save_btn( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button30 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button30(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Cancel";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( () => { 
+              _this.done = true;
+                _this.el.hide(); 
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_save_btn : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverFileDetails  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_save_btn(Xcls_PopoverFileDetails _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.save_btn = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Save";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) =>  { 
+               if (  < 1) {
+                       _this.mainwindow.el,
+                       "You have to set Component name "
+                   );
+                   return;
+               }
+               // what does this do?
+               var isNew =  > 0 ? false : true;
+               /*
+               if (!isNew && != {
+                   Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                       this.el,
+                       "Sorry changing names does not work yet. "
+                   );
+                   return;
+               }
+               */
+               // FIXME - this may be more complicated...
+               //for (var i in this.def) {
+               //    this.file[i] =  this.get(i).el.get_text();
+               //}
+               if (!isNew) {
+                   try {
+                        _this.updateFileFromEntry();
+                    } catch( JsRender.Error.RENAME_FILE_EXISTS er) {
+                         Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                           _this.mainwindow.el,
+                           "The name you used already exists "
+                       );
+                       return;
+                    }
+                     _this.done = true;
+         ;
+                   _this.el.hide();
+                   return;
+               }
+               // ---------------- NEW FILES...
+               Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+               if (!_this.filetype.el.get_active_iter(out iter)) {
+                       // should not happen...
+                       // so we are jut going to return without 
+                       _this.mainwindow.el,
+                       "You must select a file type. "
+                   );
+                   return;
+               }
+               var fn =;
+               Value ftypename;
+               _this.ftdbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out ftypename);
+               var ext = ((string)ftypename);
+               var dir = _this.project.firstPath(); 
+               if (ext != "bjs") {
+                       if (!_this.dir.el.get_active_iter(out iter)) {
+                               // should not happen...
+                               // so we are jut going to return without 
+                                   _this.mainwindow.el,
+                                   "You must select a directory "
+                               );
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       Value vdir;
+                       _this.dirmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vdir);
+                       dir = (string)vdir;
+               }
+               var targetfile = dir + "/" + fn;
+               // strip the file type off the end..
+                var rx = new GLib.Regex("\\." + ext + "$",GLib.RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS);
+                targetfile = rx.replace(targetfile, targetfile.length, 0, ""); 
+               if (GLib.FileUtils.test(targetfile + "." + ext, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                   Xcls_StandardErrorDialog.singleton().show(
+                       _this.mainwindow.el,
+                       "That file already exists"
+                   ); 
+                   return;
+               }
+               var f =  JsRender.JsRender.factory(
+                       ext == "bjs" ? _this.file.project.xtype : "PlainFile",  
+                       _this.file.project, 
+                       targetfile + "." + ext);
+               _this.file = f;
+               _this.updateFileFromEntry();
+               _this.file.loaded = true;
+     ;
+               if (ext == "bjs") {
+                       _this.file.project.addFile(_this.file);
+               }
+               // what about .js ?
+               _this.done = true;
+               _this.el.hide();
+            // hopefull this will work with bjs files..
+               _this.success(_this.project, _this.file);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/PopoverProperty.bjs b/src/Builder4/PopoverProperty.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c22f649
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ "name" : "PopoverProperty",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/PopoverProperty.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "closed" : "() => {\n \n  \n  var newtext = \"\";\n  Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n  GLib.Value gval;\n  this.kflag.el.get_active_iter(out citer);\n  this.dbmodel.el.get_value(citer, 0, out  gval);\n  \n  var ktype = this.ktype.el.get_text().strip(); \n  var kname = this.kname.el.get_text().strip(); \n  newtext += ((string)gval).strip();  \n  newtext += ktype.length > 0 && newtext.length > 0 ? \" \" :\"\";\n  newtext += ktype;\n  newtext += kname.length > 0 && newtext.length > 0 ? \" \" :\"\";\n  newtext += kname;\n  \n  \n   var lp =  _this.mainwindow.windowstate.left_props;\n    \n    switch(this.key_type) {\n        case \"listener\":\n            var ov = _this.node.listeners.get(this.old_keyname);\n            _this.node.listeners.set(newtext, ov);\n            if (this.old_keyname != newtext) { \n\t            _this.node.listeners.unset(this.old_keyname);\n            }\n            \n            \n            lp.updateKey(this.old_keyname, this.key_type, newtext);\n            \n            break;\n        case \"props\":\n            var ov = _this.node.props.get(this.old_keyname);\n            _this.node.props.set(newtext, ov);\n\t\t\tif (this.old_keyname != newtext) { \n\t            _this.node.props.unset(this.old_keyname);\n            }\n            lp.updateKey(this.old_keyname, this.key_type, newtext);\n            break;\n     }\n   \n  \n  \n} "
+   },
+   "string old_keyname" : "",
+   "@ void success" : "(Project.Project pr, JsRender.JsRender file)",
+   "id" : "PopoverProperty",
+   "| void show" : "(Gtk.Widget btn, JsRender.Node node, string key_type,  string key) \n\t{\n\t\n\tstring kname = \"\", kflag = \"\", ktype = \"\";\n\tif (key.length > 0) {\n\t\tnode.normalize_key( key, out  kname, out  kflag, out ktype);\n\t}\n\n\tif (key_type == \"listener\") {\n\t\tthis.header.el.title = \"Modify Event Listener\";\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.header.el.title = \"Modify Property\";\n\t}\n\t\n\tthis.key_type = key_type;\n\tthis.old_keyname = key;\n\tthis.node = node;\n\t\n\t_this.kname.el.set_text(kname);\n\t_this.ktype.el.set_text(ktype);\n\t\n\t_this.dbmodel.loadData(kflag);\n\t// does node have this property...\n\n\n\t \n\n\t_this.node = node;\n\t//console.log('show all');\n\tthis.el.set_modal(true);\n\tthis.el.set_relative_to(btn);\n\n\tthis.el.set_position(Gtk.PositionType.TOP);\n\n\t// window + header?\n\t print(\"SHOWALL - POPIP\\n\");\n\tthis.el.show_all();\n\tthis.kname.el.grab_focus();\n\n\t//this.success = c.success;\n \n}",
+   "bool done" : false,
+   "|   void updateNodeFromValues" : "() {\n\n     /*   _this.file.title = _this.title.el.get_text();\n        _this.file.region = _this.region.el.get_text();            \n        _this.file.parent = _this.parent.el.get_text();                        \n        _this.file.permname = _this.permname.el.get_text();                                    \n        _this.file.modOrder = _this.modOrder.el.get_text();\n        \n        if (  > 0 && != {\n            _this.file.renameTo(;\n        }\n        // store the module...\n        _this.file.build_module = \"\";        \n         Gtk.TreeIter iter; \n        if (_this.build_module.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {\n             Value vfname;\n             this.dbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);\n             if (((string)vfname).length > 0) {\n                 _this.file.build_module = (string)vfname;\n             }\n    \n        }\n        */\n        \n        \n\n                                                    \n}    ",
+   "xtype" : "Popover",
+   "Gtk.PositionType position" : "Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "Xcls_MainWindow mainwindow" : "null",
+   "bool modal" : true,
+   "string key_type" : "",
+   "uint border_width" : 0,
+   "JsRender.Node node" : "",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "bool homogeneous" : false,
+     "$ pack" : "add",
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "id" : "header",
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,true,0",
+       "xtype" : "HeaderBar",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "string title" : "Modify / Create Property"
+      },
+      {
+       "int margin_right" : 4,
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,4",
+       "xtype" : "Table",
+       "uint row_spacing" : 2,
+       "n_columns" : 2,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "n_rows" : 3,
+       "$ homogeneous" : true,
+       "int margin_left" : 4,
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "label" : "Special Flags",
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,0,1",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "kflag",
+         "* init" : "this.el.add_attribute(_this.dbcellrenderer.el , \"markup\", 1 );",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,0,1",
+         "xtype" : "ComboBox",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "dbcellrenderer",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "dbmodel",
+           "xtype" : "ListStore",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string)",
+           "n_columns" : 2,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "| void loadData" : "  (string kflag) {\n    this.el.clear();                                    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    var el = this.el;\n    \n    \n    // vala signal.. '@'\n    // raw value '$'\n    // user defined property '#'\n    // user defined method '|'\n    // special property '*' => prop  |args|ctor|init\n    \n    \n    \n   /// el.append(out iter);\n    \n     \n   // el.set_value(iter, 0, \"\");\n   // el.set_value(iter, 1, \"aaa  - Just add Element - aaa\");\n\n    el.append(out iter);\n    el.set(iter, 0, \"\", 1,   \"Normal Property\", -1);\n\t \n\tif (_this.mainwindow.windowstate.file.xtype == \"Gtk\") {\n\t\tel.append(out iter);\n\t\tel.set(iter, 0, \"$\", 1,   \"($) Raw Property (not escaped)\", -1);\n\t\t \n\t\t\n\t\tel.append(out iter);\n\t\tel.set(iter, 0, \"#\", 1,   \"(#) User defined property\", -1);\n\t\t \n\t\tel.append(out iter);\n\t\tel.set(iter, 0, \"|\", 1,   \"(|) User defined method\", -1);\n\t\t \n\t\tel.append(out iter);\n\t\tel.set(iter, 0, \"*\", 1,   \"(*) Special property (eg. prop | args | ctor | init )\", -1);\n\t\t \n\t\t\n\t\tel.append(out iter);\n\t    el.set(iter, 0, \"@\", 1,   \"(@) Vala Signal\", -1);\n\t\t \n\t\t\n\t} else { \n\t\t// javascript\n\t\tel.append(out iter);\n\t\tel.set(iter, 0, \"$\", 1,   \"($) Raw Property (not escaped)\", -1);\n\t\t \n\t\tel.append(out iter);\n\t\tel.set(iter, 0, \"|\", 1,   \"(|) User defined method\", -1);\n\t \n\t\tel.append(out iter);\n\t\tel.set(iter, 0, \"*\", 1,   \"(*) Special property (eg. prop )\", -1);\n\t\t \n\t\n\t}\n\tel.foreach((tm, tp, titer) => {\n\t\tGLib.Value val;\n\t\tel.get_value(titer, 0, out val);\n\t\t \n\t\tprint(\"check %s against %s\\n\", (string)val, kflag);\n\t\tif (((string)val) == kflag) {\n\t\t\t_this.kflag.el.set_active_iter(titer);\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn false;\n\t});\n\t\n\n                                     \n}\n"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Type or Return Type",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,1,2",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "ktype",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,1,2",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Name",
+         "tooltip_text" : "center, north, south, east, west",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xalign" : 0.90000000000000002,
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,0,1,2,3",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ justify" : "Gtk.Justification.RIGHT",
+         "x_options" : 4,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "kname",
+         "$ visible" : true,
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "attach_defaults,1,2,2,3",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/PopoverProperty.vala b/src/Builder4/PopoverProperty.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e32938c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+static Xcls_PopoverProperty  _PopoverProperty;
+public class Xcls_PopoverProperty : Object
+    public Gtk.Popover el;
+    private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+    public static Xcls_PopoverProperty singleton()
+    {
+        if (_PopoverProperty == null) {
+            _PopoverProperty= new Xcls_PopoverProperty();
+        }
+        return _PopoverProperty;
+    }
+    public Xcls_header header;
+    public Xcls_kflag kflag;
+    public Xcls_dbcellrenderer dbcellrenderer;
+    public Xcls_dbmodel dbmodel;
+    public Xcls_ktype ktype;
+    public Xcls_kname kname;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public string old_keyname;
+    public signal void success (Project.Project pr, JsRender.JsRender file);
+    public bool done;
+    public Xcls_MainWindow mainwindow;
+    public string key_type;
+    public JsRender.Node node;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_PopoverProperty()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Popover( null );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.done = false;
+        this.mainwindow = null;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.border_width = 0;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        this.el.position = Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        //listeners
+        this.el.closed.connect( () => {
+          var newtext = "";
+          Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+          GLib.Value gval;
+          this.kflag.el.get_active_iter(out citer);
+          this.dbmodel.el.get_value(citer, 0, out  gval);
+          var ktype = this.ktype.el.get_text().strip(); 
+          var kname = this.kname.el.get_text().strip(); 
+          newtext += ((string)gval).strip();  
+          newtext += ktype.length > 0 && newtext.length > 0 ? " " :"";
+          newtext += ktype;
+          newtext += kname.length > 0 && newtext.length > 0 ? " " :"";
+          newtext += kname;
+           var lp =  _this.mainwindow.windowstate.left_props;
+            switch(this.key_type) {
+                case "listener":
+                    var ov = _this.node.listeners.get(this.old_keyname);
+                    _this.node.listeners.set(newtext, ov);
+                    if (this.old_keyname != newtext) { 
+                           _this.node.listeners.unset(this.old_keyname);
+                    }
+                    lp.updateKey(this.old_keyname, this.key_type, newtext);
+                    break;
+                case "props":
+                    var ov = _this.node.props.get(this.old_keyname);
+                    _this.node.props.set(newtext, ov);
+                               if (this.old_keyname != newtext) { 
+                           _this.node.props.unset(this.old_keyname);
+                    }
+                    lp.updateKey(this.old_keyname, this.key_type, newtext);
+                    break;
+             }
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void show (Gtk.Widget btn, JsRender.Node node, string key_type,  string key) 
+       {
+       string kname = "", kflag = "", ktype = "";
+       if (key.length > 0) {
+               node.normalize_key( key, out  kname, out  kflag, out ktype);
+       }
+       if (key_type == "listener") {
+               this.header.el.title = "Modify Event Listener";
+       } else {
+               this.header.el.title = "Modify Property";
+       }
+       this.key_type = key_type;
+       this.old_keyname = key;
+       this.node = node;
+       _this.kname.el.set_text(kname);
+       _this.ktype.el.set_text(ktype);
+       _this.dbmodel.loadData(kflag);
+       // does node have this property...
+       _this.node = node;
+       //console.log('show all');
+       this.el.set_modal(true);
+       this.el.set_relative_to(btn);
+       this.el.set_position(Gtk.PositionType.TOP);
+       // window + header?
+        print("SHOWALL - POPIP\n");
+       this.el.show_all();
+       this.kname.el.grab_focus();
+       //this.success = c.success;
+    }
+    public   void updateNodeFromValues () {
+         /*   _this.file.title = _this.title.el.get_text();
+            _this.file.region = _this.region.el.get_text();            
+            _this.file.parent = _this.parent.el.get_text();                        
+            _this.file.permname = _this.permname.el.get_text();                                    
+            _this.file.modOrder = _this.modOrder.el.get_text();
+            if (  > 0 && != {
+                _this.file.renameTo(;
+            }
+            // store the module...
+            _this.file.build_module = "";        
+             Gtk.TreeIter iter; 
+            if (_this.build_module.el.get_active_iter (out iter)) {
+                 Value vfname;
+                 this.dbmodel.el.get_value (iter, 0, out vfname);
+                 if (((string)vfname).length > 0) {
+                     _this.file.build_module = (string)vfname;
+                 }
+            }
+            */
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_header( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,true,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_Table4( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_1.el , false,false,4 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_header : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.HeaderBar el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_header(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.header = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.HeaderBar();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Modify / Create Property";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Table4 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Table el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Table4(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Table( 3, 2, true );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin_right = 4;
+            this.el.margin_left = 4;
+            this.el.row_spacing = 2;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label5( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_0.el , 0,1,0,1 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_kflag( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_1.el , 1,2,0,1 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Label9( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_2.el , 0,1,1,2 );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_ktype( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_3.el , 1,2,1,2 );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_Label11( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_4.el , 0,1,2,3 );
+            var child_5 = new Xcls_kname( _this );
+            child_5.ref();
+            this.el.attach_defaults (  child_5.el , 1,2,2,3 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label5 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label5(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Special Flags" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_kflag : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ComboBox el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_kflag(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.kflag = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ComboBox();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_dbcellrenderer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_dbmodel( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.dbcellrenderer.el , "markup", 1 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dbcellrenderer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dbcellrenderer(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dbcellrenderer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_dbmodel : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_dbmodel(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.dbmodel = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string),typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void loadData (string kflag) {
+            this.el.clear();                                    
+            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            var el = this.el;
+            // vala signal.. '@'
+            // raw value '$'
+            // user defined property '#'
+            // user defined method '|'
+            // special property '*' => prop  |args|ctor|init
+           /// el.append(out iter);
+           // el.set_value(iter, 0, "");
+           // el.set_value(iter, 1, "aaa  - Just add Element - aaa");
+            el.append(out iter);
+            el.set(iter, 0, "", 1,   "Normal Property", -1);
+               if (_this.mainwindow.windowstate.file.xtype == "Gtk") {
+                       el.append(out iter);
+                       el.set(iter, 0, "$", 1,   "($) Raw Property (not escaped)", -1);
+                       el.append(out iter);
+                       el.set(iter, 0, "#", 1,   "(#) User defined property", -1);
+                       el.append(out iter);
+                       el.set(iter, 0, "|", 1,   "(|) User defined method", -1);
+                       el.append(out iter);
+                       el.set(iter, 0, "*", 1,   "(*) Special property (eg. prop | args | ctor | init )", -1);
+                       el.append(out iter);
+                   el.set(iter, 0, "@", 1,   "(@) Vala Signal", -1);
+               } else { 
+                       // javascript
+                       el.append(out iter);
+                       el.set(iter, 0, "$", 1,   "($) Raw Property (not escaped)", -1);
+                       el.append(out iter);
+                       el.set(iter, 0, "|", 1,   "(|) User defined method", -1);
+                       el.append(out iter);
+                       el.set(iter, 0, "*", 1,   "(*) Special property (eg. prop )", -1);
+               }
+               el.foreach((tm, tp, titer) => {
+                       GLib.Value val;
+                       el.get_value(titer, 0, out val);
+                       print("check %s against %s\n", (string)val, kflag);
+                       if (((string)val) == kflag) {
+                               _this.kflag.el.set_active_iter(titer);
+                               return true;
+                       }
+                       return false;
+               });
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label9 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label9(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Type or Return Type" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ktype : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ktype(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.ktype = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label11 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label11(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.justify = Gtk.Justification.RIGHT;
+            this.el.xalign = 0.900000f;
+            this.el.tooltip_text = "center, north, south, east, west";
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_kname : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_PopoverProperty  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_kname(Xcls_PopoverProperty _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.kname = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.visible = true;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ProjectSettings.bjs b/src/Builder4/ProjectSettings.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c22819a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ "name" : "ProjectSettings",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/ProjectSettings.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "@ void buttonPressed" : "(string btn)",
+   "id" : "ProjectSettings",
+   "| void show" : " (Project.Project project) {\n    _this.project = project;\n    _this.path.el.label = project.firstPath();\n    // get the active project.\n     var lm = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default();\n                \n    ((Gtk.SourceBuffer)(_this.view.el.get_buffer())) .set_language(\n    \n        lm.get_language(\"html\"));\n  \n    //print (project.fn);\n    //project.runhtml = project.runhtml || '';\n    _this.view.el.get_buffer().set_text(project.runhtml);\n    \n       \n    _this.rootURL.el.set_text( _this.project.rootURL );\n    _this.base_template.el.set_text(_this.project.base_template);    \n     var js = _this.project;\n    _this.database_DBTYPE.el.set_text(     js.get_string_member(\"DBTYPE\") );\n    _this.database_DBNAME.el.set_text(    js.get_string_member(\"DBNAME\") );\n    _this.database_DBUSERNAME.el.set_text(    js.get_string_member(\"DBUSERNAME\") );\n    _this.database_DBPASSWORD.el.set_text(    js.get_string_member(\"DBPASSWORD\") );\n    //this.el.show_all();\n}\n",
+   "# Project.Project project" : "",
+   "xtype" : "Box",
+   "| void save" : "()\n{\n   var buf =    _this.view.el.get_buffer();\n   Gtk.TextIter s;\n     Gtk.TextIter e;\n    buf.get_start_iter(out s);\n    buf.get_end_iter(out e);\n      _this.project.runhtml = buf.get_text(s,e,true);\n      \n    _this.project.rootURL = _this.rootURL.el.get_text();\n    _this.project.base_template = _this.base_template.el.get_text();    \n    \n    var js = _this.project.json_project_data;\n    js.set_string_member(\"DBTYPE\", _this.database_DBTYPE.el.get_text());\n   js.set_string_member(\"DBNAME\", _this.database_DBNAME.el.get_text());\n    js.set_string_member(\"DBUSERNAME\", _this.database_DBUSERNAME.el.get_text());\n    js.set_string_member(\"DBPASSWORD\", _this.database_DBPASSWORD.el.get_text());\n//    _this.project.set_string_member(\"DBHOST\", _this.DBTYPE.el.get_text());    \n    \n    // need to re-init the database \n    \n    _this.project.initRooDatabase();\n     \n    \n}",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+   "border_width" : 5,
+   "$ homogeneous" : false,
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "gboolean expand" : false,
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+     "$ homogeneous" : true,
+     "gboolean vexpand" : false,
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "button_press_event" : "() => {\n;\n          \n    _this.buttonPressed(\"apply\");\n        return false;\n}"
+       },
+       "label" : "Apply",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "xtype" : "Button",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      },
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "button_press_event" : "() => {\n;\n          \n    _this.buttonPressed(\"save\");\n        return false;\n}"
+       },
+       "label" : "Save",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "xtype" : "Button",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,0",
+     "xtype" : "Notebook",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "id" : "label_global",
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "* pack" : false,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "utf8 label" : "Global"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "label_database",
+       "* pack" : false,
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "utf8 label" : "Database"
+      },
+      {
+       "* pack" : "append_page,_this.label_global.el",
+       "xtype" : "Box",
+       "gboolean homogeneous" : false,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "label" : "filename",
+         "id" : "path",
+         "xalign" : 0,
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "gint margin" : 3,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Box",
+         "gboolean expand" : false,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+         "$ homogeneous" : false,
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "label" : "HTML template file",
+           "xtype" : "Label",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+           "gint margin" : 3,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "base_template",
+           "xtype" : "Entry",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Box",
+         "gboolean expand" : false,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+         "$ homogeneous" : false,
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "label" : "root URL",
+           "xtype" : "Label",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+           "gint margin" : 3,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "rootURL",
+           "xtype" : "Entry",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "HTML To insert at end of <HEAD>",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+         "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "key_release_event" : " ( event) =>{\n    if (event.keyval != 115) {\n        return false;\n         \n    }\n    if   ( (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) < 1 ) {\n        return false;\n    }\n     var buf =    this.el.get_buffer();\n    Gtk.TextIter s;\n    Gtk.TextIter e;\n    buf.get_start_iter(out s);\n    buf.get_end_iter(out e);\n    _this.project.runhtml = buf.get_text(s,e,true);\n    \n          \n    _this.buttonPressed(\"save\");\n     \n    return false;\n         \n}"
+           },
+           "id" : "view",
+           "* init" : " \n    var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string(\"monospace\");\n    description.set_size(9000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);",
+           "xtype" : "View",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "$ xns" : "GtkSource"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "* pack" : "append_page,_this.label_database.el",
+       "xtype" : "Box",
+       "gboolean homogeneous" : false,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "label" : "Type (eg. MySQL or PostgreSQL)",
+         "xalign" : 0,
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "key_press_event" : "(ev) => {\n\n    if (ev.keyval == Gdk.Key.Tab) {\n        _this.database_DBNAME.el.grab_focus();\n        return true;\n    }\n\n\n    return false;\n}\n"
+         },
+         "id" : "database_DBTYPE",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Name",
+         "xalign" : 0,
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "key_press_event" : "(ev) => {\n\n    if (ev.keyval == Gdk.Key.Tab) {\n        _this.database_DBUSERNAME.el.grab_focus();\n        return true;\n    }\n\n\n    return false;\n}\n"
+         },
+         "id" : "database_DBNAME",
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Username",
+         "xalign" : 0,
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "key_press_event" : "(ev) => {\n\n    if (ev.keyval == Gdk.Key.Tab) {\n        _this.database_DBPASSWORD.el.grab_focus();\n        return true;\n    }\n\n\n    return false;\n}\n"
+         },
+         "id" : "database_DBUSERNAME",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : "Password",
+         "xalign" : 0,
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "database_DBPASSWORD",
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "clicked" : "() => {\n\n\n  _this.database_ERROR.el.label    = \"\";\n    Gda.Connection cnc;\n    try {\n        // assumes localhost...\n         cnc = Gda.Connection.open_from_string (\n\t\t\t_this.database_DBTYPE.el.get_text(),\n\t\t\t\"DB_NAME=\" + _this.database_DBNAME.el.get_text(), \n\t\t\t\"USERNAME=\" + _this.database_DBUSERNAME.el.get_text() + \n\t\t\t\";PASSWORD=\" + _this.database_DBPASSWORD.el.get_text(),\n\t\t\tGda.ConnectionOptions.NONE\n\t\t);\n   //} catch (Gda.ConnectionError ce) { \n   //   _this.database_ERROR.el.label = ce.message;        \n   } catch(Gda.ConnectionError ue) {\n      _this.database_ERROR.el.label = ue.message;\n        return;\n   }  catch(Gda.ConfigError ue) {\n      _this.database_ERROR.el.label = ue.message;\n        return;\n   }\n  _this.database_ERROR.el.label = \"Connection Succeeded\";\n   cnc.close();\n}"
+         },
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Button",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "utf8 label" : "Check Connection"
+        },
+        {
+         "label" : " ",
+         "id" : "database_ERROR",
+         "xalign" : 0,
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "gint margin" : 3,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ProjectSettings.vala b/src/Builder4/ProjectSettings.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2989045
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+static Xcls_ProjectSettings  _ProjectSettings;
+public class Xcls_ProjectSettings : Object 
+    public Gtk.Box el;
+    private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+    public static Xcls_ProjectSettings singleton()
+    {
+        if (_ProjectSettings == null) {
+            _ProjectSettings= new Xcls_ProjectSettings();
+        }
+        return _ProjectSettings;
+    }
+    public Xcls_label_global label_global;
+    public Xcls_label_database label_database;
+    public Xcls_path path;
+    public Xcls_base_template base_template;
+    public Xcls_rootURL rootURL;
+    public Xcls_view view;
+    public Xcls_database_DBTYPE database_DBTYPE;
+    public Xcls_database_DBNAME database_DBNAME;
+    public Xcls_database_DBUSERNAME database_DBUSERNAME;
+    public Xcls_database_DBPASSWORD database_DBPASSWORD;
+    public Xcls_database_ERROR database_ERROR;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public signal void buttonPressed (string btn);
+    public Project.Project project;
+    // ctor 
+    public Xcls_ProjectSettings()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.homogeneous = false;
+        this.el.border_width = 5;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_Notebook5( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , true,true,0 );
+    }
+    // user defined functions 
+    public void show (Project.Project project) {
+        _this.project = project;
+        _this.path.el.label = project.firstPath();
+        // get the active project.
+         var lm = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default();
+        ((Gtk.SourceBuffer)(_this.view.el.get_buffer())) .set_language(
+            lm.get_language("html"));
+        //print (project.fn);
+        //project.runhtml = project.runhtml || '';
+        _this.view.el.get_buffer().set_text(project.runhtml);
+        _this.rootURL.el.set_text( _this.project.rootURL );
+        _this.base_template.el.set_text(_this.project.base_template);    
+         var js = _this.project;
+        _this.database_DBTYPE.el.set_text(     js.get_string_member("DBTYPE") );
+        _this.database_DBNAME.el.set_text(    js.get_string_member("DBNAME") );
+        _this.database_DBUSERNAME.el.set_text(    js.get_string_member("DBUSERNAME") );
+        _this.database_DBPASSWORD.el.set_text(    js.get_string_member("DBPASSWORD") );
+        //this.el.show_all();
+    }
+    public void save ()
+    {
+       var buf =    _this.view.el.get_buffer();
+       Gtk.TextIter s;
+         Gtk.TextIter e;
+        buf.get_start_iter(out s);
+        buf.get_end_iter(out e);
+          _this.project.runhtml = buf.get_text(s,e,true);
+        _this.project.rootURL = _this.rootURL.el.get_text();
+        _this.project.base_template = _this.base_template.el.get_text();    
+        var js = _this.project.json_project_data;
+        js.set_string_member("DBTYPE", _this.database_DBTYPE.el.get_text());
+       js.set_string_member("DBNAME", _this.database_DBNAME.el.get_text());
+        js.set_string_member("DBUSERNAME", _this.database_DBUSERNAME.el.get_text());
+        js.set_string_member("DBPASSWORD", _this.database_DBPASSWORD.el.get_text());
+    //    _this.project.set_string_member("DBHOST", _this.DBTYPE.el.get_text());    
+        // need to re-init the database 
+        _this.project.initRooDatabase();
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Box2(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = true;
+            this.el.expand = false;
+            this.el.vexpand = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_Button4( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button3 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Button3(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Apply";
+            // listeners 
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => {
+      ;
+                _this.buttonPressed("apply");
+                    return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button4 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Button4(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Save";
+            // listeners 
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( () => {
+         ;
+                _this.buttonPressed("save");
+                    return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Notebook5 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Notebook el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Notebook5(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Notebook();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_label_global( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_label_database( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Box8( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.append_page (  child_2.el , _this.label_global.el );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_Box19( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.append_page (  child_3.el , _this.label_database.el );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_label_global : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_label_global(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.label_global = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Global" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_label_database : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_label_database(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.label_database = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Database" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box8 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Box8(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_path( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_Box10( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_1.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Box13( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_2.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_Label16( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_3.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow17( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_4.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_path : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_path(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.path = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "filename" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin = 3;
+            this.el.xalign = 0f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box10 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Box10(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            this.el.expand = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label11( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_base_template( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label11 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label11(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "HTML template file" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin = 3;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_base_template : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_base_template(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.base_template = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box13 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Box13(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            this.el.expand = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label14( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_rootURL( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label14 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label14(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "root URL" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin = 3;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_rootURL : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_rootURL(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.rootURL = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label16 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label16(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "HTML To insert at end of <HEAD>" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow17 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow17(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_view( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_view : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.SourceView el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_view(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.view = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SourceView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // init method 
+            var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string("monospace");
+                description.set_size(9000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);
+            // listeners 
+            this.el.key_release_event.connect( ( event) =>{
+                if (event.keyval != 115) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                if   ( (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK ) < 1 ) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                 var buf =    this.el.get_buffer();
+                Gtk.TextIter s;
+                Gtk.TextIter e;
+                buf.get_start_iter(out s);
+                buf.get_end_iter(out e);
+                _this.project.runhtml = buf.get_text(s,e,true);
+                _this.buttonPressed("save");
+                return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box19 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Box19(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label20( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_database_DBTYPE( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_1.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Label22( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_2.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_database_DBNAME( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_3.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_Label24( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_4.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_5 = new Xcls_database_DBUSERNAME( _this );
+            child_5.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_5.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_6 = new Xcls_Label26( _this );
+            child_6.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_6.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_7 = new Xcls_database_DBPASSWORD( _this );
+            child_7.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_7.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_8 = new Xcls_Button28( _this );
+            child_8.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_8.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_9 = new Xcls_database_ERROR( _this );
+            child_9.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_9.el , false,false,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label20 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label20(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Type (eg. MySQL or PostgreSQL)" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.xalign = 0f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_database_DBTYPE : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_database_DBTYPE(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.database_DBTYPE = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // listeners 
+            this.el.key_press_event.connect( (ev) => {
+                if (ev.keyval == Gdk.Key.Tab) {
+                    _this.database_DBNAME.el.grab_focus();
+                    return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label22 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label22(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Name" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.xalign = 0f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_database_DBNAME : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_database_DBNAME(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.database_DBNAME = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // listeners 
+            this.el.key_press_event.connect( (ev) => {
+                if (ev.keyval == Gdk.Key.Tab) {
+                    _this.database_DBUSERNAME.el.grab_focus();
+                    return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label24 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label24(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Username" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.xalign = 0f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_database_DBUSERNAME : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_database_DBUSERNAME(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.database_DBUSERNAME = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // listeners 
+            this.el.key_press_event.connect( (ev) => {
+                if (ev.keyval == Gdk.Key.Tab) {
+                    _this.database_DBPASSWORD.el.grab_focus();
+                    return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label26 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Label26(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Password" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.xalign = 0f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_database_DBPASSWORD : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_database_DBPASSWORD(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.database_DBPASSWORD = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button28 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_Button28(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Check Connection";
+            // listeners 
+            this.el.clicked.connect( () => {
+              _this.database_ERROR.el.label    = "";
+                Gda.Connection cnc;
+                try {
+                    // assumes localhost...
+                     cnc = Gda.Connection.open_from_string (
+                               _this.database_DBTYPE.el.get_text(),
+                               "DB_NAME=" + _this.database_DBNAME.el.get_text(), 
+                               "USERNAME=" + _this.database_DBUSERNAME.el.get_text() + 
+                               ";PASSWORD=" + _this.database_DBPASSWORD.el.get_text(),
+                               Gda.ConnectionOptions.NONE
+                       );
+               //} catch (Gda.ConnectionError ce) { 
+               //   _this.database_ERROR.el.label = ce.message;        
+               } catch(Gda.ConnectionError ue) {
+                  _this.database_ERROR.el.label = ue.message;
+                    return;
+               }  catch(Gda.ConfigError ue) {
+                  _this.database_ERROR.el.label = ue.message;
+                    return;
+               }
+              _this.database_ERROR.el.label = "Connection Succeeded";
+               cnc.close();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_database_ERROR : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_ProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_database_ERROR(Xcls_ProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.database_ERROR = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( " " );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.margin = 3;
+            this.el.xalign = 0f;
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/RooProjectProperties.bjs b/src/Builder4/RooProjectProperties.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..96d82e3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ "name" : "RooProjectProperties",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/RooProjectProperties.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "delete_event" : "  (self, event) => {\n    this.el.hide();\n     return true;\n}",
+    "response" : "  (self, response_id)  => {\n   //print(response_id);\n   if (response_id< 1 ) {\n      this.el.hide();\n    \n      return;\n   }\n   \n   var buf =    view.el.get_buffer();\n   Gtk.TextIter s;\n     Gtk.TextIter e;\n    buf.get_start_iter(out s);\n    buf.get_end_iter(out e);\n    var str = buf.get_text(s,e,true);\n    // ideally we should syntax check it.. but it's html!?\n    \n   //var project = this.get('/Window.LeftTree').getActiveFile().project;\n   \n   \n   _this.project.runhtml = str;\n;\n   \n  // imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager.saveConfig();\n//   print (str);\n   //    this.get('view').el.get_buffer().get_text(project.runjs, project.runjs.length);\n   // ok pressed..\n   this.el.hide();\n}"
+   },
+   "default_width" : 500,
+   "| void show" : " (Project.Project project) {\n    _this.project = project;\n    // get the active project.\n    \n    //print (project.fn);\n    //project.runhtml = project.runhtml || '';\n    _this.view.el.get_buffer().set_text(project.runhtml);\n    \n    this.el.show_all();\n}\n",
+   "# Project.Project project" : "",
+   "xtype" : "Dialog",
+   "$ modal" : true,
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "$ pack" : " get_content_area().add\n",
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "border_width" : 5,
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "label" : "HTML To insert at end of <HEAD>",
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      },
+      {
+       "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,0",
+       "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "id" : "view",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "xtype" : "SourceView",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "OK",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,1",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    },
+    {
+     "label" : "Cancel",
+     "* pack" : "add_action_widget,0",
+     "xtype" : "Button",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/RooProjectProperties.vala b/src/Builder4/RooProjectProperties.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b5842dd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+static RooProjectProperties  _RooProjectProperties;
+public class RooProjectProperties : Object
+    public Gtk.Dialog el;
+    private RooProjectProperties  _this;
+    public static RooProjectProperties singleton()
+    {
+        if (_RooProjectProperties == null) {
+            _RooProjectProperties= new RooProjectProperties();
+        }
+        return _RooProjectProperties;
+    }
+    public Xcls_view view;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Project.Project project;
+    // ctor
+    public RooProjectProperties()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Dialog();
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.default_width = 500;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.get_content_area().add (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_Button6( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_1.el , 1 );
+        var child_2 = new Xcls_Button7( _this );
+        child_2.ref();
+        this.el.add_action_widget (  child_2.el , 0 );
+        //listeners
+        this.el.delete_event.connect( (self, event) => {
+            this.el.hide();
+             return true;
+        });
+        this.el.response.connect( (self, response_id)  => {
+           //print(response_id);
+           if (response_id< 1 ) {
+              this.el.hide();
+              return;
+           }
+           var buf =    view.el.get_buffer();
+           Gtk.TextIter s;
+             Gtk.TextIter e;
+            buf.get_start_iter(out s);
+            buf.get_end_iter(out e);
+            var str = buf.get_text(s,e,true);
+            // ideally we should syntax check it.. but it's html!?
+           //var project = this.get('/Window.LeftTree').getActiveFile().project;
+           _this.project.runhtml = str;
+ ;
+          // imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager.saveConfig();
+        //   print (str);
+           //    this.get('view').el.get_buffer().get_text(project.runjs, project.runjs.length);
+           // ok pressed..
+           this.el.hide();
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void show (Project.Project project) {
+        _this.project = project;
+        // get the active project.
+        //print (project.fn);
+        //project.runhtml = project.runhtml || '';
+        _this.view.el.get_buffer().set_text(project.runhtml);
+        this.el.show_all();
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private RooProjectProperties  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(RooProjectProperties _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.border_width = 5;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow4( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private RooProjectProperties  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label3(RooProjectProperties _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "HTML To insert at end of <HEAD>" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow4 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private RooProjectProperties  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow4(RooProjectProperties _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_view( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_view : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SourceView el;
+        private RooProjectProperties  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_view(RooProjectProperties _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.view = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SourceView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button6 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private RooProjectProperties  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button6(RooProjectProperties _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "OK";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button7 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private RooProjectProperties  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button7(RooProjectProperties _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Cancel";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/StandardErrorDialog.bjs b/src/Builder4/StandardErrorDialog.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b9c35ea
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+    "id": "file-gtk-14",
+    "name": "StandardErrorDialog",
+    "parent": "",
+    "title": false,
+    "path": "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/Builder4/StandardErrorDialog.bjs",
+    "items": [
+        {
+            "listeners": {
+                "delete_event": "  (self, event)  => {\n    this.el.hide();\n    return true;\n    \n} \n",
+                "response": "  (self, response_id) => {\n   this.el.hide();\n}"
+            },
+            "text": "fixme",
+            "xtype": "MessageDialog",
+            "|buttons": "Gtk.ButtonsType.OK",
+            "|message_type": "Gtk.MessageType.ERROR",
+            "|modal": "true",
+            "|use_markup": "true",
+            "|void:show": " (Gtk.Window win, string msg) {\n\n    this.el.set_transient_for(win);\n    this.el.modal = true;\n    this.el.text =  msg;\n    this.el.show_all();\n}\n",
+            "|xns": "Gtk"
+        }
+    ],
+    "permname": "",
+    "modOrder": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/StandardErrorDialog.vala b/src/Builder4/StandardErrorDialog.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ec34380
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* -- to compile
+valac  --pkg gio-2.0  --pkg posix  --pkg gtk+-3.0 --pkg libnotify --pkg gtksourceview-3.0  --pkg  libwnck-3.0 \
+    /tmp/StandardErrorDialog.vala  -o /tmp/StandardErrorDialog
+/* -- to test class
+static int main (string[] args) {
+    Gtk.init (ref args);
+    new Xcls_StandardErrorDialog();
+    StandardErrorDialog.show_all();
+     Gtk.main ();
+    return 0;
+public static Xcls_StandardErrorDialog  StandardErrorDialog;
+public class Xcls_StandardErrorDialog : Object 
+    public Gtk.MessageDialog el;
+    private Xcls_StandardErrorDialog  _this;
+    public static Xcls_StandardErrorDialog singleton()
+    {
+        if (StandardErrorDialog == null) {
+            StandardErrorDialog= new Xcls_StandardErrorDialog();
+        }
+        return StandardErrorDialog;
+    }
+        // my vars
+        // ctor 
+    public Xcls_StandardErrorDialog()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.MessageDialog( null, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, "fixme" );
+        // my vars
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        this.el.use_markup = true;
+        // listeners 
+        this.el.delete_event.connect(   (self, event)  => {
+            this.el.hide();
+            return true;
+        } 
+         );
+        this.el.response.connect(   (self, response_id) => {
+           this.el.hide();
+        } );
+    }
+    // userdefined functions 
+    public void show (Gtk.Window win, string msg) {
+            this.el.set_transient_for(win);
+            this.el.modal = true;
+            this.el.text =  msg;
+            this.el.show_all();
+        }
+    // skip |xns - no return type
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ValaCompileErrors.bjs b/src/Builder4/ValaCompileErrors.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..07e1661
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ "name" : "ValaCompileErrors",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/ValaCompileErrors.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "int height_request" : 800,
+   "id" : "ValaCompileErrors",
+   "Xcls_MainWindow window" : "",
+   "| void show" : "(Json.Object tree, Gtk.Widget onbtn) {\n\n        \n        this.file = null;\n        this.notices = tree;\n       \n         //print(\"looking for %s\\n\", id);\n        // loop through parent childnre\n          \n        \n        var store = this.compile_result_store.el;    \n        \n        store.clear();\n     \n        \n        tree.foreach_member((obj, file, node) => {\n            // id line \"display text\", file\n            \n            var title = GLib.Path.get_basename(GLib.Path.get_dirname( file)) + \"/\" +  GLib.Path.get_basename( file) ;\n            Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n            print(\"Add file %s\", title);\n            store.append(out iter, null);\n            var lines = tree.get_object_member(file);\n            title += \" (\" + lines.get_size().to_string() + \")\";\n            store.set(iter, 0, file, 1, -1, 2, title, 3, file,-1);\n            \n            lines.foreach_member((obja, line, nodea) => {\n                var msg  = \"\";\n                var ar = lines.get_array_member(line);\n                for (var i = 0 ; i < ar.get_length(); i++) {\n    \t\t    msg += (msg.length > 0) ? \"\\n\" : \"\";\n    \t\t    msg += ar.get_string_element(i);\n\t        }\n                Gtk.TreeIter citer;  \n                print(\"Add line %s\", line);\n                store.append(out citer, iter);\n                store.set(citer, \n                    0, file + \":\" + line, \n                    1, int.parse(line), \n                    2, GLib.Markup.escape_text(line + \": \" + msg), \n                    3, file,-1);\n            \n            });\n            \n            \n        \n        });\n        \n    int w,h;\n    this.window.el.get_size(out w, out h);\n    \n    // left tree = 250, editor area = 500?\n    \n    var new_w = int.min(250, w-100);\n    if (new_w > (w-100)) {\n        new_w = w-100;\n    }\n    this.el.set_size_request( int.max(100, new_w), int.max(100, h-120));\n\n    \n\n    if (this.el.relative_to == null) {\n        this.el.set_relative_to(onbtn);\n    }\n    this.el.show_all();\n   \n    while(Gtk.events_pending()) { \n            Gtk.main_iteration();\n    }       \n //   this.hpane.el.set_position( 0);\n}\n",
+   "bool hexpand" : false,
+   "xtype" : "Popover",
+   "Gtk.PositionType position" : "Gtk.PositionType.TOP",
+   "bool active" : false,
+   "int width_request" : 900,
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "JsRender.JsRender? file" : "",
+   "Json.Object notices" : "",
+   "bool modal" : true,
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "id" : "compile_view",
+     "bool hexpand" : false,
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "* pack" : "add",
+     "gboolean homogeneous" : false,
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "xtype" : "Box",
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+         "xtype" : "Button",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "utf8 label" : "Compile and Run "
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "* init" : "{\n this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n \n\n}\n",
+       "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+       "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,0",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "button_press_event" : "  ( ev)  => {\n \n    Gtk.TreeViewColumn col;\n    int cell_x;\n    int cell_y;\n    Gtk.TreePath path;\n    if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x, (int) ev.y, out path, out col, out cell_x, out cell_y )) {\n        print(\"nothing selected on click\");\n        \n        return false; //not on a element.\n    }\n    \n     \n     // right click.\n     if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.2BUTTON_PRESS  || ev.button != 1  ) {    \n        // show popup!.   \n            \n         \n        return false;\n    }\n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n     var mod = _this.compile_result_store.el;\n    mod.get_iter (out iter, path);\n    \n      \n    \n    // var val = \"\";\n    GLib.Value value;\n    _this.compile_result_store.el.get_value(iter, 3, out value);\n    var fname = (string)value;\n    GLib.Value lvalue;\n    _this.compile_result_store.el.get_value(iter, 1, out lvalue);\n    var line = (int) lvalue;\n    \n    print(\"open %s @ %d\\n\", fname, line);\n    \n    \n   var  bjsf = \"\";\n    try {             \n       var  regex = new Regex(\"\\\\.vala$\");\n    \n     \n        bjsf = regex.replace(fname,fname.length , 0 , \".bjs\");\n     } catch (GLib.RegexError e) {\n        return false;\n    }   \n    var p = _this.window.project;\n        \n        \n        \n    var jsr = p.getByPath(bjsf);\n    if (jsr != null) {\n        _this.window.windowstate.fileViewOpen(jsr, line);\n        \n        return false;\n    \n    }\n    \n    var pf = JsRender.JsRender.factory(\"PlainFile\", p, fname);\n    _this.window.windowstate.fileViewOpen(pf,line);\n    \n    // try hiding the left nav..\n \n    return false;\n    \n  }\n    "
+         },
+         "id" : "compile_tree",
+         "* init" : "{\n var description = new Pango.FontDescription();\n    description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);\n\n}\n",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "xtype" : "TreeView",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "gint n_columns" : 4,
+           "id" : "compile_result_store",
+           "columns" : "  typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string) ",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "xtype" : "TreeStore",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "utf8 title" : "Compile output",
+           "* init" : "{\n  this.el.add_attribute(_this.renderer.el , \"markup\", 2 );\n \n}\n",
+           "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+           "* pack" : "append_column",
+           "string id" : "column",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "id" : "renderer",
+             "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+             "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            }
+           ]
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ValaCompileErrors.vala b/src/Builder4/ValaCompileErrors.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7989b43
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+static Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _ValaCompileErrors;
+public class Xcls_ValaCompileErrors : Object
+    public Gtk.Popover el;
+    private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _this;
+    public static Xcls_ValaCompileErrors singleton()
+    {
+        if (_ValaCompileErrors == null) {
+            _ValaCompileErrors= new Xcls_ValaCompileErrors();
+        }
+        return _ValaCompileErrors;
+    }
+    public Xcls_compile_view compile_view;
+    public Xcls_compile_tree compile_tree;
+    public Xcls_compile_result_store compile_result_store;
+    public Xcls_renderer renderer;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Xcls_MainWindow window;
+    public bool active;
+    public JsRender.JsRender? file;
+    public Json.Object notices;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_ValaCompileErrors()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Popover( null );
+        // my vars (dec)
+ = false;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.width_request = 900;
+        this.el.height_request = 800;
+        this.el.hexpand = false;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        this.el.position = Gtk.PositionType.TOP;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_compile_view( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void show (Json.Object tree, Gtk.Widget onbtn) {
+            this.file = null;
+            this.notices = tree;
+             //print("looking for %s\n", id);
+            // loop through parent childnre
+            var store = this.compile_result_store.el;    
+            store.clear();
+            tree.foreach_member((obj, file, node) => {
+                // id line "display text", file
+                var title = GLib.Path.get_basename(GLib.Path.get_dirname( file)) + "/" +  GLib.Path.get_basename( file) ;
+                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                print("Add file %s", title);
+                store.append(out iter, null);
+                var lines = tree.get_object_member(file);
+                title += " (" + lines.get_size().to_string() + ")";
+                store.set(iter, 0, file, 1, -1, 2, title, 3, file,-1);
+                lines.foreach_member((obja, line, nodea) => {
+                    var msg  = "";
+                    var ar = lines.get_array_member(line);
+                    for (var i = 0 ; i < ar.get_length(); i++) {
+                           msg += (msg.length > 0) ? "\n" : "";
+                           msg += ar.get_string_element(i);
+               }
+                    Gtk.TreeIter citer;  
+                    print("Add line %s", line);
+                    store.append(out citer, iter);
+                    store.set(citer, 
+                        0, file + ":" + line, 
+                        1, int.parse(line), 
+                        2, GLib.Markup.escape_text(line + ": " + msg), 
+                        3, file,-1);
+                });
+            });
+        int w,h;
+        this.window.el.get_size(out w, out h);
+        // left tree = 250, editor area = 500?
+        var new_w = int.min(250, w-100);
+        if (new_w > (w-100)) {
+            new_w = w-100;
+        }
+        this.el.set_size_request( int.max(100, new_w), int.max(100, h-120));
+        if (this.el.relative_to == null) {
+            this.el.set_relative_to(onbtn);
+        }
+        this.el.show_all();
+        while(Gtk.events_pending()) { 
+                Gtk.main_iteration();
+        }       
+     //   this.hpane.el.set_position( 0);
+    }
+    public class Xcls_compile_view : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_compile_view(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.compile_view = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            this.el.hexpand = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Box3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow5( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box3(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button4( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button4 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button4(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Compile and Run ";
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow5 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow5(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_compile_tree( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            {
+             this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_compile_tree : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_compile_tree(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.compile_tree = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_compile_result_store( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_column( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            {
+             var description = new Pango.FontDescription();
+                description.set_size(8000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);
+            }
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( ( ev)  => {
+                Gtk.TreeViewColumn col;
+                int cell_x;
+                int cell_y;
+                Gtk.TreePath path;
+                if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x, (int) ev.y, out path, out col, out cell_x, out cell_y )) {
+                    print("nothing selected on click");
+                    return false; //not on a element.
+                }
+                 // right click.
+                 if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.2BUTTON_PRESS  || ev.button != 1  ) {    
+                    // show popup!.   
+                    return false;
+                }
+                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                 var mod = _this.compile_result_store.el;
+                mod.get_iter (out iter, path);
+                // var val = "";
+                GLib.Value value;
+                _this.compile_result_store.el.get_value(iter, 3, out value);
+                var fname = (string)value;
+                GLib.Value lvalue;
+                _this.compile_result_store.el.get_value(iter, 1, out lvalue);
+                var line = (int) lvalue;
+                print("open %s @ %d\n", fname, line);
+               var  bjsf = "";
+                try {             
+                   var  regex = new Regex("\\.vala$");
+                    bjsf = regex.replace(fname,fname.length , 0 , ".bjs");
+                 } catch (GLib.RegexError e) {
+                    return false;
+                }   
+                var p = _this.window.project;
+                var jsr = p.getByPath(bjsf);
+                if (jsr != null) {
+                    _this.window.windowstate.fileViewOpen(jsr, line);
+                    return false;
+                }
+                var pf = JsRender.JsRender.factory("PlainFile", p, fname);
+                _this.window.windowstate.fileViewOpen(pf,line);
+                // try hiding the left nav..
+                return false;
+              });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_compile_result_store : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeStore el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_compile_result_store(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.compile_result_store = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeStore( 4,   typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string)  );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_column : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_column(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Compile output";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_renderer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            // init method
+            {
+              this.el.add_attribute(_this.renderer.el , "markup", 2 );
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_renderer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileErrors  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_renderer(Xcls_ValaCompileErrors _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.renderer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ValaCompileResults.bjs b/src/Builder4/ValaCompileResults.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9df2078
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ "name" : "ValaCompileResults",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/ValaCompileResults.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "int height_request" : 400,
+   "id" : "ValaCompileResults",
+   "| void show" : "( Gtk.Widget onbtn, bool reset) {\n\tint w, h;\n \n\tthis.window.el.get_size(out w, out h);\n    \n    // left tree = 250, editor area = 500?\n    \n    var new_w = int.min(750, w-100);\n    if (new_w > (w-100)) {\n        new_w = w-100;\n    }\n    this.el.set_size_request( int.max(100, new_w), int.max(100, h-120));\n \n\n    if (this.el.relative_to == null) {\n        this.el.set_relative_to(onbtn);\n    }\n    this.el.show_all();\n   // not sure why..\n   \n   if (reset) {\n\t\tvar buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();\n\t\tbuf.set_text(\"\",0);\n\t}\n   \n    while(Gtk.events_pending()) { \n            Gtk.main_iteration();\n    }\n    \n    \n    \n}\n",
+   "Xcls_MainWindow window" : "",
+   "xtype" : "Popover",
+   "Gtk.PositionType position" : "Gtk.PositionType.TOP",
+   "bool active" : true,
+   "int width_request" : 600,
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "| void addLine" : "(string str) {\n\tvar buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();\n\tGtk.TextIter iter;\n\tbuf.get_end_iter (out  iter);\n\tbuf.insert(ref iter, str, str.length);\n\t/// scroll..\n\tbuf.get_end_iter (out  iter);\n\tthis.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(iter, 0.0f, true, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n\t\n\n}\n",
+   "bool modal" : true,
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "id" : "compile_view",
+     "* pack" : "add",
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "gboolean homogeneous" : false,
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "* init" : "{\n this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n \n\n}\n",
+       "bool hexpand" : true,
+       "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,0",
+       "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "id" : "sourceview",
+         "* init" : "{\n\n    var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string(\"monospace\");\n    description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);\n\n\n}\n",
+         "xtype" : "SourceView",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "bool editable" : false,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "bool show_line_numbers" : false
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ValaCompileResults.vala b/src/Builder4/ValaCompileResults.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..65a8194
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+static Xcls_ValaCompileResults  _ValaCompileResults;
+public class Xcls_ValaCompileResults : Object
+    public Gtk.Popover el;
+    private Xcls_ValaCompileResults  _this;
+    public static Xcls_ValaCompileResults singleton()
+    {
+        if (_ValaCompileResults == null) {
+            _ValaCompileResults= new Xcls_ValaCompileResults();
+        }
+        return _ValaCompileResults;
+    }
+    public Xcls_compile_view compile_view;
+    public Xcls_sourceview sourceview;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Xcls_MainWindow window;
+    public bool active;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_ValaCompileResults()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Popover( null );
+        // my vars (dec)
+ = true;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.width_request = 600;
+        this.el.height_request = 400;
+        this.el.modal = true;
+        this.el.position = Gtk.PositionType.TOP;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_compile_view( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void show ( Gtk.Widget onbtn, bool reset) {
+       int w, h;
+       this.window.el.get_size(out w, out h);
+        // left tree = 250, editor area = 500?
+        var new_w = int.min(750, w-100);
+        if (new_w > (w-100)) {
+            new_w = w-100;
+        }
+        this.el.set_size_request( int.max(100, new_w), int.max(100, h-120));
+        if (this.el.relative_to == null) {
+            this.el.set_relative_to(onbtn);
+        }
+        this.el.show_all();
+       // not sure why..
+       if (reset) {
+               var buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();
+               buf.set_text("",0);
+       }
+        while(Gtk.events_pending()) { 
+                Gtk.main_iteration();
+        }
+    }
+    public void addLine (string str) {
+       var buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();
+       Gtk.TextIter iter;
+       buf.get_end_iter (out  iter);
+       buf.insert(ref iter, str, str.length);
+       /// scroll..
+       buf.get_end_iter (out  iter);
+       this.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(iter, 0.0f, true, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+    }
+    public class Xcls_compile_view : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileResults  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_compile_view(Xcls_ValaCompileResults _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.compile_view = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileResults  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow3(Xcls_ValaCompileResults _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.hexpand = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_sourceview( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            {
+             this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_sourceview : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SourceView el;
+        private Xcls_ValaCompileResults  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_sourceview(Xcls_ValaCompileResults _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.sourceview = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SourceView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.editable = false;
+            this.el.show_line_numbers = false;
+            // init method
+            {
+                var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string("monospace");
+                description.set_size(8000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ValaProjectSettings.bjs b/src/Builder4/ValaProjectSettings.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a72c3d8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+ "name" : "ValaProjectSettings",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/ValaProjectSettings.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "# Project.Gtk project" : "null",
+   "# Xcls_MainWindow window" : "null",
+   "| void show" : "(Project.Gtk project) {\n    \n    \n    print(\"ValaProjectSettings show\\n\");\n    \n    this.project=  project;\n\n    this.compile_flags.el.text = _this.project.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\").compile_flags;\n    \n    this.default_directory_tree_store.load();    \n    this.default_packages_tree_store.load();            \n    this.targets_tree_store.load();\n    this.files_tree_store.load();\n\n}\n",
+   "bool hexpand" : true,
+   "xtype" : "Box",
+   "string id" : "ValaProjectSettings",
+   "| void save" : "()  {\n    this.project.writeConfig();\n}",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+     "xtype" : "Notebook",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "id" : "label_global",
+       "* pack" : false,
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "utf8 label" : "Global"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "label_targets",
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "* pack" : false,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "utf8 label" : "Targets"
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "Box",
+       "* pack" : "append_page,_this.label_global.el",
+       "gboolean homogeneous" : false,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "xtype" : "Label",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "utf8 label" : "compile flags"
+        },
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "changed" : "() => {\n    \n   _this.project.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\").compile_flags = this.el.text;\n   _this.project.writeConfig();\n//;\n\n}"
+         },
+         "id" : "compile_flags",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+         "xtype" : "Entry",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "utf8 placeholder_text" : "eg. -g --valasrc $BASEDIR "
+        },
+        {
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+         "xtype" : "Paned",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "int position" : 300,
+         "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "bool hexpand" : true,
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "gboolean headers_visible" : true,
+             "xtype" : "TreeView",
+             "* pack" : "add",
+             "string id" : "default_packages_tree",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "items" : [
+              {
+               "id" : "default_packages_tree_store",
+               "xtype" : "ListStore",
+               "* pack" : "set_model",
+               "$ n_columns" : 2,
+               "| void load" : "() {\n \n    var def = _this.project.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\");\n    var items  = def.packages;\n    \n    this.el.clear();\n    var pal = (Palete.Gtk) Palete.factory(\"Gtk\");\n    var pkgs = pal.packages(_this.project);\n    print(\"ValaProjectSettings:packages load %d\\n\", pkgs.size);\n\n    Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n\n    for(var i =0 ; i < pkgs.size; i++) {\n         this.el.append(out citer);   \n         \n        this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   pkgs.get(i) ); // title \n        this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.contains(pkgs.get(i)) );\n    }\n    this.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);\n    \n}\n",
+               "$ columns" : "    typeof(string),  // 0 key type\n      typeof(bool)",
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+              },
+              {
+               "utf8 title" : "package name",
+               "* init" : " \n this.el.add_attribute(_this.packages_render.el , \"text\", 0 );\n  ",
+               "* pack" : "append_column",
+               "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+               "gboolean resizable" : true,
+               "gboolean expand" : true,
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "items" : [
+                {
+                 "id" : "packages_render",
+                 "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+                 "* pack" : "pack_start,false",
+                 "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+                }
+               ]
+              },
+              {
+               "utf8 title" : "use",
+               "* init" : "{\n this.el.add_attribute(_this.packages_render_use.el , \"active\", 1 );\n }",
+               "* pack" : "append_column",
+               "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+               "gboolean resizable" : false,
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "gint fixed_width" : 50,
+               "items" : [
+                {
+                 "listeners" : {
+                  "toggled" : "(  path_string) =>  { \n    var m = _this.default_packages_tree_store.el;\n   Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n   Gtk.TreePath path = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string (path_string);\n   m.get_iter (out iter, path);\n   GLib.Value val;\n   m.get_value(iter, 1, out val);\n   m.set_value(iter, 1,  ((bool) val) ? false :true); \n     GLib.Value fval;  \n   m.get_value(iter, 0, out fval);\n   var fn = (string)fval;\n    \n    var def = _this.project.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\");\n    var items  = def.packages;\n    if ((bool)val) {\n        // renive\n        items.remove(fn);\n    } else {\n        items.add(fn);\n    }\n    \n}"
+                 },
+                 "id" : "packages_render_use",
+                 "* pack" : "pack_start,false",
+                 "xtype" : "CellRendererToggle",
+                 "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+                 "gboolean activatable" : true
+                }
+               ]
+              }
+             ]
+            }
+           ]
+          },
+          {
+           "bool hexpand" : true,
+           "* pack" : "add2",
+           "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "button_press_event" : " ( ev) => {\n    //console.log(\"button press?\");\n   \n    \n    if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  || ev.button != 3) {\n        //print(\"click\" + ev.type);\n        return false;\n    }\n    //Gtk.TreePath res;\n    //if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x,(int)ev.y, out res, null, null, null) ) {\n    //    return true;\n    //}\n     \n  //  this.el.get_selection().select_path(res);\n     \n      //if (!this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el)  { \n      //      this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').init(); \n      //  }\n        \n     _this.default_directory_menu.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());\n     _this.default_directory_menu.el.show_all();\n      _this.default_directory_menu.el.popup(null, null, null,  3, ev.time);\n     //   print(\"click:\" + res.path.to_string());\n      return true;\n}"
+             },
+             "gboolean headers_visible" : true,
+             "id" : "default_directory_tree",
+             "* pack" : "add",
+             "xtype" : "TreeView",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "items" : [
+              {
+               "id" : "default_directory_tree_store",
+               "xtype" : "ListStore",
+               "* pack" : "set_model",
+               "$ n_columns" : 1,
+               "| void load" : "() {\n \n  this.el.clear();\n  \n    \n     var def = _this.project.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\");\n     var items  = def.sources;\n     \n \n    Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n\n    for(var i =0 ; i < items.size; i++) {\n         this.el.append(out citer);   \n         \n        this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   items.get(i) ); // title \n        //this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.get(i) );\n    }\n    this.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);\n    \n}\n",
+               "$ columns" : "    typeof(string)\n     ",
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+              },
+              {
+               "utf8 title" : "Available Directories (right click to add)",
+               "* init" : "\n this.el.add_attribute(_this.directory_render.el , \"text\", 0 );\n   ",
+               "* pack" : "append_column",
+               "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+               "gboolean resizable" : true,
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "items" : [
+                {
+                 "id" : "directory_render",
+                 "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+                 "* pack" : "pack_start,false",
+                 "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+                }
+               ]
+              }
+             ]
+            },
+            {
+             "id" : "default_directory_menu",
+             "xtype" : "Menu",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "items" : [
+              {
+               "listeners" : {
+                "activate" : "()  => {\n    \n    var  chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog (\n\t\"Add a directory\", _this.window.el, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER ,\n\t\"_Cancel\",\n\tGtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,\n\t\"_Add\",\n\tGtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);\n    if ( () != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) {\n        chooser.close ();\n           return;\n       }\n       chooser.close ();\n       // add the directory..\n       var fn = _this.project.relPath(chooser.get_filename());\n       _this.project.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\").sources.add(fn);\n       _this.default_directory_tree_store.load();\n}"
+               },
+               "* pack" : "add",
+               "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "utf8 label" : "Add Directory"
+              },
+              {
+               "listeners" : {
+                "activate" : "()  => {\n    \n    var  chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog (\n\t\"Add a directory\", _this.window.el, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN ,\n\t\"_Cancel\",\n\tGtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,\n\t\"_Add\",\n\tGtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);\n    if ( () != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) {\n        chooser.close ();\n           return;\n       }\n       chooser.close ();\n       // add the directory..\n       var fn = _this.project.relPath(chooser.get_filename());\n       _this.project.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\").sources.add(fn);\n       _this.default_directory_tree_store.load();\n}"
+               },
+               "* pack" : "add",
+               "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "utf8 label" : "Add File"
+              },
+              {
+               "* pack" : "add",
+               "xtype" : "SeparatorMenuItem",
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+              },
+              {
+               "listeners" : {
+                "activate" : "()  => {\n    \n     //\n        Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n        Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n        if (!_this.default_directory_tree.el.get_selection().get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {\n               print(\"nothing selected\\n\");\n            return;\n        }\n\n            \n       // add the directory..\n       \n       \n       GLib.Value val;\n        mod.get_value(iter,0, out val);\n       var fn =  (string) val;\n       \n       print(\"remove: %s\\n\", fn);\n       if (!_this.project.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\").sources.remove(fn)) {\n                  print(\"remove failed\");\n              }\n       _this.default_directory_tree_store.load();\n}"
+               },
+               "* pack" : "add",
+               "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "utf8 label" : "Remove File/Directory"
+              }
+             ]
+            }
+           ]
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "gint position" : 300,
+       "* pack" : "append_page,_this.label_targets.el",
+       "xtype" : "Paned",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "* init" : "{  \nthis.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n\n}\n",
+         "* pack" : "add1",
+         "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "targets_tree_menu",
+           "xtype" : "Menu",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "activate" : "()  => {\n    \n       if (_this.project.compilegroups.has_key(\"NEW GROUP\")) {\n        return;\n    }\n      \n       // add the directory..\n       \n       _this.project.compilegroups.set(\"NEW GROUP\", new Project.GtkValaSettings(\"NEW GROUP\"));\n       _this.targets_tree_store.load();\n}"
+             },
+             "* pack" : "add",
+             "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "utf8 label" : "Add Compile Target"
+            },
+            {
+             "* pack" : "add",
+             "xtype" : "SeparatorMenuItem",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            },
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "activate" : "()  => {\n    \n     //\n        Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n        Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n        if (!_this.targets_tree.el.get_selection().get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {\n               print(\"nothing selected\\n\");\n            return;\n        }\n\n            \n       // add the directory..\n       \n       \n       GLib.Value val;\n        mod.get_value(iter,0, out val);\n       var fn =  (string) val;\n       \n       print(\"remove: %s\\n\", fn);\n       if (!_this.project.compilegroups.unset(fn)) {\n                  print(\"remove failed\");\n      }\n       _this.targets_tree_store.load();\n}"
+             },
+             "* pack" : "add",
+             "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "utf8 label" : "Remove Target"
+            }
+           ]
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "button_press_event" : " ( ev) => {\n    //console.log(\"button press?\");\n   \n    \n    if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  || ev.button != 3) {\n        //print(\"click\" + ev.type);\n        return false;\n    }\n    //Gtk.TreePath res;\n    //if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x,(int)ev.y, out res, null, null, null) ) {\n    //    return true;\n    //}\n     \n  //  this.el.get_selection().select_path(res);\n     \n      //if (!this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el)  { \n      //      this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').init(); \n      //  }\n        \n     _this.targets_tree_menu.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());\n     _this.targets_tree_menu.el.show_all();\n      _this.targets_tree_menu.el.popup(null, null, null,  3, ev.time);\n     //   print(\"click:\" + res.path.to_string());\n      return true;\n}",
+            "cursor_changed" : " ( ) => {\n\n    if (this.cursor != \"\") {\n         // save the values..\n     }\n     \n     // load the new values.\n     \n\n         Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n        Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n        if (!this.el.get_selection().get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {\n            print(\"nothing selected\\n\");\n            // should disable the right hand side..\n            _this.set_vbox.el.hide();\n            return;\n        }\n;\n            \n       // add the directory..\n       \n       \n       GLib.Value val;\n        mod.get_value(iter,0, out val);\n       var fn =  (string) val;\n       \n       this.cursor = fn;\n       var cg = _this.project.compilegroups.get(fn);\n       \n       _this.build_pack_target.el.set_text(cg.target_bin);\n       _this.build_compile_flags.el.set_text(cg.compile_flags);\n\t\t_this.build_execute_args.el.set_text(cg.execute_args);\n       \n       _this.set_vbox.cgroup = cg;\n       _this.files_tree_store.update();\n       \n       // load the srouces\n       \n\n  }"
+           },
+           "id" : "targets_tree",
+           "# string cursor" : "",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "TreeView",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "id" : "targets_tree_store",
+             "* pack" : "set_model",
+             "xtype" : "ListStore",
+             "$ n_columns" : 2,
+             "| void load" : "() {\n \n  this.el.clear();\n  \n    \n     var cg = _this.project.compilegroups;\n     \n   _this.targets_tree.cursor = \"\";\n    Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n    var iter = cg.map_iterator();\n   while( {\n        var key = iter.get_key();\n        if (key == \"_default_\") {\n            continue;\n        }\n    \n         this.el.append(out citer);   \n         \n        this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   key ); // title \n        //this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.get(i) );\n    };\n    this.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);\n    _this.set_vbox.el.hide();\n}\n",
+             "$ columns" : "    typeof(string),  // 0 key type\n     typeof(string) // ??\n     ",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            },
+            {
+             "utf8 title" : "name",
+             "* init" : " {\n     this.el.add_attribute(_this.targets_render.el , \"text\", 0 );\n }",
+             "* pack" : "append_column",
+             "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+             "gboolean resizable" : true,
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "items" : [
+              {
+               "listeners" : {
+                "edited" : "  (path, newtext) => {\n     \n     Gtk.TreeIter  iter;\n        _this.targets_tree_store.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));\n       GLib.Value gval;\n        _this.targets_tree_store.el.get_value(iter,0, out gval);\n        var oldval = (string)gval;\n       if (oldval == newtext) {\n          return;\n        }\n         var cg = _this.project.compilegroups.get(oldval);\n = newtext;\n        _this.project.compilegroups.unset(oldval);\n        _this.project.compilegroups.set(newtext, cg);\n       _this.targets_tree_store.load();\n  }"
+               },
+               "id" : "targets_render",
+               "* pack" : "pack_start,false",
+               "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "gboolean editable" : true
+              }
+             ]
+            }
+           ]
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "set_vbox",
+         "* pack" : "add2",
+         "xtype" : "Box",
+         "gboolean homogeneous" : false,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "# Project.GtkValaSettings cgroup" : "null",
+         "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "xtype" : "Label",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "utf8 label" : "target filename"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "changed" : "()  => {\n        if (_this.targets_tree.cursor.length < 1) {\n        return;\n    }\n    _this.project.compilegroups.get(_this.targets_tree.cursor).target_bin = this.el.text;\n}"
+           },
+           "id" : "build_pack_target",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+           "xtype" : "Entry",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "xtype" : "Label",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "utf8 label" : "compile flags"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "changed" : "() => {\n    if (_this.targets_tree.cursor.length < 1) {\n        return;\n    }\n    _this.project.compilegroups.get(_this.targets_tree.cursor).compile_flags = this.el.text;\n}"
+           },
+           "id" : "build_compile_flags",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+           "xtype" : "Entry",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "xtype" : "Label",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "utf8 label" : "test argments - when run after a build"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "changed" : "() => {\n    if (_this.targets_tree.cursor.length < 1) {\n        return;\n    }\n    _this.project.compilegroups.get(_this.targets_tree.cursor).execute_args = this.el.text;\n}"
+           },
+           "id" : "build_execute_args",
+           "string placeholder_text" : "eg.  -f somefile -g ",
+           "xtype" : "Entry",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "xtype" : "Label",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "utf8 label" : "Files to compile"
+          },
+          {
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+           "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "xtype" : "TreeView",
+             "* pack" : "add",
+             "string id" : "files_tree",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "items" : [
+              {
+               "id" : "files_tree_store",
+               "* pack" : "set_model",
+               "xtype" : "ListStore",
+               "| void updateDir" : "(string dname, bool bval) {\n  \n  Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n\n    var cg =   _this.set_vbox.cgroup;\n  for(var i =0 ; i < this.el.iter_n_children(null); i++) {\n        this.el.iter_nth_child(out citer,null,i);\n\n        GLib.Value val;\n        this.el.get_value(citer,0, out val);\n        var fn = (string) val;\n        \n        if ( Path.get_dirname (fn) == dname) {\n        \n            this.el.set_value(citer, 3,   bval ); // checked \n           \n     \n     \n            if (!bval) {\n                // renive\n                if (cg.sources.contains(fn)) {\n                    cg.sources.remove(fn);\n                }\n            } else {\n                if (!cg.sources.contains(fn)) {\n                    cg.sources.add(fn);\n                }\n            }\n            \n            \n        }\n    }\n\n}\n",
+               "$ n_columns" : 4,
+               "| void load" : "() {\n \n      this.el.clear();\n  \n    \n     var def = _this.project.compilegroups.get(\"_default_\");\n     var items  = def.sources;\n     \n     \n     \n     \n \n    Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n\n    for(var i =0 ; i < items.size; i++) {\n    \n         var files = _this.project.filesForCompile(items.get(i), false);\n         if (files.size < 1) {\n            continue;\n         }\n    \n         this.el.append(out citer);   \n         \n        this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   items.get(i) ); // title \n        this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   \"<span foreground=\\\"green\\\" font_weight=\\\"bold\\\">\" + \n                    GLib.Markup.escape_text(items.get(i)) + \"</span>\"\n            ); // title \n        print(\"ADD item %s\", items.get(i));\n        this.el.set_value(citer, 2,   \"dir\"); // type         \n        this.el.set_value(citer, 3,   false ); // checked \n\n       \n        \n         for(var j =0 ; j < files.size; j++) {\n            this.el.append(out citer);   \n             print(\"ADD item %s\", files.get(j));\n            this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   files.get(j) ); // title \n            this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   GLib.Markup.escape_text( Path.get_basename (files.get(j))) ); // title             \n            this.el.set_value(citer, 2,   \"file\"); // type         \n            this.el.set_value(citer, 3,   false ); // checked \n\n        }\n        \n        \n        //this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.get(i) );\n    }\n    this.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);\n    \n}\n ",
+               "$ columns" : "    typeof(string),  // 0 file name\n        typeof(string),  // 0 basename\n     typeof(string), // type (dir orfile)\n     typeof(bool)  // is checked.\n     ",
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "| void update" : "() {\n\n\n    Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n\n    for(var i =0 ; i < this.el.iter_n_children(null); i++) {\n        this.el.iter_nth_child(out citer,null,i);\n\n        GLib.Value val;\n        this.el.get_value(citer,0, out val);\n        var fn = (string) val;\n        \n        var active = false;\n        if (_this.set_vbox.cgroup.sources.contains(fn)) {\n            active = true;\n        }\n        \n        this.el.set_value(citer, 3,   active ); // checked \n    }\n\n\n}\n"
+              },
+              {
+               "utf8 title" : "name",
+               "* init" : "\n this.el.add_attribute(_this.files_render.el , \"markup\", 1 ); // basnemae\n \n/*  this.el.add_attribute(_this.files_render.el , \"markup\", 2 );\n*/",
+               "* pack" : "append_column",
+               "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+               "gboolean resizable" : true,
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "items" : [
+                {
+                 "id" : "files_render",
+                 "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+                 "* pack" : "pack_start,false",
+                 "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+                }
+               ]
+              },
+              {
+               "utf8 title" : "use",
+               "* init" : "{\n this.el.add_attribute(_this.files_render_use.el , \"active\", 3 );\n }",
+               "* pack" : "append_column",
+               "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+               "gboolean resizable" : false,
+               "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+               "gint fixed_width" : 50,
+               "items" : [
+                {
+                 "listeners" : {
+                  "toggled" : "(  path_string) =>  { \n\n\n\n    var m = _this.files_tree_store.el;\n   Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n   Gtk.TreePath path = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string (path_string);\n   m.get_iter (out iter, path);\n   GLib.Value val;\n   m.get_value(iter, 3, out val);\n   m.set_value(iter, 3,  ((bool) val) ? false :true); \n   \n   // type.\n   GLib.Value ftval;  \n   m.get_value(iter, 2, out ftval);\n   var ftype = (string)ftval;   \n   \n   // full name...  \n   GLib.Value fval;     \n   m.get_value(iter, 0, out fval);\n   var fn = (string)fval;\n    \n    \n    var cg =   _this.set_vbox.cgroup;\n    // what's the sleected target?\n    // update the list..\n    // if ftype is a dir == then toggle all the bellow.\n    \n    if (ftype == \"dir\") {\n        _this.files_tree_store.updateDir(fn,  ((bool) val) ? false :true);\n    }\n    \n    // if ftype is a file .. see if all the files in that directory are check and check the dir.\n\n     \n    if ((bool)val) {\n        // renive\n        cg.sources.remove(fn);\n    } else {\n        cg.sources.add(fn);\n    }\n    \n}"
+                 },
+                 "id" : "files_render_use",
+                 "* pack" : "pack_start,false",
+                 "xtype" : "CellRendererToggle",
+                 "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+                 "gboolean activatable" : true
+                }
+               ]
+              }
+             ]
+            }
+           ]
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/ValaProjectSettings.vala b/src/Builder4/ValaProjectSettings.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b61cc6d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1890 @@
+static ValaProjectSettings  _ValaProjectSettings;
+public class ValaProjectSettings : Object
+    public Gtk.Box el;
+    private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+    public static ValaProjectSettings singleton()
+    {
+        if (_ValaProjectSettings == null) {
+            _ValaProjectSettings= new ValaProjectSettings();
+        }
+        return _ValaProjectSettings;
+    }
+    public Xcls_label_global label_global;
+    public Xcls_label_targets label_targets;
+    public Xcls_compile_flags compile_flags;
+    public Xcls_default_packages_tree_store default_packages_tree_store;
+    public Xcls_packages_render packages_render;
+    public Xcls_packages_render_use packages_render_use;
+    public Xcls_default_directory_tree default_directory_tree;
+    public Xcls_default_directory_tree_store default_directory_tree_store;
+    public Xcls_directory_render directory_render;
+    public Xcls_default_directory_menu default_directory_menu;
+    public Xcls_targets_tree_menu targets_tree_menu;
+    public Xcls_targets_tree targets_tree;
+    public Xcls_targets_tree_store targets_tree_store;
+    public Xcls_targets_render targets_render;
+    public Xcls_set_vbox set_vbox;
+    public Xcls_build_pack_target build_pack_target;
+    public Xcls_build_compile_flags build_compile_flags;
+    public Xcls_build_execute_args build_execute_args;
+    public Xcls_files_tree_store files_tree_store;
+    public Xcls_files_render files_render;
+    public Xcls_files_render_use files_render_use;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Project.Gtk project;
+    public Xcls_MainWindow window;
+    // ctor
+    public ValaProjectSettings()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.project = null;
+        this.window = null;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.hexpand = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Notebook2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void show (Project.Gtk project) {
+        print("ValaProjectSettings show\n");
+        this.project=  project;
+        this.compile_flags.el.text = _this.project.compilegroups.get("_default_").compile_flags;
+        this.default_directory_tree_store.load();    
+        this.default_packages_tree_store.load();            
+        this.targets_tree_store.load();
+        this.files_tree_store.load();
+    }
+    public void save ()  {
+        this.project.writeConfig();
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Notebook2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Notebook el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Notebook2(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Notebook();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_label_global( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_label_targets( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Box5( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.append_page (  child_2.el , _this.label_global.el );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_Paned26( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.append_page (  child_3.el , _this.label_targets.el );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_label_global : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_label_global(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.label_global = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Global" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_label_targets : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_label_targets(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.label_targets = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Targets" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box5 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box5(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label6( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_compile_flags( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_1.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Paned8( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_2.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label6 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label6(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "compile flags" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_compile_flags : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_compile_flags(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.compile_flags = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.placeholder_text = "eg. -g --valasrc $BASEDIR ";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.changed.connect( () => {
+               _this.project.compilegroups.get("_default_").compile_flags = this.el.text;
+               _this.project.writeConfig();
+            //;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Paned8 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Paned el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Paned8(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Paned( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.position = 300;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow9( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow16( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add2 (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow9 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow9(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.hexpand = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_default_packages_tree( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_default_packages_tree : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_default_packages_tree(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.headers_visible = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_default_packages_tree_store( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn12( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn14( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_2.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_default_packages_tree_store : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_default_packages_tree_store(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.default_packages_tree_store = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2,     typeof(string),  // 0 key type
+      typeof(bool) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void load () {
+            var def = _this.project.compilegroups.get("_default_");
+            var items  = def.packages;
+            this.el.clear();
+            var pal = (Palete.Gtk) Palete.factory("Gtk");
+            var pkgs = pal.packages(_this.project);
+            print("ValaProjectSettings:packages load %d\n", pkgs.size);
+            Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+            for(var i =0 ; i < pkgs.size; i++) {
+                 this.el.append(out citer);   
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   pkgs.get(i) ); // title 
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.contains(pkgs.get(i)) );
+            }
+            this.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn12 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeViewColumn12(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "package name";
+            this.el.expand = true;
+            this.el.resizable = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_packages_render( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.packages_render.el , "text", 0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_packages_render : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_packages_render(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.packages_render = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn14 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeViewColumn14(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "use";
+            this.el.resizable = false;
+            this.el.fixed_width = 50;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_packages_render_use( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false );
+            // init method
+            {
+             this.el.add_attribute(_this.packages_render_use.el , "active", 1 );
+             }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_packages_render_use : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererToggle el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_packages_render_use(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.packages_render_use = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.activatable = true;
+            //listeners
+            this.el.toggled.connect( (  path_string) =>  { 
+                var m = _this.default_packages_tree_store.el;
+               Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+               Gtk.TreePath path = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string (path_string);
+               m.get_iter (out iter, path);
+               GLib.Value val;
+               m.get_value(iter, 1, out val);
+               m.set_value(iter, 1,  ((bool) val) ? false :true); 
+                 GLib.Value fval;  
+               m.get_value(iter, 0, out fval);
+               var fn = (string)fval;
+                var def = _this.project.compilegroups.get("_default_");
+                var items  = def.packages;
+                if ((bool)val) {
+                    // renive
+                    items.remove(fn);
+                } else {
+                    items.add(fn);
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow16 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow16(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.hexpand = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_default_directory_tree( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_default_directory_menu( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_default_directory_tree : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_default_directory_tree(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.default_directory_tree = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.headers_visible = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_default_directory_tree_store( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn19( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( ( ev) => {
+                //console.log("button press?");
+                if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  || ev.button != 3) {
+                    //print("click" + ev.type);
+                    return false;
+                }
+                //Gtk.TreePath res;
+                //if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x,(int)ev.y, out res, null, null, null) ) {
+                //    return true;
+                //}
+              //  this.el.get_selection().select_path(res);
+                  //if (!this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el)  { 
+                  //      this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').init(); 
+                  //  }
+                 _this.default_directory_menu.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());
+                 _this.default_directory_menu.el.show_all();
+                  _this.default_directory_menu.el.popup(null, null, null,  3, ev.time);
+                 //   print("click:" + res.path.to_string());
+                  return true;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_default_directory_tree_store : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_default_directory_tree_store(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.default_directory_tree_store = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 1,     typeof(string)
+      );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void load () {
+          this.el.clear();
+             var def = _this.project.compilegroups.get("_default_");
+             var items  = def.sources;
+            Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+            for(var i =0 ; i < items.size; i++) {
+                 this.el.append(out citer);   
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   items.get(i) ); // title 
+                //this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.get(i) );
+            }
+            this.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn19 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeViewColumn19(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Available Directories (right click to add)";
+            this.el.resizable = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_directory_render( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.directory_render.el , "text", 0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_directory_render : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_directory_render(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.directory_render = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_default_directory_menu : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Menu el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_default_directory_menu(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.default_directory_menu = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Menu();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuItem22( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_MenuItem23( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem24( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_2.el  );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_MenuItem25( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_3.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem22 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem22(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Add Directory";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ()  => {
+                var  chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog (
+               "Add a directory", _this.window.el, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER ,
+               "_Cancel",
+               Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
+               "_Add",
+               Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);
+                if ( () != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) {
+                    chooser.close ();
+                       return;
+                   }
+                   chooser.close ();
+                   // add the directory..
+                   var fn = _this.project.relPath(chooser.get_filename());
+                   _this.project.compilegroups.get("_default_").sources.add(fn);
+                   _this.default_directory_tree_store.load();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem23 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem23(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Add File";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ()  => {
+                var  chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog (
+               "Add a directory", _this.window.el, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN ,
+               "_Cancel",
+               Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
+               "_Add",
+               Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);
+                if ( () != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) {
+                    chooser.close ();
+                       return;
+                   }
+                   chooser.close ();
+                   // add the directory..
+                   var fn = _this.project.relPath(chooser.get_filename());
+                   _this.project.compilegroups.get("_default_").sources.add(fn);
+                   _this.default_directory_tree_store.load();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem24 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem24(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem25 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem25(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Remove File/Directory";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ()  => {
+                 //
+                    Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                    Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                    if (!_this.default_directory_tree.el.get_selection().get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {
+                           print("nothing selected\n");
+                        return;
+                    }
+                   // add the directory..
+                   GLib.Value val;
+                    mod.get_value(iter,0, out val);
+                   var fn =  (string) val;
+                   print("remove: %s\n", fn);
+                   if (!_this.project.compilegroups.get("_default_").sources.remove(fn)) {
+                              print("remove failed");
+                          }
+                   _this.default_directory_tree_store.load();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Paned26 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Paned el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Paned26(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Paned( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.position = 300;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow27( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add1 (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_set_vbox( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add2 (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow27 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow27(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_targets_tree_menu( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_targets_tree( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            {  
+            this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_targets_tree_menu : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Menu el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_targets_tree_menu(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.targets_tree_menu = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Menu();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuItem29( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem30( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_MenuItem31( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_2.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem29 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem29(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Add Compile Target";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ()  => {
+                   if (_this.project.compilegroups.has_key("NEW GROUP")) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                   // add the directory..
+                   _this.project.compilegroups.set("NEW GROUP", new Project.GtkValaSettings("NEW GROUP"));
+                   _this.targets_tree_store.load();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem30 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem30(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem31 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem31(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Remove Target";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ()  => {
+                 //
+                    Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                    Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                    if (!_this.targets_tree.el.get_selection().get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {
+                           print("nothing selected\n");
+                        return;
+                    }
+                   // add the directory..
+                   GLib.Value val;
+                    mod.get_value(iter,0, out val);
+                   var fn =  (string) val;
+                   print("remove: %s\n", fn);
+                   if (!_this.project.compilegroups.unset(fn)) {
+                              print("remove failed");
+                  }
+                   _this.targets_tree_store.load();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_targets_tree : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public string cursor;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_targets_tree(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.targets_tree = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_targets_tree_store( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn34( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( ( ev) => {
+                //console.log("button press?");
+                if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  || ev.button != 3) {
+                    //print("click" + ev.type);
+                    return false;
+                }
+                //Gtk.TreePath res;
+                //if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x,(int)ev.y, out res, null, null, null) ) {
+                //    return true;
+                //}
+              //  this.el.get_selection().select_path(res);
+                  //if (!this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el)  { 
+                  //      this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').init(); 
+                  //  }
+                 _this.targets_tree_menu.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());
+                 _this.targets_tree_menu.el.show_all();
+                  _this.targets_tree_menu.el.popup(null, null, null,  3, ev.time);
+                 //   print("click:" + res.path.to_string());
+                  return true;
+            });
+            this.el.cursor_changed.connect( ( ) => {
+                if (this.cursor != "") {
+                     // save the values..
+                 }
+                 // load the new values.
+                     Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                    Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                    if (!this.el.get_selection().get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {
+                        print("nothing selected\n");
+                        // should disable the right hand side..
+                        _this.set_vbox.el.hide();
+                        return;
+                    }
+          ;
+                   // add the directory..
+                   GLib.Value val;
+                    mod.get_value(iter,0, out val);
+                   var fn =  (string) val;
+                   this.cursor = fn;
+                   var cg = _this.project.compilegroups.get(fn);
+                   _this.build_pack_target.el.set_text(cg.target_bin);
+                   _this.build_compile_flags.el.set_text(cg.compile_flags);
+                       _this.build_execute_args.el.set_text(cg.execute_args);
+                   _this.set_vbox.cgroup = cg;
+                   _this.files_tree_store.update();
+                   // load the srouces
+              });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_targets_tree_store : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_targets_tree_store(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.targets_tree_store = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2,     typeof(string),  // 0 key type
+     typeof(string) // ??
+      );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void load () {
+          this.el.clear();
+             var cg = _this.project.compilegroups;
+           _this.targets_tree.cursor = "";
+            Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+            var iter = cg.map_iterator();
+           while( {
+                var key = iter.get_key();
+                if (key == "_default_") {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                 this.el.append(out citer);   
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   key ); // title 
+                //this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.get(i) );
+            };
+            this.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);
+            _this.set_vbox.el.hide();
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn34 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeViewColumn34(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "name";
+            this.el.resizable = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_targets_render( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false );
+            // init method
+            {
+                 this.el.add_attribute(_this.targets_render.el , "text", 0 );
+             }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_targets_render : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_targets_render(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.targets_render = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.editable = true;
+            //listeners
+            this.el.edited.connect( (path, newtext) => {
+                 Gtk.TreeIter  iter;
+                    _this.targets_tree_store.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));
+                   GLib.Value gval;
+                    _this.targets_tree_store.el.get_value(iter,0, out gval);
+                    var oldval = (string)gval;
+                   if (oldval == newtext) {
+                      return;
+                    }
+                     var cg = _this.project.compilegroups.get(oldval);
+           = newtext;
+                    _this.project.compilegroups.unset(oldval);
+                    _this.project.compilegroups.set(newtext, cg);
+                   _this.targets_tree_store.load();
+              });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_set_vbox : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public Project.GtkValaSettings cgroup;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_set_vbox(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.set_vbox = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.cgroup = null;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Label37( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_build_pack_target( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_1.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Label39( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_2.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_build_compile_flags( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_3.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_Label41( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_4.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_5 = new Xcls_build_execute_args( _this );
+            child_5.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_5.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_6 = new Xcls_Label43( _this );
+            child_6.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_6.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_7 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow44( _this );
+            child_7.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_7.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label37 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label37(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "target filename" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_build_pack_target : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_build_pack_target(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.build_pack_target = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            //listeners
+            this.el.changed.connect( ()  => {
+                    if (_this.targets_tree.cursor.length < 1) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                _this.project.compilegroups.get(_this.targets_tree.cursor).target_bin = this.el.text;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label39 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label39(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "compile flags" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_build_compile_flags : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_build_compile_flags(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.build_compile_flags = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            //listeners
+            this.el.changed.connect( () => {
+                if (_this.targets_tree.cursor.length < 1) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                _this.project.compilegroups.get(_this.targets_tree.cursor).compile_flags = this.el.text;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label41 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label41(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "test argments - when run after a build" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_build_execute_args : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Entry el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_build_execute_args(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.build_execute_args = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Entry();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.placeholder_text = "eg.  -f somefile -g ";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.changed.connect( () => {
+                if (_this.targets_tree.cursor.length < 1) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                _this.project.compilegroups.get(_this.targets_tree.cursor).execute_args = this.el.text;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label43 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label43(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Files to compile" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow44 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow44(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_files_tree( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_files_tree : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_files_tree(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_files_tree_store( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn47( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn49( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_2.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_files_tree_store : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_files_tree_store(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.files_tree_store = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 4,     typeof(string),  // 0 file name
+        typeof(string),  // 0 basename
+     typeof(string), // type (dir orfile)
+     typeof(bool)  // is checked.
+      );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void updateDir (string dname, bool bval) {
+          Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+            var cg =   _this.set_vbox.cgroup;
+          for(var i =0 ; i < this.el.iter_n_children(null); i++) {
+                this.el.iter_nth_child(out citer,null,i);
+                GLib.Value val;
+                this.el.get_value(citer,0, out val);
+                var fn = (string) val;
+                if ( Path.get_dirname (fn) == dname) {
+                    this.el.set_value(citer, 3,   bval ); // checked 
+                    if (!bval) {
+                        // renive
+                        if (cg.sources.contains(fn)) {
+                            cg.sources.remove(fn);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        if (!cg.sources.contains(fn)) {
+                            cg.sources.add(fn);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        public void load () {
+              this.el.clear();
+             var def = _this.project.compilegroups.get("_default_");
+             var items  = def.sources;
+            Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+            for(var i =0 ; i < items.size; i++) {
+                 var files = _this.project.filesForCompile(items.get(i), false);
+                 if (files.size < 1) {
+                    continue;
+                 }
+                 this.el.append(out citer);   
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   items.get(i) ); // title 
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   "<span foreground=\"green\" font_weight=\"bold\">" + 
+                            GLib.Markup.escape_text(items.get(i)) + "</span>"
+                    ); // title 
+                print("ADD item %s", items.get(i));
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 2,   "dir"); // type         
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 3,   false ); // checked 
+                 for(var j =0 ; j < files.size; j++) {
+                    this.el.append(out citer);   
+                     print("ADD item %s", files.get(j));
+                    this.el.set_value(citer, 0,   files.get(j) ); // title 
+                    this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   GLib.Markup.escape_text( Path.get_basename (files.get(j))) ); // title             
+                    this.el.set_value(citer, 2,   "file"); // type         
+                    this.el.set_value(citer, 3,   false ); // checked 
+                }
+                //this.el.set_value(citer, 1,   items.get(i) );
+            }
+            this.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);
+        }
+        public void update () {
+            Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+            for(var i =0 ; i < this.el.iter_n_children(null); i++) {
+                this.el.iter_nth_child(out citer,null,i);
+                GLib.Value val;
+                this.el.get_value(citer,0, out val);
+                var fn = (string) val;
+                var active = false;
+                if (_this.set_vbox.cgroup.sources.contains(fn)) {
+                    active = true;
+                }
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 3,   active ); // checked 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn47 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeViewColumn47(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "name";
+            this.el.resizable = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_files_render( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.files_render.el , "markup", 1 ); // basnemae
+            /*  this.el.add_attribute(_this.files_render.el , "markup", 2 );
+            */
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_files_render : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_files_render(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.files_render = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn49 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeViewColumn49(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "use";
+            this.el.resizable = false;
+            this.el.fixed_width = 50;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_files_render_use( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false );
+            // init method
+            {
+             this.el.add_attribute(_this.files_render_use.el , "active", 3 );
+             }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_files_render_use : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererToggle el;
+        private ValaProjectSettings  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_files_render_use(ValaProjectSettings _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.files_render_use = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.activatable = true;
+            //listeners
+            this.el.toggled.connect( (  path_string) =>  { 
+                var m = _this.files_tree_store.el;
+               Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+               Gtk.TreePath path = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string (path_string);
+               m.get_iter (out iter, path);
+               GLib.Value val;
+               m.get_value(iter, 3, out val);
+               m.set_value(iter, 3,  ((bool) val) ? false :true); 
+               // type.
+               GLib.Value ftval;  
+               m.get_value(iter, 2, out ftval);
+               var ftype = (string)ftval;   
+               // full name...  
+               GLib.Value fval;     
+               m.get_value(iter, 0, out fval);
+               var fn = (string)fval;
+                var cg =   _this.set_vbox.cgroup;
+                // what's the sleected target?
+                // update the list..
+                // if ftype is a dir == then toggle all the bellow.
+                if (ftype == "dir") {
+                    _this.files_tree_store.updateDir(fn,  ((bool) val) ? false :true);
+                }
+                // if ftype is a file .. see if all the files in that directory are check and check the dir.
+                if ((bool)val) {
+                    // renive
+                    cg.sources.remove(fn);
+                } else {
+                    cg.sources.add(fn);
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowAddProp.bjs b/src/Builder4/WindowAddProp.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..423580f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ "name" : "WindowAddProp",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/WindowAddProp.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "id" : "WindowAddProp",
+   "$ shadow_type" : "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
+   "* init" : "    this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n ",
+   "| void show" : "(Palete.Palete pal, string etype, string xtype) {\n    this.model.el.clear();\n\n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    var elementList = pal.getPropertiesFor( xtype,etype);\n    \n    \n    //print (\"GOT \" + elementList.length + \" items for \" + fullpath + \"|\" + type);\n           // console.dump(elementList);\n           \n    var miter = elementList.map_iterator();\n    while ( {\n       var p = miter.get_value();\n        \n        this.model.el.append(out iter);\n\n        this.model.el.set(iter,\n                0,, \n                1, p.type,\n                2, \"<b>\" + +\"</b> <i>\"+p.type+\"</i>\\n\" + \n                        GLib.Markup.escape_text(p.doctxt),\n                3, p.sig,\n                4, \"<b>\" + +\"</b> <span size=\\\"small\\\"><i>\"+p.type+\"</i></span>\",\n                5, etype,\n                -1\n        );\n    }\n    this.model.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);\n                             \n}\n",
+   "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+   "@ void select" : "(string key, string type, string skel, string etype)",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "| void clear" : "() {\n    this.model.el.clear();\n\n}",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "listeners" : {
+      "row_activated" : "(path, column)  => {\n\n        Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n\n\n        var m = _this.model;\n        \n        m.el.get_iter(out iter,path);\n        \n        \n        // var val = \"\";\n        \n        \n        var key = m.getValue(iter, 0);\n        \n        var type = m.getValue(iter, 1);\n        var skel = m.getValue(iter, 3);\n        var etype = m.getValue(iter, 5);\n        \n        \n,etype == \"signals\" ? \"\" : type,skel, etype);\n        \n}\n "
+     },
+     "* init" : "{  \n       var description = new Pango.FontDescription();\n     description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);     \n                    \n    this.el.get_selection().set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n \n\n    \n  \n    \n}\n",
+     "tooltip_column" : 2,
+     "xtype" : "TreeView",
+     "* pack" : "add",
+     "$ enable_tree_lines" : true,
+     "$ headers_visible" : true,
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "| string getValue" : "(Gtk.TreeIter iter, int col)\n{\n\n    GLib.Value value;\n    this.el.get_value(iter, col, out value);\n\n    return (string)value;\n    \n}",
+       "id" : "model",
+       "* pack" : "set_model",
+       "xtype" : "ListStore",
+       "$ columns" : "typeof(string),  // 0 real key\ntypeof(string), // 1 real type\ntypeof(string), // 2 docs ?\ntypeof(string), // 3 visable desc\ntypeof(string), // 4 function desc\ntypeof(string) // 5 element type (event|prop)\n        ",
+       "n_columns" : 6,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "namecol",
+       "utf8 title" : "Double click to add",
+       "* init" : "  this.el.add_attribute(_this.namerender.el , \"markup\", 4  );\n \n",
+       "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+       "* pack" : "append_column",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "id" : "namerender",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+         "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowAddProp.vala b/src/Builder4/WindowAddProp.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2117db7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+static Xcls_WindowAddProp  _WindowAddProp;
+public class Xcls_WindowAddProp : Object 
+    public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+    private Xcls_WindowAddProp  _this;
+    public static Xcls_WindowAddProp singleton()
+    {
+        if (_WindowAddProp == null) {
+            _WindowAddProp= new Xcls_WindowAddProp();
+        }
+        return _WindowAddProp;
+    }
+    public Xcls_model model;
+    public Xcls_namecol namecol;
+    public Xcls_namerender namerender;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public signal void select (string key, string type, string skel, string etype);
+    // ctor 
+    public Xcls_WindowAddProp()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.IN;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_TreeView2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        // init method 
+        this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+    }
+    // user defined functions 
+    public void show (Palete.Palete pal, string etype, string xtype) {
+        this.model.el.clear();
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        var elementList = pal.getPropertiesFor( xtype,etype);
+        //print ("GOT " + elementList.length + " items for " + fullpath + "|" + type);
+               // console.dump(elementList);
+        var miter = elementList.map_iterator();
+        while ( {
+           var p = miter.get_value();
+            this.model.el.append(out iter);
+            this.model.el.set(iter,
+                    0,, 
+                    1, p.type,
+                    2, "<b>" + +"</b> <i>"+p.type+"</i>\n" + 
+                            GLib.Markup.escape_text(p.doctxt),
+                    3, p.sig,
+                    4, "<b>" + +"</b> <span size=\"small\"><i>"+p.type+"</i></span>",
+                    5, etype,
+                    -1
+            );
+        }
+        this.model.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);
+    }
+    public void clear () {
+        this.model.el.clear();
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeView2 : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private Xcls_WindowAddProp  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_TreeView2(Xcls_WindowAddProp _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_column = 2;
+            this.el.enable_tree_lines = true;
+            this.el.headers_visible = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_model( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_namecol( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method 
+            {  
+                   var description = new Pango.FontDescription();
+                 description.set_size(8000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);     
+                this.el.get_selection().set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);
+            }
+            // listeners 
+            this.el.row_activated.connect( (path, column)  => {
+                    Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                    var m = _this.model;
+                    m.el.get_iter(out iter,path);
+                    // var val = "";
+                    var key = m.getValue(iter, 0);
+                    var type = m.getValue(iter, 1);
+                    var skel = m.getValue(iter, 3);
+                    var etype = m.getValue(iter, 5);
+          ,etype == "signals" ? "" : type,skel, etype);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_model : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private Xcls_WindowAddProp  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_model(Xcls_WindowAddProp _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.model = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 6, typeof(string),  // 0 real key
+typeof(string), // 1 real type
+typeof(string), // 2 docs ?
+typeof(string), // 3 visable desc
+typeof(string), // 4 function desc
+typeof(string) // 5 element type (event|prop)
+         );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+        public string getValue (Gtk.TreeIter iter, int col)
+        {
+            GLib.Value value;
+            this.el.get_value(iter, col, out value);
+            return (string)value;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_namecol : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private Xcls_WindowAddProp  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_namecol(Xcls_WindowAddProp _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.namecol = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Double click to add";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_namerender( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            // init method 
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.namerender.el , "markup", 4  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_namerender : Object 
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_WindowAddProp  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor 
+        public Xcls_namerender(Xcls_WindowAddProp _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.namerender = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions 
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProjects.bjs b/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProjects.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e7029aa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "name" : "WindowLeftProjects",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProjects.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "listeners" : {
+    "show" : "  ( ) => {\n    this.load();\n}"
+   },
+   "@ void project_selected" : "(Project.Project project)",
+   "id" : "WindowLeftProjects",
+   "|  void load" : "() {\n     // clear list...\n    \n     if (_this.is_loaded) {\n         return;\n     }\n     _this.is_loading = true;\n        \n     _this.is_loaded = true;\n     \n     Project.Project.loadAll();\n     var projects = Project.Project.allProjectsByName();\n     \n     Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n     var m = this.model.el;\n     m.clear();\n          \n     for (var i = 0; i < projects.size; i++) {\n        m.append(out iter);\n        m.set(iter,   0,projects.get(i).name );\n        \n        var o =  GLib.Value(typeof(Object));\n        o.set_object((Object)projects.get(i));\n                   \n        m.set_value(iter, 1, o);\n     \n     }\n     m.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);\n     _this.is_loading = false;     \n}\n",
+   "# bool is_loaded" : false,
+   "* pack" : "add",
+   "xtype" : "Box",
+   "|  Project.Project? getSelectedProject" : "() {    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n            \n    var s = this.view.el.get_selection();\n    if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {\n        return null;\n    }\n    \n    GLib.Value gval;\n\n    mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);\n    var project = (Project.Project)gval.get_object();\n    \n    return project;\n}",
+   "|  void selectProject" : "(Project.Project project) {\n    \n    var sel = _this.view.el.get_selection();\n    \n    sel.unselect_all();\n    \n    var found = false;\n    _this.model.el.foreach((mod, path, iter) => {\n        GLib.Value val;\n    \n        mod.get_value(iter, 1, out val);\n        if ( ( (Project.Project)val.get_object()).fn != project.fn) {\n            print(\"SKIP %s != %s\\n\", ((Project.Project)val.get_object()).name ,;\n            return false;//continue\n        }\n        sel.select_iter(iter);\n        this.project_selected(project);\n        found = true;\n        return true;\n        \n    \n    });\n     if (!found) {\n\t    print(\"tried to select %s, could not find it\",;\n    }\n}\n",
+   "# bool is_loading" : false,
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+   "$ homogeneous" : false,
+   "@ void show_new_project" : "()",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "* init" : "  this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n",
+     "$ shadow_type" : "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
+     "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,0",
+     "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "cursor_changed" : " () => {\n    if (_this.is_loading) {\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n            \n    var s = this.el.get_selection();\n    if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    GLib.Value gval;\n\n    mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);\n    var project = (Project.Project)gval.get_object();\n    \n    _this.project_selected(project);\n    \n}  "
+       },
+       "id" : "view",
+       "* init" : "  var description = new Pango.FontDescription();\n     description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);     \n                    \n    var selection = this.el.get_selection();\n    selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n \n\n    \n   \n ",
+       "xtype" : "TreeView",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ enable_tree_lines" : true,
+       "$ headers_visible" : true,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "id" : "model",
+         "* init" : "{\n   this.el.set_sort_func(0, (mod,a,b) => {\n       GLib.Value ga, gb;\n       mod.get_value(a,0, out ga);\n       mod.get_value(b,0, out gb);\n        \n        if ((string)ga == (string)gb) {\n            return 0;\n        }\n        return (string)ga > (string)gb ? 1 : -1;\n   }); \n\n\n}\n",
+         "* pack" : "set_model",
+         "xtype" : "ListStore",
+         "$ columns" : "typeof(string), typeof(Object)",
+         "n_columns" : 2,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        },
+        {
+         "utf8 title" : "Projects",
+         "* init" : "\n    this.el.add_attribute(_this.namecol.el , \"markup\", 0  );\n ",
+         "* pack" : "append_column",
+         "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "id" : "namecol",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProjects.vala b/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProjects.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7d3e22c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+static Xcls_WindowLeftProjects  _WindowLeftProjects;
+public class Xcls_WindowLeftProjects : Object
+    public Gtk.Box el;
+    private Xcls_WindowLeftProjects  _this;
+    public static Xcls_WindowLeftProjects singleton()
+    {
+        if (_WindowLeftProjects == null) {
+            _WindowLeftProjects= new Xcls_WindowLeftProjects();
+        }
+        return _WindowLeftProjects;
+    }
+    public Xcls_view view;
+    public Xcls_model model;
+    public Xcls_namecol namecol;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public signal void project_selected (Project.Project project);
+    public bool is_loaded;
+    public bool is_loading;
+    public signal void show_new_project ();
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_WindowLeftProjects()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.is_loaded = false;
+        this.is_loading = false;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.homogeneous = false;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.pack_end (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+        //listeners
+ ( ) => {
+            this.load();
+        });
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public  void load () {
+         // clear list...
+         if (_this.is_loaded) {
+             return;
+         }
+         _this.is_loading = true;
+         _this.is_loaded = true;
+         Project.Project.loadAll();
+         var projects = Project.Project.allProjectsByName();
+         Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+         var m = this.model.el;
+         m.clear();
+         for (var i = 0; i < projects.size; i++) {
+            m.append(out iter);
+            m.set(iter,   0,projects.get(i).name );
+            var o =  GLib.Value(typeof(Object));
+            o.set_object((Object)projects.get(i));
+            m.set_value(iter, 1, o);
+         }
+         m.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);
+         _this.is_loading = false;     
+    }
+    public  Project.Project? getSelectedProject () {    
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+        var s = this.view.el.get_selection();
+        if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        GLib.Value gval;
+        mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);
+        var project = (Project.Project)gval.get_object();
+        return project;
+    }
+    public  void selectProject (Project.Project project) {
+        var sel = _this.view.el.get_selection();
+        sel.unselect_all();
+        var found = false;
+        _this.model.el.foreach((mod, path, iter) => {
+            GLib.Value val;
+            mod.get_value(iter, 1, out val);
+            if ( ( (Project.Project)val.get_object()).fn != project.fn) {
+                print("SKIP %s != %s\n", ((Project.Project)val.get_object()).name ,;
+                return false;//continue
+            }
+            sel.select_iter(iter);
+            this.project_selected(project);
+            found = true;
+            return true;
+        });
+         if (!found) {
+           print("tried to select %s, could not find it",;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftProjects  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow2(Xcls_WindowLeftProjects _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.IN;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_view( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_view : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftProjects  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_view(Xcls_WindowLeftProjects _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.view = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.enable_tree_lines = true;
+            this.el.headers_visible = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_model( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn5( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            var description = new Pango.FontDescription();
+                 description.set_size(8000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);     
+                var selection = this.el.get_selection();
+                selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);
+            //listeners
+            this.el.cursor_changed.connect( () => {
+                if (_this.is_loading) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                var s = this.el.get_selection();
+                if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                GLib.Value gval;
+                mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);
+                var project = (Project.Project)gval.get_object();
+                _this.project_selected(project);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_model : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftProjects  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_model(Xcls_WindowLeftProjects _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.model = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string), typeof(Object) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            {
+               this.el.set_sort_func(0, (mod,a,b) => {
+                   GLib.Value ga, gb;
+                   mod.get_value(a,0, out ga);
+                   mod.get_value(b,0, out gb);
+                    if ((string)ga == (string)gb) {
+                        return 0;
+                    }
+                    return (string)ga > (string)gb ? 1 : -1;
+               }); 
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn5 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftProjects  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeViewColumn5(Xcls_WindowLeftProjects _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Projects";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_namecol( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.namecol.el , "markup", 0  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_namecol : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftProjects  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_namecol(Xcls_WindowLeftProjects _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.namecol = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProps.bjs b/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProps.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cbe08fc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ "name" : "WindowLeftProps",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProps.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "# bool allow_edit" : false,
+   "| void updateKey" : "(string oldkey,  string type, string key ) {\n\n \n\t\n\t_this.model.el.foreach((mod, path,  iter) => {\n\t\t \n        \n        \t  \n       \n\t\t GLib.Value gvaltype, gval,kvalue;\n\t\t mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval); // one is key..\n\t\t\n\t     mod.get_value(iter,0, out gvaltype);\n\t     \n \t     mod.get_value(iter,3, out kvalue);\n\t     \n\t      if (oldkey == ((string)gval) && type == ((string)gvaltype)) {\n\t      \n\t\t  \t  //print(\"update iter type=%s, key=%s value=%s\\n\", type, key,(string) kvalue);\n\t      \n   \t \t      this.updateIter(iter, type, key, (string)kvalue);\n   \t \t      return true;\n\t \t  }\n\t     \n\n\t\treturn false;\n\t});\n\t\n\tthis.changed();\n\n\n}\n",
+   "id" : "LeftProps",
+   "|              void before_edit" : "()\n{\n\n    print(\"before edit - stop editing\\n\");\n    \n  // these do not appear to trigger save...\n    _this.keyrender.el.stop_editing(false);\n    _this.keyrender.el.editable  =false;\n\n    _this.valrender.el.stop_editing(false);\n    _this.valrender.el.editable  =false;    \n    \n    \n// technicall stop the popup editor..\n\n}\n",
+   "|              string keySortFormat" : "(string key) {\n    // listeners first - with 0\n    // specials\n    if (key[0] == '*') {\n        return \"1 \" + key;\n    }\n    // functions\n    \n    var bits = key.split(\" \");\n    \n    if (key[0] == '|') {\n        return \"2 \" + bits[bits.length -1];\n    }\n    // signals\n    if (key[0] == '@') {\n        return \"3 \" + bits[bits.length -1];\n    }\n        \n    // props\n    if (key[0] == '#') {\n        return \"4 \" + bits[bits.length -1];\n    }\n    // the rest..\n    return \"5 \" + bits[bits.length -1];    \n\n\n\n}",
+   "|              void finish_editing" : "() {\n     // \n    this.before_edit();\n}",
+   "|              bool startEditingValue" : "( Gtk.TreePath path) {\n\n     // ONLY return true if editing is allowed - eg. combo..\n\n    print(\"start editing?\\n\");\n    if (!this.stop_editor()) {\n        print(\"stop editor failed\\n\");\n        return false;\n    }\n    \n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n\n    var mod = this.model.el;\n    mod.get_iter (out iter, path);\n     \n    /*\n        m.set(iter, \n                0, \"listener\",\n                1, miter.get_key(),\n                2, \"<b>\" + miter.get_key() + \"</b>\",\n                3, miter.get_value()\n            ); \n     \n    */\n    GLib.Value gval;\n    mod.get_value(iter, 3 , out gval);\n    var val = (string)gval;\n\n    mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);\n    var key = (string)gval;\n    \n    \n    string kname, kflag, ktype;\n    this.node.normalize_key(key, out kname, out kflag, out ktype);\n     \n    \n    mod.get_value(iter, 0 , out gval);\n    var type = (string)gval; // listerner or prop..\n    \n   \n    \n    var use_textarea = false;\n\n    //------------ things that require the text editor...\n    \n    if (type == \"listener\") {\n        use_textarea = true;\n    }\n    if (key.length > 0 && key[0] == '|') { // user defined method\n        use_textarea = true;\n    }\n    if (key.length > 0 && key[0] == '$') { // raw string\n        use_textarea = true;\n    }\n    if (key.length > 0 && key == \"* init\") {\n        use_textarea = true;\n    }\n    if (val.length > 40) { // long value...\n        use_textarea = true;\n    }\n    \n    \n    \n    if (use_textarea) {\n        print(\"Call show editor\\n\");\n        GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {\n            this.view.el.get_selection().select_path(path);\n            \n            this.show_editor(file, node, type, key);\n            \n            return false;\n        });\n       \n        \n        return false;\n    }\n    \n     var pal = Palete.factory(this.file.project.xtype);\n    \n    string[] opts;\n    var has_opts = pal.typeOptions(this.node.fqn(), kname, ktype, out opts);\n    \n    \n    \n    // others... - fill in options for true/false?\n    print(\"turn on editing %s \\n\" , mod.get_path(iter).to_string());\n   \n       print (ktype.up());\n    if (has_opts) {\n            print(\"start editing try/false)???\");\n            this.valrender.el.has_entry = false;\n          \n            this.valrender.setOptions(opts);\n            \n            this.valrender.el.has_entry = false;\n            this.valrender.el.editable = true;\n             this.allow_edit  = true;\n             GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,100 , () => {\n                 this.view.el.set_cursor_on_cell(\n                    path,\n                    this.valcol.el,\n                    this.valrender.el,\n                    true\n                );\n                return false;\n            });\n            return true;\n    }\n                              \n       // see if type is a Enum.\n       \n       \n   \n        \n   \n     opts =  {  };\n    this.valrender.setOptions(opts);\n   \n   GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {\n        \n        // at this point - work out the type...\n        // if its' a combo... then show the options..\n        this.valrender.el.has_entry = true;\n        \n        this.valrender.el.editable = true;            \n    \n        \n        this.allow_edit  = true;\n        \n        \n        \n        \n\n        this.view.el.set_cursor_on_cell(\n            path,\n            this.valcol.el,\n            this.valrender.el,\n            true\n        );\n        return false;\n    });\n    return false;\n}\n",
+   "|              void load" : "(JsRender.JsRender file, JsRender.Node? node) \n{\n    print(\"load leftprops\\n\");\n    this.before_edit();\n    this.node = node;\n    this.file = file;\n    \n \n    this.model.el.clear();\n              \n    //this.get('/RightEditor').el.hide();\n    if (node ==null) {\n        return ;\n    }\n     \n    \n\n    //var provider = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();\n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    \n    //typeof(string),  // 0 key type\n     //typeof(string),  // 1 key\n     //typeof(string),  // 2 key (display)\n     //typeof(string),  // 3 value\n     //typeof(string),  // 4 value (display)\n     //typeof(string),  // 5 both (tooltip)\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    // really need a way to sort the hashmap...\n    var m = this.model.el;\n    \n    var miter = node.listeners.map_iterator();\n    var i = 0;\n    \n    while( {\n        i++;\n        m.append(out iter,null);\n        \n        this.updateIter(iter,  \"listener\", miter.get_key(), miter.get_value());\n        \n         \n     }\n     \n      \n    miter = node.props.map_iterator();\n    \n    \n   while( {\n           i++;\n        m.append(out iter,null);\n         this.updateIter(iter,  \"prop\", miter.get_key(), miter.get_value());\n         \n   }\n   print(\"clear selection\\n\");\n   // clear selection?\n   this.model.el.set_sort_column_id(6,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING); // sort by real key..\n   \n   this.view.el.get_selection().unselect_all();\n   \n   var pane = _this.main_window.editpane.el;\n    var try_size = (i * 25) + 60; // est. 20px per line + 40px header\n    \n    // max 80%...\n    pane.set_position( \n         ((try_size * 1.0f) /  (pane.max_position * 1.0f))  > 0.8f  ? \n        (int) (pane.max_position * 0.2f) :\n        pane.max_position-try_size);\n    \n   \n}\n",
+   "xtype" : "Box",
+   "|              string keyFormat" : "(string val, string type) {\n    \n    // Glib.markup_escape_text(val);\n\n    if (type == \"listener\") {\n        return \"<span font_weight=\\\"bold\\\" color=\\\"#660000\\\">\" + \n            GLib.Markup.escape_text(val) +\n             \"</span>\";\n    }\n    // property..\n    if (val.length < 1) {\n        return \"<span  color=\\\"#FF0000\\\">--empty--</span>\";\n    }\n    \n    //@ = signal\n    //$ = property with \n    //# - object properties\n    //* = special\n    // all of these... - display value is last element..\n    var ar = val.strip().split(\" \");\n    \n    \n    var dval = GLib.Markup.escape_text(ar[ar.length-1]);\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    switch(val[0]) {\n        case '@': // signal // just bold balck?\n            if (dval[0] == '@') {\n                dval = dval.substring(1);\n            }\n        \n            return @\"<span  font_weight=\\\"bold\\\">@ $dval</span>\";        \n        case '#': // object properties?\n            if (dval[0] == '#') {\n                dval = dval.substring(1);\n            }\n            return @\"<span  font_weight=\\\"bold\\\">$dval</span>\";\n        case '*': // special\n            if (dval[0] == '*') {\n                dval = dval.substring(1);\n            }\n            return @\"<span   color=\\\"#0000CC\\\" font_weight=\\\"bold\\\">$dval</span>\";            \n        case '$':\n            if (dval[0] == '$') {\n                dval = dval.substring(1);\n            }\n            return @\"<span   style=\\\"italic\\\">$dval</span>\";\n       case '|': // user defined methods\n            if (dval[0] == '|') {\n                dval = dval.substring(1);\n            }\n            return @\"<span color=\\\"#008000\\\" font_weight=\\\"bold\\\">$dval</span>\";\n            \n              \n            \n        default:\n            return dval;\n    }\n      \n    \n\n}",
+   "# JsRender.JsRender file" : "",
+   "@ bool stop_editor" : "()",
+   "@ void show_editor" : "(JsRender.JsRender file, JsRender.Node node, string type, string key)",
+   "@ void changed" : "()",
+   "|              void deleteSelected" : " () {\n    \n        Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n        Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n        \n        var s = this.view.el.get_selection();\n        s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);\n             \n              \n        GLib.Value gval;\n        mod.get_value(iter, 0 , out gval);\n        var type = (string)gval;\n        \n        mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);\n        var key = (string)gval;\n        \n        switch(type) {\n            case \"listener\":\n                this.node.listeners.unset(key);\n                break;\n                \n            case \"props\":\n                this.node.props.unset(key);\n                break;\n        }\n        this.load(this.file, this.node);\n        \n        _this.changed();\n}",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "|              void startEditingKey" : "( Gtk.TreePath path) {\n    \n     if (!this.stop_editor()) {\n        return;\n     }\n  \n    // others... - fill in options for true/false?\n    \n       \n    GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {\n        this.allow_edit  = true;\n        this.keyrender.el.editable = true;\n     \n        this.view.el.set_cursor_on_cell(\n            path,\n            this.keycol.el,\n            this.keyrender.el,\n            true\n        );\n               \n        return false;\n    });\n      \n    \n}\n",
+   "@ void show_add_props" : "(string type)",
+   "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+   "$ homogeneous" : "false   ",
+   "# Xcls_MainWindow main_window" : "null",
+   "|              void addProp" : " (string in_type, string key, string value, string value_type) {\n      // info includes key, val, skel, etype..\n      //console.dump(info);\n        //type = info.type.toLowerCase();\n        //var data = this.toJS();\n          \n    var type = in_type == \"signals\" ? \"listener\" : in_type;\n      \n    var fkey = (value_type.length > 0 ? value_type + \" \" : \"\") + key;\n              \n    if (type == \"listener\") {\n        if (this.node.listeners.has_key(key)) {\n            return;\n        }\n        this.node.listeners.set(key,value);\n    } else  {\n    \n        if (this.node.props.has_key(fkey)) {\n            return;\n        }\n        this.node.props.set(fkey,value);\n    }\n            \n      \n    // add a row???\n    this.load(this.file, this.node);\n    \n    \n    \n    /// need to find the row which I've just added..\n    \n    \n    var s = this.view.el.get_selection();\n    s.unselect_all();\n    \n    print(\"trying to find new iter\");\n  \n    this.model.el.foreach((model, path, iter) => {\n        GLib.Value gval;\n    \n        this.model.el.get_value(iter, 0 , out gval);\n        if ((string)gval != type) {\n            print(\"not type: %s = %s\\n\", (string)gval , type);\n            return false;\n        }\n        this.model.el.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);\n        if ((string)gval != fkey) {\n            print(\"not key: %s = %s\\n\", (string)gval , fkey);\n            return false;\n        }\n        // delay this?\n        GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,40 , () => {\n        \n            this.startEditingValue(this.model.el.get_path(iter));\n            return false;\n        });\n        //s.select_iter(iter);\n        return true; \n    });\n    \n    \n    \n              \n}\n",
+   "|              void updateIter" : "(Gtk.TreeIter iter,  string type, string key, string kvalue) {\n\n    //print(\"update Iter %s, %s\\n\", key,kvalue);\n    //typeof(string),  // 0 key type\n     //typeof(string),  // 1 key\n     //typeof(string),  // 2 key (display)\n     //typeof(string),  // 3 value\n     //typeof(string),  // 4 value (display)\n     //typeof(string),  // 5 both (tooltip)\n     //typeof(string),  // 6 key (sort)\n    \n    var dl = kvalue.strip().split(\"\\n\");\n\n    var dis_val = dl.length > 1 ? (dl[0].strip()+ \"...\") : dl[0];\n    \n    if (type == \"listener\") {\n     \n       \n        \n        this.model.el.set(iter, \n                0, type,\n            1, key,\n            2, this.keyFormat(key ,type),\n            3, kvalue,\n            4, dis_val,\n            5, \"<tt>\" +  GLib.Markup.escape_text(key + \" \" +kvalue) + \"</tt>\",\n            6,  \"0 \" + key\n        ); \n        return;\n    }\n    \n\n\n    this.model.el.set(iter, \n            0, \"props\",\n            1, key,\n            2,  this.keyFormat(key , \"prop\"),\n            3, kvalue,\n            4, dis_val,\n             5, \"<tt>\" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(key + \" \" + kvalue) + \"</tt>\",\n             6,  this.keySortFormat(key)\n        ); \n}",
+   "# JsRender.Node node" : "",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "* pack" : "pack_start,false,true,0",
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "button_press_event" : "  (self, ev) => {\n    _this.before_edit();\n    \n        \n    var p = _this.AddPropertyPopup;\n    p.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());\n    p.el.show_all();\n     p.el.popup(null, null, null, ev.button, ev.time);\n     return true;\n}"
+       },
+       "bool hexpand" : true,
+       "xtype" : "Button",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "xtype" : "Box",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "$ Gtk.Stock stock" : "Gtk.Stock.ADD",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "Image",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "$ icon_size" : "Gtk.IconSize.MENU"
+          },
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+           "label" : "Other",
+           "xtype" : "Label",
+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "AddPropertyPopup",
+         "xtype" : "Menu",
+         "* pack" : false,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : " ()  => {\n    _this.addProp( \"prop\", \"id\", \"\", \"\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "id: _this.{ID} (Vala)",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Using _this.{ID} will map to this element",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) => {\n\n    _this.addProp( \"prop\", \"pack\",\"add\", \"*\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "pack: Pack method (Vala)",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "how to pack this element onto parent, (method, 2nd arg, 3rd arg) .. the 1st argument is filled by the element",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) => {\n\n    _this.addProp( \"prop\", \"ctor\",\"\", \"*\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "ctor: Alterative to default contructor (Vala)",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "eg. \n\nnew Clutter.Image.from_file(.....)",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) => {\n\n    _this.addProp( \"prop\",  \"init\", \"{\\n\\n}\\n\", \"*\" );\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "init: initialziation code (vala)",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "This code is called after the ctor",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : " ()  => {\n    _this.addProp( \"prop\", \"cms-id\", \"\", \"string\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "cms-id: (Roo JS/Pman library)",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "set the cms-id for this element, when converted to javascript, the html value will be wrapped with Pman.Cms.content({cms-id},{original-html})\n",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
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+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
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+            "activate" : "  (self) => {\n\n    _this.addProp( \"prop\", \"XXXX\", \"\",\"string\");\n\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "String",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Add a user defined string property",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) =>{\n\n    _this.addProp(\"prop\",  \"XXX\", \"0\", \"int\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Number",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Add a user defined number property",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) =>{\n\n    _this.addProp( \"prop\", \"XXX\", \"true\", \"bool\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Boolean",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Add a user defined boolean property",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
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+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "SeparatorMenuItem",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) =>{\n\n    _this.addProp(\"prop\",  \"XXXX\", \"function() { }\", \"| function\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Javascript Function",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Add a user function boolean property",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) =>{\n\n    _this.addProp( \"prop\", \"XXXX\", \"() {\\n\\n}\\n\", \"| return_type\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Vala Method",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Add a user function boolean property",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) =>{\n\n    _this.addProp( \"prop\", \"XXXX\", \"()\", \"@ void\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Vala Signal",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Add a vala signal",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
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+           "* pack" : "add",
+           "xtype" : "SeparatorMenuItem",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
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+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) =>{\n\n    _this.addProp(\"prop\",  \"flexy:if\", \"value_or_condition\", \"string\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Flexy - If",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Add a flexy if (for HTML templates)",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
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+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) =>{\n\n    _this.addProp(\"prop\",  \"flexy:include\", \"name_of_file.html\", \"string\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Flexy - Include",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Add a flexy include (for HTML templates)",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( ) =>{\n\n    _this.addProp(\"prop\",  \"flexy:foreach\", \"array,key,value\", \"string\");\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Flexy - Foreach",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "tooltip_markup" : "Add a flexy foreach (for HTML templates)",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "# bool editing" : false,
+     "id" : "EditProps",
+     "* init" : "  {\n  \n   this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n}\n",
+     "$ shadow_type" : "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
+     "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,0",
+     "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "button_press_event" : "  ( ev)  => {\n \n    Gtk.TreeViewColumn col;\n    int cell_x;\n    int cell_y;\n    Gtk.TreePath path;\n    if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x, (int) ev.y, out path, out col, out cell_x, out cell_y )) {\n        print(\"nothing selected on click\");\n        GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {\n            this.el.get_selection().unselect_all();\n\n            return false;\n        });\n         _this.before_edit();\n        return false; //not on a element.\n    }\n    \n     \n     // double click on name..\n     if (ev.type == Gdk.EventType.2BUTTON_PRESS  && ev.button == 1 && col.title == \"Name\") {    \n        // show popup!.   \n        \n         if (this.popover == null) {\n     \t\t   this.popover = new Xcls_PopoverProperty();\n     \t\t   this.popover.mainwindow = _this.main_window;\n \t\t}\n \t\t\n \n         _this.before_edit();\n          _this.stop_editor();\n\t\t  \n         _this.keyrender.el.stop_editing(false);\n         _this.keyrender.el.editable  =false;\n    \n         _this.valrender.el.stop_editing(false);\n         _this.valrender.el.editable  =false;\n         Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n          var mod = this.el.get_model();\n\t\t  mod.get_iter (out iter, path);\n\t\t  \n       \n\t\tGLib.Value gvaltype, gval;\n\t\tmod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval); // one is key..\n\t\t\n\t     mod.get_value(iter,0, out gvaltype);\n\n, _this.node, (string)gvaltype, (string)gval);\n           \n        //  _this.startEditingKey(path); \n         \n        return false;\n    }\n    \n    \n    \n    \n     // right click.\n     if (ev.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  && ev.button == 3) {    \n        // show popup!.   \n        //if (col.title == \"Value\") {\n         //     _this.before_edit();\n         //    return false;\n         //}\n\n        var p = _this.ContextMenu;\n\n        p.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());\n        p.el.show_all();\n        p.el.popup(null, null, null,  ev.button, ev.time);\n        //Seed.print(\"click:\" + res.column.title);\n        // select the \n        GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {\n  \n            this.el.get_selection().select_path(path);\n            return false;\n        });\n         _this.before_edit();\n        return false;\n    }\n    \n     \n    if (col.title != \"Value\") {\n        print(\"col title != Value\");\n        \n        GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {\n            this.el.get_selection().select_path(path);\n            return false;\n        });\n        \n        _this.before_edit();\n          //  XObject.error(\"column is not value?\");\n        return false; // ignore.. - key click.. ??? should we do this??\n    }\n    \n    \n    // if the cell can be edited with a pulldown\n    // then we should return true... - and let the start_editing handle it?\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n      \n   //             _this.before_edit(); <<< we really need to stop the other editor..\n     _this.keyrender.el.stop_editing(false);\n    _this.keyrender.el.editable  =false;\n    \n           \n    return _this.startEditingValue(path); // assumes selected row..\n        \n   \n\n              \n   \n}"
+       },
+       "id" : "view",
+       "* init" : "{\n    var selection = this.el.get_selection();\n    selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n\n\n    var description = new Pango.FontDescription();\n    description.set_size(10000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);\n}\n",
+       "tooltip_column" : 5,
+       "xtype" : "TreeView",
+       "$ enable_tree_lines" : true,
+       "$ headers_visible" : true,
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Xcls_PopoverProperty popover" : "null",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "id" : "model",
+         "$ changed" : "function(str, doRefresh) {\n    if (!this.activePath) {\n        return;\n    }\n    var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(this.activePath));\n    \n    this.el.set_value(iter, 1, '' +str);\n    this.el.set_value(iter, 3, '' + this.toShort(str));\n    var type = this.getIterValue(iter, 4);\n\n    this.el.set_value(iter, 5, type + ' : ' + str);\n    // update the tree...  \n\n    this.get('/LeftTree.model').changed(this.toJS(), doRefresh); \n}\n",
+         "* pack" : "set_model",
+         "xtype" : "TreeStore",
+         "$ columns" : "     typeof(string),  // 0 key type\n     typeof(string),  // 1 key\n     typeof(string),  // 2 key (display)\n     typeof(string),  // 3 value\n     typeof(string),   // 4 value (display)\n     typeof(string),   // 5 both (tooltip)     \n     typeof(string)   // 6 key (for sorting)\n",
+         "n_columns" : 7,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "$ toShort" : "function(str) {\n    var a = typeof(str) == 'string' ? str.split(\"\\n\") : [];\n        return a.length > 1 ? a[0] + '....' : '' + str;\n}\n"
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "keycol",
+         "* init" : " this.el.add_attribute(_this.keyrender.el , \"markup\", 2 );\n this.el.add_attribute(_this.keyrender.el , \"text\", 1 );\n  ",
+         "title" : "Name",
+         "* pack" : "append_column",
+         "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+         "$ resizable" : true,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "editing_started" : "(  editable, path) => {\n\n     Gtk.TreeIter  iter;\n    _this.model.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));\n    GLib.Value gval;\n                  \n\n\n     //   this.get('/LeftPanel.model').activePath  = path;\n    _this.model.el.get_value(iter,1, out gval);\n        var val = (string)gval;\n                 \n        ((Gtk.Entry)editable).set_text(val);                 \n}",
+            "edited" : "  (path, newtext) => {\n        print(\"Keyrender  - signal:edited\\n\");\n    \n    this.el.editable = false;\n  \n \n\n        Gtk.TreeIter  iter;\n        _this.model.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));\n        GLib.Value gval;\n        \n         _this.model.el.get_value(iter,1, out gval);\n        var oldval = (string)gval;\n        \n         _this.model.el.get_value(iter,0, out gval);\n        var ktype = (string)gval;\n       \n        _this.model.el.set_value(iter, 1, newtext);\n        \n        if (oldval == newtext) {\n            return;\n        }\n        \n        \n        print(\"ktype: %s\\n\",ktype);\n        switch(ktype) {\n            case \"listener\":\n                var ov = _this.node.listeners.get(oldval);\n                _this.node.listeners.set(newtext, ov);\n                _this.node.listeners.unset(oldval);\n                \n                _this.updateIter(iter,  ktype, newtext, ov);\n                \n                break;\n            case \"props\":\n                var ov = _this.node.props.get(oldval);\n                _this.node.props.set(newtext, ov);\n                _this.node.props.unset(oldval);\n                _this.updateIter(iter,  ktype, newtext, ov);\n                break;\n         }\n         _this.changed();\n          \n}"
+           },
+           "id" : "keyrender",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "valcol",
+         "* init" : "{\n\t\n\t//     typeof(string),  // 0 key type\n    // typeof(string),  // 1 key\n    // typeof(string),  // 2 key (display)\n    // typeof(string),  // 3 value\n    // typeof(string)   // 4 value (display)\n\n\t\n\tthis.el.add_attribute(_this.valrender.el , \"text\", 4 );\n\t//this.el.add_attribute(_this.valrender.el , \"sensitive\", 4 );\n\t//this.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'editable', 3 );\n          // this.el.set_cell_data_func(cell, age_cell_data_func, NULL, NULL);\n\n //\tthis.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn= this;\n}\n",
+         "* pack" : "append_column",
+         "title" : "Value",
+         "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+         "$ resizable" : true,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "editing_started" : "( editable, path) => {\n    //_this.editing = true;\n    print(\"editing started called\\n\");\n    if (!_this.allow_edit) {\n       \n         print(\"val - editing_Started\\n\");\n        this.el.editable = false; // make sure it's not editor...\n   \n         \n        return;\n    }\n     _this.allow_edit =false;\n    \n   \n     if (  this.el.has_entry ) {\n   \n         Gtk.TreeIter  iter;\n        _this.model.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));\n        GLib.Value gval;\n                      \n\n      \n         //   this.get('/LeftPanel.model').activePath  = path;\n       _this.model.el.get_value(iter,3, out gval);\n    \n\n        var val = (string)gval;\n        var combo =        (Gtk.ComboBox)editable;\n\n        var entry =  (Gtk.Entry) combo.get_child();        \n        entry.set_text(val);\n    }\n   \n}",
+            "edited" : "  (path, newtext) => {\n    print(\"Valrender  - signal:edited\\n\");\n  \n        this.el.editable = false;\n/*  \n m.set(iter, \n                0, \"listener\",\n                1, miter.get_key(),\n                2, \"<b>\" + miter.get_key() + \"</b>\",\n                3, miter.get_value(),\n                4, display_value(short);\n            ); \n\n  */      \n\n        Gtk.TreeIter  iter;\n        _this.model.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));\n        GLib.Value gval;\n        \n         _this.model.el.get_value(iter,0, out gval);\n        var ktype = (string)gval;\n        \n        \n         _this.model.el.get_value(iter,3, out gval);\n        var oldval = (string)gval;\n        \n         _this.model.el.get_value(iter,1, out gval);\n        var key = (string)gval;\n        \n         \n        \n        switch(ktype) {\n            case \"listener\":\n                _this.node.listeners.set(key, newtext);\n                _this.updateIter(iter,ktype,key,newtext);\n                break;\n            case \"props\":\n                _this.node.props.set(key,newtext);\n                _this.updateIter(iter,ktype, key,newtext);                \n                break;\n         }\n//         _this.load(_this.file,_this.node);\n         _this.changed();\n          \n}"
+           },
+           "id" : "valrender",
+           "xtype" : "CellRendererCombo",
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+           "$ editable" : false,
+           "$ has_entry" : true,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "|              void setOptions" : "(string[] ar) {\n      var m = _this.valrendermodel.el;\n        m.clear();\n     Gtk.TreeIter iret;\n    for (var i =0; i < ar.length; i++) {\n            m.append(out iret);\n            m.set_value(iret, 0, ar[i]);\n    }\n\n}",
+           "text_column" : 0,
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "id" : "valrendermodel",
+             "xtype" : "ListStore",
+             "* pack" : false,
+             "$ columns" : "typeof(string)",
+             "n_columns" : 1,
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+             "* prop" : "model"
+            }
+           ]
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "ContextMenu",
+         "* pack" : false,
+         "xtype" : "Menu",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( )  =>{\n  \n    var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();\n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n    s.get_selected (out  mod, out  iter);\n    \n      if (_this.view.popover == null) {\n     \t\t   _this.view.popover = new Xcls_PopoverProperty();\n     \t\t   _this.view.popover.mainwindow = _this.main_window;\n \t\t}\n \t\t\n \n      _this.before_edit();\n      _this.stop_editor();\n\t  \n     _this.keyrender.el.stop_editing(false);\n     _this.keyrender.el.editable  =false;\n\n     _this.valrender.el.stop_editing(false);\n     _this.valrender.el.editable  =false;\n     \n      \n\tGLib.Value gvaltype, gval;\n\tmod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval); // one is key..\n\t\n     mod.get_value(iter,0, out gvaltype);\n\n\, _this.node, (string)gvaltype, (string)gval);\n       \n    \n    \n   // _this.startEditingKey(model.get_path(iter));\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Edit (double click)",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "xtype" : "SeparatorMenuItem",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "activate" : "  ( )  =>{\n\t_this.deleteSelected();\n}"
+           },
+           "label" : "Delete",
+           "* pack" : "append",
+           "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProps.vala b/src/Builder4/WindowLeftProps.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6e585e4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1956 @@
+static Xcls_LeftProps  _LeftProps;
+public class Xcls_LeftProps : Object
+    public Gtk.Box el;
+    private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+    public static Xcls_LeftProps singleton()
+    {
+        if (_LeftProps == null) {
+            _LeftProps= new Xcls_LeftProps();
+        }
+        return _LeftProps;
+    }
+    public Xcls_AddPropertyPopup AddPropertyPopup;
+    public Xcls_EditProps EditProps;
+    public Xcls_view view;
+    public Xcls_model model;
+    public Xcls_keycol keycol;
+    public Xcls_keyrender keyrender;
+    public Xcls_valcol valcol;
+    public Xcls_valrender valrender;
+    public Xcls_valrendermodel valrendermodel;
+    public Xcls_ContextMenu ContextMenu;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public bool allow_edit;
+    public JsRender.JsRender file;
+    public signal bool stop_editor ();
+    public signal void show_editor (JsRender.JsRender file, JsRender.Node node, string type, string key);
+    public signal void changed ();
+    public signal void show_add_props (string type);
+    public Xcls_MainWindow main_window;
+    public JsRender.Node node;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_LeftProps()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.allow_edit = false;
+        this.main_window = null;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.homogeneous = false   ;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_Box2( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,true,0 );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_EditProps( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , true,true,0 );
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void updateKey (string oldkey,  string type, string key ) {
+       _this.model.el.foreach((mod, path,  iter) => {
+                GLib.Value gvaltype, gval,kvalue;
+                mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval); // one is key..
+            mod.get_value(iter,0, out gvaltype);
+            mod.get_value(iter,3, out kvalue);
+             if (oldkey == ((string)gval) && type == ((string)gvaltype)) {
+                         //print("update iter type=%s, key=%s value=%s\n", type, key,(string) kvalue);
+                             this.updateIter(iter, type, key, (string)kvalue);
+                             return true;
+                 }
+               return false;
+       });
+       this.changed();
+    }
+    public              void before_edit ()
+    {
+        print("before edit - stop editing\n");
+      // these do not appear to trigger save...
+        _this.keyrender.el.stop_editing(false);
+        _this.keyrender.el.editable  =false;
+        _this.valrender.el.stop_editing(false);
+        _this.valrender.el.editable  =false;    
+    // technicall stop the popup editor..
+    }
+    public              string keySortFormat (string key) {
+        // listeners first - with 0
+        // specials
+        if (key[0] == '*') {
+            return "1 " + key;
+        }
+        // functions
+        var bits = key.split(" ");
+        if (key[0] == '|') {
+            return "2 " + bits[bits.length -1];
+        }
+        // signals
+        if (key[0] == '@') {
+            return "3 " + bits[bits.length -1];
+        }
+        // props
+        if (key[0] == '#') {
+            return "4 " + bits[bits.length -1];
+        }
+        // the rest..
+        return "5 " + bits[bits.length -1];    
+    }
+    public              void finish_editing () {
+         // 
+        this.before_edit();
+    }
+    public              bool startEditingValue ( Gtk.TreePath path) {
+         // ONLY return true if editing is allowed - eg. combo..
+        print("start editing?\n");
+        if (!this.stop_editor()) {
+            print("stop editor failed\n");
+            return false;
+        }
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        var mod = this.model.el;
+        mod.get_iter (out iter, path);
+        /*
+            m.set(iter, 
+                    0, "listener",
+                    1, miter.get_key(),
+                    2, "<b>" + miter.get_key() + "</b>",
+                    3, miter.get_value()
+                ); 
+        */
+        GLib.Value gval;
+        mod.get_value(iter, 3 , out gval);
+        var val = (string)gval;
+        mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);
+        var key = (string)gval;
+        string kname, kflag, ktype;
+        this.node.normalize_key(key, out kname, out kflag, out ktype);
+        mod.get_value(iter, 0 , out gval);
+        var type = (string)gval; // listerner or prop..
+        var use_textarea = false;
+        //------------ things that require the text editor...
+        if (type == "listener") {
+            use_textarea = true;
+        }
+        if (key.length > 0 && key[0] == '|') { // user defined method
+            use_textarea = true;
+        }
+        if (key.length > 0 && key[0] == '$') { // raw string
+            use_textarea = true;
+        }
+        if (key.length > 0 && key == "* init") {
+            use_textarea = true;
+        }
+        if (val.length > 40) { // long value...
+            use_textarea = true;
+        }
+        if (use_textarea) {
+            print("Call show editor\n");
+            GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {
+                this.view.el.get_selection().select_path(path);
+                this.show_editor(file, node, type, key);
+                return false;
+            });
+            return false;
+        }
+         var pal = Palete.factory(this.file.project.xtype);
+        string[] opts;
+        var has_opts = pal.typeOptions(this.node.fqn(), kname, ktype, out opts);
+        // others... - fill in options for true/false?
+        print("turn on editing %s \n" , mod.get_path(iter).to_string());
+           print (ktype.up());
+        if (has_opts) {
+                print("start editing try/false)???");
+                this.valrender.el.has_entry = false;
+                this.valrender.setOptions(opts);
+                this.valrender.el.has_entry = false;
+                this.valrender.el.editable = true;
+                 this.allow_edit  = true;
+                 GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,100 , () => {
+                     this.view.el.set_cursor_on_cell(
+                        path,
+                        this.valcol.el,
+                        this.valrender.el,
+                        true
+                    );
+                    return false;
+                });
+                return true;
+        }
+           // see if type is a Enum.
+         opts =  {  };
+        this.valrender.setOptions(opts);
+       GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {
+            // at this point - work out the type...
+            // if its' a combo... then show the options..
+            this.valrender.el.has_entry = true;
+            this.valrender.el.editable = true;            
+            this.allow_edit  = true;
+            this.view.el.set_cursor_on_cell(
+                path,
+                this.valcol.el,
+                this.valrender.el,
+                true
+            );
+            return false;
+        });
+        return false;
+    }
+    public              void load (JsRender.JsRender file, JsRender.Node? node) 
+    {
+        print("load leftprops\n");
+        this.before_edit();
+        this.node = node;
+        this.file = file;
+        this.model.el.clear();
+        //this.get('/RightEditor').el.hide();
+        if (node ==null) {
+            return ;
+        }
+        //var provider = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        //typeof(string),  // 0 key type
+         //typeof(string),  // 1 key
+         //typeof(string),  // 2 key (display)
+         //typeof(string),  // 3 value
+         //typeof(string),  // 4 value (display)
+         //typeof(string),  // 5 both (tooltip)
+        // really need a way to sort the hashmap...
+        var m = this.model.el;
+        var miter = node.listeners.map_iterator();
+        var i = 0;
+        while( {
+            i++;
+            m.append(out iter,null);
+            this.updateIter(iter,  "listener", miter.get_key(), miter.get_value());
+         }
+        miter = node.props.map_iterator();
+       while( {
+               i++;
+            m.append(out iter,null);
+             this.updateIter(iter,  "prop", miter.get_key(), miter.get_value());
+       }
+       print("clear selection\n");
+       // clear selection?
+       this.model.el.set_sort_column_id(6,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING); // sort by real key..
+       this.view.el.get_selection().unselect_all();
+       var pane = _this.main_window.editpane.el;
+        var try_size = (i * 25) + 60; // est. 20px per line + 40px header
+        // max 80%...
+        pane.set_position( 
+             ((try_size * 1.0f) /  (pane.max_position * 1.0f))  > 0.8f  ? 
+            (int) (pane.max_position * 0.2f) :
+            pane.max_position-try_size);
+    }
+    public              string keyFormat (string val, string type) {
+        // Glib.markup_escape_text(val);
+        if (type == "listener") {
+            return "<span font_weight=\"bold\" color=\"#660000\">" + 
+                GLib.Markup.escape_text(val) +
+                 "</span>";
+        }
+        // property..
+        if (val.length < 1) {
+            return "<span  color=\"#FF0000\">--empty--</span>";
+        }
+        //@ = signal
+        //$ = property with 
+        //# - object properties
+        //* = special
+        // all of these... - display value is last element..
+        var ar = val.strip().split(" ");
+        var dval = GLib.Markup.escape_text(ar[ar.length-1]);
+        switch(val[0]) {
+            case '@': // signal // just bold balck?
+                if (dval[0] == '@') {
+                    dval = dval.substring(1);
+                }
+                return @"<span  font_weight=\"bold\">@ $dval</span>";        
+            case '#': // object properties?
+                if (dval[0] == '#') {
+                    dval = dval.substring(1);
+                }
+                return @"<span  font_weight=\"bold\">$dval</span>";
+            case '*': // special
+                if (dval[0] == '*') {
+                    dval = dval.substring(1);
+                }
+                return @"<span   color=\"#0000CC\" font_weight=\"bold\">$dval</span>";            
+            case '$':
+                if (dval[0] == '$') {
+                    dval = dval.substring(1);
+                }
+                return @"<span   style=\"italic\">$dval</span>";
+           case '|': // user defined methods
+                if (dval[0] == '|') {
+                    dval = dval.substring(1);
+                }
+                return @"<span color=\"#008000\" font_weight=\"bold\">$dval</span>";
+            default:
+                return dval;
+        }
+    }
+    public              void deleteSelected () {
+            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+            var s = this.view.el.get_selection();
+            s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);
+            GLib.Value gval;
+            mod.get_value(iter, 0 , out gval);
+            var type = (string)gval;
+            mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);
+            var key = (string)gval;
+            switch(type) {
+                case "listener":
+                    this.node.listeners.unset(key);
+                    break;
+                case "props":
+                    this.node.props.unset(key);
+                    break;
+            }
+            this.load(this.file, this.node);
+            _this.changed();
+    }
+    public              void startEditingKey ( Gtk.TreePath path) {
+         if (!this.stop_editor()) {
+            return;
+         }
+        // others... - fill in options for true/false?
+        GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {
+            this.allow_edit  = true;
+            this.keyrender.el.editable = true;
+            this.view.el.set_cursor_on_cell(
+                path,
+                this.keycol.el,
+                this.keyrender.el,
+                true
+            );
+            return false;
+        });
+    }
+    public              void addProp (string in_type, string key, string value, string value_type) {
+          // info includes key, val, skel, etype..
+          //console.dump(info);
+            //type = info.type.toLowerCase();
+            //var data = this.toJS();
+        var type = in_type == "signals" ? "listener" : in_type;
+        var fkey = (value_type.length > 0 ? value_type + " " : "") + key;
+        if (type == "listener") {
+            if (this.node.listeners.has_key(key)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            this.node.listeners.set(key,value);
+        } else  {
+            if (this.node.props.has_key(fkey)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            this.node.props.set(fkey,value);
+        }
+        // add a row???
+        this.load(this.file, this.node);
+        /// need to find the row which I've just added..
+        var s = this.view.el.get_selection();
+        s.unselect_all();
+        print("trying to find new iter");
+        this.model.el.foreach((model, path, iter) => {
+            GLib.Value gval;
+            this.model.el.get_value(iter, 0 , out gval);
+            if ((string)gval != type) {
+                print("not type: %s = %s\n", (string)gval , type);
+                return false;
+            }
+            this.model.el.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval);
+            if ((string)gval != fkey) {
+                print("not key: %s = %s\n", (string)gval , fkey);
+                return false;
+            }
+            // delay this?
+            GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,40 , () => {
+                this.startEditingValue(this.model.el.get_path(iter));
+                return false;
+            });
+            //s.select_iter(iter);
+            return true; 
+        });
+    }
+    public              void updateIter (Gtk.TreeIter iter,  string type, string key, string kvalue) {
+        //print("update Iter %s, %s\n", key,kvalue);
+        //typeof(string),  // 0 key type
+         //typeof(string),  // 1 key
+         //typeof(string),  // 2 key (display)
+         //typeof(string),  // 3 value
+         //typeof(string),  // 4 value (display)
+         //typeof(string),  // 5 both (tooltip)
+         //typeof(string),  // 6 key (sort)
+        var dl = kvalue.strip().split("\n");
+        var dis_val = dl.length > 1 ? (dl[0].strip()+ "...") : dl[0];
+        if (type == "listener") {
+            this.model.el.set(iter, 
+                    0, type,
+                1, key,
+                2, this.keyFormat(key ,type),
+                3, kvalue,
+                4, dis_val,
+                5, "<tt>" +  GLib.Markup.escape_text(key + " " +kvalue) + "</tt>",
+                6,  "0 " + key
+            ); 
+            return;
+        }
+        this.model.el.set(iter, 
+                0, "props",
+                1, key,
+                2,  this.keyFormat(key , "prop"),
+                3, kvalue,
+                4, dis_val,
+                 5, "<tt>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(key + " " + kvalue) + "</tt>",
+                 6,  this.keySortFormat(key)
+            ); 
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box2 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box2(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button3(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.hexpand = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Box4( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_AddPropertyPopup( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( (self, ev) => {
+                _this.before_edit();
+                var p = _this.AddPropertyPopup;
+                p.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());
+                p.el.show_all();
+                 p.el.popup(null, null, null, ev.button, ev.time);
+                 return true;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box4 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box4(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Image5( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_Label6( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Image5 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Image el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Image5(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Image();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.stock = Gtk.Stock.ADD;
+            this.el.icon_size = Gtk.IconSize.MENU;
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Label6 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Label6(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Other" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_AddPropertyPopup : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Menu el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_AddPropertyPopup(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.AddPropertyPopup = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Menu();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuItem8( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_MenuItem9( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_MenuItem10( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_2.el  );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_MenuItem11( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_3.el  );
+            var child_4 = new Xcls_MenuItem12( _this );
+            child_4.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_4.el  );
+            var child_5 = new Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem13( _this );
+            child_5.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_5.el  );
+            var child_6 = new Xcls_MenuItem14( _this );
+            child_6.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_6.el  );
+            var child_7 = new Xcls_MenuItem15( _this );
+            child_7.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_7.el  );
+            var child_8 = new Xcls_MenuItem16( _this );
+            child_8.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_8.el  );
+            var child_9 = new Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem17( _this );
+            child_9.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_9.el  );
+            var child_10 = new Xcls_MenuItem18( _this );
+            child_10.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_10.el  );
+            var child_11 = new Xcls_MenuItem19( _this );
+            child_11.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_11.el  );
+            var child_12 = new Xcls_MenuItem20( _this );
+            child_12.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_12.el  );
+            var child_13 = new Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem21( _this );
+            child_13.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_13.el  );
+            var child_14 = new Xcls_MenuItem22( _this );
+            child_14.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_14.el  );
+            var child_15 = new Xcls_MenuItem23( _this );
+            child_15.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_15.el  );
+            var child_16 = new Xcls_MenuItem24( _this );
+            child_16.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_16.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem8 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem8(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Using _this.{ID} will map to this element";
+            this.el.label = "id: _this.{ID} (Vala)";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ()  => {
+                _this.addProp( "prop", "id", "", "");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem9 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem9(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "how to pack this element onto parent, (method, 2nd arg, 3rd arg) .. the 1st argument is filled by the element";
+            this.el.label = "pack: Pack method (Vala)";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => {
+                _this.addProp( "prop", "pack","add", "*");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem10 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem10(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "eg. \n\nnew Clutter.Image.from_file(.....)";
+            this.el.label = "ctor: Alterative to default contructor (Vala)";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => {
+                _this.addProp( "prop", "ctor","", "*");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem11 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem11(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "This code is called after the ctor";
+            this.el.label = "init: initialziation code (vala)";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => {
+                _this.addProp( "prop",  "init", "{\n\n}\n", "*" );
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem12 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem12(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "set the cms-id for this element, when converted to javascript, the html value will be wrapped with Pman.Cms.content({cms-id},{original-html})\n";
+            this.el.label = "cms-id: (Roo JS/Pman library)";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ()  => {
+                _this.addProp( "prop", "cms-id", "", "string");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem13 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem13(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem14 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem14(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Add a user defined string property";
+            this.el.label = "String";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( (self) => {
+                _this.addProp( "prop", "XXXX", "","string");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem15 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem15(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Add a user defined number property";
+            this.el.label = "Number";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) =>{
+                _this.addProp("prop",  "XXX", "0", "int");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem16 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem16(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Add a user defined boolean property";
+            this.el.label = "Boolean";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) =>{
+                _this.addProp( "prop", "XXX", "true", "bool");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem17 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem17(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem18 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem18(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Add a user function boolean property";
+            this.el.label = "Javascript Function";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) =>{
+                _this.addProp("prop",  "XXXX", "function() { }", "| function");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem19 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem19(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Add a user function boolean property";
+            this.el.label = "Vala Method";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) =>{
+                _this.addProp( "prop", "XXXX", "() {\n\n}\n", "| return_type");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem20 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem20(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Add a vala signal";
+            this.el.label = "Vala Signal";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) =>{
+                _this.addProp( "prop", "XXXX", "()", "@ void");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem21 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem21(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem22 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem22(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Add a flexy if (for HTML templates)";
+            this.el.label = "Flexy - If";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) =>{
+                _this.addProp("prop",  "flexy:if", "value_or_condition", "string");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem23 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem23(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Add a flexy include (for HTML templates)";
+            this.el.label = "Flexy - Include";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) =>{
+                _this.addProp("prop",  "flexy:include", "name_of_file.html", "string");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem24 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem24(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_markup = "Add a flexy foreach (for HTML templates)";
+            this.el.label = "Flexy - Foreach";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) =>{
+                _this.addProp("prop",  "flexy:foreach", "array,key,value", "string");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_EditProps : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public bool editing;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_EditProps(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.EditProps = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.editing = false;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.IN;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_view( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            {
+               this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_view : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public Xcls_PopoverProperty popover;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_view(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.view = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.popover = null;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.tooltip_column = 5;
+            this.el.enable_tree_lines = true;
+            this.el.headers_visible = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_model( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_keycol( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_valcol( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_2.el  );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_ContextMenu( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            // init method
+            {
+                var selection = this.el.get_selection();
+                selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);
+                var description = new Pango.FontDescription();
+                description.set_size(10000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);
+            }
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( ( ev)  => {
+                Gtk.TreeViewColumn col;
+                int cell_x;
+                int cell_y;
+                Gtk.TreePath path;
+                if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x, (int) ev.y, out path, out col, out cell_x, out cell_y )) {
+                    print("nothing selected on click");
+                    GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {
+                        this.el.get_selection().unselect_all();
+                        return false;
+                    });
+                     _this.before_edit();
+                    return false; //not on a element.
+                }
+                 // double click on name..
+                 if (ev.type == Gdk.EventType.2BUTTON_PRESS  && ev.button == 1 && col.title == "Name") {    
+                    // show popup!.   
+                     if (this.popover == null) {
+                                  this.popover = new Xcls_PopoverProperty();
+                                  this.popover.mainwindow = _this.main_window;
+                       }
+                     _this.before_edit();
+                      _this.stop_editor();
+                     _this.keyrender.el.stop_editing(false);
+                     _this.keyrender.el.editable  =false;
+                     _this.valrender.el.stop_editing(false);
+                     _this.valrender.el.editable  =false;
+                     Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                      var mod = this.el.get_model();
+                         mod.get_iter (out iter, path);
+                       GLib.Value gvaltype, gval;
+                       mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval); // one is key..
+                    mod.get_value(iter,0, out gvaltype);
+          , _this.node, (string)gvaltype, (string)gval);
+                    //  _this.startEditingKey(path); 
+                    return false;
+                }
+                 // right click.
+                 if (ev.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  && ev.button == 3) {    
+                    // show popup!.   
+                    //if (col.title == "Value") {
+                     //     _this.before_edit();
+                     //    return false;
+                     //}
+                    var p = _this.ContextMenu;
+                    p.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());
+                    p.el.show_all();
+                    p.el.popup(null, null, null,  ev.button, ev.time);
+                    //Seed.print("click:" + res.column.title);
+                    // select the 
+                    GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {
+                        this.el.get_selection().select_path(path);
+                        return false;
+                    });
+                     _this.before_edit();
+                    return false;
+                }
+                if (col.title != "Value") {
+                    print("col title != Value");
+                    GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {
+                        this.el.get_selection().select_path(path);
+                        return false;
+                    });
+                    _this.before_edit();
+                      //  XObject.error("column is not value?");
+                    return false; // ignore.. - key click.. ??? should we do this??
+                }
+                // if the cell can be edited with a pulldown
+                // then we should return true... - and let the start_editing handle it?
+               //             _this.before_edit(); <<< we really need to stop the other editor..
+                 _this.keyrender.el.stop_editing(false);
+                _this.keyrender.el.editable  =false;
+                return _this.startEditingValue(path); // assumes selected row..
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_model : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeStore el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_model(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.model = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeStore( 7,      typeof(string),  // 0 key type
+     typeof(string),  // 1 key
+     typeof(string),  // 2 key (display)
+     typeof(string),  // 3 value
+     typeof(string),   // 4 value (display)
+     typeof(string),   // 5 both (tooltip)     
+     typeof(string)   // 6 key (for sorting)
+ );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_keycol : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_keycol(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.keycol = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Name";
+            this.el.resizable = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_keyrender( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.keyrender.el , "markup", 2 );
+             this.el.add_attribute(_this.keyrender.el , "text", 1 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_keyrender : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_keyrender(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.keyrender = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            //listeners
+            this.el.editing_started.connect( (  editable, path) => {
+                 Gtk.TreeIter  iter;
+                _this.model.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));
+                GLib.Value gval;
+                 //   this.get('/LeftPanel.model').activePath  = path;
+                _this.model.el.get_value(iter,1, out gval);
+                    var val = (string)gval;
+                    ((Gtk.Entry)editable).set_text(val);                 
+            });
+            this.el.edited.connect( (path, newtext) => {
+                    print("Keyrender  - signal:edited\n");
+                this.el.editable = false;
+                    Gtk.TreeIter  iter;
+                    _this.model.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));
+                    GLib.Value gval;
+                     _this.model.el.get_value(iter,1, out gval);
+                    var oldval = (string)gval;
+                     _this.model.el.get_value(iter,0, out gval);
+                    var ktype = (string)gval;
+                    _this.model.el.set_value(iter, 1, newtext);
+                    if (oldval == newtext) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    print("ktype: %s\n",ktype);
+                    switch(ktype) {
+                        case "listener":
+                            var ov = _this.node.listeners.get(oldval);
+                            _this.node.listeners.set(newtext, ov);
+                            _this.node.listeners.unset(oldval);
+                            _this.updateIter(iter,  ktype, newtext, ov);
+                            break;
+                        case "props":
+                            var ov = _this.node.props.get(oldval);
+                            _this.node.props.set(newtext, ov);
+                            _this.node.props.unset(oldval);
+                            _this.updateIter(iter,  ktype, newtext, ov);
+                            break;
+                     }
+                     _this.changed();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_valcol : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_valcol(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.valcol = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Value";
+            this.el.resizable = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_valrender( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            // init method
+            {
+               //     typeof(string),  // 0 key type
+                // typeof(string),  // 1 key
+                // typeof(string),  // 2 key (display)
+                // typeof(string),  // 3 value
+                // typeof(string)   // 4 value (display)
+               this.el.add_attribute(_this.valrender.el , "text", 4 );
+               //this.el.add_attribute(_this.valrender.el , "sensitive", 4 );
+               //this.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'editable', 3 );
+                      // this.el.set_cell_data_func(cell, age_cell_data_func, NULL, NULL);
+             //        this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn= this;
+            }
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_valrender : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererCombo el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_valrender(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.valrender = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererCombo();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.editable = false;
+            this.el.text_column = 0;
+            this.el.has_entry = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_valrendermodel( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.model = child_0.el;
+            //listeners
+            this.el.editing_started.connect( ( editable, path) => {
+                //_this.editing = true;
+                print("editing started called\n");
+                if (!_this.allow_edit) {
+                     print("val - editing_Started\n");
+                    this.el.editable = false; // make sure it's not editor...
+                    return;
+                }
+                 _this.allow_edit =false;
+                 if (  this.el.has_entry ) {
+                     Gtk.TreeIter  iter;
+                    _this.model.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));
+                    GLib.Value gval;
+                     //   this.get('/LeftPanel.model').activePath  = path;
+                   _this.model.el.get_value(iter,3, out gval);
+                    var val = (string)gval;
+                    var combo =        (Gtk.ComboBox)editable;
+                    var entry =  (Gtk.Entry) combo.get_child();        
+                    entry.set_text(val);
+                }
+            });
+            this.el.edited.connect( (path, newtext) => {
+                print("Valrender  - signal:edited\n");
+                    this.el.editable = false;
+            /*  
+             m.set(iter, 
+                            0, "listener",
+                            1, miter.get_key(),
+                            2, "<b>" + miter.get_key() + "</b>",
+                            3, miter.get_value(),
+                            4, display_value(short);
+                        ); 
+              */      
+                    Gtk.TreeIter  iter;
+                    _this.model.el.get_iter(out iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));
+                    GLib.Value gval;
+                     _this.model.el.get_value(iter,0, out gval);
+                    var ktype = (string)gval;
+                     _this.model.el.get_value(iter,3, out gval);
+                    var oldval = (string)gval;
+                     _this.model.el.get_value(iter,1, out gval);
+                    var key = (string)gval;
+                    switch(ktype) {
+                        case "listener":
+                            _this.node.listeners.set(key, newtext);
+                            _this.updateIter(iter,ktype,key,newtext);
+                            break;
+                        case "props":
+                            _this.node.props.set(key,newtext);
+                            _this.updateIter(iter,ktype, key,newtext);                
+                            break;
+                     }
+            //         _this.load(_this.file,_this.node);
+                     _this.changed();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public              void setOptions (string[] ar) {
+              var m = _this.valrendermodel.el;
+                m.clear();
+             Gtk.TreeIter iret;
+            for (var i =0; i < ar.length; i++) {
+                    m.append(out iret);
+                    m.set_value(iret, 0, ar[i]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_valrendermodel : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_valrendermodel(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.valrendermodel = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 1, typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ContextMenu : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Menu el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ContextMenu(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.ContextMenu = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Menu();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuItem34( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem35( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_MenuItem36( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.append (  child_2.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem34 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem34(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Edit (double click)";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( )  =>{
+                var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();
+                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                s.get_selected (out  mod, out  iter);
+                  if (_this.view.popover == null) {
+                                  _this.view.popover = new Xcls_PopoverProperty();
+                                  _this.view.popover.mainwindow = _this.main_window;
+                       }
+                  _this.before_edit();
+                  _this.stop_editor();
+                 _this.keyrender.el.stop_editing(false);
+                 _this.keyrender.el.editable  =false;
+                 _this.valrender.el.stop_editing(false);
+                 _this.valrender.el.editable  =false;
+               GLib.Value gvaltype, gval;
+               mod.get_value(iter, 1 , out gval); // one is key..
+                 mod.get_value(iter,0, out gvaltype);
+     , _this.node, (string)gvaltype, (string)gval);
+               // _this.startEditingKey(model.get_path(iter));
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem35 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_SeparatorMenuItem35(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem36 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_LeftProps  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem36(Xcls_LeftProps _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Delete";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( )  =>{
+               _this.deleteSelected();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowLeftTree.bjs b/src/Builder4/WindowLeftTree.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c17d810
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ "name" : "WindowLeftTree",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/WindowLeftTree.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "|           JsRender.Node? getActiveElement" : " () { // return path to actie node.\n\n     var path = this.getActivePath();\n     if (path.length < 1) {\n        return null;\n     }\n     return _this.model.pathToNode(path);\n     \n}\n",
+   "id" : "WindowLeftTree",
+   "@ bool before_node_change" : "()",
+   "$ shadow_type" : "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
+   "* init" : " this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n \n",
+   "|           JsRender.JsRender getActiveFile" : "() {\n    return this.main_window.windowstate.file;\n}\n",
+   "* pack" : "add",
+   "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+   "@ void changed" : "()",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "@ void node_selected" : "(JsRender.Node? node, string source)",
+   "# Xcls_MainWindow main_window" : "null",
+   "|           string getActivePath" : " () {\n    \n    var view = this.view.el;\n    if (view.get_selection().count_selected_rows() < 1) {\n        return \"\";\n    }\n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n    view.get_selection().get_selected(out mod, out iter);\n    return mod.get_path(iter).to_string();\n}\n ",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "listeners" : {
+      "button_press_event" : "  ( ev) => {\n    //console.log(\"button press?\");\n    this.lastEventSource = \"tree\";\n    if (! _this.before_node_change() ) {\n    \n       return true;\n    }\n    \n\n    \n    if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  || ev.button != 3) {\n        //print(\"click\" + ev.type);\n        return false;\n    }\n    Gtk.TreePath res;\n    if (!_this.view.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x,(int)ev.y, out res, null, null, null) ) {\n        return true;\n    }\n     \n    this.el.get_selection().select_path(res);\n     \n      //if (!this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el)  { \n      //      this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').init(); \n      //  }\n        \n     _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());\n     _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.show_all();\n      _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.popup(null, null, null,  3, ev.time);\n     //   print(\"click:\" + res.path.to_string());\n      return true;\n}",
+      "drag_begin" : "( ctx)  => {\n\t//print('SOURCE: drag-begin');\n        \n        \n        //this.targetData = \"\";\n        \n        // find what is selected in our tree...\n        \n        var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();\n        if (s.count_selected_rows() < 1) {\n            return;\n        }\n        Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n        Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n        s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);\n\n        \n\n        // set some properties of the tree for use by the dropped element.\n        GLib.Value value;\n        _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);\n        var tp = mod.get_path(iter).to_string();\n        var data = (JsRender.Node)(value.dup_object());\n        var xname = data.fqn();\n        print (\"XNAME  IS \" + xname+ \"\\n\");\n        this.dragData = tp;\n        this.dropList = _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete().getDropList(xname);\n        \n        print (\"DROP LIST IS \" + string.joinv(\", \", this.dropList) + \"\\n\");\n        \n\n        // make the drag icon a picture of the node that was selected\n    \n        \n    // by default returns the path..\n       var path = _this.model.el.get_path(iter);\n\n         \n        var pix = this.el.create_row_drag_icon ( path);\n        \n        Gtk.drag_set_icon_surface (ctx, pix) ;\n        \n        return;\n}",
+      "cursor_changed" : " ( ) => {\n\n\n     if (this.blockChanges) { // probably not needed.. \n       return  ;\n     }\n      if (!_this.before_node_change( ) ) {\n\t     this.blockChanges = true;\n\t     this.el.get_selection().unselect_all();\n\t     this.blockChanges = false;\n\t     return;\n     }\n     if (_this.main_window.windowstate.file == null) {\n         return;\n     } \n     \n     //var render = this.get('/LeftTree').getRenderer();                \n    print(\"LEFT TREE -> view -> selection changed called\\n\");\n    \n    \n    // -- it appears that the selection is not updated.\n      \n    GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {\n         \n\n            if (this.el.get_selection().count_selected_rows() < 1) {\n\n                print(\"selected rows < 1\\n\");\n                //??this.model.load( false);\n                _this.node_selected(null, this.lastEventSource);\n                \n                return false ;\n            }\n                \n                //console.log('changed');\n            var s = this.el.get_selection();\n             Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n             Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n            s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);\n            \n            \n            // var val = \"\";\n            GLib.Value value;\n            _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);\n            _this.model.activePath = mod.get_path(iter).to_string();\n            \n            var node = (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();\n            _this.node_selected(node, this.lastEventSource);\n            while (Gtk.events_pending()) {\n                Gtk.main_iteration();\n           }\n            var cp = mod.get_path(iter);\n            Gtk.TreePath sp, ep;\n            this.el.get_visible_range(out sp, out ep);\n            // if sp is before cp then retuns 1.\n            // if cp is before ep then retuns 1.\n            if ( >= 0 && >=1) {\n                return false;\n            }\n            \n             \n            \n            this.el.scroll_to_cell(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(_this.model.activePath), null, true, 0.1f,0.0f);\n            \n            return false;\n      });  \n    //_this.after_node_change(node);\n\n//        _this.model.file.changed(node, \"tree\");\n   \n    //Seed.print( value.get_string());\n    return  ;\n                \n}",
+      "drag_end" : "  (drag_context) => {\n\t//Seed.print('LEFT-TREE: drag-end');\n        this.dragData = \"\";\n        this.dropList = null;\n//        this.targetData = \"\";\n        this.highlightDropPath(\"\",0);\n//        return true;\n}",
+      "drag_motion" : " ( ctx, x, y, time)  => {\n   print(\"got drag motion\\n\");\n    var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n   this.drag_x = x;\n   this.drag_y = y;     \n\n   if (src != this.el) {\n   \n \n \n    // the point of this is to detect where an item could be dropped..\n        print(\"requesting drag data\\n\");\n       this.drag_in_motion = true;\n       \n            // request data that will be recieved by the recieve...              \n        Gtk.drag_get_data\n        (\n                this.el,         // will receive 'drag-data-received' signal \n                ctx,        // represents the current state of the DnD \n                Gdk.Atom.intern(\"STRING\",true),    // the target type we want \n                time            // time stamp \n        );\n        return true;\n  }    \n\n\n  print(\"action: %d\\n\", ctx.get_actions());\n //print(\"GETTING POS\");\n    var  targetData = \"\";\n\n    Gtk.TreePath path;\n    Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos;\n    var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos);\n\n    // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything..\n    var isEmpty = false;\n    if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {\n        print(\"got NO children?\\n\");\n        isOver = true; //??? \n        isEmpty = true;\n        pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER;\n    }\n\n\n    // ------------- a drag from self..\n\n\n    //var action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY;\n        // unless we are copying!!! ctl button..\n    \n    var action = (ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0 ?\n                 Gdk.DragAction.COPY  : Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ;\n                // Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY ;\n\n\n    if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {\n        // no children.. -- asume it's ok..\n        \n        targetData = \"|%d|\".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);\n           \n        this.highlightDropPath(\"\", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);        \n        Gdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time);\n        return true;\n        \n        // continue through to allow drop...\n\n    } \n        \n        \n\n    \n    \n    //print(\"ISOVER? \" + isOver);\n    if (!isOver) {\n  \n        Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);\n         this.highlightDropPath(\"\", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);                    \n         return false;\n\n    }\n            \n    // drag node is parent of child..\n    //console.log(\"SRC TREEPATH: \" + src.treepath);\n    //console.log(\"TARGET TREEPATH: \" + data.path.to_string());\n    \n    // nned to check a  few here..\n    //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER\n    //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE\n    //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER\n    //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE\n    \n    // locally dragged items to not really use the \n    var selection_text = this.dragData;\n    \n            \n            \n    if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1) {\n                //print(\"Error  - drag selection text returned NULL\");\n             Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);\n            this.highlightDropPath(\"\", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);\n             return false;\n     }\n                       \n            \n            // see if we are dragging into ourself?\n    var target_path = path.to_string();            \n    print (\"Drag  %s onto %s--%d\\n \", selection_text, target_path, pos);\n    \n    // pos : 3 = ontop - 0 = after, 1 = before\n    //print(\"target_path=\"+target_path);\n\n    // \n    if (selection_text  == target_path) {\n        print(\"self drag ?? == we should perhaps allow copy onto self..\\n\");\n                \n         Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);\n          this.highlightDropPath(\"\", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);\n          return false;\n//                 -- fixme -- this is not really correct..\n\n    }\n            \n    // check that \n    //print(\"DUMPING DATA\");\n    //console.dump(data);\n    // path, pos\n    \n    //print(data.path.to_string() +' => '+  data.pos);\n    \n    // dropList is a list of xtypes that this node could be dropped on.\n    // it is set up when we start to drag..\n    \n    \n    targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( path.to_string(), this.dropList, pos);\n        \n    print(\"targetDAta: \" + targetData +\"\\n\");\n    \n    if (targetData.length < 1) {\n        //print(\"Can not find drop node path\");\n       \n        Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);\n        this.highlightDropPath(\"\", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);\n        return false;\n    }\n    \n    var td_ar = targetData.split(\"|\");\n      \n    \n\n    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time);\n    this.highlightDropPath(td_ar[0], (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)int.parse(td_ar[1]));\n    return true;\n       \n       \n}",
+      "drag_data_get" : "( drag_context, data, info, time) => {\n            \n            \n                 //print(\"drag-data-get\");\n                 var s = this.el.get_selection();\n                 if (s.count_selected_rows() < 1) {\n                        data.set_text(\"\",0);     \n                         print(\"return empty string - no selection..\");\n                        return;\n                    }\n                 \n                 Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n                 Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n                 \n                 s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);\n                 \n                \n                \n                 GLib.Value value;\n                 _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);\n                 var ndata = (JsRender.Node)(value.dup_object());\n                 \n                \n                \n                var tp = mod.get_path(iter).to_string();\n                // by default returns the path..\n                \n               if ( info != Gdk.Atom.intern(\"STRING\",true) ) {\n                    tp = ndata.toJsonString();\n               }   \n               \n               //data.set_text(tp,tp.length);   \n                \n                data.set (data.get_target (), 8, (uchar[]) tp.to_utf8 ());\n            \n                \n               //  print(\"return \" + tp);\n            }",
+      "drag_data_received" : "  (ctx, x, y, sel, info, time)  => {\n  \n        // THIS CODE ONLY RELATES TO drag  or drop of \"NEW\" elements or \"FROM another tree..\"\n  \n  \n        //  print(\"Tree: drag-data-received\\n\");\n        var selection_text = (string)sel.get_data();\n        //print(\"selection_text= %s\\n\",selection_text);\n\n        var is_drag = this.drag_in_motion;\n    \n        \n\n        print(\"Is Drag %s\\n\", is_drag ? \"Y\": \"N\");\n        var  targetData = \"\";\n        \n        Gtk.TreePath path;\n        Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos;\n        var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos);\n        \n        // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything..\n        var isEmpty = false;\n        if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {\n            print(\"got NO children?\\n\");\n            isOver = true; //??? \n            isEmpty = true;\n            pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER;\n        }\n        \n     \n        //console.log(\"LEFT-TREE: drag-motion\");\n        var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n        \n        // a drag from self - this should be handled by drop and motion.\n        if (src == this.el) {\n            print(\"Source == this element should not happen.. ? \\n\");\n            return;\n        }\n        //print(\"drag_data_recieved from another element\");\n        \n         \n        \n        \n        if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1 || !isOver) {\n            // nothing valid foudn to drop...\n               print(\"empty sel text or not over\");\n            if (is_drag) {\n                Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);\n                this.highlightDropPath(\"\", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);\n                return;\n            }\n            Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..\n            // no drop action...\n            return;            \n        \n        }\n        var dropNode = new JsRender.Node(); \n        \n        var dropNodeType  = selection_text;\n        var show_templates = true;\n        // for drop\n        if (dropNodeType[0] == '{') {\n            var pa = new Json.Parser();\n            try {\n                pa.load_from_data(dropNodeType);\n            } catch (Error e) {\n                Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..\n                // no drop action...\n                return;   \n            }\n             \n            dropNode.loadFromJson( pa.get_root().get_object(), 2);\n            dropNodeType = dropNode.fqn();\n            show_templates = false;\n            \n            \n        } else {\n\n            dropNode.setFqn(selection_text);\n        }\n\n         \n        // dropList --- need to gather this ... \n        print(\"get dropList for : %s\\n\",dropNodeType);            \n        var dropList = _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete().getDropList(dropNodeType);\n        \n        print(\"dropList: %s\\n\", string.joinv(\" , \", dropList));\n        \n        // if drag action is link ... then we can drop it anywahere...\n         if ((ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.LINK) > 0) {\n             // if path is null?? dragging into an empty tree?\n             targetData = (path == null ? \"\" :  path.to_string()) + \"|%d\".printf((int)pos);\n         } else {\n        \n        \n            targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( isEmpty ? \"\" : path.to_string(), dropList, pos);\n         }\n        \n        \n            \n        print(\"targetDAta: \" + targetData +\"\\n\");\n        \n        if (targetData.length < 1) {\n         \n            // invalid drop path..\n            if (this.drag_in_motion) {\n                Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);\n                this.highlightDropPath(\"\", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);\n                return;\n            }\n            Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..\n            // no drop action...\n            return;\n        }\n        // valid drop path..\n        \n          var td_ar = targetData.split(\"|\");\n          \n        \n        if (this.drag_in_motion) { \n            Gdk.drag_status(ctx, Gdk.DragAction.COPY ,time);\n\n            this.highlightDropPath(  td_ar[0]  , (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)int.parse(td_ar[1]));\n            return;\n        }\n        // continue on to allow drop..\n    \n\n        // at this point, drag is not in motion... -- as checked above... - so it's a real drop event..\n        \n\n        _this.model.dropNode(targetData, dropNode, show_templates);\n        print(\"ADD new node!!!\\n\");\n            \n        ///Xcls_DialogTemplateSelect.singleton().show( _this.model.file.palete(), node);\n        \n        Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false,time);\n        \n        \n            \n            \n      \n}",
+      "drag_drop" : " (  ctx, x, y, time)  => {\n      //Seed.print(\"TARGET: drag-drop\");\n   \n   \n    var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n     \n   if (src != this.el) {\n   \n    \n       \n       this.drag_in_motion = false;   \n            // request data that will be recieved by the recieve...              \n        Gtk.drag_get_data\n        (\n                this.el,         // will receive 'drag-data-received' signal \n                ctx,        // represents the current state of the DnD \n                Gdk.Atom.intern(\"application/json\",true),    // the target type we want \n                time            // time stamp \n        );\n\n         \n        // No target offered by source => error\n   \n\n         return  false;\n     }\n     \n     // handle drop around self..\n     \n                  \n            \n    //print(\"GETTING POS\");\n    var  targetData = \"\";\n    \n    Gtk.TreePath path;\n    Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos;\n    var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos);\n    \n    // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything..\n    var isEmpty = false;\n    if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {\n        print(\"got NO children?\\n\");\n        isOver = true; //??? \n        isEmpty = true;\n        pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER;\n    }\n    \n     \n     \n    //var action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY;\n        // unless we are copying!!! ctl button..\n    \n    var action = (ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0 ?\n                 Gdk.DragAction.COPY  : Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ;\n                // Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY ;\n\n      \n    if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {\n        // no children.. -- asume it's ok..\n        \n        targetData = \"|%d|\".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);\n         \n        // continue through to allow drop...\n\n    } else {\n                \n                \n    \n                \n                \n                //print(\"ISOVER? \" + isOver);\n        if (!isOver) {\n            \n            Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..\n            return true; // not over apoint!?! - no action on drop or motion..\n        }\n                \n        // drag node is parent of child..\n        //console.log(\"SRC TREEPATH: \" + src.treepath);\n        //console.log(\"TARGET TREEPATH: \" + data.path.to_string());\n        \n        // nned to check a  few here..\n        //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER\n        //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE\n        //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER\n        //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE\n        \n        // locally dragged items to not really use the \n        var selection_text = this.dragData;\n        \n        \n        \n        if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1) {\n            //print(\"Error  - drag selection text returned NULL\");\n          \n             Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..\n             return true; /// -- fixme -- this is not really correct..\n        }                \n                \n                // see if we are dragging into ourself?\n                print (\"got selection text of  \" + selection_text);\n        \n        var target_path = path.to_string();\n        //print(\"target_path=\"+target_path);\n\n        // \n        if (selection_text  == target_path) {\n            print(\"self drag ?? == we should perhaps allow copy onto self..\\n\");\n            \n             Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..\n\n             return true; /// -- fixme -- this is not really correct..\n\n        }\n                \n        // check that \n        //print(\"DUMPING DATA\");\n        //console.dump(data);\n        // path, pos\n        \n        //print(data.path.to_string() +' => '+  data.pos);\n        \n        // dropList is a list of xtypes that this node could be dropped on.\n        // it is set up when we start to drag..\n        \n        \n        targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( path.to_string(), this.dropList, pos);\n            \n        print(\"targetDAta: \" + targetData +\"\\n\");\n        \n        if (targetData.length < 1) {\n            //print(\"Can not find drop node path\");\n             \n            Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..\n            return true;\n        }\n                    \n                \n                \n                // continue on to allow drop..\n  }\n        // at this point, drag is not in motion... -- as checked above... - so it's a real drop event..\n\n\n     var delete_selection_data = false;\n        \n    if (action == Gdk.DragAction.ASK)  {\n        /* Ask the user to move or copy, then set the ctx action. */\n    }\n\n    if (action == Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) {\n        delete_selection_data = true;\n    }\n      \n                // drag around.. - reorder..\n    _this.model.moveNode(targetData, action);\n        \n       \n        \n        \n        \n        // we can send stuff to souce here...\n\n\n// do we always say failure, so we handle the reall drop?\n    Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false,time); //delete_selection_data, time);\n\n    return true;\n \n \n \n \n \n \n}"
+     },
+     "# string dragData" : "",
+     "# int drag_x" : "",
+     "# string[] dropList" : "",
+     "id" : "view",
+     "gboolean headers_visible" : true,
+     "# int drag_y" : "",
+     "* init" : "{\n    var description = new Pango.FontDescription();\n    description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);\n\n    var selection = this.el.get_selection();\n    selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n\n\n    // is this really needed??\n    /*\n    this.selection.signal['changed'].connect(function() {\n\t    _this.get('/LeftTree.view').listeners.cursor_changed.apply(\n\t        _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), [ _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), '']\n\t    );\n    });\n    */\n    Gtk.drag_source_set (\n\t    this.el,            /* widget will be drag-able */\n\t    Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK,       /* modifier that will start a drag */\n\t    BuilderApplication.targetList,            /* lists of target to support */\n\t    Gdk.DragAction.COPY   | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE    |  Gdk.DragAction.LINK           /* what to do with data after dropped */\n    );\n\n    // ?? needed??\n    //Gtk.drag_source_add_text_targets(this.el); \n\n    Gtk.drag_dest_set\n    (\n        this.el,              /* widget that will accept a drop */\n        Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION  | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT,\n        BuilderApplication.targetList,            /* lists of target to support */\n        Gdk.DragAction.COPY   | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE   | Gdk.DragAction.LINK     /* what to do with data after dropped */\n    );\n\n    //Gtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, Builder.Application.targetList);\n    //Gtk.drag_dest_add_text_targets(this.el);\n}\n",
+     "tooltip_column" : 1,
+     "bool expand" : true,
+     "* pack" : "add",
+     "xtype" : "TreeView",
+     "$ enable_tree_lines" : true,
+     "$ headers_visible" : false,
+     "|           void highlightDropPath" : " ( string treepath, Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos) {\n\n        // highlighting for drag/drop\n        if (treepath.length > 0) {\n            this.el.set_drag_dest_row(  new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath ), pos);\n          } else {\n            this.el.set_drag_dest_row(null, Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);\n         }\n             \n}",
+     "$ string lastEventSource" : "\"\"",
+     "# bool drag_in_motion" : "",
+     "# bool blockChanges" : false,
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "| void setCursor" : "(string treepath, string sourceEvent)   {\n\tthis.lastEventSource = sourceEvent;\n\t//this.blockChanges = true; << block changes prevents loading of 'node data' and firing of node_selected..\n    this.el.set_cursor(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath), null, false); \n    // fire node_selected..\n    //this.blockChanges = false;\n\tthis.lastEventSource = \"\";\n}\n",
+     "|           void selectNode" : "(string treepath_str, string source) {\n\tthis.lastEventSource = source;\n    //this.selection.select_path(new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath_str));\n     var tp = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath_str);\n     \n     this.el.set_cursor(tp, null, false);  \n     this.el.scroll_to_cell(tp, null, false, 0,0);\n}\n",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "|           string findDropNode" : " (string treepath_str, string[] targets) {\n\n    // this is used by the dragdrop code in the roo version AFAIR..\n\n    //var path = treepath_str.replace(/^builder-/, '');\n    // treemap is depreciated... - should really check if model has any entries..\n\n    if (this.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {\n        //print(\"NO KEYS\");\n        return \"|%d\".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);\n    }\n    //print(\"FIND treepath: \" + path);\n    //console.dump(this.treemap);\n    \n    //if (!treepath_str.match(/^builder-/)) {\n    //    return []; // nothing!\n    //}\n    if (targets.length > 0 && targets[0] == \"*\") {\n        return  treepath_str;\n    }\n    return this.findDropNodeByPath(treepath_str,targets, -1);\n}\n",
+       "currentTree" : false,
+       "id" : "model",
+       "# DialogTemplateSelect template_select" : "null",
+       "* init" : "print(\"model initialized\");\n\n",
+       "|           void loadFile" : "(JsRender.JsRender f) {\n    //console.dump(f);\n    this.el.clear();\n    \n    // needed???\n    _this.main_window.windowstate.file = f;\n    \n   \n    if (f.tree == null) {\n\t    try {\n\t        f.loadItems( );\n        } catch (Error e) {\n    \t\treturn;\n        }\n    }\n    // if it's still null?\n    if (f.tree == null) {\n        return;\n    }\n  \n    var o = new Gee.ArrayList<JsRender.Node>();\n    o.add(f.tree);\n    this.load(o,null);\n    \n    _this.view.el.expand_all();\n\n    if (f.tree.items.size < 1) {\n        // single item..\n        \n        //this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(80);\n        // select first...\n        _this.view.el.set_cursor( \n            new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string(\"0\"), null, false);\n        \n        \n    } else {\n          //this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(200);\n    }\n    \n    return;\n \n            \n}\n",
+       "|    void updateSelected" : "() {\n  \n   \n    var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();\n    \n     Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n    \n    \n    \n    if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {\n        return; // nothing seleted..\n    }\n  \n  GLib.Value value;\n    this.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);\n    var node = (JsRender.Node)(value.get_object());\n    \n      this.el.set(iter, 0, node.nodeTitle(),\n                1, node.nodeTip(), -1\n        );\n}\n",
+       "* pack" : "set_model",
+       "xtype" : "TreeStore",
+       "|           string findDropNodeByPath" : " (string treepath_str, string[] targets, int in_pref = -1) {\n\n    var path = treepath_str; // dupe it..\n    \n    \n    // pref : 3 = ontop - 0 = after, 1 = before\n    int pref = in_pref < 0  ?  Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER : in_pref;\n    \n    var last = \"\";\n    \n    //console.dump(this.treemap);\n    \n    print(\"findDropNodeByPath : got path length %d / %s\\n\", path.length, path);\n    \n    if (path.length == 0) {\n        // top drop. // just return empty..\n        return \"|%d\".printf((int)pref) ;\n        \n    }\n    \n    \n    while (path.length > 0) {\n    \n        if (path.length == treepath_str.length && pref != Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER) {\n            if (path.last_index_of(\":\") < 0 ) {\n                return \"\";\n            }\n            path = path.substring(0, path.last_index_of(\":\"));\n            last = treepath_str;\n            print(\"DROP  before or after : using %s\\n\",path);\n            continue;\n        }\n    \n        //print(\"LOOKING FOR PATH: \" + path);\n        var node_data = this.pathToNode(path);\n        \n        if (node_data == null) {\n            print(\"node not found\");\n            return \"\";\n        }\n        \n        var xname = node_data.fqn();\n        var match = \"\";\n        var prop = \"\";\n        \n        for (var i =0; i < targets.length; i++)  {\n            var tg = targets[i];\n            if ((tg == xname)  ) {\n                match = tg;\n                break;\n            }\n            // if target is \"xxxx:name\"\n            if (tg.contains(xname +\":\")) {\n                match = tg;\n                var ar = tg.split(\":\");\n                prop = ar[1];\n                break;\n            }\n        }\n        \n        if (match.length > 0) {\n            if (last.length > 0) { // pref is after/before..\n                // then it's after last\n                //if (pref > 1) {\n                //    return \"\";\n                //}\n                return last + \"|%d\".printf((int)pref) + \"|\" + prop;\n\n                \n            }\n            // we need to add prop - as :store -> needs to bee added when dropping onto.\n            return path + \"|%d\".printf( (int) Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER)  + \"|\" + prop;\n        }\n        /*\n        last = \"\" + path;\n        var par = path.split(\":\");\n        string [] ppar = {};\n        for (var i = 0; i < par.length-1; i++) {\n            ppar += par[i];\n        }\n        \n        path = string.joinv(\":\", ppar);\n        */\n        break;\n\n    }\n    \n    return \"\";\n            \n}\n",
+       "|           void moveNode" : "(string target_data, Gdk.DragAction action) \n{\n   \n   /// target_data = \"path|pos\");\n   \n   \n    //print(\"MOVE NODE\");\n    // console.dump(target_data);\n    Gtk.TreeIter old_iter;\n    Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n    \n    var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();\n    s.get_selected(out mod , out old_iter);\n    mod.get_path(old_iter);\n    \n    var node = this.pathToNode(mod.get_path(old_iter).to_string());\n    //console.dump(node);\n    if (node == null) {\n        print(\"moveNode: ERROR - node is null?\");\n    }\n    \n    \n\n    // needs to drop first, otherwise the target_data \n    // treepath will be invalid.\n\n    \n    if ((action & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0) {\n            print(\"REMOVING OLD NODE : \" + target_data + \"\\n\");\n            node.remove();\n            this.dropNode(target_data, node, false);\n            this.el.remove(ref old_iter);\n            \n            \n                         \n    } else {\n        print(\"DROPPING NODE // copy: \" + target_data + \"\\n\");\n        node = node.deepClone();\n        this.dropNode(target_data, node, false);\n    }\n    _this.changed();\n    this.activePath= \"\";\n    //this.updateNode(false,true);\n}\n",
+       "# string activePath" : "\"\"",
+       "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string),typeof(Object)",
+       "|           void load" : "(Gee.ArrayList<JsRender.Node> tr, Gtk.TreeIter? iter) \n{\n    Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n    //this.insert(citer,iter,0);\n    for(var i =0 ; i < tr.size; i++) {\n        if (iter != null) {\n            this.el.insert(out citer,iter,-1); // why not append?\n        } else {\n            this.el.append(out citer,null);\n        }\n        \n        this.el.set(citer, 0, tr.get(i).nodeTitle(),\n                1, tr.get(i).nodeTip(), -1\n        );\n        var o =   GLib.Value(typeof(Object));\n        o.set_object((Object)tr.get(i));\n        \n        this.el.set_value(citer, 2, o);\n        \n        if (tr.get(i).items.size > 0) {\n            this.load(tr.get(i).items, citer);\n        }\n     \n    }\n\n    \n}",
+       "|           void deleteSelected" : "() {\n    \n    print(\"DELETE SELECTED?\");\n    //_this.view.blockChanges = true;\n    print(\"GET SELECTION?\");\n\n    var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();\n    \n    print(\"GET  SELECTED?\");\n   Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n\n    \n    if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {\n        return; // nothing seleted..\n    }\n      \n\n\n    this.activePath= \"\";      \n    print(\"GET  vnode value?\");\n\n    GLib.Value value;\n    this.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);\n    var data = (JsRender.Node)(value.get_object());\n    print(\"removing node from Render\\n\");\n    if (data.parent == null) {\n       _this.main_window.windowstate.file.tree = null;\n    } else {\n        data.remove();\n    }\n    print(\"removing node from Tree\\n\");    \n    s.unselect_all();\n    this.el.remove(ref iter);\n\n    \n    \n    \n    // \n    \n    \n\n\n    this.activePath= \"\"; // again!?!?      \n    //this.changed(null,true);\n    \n    _this.changed();\n    \n    _this.view.blockChanges = false;\n}\n",
+       "n_columns" : 3,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "|           JsRender.Node pathToNode" : "(string path) {\n \n     \n     Gtk.TreeIter   iter;\n     _this.model.el.get_iter_from_string(out iter, path);\n     \n     GLib.Value value;\n     _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);\n     \n     return (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();\n\n}",
+       "|           void dropNode" : "(string target_data_str, JsRender.Node node, bool show_templates) {\n//         print(\"drop Node\");\n     // console.dump(node);\n  //    console.dump(target_data);\n  \n  \n        // 0 = before , 1=after 2/3 onto\n  \n  \n        var target_data= target_data_str.split(\"|\");\n  \n        var parent_str = target_data[0].length > 0 ? target_data[0] : \"\";\n        var pos = target_data.length > 1 ? int.parse(target_data[1]) : 2; // ontop..\n  \n  \n        Gtk.TreePath tree_path  =   parent_str.length > 0 ? new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( parent_str ) : null;\n        \n        \n        \n        //print(\"add \" + tp + \"@\" + target_data[1]  );\n        \n        JsRender.Node parentNode = null;\n        \n        Gtk.TreeIter iter_after;\n        Gtk.TreeIter iter_par ;\n        \n       \n         if (target_data.length == 3 && target_data[2].length > 0) {\n            node.props.set(\"* prop\", target_data[2]);\n        }\n\n        Gtk.TreePath expand_parent = null;\n        \n        // we only need to show the template if it's come from else where?\n         if (show_templates) {\n         \n             var ts = _this.main_window.windowstate.template_select;\n         \n             var new_node =\n                  _this.main_window, // (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_toplevel (),\n                 _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete(),\n                    node,\n                    _this.main_window.windowstate.project);\n                   \n             if (new_node == null) {\n                 return; // do not add?\n             }\n             node = new_node;\n        }        \n        \n         //print(\"pos is %d  \\n\".printf(pos));\n        \n         Gtk.TreeIter n_iter; \n         \n         if ( parent_str.length < 1) {\n              this.el.append(out n_iter, null); // drop at top level..\n              node.parent = null;\n              _this.main_window.windowstate.file.tree = node;\n              \n              \n        } else   if (pos  < 2) {\n            //print(target_data[1]  > 0 ? 'insert_after' : 'insert_before');\n            \n            this.el.get_iter(out iter_after, tree_path );            \n            this.el.iter_parent(out iter_par, iter_after);\n            expand_parent = this.el.get_path(iter_par);\n            \n            GLib.Value value;\n            this.el.get_value( iter_par, 2, out value);\n            parentNode =  (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();\n            \n            \n            this.el.get_value( iter_after, 2, out value);\n            var relNode =  (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();\n            \n            if ( pos  > 0 ) {\n             \n                this.el.insert_after(out n_iter,    iter_par  , iter_after);\n                var ix = parentNode.items.index_of(relNode);\n                parentNode.items.insert(ix+1, node);\n                \n            } else {\n                this.el.insert_before(out n_iter,  iter_par  , iter_after);\n                var ix = parentNode.items.index_of(relNode);\n                parentNode.items.insert(ix, node);\n \n            }\n            node.parent = parentNode;\n            \n            \n            \n        } else {\n           //  print(\"appending to  \" + parent_str);\n            this.el.get_iter(out iter_par, tree_path);\n            this.el.append(out n_iter,   iter_par );\n            expand_parent = this.el.get_path(iter_par);\n            \n            GLib.Value value;\n            this.el.get_value( iter_par, 2, out value);\n            parentNode =  (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();\n            node.parent = parentNode;\n            parentNode.items.add(node);\n        }\n        \n        // reparent node in tree...\n       \n        \n        // why only on no parent???\n        \n        //if (node.parent = null) {\n             \n           \n            \n        //}\n        \n        \n        // work out what kind of packing to use.. -- should be in \n        if (!node.has(\"pack\")   && parent_str.length > 1) {\n            \n            _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete().fillPack(node,parentNode);\n            \n            \n        }\n        \n        // add the node...\n        \n        this.el.set(n_iter, 0, node.nodeTitle(), 1, node.nodeTip(), -1  );\n        var o =   GLib.Value(typeof(Object));\n        o.set_object((Object)node);\n        \n        this.el.set_value(n_iter, 2, o);\n        \n        \n        \n        \n// load children - if it has any..\n      \n        if (node.items.size > 0) {\n            this.load(node.items, n_iter);\n            _this.view.el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(n_iter), true);\n        } else if (expand_parent != null && !_this.view.el.is_row_expanded(expand_parent)) {\n           _this.view.el.expand_row(expand_parent,true);\n        }\n\n        //if (tp != null && (node.items.length() > 0 || pos > 1)) {\n        //    _this.view.el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(iter_par), true);\n       // }\n        // wee need to get the empty proptypes from somewhere..\n        \n        //var olditer = this.activeIter;\n        this.activePath = this.el.get_path(n_iter).to_string();\n\n\n        \n        \n        _this.view.el.set_cursor(this.el.get_path(n_iter), null, false);\n        _this.changed();\n     \n        \n            \n}\n",
+       "$ listAllTypes" : "function() {\n    var s = this.get('/LeftTree.view').selection;\n    print (\"LIST ALL TYPES: \" + s.count_selected_rows() );\n    \n    if (s.count_selected_rows() > 0) {\n        var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();    \n        s.get_selected(this.el, iter);\n\n        // set some properties of the tree for use by the dropped element.\n        var value = new GObject.Value('');\n        this.el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n        var data = JSON.parse(value.value);\n        \n        \n        var xname = this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.guessName(data);\n        console.log('selected:' + xname);\n        if (xname.length) {\n            return [ xname ];\n        }\n        return []; // could not find it..\n    }\n    \n    var ret = [ ];\n    \n   var _this = this;\n    function addall(li)\n    {\n        li.forEach(function(el) {\n            // this is specific to roo!!!?\n            if (!el) { // skip empty?\n                return;\n            }\n            var fullpath =  _this.file.guessName(el);\n            if (fullpath.length && ret.indexOf(fullpath) < 0) {\n                ret.push(fullpath);\n            }\n            \n            \n            if (el.items && el.items.length) {\n                addall(el.items);\n            }\n            \n        });\n        \n        \n    }\n    \n    addall([this.currentTree]);\n    \n    // only if we have nothing, should we add '*top'\n    if (!ret.length) {\n        ret = [ '*top' ];\n    }\n    //console.log('all types in tree');\n    //console.dump(ret);\n    \n    return ret;\n                            \n}\n",
+       "| string treePathFromNode" : "(JsRender.Node node) {\n    // iterate through the tree and find the node\n    var ret = \"\";\n    \n    this.el.foreach((mod, pth, iter) => {\n        // get the node..\n      \n     \n         GLib.Value value;\n         _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);\n         \n\n         \n         var n = (JsRender.Node)value;\n\n         print(\"compare %s to %s\\n\", n.fqn(), node.fqn());\n        if (node == n) {\n            ret = pth.to_string();\n            return true;\n        }\n        return false;\n    });\n    return ret;\n\n}\n"
+      },
+      {
+       "utf8 title" : "test",
+       "* init" : "  this.el.add_attribute(_this.renderer.el , \"markup\", 0 );\n ",
+       "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+       "* pack" : "append_column",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "id" : "renderer",
+         "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+         "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "id" : "LeftTreeMenu",
+     "xtype" : "Menu",
+     "* pack" : false,
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "activate" : "  ( ) => {\n    \n    print(\"ACTIVATE?\");\n    \n  \n     _this.model.deleteSelected();\n}"
+       },
+       "label" : "Delete Element",
+       "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      },
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "activate" : "  () => {\n\n     DialogSaveTemplate.singleton().show(\n            (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_toplevel (), \n            _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete(), \n            _this.getActiveElement()\n    );\n     \n    \n}"
+       },
+       "label" : "Save as Template",
+       "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      },
+      {
+       "listeners" : {
+        "activate" : "  () => {\n    var node = _this.getActiveElement();\n     var name = DialogSaveModule.singleton().show(\n            (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_toplevel (), \n            _this.main_window.windowstate.project, \n            node\n     );\n     if (name.length < 1) {\n            return;\n  \n     }\n     node.props.set(\"* xinclude\", name);\n     node.items.clear();\n\n\n    var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();\n    \n    print(\"GET  SELECTED?\");\n    Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n    Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n\n    \n    if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {\n        return; // nothing seleted..\n    }\n    Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n    var n_cn = mod.iter_n_children(iter) -1;\n    for (var i = n_cn; i > -1; i--) {\n        mod.iter_nth_child(out citer, iter, i);\n        \n\n        print(\"removing node from Tree\\n\");    \n    \n        _this.model.el.remove(ref citer);\n    }\n    _this.changed();\n    _this.node_selected(node, \"tree\");\n     \n    \n}"
+       },
+       "label" : "Save as Module",
+       "xtype" : "MenuItem",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowLeftTree.vala b/src/Builder4/WindowLeftTree.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..983284b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1595 @@
+static Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _WindowLeftTree;
+public class Xcls_WindowLeftTree : Object
+    public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+    private Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _this;
+    public static Xcls_WindowLeftTree singleton()
+    {
+        if (_WindowLeftTree == null) {
+            _WindowLeftTree= new Xcls_WindowLeftTree();
+        }
+        return _WindowLeftTree;
+    }
+    public Xcls_view view;
+    public Xcls_model model;
+    public Xcls_renderer renderer;
+    public Xcls_LeftTreeMenu LeftTreeMenu;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public signal bool before_node_change ();
+    public signal void changed ();
+    public signal void node_selected (JsRender.Node? node, string source);
+    public Xcls_MainWindow main_window;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_WindowLeftTree()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.main_window = null;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.IN;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_view( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        var child_1 = new Xcls_LeftTreeMenu( _this );
+        child_1.ref();
+        // init method
+        this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public           JsRender.Node? getActiveElement () { // return path to actie node.
+         var path = this.getActivePath();
+         if (path.length < 1) {
+            return null;
+         }
+         return _this.model.pathToNode(path);
+    }
+    public           JsRender.JsRender getActiveFile () {
+        return this.main_window.windowstate.file;
+    }
+    public           string getActivePath () {
+        var view = this.view.el;
+        if (view.get_selection().count_selected_rows() < 1) {
+            return "";
+        }
+        Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+        Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+        view.get_selection().get_selected(out mod, out iter);
+        return mod.get_path(iter).to_string();
+    }
+    public class Xcls_view : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public string dragData;
+        public int drag_x;
+        public string[] dropList;
+        public int drag_y;
+        public string lastEventSource;
+        public bool drag_in_motion;
+        public bool blockChanges;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_view(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.view = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.lastEventSource = "";
+            this.blockChanges = false;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.expand = true;
+            this.el.tooltip_column = 1;
+            this.el.enable_tree_lines = true;
+            this.el.headers_visible = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_model( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn4( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            {
+                var description = new Pango.FontDescription();
+                description.set_size(8000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);
+                var selection = this.el.get_selection();
+                selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);
+                // is this really needed??
+                /*
+                this.selection.signal['changed'].connect(function() {
+                   _this.get('/LeftTree.view').listeners.cursor_changed.apply(
+                       _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), [ _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), '']
+                   );
+                });
+                */
+                Gtk.drag_source_set (
+                   this.el,            /* widget will be drag-able */
+                   Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK,       /* modifier that will start a drag */
+                   BuilderApplication.targetList,            /* lists of target to support */
+                   Gdk.DragAction.COPY   | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE    |  Gdk.DragAction.LINK           /* what to do with data after dropped */
+                );
+                // ?? needed??
+                //Gtk.drag_source_add_text_targets(this.el); 
+                Gtk.drag_dest_set
+                (
+                    this.el,              /* widget that will accept a drop */
+                    Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION  | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT,
+                    BuilderApplication.targetList,            /* lists of target to support */
+                    Gdk.DragAction.COPY   | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE   | Gdk.DragAction.LINK     /* what to do with data after dropped */
+                );
+                //Gtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, Builder.Application.targetList);
+                //Gtk.drag_dest_add_text_targets(this.el);
+            }
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( ( ev) => {
+                //console.log("button press?");
+                this.lastEventSource = "tree";
+                if (! _this.before_node_change() ) {
+                   return true;
+                }
+                if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  || ev.button != 3) {
+                    //print("click" + ev.type);
+                    return false;
+                }
+                Gtk.TreePath res;
+                if (!_this.view.el.get_path_at_pos((int)ev.x,(int)ev.y, out res, null, null, null) ) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                this.el.get_selection().select_path(res);
+                  //if (!this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el)  { 
+                  //      this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').init(); 
+                  //  }
+                 _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());
+                 _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.show_all();
+                  _this.LeftTreeMenu.el.popup(null, null, null,  3, ev.time);
+                 //   print("click:" + res.path.to_string());
+                  return true;
+            });
+            this.el.drag_begin.connect( ( ctx)  => {
+               //print('SOURCE: drag-begin');
+                    //this.targetData = "";
+                    // find what is selected in our tree...
+                    var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();
+                    if (s.count_selected_rows() < 1) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                    Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                    s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);
+                    // set some properties of the tree for use by the dropped element.
+                    GLib.Value value;
+                    _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);
+                    var tp = mod.get_path(iter).to_string();
+                    var data = (JsRender.Node)(value.dup_object());
+                    var xname = data.fqn();
+                    print ("XNAME  IS " + xname+ "\n");
+                    this.dragData = tp;
+                    this.dropList = _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete().getDropList(xname);
+                    print ("DROP LIST IS " + string.joinv(", ", this.dropList) + "\n");
+                    // make the drag icon a picture of the node that was selected
+                // by default returns the path..
+                   var path = _this.model.el.get_path(iter);
+                    var pix = this.el.create_row_drag_icon ( path);
+                    Gtk.drag_set_icon_surface (ctx, pix) ;
+                    return;
+            });
+            this.el.cursor_changed.connect( ( ) => {
+                 if (this.blockChanges) { // probably not needed.. 
+                   return  ;
+                 }
+                  if (!_this.before_node_change( ) ) {
+                    this.blockChanges = true;
+                    this.el.get_selection().unselect_all();
+                    this.blockChanges = false;
+                    return;
+                 }
+                 if (_this.main_window.windowstate.file == null) {
+                     return;
+                 } 
+                 //var render = this.get('/LeftTree').getRenderer();                
+                print("LEFT TREE -> view -> selection changed called\n");
+                // -- it appears that the selection is not updated.
+                GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,10 , () => {
+                        if (this.el.get_selection().count_selected_rows() < 1) {
+                            print("selected rows < 1\n");
+                            //??this.model.load( false);
+                            _this.node_selected(null, this.lastEventSource);
+                            return false ;
+                        }
+                            //console.log('changed');
+                        var s = this.el.get_selection();
+                         Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                         Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                        s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);
+                        // var val = "";
+                        GLib.Value value;
+                        _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);
+                        _this.model.activePath = mod.get_path(iter).to_string();
+                        var node = (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();
+                        _this.node_selected(node, this.lastEventSource);
+                        while (Gtk.events_pending()) {
+                            Gtk.main_iteration();
+                       }
+                        var cp = mod.get_path(iter);
+                        Gtk.TreePath sp, ep;
+                        this.el.get_visible_range(out sp, out ep);
+                        // if sp is before cp then retuns 1.
+                        // if cp is before ep then retuns 1.
+                        if ( >= 0 && >=1) {
+                            return false;
+                        }
+                        this.el.scroll_to_cell(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(_this.model.activePath), null, true, 0.1f,0.0f);
+                        return false;
+                  });  
+                //_this.after_node_change(node);
+            //        _this.model.file.changed(node, "tree");
+                //Seed.print( value.get_string());
+                return  ;
+            });
+            this.el.drag_end.connect( (drag_context) => {
+               //Seed.print('LEFT-TREE: drag-end');
+                    this.dragData = "";
+                    this.dropList = null;
+            //        this.targetData = "";
+                    this.highlightDropPath("",0);
+            //        return true;
+            });
+            this.el.drag_motion.connect( ( ctx, x, y, time)  => {
+               print("got drag motion\n");
+                var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);
+               this.drag_x = x;
+               this.drag_y = y;     
+               if (src != this.el) {
+                // the point of this is to detect where an item could be dropped..
+                    print("requesting drag data\n");
+                   this.drag_in_motion = true;
+                        // request data that will be recieved by the recieve...              
+                    Gtk.drag_get_data
+                    (
+                            this.el,         // will receive 'drag-data-received' signal 
+                            ctx,        // represents the current state of the DnD 
+                            Gdk.Atom.intern("STRING",true),    // the target type we want 
+                            time            // time stamp 
+                    );
+                    return true;
+              }    
+              print("action: %d\n", ctx.get_actions());
+             //print("GETTING POS");
+                var  targetData = "";
+                Gtk.TreePath path;
+                Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos;
+                var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos);
+                // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything..
+                var isEmpty = false;
+                if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {
+                    print("got NO children?\n");
+                    isOver = true; //??? 
+                    isEmpty = true;
+                    pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER;
+                }
+                // ------------- a drag from self..
+                //var action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY;
+                    // unless we are copying!!! ctl button..
+                var action = (ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0 ?
+                             Gdk.DragAction.COPY  : Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ;
+                            // Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY ;
+                if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {
+                    // no children.. -- asume it's ok..
+                    targetData = "|%d|".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);
+                    this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);        
+                    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time);
+                    return true;
+                    // continue through to allow drop...
+                } 
+                //print("ISOVER? " + isOver);
+                if (!isOver) {
+                    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);
+                     this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);                    
+                     return false;
+                }
+                // drag node is parent of child..
+                //console.log("SRC TREEPATH: " + src.treepath);
+                //console.log("TARGET TREEPATH: " + data.path.to_string());
+                // nned to check a  few here..
+                //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER
+                //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE
+                //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER
+                //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE
+                // locally dragged items to not really use the 
+                var selection_text = this.dragData;
+                if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1) {
+                            //print("Error  - drag selection text returned NULL");
+                         Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);
+                        this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);
+                         return false;
+                 }
+                        // see if we are dragging into ourself?
+                var target_path = path.to_string();            
+                print ("Drag  %s onto %s--%d\n ", selection_text, target_path, pos);
+                // pos : 3 = ontop - 0 = after, 1 = before
+                //print("target_path="+target_path);
+                // 
+                if (selection_text  == target_path) {
+                    print("self drag ?? == we should perhaps allow copy onto self..\n");
+                     Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);
+                      this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);
+                      return false;
+            //                 -- fixme -- this is not really correct..
+                }
+                // check that 
+                //print("DUMPING DATA");
+                //console.dump(data);
+                // path, pos
+                //print(data.path.to_string() +' => '+  data.pos);
+                // dropList is a list of xtypes that this node could be dropped on.
+                // it is set up when we start to drag..
+                targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( path.to_string(), this.dropList, pos);
+                print("targetDAta: " + targetData +"\n");
+                if (targetData.length < 1) {
+                    //print("Can not find drop node path");
+                    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);
+                    this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);
+                    return false;
+                }
+                var td_ar = targetData.split("|");
+                Gdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time);
+                this.highlightDropPath(td_ar[0], (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)int.parse(td_ar[1]));
+                return true;
+            });
+            this.el.drag_data_get.connect( ( drag_context, data, info, time) => {
+                             //print("drag-data-get");
+                             var s = this.el.get_selection();
+                             if (s.count_selected_rows() < 1) {
+                                    data.set_text("",0);     
+                                     print("return empty string - no selection..");
+                                    return;
+                                }
+                             Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                             Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                             s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);
+                             GLib.Value value;
+                             _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);
+                             var ndata = (JsRender.Node)(value.dup_object());
+                            var tp = mod.get_path(iter).to_string();
+                            // by default returns the path..
+                           if ( info != Gdk.Atom.intern("STRING",true) ) {
+                                tp = ndata.toJsonString();
+                           }   
+                           //data.set_text(tp,tp.length);   
+                            data.set (data.get_target (), 8, (uchar[]) tp.to_utf8 ());
+                           //  print("return " + tp);
+                        });
+            this.el.drag_data_received.connect( (ctx, x, y, sel, info, time)  => {
+                    // THIS CODE ONLY RELATES TO drag  or drop of "NEW" elements or "FROM another tree.."
+                    //  print("Tree: drag-data-received\n");
+                    var selection_text = (string)sel.get_data();
+                    //print("selection_text= %s\n",selection_text);
+                    var is_drag = this.drag_in_motion;
+                    print("Is Drag %s\n", is_drag ? "Y": "N");
+                    var  targetData = "";
+                    Gtk.TreePath path;
+                    Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos;
+                    var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos);
+                    // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything..
+                    var isEmpty = false;
+                    if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {
+                        print("got NO children?\n");
+                        isOver = true; //??? 
+                        isEmpty = true;
+                        pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER;
+                    }
+                    //console.log("LEFT-TREE: drag-motion");
+                    var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);
+                    // a drag from self - this should be handled by drop and motion.
+                    if (src == this.el) {
+                        print("Source == this element should not happen.. ? \n");
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    //print("drag_data_recieved from another element");
+                    if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1 || !isOver) {
+                        // nothing valid foudn to drop...
+                           print("empty sel text or not over");
+                        if (is_drag) {
+                            Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);
+                            this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..
+                        // no drop action...
+                        return;            
+                    }
+                    var dropNode = new JsRender.Node(); 
+                    var dropNodeType  = selection_text;
+                    var show_templates = true;
+                    // for drop
+                    if (dropNodeType[0] == '{') {
+                        var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                        try {
+                            pa.load_from_data(dropNodeType);
+                        } catch (Error e) {
+                            Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..
+                            // no drop action...
+                            return;   
+                        }
+                        dropNode.loadFromJson( pa.get_root().get_object(), 2);
+                        dropNodeType = dropNode.fqn();
+                        show_templates = false;
+                    } else {
+                        dropNode.setFqn(selection_text);
+                    }
+                    // dropList --- need to gather this ... 
+                    print("get dropList for : %s\n",dropNodeType);            
+                    var dropList = _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete().getDropList(dropNodeType);
+                    print("dropList: %s\n", string.joinv(" , ", dropList));
+                    // if drag action is link ... then we can drop it anywahere...
+                     if ((ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.LINK) > 0) {
+                         // if path is null?? dragging into an empty tree?
+                         targetData = (path == null ? "" :  path.to_string()) + "|%d".printf((int)pos);
+                     } else {
+                        targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( isEmpty ? "" : path.to_string(), dropList, pos);
+                     }
+                    print("targetDAta: " + targetData +"\n");
+                    if (targetData.length < 1) {
+                        // invalid drop path..
+                        if (this.drag_in_motion) {
+                            Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);
+                            this.highlightDropPath("", (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)0);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..
+                        // no drop action...
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    // valid drop path..
+                      var td_ar = targetData.split("|");
+                    if (this.drag_in_motion) { 
+                        Gdk.drag_status(ctx, Gdk.DragAction.COPY ,time);
+                        this.highlightDropPath(  td_ar[0]  , (Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition)int.parse(td_ar[1]));
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    // continue on to allow drop..
+                    // at this point, drag is not in motion... -- as checked above... - so it's a real drop event..
+                    _this.model.dropNode(targetData, dropNode, show_templates);
+                    print("ADD new node!!!\n");
+                    ///Xcls_DialogTemplateSelect.singleton().show( _this.model.file.palete(), node);
+                    Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false,time);
+            });
+            this.el.drag_drop.connect( (  ctx, x, y, time)  => {
+                  //Seed.print("TARGET: drag-drop");
+                var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);
+               if (src != this.el) {
+                   this.drag_in_motion = false;   
+                        // request data that will be recieved by the recieve...              
+                    Gtk.drag_get_data
+                    (
+                            this.el,         // will receive 'drag-data-received' signal 
+                            ctx,        // represents the current state of the DnD 
+                            Gdk.Atom.intern("application/json",true),    // the target type we want 
+                            time            // time stamp 
+                    );
+                    // No target offered by source => error
+                     return  false;
+                 }
+                 // handle drop around self..
+                //print("GETTING POS");
+                var  targetData = "";
+                Gtk.TreePath path;
+                Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos;
+                var isOver = _this.view.el.get_dest_row_at_pos(this.drag_x,this.drag_y, out path, out pos);
+                // if there are not items in the tree.. the we have to set isOver to true for anything..
+                var isEmpty = false;
+                if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {
+                    print("got NO children?\n");
+                    isOver = true; //??? 
+                    isEmpty = true;
+                    pos = Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER;
+                }
+                //var action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY;
+                    // unless we are copying!!! ctl button..
+                var action = (ctx.get_actions() & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0 ?
+                             Gdk.DragAction.COPY  : Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ;
+                            // Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY ;
+                if (_this.model.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {
+                    // no children.. -- asume it's ok..
+                    targetData = "|%d|".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);
+                    // continue through to allow drop...
+                } else {
+                            //print("ISOVER? " + isOver);
+                    if (!isOver) {
+                        Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..
+                        return true; // not over apoint!?! - no action on drop or motion..
+                    }
+                    // drag node is parent of child..
+                    //console.log("SRC TREEPATH: " + src.treepath);
+                    //console.log("TARGET TREEPATH: " + data.path.to_string());
+                    // nned to check a  few here..
+                    //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER
+                    //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE
+                    //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER
+                    //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE
+                    // locally dragged items to not really use the 
+                    var selection_text = this.dragData;
+                    if (selection_text == null || selection_text.length < 1) {
+                        //print("Error  - drag selection text returned NULL");
+                         Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..
+                         return true; /// -- fixme -- this is not really correct..
+                    }                
+                            // see if we are dragging into ourself?
+                            print ("got selection text of  " + selection_text);
+                    var target_path = path.to_string();
+                    //print("target_path="+target_path);
+                    // 
+                    if (selection_text  == target_path) {
+                        print("self drag ?? == we should perhaps allow copy onto self..\n");
+                         Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..
+                         return true; /// -- fixme -- this is not really correct..
+                    }
+                    // check that 
+                    //print("DUMPING DATA");
+                    //console.dump(data);
+                    // path, pos
+                    //print(data.path.to_string() +' => '+  data.pos);
+                    // dropList is a list of xtypes that this node could be dropped on.
+                    // it is set up when we start to drag..
+                    targetData = _this.model.findDropNodeByPath( path.to_string(), this.dropList, pos);
+                    print("targetDAta: " + targetData +"\n");
+                    if (targetData.length < 1) {
+                        //print("Can not find drop node path");
+                        Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false, time);        // drop failed..
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                            // continue on to allow drop..
+              }
+                    // at this point, drag is not in motion... -- as checked above... - so it's a real drop event..
+                 var delete_selection_data = false;
+                if (action == Gdk.DragAction.ASK)  {
+                    /* Ask the user to move or copy, then set the ctx action. */
+                }
+                if (action == Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) {
+                    delete_selection_data = true;
+                }
+                            // drag around.. - reorder..
+                _this.model.moveNode(targetData, action);
+                    // we can send stuff to souce here...
+            // do we always say failure, so we handle the reall drop?
+                Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, false, false,time); //delete_selection_data, time);
+                return true;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public           void highlightDropPath ( string treepath, Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition pos) {
+                // highlighting for drag/drop
+                if (treepath.length > 0) {
+                    this.el.set_drag_dest_row(  new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath ), pos);
+                  } else {
+                    this.el.set_drag_dest_row(null, Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);
+                 }
+        }
+        public void setCursor (string treepath, string sourceEvent)   {
+               this.lastEventSource = sourceEvent;
+               //this.blockChanges = true; << block changes prevents loading of 'node data' and firing of node_selected..
+            this.el.set_cursor(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath), null, false); 
+            // fire node_selected..
+            //this.blockChanges = false;
+               this.lastEventSource = "";
+        }
+        public           void selectNode (string treepath_str, string source) {
+               this.lastEventSource = source;
+            //this.selection.select_path(new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath_str));
+             var tp = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath_str);
+             this.el.set_cursor(tp, null, false);  
+             this.el.scroll_to_cell(tp, null, false, 0,0);
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_model : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeStore el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public DialogTemplateSelect template_select;
+        public string activePath;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_model(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.model = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeStore( 3, typeof(string),typeof(string),typeof(Object) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.template_select = null;
+            this.activePath = "";
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            print("model initialized");
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public           string findDropNode (string treepath_str, string[] targets) {
+            // this is used by the dragdrop code in the roo version AFAIR..
+            //var path = treepath_str.replace(/^builder-/, '');
+            // treemap is depreciated... - should really check if model has any entries..
+            if (this.el.iter_n_children(null) < 1) {
+                //print("NO KEYS");
+                return "|%d".printf((int)Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);
+            }
+            //print("FIND treepath: " + path);
+            //console.dump(this.treemap);
+            //if (!treepath_str.match(/^builder-/)) {
+            //    return []; // nothing!
+            //}
+            if (targets.length > 0 && targets[0] == "*") {
+                return  treepath_str;
+            }
+            return this.findDropNodeByPath(treepath_str,targets, -1);
+        }
+        public           void loadFile (JsRender.JsRender f) {
+            //console.dump(f);
+            this.el.clear();
+            // needed???
+            _this.main_window.windowstate.file = f;
+            if (f.tree == null) {
+                   try {
+                       f.loadItems( );
+                } catch (Error e) {
+                       return;
+                }
+            }
+            // if it's still null?
+            if (f.tree == null) {
+                return;
+            }
+            var o = new Gee.ArrayList<JsRender.Node>();
+            o.add(f.tree);
+            this.load(o,null);
+            _this.view.el.expand_all();
+            if (f.tree.items.size < 1) {
+                // single item..
+                //this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(80);
+                // select first...
+                _this.view.el.set_cursor( 
+                    new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string("0"), null, false);
+            } else {
+                  //this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(200);
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        public    void updateSelected () {
+            var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();
+             Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+            if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {
+                return; // nothing seleted..
+            }
+          GLib.Value value;
+            this.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);
+            var node = (JsRender.Node)(value.get_object());
+              this.el.set(iter, 0, node.nodeTitle(),
+                        1, node.nodeTip(), -1
+                );
+        }
+        public           string findDropNodeByPath (string treepath_str, string[] targets, int in_pref = -1) {
+            var path = treepath_str; // dupe it..
+            // pref : 3 = ontop - 0 = after, 1 = before
+            int pref = in_pref < 0  ?  Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER : in_pref;
+            var last = "";
+            //console.dump(this.treemap);
+            print("findDropNodeByPath : got path length %d / %s\n", path.length, path);
+            if (path.length == 0) {
+                // top drop. // just return empty..
+                return "|%d".printf((int)pref) ;
+            }
+            while (path.length > 0) {
+                if (path.length == treepath_str.length && pref != Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER) {
+                    if (path.last_index_of(":") < 0 ) {
+                        return "";
+                    }
+                    path = path.substring(0, path.last_index_of(":"));
+                    last = treepath_str;
+                    print("DROP  before or after : using %s\n",path);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                //print("LOOKING FOR PATH: " + path);
+                var node_data = this.pathToNode(path);
+                if (node_data == null) {
+                    print("node not found");
+                    return "";
+                }
+                var xname = node_data.fqn();
+                var match = "";
+                var prop = "";
+                for (var i =0; i < targets.length; i++)  {
+                    var tg = targets[i];
+                    if ((tg == xname)  ) {
+                        match = tg;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    // if target is "xxxx:name"
+                    if (tg.contains(xname +":")) {
+                        match = tg;
+                        var ar = tg.split(":");
+                        prop = ar[1];
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (match.length > 0) {
+                    if (last.length > 0) { // pref is after/before..
+                        // then it's after last
+                        //if (pref > 1) {
+                        //    return "";
+                        //}
+                        return last + "|%d".printf((int)pref) + "|" + prop;
+                    }
+                    // we need to add prop - as :store -> needs to bee added when dropping onto.
+                    return path + "|%d".printf( (int) Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER)  + "|" + prop;
+                }
+                /*
+                last = "" + path;
+                var par = path.split(":");
+                string [] ppar = {};
+                for (var i = 0; i < par.length-1; i++) {
+                    ppar += par[i];
+                }
+                path = string.joinv(":", ppar);
+                */
+                break;
+            }
+            return "";
+        }
+        public           void moveNode (string target_data, Gdk.DragAction action) 
+        {
+           /// target_data = "path|pos");
+            //print("MOVE NODE");
+            // console.dump(target_data);
+            Gtk.TreeIter old_iter;
+            Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+            var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();
+            s.get_selected(out mod , out old_iter);
+            mod.get_path(old_iter);
+            var node = this.pathToNode(mod.get_path(old_iter).to_string());
+            //console.dump(node);
+            if (node == null) {
+                print("moveNode: ERROR - node is null?");
+            }
+            // needs to drop first, otherwise the target_data 
+            // treepath will be invalid.
+            if ((action & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) > 0) {
+                    print("REMOVING OLD NODE : " + target_data + "\n");
+                    node.remove();
+                    this.dropNode(target_data, node, false);
+                    this.el.remove(ref old_iter);
+            } else {
+                print("DROPPING NODE // copy: " + target_data + "\n");
+                node = node.deepClone();
+                this.dropNode(target_data, node, false);
+            }
+            _this.changed();
+            this.activePath= "";
+            //this.updateNode(false,true);
+        }
+        public           void load (Gee.ArrayList<JsRender.Node> tr, Gtk.TreeIter? iter) 
+        {
+            Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+            //this.insert(citer,iter,0);
+            for(var i =0 ; i < tr.size; i++) {
+                if (iter != null) {
+                    this.el.insert(out citer,iter,-1); // why not append?
+                } else {
+                    this.el.append(out citer,null);
+                }
+                this.el.set(citer, 0, tr.get(i).nodeTitle(),
+                        1, tr.get(i).nodeTip(), -1
+                );
+                var o =   GLib.Value(typeof(Object));
+                o.set_object((Object)tr.get(i));
+                this.el.set_value(citer, 2, o);
+                if (tr.get(i).items.size > 0) {
+                    this.load(tr.get(i).items, citer);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        public           void deleteSelected () {
+            print("DELETE SELECTED?");
+            //_this.view.blockChanges = true;
+            print("GET SELECTION?");
+            var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();
+            print("GET  SELECTED?");
+           Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+            Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+            if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {
+                return; // nothing seleted..
+            }
+            this.activePath= "";      
+            print("GET  vnode value?");
+            GLib.Value value;
+            this.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);
+            var data = (JsRender.Node)(value.get_object());
+            print("removing node from Render\n");
+            if (data.parent == null) {
+               _this.main_window.windowstate.file.tree = null;
+            } else {
+                data.remove();
+            }
+            print("removing node from Tree\n");    
+            s.unselect_all();
+            this.el.remove(ref iter);
+            // 
+            this.activePath= ""; // again!?!?      
+            //this.changed(null,true);
+            _this.changed();
+            _this.view.blockChanges = false;
+        }
+        public           JsRender.Node pathToNode (string path) {
+             Gtk.TreeIter   iter;
+             _this.model.el.get_iter_from_string(out iter, path);
+             GLib.Value value;
+             _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);
+             return (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();
+        }
+        public           void dropNode (string target_data_str, JsRender.Node node, bool show_templates) {
+        //         print("drop Node");
+             // console.dump(node);
+          //    console.dump(target_data);
+                // 0 = before , 1=after 2/3 onto
+                var target_data= target_data_str.split("|");
+                var parent_str = target_data[0].length > 0 ? target_data[0] : "";
+                var pos = target_data.length > 1 ? int.parse(target_data[1]) : 2; // ontop..
+                Gtk.TreePath tree_path  =   parent_str.length > 0 ? new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( parent_str ) : null;
+                //print("add " + tp + "@" + target_data[1]  );
+                JsRender.Node parentNode = null;
+                Gtk.TreeIter iter_after;
+                Gtk.TreeIter iter_par ;
+                 if (target_data.length == 3 && target_data[2].length > 0) {
+                    node.props.set("* prop", target_data[2]);
+                }
+                Gtk.TreePath expand_parent = null;
+                // we only need to show the template if it's come from else where?
+                 if (show_templates) {
+                     var ts = _this.main_window.windowstate.template_select;
+                     var new_node =
+                          _this.main_window, // (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_toplevel (),
+                         _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete(),
+                            node,
+                            _this.main_window.windowstate.project);
+                     if (new_node == null) {
+                         return; // do not add?
+                     }
+                     node = new_node;
+                }        
+                 //print("pos is %d  \n".printf(pos));
+                 Gtk.TreeIter n_iter; 
+                 if ( parent_str.length < 1) {
+                      this.el.append(out n_iter, null); // drop at top level..
+                      node.parent = null;
+                      _this.main_window.windowstate.file.tree = node;
+                } else   if (pos  < 2) {
+                    //print(target_data[1]  > 0 ? 'insert_after' : 'insert_before');
+                    this.el.get_iter(out iter_after, tree_path );            
+                    this.el.iter_parent(out iter_par, iter_after);
+                    expand_parent = this.el.get_path(iter_par);
+                    GLib.Value value;
+                    this.el.get_value( iter_par, 2, out value);
+                    parentNode =  (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();
+                    this.el.get_value( iter_after, 2, out value);
+                    var relNode =  (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();
+                    if ( pos  > 0 ) {
+                        this.el.insert_after(out n_iter,    iter_par  , iter_after);
+                        var ix = parentNode.items.index_of(relNode);
+                        parentNode.items.insert(ix+1, node);
+                    } else {
+                        this.el.insert_before(out n_iter,  iter_par  , iter_after);
+                        var ix = parentNode.items.index_of(relNode);
+                        parentNode.items.insert(ix, node);
+                    }
+                    node.parent = parentNode;
+                } else {
+                   //  print("appending to  " + parent_str);
+                    this.el.get_iter(out iter_par, tree_path);
+                    this.el.append(out n_iter,   iter_par );
+                    expand_parent = this.el.get_path(iter_par);
+                    GLib.Value value;
+                    this.el.get_value( iter_par, 2, out value);
+                    parentNode =  (JsRender.Node)value.dup_object();
+                    node.parent = parentNode;
+                    parentNode.items.add(node);
+                }
+                // reparent node in tree...
+                // why only on no parent???
+                //if (node.parent = null) {
+                //}
+                // work out what kind of packing to use.. -- should be in 
+                if (!node.has("pack")   && parent_str.length > 1) {
+                    _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete().fillPack(node,parentNode);
+                }
+                // add the node...
+                this.el.set(n_iter, 0, node.nodeTitle(), 1, node.nodeTip(), -1  );
+                var o =   GLib.Value(typeof(Object));
+                o.set_object((Object)node);
+                this.el.set_value(n_iter, 2, o);
+        // load children - if it has any..
+                if (node.items.size > 0) {
+                    this.load(node.items, n_iter);
+                    _this.view.el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(n_iter), true);
+                } else if (expand_parent != null && !_this.view.el.is_row_expanded(expand_parent)) {
+                   _this.view.el.expand_row(expand_parent,true);
+                }
+                //if (tp != null && (node.items.length() > 0 || pos > 1)) {
+                //    _this.view.el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(iter_par), true);
+               // }
+                // wee need to get the empty proptypes from somewhere..
+                //var olditer = this.activeIter;
+                this.activePath = this.el.get_path(n_iter).to_string();
+                _this.view.el.set_cursor(this.el.get_path(n_iter), null, false);
+                _this.changed();
+        }
+        public string treePathFromNode (JsRender.Node node) {
+            // iterate through the tree and find the node
+            var ret = "";
+            this.el.foreach((mod, pth, iter) => {
+                // get the node..
+                 GLib.Value value;
+                 _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 2, out value);
+                 var n = (JsRender.Node)value;
+                 print("compare %s to %s\n", n.fqn(), node.fqn());
+                if (node == n) {
+                    ret = pth.to_string();
+                    return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+            });
+            return ret;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn4 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeViewColumn4(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "test";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_renderer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.renderer.el , "markup", 0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_renderer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_renderer(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.renderer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_LeftTreeMenu : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Menu el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_LeftTreeMenu(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.LeftTreeMenu = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Menu();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_MenuItem7( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_MenuItem8( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_1.el  );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_MenuItem9( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_2.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem7 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem7(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Delete Element";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( ( ) => {
+                print("ACTIVATE?");
+                 _this.model.deleteSelected();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem8 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem8(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Save as Template";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( () => {
+                 DialogSaveTemplate.singleton().show(
+                        (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_toplevel (), 
+                        _this.main_window.windowstate.file.palete(), 
+                        _this.getActiveElement()
+                );
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_MenuItem9 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.MenuItem el;
+        private Xcls_WindowLeftTree  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_MenuItem9(Xcls_WindowLeftTree _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.MenuItem();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Save as Module";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.activate.connect( () => {
+                var node = _this.getActiveElement();
+                 var name = DialogSaveModule.singleton().show(
+                        (Gtk.Window) _this.el.get_toplevel (), 
+                        _this.main_window.windowstate.project, 
+                        node
+                 );
+                 if (name.length < 1) {
+                        return;
+                 }
+                 node.props.set("* xinclude", name);
+                 node.items.clear();
+                var s = _this.view.el.get_selection();
+                print("GET  SELECTED?");
+                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                if (!s.get_selected(out mod, out iter)) {
+                    return; // nothing seleted..
+                }
+                Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+                var n_cn = mod.iter_n_children(iter) -1;
+                for (var i = n_cn; i > -1; i--) {
+                    mod.iter_nth_child(out citer, iter, i);
+                    print("removing node from Tree\n");    
+                    _this.model.el.remove(ref citer);
+                }
+                _this.changed();
+                _this.node_selected(node, "tree");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowRightPalete.bjs b/src/Builder4/WindowRightPalete.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ee0957d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ "name" : "WindowRightPalete",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/WindowRightPalete.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "id" : "RightPalete",
+   "@ void after_node_change(JsRender.Node? node)" : "",
+   "* pack" : "add",
+   "xtype" : "Box",
+   "@ void before_node_change(JsRender.Node? node)" : "",
+   "| void load" : " (Palete.Palete pal, string cls ) {\n   \n   // this.get('model').expanded();\n    \n    var tr = pal.getChildList(cls);\n    this.model.el.clear();\n\n\n    Gtk.TreeIter citer;\n\n    for(var i =0 ; i < tr.length; i++) {\n         this.model.el.append(out citer);   \n         \n        this.model.el.set_value(citer, 0,   tr[i] ); // title \n        \n    }\n    this.model.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);\n    \n} \n\n",
+   "@ void drag_end()" : "",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "| void clear" : "() {\n   this.model.el.clear();\n} ",
+   "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "id" : "viewbox",
+     "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+     "xtype" : "Box",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "* init" : "  this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n   this.el.set_size_request(-1,200);\n \n",
+       "$ shadow_type" : "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
+       "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+       "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "button_press_event" : " ( event) => {\n\n //\tif (!this.get('/Editor').save()) {\n //\t    // popup!! - click handled.. \n// \t    return true;\n//        }\n    return false;\n}",
+          "drag_begin" : "  ( ctx) => {\n    // we could fill this in now...\n//        Seed.print('SOURCE: drag-begin');\n        \n        \n        \n        Gtk.TreeIter iter;\n        var s = this.el.get_selection();\n        \n        Gtk.TreeModel mod;\n        s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);\n        var path = mod.get_path(iter);\n        \n        /// pix is a surface..\n        var pix = this.el.create_row_drag_icon ( path);\n            \n                \n        Gtk.drag_set_icon_surface (ctx, pix);\n        GLib.Value value;\n        \n\n        _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 0, out value);\n        \n        this.dragData = (string) value;\n         \n        \n        return;\n}",
+          "drag_end" : "( drag_context)  => {\n \t print(\"SOURCE: drag-end\\n\");\n\t\n\tthis.dragData = \"\";\n\t//this.dropList = null;\n\t_this.drag_end(); // call signal..\n\t//this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(false);\n\t \n}",
+          "drag_data_get" : "(drag_context, selection_data, info, time) => {\n \t//Seed.print('Palete: drag-data-get: ' + target_type);\n    if (this.dragData.length < 1 ) {\n        return; \n    }\n    \n    print(\"setting drag data to %s\\n\", this.dragData);\n   // selection_data.set_text(this.dragData ,this.dragData.length);\n   selection_data.set (selection_data.get_target (), 8, (uchar[]) this.dragData.to_utf8 ());\n\n        //this.el.dragData = \"TEST from source widget\";\n        \n        \n}"
+         },
+         "# string dragData" : "",
+         "* init" : " {\n    this.el.set_size_request(150,-1);\n                          //  set_reorderable: [1]\n                                  \n    var description = new Pango.FontDescription();\n    description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);\n    \n    var selection = this.el.get_selection();\n    selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n   // this.selection.signal['changed'].connect(function() {\n    //    _view.listeners['cursor-changed'].apply(_view, [ _view, '']);\n    //});\n    // see:\n     \n    Gtk.drag_source_set (\n            this.el,            /* widget will be drag-able */\n            Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK,       /* modifier that will start a drag */\n            BuilderApplication.targetList,            /* lists of target to support */\n            Gdk.DragAction.COPY         /* what to do with data after dropped */\n    );\n    //Gtk.drag_source_set_target_list(this.el, LeftTree.targetList);\n   \n   // Gtk.drag_source_set_target_list(this.el, Application.targetList);\n   // Gtk.drag_source_add_text_targets(this.el); \n \n}\n",
+         "xtype" : "TreeView",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "$ enable_tree_lines" : true,
+         "$ headers_visible" : true,
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "| string getValue" : " (Gtk.TreeIter iter, int col)  {\n    GLib.Value gval;\n     this.el.get_value(iter, col , out gval);\n    return  (string)gval;\n    \n    \n}",
+           "id" : "model",
+           "* pack" : "set_model",
+           "xtype" : "ListStore",
+           "$ columns" : "typeof(string),typeof(string)",
+           "n_columns" : 2,
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          },
+          {
+           "utf8 title" : "Drag to add Object",
+           "* init" : " this.el.add_attribute(_this.txtrender.el , \"markup\", 0 );\n \n",
+           "* pack" : "append_column",
+           "xtype" : "TreeViewColumn",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "id" : "txtrender",
+             "xtype" : "CellRendererText",
+             "* pack" : "pack_start,true",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            }
+           ]
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowRightPalete.vala b/src/Builder4/WindowRightPalete.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..046771a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+static Xcls_RightPalete  _RightPalete;
+public class Xcls_RightPalete : Object
+    public Gtk.Box el;
+    private Xcls_RightPalete  _this;
+    public static Xcls_RightPalete singleton()
+    {
+        if (_RightPalete == null) {
+            _RightPalete= new Xcls_RightPalete();
+        }
+        return _RightPalete;
+    }
+    public Xcls_viewbox viewbox;
+    public Xcls_model model;
+    public Xcls_txtrender txtrender;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public signal void after_node_change(JsRender.Node? node) ;
+    public signal void before_node_change(JsRender.Node? node) ;
+    public signal void drag_end() ;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_RightPalete()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        // set gobject values
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_viewbox( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void load (Palete.Palete pal, string cls ) {
+       // this.get('model').expanded();
+        var tr = pal.getChildList(cls);
+        this.model.el.clear();
+        Gtk.TreeIter citer;
+        for(var i =0 ; i < tr.length; i++) {
+             this.model.el.append(out citer);   
+            this.model.el.set_value(citer, 0,   tr[i] ); // title 
+        }
+        this.model.el.set_sort_column_id(0,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);
+    }
+    public void clear () {
+       this.model.el.clear();
+    }
+    public class Xcls_viewbox : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_RightPalete  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_viewbox(Xcls_RightPalete _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.viewbox = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow3( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow3 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_RightPalete  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow3(Xcls_RightPalete _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.IN;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_TreeView4( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+               this.el.set_size_request(-1,200);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeView4 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeView el;
+        private Xcls_RightPalete  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public string dragData;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeView4(Xcls_RightPalete _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.enable_tree_lines = true;
+            this.el.headers_visible = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_model( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_model (  child_0.el  );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_TreeViewColumn6( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.append_column (  child_1.el  );
+            // init method
+            {
+                this.el.set_size_request(150,-1);
+                                      //  set_reorderable: [1]
+                var description = new Pango.FontDescription();
+                description.set_size(8000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);
+                var selection = this.el.get_selection();
+                selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);
+               // this.selection.signal['changed'].connect(function() {
+                //    _view.listeners['cursor-changed'].apply(_view, [ _view, '']);
+                //});
+                // see:
+                Gtk.drag_source_set (
+                        this.el,            /* widget will be drag-able */
+                        Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK,       /* modifier that will start a drag */
+                        BuilderApplication.targetList,            /* lists of target to support */
+                        Gdk.DragAction.COPY         /* what to do with data after dropped */
+                );
+                //Gtk.drag_source_set_target_list(this.el, LeftTree.targetList);
+               // Gtk.drag_source_set_target_list(this.el, Application.targetList);
+               // Gtk.drag_source_add_text_targets(this.el); 
+            }
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_press_event.connect( ( event) => {
+             //        if (!this.get('/Editor').save()) {
+             //            // popup!! - click handled.. 
+            //             return true;
+            //        }
+                return false;
+            });
+            this.el.drag_begin.connect( ( ctx) => {
+                // we could fill this in now...
+            //        Seed.print('SOURCE: drag-begin');
+                    Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+                    var s = this.el.get_selection();
+                    Gtk.TreeModel mod;
+                    s.get_selected(out mod, out iter);
+                    var path = mod.get_path(iter);
+                    /// pix is a surface..
+                    var pix = this.el.create_row_drag_icon ( path);
+                    Gtk.drag_set_icon_surface (ctx, pix);
+                    GLib.Value value;
+                    _this.model.el.get_value(iter, 0, out value);
+                    this.dragData = (string) value;
+                    return;
+            });
+            this.el.drag_end.connect( ( drag_context)  => {
+                print("SOURCE: drag-end\n");
+               this.dragData = "";
+               //this.dropList = null;
+               _this.drag_end(); // call signal..
+               //this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(false);
+            });
+            this.el.drag_data_get.connect( (drag_context, selection_data, info, time) => {
+               //Seed.print('Palete: drag-data-get: ' + target_type);
+                if (this.dragData.length < 1 ) {
+                    return; 
+                }
+                print("setting drag data to %s\n", this.dragData);
+               // selection_data.set_text(this.dragData ,this.dragData.length);
+               selection_data.set (selection_data.get_target (), 8, (uchar[]) this.dragData.to_utf8 ());
+                    //this.el.dragData = "TEST from source widget";
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_model : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ListStore el;
+        private Xcls_RightPalete  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_model(Xcls_RightPalete _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.model = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ListStore( 2, typeof(string),typeof(string) );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public string getValue (Gtk.TreeIter iter, int col)  {
+            GLib.Value gval;
+             this.el.get_value(iter, col , out gval);
+            return  (string)gval;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_TreeViewColumn6 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.TreeViewColumn el;
+        private Xcls_RightPalete  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_TreeViewColumn6(Xcls_RightPalete _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.title = "Drag to add Object";
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_txtrender( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true );
+            // init method
+            this.el.add_attribute(_this.txtrender.el , "markup", 0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_txtrender : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CellRendererText el;
+        private Xcls_RightPalete  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_txtrender(Xcls_RightPalete _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.txtrender = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs b/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ffd6261
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ "name" : "WindowRooView",
+ "parent" : "",
+ "title" : "",
+ "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs",
+ "permname" : "",
+ "modOrder" : "",
+ "build_module" : "builder",
+ "items" : [
+  {
+   "| void scroll_to_line" : "(int line) {\n = 1;// code preview...\n   \n   GLib.Timeout.add(500, () => {\n   \n   \n\t   \n\t   \n\t\t  var buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();\n\t \n\t\tvar sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;\n\n\n\t\tGtk.TextIter iter;   \n\t\tsbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  line);\n\t\tthis.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);\n\t\treturn false;\n\t});   \n\n   \n}\n",
+   "id" : "WindowRooView",
+   "# Gtk.Widget lastObj" : "null",
+   "| void createThumb" : "() {\n    \n    \n    if (this.file == null) {\n        return;\n    }\n\tif ( > 0 ) {\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    var filename = this.file.getIconFileName(false);\n    \n    var  win = this.el.get_parent_window();\n    var width = win.get_width();\n  //  var height = win.get_height();\n    try { \n        Gdk.Pixbuf screenshot = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(win, 0, 0, width, this.paned.el.position);\n,\"png\");\n    } catch(Error e) {\n        //noop\n    }\n\n    \n     \n    \n     \n}\n",
+   "| void loadFile" : "\n(JsRender.JsRender file)\n{\n    this.file = file;\n    this.view.renderJS(true);\n = 0;// gtk preview \n    this.sourceview.loadFile();   \n    \n}\n \n ",
+   "int width" : 0,
+   "bool hexpand" : true,
+   "| int search" : "(string txt) {\n\ = 1;\n \tvar s = new Gtk.SourceSearchSettings();\n\tvar buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();\n\tthis.searchcontext = new Gtk.SourceSearchContext(buf,s);\n\tthis.searchcontext.set_highlight(true);\n\ts.set_search_text(txt);\n\t\n\tGtk.TextIter beg, st,en;\n\t \n\tbuf.get_start_iter(out beg);\n\tthis.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en);\n\tthis.last_search_end  = 0;\n\treturn this.searchcontext.get_occurrences_count();\n\n   \n}\n",
+   "int last_search_end" : 0,
+   "xtype" : "Box",
+   "Gtk.SourceSearchContext searchcontext" : "",
+   "# JsRender.JsRender file" : "null",
+   "int height" : 0,
+   "| void requestRedraw" : "() {\n    this.view.renderJS(false);\n    this.sourceview.loadFile();   \n}",
+   "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+   "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+   "# Xcls_MainWindow main_window" : "",
+   "| void forwardSearch" : "(bool change_focus) {\n\n\tif (this.searchcontext == null) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\ = 1;\n\tGtk.TextIter beg, st,en, stl;\n\t\n\tvar buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();\n\tbuf.get_iter_at_offset(out beg, this.last_search_end);\n\tif (!this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en)) {\n\t\tthis.last_search_end = 0;\n\t} else { \n\t\tthis.last_search_end = en.get_offset();\n\t\tif (change_focus) {\n\t\t\tthis.sourceview.el.grab_focus();\n\t\t}\n\t\tbuf.place_cursor(st);\n\t\tvar ln = st.get_line();\n\t\tbuf.get_iter_at_line(out stl,ln);\n\t\t \n\t\tthis.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(stl,  0.0f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);\n\t}\n\n}\n",
+   "items" : [
+    {
+     "id" : "notebook",
+     "xtype" : "Notebook",
+     "* pack" : "pack_start,true,true,0",
+     "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+     "items" : [
+      {
+       "id" : "label_preview",
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "* pack" : false,
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "utf8 label" : "Preview"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "label_code",
+       "* pack" : false,
+       "xtype" : "Label",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "utf8 label" : "Preview Generated Code"
+      },
+      {
+       "id" : "paned",
+       "xtype" : "Paned",
+       "* pack" : "add",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "id" : "viewbox",
+         "xtype" : "Box",
+         "* pack" : "pack1,true,true",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL",
+         "$ homogeneous" : false,
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "$ vexpand" : false,
+           "* pack" : "pack_start,false,true,0",
+           "$ height_request" : 20,
+           "xtype" : "Box",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "Gtk.Orientation orientation" : "Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL",
+           "$ homogeneous" : true,
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "clicked" : "( ) => {\n    _this.view.renderJS(  true);\n}"
+             },
+             "label" : "Redraw",
+             "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+             "xtype" : "Button",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            },
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "toggled" : " (state) => {\n    this.el.set_label(  ? \"Auto Redraw On\" : \"Auto Redraw Off\");\n}"
+             },
+             "label" : "Auto Redraw On",
+             "id" : "AutoRedraw",
+             "$ active" : true,
+             "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+             "xtype" : "CheckButton",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            },
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "clicked" : " () => {\n  _this.view.redraws = 99;\n    _this.view.el.web_context.clear_cache();  \n  //_this.view.renderJS(true);\n  FakeServerCache.clear();\n  _this.view.reInit();\n\n}"
+             },
+             "label" : "Full Redraw",
+             "* pack" : "pack_start,false,false,0",
+             "xtype" : "Button",
+             "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+            }
+           ]
+          },
+          {
+           "id" : "viewcontainer",
+           "$ shadow_type" : "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
+           "* init" : "  this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n \n",
+           "* pack" : "pack_end,true,true,0",
+           "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+           "items" : [
+            {
+             "listeners" : {
+              "script_dialog" : " (dialog) => {\n    if (this.el == null) {\n        return true;\n    }\n    \n     var msg = dialog.get_message();\n     if (msg.length < 4) {\n        return false;\n     }\n     if (msg.substring(0,4) != \"IPC:\") {\n         return false;\n     }\n     var ar = msg.split(\":\", 3);\n    if (ar.length < 3) {\n        return false;\n    }\n    switch(ar[1]) {\n        case \"SAVEHTML\":\n            _this.file.saveHTML(ar[2]);\n            return true;\n        default:\n            return false;\n    }\n    \n}",
+              "show" : "  ( ) => {\n    this.initInspector();;\n}",
+              "drag_drop" : "  ( ctx, x, y,time, ud) => {\n    return false;\n    /*\n\tprint(\"TARGET: drag-drop\");\n        var is_valid_drop_site = true;\n        \n         \n        Gtk.drag_get_data\n        (\n                w,         // will receive 'drag-data-received' signal \n                ctx,        /* represents the current state of the DnD \n                this.get('/Window').atoms[\"STRING\"],    /* the target type we want \n                time            /* time stamp \n        );\n                        \n                        \n                        /* No target offered by source => error \n                       \n\n\treturn  is_valid_drop_site;\n\t*/\n}",
+              "load_changed" : "(le) => {\n    if (le != WebKit.LoadEvent.FINISHED) {\n        return;\n    }\n    if (this.runjs.length < 1) {\n        return;\n    }\n  //  this.el.run_javascript(this.runjs, null);\n     FakeServerCache.remove(    this.runjs);\n    this.runjs = \"\";\n}"
+             },
+             "# string renderedData" : "\"\"",
+             "id" : "view",
+             "# bool refreshRequired" : false,
+             "* init" : " {\n    // this may not work!?\n    var settings =  this.el.get_settings();\n    settings.enable_developer_extras = true;\n    \n    \n    var fs= new FakeServer(this.el);\n    fs.ref();\n    // this was an attempt to change the url perms.. did not work..\n    // settings.enable_file_access_from_file_uris = true;\n    // settings.enable_offline_web_application_cache - true;\n    // settings.enable_universal_access_from_file_uris = true;\n   \n     \n    \n    \n    \n\n     // FIXME - base url of script..\n     // we need it so some of the database features work.\n    this.el.load_html( \"Render not ready\" , \n            //fixme - should be a config option!\n            // or should we catch stuff and fix it up..\n            \"http://localhost/app.Builder/\"\n    );\n        \n        \n   //'file:///' + __script_path__ + '/../builder.html');\n    /*\n    Gtk.drag_dest_set\n    (\n            this.el,              //\n            Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION  | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT,\n            null,            // list of targets\n            Gdk.DragAction.COPY         // what to do with data after dropped \n    );\n                            \n   // print(\"RB: TARGETS : \" + LeftTree.atoms[\"STRING\"]);\n    Gtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, this.get('/Window').targetList);\n    */\n    GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1,  ()  =>{\n         //print(\"run refresh?\");\n         if (this.el == null) {\n            return false;\n         }\n         this.runRefresh(); \n         return true;\n     });\n    \n    \n}\n",
+             "| void reInit" : "() {\n   print(\"reInit?\");\n         // if this happens destroy the webkit..\n         // recreate it..\n     this.el.stop_loading();\n         \n     if (_this.viewbox.el.get_parent() == null) {\n        return;\n     }\n         \n         \n    _this.viewbox.el.remove(_this.viewcontainer.el);\n    _this.paned.el.remove(_this.inspectorcontainer.el);        \n         \n         // destory seems to cause problems.\n         //this.el.destroy();\n        //_this.viewcontainer.el.destroy();\n         //_this.inspectorcontainer.el.destroy();\n     var  inv =new Xcls_inspectorcontainer(_this);\n      inv.ref();\n      _this.paned.el.pack2(inv.el,true,true);\n      \n      \n     this.el = null;         \n     var nv =new Xcls_viewcontainer(_this);\n     nv.ref();\n     _this.viewbox.el.pack_end(nv.el,true,true,0);\n         \n         \n     inv.el.show_all();\n     nv.el.show_all();\n         //while(Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration ();\n         //_this.view.renderJS(true); \n     _this.view.refreshRequired  = true;\n}\n",
+             "* pack" : "add",
+             "redraws" : 0,
+             "xtype" : "WebView",
+             "# WebKit.WebInspector inspector" : "",
+             "# string runjs" : "\"\"",
+             "# int redraws" : 0,
+             "| void runRefresh" : " () \n{\n    // this is run every 2 seconds from the init..\n\n  \n    \n    if (!this.refreshRequired) {\n       // print(\"no refresh required\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    if (this.lastRedraw != null) {\n       // do not redraw if last redraw was less that 5 seconds ago.\n       if ((int64)(new DateTime.now_local()).difference(this.lastRedraw) < 5000 ) {\n            return;\n        }\n    }\n    \n    if (_this.file == null) {\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    \n     this.refreshRequired = false;\n   //  print(\"HTML RENDERING\");\n     \n     \n     //this.get('/BottomPane');\n     //this.get('/BottomPane').el.set_current_page(2);// webkit inspector\n    _this.file.webkit_page_id  = this.el.get_page_id();\n    \n    var js = _this.file.toSourcePreview();\n\n    if (js.length < 1) {\n        print(\"no data\");\n        return;\n    }\n//    var  data = js[0];\n    this.redraws++;\n  \n    var project = _this.file.project;  \n\n     //print (project.fn);\n     // set it to non-empty.\n     \n//     runhtml = runhtml.length ?  runhtml : '<script type=\"text/javascript\"></script>'; \n\n\n//   this.runhtml  = this.runhtml || '';\n \n \n    // then we need to reload the browser using\n    // load_html_string..\n\n    // then trigger a redraw once it's loaded..\n    this.pendingRedraw = true;\n\n    var runhtml = \"<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\">\\n\" ;\n    string builderhtml;\n    \n    try {\n        GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/roo.builder.js\", out builderhtml);\n    } catch (Error e) {\n        builderhtml = \"\";\n    }\n\n    runhtml += builderhtml + \"\\n\";\n    runhtml += \"</script>\\n\" ;\n\n    // fix to make sure they are the same..\n    this.runhtml = project.runhtml;\n    // need to modify paths\n\n    string inhtml;\n    var base_template = _this.file.project.base_template;\n    \n    if (base_template.length > 0 && !FileUtils.test(\n        BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/\" +  base_template, FileTest.EXISTS)  \n        ) {\n           print(\"invalid base_template name - using default:  %s\\n\", base_template);\n           base_template = \"\";\n    \n    }\n    try {\n        GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(\n            BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/\" + \n                (base_template.length > 0 ? base_template :  \"roo.builder.html\")\n                , out inhtml);\n    \n    } catch (Error e) {\n        inhtml = \"\";\n    }    \n    this.renderedData = js;\n\n\n    string js_src = js + \"\\n\" +\n\t\"Roo.onReady(function() {\\n\" +\n\t\"if (\" + +\".show) \" + +\".show({});\\n\" +\n\t\";\\n\" +\n\t\"});\\n\";\n\t\n   // print(\"render js: \" + js);\n    //if (!this.ready) {\n  //      console.log('not loaded yet');\n    //}\n    this.lastRedraw = new DateTime.now_local();\n\n\n    //this.runjs = js_src;\n    var fc =    FakeServerCache.factory_with_data(js_src);\n    this.runjs = fc.fname;\n    \n        var html = inhtml.replace(\"</head>\", runhtml + this.runhtml + \n            \"<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\" src=\\\"xhttp://localhost\" + fc.fname + \"\\\"></script>\" +   \n              //  \"<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\">\\n\" +\n              //  js_src + \"\\n\" + \n              //  \"</script>\" + \n                        \n        \"</head>\");\n        //print(\"LOAD HTML \" + html);\n        \n         var rootURL = _this.file.project.rootURL;\n   \n        \n        \n        this.el.load_html( html , \n            //fixme - should be a config option!\n            (rootURL.length > 0 ? rootURL : \"xhttp://localhost/app.Builder.js/\")\n        );\n        \n    // force the inspector...        \n       //   this.initInspector();\n        \n        // - no need for this, the builder javascript will call it when build is complete\n        //GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1, () => {\n        //    this.el.run_javascript(\"Builder.saveHTML()\",null);\n        //    return false;\n        //});\n//     print( \"before render\" +    this.lastRedraw);\n//    print( \"after render\" +    (new Date()));\n    \n}\n                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ",
+             "$ xns" : "WebKit",
+             "| void initInspector" : "() {\n    \n   /* if (this.inspector == this.el.get_inspector()) {\n;\n        this.inspector.open_window();        \n        print(\"init inspecter called, and inspector is the same as existing\\n\");\n        return;\n    }\n    print(\"new inspector?\\n\");\n*/\n    this.inspector = this.el.get_inspector();\n    this.inspector.ref();\n    \n    // got a new inspector...\n        \n    this.inspector.open_window.connect(() => {\n         this.inspector = this.el.get_inspector();\n        print(\"inspector attach\\n\");\n        var wv = this.inspector.get_web_view();\n        if (wv != null) {\n            print(\"got inspector web view\\n\");\n            \n            var cn = _this.inspectorcontainer.el.get_child();\n            if (cn != null) {\n                 _this.inspectorcontainer.el.remove(cn);\n             }\n            \n            _this.inspectorcontainer.el.add(wv);\n  ;\n        } else {\n            //this.inspector.close();\n            \n            //this.inspector = null;\n           \n \n        }\n        return true;\n       \n    });\n    /*\n    this.inspector.closed.connect(() => {\n         print(\"inspector closed?!?\");\n         // if this happens destroy the webkit..\n         // recreate it..\n         this.el.stop_loading();\n         \n         if (_this.viewbox.el.get_parent() == null) {\n            return;\n         }\n         \n         \n        _this.viewbox.el.remove(_this.viewcontainer.el);\n        _this.el.remove(_this.inspectorcontainer.el);        \n         \n         // destory seems to cause problems.\n         //this.el.destroy();\n        //_this.viewcontainer.el.destroy();\n         //_this.inspectorcontainer.el.destroy();\n\n         this.el = null;         \n         var nv =new Xcls_viewcontainer(_this);\n         nv.ref();\n         _this.viewbox.el.pack_end(nv.el,true,true,0);\n         \n          var  inv =new Xcls_inspectorcontainer(_this);\n          inv.ref();\n          _this.el.pack2(inv.el,true,true);\n         \n         inv.el.show_all();\n         nv.el.show_all();\n         //while(Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration ();\n         //_this.view.renderJS(true); \n         _this.view.refreshRequired  = true;\n       \n    }); \n    */\n    \n;\n}\n",
+             "# GLib.DateTime lastRedraw" : "null",
+             "# string runhtml" : "\"\"",
+             "# bool pendingRedraw" : false,
+             "| void renderJS" : "(bool force) {\n\n    // this is the public redraw call..\n    // we refresh in a loop privately..\n    var autodraw =;\n    if (!autodraw && !force) {\n        print(\"Skipping redraw - no force, and autodraw off\");\n        return;\n    }\n     \n    this.refreshRequired  = true;\n}\n"
+            }
+           ]
+          }
+         ]
+        },
+        {
+         "id" : "inspectorcontainer",
+         "$ shadow_type" : "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
+         "* init" : "  this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n \n",
+         "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+         "* pack" : "pack2,true,true",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+        }
+       ]
+      },
+      {
+       "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow",
+       "* pack" : "append_page,_this.label_code.el",
+       "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+       "items" : [
+        {
+         "listeners" : {
+          "button_release_event" : "() => {\n\tthis.onCursorChanged();\n\n\treturn false;\n}",
+          "key_press_event" : "() => {\n\tthis.onCursorChanged();\n\treturn false; \n}"
+         },
+         "gboolean show_line_marks" : true,
+         "| void onCursorChanged" : "(/*ParamSpec ps*/) {\n\t  if (this.loading) {\n            return;\n        }\n       // if ( != \"cursor-position\") {\n       //     return;\n       // }\n\n        var buf = this.el.get_buffer();\n        print(\"cursor changed : %d\\n\", buf.cursor_position);\n        Gtk.TextIter cpos;\n        buf.get_iter_at_offset(out cpos, buf.cursor_position);\n        \n        var ln = cpos.get_line();\n\t\tprint(\"cursor changed line : %d\\n\", ln);\n        var node = _this.file.lineToNode(ln+1);\n \n        if (node == null) {\n            print(\"can not find node\\n\");\n            return;\n        }\n        var prop = node.lineToProp(ln+1);\n        print(\"prop : %s\", prop == null ? \"???\" : prop);\n        \n        \n        \n        \n        // ---------- this selects the tree's node...\n        \n        var ltree = _this.main_window.windowstate.left_tree;\n        var tp = ltree.model.treePathFromNode(node);\n        print(\"got tree path %s\\n\", tp);\n        if (tp != \"\") {\n\t       this.allow_node_scroll = false; /// block node scrolling..\n\t       \n\t       \n\t        //print(\"changing cursor on tree..\\n\");\n\t       \n \n            \n            // let's try allowing editing on the methods.\n            // a little klunky at present..\n            this.prop_selected = \"\";\n            if (prop != null) {\n        \t\t//see if we can find it..\n        \t\tvar kv = prop.split(\":\");\n        \t\tif (kv[0] == \"p\") {\n        \t\t\n\t        \t\t//var k = prop.get_key(kv[1]);\n\t        \t\t// fixme -- need to determine if it's an editable property...\n\t        \t\tthis.prop_selected = prop;\n\t        \t\t\n        \t\t} else if (kv[0] == \"l\") {\n        \t\t\t this.prop_selected = prop;\n        \t\t\t\n        \t\t}\n            }\n            ltree.view.setCursor(tp, \"editor\");\n           // ltree.view.el.set_cursor(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(tp), null, false); \n           this.nodeSelected(node,false);\n            \n            // scrolling is disabled... as node selection calls scroll 10ms after it changes.\n            GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,100 , () => {\n\t            this.allow_node_scroll = true;\n\t            return false;\n            });\n        }\n        \n        // highlight the node..\n}\n ",
+         "id" : "sourceview",
+         "| void clearGreySelection" : "() {\n // clear all the marks..\n    var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)this.el.buffer;\n    \n    Gtk.TextIter start;\n    Gtk.TextIter end;     \n        \n    sbuf.get_bounds (out start, out end);\n    sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, \"grey\");\n    \n    \n}\n",
+         "* init" : "{\n   \n    var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string(\"monospace\");\n    description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.override_font(description);\n\n    this.loading = true;\n    //var buf = this.el.get_buffer();\n    //buf.notify.connect(this.onCursorChanged);\n  \n  \n  \n    var attrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  pink =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    pink.parse ( \"pink\");\n    attrs.set_background ( pink);\n    attrs.set_icon_name ( \"process-stop\");    \n    attrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {\n        //print(\"tooltip query? %s\\n\",;\n        return;\n    });\n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"ERR\", attrs, 1);\n    \n     var wattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  blue =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    blue.parse ( \"#ABF4EB\");\n    wattrs.set_background ( blue);\n    wattrs.set_icon_name ( \"process-stop\");    \n    wattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {\n        //print(\"tooltip query? %s\\n\",;\n        return;\n    });\n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"WARN\", wattrs, 1);\n    \n \n    \n     var dattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  purple =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    purple.parse ( \"#EEA9FF\");\n    dattrs.set_background ( purple);\n    dattrs.set_icon_name ( \"process-stop\");    \n    dattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {\n        //print(\"tooltip query? %s\\n\",;\n        return;\n    });\n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"DEPR\", dattrs, 1);\n    \n    \n    var gattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();\n    var  grey =   Gdk.RGBA();\n    grey.parse ( \"#ccc\");\n    gattrs.set_background ( grey);\n \n    \n    this.el.set_mark_attributes (\"grey\", gattrs, 1);\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n    \n}\n ",
+         "| void nodeSelected" : "(JsRender.Node? sel, bool scroll ) {\n  \n    \n\t\n    // this is connected in widnowstate\n\n\n\t// not sure why....   \n    while(Gtk.events_pending()) {\n        Gtk.main_iteration();\n    }\n    \n    this.node_selected = sel;\n    \n    this.updateGreySelection(scroll);\n    \n    \n    \n}\n\n   \n",
+         "bool loading" : true,
+         "| string toString" : "() {\n   Gtk.TextIter s;\n    Gtk.TextIter e;\n    this.el.get_buffer().get_start_iter(out s);\n    this.el.get_buffer().get_end_iter(out e);\n    var ret = this.el.get_buffer().get_text(s,e,true);\n    //print(\"TO STRING? \" + ret);\n    return ret;\n}\n",
+         "| void loadFile" : "( ) {\n    this.loading = true;\n    \n    \n    // get the cursor and scroll position....\n    var buf = this.el.get_buffer();\n\tvar cpos = buf.cursor_position;\n    \n   print(\"BEFORE LOAD cursor = %d\\n\", cpos);\n   \n    var vadj_pos = this.el.get_vadjustment().get_value();\n   \n    \n \n    buf.set_text(\"\",0);\n    var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;\n\n    \n\n    if (_this.file == null || _this.file.xtype != \"Roo\") {\n        print(\"xtype != Roo\");\n        this.loading = false;\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    // get the string from the rendered tree...\n     \n     var str = _this.file.toSource();\n     \n//    print(\"setting str %d\\n\", str.length);\n    buf.set_text(str, str.length);\n    var lm = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default();\n     \n    //?? is javascript going to work as js?\n    \n    ((Gtk.SourceBuffer)(buf)) .set_language(lm.get_language(_this.file.language));\n  \n    \n    Gtk.TextIter start;\n    Gtk.TextIter end;     \n        \n    sbuf.get_bounds (out start, out end);\n    sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, null); // remove all marks..\n    \n     GLib.Timeout.add(500, () => {\n\n        print(\"RESORTING cursor to = %d\\n\", cpos);\n\t\tGtk.TextIter cpos_iter;\n\t\tbuf.get_iter_at_offset(out cpos_iter, cpos);\n\t\tbuf.place_cursor(cpos_iter); \n\t\t\n\t\tthis.el.get_vadjustment().set_value(vadj_pos);;\n\t\t\n\n\t\tthis.onCursorChanged();\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t_this.buffer.checkSyntax();\n\t\treturn false;\n\t});\n\t\t\n    this.loading = false; \n    _this.buffer.dirty = false;\n}\n",
+         "* pack" : "add",
+         "xtype" : "SourceView",
+         "bool allow_node_scroll" : true,
+         "$ string prop_selected" : "\"\"",
+         "| void updateGreySelection" : "(bool scroll) { \n\tvar sel = this.node_selected;\n\tprint(\"node selected\\n\");\n    var buf = this.el.get_buffer();\n    var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;\n\n   \n   this.clearGreySelection();\n   \n   \n   \n     if (sel == null) {\n\t     print(\"no selected node\\n\");\n        // no highlighting..\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    print(\"highlight region %d to %d\\n\", sel.line_start,sel.line_end);\n    Gtk.TextIter iter;   \n    sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  sel.line_start);\n    \n    \n    Gtk.TextIter cur_iter;\n    sbuf.get_iter_at_offset(out cur_iter, sbuf.cursor_position);\n   \n    var cursor_at_line = cur_iter.get_line();\n    \n    \n    //var cur_line = cur_iter.get_line();\n    //if (cur_line > sel.line_start && cur_line < sel.line_end) {\n    \n    //} else {\n    if (scroll) {\n\t\tprint(\"scrolling to node -- should occur on node picking.\\n\");\n    \tthis.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);\n\t}\n    \n    var start_line = sel.line_start;\n    var end_line = sel.line_end;\n    \n    \n    this.el.editable = false;\n    \n    var colon_pos = 0;\n    \n    // now if we have selected a property...\n    if (this.prop_selected.length> 0 ) {\n\n\t\tint nstart, nend;\n\t\tif (sel.getPropertyRange(this.prop_selected, out nstart, out nend) && nend > nstart) {\n\t\t\tstart_line = nstart;\n\t\t\tend_line = nend;\n\t\t\tthis.el.editable = true;\n\t\t\tprint(\"start line = %d, end line = %d\\n\", start_line, end_line);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t// see if we are 'right of ':'\n\t\t\t\t// get an iter for the start of the line.\n\t\t\tGtk.TextIter start_line_iter,end_line_iter;\n\t\t\tthis.el.buffer.get_iter_at_line(out start_line_iter, start_line -1);\n\t\t\tthis.el.buffer.get_iter_at_line(out end_line_iter, start_line -1);\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (end_line_iter.forward_to_line_end()) {\n\t\t\t\tvar first_line  = this.el.buffer.get_text(start_line_iter, end_line_iter, false);\n\t\t\t\tprint(\"first line = %s\\n\", first_line);\n\t\t\t\tif (first_line.contains(\":\")) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcolon_pos = start_line_iter.get_offset() + first_line.index_of(\":\") + 1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tprint(\"colon_pos  = %d\\n\", colon_pos);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tprint(\"is cursor at line? %d ?= %d\\n\", start_line -1 , cursor_at_line);\n\t\t\tif (start_line - 1 == cursor_at_line) {\n\t\t\t\tprint(\"cursor is on current line.\\n\");\n\t\t\t\tvar before_cursor_string = this.el.buffer.get_text(start_line_iter, cur_iter, false);\n\t\t\t\tprint(\"before cursor string =  %s\\n\", before_cursor_string);\n\t\t\t\tif (!before_cursor_string.contains(\":\")) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.el.editable = false;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\tprint(\"propSelected = %s range  %d -> %d\\n\", this.prop_selected, start_line, end_line);\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n    }\n    \n\tprint(\"checking selection\\n\");\n    \n    \n    // check selection - if it's out of 'bounds'\n    if (this.el.editable && sbuf.get_has_selection()) {\n\t\tGtk.TextIter sel_start_iter, sel_end_iter;\n\t\tsbuf.get_selection_bounds(out sel_start_iter, out sel_end_iter);\n\t\t\n\t\tif (sel_start_iter.get_line() < start_line || sel_end_iter.get_line() > end_line ||\n\t\t\tsel_start_iter.get_line() > end_line   || sel_end_iter.get_line() < start_line\t\t\t) {\n\t\t\t// save?\n\t\t\tthis.el.editable = false;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (colon_pos > 0 &&\n\t\t\t(sel_start_iter.get_offset() < colon_pos || sel_end_iter.get_offset() < colon_pos)\n\t\t\t\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\tthis.el.editable = false;\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t \n    \n    }\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    for (var i = 0; i < buf.get_line_count();i++) {\n        if (i < (start_line -1) || i > (end_line -1)) {\n           \n            sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter, i);\n            sbuf.create_source_mark(null, \"grey\", iter);\n            \n        }\n    \n    }\n    if (scroll && (cursor_at_line > end_line || cursor_at_line < start_line)) {\n\t    Gtk.TextIter cpos_iter;\n\t\tbuf.get_iter_at_line(out cpos_iter, start_line);\n\t\t\n\t\tbuf.place_cursor(cpos_iter); \n\t}\n\n\n}",
+         "| void highlightErrorsJson" : " (string type, Json.Object obj) {\n       // this is a hook for the vala code - it has no value in javascript \n       // as we only have one error ususally....\n        return  ;\n    \n \n\n\n}",
+         "JsRender.Node? node_selected" : "null",
+         "$ xns" : "Gtk",
+         "gboolean show_line_numbers" : true,
+         "gboolean editable" : false,
+         "items" : [
+          {
+           "listeners" : {
+            "changed" : " () => {\n    // check syntax??\n    // ??needed..??\n   // _this.save_button.el.sensitive = true;\n    ///?? has changed occured during loading?\n    if (_this.sourceview.loading) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t\n    print(\"- PREVIEW EDITOR CHANGED--\");\n\n    this.dirty = true;    \n    if (!this.checkSyntax()) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\t\t\n    \n   // what are we editing??\n   \n\n\n\n\n    return ;\n}\n\n \n"
+           },
+           "bool dirty" : false,
+           "int error_line" : "-1",
+           "id" : "buffer",
+           "| bool highlightErrors" : "( Gee.HashMap<int,string> validate_res) {\n         \n    this.error_line = validate_res.size;\n\t\n    if (this.error_line < 1) {\n          return true;\n    }\n    var tlines = this.el.get_line_count ();\n    Gtk.TextIter iter;\n    var valiter = validate_res.map_iterator();\n    while ( {\n    \n//        print(\"get inter\\n\");\n        var eline = valiter.get_key();\n        if (eline > tlines) {\n            continue;\n        }\n        this.el.get_iter_at_line( out iter, eline);\n        //print(\"mark line\\n\");\n        this.el.create_source_mark(valiter.get_value(), \"ERR\", iter);\n    }   \n    return false;\n}",
+           "|   string toString" : "  () {\n    \n    Gtk.TextIter s;\n    Gtk.TextIter e;\n    this.el.get_start_iter(out s);\n    this.el.get_end_iter(out e);\n    var ret = this.el.get_text(s,e,true);\n    //print(\"TO STRING? \" + ret);\n    return ret;\n}\n ",
+           "|   bool checkSyntax" : " () {\n \n   \n    var str = this.toString();\n    \n    // needed???\n    if (this.error_line > 0) {\n         Gtk.TextIter start;\n         Gtk.TextIter end;     \n        this.el.get_bounds (out start, out end);\n\n        this.el.remove_source_marks (start, end, null);\n    }\n    \n    if (str.length < 1) {\n        print(\"checkSyntax - empty string?\\n\");\n        return false;\n    }\n    \n   if (_this.file == null) {\n       return false;\n   }\n    var p = Palete.factory(_this.file.xtype);  // returns Roo | Gtk  | PlainFile \n    \n \n    if (_this.file.language != \"js\") {\n\t\treturn false; // fake syntax error.\n\t}\n\t\n    //Gee.HashMap<int,string> ret_x;\n\n\treturn p.javascriptHasErrors(\n\t\t_this.main_window.windowstate,\n        str, \n         \"\", // _this.key, \n        \"file\", //_this.ptype,\n        _this.file, \n        null\n    );    \n     \n}\n",
+           "* pack" : "set_buffer",
+           "xtype" : "SourceBuffer",
+           "$ xns" : "Gtk"
+          }
+         ]
+        }
+       ]
+      }
+     ]
+    }
+   ]
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.vala b/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ecddd4d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1490 @@
+static Xcls_WindowRooView  _WindowRooView;
+public class Xcls_WindowRooView : Object
+    public Gtk.Box el;
+    private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+    public static Xcls_WindowRooView singleton()
+    {
+        if (_WindowRooView == null) {
+            _WindowRooView= new Xcls_WindowRooView();
+        }
+        return _WindowRooView;
+    }
+    public Xcls_notebook notebook;
+    public Xcls_label_preview label_preview;
+    public Xcls_label_code label_code;
+    public Xcls_paned paned;
+    public Xcls_viewbox viewbox;
+    public Xcls_AutoRedraw AutoRedraw;
+    public Xcls_viewcontainer viewcontainer;
+    public Xcls_view view;
+    public Xcls_inspectorcontainer inspectorcontainer;
+    public Xcls_sourceview sourceview;
+    public Xcls_buffer buffer;
+        // my vars (def)
+    public Gtk.Widget lastObj;
+    public int width;
+    public int last_search_end;
+    public Gtk.SourceSearchContext searchcontext;
+    public JsRender.JsRender file;
+    public int height;
+    public Xcls_MainWindow main_window;
+    // ctor
+    public Xcls_WindowRooView()
+    {
+        _this = this;
+        this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+        // my vars (dec)
+        this.lastObj = null;
+        this.width = 0;
+        this.last_search_end = 0;
+        this.file = null;
+        this.height = 0;
+        // set gobject values
+        this.el.hexpand = true;
+        var child_0 = new Xcls_notebook( _this );
+        child_0.ref();
+        this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , true,true,0 );
+    }
+    // user defined functions
+    public void scroll_to_line (int line) {
+ = 1;// code preview...
+       GLib.Timeout.add(500, () => {
+                 var buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();
+               var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;
+               Gtk.TextIter iter;   
+               sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  line);
+               this.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);
+               return false;
+       });   
+    }
+    public void createThumb () {
+        if (this.file == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+       if ( > 0 ) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var filename = this.file.getIconFileName(false);
+        var  win = this.el.get_parent_window();
+        var width = win.get_width();
+      //  var height = win.get_height();
+        try { 
+            Gdk.Pixbuf screenshot = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(win, 0, 0, width, this.paned.el.position);
+  ,"png");
+        } catch(Error e) {
+            //noop
+        }
+    }
+    public void loadFile (JsRender.JsRender file)
+    {
+        this.file = file;
+        this.view.renderJS(true);
+ = 0;// gtk preview 
+        this.sourceview.loadFile();   
+    }
+    public int search (string txt) {
+ = 1;
+       var s = new Gtk.SourceSearchSettings();
+       var buf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();
+       this.searchcontext = new Gtk.SourceSearchContext(buf,s);
+       this.searchcontext.set_highlight(true);
+       s.set_search_text(txt);
+       Gtk.TextIter beg, st,en;
+       buf.get_start_iter(out beg);
+       this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en);
+       this.last_search_end  = 0;
+       return this.searchcontext.get_occurrences_count();
+    }
+    public void requestRedraw () {
+        this.view.renderJS(false);
+        this.sourceview.loadFile();   
+    }
+    public void forwardSearch (bool change_focus) {
+       if (this.searchcontext == null) {
+               return;
+       }
+ = 1;
+       Gtk.TextIter beg, st,en, stl;
+       var buf = this.sourceview.el.get_buffer();
+       buf.get_iter_at_offset(out beg, this.last_search_end);
+       if (!this.searchcontext.forward(beg, out st, out en)) {
+               this.last_search_end = 0;
+       } else { 
+               this.last_search_end = en.get_offset();
+               if (change_focus) {
+                       this.sourceview.el.grab_focus();
+               }
+               buf.place_cursor(st);
+               var ln = st.get_line();
+               buf.get_iter_at_line(out stl,ln);
+               this.sourceview.el.scroll_to_iter(stl,  0.0f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);
+       }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_notebook : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Notebook el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_notebook(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.notebook = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Notebook();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_label_preview( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_label_code( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_paned( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_2.el  );
+            var child_3 = new Xcls_ScrolledWindow14( _this );
+            child_3.ref();
+            this.el.append_page (  child_3.el , _this.label_code.el );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_label_preview : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_label_preview(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.label_preview = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Preview" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_label_code : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Label el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_label_code(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.label_code = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Label( "Preview Generated Code" );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_paned : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Paned el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_paned(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.paned = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Paned( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_viewbox( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack1 (  child_0.el , true,true );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_inspectorcontainer( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack2 (  child_1.el , true,true );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_viewbox : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_viewbox(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.viewbox = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Box7( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,true,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_viewcontainer( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_end (  child_1.el , true,true,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Box7 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Box el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Box7(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Box( Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0 );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.homogeneous = true;
+            this.el.height_request = 20;
+            this.el.vexpand = false;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_Button8( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_0.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_1 = new Xcls_AutoRedraw( _this );
+            child_1.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_1.el , false,false,0 );
+            var child_2 = new Xcls_Button10( _this );
+            child_2.ref();
+            this.el.pack_start (  child_2.el , false,false,0 );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button8 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button8(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Redraw";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( ( ) => {
+                _this.view.renderJS(  true);
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_AutoRedraw : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.CheckButton el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_AutoRedraw(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.AutoRedraw = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.CheckButton();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+   = true;
+            this.el.label = "Auto Redraw On";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.toggled.connect( (state) => {
+                this.el.set_label(  ? "Auto Redraw On" : "Auto Redraw Off");
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_Button10 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.Button el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_Button10(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.Button();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.label = "Full Redraw";
+            //listeners
+            this.el.clicked.connect( () => {
+              _this.view.redraws = 99;
+                _this.view.el.web_context.clear_cache();  
+              //_this.view.renderJS(true);
+              FakeServerCache.clear();
+              _this.view.reInit();
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_viewcontainer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_viewcontainer(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.viewcontainer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.IN;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_view( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_view : Object
+    {
+        public WebKit.WebView el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public string renderedData;
+        public bool refreshRequired;
+        public WebKit.WebInspector inspector;
+        public string runjs;
+        public int redraws;
+        public GLib.DateTime lastRedraw;
+        public string runhtml;
+        public bool pendingRedraw;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_view(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.view = this;
+            this.el = new WebKit.WebView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.renderedData = "";
+            this.refreshRequired = false;
+            this.runjs = "";
+            this.redraws = 0;
+            this.lastRedraw = null;
+            this.runhtml = "";
+            this.pendingRedraw = false;
+            // set gobject values
+            // init method
+            {
+                // this may not work!?
+                var settings =  this.el.get_settings();
+                settings.enable_developer_extras = true;
+                var fs= new FakeServer(this.el);
+                fs.ref();
+                // this was an attempt to change the url perms.. did not work..
+                // settings.enable_file_access_from_file_uris = true;
+                // settings.enable_offline_web_application_cache - true;
+                // settings.enable_universal_access_from_file_uris = true;
+                 // FIXME - base url of script..
+                 // we need it so some of the database features work.
+                this.el.load_html( "Render not ready" , 
+                        //fixme - should be a config option!
+                        // or should we catch stuff and fix it up..
+                        "http://localhost/app.Builder/"
+                );
+               //'file:///' + __script_path__ + '/../builder.html');
+                /*
+                Gtk.drag_dest_set
+                (
+                        this.el,              //
+                        Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION  | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT,
+                        null,            // list of targets
+                        Gdk.DragAction.COPY         // what to do with data after dropped 
+                );
+               // print("RB: TARGETS : " + LeftTree.atoms["STRING"]);
+                Gtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, this.get('/Window').targetList);
+                */
+                GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1,  ()  =>{
+                     //print("run refresh?");
+                     if (this.el == null) {
+                        return false;
+                     }
+                     this.runRefresh(); 
+                     return true;
+                 });
+            }
+            //listeners
+            this.el.script_dialog.connect( (dialog) => {
+                if (this.el == null) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                 var msg = dialog.get_message();
+                 if (msg.length < 4) {
+                    return false;
+                 }
+                 if (msg.substring(0,4) != "IPC:") {
+                     return false;
+                 }
+                 var ar = msg.split(":", 3);
+                if (ar.length < 3) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                switch(ar[1]) {
+                    case "SAVEHTML":
+                        _this.file.saveHTML(ar[2]);
+                        return true;
+                    default:
+                        return false;
+                }
+            });
+   ( ) => {
+                this.initInspector();;
+            });
+            this.el.drag_drop.connect( ( ctx, x, y,time, ud) => {
+                return false;
+                /*
+               print("TARGET: drag-drop");
+                    var is_valid_drop_site = true;
+                    Gtk.drag_get_data
+                    (
+                            w,         // will receive 'drag-data-received' signal 
+                            ctx,        /* represents the current state of the DnD 
+                            this.get('/Window').atoms["STRING"],    /* the target type we want 
+                            time            /* time stamp 
+                    );
+                                    /* No target offered by source => error 
+               return  is_valid_drop_site;
+               */
+            });
+            this.el.load_changed.connect( (le) => {
+                if (le != WebKit.LoadEvent.FINISHED) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (this.runjs.length < 1) {
+                    return;
+                }
+              //  this.el.run_javascript(this.runjs, null);
+                 FakeServerCache.remove(    this.runjs);
+                this.runjs = "";
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void reInit () {
+           print("reInit?");
+                 // if this happens destroy the webkit..
+                 // recreate it..
+             this.el.stop_loading();
+             if (_this.viewbox.el.get_parent() == null) {
+                return;
+             }
+            _this.viewbox.el.remove(_this.viewcontainer.el);
+            _this.paned.el.remove(_this.inspectorcontainer.el);        
+                 // destory seems to cause problems.
+                 //this.el.destroy();
+                //_this.viewcontainer.el.destroy();
+                 //_this.inspectorcontainer.el.destroy();
+             var  inv =new Xcls_inspectorcontainer(_this);
+              inv.ref();
+              _this.paned.el.pack2(inv.el,true,true);
+             this.el = null;         
+             var nv =new Xcls_viewcontainer(_this);
+             nv.ref();
+             _this.viewbox.el.pack_end(nv.el,true,true,0);
+             inv.el.show_all();
+             nv.el.show_all();
+                 //while(Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration ();
+                 //_this.view.renderJS(true); 
+             _this.view.refreshRequired  = true;
+        }
+        public void runRefresh () 
+        {
+            // this is run every 2 seconds from the init..
+            if (!this.refreshRequired) {
+               // print("no refresh required");
+                return;
+            }
+            if (this.lastRedraw != null) {
+               // do not redraw if last redraw was less that 5 seconds ago.
+               if ((int64)(new DateTime.now_local()).difference(this.lastRedraw) < 5000 ) {
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            if (_this.file == null) {
+                return;
+            }
+             this.refreshRequired = false;
+           //  print("HTML RENDERING");
+             //this.get('/BottomPane');
+             //this.get('/BottomPane').el.set_current_page(2);// webkit inspector
+            _this.file.webkit_page_id  = this.el.get_page_id();
+            var js = _this.file.toSourcePreview();
+            if (js.length < 1) {
+                print("no data");
+                return;
+            }
+        //    var  data = js[0];
+            this.redraws++;
+            var project = _this.file.project;  
+             //print (project.fn);
+             // set it to non-empty.
+        //     runhtml = runhtml.length ?  runhtml : '<script type="text/javascript"></script>'; 
+        //   this.runhtml  = this.runhtml || '';
+            // then we need to reload the browser using
+            // load_html_string..
+            // then trigger a redraw once it's loaded..
+            this.pendingRedraw = true;
+            var runhtml = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" ;
+            string builderhtml;
+            try {
+                GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/roo.builder.js", out builderhtml);
+            } catch (Error e) {
+                builderhtml = "";
+            }
+            runhtml += builderhtml + "\n";
+            runhtml += "</script>\n" ;
+            // fix to make sure they are the same..
+            this.runhtml = project.runhtml;
+            // need to modify paths
+            string inhtml;
+            var base_template = _this.file.project.base_template;
+            if (base_template.length > 0 && !FileUtils.test(
+                BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/" +  base_template, FileTest.EXISTS)  
+                ) {
+                   print("invalid base_template name - using default:  %s\n", base_template);
+                   base_template = "";
+            }
+            try {
+                GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(
+                    BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/" + 
+                        (base_template.length > 0 ? base_template :  "roo.builder.html")
+                        , out inhtml);
+            } catch (Error e) {
+                inhtml = "";
+            }    
+            this.renderedData = js;
+            string js_src = js + "\n" +
+               "Roo.onReady(function() {\n" +
+               "if (" + +".show) " + +".show({});\n" +
+               ";\n" +
+               "});\n";
+           // print("render js: " + js);
+            //if (!this.ready) {
+          //      console.log('not loaded yet');
+            //}
+            this.lastRedraw = new DateTime.now_local();
+            //this.runjs = js_src;
+            var fc =    FakeServerCache.factory_with_data(js_src);
+            this.runjs = fc.fname;
+                var html = inhtml.replace("</head>", runhtml + this.runhtml + 
+                    "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"xhttp://localhost" + fc.fname + "\"></script>" +   
+                      //  "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" +
+                      //  js_src + "\n" + 
+                      //  "</script>" + 
+                "</head>");
+                //print("LOAD HTML " + html);
+                 var rootURL = _this.file.project.rootURL;
+                this.el.load_html( html , 
+                    //fixme - should be a config option!
+                    (rootURL.length > 0 ? rootURL : "xhttp://localhost/app.Builder.js/")
+                );
+            // force the inspector...        
+               //   this.initInspector();
+                // - no need for this, the builder javascript will call it when build is complete
+                //GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1, () => {
+                //    this.el.run_javascript("Builder.saveHTML()",null);
+                //    return false;
+                //});
+        //     print( "before render" +    this.lastRedraw);
+        //    print( "after render" +    (new Date()));
+        }
+        public void initInspector () {
+           /* if (this.inspector == this.el.get_inspector()) {
+      ;
+                this.inspector.open_window();        
+                print("init inspecter called, and inspector is the same as existing\n");
+                return;
+            }
+            print("new inspector?\n");
+        */
+            this.inspector = this.el.get_inspector();
+            this.inspector.ref();
+            // got a new inspector...
+            this.inspector.open_window.connect(() => {
+                 this.inspector = this.el.get_inspector();
+                print("inspector attach\n");
+                var wv = this.inspector.get_web_view();
+                if (wv != null) {
+                    print("got inspector web view\n");
+                    var cn = _this.inspectorcontainer.el.get_child();
+                    if (cn != null) {
+                         _this.inspectorcontainer.el.remove(cn);
+                     }
+                    _this.inspectorcontainer.el.add(wv);
+          ;
+                } else {
+                    //this.inspector.close();
+                    //this.inspector = null;
+                }
+                return true;
+            });
+            /*
+            this.inspector.closed.connect(() => {
+                 print("inspector closed?!?");
+                 // if this happens destroy the webkit..
+                 // recreate it..
+                 this.el.stop_loading();
+                 if (_this.viewbox.el.get_parent() == null) {
+                    return;
+                 }
+                _this.viewbox.el.remove(_this.viewcontainer.el);
+                _this.el.remove(_this.inspectorcontainer.el);        
+                 // destory seems to cause problems.
+                 //this.el.destroy();
+                //_this.viewcontainer.el.destroy();
+                 //_this.inspectorcontainer.el.destroy();
+                 this.el = null;         
+                 var nv =new Xcls_viewcontainer(_this);
+                 nv.ref();
+                 _this.viewbox.el.pack_end(nv.el,true,true,0);
+                  var  inv =new Xcls_inspectorcontainer(_this);
+                  inv.ref();
+                  _this.el.pack2(inv.el,true,true);
+                 inv.el.show_all();
+                 nv.el.show_all();
+                 //while(Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration ();
+                 //_this.view.renderJS(true); 
+                 _this.view.refreshRequired  = true;
+            }); 
+            */
+  ;
+        }
+        public void renderJS (bool force) {
+            // this is the public redraw call..
+            // we refresh in a loop privately..
+            var autodraw =;
+            if (!autodraw && !force) {
+                print("Skipping redraw - no force, and autodraw off");
+                return;
+            }
+            this.refreshRequired  = true;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_inspectorcontainer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_inspectorcontainer(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.inspectorcontainer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.shadow_type = Gtk.ShadowType.IN;
+            // init method
+            this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_ScrolledWindow14 : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.ScrolledWindow el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_ScrolledWindow14(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            this.el = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow( null, null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            // set gobject values
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_sourceview( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.add (  child_0.el  );
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+    }
+    public class Xcls_sourceview : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SourceView el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public bool loading;
+        public bool allow_node_scroll;
+        public string prop_selected;
+        public JsRender.Node? node_selected;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_sourceview(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.sourceview = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SourceView();
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.loading = true;
+            this.allow_node_scroll = true;
+            this.prop_selected = "";
+            this.node_selected = null;
+            // set gobject values
+            this.el.editable = false;
+            this.el.show_line_marks = true;
+            this.el.show_line_numbers = true;
+            var child_0 = new Xcls_buffer( _this );
+            child_0.ref();
+            this.el.set_buffer (  child_0.el  );
+            // init method
+            {
+                var description =   Pango.FontDescription.from_string("monospace");
+                description.set_size(8000);
+                this.el.override_font(description);
+                this.loading = true;
+                //var buf = this.el.get_buffer();
+                //buf.notify.connect(this.onCursorChanged);
+                var attrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  pink =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                pink.parse ( "pink");
+                attrs.set_background ( pink);
+                attrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop");    
+                attrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {
+                    //print("tooltip query? %s\n",;
+                    return;
+                });
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("ERR", attrs, 1);
+                 var wattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  blue =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                blue.parse ( "#ABF4EB");
+                wattrs.set_background ( blue);
+                wattrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop");    
+                wattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {
+                    //print("tooltip query? %s\n",;
+                    return;
+                });
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("WARN", wattrs, 1);
+                 var dattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  purple =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                purple.parse ( "#EEA9FF");
+                dattrs.set_background ( purple);
+                dattrs.set_icon_name ( "process-stop");    
+                dattrs.query_tooltip_text.connect(( mark) => {
+                    //print("tooltip query? %s\n",;
+                    return;
+                });
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("DEPR", dattrs, 1);
+                var gattrs = new Gtk.SourceMarkAttributes();
+                var  grey =   Gdk.RGBA();
+                grey.parse ( "#ccc");
+                gattrs.set_background ( grey);
+                this.el.set_mark_attributes ("grey", gattrs, 1);
+            }
+            //listeners
+            this.el.button_release_event.connect( () => {
+               this.onCursorChanged();
+               return false;
+            });
+            this.el.key_press_event.connect( () => {
+               this.onCursorChanged();
+               return false; 
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public void onCursorChanged (/*ParamSpec ps*/) {
+                 if (this.loading) {
+                    return;
+                }
+               // if ( != "cursor-position") {
+               //     return;
+               // }
+                var buf = this.el.get_buffer();
+                print("cursor changed : %d\n", buf.cursor_position);
+                Gtk.TextIter cpos;
+                buf.get_iter_at_offset(out cpos, buf.cursor_position);
+                var ln = cpos.get_line();
+                       print("cursor changed line : %d\n", ln);
+                var node = _this.file.lineToNode(ln+1);
+                if (node == null) {
+                    print("can not find node\n");
+                    return;
+                }
+                var prop = node.lineToProp(ln+1);
+                print("prop : %s", prop == null ? "???" : prop);
+                // ---------- this selects the tree's node...
+                var ltree = _this.main_window.windowstate.left_tree;
+                var tp = ltree.model.treePathFromNode(node);
+                print("got tree path %s\n", tp);
+                if (tp != "") {
+                      this.allow_node_scroll = false; /// block node scrolling..
+                       //print("changing cursor on tree..\n");
+                    // let's try allowing editing on the methods.
+                    // a little klunky at present..
+                    this.prop_selected = "";
+                    if (prop != null) {
+                               //see if we can find it..
+                               var kv = prop.split(":");
+                               if (kv[0] == "p") {
+                                       //var k = prop.get_key(kv[1]);
+                                       // fixme -- need to determine if it's an editable property...
+                                       this.prop_selected = prop;
+                               } else if (kv[0] == "l") {
+                                        this.prop_selected = prop;
+                               }
+                    }
+                    ltree.view.setCursor(tp, "editor");
+                   // ltree.view.el.set_cursor(new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(tp), null, false); 
+                   this.nodeSelected(node,false);
+                    // scrolling is disabled... as node selection calls scroll 10ms after it changes.
+                    GLib.Timeout.add_full(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT,100 , () => {
+                           this.allow_node_scroll = true;
+                           return false;
+                    });
+                }
+                // highlight the node..
+        }
+        public void clearGreySelection () {
+         // clear all the marks..
+            var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer)this.el.buffer;
+            Gtk.TextIter start;
+            Gtk.TextIter end;     
+            sbuf.get_bounds (out start, out end);
+            sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, "grey");
+        }
+        public void nodeSelected (JsRender.Node? sel, bool scroll ) {
+            // this is connected in widnowstate
+               // not sure why....   
+            while(Gtk.events_pending()) {
+                Gtk.main_iteration();
+            }
+            this.node_selected = sel;
+            this.updateGreySelection(scroll);
+        }
+        public string toString () {
+           Gtk.TextIter s;
+            Gtk.TextIter e;
+            this.el.get_buffer().get_start_iter(out s);
+            this.el.get_buffer().get_end_iter(out e);
+            var ret = this.el.get_buffer().get_text(s,e,true);
+            //print("TO STRING? " + ret);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        public void loadFile ( ) {
+            this.loading = true;
+            // get the cursor and scroll position....
+            var buf = this.el.get_buffer();
+               var cpos = buf.cursor_position;
+           print("BEFORE LOAD cursor = %d\n", cpos);
+            var vadj_pos = this.el.get_vadjustment().get_value();
+            buf.set_text("",0);
+            var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;
+            if (_this.file == null || _this.file.xtype != "Roo") {
+                print("xtype != Roo");
+                this.loading = false;
+                return;
+            }
+            // get the string from the rendered tree...
+             var str = _this.file.toSource();
+        //    print("setting str %d\n", str.length);
+            buf.set_text(str, str.length);
+            var lm = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default();
+            //?? is javascript going to work as js?
+            ((Gtk.SourceBuffer)(buf)) .set_language(lm.get_language(_this.file.language));
+            Gtk.TextIter start;
+            Gtk.TextIter end;     
+            sbuf.get_bounds (out start, out end);
+            sbuf.remove_source_marks (start, end, null); // remove all marks..
+             GLib.Timeout.add(500, () => {
+                print("RESORTING cursor to = %d\n", cpos);
+                       Gtk.TextIter cpos_iter;
+                       buf.get_iter_at_offset(out cpos_iter, cpos);
+                       buf.place_cursor(cpos_iter); 
+                       this.el.get_vadjustment().set_value(vadj_pos);;
+                       this.onCursorChanged();
+                       _this.buffer.checkSyntax();
+                       return false;
+               });
+            this.loading = false; 
+            _this.buffer.dirty = false;
+        }
+        public void updateGreySelection (bool scroll) { 
+               var sel = this.node_selected;
+               print("node selected\n");
+            var buf = this.el.get_buffer();
+            var sbuf = (Gtk.SourceBuffer) buf;
+           this.clearGreySelection();
+             if (sel == null) {
+                    print("no selected node\n");
+                // no highlighting..
+                return;
+            }
+            print("highlight region %d to %d\n", sel.line_start,sel.line_end);
+            Gtk.TextIter iter;   
+            sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter,  sel.line_start);
+            Gtk.TextIter cur_iter;
+            sbuf.get_iter_at_offset(out cur_iter, sbuf.cursor_position);
+            var cursor_at_line = cur_iter.get_line();
+            //var cur_line = cur_iter.get_line();
+            //if (cur_line > sel.line_start && cur_line < sel.line_end) {
+            //} else {
+            if (scroll) {
+                       print("scrolling to node -- should occur on node picking.\n");
+               this.el.scroll_to_iter(iter,  0.1f, true, 0.0f, 0.5f);
+               }
+            var start_line = sel.line_start;
+            var end_line = sel.line_end;
+            this.el.editable = false;
+            var colon_pos = 0;
+            // now if we have selected a property...
+            if (this.prop_selected.length> 0 ) {
+                       int nstart, nend;
+                       if (sel.getPropertyRange(this.prop_selected, out nstart, out nend) && nend > nstart) {
+                               start_line = nstart;
+                               end_line = nend;
+                               this.el.editable = true;
+                               print("start line = %d, end line = %d\n", start_line, end_line);
+                                       // see if we are 'right of ':'
+                                       // get an iter for the start of the line.
+                               Gtk.TextIter start_line_iter,end_line_iter;
+                               this.el.buffer.get_iter_at_line(out start_line_iter, start_line -1);
+                               this.el.buffer.get_iter_at_line(out end_line_iter, start_line -1);
+                               if (end_line_iter.forward_to_line_end()) {
+                                       var first_line  = this.el.buffer.get_text(start_line_iter, end_line_iter, false);
+                                       print("first line = %s\n", first_line);
+                                       if (first_line.contains(":")) {
+                                               colon_pos = start_line_iter.get_offset() + first_line.index_of(":") + 1;
+                                       }
+                                       print("colon_pos  = %d\n", colon_pos);
+                               }
+                               print("is cursor at line? %d ?= %d\n", start_line -1 , cursor_at_line);
+                               if (start_line - 1 == cursor_at_line) {
+                                       print("cursor is on current line.\n");
+                                       var before_cursor_string = this.el.buffer.get_text(start_line_iter, cur_iter, false);
+                                       print("before cursor string =  %s\n", before_cursor_string);
+                                       if (!before_cursor_string.contains(":")) {
+                                               this.el.editable = false;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       print("propSelected = %s range  %d -> %d\n", this.prop_selected, start_line, end_line);         
+            }
+               print("checking selection\n");
+            // check selection - if it's out of 'bounds'
+            if (this.el.editable && sbuf.get_has_selection()) {
+                       Gtk.TextIter sel_start_iter, sel_end_iter;
+                       sbuf.get_selection_bounds(out sel_start_iter, out sel_end_iter);
+                       if (sel_start_iter.get_line() < start_line || sel_end_iter.get_line() > end_line ||
+                               sel_start_iter.get_line() > end_line   || sel_end_iter.get_line() < start_line                  ) {
+                               // save?
+                               this.el.editable = false;
+                       }
+                       if (colon_pos > 0 &&
+                               (sel_start_iter.get_offset() < colon_pos || sel_end_iter.get_offset() < colon_pos)
+                       ) {
+                               this.el.editable = false;
+                       }
+            }
+            for (var i = 0; i < buf.get_line_count();i++) {
+                if (i < (start_line -1) || i > (end_line -1)) {
+                    sbuf.get_iter_at_line(out iter, i);
+                    sbuf.create_source_mark(null, "grey", iter);
+                }
+            }
+            if (scroll && (cursor_at_line > end_line || cursor_at_line < start_line)) {
+                   Gtk.TextIter cpos_iter;
+                       buf.get_iter_at_line(out cpos_iter, start_line);
+                       buf.place_cursor(cpos_iter); 
+               }
+        }
+        public void highlightErrorsJson (string type, Json.Object obj) {
+               // this is a hook for the vala code - it has no value in javascript 
+               // as we only have one error ususally....
+                return  ;
+        }
+    }
+    public class Xcls_buffer : Object
+    {
+        public Gtk.SourceBuffer el;
+        private Xcls_WindowRooView  _this;
+            // my vars (def)
+        public bool dirty;
+        public int error_line;
+        // ctor
+        public Xcls_buffer(Xcls_WindowRooView _owner )
+        {
+            _this = _owner;
+            _this.buffer = this;
+            this.el = new Gtk.SourceBuffer( null );
+            // my vars (dec)
+            this.dirty = false;
+            this.error_line = -1;
+            // set gobject values
+            //listeners
+            this.el.changed.connect( () => {
+                // check syntax??
+                // ??needed..??
+               // _this.save_button.el.sensitive = true;
+                ///?? has changed occured during loading?
+                if (_this.sourceview.loading) {
+                       return;
+               }
+                print("- PREVIEW EDITOR CHANGED--");
+                this.dirty = true;    
+                if (!this.checkSyntax()) {
+                       return;
+               }               
+               // what are we editing??
+                return ;
+            });
+        }
+        // user defined functions
+        public bool highlightErrors ( Gee.HashMap<int,string> validate_res) {
+            this.error_line = validate_res.size;
+            if (this.error_line < 1) {
+                  return true;
+            }
+            var tlines = this.el.get_line_count ();
+            Gtk.TextIter iter;
+            var valiter = validate_res.map_iterator();
+            while ( {
+        //        print("get inter\n");
+                var eline = valiter.get_key();
+                if (eline > tlines) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                this.el.get_iter_at_line( out iter, eline);
+                //print("mark line\n");
+                this.el.create_source_mark(valiter.get_value(), "ERR", iter);
+            }   
+            return false;
+        }
+        public   string toString () {
+            Gtk.TextIter s;
+            Gtk.TextIter e;
+            this.el.get_start_iter(out s);
+            this.el.get_end_iter(out e);
+            var ret = this.el.get_text(s,e,true);
+            //print("TO STRING? " + ret);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        public   bool checkSyntax () {
+            var str = this.toString();
+            // needed???
+            if (this.error_line > 0) {
+                 Gtk.TextIter start;
+                 Gtk.TextIter end;     
+                this.el.get_bounds (out start, out end);
+                this.el.remove_source_marks (start, end, null);
+            }
+            if (str.length < 1) {
+                print("checkSyntax - empty string?\n");
+                return false;
+            }
+           if (_this.file == null) {
+               return false;
+           }
+            var p = Palete.factory(_this.file.xtype);  // returns Roo | Gtk  | PlainFile 
+            if (_this.file.language != "js") {
+                       return false; // fake syntax error.
+               }
+            //Gee.HashMap<int,string> ret_x;
+               return p.javascriptHasErrors(
+                       _this.main_window.windowstate,
+                str, 
+                 "", // _this.key, 
+                "file", //_this.ptype,
+                _this.file, 
+                null
+            );    
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowState.vala b/src/Builder4/WindowState.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b9b7ee6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@
+ * as state management is a bit too complicated inside the builder
+ * it's better to seperate this into this class
+ * 
+ * This class has references to all the Class instances that make up the window..
+ * 
+ */
+public class WindowState : Object 
+       public Xcls_MainWindow win;
+       public enum State {
+               NONE,
+               PREVIEW,
+               OBJECT,
+               PROP,
+               LISTENER,
+               CODE,    // code editor.
+               CODEONLY,
+               FILES,
+               PROJECT, // project settings..
+               FILEPROJECT, // project when in file mode
+               PROJECTCODEONLY // when editing code...
+       }
+       public State state = State.NONE;
+       public bool children_loaded = false;
+       public Project.Project project;
+       public JsRender.JsRender file;
+       public Xcls_WindowLeftTree  left_tree;
+       public Xcls_WindowAddProp   add_props;
+       public Xcls_LeftProps       left_props;
+       public Xcls_ProjectSettings projectsettings;
+       public ValaProjectSettings  vala_projectsettings;
+       public Xcls_RightPalete     rightpalete;
+       public Editor               code_editor;    
+       public Xcls_WindowRooView   window_rooview;
+       public Xcls_GtkView         window_gladeview;
+       public Xcls_ClutterFiles     clutterfiles;
+       public Xcls_WindowLeftProjects left_projects; // can not see where this is initialized.. 
+       public DialogTemplateSelect template_select; 
+       public Xcls_PopoverFileDetails file_details;
+       public Xcls_ValaCompileResults compile_results;
+       // dialogs??
+       public Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit webkit_plugin;
+       public Palete.ValaSource valasource; // the spawner that runs the vala compiler.
+       public Json.Object last_compile_result;
+       // ctor 
+       public WindowState(Xcls_MainWindow win)
+       {
+      = win;
+               // initialize
+               // left elements..
+               this.leftTreeInit();
+               this.propsListInit();
+               // on clutter space...
+               this.projectEditInit();
+               this.codeEditInit();
+               this.projectListInit();
+               this.fileViewInit();
+               // adding stuff
+               this.objectAddInit();
+               this.propsAddInit();
+               // previews...
+               this.gtkViewInit();
+               this.webkitViewInit();
+               // dialogs
+               this.fileDetailsInit();
+               this.webkit_plugin = new Xcls_DialogPluginWebkit();
+               this.template_select = new DialogTemplateSelect();
+               this.children_loaded = true;
+               this.valasource = new Palete.ValaSource();
+               this.valasource.compiled.connect(this.showCompileResult);
+               this.compile_results = new  Xcls_ValaCompileResults();
+               this.compile_results.window =;
+               this.valasource.compile_output.connect(this.compile_results.addLine);
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+       }
+       // left tree
+       public void leftTreeInit()
+       {
+               this.left_tree = new Xcls_WindowLeftTree();
+               this.left_tree.ref();
+               this.left_tree.main_window =;
+     ,true, true,0);
+               this.left_tree.el.show_all();
+               this.left_tree.before_node_change.connect(() => {
+                       // if the node change is caused by the editor (code preview)
+                       if (this.left_tree.view.lastEventSource == "editor") {
+                               return true;
+                       }
+                       return this.leftTreeBeforeChange();
+               });
+               this.left_tree.node_selected.connect((sel, source) => {
+                       if (source == "editor") {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (this.file.xtype == "Roo") { 
+                               this.window_rooview.sourceview.nodeSelected(sel,true); // foce scroll.
+                       } else {
+                               this.window_gladeview.sourceview.nodeSelected(sel);
+                       }
+               });
+               this.left_tree.node_selected.connect((sel, source) => {
+                       this.leftTreeNodeSelected(sel, source);
+               });
+               this.left_tree.changed.connect(() => {
+                       print("LEFT TREE: Changed fired\n");
+             ;
+                       if (this.left_tree.getActiveFile().xtype == "Roo" ) {
+                                  this.window_rooview.requestRedraw();
+                       } else {
+                                 this.window_gladeview.loadFile(this.left_tree.getActiveFile());
+                       }
+               });
+       }
+       public bool leftTreeBeforeChange()
+       {
+               if (this.state != State.CODE) {
+                       this.left_props.finish_editing();
+                       return true;
+               }
+               if (!this.code_editor.saveContents()) {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               return false;
+       }
+       public void leftTreeNodeSelected(JsRender.Node? sel, string source)
+       {
+               print("node_selected called %s\n", (sel == null) ? "NULL" : "a value");
+               if (sel == null) {
+                       this.left_props.el.hide();
+               } 
+     ;
+               this.left_props.load(this.left_tree.getActiveFile(), sel);
+               switch (this.state) {
+                       case State.OBJECT: 
+                                if (sel == null) {
+                                       this.rightpalete.clear();
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               this.rightpalete.load(this.left_tree.getActiveFile().palete(), sel.fqn());
+                               break;
+                  case State.PROP:
+                               if (sel == null) {
+                                       this.add_props.clear();
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                     , "props", sel.fqn());
+                               break;
+                       case State.LISTENER:
+                               if (sel == null) {
+                                       this.add_props.clear();
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                     , "signals", sel.fqn());
+                               break;
+                       case State.CODE:
+                                this.switchState(State.PREVIEW);
+                               break;
+               }
+       }
+       public void propsListInit()
+       {
+               this.left_props =new Xcls_LeftProps();
+               this.left_props.ref();
+               this.left_props.main_window =;
+     ,true, true,0);
+               this.left_props.el.show_all();
+               this.left_props.show_editor.connect( (file, node, type,  key) => {
+                       this.switchState(State.CODE);
+                               file,
+                               node,
+                               type,
+                               key
+                       );
+               });
+               this.left_props.stop_editor.connect( () => {
+                       if (this.state != State.CODE) {
+                               return true;
+                       }
+                       var ret =  this.code_editor.saveContents();
+                       if (!ret) {
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       this.switchState(State.PREVIEW);
+                       return ret;
+               });
+               this.left_props.changed.connect(() => {
+                       if (this.left_tree.getActiveFile().xtype == "Roo" ) {
+                                  this.window_rooview.requestRedraw();
+                       } else {
+                                 this.window_gladeview.loadFile(this.left_tree.getActiveFile());
+                       }
+                       this.left_tree.model.updateSelected();
+             ;
+                       if (this.file.xtype=="Gtk") {
+                               this.valasource.checkFileSpawn(this.file);
+                       }
+               });
+       }
+       //-------------  projects edit
+       public void projectEditInit()
+       {
+               this.projectsettings  =new Xcls_ProjectSettings();
+               this.projectsettings.ref();  /// really?
+               this.vala_projectsettings  =new ValaProjectSettings();
+               this.vala_projectsettings.ref();
+               this.vala_projectsettings.window =;
+               ((Gtk.Container)(;
+               //this.projectsettings.el.show_all();
+               var stage =;
+               stage.set_background_color(  Clutter.Color.from_string("#000"));
+               this.projectsettings.buttonPressed.connect((btn) => {
+                        if (this.left_tree.getActiveFile().xtype == "Roo" ) {
+                               if (btn == "save") {
+                                       this.window_rooview.view.renderJS(true);
+                               }
+                               if (btn == "apply") {
+                                       this.window_rooview.view.renderJS(true);
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               // do nothing for gtk..
+                       }
+                       if (btn == "save" || btn == "apply") {
+                     ;
+                       }
+                       this.switchState (State.PREVIEW); 
+                });
+       }
+       // ----------- object adding
+       public void objectAddInit()
+       {
+               this.rightpalete  = new Xcls_RightPalete();
+               this.rightpalete.ref();  /// really?
+               ((Gtk.Container)(;
+               //this.projectsettings.el.show_all();
+               var stage =;
+               stage.set_background_color(  Clutter.Color.from_string("#000"));
+       }
+       // -----------  properties adding list...
+       // listener uses the properties 
+       public void propsAddInit()
+       {
+       // Add properties
+               this.add_props  = new Xcls_WindowAddProp();
+               this.add_props.ref();  /// really?
+               ((Gtk.Container)(;
+               //this.projectsettings.el.show_all();
+               var  stage =;
+               stage.set_background_color(  Clutter.Color.from_string("#000"));
+      (key,type,skel, etype) => {
+                       this.left_props.addProp(etype, key, skel, type);
+               });
+       }
+       public void propsAddShow()
+       {
+       }
+       public void propsAddHide()
+       {
+       }
+       // ----------- Add / Edit listener
+       // listener uses the properties 
+       //public void listenerInit()     { }
+       public void listenerShow()
+       {
+       }
+       public void listenerHide()
+       {
+       }
+       // -------------- codeEditor
+       public void codeEditInit()
+       {
+               this.code_editor  = new  Editor();
+               //this.code_editor.ref();  /// really?
+               ((Gtk.Container)(;
+               this.code_editor.window =;
+               //this.projectsettings.el.show_all();
+               var stage =;
+               stage.set_background_color(  Clutter.Color.from_string("#000"));
+               //
+      () => {
+             ;
+                       this.left_tree.model.updateSelected();
+                       if (this.left_tree.getActiveFile().xtype == "Roo" ) {
+                                  this.window_rooview.requestRedraw();
+                       } else {
+                                 this.window_gladeview.loadFile(this.left_tree.getActiveFile());
+                       }
+                        // we do not need to call spawn... - as it's already called by the editor?
+               });
+       }
+       // ----------- list of projects on left
+       public void  projectListInit() 
+       {
+               this.left_projects = new Xcls_WindowLeftProjects();
+                this.left_projects.ref();
+      ,true, true,0);
+                this.left_projects.el.show_all();
+                this.left_projects.project_selected.connect((proj) => {
+                       this.buttonsShowHide();
+                       proj.scanDirs();
+                       this.clutterfiles.loadProject(proj);
+                });
+       }
+       // ----------- file view
+       public void fileViewInit()
+       {
+               var stage =; // seems odd... 
+               this.clutterfiles = new Xcls_ClutterFiles();
+               this.clutterfiles.ref();
+               stage.add_child(this.clutterfiles.el);
+     ;
+      => { 
+                       this.fileViewOpen(file);
+               });
+               this.clutterfiles.el.transitions_completed.connect(() => {
+                       if (this.state == State.FILES) {
+                     ;
+                       } else {
+                               this.clutterfiles.el.hide();
+                       }
+               });
+       }
+       public void fileDetailsInit()
+       {
+               this.file_details = new Xcls_PopoverFileDetails();
+               this.file_details.mainwindow =;
+               // force it modal to the main window..
+               this.file_details.success.connect((project,file) =>
+               {
+                       this.fileViewOpen(file);
+               });
+       }
+       public void fileViewOpen(JsRender.JsRender file, int line = -1)
+       {
+      = file.project;
+               this.project = file.project;
+               this.file = file;
+               if (file.xtype == "PlainFile") {
+                       this.switchState (State.CODEONLY); 
+                       file.loadItems();
+             , null, "", "");
+                       if (line> -1) {
+                               this.code_editor.scroll_to_line(line);
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       this.switchState (State.PREVIEW); 
+                       // this triggers loadItems..
+                       this.left_tree.model.loadFile(file);
+                       if (file.project.xtype == "Gtk" && line> -1 ) {
+                               this.window_gladeview.scroll_to_line(line);
+                       }
+               }
+               var ctr= ((Gtk.Container)(;
+               var ctr_p= ((Gtk.Container)(;
+               if (file.project.xtype == "Roo" ) { 
+                       ctr.foreach( (w) => { ctr.remove(w); });
+                       ctr_p.foreach( (w) => { ctr_p.remove(w); });
+                       ctr.add(this.window_rooview.el);
+                       ctr_p.add(this.projectsettings.el);
+                       if (file.xtype != "PlainFile") {       
+                               this.window_rooview.loadFile(file);
+                               this.window_rooview.el.show_all();
+                       }
+                       this.projectsettings.el.show_all();            
+               } else {
+                       ctr.foreach( (w) => { ctr.remove(w); });
+                       ctr_p.foreach( (w) => { ctr_p.remove(w); });            
+                       ctr.add(this.window_gladeview.el);
+                       ctr_p.add(this.vala_projectsettings.el);
+                       if (file.xtype != "PlainFile") {    
+                               this.window_gladeview.loadFile(file);
+                               this.window_gladeview.el.show_all();
+                       }
+                       this.vala_projectsettings.el.show_all();
+               }
+               print("OPEN : " +;
+               if (file.xtype != "PlainFile") {    
+             ;
+               }
+      + " : " +;
+       }
+       // our project properties is different for Roo and Gtk
+       // it would be better to change the above code to use this, 
+       public void attachProjectSettings() {
+               var ctr_p= ((Gtk.Container)(;
+               if ( == "Roo" ) { 
+                       ctr_p.foreach( (w) => { ctr_p.remove(w); });
+                       ctr_p.add(this.projectsettings.el);
+                       this.projectsettings.el.show_all();            
+               } else {
+                       ctr_p.foreach( (w) => { ctr_p.remove(w); });            
+                       ctr_p.add(this.vala_projectsettings.el);
+                       this.vala_projectsettings.el.show_all();
+               }
+    }
+        /*
+       public void fileViewOpenPlain(string fname)
+       {
+               this.switchState (State.CODEONLY); 
+               this.code_editor.showPlainFile(fname);
+       }
+ */
+       // ---------  webkit view
+       public void webkitViewInit()
+       {
+               this.window_rooview  =new Xcls_WindowRooView();
+               this.window_rooview.main_window =;
+               this.window_rooview.ref();
+               ((Gtk.Container)(;
+               this.window_rooview.el.show_all();
+               var stage =;
+               stage.set_background_color(  Clutter.Color.from_string("#000"));
+       }
+       // ------ Gtk  - view
+       public void gtkViewInit()
+       {
+               this.window_gladeview  =new Xcls_GtkView();
+               this.window_gladeview.ref();
+               this.window_gladeview.main_window =;
+       }
+       public void easingSaveAll()
+       {
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+               this.clutterfiles.el.save_easing_state();
+       }
+       public void easingRestoreAll()
+       {
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+               this.clutterfiles.el.restore_easing_state();
+       }
+       public void switchState(State new_state)
+       {
+               // if the new state and the old state are the same..
+               if (new_state == this.state) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               // stop werid stuff happening
+               if (this.state == State.FILES 
+                       && new_state == State.FILEPROJECT 
+                       && this.left_projects.getSelectedProject() == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               // save the easing state of everything..
+               this.easingSaveAll();
+               switch (this.state) {
+                       case State.PREVIEW:
+                               if (this.left_tree.getActiveFile() != null) {
+                                        if (this.left_tree.getActiveFile().xtype == "Roo" ) {
+                                                this.window_rooview.createThumb();
+                                        } else {
+                                                 this.window_gladeview.createThumb();
+                                         }
+                               }
+                               // normally we are going from preview to another state.
+                               // and different windows hide the preview in differnt ways..
+                               break;
+                  case State.LISTENER:
+                  case State.PROP:
+                     ,0.0f);
+                                break;
+                       case State.CODE:
+                               this.code_editor.saveContents();
+                     ,0.0f);
+                               break;
+                       case State.CODEONLY:
+                               // going from codeonly..
+                               // enable re-calc of canvas..
+                               //this.code_editor.saveContents(); << not yet...
+                               if (new_state != State.PROJECTCODEONLY) {
+                             ; 
+                             ;
+                             ,0.0f);
+                               } else {
+                             ,1.0f); // bottom left
+                         ,0.5f);
+                               }       
+                           while (Gtk.events_pending()) { 
+                                       Gtk.main_iteration();
+                               }
+                                // hides it completely...
+                               break;
+                        case State.OBJECT:
+                     ,0.0f);
+                                break;
+                       case State.FILEPROJECT:
+                       case State.PROJECT:
+                       case State.PROJECTCODEONLY:
+                               if ( == "Gtk") {
+                             ;
+                               } 
+                               if (this.state == State.FILEPROJECT) {
+                                       this.clutterfiles.el.set_scale(1.0f,1.0f);
+                               }
+                     ,0.0f);
+                               break;
+                 case State.FILES: // goes to preview or codeonly...
+                               // hide files...
+                               if (new_state == State.FILEPROJECT) {
+                                       this.clutterfiles.el.set_easing_duration(1000);
+                                       this.clutterfiles.el.set_pivot_point(0.5f,1.0f);
+                                       this.clutterfiles.el.set_scale(0.5f,0.5f);
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               if (new_state == State.CODEONLY) {
+                             ;
+                               } else {
+                             ;
+                               }
+                     ;
+                     , 0.0f);
+                     ,1.0f);
+                     ,0.5f);
+                     ;
+                               this.clutterfiles.el.set_easing_duration(1000);
+                               this.clutterfiles.el.set_pivot_point(0.5f,0.5f);
+                               this.clutterfiles.el.set_rotation_angle(Clutter.RotateAxis.Y_AXIS, -180.0f);
+                               this.clutterfiles.el.set_opacity(0);
+                               //this.clutterfiles.el.hide();
+                               break;
+               }
+               var oldstate  =this.state;
+               this.state = new_state;
+               this.buttonsShowHide();
+               switch (this.state) {
+                       case State.PREVIEW:  // this is the default state when working...
+                      ; // holder for tree and properties..
+                                this.left_projects.el.hide(); 
+                                if (oldstate != State.FILES) {
+                                       // it's handled above..
+                                       print ("changing state to preview from NOT files..");
+                             ,1.0f);
+                                }
+                               break;
+                       case State.LISTENER:
+               // same as prop?
+                       case State.PROP:
+                               var ae =      this.left_tree.getActiveElement();
+                               if (ae == null) {
+                                       this.state = oldstate;
+                                       this.buttonsShowHide();
+                                       this.resizeCanvasElements();
+                                       this.easingRestoreAll();
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               this.add_props.el.show_all();
+                                       Palete.factory(, 
+                                       this.state == State.LISTENER ? "signals" : "props",
+                                       ae.fqn()
+                               );
+                               // -- FIXME? this needs to be State aware?
+                     ,0.5f);
+                     ,1.0f);
+                               break;
+                       case State.OBJECT:
+                                var n = this.left_tree.getActiveElement();
+                               if (this.file == null) {
+                                       this.state =oldstate;
+                                       this.buttonsShowHide();
+                                       this.resizeCanvasElements();
+                                       this.easingRestoreAll();
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               if (n == null && this.file.tree != null) {
+                                       this.state = oldstate;
+                                       this.buttonsShowHide();
+                                       this.resizeCanvasElements();
+                                       this.easingRestoreAll();
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               this.rightpalete.el.show_all();
+                               this.rightpalete.load(this.left_tree.getActiveFile().palete(), n == null ? "*top" : n.fqn());
+                     ,0.5f);
+                     ,1.0f);
+                               break;
+                       case State.CODE:
+                     ;
+                               this.code_editor.el.show_all();
+                               // caller needs to call editor - show....
+                     ,1.0f);
+                     ,0.5f);
+                               break;
+                       case State.CODEONLY:
+                               // going to codeonly..
+                     ;
+                               // recalc canvas...
+                               //while (Gtk.events_pending()) { 
+                               //      Gtk.main_iteration();
+                               //}
+                     ;
+                     ;
+                               //while (Gtk.events_pending()) { 
+                               //      Gtk.main_iteration();
+                               //}
+                               this.code_editor.el.show_all();
+                     ,1.0f);
+                     ,0.5f);
+                               break;
+                       case State.PROJECTCODEONLY:
+                           // going to project edit (when in code only)
+                               if ( == "Roo") {
+                                       this.projectsettings.el.show_all();
+                             ;
+                               } else {
+                                       this.vala_projectsettings.el.show_all();
+                             ;
+                               }
+                     ,1.0f);
+                               break;
+                       case State.PROJECT:
+                     ,1.0f); // bottom right..
+                               if ( == "Roo") {
+                                       this.projectsettings.el.show_all();
+                             ;
+                               } else {
+                                       this.vala_projectsettings.el.show_all();
+                             ;
+                               }
+                     ,1.0f);
+                               break;
+                       case State.FILEPROJECT:
+                               var pr = this.left_projects.getSelectedProject();
+                      = pr;
+                               this.attachProjectSettings();
+                               print("FIlE PROJECT -  show %s\n", pr.xtype);
+                               if (pr.xtype == "Roo") {
+                                       this.projectsettings.el.show_all();
+                             ;
+                               } else {
+                                       this.vala_projectsettings.el.show_all();
+                             ;
+                               }
+                     ,1.0f);
+                               break;
+                  case State.FILES:  // can only get here from PREVIEW (or code-only) state.. in theory..
+                     ; // holder for tree and properties..
+                     ; 
+                               // rotate the preview to hidden...
+                     ;
+                     ,0.5f);
+                     , 180.0f);
+                     ;
+                               if ( != null) {
+                                       this.left_projects.selectProject(;
+                               }
+                     ;
+                               this.clutterfiles.el.set_easing_duration(1000);
+                               this.clutterfiles.el.set_pivot_point(0.5f,0.5f);
+                               this.clutterfiles.el.set_rotation_angle(Clutter.RotateAxis.Y_AXIS, 0.0f);
+                               this.clutterfiles.el.set_opacity(0xff);
+                               break;
+               }
+               this.resizeCanvasElements();
+               this.easingRestoreAll();
+               // run the animation.. - then load files...
+               GLib.Timeout.add(500,  ()  =>{
+                        this.resizeCanvasElements();
+                        return false;
+               });
+       }
+       public int redraw_count = 0;
+       public void resizeCanvas() // called by window resize .. delays redraw
+       {
+               var rc = this.redraw_count;        
+               this.redraw_count = 2;
+               if (rc == 0) {
+                       GLib.Timeout.add(100,  ()  =>{
+                                return this.resizeCanvasQueue();
+                       });
+               }
+       }
+       public bool  resizeCanvasQueue()
+       {
+               //print("WindowState.resizeCanvasQueue %d\n", this.redraw_count);        
+               if (this.redraw_count < 1) {
+                       return false; // should not really happen...
+               }
+               this.redraw_count--;
+               if (this.redraw_count > 0) {
+                       return true; // do it again in 1 second...
+               }
+               // got down to 0 or -1....
+               this.redraw_count = 0;
+               this.resizeCanvasElements();
+               return false;
+       }
+       public void resizeCanvasElements()
+       {
+               Gtk.Allocation alloc;
+      alloc);
+          // print("WindowState.resizeCanvasElements\n");
+               if (!this.children_loaded || == null) {
+                       print("WindowState.resizeCanvasElements = ingnore not loaded or no clutterfiles\n");
+                       return; 
+               }
+               var avail = alloc.width < 50.0f ? 0 :  alloc.width - 50.0f;
+               var palsize = avail < 300.0f ? avail : 300.0f;
+               // -------- code edit min 600
+               var codesize = avail < 800.0f ? avail : 800.0f;
+               //print("set code size %f\n", codesize);
+               switch ( this.state) {
+                       case State.PREVIEW:
+                     , alloc.height);
+                               break;
+                       case State.FILES: 
+                               this.clutterfiles.set_size(alloc.width-50, alloc.height);
+                               break;
+                       case State.PROJECT:
+                     , alloc.height / 2.0f);
+                          //;
+                               // / 2.0f, alloc.height / 2.0f);
+                     , 0.5f);
+                               //;
+                               break;
+                       case State.CODE: 
+                     , alloc.height);
+                               var scale = avail > 0.0f ? (avail - codesize -10 ) / avail : 0.0f;
+                               //;
+                     ,scale);
+                          //;
+                               break;
+                       case State.CODEONLY: 
+                     , alloc.height);
+                               var scale = avail > 0.0f ? (avail - codesize -10 ) / avail : 0.0f;
+                               //;
+                     ; 
+                     ,scale);
+                          //;
+                               break;  
+                       case State.PROP:
+                       case State.LISTENER:
+                      , alloc.height);
+                               var scale = avail > 0.0f ? (avail - palsize -10 ) / avail : 0.0f;
+                     ,scale);
+                               break;
+                       case State.OBJECT:  
+                     , alloc.height);    
+                               var scale = avail > 0.0f ? (avail - palsize -10 ) / avail : 0.0f;
+                               //;
+                     ,scale);
+                          //;
+                               break;
+               }
+       }
+       // -- buttons show hide.....
+       public void buttonsShowHide()
+       {
+               // basically hide everything, then show the relivant..
+               // top bar btns
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+     ; // add objects
+     ;  
+     ; 
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+               switch (this.state) {
+                       case State.PREVIEW:  // this is the default state when working...
+                     ;
+                     ;
+                     ; // add objects
+                     ;  
+                     ; 
+                     ;
+                     ;
+                               break;
+                       case State.CODEONLY: 
+                     ;
+                     ;
+                     ;
+                               break;
+                       case State.CODE: 
+                     ;
+                     ;
+                     ; // add objects ?? can you do this from here?
+                     ;  
+                     ; 
+                               break;
+                               // continue thru..
+                       case State.PROP:
+                       case State.LISTENER:
+                       case State.OBJECT:
+                     ;
+                     ; // add objects
+                     ;  
+                     ; 
+                               break;
+                       case State.PROJECT: 
+                       case State.FILEPROJECT:
+                       case State.PROJECTCODEONLY:
+                               // anything else?
+                     ;
+                               break;
+                       case State.FILES:
+                               if (this.left_projects.getSelectedProject() != null ) {
+                                       if (this.left_tree.getActiveFile() != null) {
+                                     ;
+                                       }
+                             ;
+                             ;
+                             ; 
+                               } 
+                     ;
+                     ;
+                               break;
+               }
+       }
+       public void showCompileResult(Json.Object obj)
+               {
+                       // vala has finished compiling...
+                       print("vala compiled");
+                       var generator = new Json.Generator ();
+                       var n  = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+                       n.init_object(obj);
+                       generator.set_root (n);
+                       print("result :%s", generator.to_data (null));
+                       var buf = this.code_editor.buffer;
+                       buf.check_running = false;
+                       var has_errors = false;
+                       if (obj.has_member("ERR-TOTAL")) {
+                               if (obj.get_int_member("ERR-TOTAL")> 0) {
+                                       has_errors = true;
+                               }
+                       obj.get_object_member("ERR") , (int) obj.get_int_member("ERR-TOTAL"));
+                       } else {
+                       new Json.Object() , 0);
+                       }    
+                       if (obj.has_member("WARN-TOTAL")) {
+                      "WARN"), (int) obj.get_int_member("WARN-TOTAL"));
+                       } else {
+                       new Json.Object() , 0);
+                       }
+                       if (obj.has_member("DEPR-TOTAL")) {
+                       obj.get_object_member("DEPR"),  (int) obj.get_int_member("DEPR-TOTAL"));
+                       } else {
+                      new Json.Object(),0);
+                       }
+                       if (this.state == State.CODE || this.state == State.PROJECTCODEONLY) {
+                               buf.highlightErrorsJson("ERR", obj); 
+                               buf.highlightErrorsJson("WARN", obj);
+                               buf.highlightErrorsJson("DEPR", obj);
+                       }
+             ;
+             ;
+                       if (!has_errors) { 
+                     ;
+                     ;
+                       }
+                       if (this.file.xtype == "Gtk") {
+                               // not sure how this is working ok? - as highlighting is happening on the vala files at present..
+                               var gbuf =   this.window_gladeview.sourceview;
+                               gbuf.highlightErrorsJson("ERR", obj);
+                               gbuf.highlightErrorsJson("WARN", obj);
+                               gbuf.highlightErrorsJson("DEPR", obj);                  
+                               if (!has_errors) {
+                             ;
+                               }
+                  }
+                  if (this.file.xtype == "Gtk") {
+                               // not sure how this is working ok? - as highlighting is happening on the vala files at present..
+                               var gbuf =   this.window_rooview.sourceview;
+                               gbuf.highlightErrorsJson("ERR", obj);
+                               gbuf.highlightErrorsJson("WARN", obj);
+                               gbuf.highlightErrorsJson("DEPR", obj);                  
+                  }
+                       this.last_compile_result = obj;
+               }
diff --git a/src/Builder4/config1.builder b/src/Builder4/config1.builder
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4210691
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+    {
+        "name" : "builder",
+        "compile_flags" : "",
+        "execute_args" : "",
+        "target_bin" : "/tmp/builder",
+        "sources" : [
+            "../Builder4/About.vala",
+            "../Builder4/ClutterFiles.vala",
+            "../Builder4/DialogConfirm.vala",
+            "../Builder4/DialogPluginWebkit.vala",
+            "../Builder4/DialogSaveModule.vala",
+            "../Builder4/DialogSaveTemplate.vala",
+            "../Builder4/DialogTemplateSelect.vala",
+            "../Builder4/Editor.vala",
+            "../Builder4/EditProject.vala",
+            "../Builder4/FakeServer.vala",
+            "../Builder4/GtkView.vala",
+            "../Builder4/MainWindow.vala",
+            "../Builder4/ProjectSettings.vala",
+            "../Builder4/RooProjectProperties.vala",
+            "../Builder4/StandardErrorDialog.vala",
+            "../Builder4/ValaProjectSettings.vala",
+            "../Builder4/WindowAddProp.vala",
+            "../Builder4/WindowLeftProjects.vala",
+            "../Builder4/WindowLeftProps.vala",
+            "../Builder4/WindowLeftTree.vala",
+            "../Builder4/WindowRightPalete.vala",
+            "../Builder4/WindowRooView.vala",
+            "../Builder4/WindowState.vala",
+            "../Builder4",
+            "../JsRender/Gtk.vala",
+            "../JsRender/JsRender.vala",
+            "../JsRender/Lang.vala",
+            "../JsRender/NodeToGlade.vala",
+            "../JsRender/NodeToGtk.vala",
+            "../JsRender/NodeToJs.vala",
+            "../JsRender/NodeToVala.vala",
+            "../JsRender/Node.vala",
+            "../JsRender/RooDatabase.vala",
+            "../JsRender/Roo.vala",
+            "../JsRender",
+            "../Palete/Gir.vala",
+            "../Palete/Gtk.vala",
+            "../Palete/Javascript.vala",
+            "../Palete/Palete.vala",
+            "../Palete/RooDatabase.vala",
+            "../Palete/Roo.vala",
+            "../Palete/ValaSource.vala",
+            "../Palete",
+            "../Project/Gtk.vala",
+            "../Project/Project.vala",
+            "../Project/Roo.vala",
+            "../Project",
+            "../../src/Application.vala",
+            "../../src/Main.vala",
+            "../../src/Resources.vala",
+            "../../src",
+            "../c/jscore_object_call_as_function.c",
+            "../Palete/GirObject.vala",
+            "../Palete/VapiParser.vala",
+            "../Builder4/PopoverFileDetails.vala",
+            "../../src/Spawn.vala",
+            "../Builder4/ValaCompileErrors.vala",
+            "../Palete/ValaSourceCompiler.vala",
+            "../JsRender/PlainFile.vala",
+            "../Builder4/ValaCompileResults.vala",
+            "../Palete/CompletionProvider.vala",
+            "../Builder4/PopoverProperty.vala"
+        ],
+        "packages" : [
+        ]
+    },
+    {
+        "name" : "_default_",
+        "compile_flags" : "--thread -X -lm --target-glib=2.32 -g --pkg  roojspacker-1.0",
+        "execute_args" : "",
+        "target_bin" : "",
+        "sources" : [
+            "../../../app.Builder.js",
+            "../Builder4",
+            "../../src",
+            "../JsRender",
+            "../Palete",
+            "../Project",
+            "../vapi",
+            "../c",
+            "../..//tests",
+            "../..//pixmaps"
+        ],
+        "packages" : [
+            "gdk-3.0",
+            "gtk+-3.0",
+            "gtksourceview-3.0",
+            "libgda-5.0",
+            "clutter-gtk-1.0",
+            "glib-2.0",
+            "gobject-introspection-1.0",
+            "gobject-2.0",
+            "javascriptcore",
+            "json-glib-1.0",
+            "libxml-2.0",
+            "libsoup-2.4",
+            "libvala-0.26",
+            "webkit2gtk-4.0",
+            "gee-1.0",
+            "posix",
+            "libvala-0.24",
+            "libvala-0.30",
+            "librsvg-2.0",
+            "libvala-0.32",
+            "roojspacker-1.0"
+        ]
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/JsRender/Gtk.vala b/src/JsRender/Gtk.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..75bb804
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ * 
+ *  this is the code represents a File when using the Gtk view..
+ *   
+ *  It ues NodeToGtk
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+namespace JsRender {
+       int gid = 1;
+       public  class Gtk : JsRender
+       {
+           public Gtk(Project.Project project, string path) {
+               base( project, path);
+               this.xtype = "Gtk";
+               this.language = "vala";
+               //this.items = false;
+               //if (cfg.json) {
+               //    var jstr =  JSON.parse(cfg.json);
+               //    this.items = [ jstr ];
+               //    //console.log(cfg.items.length);
+               //    delete cfg.json; // not needed!
+               // }
+               // super?!?!
+      = "file-gtk-%d".printf(gid++);
+               //console.dump(this);
+               // various loader methods..
+               // Class = list of arguments ... and which property to use as a value.
+           }
+           /*
+           setNSID : function(id)
+           {
+               this.items[0]['*class'] = id;
+           },
+           getType: function() {
+               return 'Gtk';
+           },
+           */
+               public   override void   removeFiles() {
+                       var js = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) +"/" +  name + ".js";
+                       if (FileUtils.test(js, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               GLib.FileUtils.remove(js);
+                       }
+                       var vala = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) +"/" + name + ".vala";
+                       if (FileUtils.test(vala, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               GLib.FileUtils.remove(vala);
+                       }
+               }
+               public   override void  loadItems() throws GLib.Error // : function(cb, sync) == original was async.
+               {
+                       print("load Items!\n");
+                       if (this.tree != null) {
+                               this.loaded = true;
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       /*
+                       print("load: %s\n" , this.path);
+                       if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(this.path, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               // new file?!?
+                               this.tree = null;
+                               this.loaded = true;
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       */
+                       var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                       pa.load_from_file(this.path);
+                       var node = pa.get_root();
+                       if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) {
+                               throw new Error.INVALID_FORMAT ("Unexpected element type %s", node.type_name ());
+                       }
+                       var obj = node.get_object ();
+              = obj.get_string_member("name");
+                       this.parent = obj.get_string_member("parent");
+                       this.title = obj.get_string_member("title");
+                       if (obj.has_member("build_module")) { // should check type really..
+                               this.build_module = obj.get_string_member("build_module");
+                       }
+                       // load items[0] ??? into tree...
+                       var bjs_version_str = this.jsonHasOrEmpty(obj, "bjs-version");
+                       bjs_version_str = bjs_version_str == "" ? "1" : bjs_version_str;
+                       if (obj.has_member("items") 
+                               && 
+                               obj.get_member("items").get_node_type() == Json.NodeType.ARRAY
+                               &&
+                               obj.get_array_member("items").get_length() > 0
+                       ) {
+                               var ar = obj.get_array_member("items");
+                               var tree_base = ar.get_object_element(0);
+                               this.tree = new Node();
+                               this.tree.loadFromJson(tree_base, int.parse(bjs_version_str));
+                       }
+                       NodeToVala.mungeFile(this); // force line numbering..
+                       this.loaded = true;
+               }
+           public override string toSourcePreview()
+           {
+                       return "";
+               }
+           public override void setSource(string str) {}
+           public override string toSourceCode() // no seed support currently.
+           {
+                   return  NodeToVala.mungeFile(this);
+           }
+           // this is only used by dumping code...
+           public override string toSource() // no seed support currently.
+           {
+               /*
+               if (this.tree == null) {
+                   return "";
+               }
+               // var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.items[0]));
+               // we should base this on the objects in the tree really..
+               string[]  inc = { "Gtk", "Gdk", "Pango", "GLib", "Gio", "GObject", 
+                   "GtkSource", "WebKit", "Vte" }; //, "GtkClutter" , "Gdl"];
+               var src = "";
+               for (var i=0; i< inc.length; i++) {
+                               var e = inc[i];
+                   src += e+" =" + e +";\n";
+               }
+               src += "console = imports.console;\n"; // path?!!?
+               src += "XObject = imports.XObject.XObject;\n"; // path?!!?
+               src += + "=new XObject("+ this.mungeToString("    ") + ");\n";
+               src += + ".init();\n";
+               // register it in the cache
+               src += "XObject.cache['/" + + "'] = " + + ";\n";
+               return src;
+               */
+               return "";
+           }
+           public override void save() {
+               this.saveBJS();
+               // this.saveJS(); - disabled at present.. project settings will probably enable this later..
+               this.saveVala();
+           }
+               // ignore these calls.
+           public override void saveHTML ( string html ) {}
+           /** 
+            *  saveJS
+            * 
+            * save as a javascript file. - not used currently
+            * why is this not save...???
+            * 
+           void saveJS()
+           {
+               var fn = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) + "/" + + ".js";
+               print("WRITE :%s\n " , fn);
+               this.writeFile(fn, this.toSource());
+           }
+           */
+          void  saveVala()
+           {
+                       if (this.tree == null) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var fn = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) + "/" + + ".vala";
+                       print("WRITE :%s\n " , fn);
+                       this.writeFile(fn,  NodeToVala.mungeFile(this));
+           }
+               /*
+           valaCompileCmd : function()
+           {
+               var fn = '/tmp/' + + '.vala';
+               print("WRITE : " + fn);
+               File.write(fn, this.toVala(true));
+               return ["valac",
+                      "--pkg",  "gio-2.0",
+                      "--pkg" , "posix" ,
+                      "--pkg" , "gtk+-3.0",
+                      "--pkg",  "libnotify",
+                      "--pkg",  "gtksourceview-3.0",
+                      "--pkg", "libwnck-3.0",
+                      fn ,   "-o", "/tmp/" +];
+           },
+           */
+           string getHelpUrl(string cls)
+           {
+               return "" + cls + ".html";
+           }
+           public override void  findTransStrings(Node? node )
+               {
+                       // not yet..
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/src/JsRender/JsRender.vala b/src/JsRender/JsRender.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..db19fe2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+//<Script type="text/javascript">
+namespace JsRender {
+       public errordomain Error {
+               INVALID_FORMAT,
+               RENAME_FILE_EXISTS
+       }
+       public abstract class JsRender  : Object {
+               /**
+                * @cfg {Array} doubleStringProps list of properties that can be double quoted.
+                */
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> doubleStringProps;
+               public string id;
+               public string name;   // is the JS name of the file.
+               public string fullname;
+               public string path;  // is the full path to the file.
+               public string parent;  // JS parent.
+               public string region;  // RooJS - insert region.
+               public string title;  // a title.. ?? nickname.. ??? -
+               public string build_module; // module to build if we compile (or are running tests...)
+               public string permname;
+               public string language;
+               public string content_type;
+               public string modOrder;
+               public string xtype;
+               public uint64 webkit_page_id; // set by webkit view - used to extract extension/etc..
+               public Project.Project project;
+               //Project : false, // link to container project!
+               public Node tree; // the tree of nodes.
+               public GLib.List<JsRender> cn; // child files.. (used by project ... should move code here..)
+               public bool hasParent; 
+               public bool loaded;
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,string> transStrings; // map of md5 -> string.
+               public signal void changed (Node? node, string source); 
+               public signal void compile_notice(string type, string file, int line, string message);
+               /**
+                * UI componenets
+                * 
+                */
+               //public Xcls_Editor editor;
+               public JsRender(Project.Project project, string path) {
+              = new GLib.List<JsRender>();
+                       this.path = path;
+                       this.project = project;
+                       this.hasParent = false;
+                       this.parent = "";
+                       this.tree = null;
+                       this.title = "";
+                       this.region = "";
+                       this.permname = "";
+                       this.modOrder = "";
+                       this.language = "";
+                       this.content_type = "";
+                       this.build_module = "";
+                       this.loaded = false;
+                       //print("JsRender.cto() - reset transStrings\n");
+                       this.transStrings = new Gee.HashMap<string,string> ();
+                       // should use basename reallly...
+                       var ar = this.path.split("/");
+                       // name is in theory filename without .bjs (or .js eventually...)
+                       try {
+                               Regex regex = new Regex ("\\.(bjs|js)$");
+                      = ar.length > 0 ? regex.replace(ar[ar.length-1],ar[ar.length-1].length, 0 , "") : "";
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                      = "???";
+                       }
+                       this.fullname = (this.parent.length > 0 ? (this.parent + ".") : "" ) +;
+                       this.doubleStringProps = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+               }
+               public void renameTo(string name) throws  Error
+               {
+                       if (this.xtype == "PlainFile") {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var bjs = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) +"/" +  name + ".bjs";
+                       if (FileUtils.test(bjs, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               throw new Error.RENAME_FILE_EXISTS("File exists %s\n",name);
+                       }
+                       GLib.FileUtils.remove(this.path);
+                       this.removeFiles();
+                       // remove other files?
+              = name;
+                       this.path = bjs;
+               }
+               // not sure why xt is needed... -> project contains xtype..
+               public static JsRender factory(string xt, Project.Project project, string path) throws Error
+               {
+                       switch (xt) {
+                               case "Gtk":
+                                       return new Gtk(project, path);
+                               case "Roo":
+                                       return new Roo(project, path);
+                               case "PlainFile":
+                                       return new PlainFile(project, path);
+                       }
+                       throw new Error.INVALID_FORMAT("JsRender Factory called with xtype=%s", xt);
+                       //return null;    
+               }
+               public string toJsonString()
+               {
+                       if (this.xtype == "PlainFile") {
+                               return "";
+                       }
+                       var generator = new Json.Generator ();
+                       generator.indent = 4;
+                       generator.pretty = true;
+                       var node = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+                       node.set_object(this.toJsonObject());
+                       generator.set_root(node);
+                       return generator.to_data(null);
+               }
+               public string nickType()
+               {
+                       var ar =".");
+                       string[] ret = {};
+                       for (var i =0; i < ar.length -1; i++) {
+                               ret += ar[i];
+                       }
+                       return string.joinv(".", ret);
+               }
+               public string nickName()
+               {
+                       var ar =".");
+                       return ar[ar.length-1];
+               }
+               public string getIconFileName(bool return_default)
+               {
+                       var m5 = GLib.Checksum.compute_for_string(GLib.ChecksumType.MD5,this.path); 
+                       var dir = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder/icons";
+                       try {
+                               if (!FileUtils.test(dir, FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                                        File.new_for_path(dir).make_directory();
+                               }
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                               // eakk.. what to do here...
+                       }
+                       var fname = dir + "/" + m5 + ".png";
+                       if (!return_default) {
+                               print("getIconFileName return %s\n", fname);
+                               return fname;
+                       }
+                       if (FileUtils.test(fname, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               print("getIconFileName return %s\n", fname);
+                               return fname;
+                       }
+                       // we need to create this somehow...
+                       print("getIconFileName return %s\n", GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder/test.jpg");
+                       return  GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder/test.jpg";
+               }
+               public void saveBJS()
+               {
+                   if (!this.loaded) {
+                           return;
+                   }
+                   if (this.xtype == "PlainFile") {
+                           return;
+                   }
+                   var generator = new Json.Generator ();
+                   generator.indent = 1;
+                   generator.pretty = true;
+                   var node = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+                   node.set_object(this.toJsonObject());
+                   generator.set_root(node);
+                   print("WRITE :%s\n " , this.path);// + "\n" + JSON.stringify(write));
+                   try {
+                               this.writeFile(this.path, generator.to_data(null));
+                       //generator.to_file(this.path);
+                   } catch(Error e) {
+                       print("Save failed");
+                   }
+               }
+               public abstract void loadItems() throws GLib.Error;
+               public string jsonHasOrEmpty(Json.Object obj, string key) {
+                       return obj.has_member(key) ? 
+                                               obj.get_string_member(key) : "";
+               }
+               public Json.Object toJsonObject ()
+               {
+                       var ret = new Json.Object();
+                       if (this.xtype == "PlainFile") {
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       //ret.set_string_member("id",; // not relivant..
+                       ret.set_string_member("name",;
+                       ret.set_string_member("parent", this.parent == null ? "" : this.parent);
+                       ret.set_string_member("title", this.title == null ? "" : this.title);
+                       ret.set_string_member("path", this.path);
+                       //ret.set_string_member("items", this.items);
+                       ret.set_string_member("permname", this.permname  == null ? "" : this.permname);
+                       ret.set_string_member("modOrder", this.modOrder  == null ? "" : this.modOrder);
+                       if (this.project.xtype == "Gtk") {
+                               ret.set_string_member("build_module", this.build_module  == null ? "" : this.build_module);
+                       }
+                       if (this.transStrings.size > 0) {
+                               var tr =  new Json.Object();
+                               var iter = this.transStrings.map_iterator();
+                               while ( {
+                                       tr.set_string_member(iter.get_value(), iter.get_key());
+                               }
+                               ret.set_object_member("strings", tr);
+            }
+                       var ar = new Json.Array();
+                       // empty files do not have a tree.
+                       if (this.tree != null) {
+                               ar.add_object_element(this.tree.toJsonObject());
+                       }
+                       ret.set_array_member("items", ar);
+                   return ret;
+               }
+               public string getTitle ()
+               {
+                   if (this.title.length > 0) {
+                       return this.title;
+                   }
+                   var a = this.path.split("/");
+                   return a[a.length-1];
+               }
+               public string getTitleTip()
+               {
+                   if (this.title.length > 0) {
+                       return "<b>" + this.title + "</b> " + this.path;
+                   }
+                   return this.path;
+               }
+               /*
+                   sortCn: function()
+                   {
+             ,b) {
+                           return a.path > b.path;// ? 1 : -1;
+                       });
+                   },
+               */
+                   // should be in palete provider really..
+               public Palete.Palete palete()
+               {
+                       // error on plainfile?
+                       return Palete.factory(this.project.xtype);
+               }
+               public string guessName(Node ar) // turns the object into full name.
+               {
+                    // eg. xns: Roo, xtype: XXX ->
+                   if (!ar.hasXnsType()) {
+                      return "";
+                   }
+                   return ar.get("* xns") + "." + ar.get("* xtype");
+               }
+               /**
+                *  non-atomic write (replacement for put contents, as it creates temporary files.
+                */
+               public void writeFile(string path, string contents) throws GLib.IOError, GLib.Error
+               {
+                       var f = GLib.File.new_for_path(path);
+                       var data_out = new GLib.DataOutputStream(
+                                          f.replace(null, false, GLib.FileCreateFlags.NONE, null)
+                      );
+                       data_out.put_string(contents, null);
+                       data_out.close(null);
+               }
+               public  Node? lineToNode(int line)
+               {
+                       if (this.tree == null) {
+                               return null;
+                       }
+                       return this.tree.lineToNode(line);
+               }
+               public abstract void save();
+               public abstract void saveHTML(string html);
+               public abstract string toSource() ;
+               public abstract string toSourceCode() ; // used by commandline tester..
+               public abstract void setSource(string str);
+               public abstract string toSourcePreview() ;
+               public abstract void removeFiles() ;
+                public abstract void  findTransStrings(Node? node );
+       } 
diff --git a/src/JsRender/Lang.vala b/src/JsRender/Lang.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2f5308a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+//<script type="text/javscript">
+       @namespace
+// test
+// valac gitlive/app.Builder.js/JsRender/Lang.vala --pkg gee-1.0 -o /tmp/Lang ;/tmp/Lang
+void main () {
+     new JsRender.Lang_Class();
+    print(JsRender.Lang.keyword("delete") + "\n");
+namespace JsRender { 
+    public Lang_Class Lang = null;
+    public class Lang_Class : Object {
+        GLib.List<string> coreObjects;
+        Gee.HashMap<string,string> whitespaceNames;
+        Gee.HashMap<string,string> newlineNames;
+        Gee.HashMap<string,string> keywordNames;
+        Gee.HashMap<string,string> puncNames;
+        Gee.HashMap<string,string> matchingNames;
+        public Gee.ArrayList<string> match_strings;
+        public Lang_Class ()
+        {
+            if (Lang != null) {
+                //print("lang not null\n");
+                return;
+            }
+            //print("init\n");
+            this.init();
+            //print("init Lang");
+            Lang = this;
+        }
+        public bool isBuiltin(string  name) {
+            return (this.coreObjects.index(name) > -1);
+        }
+        public string whitespace (string ch) {
+            return this.whitespaceNames.get(ch);
+        }
+        public string  newline (string ch) {
+            return this.newlineNames.get(ch);
+        }
+        public string keyword(string word) {
+            return this.keywordNames.get("="+word);
+        }
+        public string matching(string name) {
+            return this.matchingNames.get(name);
+        }
+        public bool isKeyword(string word) {
+            return this.keywordNames.get("=" + word) != null;
+        }
+        public string punc (string ch) {
+            return this.puncNames[ch];
+        }
+        public bool isNumber (string str) {
+            return Regex.match_simple("^(\\.[0-9]|[0-9]+\\.|[0-9])[0-9]*([eE][+-][0-9]+)?$",str);
+        }
+        public bool  isHexDec (string str) {
+            return Regex.match_simple("^0x[0-9A-F]+$",str);
+        }
+        public bool isWordChar (string str) {
+            return Regex.match_simple("^[a-zA-Z0-9$_.]+$", str);
+        }
+        public bool isSpace (string str) {
+            return this.whitespaceNames.get(str) != null;
+        }
+        public bool isNewline (string str) {
+            return this.newlineNames.get(str) != null;
+        }
+           public bool isBoolean (string str) {
+                       var ss = str.down();
+            return ss == "false" || ss == "true";
+        }
+        void init() {
+            this.coreObjects = new GLib.List<string>();
+            this.whitespaceNames = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+            this.newlineNames = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+            this.keywordNames = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+            this.puncNames = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+            this.matchingNames = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+            this.match_strings = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+            string[] co = { "_global_", "Array", "Boolean", "Date", "Error", 
+                "Function", "Math", "Number", "Object", "RegExp", "String" };
+            for(var i =0; i< co.length;i++ ) {
+                this.coreObjects.append(co[i]);
+                this.match_strings.add(co[i]);
+            }
+            string[] ws =  {
+                " :SPACE",
+                "\f:FORMFEED",
+                "\t:TAB" //,
+              //  "\u0009:UNICODE_TAB",
+              //  "\u000A:UNICODE_NBR",
+              //  "\u0008:VERTICAL_TAB"
+            };
+            for(var i =0; i< ws.length;i++ ) {
+                var x = ws[i].split(":");
+                this.whitespaceNames.set(x[0],x[1]);
+            }
+            ws = {
+                "\n:NEWLINE",
+                "\r:RETURN" //,
+    //            "\u000A:UNICODE_LF",
+      //          "\u000D:UNICODE_CR",
+        //        "\u2029:UNICODE_PS",
+          //      "\u2028:UNICODE_LS"
+            };
+            for(var i =0; i< ws.length;i++ ) {
+                var x = ws[i].split(":");
+                this.newlineNames.set(x[0],x[1]);
+            }
+            ws = {
+                "=break:BREAK",
+                "=case:CASE",
+                "=catch:CATCH",
+                "=const:VAR",
+                "=continue:CONTINUE",
+                "=default:DEFAULT",
+                "=delete:DELETE",
+                "=do:DO",
+                "=else:ELSE",
+                "=false:FALSE",
+                "=finally:FINALLY",
+                "=for:FOR",
+                "=function:FUNCTION",
+                "=if:IF",
+                "=in:IN",
+                "=instanceof:INSTANCEOF",
+                "=new:NEW",
+                "=null:NULL",
+                "=return:RETURN",
+                "=switch:SWITCH",
+                "=this:THIS",
+                "=throw:THROW",
+                "=true:TRUE",
+                "=try:TRY",
+                "=typeof:TYPEOF",
+                "=void:VOID",
+                "=while:WHILE",
+                "=with:WITH",
+                "=var:VAR"
+             };
+            for(var i =0; i< ws.length;i++ ) {
+                var x = ws[i].split(":");
+                this.keywordNames.set(x[0],x[1]);
+                this.match_strings.add(x[0].substring(1));
+            }
+            ws={
+                "; SEMICOLON",
+                ", COMMA",
+                "? HOOK",
+                ": COLON",
+                "|| OR", 
+                "&& AND",
+                "| BITWISE_OR",
+                "^ BITWISE_XOR",
+                "& BITWISE_AND",
+                "=== STRICT_EQ", 
+                "== EQ",
+                "= ASSIGN",
+                "!== STRICT_NE",
+                "!= NE",
+                "<< LSH",
+                "<= LE", 
+                "< LT",
+                ">>> URSH",
+                ">> RSH",
+                ">= GE",
+                "> GT", 
+                "++ INCREMENT",
+                "-- DECREMENT",
+                "+ PLUS",
+                "- MINUS",
+                "* MUL",
+                "/ DIV", 
+                "% MOD",
+                "! NOT",
+                "~ BITWISE_NOT",
+                ". DOT",
+                "[ LEFT_BRACE",
+                "] RIGHT_BRACE",
+                "{ LEFT_CURLY",
+                "} RIGHT_CURLY",
+                "( LEFT_PAREN",
+                ") RIGHT_PAREN"
+            };
+            for(var i =0; i< ws.length;i++ ) {
+                var x = ws[i].split(" ");
+                this.puncNames.set(x[0],x[1]);
+            }
+           ws = {
+               "LEFT_PAREN:RIGHT_PAREN",
+               "RIGHT_PAREN:LEFT_PAREN",
+               "LEFT_CURLY:RIGHT_CURLY",
+               "RIGHT_CURLY:LEFT_CURLY",
+               "LEFT_BRACE:RIGHT_BRACE",
+               "RIGHT_BRACE:LEFT_BRACE"
+           };
+           for(var i =0; i< ws.length;i++ ) {
+               var x = ws[i].split(":");
+               this.matchingNames.set(x[0],x[1]);
+           }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/JsRender/Node.vala b/src/JsRender/Node.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cd10119
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+// test..
+// valac gitlive/app.Builder.js/JsRender/Lang.vala gitlive/app.Builder.js/JsRender/Node.vala --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg=json-glib-1.0 -o /tmp/Lang ;/tmp/Lang
+ * 
+ * props:
+ * 
+ * key value view of properties.
+ * 
+ * Old standard..
+ * XXXXX : YYYYY  -- standard - should be rendered as XXXX : "YYYY" usually.
+ * |XXXXX : YYYYY  -- standard - should be rendered as XXXX : YYYY usually.
+ * |init  -- the initialization...
+ * *prop : a property which is actually an object definition... 
+ * *args : contructor args
+ * .ctor : Full contruct line...  
+ * 
+ * Newer code
+ * ".Gee.ArrayList<Xcls_fileitem>:fileitems" ==> # type  name 
+ * ".signal:void:open": "(JsRender.JsRender file)" ==> @ type name
+ *  "|void:clearFiles": "() .... some code...."  | type name
+ *
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Standardize this crap...
+ * 
+ * standard properties (use to set)
+ *          If they are long values show the dialog..
+ * 
+ * bool is_xxx  :: can show a pulldown.. (true/false)
+ * string html  
+ * $ string html  = string with value interpolated eg. baseURL + ".." 
+ *  Clutter.ActorAlign x_align  (typed)  -- shows pulldowns if type is ENUM? 
+ * $ untypedvalue = javascript untyped value... 
+ * 
+ * object properties (not part of the GOjbect being wrapped?
+ * # Gee.ArrayList<Xcls_fileitem> fileitems
+ * 
+ * signals
+ * @ void open 
+ * 
+ * methods -- always text editor..
+ * | void clearFiles
+ * | someJSmethod
+ * 
+ * specials
+ * * prop -- string
+ * * args  -- string
+ * * ctor -- string
+ * * init -- big string?
+ * 
+ * event handlers (listeners)
+ *   just shown 
+ * 
+ * -----------------
+ * special ID values
+ *  +XXXX -- indicates it's a instance property / not glob...
+ *  *XXXX -- skip writing glob property (used as classes that can be created...)
+ *  _XXXX -- (string) a translatable string.
+ * 
+ * 
+.method {
+        color : green;
+        font-weight: bold;      
+.prop {
+       color : #333;
+.prop-code {
+    font-style: italic;
+ }
+.listener {
+    color: #600;
+    font-weight: bold;  
+.special { 
+  color : #00c;    font-weight: bold;   
+public class JsRender.Node : Object {
+       public static int uid_count = 0;
+       public Node parent;
+       public Gee.ArrayList<Node> items; // child items..
+       public Gee.HashMap<string,string> props; // the properties..
+       public Gee.HashMap<string,string> listeners; // the listeners..
+       public string  xvala_cls;
+       public string xvala_xcls; // 'Xcls_' + id;
+       public string xvala_id; // item id or ""
+       // line markers..
+       public int line_start;
+       public int line_end;
+       public Gee.ArrayList<int> lines;
+       public Gee.HashMap<int,string> line_map; // store of l:xxx or p:....
+       public Gee.ArrayList<int> node_lines;
+       public Gee.HashMap<int,Node> node_lines_map; // store of l:xxx or p:....
+       public Node()
+       {
+               this.items = new Gee.ArrayList<Node>();
+               this.props = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+               this.listeners = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+               this.xvala_cls = "";
+               this.xvala_xcls = "";
+               this.xvala_id = "";
+               this.parent = null;
+               this.line_start = -1;
+               this.line_end = -1;             
+               this.lines = new Gee.ArrayList<int>();
+               this.line_map = new Gee.HashMap<int,string>();
+               this.node_lines = new Gee.ArrayList<int>();
+               this.node_lines_map = new Gee.HashMap<int,Node>();
+       }
+       public void setNodeLine(int line, Node node) {
+               //print("Add node @ %d\n", line);
+               if (this.node_lines_map.has_key(line)) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               this.node_lines.add(line);
+               this.node_lines_map.set(line, node);
+       }
+       public void setLine(int line, string type, string prop) {
+               if (this.line_map.has_key(line)) {
+                       if  (this.line_map.get(line) != "e:"  ) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       this.lines.add(line);
+               }
+               this.line_map.set(line, type + ":" + prop);
+               GLib.debug("setLine %d, %s", line, type + ":" + prop);
+       }
+       public void sortLines() {
+               //print("sortLines\n");
+               this.lines.sort((a,b) => {   
+                       return (int)a-(int)b;
+               });
+               this.node_lines.sort((a,b) => {   
+                       return (int)a-(int)b;
+               });
+       }
+       public Node? lineToNode(int line)
+       {
+               //print("Searching for line %d\n",line);
+               var l = -1;
+               //foreach(int el in this.node_lines) {
+                       //print("all lines %d\n", el);
+               //}
+               foreach(int el in this.node_lines) {
+                       //print("?match %d\n", el);
+                       if (el < line) {
+                               l = el;
+                               //print("LESS\n");
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (el == line) {
+                               //print("SAME\n");
+                               l = el;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       if (l > -1) {
+                               var ret = this.node_lines_map.get(l);
+                               if (line > ret.line_end) {
+                                       return null;
+                               }
+                               //print("RETURNING NODE ON LINE %d", l);
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       return null;
+               }
+               if (l > -1) {
+                       var ret = this.node_lines_map.get(l);
+                       if (line > ret.line_end) {
+                               return null;
+                       }
+                       //print("RETURNING NODE ON LINE %d", l);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               return null;
+       }
+       public string lineToProp(int line)
+       {
+               // assume lineToNode called first...
+               var l = -1;
+               //foreach(int el in this.lines) {
+               //      //print("all lines %d\n", el);
+               //
+               foreach(int el in this.lines) {
+                       //print("?match %d\n", el);
+                       if (el < line) {
+                               l = el;
+                               //print("LESS\n");
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (el == line) {
+                               //print("SAME\n");
+                               l = el;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       if (l > -1) {
+                               //print("RETURNING NODE ON LINE %d", l);
+                               return this.line_map.get(l);
+                       }
+                       return null;
+               }
+               if (l > -1) {
+                       //print("RETURNING NODE ON LINE %d", l);
+                       return this.line_map.get(l);
+               }
+               return null;
+       }
+       public bool getPropertyRange(string prop, out int start, out int end)
+       {
+               start = -1;
+               foreach(int el in this.lines) {
+                       if (start < 0) {
+                               if (this.line_map.get(el) == prop) {
+                                       start = el;
+                                       end = el;
+                               }
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       end = el -1;
+                       break;
+               }
+               return start > -1;
+       }
+       public void dumpProps(string indent = "")
+       {
+               print("%s:\n" , this.fqn());
+               foreach(int el in this.lines) {
+                       print("%d: %s%s\n", el, indent, this.line_map.get(el));
+               }
+               foreach(Node n in this.items) {
+                       n.dumpProps(indent + "  ");
+               }
+       }
+       public string uid()
+       {
+               if (this.props.get("id") == null) {
+                       uid_count++;
+                       return "uid-%d".printf(uid_count);
+               }
+               return this.props.get("id");
+       }
+       public bool hasChildren()
+       {
+               return this.items.size > 0;
+       }
+       public bool hasXnsType()
+       {
+               if (this.props.get("$ xns") != null && this.props.get("xtype") != null) {
+                       return true;
+               }
+               return false;
+       }
+       public string fqn()
+       {
+               if (!this.hasXnsType ()) {
+                       return "";
+               }
+               return this.props.get("$ xns") + "." + this.props.get("xtype"); 
+       }
+       public void setFqn(string name)
+       {
+               var ar = name.split(".");
+               this.props.set("xtype", ar[ar.length-1]);
+               var l = name.length - (ar[ar.length-1].length +1);
+               this.props.set("$ xns", name.substring(0, l));
+               //print("setFQN %s to %s\n", name , this.fqn());
+       }
+       // wrapper around get props that returns empty string if not found.
+       public string get(string key)
+       {
+               var k = this.props.get(key);
+               if (k != null) {
+                       return k;
+               }
+               k = this.props.get("$ " + key);
+               if (k != null) {
+                       return k;
+               }
+               var iter = this.props.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       var kk = iter.get_key().split(" ");
+                       if (kk[kk.length-1] == key) {
+                               return iter.get_value();
+                       }
+               }
+               return "";
+       }
+       public string get_key(string key)
+       {
+               var k = this.props.get(key);
+               if (k != null) {
+                       return key;
+               }
+               k = this.props.get("$ " + key);
+               if (k != null) {
+                       return "$ " + key;
+               }
+               var iter = this.props.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       var kk = iter.get_key().split(" ");
+                       if (kk[kk.length-1] == key) {
+                               return iter.get_key();
+                       }
+               }
+               return "";
+       }
+       public void normalize_key(string key, out string kname, out string kflag, out string ktype)
+       {
+               // key formats : XXXX
+               // XXX - plain
+               // string XXX - with type
+               // $ XXX - with flag (no type)
+               // $ string XXX - with flag
+               kname = "";
+               ktype = ""; // these used to contain '-' ???
+               kflag = ""; // these used to contain '-' ???
+               var kkv = key.strip().split(" ");
+               string[] kk = {};
+               for (var i = 0; i < kkv.length; i++) {
+                       if (kkv[i].length > 0 ) {
+                               kk+= kkv[i];
+                       }
+               }
+               //print("normalize %s => %s\n", key,string.joinv("=:=",kk));
+               switch(kk.length) {
+                       case 1: 
+                               kname = kk[0];
+                               return;
+                       case 2: 
+                               kname = kk[1];
+                               if (kk[0].length > 1) {
+                                       ktype = kk[0];
+                               } else {
+                                       kflag = kk[0];
+                               }
+                               return;
+                       case 3:
+                               kname = kk[2];
+                               kflag = kk[0];
+                               ktype = kk[1];
+                               return;
+               }
+               // everything blank otherwise...
+       }
+       public void set(string key, string value) {
+               this.props.set(key,value);
+       }
+        public bool has(string key)
+       {
+               var k = this.props.get(key);
+               if (k != null) {
+                       return true;
+               }
+               var iter = this.props.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       var kk = iter.get_key().strip().split(" ");
+                       if (kk[kk.length-1] == key) {
+                               return true;
+                       }
+               }
+               return false;
+       }
+       public void  remove()
+       {
+               if (this.parent == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               var nlist = new Gee.ArrayList<Node>();
+               for (var i =0;i < this.parent.items.size; i++) {
+                       if (this.parent.items.get(i) == this) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       nlist.add(this.parent.items.get(i));
+               }
+               this.parent.items = nlist;
+               this.parent = null;
+       }
+       /* creates javascript based on the rules */
+       public Node? findProp(string n) {
+               for(var i=0;i< this.items.size;i++) {
+                       var p = this.items.get(i).get("* prop");
+                       if (this.items.get(i).get("* prop").length < 1) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (p == n) {
+                               return this.items.get(i);
+                       }
+               }
+               return null;
+       }
+       static Json.Generator gen = null;
+       public string quoteString(string str)
+       {
+               if (Node.gen == null) {
+                       Node.gen = new Json.Generator();
+               }
+                var n = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.VALUE);
+               n.set_string(str);
+               Node.gen.set_root (n);
+               return  Node.gen.to_data (null);   
+       }
+       public void loadFromJson(Json.Object obj, int version) {
+               obj.foreach_member((o , key, value) => {
+                       //print(key+"\n");
+                       if (key == "items") {
+                               var ar = value.get_array();
+                               ar.foreach_element( (are, ix, el) => {
+                                       var node = new Node();
+                                       node.parent = this;
+                                       node.loadFromJson(el.get_object(), version);
+                                       this.items.add(node);
+                               });
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (key == "listeners") {
+                               var li = value.get_object();
+                               li.foreach_member((lio , li_key, li_value) => {
+                                       this.listeners.set(li_key, li_value.get_string());
+                               });
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var v = value.get_value();
+                       var sv =  Value (typeof (string));
+                       v.transform(ref sv);
+                       var rkey = key;
+                       if (version == 1) {
+                               rkey = this.upgradeKey(key, (string)sv);
+                       }
+                       this.props.set(rkey,  (string)sv);
+               });
+       }
+       public string upgradeKey(string key, string val)
+       {
+               // convert V1 to V2
+               if (key.length < 1) {
+                       return key;
+               }
+               switch(key) {
+                       case "*prop":
+                       case "*args":
+                       case ".ctor":
+                       case "|init":
+                               return "* " + key.substring(1);
+                       case "pack":
+                               return "* " + key;
+               }
+               if (key[0] == '.') { // v2 does not start with '.' ?
+                       var bits = key.substring(1).split(":");
+                       if (bits[0] == "signal") {
+                               return "@" + string.joinv(" ", bits).substring(bits[0].length);
+                       }
+                       return "# " + string.joinv(" ", bits);                  
+               }
+               if (key[0] != '|' || key[1] == ' ') { // might be a v2 file..
+                       return key;
+               }
+               var bits = key.substring(1).split(":");
+               // two types '$' or '|' << for methods..
+               // javascript 
+               if  (Regex.match_simple ("^function\\s*(", val.strip())) {
+                       return "| " + key.substring(1);
+               }
+               // vala function..
+               if  (Regex.match_simple ("^\\(", val.strip())) {
+                       return "| " + string.joinv(" ", bits);
+               }
+               // guessing it's a property..
+               return "$ " + string.joinv(" ", bits);
+       }
+       public Node  deepClone()
+       {
+               var n = new Node();
+               n.loadFromJson(this.toJsonObject(), 2);
+               return n;
+       }
+       public string toJsonString()
+       {
+               if (Node.gen == null) {
+                       Node.gen = new Json.Generator();
+                       gen.pretty =  true;
+                       gen.indent = 1;
+               }
+               var n = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+               n.set_object(this.toJsonObject () );
+               Node.gen.set_root (n);
+               return  Node.gen.to_data (null);   
+       }
+       public Json.Object toJsonObject()
+       {
+               var ret = new Json.Object();
+               // listeners...
+               if (this.listeners.size > 0) {
+                       var li = new Json.Object();
+                       ret.set_object_member("listeners", li);
+                       var liter = this.listeners.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               li.set_string_member(liter.get_key(), liter.get_value());
+                       }
+               }
+               //props
+               if (this.props.size > 0 ) {
+                       var iter = this.props.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               this.jsonObjectsetMember(ret, iter.get_key(), iter.get_value());
+                       }
+               }
+               if (this.items.size > 0) {
+                       var ar = new Json.Array();
+                       ret.set_array_member("items", ar);
+                       // children..
+                       for(var i =0;i < this.items.size;i++) {
+                               ar.add_object_element(this.items.get(i).toJsonObject());
+                       }
+               }
+               return ret;
+       }
+       public void jsonObjectsetMember(Json.Object o, string key, string val) {
+               if (Lang.isBoolean(val)) {
+                       o.set_boolean_member(key, val.down() == "false" ? false : true);
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (Lang.isNumber(val)) {
+                       if (val.contains(".")) {
+                               //print( "ADD " + key + "=" + val + " as a double?\n");
+                               o.set_double_member(key, double.parse (val));
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       //print( "ADD " + key + "=" + val + " as a int?\n")  ;
+                       o.set_int_member(key,long.parse(val));
+                       return;
+               }
+               ///print( "ADD " + key + "=" + val + " as a string?\n");
+               o.set_string_member(key,val);
+       }
+       public string nodeTip()
+       {
+               var ret = this.nodeTitle(true);
+               var funcs = "";
+               var props = "";
+               var listen = "";
+               var iter = this.props.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       var i =  iter.get_key().strip();
+                       var val = iter.get_value().strip();
+                       if (val == null || val.length < 1) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if ( i[0] != '|') {
+                               props += "\n\t<b>" + 
+                                       GLib.Markup.escape_text(i) +"</b> : " + 
+                                       GLib.Markup.escape_text(val.split("\n")[0]);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       //if (i == "* init") { 
+                       //      continue;
+                       //}
+                       if (Regex.match_simple("^\\s*function", val)) { 
+                               funcs += "\n\t<b>" + 
+                                       GLib.Markup.escape_text(i.substring(1)).strip() +"</b> : " + 
+                                       GLib.Markup.escape_text(val.split("\n")[0]);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (Regex.match_simple("^\\s*\\(", val)) {
+                               funcs += "\n\t<b>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(i.substring(1)).strip() +
+                                       "</b> : " + 
+                                       GLib.Markup.escape_text(val.split("\n")[0]);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+               }
+               iter = this.listeners.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       var i =  iter.get_key().strip();
+                       var val = iter.get_value().strip();
+                       if (val == null || val.length < 1) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                        listen += "\n\t<b>" + 
+                                       GLib.Markup.escape_text(i) +"</b> : " + 
+                                       GLib.Markup.escape_text(val.split("\n")[0]);
+               }
+               if (props.length > 0) {
+                       ret+="\n\nProperties:" + props;
+               } 
+               if (funcs.length > 0) {
+                       ret+="\n\nMethods:" + funcs;
+               } 
+               if (listen.length > 0) {
+                       ret+="\n\nListeners:" + listen;
+               } 
+               return ret;
+       }
+       public string nodeTitle(bool for_tip = false) {
+               string[] txt = {};
+               //var sr = (typeof(c['+buildershow']) != 'undefined') &&  !c['+buildershow'] ? true : false;
+               //if (sr) txt.push('<s>');
+               if (this.has("* prop"))   { txt += (GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("* prop")) + ":"); }
+               //if (renderfull && c['|xns']) {
+               var fqn = this.fqn();
+               var fqn_ar = fqn.split(".");
+               txt += for_tip || fqn.length < 1 ? fqn : fqn_ar[fqn_ar.length -1];
+               //}
+               //if (c.xtype)    { txt.push(c.xtype); }
+               if (this.has("id"))      { txt += ("<b>[id=" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("id")) + "]</b>"); }
+               if (this.has("fieldLabel")){ txt += ("[" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("fieldLabel")) + "]"); }
+               if (this.has("boxLabel"))  { txt += ("[" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("boxLabel"))+ "]"); }
+               if (this.has("layout")) { txt += ("<i>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("layout")) + "</i>"); }
+               if (this.has("title"))   { txt += ("<b>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("title")) + "</b>"); }
+               if (this.has("html") && this.get("html").length > 0)     { 
+                       var ht = this.get("html").split("\n");
+                       if (ht.length > 1) {
+                               txt += ("<b>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(ht[0]) + "...</b>");
+                       } else { 
+                               txt += ("<b>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("html")) + "</b>");
+                       }
+               }
+               if (this.has("label"))   { txt += ("<b>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("label"))+ "</b>"); }
+               if (this.has("header"))   { txt += ("<b>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("header")) + "</b>"); }
+               if (this.has("legend"))  { txt += ("<b>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("legend")) + "</b>"); }
+               if (this.has("text"))     { txt += ("<b>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("text")) + "</b>"); }
+               if (this.has("name"))     { txt += ("<b>" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("name"))+ "</b>"); }
+               if (this.has("region")) { txt += ("<i>(" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("region")) + ")</i>"); }
+               if (this.has("dataIndex")){ txt += ("[" + GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.get("dataIndex")) + "]"); }
+               // for flat classes...
+               //if (typeof(c["*class"]"))!= "undefined")  { txt += ("<b>" +  c["*class"]+  "</b>"); }
+               //if (typeof(c["*extends"]"))!= "undefined")  { txt += (": <i>" +  c["*extends"]+  "</i>"); }
+               //if (sr) txt.push('</s>');
+               return (txt.length == 0) ? "Element" : string.joinv(" ", txt);
+       }
diff --git a/src/JsRender/NodeToGlade.vala b/src/JsRender/NodeToGlade.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..78db4ed
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Generated with glade 3.18.3 -->
+  <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.12"/>
+  <object class="GtkBox" id="box1">
+    <property name="visible">True</property>
+    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+    <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+    <child>
+      <object class="GtkButton" id="button1">
+        <property name="label" translatable="yes">button</property>
+        <property name="visible">True</property>
+        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+        <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+      </object>
+      <packing>
+        <property name="expand">False</property>
+        <property name="fill">True</property>
+        <property name="position">0</property>
+      </packing>
+    </child>
+    <child>
+      <placeholder/>
+    </child>
+    <child>
+      <object class="GtkToggleButton" id="togglebutton1">
+        <property name="label" translatable="yes">togglebutton</property>
+        <property name="visible">True</property>
+        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+        <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+      </object>
+      <packing>
+        <property name="expand">False</property>
+        <property name="fill">True</property>
+        <property name="position">2</property>
+      </packing>
+    </child>
+  </object>
+public class JsRender.NodeToGlade : Object {
+       Node node;
+       string pad;
+       Gee.ArrayList<string> els;
+        //Gee.ArrayList<string> skip;
+       Gee.HashMap<string,string> ar_props;
+       public static int vcnt = 0; 
+       public NodeToGlade( Node node,   string pad) 
+       {
+               this.node = node;
+               this.pad = pad;
+               this.els = new Gee.ArrayList<string>(); 
+               //this.skip = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+               this.ar_props = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+       }
+       public string munge ( )
+       {
+               this.pad += "    ";
+               var cls = this.node.fqn().replace(".", "");
+               string res = "";
+               switch(cls) {
+                       // things we can not do yet...
+                       case "GtkDialog": // top level.. - named and referenced
+                       case "GtkAboutDialog":
+                       case "GtkMessageDialog":
+                       case "GtkWindow": // top level.. - named and referenced
+                               res =  this.mungeOuter(true);
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               res = this.mungeOuter(false);
+                               break;
+               }
+               if (res.length < 1) {
+                       return "";
+               }
+               return  "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> 
+                       <!-- Generated with appBuilder 4.1 -->
+                       <interface> 
+                               <requires lib=\"gtk+\" version=\"3.12\"/>
+                               <!-- <requires lib=\"gtksourceview\" version=\"3.0\"/> -->
+                       " +
+                       res +
+                       "</interface>\n";
+       }
+       public string mungeChild(string pad ,  Node cnode, bool with_packing = false)
+       {
+               var x = new  NodeToGlade(cnode,  pad);
+               return x.mungeNode(with_packing);
+       }
+       public string mungeNode(bool with_packing)
+       {
+               var pad = this.pad;
+               var cls = this.node.fqn().replace(".", "");
+               var b = new global::Gtk.Builder();
+               var gtype = b.get_type_from_name(cls);
+               print("Type: %s ?= %s\n", this.node.fqn(),;
+               var ns = this.node.fqn().split(".")[0];
+               if (ns == "Clutter") {
+                       return "";
+               }
+               //if (ns == "GtkClutter") {
+               //      return "";
+               //}
+               if (ns == "WebKit") {
+                       return "";
+               }
+               switch(cls) {
+                       // things we can not do yet...
+                       /*case "GtkDialog": // top level.. - named and referenced
+                       case "GtkAboutDialog":
+                       case "GtkWindow": // top level.. - named and referenced
+                               return this.mungeWindow();
+                               if (this.node.items.size > 0) {
+                                       return this.mungeChild(pad + "        " , this.node.items.get(0), false );
+                               }
+                               return "";
+                       */
+                       //case "GtkView": // SourceView?
+                       case "GtkTreeStore": // top level.. - named and referenced
+                       case "GtkListStore": // top level.. - named and referenced
+                       case "GtkTreeViewColumn": // part of liststore?!?!
+                       case "GtkMenu": // top level..
+                       case "GtkCellRendererText":
+                       case "GtkSourceBuffer":                         
+                       case "GtkClutterActor"://fixme..
+                       ///case "GtkClutterEmbed"://fixme..
+                               return "";
+               }
+               var id = this.node.uid();
+               var ret = @"$pad<object class=\"$cls\" id=\"$id\">\n";
+               // properties..
+               var props = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn(this.node.fqn()).props;
+               //var props =  Palete.factory("Gtk").getPropertiesFor(this.node.fqn(), "props");
+               var pviter = props.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                               // print("Check: " +cls + "::(" + pviter.get_value().propertyof + ")" + pviter.get_key() + " " );
+                       // skip items we have already handled..
+                       if  (!this.node.has(pviter.get_key())) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       var k = pviter.get_key();
+                       var val = GLib.Markup.escape_text(this.node.get(pviter.get_key()).strip());
+                       ret += @"$pad    <property name=\"$k\">$val</property>\n"; // es
+                }
+               // packing???
+               var pack = "";
+               if (with_packing   ) {
+                       pack = this.packString();
+               }       
+               // children..
+               if (this.node.items.size < 1) {
+                       return ret + @"$pad</object>\n" + pack;
+               }
+               for (var i = 0; i < this.node.items.size; i++ ) {
+                       var add = this.mungeChild(pad + "        " , this.node.items.get(i) , true);
+                       if (add.length < 1) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       ret += @"$pad    <child>\n";
+                       ret += add;
+                       ret += @"$pad    </child>\n";
+               }
+               return ret + @"$pad</object>\n" + pack;
+       }
+       public string packString()
+       {
+               // pack is part of the parent element..
+               var p = node.parent;
+               string[]  pk= { "add" };
+               var pfqn = "Gtk.Box";
+               if (p != null) {
+                       pfqn  = p.fqn();
+                       if (this.node.props.get("* pack") == null) {
+                               return "";
+                       }
+                       pk = this.node.get("* pack").split(",");
+               } else {
+                       if (this.node.props.get("* pack") != null) {
+                               pk = this.node.get("* pack").split(",");
+                       }
+               }
+               if (pfqn == null) {
+                       return "";
+               }
+               if (pfqn == "Gtk.ScrolledWindow") {
+                       return "";
+               }
+               var p_parts =pfqn.split(".");
+               var ns = p_parts[0];
+               var gir =  Palete.Gir.factory(ns);
+               var cls = gir.classes.get(p_parts[1]);
+               var mdef = cls.methods.get(pk[0]);
+               if (mdef == null) {
+                       print("could not find method : %s\n", pk[0]);
+                       return "";
+               }
+               /*
+               var generator = new Json.Generator ();
+               var n = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+               n.set_object(mdef.toJSON());
+               generator.set_root(n);
+               generator.indent = 4;
+               generator.pretty = true;
+               print(generator.to_data(null));
+               */
+               string[]  pbody  = {};
+               switch(pk[0]) {
+                       case "pack_start":
+                               pbody += @"$pad    <property name=\"pack_type\">start</property>\n";
+                               break;
+                       case "pack_end":
+                               pbody += @"$pad    <property name=\"pack_type\">start</property>\n";
+                               break;
+                       case "add":
+                               //pbody += @"$pad    <property name=\"pack_type\">start</property>\n";
+                                pbody += @"$pad    <property name=\"expand\">True</property>\n";
+                               pbody += @"$pad    <property name=\"fill\">True</property>\n";
+                               //pbody += @"$pad    <property name=\"position\">1</property>\n";
+                               var pack = @"$pad<packing>\n" +
+                                       string.joinv("", pbody) + 
+                                               @"$pad</packing>\n";
+                               return pack;
+                       case "set_model":
+                               print ("set_model not handled yet..");
+                               return "";
+                       default:
+                               print ("unknown pack type: %s", pk[0]);
+                               return "";
+               }
+               var pad = this.pad;
+               for (var i = 2; i < mdef.paramset.params.size; i++) {
+                       var poff = i - 1;
+                       if (poff > (pk.length-1)) {
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       var key = mdef.paramset.params.get(i).name;
+                       var val = pk[poff];
+                       pbody += @"$pad    <property name=\"$key\">$val</property>\n";
+               }
+               if (pbody.length < 1) {
+                       /*var generator = new Json.Generator ();
+                       var n = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+                       n.set_object(mdef.toJSON());
+                       generator.set_root(n);
+                       generator.indent = 4;
+                       generator.pretty = true;
+                       print(generator.to_data(null));
+                       */
+                       print("skip - packing - no arguments (" + pk[0] + ")\n");
+                       return "";
+               }
+               var pack = @"$pad<packing>\n" +
+                               string.joinv("", pbody) + 
+                               @"$pad</packing>\n";
+               return pack;
+       }
+       public string  mungeOuter(bool with_window)
+       {
+               var label = this.node.fqn() + ": " + 
+                       (this.node.has("title") ? this.node.get("title") : "No-title");
+               var ret = "";
+               ret+= "
+<object class=\"GtkBox\" id=\"fake-window1\">
+       <property name=\"visible\">True</property>
+       <property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>
+       <property name=\"orientation\">vertical</property>
+               if (with_window) {              
+                       ret+="
+       <child>
+               <object class=\"GtkLabel\" id=\"fake-window-label-1\">
+                       <property name=\"visible\">True</property>
+                       <property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>
+                       <property name=\"label\" translatable=\"yes\">" + label + "</property>
+               </object>
+               <packing>
+                       <property name=\"expand\">False</property>
+                       <property name=\"fill\">True</property>
+                       <property name=\"position\">0</property>
+               </packing>
+       </child>
+       ";
+               }
+               ret+=" 
+               <child>
+               ";
+               if (with_window) {
+                       var children = "";
+                       if (this.node.items.size > 0) {
+                               children =  this.mungeChild(pad + "        " , this.node.items.get(0), false);
+                       } 
+                       children += (children.length > 0) ? "<packing>
+                               <property name=\"expand\">True</property>
+                               <property name=\"fill\">True</property>
+                               <property name=\"position\">1</property>
+                     </packing>" : "";
+                       ret+= (children.length < 1 ) ? "<placeholder/>" : children;
+               } else {
+                       ret+= this.mungeNode (true);
+               }
+               ret+="
+                   </child>
+           ";
+       if (with_window) {
+               ret+="
+                   <child>
+                     <object class=\"GtkBox\" id=\"fake-footer\">
+                       <property name=\"visible\">True</property>
+                       <property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>
+                       <child>
+                         <placeholder/>
+                       </child>
+                       <child>
+                         <placeholder/>
+                       </child>
+                     </object>
+                     <packing>
+                       <property name=\"expand\">False</property>
+                       <property name=\"fill\">True</property>
+                       <property name=\"position\">2</property>
+                     </packing>
+                   </child>
+           ";
+       }
+               ret +="
+       </object>"; 
+       return ret;
+       }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/JsRender/NodeToGtk.vala b/src/JsRender/NodeToGtk.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..613b363
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+* This code renders the Gtk tree into a set of Gtk elements.
+* principle = one NodeToGtk wraps around the original 'node'
+* it's called by the view element with
+*      var x = new JsRender.NodeToGtk(file.tree);
+     var obj = x.munge() as Gtk.Widget;
+* The idea behind the Javascript tools stuff is that we can 
+* transform what is actually being requested to be rendered
+* -- eg. an AboutBox, and turn that into load of real widgets..
+* that could be displayed..
+* we could go on the theory that we send the whole tree to the 'plugin'
+* and that would do all the transformations before rendering..
+* -- this would make more sense...
+* -- otherwise we would call it on each element, and might get really confused
+* about scope etc..
+public class JsRender.NodeToGtk : Object {
+       Node node;
+       Object wrapped_object; 
+       NodeToGtk parentObj;
+       Gee.ArrayList<NodeToGtk> children;
+       Gee.ArrayList<string> els;
+        //Gee.ArrayList<string> skip;
+       Gee.HashMap<string,string> ar_props;
+       public static int vcnt = 0; 
+       public NodeToGtk( Node node , NodeToGtk? parent_obj = null) 
+       {
+               this.node = node;
+               this.els = new Gee.ArrayList<string>(); 
+               this.children = new Gee.ArrayList<NodeToGtk>(); 
+               //this.skip = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+               this.ar_props = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+               this.parentObj = parent_obj;
+               if (parent_obj == null) {
+                       // then serialize up the node,
+                       // send it to javascript for processsing,
+                       // then rebuild node from return value..
+                       try {
+                               var ret = Palete.Javascript.singleton().executeFile(
+                                               BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/node_to_gtk.js",
+                                               "node_to_gtk",
+                                               node.toJsonString()
+                               );
+                               var new_node = new Node();
+                               var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                               pa.load_from_data(ret);
+                               var rnode = pa.get_root();
+                               new_node.loadFromJson(rnode.get_object(), 2);
+                               this.node = new_node;
+                       } catch (Palete.JavascriptError e) {
+                               print("Error: %s\n", e.message);
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       public Object? munge ( )
+       {
+               var ret = this.mungeNode();
+               if (ret == null) {
+                       return null;
+               }
+               return ret.wrapped_object;
+       }
+       public NodeToGtk? mungeChild(  Node cnode)
+       {
+               var x = new  NodeToGtk(cnode, this);
+               return x.mungeNode();
+       }
+       public NodeToGtk? mungeNode()
+       {
+               var parent = this.parentObj != null ? this.parentObj.wrapped_object : null;
+               var cls = this.node.fqn().replace(".", "");
+               var ns = this.node.fqn().split(".")[0];
+               var gtkbuilder = new global::Gtk.Builder();
+               var cls_gtype = gtkbuilder.get_type_from_name(cls);
+               print("Type: %s ?= %s\n", this.node.fqn(),;
+               if (cls_gtype == GLib.Type.INVALID) {
+                       print("SKIP - gtype is invalid\n");
+                       return null;
+               }
+               // if it's a window...  -- things we can not render....
+               if (cls_gtype.is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Window))) {
+                       // what if it has none...
+                       if (this.node.items.size < 1) {
+                               return null;
+                       }
+                       return this.mungeChild(this.node.items.get(0));
+               }
+               if (cls_gtype.is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Popover))) {
+                       // what if it has none...
+                       if (this.node.items.size < 1) {
+                               return null;
+                       }
+                       return this.mungeChild(this.node.items.get(0));
+               }
+               var ret =;
+               ret.ref(); //??? problematic?
+               this.wrapped_object = ret;
+               switch(cls) {
+                       // fixme
+                       //case "GtkTreeStore": // top level.. - named and referenced
+                       case "GtkListStore": // top level.. - named and referenced
+                       //case "GtkTreeViewColumn": // part of liststore?!?!
+                       //case "GtkMenu": // top level..
+                       //case "GtkCellRendererText":
+                       case "GtkSourceBuffer":                         
+                       case "GtkClutterActor"://fixme..
+                       case "GtkClutterEmbed"://fixme.. -- we can not nest embedded.. need to solve..
+                               return null;
+               }
+               this.packParent();
+               // pack paramenters
+               if (parent != null && parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Container))) {
+                       this.packContainerParams();
+               }
+               var cls_gir =Palete.Gir.factoryFqn(this.node.fqn()); 
+               if (cls_gir == null) {
+                       return null;
+               }
+               //var id = this.node.uid();
+               //var ret = @"$pad<object class=\"$cls\" id=\"$id\">\n";
+               // properties..
+               var props = cls_gir.props;
+               var pviter = props.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                               // print("Check: " +cls + "::(" + pviter.get_value().propertyof + ")" + pviter.get_key() + " " );
+                       var k = pviter.get_key();
+                       // skip items we have already handled..
+                       if  (!this.node.has(k)) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       // find out the type of the property...
+                       var type = pviter.get_value().type;
+                       type = Palete.Gir.fqtypeLookup(type, ns);
+                       var  ocl = (ObjectClass) cls_gtype.class_ref ();
+                       var ps = ocl.find_property(k);
+                       // attempt to read property type and enum...
+                       if (ps != null) {
+                               var vt = ps.value_type;
+                               if (vt.is_enum()) {
+                                       var raw_val = this.node.get(k).strip();
+                                       var rv_s = raw_val.split(".");
+                                       if (rv_s.length > 0) {
+                                               raw_val = rv_s[rv_s.length-1];                                  
+                                               EnumClass ec = (EnumClass) vt.class_ref ();
+                                               var foundit = false;
+                                               for (var i =0;i< ec.n_values; i++) {
+                                                       var ev = ec.values[i].value_name;
+                                                       var ev_s= ev.split("_");
+                                                       if (raw_val == ev_s[ev_s.length-1]) {
+                                                               var sval = GLib.Value(typeof(int));
+                                                               sval.set_int(ec.values[i].value);
+                                                               ret.set_property(k, sval);
+                                                               foundit = true;
+                                                               break;
+                                                       }
+                                               }
+                                               if (foundit) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       var val = this.toValue(this.node.get(k).strip(), type);
+                       if (val == null) {
+                               print("skip (failed to transform value %s type = %s from %s\n", 
+                                       cls + "." + k, type,  this.node.get(k).strip());
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       print ("set_property ( %s , %s / %s)\n", k, this.node.get(k).strip(), val.strdup_contents());
+                       ret.set_property(k, val);  
+               }
+               // packing???
+               // for now... - just try the builder style packing
+               if (this.node.items.size < 1) {
+                       return this;
+               }
+               for (var i = 0; i < this.node.items.size; i++ ) {
+                        var ch = this.mungeChild(this.node.items.get(i));
+                        if (ch != null) {
+                                this.children.add(ch);
+                        }
+               }
+               this.afterChildren();
+               return this;
+       }
+       public void  afterChildren()
+       {
+               // things like GtkNotebook - we have to pack children after they have been created..
+               var cls = this.node.fqn().replace(".", "");
+               if (cls == "GtkNotebook") {
+                       this.afterChildrenGtkNotebook();
+               }
+       }
+       public void  afterChildrenGtkNotebook()
+       {
+               // we have a number of children..
+               // some are labels - this might need to be more complex...
+               // perhaps labels should be a special property labels[] of the notebook..
+               var labels = new Gee.ArrayList<NodeToGtk>();
+               var bodies = new Gee.ArrayList<NodeToGtk>();
+               for (var i = 0; i < this.children.size; i++) { 
+                       var cn = this.children.get(i).node.fqn().replace(".", "");
+                       if (cn != "GtkLabel") {
+                               bodies.add(this.children.get(i));
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       labels.add(this.children.get(i));
+               }
+               for (var i = 0; i < bodies.size; i++) {
+                       var lbl = (i > (labels.size -1)) ? null : labels.get(i);
+                       ((global::Gtk.Notebook)this.wrapped_object).append_page(
+                                (global::Gtk.Notebook) bodies.get(i).wrapped_object,
+                                lbl != null ?  (global::Gtk.Notebook) lbl.wrapped_object : null
+                       );
+               }
+       }
+       /**
+        * called after the this.object  has been created
+        * and it needs to be packed onto parent.
+        */
+       public void packParent() 
+       {
+               var cls = this.node.fqn().replace(".", "");
+               var gtkbuilder = new global::Gtk.Builder();
+               var cls_gtype = gtkbuilder.get_type_from_name(cls);
+               if (this.parentObj == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object;
+               var do_pack =true;
+               if (parent == null) { // no parent.. can not pack.
+                       return; /// 
+               }
+               // -------------  handle various special parents .. -----------
+               var par_type = this.parentObj.node.fqn().replace(".", "");
+               if (par_type == "GtkNotebook") {
+                       // do not pack - it's done afterwards...
+                       return;
+               }
+               // -------------  handle various child types.. -----------
+               // our overrides
+               if (cls == "GtkMenu") {
+                       this.packMenu();
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (cls == "GtkTreeStore") { // other stores?
+                       // tree store is buildable??? --- 
+                       this.packTreeStore();
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (cls =="GtkTreeViewColumn") { // other stores?
+                       //?? treeview column is actually buildable -- but we do not use the builder???
+                       this.packTreeViewColumn();
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (cls_gtype.is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.CellRenderer))) { // other stores?
+                       this.packCellRenderer();
+                       return;
+               }
+               // -- handle buildable add_child..
+               if (    cls_gtype.is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Buildable))
+                    && 
+                       parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Buildable))
+               )
+               {
+                       ((global::Gtk.Buildable)parent).add_child(gtkbuilder, 
+                                                 this.wrapped_object, null);
+                       return;
+               }
+               // other packing?
+       }
+       public void packMenu()
+       {
+               var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object;
+               if (!parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Widget))) {
+                       print("skip menu pack - parent is not a widget");
+                       return;
+               }
+               var p = (global::Gtk.Menu)this.wrapped_object;
+               ((global::Gtk.Widget)parent).button_press_event.connect((s, ev) => { 
+                       p.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());
+                       p.show_all();
+                       p.popup(null, null, null, ev.button, ev.time);
+                       return true;
+               });
+       }
+       public void packTreeStore()
+       {
+               var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object;
+               if (!parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.TreeView))) {
+                       print("skip treestore pack - parent is not a treeview");
+                       return;
+               }
+               ((global::Gtk.TreeView)parent).set_model((global::Gtk.TreeModel)this.wrapped_object);
+       }
+       public void packTreeViewColumn()
+       {
+               var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object;
+               if (!parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.TreeView))) {
+                       print("skip packGtkViewColumn pack - parent is not a treeview");
+                       return;
+               }
+               ((global::Gtk.TreeView)parent).append_column((global::Gtk.TreeViewColumn)this.wrapped_object);
+               // init contains the add_attribute for what to render...
+       }       
+       public void packCellRenderer()
+       {
+               var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object;
+               if (!parent.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.TreeViewColumn))) {
+                       print("skip packGtkViewColumn pack - parent is not a treeview");
+                       return;
+               }
+               ((global::Gtk.TreeViewColumn)parent).pack_start((global::Gtk.CellRenderer)this.wrapped_object, false);
+               // init contains the add_attribute for what to render...
+       }       
+       public void packContainerParams()
+       {
+               if (this.parentObj == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               // child must be a widget..
+               if (!this.wrapped_object.get_type().is_a(typeof(global::Gtk.Widget))) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               var parent_gir = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn(this.parentObj.node.fqn());
+               var parent = this.parentObj.wrapped_object;
+               if (parent_gir == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               // let's test just setting expand to false...
+               var cls_methods = parent_gir.methods;
+               if (cls_methods == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (!this.node.props.has_key("* pack") || 
+                               this.node.props.get("* pack").length < 1) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               var ns = this.parentObj.node.fqn().split(".")[0];
+               var pack = this.node.props.get("* pack").split(",");
+               // this tries to use the parameter names from the '*pack' function as properties in child_set_property.
+           // for a grid it's trying to do left/top/width/height.
+               if (cls_methods.has_key(pack[0])) {
+                       var mparams = cls_methods.get(pack[0]).paramset.params;
+                       for (var i = 1; i < mparams.size; i++ ) {
+                               if (i > (pack.length -1)) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               Palete.Gir.checkParamOverride(mparams.get(i));
+                               var k = mparams.get(i).name;
+                               Value cur_val;
+                               var type = mparams.get(i).type;
+                               type = Palete.Gir.fqtypeLookup(type, ns);
+                               var val = this.toValue(pack[i].strip(), type);
+                               if (val == null) {
+                                       print("skip (failed to transform value %s type = %s from %s\n", 
+                                               this.parentObj.node.fqn()  + "." + k, type, pack[i].strip());
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               print ("pack:set_property ( %s , %s / %s)\n", k, pack[i].strip(), val.strdup_contents());
+                               ((global::Gtk.Container)parent).child_set_property(
+                                       (global::Gtk.Widget)this.wrapped_object , k, val);
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       public GLib.Value? toValue(string val, string type) {
+               /*
+               if (type == "string") {
+                       var qret = GLib.Value(typeof(string));
+                       qret.set_string(val);
+                       return qret;
+               }
+               * */
+               /*
+                * 
+          * var gtkbuilder = new global::Gtk.Builder();
+               var prop_gtype = gtkbuilder.get_type_from_name(type);
+               if (prop_gtype == GLib.Type.INVALID) {
+                       return null;
+               }
+               */
+               switch(type) {
+                       case "bool":
+                               var ret = GLib.Value(typeof(bool));
+                               ret.set_boolean(val.down() == "false" ? false : true);
+                               return ret;
+                       case "uint":
+                               var ret = GLib.Value(typeof(uint));
+                               ret.set_uint(int.parse(val));
+                               return ret;
+                       case "int":
+                               var ret = GLib.Value(typeof(int));
+                               ret.set_int(int.parse(val));
+                               return ret;
+                       // uint64 ...??
+                       case "long":
+                               var ret = GLib.Value(typeof(long));
+                               ret.set_long((long)int64.parse(val));
+                               return ret;
+                       case "ulong":
+                               var ret = GLib.Value(typeof(ulong));
+                               ret.set_ulong((ulong) uint64.parse(val));
+                               return ret;
+                       case "float":
+                               var ret = GLib.Value(typeof(float));
+                               ret.set_float((float)double.parse(val));
+                               return ret;
+                       case "string":
+                               var ret = GLib.Value(typeof(string));
+                               ret.set_string(val);
+                               return ret;
+                       default:
+                               return null;
+                               /*
+                               var sval =  GLib.Value(typeof(string));
+                               sval.set_string(val);
+                               if (!sval.transform(ref ret)) {
+                                       return null;
+                               }
+                               return ret;
+                               */
+               }
+               // should not get here..
+               return null;
+       }
diff --git a/src/JsRender/NodeToJs.vala b/src/JsRender/NodeToJs.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1bdb3b9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+ * 
+ * Code to convert node tree to Javascript...
+ * 
+ * usage : x = (new JsRender.NodeToJs(node)).munge();
+ * 
+ *
+ *  We are changing this to output as we go.
+ *   However... since line-endings on properties have ',' (not ;) like vala.
+ *           we have to be a bit smarter about how to output.
+ *
+ *   
+ *
+public class JsRender.NodeToJs : Object {
+       static uint indent = 1;
+       static string indent_str = " ";
+       Node node;
+       Gee.ArrayList<string>  doubleStringProps;  // need to think if this is a good idea like this
+       string pad;
+       public JsRender renderer;
+       Gee.HashMap<string,string> out_props;
+       Gee.HashMap<string,string> out_listeners;       
+       Gee.HashMap<string,Node> out_nodeprops;
+       Gee.ArrayList<Node> out_children;
+       Gee.HashMap<string,Gee.ArrayList<Node>> out_props_array;
+       Gee.HashMap<string,Gee.ArrayList<string>> out_props_array_plain;        
+       NodeToJs top;
+       public string ret;
+       public int cur_line;
+       public NodeToJs( Node node, Gee.ArrayList<string> doubleStringProps, string pad, NodeToJs? parent) 
+       {
+               this.node = node;
+               this.doubleStringProps = doubleStringProps;
+               this.pad = pad;
+               //this.els = new Gee.ArrayList<string>(); 
+               //this.ar_props = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+               // this is the bit that causes issues - we have to output as we go, otherwise we 
+               // can not work out which line is which...
+               this.out_props = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+               this.out_listeners = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();  
+               this.out_nodeprops = new Gee.HashMap<string,Node>() ;
+               this.out_children = new Gee.ArrayList<Node> ();
+               this.out_props_array = new Gee.HashMap<string,Gee.ArrayList<Node>>(); // filled in by 'checkChildren'
+               this.out_props_array_plain = new Gee.HashMap<string,Gee.ArrayList<string>>() ;
+               this.cur_line = parent == null ? 0 : parent.cur_line  ; //-1 as we usuall concat onto the existin gline?
+               if (parent != null) {
+                       this.renderer = parent.renderer;
+               }
+               this.ret = "";
+      = parent == null ? this :;
+               // reset the maps...
+               if (parent == null) {
+                       node.node_lines = new Gee.ArrayList<int>();
+                       node.node_lines_map = new Gee.HashMap<int,Node>();
+                }
+       }
+       public string munge ( )
+       {
+               //return this.mungeToString(this.node);
+               this.checkChildren();
+               this.readProps();
+               //this.readArrayProps();
+               this.readListeners();
+               if (!this.node.props.has_key("* xinclude")) {
+                       this.iterChildren();
+               }
+               // no properties to output...
+               //if (this.els.size < 1) {
+               //      return "";
+               //}
+               this.mungeOut();
+               return this.ret;
+       } 
+               /**
+       This currently works by creating a key/value array of this.els, which is just an array of properties..
+       this is so that join() works...
+       how this could work:
+       a) output header
+       b) output plan properties.
+       c) output listeners..
+       c) output *prop
+       g) output prop_arrays..
+       d) output children
+       e) 
+       */
+       public Gee.ArrayList<string> orderedPropKeys() {
+               var ret = new Gee.ArrayList<string> ();
+               var niter = this.out_props.map_iterator();
+               while( {
+                       ret.add(niter.get_key());
+               }
+               ret.sort((  a,  b) => {
+                       return ((string)a).collate((string)b);
+                       //if (a == b) return 0;
+                       //return a < b ? -1 : 1;
+               });
+               return ret;
+       }
+       public Gee.ArrayList<string> orderedListenerKeys() {
+               var ret = new Gee.ArrayList<string> ();
+               var niter = this.out_listeners.map_iterator();
+               while( {
+                       ret.add(niter.get_key());
+               }
+               ret.sort((  a,  b) => {
+                       return ((string)a).collate((string)b);
+                       //if (a == b) return 0;
+                       //return a < b ? -1 : 1;
+               });
+               return ret;
+       }
+       public string mungeOut()
+       {
+               this.node.line_start = this.cur_line;
+     , this.node);
+               var spad = this.pad.substring(0, this.pad.length-indent);
+               if (this.node.props.has_key("* xinclude")) {
+                       this.addLine("Roo.apply(" + this.node.props.get("* xinclude") + "._tree(), {",0 );
+               } else {
+                       this.addLine("{", 0);
+               }
+               var suffix = "";
+               // output the items...
+               // work out remaining items...
+               // output xns / xtype first..
+               if (this.out_props.has_key("xtype")) {
+                       var v = this.out_props.get("xtype");
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p","xtype"); 
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "xtype" + " : " + v + suffix, ',');
+               }
+               // plain properties.
+               var iter = this.orderedPropKeys().list_iterator();
+               while( {
+                       var k = iter.get();
+                       if (k == "xns" || k == "xtype") {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       var v = this.out_props.get(k);
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p",k); 
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + k + " : " + v + suffix, ',');
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "e", "");
+               }
+               // listeners..
+               if (this.out_listeners.size > 0 ) { 
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "listeners : {", 0);
+                       iter = this.orderedListenerKeys().list_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               var k = iter.get();
+                               var v = this.out_listeners.get(k);
+                               this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "l",k); //listener
+                               this.addLine(this.pad + indent_str + k + " : " + v , ',');
+                               this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "e", "");
+                       }
+                       this.closeLine();
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "}" ,',');
+               }
+               //------- at this point it is the end of the code relating directly to the object..
+               if (this.out_props.has_key("xns")) {
+                       var v = this.out_props.get("xns");
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p","xns"); 
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "xns" + " : " + v + suffix, ',');
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p","| xns"); 
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "'|xns' : '" + v + "'", ',');
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "e", "");
+               }
+               this.node.line_end = this.cur_line;
+               // * prop
+               var niter = this.out_nodeprops.map_iterator();
+               while( {
+                       var addstr = this.mungeChildNew(this.pad + indent_str, niter.get_value());
+                       //print("add str: %s\n", addstr);
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p",niter.get_key());
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + niter.get_key() + " : " + addstr, ',');
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "e", "");
+               }                        
+               // prop arrays...
+               var piter = this.out_props_array.map_iterator();
+               while( {
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p",piter.get_key());
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + piter.get_key() + " : [", 0);
+                       var pliter = piter.get_value().list_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               var addstr = this.mungeChildNew(this.pad + indent_str  + indent_str, pliter.get());
+                               this.addLine(this.pad + indent_str + addstr, ',');
+                               this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "e", "");
+                       }
+                       this.closeLine();
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "]" , ',');                     
+               }       
+               // children..
+               if (this.out_children.size > 0) {
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "items  : [" , 0);
+                       var cniter = this.out_children.list_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               suffix = cniter.has_next()  ? "," : "";
+                               var addstr = this.mungeChildNew(this.pad + indent_str  + indent_str, cniter.get());
+                               this.addLine(this.pad + indent_str + addstr, ',');
+                               this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "e", "");
+                       }
+                       this.closeLine();
+                       this.addLine(this.pad +   "]",',');
+               }
+               this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "e", "");
+               this.closeLine();
+               if (this.node.props.has_key("* xinclude")) {
+                       this.addLine(spad + "})",0);
+               } else {
+                       this.addLine( spad + "}", 0);
+               }
+               this.node.sortLines();
+               return this.ret;
+       }
+       /**
+       * Line endings
+       *     if we end with a ','
+       *
+       */
+       char last_line_end = '!'; 
+       /**
+       * add a line - note we will end up with an extra line break 
+       *     at beginning of nodes doing this..
+       *
+       * @param str = text to add..
+       * @param line_end = 0  (just add a line break)
+       *        line_end = ','  and ","
+       *  
+       */
+       public void addLine(string str, char line_end)
+       {
+               if (this.last_line_end != '!') {
+                       this.ret += (this.last_line_end == 0 ? "" : this.last_line_end.to_string()) + "\n"; 
+               }
+               this.last_line_end = line_end;
+               this.cur_line += str.split("\n").length;
+               this.ret += str;
+               //this.ret +=  "/*%d(%d-%d)*/ ".printf(this.cur_line -1, this.node.line_start,this.node.line_end) + str + "\n";
+       }
+       public void closeLine() // send this before '}' or ']' to block output of ',' ...
+       {
+               this.last_line_end = 0;
+       }
+/*     public void addMultiLine(str= "")
+       {
+               //this.ret +=   "/ * %d(%d-%d) * / ".printf(this.cur_line, this.node.line_start,this.node.line_end)+ str + "\n";
+               this.ret +=   str + "\n";
+               this.cur_line += str.split("\n").length;
+       }
+ */
+       public string mungeChildNew(string pad ,  Node cnode )
+       {
+               var x = new  NodeToJs(cnode, this.doubleStringProps, pad, this);
+               x.munge();
+               return x.ret;
+       }
+       /**
+       * loop through items[] array see if any of the children have '* prop'
+       * -- which means they are a property of this node.
+       * -- ADD TO : this.opt_props_array  
+       *
+       */
+       public void checkChildren () 
+       {
+               // look throught he chilren == looking for * prop.. -- fixme might not work..
+               if (!this.node.hasChildren()) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               // look for '*props'
+               for (var ii =0; ii< this.node.items.size; ii++) {
+                       var pl = this.node.items.get(ii);
+                       if (!pl.props.has_key("* prop")) {
+                               //newitems.add(pl);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       //print(JSON.stringify(pl,null,4));
+                       // we have a prop...
+                       //var prop = pl['*prop'] + '';
+                       //delete pl['*prop'];
+                       var prop = pl.get("* prop");
+                       //print("got prop "+ prop + "\n");
+                       // name ends in [];
+                       if (! Regex.match_simple("\\[\\]$", prop)) {
+                               // it's a standard prop..
+                               // munge property..??
+                               this.out_nodeprops.set(prop, pl);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       var sprop  = prop.replace("[]", "");
+                       //print("sprop is : " + sprop + "\n");
+                       // it's an array type..
+                       //var old = "";
+                       if (!this.out_props_array.has_key(sprop)) {
+                               this.out_props_array.set(sprop, new Gee.ArrayList<Node>());
+                       }
+                       this.out_props_array.get(sprop).add( pl);
+                       //this.ar_props.set(sprop, nstr);
+               }
+       }
+       /*
+ * Standardize this crap...
+ * 
+ * standard properties (use to set)
+ *          If they are long values show the dialog..
+ *
+ * someprop : ....
+ * bool is_xxx  :: can show a pulldown.. (true/false)
+ * string html  
+ * $ string html  = string with value interpolated eg. baseURL + ".." 
+ *  Clutter.ActorAlign x_align  (typed)  -- shows pulldowns if type is ENUM? 
+ * $ untypedvalue = javascript untyped value...  
+ * _ string html ... = translatable..
+ * 
+ * object properties (not part of the GOjbect being wrapped?
+ * # Gee.ArrayList<Xcls_fileitem> fileitems
+ * 
+ * signals
+ * @ void open 
+ * 
+ * methods -- always text editor..
+ * | void clearFiles
+ * | someJSmethod
+ * 
+ * specials
+ * * prop -- string
+ * * args  -- string
+ * * ctor -- string
+ * * init -- big string?
+ * 
+ * event handlers (listeners)
+ *   just shown 
+ * 
+ * -----------------
+ * special ID values
+ *  +XXXX -- indicates it's a instance property / not glob...
+ *  *XXXX -- skip writing glob property (used as classes that can be created...)
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+       public void readProps()
+       {
+               string left;
+               Regex func_regex ;
+               try {
+                       func_regex = new Regex("^\\s+|\\s+$");
+               } catch (RegexError e) {
+                       print("failed to build regex");
+                       return;
+               }
+               // sort the key's so they always get rendered in the same order..
+               var keys = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+               var piter = this.node.props.map_iterator();
+               while ( ) {
+                       string k;
+                       string ktype;
+                       string kflag;
+                       this.node.normalize_key(piter.get_key(), out k, out kflag, out ktype);
+                       keys.add(k);
+               }
+               keys.sort((  a,  b) => {
+                       return ((string)a).collate((string)b);
+                       //if (a == b) return 0;
+                       //return a < b ? -1 : 1;
+               });
+               var has_cms = this.node.has("cms-id");
+               for (var i = 0; i< keys.size; i++) {
+                       var key = this.node.get_key(keys.get(i));
+                       //("ADD KEY %s\n", key);
+                       string k;
+                       string ktype;
+                       string kflag;
+                       this.node.normalize_key(key, out k, out kflag, out ktype);
+                       var v = this.node.get(key);
+                       //if (this.skip.contains(k) ) {
+                       //      continue;
+                       //}
+                       if (  Regex.match_simple("\\[\\]$", k)) {
+                               // array .. not supported... here?
+                       }
+                       string leftv = k;
+                       // skip builder stuff. prefixed with  '.' .. just like unix fs..
+                       if (kflag == ".") { // |. or . -- do not output..
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (kflag == "*") {
+                               // ignore '* prop'; ??? 
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       // handle cms-id // html
+                       if (has_cms && k == "cms-id") {
+                               continue; // ignore it...
+                       }
+                       // html must not be a dynamic property...
+                       // note - we do not translate this either...
+                       if (has_cms && k == "html" && kflag != "$") {
+                               this.out_props.set("html", "Pman.Cms.content(" + 
+                                       this.node.quoteString( + "::" + this.node.get("cms-id")) +
+                                        ", " +
+                                       this.node.quoteString(v) +
+                                        ")");
+                               continue;        
+                       }
+                       if (Lang.isKeyword(leftv) || Lang.isBuiltin(leftv)) {
+                               left = "'" + leftv + "'";
+                       } else if (Regex.match_simple("[^A-Za-z_]+",leftv)) { // not plain a-z... - quoted.
+                               var val = this.node.quoteString(leftv);
+                               left = "'" + val.substring(1, val.length-2).replace("'", "\\'") + "'";
+                       } else {
+                               left = leftv;
+                       }
+                       // next.. is it a function.. or a raw string..
+                       if (
+                               kflag == "|" 
+                               || 
+                               kflag == "$" 
+                               || 
+                               ktype == "function"
+                               // ??? any others that are raw output..
+                               ) {
+                               // does not hapepnd with arrays.. 
+                               if (v.length < 1) {  //if (typeof(el) == 'string' && !obj[i].length) { //skip empty.
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               /*
+                               print(v);
+                               string str = "";
+                               try {
+                                       str = func_regex.replace(v,v.length, 0, "");
+                               } catch(Error e) {
+                                       print("regex failed");
+                                       return "";
+                               }
+                               */
+                               var str = v.strip();
+                               var lines = str.split("\n");
+                               var nstr = "" + str;
+                               if (lines.length > 0) {
+                                       nstr =  string.joinv("\n" + this.pad, lines);
+                                       //nstr =  string.joinv("\n", lines);
+                               }
+                               this.out_props.set(left, nstr);
+                               //print("==> " +  str + "\n");
+                               //this.els.add(left + " : "+  nstr);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       // standard..
+                       if (
+                               Lang.isNumber(v) 
+                               || 
+                               Lang.isBoolean(v)
+                               ||
+                               ktype.down() == "boolean"
+                               || 
+                               ktype.down() == "bool"
+                               || 
+                               ktype.down() == "number"
+                               || 
+                               ktype.down() == "int"
+                           ) { // boolean or number...?
+                           this.out_props.set(left, v.down());
+                               //this.els.add(left + " : " + v.down() );
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       // is it a translated string?
+                       // strings..
+                       //if (this.doubleStringProps.size < 1) {
+                       //      this.els.add(left + this.node.quoteString(v));
+                       //      continue;
+                       //}
+                       if ((this.doubleStringProps.index_of(k) > -1) || 
+                               (ktype.down() == "string" && k[0] == '_')
+                       ) {
+                               // then use the translated version...
+                               var com = " /* " + 
+                                       (v.split("\n").length > 1 ?
+                                               ("\n" + this.pad +  string.joinv(this.pad +  "\n", v.split("\n")).replace("*/", "* - /") + "\n" + this.pad + "*/ ") :
+                                               (v.replace("*/", "* - /") + " */")
+                                       );
+                               //this.els.add(left + " : _this._strings['" + 
+                               //      GLib.Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.MD5, v) +
+                               //      "']"
+                               //);
+                               this.out_props.set(left, "_this._strings['" + 
+                                       GLib.Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.MD5, v.strip()) +
+                                       "']" + com);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       // otherwise it needs to be encapsulated.. as single quotes..
+                       var vv = this.node.quoteString(v);
+                       // single quote.. v.substring(1, v.length-1).replace("'", "\\'") + "'";
+                       //this.els.add(left + " : " +  "'" + vv.substring(1, vv.length-2).replace("'", "\\'") + "'");
+                       this.out_props.set(left,  "'" + vv.substring(1, vv.length-2).replace("'", "\\'") + "'");
+               }
+       }
+       public void readListeners()
+       {
+               if (this.node.listeners.size < 1) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               // munge the listeners.
+               //print("ADDING listeners?");
+               var keys = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+               var piter = this.node.listeners.map_iterator();
+               while ( ) {
+                       keys.add(piter.get_key());
+               }
+               keys.sort((  a,  b) => {
+                       return ((string)a).collate((string)b);
+                       //if (a == b) return 0;
+                       //return a < b ? -1 : 1;
+               });
+               for (var i = 0; i< keys.size; i++) {
+                       var key = keys.get(i);
+                       var val = this.node.listeners.get(key);
+                        // 
+                       var str = val.strip();
+                       var lines = str.split("\n");
+                       if (lines.length > 0) {
+                               //str = string.joinv("\n" + this.pad + "           ", lines);
+                               str = string.joinv("\n" + this.pad + indent_str + indent_str , lines);
+                       }
+                       this.out_listeners.set(key.replace("|", "") ,str);
+               }
+       }
+       public void iterChildren()
+       {
+               // finally munge the children...
+               if (this.node.items.size < 1) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               var itms = "items : [\n";
+               //var n = 0;
+               for(var i = 0; i < this.node.items.size;i++) {
+                       var ele = this.node.items.get(i);
+                       if (ele.props.has_key("* prop")) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       this.out_children.add(ele);
+               }
+               itms +=  "\n"+  this.pad + "]"  + "\n";
+               //this.els.add(itms);
+       }
+               // finally output listeners...
+       public void xIncludeToString()
+       {
+       }
diff --git a/src/JsRender/NodeToVala.vala b/src/JsRender/NodeToVala.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1350c0d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
+ * 
+ * Code to convert node tree to Vala...
+ * 
+ * usage : x = (new JsRender.NodeToVala(node)).munge();
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+public class JsRender.NodeToVala : Object {
+       Node node;
+       int depth;
+       string inpad;
+       string pad;
+       string ipad;
+       string cls;
+       string xcls;
+       string ret;
+       int cur_line;
+       Gee.ArrayList<string> ignoreList;
+       Gee.ArrayList<string> ignoreWrappedList; 
+       Gee.ArrayList<string> myvars;
+       Gee.ArrayList<Node> vitems; // top level items
+       NodeToVala top;
+       JsRender file;
+       /* 
+        * ctor - just initializes things
+        * - wraps a render node 
+        */
+       public NodeToVala( Node node,  int depth, NodeToVala? parent) 
+       {
+               this.node = node;
+               this.depth = depth;
+               this.inpad = string.nfill(depth > 0 ? 4 : 0, ' ');
+               this.pad = this.inpad + "    ";
+               this.ipad = this.inpad + "        ";
+               this.cls = node.xvala_cls;
+               this.xcls = node.xvala_xcls;
+               this.ret = "";
+               this.cur_line = parent == null ? 0 : parent.cur_line;
+      = parent == null ? this :;
+               this.ignoreList = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+               this.ignoreWrappedList  = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+               this.myvars = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+               this.vitems = new Gee.ArrayList<Node>();
+               this.file = null;
+               // initialize line data..
+               node.line_start = this.cur_line;
+               node.line_end  = this.cur_line;
+               node.lines = new Gee.ArrayList<int>();
+               node.line_map = new Gee.HashMap<int,string>();
+               if (parent == null) {
+                       node.node_lines = new Gee.ArrayList<int>();
+                       node.node_lines_map = new Gee.HashMap<int,Node>();
+                }
+       }
+       public int vcnt = 0;
+       string toValaNS(Node item)
+       {
+               var ns = item.get("xns") ;
+               if (ns == "GtkSource") {
+                       return "Gtk.Source";
+               }
+               return ns + ".";
+       }
+       public void  toValaName(Node item, int depth =0) 
+       {
+               this.vcnt++;
+               var ns =  this.toValaNS(item) ;
+               var cls = ns + item.get("xtype");
+               item.xvala_cls = cls;
+               string id = item.get("id").length > 0 ?
+                       item.get("id") :  "%s%d".printf(item.get("xtype"), this.vcnt);
+               if (id[0] == '*' || id[0] == '+') {
+                       item.xvala_xcls = "Xcls_" + id.substring(1);
+               } else {
+                       item.xvala_xcls = "Xcls_" + id;
+               }
+               item.xvala_id =  id;
+               if (depth > 0) {                        
+                       this.vitems.add(item);
+               } else if (!item.props.has_key("id")) {
+                       // use the file name..
+                       item.xvala_xcls =;
+                       // is id used?
+                       item.xvala_id =;
+               }
+               // loop children..
+               if (item.items.size < 1) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               for(var i =0;i<item.items.size;i++) {
+                       this.toValaName(item.items.get(i), depth+1);
+               }
+       }
+       /**
+        *  Main entry point to convert a file into a string..
+        */
+       public static string mungeFile(JsRender file) 
+       {
+               if (file.tree == null) {
+                       return "";
+               }
+               var n = new NodeToVala(file.tree, 0, null);
+               n.file = file;
+               n.vcnt = 0;
+               n.toValaName(file.tree);
+               GLib.debug("top cls %s / xlcs %s\n ",file.tree.xvala_cls,file.tree.xvala_cls); 
+               n.cls = file.tree.xvala_cls;
+               n.xcls = file.tree.xvala_xcls;
+               return n.munge();
+       }
+       public string munge ( )
+       {
+               //return this.mungeToString(this.node);
+               this.ignore("pack");
+               this.ignore("init");
+               this.ignore("xns");
+               this.ignore("xtype");
+               this.ignore("id");
+               this.globalVars();
+               this.classHeader();
+               this.addSingleton();
+               this.addTopProperties();
+               this.addMyVars();
+               this.addPlusProperties();
+               this.addValaCtor();
+               this.addUnderThis();
+               this.addWrappedCtor();
+               this.addInitMyVars();
+               this.addWrappedProperties();
+               this.addChildren();
+               this.addInit();
+               this.addListeners();
+               this.addEndCtor();
+               this.addUserMethods();
+               this.iterChildren();
+               return this.ret;
+       } 
+       public string mungeChild(  Node cnode)
+       {
+               var x = new  NodeToVala(cnode,  this.depth+1, this);
+               return x.munge();
+       }
+       public void addLine(string str= "")
+       {
+               this.cur_line++;
+               //this.ret += "/*%d*/ ".printf(this.cur_line-1) + str + "\n";
+               this.ret += str + "\n";
+       }
+       public void addMultiLine(string str= "")
+       {
+               this.cur_line += str.split("\n").length;
+               //this.ret +=  "/*%d*/ ".printf(l) + str + "\n";
+               this.ret +=   str + "\n";
+       }
+       public void globalVars()
+       {
+               if (this.depth > 0) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               // Global Vars..??? when did this get removed..?
+               //this.ret += this.inpad + "public static " + this.xcls + "  " + this.node.xvala_id+ ";\n\n";
+               this.addLine(this.inpad + "static " + this.xcls + "  _" + this.node.xvala_id+ ";");
+               this.addLine();
+       }
+       void classHeader()
+       {
+               // class header..
+               // class xxx {   WrappedGtk  el; }
+               this.node.line_start = this.cur_line;
+     , this.node);
+               this.addLine(inpad + "public class " + this.xcls + " : Object");
+               this.addLine(this.inpad + "{");
+               this.addLine(this.pad + "public " + this.cls + " el;");
+               this.addLine(this.pad + "private " + + "  _this;");
+               this.addLine();
+                       // singleton
+       }
+       void addSingleton() 
+       {
+               if (depth > 0) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               this.addLine(pad + "public static " + xcls + " singleton()");
+               this.addLine(this.pad + "{");
+               this.addLine(this.ipad +    "if (_" + this.node.xvala_id  + " == null) {");
+               this.addLine(this.ipad +    "    _" + this.node.xvala_id + "= new "+ this.xcls + "();");  // what about args?
+               this.addLine(this.ipad +    "}");
+               this.addLine(this.ipad +    "return _" + this.node.xvala_id +";");
+               this.addLine(this.pad + "}");
+       }
+       /**
+        * when ID is used... on an element, it registeres a property on the top level...
+        * so that _this.ID always works..
+        * 
+        */
+       void addTopProperties()
+       {
+               if (this.depth > 0) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               // properties - global..??
+               var iter = this.vitems.list_iterator();
+               while( {
+                       var n = iter.get();
+                       if (!n.props.has_key("id") || n.xvala_id.length < 0) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (n.xvala_id[0] == '*') {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (n.xvala_id[0] == '+') {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "public " + n.xvala_xcls + " " + n.xvala_id + ";");
+               }
+       }
+       /**
+        * create properties that are not 'part of the wrapped element.
+        * 
+        * 
+        */
+       void addMyVars()
+       {
+               this.addLine();
+               this.addLine(this.ipad + "// my vars (def)");
+               var cls = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn(this.node.fqn());
+               if (cls == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+                       // Key = TYPE:name
+               var iter = this.node.props.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       var k = iter.get_key();
+                       if (this.shouldIgnore(k)) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       var vv = k.strip().split(" ");
+                       // user defined method
+                       if (vv[0] == "|") {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (vv[0] == "*") {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (vv[0] == "@") {
+                               this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", k);
+                               this.addLine(this.pad + "public signal" + k.substring(1)  + " "  + iter.get_value() + ";");
+                               this.ignore(k);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       var min = (vv[0] == "$" || vv[0] == "#") ? 3 : 2; 
+                       if (vv.length < min) {
+                               // skip 'old js style properties without a type'
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       var kname = vv[vv.length-1];
+                       if (this.shouldIgnore(kname)) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       // is it a class property...
+                       if (cls.props.has_key(kname) && vv[0] != "#") {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       this.myvars.add(k);
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", k);
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "public " + 
+                               (k[0] == '$' || k[0] == '#' ? k.substring(2) : k ) + ";");
+                       this.ignore(k);
+               }
+       }
+       // if id of child is '+' then it's a property of this..
+       void addPlusProperties()
+       {
+               if (this.node.items.size < 1) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               var iter = this.node.items.list_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       var ci = iter.get();
+                       if (ci.xvala_id[0] != '+') {
+                               continue; // skip generation of children?
+                       }
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "public " + ci.xvala_xcls + " " + ci.xvala_id.substring(1) + ";");
+               }
+       }
+       /**
+        * add the constructor definition..
+        */
+       void addValaCtor()
+       {
+               // .vala props.. 
+               string[] cargs = {};
+               var cargs_str = "";
+               // ctor..
+               this.addLine();
+               this.addLine(this.pad + "// ctor");
+               if (this.node.has("* args")) {
+                       // not sure what this is supposed to be ding..
+                       cargs_str = ", " + this.node.get("* args");
+                       //var ar = this.node.get("* args");.split(",");
+                       //for (var ari =0; ari < ar.length; ari++) {
+                               //      cargs +=  (ar[ari].trim().split(" ").pop();
+                                 // }
+                       }
+               if (this.depth < 1) {
+                       // top level - does not pass the top level element..
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "public " + this.xcls + "(" +  cargs_str +")");
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "{");
+               } else {
+                       // for sub classes = we passs the top level as _owner
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "public " + this.xcls + "(" + + " _owner " + cargs_str + ")");
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "{");
+               }
+       }
+       /**
+        *  make sure _this is defined..
+        */
+       void addUnderThis() 
+       {
+               // public static?
+               if (depth < 1) {
+                       this.addLine( this.ipad + "_this = this;");
+                       return;
+               }
+               // for non top level = _this point to owner, and _this.ID is set
+               this.addLine( this.ipad + "_this = _owner;");
+               if (this.node.props.has_key("id")
+                       &&
+                       this.node.xvala_id != "" 
+                       && 
+                       this.node.xvala_id[0] != '*' 
+                       && 
+                       this.node.xvala_id[0] != '+' 
+                       ) {
+                               this.addLine( this.ipad + "_this." + node.xvala_id  + " = this;");
+               }
+       }
+       /**
+        * Initialize this.el to point to the wrapped element.
+        * 
+        * 
+        */
+       void addWrappedCtor()
+       {
+               // wrapped ctor..
+               // this may need to look up properties to fill in the arguments..
+               // introspection does not workk..... - as things like gtkmessagedialog
+               /*
+               if (cls == 'Gtk.Table') {
+               var methods = this.palete.getPropertiesFor(cls, 'methods');
+               print(JSON.stringify(this.palete.proplist[cls], null,4));
+               Seed.quit();
+               }
+               */
+               if (this.node.has("* ctor")) {
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", "* ctor");
+                       this.addLine(this.ipad + "this.el = " + this.node.get("* ctor")+ ";");
+                       return;
+               }
+               var  default_ctor = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn(this.node.fqn() + ".new");
+               if (default_ctor != null && default_ctor.paramset != null && default_ctor.paramset.params.size > 0) {
+                       string[] args  = {};
+                       var iter =default_ctor.paramset.params.list_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               var n = iter.get().name;
+                               if (!this.node.has(n)) {
+                                       if (iter.get().type.contains("int")) {
+                                               args += "0";
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (iter.get().type.contains("float")) {
+                                               args += "0f";
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (iter.get().type.contains("bool")) {
+                                               args += "true"; // always default to true?
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // any other types???
+                                       args += "null";
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               this.ignoreWrapped(n);
+                               this.ignore(n);
+                               var v = this.node.get(n);
+                               if (iter.get().type == "string") {
+                                       v = "\"" +  v.escape("") + "\"";
+                               }
+                               if (v == "TRUE" || v == "FALSE") {
+                                       v = v.down();
+                               }
+                               args += v;
+                       }
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", "* xtype");
+                       this.addLine(this.ipad + "this.el = new " + cls + "( "+ string.joinv(", ",args) + " );") ;
+                       return;
+               }
+               this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", "* xtype");;
+               this.addLine(this.ipad + "this.el = new " + this.cls + "();");
+       }
+       void addInitMyVars()
+       {
+                       //var meths = this.palete.getPropertiesFor(item['|xns'] + '.' + item.xtype, 'methods');
+                       //print(JSON.stringify(meths,null,4));Seed.quit();
+                       // initialize.. my vars..
+               this.addLine();
+               this.addLine( this.ipad + "// my vars (dec)");
+               var iter = this.myvars.list_iterator();
+               while( {
+                       var k = iter.get();
+                       var ar  = k.strip().split(" ");
+                       var kname = ar[ar.length-1];
+                       var v = this.node.props.get(k);
+                       // ignore signals.. 
+                       if (v.length < 1) {
+                               continue; 
+                       }
+                       if (v == "FALSE" || v == "TRUE") {
+                               v = v.down();
+                       }
+                       //FIXME -- check for raw string.. "string XXXX"
+                       // if it's a string...
+                       this.addLine(this.ipad + "this." + kname + " = " +   v +";");
+               }
+       }
+       void addWrappedProperties()
+       {
+               var cls = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn(this.node.fqn());
+               if (cls == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+                       // what are the properties of this class???
+               this.addLine();
+               this.addLine(this.ipad + "// set gobject values");
+               var iter = cls.props.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       var p = iter.get_key();
+                       //print("Check Write %s\n", p);
+                       if (!this.node.has(p)) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (this.shouldIgnoreWrapped(p)) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                               this.ignore(p);
+                       var v = this.node.get(p);
+                       var nodekey = this.node.get_key(p);
+                       // user defined properties.
+                       if (nodekey[0] == '#') {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       var is_raw = nodekey[0] == '$';
+                       // what's the type.. - if it's a string.. then we quote it..
+                       if (iter.get_value().type == "string" && !is_raw) {
+                                v = "\"" +  v.escape("") + "\"";
+                       }
+                       if (v == "TRUE" || v == "FALSE") {
+                               v = v.down();
+                       }
+                       if (iter.get_value().type == "float" && v[v.length-1] != 'f') {
+                               v += "f";
+                       }
+                       this.addLine("%sthis.el.%s = %s;".printf(ipad,p,v)); // // %s,  iter.get_value().type);
+                          // got a property..
+               }
+       }
+       /**
+        *  pack the children into the parent.
+        * 
+        * if the child's id starts with '*' then it is not packed...
+        * - this allows you to define children and add them manually..
+        */
+       void addChildren()
+       {
+                               //code
+               if (this.node.items.size < 1) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               var iter = this.node.items.list_iterator();
+               var i = -1;
+               while ( {
+                       i++;
+                       var ci = iter.get();
+                       if (ci.xvala_id[0] == '*') {
+                               continue; // skip generation of children?
+                       }
+                       var xargs = "";
+                       if (ci.has("* args")) {
+                               var ar = ci.get("* args").split(",");
+                               for (var ari = 0 ; ari < ar.length; ari++ ) {
+                                       var arg = ar[ari].split(" ");
+                                       xargs += "," + arg[arg.length -1];
+                               }
+                       }
+                       // create the element..
+                       this.addLine(this.ipad + "var child_" + "%d".printf(i) + " = new " + ci.xvala_xcls +
+                                       "( _this " + xargs + ");" );
+                       // this is only needed if it does not have an ID???
+                       this.addLine(this.ipad + "child_" + "%d".printf(i) +".ref();"); // we need to reference increase unnamed children...
+                       if (ci.has("* prop")) {
+                               this.addLine(ipad + "this.el." + ci.get("* prop") + " = child_" + "%d".printf(i) + ".el;");
+                               continue;
+                       } 
+       // not sure why we have 'true' in pack?!?
+                       if (!ci.has("pack") || ci.get("pack").down() == "false" || ci.get("pack").down() == "true") {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       string[]  packing =  { "add" };
+                       if (ci.has("pack")) {
+                               packing = ci.get("pack").split(",");
+                       }
+                       var pack = packing[0];
+                       this.addLine(this.ipad + "this.el." + pack.strip() + " (  child_" + "%d".printf(i) + ".el " +
+                                  (packing.length > 1 ? 
+                                               (", " + string.joinv(",", packing).substring(pack.length+1))
+                                       :
+                                                       ""
+                                               ) + " );");
+                       if (ci.xvala_id[0] != '+') {
+                               continue; // skip generation of children?
+                       }
+                       // this.{id - without the '+'} = the element...
+                       this.addLine(this.ipad + "this." + ci.xvala_id.substring(1) + " =  child_" + "%d".printf(i) +  ";");
+               }
+       }
+       void addInit()
+       {
+               if (!this.node.has("init")) {
+                               return;
+               }
+               this.addLine();
+               this.addLine(ipad + "// init method");
+               this.addLine();
+               this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", "init");
+               this.addMultiLine(ipad + this.padMultiline(ipad, this.node.get("init")) );
+        }
+        void addListeners()
+        {
+               if (this.node.listeners.size < 1) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               this.addLine();
+               this.addLine(ipad + "//listeners");
+               var iter = this.node.listeners.map_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       var k = iter.get_key();
+                       var v = iter.get_value();
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "l", k);
+                       this.addMultiLine(this.ipad + "this.el." + k + ".connect( " + 
+                                       this.padMultiline(this.ipad,v) +");"); 
+               }
+       }    
+       void addEndCtor()
+       {
+                       // end ctor..
+                       this.addLine(this.pad + "}");
+       }
+       /*
+ * Standardize this crap...
+ * 
+ * standard properties (use to set)
+ *          If they are long values show the dialog..
+ *
+ * someprop : ....
+ * bool is_xxx  :: can show a pulldown.. (true/false)
+ * string html  
+ * $ string html  = string with value interpolated eg. baseURL + ".." 
+ *  Clutter.ActorAlign x_align  (typed)  -- shows pulldowns if type is ENUM? 
+ * $ untypedvalue = javascript untyped value...  
+ * _ string html ... = translatable..
+ * 
+ * object properties (not part of the GOjbect being wrapped?
+ * # Gee.ArrayList<Xcls_fileitem> fileitems
+ * 
+ * signals
+ * @ void open 
+ * 
+ * methods -- always text editor..
+ * | void clearFiles
+ * | someJSmethod
+ * 
+ * specials
+ * * prop -- string
+ * * args  -- string
+ * * ctor -- string
+ * * init -- big string?
+ * 
+ * event handlers (listeners)
+ *   just shown 
+ * 
+ * -----------------
+ * special ID values
+ *  +XXXX -- indicates it's a instance property / not glob...
+ *  *XXXX -- skip writing glob property (used as classes that can be created...)
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+       void addUserMethods()
+       {
+               this.addLine();
+               this.addLine(this.pad + "// user defined functions");
+                       // user defined functions...
+               var iter = this.node.props.map_iterator();
+               while( {
+                       var k = iter.get_key();
+                       if (this.shouldIgnore(k)) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       // HOW TO DETERIME if its a method?            
+                       if (k[0] != '|') {
+                                       //strbuilder("\n" + pad + "// skip " + k + " - not pipe \n"); 
+                                       continue;
+                       }
+                       // function in the format of {type} (args) { .... }
+                       var kk = k.substring(2);
+                       var vv = iter.get_value();
+                       this.node.setLine(this.cur_line, "p", k);
+                       this.addMultiLine(this.pad + "public " + kk + " " + this.padMultiline(this.pad, vv));;
+               }
+       }
+       void iterChildren()
+       {
+               this.node.line_end = this.cur_line;
+               this.node.sortLines();
+               if (this.depth > 0) {
+                       this.addLine(this.inpad + "}");
+               }
+               var iter = this.node.items.list_iterator();
+               while ( {
+                       this.addMultiLine(this.mungeChild(iter.get()));
+               }
+               if (this.depth < 1) {
+                       this.addLine(this.inpad + "}");
+               }
+       }
+       string padMultiline(string pad, string str)
+       {
+               var ar = str.strip().split("\n");
+               return string.joinv("\n" + pad , ar);
+       }
+       void ignore(string i) {
+               this.ignoreList.add(i);
+       }
+       void ignoreWrapped(string i) {
+               this.ignoreWrappedList.add(i);
+       }
+       bool shouldIgnore(string i)
+       {
+               return ignoreList.contains(i);
+       }
+       bool shouldIgnoreWrapped(string i)
+       {
+               return ignoreWrappedList.contains(i);
+       }
diff --git a/src/JsRender/PlainFile.vala b/src/JsRender/PlainFile.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6987287
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * 
+ *  this is the code represents a File when using the Gtk view..
+ *   
+ *  It ues NodeToGtk
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+namespace JsRender {
+    int plid = 1;
+    public  class PlainFile : JsRender
+    {
+               string contents;
+        public PlainFile(Project.Project project, string path) {
+            base( project, path);
+            this.xtype = "PlainFile";
+            // if the file does not exist...
+            if (GLib.FileUtils.test(path, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                       var f = File.new_for_path (path) ;
+                       var info = f.query_info ("standard::*", 0);
+                       var ct = info.get_content_type();
+                   this.content_type = ct;
+            } else {
+                       this.content_type = "text/plain"; // hopefully..
+//                     var ar = path.split(".");
+  //                   var ext = ar[ar.length -1]; // hopefully not fail...
+  //                   switch(ext) { 
+       //                      case "vala";
+                       this.loaded = true;
+            }
+            this.language = "";
+            // fixme...
+            this.contents = "";
+            // super?!?!
+   = "file-plain-%d".printf(plid++);
+            //console.dump(this);
+            // various loader methods..
+            // Class = list of arguments ... and which property to use as a value.
+        }
+        /*
+        setNSID : function(id)
+        {
+            this.items[0]['*class'] = id;
+        },
+        getType: function() {
+            return 'Gtk';
+        },
+        */
+       public   override void   removeFiles() {
+               if (FileUtils.test(this.path, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                       GLib.FileUtils.remove(this.path);
+               }
+       }
+       public   override void  loadItems() throws GLib.Error // : function(cb, sync) == original was async.
+       {
+                       if (this.loaded) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+               GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(this.path, out this.contents);
+               this.loaded = true;
+       }
+        public override string toSourcePreview()
+        {
+                        return "";
+               }
+               public override void setSource(string str) {
+                       this.contents = str;
+               }
+        public override string toSource()
+        {
+                       return this.contents;
+        }
+                public override string toSourceCode()
+        {
+                       return this.contents;
+        }
+        public override void save() {
+               if (!this.loaded) {
+                       print("Ignoring Save  - as file was never loaded?\n");
+                       return;
+               }
+               try { 
+                   this.writeFile(this.path, this.contents);
+            } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                   // error ???
+               }
+        }
+           // ignore these calls.
+        public override void saveHTML ( string html ) {}
+        /** 
+         *  saveJS
+         * 
+         * save as a javascript file.
+         * why is this not save...???
+         * 
+         */ 
+        string getHelpUrl(string cls)
+        {
+            return ""; 
+        }
+        public override void  findTransStrings(Node? node )
+               {
+                       // not yet..
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/src/JsRender/Roo.vala b/src/JsRender/Roo.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..25f003c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+ * Renderer for Javascript output (roo library based)
+ * 
+ * - translation support
+ * -  doubleStringProps contains elements that are 'translable'
+ *    ** in the old method this our compression tool could extract them
+ *  - the  new idea is to make a list at the top of the javascript file
+ *    and output a map...
+ *    
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+namespace JsRender {
+    static int rid = 0; 
+    class Roo : JsRender 
+    {
+        string region;
+        bool disabled;
+        public Roo(Project.Project project, string path) {
+            base( project, path);
+            this.xtype = "Roo";
+             this.language = "js";
+           this.content_type = "";
+            //this.items = false;
+            //if (cfg.json) {
+            //    var jstr =  JSON.parse(cfg.json);
+            //    this.items = [ jstr ];
+            //    //console.log(cfg.items.length);
+            //    delete cfg.json; // not needed!
+            // }
+            this.modOrder = "001"; /// sequence id that this uses.
+            this.region = "center";
+            this.disabled = false;
+            // super?!?!
+   = "file-roo-%d".printf(rid++);
+            //console.dump(this);
+            // various loader methods..
+            string[]  dsp = { 
+                               "title",
+                "legend",
+                "loadingText",
+                "emptyText",
+                "qtip",
+                "value",
+                "text",
+                "emptyMsg",
+                "displayMsg",
+                "html",
+                "headline",
+                "header",
+                "placeholder",
+                "fieldLabel",
+                };
+            for (var i=0;i<dsp.length;i++) {
+                this.doubleStringProps.add(dsp[i]);
+            }
+        }
+               public   override void   removeFiles() {
+                       var html = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) +"/templates/" + name + ".html";
+                       if (FileUtils.test(html, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               GLib.FileUtils.remove(html);
+                       }
+                       var js = GLib.Path.get_dirname(this.path) +"/" + name + ".html";
+                       if (FileUtils.test(js, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               GLib.FileUtils.remove(js);
+                       }
+               }
+        public  override void  loadItems() throws GLib.Error // : function(cb, sync) == original was async.
+        {
+                       GLib.debug("load Items!");
+                       if (this.tree != null) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       GLib.debug("load " + this.path);
+                       var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                       pa.load_from_file(this.path);
+                       var node = pa.get_root();
+                       if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) {
+                               throw new Error.INVALID_FORMAT ("Unexpected element type %s", node.type_name ());
+                       }
+                       var obj = node.get_object ();
+                       this.modOrder = this.jsonHasOrEmpty(obj, "modOrder");
+              = this.jsonHasOrEmpty(obj, "name");
+                       this.parent = this.jsonHasOrEmpty(obj, "parent");
+                       this.permname = this.jsonHasOrEmpty(obj, "permname");
+                       this.title = this.jsonHasOrEmpty(obj, "title");
+                       this.modOrder = this.jsonHasOrEmpty(obj, "modOrder");
+                       var bjs_version_str = this.jsonHasOrEmpty(obj, "bjs-version");
+                       bjs_version_str = bjs_version_str == "" ? "1" : bjs_version_str;
+                       // load items[0] ??? into tree...
+                       if (obj.has_member("items") 
+                               && 
+                               obj.get_member("items").get_node_type() == Json.NodeType.ARRAY
+                               &&
+                               obj.get_array_member("items").get_length() > 0
+                       ) {
+                               this.tree = new Node(); 
+                               var ar = obj.get_array_member("items");
+                               var tree_base = ar.get_object_element(0);
+                               this.tree.loadFromJson(tree_base, int.parse(bjs_version_str));
+                       }
+                       this.loaded = true;
+                       this.toSource(); // force it to number the lines...
+        }
+       public  override  void save()
+       {
+               GLib.debug("---");
+               GLib.debug("save() - reset transStrings\n");
+               this.transStrings = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+               this.findTransStrings(this.tree);
+               this.saveBJS();
+               // no tree..
+               if (this.tree == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               // now write the js file..
+               string js;
+               try {
+                       Regex regex = new Regex("\\.(bjs|js)$");
+                       js = regex.replace(this.path,this.path.length , 0 , ".js");
+               } catch (RegexError e) {
+              = "???";
+                       print("count not make filename from path");
+                       return;
+               }
+               //var d = new Date();
+               var js_src = this.toSource();            
+               //print("TO SOURCE in " + ((new Date()) - d) + "ms");
+               try {
+                       this.writeFile(js, js_src);            
+               } catch (FileError e ) {
+                       print("Save failed\n");
+               }
+               // for bootstrap - we can write the HTML to the templates directory..
+            //var top = this.guessName(this.items[0]);
+            //print ("TOP = " + top)
+       }
+       public override void saveHTML ( string html )
+       {
+               var top = this.tree.fqn();
+               GLib.debug ("TOP = " + top + "\n" );
+               if (top.index_of("Roo.bootstrap.") < 0 &&
+           top.index_of("Roo.mailer.") < 0
+               ) {
+               return;
+               }
+               //now write the js file..
+               string fn;
+               try {
+                       Regex regex = new Regex("\\.(bjs|js)$");
+                       fn = regex.replace(this.path,this.path.length , 0 , ".html");
+               } catch (RegexError e) {
+              = "???";
+                       print("count not make filename from path");
+                       return;
+               }
+               var bn = GLib.Path.get_basename(fn);
+               var dn = GLib.Path.get_dirname(fn);
+               var targetdir = dn + (
+                       top.index_of("Roo.mailer.") < 0 ? "/templates" : "" );
+               if (!FileUtils.test(targetdir, FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                       print("Skip save - templates folder does not exist : %s\n", targetdir);
+                       return;
+               }
+               //print("SAVE HTML -- %s\n%s\n",targetdir + "/" +  bn, html);
+               try {
+                       this.writeFile(targetdir + "/" +  bn , html);            
+               } catch (FileError e ) {
+                       print("SaveHtml failed\n");
+               }
+        }
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> findxincludes(Node node,   Gee.ArrayList<string> ret)
+               {
+                       if (node.props.has_key("* xinclude")) {
+                               ret.add(node.props.get("* xinclude"));
+                       }
+                       for (var i =0; i < node.items.size; i++) {
+                               this.findxincludes(node.items.get(i), ret);
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public override void  findTransStrings(Node? node )
+               {
+                       // iterate properties...
+                       // use doubleStringProps
+                       // flagging a translatable string..
+                       // the code would use string _astring to indicate a translatable string
+                       // the to use it it would do String.format(this._message, somedata);
+                       // loop through and find string starting with '_' 
+                       if (node == null) {
+                               return;
+                       }               
+                       var iter = node.props.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               // key formats : XXXX
+                               // XXX - plain
+                               // string XXX - with type
+                               // $ XXX - with flag (no type)
+                               // $ string XXX - with flag
+                               string kname;
+                               string ktype;
+                               string kflag;
+                               node.normalize_key(iter.get_key(), out kname, out kflag, out ktype);
+                               if (kflag == "$") {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               // skip cms-id nodes...
+                               if (kname == "html" && node.has("cms-id")) { 
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               var str = iter.get_value();
+                               if (this.doubleStringProps.index_of(kname) > -1) {
+                                       GLib.debug("flag=%s type=%s name=%s : %s\n", kflag,ktype,kname,str);
+                                       this.transStrings.set(str,  
+                                               GLib.Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.MD5, str.strip())
+                                       );
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               if (ktype.down() == "string" && kname[0] == '_') {
+                                       GLib.debug("flag=%s type=%s name=%s : %s\n", kflag,ktype,kname,str);
+                                       this.transStrings.set(str,  
+                                               GLib.Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.MD5, str.strip())
+                                       );
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       // iterate children..
+                       for (var i =0; i < node.items.size; i++) {
+                               this.findTransStrings(node.items.get(i) );
+                       }
+               }  
+               public string  transStringsToJs()
+               {
+                       GLib.debug("Roo.transStringsToJs()\n");
+                       if (this.transStrings.size < 1) {
+                               GLib.debug("Roo.transStringsToJs() size < 1?\n");
+                               return "";
+                       }
+                       string[] kvs = {};
+                       var iter = this.transStrings.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               kvs +=  ("  '" + iter.get_value() + "' :" + 
+                                       this.tree.quoteString(iter.get_key())
+                                       );
+                       }
+                       return " _strings : {\n" + string.joinv(",\n", kvs) + "\n" + 
+                               " },";
+               }
+        /**
+        * javascript used in Webkit preview 
+         */
+        public override string  toSourcePreview()
+        {
+                       print("toSourcePreview() - reset transStrings\n");
+                       this.transStrings = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+                       print("to source preview\n");
+                       if (this.tree == null) {
+                               return "";
+                       }
+                       this.findTransStrings(this.tree);
+                       var top = this.tree.fqn();
+                       var xinc = new Gee.ArrayList<string>(); 
+                       this.findxincludes(this.tree, xinc);
+                       print("got %d xincludes\n", xinc.size);
+                       var prefix_data = "";
+                       if (xinc.size > 0 ) {
+                               for(var i = 0; i < xinc.size; i++) {
+                                       print("check xinclude:  %s\n", xinc.get(i));
+                                       var sf = this.project.getByName(xinc.get(i));
+                                       if (sf == null) {
+                                               print("Failed to find file by name?\n");
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       sf.loadItems();
+                                       sf.findTransStrings(sf.tree);
+                                       var xinc_str = sf.toSource();
+                                       //string xinc_str;
+                                       //FileUtils.get_contents(js, out xinc_str);
+                                       prefix_data += "\n" + xinc_str + "\n";
+                               }
+                       }
+                       //print(JSON.stringify(this.items, null,4));
+                       if (top == null) {
+                               print ("guessname returned false");
+                               return "";
+                       }
+                       if (top.contains("Dialog")) {
+                               return prefix_data + this.toSourceDialog(true);
+                       }
+                       if (top.contains("Modal")) {
+                               return prefix_data + this.toSourceModal(true);
+                       }
+                       return prefix_data + this.toSourceLayout(true);
+        }
+        public override void setSource(string str) {}
+        /**
+         * This needs to use some options on the project
+         * to determine how the file is output..
+         * 
+         * At present we are hard coding it..
+         * 
+         * 
+         */
+        public override string toSourceCode() 
+        {
+                       this.transStrings = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+                       this.findTransStrings(this.tree);
+                       return this.toSource();
+               }
+        public override string toSource()
+        {
+            // dump the file tree back out to a string.
+            // we have 2 types = dialogs and components
+            // 
+                       if (this.tree == null) {
+                               return "";
+                       }
+            var top = this.tree.fqn();
+            if (top == null) {
+                return "";
+            }
+            // get the translatable strings.. = we reload them again so calling methods get the right data...
+            this.transStrings = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+                       this.findTransStrings(this.tree);
+            if (top.contains("Dialog")) {
+                return this.toSourceDialog(false);
+            }
+            if (top.contains("Modal")) {
+                return this.toSourceModal(false);
+            }
+            return this.toSourceLayout(false);
+            /*
+            eventually support 'classes??'
+             return this.toSourceStdClass();
+            */
+        }
+        /**
+                * 
+                * munge JSON tree into Javascript code.
+                *
+                * NOTE - needs a deep copy of original tree, before starting..
+                *     - so that it does not modify current..
+                * 
+                * FIXME: + or / prefixes to properties hide it from renderer.
+                * FIXME: '*props' - not supported by this.. ?? - upto rendering code..
+                * FIXME: needs to understand what properties might be translatable (eg. double quotes)
+                * 
+                * @arg {object} obj the object or array to munge..
+                * @arg {boolean} isListener - is the array being sent a listener..
+                * @arg {string} pad - the padding to indent with. 
+                */
+               public string mungeToStringWrap(string pad, string prefix, string suffix)
+               {
+                       if (this.tree == null) {
+                               return "";
+                       }
+                       var x = new NodeToJs(this.tree, this.doubleStringProps, pad, null);
+                       x.renderer = this;
+                       x.cur_line = prefix.split("\n").length;
+                       var ret = x.munge();
+                       //var nret = x.ret;
+                       // output both files.. so we can diff them...
+                       //this.writeFile("/tmp/old.js", ret);
+                       //this.writeFile("/tmp/new.js", nret);                  
+                       return prefix +  ret + suffix;
+               }
+        public string outputHeader()
+        {
+               string[] s = {
+                       "//<script type=\"text/javascript\">",
+                       "",
+                       "// Auto generated file - created by app.Builder.js- do not edit directly (at present!)",
+                       ""
+               };  
+               var ret=  string.joinv("\n",s);
+               var bits =".");
+               if (bits.length > 1) {
+                       ret += "\nRoo.namespace(\'" + 
+                     , - (bits[bits.length-1].length + 1)) +
+                               "');\n";
+               }
+               /// genericlly used..
+               return ret;
+        }
+        // a standard dialog module.
+        // fixme - this could be alot neater..
+        public string toSourceDialog(bool isPreview) 
+        {
+            //var items = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.items[0]));
+            string[] adda = { " = {",
+                "",
+                this.transStringsToJs() ,
+                "",
+                " dialog : false,",
+                " callback:  false,",
+                "",   
+                " show : function(data, cb)",
+                " {",
+                "  if (!this.dialog) {",
+                "   this.create();",
+                "  }",
+                "",
+                "  this.callback = cb;",
+                " = data;",
+                ";",
+                "  if (this.form) {",
+                "   this.form.reset();",
+                "   this.form.setValues(data);",
+                "   this.form.fireEvent('actioncomplete', this.form,  { type: 'setdata', data: data });",
+                "  }",
+                "",   
+                " },",
+                "",
+                " create : function()",
+                " {",
+                "   var _this = this;",
+                "   this.dialog = Roo.factory(" 
+            };
+            string[] addb = {  
+                   ");",
+                " }",
+                "};",
+                ""
+            };
+            return this.mungeToStringWrap("    ",   
+                       this.outputHeader() + "\n" + + string.joinv("\n", adda), //header
+                       string.joinv("\n", addb) // footer
+               );
+        }
+        /**
+         Bootstrap modal dialog 
+        */
+        public string toSourceModal(bool isPreview) 
+        {
+            //var items = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.items[0]));
+            string[] adda = { " = {",
+                "",
+                this.transStringsToJs() ,
+                "",
+                " dialog : false,",
+                " callback:  false,",
+                "",   
+                " show : function(data, cb)",
+                " {",
+                "  if (!this.dialog) {",
+                "   this.create();",
+                "  }",
+                "",
+                "  this.callback = cb;",
+                " = data;",
+                ";",
+                "  if (this.form) {",
+                "   this.form.reset();",
+                "   this.form.setValues(data);",
+                "   this.form.fireEvent('actioncomplete', this.form,  { type: 'setdata', data: data });",
+                "  }",
+                "",   
+                " },",
+                "",
+                " create : function()",
+                " {",
+                "  var _this = this;",
+                "  this.dialog = Roo.factory("
+            };
+            string[] addb =  {
+                "  );",
+                " }",
+                "};",
+                ""
+            };
+                       return this.mungeToStringWrap("    ",   
+                       this.outputHeader() + "\n" + + string.joinv("\n", adda), // header
+                       string.joinv("\n", addb) // footer
+               );
+        }
+        public string   pathToPart()
+        {
+            var dir = Path.get_basename(Path.get_dirname(this.path));
+            var ar = dir.split(".");
+            var modname = ar[ar.length-1];
+            // now we have the 'module name'..
+            var fbits = Path.get_basename(this.path).split(".");
+            var npart = fbits[fbits.length - 2]; // this should be 'AdminProjectManager' for example...
+            if (modname.length < npart.length && npart.substring(0, modname.length) == modname) {
+                npart = npart.substring(modname.length);
+            }
+            return "[" + this.tree.quoteString(modname) + ", " + this.tree.quoteString(npart) + " ]";
+            //return ret;
+        }
+        // a layout compoent 
+        public string toSourceLayout(bool isPreview) 
+        {
+               if (isPreview) {
+                       //       topItem.region = 'center';
+                       //    topItem.background = false;
+               }
+               var  modkey = this.modOrder + "-" +;
+               try {
+                       var reg = new Regex("[^A-Za-z.]+");
+                        modkey = this.modOrder + "-" + reg.replace(,, 0 , "-");
+            } catch (RegexError e) {
+                       //noop..
+            }
+               string  parent =   (this.parent.length > 0 ?  "'" + this.parent + "'" :  "false");
+               if (isPreview) {
+                       // set to false to ensure this is the top level..
+                       parent = "false";
+                               var topnode = this.tree.fqn();
+                               print("topnode = %s\n", topnode);
+                       if (GLib.Regex.match_simple("^Roo\\.bootstrap\\.",topnode) &&
+                           topnode != "Roo.bootstrap.Body"
+                       ) {
+                               parent = "\"#bootstrap-body\"";
+                       }
+               }
+            var pref = this.outputHeader() + "\n" +
+               +  " = new Roo.XComponent({\n" +
+                       "\n" + 
+                       this.transStringsToJs()  +    "\n" +
+                "\n" +
+                       "  part     :  "+ this.pathToPart() + ",\n" +
+                               /// critical used by builder to associate modules/parts/persm
+                       "  order    : '" +modkey+"',\n" +
+                       "  region   : '" + this.region   +"',\n" +
+                       "  parent   : "+ parent + ",\n" +
+                       "  name     : " + this.tree.quoteString(this.title.length > 0 ? this.title : "unnamed module") + ",\n" +
+                       "  disabled : " + (this.disabled ? "true" : "false") +", \n" +
+                       "  permname : '" + (this.permname.length > 0 ? this.permname : "") +"', \n" +
+                      // "    tree : function() { return this._tree(); },\n" +   //BC
+                       "  _tree : function()\n" +
+                       "  {\n" +
+                       "   var _this = this;\n" + // bc
+                       "   var MODULE = this;\n" + /// this looks like a better name.
+                       "   return ";
+                   return this.mungeToStringWrap("   ", pref,  ";" +
+                       "  }\n" +
+                       "});\n"
+               );
+        }
+        public new string? guessName (Node? ar) // turns the object into full name.
+        {
+             // eg. xns: Roo, xtype: XXX ->
+            if (ar == null) {
+                return null;
+            }
+            string[] ret = {} ;
+            ret += (ar.get("|xns").length < 1 ? "Roo": ar.get("|xns"));
+            if ( ar.get("xtype").length < 1) {
+                return null;
+            }
+            var xtype = ar.get("xtype");
+            if (xtype[0] == '*') { // prefixes????
+                xtype  = xtype.substring(1);
+            }
+            if (! Regex.match_simple("^Roo", xtype)) {
+                // already starts with roo...
+                ret = {};
+            }
+            ret += xtype;
+            var str =  string.joinv(".", ret);
+            return str;
+           // 
+            //Palete.Palete.factory("Roo").guessName(str);
+        }
+        string getHelpUrl(string cls)
+        {
+            return "" + cls + ".html";
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Main.vala b/src/Main.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..df5d6f4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ * Test the writer code...
+int main (string[] args) {
+       new JsRender.Lang_Class();
+       var app =  BuilderApplication.singleton(  args);
+       if (BuilderApplication.opt_debug  || BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project == null) {
+               GLib.Log.set_handler(null, 
+                       GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG | GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING, 
+                       (dom, lvl, msg) => {
+                       print("%s: %s\n", dom, msg);
+               });
+       }
+       if (BuilderApplication.opt_list_projects) {
+               //BuilderApplication.compileBjs();
+        Project.Project.loadAll();
+               print("Projects\n %s\n", Project.Project.listAllToString());
+               GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS);
+       }
+    Project.Project.loadAll();
+    if (BuilderApplication.opt_list_projects) {
+               //BuilderApplication.compileBjs();
+               print("Projects\n %s\n", Project.Project.listAllToString());
+               GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS);
+       }
+       Project.Project cur_project = null;
+    if (BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project != null) {
+               cur_project = Project.Project.getProjectByHash( BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project);
+               if (cur_project == null) {
+                       GLib.error("invalid project %s, use --list-projects to show project ids",BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project);
+               }
+               cur_project.scanDirs();
+       }
+       if (BuilderApplication.opt_list_files) {
+               if (cur_project == null) {
+                       GLib.error("missing project, use --project to select which project");
+               }
+               print("Files for %s\n %s\n",, cur_project.listAllFilesToString());
+               GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS);
+       }
+    if (BuilderApplication.opt_bjs_compile != null) {
+               if (cur_project == null) {
+                       GLib.error("missing project, use --project to select which project");
+               }       
+               var file = cur_project.getByName(BuilderApplication.opt_bjs_compile);
+               if (file == null) {
+                       GLib.error("missing file %s in project %s", BuilderApplication.opt_bjs_compile,;
+               }
+               //BuilderApplication.compileBjs();
+               file.loadItems();
+        var str = file.toSourceCode();
+        if (!BuilderApplication.opt_debug) {
+               print("%s", str);
+               GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS);
+               }
+               // dump the node tree
+               file.tree.dumpProps();
+        var str_ar = str.split("\n");
+        for(var i =0;i<str_ar.length;i++) {
+               var node = file.tree.lineToNode(i+1);
+               var prop = node == null ? null : node.lineToProp(i+1);
+               print("%d: %s   :  %s\n", 
+                       i+1, 
+                       node == null ? "......"  : (prop == null ? "????????" : prop),
+                       str_ar[i]
+                       );
+        }
+               GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS);
+       }
+       if (BuilderApplication.opt_compile_target != null) {
+               Palete.ValaSourceCompiler.buildApplication();
+               GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS);
+       }
+       GLib.debug("project = %s\n", BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project);
+       Gtk.init (ref args);
+       GtkClutter.init (ref args);
+       GLib.Log.set_always_fatal(LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_ERROR | LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_CRITICAL); 
+    // respond to other arguments
+       /*var proj = Project.Project.getProject("Pman.Core");
+       if (proj == null) {
+               print("could not load test project Pman.Core");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       proj.scanDirs();
+       */
+       var w = Xcls_MainWindow.singleton();
+       //w.ref();
+       //w.project = proj;
+       w.el.show_all();
+       // it looks like showall after children causes segfault on ubuntu 14.4
+       w.initChildren();
+       w.windowstate.switchState(WindowState.State.FILES);
+       Gtk.main();
+    app = null;
+       return 0;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cd5cd09
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+roobuilder_LIBVALA = --pkg libvala-0.22
+roobuilder_LIBVALA = --pkg libvala-0.24
+roobuilder_LIBVALA = --pkg libvala-0.26
+roobuilder_LIBVALA = --pkg libvala-0.28
+roobuilder_LIBVALA = --pkg libvala-0.30
+roobuilder_LIBVALA = --pkg libvala-0.32
+# gda
+roobuilder_GDA = --pkg libgda-5.0
+roobuilder_GDA = --pkg libgda-4.0
+# webkit
+roobuilder_WEBKKIT =   --pkg  webkit2gtk-4.0  
+roobuilder_WEBKKIT =   --pkg  webkit2gtk-3.0  
+# vte
+if HAVE_VTE_2_91
+roobuilder_VTE =   --pkg  vte-2.91  
+if HAVE_VTE_2_90
+roobuilder_VTE =   --pkg  vte-2.90  
+# - not sure if needed....  
+bin_PROGRAMS = roobuilder
+roobuilder_PKGS = \
+               --pkg glib-2.0  \
+               --pkg gobject-2.0  \
+               --pkg  gtk+-3.0 \
+               --pkg  gtksourceview-3.0 \
+               --pkg  libxml-2.0 \
+               --pkg json-glib-1.0 \
+               --pkg gee-1.0 \
+               --pkg gobject-introspection-1.0 \
+               --pkg clutter-gtk-1.0 \
+               --pkg gladeui-2.0 \
+               --pkg libsoup-2.4 \
+               --pkg javascriptcore \
+               --pkg roojspacker-1.0 \
+               $(roobuilder_LIBVALA) \
+               $(roobuilder_GDA) \
+               $(roobuilder_WEBKKIT) \
+               $(roobuilder_JAVASCRIPTCOREGTK) \
+               $(roobuilder_VTE) \
+               --pkg posix 
+               JsRender/Gtk.vala \
+               JsRender/PlainFile.vala \
+               JsRender/JsRender.vala \
+               JsRender/Lang.vala \
+               JsRender/NodeToGlade.vala \
+               JsRender/NodeToGtk.vala \
+               JsRender/NodeToJs.vala \
+               JsRender/NodeToVala.vala \
+               JsRender/Node.vala \
+               JsRender/Roo.vala 
+               Palete/Gir.vala \
+               Palete/GirObject.vala \
+               Palete/VapiParser.vala \
+               Palete/Gtk.vala \
+               Palete/RooDatabase.vala \
+               c/jscore_object_call_as_function.c \
+               Palete/Javascript.vala \
+               Palete/Palete.vala \
+               Palete/Roo.vala \
+               Palete/ValaSource.vala \
+               Palete/ValaSourceCompiler.vala \
+               Palete/CompletionProvider.vala
+               Project/Gtk.vala \
+               Project/Project.vala \
+               Project/Roo.vala 
+               Builder4/About.vala \
+               Builder4/DialogConfirm.vala \
+               Builder4/StandardErrorDialog.vala \
+               Builder4/DialogSaveTemplate.vala \
+               Builder4/DialogSaveModule.vala \
+               Builder4/DialogTemplateSelect.vala \
+               Builder4/EditProject.vala \
+               Builder4/Editor.vala \
+               Builder4/ProjectSettings.vala \
+               Builder4/WindowRightPalete.vala \
+               Builder4/WindowLeftTree.vala \
+               Builder4/WindowRooView.vala \
+               Builder4/WindowLeftProps.vala \
+               Builder4/ClutterFiles.vala \
+               Builder4/WindowLeftProjects.vala \
+               Builder4/WindowAddProp.vala \
+               Builder4/GtkView.vala \
+               Builder4/ValaProjectSettings.vala \
+               Builder4/MainWindow.vala \
+               Builder4/WindowState.vala \
+               Builder4/FakeServer.vala \
+               Builder4/DialogPluginWebkit.vala \
+               Builder4/DialogNewComponent.vala \
+               Builder4/PopoverFileDetails.vala \
+               Builder4/ValaCompileErrors.vala \
+               Builder4/ValaCompileResults.vala \
+               Builder4/PopoverProperty.vala
+roobuilder_SOURCES = \
+               Application.vala \
+               Main.vala \
+               Spawn.vala \
+               Resources.vala  \
+               $(BUIDERJSRENDER) \
+               $(BUIDERPALETE) \
+               $(BUIDERPROJECT) \
+               $(BUIDERUI) 
+roobuilder_VALAFLAGS = \
+        --thread -X -lm --target-glib=2.32 --vapidir=$(srcdir)/vapi -g  $(roobuilder_PKGS)
+CLEANFILES = *.h *.c *.vapi *.stamp
diff --git a/src/Palete/CompletionProvider.vala b/src/Palete/CompletionProvider.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..36b9c99
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+using Gtk;
+// not sure why - but extending Gtk.SourceCompletionProvider seems to give an error..
+namespace Palete {
+    public class CompletionProvider : Object, SourceCompletionProvider
+    {
+               Editor editor; 
+               WindowState windowstate;
+               //public List<Gtk.SourceCompletionItem> filtered_proposals;
+               public CompletionProvider(Editor editor)
+               {
+                   this.editor  = editor;
+                   this.windowstate = null; // not ready until the UI is built.
+               }
+               public string get_name ()
+               {
+                 return  "roojsbuilder";
+               }
+               public int get_priority ()
+               {
+                 return 200;
+               }
+               public bool match (SourceCompletionContext context)
+               {
+                       bool has_matches = false;
+                       this.fetchMatches(context, out has_matches);
+                       return has_matches;
+               }
+               public List<SourceCompletionItem>? fetchMatches(SourceCompletionContext context, out bool has_matches)
+               {
+                    has_matches = false;
+                   if (this.windowstate == null) {
+                           this.windowstate = this.editor.window.windowstate;
+                   }
+                   var buffer = context.completion.view.buffer;
+                   var  mark = buffer.get_insert ();
+                   TextIter end;
+                   buffer.get_iter_at_mark (out end, mark);
+                   var endpos = end;
+                   var searchpos = endpos;
+                   searchpos.backward_find_char(is_space, null);
+                   searchpos.forward_char();
+                   var search = endpos.get_text(searchpos);
+                   print("got search %s\n", search);
+                   if (search.length < 2) {
+                           return null;
+                   }
+                   // now do our magic..
+                   var filtered_proposals = this.windowstate.file.palete().suggestComplete(
+                           this.windowstate.file,
+                           this.editor.node,
+                           this.editor.ptype,
+                           this.editor.key,
+                           search
+                   );
+                   print("GOT %d results\n", (int) filtered_proposals.length()); 
+                   if (filtered_proposals.length() < 2) {
+                       return null;
+                   }
+                   filtered_proposals.sort((a, b) => {
+                           return ((string)(a.text)).collate((string)(b.text));
+                   });
+                   has_matches = true;
+                   return filtered_proposals;
+               }
+               public void populate (SourceCompletionContext context)
+               {
+                       bool has_matches = false;
+                       var filtered_proposals = this.fetchMatches(context, out has_matches);
+                       if (!has_matches) {
+                           context.add_proposals (this, null, true);
+                           return;
+                       }
+                       // add proposals triggers a critical error in Gtk - try running gtksourceview/tests/test-completion.
+                       // see
+                       var fe = GLib.Log.set_always_fatal(0); 
+                       context.add_proposals (this, filtered_proposals, true);
+                       GLib.Log.set_always_fatal(fe);
+               }
+               public bool activate_proposal (SourceCompletionProposal proposal, TextIter iter)
+               {
+                       var istart = iter;
+                       istart.backward_find_char(is_space, null);
+                       istart.forward_char();
+               //    var search = iter.get_text(istart);           
+                       var buffer = iter.get_buffer();
+                       buffer.delete(ref istart, ref iter);
+                       buffer.insert(ref istart, proposal.get_text(), -1);
+                       return true;
+               }
+               public SourceCompletionActivation get_activation ()
+               {
+                       //if(SettingsManager.Get_Setting("complete_auto") == "true"){
+                               return SourceCompletionActivation.INTERACTIVE | SourceCompletionActivation.USER_REQUESTED;
+                       //} else {
+                       //      return Gtk.SourceCompletionActivation.USER_REQUESTED;
+                       //}
+               }
+               public int get_interactive_delay ()
+               {
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               public bool get_start_iter (SourceCompletionContext context, SourceCompletionProposal proposal, out TextIter iter)
+               {
+                       return false;
+               }
+               public void update_info (SourceCompletionProposal proposal, SourceCompletionInfo info)
+               {
+               }
+               private bool is_space(unichar space){
+                       return space.isspace() || space.to_string() == "";
+               }
+               private bool is_forward_space(unichar space){
+                       return !(
+                               space.to_string() == " "
+                               ||
+                               space.to_string() == ""
+                               ||
+                               space.to_string() == "\n"
+                               ||
+                               space.to_string() == ")"
+                               ||
+                               space.to_string() == "("
+                       );
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/src/Palete/Gir.vala b/src/Palete/Gir.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0b60527
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+// valac -g  --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg libxml-2.0 --pkg gobject-introspection-1.0 --pkg json-glib-1.0  Palete/Gir.vala -o /tmp/Gir
+public static int main (string[] args) {
+    var g = Palete.Gir.factory("Gtk");
+       var test = g.classes.get("ToolButton");
+    var generator = new Json.Generator ();
+    var n = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+    n.set_object(test.toJSON());
+    generator.set_root(n);
+    generator.indent = 4;
+    generator.pretty = true;
+    print(generator.to_data(null));
+    return 0;
+ */
+namespace Palete {
+    // Gir - is the libvala based version - 
+       public class Gir : GirObject {
+               //Gee.Hashmap<string,what> nodes;
+               public Gir (string ns)
+               {
+                       base("Package",ns);
+               }
+               public string doc(string what)
+               {
+                       var ar = what.split(".");
+                       var cls = this.classes.get(ar[1]);
+                       if (ar.length == 2) {
+                               return cls.doctxt != null ? cls.doctxt : "";
+                       }
+                       // return the property.. by default..
+                       var pr = cls.props.get(ar[2]);
+                       return pr.doctxt != null ? pr.doctxt : "";
+               }
+               /**
+                * since constructors from the API from gir or vala do not map
+                * correctly to properties, we have an Gir.overides file in resources
+                * that changes the ctor's for some elements.
+                * 
+                */
+               public static void checkParamOverride(GirObject c)
+               {
+                       print("checkParamOverride :check %s\n",;
+                       var parset = c.gparent;
+                       if (parset == null || parset.nodetype != "Paramset") {
+                               print("skip parent not Paramset\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var method = parset.gparent;
+                       // we can do this for pack methods..
+                       if (method == null) {
+                               print("skip parent.parent is null\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var cls = method.gparent;
+                       if (cls == null || cls.nodetype != "Class") {
+                               //print("skip parent.parent.parent not Class\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+              =  fetchOverride(,,;
+               }
+               public static bool overrides_loaded = false;
+               public static Gee.HashMap<string,string> overrides;
+               public static string fetchOverride(  string cls, string method, string param)
+               {
+                       // overrides should be in a file Gir.overides
+                       // in that "" : "label"
+                       loadOverrides();
+                       var key = "%s.%s.%s".printf(cls,method,param);
+                        //print("Chekcing for key %s\n", key);
+                       if (!overrides.has_key(key)) {
+                               return param;
+                       }
+                       return overrides.get(key);
+               }
+               public static void loadOverrides(bool force = false)
+               {
+                       if (overrides_loaded && ! force) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                       pa.load_from_file(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/Gir.overides");
+                       var node = pa.get_root();
+                       if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) {
+                               throw new GirError.INVALID_FORMAT ("Error loading gir.overides : Unexpected element type %s", node.type_name ());
+                       }
+                       overrides = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+                       var obj = node.get_object ();
+                       obj.foreach_member((o , key, value) => {
+                               //print(key+"\n");
+                               var v = obj.get_string_member(key);
+                               overrides.set(key, v);
+                       });
+                       overrides_loaded = true;
+               }
+               /**
+                *  == all static below here...
+                * 
+                */
+               public static  Gee.HashMap<string,Gir> cache = null;
+               public static Gir?  factory(string ns) 
+               {
+                       if (cache == null) {
+                               cache = new Gee.HashMap<string,Gir>();
+                               var a = new VapiParser( );
+                               a.create_valac_tree();
+                       }
+                       var ret = cache.get(ns);
+                       /*
+                       if (ret == null) {
+                               var add = new Gir(ns);
+                               cache.set(ns, add);
+                               var iter = add.classes.map_iterator();
+                               while( {
+                                       iter.get_value().overlayParent();
+                               }
+                               // loop again and add the ctor properties.
+                               iter = add.classes.map_iterator();
+                               while( {
+                                       iter.get_value().overlayCtorProperties();
+                               }       
+                               ret = cache.get(ns);
+                       }
+                       */
+                       if (ret != null && !ret.is_overlaid) {
+                               ret.is_overlaid = true;
+                               var iter = ret.classes.map_iterator();
+                               while( {
+                                       iter.get_value().overlayParent();
+                               }
+                               // loop again and add the ctor properties.
+                               iter = ret.classes.map_iterator();
+                               while( {
+                                       iter.get_value().overlayCtorProperties();
+                               }       
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public static GirObject?  factoryFqn(string fqn)  
+               {       
+                       var bits = fqn.split(".");
+                       if (bits.length < 1) {
+                               return null;
+                       }
+                       var f = (GirObject)factory(bits[0]);
+                       if (bits.length == 1 || f ==null) {
+                               return f;
+                       }
+                       return f.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1)); // since classes are stored in fqn format...?
+               }
+               /**
+                * guess the fqn of a type == eg. gboolean or Widget etc...
+                */
+               public static string fqtypeLookup(string type, string ns) {
+                       var g = factory(ns);
+                       if (g.classes.has_key(type)) {
+                               return ns + "." + type;
+                       }
+                       // enums..
+                       if (g.consts.has_key(type)) {
+                               return ns + "." + type;
+                       }
+                       // look at includes..
+                       var iter = g.includes.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               // skip empty namespaces on include..?
+                               if ( iter.get_key() == "") {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               var ret = fqtypeLookup(type, iter.get_key());
+                               if (ret != type) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+               }       
+                       return type;
+               }
+               // needed still - where's it called form..
+               public static string guessDefaultValueForType(string type) {
+                       //print("guessDefaultValueForType: %s\n", type);
+                       if (type.length < 1 || type.contains(".")) {
+                               return "null";
+                       }
+                       switch(type) {
+                               case "gboolean":
+                                       return "true";
+                               case "guint":
+                                       return "0";
+                               case "utf8":
+                                       return "\"\"";
+                               default:
+                                       return "?"+  type + "?";
+                       }
+               }
+       }       
diff --git a/src/Palete/GirFile.vala b/src/Palete/GirFile.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7751144
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+ * This is the old Gir File based API parser..
+ * 
+ */
+namespace Palete {
+       public class Gir : GirObject {
+               public Gir (string ns)  
+               {
+                       base(ns);
+                       this.load();
+               }
+               public   void  load () {
+                       var xns = ns == "Glade" ? "Gladeui" :;
+                       var gi = GI.Repository.get_default();
+                       gi.require(xns, null, 0);
+                       var ver = gi.get_version(xns);
+                       unowned GLib.SList<string>  pth = GI.Repository.get_search_path ();
+                       var gir_path = pth.nth_data(0).replace("/lib/girepository-1.0", "/share/gir-1.0");
+                       // 64bit...
+                       gir_path = gir_path.replace("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/girepository-1.0", "/share/gir-1.0");
+                       //console.log(fn);
+                       var file  = gir_path + "/" + xns + "-" + ver + ".gir";
+                       // print("ns: " + ns + "\n");
+                       // print("ver: " + ver + "\n");
+                       // print(file);
+                       this.ns = ns;
+                               //this.nodes = new Gee.Hashmap<string,what>();
+                       var doc = Xml.Parser.parse_file (file);
+                       var root = doc->get_root_element();
+                       this.walk( root, (GirObject) this );
+                       delete doc;
+               }
+               public void walk(Xml.Node* element, GirObject? parent)
+               {
+                   var n = element->get_prop("name");
+                       // ignore null or c:include...
+                   if (n == null || (element->ns->prefix != null && element->ns->prefix == "c")) {
+                               n = "";
+                   }
+                   //print("%s:%s (%s ==> %s\n", element->ns->prefix , element->name , , n);
+                   switch (element->name) {
+                       case "repository":
+                           break;
+                       case "include":
+                           parent.includes.set(n, element->get_prop("version"));
+                           break;
+                       case "package":
+                           parent.package = n;
+                           break;
+                       case "c:include":
+                           break;
+                       case "namespace":
+                  = n;
+                           break;
+                       case "alias":
+                           return;
+                           //break; // not handled..
+                       case "class":
+                               var c = new GirObject("Class", + "." + n);
+                               parent.classes.set(n, c);
+                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                               c.parent = element->get_prop("parent");
+                               c.gparent = parent;
+                               if (c.parent == null) {
+                                       c.parent = "";
+                               }
+                               parent =  c;
+                               break;
+                       case "interface":
+                           var c = new GirObject("Interface", + "." + n);
+                           c.gparent = parent;
+                           parent.classes.set(n, c);
+                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                               c.ns =;
+                               c.parent = element->get_prop("parent");
+                               if (c.parent == null) {
+                                       c.parent = "";
+                               }
+                               parent =  c;
+                           break;
+                       case "doc":
+                           parent.doctxt = element->get_content();
+                           return;
+                       case "implements":
+                           parent.implements.add(n);
+                           break;
+                       case "constructor":
+                           var c = new GirObject("Ctor",n);
+                           c.ns = this.ns;
+                           c.gparent = parent;
+                           parent.ctors.set(n,c);
+                           parent  = c;
+                           break;
+                       case "return-value":
+                           var c = new GirObject("Return", "return-value");
+                           c.gparent = parent;
+                           c.ns = this.ns;
+                           parent.return_value = c;
+                           parent =  c;
+                           break;
+                       case "virtual-method": // not sure...
+                           return;
+                       /*
+                           var c = new GirObject("Signal",n);
+                           parent.signals.set(n,c);
+                           parent = c;
+                           break;
+                       */
+                       case "signal": // Glib:signal
+                               var c = new GirObject("Signal",n.replace("-", "_"));
+                               c.gparent = parent;
+                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                               parent.signals.set(n.replace("-", "_"),c);
+                               parent = c;
+                               break;
+                       case "callback": // not sure...
+                           return;
+                       case "type":
+                           parent.type = n;
+                                               return; // no children?
+                           //break;
+                       case "method":
+                               var c = new GirObject("Method",n);
+                               c.gparent = parent;
+                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                               c.propertyof =;
+                               parent.methods.set(n,c);
+                               parent = c;
+                               break;
+                       case "parameters":
+                           var c = new GirObject("Paramset",n);
+                           c.gparent = parent;
+                           c.ns = this.ns;
+                           parent.paramset = c;
+                           parent =  c;
+                           break;
+                       case "instance-parameter":
+                                       break;
+                                       // looks  like this is the C first arg, that is ignored (as it is 
+                                       // treated as 'this' )
+                               var c = new GirObject("Param",n);
+                                       c.gparent = parent;
+                                       c.ns = this.ns;
+                               c.is_instance = true;
+                               parent.params.add(c);
+                               parent = c;
+                               break;
+                       case "parameter":
+                               var c = new GirObject("Param",n);
+                               c.gparent = parent;
+                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                               parent.params.add(c);
+                               parent = c;
+                               this.checkParamOverride(c);   
+                           break;
+                       case "property":
+                       case "field":
+                               var c = new GirObject("Prop",n.replace("-", "_"));
+                               c.gparent = parent;
+                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                               c.propertyof =;
+                               parent.props.set(n.replace("-", "_"),c);
+                               parent = c;
+                               break;
+                       case "function":
+                           var c = new GirObject("Function",n);
+                           c.gparent = parent;
+                           c.ns = this.ns;
+                           parent.methods.set(n,c);
+                           parent = c;
+                           break;
+                       case "array":
+                           parent.is_array = true;  
+                           break; // type is added soon..
+                       case "varargs":
+                           parent.is_varargs= true;  
+                           return;
+                       case "constant":
+                           var c = new GirObject("Const",n);
+                           c.gparent = parent;
+                           c.value = element->get_prop("value");
+                                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                           parent.consts.set(n,c);
+                           parent = c;
+                           return;
+                           //break;
+                       case "bitfield":
+                       case "enumeration":
+                               var c = new GirObject("Enum",n);
+                               c.gparent = parent;
+                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                               parent.consts.set(n,c);
+                               parent = c;
+                               break;
+                       case "member":
+                               var c = new GirObject("EnumMember",n);
+                               c.gparent = parent;
+                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                               c.value = element->get_prop("value");
+                               parent.consts.set(n,c);
+                               return;
+                               break;
+                       case "doc-deprecated":
+                           return;
+                       case "record": // struct?
+                           return;
+                           return;
+                       case "prerequisite": // ignore?
+                           return;
+                                       case "union": // ignore?
+                           return;
+                                       default:
+                           print("UNHANDLED Gir file element: " + element->name +"\n");
+                           return;
+                   }
+                   /*
+                   if (element->name == "signal") {
+                       path += ".signal";
+                   }
+                   if (element->name == "return-value") {
+                       path += ".return-value";
+                   }
+                   print(path + ":"  + element->name + "\n");
+                   */
+                   //var d =   getAttribute(element,'doc');
+                   //if (d) {
+                    //   Seed.print(path + ':' + d);
+                   //    ret[path] = d;
+                   //}
+                   for (Xml.Node* iter = element->children; iter != null; iter = iter->next) {
+                       if (iter->type == Xml.ElementType.TEXT_NODE) {
+                           continue;
+                       }
+                       this.walk(iter, parent);
+                   }
+               }
+               public void checkParamOverride(GirObject c)
+               {
+                       var parset = c.gparent;
+                       if (parset == null || parset.nodetype != "Paramset") {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var method = parset.gparent;
+                       if (method == null || method.nodetype != "Ctor") {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var cls = method.gparent;
+                       if (cls == null || cls.nodetype != "Class") {
+                               return;
+                       }
+              = this.fetchOverride(,,;
+               }
+               public static bool overrides_loaded = false;
+               public static Gee.HashMap<string,string> overrides;
+               public string fetchOverride(  string cls, string method, string param)
+               {
+                       // overrides should be in a file Gir.overides
+                       // in that "" : "label"
+                       this.loadOverrides();
+                       var key = "%s.%s.%s".printf(cls,method,param);
+                       //print("Chekcing for key %s\n", key);
+                       if (!overrides.has_key(key)) {
+                               return param;
+                       }
+                       return overrides.get(key);
+               }
+               public void loadOverrides(bool force = false)
+               {
+                       if (overrides_loaded && ! force) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                       pa.load_from_file(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/Gir.overides");
+                       var node = pa.get_root();
+                       if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) {
+                               throw new GirError.INVALID_FORMAT ("Error loading gir.overides : Unexpected element type %s", node.type_name ());
+                       }
+                       overrides = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+                       var obj = node.get_object ();
+                       obj.foreach_member((o , key, value) => {
+                               //print(key+"\n");
+                               var v = obj.get_string_member(key);
+                               overrides.set(key, v);
+                       });
+                       overrides_loaded = true;
+               }
+               public string doc(string what)
+               {
+                       var ar = what.split(".");
+                       var cls = this.classes.get(ar[1]);
+                       if (ar.length == 2) {
+                               return cls.doctxt != null ? cls.doctxt : "";
+                       }
+                       // return the property.. by default..
+                       var pr = cls.props.get(ar[2]);
+                       return pr.doctxt != null ? pr.doctxt : "";
+               }
+               public static Gir?  factory(string ns) 
+               {
+                       if (cache == null) {
+                               cache = new Gee.HashMap<string,Gir>();
+                               var a = new Palete.VapiParser( );
+                               a.create_valac_tree();
+                       }
+                       var ret = cache.get(ns);
+                       if (ret == null) {
+                               var add = new Gir(ns);
+                               cache.set(ns, add);
+                               var iter = add.classes.map_iterator();
+                               while( {
+                                       iter.get_value().overlayParent();
+                               }
+                               // loop again and add the ctor properties.
+                               iter = add.classes.map_iterator();
+                               while( {
+                                       iter.get_value().overlayCtorProperties();
+                               }       
+                               ret = cache.get(ns);
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public static GirObject?  factoryFqn(string fqn)  
+               {       
+                       var bits = fqn.split(".");
+                       if (bits.length < 1) {
+                               return null;
+                       }
+                       var f = (GirObject)factory(bits[0]);
+                       if (bits.length == 1 || f ==null) {
+                               return f;
+                       }
+                       return f.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1)); // since classes are stored in fqn format...?
+               }
+               /**
+                * guess the fqn of a type == eg. gboolean or Widget etc...
+                */
+               public static string fqtypeLookup(string type, string ns) {
+                       var g = factory(ns);
+                       if (g.classes.has_key(type)) {
+                               return ns + "." + type;
+                       }
+                       // enums..
+                       if (g.consts.has_key(type)) {
+                               return ns + "." + type;
+                       }
+                       // look at includes..
+                       var iter = g.includes.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               // skip empty namespaces on include..?
+                               if ( iter.get_key() == "") {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               var ret = fqtypeLookup(type, iter.get_key());
+                               if (ret != type) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+               }       
+                       return type;
+               }
+               // needed still - where's it called form..
+               public static string guessDefaultValueForType(string type) {
+                       //print("guessDefaultValueForType: %s\n", type);
+                       if (type.length < 1 || type.contains(".")) {
+                               return "null";
+                       }
+                       switch(type) {
+                               case "gboolean":
+                                       return "true";
+                               case "guint":
+                                       return "0";
+                               case "utf8":
+                                       return "\"\"";
+                               default:
+                                       return "?"+  type + "?";
+                       }
+               }
diff --git a/src/Palete/GirObject.vala b/src/Palete/GirObject.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d3da377
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+ * This is the base class for representing the vala API
+ *  
+ * it was originally based on parsing Gir files - but since then
+ * has evolved into using libvala  
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+namespace Palete {
+       public errordomain GirError {
+               INVALID_TYPE,
+               NEED_IMPLEMENTING,
+               MISSING_FILE,
+               INVALID_VALUE,
+               INVALID_FORMAT
+       }
+       public class GirObject: Object {
+               public string name;
+               public string ns;
+               public string propertyof;
+               public string type;
+               public string nodetype;
+               public string package;
+               public string direction; // used for vala in/out/ref...
+               public GirObject paramset = null;
+               public GirObject return_value = null;
+               public bool is_instance;
+               public bool is_array;
+               public bool  is_varargs;
+               public bool  ctor_only; // specially added ctor properties..
+               public  string parent;
+               public  string value;
+               // to be filled in...
+               public  string sig;
+               public bool is_overlaid;
+               public  GirObject gparent;
+               public Gee.ArrayList<GirObject> params;
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> implements;
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> inherits; // full list of all classes and interfaces...
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> ctors;
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> methods;
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,string>    includes;
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> classes;
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> props;
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> consts;
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> signals;
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> optvalues; // used by Roo only..
+               public string doctxt;
+               public GirObject(string nodetype, string n)
+               {
+                       this.nodetype = nodetype;
+              = n;
+                       this.ns = "";
+                       this.parent = "";
+                       this.type = "";
+                       this.propertyof = "";
+                       this.is_array = false;
+                       this.is_instance = false;
+                       this.is_varargs = false;
+                       this.ctor_only  =false;
+                       this.doctxt = "";
+                       this.sig = "";
+                       this.gparent = null;
+                       this.implements = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       this.inherits  = new Gee.ArrayList<string>(); // list of all ancestors. (interfaces and parents)
+                       this.includes   = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+                       this.params = new Gee.ArrayList<GirObject>();
+                       this.ctors      = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                       this.methods    =new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                       this.classes    = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                       this.props      = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                       this.consts     = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                       this.signals    = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                       this.optvalues = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       this.is_overlaid = false;
+                       this.paramset = null;
+               }
+               public string[] inheritsToStringArray()
+               {
+                       string[] ret = {};
+                       for(var i =0;i< this.inherits.size; i++) {
+                               ret += this.inherits.get(i);
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public void  overlayParent()
+               {
+                       if (this.parent.length < 1 || this.is_overlaid) {
+                               this.is_overlaid = true;
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       //print("Overlaying " + " with " + this.parent + "\n");
+                       var pcls = this.clsToObject( this.parent);
+                       if (pcls == null) {
+                               return;
+                               //throw new GirError.INVALID_VALUE("Could not find class : " + 
+                               //      this.parent + " of " +  + " in " + this.ns);
+                       }
+                       pcls.overlayParent( );
+                       this.copyFrom(pcls,false);
+                       for(var i=0; i < this.implements.size; i++) {
+                               var clsname = this.implements.get(i);
+                               var picls = this.clsToObject(clsname);
+                               this.copyFrom(picls,true);
+                       }
+                       this.is_overlaid = true;
+               }
+               public void overlayCtorProperties() 
+               {
+                       //print("Check overlay Ctor %s\n",;
+                       if (!this.ctors.has_key("new")) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var ctor = this.ctors.get("new");
+                       if (ctor.paramset == null || ctor.paramset.params.size < 1) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       //print("Found Ctor\n");
+                       var iter = ctor.paramset.params.list_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               var n = iter.get().name;
+                               if (this.props.has_key(n)) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               if (n == "...") {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               //print("Adding prop %s\n", n);
+                               // it's a new prop..
+                               var c = new GirObject("Prop",n);
+                               c.gparent = this;
+                               c.ns = this.ns;
+                               c.propertyof =;
+                               c.type = iter.get().type;
+                               c.ctor_only = true;
+                               this.props.set(n, c);
+                       }
+               }
+               public string fqn() {
+                       // not sure if fqn really is correct here...
+                       // 
+                       return this.nodetype == "Class" || this.nodetype=="Interface"
+                                       ? : (this.ns +;
+               }
+               public void copyFrom(GirObject pcls, bool is_interface) 
+               {
+                       this.inherits.add(pcls.fqn());
+                       var liter = pcls.inherits.list_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                       if (this.inherits.contains(liter.get())) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               this.inherits.add(liter.get()); 
+                       }          
+                       var iter = pcls.methods.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                       if (null != this.methods.get(iter.get_key())) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               this.methods.set(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value());
+                       }
+                       iter = pcls.props.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                                        if (null != this.props.get(iter.get_key())) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               this.props.set(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value());
+                       }               
+                       iter = pcls.signals.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               if (null != this.signals.get(iter.get_key())) {
+                                               continue;
+                               }
+                               this.signals.set(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value());
+                       }       
+               }
+               public Json.Object toJSON()
+               {
+                   var r = new Json.Object();
+                   r.set_string_member("nodetype", this.nodetype);
+                   r.set_string_member("name",;
+                               if (this.propertyof.length > 0) {
+                       r.set_string_member("of", this.propertyof);
+                   }
+                   if (this.type.length > 0) {
+                       r.set_string_member("type", this.type);
+                   }
+                   if (this.parent != null && this.parent.length > 0) {
+                       r.set_string_member("parent", this.parent);
+                   }
+                   if (this.sig.length > 0) {
+                       r.set_string_member("sig", this.sig);
+                   }
+                   // is_arary / is_instance / is_varargs..
+                       if (this.inherits.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_array_member("inherits", this.toJSONArrayString(this.inherits));
+                   }
+                   if (this.implements.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_array_member("implements", this.toJSONArrayString(this.implements));
+                   }
+                   if (this.params.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_array_member("params", this.toJSONArrayObject(this.params));
+                   }
+                   if (this.ctors.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_object_member("ctors", this.toJSONObject(this.ctors));
+                   }
+                   if (this.methods.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_object_member("methods", this.toJSONObject(this.methods));
+                   }
+                   if (this.includes.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_object_member("includes", this.toJSONObjectString(this.includes));
+                   }
+                   if (this.classes.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_object_member("classes", this.toJSONObject(this.classes));
+                   }
+                   if (this.props.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_object_member("props", this.toJSONObject(this.props));
+                   }
+                   if (this.consts.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_object_member("consts", this.toJSONObject(this.consts));
+                   }
+                   if (this.signals.size > 0) {
+                       r.set_object_member("signals", this.toJSONObject(this.signals));
+                   }
+                   if (this.paramset != null) {
+                       r.set_object_member("paramset", this.paramset.toJSON());
+                   }
+                   if (this.return_value != null) {
+                       r.set_object_member("return_value", this.return_value.toJSON());
+                   }
+                   return r;
+               }
+               public Json.Object toJSONObject(Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> map)
+               {
+                   var r = new Json.Object();
+                   var iter = map.map_iterator();
+                   while( {
+                       r.set_object_member(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value().toJSON());
+                   }
+                   return r;
+               }
+               public Json.Object  toJSONObjectString(Gee.HashMap<string,string> map)
+               {
+                   var r = new Json.Object();
+                   var iter = map.map_iterator();
+                   while( {
+                       r.set_string_member(iter.get_key(), iter.get_value());
+                   }
+                   return r;
+               }
+               public Json.Array toJSONArrayString(Gee.ArrayList<string> map)
+               {
+                   var r = new Json.Array();
+                   for(var i =0;i< map.size;i++) {
+                       r.add_string_element(map.get(i));
+                   }
+                   return r;
+               }
+               public Json.Array toJSONArrayObject(Gee.ArrayList<GirObject> map)
+               {
+                   var r = new Json.Array();
+                   for(var i =0;i< map.size;i++) {
+                       r.add_object_element(map.get(i).toJSON());
+                   }
+                   return r;
+               }
+               public string asJSONString()
+               {
+                       var generator = new Json.Generator ();
+                       generator.indent = 4;
+                       generator.pretty = true;
+                       var n = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+                       n.set_object(this.toJSON());
+                       generator.set_root(n);
+                       return generator.to_data(null);
+               }
+               public GirObject fetchByFqn(string fqn) {
+                       //print("Searching (%s)%s for %s\n", this.nodetype,, fqn);
+                       var bits = fqn.split(".");
+                       var ret = this.classes.get(bits[0]);
+                       if (ret != null) {
+                               if (bits.length < 2) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1));
+                       }
+                       ret = this.ctors.get(bits[0]);                  
+                       if (ret != null) {
+                               if (bits.length < 2) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1));
+                       }
+                       ret = this.methods.get(bits[0]);                        
+                       if (ret != null) {
+                               if (bits.length < 2) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1));
+                       }
+                       ret = this.props.get(bits[0]);                  
+                       if (ret != null) {
+                               if (bits.length < 2) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1));
+                       }
+                       ret = this.consts.get(bits[0]);                 
+                       if (ret != null) {
+                               if (bits.length < 2) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1));
+                       }
+                       ret = this.signals.get(bits[0]);                        
+                       if (ret != null) {
+                               if (bits.length < 2) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               return ret.fetchByFqn(fqn.substring(bits[0].length+1));
+                       }
+                       if (this.paramset == null) {
+                               return null;
+                       }
+                       var iter = this.paramset.params.list_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               var p = iter.get();
+                               if ( != bits[0]) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               return p;
+                       }
+                       // fixme - other queires? - enums?
+                       return null;
+               }
+               /**
+                *  -----------------------------------------------
+                *  code relating to the structure loader ....
+                * 
+                */
+               public GirObject clsToObject(string in_pn)
+               {
+                       var pn = in_pn;
+                       /*
+                       var gir = Gir.factory (this.ns);
+                       if (in_pn.contains(".")) {
+                               gir =  Gir.factory(in_pn.split(".")[0]);
+                               pn = in_pn.split(".")[1];
+                       }
+                       */
+                       var gir = Gir.factory (this.ns);
+                       if (in_pn.contains(".")) {
+                               gir =  Gir.factory(in_pn.split(".")[0]);
+                               pn = in_pn.split(".")[1];
+                       }
+                       return gir.classes.get(pn);
+               }
+               public string fqtype() {
+                       return Gir.fqtypeLookup(this.type, this.ns);
+                       /* return Gir.fqtypeLookup(this.type, this.ns); */
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/src/Palete/Gtk.vala b/src/Palete/Gtk.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2bb7c2f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+using Gtk;
+namespace Palete {
+       public class Introspect.El : Object
+       {
+               public enum eltype { 
+                           NS,
+                           CLASS,
+                           METHOD,
+                           PROP
+               }
+               public eltype type;
+       }
+       public class Gtk : Palete {
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> package_cache;
+               public Gtk()
+               {
+                   base();
+          = "Gtk";
+                   var context = new Vala.CodeContext ();
+                   this.package_cache = this.loadPackages(Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("glib-2.0")));
+                   this.package_cache.add_all(
+                           this.loadPackages(Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("gee-1.0")))
+                   );
+                               //this.load();
+                   // various loader methods..
+                     // = [];
+                   //this.load();
+                   //this.proplist = {};
+                   //this.comments = { }; 
+                   // no parent...
+               }
+               public override void  load () {
+                       this.loadUsageFile(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/GtkUsage.txt");
+               }
+               public string doc(string what) {
+                       var ns = what.split(".")[0];
+                       var gir =  Gir.factory(ns);
+                       return   gir.doc(what);
+                   //return typeof(this.comments[ns][what]) == 'undefined' ?  '' : this.comments[ns][what];
+               }
+                       // does not handle implements...
+               public override GirObject? getClass(string ename)
+               {
+                       var es = ename.split(".");
+                       var gir = Gir.factory(es[0]);
+                       return gir.classes.get(es[1]);
+               }
+               public override Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> getPropertiesFor(string ename, string type)  
+               {
+                       //print("Loading for " + ename);
+                               // if (typeof(this.proplist[ename]) != 'undefined') {
+                       //print("using cache");
+                       //   return this.proplist[ename][type];
+                       //}
+                       // use introspection to get lists..
+                       var es = ename.split(".");
+                       var gir = Gir.factory(es[0]);
+                       var cls = gir.classes.get(es[1]);
+                       if (cls == null) {
+                               var ret = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                               return ret;
+                               //throw new Error.INVALID_VALUE( "Could not find class: " + ename);
+                       }
+                       //cls.parseProps();
+                       //cls.parseSignals(); // ?? needed for add handler..
+                       //cls.parseMethods(); // ?? needed for ??..
+                       //cls.parseConstructors(); // ?? needed for ??..
+                       cls.overlayParent();
+                       switch  (type) {
+                               case "props":
+                                       return cls.props;
+                               case "signals":
+                                       return cls.signals;
+                               case "methods":
+                                       return cls.methods;
+                               case "ctors":
+                                       return cls.ctors;
+                               default:
+                                       throw new Error.INVALID_VALUE( "getPropertiesFor called with: " + type);
+                                       //var ret = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                                       //return ret;
+                       }
+                       //cls.overlayInterfaces(gir);
+               }
+               public string[] getInheritsFor(string ename)
+               {
+                       string[] ret = {};
+                       var cls = Gir.factoryFqn(ename);
+                       if (cls == null || cls.nodetype != "Class") {
+                               print("getInheritsFor:could not find cls: %s\n", ename);
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       return cls.inheritsToStringArray();
+               }
+               public override void fillPack(JsRender.Node node,JsRender.Node parent)
+               {   
+                       string inherits =  string.joinv(" ", 
+                                      this.getInheritsFor (node.fqn())) + " ";
+                       inherits += node.fqn() + " ";
+                       //print ("fillPack:Inherits : %s\n", inherits);
+                       // parent.fqn() method ( node.fqn()
+                       var methods = this.getPropertiesFor (parent.fqn(), "methods");
+                       var res = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+                       var map = methods.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               var n = map.get_key();
+                               //print ("fillPack:checking method %s\n", n);
+                               var meth = map.get_value();
+                               if (meth.paramset == null || meth.paramset.params.size < 1) {
+                                       print ("fillPack:c -- no params\n");
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               var fp = meth.paramset.params.get(0);
+                               var type = Gir.fqtypeLookup(fp.type, meth.ns);
+                               print ("fillPack:first param type is %s\n", type);
+                               if (!inherits.contains(" " + type + " ")) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               var pack =;
+                               for(var i =1; i < meth.paramset.params.size; i++) {
+                                       var ty = Gir.fqtypeLookup(meth.paramset.params.get(i).type, meth.ns);
+                                       pack += "," + Gir.guessDefaultValueForType(ty);
+                               }
+                               print ("fillPack:add pack:  --          %s\n",pack );
+                               res.set(, pack);
+                       }
+                       if (res.size < 1) {
+                               return ;
+                       }
+                       if (res.has_key("pack_start")) {
+                               node.props.set("* pack", res.get("pack_start"));
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (res.has_key("add")) {
+                               node.props.set("* pack", res.get("add"));
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var riter = res.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               node.props.set("* pack", riter.get_value());
+                               return;
+                       }
+               }
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> packages(Project.Gtk gproject)
+               {
+                       var vapidirs = gproject.vapidirs();
+                       var ret =  new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       ret.add_all(this.package_cache);
+                       for(var i = 0; i < vapidirs.length;i++) {
+                               var add = this.loadPackages(vapidirs[i]);
+                               for (var j=0; j < add.size; j++) {
+                                       if (ret.contains(add.get(j))) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       ret.add(add.get(j));
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public  Gee.ArrayList<string>  loadPackages(string dirname)
+               {
+                       var ret = new  Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       //this.package_cache = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(dirname,  FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                               print("opps package directory %s does not exist", dirname);
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       var dir = File.new_for_path(dirname);
+                       try {
+                               var file_enum = dir.enumerate_children(
+                                       GLib.FileAttribute.STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME, 
+                                       GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, 
+                                       null
+                               );
+                               FileInfo next_file; 
+                               while ((next_file = file_enum.next_file(null)) != null) {
+                                       var fn = next_file.get_display_name();
+                                       if (!Regex.match_simple("\\.vapi$", fn)) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       ret.add(Path.get_basename(fn).replace(".vapi", ""));
+                               }       
+                       } catch(Error e) {
+                               print("oops - something went wrong scanning the packages\n");
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public override bool  typeOptions(string fqn, string key, string type, out string[] opts) 
+               {
+                       opts = {};
+                       print("get typeOptions %s (%s)%s", fqn, type, key);
+                       if (type.up() == "BOOL" || type.up() == "BOOLEAN") {
+                               opts = { "true", "false" };
+                               return true;
+                       }
+                       var gir= Gir.factoryFqn(type) ;
+                       if (gir == null) {
+                               print("could not find Gir data for %s\n", key);
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       print ("Got type %s", gir.asJSONString());
+                       if (gir.nodetype != "Enum") {
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       string[] ret = {};
+                       var iter = gir.consts.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               ret  += (type + "." + iter.get_value().name);
+                       }
+                       if (ret.length > 0) {
+                               opts = ret;
+                               return true;
+                       }
+                       return false;
+               }
+               public override  List<SourceCompletionItem> suggestComplete(
+                               JsRender.JsRender file,
+                               JsRender.Node? node,
+                               string proptype, 
+                               string key,
+                               string complete_string
+               ) { 
+                       var ret =  new List<SourceCompletionItem>();
+                       // completion rules??
+                       // make sure data is loaded
+                       Gir.factory("Gtk");
+                       // Roo......
+                       // this. (based on the node type)
+                       // // Node and any determination...
+                       if (complete_string.index_of(".",0) < 0) {
+                               // string does not have a '.'
+                               // offer up vala keywords... / _this .. / look for var string = .. in the code..
+                               var max = (int)Vala.TokenType.YIELD +1;
+                               for (var i =0; i < max;i++) {
+                                       var m = (Vala.TokenType)i;
+                                       var s = m.to_string();
+                                       var ss = s.slice(1,-1);
+                                       if (s[0] == '`' && GLib.Regex.match_simple("^[a-z]+$", ss) &&
+                                               complete_string != ss && ss.index_of(complete_string,0) == 0 ) {
+                                               ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (ss, ss, null, "vala : " + ss));
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               var miter = Gir.cache.map_iterator();
+                               while ( {
+                                       var ss = miter.get_key();
+                                       if (complete_string != ss && ss.index_of(complete_string,0) == 0 ) {
+                                               ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (ss, ss, null, "vala namespace : " + ss));
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               if (complete_string != "_this" && "_this".index_of(complete_string,0) == 0 ) { // should we ignore exact matches... ???
+                                       ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem ("_this - the top level element", "_this", null, "Top level element"));
+                               }
+                               // basic types..
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                        // got at least one ".".
+                       var parts = complete_string.split(".");
+                       var curtype = "";
+                       var cur_instance = false;
+                       if (parts[0] == "this") {
+                               // work out from the node, what the type is...
+                               if (node == null) {
+                                       print("node is empty - no return\n");
+                                       return ret; // no idea..
+                               }
+                               curtype = "*" +  node.fqn();
+                               cur_instance = true;
+                       } else {
+                                if (Gir.cache.get(parts[0]) == null) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               curtype = parts[0];
+                       }
+                       // all Gtk.... etc.. types...
+                       //if (parts[0] == "Roo") {      
+                       //      curtype = "Roo";
+                       //      cur_instance = false;
+                       //}
+                       var prevbits = parts[0] + ".";
+                       for(var i =1; i < parts.length; i++) {
+                               print("matching %d/%d\n", i, parts.length);
+                               var is_last = i == parts.length -1;
+                               // look up all the properties of the type...
+                               var cls = Gir.factoryFqn(curtype);
+                               if (cls == null && curtype[0] != '*') {
+                                       print("could not get class of curtype %s\n", curtype);
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               if (!is_last) {
+                                       if (curtype[0] == '*' && parts[i] == "el") {
+                                               curtype = curtype.substring(1);
+                                               prevbits += parts[i] + ".";
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // only exact matches from here on...
+                                       if (cur_instance) {
+                                               if (cls == null) {
+                                                       return ret;
+                                               }
+                                               if (cls.props.has_key(parts[i])) {
+                                                       var prop = cls.props.get(parts[i]);
+                                                       if (prop.type.index_of(".",0) > -1) {
+                                                               // type is another roo object..
+                                                               curtype = prop.type;
+                                                               prevbits += parts[i] + ".";
+                                                               continue;
+                                                       }
+                                                       return ret;
+                                               }
+                                               // check methods?? - we do not export that at present..
+                                               return ret;      //no idea...
+                                       }
+                                       var look = prevbits + parts[i];
+                                       var scls = Gir.factoryFqn(look);
+                                       if (scls == null) {
+                                               return ret;
+                                       }
+                                       curtype = look;
+                                       prevbits += parts[i] + ".";
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               // got to the last element..
+                               print("Got last element\n");
+                               if (curtype == "") { // should not happen.. we would have returned already..
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               print("Got last element type %s\n",curtype);
+                               if (!cur_instance) {
+                                       print("matching instance");
+                                       // it's a static reference..
+                                       var citer = cls.classes.map_iterator();
+                                       while ( {
+                                               var scls = citer.get_key();
+                                               if (parts[i].length > 0 && scls.index_of(parts[i],0) != 0) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                               // got a starting match..
+                                               ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (
+                                                       prevbits + scls,
+                                                       prevbits + scls, 
+                                                       null, 
+                                                       scls));
+                                       }
+                                       // methods.... 
+                                       citer = cls.methods.map_iterator();
+                                       while ( {
+                                               var scls = citer.get_key();
+                                               if (parts[i].length > 0 && scls.index_of(parts[i],0) != 0) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                               // got a starting match..
+                                               ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (
+                                                       prevbits + scls  + citer.get_value().sig ,
+                                                       prevbits + scls, 
+                                                       null, 
+                                                       scls));
+                                       }
+                                       // enums.... 
+                                       citer = cls.consts.map_iterator();
+                                       while ( {
+                                               var scls = citer.get_key();
+                                               if (parts[i].length > 0 && scls.index_of(parts[i],0) != 0) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                               // got a starting match..
+                                               ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (
+                                                       prevbits + scls  + citer.get_value().sig ,
+                                                       prevbits + scls, 
+                                                       null, 
+                                                       scls));
+                                       }
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               print("matching property");
+                               if (cls == null) {
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               var citer = cls.methods.map_iterator();
+                               while ( {
+                                       var prop = citer.get_value();
+                                       // does the name start with ...
+                                       if (parts[i].length > 0 &&[i],0) != 0) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // got a matching property...
+                                       // return type?
+                                       ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (
+                                               + prop.sig + " :  ("+ prop.propertyof + ")", 
+                                                       prevbits + + "(", 
+                                                       null, 
+                                                       prop.doctxt));
+                               }
+                               // get the properties / methods and subclasses.. of cls..
+                               // we have cls.. - see if the string matches any of the properties..
+                               citer = cls.props.map_iterator();
+                               while ( {
+                                       var prop = citer.get_value();
+                                       // does the name start with ...
+                                       if (parts[i].length > 0 &&[i],0) != 0) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // got a matching property...
+                                       ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (
+                                               + " : " + prop.type + " ("+ prop.propertyof + ")", 
+                                                       prevbits +, 
+                                                       null, 
+                                                       prop.doctxt));
+                               }
+                               return ret;     
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Palete/Javascript.vala b/src/Palete/Javascript.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..64a73a1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+extern JSCore.Value jscore_object_call_as_function(
+       JSCore.Context ctx,
+       JSCore.Object object, 
+       JSCore.Object thisObject,
+       string  val,
+       out JSCore.Value exception
+       );
+namespace Palete {
+       public errordomain JavascriptError {
+               MISSING_METHOD,
+               MISSING_FILE
+       }
+       Javascript instance = null;
+       public class Javascript {
+               public static JSCore.Object class_constructor(
+                               JSCore.Context ctx, 
+                               JSCore.Object constructor,  
+                               JSCore.Value[] arguments, 
+                              out JSCore.Value exception) 
+               {
+                       var c = new JSCore.Class (class_definition);
+                       var o = new JSCore.Object (ctx, c, null);
+                               exception = null;
+                       return o;
+               }
+               static const JSCore.StaticFunction[] class_functions = {
+                        { null, null, 0 }
+               };
+               static const JSCore.ClassDefinition class_definition = {
+                   0,
+                   JSCore.ClassAttribute.None,
+                   "App",
+                   null,
+                   null,
+                   class_functions,
+                   null,
+                   null,
+                   null,
+                   null,
+                   null,
+                   null,
+                   null,
+                   null,
+                   class_constructor,
+                   null,
+                   null
+               };
+               public JSCore.GlobalContext js_global_context =  null;
+               public static Javascript singleton()
+               {
+                       if (instance == null) {
+                               instance = new Javascript();
+                       }
+                       return instance;
+               }
+               public Javascript()
+               {
+                       var goc = new JSCore.Class(  class_definition ); 
+                       this.js_global_context = new JSCore.GlobalContext(goc);
+               }
+               public int validate(string code, out string res)
+               {
+                       JSCore.Value ex;
+                       unowned   JSCore.GlobalContext ctx = this.js_global_context;
+                       var ret = this.js_global_context.check_script_syntax(
+                                  new JSCore.String.with_utf8_c_string(code),
+                                  null,
+                                  0,
+                                  out ex
+                       );
+                       res = ""; 
+                       if (ex.is_null(ctx)) {
+                               return -1;
+                       }
+                       var exo = ex.to_object(ctx, null);
+                       unowned JSCore.PropertyNameArray property_names = exo.copy_property_names (ctx);
+                       var js_string = new JSCore.String.with_utf8_c_string("line");
+                       var line = exo.get_property(ctx, js_string, null).to_number(ctx,null);
+                       // see if we can convert exception string
+                       char *c_string = new char[1024];
+                       var err_string = ex.to_string_copy (ctx, null);
+                       err_string.get_utf8_c_string (c_string, 1023);
+                       res = (string)c_string;
+                       //print ("Error on line %d\n%s\n", (int)line, res); 
+                       var rline = (int) line;
+                       return rline > 0 ? rline -1 : 0;
+               }
+               /**
+                * extension API concept..
+                * javascript file.. loaded into jscore, 
+                * then a method is called, with a string argument (json encoded)
+                * 
+                */
+               public string executeFile(string fname, string call_method, string js_data)
+                               throws JavascriptError
+               {
+                       string file_data;
+                       if (!FileUtils.test (fname, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               throw new JavascriptError.MISSING_FILE("Plugin: file not found %s", fname);
+                       }
+                       FileUtils.get_contents(fname, out file_data);
+                       var jfile_data = new JSCore.String.with_utf8_c_string(file_data);
+                       var jmethod = new JSCore.String.with_utf8_c_string(call_method);
+                       //var json_args = new JSCore.String.with_utf8_c_string(js_data);
+                            JSCore.Value exa;
+                         JSCore.Value exb;
+                       unowned JSCore.Value exc;
+                          JSCore.Value exd;
+                          unowned JSCore.Value exe;
+                       var goc = new JSCore.Class(  class_definition ); 
+                       var ctx = new JSCore.GlobalContext(goc);
+                       var othis = ctx.get_global_object();
+                       var eval = ctx.evaluate_script (
+                                               jfile_data,
+                                               othis,
+                                               null,
+                               0,
+                               out exa
+                               );
+                       if (!othis.has_property(ctx,jmethod)) {
+                               throw new JavascriptError.MISSING_METHOD ("Plugin: missing method  %s", call_method);
+                       }
+                       var val =  othis.get_property (ctx, jmethod, out exb);
+                       if (!val.is_object(ctx)) {
+                               throw new JavascriptError.MISSING_METHOD ("Plugin: not a property not found  %s", call_method);
+                       }
+                       var oval = val.to_object(ctx,  out  exc);
+                       if (!oval.is_function(ctx)) {
+                               throw new JavascriptError.MISSING_METHOD ("Plugin: not a method  %s", call_method);
+                       }
+                        var res = jscore_object_call_as_function(
+                               ctx, oval, othis, js_data, out exd
+                               );
+                    // this will never work, as we can not create arrays of Values - due to no 
+                    // free function being available..
+                        //var args =  new JSCore.Value[1] ;
+                        //args[0] = new JSCore.Value.string(ctx,json_args) ;
+                        //unowned JSCore.Value res = oval.call_as_function(ctx, othis, null, out exd);
+                       // extract the text value from res...
+                        JSCore.String  sv = res.to_string_copy ( ctx,  out  exe);
+                        var length = sv.get_maximum_utf8_c_string_size();
+                        var buf = new char[length];
+                        sv.get_utf8_c_string( buf, length);
+                        print("ret:%s\n",(string)  buf);
+                        return (string) buf;
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/src/Palete/Palete.vala b/src/Palete/Palete.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..239862a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+using Gtk;
+namespace Palete 
+       public errordomain Error {
+               INVALID_TYPE,
+               NEED_IMPLEMENTING,
+               MISSING_FILE,
+               INVALID_VALUE
+       }
+       public class Usage : Object 
+       {
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> left;
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> right;
+               public Usage(Gee.ArrayList<string> ileft, Gee.ArrayList<string> iright)
+               {
+                       this.left = ileft;
+                       this.right=  iright;
+               }
+               public bool leftHas(string s)
+               {
+                       for(var i = 0 ; i < this.left.size; i++) {
+                               var m = this.left.get(i);
+                               if (s == m) {
+                                       return true;
+                               }
+                               if (!m.contains(":")) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               var ar = m.split(":");
+                               if (ar[0] == s) {
+                                       return true;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return false;
+               }
+       }
+    static Gee.HashMap<string,Palete>? cache = null;
+    public static Palete factory(string xtype)
+    {
+        if (cache == null) {
+            cache = new Gee.HashMap<string,Palete>();
+        }
+        if (cache.get(xtype) != null) {
+            return cache.get(xtype);
+        }
+        switch(xtype) {
+            case "Gtk":
+                cache.set(xtype, new Gtk());
+                break;
+            case "Roo":
+                cache.set(xtype, new Roo());
+                break;
+            default:
+                throw new Error.INVALID_TYPE("invalid argument to Palete factory");
+        }
+        return cache.get(xtype);
+    }
+    public abstract class Palete : Object 
+    {
+        public string name;
+               public Gee.ArrayList<Usage> map;
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> classes; // used in roo.. 
+        public Palete()
+        {
+                               // nothing?
+              = null;
+                       this.classes = null;
+        }
+        //map : false, // array of mappings   left: [] , right : []
+        //items : false, // the tree of nodes.
+        string  guessName(JsRender.Node ar) throws Error // turns the object into full name.
+        {
+            throw new Error.NEED_IMPLEMENTING("xxx. guessName needs implimenting");
+        }
+               public string[] getChildList(string in_rval)
+        {
+                       if ( == null) {
+                               this.load();
+                       }
+                       // empty == *top
+                       var rval = in_rval == "" ? "*top" : in_rval; 
+                                       // should be a bit more than this..
+                               // -> it should look for all elements that inherit 
+                               string[] ret = {};
+                       var rt = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
+                               var m =;
+                                       if (!m.leftHas(rval)) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               print("found LEFT, adding right\n");
+                               for(var ii =0; ii < m.right.size; ii++) {
+                                               var l = m.right.get(ii);
+                                               if (rt.index_of(l) > -1) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                       //print("ADD " + string.joinv(", ", ret) + "\n");
+                                               ret += l;
+                                       rt.add(l);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       print ("drop list for %s is:\n%s\n", rval, string.joinv("\n", ret));
+                       //console.log("DROP LIST:");
+                       //console.dump(ret);
+                       return ret;
+        }
+        public string[] getDropList(string rval)
+        {
+                       if ( == null) {
+                               this.load();
+                       }
+                                       // should be a bit more than this..
+                               // -> it should look for all elements that inherit 
+                               string[] ret = {};
+                       var rt = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
+                               var m =;
+                                       if (m.right.index_of(rval) < 0) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               //print("found RIGHT, adding left\n");
+                               for(var ii =0; ii < m.left.size; ii++) {
+                                               var l = m.left.get(ii);
+                                               if (rt.index_of(l) > -1) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                       //print("ADD " + string.joinv(", ", ret) + "\n");
+                                               ret += l;
+                                       rt.add(l);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                        print ("drop list for %s is:\n%s\n", rval, string.joinv("\n", ret));
+                       //console.log("DROP LIST:");
+                       //console.dump(ret);
+                       return ret;
+        }
+        public void saveTemplate (string name, JsRender.Node data)
+        {
+                       var gn = data.fqn();
+            // store it in user's directory..
+            var appdir =  GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder"; 
+            if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(appdir+ "/" + gn, GLib.FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                               GLib.File.new_for_path (appdir+ "/" + gn).make_directory ();
+            }
+            GLib.FileUtils.set_contents(appdir+ "/" + gn + "/" +  name + ".json", data.toJsonString());
+        }
+        /**
+         * list templates - in home directory (and app dir in future...)
+         * @param {String} name  - eg. Gtk.Window..
+         * @return {Array} list of templates available..
+         */
+        public  GLib.List<string> listTemplates (JsRender.Node node)
+        {
+                       var gn = node.fqn();
+                       var ret = new GLib.List<string>();
+                       var dir= GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder/" + gn;
+                       if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(dir, GLib.FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       var f = File.new_for_path(dir);
+                               var file_enum = f.enumerate_children(GLib.FileAttribute.STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME, GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null);
+                               FileInfo next_file; 
+                               while ((next_file = file_enum.next_file(null)) != null) {
+                                       var n = next_file.get_display_name();
+                                       if (!Regex.match_simple ("\\.json$", n)) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       ret.append( dir + "/" + n);
+                               }
+                               return ret;
+               }
+        public JsRender.Node? loadTemplate(string path)
+        {
+                       var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                       pa.load_from_file(path);
+                       var node = pa.get_root();
+                       if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) {
+                               return null;
+                       }
+                       var obj = node.get_object ();
+                       var ret = new JsRender.Node();
+                       ret.loadFromJson(obj, 1);
+                       ret.ref(); // not sure if needed -- but we had a case where ret became uninitialized?
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public   void  loadUsageFile (string fname) {
+                               print("Palete Load called\n");
+                       string raw;
+                       if (!FileUtils.test (fname, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               throw new Error.MISSING_FILE(fname + " not found");
+                       }
+                       FileUtils.get_contents(fname, out raw);
+                     // print(data);
+                       var data  = raw.split("\n");
+                       var state = 0;
+                       var cfg = new Gee.ArrayList<Usage>();
+                       var left = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       var right = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+                               var d = data[i].strip();
+                               //print("READ " + d + "\n");
+                               if (
+                                       d.length < 1
+                                       ||
+                                        Regex.match_simple ("^\\s+$", d)
+                                       ||
+                                       Regex.match_simple ("^\\s*/", d)
+                                ){
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                                   if (Regex.match_simple ("^left:", d)) { 
+                                       state = 1;
+                                       if (left.size > 0 ){
+                                           cfg.add(new Usage( left, right));
+                                                       }
+                                       left = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                                               right = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                                       continue;
+                                   }
+                                    if (Regex.match_simple ("^right:", d)) { 
+                                       state = 2;
+                                       continue;
+                                   }
+                                   if (state == 1) {
+                                                       //print("add left: " + d + "\n");
+                                       left.add(d);
+                                       continue;
+                                   }
+                                               //print("add Right: " + d + "\n");
+                                   right.add(d);
+                                   //Seed.quit();
+                       }
+                       if (left.size > 0 ){
+                               cfg.add(new Usage( left, right));
+                       }
+              = cfg;
+          }
+               public   void validateVala(
+                               WindowState state,
+                               string code, 
+                               string property, 
+                               string ptype,
+                               JsRender.JsRender file,
+                               JsRender.Node node
+                ) 
+               {   
+                       print("validate code (%s) %s\n", file.language, code);
+                       if (file.language != "vala" ) { // not sure if we need to validate property
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       // file.project , file.path, file.build_module, ""
+                       //var cd = new JSCore.ClassDefinitionEmpty();
+                       state.valasource.checkFileWithNodePropChange(
+                                       file,
+                                       node, 
+                                       property, 
+                                       ptype,
+                                       code
+                        );
+               }
+               public   bool  javascriptHasErrors(
+                                       WindowState state,
+                                       string code, 
+                                       string property, 
+                                       string ptype,
+                                       JsRender.JsRender file, 
+                                       out Gee.HashMap<int,string> errors
+                                ) 
+               {   
+                        print("validate code (%s) ptype=%s property=%s\n", file.language, ptype, property);
+                       errors = new Gee.HashMap<int,string>();
+                       if (file.language != "js") {
+                               return false;
+                        }
+                        if (ptype != "listener" && property.length > 0 && property[0] == '|') {
+                               return false;
+                        }
+                       //var cd = new JSCore.ClassDefinitionEmpty();
+                       //print("TESTING CODE %s\n", code);
+                       string errmsg;
+                       var testcode = ptype == "file" ? code : "var __aaa___ = " + code;
+                       var line = Javascript.singleton().validate(
+                                                                 testcode, out errmsg);
+                       if (line > -1) {
+                               if (ptype == "file") {
+                                       var err = new Json.Object();
+                                       err.set_int_member("ERR-TOTAL", 1);
+                                       var files_obj = new Json.Object();
+                                       var lines_obj = new Json.Object();
+                                       var lines_ar = new Json.Array();
+                                       lines_ar.add_string_element(errmsg);
+                                       lines_obj.set_array_member(line.to_string(), lines_ar);
+                                       files_obj.set_object_member(file.path, lines_obj);
+                                       err.set_object_member("ERR", files_obj);
+                                       state.showCompileResult(err);
+                                       // do not set errors.. that's not done here..
+                                       return true;
+                               }
+                               errors.set(line, errmsg); // depricated - this is used by the editor currently -- but we are planning to switch from that..
+                               print("got  errors\n");
+                               return true;
+                       }
+                       // now syntax is OK.. try the 
+                       if (ptype == "file") {
+                                return this.javascriptHasCompressionErrors(file, state, code);
+                       }
+                       print("no errors\n");
+                       return false;
+               } 
+               public bool  javascriptHasCompressionErrors(JsRender.JsRender file, WindowState state, string code)
+               {
+                       // this uses the roojspacker code to try and compress the code.
+                       // it should highlight errors before we actually push live the code.
+                       // standard error format:  file %s, line %s, Error 
+                       var p = new JSDOC.Packer();
+                       p.keepWhite = false;
+                       p.skipScope = false;
+                       p.dumpTokens = false;
+                       p.cleanup = false; 
+                       p.packFile(code, file.path,"");
+                       state.showCompileResult(p.result);
+                       if (p.hasErrors("")) {
+                               return true;
+                       }
+                       return false;
+               }
+               public abstract void fillPack(JsRender.Node node,JsRender.Node parent);
+               public abstract void load();
+               public abstract Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> getPropertiesFor(string ename, string type);
+               public abstract GirObject? getClass(string ename);
+               public abstract bool typeOptions(string fqn, string key, string type, out string[] opts);
+               public abstract  List<SourceCompletionItem> suggestComplete(
+                               JsRender.JsRender file,
+                               JsRender.Node? node,
+                               string proptype, 
+                               string key,
+                               string complete_string
+               );
+       }
diff --git a/src/Palete/Roo.vala b/src/Palete/Roo.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..37d2d99
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+using Gtk;
+namespace Palete {
+    public class Introspect.El : Object
+    {
+        public enum eltype { 
+            NS,
+            CLASS,
+            METHOD,
+            PROP
+        }
+        public eltype type;
+    }
+    public class Roo : Palete {
+        public Roo()
+        {
+            base();
+   = "Roo";
+        }
+               Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> propsFromJSONArray(string type, Json.Array ar, GirObject cls)
+               {
+                       var ret = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                       for (var i =0 ; i < ar.get_length(); i++) {
+                               var o = ar.get_object_element(i);
+                               var name = o.get_string_member("name"); 
+                               var prop = new GirObject(type, name );  
+                               prop.type        = o.get_string_member("type");
+                               prop.doctxt  = o.get_string_member("desc");
+                               prop.propertyof = o.has_member("memberOf") ? o.get_string_member("memberOf") : "";
+                               if (prop.propertyof.length < 1)  {
+                                       prop.propertyof =;
+                               }
+                               prop.sig = o.has_member("sig") ? o.get_string_member("sig") : "";
+                               if (o.has_member("optvals")  ) {
+                                       var oar = o.get_array_member("optvals");
+                                       for (var oi = 0; oi < oar.get_length(); oi++) {
+                                               prop.optvalues.add(oar.get_string_element(oi));
+                                       }
+                               }       
+                               //print(type + ":" + name +"\n");
+                               ret.set(name,prop);
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public override void  load () {
+                       if (this.classes != null) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       this.loadUsageFile(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/RooUsage.txt");
+                       this.classes = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                       var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                       pa.load_from_file(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/roodata.json");
+                       var node = pa.get_root();
+                       var clist =  node.get_object().get_object_member("data");
+                               clist.foreach_member((o , key, value) => {
+                               //print("cls:" + key+"\n");
+                               var cls = new GirObject("class", key);  
+                               cls.props = this.propsFromJSONArray("prop", value.get_object().get_array_member("props"),cls);
+                               cls.signals = this.propsFromJSONArray("signal", value.get_object().get_array_member("events"),cls);
+                               if (value.get_object().has_member("methods")) {
+                                       cls.methods = this.propsFromJSONArray("method", value.get_object().get_array_member("methods"),cls);
+                               }
+                               this.classes.set(key, cls);
+                       });
+               }
+               public string doc(string what) {
+                       return "";
+                       /*var ns = what.split(".")[0];
+                               var gir =  Gir.factory(ns);
+                               return   gir.doc(what);
+                               */
+                       //return typeof(this.comments[ns][what]) == 'undefined' ?  '' : this.comments[ns][what];
+               }
+               // does not handle implements...
+               public override GirObject? getClass(string ename)
+               {
+                       this.load();
+                       return this.classes.get(ename);
+               }
+               public override Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject> getPropertiesFor(string ename, string type)
+               {
+                       //print("Loading for " + ename);
+                       this.load();
+                                       // if (typeof(this.proplist[ename]) != 'undefined') {
+                                       //print("using cache");
+                                //   return this.proplist[ename][type];
+                               //}
+                               // use introspection to get lists..
+                       var cls = this.classes.get(ename);
+                       var ret = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                       if (cls == null) {
+                               print("could not find class: %s\n", ename);
+                               return ret;
+                               //throw new Error.INVALID_VALUE( "Could not find class: " + ename);
+                       }
+                       //cls.parseProps();
+                       //cls.parseSignals(); // ?? needed for add handler..
+                       //cls.parseMethods(); // ?? needed for ??..
+                       //cls.parseConstructors(); // ?? needed for ??..
+                       //cls.overlayParent();
+                       switch  (type) {
+                               case "props":
+                                       return cls.props;
+                               case "signals":
+                                       return cls.signals;
+                               case "methods":
+                                       return ret;
+                               case "ctors":
+                                       return ret;
+                               default:
+                                       throw new Error.INVALID_VALUE( "getPropertiesFor called with: " + type);
+                                       //var ret = new Gee.HashMap<string,GirObject>();
+                                       //return ret;
+                       }
+               //cls.overlayInterfaces(gir);
+               }
+               public string[] getInheritsFor(string ename)
+               {
+                       string[] ret = {};
+                       var es = ename.split(".");
+                       var gir = Gir.factory(es[0]);
+                       var cls = gir.classes.get(es[1]);
+                       if (cls == null) {
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       return cls.inheritsToStringArray();
+               }
+               public override void fillPack(JsRender.Node node,JsRender.Node parent)
+               {   
+                        return;
+               }
+               /*
+                *  Pulldown options for type
+                */
+               public override bool typeOptions(string fqn, string key, string type, out string[] opts) 
+               {
+                       opts = {};
+                       print("get typeOptions %s (%s)%s", fqn, type, key);
+                       if (type.up() == "BOOL" || type.up() == "BOOLEAN") {
+                               opts = { "true", "false" };
+                               return true;
+                        }
+                        var props = this.getPropertiesFor(fqn, "props");
+                        if (!props.has_key(key)) {
+                                print("prop %s does not have key %s\n", fqn, key);
+                                return false;
+                        }
+                        var pr = props.get(key);
+                        if (pr.optvalues.size < 1) {
+                                print("prop %s no optvalues for %s\n", fqn, key);
+                                return false;
+                        }
+                        string[] ret = {};
+                        for(var i = 0; i < pr.optvalues.size; i++) {
+                                ret += pr.optvalues.get(i);
+                        }
+                        opts = ret;
+                        print("prop %s returning optvalues for %s\n", fqn, key);
+                        return true;
+               }
+               public override  List<SourceCompletionItem> suggestComplete(
+                               JsRender.JsRender file,
+                               JsRender.Node? node,
+                               string proptype, 
+                               string key,
+                               string complete_string
+               ) { 
+                       var ret =  new List<SourceCompletionItem>();
+                       // completion rules??
+                       // Roo......
+                       // this. (based on the node type)
+                       // // Node and any determination...
+                       if (complete_string.index_of(".",0) < 0) {
+                               // string does not have a '.'
+                               // offer up this / Roo / javascript keywords... / look for var string = .. in the code..
+                               for(var i = 0; i <  JsRender.Lang.match_strings.size ; i++) {
+                                       var str = JsRender.Lang.match_strings.get(i);
+                                       if (complete_string != str && str.index_of(complete_string,0) == 0 ) { // should we ignore exact matches... ???
+                                               ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (str, str, null, "javascript : " + str));
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               if (complete_string != "Roo" && "Roo".index_of(complete_string,0) == 0 ) { // should we ignore exact matches... ???
+                                       ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem ("Roo - A Roo class", "Roo", null, "Roo library"));
+                               }
+                               if (complete_string != "_this" && "_this".index_of(complete_string,0) == 0 ) { // should we ignore exact matches... ???
+                                       ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem ("_this - the top level element", "_this", null, "Top level element"));
+                               }
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       // got at least one ".".
+                       var parts = complete_string.split(".");
+                       var curtype = "";
+                       var cur_instance = false;
+                       if (parts[0] == "this") {
+                               // work out from the node, what the type is...
+                               if (node == null) {
+                                       print("node is empty - no return\n");
+                                       return ret; // no idea..
+                               }
+                               curtype = node.fqn();
+                               cur_instance = true;
+                       }
+                       if (parts[0] == "Roo") {        
+                               curtype = "Roo";
+                               cur_instance = false;
+                       }
+                       var prevbits = parts[0] + ".";
+                       for(var i =1; i < parts.length; i++) {
+                               print("matching %d/%d\n", i, parts.length);
+                               var is_last = i == parts.length -1;
+                               // look up all the properties of the type...
+                               var cls = this.getClass(curtype);
+                               if (cls == null) {
+                                       print("could not get class of curtype %s\n", curtype);
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               if (!is_last) {
+                                       // only exact matches from here on...
+                                       if (cur_instance) {
+                                               if (cls.props.has_key(parts[i])) {
+                                                       var prop = cls.props.get(parts[i]);
+                                                       if (prop.type.index_of(".",0) > -1) {
+                                                               // type is another roo object..
+                                                               curtype = prop.type;
+                                                               prevbits += parts[i] + ".";
+                                                               continue;
+                                                       }
+                                                       return ret;
+                                               }
+                                               // check methods?? - we do not export that at present..
+                                               return ret;      //no idea...
+                                       }
+                                       // not a instance..
+                                       //look for child classes.
+                                       var citer = this.classes.map_iterator();
+                                       var foundit = false;
+                                       while ( {
+                                               var scls = citer.get_key();
+                                               var look = prevbits + parts[i];
+                                               if (scls.index_of(look,0) != 0) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                               // got a starting match..
+                                               curtype = look;
+                                               cur_instance = false;
+                                               foundit =true;
+                                               break;
+                                       }
+                                       if (!foundit) {
+                                               return ret;
+                                       }
+                                       prevbits += parts[i] + ".";
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               // got to the last element..
+                               print("Got last element\n");
+                               if (curtype == "") { // should not happen.. we would have returned already..
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               print("Got last element type %s\n",curtype);
+                               if (!cur_instance) {
+                                       print("matching instance");
+                                       // it's a static reference..
+                                       var citer = this.classes.map_iterator();
+                                       while ( {
+                                               var scls = citer.get_key();
+                                               var look = prevbits + parts[i];
+                                               if (parts[i].length > 0 && scls.index_of(look,0) != 0) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                               // got a starting match..
+                                               ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (
+                                                       scls,
+                                                       scls, 
+                                                       null, 
+                                                       scls));
+                                       }
+                                       return ret;
+                               }
+                               print("matching property");
+                               var citer = cls.methods.map_iterator();
+                               while ( {
+                                       var prop = citer.get_value();
+                                       // does the name start with ...
+                                       if (parts[i].length > 0 &&[i],0) != 0) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // got a matching property...
+                                       // return type?
+                                       ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (
+                                               + prop.sig + " :  ("+ prop.propertyof + ")", 
+                                                       prevbits + + "(", 
+                                                       null, 
+                                                       prop.doctxt));
+                               }
+                               // get the properties / methods and subclasses.. of cls..
+                               // we have cls.. - see if the string matches any of the properties..
+                               citer = cls.props.map_iterator();
+                               while ( {
+                                       var prop = citer.get_value();
+                                       // does the name start with ...
+                                       if (parts[i].length > 0 &&[i],0) != 0) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // got a matching property...
+                                       ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (
+                                               + " : " + prop.type + " ("+ prop.propertyof + ")", 
+                                                       prevbits +, 
+                                                       null, 
+                                                       prop.doctxt));
+                               }
+                               return ret;     
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Palete/RooDatabase.vala b/src/Palete/RooDatabase.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..395545d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+ * Renderer for Roo Database code
+ * 
+ * - Concept - this code does the SQL queries
+ *   pulls data from information_schema (on mysql only at present..)
+ *   Sends it down the line to the Javascript code. to generate structures 
+ * 
+ */
+ // should this be in palete...
+namespace Palete {
+    public class RooDatabase : Object 
+    {
+        public Project.Project project;
+               public string DBTYPE;
+               public string DBNAME;
+        public Gda.Connection cnc;
+               public RooDatabase.from_project (Project.Project project)
+        {
+            this.project = project;
+                       this.DBTYPE = this.project.get_string_member("DBTYPE");
+                       this.DBNAME = this.project.get_string_member("DBNAME");
+                       if (this.DBTYPE.length < 1) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       try {
+                                       this.cnc = Gda.Connection.open_from_string (
+                                       this.DBTYPE,
+                                       "DB_NAME=" + this.DBNAME, 
+                                       "USERNAME=" + this.project.get_string_member("DBUSERNAME") + 
+                                       ";PASSWORD=" + this.project.get_string_member("DBPASSWORD"),
+                                       Gda.ConnectionOptions.NONE
+                               );
+                       } catch(Gda.ConfigError e) {
+                               GLib.warning("%s\n", e.message);
+                               this.cnc  = null;
+                               this.DBTYPE = "";
+                       } catch(Gda.ConnectionError e) {
+                               GLib.warning("%s\n", e.message);
+                               this.cnc  = null;
+                               this.DBTYPE = "";
+                       }
+        }
+               public RooDatabase.from_cfg (string dbtype, string dbname, string dbuser, string dbpass)
+               {
+                       this.DBTYPE = dbtype;
+                       this.DBNAME = dbname;
+                       try {
+                                this.cnc = Gda.Connection.open_from_string (
+                                       this.DBTYPE,
+                                       "DB_NAME=" + dbname, 
+                                       "USERNAME=" + dbuser + 
+                                       ";PASSWORD=" + dbpass,
+                                       Gda.ConnectionOptions.NONE
+                               );
+                       } catch(Gda.ConfigError e) {
+                               this.cnc  = null;
+                               this.DBTYPE = "";
+                       } catch(Gda.ConnectionError e) {
+                               this.cnc  = null;
+                               this.DBTYPE = "";
+                       }
+       }
+        public Json.Array readTables()
+        {
+                       try {
+                               if (this.DBTYPE == "PostgreSQL") {
+                                       return this.fetchAll(this.cnc.execute_select_command( 
+                                               """select c.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c 
+                                                       LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace 
+                                                       WHERE c.relkind IN ('r','') AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
+                                                       AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) 
+                                               """));
+                               }
+                               if (this.DBTYPE == "MySQL") { 
+                                       return this.fetchAll(this.cnc.execute_select_command( "SHOW TABLES" ));
+                               }
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                       }
+                       GLib.warning("Read tables failed DBTYPE = %s\n", this.DBTYPE);
+                       return new Json.Array();
+               }
+               public Gee.ArrayList readTablesGee()
+               {
+                       var ret = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       var ar = this.readTables();
+                       for(var i = 0; i < ar.get_length(); i++) {
+                               ret.add(ar.get_string_element(i));
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public Json.Object readTable(string tablename) 
+               {
+                       Json.Array res_ar = new Json.Array();
+                       var res = new Json.Object();
+                       try {
+                               switch (this.DBTYPE ) {
+                                       case "PostgreSQL":
+                                               res_ar =   this.fetchAll(this.cnc.execute_select_command( 
+                                               """
+                                                SELECT 
+                                                       f.attnum AS number, 
+                                                       f.attname AS Field, 
+                                                       f.attnum, 
+                                                       CASE WHEN f.attnotnull = 't' THEN 'NO' ELSE 'YES' END AS isNull,  
+                                                       pg_catalog.format_type(f.atttypid,f.atttypmod) AS Type, 
+                                                       CASE WHEN p.contype = 'p' THEN 't' ELSE 'f' END AS primarykey, 
+                                                       CASE WHEN p.contype = 'u' THEN 't' ELSE 'f' END AS uniquekey, 
+                                                       CASE WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN g.relname END AS foreignkey, 
+                                                       CASE WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN p.confkey END AS foreignkey_fieldnum, 
+                                                       CASE WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN g.relname END AS foreignkey, 
+                                                       CASE WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN p.conkey END AS foreignkey_connnum, 
+                                                       CASE WHEN f.atthasdef = 't' THEN d.adsrc END AS default 
+                                                       FROM pg_attribute f JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = f.attrelid 
+                                                                       JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = f.atttypid 
+                                                                       LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON d.adrelid = c.oid AND d.adnum = f.attnum 
+                                                                       LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace 
+                                                                       LEFT JOIN pg_constraint p ON p.conrelid = c.oid AND f.attnum = ANY ( p.conkey ) 
+                                                                       LEFT JOIN pg_class AS g ON p.confrelid = g.oid 
+                                                       WHERE c.relkind = 'r'::char AND n.nspname = 'public' 
+                                                       AND c.relname = '""" + tablename + """' AND f.attnum > 0 ORDER BY number;
+                                               """));
+                                               break;
+                                       case  "MySQL":
+                                               res_ar = this.fetchAll(this.cnc.execute_select_command( "DESCRIBE " + tablename ));
+                                               break;
+                                       default: 
+                                               return res;
+                               }
+                        } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                                return res;
+                        }
+                       for (var i =0; i < res_ar.get_length(); i++) {
+                               var el = res_ar.get_object_element(i);
+                               res.set_object_member( el.get_string_member("Field"), el);
+                       }
+                       return res;
+               }
+               public Json.Object readForeignKeys(string table)
+        { 
+                       var ret =   this.readTable(table);
+                       // technically we should use FK stuff in mysql, but for the momemnt use my hacky FK()
+                       if (this.DBTYPE != "MySQL") { 
+                               return  ret;
+                       }
+                       var query = """
+                               SELECT 
+                               TABLE_COMMENT 
+                               FROM
+                               information_schema.TABLES
+                               WHERE
+                               TABLE_NAME = '""" + table + """'
+                               AND
+                               TABLE_SCHEMA = '""" + this.DBNAME + """'
+                       """;
+                       var jarr = new Json.Array();
+                       try {
+                          jarr = this.fetchAll(this.cnc.execute_select_command( 
+                                               query
+                               ));
+                               if (jarr.get_length() < 1) {
+                                       return  ret;
+                               }
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       var contents = jarr.get_string_element(0);
+                       GLib.debug(contents);
+                       if (contents == null) {
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                        GLib.Regex exp = /FK\(([^\)]+)\)/;
+                        string str = "";
+                       GLib.MatchInfo mi;
+                       if ( exp.match (contents, 0, out mi) ) {
+                               str = mi.fetch(1);
+                               GLib.debug("match = %s", str);
+                       }
+                       var ar = str.split("\n");
+                       for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
+                               var kv = ar[i].split("=");
+                               if (!ret.has_member(kv[0].strip())) { 
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               var o = ret.get_object_member(kv[0].strip());
+                               //o.set_string_member("key", kv[0].strip());
+                               var lr = kv[1].split(":");
+                               o.set_string_member("relates_to_table", lr[0].strip());
+                               o.set_string_member("relates_to_col", lr[1].strip());
+                               o.set_object_member("relates_to_schema", this.readTable(lr[0].strip()));
+                               //ret.set_object_member(kv[0].strip(),o);
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+        public Json.Array fetchAll(Gda.DataModel qnr)
+               {
+                       var cols = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       for (var i =0;i < qnr.get_n_columns(); i++) {
+                               cols.add(qnr.get_column_name(i));
+                       }
+                       //print(Json.stringify(cols, null,4));
+                       var res = new Json.Array();
+                        //print("ROWS %d\n", qnr.get_n_rows());
+                       for (var r = 0; r < qnr.get_n_rows(); r++) {
+                               // single clo..
+                               //print("GOT ROW");
+                               //print("COLS  %d\n", cols.size);
+                               if (cols.size == 1) {
+                                       //print("GOT %s\n",str);
+                                       try { 
+                                               res.add_string_element(qnr.get_value_at(0,r).get_string());
+                                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                                               res.add_string_element("");
+                                       }
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               var add = new Json.Object();
+                               for (var i = 0; i < cols.size; i++) { 
+                                       var n = cols.get(i);
+                                       try {
+                                               var val = qnr.get_value_at(i,r);
+                                               var type = val.type().name();
+                                               //print("%s\n",type);
+                                               switch(type) {
+                                                       case "GdaBinary":
+                                                       case "GdaBlob":
+                                                               add.set_string_member(n, "?? big string ??");
+                                                               break;
+                                                       case  "GdaNull":
+                                                               add.set_null_member(n);
+                                                               break;
+                                                       default:
+                                                               add.set_string_member(n, val.get_string());
+                                                               break;
+                                               }
+                                       } catch (GLib.Error e ) {
+                                               add.set_string_member(n, "");
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               res.add_object_element(add);
+                       }
+                       return res;
+               }
+       }
+// valac --pkg libgda-5.0 --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg json-glib-1.0  --pkg libxml-2.0   RooDatabase.vala  -o /tmp/rdtest
+ void main() {
+     var x = new JsRender.RooDatabase.from_cfg("MySQL", "hydra", "root", "");
+    // var res = x.readTables();
+    //var res= x.readTable("Person");
+    var res= x.readForeignKeys("Person");
+       var  generator = new Json.Generator ();
+    var  root = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+    root.init_object(res);
+    generator.set_root (root);
+           generator.pretty = true;
+           generator.indent = 4;
+    print("%s\n", generator.to_data (null));
+ }
diff --git a/src/Palete/ValaSource.vala b/src/Palete/ValaSource.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1f5cc67
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+// valac TreeBuilder.vala --pkg libvala-0.24 --pkg posix -o /tmp/treebuilder
+ * 
+ *  This just deals with spawning the compiler and getting the results.
+ * 
+ *  each window should have one of these...
+ * 
+ *  x = new ValaSource();
+ *  x.connect.compiled(... do something with results... );
+ *  
+ * x.
+ * 
+ */
+namespace Palete {
+       public errordomain ValaSourceError {
+               INVALID_FORMAT 
+       }
+       //public delegate  void ValaSourceResult(Json.Object res);
+       public class ValaSource : Object {
+               public signal void compiled(Json.Object res);
+               public signal void compile_output(string str);
+               JsRender.JsRender file;
+               public int line_offset = 0;
+               public Gee.ArrayList<Spawn> children;
+               public ValaSource( ) 
+               {
+                       base();
+                       this.compiler = null;
+                       this.children = new Gee.ArrayList<Spawn>();
+               }
+               public void dumpCode(string str) 
+               {
+                       var ls = str.split("\n");
+                       for (var i=0;i < ls.length; i++) {
+                               print("%d : %s\n", i+1, ls[i]);
+                       }
+               }
+               //public Gee.HashMap<int,string> checkFile()
+               //{
+               //      return this.checkString(JsRender.NodeToVala.mungeFile(this.file));
+               //}
+               public bool checkFileWithNodePropChange(
+                                       JsRender.JsRender file,
+                                       JsRender.Node node, 
+                                       string prop,
+                                       string ptype,
+                                       string val
+                                )
+               {
+                       this.file = file;
+                       if (this.compiler != null) {
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       var hash = ptype == "listener" ? node.listeners : node.props;
+                       // untill we get a smarter renderer..
+                       // we have some scenarios where changing the value does not work
+                       if (prop == "* xns" || prop == "xtype") {
+                               return  false;
+                       }
+                       var old = hash.get(prop);
+                       var newval = "/*--VALACHECK-START--*/ " + val ;
+                       hash.set(prop, newval);
+                       var tmpstring = JsRender.NodeToVala.mungeFile(file);
+                       hash.set(prop, old);
+                       //print("%s\n", tmpstring);
+                       var bits = tmpstring.split("/*--VALACHECK-START--*/");
+                       var offset =0;
+                       if (bits.length > 0) {
+                               offset = bits[0].split("\n").length +1;
+                       }
+                       this.line_offset = offset;
+                       //this.dumpCode(tmpstring);
+                       //print("offset %d\n", offset);
+                       return this.checkStringSpawn(tmpstring );
+                       // modify report
+               }
+               Spawn compiler;
+               public bool checkStringSpawn(
+                               string contents 
+                       )
+               {
+                       if (this.compiler != null) {
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       FileIOStream iostream;
+                       var tmpfile = File.new_tmp ("test-XXXXXX.vala", out iostream);
+                       tmpfile.ref();
+                       OutputStream ostream = iostream.output_stream;
+                       DataOutputStream dostream = new DataOutputStream (ostream);
+                       dostream.put_string (contents);
+                       var valafn = "";
+                       try {             
+                          var  regex = new Regex("\\.bjs$");
+                               valafn = regex.replace(this.file.path,this.file.path.length , 0 , ".vala");
+                        } catch (GLib.RegexError e) {
+                           return false;
+                       }   
+                       string[] args = {};
+                       args += BuilderApplication._self;
+                       args += "--project";
+                       args += this.file.project.fn;
+                       args += "--target";
+                       args += this.file.build_module;
+                       args += "--add-file";
+                       args +=  tmpfile.get_path();
+                       args += "--skip-file";
+                       args += valafn;
+                       this.compiler = new Spawn("/tmp", args);
+                       this.compiler.complete.connect(spawnResult);
+                       try {
+                     ; 
+                       } catch (GLib.SpawnError e) {
+                               GLib.debug(e.message);
+                               this.compiler = null;
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       return true;
+               }
+               public bool checkFileSpawn(JsRender.JsRender file )
+               {
+                       // race condition..
+                       if (this.compiler != null) { 
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       this.file = file;
+                       this.line_offset = 0;
+                       string[] args = {};
+                       args += BuilderApplication._self;
+                       args += "--project";
+                       args += this.file.project.fn;
+                       args += "--target";
+                       args += this.file.build_module;
+                       try {
+                           this.compiler = new Spawn("/tmp", args);
+                           this.compiler.complete.connect(spawnResult);
+                 ; 
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                           GLib.debug(e.message);
+                           this.compiler = null;
+                           return false;
+                       }
+                       return true;
+               }
+               public void spawnExecute(JsRender.JsRender file)
+               {
+                       // race condition..
+                       if (this.compiler != null) { 
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (!(file.project is Project.Gtk)) {
+                           return;
+                       }
+                       var pr = (Project.Gtk)(file.project);
+                       this.file = file;
+                       this.line_offset = 0;
+                       string[] args = {};
+                       args += BuilderApplication._self;
+                       args += "--project";
+                       args += this.file.project.fn;
+                       args += "--target";
+                       if (this.file.build_module.length > 0 ) {
+                           args += this.file.build_module;
+                       } else {
+                           args += pr.firstBuildModule();
+                       }
+                       //args += "--output"; -- set up by the module -- defaults to testrun
+                       //args += "/tmp/testrun";
+                       // assume code is in home...
+                       try {
+                           this.compiler = new Spawn( GLib.Environment.get_home_dir(), args);
+                           this.compiler.output_line.connect(compile_output_line);
+                           this.compiler.complete.connect(runResult);
+                 ; 
+                               this.children.add(this.compiler); //keep a reference...
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                           GLib.debug(e.message);
+                           this.compiler = null;
+                       }
+                       return;
+               }
+               public void compile_output_line(   string str )
+               {
+                       this.compile_output(str);
+               }
+               /**
+               * Used to compile a non builder file..
+               */
+               public bool checkPlainFileSpawn( JsRender.JsRender file, string contents )
+               {
+                       // race condition..
+                       if (this.compiler != null) { 
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       var pr = (Project.Gtk)(file.project);
+                       var m = pr.firstBuildModule();
+                       var cg = pr.compilegroups.get(m);
+                       var foundit = false;
+                       for (var i = 0; i < cg.sources.size; i++) {
+                           var path = pr.resolve_path(
+                                   pr.resolve_path_combine_path(pr.firstPath(),cg.sources.get(i)));
+                           if (path == file.path) {
+                               foundit = true;
+                               break;
+                                       }
+                       }
+                       if (!foundit) {
+                           this.compiler = null;
+                           return false; // do not run the compile..
+                       }
+                       // is the file in the module?
+                       FileIOStream iostream;
+                       var tmpfile = File.new_tmp ("test-XXXXXX.vala", out iostream);
+                       tmpfile.ref();
+                       OutputStream ostream = iostream.output_stream;
+                       DataOutputStream dostream = new DataOutputStream (ostream);
+                       dostream.put_string (contents);
+                       var target = pr.firstBuildModule();
+                       if (target.length < 1) {
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       this.file = null;
+                       this.line_offset = 0;
+                       string[] args = {};
+                       args += BuilderApplication._self;
+                       args += "--project";
+                       args +=  file.project.fn;
+                       args += "--target";
+                       args += pr.firstBuildModule();
+                       args += "--add-file";
+                       args +=  tmpfile.get_path();
+                       args += "--skip-file";
+                       args += file.path;
+                       try {
+                           this.compiler = new Spawn("/tmp", args);
+                           this.compiler.complete.connect(spawnResult);
+                 ; 
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                           this.compiler = null;
+                           return false;
+                       }
+                       return true;
+               }
+               public void spawnResult(int res, string output, string stderr)
+               {
+                       try { 
+                               //GLib.debug("GOT output %s", output);
+                               var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                               pa.load_from_data(output);
+                               var node = pa.get_root();
+                               if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) {
+                                       var ret = new Json.Object();
+                                       ret.set_boolean_member("success", false);
+                                       ret.set_string_member("message", 
+                                               "Compiler returned Unexpected element type %s".printf( 
+                                                       node.type_name ()
+                                               )
+                                       );
+                                       this.compiled(ret);
+                                       this.compiler = null;
+                               }
+                               var ret = node.get_object ();
+                               ret.set_int_member("line_offset", this.line_offset);
+                               this.compiled(ret);
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                               var ret = new Json.Object();
+                               ret.set_boolean_member("success", false);
+                               ret.set_string_member("message", e.message);
+                               this.compiled(ret);
+                       }
+                       this.compiler = null;
+                       //compiler.unref();
+                       //tmpfile.unref();
+               }
+               public void runResult(int res, string output, string stderr)
+               {
+                       this.compiler = null;
+                       var exe = "/tmp/testrun";
+                       var mod = "";
+                       var pr = (Project.Gtk)(this.file.project);
+                       if (this.file.build_module.length > 0 ) {
+                   mod =  this.file.build_module;
+                       } else {
+                           mod =  pr.firstBuildModule();
+                       }
+                       if (mod.length < 1) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var cg =  pr.compilegroups.get(mod);
+                       if (cg.target_bin.length > 0) {
+                               exe = cg.target_bin;
+                       }
+                       if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(exe, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               print("Missing output file: %s\n",exe);
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       string[] args = "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -x /usr/bin/gdb -ex=r --args".split(" ");
+                       // runs gnome-terminal, with gdb .. running the application..
+                       // fixme -- need a system/which
+                       args += exe;
+                       if (cg.execute_args.length > 0) {
+                               var aa = cg.execute_args.split(" ");
+                               for (var i =0; i < aa.length; i++) {
+                                       args += aa[i];
+                               }
+                       }
+                   print("OUT: %s\n\n----\nERR:%s\n", output, stderr);
+                   // should be home directory...
+            var exec = new Spawn(GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() , args);
+            exec.detach = true;
+         ; 
+               }
+       }
+int main (string[] args) {
+       var a = new ValaSource(file);
+       a.create_valac_tree();
+       return 0;
diff --git a/src/Palete/ValaSourceCompiler.vala b/src/Palete/ValaSourceCompiler.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b245230
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+// valac TreeBuilder.vala --pkg libvala-0.24 --pkg posix -o /tmp/treebuilder
+ *  this only deals with the compiling (when builder is run with different args..)
+ * 
+ */
+namespace Palete {
+       public class ValaSourceReport  : Vala.Report {
+               public string filepath;
+               public string tmpname;
+               //public Gee.ArrayList<ValaSourceNotice> notices;
+               public Json.Object result;
+               //public Gee.HashMap<int,string> line_errors;
+               public void  compile_notice(string type, string filename, int line, string message) {
+                        if (!this.result.has_member(type+"-TOTAL")) {
+                                this.result.set_int_member(type+"-TOTAL", 1);
+                        } else {
+                               this.result.set_int_member(type+"-TOTAL", 
+                                       this.result.get_int_member(type+"-TOTAL") +1 
+                               );
+                        }
+                        if (!this.result.has_member(type)) {
+                                this.result.set_object_member(type, new Json.Object());
+                        }
+                        var t = this.result.get_object_member(type);
+                        if (!t.has_member(filename)) {
+                                t.set_object_member(filename, new Json.Object());
+                        }
+                        var tt = t.get_object_member(filename);
+                        if (!tt.has_member(line.to_string())) {
+                                tt.set_array_member(line.to_string(), new Json.Array());
+                        }
+                        var tl = tt.get_array_member(line.to_string());
+                        tl.add_string_element(message);
+               }
+               public ValaSourceReport(string filepath, string tmpname)
+               {
+                       base();
+                       this.filepath = filepath;
+                       this.tmpname = tmpname;
+                       this.result = new Json.Object();
+                       this.result.set_boolean_member("success", true);
+                       this.result.set_string_member("message", "");
+                       //this.line_errors = new Gee.HashMap<int,string> ();
+                       //this.notices = new Gee.ArrayList<ValaSourceNotice>();
+               }
+               public override void warn (Vala.SourceReference? source, string message) {
+                       if (source == null) {
+                               return;
+                               //stderr.printf ("My error: %s\n", message);
+                       }
+                       if (source.file.filename != this.tmpname) {
+                               this.compile_notice("WARN", source.file.filename , source.begin.line, message);
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       this.compile_notice("WARN", this.filepath, source.begin.line, message);
+               }
+               public override void depr (Vala.SourceReference? source, string message) {
+                       if (source == null) {
+                               return;
+                               //stderr.printf ("My error: %s\n", message);
+                       }
+                       if (source.file.filename != this.tmpname) {
+                               this.compile_notice("DEPR", source.file.filename, source.begin.line, message);
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       this.compile_notice("DEPR",  this.filepath, source.begin.line, message);
+               }
+               public override void err (Vala.SourceReference? source, string message) {
+                       errors++;
+                       if (source == null) {
+                               return;
+                               //stderr.printf ("My error: %s\n", message);
+                       }
+                       if (source.file.filename != this.tmpname) {
+                               this.compile_notice("ERR", source.file.filename, source.begin.line, message);
+                               GLib.debug ("Other file: Got error error: %d:  %s\n", source.begin.line, message);
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       this.compile_notice("ERR", this.filepath, source.begin.line, message);
+                       GLib.debug ("Test file: Got error error: %d: %s\n", source.begin.line, message);
+               }
+               /*
+               public void dump()
+               {
+                       var iter = this.line_errors.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               print ("%d : %s\n\n", iter.get_key(), iter.get_value());
+                       }
+               }
+               */
+       }
+       public class ValaSourceCompiler : Object {
+               public static void jerr(string str)
+               {
+                       var ret = new Json.Object(); 
+                       ret.set_boolean_member("success", false);
+                       ret.set_string_member("message", str);
+                       var  generator = new Json.Generator ();
+                       var  root = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+                       root.init_object(ret);
+                       generator.set_root (root);
+                       generator.pretty = true;
+                       generator.indent = 4;
+                       print("%s\n",  generator.to_data (null));
+                       GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_FAILURE);
+               }
+               public static void buildApplication()
+               {
+                       //print("build based on Application settings\n");
+                       if (BuilderApplication.opt_compile_target == null) {
+                               jerr("missing compile target --target");
+                       }
+                       Project.Project.loadAll();
+                       var proj = Project.Project.getProjectByHash(BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project);
+                       if (proj == null) {
+                               jerr("could not load test project %s".printf( BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project));
+                       }
+                       if (proj.xtype != "Gtk") {
+                               jerr("%s is not a Gtk Project".printf( BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project));
+                       }
+                       var gproj = (Project.Gtk)proj;
+                       if (!gproj.compilegroups.has_key(BuilderApplication.opt_compile_target)) {
+                               jerr("missing compile target %s".printf(BuilderApplication.opt_compile_target));
+                       }
+                       var skip_file = "";
+                       if (BuilderApplication.opt_compile_skip != null) {
+                               skip_file = BuilderApplication.opt_compile_skip;
+                       }
+                       var add_file = "";
+                       if (BuilderApplication.opt_compile_add != null) {
+                               add_file = BuilderApplication.opt_compile_add;
+                       }
+                       var vs = new ValaSourceCompiler(gproj,  add_file, BuilderApplication.opt_compile_target,   skip_file);
+                       if (BuilderApplication.opt_compile_output != null) {
+                               vs.output = BuilderApplication.opt_compile_output;
+                       }
+                       vs.compile();
+               }
+               Vala.CodeContext context;
+               ValaSourceReport report;
+               Project.Gtk project;
+               public string build_module;
+               public string filepath;
+               public string original_filepath;
+               public int line_offset = 0;
+               public string output;
+               // file.project , file.path, file.build_module, ""
+               public ValaSourceCompiler(Project.Gtk project, string filepath, string build_module, string original_filepath) {
+                       base();
+                       //this.file = file;
+                       this.filepath = filepath;
+                       this.build_module = build_module;
+                       this.original_filepath = original_filepath;
+                       this.project =  project;
+                       this.output = "";
+               }
+               public void dumpCode(string str) 
+               {
+                       var ls = str.split("\n");
+                       for (var i=0;i < ls.length; i++) {
+                               print("%d : %s\n", i+1, ls[i]);
+                       }
+               }
+               public void compile( )
+               {
+                       // init context:
+                       var valac = "valac " ;
+                       context = new Vala.CodeContext ();
+                       Vala.CodeContext.push (context);
+                       context.experimental = false;
+                       context.experimental_non_null = false;
+#if VALA_0_32
+                       var ver=32;
+#elif VALA_0_30
+                       var ver=30;
+#elif VALA_0_28
+                       var ver=28;
+#elif VALA_0_26        
+                       var ver=26;
+#elif VALA_0_24
+                       var ver=24;
+#elif VALA_0_22        
+                       var ver=22;
+                       for (int i = 2; i <= ver; i += 2) {
+                               context.add_define ("VALA_0_%d".printf (i));
+                       }
+                       var vapidirs = this.project.vapidirs();
+                        // order is important ...
+                        vapidirs +=  Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("gee-1.0")) ; //usr/share/vala/vapi 
+                        vapidirs +=  Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("glib-2.0")) ; // usr/share/vala-XXX/vapi
+                       for(var i =0 ; i < vapidirs.length; i++) {
+                               valac += " --vapidir=" + vapidirs[i];
+                       }
+                       context.vapi_directories = vapidirs;
+              = true;
+                       context.metadata_directories = { };
+                       context.gir_directories = {};
+                       context.thread = true;
+                       valac += " --thread ";
+                       // we should parse the compilegroup to find out the flags..
+                       context.debug = true;
+                       valac += " -g ";
+              = new ValaSourceReport(this.original_filepath, this.filepath);
+              =;
+                       valac += " -b  " + GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + " ";
+                       context.basedir = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir(); //Posix.realpath (".");
+              = null; //??? causes target to end up in the right place at present..
+                       // add default packages:
+                       //if (settings.profile == "gobject-2.0" || settings.profile == "gobject" || settings.profile == null) {
+                       context.profile = Vala.Profile.GOBJECT;
+                       var ns_ref = new Vala.UsingDirective (new Vala.UnresolvedSymbol (null, "GLib", null));
+                       context.root.add_using_directive (ns_ref);
+                       var source_file = new Vala.SourceFile (
+                               context, 
+                               Vala.SourceFileType.SOURCE, 
+                                       this.filepath 
+                       );
+                       source_file.add_using_directive (ns_ref);
+                       context.add_source_file (source_file);
+               // add all the files (except the current one) - this.file.path
+               var pr = this.project;
+               if (this.build_module.length > 0) {
+                               var cg =  pr.compilegroups.get(this.build_module);
+                               if (this.output.length < 1 && cg.target_bin.length > 0) {
+                                       this.output = cg.target_bin;
+                               }
+                               for (var i = 0; i < cg.sources.size; i++) {
+                                       var path = pr.resolve_path(
+                                                       pr.resolve_path_combine_path(pr.firstPath(),cg.sources.get(i)));
+                                       if (!FileUtils.test(path, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }       
+                       // skip thie original
+                                       if (path == this.original_filepath) {
+                                               valac += " " + path;
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (FileUtils.test(path, FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       //print("Add source file %s\n", path);
+                                       valac += " " + path;
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("\\.c$", path)) {
+                                               context.add_c_source_file(path);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       var xsf = new Vala.SourceFile (
+                                               context,
+                                               Vala.SourceFileType.SOURCE, 
+                                               path
+                                       );
+                                       xsf.add_using_directive (ns_ref);
+                                       context.add_source_file(xsf);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       // print("%s\n", valac); -
+                       // default.. packages..
+                       context.add_external_package ("glib-2.0"); 
+                       context.add_external_package ("gobject-2.0");
+                       // user defined ones..
+               var dcg = pr.compilegroups.get("_default_");
+               for (var i = 0; i < dcg.packages.size; i++) {
+                       var pkg = dcg.packages.get(i);
+                       // do not add libvala versions except the one that matches the one we are compiled against..
+                       if (Regex.match_simple("^libvala", pkg) && pkg != ("libvala-0." + ver.to_string())) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                               valac += " --pkg " + dcg.packages.get(i);
+                               if (!this.has_vapi(context.vapi_directories, dcg.packages.get(i))) {
+                                       GLib.debug("Skip vapi '%s' - does not exist", dcg.packages.get(i));
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               context.add_external_package (dcg.packages.get(i));
+                       }
+                        //Vala.Config.PACKAGE_SUFFIX.substring (1)
+                       // add the modules...
+                       context.output = this.output == "" ? "/tmp/testrun" : this.output;
+                       valac += " -o " + context.output;
+                       GLib.debug("%s", valac);
+                       context.target_glib_major = 2;
+                       context.target_glib_minor = 32;
+                       valac += " --target-glib=2.32 ";
+                       //add_documented_files (context, settings.source_files);
+                       Vala.Parser parser = new Vala.Parser ();
+                       parser.parse (context);
+                       //gir_parser.parse (context);
+                       if ( () > 0) {
+                               Vala.CodeContext.pop ();
+                               GLib.debug("parse got errors");
+                               //((ValaSourceReport);
+                     "success", false);
+                     "message", "Parse failed");
+                               this.outputResult();
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       // check context:
+                       context.check ();
+                       if ( () > 0) {
+                               Vala.CodeContext.pop ();
+                               GLib.debug("check got errors");
+                               //((ValaSourceReport);
+                     "success", false);
+                     "message", "Check failed");
+                               this.outputResult();
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (this.output == "") {
+                               Vala.CodeContext.pop ();
+                               this.outputResult();
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       context.codegen = new Vala.GDBusServerModule ();
+                       context.codegen.emit (context);
+                       var ccompiler = new Vala.CCodeCompiler ();
+                       var cc_command = Environment.get_variable ("CC");
+                       string [] cc_options = { "-lm", "-pg" };
+                       valac += " -X -lm -X -pg";
+#if VALA_0_28 || VALA_0_30 || VALA_0_32
+                       var pkg_config_command = Environment.get_variable ("PKG_CONFIG");
+                       ccompiler.compile (context, cc_command, cc_options, pkg_config_command);
+                       ccompiler.compile (context, cc_command, cc_options);
+                       print("%s\n", valac);
+                       Vala.CodeContext.pop ();
+                       GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS);
+                       //this.outputResult();
+               }
+               public bool has_vapi(string[] dirs,  string vapi) 
+               {
+                       for(var i =0 ; i < dirs.length; i++) {
+                               GLib.debug("check VAPI - %s", dirs[i] + "/" + vapi + ".vapi");
+                               if (!FileUtils.test( dirs[i] + "/" + vapi + ".vapi", FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }   
+                               return true;
+                       }
+                       return false;
+               }
+               public void outputResult()
+               {
+                       var generator = new Json.Generator ();
+                   generator.indent = 1;
+                   generator.pretty = true;
+                   var node = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+                   node.set_object(;
+                   generator.set_root(node);
+                       generator.pretty = true;
+                       generator.indent = 4;
+                       print("%s\n",  generator.to_data (null));
+                       GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS);
+               }
+       }
+int main (string[] args) {
+       var a = new ValaSource(file);
+       a.create_valac_tree();
+       return 0;
diff --git a/src/Palete/VapiParser.vala b/src/Palete/VapiParser.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0812d60
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+ // valac -g  --pkg libvala-0.26  --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg json-glib-1.0  --pkg gtk+-3.0   VapiParser.vala Gir.vala GirObject.vala -o /tmp/vdoc
+namespace Palete {
+        public errordomain VapiParserError {
+               PARSE_FAILED 
+       }
+       public class VapiParser : Vala.CodeVisitor {
+               Vala.CodeContext context;
+               public VapiParser() {
+                       base();
+                       // should not really happen..
+                       if (Gir.cache == null) {
+                               Gir.cache =  new Gee.HashMap<string,Gir>();
+                       }
+               }
+               public override void visit_namespace (Vala.Namespace element) 
+               {
+                       if (element == null) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       //print("parsing namespace %s\n",;
+                       if ( == null) {
+                               element.accept_children(this); // catch sub namespaces..
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       this.add_namespace(null, element);
+               }
+               public void add_namespace(GirObject? parent, Vala.Namespace element)
+               {
+                       var g = new GirObject("Package", ;
+                       if (parent == null) {
+                               Gir.cache.set(, (Gir)g);
+                       } else {
+                               // we add it as a class of the package.. even though its a namespace..
+                               parent.classes.set(, g);
+                       }
+                       foreach(var c in element.get_classes()) {
+                               this.add_class(g, c);
+                       }
+                       foreach(var c in element.get_enums()) {
+                               this.add_enum(g, c);
+                       }
+                       foreach(var c in element.get_interfaces()) {
+                               this.add_interface(g, c);
+                       }
+                       foreach(var c in element.get_namespaces()) {
+                               this.add_namespace(g, c);
+                       }
+                       foreach(var c in element.get_methods()) {
+                               this.add_method(g, c);
+                       }
+                       element.accept_children(this); // catch sub namespaces..
+               }
+               public void add_enum(GirObject parent, Vala.Enum cls)
+               {
+                       var c = new GirObject("Enum",;
+                       parent.consts.set(, c);
+                       c.ns =;
+                       c.gparent = parent;
+                       foreach(var e in cls.get_values()) {
+                               var em = new GirObject("EnumMember",;
+                               em.gparent = c;
+                               em.ns = c.ns;
+                               em.type  = e.type_reference == null ||  e.type_reference.data_type == null ? "" : e.type_reference.data_type.get_full_name();
+                               // unlikely to get value..
+                               //c.value = element->get_prop("value");
+                               c.consts.set(,em);
+                       }
+               }
+               public void add_interface(GirObject parent, Vala.Interface cls)
+               {
+                       var c = new GirObject("Interface", + "." +;
+                       parent.classes.set(, c);
+                       c.ns =;
+                       //c.parent = cls.base_class == null ? "" : cls.base_class.get_full_name() ;  // extends...
+                       c.gparent = parent;
+                       foreach(var p in cls.get_properties()) {
+                               this.add_property(c, p);
+                       }
+                       // methods...
+                       foreach(var p in cls.get_signals()) {
+                               this.add_signal(c, p);
+                       }
+                       foreach(var p in cls.get_methods()) {
+                               // skip static methods..
+                               if (p.binding != Vala.MemberBinding.INSTANCE &&
+                                       !(p is Vala.CreationMethod)
+                               ) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               this.add_method(c, p);
+                       }
+                       //if (cls.base_class != null) {
+                       //      c.inherits.add(cls.base_class.get_full_name());
+                       //}
+                       //foreach(var p in cls.get_base_types()) {
+                       //      if (p.data_type != null) {
+                       //              c.implements.add(p.data_type.get_full_name());
+                       //      }
+                       //}
+               }
+               public void add_class(GirObject parent, Vala.Class cls)
+               {
+                       var c = new GirObject("Class", + "." +;
+                       parent.classes.set(, c);
+                       c.ns =;
+                       c.parent = cls.base_class == null ? "" : cls.base_class.get_full_name() ;  // extends...
+                       c.gparent = parent;
+                       foreach(var p in cls.get_properties()) {
+                               this.add_property(c, p);
+                       }
+                       // methods...
+                       foreach(var p in cls.get_signals()) {
+                               this.add_signal(c, p);
+                       }
+                       foreach(var p in cls.get_methods()) {
+                               // skip static methods..
+                               if (p.binding != Vala.MemberBinding.INSTANCE &&
+                                       !(p is Vala.CreationMethod)
+                               ) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               this.add_method(c, p);
+                       }
+                       if (cls.base_class != null) {
+                               c.inherits.add(cls.base_class.get_full_name());
+                       }
+                       foreach(var p in cls.get_base_types()) {
+                               if (p.data_type != null) {
+                                       c.implements.add(p.data_type.get_full_name());
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               public void add_property(GirObject parent, Vala.Property prop)
+               {
+                       var c = new GirObject("Prop",;
+                       c.gparent = parent;
+                       c.ns = parent.ns;
+                       c.propertyof =;
+                       c.type  = prop.property_type.data_type == null ? "" : prop.property_type.data_type.get_full_name();
+                       parent.props.set(,c);
+               }
+               public void add_signal(GirObject parent, Vala.Signal sig)
+               {
+                       var c = new GirObject("Signal",;
+                       c.gparent = parent;
+                       c.ns = parent.ns;
+                       if (sig.return_type.data_type != null) {
+                               //print("creating return type on signal %s\n",;
+                               var cc = new GirObject("Return", "return-value");
+                               cc.gparent = c;
+                               cc.ns = c.ns;
+                               cc.type  =  sig.return_type.data_type.get_full_name();
+                               c.return_value = cc;
+                       }
+                       parent.signals.set(,c);
+                       var params =  sig.get_parameters() ;
+                       if (params.size < 1) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var cc = new GirObject("Paramset",; // what's the name on this?
+                       cc.gparent = c;
+                       cc.ns = c.ns;
+                       c.paramset = cc;
+                       foreach(var p in params) {
+                               this.add_param(cc, p);
+                       }
+               }       
+               public void add_method(GirObject parent, Vala.Method met)
+               {
+                       var n = == null ? "" :;
+                       var ty  = "Method";
+                       if (met is Vala.CreationMethod) {
+                               ty = "Ctor";
+                               if(n == "" || n == ".new") {
+                                       n = "new";
+                               }
+                       }
+                       //print("add_method :  %s\n", n);
+                       var c = new GirObject(ty,n);
+                       c.gparent = parent;
+                       c.ns = parent.ns;
+                       if (met.return_type.data_type != null) {
+                               //print("creating return type on method %s\n",;
+                               var cc = new GirObject("Return", "return-value");
+                               cc.gparent = c;
+                               cc.ns = c.ns;
+                               cc.type  =  met.return_type.data_type.get_full_name();
+                               c.return_value = cc;
+                       }
+                       if (met is Vala.CreationMethod) {
+                               parent.ctors.set(,c);
+                       } else {
+                               parent.methods.set(,c);
+                       }
+                       var params =  met.get_parameters() ;
+                       if (params.size < 1) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var cc = new GirObject("Paramset",; // what's the name on this?
+                       cc.gparent = c;
+                       cc.ns = c.ns;
+                       c.paramset = cc;
+                       c.sig = "(";
+                       foreach(var p in params) {
+                               if ( == null && !p.ellipsis) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               var pp = this.add_param(cc, p);
+                               c.sig += (c.sig == "(" ? "" : ",");
+                               c.sig += " " + (pp.direction == "in" ? "" : pp.direction) + " " + pp.type + " " +;
+                       }
+                       c.sig += (c.sig == "(" ? ")" : " )");
+               }
+               public GirObject add_param(GirObject parent, Vala.Parameter pam)
+               {
+                       var n =;
+                       if (pam.ellipsis) {
+                               n = "___";
+                       }
+                       var c = new GirObject("Param",n);
+                       c.gparent = parent;
+                       c.ns = parent.ns;
+                       c.direction = "??";
+                       switch (pam.direction) {
+                               case Vala.ParameterDirection.IN:
+                                       c.direction = "in";
+                                       break;
+                               case Vala.ParameterDirection.OUT:
+                                       c.direction = "out";
+                                       break;
+                               case Vala.ParameterDirection.REF:
+                                       c.direction = "ref";
+                                       break;
+                       }
+                       parent.params.add(c);
+                       if (!pam.ellipsis) {
+                               c.type = pam.variable_type.data_type == null ? "" : pam.variable_type.data_type.get_full_name();
+                       }
+                       Gir.checkParamOverride(c); 
+                       return c;
+               }
+               public void create_valac_tree( )
+               {
+                       // init context:
+                       context = new Vala.CodeContext ();
+                       Vala.CodeContext.push (context);
+                       context.experimental = false;
+                       context.experimental_non_null = false;
+#if VALA_0_32
+                       var ver=32;                     
+#elif VALA_0_30
+                       var ver=30;                     
+#elif VALA_0_28
+                       var ver=28;
+#elif VALA_0_26        
+                       var ver=26;
+#elif VALA_0_24
+                       var ver=24;
+#elif VALA_0_22        
+                       var ver=22;
+                       for (int i = 2; i <= ver; i += 2) {
+                               context.add_define ("VALA_0_%d".printf (i));
+                       }
+                       //var vapidirs = ((Project.Gtk)this.file.project).vapidirs();
+                       // what's the current version of vala???
+                       //vapidirs +=  Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("glib-2.0")) ;
+                       var vapidirs = context.vapi_directories;
+                       vapidirs += (BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/vapi");
+                       context.vapi_directories = vapidirs;
+                       // or context.get_vapi_path("glib-2.0"); // should return path..
+                       //context.vapi_directories = vapidirs;
+              = true;
+                       context.metadata_directories = { };
+                       context.gir_directories = {};
+                       context.thread = true;
+                       // = new ValaSourceReport(this.file);
+                       // =;
+                       context.basedir = "/tmp"; //Posix.realpath (".");
+              = context.basedir;
+                       // add default packages:
+                       //if (settings.profile == "gobject-2.0" || settings.profile == "gobject" || settings.profile == null) {
+                       context.profile = Vala.Profile.GOBJECT;
+                       var ns_ref = new Vala.UsingDirective (new Vala.UnresolvedSymbol (null, "GLib", null));
+                       context.root.add_using_directive (ns_ref);
+                       context.add_external_package ("glib-2.0"); 
+                       context.add_external_package ("gobject-2.0");
+                       // core packages we are interested in for the builder..
+                       // some of these may fail... - we probalby need a better way to handle this..
+                       context.add_external_package ("gtk+-3.0");
+                       context.add_external_package ("libsoup-2.4");
+                       if (!context.add_external_package ("webkit2gtk-4.0")) {
+                               context.add_external_package ("webkit2gtk-3.0");
+                       }
+                       // these are supposed to be in the 'deps' file, but it's not getting read..
+                       context.add_external_package ("cogl-1.0");
+                       context.add_external_package ("json-glib-1.0");
+                       context.add_external_package ("clutter-gtk-1.0");
+                       context.add_external_package ("gdl-3.0");
+                       context.add_external_package ("gtksourceview-3.0");
+                       context.add_external_package ("vte-2.90"); //??? -- hopefullly that works..
+                       //add_documented_files (context, settings.source_files);
+                       Vala.Parser parser = new Vala.Parser ();
+                       parser.parse (context);
+                       //gir_parser.parse (context);
+                       if ( () > 0) {
+                               throw new VapiParserError.PARSE_FAILED("failed parse VAPIS, so we can not write file correctly");
+                               print("parse got errors");
+                               Vala.CodeContext.pop ();
+                               return ;
+                       }
+                       // check context:
+                       context.check ();
+                       if ( () > 0) {
+                               print("check got errors");
+                                throw new VapiParserError.PARSE_FAILED("failed check VAPIS, so we can not write file correctly");
+                               Vala.CodeContext.pop ();
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       context.accept(this);
+                       context = null;
+                       // dump the tree for Gtk?
+                       Vala.CodeContext.pop ();
+                       print("ALL OK?\n");
+               }
+       //
+               // startpoint:
+               //
+       }
+ /*
+int main (string[] args) {
+       var g = Palete.Gir.factoryFqn("Gtk.SourceView");
+       print("%s\n", g.asJSONString());
+       return 0;
diff --git a/src/Project/Gtk.vala b/src/Project/Gtk.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bca1667
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+//<Script type="text/javascript">
+ * Gtk projects - normally vala based now..
+ * 
+ * should have a few extra features..
+ * 
+ * like:
+ *   compile flags etc..
+ *   different versions (eg. different files can compile different versions - eg. for testing.
+ *   
+ * If we model this like adjuta - then we would need a 'project' file that is actually in 
+ * the directory somewhere... - and is revision controlled etc..
+ * 
+ * builder.config ??
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+namespace Project {
+       static int gtk_id = 1;
+       public class Gtk : Project
+       {
+               public Gtk(string path) {
+                       base(path);
+                       this.xtype = "Gtk";
+                       var gid = "project-gtk-%d".printf(gtk_id++);
+              = gid;
+                       try {
+                               this.loadConfig();
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e )  {
+                               // is tihs ok?
+                       }
+               }
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,GtkValaSettings> compilegroups;
+               public void loadConfig() throws GLib.Error 
+               {
+                       // load a builder.config JSON file.
+                       // 
+                       this.compilegroups = new  Gee.HashMap<string,GtkValaSettings>();
+                       var fn = this.firstPath() + "/config1.builder";
+                       GLib.debug("load: " + fn );
+                       if (!FileUtils.test(fn, FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+                               this.compilegroups.set("_default_", new GtkValaSettings("_default_") );
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                       pa.load_from_file(fn);
+                       var node = pa.get_root();
+                       // should be an array really.
+                       if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.ARRAY) {
+                               throw new Error.INVALID_FORMAT ("Unexpected element type %s", node.type_name ());
+                       }
+                       var obj = node.get_array ();
+                       for(var i= 0;i<obj.get_length();i++) {
+                               var el = obj.get_object_element(i);
+                               var vs = new GtkValaSettings.from_json(el);
+                               if ( != "_default_") {
+                                       vs.parent = this.compilegroups.get("_default_");
+                               }
+                               this.compilegroups.set(,vs);
+                       }
+                       GLib.debug("%s\n",this.configToString ());
+               }
+               public string configToString()
+               {
+                       var ar = new Json.Array();
+                       var iter = this.compilegroups.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               ar.add_object_element(iter.get_value().toJson());
+                       }
+                       var generator = new Json.Generator ();
+                       generator.indent = 4;
+                       generator.pretty = true;
+                       var node = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.ARRAY);
+                       node.set_array(ar);
+                       generator.set_root(node);
+                       return generator.to_data(null);
+               }
+               public void writeConfig()
+               {
+                       var fn = this.firstPath() + "/config1.builder";
+                       GLib.debug("write: " + fn );
+                       var f = GLib.File.new_for_path(fn);
+                       var data_out = new GLib.DataOutputStream(
+                                       f.replace(null, false, GLib.FileCreateFlags.NONE, null)
+                       );
+                       data_out.put_string(this.configToString(), null);
+                       data_out.close(null);
+                       return ;
+               }
+               /**
+                *  perhaps we should select the default in the window somewhere...
+                */ 
+               public string firstBuildModule()
+               {
+                       var iter = this.compilegroups.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                                if (iter.get_value().name == "__default__") {
+                                        continue;
+                                }
+                                return iter.get_value().name;
+                       }
+                       return "";
+               }
+               public string relPath(string target)
+               {
+                       var basename = this.firstPath();
+                       // eg. base = /home/xxx/fred/blogs
+                       // target = /home/xxx/fred/jones
+                       // this does not work correctly...
+                       var bb = basename;
+                       var prefix = "";
+                       while (true) {
+                               if (    bb.length < target.length &&
+                                       target.substring(0, bb.length) == bb) {
+                                       return prefix + target.substring(bb.length );
+                               }
+                               if (bb.length < 1) {
+                                       throw new Error.INVALID_FORMAT ("Could not work out relative path %s to %s",
+                                                                       basename, target);
+                               }
+                               bb = GLib.Path.get_dirname(bb);
+                               prefix += "../";
+                       }
+               }
+               /**
+                * get a list of files for a folder..
+                * 
+                * - in the project manager this has to list all possible compilable 
+                *   files  - eg. exclue XXX.vala.c or XXX.c with the same name as 
+                *   a vala file (so to ignore the generated files)
+                * 
+                * - for the editor navigation - this should exclude all files that
+                *   are vala based on a bjs file..
+                *  
+                */
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> filesAll(string in_path,bool abspath = true)
+               {
+                       var ret =  new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       var dirname = this.resolve_path(
+                               this.resolve_path_combine_path(this.firstPath(),in_path));
+                       GLib.debug("SCAN %s", dirname);
+                               // scan the directory for files -- ending with vala || c
+                       var dir = File.new_for_path(dirname);
+                       if (!dir.query_exists()) {
+                               GLib.debug("SCAN %s - skip - does not exist\n", dirname);
+                               return ret;
+                       }
+                       var pathprefix = abspath ? dirname : in_path;
+                       try {
+                               var file_enum = dir.enumerate_children(
+                                       "standard::*", 
+                                       GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, 
+                                       null
+                               );
+                               FileInfo next_file; 
+                               while ((next_file = file_enum.next_file(null)) != null) {
+                                       var fn = next_file.get_display_name();
+                                       if (next_file.get_file_type () == GLib.FileType.DIRECTORY) {
+                                               GLib.debug("SKIP %s not regular  ", fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (!Regex.match_simple("^text", next_file.get_content_type())) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       GLib.debug("SCAN ADD %s : %s", fn, next_file.get_content_type());
+                                       ret.add(pathprefix + "/" + fn);
+                                       // any other valid types???
+                               }
+                       } catch(Error e) {
+                               GLib.warning("oops - something went wrong scanning the projects\n");
+                       }       
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> filesForCompile(string in_path, bool abspath = true)
+               {
+                       var allfiles = this.filesAll(in_path,abspath);
+                       var ret =  new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       for (var i = 0; i < allfiles.size; i ++) {
+                               var fn = allfiles.get(i);
+                               try {
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("\\.vala$", fn)) {
+                                               ret.add( fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // vala.c -- ignore..
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("\\.vala\\.c$", fn)) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // not a c file...
+                                       if (!Regex.match_simple("\\.c$", fn)) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // is the c file the same as a vala file...
+                                       var vv = (new Regex("\\.c$")).replace( fn, fn.length, 0, ".vala");
+                                       if (allfiles.index_of( vv) > -1) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // add the 'c' file..
+                                       ret.add(fn);
+                               } catch (Error e) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       // sort.
+                       ret.sort((fa,fb) => {
+                               return ((string)fa).collate((string) fb);
+                       });
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> filesForOpen(string in_path)
+               {
+                       var allfiles = this.filesAll(in_path);
+                       var ret =  new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       GLib.debug("SCAN %s - %d files",in_path, allfiles.size);
+                       for (var i = 0; i < allfiles.size; i ++) {
+                               var fn = allfiles.get(i);
+                               var bn  = GLib.Path.get_basename(fn);
+                               try {
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("\\.vala\\.c$", fn)) {
+                                               GLib.debug("SKIP %s - vala.c",fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("\\.bjs$", fn)) {
+                                               GLib.debug("SKIP %s - .bjs",fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("\\~$", fn)) {
+                                               GLib.debug("SKIP %s - ~",fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("\\.stamp$", fn)) {
+                                               GLib.debug("SKIP %s - .o",fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if ("stamp-h1" == bn) {
+                                               GLib.debug("SKIP %s - .o",fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       //
+                                       if ("config.h" == bn || "" == bn || "config.log" == bn  || "configure" == bn ) {
+                                               if (allfiles.index_of( in_path +"/") > -1) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                                       // makefile
+                                       if ("Makefile" == bn || "" == bn ) {
+                                               if (allfiles.index_of( in_path +"/") > -1) {
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("^\\.", bn)) {
+                                               GLib.debug("SKIP %s - hidden",fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("\\.vala$", fn)) {
+                                               var vv = (new Regex("\\.vala$")).replace( fn, fn.length, 0, ".bjs");
+                                               if (allfiles.index_of( vv) > -1) {
+                                                       GLib.debug("SKIP %s - .vala (got bjs)",fn);
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                               GLib.debug("ADD %s",fn);
+                                               ret.add( fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // vala.c -- ignore..
+                                       // not a c file...
+                                       if (Regex.match_simple("\\.c$", fn)) {
+                                               var vv = (new Regex("\\.c$")).replace( fn, fn.length, 0, ".vala");
+                                               if (allfiles.index_of( vv) > -1) {
+                                                       GLib.debug("SKIP %s - .c (got vala)",fn);
+                                                       continue;
+                                               }
+                                               GLib.debug("ADD %s",fn);                                                
+                                               ret.add( fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (GLib.Path.get_basename( fn) == "config1.builder") {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       // not .c / not .vala /not .bjs.. -- other type of file..
+                                       // allow ???
+                                       GLib.debug("ADD %s",fn);
+                                       // add the 'c' file..
+                                       ret.add(fn);
+                               } catch (Error e) {
+                                       GLib.debug("Exception %s",e.message);
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       // sort.
+                       ret.sort((fa,fb) => {
+                               return ((string)fa).collate((string) fb);
+                       });
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public   string  resolve_path_combine_path(string first, string second)
+               {
+                       string ret = first;
+                       if (first.length > 0 && second.length > 0 && !first.has_suffix("/") && !second.has_prefix("/"))
+                       {
+                               ret += "/";
+                       }
+                       //print("combined path = %s",  ret + second);
+                       return ret + second;
+               }
+               public   string  resolve_path_times(string part, int times, string? clue = null)
+               {
+                       string ret = "";
+                       for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
+                       {
+                               if (clue != null && i > 0)
+                               {
+                                       ret += clue;
+                               }
+                               ret += part;
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public   string resolve_path(string _path, string? relative = null)
+               {
+                       string path = _path;
+                       if (relative != null)
+                       {
+                               path = this.resolve_path_combine_path(path, relative);
+                       }
+                       string[] parts = path.split("/");
+                       string[] ret = {};
+                       int relative_parts = 0;
+                       foreach (var part in parts)
+                       {
+                               if (part.length < 1 || part == ".")
+                               {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               if (part == "..")
+                               {
+                                       if (ret.length > 0)
+                                       {
+                                               ret = ret[0: ret.length -1];
+                                       }
+                                       else
+                                       {
+                                               relative_parts++;
+                                       }
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               ret += part;
+                       }
+                       path =  this.resolve_path_combine_path(this.resolve_path_times("..", relative_parts, "/"), string.joinv("/", ret));
+                       if (_path.has_prefix("/"))
+                       {
+                               path = "/" + path;
+                       }
+                       return path;
+               }
+               public string[] vapidirs()
+               {
+                       string[] ret = {};
+                       var sources = this.compilegroups.get("_default_").sources;
+                       for(var i =0; i< sources.size; i++) {
+                               var path = this.resolve_path( this.firstPath(), sources.get(i));
+                               if (Path.get_basename (path) == "vapi") {
+                                       GLib.debug("Adding VAPIDIR: %s\n", path);
+                                       ret += path;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public string[] sourcedirs()
+               {
+                       string[] ret = {};
+                       var sources = this.compilegroups.get("_default_").sources;
+                       ret += this.firstPath();  
+                       for(var i =0; i< sources.size; i++) {
+                               var path = this.resolve_path( this.firstPath(), sources.get(i));
+                               if (path == this.firstPath()) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               if (Path.get_basename (path) == "vapi") {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+               //                      GLib.debug("Adding VAPIDIR: %s\n", path);
+                               ret += path;            
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }       
+       }
+       // an object describing a build config (or generic ...)
+       public class GtkValaSettings : Object {
+               public string name;
+               public GtkValaSettings? parent;
+               public string compile_flags; // generic to all.
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> packages; // list of packages?? some might be genericly named?
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> sources; // list of files+dirs (relative to project)
+               public string target_bin;
+               public string execute_args;
+               public GtkValaSettings(string name) 
+               {
+              = name;
+                       this.compile_flags = "";
+                       this.target_bin = "";
+                       this.packages = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       this.sources = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       this.execute_args = "";
+               }
+               public GtkValaSettings.from_json(Json.Object el) {
+              = el.get_string_member("name");
+                       this.compile_flags = el.get_string_member("compile_flags");
+                       if ( el.has_member("execute_args")) {
+                               this.execute_args = el.get_string_member("execute_args");
+                       } else {
+                               this.execute_args = "";
+                       }
+                       this.target_bin = el.get_string_member("target_bin");
+                       // sources and packages.
+                       this.sources = this.readArray(el.get_array_member("sources"));
+                       this.packages = this.readArray(el.get_array_member("packages"));
+               }
+               // why not array of strings?
+               public Gee.ArrayList<string> readArray(Json.Array ar) 
+               {
+                       var ret = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+                       for(var i =0; i< ar.get_length(); i++) {
+                               ret.add(ar.get_string_element(i));
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public Json.Object toJson()
+               {
+                       var ret = new Json.Object();
+                       ret.set_string_member("name",;
+                       ret.set_string_member("compile_flags", this.compile_flags);
+                       ret.set_string_member("execute_args", this.execute_args);
+                       ret.set_string_member("target_bin", this.target_bin);
+                       ret.set_array_member("sources", this.writeArray(this.sources));
+                       ret.set_array_member("packages", this.writeArray(this.packages));
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public Json.Array writeArray(Gee.ArrayList<string> ar) {
+                       var ret = new Json.Array();
+                       for(var i =0; i< ar.size; i++) {
+                               ret.add_string_element(ar.get(i));
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/src/Project/Project.vala b/src/Project/Project.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d5b0f5b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+//<Script type="text/javascript">
+ * Project Object
+ * 
+ * Projects can only contain one directory... - it can import other projects..(later)
+ * 
+ * we need to sort out that - paths is currently a key/value array..
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+namespace Project {
+        public errordomain Error {
+               INVALID_TYPE,
+               NEED_IMPLEMENTING,
+               MISSING_FILE,
+               INVALID_VALUE,
+               INVALID_FORMAT
+       }
+       // static array of all projects.
+       public Gee.HashMap<string,Project>  projects;
+       public bool  projects_loaded = false;
+       public class Project : Object {
+               public signal void on_changed (); 
+               public string id;
+               public string fn = ""; // just a md5...
+               public string name = "";
+               public string runhtml = "";
+               public string base_template = "";
+               public string rootURL = "";
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,string> paths;
+               public Gee.HashMap<string,JsRender.JsRender> files ;
+               //tree : false,
+               public  string xtype;
+               public Json.Object json_project_data;
+               public Palete.RooDatabase roo_database;
+               bool is_scanned; 
+               public Project (string path) {
+              = GLib.Path.get_basename(path); // default..
+                       this.json_project_data = new Json.Object();
+                       this.is_scanned = false;
+                       this.paths = new Gee.HashMap<string,string>();
+                       this.files = new Gee.HashMap<string,JsRender.JsRender>();
+                       //XObject.extend(this, cfg);
+                       //this.files = { }; 
+                       if (path.length > 0) {
+                               this.paths.set(path, "dir");
+                       }
+                       // dummy roo database...
+                       this.initRooDatabase();
+               }
+               public void  initRooDatabase()
+               {
+                       this.roo_database = new Palete.RooDatabase.from_project(this);
+               }
+               public static void loadAll(bool force = false)
+               {
+                       if (projects_loaded && !force) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var dirname = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder";
+                       var dir = File.new_for_path(dirname);
+                               if (!dir.query_exists()) {
+                               dir.make_directory();
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       projects = new  Gee.HashMap<string,Project>();
+                       try {
+                               var file_enum = dir.enumerate_children(
+                                                               GLib.FileAttribute.STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME, 
+                                       GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, 
+                                       null
+                               );
+                               FileInfo next_file; 
+                               while ((next_file = file_enum.next_file(null)) != null) {
+                                               var fn = next_file.get_display_name();
+                                       if (!Regex.match_simple("\\.json$", fn)) {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       factoryFromFile(dirname + "/" + fn);
+                               }       
+                       } catch(Error e) {
+                               GLib.warning("oops - something went wrong scanning the projects\n");
+                       }
+               }
+               public static Gee.ArrayList<Project> allProjectsByName()
+               {
+                       var ret = new Gee.ArrayList<Project>();
+                       var iter = projects.map_iterator();
+                               while ( {
+                                       ret.add(iter.get_value());
+                               }
+                       // fixme -- sort...
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public static Project getProject(string name)
+               {
+                       var iter = projects.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               if (iter.get_value().name == name) {
+                                       return iter.get_value();
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return null;
+               }
+               public static string listAllToString()
+               {
+                       var all = new Gee.ArrayList<Project>();
+                       var fiter = projects.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               all.add(fiter.get_value());
+                       }
+                       all.sort((fa,fb) => {
+                               return ((Project)fa).name.collate(((Project)fb).name);
+                       });
+                       var iter = all.list_iterator();
+                       var ret = "ID\tName\tDirectory\n";
+                       while ( {
+                               ret += "%s\t%s\t%s\n".printf(
+                                               iter.get().fn,
+                                               iter.get().name,
+                                               iter.get().firstPath()
+                                               );
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public static Project getProjectByHash(string fn)
+               {
+                       var iter = projects.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               if (iter.get_value().fn == fn) {
+                                       return iter.get_value();
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return null;
+               }
+               // load project data from project file.
+               public static void   factoryFromFile(string jsonfile)
+               {
+                       GLib.debug("parse %s", jsonfile);
+                       var pa = new Json.Parser();
+                       pa.load_from_file(jsonfile);
+                       var node = pa.get_root();
+                       if (node == null || node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) {
+                               GLib.debug("SKIP " + jsonfile + " - invalid format?");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var obj = node.get_object ();
+                       var xtype =  obj.get_string_member("xtype");
+                       var paths = obj.get_object_member("paths");
+                       var i = 0;
+                       var fpath = "";
+                       paths.foreach_member((sobj, key, val) => {
+                               if (i ==0 ) {
+                                       fpath = key;
+                               }
+                       });
+                       var proj = factory(xtype, fpath);
+                       proj.json_project_data  = obj; // store the original object...
+                       proj.fn =  Path.get_basename(jsonfile).split(".")[0];
+                       // might not exist?
+                       if (obj.has_member("runhtml")) {
+                                       proj.runhtml  = obj.get_string_member("runhtml"); 
+                       }
+                       // might not exist?
+                       if (obj.has_member("base_template")) {
+                                       proj.base_template  = obj.get_string_member("base_template"); 
+                       }
+                       // might not exist?
+                       if (obj.has_member("rootURL")) {
+                                       proj.rootURL  = obj.get_string_member("rootURL"); 
+                       }
+              = obj.get_string_member("name");
+                       paths.foreach_member((sobj, key, val) => {
+                               proj.paths.set(key, "dir");
+                       });
+                       proj.initRooDatabase();
+                       GLib.debug("Add Project %s",;
+                       projects.set(,proj);
+               }
+               public static Project factory(string xtype, string path)
+               {
+                       // check to see if it's already loaded..
+                       var iter = projects.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               if (iter.get_value().hasPath( path)) {
+                                       return iter.get_value();
+                                }
+                       }
+                       switch(xtype) {
+                               case "Gtk":
+                                       return new Gtk(path);
+                               case "Roo":
+                                       return new Roo(path);
+                       }
+                       throw new Error.INVALID_TYPE("invalid project type");
+               }
+                public static void  remove(Project project)
+               {
+                       // delete the file..
+                       var dirname = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder";
+                       FileUtils.unlink(dirname + "/" + project.fn + ".json");
+                       projects.unset(,null);
+               }
+               public void save()
+               {
+                               // fixme..
+                       if (this.fn.length < 1) {
+                               // make the filename..
+                               //var t = new DateTime.now_local ();
+                               //TimeVal tv;
+                               //t.to_timeval(out tv);
+                               //var str = "%l:%l".printf(tv.tv_sec,tv.tv_usec);
+                               var str = this.firstPath();
+                                       this.fn = GLib.Checksum.compute_for_string(GLib.ChecksumType.MD5, str, str.length);
+                       }
+                       var dirname = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder";
+                       var  s =  this.toJSON(false);
+                       FileUtils.set_contents(dirname + "/" + this.fn + ".json", s, s.length);  
+               }
+               public string toJSON(bool show_all)
+               {
+                       this.json_project_data.set_string_member("name",;
+                       this.json_project_data.set_string_member("fn", this.fn);
+                       this.json_project_data.set_string_member("xtype", this.xtype);
+                       this.json_project_data.set_string_member("runhtml", this.runhtml);
+                       this.json_project_data.set_string_member("rootURL", this.rootURL);
+                       this.json_project_data.set_string_member("base_template", this.base_template);
+                       this.json_project_data.set_string_member("rootURL", this.rootURL);
+                       var paths = new Json.Object(); 
+                       var iter = this.paths.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               paths.set_string_member(iter.get_key(), "path");
+                       }
+                       this.json_project_data.set_object_member("paths", paths);
+                       if (show_all) {
+                               var files = new Json.Array();
+                               var fiter = this.files.map_iterator();
+                               while ( {
+                                       files.add_string_element (fiter.get_key());
+                               }
+                               this.json_project_data.set_array_member("files", files);
+                       }
+                       var  generator = new Json.Generator ();
+                       var  root = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
+                       root.init_object(this.json_project_data);
+                       generator.set_root (root);
+                       if (show_all) {
+                               generator.pretty = true;
+                               generator.indent = 4;
+                       }
+                       return  generator.to_data (null);
+               }
+               public string firstPath()
+               {
+                       var iter = this.paths.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               return iter.get_key();
+                       }
+                       return "";
+               }
+               public bool hasPath(string path)
+               {
+                       var iter = this.paths.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               if (iter.get_key() == path) {
+                               return true;
+                       }
+                       }
+                       return false;
+               }
+               // returns the first path
+               public string getName()
+               {
+                       var iter = this.paths.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               return GLib.Path.get_basename(iter.get_key());
+                       }
+                       return "";
+               }
+               public Gee.ArrayList<JsRender.JsRender> sortedFiles()
+               {
+                       var files = new Gee.ArrayList<JsRender.JsRender>();
+                       var fiter = this.files.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               files.add(fiter.get_value());
+                       }
+                       files.sort((fa,fb) => {
+                               return ((JsRender.JsRender)fa).name.collate(((JsRender.JsRender)fb).name);
+                       });
+                       return files;
+               }
+               public string listAllFilesToString()
+               {
+                       this.scanDirs();
+                       var iter = this.sortedFiles().list_iterator();
+                       var ret = "ID\tName\tDirectory\n";
+                       while ( {
+                               ret += "%s\n".printf(
+                                               iter.get().name
+                                               );
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public JsRender.JsRender? getByName(string name)
+               {
+                       var fiter = files.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               var f = fiter.get_value();
+                               GLib.debug ("Project.getByName: %s ?= %s" , , name);
+                               if ( == name) {
+                                       return f;
+                               }
+                       };
+                       return null;
+               }
+               public JsRender.JsRender? getByPath(string path)
+               {
+                       var fiter = files.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               var f = fiter.get_value();
+                               //GLib.debug ("Project.getByName: %s ?= %s" , , name);
+                               if (f.path == path) {
+                                       return f;
+                               }
+                       };
+                       return null;
+               }
+               public JsRender.JsRender? getById(string id)
+               {
+                       var fiter = files.map_iterator();
+                       while( {
+                               var f = fiter.get_value();
+                               //console.log( + '?=' + id);
+                               if ( == id) {
+                                       return f;
+                               }
+                               };
+                       return null;
+               }
+               public JsRender.JsRender newFile (string name)
+               {
+                       var ret =  JsRender.JsRender.factory(this.xtype, 
+                                                                                        this, 
+                                                                                        this.firstPath() + "/" + name + ".bjs");
+                       this.addFile(ret);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public JsRender.JsRender loadFileOnly (string path)
+               {
+                       var xt = this.xtype;
+                       return JsRender.JsRender.factory(xt, this, path);
+               }
+               public JsRender.JsRender create(string filename)
+               {
+                       var ret = this.loadFileOnly(filename);
+             ;
+                       this.addFile(ret);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               public void addFile(JsRender.JsRender pfile) { // add a single file, and trigger changed.
+                       this.files.set(pfile.path, pfile); // duplicate check?
+                       this.on_changed();
+               }
+               public void add(string path, string type)
+               {
+                       this.paths.set(path,type);
+                       //Seed.print(" type is '" + type + "'");
+                       if (type == "dir") {
+                               this.scanDir(path);
+                       //    console.dump(this.files);
+                       }
+                       if (type == "file" ) {
+                               this.files.set(path,this.loadFileOnly( path ));
+                       }
+                       this.on_changed();
+               }
+               public void  scanDirs() // cached version
+               {
+                       if (this.is_scanned) {
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       this.scanDirsForce();
+                       //console.dump(this.files);
+               }
+               public void  scanDirsForce()
+               {
+                       this.is_scanned = true;  
+                       var iter = this.paths.map_iterator();
+                       while ( {
+                               //print("path: " + iter.get_key() + " : " + iter.get_value() +"\n");
+                               if (iter.get_value() != "dir") {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               this.scanDir(iter.get_key());
+                       }
+                       //console.dump(this.files);
+               }
+                       // list files.
+               public void scanDir(string dir, int dp =0 ) 
+               {
+                       //dp = dp || 0;
+                       //print("Project.Base: Running scandir on " + dir +"\n");
+                       if (dp > 5) { // no more than 5 deep?
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       // this should be done async -- but since we are getting the proto up ...
+                       var subs = new GLib.List<string>();;            
+                       var f = File.new_for_path(dir);
+                       try {
+                               var file_enum = f.enumerate_children(GLib.FileAttribute.STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME, GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null);
+                               FileInfo next_file; 
+                               while ((next_file = file_enum.next_file(null)) != null) {
+                                       var fn = next_file.get_display_name();
+                                       //print("trying"  + dir + "/" + fn +"\n");
+                                       if (fn[0] == '.') { // skip hidden
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (FileUtils.test(dir  + "/" + fn, GLib.FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                                               subs.append(dir  + "/" + fn);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       if (!Regex.match_simple("\\.bjs$", fn)) {
+                                               //print("no a bjs\n");
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       /*
+                                       var parent = "";
+                                       //if (dp > 0 ) {
+                                       var sp = dir.split("/");
+                                       var parent = "";
+                                       for (var i = 0; i < sp.length; i++) {
+                                       }
+                                       /*
+                                       sp = sp.splice(sp.length - (dp +1), (dp +1));
+                                       parent = sp.join('.');
+                                       if (typeof(_this.files[dir  + '/' + fn]) != 'undefined') {
+                                               // we already have it..
+                                               _this.files[dir  + '/' + fn].parent = parent;
+                                               return;
+                                       }
+                                       */
+                                       var xt = this.xtype;
+                                       var el = JsRender.JsRender.factory(xt,this, dir + "/" + fn);
+                                       this.files.set( dir + "/" + fn, el);
+                                       // parent ?? 
+                               }
+                       } catch (Error e) {
+                               GLib.warning("Project::scanDirs failed : " + e.message + "\n");
+                       } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+                               GLib.warning("Project::scanDirs failed : " + e.message + "\n");
+                       }
+                       for (var i = 0; i < subs.length(); i++) {
+                                this.scanDir(subs.nth_data(i), dp+1);
+                       }
+               }
+               // wrapper around the javascript data...
+               public string get_string_member(string key) {
+                       if (!this.json_project_data.has_member(key)) {
+                               return "";
+                       }
+                       var  ret = this.json_project_data.get_string_member(key);
+                       if (ret == null) {
+                               return "";
+                       }
+                       return ret;
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/src/Project/Roo.vala b/src/Project/Roo.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0ddbd59
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+static int rid = 1;
+public class Project.Roo : Project {
+    public Roo(string path) {
+        base(path);
+        this.xtype = "Roo";
+        // various loader methods..
+ = "project-roo-%d".printf(rid++);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Resources.vala b/src/Resources.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f35b389
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ * Resources
+ * 
+ * Idea is to manage resourse used by the app.
+ * 
+ * The original code downloaded all the resources before it renders the main window
+ * 
+ * This is a bit annoying as although they do change quite a bit, it's not on every app start
+ * 
+ * So the Resource fetching behaviour should be a button on the File view page
+ * That starts the refresh of the resources.
+ * 
+ * I'm not quite sure how we should flow this - if we do them all at once.. might be a bit of a server 
+ * overload... so sequentially may be best...
+public class ResourcesItem : Object {
+       public string target;
+       public string src;
+       public string new_sha;
+       public string cur_sha;
+       public ResourcesItem(string src, string target, string new_sha) 
+       {
+      = target;
+               this.src = src;
+               this.new_sha = new_sha;
+               this.cur_sha = "";
+               this.update_cur_sha();
+               print("New ResourcesItem %s (%s) => (%s) %s\n", target , this.cur_sha , new_sha, src);
+       }
+       public void update_cur_sha()
+       {
+               if ("*")) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               var tfn = BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/" +;
+               if (!GLib.FileUtils.test (tfn, FileTest.IS_REGULAR)) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               uint8[] data;
+               uint8[] zero = { 0 };
+               GLib.FileUtils.get_data(tfn, out data);
+               var  file = File.new_for_path (tfn);
+               var info = file.query_info(
+                                "standard::*",
+                               FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE
+               );
+               var csdata = new GLib.ByteArray.take("blob %s".printf(info.get_size().to_string()).data);
+               csdata.append(zero);
+               csdata.append(data);
+               // git method... blob %d\0...string...
+               this.cur_sha = GLib.Checksum.compute_for_data(GLib.ChecksumType.SHA1,       );
+       }
+public class Resources : Object
+     public signal void updateProgress(uint cur_pos, uint total);
+     static Resources singleton_val;
+     Gee.ArrayList<ResourcesItem> fetch_files;
+     public static Resources singleton()
+     {
+        if (singleton_val == null) {
+            singleton_val = new Resources();
+            singleton_val.ref();
+        }
+        return singleton_val;
+     }
+        public Resources ()
+        {
+               this.initFiles();
+       }
+       public void initFiles()
+       {       
+               string[] avail_files = { 
+                       "roodata.json",
+                       "*",
+                       "Editors/*.js",
+                       "vapi/*"
+               };
+               this.fetch_files = new Gee.ArrayList<ResourcesItem>();
+               for (var i=0;i < avail_files.length; i++) {
+                       var target = avail_files[i];
+                       var src = "" + target;
+                       if (target == "roodata.json") {
+                               src = "";
+                               //src = ";a=blob_plain;f=docs/json/roodata.json";
+                       }
+                       if (target.contains("*")) {
+                               var split = target.split("*");
+                               src = "" + split[0];
+                               if (split[0] == "vapi/") {
+                                       src = "";
+                               }
+                       }
+                       this.fetch_files.add(new ResourcesItem(src,target, ""));
+               }
+       }        
+     int fetch_pos = 0;
+     public void fetchStart()
+     {
+            this.initFiles();
+            if (this.fetch_pos > 0) { // only fetch one at a time...
+                return;
+            }
+            this.fetch_pos =0;
+            this.fetchNext();
+     }
+     public void fetchNext()
+    {
+        var cur = this.fetch_pos;
+        this.fetch_pos++;
+        this.updateProgress(this.fetch_pos, this.fetch_files.size); // min=0;
+        if (this.fetch_pos > this.fetch_files.size) {
+                        this.updateProgress(0,0);
+                    this.fetch_pos = 0;
+                    return;
+               }
+               this.fetchResourceFrom ( this.fetch_files.get(cur) );
+        }
+        /**
+         *  called on start to check we have all the required files..
+         */
+        public void checkResources()
+        {
+               bool needsload = false;
+               // this has to check the required files, not the list...
+               string[] required =  {
+                       "bootstrap.builder.html",
+                       "Gir.overides",
+                       "GtkUsage.txt",
+                       "mailer.builder.html",
+                       "roo.builder.html",
+                       "roo.builder.js",
+                       "roodata.json",
+                       "RooUsage.txt"
+               };
+               for (var i = 0; i <  required.length; i++ ) { 
+                       if (!FileUtils.test(
+                               BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/"  + required[i],
+                               FileTest.EXISTS
+                               )) {
+                               needsload = true;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (!needsload) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               this.fetchStart();
+        }
+       public void parseDirectory(string json, string target)
+       {
+               print("%s\n", json);
+               var pa = new Json.Parser();
+               pa.load_from_data(json);
+               var node = pa.get_root();
+               if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.ARRAY) {
+                       return;
+                       //throw new Error.INVALID_FORMAT ("Unexpected element type %s", node.type_name ());
+               }
+               var split = target.split("*");
+               var ar = node.get_array ();
+               for(var i = 0; i < ar.get_length(); i++) {
+                       var ob = ar.get_object_element(i);
+                       var n = ob.get_string_member("name");
+                       if (ob.get_string_member("type") == "dir") {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (split.length > 1 && !n.has_suffix(split[1])) {
+                               // not needed..
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if (this.files_has_target(split[0] + n)) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       var src = ob.get_string_member("download_url"); 
+                                       // "" + split[0] + n;
+                       var add = new ResourcesItem(src, split[0] + n, ob.get_string_member("sha") );
+                       //add.new_sha = ob.get_string_member("sha");
+                       this.fetch_files.add(add);
+               }
+       }
+       public bool files_has_target(string target)
+       {
+               for (var i = 0; i <  this.fetch_files.size; i++ ) { 
+                       if (this.fetch_files.get(i).target == target) { 
+                               return true;
+                       }
+               }
+               return false;
+       }
+    public void fetchResourceFrom(ResourcesItem item)
+    {
+               if (item.new_sha != "" && item.new_sha == item.cur_sha) {
+                       this.fetchNext();
+                       return;
+               }
+               // fetch...
+               print("downloading %s \nto : %s\n", item.src,;
+               var session = new Soup.Session ();
+               session.user_agent = "App Builder ";
+           var message = new Soup.Message ("GET",  item.src );
+        session.queue_message (message, (sess, mess) => {
+                       if ("*")) {
+                               // then it's a directory listing in JSON, and we need to add any new items to our list..
+                               // it's used to fetch Editors (and maybe other stuff..)
+                               this.parseDirectory((string), );
+                               this.fetchNext();
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       var tfn = BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/" +;
+                       // create parent directory if needed
+                       if (!GLib.FileUtils.test (GLib.Path.get_dirname(tfn), FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
+                               var f =  GLib.File.new_for_path(GLib.Path.get_dirname(tfn));
+                               f.make_directory_with_parents ();
+                       }
+                       // set data??? - if it's binary?
+            FileUtils.set_contents(  tfn, (string) );
+            switch ( {
+                               case "Gir.overides":
+                                       Palete.Gir.factory("Gtk").loadOverrides(true);
+                                       break;
+                               case "GtkUsage.txt":
+                                       Palete.factory("Gtk").load();
+                                       break;
+                               case "roodata.json":
+                                       Palete.factory("Roo").classes  = null;
+                                       Palete.factory("Roo").load();
+                                       break;
+                               default:
+                                       break;
+                       }
+            this.fetchNext();
+        });
+    }
diff --git a/src/Spawn.vala b/src/Spawn.vala
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d3b9428
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+/// # valac  --pkg gio-2.0    --pkg posix Spawn.vala -o /tmp/Spawn
+using GLib;
+ * Revised version?
+ * 
+ * x = new Spawn( "/tmp", {"ls", "-l" })
+ * 
+ * // these are optionall..
+ * x.env = ..... (if you need to set one...
+ * x.output_line.connect((string str) => { 
+ *             if ( Gtk.events_pending()) { Gtk.main_iteration(); } 
+ * });
+ * x.input_line.connect(() => { return string });
+ * 
+ * res, string output, string stderr) => { ... });
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+public errordomain SpawnError {
+    NO_ARGS,
+ * @class Spawn
+ * @param cwd {String}            working directory. (defaults to home directory)
+ * @param args {Array}            arguments eg. [ 'ls', '-l' ]
+ * 
+ * @arg env {Array}             enviroment eg. [ 'GITDIR=/home/test' ]
+ * @arg is_async {Boolean} (optional)return instantly, or wait for exit. (default no)
+ * @arg trhow_exceptions {Boolean}    throw exception on failure (default no)
+ * 
+ */
+public class Spawn : Object
+       /**
+        * @signal input called at start to send input when process starts?
+        * @return the string or null 
+        */
+       public signal string? input();
+       /**
+        * @signal complete called at when the command has completed.
+        * 
+        */
+       public signal void complete(int res, string str, string stderr);
+       /**
+        * @signal output_line called when a line is recieved from the process.
+        * Note you may want to connect this and run 
+        *   if ( Gtk.events_pending()) { Gtk.main_iteration(); }
+        * 
+        * @param {string} str 
+        */
+    public signal void output_line(string str);
+       public string cwd;
+       public string[] args;
+       public string[] env;
+       public bool is_async = true;
+       public bool throw_exceptions = false;
+       public bool detach = false;
+    public Spawn(string cwd, string[] args) throws Error
+    {
+        this.cwd = cwd;
+        this.args = args;
+        this.env = {};
+        this.output = "";
+        this.stderr = "";
+        this.cwd =  this.cwd.length  < 1 ? GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() : this.cwd;
+        if (this.args.length < 0) {
+            throw new SpawnError.NO_ARGS("No arguments");
+        }
+    }
+    MainLoop ctx = null; // the mainloop ctx.
+    /**
+     * @property output {String} resulting output
+     */
+    public string output;
+    /**
+     * @property stderr {String} resulting output from stderr
+     */
+    public string stderr;
+     /**
+     * @property result {Number} execution result.
+     */
+    public int result= 0;
+    /**
+     * @property pid {Number} pid of child process (of false if it's not running)
+     */
+    int  pid = -1;
+    /**
+     * @property in_ch {GLib.IOChannel} input io channel
+     */
+    IOChannel in_ch = null;
+    /**
+     * @property out_ch {GLib.IOChannel} output io channel
+     */
+    IOChannel out_ch = null;
+    /**
+     * @property err_ch {GLib.IOChannel} stderr io channel
+     */
+    IOChannel err_ch = null;
+    /**
+     * @property err_src {int} the watch for errors
+     */
+    int err_src = -1;
+      /**
+     * @property err_src {int} the watch for output
+     */
+    int out_src = -1;
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @method run
+     * Run the configured command.
+     * result is applied to object properties (eg. '?' or 'stderr')
+     * @returns {Object} self.
+     */
+       public void run( ) throws SpawnError, GLib.SpawnError, GLib.IOChannelError
+       {
+               err_src = -1;
+               out_src = -1;
+               int standard_input;
+               int standard_output;
+               int standard_error;
+               GLib.debug("cd %s; %s" , this.cwd , string.joinv(" ", this.args));
+               if (this.detach) { 
+                       Process.spawn_async_with_pipes (
+                               this.cwd,
+                               this.args,
+                               this.env.length > 0 ? this.env : null,
+                               SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD,
+                               null,
+                               out;
+                               ChildWatch.add (, (pid, status) => {
+                                       // Triggered when the child indicated by child_pid exits
+                                       Process.close_pid (pid);
+                               });
+                               return;
+               }
+               Process.spawn_async_with_pipes (
+                               this.cwd,
+                               this.args,
+                               this.env.length > 0 ? this.env : null,
+                               SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD,
+                               null,
+                               out,
+                               out standard_input,
+                               out standard_output,
+                               out standard_error);
+               // stdout:
+               //print(JSON.stringify(gret));    
+               GLib.debug("PID: %d" ,;
+               this.in_ch = new GLib.IOChannel.unix_new(standard_input);
+               this.out_ch = new GLib.IOChannel.unix_new(standard_output);
+               this.err_ch = new GLib.IOChannel.unix_new(standard_error);
+               // make everything non-blocking!
+                         // using NONBLOCKING only works if io_add_watch
+               //returns true/false in right conditions
+               this.in_ch.set_flags (GLib.IOFlags.NONBLOCK);
+               this.out_ch.set_flags (GLib.IOFlags.NONBLOCK);
+               this.err_ch.set_flags (GLib.IOFlags.NONBLOCK);
+               ChildWatch.add (, (w_pid, result) => {
+                       this.result = result;
+                       GLib.debug("child_watch_add : result:%d ", result);
+             ;
+             ;
+                       Process.close_pid(;
+              = -1;
+                       if (this.ctx != null) {
+                               this.ctx.quit();
+                               this.ctx = null;
+                       }
+                       this.tidyup();
+                       //print("DONE TIDYUP");
+                       this.complete(this.result, this.output, this.stderr);
+               });
+            // add handlers for output and stderr.
+        this.out_src = (int) this.out_ch.add_watch (
+            IOCondition.OUT | IOCondition.IN  | IOCondition.PRI |  IOCondition.HUP |  IOCondition.ERR  ,
+            (channel, condition) => {
+               return;
+            }
+        );
+        this.err_src = (int) this.err_ch.add_watch (
+                IOCondition.OUT | IOCondition.IN  | IOCondition.PRI |  IOCondition.HUP |  IOCondition.ERR  ,
+            (channel, condition) => {
+               return;
+            }
+        );
+        // call input.. 
+        if ( > -1) {
+            // child can exit before we get this far..
+            var input = this.input();
+            if (input != null) {
+                try {
+                    this.write(input);
+                     // this probably needs to be a bit smarter...
+                    //but... let's close input now..
+                    this.in_ch.shutdown(true);
+                    this.in_ch = null;
+                } catch (Error e) {
+                    this.tidyup();
+                    return;
+                  //  throw e;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // async - if running - return..
+        if (this.is_async && > -1) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // start mainloop if not async..
+        if ( > -1) {
+            GLib.debug("starting main loop");
+             //if (this.cfg.debug) {
+             //  
+             // }
+               this.ctx = new MainLoop ();
+  ; // wait fore exit?
+            GLib.debug("main_loop done!");
+        } else {
+            this.tidyup(); // tidyup get's called in main loop. 
+        }
+        if (this.throw_exceptions && this.result != 0) {
+            throw new SpawnError.EXECUTE_ERROR(this.stderr);
+            //this.toString = function() { return this.stderr; };
+            ///throw new Exception this; // we throw self...
+        }
+        // finally throw, or return self..
+        return;
+    }
+    private void tidyup()
+    {
+        if ( > -1) {
+            Process.close_pid(; // hopefully kills it..
+   = -1;
+        }
+        try {
+            if (this.in_ch != null)  this.in_ch.shutdown(true);
+            if (this.out_ch != null)  this.out_ch.shutdown(true);
+            if (this.err_ch != null)  this.err_ch.shutdown(true);
+        } catch (Error e) {
+            // error shutting donw.
+        }
+        // blank out channels
+        this.in_ch = null;
+        this.err_ch = null;
+        this.out_ch = null;
+        // rmeove listeners !! important otherwise we kill the CPU
+        //if (this.err_src > -1 ) GLib.source_remove(this.err_src);
+        //if (this.out_src > -1 ) GLib.source_remove(this.out_src);
+        this.err_src = -1;
+        this.out_src = -1;
+    }
+    /**
+     * write to stdin of process
+     * @arg str {String} string to write to stdin of process
+     * @returns GLib.IOStatus (0 == error, 1= NORMAL)
+     */
+    private int write(string str) throws Error // write a line to 
+    {
+        if (this.in_ch == null) {
+            return 0; // input is closed
+        }
+        //print("write: " + str);
+        // NEEDS GIR FIX! for return value.. let's ignore for the time being..
+        //var ret = {};
+        size_t written;
+        var res = this.in_ch.write_chars(str.to_utf8(), out written);
+        //print("write_char retunred:" + JSON.stringify(res) +  ' ' +JSON.stringify(ret)  );
+        if (res != GLib.IOStatus.NORMAL) {
+            throw new SpawnError.WRITE_ERROR("Write failed");
+        }
+        //return ret.value;
+        return str.length;
+    }
+    /**
+     * read from pipe and call appropriate listerner and add to output or stderr string.
+     * @arg giochannel to read from.
+     * @returns none
+     */
+    private bool read(IOChannel ch) 
+    {
+       // string prop = (ch == this.out_ch) ? "output" : "stderr";
+       // print("prop: " + prop);
+        //print(JSON.stringify(ch, null,4));
+        while (true) {
+            string buffer;
+            size_t term_pos;
+            size_t len;
+            IOStatus status;
+            try {
+                status = ch.read_line( out buffer,  out len,  out term_pos );
+            } catch (Error e) {
+                //FIXme
+                break; // ??
+            }
+            // print('status: '  +JSON.stringify(status));
+            // print(JSON.stringify(x));
+             switch(status) {
+                case GLib.IOStatus.NORMAL:
+                    //write(fn, x.str);
+                    //if (this.listeners[prop]) {
+                    //    this.listeners[prop].call(this, x.str_return);
+                    //}
+                    if (ch == this.out_ch) {
+                        this.output += buffer;
+                        this.output_line(  buffer);                  
+                    } else {
+                        this.stderr += buffer;
+                        this.output_line(  buffer); 
+                    }
+                    //_this[prop] += x.str_return;
+                    //if (this.cfg.debug) {
+                        //GLib.debug("%s : %s", prop , buffer);
+                    //}
+                    if (this.is_async) {
+                        //if ( Gtk.events_pending()) {
+                        //     Gtk.main_iteration();
+                        //}
+                    }
+                    //this.ctx.iteration(true);
+                   continue;
+                case GLib.IOStatus.AGAIN:
+                                       //print("Should be called again.. waiting for more data..");
+                           return true;
+                    //break;
+                case GLib.IOStatus.ERROR:    
+                case GLib.IOStatus.EOF:
+                           return false;
+                    //break;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        //print("RETURNING");
+         return false; // allow it to be called again..
+    }
+int main (string[] args) {
+       GLib.Log.set_handler(null, 
+               GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG | GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING, 
+               (dom, lvl, msg) => {
+               print("%s: %s\n", dom, msg);
+       });
+       var ctx = new GLib.MainLoop ();
+       var a = new Spawn("", { "ls" , "-l"});
+, str, stderr) => {
+               print(str);
+               ctx.quit();
+       });
+; // wait for exit?
+       return 0;
+ */
diff --git a/src/c/jscore_object_call_as_function.c b/src/c/jscore_object_call_as_function.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9075bb0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include <JavaScriptCore/JavaScript.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+ a wrapper around call as function, as Value[] arrays do not work in Vala...
+JSValueRef jscore_object_call_as_function(
+       JSContextRef ctx,
+       JSObjectRef object, 
+       JSObjectRef thisObject,
+         gchar * val,
+       JSValueRef* exception
+) {
+       JSValueRef  ex = 0;
+       JSValueRef res;
+    JSValueRef *jsargs;
+    JSStringRef jsstr = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString (val);
+       JSValueRef valstr = JSValueMakeString (ctx, jsstr);
+       //JSStringRelease (jsstr); //??
+    jsargs = (JSValueRef *) g_newa (JSValueRef, 1);
+    jsargs[0] =  valstr;
+    res =  JSObjectCallAsFunction(
+                       ctx, 
+                       object, 
+                       0, 
+                       1, 
+                       jsargs, 
+                       &ex
+       );
+       // free the args..
+    return res;
diff --git a/src/vapi/clutter-1.0.deps b/src/vapi/clutter-1.0.deps
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..17d2d14
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/src/vapi/clutter-1.0.vapi b/src/vapi/clutter-1.0.vapi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..635ef89
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8349 @@
+/* clutter-1.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+[CCode (cprefix = "Clutter", gir_namespace = "Clutter", gir_version = "1.0", lower_case_cprefix = "clutter_")]
+namespace Clutter {
+       namespace FrameSource {
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+               public static uint add (uint fps, GLib.SourceFunc func);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+               public static uint add_full (int priority, uint fps, owned GLib.SourceFunc func);
+       }
+       namespace Key {
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_0")]
+               public const int @0;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_1")]
+               public const int @1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_2")]
+               public const int @2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3")]
+               public const int @3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_AltCursor")]
+               public const int @3270_AltCursor;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Attn")]
+               public const int @3270_Attn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_BackTab")]
+               public const int @3270_BackTab;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_ChangeScreen")]
+               public const int @3270_ChangeScreen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Copy")]
+               public const int @3270_Copy;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_CursorBlink")]
+               public const int @3270_CursorBlink;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_CursorSelect")]
+               public const int @3270_CursorSelect;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_DeleteWord")]
+               public const int @3270_DeleteWord;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Duplicate")]
+               public const int @3270_Duplicate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Enter")]
+               public const int @3270_Enter;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_EraseEOF")]
+               public const int @3270_EraseEOF;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_EraseInput")]
+               public const int @3270_EraseInput;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_ExSelect")]
+               public const int @3270_ExSelect;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_FieldMark")]
+               public const int @3270_FieldMark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Ident")]
+               public const int @3270_Ident;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Jump")]
+               public const int @3270_Jump;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_KeyClick")]
+               public const int @3270_KeyClick;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Left2")]
+               public const int @3270_Left2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_PA1")]
+               public const int @3270_PA1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_PA2")]
+               public const int @3270_PA2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_PA3")]
+               public const int @3270_PA3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Play")]
+               public const int @3270_Play;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_PrintScreen")]
+               public const int @3270_PrintScreen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Quit")]
+               public const int @3270_Quit;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Record")]
+               public const int @3270_Record;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Reset")]
+               public const int @3270_Reset;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Right2")]
+               public const int @3270_Right2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Rule")]
+               public const int @3270_Rule;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Setup")]
+               public const int @3270_Setup;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_3270_Test")]
+               public const int @3270_Test;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_4")]
+               public const int @4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_5")]
+               public const int @5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_6")]
+               public const int @6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_7")]
+               public const int @7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_8")]
+               public const int @8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_9")]
+               public const int @9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_A")]
+               public const int A;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AE")]
+               public const int AE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Aacute")]
+               public const int Aacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Abelowdot")]
+               public const int Abelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Abreve")]
+               public const int Abreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Abreveacute")]
+               public const int Abreveacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Abrevebelowdot")]
+               public const int Abrevebelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Abrevegrave")]
+               public const int Abrevegrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Abrevehook")]
+               public const int Abrevehook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Abrevetilde")]
+               public const int Abrevetilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AccessX_Enable")]
+               public const int AccessX_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AccessX_Feedback_Enable")]
+               public const int AccessX_Feedback_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Acircumflex")]
+               public const int Acircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Acircumflexacute")]
+               public const int Acircumflexacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Acircumflexbelowdot")]
+               public const int Acircumflexbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Acircumflexgrave")]
+               public const int Acircumflexgrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Acircumflexhook")]
+               public const int Acircumflexhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Acircumflextilde")]
+               public const int Acircumflextilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AddFavorite")]
+               public const int AddFavorite;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Adiaeresis")]
+               public const int Adiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Agrave")]
+               public const int Agrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ahook")]
+               public const int Ahook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Alt_L")]
+               public const int Alt_L;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Alt_R")]
+               public const int Alt_R;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Amacron")]
+               public const int Amacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Aogonek")]
+               public const int Aogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ApplicationLeft")]
+               public const int ApplicationLeft;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ApplicationRight")]
+               public const int ApplicationRight;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_0")]
+               public const int Arabic_0;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_1")]
+               public const int Arabic_1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_2")]
+               public const int Arabic_2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_3")]
+               public const int Arabic_3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_4")]
+               public const int Arabic_4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_5")]
+               public const int Arabic_5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_6")]
+               public const int Arabic_6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_7")]
+               public const int Arabic_7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_8")]
+               public const int Arabic_8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_9")]
+               public const int Arabic_9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_ain")]
+               public const int Arabic_ain;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_alef")]
+               public const int Arabic_alef;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_alefmaksura")]
+               public const int Arabic_alefmaksura;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_beh")]
+               public const int Arabic_beh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_comma")]
+               public const int Arabic_comma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_dad")]
+               public const int Arabic_dad;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_dal")]
+               public const int Arabic_dal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_damma")]
+               public const int Arabic_damma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_dammatan")]
+               public const int Arabic_dammatan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_ddal")]
+               public const int Arabic_ddal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_farsi_yeh")]
+               public const int Arabic_farsi_yeh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_fatha")]
+               public const int Arabic_fatha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_fathatan")]
+               public const int Arabic_fathatan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_feh")]
+               public const int Arabic_feh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_fullstop")]
+               public const int Arabic_fullstop;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_gaf")]
+               public const int Arabic_gaf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_ghain")]
+               public const int Arabic_ghain;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_ha")]
+               public const int Arabic_ha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_hah")]
+               public const int Arabic_hah;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_hamza")]
+               public const int Arabic_hamza;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_hamza_above")]
+               public const int Arabic_hamza_above;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_hamza_below")]
+               public const int Arabic_hamza_below;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_hamzaonalef")]
+               public const int Arabic_hamzaonalef;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_hamzaonwaw")]
+               public const int Arabic_hamzaonwaw;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_hamzaonyeh")]
+               public const int Arabic_hamzaonyeh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_hamzaunderalef")]
+               public const int Arabic_hamzaunderalef;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_heh")]
+               public const int Arabic_heh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_heh_doachashmee")]
+               public const int Arabic_heh_doachashmee;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_heh_goal")]
+               public const int Arabic_heh_goal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_jeem")]
+               public const int Arabic_jeem;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_jeh")]
+               public const int Arabic_jeh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_kaf")]
+               public const int Arabic_kaf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_kasra")]
+               public const int Arabic_kasra;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_kasratan")]
+               public const int Arabic_kasratan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_keheh")]
+               public const int Arabic_keheh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_khah")]
+               public const int Arabic_khah;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_lam")]
+               public const int Arabic_lam;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_madda_above")]
+               public const int Arabic_madda_above;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_maddaonalef")]
+               public const int Arabic_maddaonalef;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_meem")]
+               public const int Arabic_meem;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_noon")]
+               public const int Arabic_noon;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_noon_ghunna")]
+               public const int Arabic_noon_ghunna;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_peh")]
+               public const int Arabic_peh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_percent")]
+               public const int Arabic_percent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_qaf")]
+               public const int Arabic_qaf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_question_mark")]
+               public const int Arabic_question_mark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_ra")]
+               public const int Arabic_ra;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_rreh")]
+               public const int Arabic_rreh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_sad")]
+               public const int Arabic_sad;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_seen")]
+               public const int Arabic_seen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_semicolon")]
+               public const int Arabic_semicolon;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_shadda")]
+               public const int Arabic_shadda;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_sheen")]
+               public const int Arabic_sheen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_sukun")]
+               public const int Arabic_sukun;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_superscript_alef")]
+               public const int Arabic_superscript_alef;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_switch")]
+               public const int Arabic_switch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_tah")]
+               public const int Arabic_tah;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_tatweel")]
+               public const int Arabic_tatweel;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_tcheh")]
+               public const int Arabic_tcheh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_teh")]
+               public const int Arabic_teh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_tehmarbuta")]
+               public const int Arabic_tehmarbuta;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_thal")]
+               public const int Arabic_thal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_theh")]
+               public const int Arabic_theh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_tteh")]
+               public const int Arabic_tteh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_veh")]
+               public const int Arabic_veh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_waw")]
+               public const int Arabic_waw;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_yeh")]
+               public const int Arabic_yeh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_yeh_baree")]
+               public const int Arabic_yeh_baree;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_zah")]
+               public const int Arabic_zah;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Arabic_zain")]
+               public const int Arabic_zain;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Aring")]
+               public const int Aring;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_AT")]
+               public const int Armenian_AT;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_AYB")]
+               public const int Armenian_AYB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_BEN")]
+               public const int Armenian_BEN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_CHA")]
+               public const int Armenian_CHA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_DA")]
+               public const int Armenian_DA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_DZA")]
+               public const int Armenian_DZA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_E")]
+               public const int Armenian_E;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_FE")]
+               public const int Armenian_FE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_GHAT")]
+               public const int Armenian_GHAT;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_GIM")]
+               public const int Armenian_GIM;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_HI")]
+               public const int Armenian_HI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_HO")]
+               public const int Armenian_HO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_INI")]
+               public const int Armenian_INI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_JE")]
+               public const int Armenian_JE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_KE")]
+               public const int Armenian_KE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_KEN")]
+               public const int Armenian_KEN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_KHE")]
+               public const int Armenian_KHE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_LYUN")]
+               public const int Armenian_LYUN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_MEN")]
+               public const int Armenian_MEN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_NU")]
+               public const int Armenian_NU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_O")]
+               public const int Armenian_O;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_PE")]
+               public const int Armenian_PE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_PYUR")]
+               public const int Armenian_PYUR;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_RA")]
+               public const int Armenian_RA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_RE")]
+               public const int Armenian_RE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_SE")]
+               public const int Armenian_SE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_SHA")]
+               public const int Armenian_SHA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_TCHE")]
+               public const int Armenian_TCHE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_TO")]
+               public const int Armenian_TO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_TSA")]
+               public const int Armenian_TSA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_TSO")]
+               public const int Armenian_TSO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_TYUN")]
+               public const int Armenian_TYUN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_VEV")]
+               public const int Armenian_VEV;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_VO")]
+               public const int Armenian_VO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_VYUN")]
+               public const int Armenian_VYUN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_YECH")]
+               public const int Armenian_YECH;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ZA")]
+               public const int Armenian_ZA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ZHE")]
+               public const int Armenian_ZHE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_accent")]
+               public const int Armenian_accent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_amanak")]
+               public const int Armenian_amanak;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_apostrophe")]
+               public const int Armenian_apostrophe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_at")]
+               public const int Armenian_at;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ayb")]
+               public const int Armenian_ayb;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ben")]
+               public const int Armenian_ben;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_but")]
+               public const int Armenian_but;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_cha")]
+               public const int Armenian_cha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_da")]
+               public const int Armenian_da;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_dza")]
+               public const int Armenian_dza;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_e")]
+               public const int Armenian_e;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_exclam")]
+               public const int Armenian_exclam;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_fe")]
+               public const int Armenian_fe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_full_stop")]
+               public const int Armenian_full_stop;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ghat")]
+               public const int Armenian_ghat;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_gim")]
+               public const int Armenian_gim;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_hi")]
+               public const int Armenian_hi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ho")]
+               public const int Armenian_ho;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_hyphen")]
+               public const int Armenian_hyphen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ini")]
+               public const int Armenian_ini;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_je")]
+               public const int Armenian_je;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ke")]
+               public const int Armenian_ke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ken")]
+               public const int Armenian_ken;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_khe")]
+               public const int Armenian_khe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ligature_ew")]
+               public const int Armenian_ligature_ew;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_lyun")]
+               public const int Armenian_lyun;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_men")]
+               public const int Armenian_men;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_nu")]
+               public const int Armenian_nu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_o")]
+               public const int Armenian_o;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_paruyk")]
+               public const int Armenian_paruyk;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_pe")]
+               public const int Armenian_pe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_pyur")]
+               public const int Armenian_pyur;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_question")]
+               public const int Armenian_question;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_ra")]
+               public const int Armenian_ra;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_re")]
+               public const int Armenian_re;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_se")]
+               public const int Armenian_se;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_separation_mark")]
+               public const int Armenian_separation_mark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_sha")]
+               public const int Armenian_sha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_shesht")]
+               public const int Armenian_shesht;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_tche")]
+               public const int Armenian_tche;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_to")]
+               public const int Armenian_to;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_tsa")]
+               public const int Armenian_tsa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_tso")]
+               public const int Armenian_tso;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_tyun")]
+               public const int Armenian_tyun;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_verjaket")]
+               public const int Armenian_verjaket;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_vev")]
+               public const int Armenian_vev;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_vo")]
+               public const int Armenian_vo;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_vyun")]
+               public const int Armenian_vyun;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_yech")]
+               public const int Armenian_yech;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_yentamna")]
+               public const int Armenian_yentamna;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_za")]
+               public const int Armenian_za;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Armenian_zhe")]
+               public const int Armenian_zhe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Atilde")]
+               public const int Atilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudibleBell_Enable")]
+               public const int AudibleBell_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioCycleTrack")]
+               public const int AudioCycleTrack;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioForward")]
+               public const int AudioForward;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioLowerVolume")]
+               public const int AudioLowerVolume;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioMedia")]
+               public const int AudioMedia;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioMicMute")]
+               public const int AudioMicMute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioMute")]
+               public const int AudioMute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioNext")]
+               public const int AudioNext;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioPause")]
+               public const int AudioPause;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioPlay")]
+               public const int AudioPlay;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioPrev")]
+               public const int AudioPrev;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioRaiseVolume")]
+               public const int AudioRaiseVolume;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioRandomPlay")]
+               public const int AudioRandomPlay;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioRecord")]
+               public const int AudioRecord;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioRepeat")]
+               public const int AudioRepeat;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioRewind")]
+               public const int AudioRewind;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_AudioStop")]
+               public const int AudioStop;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Away")]
+               public const int Away;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_B")]
+               public const int B;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Babovedot")]
+               public const int Babovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Back")]
+               public const int Back;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_BackForward")]
+               public const int BackForward;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_BackSpace")]
+               public const int BackSpace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Battery")]
+               public const int Battery;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Begin")]
+               public const int Begin;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Blue")]
+               public const int Blue;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Bluetooth")]
+               public const int Bluetooth;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Book")]
+               public const int Book;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_BounceKeys_Enable")]
+               public const int BounceKeys_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Break")]
+               public const int Break;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_BrightnessAdjust")]
+               public const int BrightnessAdjust;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Byelorussian_SHORTU")]
+               public const int Byelorussian_SHORTU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Byelorussian_shortu")]
+               public const int Byelorussian_shortu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_C")]
+               public const int C;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_CD")]
+               public const int CD;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_CH")]
+               public const int CH;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_C_H")]
+               public const int C_H;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_C_h")]
+               public const int C_h;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cabovedot")]
+               public const int Cabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cacute")]
+               public const int Cacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Calculator")]
+               public const int Calculator;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Calendar")]
+               public const int Calendar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cancel")]
+               public const int Cancel;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Caps_Lock")]
+               public const int Caps_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ccaron")]
+               public const int Ccaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ccedilla")]
+               public const int Ccedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ccircumflex")]
+               public const int Ccircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ch")]
+               public const int Ch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Clear")]
+               public const int Clear;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ClearGrab")]
+               public const int ClearGrab;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Close")]
+               public const int Close;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Codeinput")]
+               public const int Codeinput;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ColonSign")]
+               public const int ColonSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Community")]
+               public const int Community;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ContrastAdjust")]
+               public const int ContrastAdjust;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Control_L")]
+               public const int Control_L;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Control_R")]
+               public const int Control_R;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Copy")]
+               public const int Copy;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_CruzeiroSign")]
+               public const int CruzeiroSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cut")]
+               public const int Cut;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_CycleAngle")]
+               public const int CycleAngle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_A")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_A;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_BE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_BE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_CHE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_CHE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_CHE_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_CHE_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_CHE_vertstroke")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_CHE_vertstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_DE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_DE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_DZHE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_DZHE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_E")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_E;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_EF")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_EF;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_EL")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_EL;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_EM")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_EM;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_EN")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_EN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_EN_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_EN_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ER")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ER;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ES")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ES;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_GHE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_GHE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_GHE_bar")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_GHE_bar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_HA")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_HA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_HARDSIGN")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_HARDSIGN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_HA_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_HA_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_I")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_I;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_IE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_IE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_IO")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_IO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_I_macron")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_I_macron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_JE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_JE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_KA")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_KA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_KA_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_KA_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_KA_vertstroke")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_KA_vertstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_LJE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_LJE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_NJE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_NJE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_O")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_O;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_O_bar")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_O_bar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_PE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_PE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_SCHWA")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_SCHWA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_SHA")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_SHA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_SHCHA")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_SHCHA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_SHHA")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_SHHA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_SHORTI")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_SHORTI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_TE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_TE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_TSE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_TSE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_U")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_U;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_U_macron")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_U_macron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_U_straight")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_U_straight;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_U_straight_bar")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_U_straight_bar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_VE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_VE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_YA")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_YA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_YERU")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_YERU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_YU")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_YU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ZE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ZE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ZHE")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ZHE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ZHE_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ZHE_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_a")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_a;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_be")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_be;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_che")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_che;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_che_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_che_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_che_vertstroke")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_che_vertstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_de")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_de;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_dzhe")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_dzhe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_e")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_e;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ef")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ef;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_el")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_el;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_em")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_em;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_en")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_en;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_en_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_en_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_er")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_er;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_es")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_es;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ghe")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ghe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ghe_bar")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ghe_bar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ha")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ha_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ha_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_hardsign")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_hardsign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_i")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_i;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_i_macron")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_i_macron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ie")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ie;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_io")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_io;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_je")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_je;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ka")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ka;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ka_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ka_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ka_vertstroke")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ka_vertstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_lje")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_lje;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_nje")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_nje;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_o")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_o;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_o_bar")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_o_bar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_pe")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_pe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_schwa")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_schwa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_sha")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_sha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_shcha")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_shcha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_shha")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_shha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_shorti")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_shorti;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_softsign")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_softsign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_te")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_te;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_tse")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_tse;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_u")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_u;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_u_macron")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_u_macron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_u_straight")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_u_straight;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_u_straight_bar")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_u_straight_bar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ve")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ya")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ya;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_yeru")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_yeru;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_yu")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_yu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_ze")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_ze;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_zhe")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_zhe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Cyrillic_zhe_descender")]
+               public const int Cyrillic_zhe_descender;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_D")]
+               public const int D;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_DOS")]
+               public const int DOS;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Dabovedot")]
+               public const int Dabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Dcaron")]
+               public const int Dcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Delete")]
+               public const int Delete;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Display")]
+               public const int Display;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Documents")]
+               public const int Documents;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_DongSign")]
+               public const int DongSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Down")]
+               public const int Down;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Dstroke")]
+               public const int Dstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_E")]
+               public const int E;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ENG")]
+               public const int ENG;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ETH")]
+               public const int ETH;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_EZH")]
+               public const int EZH;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Eabovedot")]
+               public const int Eabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Eacute")]
+               public const int Eacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ebelowdot")]
+               public const int Ebelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ecaron")]
+               public const int Ecaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ecircumflex")]
+               public const int Ecircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ecircumflexacute")]
+               public const int Ecircumflexacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ecircumflexbelowdot")]
+               public const int Ecircumflexbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ecircumflexgrave")]
+               public const int Ecircumflexgrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ecircumflexhook")]
+               public const int Ecircumflexhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ecircumflextilde")]
+               public const int Ecircumflextilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_EcuSign")]
+               public const int EcuSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ediaeresis")]
+               public const int Ediaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Egrave")]
+               public const int Egrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ehook")]
+               public const int Ehook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Eisu_Shift")]
+               public const int Eisu_Shift;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Eisu_toggle")]
+               public const int Eisu_toggle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Eject")]
+               public const int Eject;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Emacron")]
+               public const int Emacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_End")]
+               public const int End;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Eogonek")]
+               public const int Eogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Escape")]
+               public const int Escape;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Eth")]
+               public const int Eth;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Etilde")]
+               public const int Etilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_EuroSign")]
+               public const int EuroSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Excel")]
+               public const int Excel;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Execute")]
+               public const int Execute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Explorer")]
+               public const int Explorer;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F")]
+               public const int F;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F1")]
+               public const int F1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F10")]
+               public const int F10;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F11")]
+               public const int F11;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F12")]
+               public const int F12;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F13")]
+               public const int F13;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F14")]
+               public const int F14;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F15")]
+               public const int F15;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F16")]
+               public const int F16;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F17")]
+               public const int F17;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F18")]
+               public const int F18;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F19")]
+               public const int F19;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F2")]
+               public const int F2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F20")]
+               public const int F20;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F21")]
+               public const int F21;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F22")]
+               public const int F22;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F23")]
+               public const int F23;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F24")]
+               public const int F24;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F25")]
+               public const int F25;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F26")]
+               public const int F26;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F27")]
+               public const int F27;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F28")]
+               public const int F28;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F29")]
+               public const int F29;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F3")]
+               public const int F3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F30")]
+               public const int F30;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F31")]
+               public const int F31;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F32")]
+               public const int F32;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F33")]
+               public const int F33;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F34")]
+               public const int F34;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F35")]
+               public const int F35;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F4")]
+               public const int F4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F5")]
+               public const int F5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F6")]
+               public const int F6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F7")]
+               public const int F7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F8")]
+               public const int F8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_F9")]
+               public const int F9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_FFrancSign")]
+               public const int FFrancSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Fabovedot")]
+               public const int Fabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_0")]
+               public const int Farsi_0;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_1")]
+               public const int Farsi_1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_2")]
+               public const int Farsi_2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_3")]
+               public const int Farsi_3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_4")]
+               public const int Farsi_4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_5")]
+               public const int Farsi_5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_6")]
+               public const int Farsi_6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_7")]
+               public const int Farsi_7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_8")]
+               public const int Farsi_8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_9")]
+               public const int Farsi_9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Farsi_yeh")]
+               public const int Farsi_yeh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Favorites")]
+               public const int Favorites;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Finance")]
+               public const int Finance;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Find")]
+               public const int Find;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_First_Virtual_Screen")]
+               public const int First_Virtual_Screen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Forward")]
+               public const int Forward;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_FrameBack")]
+               public const int FrameBack;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_FrameForward")]
+               public const int FrameForward;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_G")]
+               public const int G;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Gabovedot")]
+               public const int Gabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Game")]
+               public const int Game;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Gbreve")]
+               public const int Gbreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Gcaron")]
+               public const int Gcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Gcedilla")]
+               public const int Gcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Gcircumflex")]
+               public const int Gcircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_an")]
+               public const int Georgian_an;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_ban")]
+               public const int Georgian_ban;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_can")]
+               public const int Georgian_can;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_char")]
+               public const int Georgian_char;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_chin")]
+               public const int Georgian_chin;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_cil")]
+               public const int Georgian_cil;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_don")]
+               public const int Georgian_don;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_en")]
+               public const int Georgian_en;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_fi")]
+               public const int Georgian_fi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_gan")]
+               public const int Georgian_gan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_ghan")]
+               public const int Georgian_ghan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_hae")]
+               public const int Georgian_hae;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_har")]
+               public const int Georgian_har;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_he")]
+               public const int Georgian_he;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_hie")]
+               public const int Georgian_hie;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_hoe")]
+               public const int Georgian_hoe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_in")]
+               public const int Georgian_in;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_jhan")]
+               public const int Georgian_jhan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_jil")]
+               public const int Georgian_jil;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_kan")]
+               public const int Georgian_kan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_khar")]
+               public const int Georgian_khar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_las")]
+               public const int Georgian_las;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_man")]
+               public const int Georgian_man;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_nar")]
+               public const int Georgian_nar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_on")]
+               public const int Georgian_on;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_par")]
+               public const int Georgian_par;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_phar")]
+               public const int Georgian_phar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_qar")]
+               public const int Georgian_qar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_rae")]
+               public const int Georgian_rae;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_san")]
+               public const int Georgian_san;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_shin")]
+               public const int Georgian_shin;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_tan")]
+               public const int Georgian_tan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_tar")]
+               public const int Georgian_tar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_un")]
+               public const int Georgian_un;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_vin")]
+               public const int Georgian_vin;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_we")]
+               public const int Georgian_we;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_xan")]
+               public const int Georgian_xan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_zen")]
+               public const int Georgian_zen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Georgian_zhar")]
+               public const int Georgian_zhar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Go")]
+               public const int Go;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_ALPHA")]
+               public const int Greek_ALPHA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_ALPHAaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_ALPHAaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_BETA")]
+               public const int Greek_BETA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_CHI")]
+               public const int Greek_CHI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_DELTA")]
+               public const int Greek_DELTA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_EPSILON")]
+               public const int Greek_EPSILON;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_EPSILONaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_EPSILONaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_ETA")]
+               public const int Greek_ETA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_ETAaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_ETAaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_GAMMA")]
+               public const int Greek_GAMMA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_IOTA")]
+               public const int Greek_IOTA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_IOTAaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_IOTAaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_IOTAdiaeresis")]
+               public const int Greek_IOTAdiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_IOTAdieresis")]
+               public const int Greek_IOTAdieresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_KAPPA")]
+               public const int Greek_KAPPA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_LAMBDA")]
+               public const int Greek_LAMBDA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_LAMDA")]
+               public const int Greek_LAMDA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_MU")]
+               public const int Greek_MU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_NU")]
+               public const int Greek_NU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_OMEGA")]
+               public const int Greek_OMEGA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_OMEGAaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_OMEGAaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_OMICRON")]
+               public const int Greek_OMICRON;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_OMICRONaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_OMICRONaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_PHI")]
+               public const int Greek_PHI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_PI")]
+               public const int Greek_PI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_PSI")]
+               public const int Greek_PSI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_RHO")]
+               public const int Greek_RHO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_SIGMA")]
+               public const int Greek_SIGMA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_TAU")]
+               public const int Greek_TAU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_THETA")]
+               public const int Greek_THETA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_UPSILON")]
+               public const int Greek_UPSILON;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_UPSILONaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_UPSILONaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_UPSILONdieresis")]
+               public const int Greek_UPSILONdieresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_XI")]
+               public const int Greek_XI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_ZETA")]
+               public const int Greek_ZETA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_accentdieresis")]
+               public const int Greek_accentdieresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_alpha")]
+               public const int Greek_alpha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_alphaaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_alphaaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_beta")]
+               public const int Greek_beta;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_chi")]
+               public const int Greek_chi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_delta")]
+               public const int Greek_delta;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_epsilon")]
+               public const int Greek_epsilon;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_epsilonaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_epsilonaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_eta")]
+               public const int Greek_eta;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_etaaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_etaaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_finalsmallsigma")]
+               public const int Greek_finalsmallsigma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_gamma")]
+               public const int Greek_gamma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_horizbar")]
+               public const int Greek_horizbar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_iota")]
+               public const int Greek_iota;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_iotaaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_iotaaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_iotaaccentdieresis")]
+               public const int Greek_iotaaccentdieresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_iotadieresis")]
+               public const int Greek_iotadieresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_kappa")]
+               public const int Greek_kappa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_lambda")]
+               public const int Greek_lambda;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_lamda")]
+               public const int Greek_lamda;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_mu")]
+               public const int Greek_mu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_nu")]
+               public const int Greek_nu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_omega")]
+               public const int Greek_omega;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_omegaaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_omegaaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_omicron")]
+               public const int Greek_omicron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_omicronaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_omicronaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_phi")]
+               public const int Greek_phi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_pi")]
+               public const int Greek_pi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_psi")]
+               public const int Greek_psi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_rho")]
+               public const int Greek_rho;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_sigma")]
+               public const int Greek_sigma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_switch")]
+               public const int Greek_switch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_tau")]
+               public const int Greek_tau;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_theta")]
+               public const int Greek_theta;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_upsilon")]
+               public const int Greek_upsilon;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_upsilonaccent")]
+               public const int Greek_upsilonaccent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis")]
+               public const int Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_upsilondieresis")]
+               public const int Greek_upsilondieresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_xi")]
+               public const int Greek_xi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Greek_zeta")]
+               public const int Greek_zeta;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Green")]
+               public const int Green;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_H")]
+               public const int H;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul")]
+               public const int Hangul;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_A")]
+               public const int Hangul_A;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_AE")]
+               public const int Hangul_AE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_AraeA")]
+               public const int Hangul_AraeA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_AraeAE")]
+               public const int Hangul_AraeAE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Banja")]
+               public const int Hangul_Banja;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Cieuc")]
+               public const int Hangul_Cieuc;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Codeinput")]
+               public const int Hangul_Codeinput;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Dikeud")]
+               public const int Hangul_Dikeud;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_E")]
+               public const int Hangul_E;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_EO")]
+               public const int Hangul_EO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_EU")]
+               public const int Hangul_EU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_End")]
+               public const int Hangul_End;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Hanja")]
+               public const int Hangul_Hanja;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Hieuh")]
+               public const int Hangul_Hieuh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_I")]
+               public const int Hangul_I;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Ieung")]
+               public const int Hangul_Ieung;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Cieuc")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Cieuc;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Dikeud")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Dikeud;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Hieuh")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Hieuh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Ieung")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Ieung;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Jieuj")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Jieuj;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Khieuq")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Khieuq;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Kiyeog")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Kiyeog;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_KiyeogSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_KiyeogSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_KkogjiDalrinIeung")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_KkogjiDalrinIeung;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Mieum")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Mieum;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Nieun")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Nieun;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_NieunHieuh")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_NieunHieuh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_NieunJieuj")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_NieunJieuj;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_PanSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_PanSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Phieuf")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Phieuf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Pieub")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Pieub;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_PieubSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_PieubSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Rieul")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Rieul;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_RieulHieuh")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_RieulHieuh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_RieulKiyeog")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_RieulKiyeog;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_RieulMieum")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_RieulMieum;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_RieulPhieuf")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_RieulPhieuf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_RieulPieub")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_RieulPieub;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_RieulSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_RieulSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_RieulTieut")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_RieulTieut;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Sios")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Sios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_SsangKiyeog")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_SsangKiyeog;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_SsangSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_SsangSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_Tieut")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_Tieut;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh")]
+               public const int Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Jamo")]
+               public const int Hangul_Jamo;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Jeonja")]
+               public const int Hangul_Jeonja;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Jieuj")]
+               public const int Hangul_Jieuj;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Khieuq")]
+               public const int Hangul_Khieuq;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Kiyeog")]
+               public const int Hangul_Kiyeog;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_KiyeogSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_KiyeogSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_KkogjiDalrinIeung")]
+               public const int Hangul_KkogjiDalrinIeung;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Mieum")]
+               public const int Hangul_Mieum;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_MultipleCandidate")]
+               public const int Hangul_MultipleCandidate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Nieun")]
+               public const int Hangul_Nieun;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_NieunHieuh")]
+               public const int Hangul_NieunHieuh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_NieunJieuj")]
+               public const int Hangul_NieunJieuj;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_O")]
+               public const int Hangul_O;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_OE")]
+               public const int Hangul_OE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_PanSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_PanSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Phieuf")]
+               public const int Hangul_Phieuf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Pieub")]
+               public const int Hangul_Pieub;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_PieubSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_PieubSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_PostHanja")]
+               public const int Hangul_PostHanja;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_PreHanja")]
+               public const int Hangul_PreHanja;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_PreviousCandidate")]
+               public const int Hangul_PreviousCandidate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Rieul")]
+               public const int Hangul_Rieul;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_RieulHieuh")]
+               public const int Hangul_RieulHieuh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_RieulKiyeog")]
+               public const int Hangul_RieulKiyeog;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_RieulMieum")]
+               public const int Hangul_RieulMieum;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_RieulPhieuf")]
+               public const int Hangul_RieulPhieuf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_RieulPieub")]
+               public const int Hangul_RieulPieub;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_RieulSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_RieulSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_RieulTieut")]
+               public const int Hangul_RieulTieut;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_RieulYeorinHieuh")]
+               public const int Hangul_RieulYeorinHieuh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Romaja")]
+               public const int Hangul_Romaja;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_SingleCandidate")]
+               public const int Hangul_SingleCandidate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Sios")]
+               public const int Hangul_Sios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Special")]
+               public const int Hangul_Special;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_SsangDikeud")]
+               public const int Hangul_SsangDikeud;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_SsangJieuj")]
+               public const int Hangul_SsangJieuj;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_SsangKiyeog")]
+               public const int Hangul_SsangKiyeog;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_SsangPieub")]
+               public const int Hangul_SsangPieub;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_SsangSios")]
+               public const int Hangul_SsangSios;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Start")]
+               public const int Hangul_Start;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_SunkyeongeumMieum")]
+               public const int Hangul_SunkyeongeumMieum;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPhieuf")]
+               public const int Hangul_SunkyeongeumPhieuf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPieub")]
+               public const int Hangul_SunkyeongeumPieub;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_Tieut")]
+               public const int Hangul_Tieut;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_U")]
+               public const int Hangul_U;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_WA")]
+               public const int Hangul_WA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_WAE")]
+               public const int Hangul_WAE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_WE")]
+               public const int Hangul_WE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_WEO")]
+               public const int Hangul_WEO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_WI")]
+               public const int Hangul_WI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_YA")]
+               public const int Hangul_YA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_YAE")]
+               public const int Hangul_YAE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_YE")]
+               public const int Hangul_YE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_YEO")]
+               public const int Hangul_YEO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_YI")]
+               public const int Hangul_YI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_YO")]
+               public const int Hangul_YO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_YU")]
+               public const int Hangul_YU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_YeorinHieuh")]
+               public const int Hangul_YeorinHieuh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hangul_switch")]
+               public const int Hangul_switch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hankaku")]
+               public const int Hankaku;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hcircumflex")]
+               public const int Hcircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hebrew_switch")]
+               public const int Hebrew_switch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Help")]
+               public const int Help;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Henkan")]
+               public const int Henkan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Henkan_Mode")]
+               public const int Henkan_Mode;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hibernate")]
+               public const int Hibernate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hiragana")]
+               public const int Hiragana;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hiragana_Katakana")]
+               public const int Hiragana_Katakana;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_History")]
+               public const int History;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Home")]
+               public const int Home;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_HomePage")]
+               public const int HomePage;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_HotLinks")]
+               public const int HotLinks;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hstroke")]
+               public const int Hstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hyper_L")]
+               public const int Hyper_L;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Hyper_R")]
+               public const int Hyper_R;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_I")]
+               public const int I;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Center_Object")]
+               public const int ISO_Center_Object;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Continuous_Underline")]
+               public const int ISO_Continuous_Underline;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Discontinuous_Underline")]
+               public const int ISO_Discontinuous_Underline;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Emphasize")]
+               public const int ISO_Emphasize;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Enter")]
+               public const int ISO_Enter;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Down")]
+               public const int ISO_Fast_Cursor_Down;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Left")]
+               public const int ISO_Fast_Cursor_Left;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Right")]
+               public const int ISO_Fast_Cursor_Right;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Up")]
+               public const int ISO_Fast_Cursor_Up;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_First_Group")]
+               public const int ISO_First_Group;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_First_Group_Lock")]
+               public const int ISO_First_Group_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Group_Latch")]
+               public const int ISO_Group_Latch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Group_Lock")]
+               public const int ISO_Group_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Group_Shift")]
+               public const int ISO_Group_Shift;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Last_Group")]
+               public const int ISO_Last_Group;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Last_Group_Lock")]
+               public const int ISO_Last_Group_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Left_Tab")]
+               public const int ISO_Left_Tab;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Level2_Latch")]
+               public const int ISO_Level2_Latch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Level3_Latch")]
+               public const int ISO_Level3_Latch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Level3_Lock")]
+               public const int ISO_Level3_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Level3_Shift")]
+               public const int ISO_Level3_Shift;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Level5_Latch")]
+               public const int ISO_Level5_Latch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Level5_Lock")]
+               public const int ISO_Level5_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Level5_Shift")]
+               public const int ISO_Level5_Shift;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Lock")]
+               public const int ISO_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Move_Line_Down")]
+               public const int ISO_Move_Line_Down;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Move_Line_Up")]
+               public const int ISO_Move_Line_Up;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Next_Group")]
+               public const int ISO_Next_Group;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Next_Group_Lock")]
+               public const int ISO_Next_Group_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Partial_Line_Down")]
+               public const int ISO_Partial_Line_Down;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Partial_Line_Up")]
+               public const int ISO_Partial_Line_Up;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Partial_Space_Left")]
+               public const int ISO_Partial_Space_Left;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Partial_Space_Right")]
+               public const int ISO_Partial_Space_Right;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Prev_Group")]
+               public const int ISO_Prev_Group;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Prev_Group_Lock")]
+               public const int ISO_Prev_Group_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Release_Both_Margins")]
+               public const int ISO_Release_Both_Margins;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Release_Margin_Left")]
+               public const int ISO_Release_Margin_Left;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Release_Margin_Right")]
+               public const int ISO_Release_Margin_Right;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Set_Margin_Left")]
+               public const int ISO_Set_Margin_Left;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ISO_Set_Margin_Right")]
+               public const int ISO_Set_Margin_Right;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Iabovedot")]
+               public const int Iabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Iacute")]
+               public const int Iacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ibelowdot")]
+               public const int Ibelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ibreve")]
+               public const int Ibreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Icircumflex")]
+               public const int Icircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Idiaeresis")]
+               public const int Idiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Igrave")]
+               public const int Igrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ihook")]
+               public const int Ihook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Imacron")]
+               public const int Imacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Insert")]
+               public const int Insert;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Iogonek")]
+               public const int Iogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Itilde")]
+               public const int Itilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_J")]
+               public const int J;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Jcircumflex")]
+               public const int Jcircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_K")]
+               public const int K;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_0")]
+               public const int KP_0;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_1")]
+               public const int KP_1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_2")]
+               public const int KP_2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_3")]
+               public const int KP_3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_4")]
+               public const int KP_4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_5")]
+               public const int KP_5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_6")]
+               public const int KP_6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_7")]
+               public const int KP_7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_8")]
+               public const int KP_8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_9")]
+               public const int KP_9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Add")]
+               public const int KP_Add;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Begin")]
+               public const int KP_Begin;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Decimal")]
+               public const int KP_Decimal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Delete")]
+               public const int KP_Delete;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Divide")]
+               public const int KP_Divide;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Down")]
+               public const int KP_Down;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_End")]
+               public const int KP_End;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Enter")]
+               public const int KP_Enter;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Equal")]
+               public const int KP_Equal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_F1")]
+               public const int KP_F1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_F2")]
+               public const int KP_F2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_F3")]
+               public const int KP_F3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_F4")]
+               public const int KP_F4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Home")]
+               public const int KP_Home;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Insert")]
+               public const int KP_Insert;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Left")]
+               public const int KP_Left;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Multiply")]
+               public const int KP_Multiply;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Next")]
+               public const int KP_Next;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Page_Down")]
+               public const int KP_Page_Down;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Page_Up")]
+               public const int KP_Page_Up;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Prior")]
+               public const int KP_Prior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Right")]
+               public const int KP_Right;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Separator")]
+               public const int KP_Separator;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Space")]
+               public const int KP_Space;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Subtract")]
+               public const int KP_Subtract;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Tab")]
+               public const int KP_Tab;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KP_Up")]
+               public const int KP_Up;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Kana_Lock")]
+               public const int Kana_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Kana_Shift")]
+               public const int Kana_Shift;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Kanji")]
+               public const int Kanji;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Kanji_Bangou")]
+               public const int Kanji_Bangou;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Katakana")]
+               public const int Katakana;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KbdBrightnessDown")]
+               public const int KbdBrightnessDown;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KbdBrightnessUp")]
+               public const int KbdBrightnessUp;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_KbdLightOnOff")]
+               public const int KbdLightOnOff;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Kcedilla")]
+               public const int Kcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Korean_Won")]
+               public const int Korean_Won;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L")]
+               public const int L;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L1")]
+               public const int L1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L10")]
+               public const int L10;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L2")]
+               public const int L2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L3")]
+               public const int L3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L4")]
+               public const int L4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L5")]
+               public const int L5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L6")]
+               public const int L6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L7")]
+               public const int L7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L8")]
+               public const int L8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_L9")]
+               public const int L9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Lacute")]
+               public const int Lacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Last_Virtual_Screen")]
+               public const int Last_Virtual_Screen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch0")]
+               public const int Launch0;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch1")]
+               public const int Launch1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch2")]
+               public const int Launch2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch3")]
+               public const int Launch3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch4")]
+               public const int Launch4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch5")]
+               public const int Launch5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch6")]
+               public const int Launch6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch7")]
+               public const int Launch7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch8")]
+               public const int Launch8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Launch9")]
+               public const int Launch9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LaunchA")]
+               public const int LaunchA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LaunchB")]
+               public const int LaunchB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LaunchC")]
+               public const int LaunchC;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LaunchD")]
+               public const int LaunchD;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LaunchE")]
+               public const int LaunchE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LaunchF")]
+               public const int LaunchF;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Lbelowdot")]
+               public const int Lbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Lcaron")]
+               public const int Lcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Lcedilla")]
+               public const int Lcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Left")]
+               public const int Left;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LightBulb")]
+               public const int LightBulb;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Linefeed")]
+               public const int Linefeed;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LiraSign")]
+               public const int LiraSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LogGrabInfo")]
+               public const int LogGrabInfo;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LogOff")]
+               public const int LogOff;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_LogWindowTree")]
+               public const int LogWindowTree;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Lstroke")]
+               public const int Lstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_M")]
+               public const int M;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Mabovedot")]
+               public const int Mabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Macedonia_DSE")]
+               public const int Macedonia_DSE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Macedonia_GJE")]
+               public const int Macedonia_GJE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Macedonia_KJE")]
+               public const int Macedonia_KJE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Macedonia_dse")]
+               public const int Macedonia_dse;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Macedonia_gje")]
+               public const int Macedonia_gje;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Macedonia_kje")]
+               public const int Macedonia_kje;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Mae_Koho")]
+               public const int Mae_Koho;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Mail")]
+               public const int Mail;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MailForward")]
+               public const int MailForward;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Market")]
+               public const int Market;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Massyo")]
+               public const int Massyo;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Meeting")]
+               public const int Meeting;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Memo")]
+               public const int Memo;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Menu")]
+               public const int Menu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MenuKB")]
+               public const int MenuKB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MenuPB")]
+               public const int MenuPB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Messenger")]
+               public const int Messenger;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Meta_L")]
+               public const int Meta_L;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Meta_R")]
+               public const int Meta_R;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MillSign")]
+               public const int MillSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ModeLock")]
+               public const int ModeLock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Mode_switch")]
+               public const int Mode_switch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MonBrightnessDown")]
+               public const int MonBrightnessDown;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MonBrightnessUp")]
+               public const int MonBrightnessUp;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MouseKeys_Accel_Enable")]
+               public const int MouseKeys_Accel_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MouseKeys_Enable")]
+               public const int MouseKeys_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Muhenkan")]
+               public const int Muhenkan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Multi_key")]
+               public const int Multi_key;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MultipleCandidate")]
+               public const int MultipleCandidate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Music")]
+               public const int Music;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MyComputer")]
+               public const int MyComputer;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_MySites")]
+               public const int MySites;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_N")]
+               public const int N;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Nacute")]
+               public const int Nacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_NairaSign")]
+               public const int NairaSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ncaron")]
+               public const int Ncaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ncedilla")]
+               public const int Ncedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_New")]
+               public const int New;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_NewSheqelSign")]
+               public const int NewSheqelSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_News")]
+               public const int News;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Next")]
+               public const int Next;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Next_VMode")]
+               public const int Next_VMode;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Next_Virtual_Screen")]
+               public const int Next_Virtual_Screen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ntilde")]
+               public const int Ntilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Num_Lock")]
+               public const int Num_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_O")]
+               public const int O;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_OE")]
+               public const int OE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Oacute")]
+               public const int Oacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Obarred")]
+               public const int Obarred;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Obelowdot")]
+               public const int Obelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ocaron")]
+               public const int Ocaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ocircumflex")]
+               public const int Ocircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ocircumflexacute")]
+               public const int Ocircumflexacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ocircumflexbelowdot")]
+               public const int Ocircumflexbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ocircumflexgrave")]
+               public const int Ocircumflexgrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ocircumflexhook")]
+               public const int Ocircumflexhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ocircumflextilde")]
+               public const int Ocircumflextilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Odiaeresis")]
+               public const int Odiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Odoubleacute")]
+               public const int Odoubleacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_OfficeHome")]
+               public const int OfficeHome;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ograve")]
+               public const int Ograve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ohook")]
+               public const int Ohook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ohorn")]
+               public const int Ohorn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ohornacute")]
+               public const int Ohornacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ohornbelowdot")]
+               public const int Ohornbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ohorngrave")]
+               public const int Ohorngrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ohornhook")]
+               public const int Ohornhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ohorntilde")]
+               public const int Ohorntilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Omacron")]
+               public const int Omacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ooblique")]
+               public const int Ooblique;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Open")]
+               public const int Open;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_OpenURL")]
+               public const int OpenURL;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Option")]
+               public const int Option;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Oslash")]
+               public const int Oslash;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Otilde")]
+               public const int Otilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Overlay1_Enable")]
+               public const int Overlay1_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Overlay2_Enable")]
+               public const int Overlay2_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_P")]
+               public const int P;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pabovedot")]
+               public const int Pabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Page_Down")]
+               public const int Page_Down;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Page_Up")]
+               public const int Page_Up;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Paste")]
+               public const int Paste;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pause")]
+               public const int Pause;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_PesetaSign")]
+               public const int PesetaSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Phone")]
+               public const int Phone;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pictures")]
+               public const int Pictures;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Accelerate")]
+               public const int Pointer_Accelerate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Button1")]
+               public const int Pointer_Button1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Button2")]
+               public const int Pointer_Button2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Button3")]
+               public const int Pointer_Button3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Button4")]
+               public const int Pointer_Button4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Button5")]
+               public const int Pointer_Button5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Button_Dflt")]
+               public const int Pointer_Button_Dflt;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DblClick1")]
+               public const int Pointer_DblClick1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DblClick2")]
+               public const int Pointer_DblClick2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DblClick3")]
+               public const int Pointer_DblClick3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DblClick4")]
+               public const int Pointer_DblClick4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DblClick5")]
+               public const int Pointer_DblClick5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DblClick_Dflt")]
+               public const int Pointer_DblClick_Dflt;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DfltBtnNext")]
+               public const int Pointer_DfltBtnNext;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DfltBtnPrev")]
+               public const int Pointer_DfltBtnPrev;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Down")]
+               public const int Pointer_Down;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DownLeft")]
+               public const int Pointer_DownLeft;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_DownRight")]
+               public const int Pointer_DownRight;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Drag1")]
+               public const int Pointer_Drag1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Drag2")]
+               public const int Pointer_Drag2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Drag3")]
+               public const int Pointer_Drag3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Drag4")]
+               public const int Pointer_Drag4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Drag5")]
+               public const int Pointer_Drag5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Drag_Dflt")]
+               public const int Pointer_Drag_Dflt;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_EnableKeys")]
+               public const int Pointer_EnableKeys;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Left")]
+               public const int Pointer_Left;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Right")]
+               public const int Pointer_Right;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_Up")]
+               public const int Pointer_Up;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_UpLeft")]
+               public const int Pointer_UpLeft;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Pointer_UpRight")]
+               public const int Pointer_UpRight;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_PowerDown")]
+               public const int PowerDown;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_PowerOff")]
+               public const int PowerOff;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Prev_VMode")]
+               public const int Prev_VMode;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Prev_Virtual_Screen")]
+               public const int Prev_Virtual_Screen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_PreviousCandidate")]
+               public const int PreviousCandidate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Print")]
+               public const int Print;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Prior")]
+               public const int Prior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Q")]
+               public const int Q;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R")]
+               public const int R;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R1")]
+               public const int R1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R10")]
+               public const int R10;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R11")]
+               public const int R11;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R12")]
+               public const int R12;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R13")]
+               public const int R13;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R14")]
+               public const int R14;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R15")]
+               public const int R15;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R2")]
+               public const int R2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R3")]
+               public const int R3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R4")]
+               public const int R4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R5")]
+               public const int R5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R6")]
+               public const int R6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R7")]
+               public const int R7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R8")]
+               public const int R8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_R9")]
+               public const int R9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Racute")]
+               public const int Racute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Rcaron")]
+               public const int Rcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Rcedilla")]
+               public const int Rcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Red")]
+               public const int Red;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Redo")]
+               public const int Redo;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Refresh")]
+               public const int Refresh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Reload")]
+               public const int Reload;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_RepeatKeys_Enable")]
+               public const int RepeatKeys_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Reply")]
+               public const int Reply;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Return")]
+               public const int Return;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Right")]
+               public const int Right;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_RockerDown")]
+               public const int RockerDown;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_RockerEnter")]
+               public const int RockerEnter;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_RockerUp")]
+               public const int RockerUp;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Romaji")]
+               public const int Romaji;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_RotateWindows")]
+               public const int RotateWindows;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_RotationKB")]
+               public const int RotationKB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_RotationPB")]
+               public const int RotationPB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_RupeeSign")]
+               public const int RupeeSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_S")]
+               public const int S;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_SCHWA")]
+               public const int SCHWA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sabovedot")]
+               public const int Sabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sacute")]
+               public const int Sacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Save")]
+               public const int Save;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Scaron")]
+               public const int Scaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Scedilla")]
+               public const int Scedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Scircumflex")]
+               public const int Scircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ScreenSaver")]
+               public const int ScreenSaver;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ScrollClick")]
+               public const int ScrollClick;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ScrollDown")]
+               public const int ScrollDown;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ScrollUp")]
+               public const int ScrollUp;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Scroll_Lock")]
+               public const int Scroll_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Search")]
+               public const int Search;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Select")]
+               public const int Select;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_SelectButton")]
+               public const int SelectButton;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Send")]
+               public const int Send;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_DJE")]
+               public const int Serbian_DJE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_DZE")]
+               public const int Serbian_DZE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_JE")]
+               public const int Serbian_JE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_LJE")]
+               public const int Serbian_LJE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_NJE")]
+               public const int Serbian_NJE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_TSHE")]
+               public const int Serbian_TSHE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_dje")]
+               public const int Serbian_dje;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_dze")]
+               public const int Serbian_dze;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_je")]
+               public const int Serbian_je;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_lje")]
+               public const int Serbian_lje;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_nje")]
+               public const int Serbian_nje;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Serbian_tshe")]
+               public const int Serbian_tshe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Shift_L")]
+               public const int Shift_L;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Shift_Lock")]
+               public const int Shift_Lock;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Shift_R")]
+               public const int Shift_R;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Shop")]
+               public const int Shop;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_SingleCandidate")]
+               public const int SingleCandidate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_a")]
+               public const int Sinh_a;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_aa")]
+               public const int Sinh_aa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_aa2")]
+               public const int Sinh_aa2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ae")]
+               public const int Sinh_ae;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ae2")]
+               public const int Sinh_ae2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_aee")]
+               public const int Sinh_aee;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_aee2")]
+               public const int Sinh_aee2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ai")]
+               public const int Sinh_ai;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ai2")]
+               public const int Sinh_ai2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_al")]
+               public const int Sinh_al;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_au")]
+               public const int Sinh_au;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_au2")]
+               public const int Sinh_au2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ba")]
+               public const int Sinh_ba;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_bha")]
+               public const int Sinh_bha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ca")]
+               public const int Sinh_ca;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_cha")]
+               public const int Sinh_cha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_dda")]
+               public const int Sinh_dda;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ddha")]
+               public const int Sinh_ddha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_dha")]
+               public const int Sinh_dha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_dhha")]
+               public const int Sinh_dhha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_e")]
+               public const int Sinh_e;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_e2")]
+               public const int Sinh_e2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ee")]
+               public const int Sinh_ee;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ee2")]
+               public const int Sinh_ee2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_fa")]
+               public const int Sinh_fa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ga")]
+               public const int Sinh_ga;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_gha")]
+               public const int Sinh_gha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_h2")]
+               public const int Sinh_h2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ha")]
+               public const int Sinh_ha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_i")]
+               public const int Sinh_i;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_i2")]
+               public const int Sinh_i2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ii")]
+               public const int Sinh_ii;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ii2")]
+               public const int Sinh_ii2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ja")]
+               public const int Sinh_ja;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_jha")]
+               public const int Sinh_jha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_jnya")]
+               public const int Sinh_jnya;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ka")]
+               public const int Sinh_ka;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_kha")]
+               public const int Sinh_kha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_kunddaliya")]
+               public const int Sinh_kunddaliya;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_la")]
+               public const int Sinh_la;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_lla")]
+               public const int Sinh_lla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_lu")]
+               public const int Sinh_lu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_lu2")]
+               public const int Sinh_lu2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_luu")]
+               public const int Sinh_luu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_luu2")]
+               public const int Sinh_luu2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ma")]
+               public const int Sinh_ma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_mba")]
+               public const int Sinh_mba;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_na")]
+               public const int Sinh_na;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ndda")]
+               public const int Sinh_ndda;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ndha")]
+               public const int Sinh_ndha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ng")]
+               public const int Sinh_ng;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ng2")]
+               public const int Sinh_ng2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_nga")]
+               public const int Sinh_nga;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_nja")]
+               public const int Sinh_nja;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_nna")]
+               public const int Sinh_nna;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_nya")]
+               public const int Sinh_nya;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_o")]
+               public const int Sinh_o;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_o2")]
+               public const int Sinh_o2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_oo")]
+               public const int Sinh_oo;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_oo2")]
+               public const int Sinh_oo2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_pa")]
+               public const int Sinh_pa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_pha")]
+               public const int Sinh_pha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ra")]
+               public const int Sinh_ra;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ri")]
+               public const int Sinh_ri;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_rii")]
+               public const int Sinh_rii;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ru2")]
+               public const int Sinh_ru2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ruu2")]
+               public const int Sinh_ruu2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_sa")]
+               public const int Sinh_sa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_sha")]
+               public const int Sinh_sha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ssha")]
+               public const int Sinh_ssha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_tha")]
+               public const int Sinh_tha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_thha")]
+               public const int Sinh_thha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_tta")]
+               public const int Sinh_tta;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ttha")]
+               public const int Sinh_ttha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_u")]
+               public const int Sinh_u;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_u2")]
+               public const int Sinh_u2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_uu")]
+               public const int Sinh_uu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_uu2")]
+               public const int Sinh_uu2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_va")]
+               public const int Sinh_va;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sinh_ya")]
+               public const int Sinh_ya;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sleep")]
+               public const int Sleep;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_SlowKeys_Enable")]
+               public const int SlowKeys_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Spell")]
+               public const int Spell;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_SplitScreen")]
+               public const int SplitScreen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Standby")]
+               public const int Standby;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Start")]
+               public const int Start;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_StickyKeys_Enable")]
+               public const int StickyKeys_Enable;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Stop")]
+               public const int Stop;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Subtitle")]
+               public const int Subtitle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Super_L")]
+               public const int Super_L;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Super_R")]
+               public const int Super_R;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Support")]
+               public const int Support;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Suspend")]
+               public const int Suspend;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_1")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_10")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_10;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_11")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_11;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_12")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_12;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_2")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_3")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_4")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_5")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_6")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_7")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_8")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Switch_VT_9")]
+               public const int Switch_VT_9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Sys_Req")]
+               public const int Sys_Req;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_T")]
+               public const int T;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_THORN")]
+               public const int THORN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Tab")]
+               public const int Tab;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Tabovedot")]
+               public const int Tabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_TaskPane")]
+               public const int TaskPane;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Tcaron")]
+               public const int Tcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Tcedilla")]
+               public const int Tcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Terminal")]
+               public const int Terminal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Terminate_Server")]
+               public const int Terminate_Server;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_baht")]
+               public const int Thai_baht;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_bobaimai")]
+               public const int Thai_bobaimai;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_chochan")]
+               public const int Thai_chochan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_chochang")]
+               public const int Thai_chochang;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_choching")]
+               public const int Thai_choching;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_chochoe")]
+               public const int Thai_chochoe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_dochada")]
+               public const int Thai_dochada;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_dodek")]
+               public const int Thai_dodek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_fofa")]
+               public const int Thai_fofa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_fofan")]
+               public const int Thai_fofan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_hohip")]
+               public const int Thai_hohip;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_honokhuk")]
+               public const int Thai_honokhuk;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_khokhai")]
+               public const int Thai_khokhai;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_khokhon")]
+               public const int Thai_khokhon;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_khokhuat")]
+               public const int Thai_khokhuat;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_khokhwai")]
+               public const int Thai_khokhwai;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_khorakhang")]
+               public const int Thai_khorakhang;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_kokai")]
+               public const int Thai_kokai;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_lakkhangyao")]
+               public const int Thai_lakkhangyao;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_lekchet")]
+               public const int Thai_lekchet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_lekha")]
+               public const int Thai_lekha;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_lekhok")]
+               public const int Thai_lekhok;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_lekkao")]
+               public const int Thai_lekkao;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_leknung")]
+               public const int Thai_leknung;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_lekpaet")]
+               public const int Thai_lekpaet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_leksam")]
+               public const int Thai_leksam;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_leksi")]
+               public const int Thai_leksi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_leksong")]
+               public const int Thai_leksong;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_leksun")]
+               public const int Thai_leksun;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_lochula")]
+               public const int Thai_lochula;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_loling")]
+               public const int Thai_loling;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_lu")]
+               public const int Thai_lu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_maichattawa")]
+               public const int Thai_maichattawa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_maiek")]
+               public const int Thai_maiek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_maihanakat")]
+               public const int Thai_maihanakat;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_maihanakat_maitho")]
+               public const int Thai_maihanakat_maitho;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_maitaikhu")]
+               public const int Thai_maitaikhu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_maitho")]
+               public const int Thai_maitho;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_maitri")]
+               public const int Thai_maitri;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_maiyamok")]
+               public const int Thai_maiyamok;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_moma")]
+               public const int Thai_moma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_ngongu")]
+               public const int Thai_ngongu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_nikhahit")]
+               public const int Thai_nikhahit;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_nonen")]
+               public const int Thai_nonen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_nonu")]
+               public const int Thai_nonu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_oang")]
+               public const int Thai_oang;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_paiyannoi")]
+               public const int Thai_paiyannoi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_phinthu")]
+               public const int Thai_phinthu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_phophan")]
+               public const int Thai_phophan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_phophung")]
+               public const int Thai_phophung;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_phosamphao")]
+               public const int Thai_phosamphao;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_popla")]
+               public const int Thai_popla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_rorua")]
+               public const int Thai_rorua;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_ru")]
+               public const int Thai_ru;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_saraa")]
+               public const int Thai_saraa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_saraaa")]
+               public const int Thai_saraaa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_saraae")]
+               public const int Thai_saraae;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_saraaimaimalai")]
+               public const int Thai_saraaimaimalai;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_saraaimaimuan")]
+               public const int Thai_saraaimaimuan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_saraam")]
+               public const int Thai_saraam;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_sarae")]
+               public const int Thai_sarae;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_sarai")]
+               public const int Thai_sarai;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_saraii")]
+               public const int Thai_saraii;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_sarao")]
+               public const int Thai_sarao;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_sarau")]
+               public const int Thai_sarau;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_saraue")]
+               public const int Thai_saraue;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_sarauee")]
+               public const int Thai_sarauee;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_sarauu")]
+               public const int Thai_sarauu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_sorusi")]
+               public const int Thai_sorusi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_sosala")]
+               public const int Thai_sosala;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_soso")]
+               public const int Thai_soso;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_sosua")]
+               public const int Thai_sosua;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_thanthakhat")]
+               public const int Thai_thanthakhat;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_thonangmontho")]
+               public const int Thai_thonangmontho;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_thophuthao")]
+               public const int Thai_thophuthao;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_thothahan")]
+               public const int Thai_thothahan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_thothan")]
+               public const int Thai_thothan;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_thothong")]
+               public const int Thai_thothong;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_thothung")]
+               public const int Thai_thothung;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_topatak")]
+               public const int Thai_topatak;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_totao")]
+               public const int Thai_totao;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_wowaen")]
+               public const int Thai_wowaen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_yoyak")]
+               public const int Thai_yoyak;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thai_yoying")]
+               public const int Thai_yoying;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Thorn")]
+               public const int Thorn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Time")]
+               public const int Time;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ToDoList")]
+               public const int ToDoList;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Tools")]
+               public const int Tools;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_TopMenu")]
+               public const int TopMenu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_TouchpadOff")]
+               public const int TouchpadOff;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_TouchpadOn")]
+               public const int TouchpadOn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_TouchpadToggle")]
+               public const int TouchpadToggle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Touroku")]
+               public const int Touroku;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Travel")]
+               public const int Travel;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Tslash")]
+               public const int Tslash;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_U")]
+               public const int U;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_UWB")]
+               public const int UWB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uacute")]
+               public const int Uacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ubelowdot")]
+               public const int Ubelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ubreve")]
+               public const int Ubreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ucircumflex")]
+               public const int Ucircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Udiaeresis")]
+               public const int Udiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Udoubleacute")]
+               public const int Udoubleacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ugrave")]
+               public const int Ugrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uhook")]
+               public const int Uhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uhorn")]
+               public const int Uhorn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uhornacute")]
+               public const int Uhornacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uhornbelowdot")]
+               public const int Uhornbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uhorngrave")]
+               public const int Uhorngrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uhornhook")]
+               public const int Uhornhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uhorntilde")]
+               public const int Uhorntilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukrainian_GHE_WITH_UPTURN")]
+               public const int Ukrainian_GHE_WITH_UPTURN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukrainian_I")]
+               public const int Ukrainian_I;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukrainian_IE")]
+               public const int Ukrainian_IE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukrainian_YI")]
+               public const int Ukrainian_YI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukrainian_ghe_with_upturn")]
+               public const int Ukrainian_ghe_with_upturn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukrainian_i")]
+               public const int Ukrainian_i;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukrainian_ie")]
+               public const int Ukrainian_ie;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukrainian_yi")]
+               public const int Ukrainian_yi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukranian_I")]
+               public const int Ukranian_I;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukranian_JE")]
+               public const int Ukranian_JE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukranian_YI")]
+               public const int Ukranian_YI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukranian_i")]
+               public const int Ukranian_i;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukranian_je")]
+               public const int Ukranian_je;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ukranian_yi")]
+               public const int Ukranian_yi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Umacron")]
+               public const int Umacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Undo")]
+               public const int Undo;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ungrab")]
+               public const int Ungrab;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uogonek")]
+               public const int Uogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Up")]
+               public const int Up;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Uring")]
+               public const int Uring;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_User1KB")]
+               public const int User1KB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_User2KB")]
+               public const int User2KB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_UserPB")]
+               public const int UserPB;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Utilde")]
+               public const int Utilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_V")]
+               public const int V;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_VendorHome")]
+               public const int VendorHome;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Video")]
+               public const int Video;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_View")]
+               public const int View;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_VoidSymbol")]
+               public const int VoidSymbol;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_W")]
+               public const int W;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_WLAN")]
+               public const int WLAN;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_WWW")]
+               public const int WWW;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Wacute")]
+               public const int Wacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_WakeUp")]
+               public const int WakeUp;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Wcircumflex")]
+               public const int Wcircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Wdiaeresis")]
+               public const int Wdiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_WebCam")]
+               public const int WebCam;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Wgrave")]
+               public const int Wgrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_WheelButton")]
+               public const int WheelButton;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_WindowClear")]
+               public const int WindowClear;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_WonSign")]
+               public const int WonSign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Word")]
+               public const int Word;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_X")]
+               public const int X;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Xabovedot")]
+               public const int Xabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Xfer")]
+               public const int Xfer;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Y")]
+               public const int Y;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Yacute")]
+               public const int Yacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ybelowdot")]
+               public const int Ybelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ycircumflex")]
+               public const int Ycircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ydiaeresis")]
+               public const int Ydiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Yellow")]
+               public const int Yellow;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ygrave")]
+               public const int Ygrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Yhook")]
+               public const int Yhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Ytilde")]
+               public const int Ytilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Z")]
+               public const int Z;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Zabovedot")]
+               public const int Zabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Zacute")]
+               public const int Zacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Zcaron")]
+               public const int Zcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Zen_Koho")]
+               public const int Zen_Koho;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Zenkaku")]
+               public const int Zenkaku;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Zenkaku_Hankaku")]
+               public const int Zenkaku_Hankaku;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ZoomIn")]
+               public const int ZoomIn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ZoomOut")]
+               public const int ZoomOut;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_Zstroke")]
+               public const int Zstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_a")]
+               public const int a;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_aacute")]
+               public const int aacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_abelowdot")]
+               public const int abelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_abovedot")]
+               public const int abovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_abreve")]
+               public const int abreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_abreveacute")]
+               public const int abreveacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_abrevebelowdot")]
+               public const int abrevebelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_abrevegrave")]
+               public const int abrevegrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_abrevehook")]
+               public const int abrevehook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_abrevetilde")]
+               public const int abrevetilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_acircumflex")]
+               public const int acircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_acircumflexacute")]
+               public const int acircumflexacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_acircumflexbelowdot")]
+               public const int acircumflexbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_acircumflexgrave")]
+               public const int acircumflexgrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_acircumflexhook")]
+               public const int acircumflexhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_acircumflextilde")]
+               public const int acircumflextilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_acute")]
+               public const int acute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_adiaeresis")]
+               public const int adiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ae")]
+               public const int ae;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_agrave")]
+               public const int agrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ahook")]
+               public const int ahook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_amacron")]
+               public const int amacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ampersand")]
+               public const int ampersand;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_aogonek")]
+               public const int aogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_apostrophe")]
+               public const int apostrophe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_approxeq")]
+               public const int approxeq;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_approximate")]
+               public const int approximate;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_aring")]
+               public const int aring;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_asciicircum")]
+               public const int asciicircum;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_asciitilde")]
+               public const int asciitilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_asterisk")]
+               public const int asterisk;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_at")]
+               public const int at;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_atilde")]
+               public const int atilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_b")]
+               public const int b;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_babovedot")]
+               public const int babovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_backslash")]
+               public const int backslash;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ballotcross")]
+               public const int ballotcross;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_bar")]
+               public const int bar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_because")]
+               public const int because;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_blank")]
+               public const int blank;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_botintegral")]
+               public const int botintegral;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_botleftparens")]
+               public const int botleftparens;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_botleftsqbracket")]
+               public const int botleftsqbracket;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_botleftsummation")]
+               public const int botleftsummation;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_botrightparens")]
+               public const int botrightparens;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_botrightsqbracket")]
+               public const int botrightsqbracket;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_botrightsummation")]
+               public const int botrightsummation;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_bott")]
+               public const int bott;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_botvertsummationconnector")]
+               public const int botvertsummationconnector;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braceleft")]
+               public const int braceleft;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braceright")]
+               public const int braceright;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_bracketleft")]
+               public const int bracketleft;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_bracketright")]
+               public const int bracketright;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_blank")]
+               public const int braille_blank;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_1")]
+               public const int braille_dot_1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_10")]
+               public const int braille_dot_10;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_2")]
+               public const int braille_dot_2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_3")]
+               public const int braille_dot_3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_4")]
+               public const int braille_dot_4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_5")]
+               public const int braille_dot_5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_6")]
+               public const int braille_dot_6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_7")]
+               public const int braille_dot_7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_8")]
+               public const int braille_dot_8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dot_9")]
+               public const int braille_dot_9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1234")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1234;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12345")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12345;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123456")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123456;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1234567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1234567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12345678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12345678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1234568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1234568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123457")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123457;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1234578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1234578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123458")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123458;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12346")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12346;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123467")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123467;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1234678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1234678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123468")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123468;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12347")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12347;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123478")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123478;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12348")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12348;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1235")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1235;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12356")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12356;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1235678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1235678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12357")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12357;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12358")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12358;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1236")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1236;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12367")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12367;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_123678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_123678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12368")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12368;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1237")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1237;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12378")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12378;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1238")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1238;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_124")]
+               public const int braille_dots_124;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1245")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1245;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12456")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12456;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_124567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_124567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1245678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1245678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_124568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_124568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12457")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12457;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_124578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_124578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12458")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12458;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1246")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1246;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12467")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12467;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_124678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_124678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12468")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12468;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1247")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1247;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12478")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12478;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1248")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1248;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_125")]
+               public const int braille_dots_125;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1256")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1256;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_125678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_125678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1257")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1257;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1258")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1258;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_126")]
+               public const int braille_dots_126;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1267")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1267;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_12678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_12678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1268")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1268;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_127")]
+               public const int braille_dots_127;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1278")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1278;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_128")]
+               public const int braille_dots_128;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_134")]
+               public const int braille_dots_134;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1345")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1345;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13456")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13456;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_134567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_134567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1345678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1345678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_134568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_134568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13457")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13457;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_134578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_134578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13458")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13458;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1346")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1346;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13467")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13467;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_134678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_134678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13468")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13468;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1347")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1347;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13478")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13478;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1348")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1348;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_135")]
+               public const int braille_dots_135;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1356")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1356;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_135678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_135678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1357")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1357;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1358")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1358;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_136")]
+               public const int braille_dots_136;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1367")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1367;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_13678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_13678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1368")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1368;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_137")]
+               public const int braille_dots_137;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1378")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1378;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_138")]
+               public const int braille_dots_138;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_14")]
+               public const int braille_dots_14;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_145")]
+               public const int braille_dots_145;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1456")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1456;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_14567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_14567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_145678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_145678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_14568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_14568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1457")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1457;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_14578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_14578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1458")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1458;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_146")]
+               public const int braille_dots_146;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1467")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1467;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_14678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_14678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1468")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1468;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_147")]
+               public const int braille_dots_147;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1478")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1478;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_148")]
+               public const int braille_dots_148;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_15")]
+               public const int braille_dots_15;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_156")]
+               public const int braille_dots_156;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_15678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_15678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_157")]
+               public const int braille_dots_157;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_158")]
+               public const int braille_dots_158;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_16")]
+               public const int braille_dots_16;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_167")]
+               public const int braille_dots_167;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_1678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_1678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_168")]
+               public const int braille_dots_168;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_17")]
+               public const int braille_dots_17;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_178")]
+               public const int braille_dots_178;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_18")]
+               public const int braille_dots_18;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_234")]
+               public const int braille_dots_234;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2345")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2345;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23456")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23456;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_234567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_234567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2345678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2345678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_234568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_234568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23457")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23457;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_234578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_234578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23458")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23458;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2346")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2346;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23467")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23467;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_234678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_234678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23468")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23468;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2347")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2347;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23478")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23478;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2348")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2348;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_235")]
+               public const int braille_dots_235;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2356")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2356;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_235678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_235678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2357")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2357;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2358")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2358;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_236")]
+               public const int braille_dots_236;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2367")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2367;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_23678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_23678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2368")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2368;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_237")]
+               public const int braille_dots_237;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2378")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2378;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_238")]
+               public const int braille_dots_238;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_24")]
+               public const int braille_dots_24;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_245")]
+               public const int braille_dots_245;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2456")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2456;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_24567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_24567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_245678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_245678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_24568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_24568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2457")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2457;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_24578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_24578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2458")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2458;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_246")]
+               public const int braille_dots_246;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2467")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2467;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_24678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_24678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2468")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2468;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_247")]
+               public const int braille_dots_247;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2478")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2478;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_248")]
+               public const int braille_dots_248;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_25")]
+               public const int braille_dots_25;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_256")]
+               public const int braille_dots_256;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_25678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_25678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_257")]
+               public const int braille_dots_257;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_258")]
+               public const int braille_dots_258;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_26")]
+               public const int braille_dots_26;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_267")]
+               public const int braille_dots_267;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_2678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_2678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_268")]
+               public const int braille_dots_268;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_27")]
+               public const int braille_dots_27;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_278")]
+               public const int braille_dots_278;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_28")]
+               public const int braille_dots_28;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_34")]
+               public const int braille_dots_34;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_345")]
+               public const int braille_dots_345;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3456")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3456;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_34567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_34567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_345678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_345678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_34568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_34568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3457")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3457;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_34578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_34578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3458")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3458;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_346")]
+               public const int braille_dots_346;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3467")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3467;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_34678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_34678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3468")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3468;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_347")]
+               public const int braille_dots_347;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3478")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3478;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_348")]
+               public const int braille_dots_348;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_35")]
+               public const int braille_dots_35;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_356")]
+               public const int braille_dots_356;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_35678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_35678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_357")]
+               public const int braille_dots_357;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_358")]
+               public const int braille_dots_358;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_36")]
+               public const int braille_dots_36;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_367")]
+               public const int braille_dots_367;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_3678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_3678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_368")]
+               public const int braille_dots_368;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_37")]
+               public const int braille_dots_37;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_378")]
+               public const int braille_dots_378;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_38")]
+               public const int braille_dots_38;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_4")]
+               public const int braille_dots_4;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_45")]
+               public const int braille_dots_45;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_456")]
+               public const int braille_dots_456;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_4567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_4567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_45678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_45678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_4568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_4568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_457")]
+               public const int braille_dots_457;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_4578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_4578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_458")]
+               public const int braille_dots_458;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_46")]
+               public const int braille_dots_46;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_467")]
+               public const int braille_dots_467;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_4678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_4678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_468")]
+               public const int braille_dots_468;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_47")]
+               public const int braille_dots_47;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_478")]
+               public const int braille_dots_478;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_48")]
+               public const int braille_dots_48;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_5")]
+               public const int braille_dots_5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_56")]
+               public const int braille_dots_56;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_567")]
+               public const int braille_dots_567;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_5678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_5678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_568")]
+               public const int braille_dots_568;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_57")]
+               public const int braille_dots_57;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_578")]
+               public const int braille_dots_578;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_58")]
+               public const int braille_dots_58;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_6")]
+               public const int braille_dots_6;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_67")]
+               public const int braille_dots_67;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_678")]
+               public const int braille_dots_678;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_68")]
+               public const int braille_dots_68;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_7")]
+               public const int braille_dots_7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_78")]
+               public const int braille_dots_78;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_braille_dots_8")]
+               public const int braille_dots_8;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_breve")]
+               public const int breve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_brokenbar")]
+               public const int brokenbar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_c")]
+               public const int c;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_c_h")]
+               public const int c_h;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_cabovedot")]
+               public const int cabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_cacute")]
+               public const int cacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_careof")]
+               public const int careof;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_caret")]
+               public const int caret;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_caron")]
+               public const int caron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ccaron")]
+               public const int ccaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ccedilla")]
+               public const int ccedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ccircumflex")]
+               public const int ccircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_cedilla")]
+               public const int cedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_cent")]
+               public const int cent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ch")]
+               public const int ch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_checkerboard")]
+               public const int checkerboard;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_checkmark")]
+               public const int checkmark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_circle")]
+               public const int circle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_club")]
+               public const int club;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_colon")]
+               public const int colon;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_comma")]
+               public const int comma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_containsas")]
+               public const int containsas;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_copyright")]
+               public const int copyright;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_cr")]
+               public const int cr;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_crossinglines")]
+               public const int crossinglines;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_cuberoot")]
+               public const int cuberoot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_currency")]
+               public const int currency;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_cursor")]
+               public const int cursor;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_d")]
+               public const int d;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dabovedot")]
+               public const int dabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dagger")]
+               public const int dagger;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dcaron")]
+               public const int dcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_A")]
+               public const int dead_A;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_E")]
+               public const int dead_E;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_I")]
+               public const int dead_I;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_O")]
+               public const int dead_O;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_U")]
+               public const int dead_U;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_a")]
+               public const int dead_a;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_abovecomma")]
+               public const int dead_abovecomma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_abovedot")]
+               public const int dead_abovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_abovereversedcomma")]
+               public const int dead_abovereversedcomma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_abovering")]
+               public const int dead_abovering;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_aboveverticalline")]
+               public const int dead_aboveverticalline;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_acute")]
+               public const int dead_acute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_belowbreve")]
+               public const int dead_belowbreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_belowcircumflex")]
+               public const int dead_belowcircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_belowcomma")]
+               public const int dead_belowcomma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_belowdiaeresis")]
+               public const int dead_belowdiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_belowdot")]
+               public const int dead_belowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_belowmacron")]
+               public const int dead_belowmacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_belowring")]
+               public const int dead_belowring;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_belowtilde")]
+               public const int dead_belowtilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_belowverticalline")]
+               public const int dead_belowverticalline;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_breve")]
+               public const int dead_breve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_capital_schwa")]
+               public const int dead_capital_schwa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_caron")]
+               public const int dead_caron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_cedilla")]
+               public const int dead_cedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_circumflex")]
+               public const int dead_circumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_currency")]
+               public const int dead_currency;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_dasia")]
+               public const int dead_dasia;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_diaeresis")]
+               public const int dead_diaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_doubleacute")]
+               public const int dead_doubleacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_doublegrave")]
+               public const int dead_doublegrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_e")]
+               public const int dead_e;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_grave")]
+               public const int dead_grave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_greek")]
+               public const int dead_greek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_hook")]
+               public const int dead_hook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_horn")]
+               public const int dead_horn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_i")]
+               public const int dead_i;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_invertedbreve")]
+               public const int dead_invertedbreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_iota")]
+               public const int dead_iota;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_longsolidusoverlay")]
+               public const int dead_longsolidusoverlay;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_lowline")]
+               public const int dead_lowline;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_macron")]
+               public const int dead_macron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_o")]
+               public const int dead_o;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_ogonek")]
+               public const int dead_ogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_perispomeni")]
+               public const int dead_perispomeni;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_psili")]
+               public const int dead_psili;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_semivoiced_sound")]
+               public const int dead_semivoiced_sound;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_small_schwa")]
+               public const int dead_small_schwa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_stroke")]
+               public const int dead_stroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_tilde")]
+               public const int dead_tilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_u")]
+               public const int dead_u;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dead_voiced_sound")]
+               public const int dead_voiced_sound;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_decimalpoint")]
+               public const int decimalpoint;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_degree")]
+               public const int degree;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_diaeresis")]
+               public const int diaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_diamond")]
+               public const int diamond;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_digitspace")]
+               public const int digitspace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dintegral")]
+               public const int dintegral;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_division")]
+               public const int division;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dollar")]
+               public const int dollar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_doubbaselinedot")]
+               public const int doubbaselinedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_doubleacute")]
+               public const int doubleacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_doubledagger")]
+               public const int doubledagger;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_doublelowquotemark")]
+               public const int doublelowquotemark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_downarrow")]
+               public const int downarrow;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_downcaret")]
+               public const int downcaret;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_downshoe")]
+               public const int downshoe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_downstile")]
+               public const int downstile;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_downtack")]
+               public const int downtack;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_dstroke")]
+               public const int dstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_e")]
+               public const int e;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_eabovedot")]
+               public const int eabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_eacute")]
+               public const int eacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ebelowdot")]
+               public const int ebelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ecaron")]
+               public const int ecaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ecircumflex")]
+               public const int ecircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ecircumflexacute")]
+               public const int ecircumflexacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ecircumflexbelowdot")]
+               public const int ecircumflexbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ecircumflexgrave")]
+               public const int ecircumflexgrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ecircumflexhook")]
+               public const int ecircumflexhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ecircumflextilde")]
+               public const int ecircumflextilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ediaeresis")]
+               public const int ediaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_egrave")]
+               public const int egrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ehook")]
+               public const int ehook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_eightsubscript")]
+               public const int eightsubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_eightsuperior")]
+               public const int eightsuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_elementof")]
+               public const int elementof;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ellipsis")]
+               public const int ellipsis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_em3space")]
+               public const int em3space;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_em4space")]
+               public const int em4space;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_emacron")]
+               public const int emacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_emdash")]
+               public const int emdash;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_emfilledcircle")]
+               public const int emfilledcircle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_emfilledrect")]
+               public const int emfilledrect;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_emopencircle")]
+               public const int emopencircle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_emopenrectangle")]
+               public const int emopenrectangle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_emptyset")]
+               public const int emptyset;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_emspace")]
+               public const int emspace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_endash")]
+               public const int endash;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_enfilledcircbullet")]
+               public const int enfilledcircbullet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_enfilledsqbullet")]
+               public const int enfilledsqbullet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_eng")]
+               public const int eng;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_enopencircbullet")]
+               public const int enopencircbullet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_enopensquarebullet")]
+               public const int enopensquarebullet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_enspace")]
+               public const int enspace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_eogonek")]
+               public const int eogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_equal")]
+               public const int equal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_eth")]
+               public const int eth;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_etilde")]
+               public const int etilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_exclam")]
+               public const int exclam;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_exclamdown")]
+               public const int exclamdown;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ezh")]
+               public const int ezh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_f")]
+               public const int f;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_fabovedot")]
+               public const int fabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_femalesymbol")]
+               public const int femalesymbol;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ff")]
+               public const int ff;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_figdash")]
+               public const int figdash;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_filledlefttribullet")]
+               public const int filledlefttribullet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_filledrectbullet")]
+               public const int filledrectbullet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_filledrighttribullet")]
+               public const int filledrighttribullet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_filledtribulletdown")]
+               public const int filledtribulletdown;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_filledtribulletup")]
+               public const int filledtribulletup;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_fiveeighths")]
+               public const int fiveeighths;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_fivesixths")]
+               public const int fivesixths;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_fivesubscript")]
+               public const int fivesubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_fivesuperior")]
+               public const int fivesuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_fourfifths")]
+               public const int fourfifths;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_foursubscript")]
+               public const int foursubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_foursuperior")]
+               public const int foursuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_fourthroot")]
+               public const int fourthroot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_function")]
+               public const int function;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_g")]
+               public const int g;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_gabovedot")]
+               public const int gabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_gbreve")]
+               public const int gbreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_gcaron")]
+               public const int gcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_gcedilla")]
+               public const int gcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_gcircumflex")]
+               public const int gcircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_grave")]
+               public const int grave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_greater")]
+               public const int greater;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_greaterthanequal")]
+               public const int greaterthanequal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_guillemotleft")]
+               public const int guillemotleft;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_guillemotright")]
+               public const int guillemotright;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_h")]
+               public const int h;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hairspace")]
+               public const int hairspace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hcircumflex")]
+               public const int hcircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_heart")]
+               public const int heart;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_aleph")]
+               public const int hebrew_aleph;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_ayin")]
+               public const int hebrew_ayin;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_bet")]
+               public const int hebrew_bet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_beth")]
+               public const int hebrew_beth;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_chet")]
+               public const int hebrew_chet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_dalet")]
+               public const int hebrew_dalet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_daleth")]
+               public const int hebrew_daleth;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_doublelowline")]
+               public const int hebrew_doublelowline;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_finalkaph")]
+               public const int hebrew_finalkaph;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_finalmem")]
+               public const int hebrew_finalmem;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_finalnun")]
+               public const int hebrew_finalnun;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_finalpe")]
+               public const int hebrew_finalpe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_finalzade")]
+               public const int hebrew_finalzade;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_finalzadi")]
+               public const int hebrew_finalzadi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_gimel")]
+               public const int hebrew_gimel;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_gimmel")]
+               public const int hebrew_gimmel;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_he")]
+               public const int hebrew_he;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_het")]
+               public const int hebrew_het;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_kaph")]
+               public const int hebrew_kaph;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_kuf")]
+               public const int hebrew_kuf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_lamed")]
+               public const int hebrew_lamed;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_mem")]
+               public const int hebrew_mem;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_nun")]
+               public const int hebrew_nun;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_pe")]
+               public const int hebrew_pe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_qoph")]
+               public const int hebrew_qoph;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_resh")]
+               public const int hebrew_resh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_samech")]
+               public const int hebrew_samech;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_samekh")]
+               public const int hebrew_samekh;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_shin")]
+               public const int hebrew_shin;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_taf")]
+               public const int hebrew_taf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_taw")]
+               public const int hebrew_taw;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_tet")]
+               public const int hebrew_tet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_teth")]
+               public const int hebrew_teth;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_waw")]
+               public const int hebrew_waw;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_yod")]
+               public const int hebrew_yod;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_zade")]
+               public const int hebrew_zade;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_zadi")]
+               public const int hebrew_zadi;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_zain")]
+               public const int hebrew_zain;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hebrew_zayin")]
+               public const int hebrew_zayin;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hexagram")]
+               public const int hexagram;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_horizconnector")]
+               public const int horizconnector;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_horizlinescan1")]
+               public const int horizlinescan1;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_horizlinescan3")]
+               public const int horizlinescan3;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_horizlinescan5")]
+               public const int horizlinescan5;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_horizlinescan7")]
+               public const int horizlinescan7;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_horizlinescan9")]
+               public const int horizlinescan9;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hstroke")]
+               public const int hstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ht")]
+               public const int ht;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_hyphen")]
+               public const int hyphen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_i")]
+               public const int i;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_iTouch")]
+               public const int iTouch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_iacute")]
+               public const int iacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ibelowdot")]
+               public const int ibelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ibreve")]
+               public const int ibreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_icircumflex")]
+               public const int icircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_identical")]
+               public const int identical;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_idiaeresis")]
+               public const int idiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_idotless")]
+               public const int idotless;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ifonlyif")]
+               public const int ifonlyif;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_igrave")]
+               public const int igrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ihook")]
+               public const int ihook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_imacron")]
+               public const int imacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_implies")]
+               public const int implies;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_includedin")]
+               public const int includedin;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_includes")]
+               public const int includes;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_infinity")]
+               public const int infinity;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_integral")]
+               public const int integral;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_intersection")]
+               public const int intersection;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_iogonek")]
+               public const int iogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_itilde")]
+               public const int itilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_j")]
+               public const int j;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_jcircumflex")]
+               public const int jcircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_jot")]
+               public const int jot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_k")]
+               public const int k;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_A")]
+               public const int kana_A;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_CHI")]
+               public const int kana_CHI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_E")]
+               public const int kana_E;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_FU")]
+               public const int kana_FU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_HA")]
+               public const int kana_HA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_HE")]
+               public const int kana_HE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_HI")]
+               public const int kana_HI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_HO")]
+               public const int kana_HO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_HU")]
+               public const int kana_HU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_I")]
+               public const int kana_I;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_KA")]
+               public const int kana_KA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_KE")]
+               public const int kana_KE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_KI")]
+               public const int kana_KI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_KO")]
+               public const int kana_KO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_KU")]
+               public const int kana_KU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_MA")]
+               public const int kana_MA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_ME")]
+               public const int kana_ME;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_MI")]
+               public const int kana_MI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_MO")]
+               public const int kana_MO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_MU")]
+               public const int kana_MU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_N")]
+               public const int kana_N;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_NA")]
+               public const int kana_NA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_NE")]
+               public const int kana_NE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_NI")]
+               public const int kana_NI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_NO")]
+               public const int kana_NO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_NU")]
+               public const int kana_NU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_O")]
+               public const int kana_O;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_RA")]
+               public const int kana_RA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_RE")]
+               public const int kana_RE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_RI")]
+               public const int kana_RI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_RO")]
+               public const int kana_RO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_RU")]
+               public const int kana_RU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_SA")]
+               public const int kana_SA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_SE")]
+               public const int kana_SE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_SHI")]
+               public const int kana_SHI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_SO")]
+               public const int kana_SO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_SU")]
+               public const int kana_SU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_TA")]
+               public const int kana_TA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_TE")]
+               public const int kana_TE;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_TI")]
+               public const int kana_TI;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_TO")]
+               public const int kana_TO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_TSU")]
+               public const int kana_TSU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_TU")]
+               public const int kana_TU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_U")]
+               public const int kana_U;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_WA")]
+               public const int kana_WA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_WO")]
+               public const int kana_WO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_YA")]
+               public const int kana_YA;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_YO")]
+               public const int kana_YO;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_YU")]
+               public const int kana_YU;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_a")]
+               public const int kana_a;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_closingbracket")]
+               public const int kana_closingbracket;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_comma")]
+               public const int kana_comma;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_conjunctive")]
+               public const int kana_conjunctive;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_e")]
+               public const int kana_e;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_fullstop")]
+               public const int kana_fullstop;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_i")]
+               public const int kana_i;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_middledot")]
+               public const int kana_middledot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_o")]
+               public const int kana_o;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_openingbracket")]
+               public const int kana_openingbracket;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_switch")]
+               public const int kana_switch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_tsu")]
+               public const int kana_tsu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_tu")]
+               public const int kana_tu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_u")]
+               public const int kana_u;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_ya")]
+               public const int kana_ya;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_yo")]
+               public const int kana_yo;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kana_yu")]
+               public const int kana_yu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kappa")]
+               public const int kappa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kcedilla")]
+               public const int kcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_kra")]
+               public const int kra;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_l")]
+               public const int l;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lacute")]
+               public const int lacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_latincross")]
+               public const int latincross;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lbelowdot")]
+               public const int lbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lcaron")]
+               public const int lcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lcedilla")]
+               public const int lcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftanglebracket")]
+               public const int leftanglebracket;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftarrow")]
+               public const int leftarrow;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftcaret")]
+               public const int leftcaret;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftdoublequotemark")]
+               public const int leftdoublequotemark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftmiddlecurlybrace")]
+               public const int leftmiddlecurlybrace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftopentriangle")]
+               public const int leftopentriangle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftpointer")]
+               public const int leftpointer;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftradical")]
+               public const int leftradical;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftshoe")]
+               public const int leftshoe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftsinglequotemark")]
+               public const int leftsinglequotemark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_leftt")]
+               public const int leftt;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lefttack")]
+               public const int lefttack;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_less")]
+               public const int less;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lessthanequal")]
+               public const int lessthanequal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lf")]
+               public const int lf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_logicaland")]
+               public const int logicaland;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_logicalor")]
+               public const int logicalor;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lowleftcorner")]
+               public const int lowleftcorner;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lowrightcorner")]
+               public const int lowrightcorner;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_lstroke")]
+               public const int lstroke;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_m")]
+               public const int m;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_mabovedot")]
+               public const int mabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_macron")]
+               public const int macron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_malesymbol")]
+               public const int malesymbol;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_maltesecross")]
+               public const int maltesecross;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_marker")]
+               public const int marker;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_masculine")]
+               public const int masculine;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_minus")]
+               public const int minus;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_minutes")]
+               public const int minutes;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_mu")]
+               public const int mu;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_multiply")]
+               public const int multiply;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_musicalflat")]
+               public const int musicalflat;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_musicalsharp")]
+               public const int musicalsharp;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_n")]
+               public const int n;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_nabla")]
+               public const int nabla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_nacute")]
+               public const int nacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ncaron")]
+               public const int ncaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ncedilla")]
+               public const int ncedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ninesubscript")]
+               public const int ninesubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ninesuperior")]
+               public const int ninesuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_nl")]
+               public const int nl;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_nobreakspace")]
+               public const int nobreakspace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_notapproxeq")]
+               public const int notapproxeq;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_notelementof")]
+               public const int notelementof;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_notequal")]
+               public const int notequal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_notidentical")]
+               public const int notidentical;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_notsign")]
+               public const int notsign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ntilde")]
+               public const int ntilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_numbersign")]
+               public const int numbersign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_numerosign")]
+               public const int numerosign;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_o")]
+               public const int o;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_oacute")]
+               public const int oacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_obarred")]
+               public const int obarred;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_obelowdot")]
+               public const int obelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ocaron")]
+               public const int ocaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ocircumflex")]
+               public const int ocircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ocircumflexacute")]
+               public const int ocircumflexacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ocircumflexbelowdot")]
+               public const int ocircumflexbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ocircumflexgrave")]
+               public const int ocircumflexgrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ocircumflexhook")]
+               public const int ocircumflexhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ocircumflextilde")]
+               public const int ocircumflextilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_odiaeresis")]
+               public const int odiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_odoubleacute")]
+               public const int odoubleacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_oe")]
+               public const int oe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ogonek")]
+               public const int ogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ograve")]
+               public const int ograve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ohook")]
+               public const int ohook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ohorn")]
+               public const int ohorn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ohornacute")]
+               public const int ohornacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ohornbelowdot")]
+               public const int ohornbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ohorngrave")]
+               public const int ohorngrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ohornhook")]
+               public const int ohornhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ohorntilde")]
+               public const int ohorntilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_omacron")]
+               public const int omacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_oneeighth")]
+               public const int oneeighth;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_onefifth")]
+               public const int onefifth;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_onehalf")]
+               public const int onehalf;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_onequarter")]
+               public const int onequarter;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_onesixth")]
+               public const int onesixth;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_onesubscript")]
+               public const int onesubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_onesuperior")]
+               public const int onesuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_onethird")]
+               public const int onethird;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ooblique")]
+               public const int ooblique;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_openrectbullet")]
+               public const int openrectbullet;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_openstar")]
+               public const int openstar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_opentribulletdown")]
+               public const int opentribulletdown;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_opentribulletup")]
+               public const int opentribulletup;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ordfeminine")]
+               public const int ordfeminine;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_oslash")]
+               public const int oslash;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_otilde")]
+               public const int otilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_overbar")]
+               public const int overbar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_overline")]
+               public const int overline;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_p")]
+               public const int p;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_pabovedot")]
+               public const int pabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_paragraph")]
+               public const int paragraph;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_parenleft")]
+               public const int parenleft;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_parenright")]
+               public const int parenright;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_partdifferential")]
+               public const int partdifferential;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_partialderivative")]
+               public const int partialderivative;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_percent")]
+               public const int percent;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_period")]
+               public const int period;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_periodcentered")]
+               public const int periodcentered;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_permille")]
+               public const int permille;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_phonographcopyright")]
+               public const int phonographcopyright;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_plus")]
+               public const int plus;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_plusminus")]
+               public const int plusminus;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_prescription")]
+               public const int prescription;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_prolongedsound")]
+               public const int prolongedsound;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_punctspace")]
+               public const int punctspace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_q")]
+               public const int q;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_quad")]
+               public const int quad;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_question")]
+               public const int question;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_questiondown")]
+               public const int questiondown;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_quotedbl")]
+               public const int quotedbl;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_quoteleft")]
+               public const int quoteleft;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_quoteright")]
+               public const int quoteright;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_r")]
+               public const int r;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_racute")]
+               public const int racute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_radical")]
+               public const int radical;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rcaron")]
+               public const int rcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rcedilla")]
+               public const int rcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_registered")]
+               public const int registered;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightanglebracket")]
+               public const int rightanglebracket;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightarrow")]
+               public const int rightarrow;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightcaret")]
+               public const int rightcaret;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightdoublequotemark")]
+               public const int rightdoublequotemark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightmiddlecurlybrace")]
+               public const int rightmiddlecurlybrace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightmiddlesummation")]
+               public const int rightmiddlesummation;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightopentriangle")]
+               public const int rightopentriangle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightpointer")]
+               public const int rightpointer;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightshoe")]
+               public const int rightshoe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightsinglequotemark")]
+               public const int rightsinglequotemark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_rightt")]
+               public const int rightt;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_righttack")]
+               public const int righttack;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_s")]
+               public const int s;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_sabovedot")]
+               public const int sabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_sacute")]
+               public const int sacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_scaron")]
+               public const int scaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_scedilla")]
+               public const int scedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_schwa")]
+               public const int schwa;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_scircumflex")]
+               public const int scircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_script_switch")]
+               public const int script_switch;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_seconds")]
+               public const int seconds;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_section")]
+               public const int section;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_semicolon")]
+               public const int semicolon;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_semivoicedsound")]
+               public const int semivoicedsound;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_seveneighths")]
+               public const int seveneighths;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_sevensubscript")]
+               public const int sevensubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_sevensuperior")]
+               public const int sevensuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_signaturemark")]
+               public const int signaturemark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_signifblank")]
+               public const int signifblank;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_similarequal")]
+               public const int similarequal;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_singlelowquotemark")]
+               public const int singlelowquotemark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_sixsubscript")]
+               public const int sixsubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_sixsuperior")]
+               public const int sixsuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_slash")]
+               public const int slash;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_soliddiamond")]
+               public const int soliddiamond;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_space")]
+               public const int space;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_squareroot")]
+               public const int squareroot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ssharp")]
+               public const int ssharp;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_sterling")]
+               public const int sterling;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_stricteq")]
+               public const int stricteq;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_t")]
+               public const int t;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_tabovedot")]
+               public const int tabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_tcaron")]
+               public const int tcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_tcedilla")]
+               public const int tcedilla;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_telephone")]
+               public const int telephone;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_telephonerecorder")]
+               public const int telephonerecorder;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_therefore")]
+               public const int therefore;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_thinspace")]
+               public const int thinspace;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_thorn")]
+               public const int thorn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_threeeighths")]
+               public const int threeeighths;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_threefifths")]
+               public const int threefifths;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_threequarters")]
+               public const int threequarters;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_threesubscript")]
+               public const int threesubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_threesuperior")]
+               public const int threesuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_tintegral")]
+               public const int tintegral;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_topintegral")]
+               public const int topintegral;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_topleftparens")]
+               public const int topleftparens;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_topleftradical")]
+               public const int topleftradical;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_topleftsqbracket")]
+               public const int topleftsqbracket;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_topleftsummation")]
+               public const int topleftsummation;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_toprightparens")]
+               public const int toprightparens;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_toprightsqbracket")]
+               public const int toprightsqbracket;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_toprightsummation")]
+               public const int toprightsummation;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_topt")]
+               public const int topt;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_topvertsummationconnector")]
+               public const int topvertsummationconnector;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_trademark")]
+               public const int trademark;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_trademarkincircle")]
+               public const int trademarkincircle;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_tslash")]
+               public const int tslash;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_twofifths")]
+               public const int twofifths;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_twosubscript")]
+               public const int twosubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_twosuperior")]
+               public const int twosuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_twothirds")]
+               public const int twothirds;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_u")]
+               public const int u;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uacute")]
+               public const int uacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ubelowdot")]
+               public const int ubelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ubreve")]
+               public const int ubreve;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ucircumflex")]
+               public const int ucircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_udiaeresis")]
+               public const int udiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_udoubleacute")]
+               public const int udoubleacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ugrave")]
+               public const int ugrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uhook")]
+               public const int uhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uhorn")]
+               public const int uhorn;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uhornacute")]
+               public const int uhornacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uhornbelowdot")]
+               public const int uhornbelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uhorngrave")]
+               public const int uhorngrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uhornhook")]
+               public const int uhornhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uhorntilde")]
+               public const int uhorntilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_umacron")]
+               public const int umacron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_underbar")]
+               public const int underbar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_underscore")]
+               public const int underscore;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_union")]
+               public const int union;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uogonek")]
+               public const int uogonek;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uparrow")]
+               public const int uparrow;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_upcaret")]
+               public const int upcaret;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_upleftcorner")]
+               public const int upleftcorner;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uprightcorner")]
+               public const int uprightcorner;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_upshoe")]
+               public const int upshoe;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_upstile")]
+               public const int upstile;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uptack")]
+               public const int uptack;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_uring")]
+               public const int uring;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_utilde")]
+               public const int utilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_v")]
+               public const int v;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_variation")]
+               public const int variation;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_vertbar")]
+               public const int vertbar;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_vertconnector")]
+               public const int vertconnector;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_voicedsound")]
+               public const int voicedsound;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_vt")]
+               public const int vt;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_w")]
+               public const int w;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_wacute")]
+               public const int wacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_wcircumflex")]
+               public const int wcircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_wdiaeresis")]
+               public const int wdiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_wgrave")]
+               public const int wgrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_x")]
+               public const int x;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_xabovedot")]
+               public const int xabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_y")]
+               public const int y;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_yacute")]
+               public const int yacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ybelowdot")]
+               public const int ybelowdot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ycircumflex")]
+               public const int ycircumflex;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ydiaeresis")]
+               public const int ydiaeresis;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_yen")]
+               public const int yen;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ygrave")]
+               public const int ygrave;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_yhook")]
+               public const int yhook;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_ytilde")]
+               public const int ytilde;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_z")]
+               public const int z;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_zabovedot")]
+               public const int zabovedot;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_zacute")]
+               public const int zacute;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_zcaron")]
+               public const int zcaron;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_zerosubscript")]
+               public const int zerosubscript;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_zerosuperior")]
+               public const int zerosuperior;
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_KEY_zstroke")]
+               public const int zstroke;
+       }
+       namespace Threads {
+               namespace FrameSource {
+                       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "clutter_threads_add_frame_source")]
+                       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+                       public static uint add (uint fps, GLib.SourceFunc func);
+                       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "clutter_threads_add_frame_source_full")]
+                       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+                       public static uint add_full (int priority, uint fps, owned GLib.SourceFunc func);
+               }
+               namespace Idle {
+                       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "clutter_threads_add_idle")]
+                       public static uint add (GLib.SourceFunc func);
+                       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "clutter_threads_add_idle_full")]
+                       public static uint add_full (int priority, owned GLib.SourceFunc func);
+               }
+               namespace Timeout {
+                       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "clutter_threads_add_timeout")]
+                       public static uint add (uint interval, GLib.SourceFunc func);
+                       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "clutter_threads_add_timeout_full")]
+                       public static uint add_full (int priority, uint interval, owned GLib.SourceFunc func);
+               }
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static uint add_repaint_func (owned GLib.SourceFunc func);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static uint add_repaint_func_full (Clutter.RepaintFlags flags, owned GLib.SourceFunc func);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public static void enter ();
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public static void init ();
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public static void leave ();
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static void remove_repaint_func (uint handle_id);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static void set_lock_functions (GLib.Callback enter_fn, GLib.Callback leave_fn);
+       }
+       namespace Util {
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "clutter_util_next_p2")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.2")]
+               public static int next_power_of_2 (int a);
+       }
+       namespace Value {
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static Clutter.PaintNode dup_paint_node (GLib.Value value);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static unowned Clutter.Color? get_color (GLib.Value value);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public static unowned Cogl.Fixed? get_fixed (GLib.Value value);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static unowned Clutter.PaintNode get_paint_node (GLib.Value value);
+               [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "gsize", cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static unowned float[] get_shader_float (GLib.Value value);
+               [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "gsize", cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static unowned int[] get_shader_int (GLib.Value value);
+               [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "gsize", cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static unowned float[] get_shader_matrix (GLib.Value value);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static unowned Clutter.Units? get_units (GLib.Value value);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static void set_color (GLib.Value value, Clutter.Color color);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public static void set_fixed (GLib.Value value, Cogl.Fixed fixed_);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static void set_paint_node (GLib.Value value, Clutter.PaintNode? node);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static void set_shader_float (GLib.Value value, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 1.5)] float[] floats);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static void set_shader_int (GLib.Value value, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 1.5)] int[] ints);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static void set_shader_matrix (GLib.Value value, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 1.5)] float[] matrix);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static void set_units (GLib.Value value, Clutter.Units units);
+               [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+               public static void take_paint_node (GLib.Value value, Clutter.PaintNode? node);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_action_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class Action : Clutter.ActorMeta {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Action ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_actor_get_type ()")]
+       public class Actor : GLib.InitiallyUnowned, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               public uint32 flags;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Actor ();
+               public void add_action (Clutter.Action action);
+               public void add_action_with_name (string name, Clutter.Action action);
+               public void add_child (Clutter.Actor child);
+               public void add_constraint (Clutter.Constraint constraint);
+               public void add_constraint_with_name (string name, Clutter.Constraint constraint);
+               public void add_effect (Clutter.Effect effect);
+               public void add_effect_with_name (string name, Clutter.Effect effect);
+               public void add_transition (string name, Clutter.Transition transition);
+               public virtual void allocate (Clutter.ActorBox box, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags);
+               public void allocate_align_fill (Clutter.ActorBox box, double x_align, double y_align, bool x_fill, bool y_fill, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags);
+               public void allocate_available_size (float x, float y, float available_width, float available_height, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags);
+               public void allocate_preferred_size (Clutter.AllocationFlags flags);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation animate (ulong mode, uint duration, ...);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation animate_with_alpha (Clutter.Alpha alpha, ...);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation animate_with_alphav (Clutter.Alpha alpha, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_properties", array_length_pos = 1.5)] string[] properties, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_properties", array_length_pos = 1.5)] GLib.Value[] values);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation animate_with_timeline (ulong mode, Clutter.Timeline timeline, ...);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation animate_with_timelinev (ulong mode, Clutter.Timeline timeline, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_properties", array_length_pos = 2.5)] string[] properties, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_properties", array_length_pos = 2.5)] GLib.Value[] values);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation animatev (ulong mode, uint duration, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_properties", array_length_pos = 2.5)] string[] properties, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_properties", array_length_pos = 2.5)] GLib.Value[] values);
+               public Clutter.Vertex apply_relative_transform_to_point (Clutter.Actor? ancestor, Clutter.Vertex point);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void apply_transform (ref Clutter.Matrix matrix);
+               public Clutter.Vertex apply_transform_to_point (Clutter.Vertex point);
+               public void bind_model (GLib.ListModel model, owned Clutter.ActorCreateChildFunc create_child_func);
+               public void clear_actions ();
+               public void clear_constraints ();
+               public void clear_effects ();
+               public bool contains (Clutter.Actor descendant);
+               public void continue_paint ();
+               public Pango.Context create_pango_context ();
+               public Pango.Layout create_pango_layout (string? text);
+               public void destroy_all_children ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void detach_animation ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_actor_event")]
+               public bool emit_event (Clutter.Event event, bool capture);
+               public void get_abs_allocation_vertices ([CCode (array_length = false)] Clutter.Vertex[] verts);
+               public virtual unowned Atk.Object get_accessible ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Action get_action (string name);
+               public GLib.List<weak Clutter.Action> get_actions ();
+               public Clutter.ActorBox get_allocation_box ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public Clutter.Geometry get_allocation_geometry ();
+               public void get_allocation_vertices (Clutter.Actor? ancestor, [CCode (array_length = false)] Clutter.Vertex[] verts);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_anchor_point (out float anchor_x, out float anchor_y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public Clutter.Gravity get_anchor_point_gravity ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation get_animation ();
+               public Clutter.Color get_background_color ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_get_actor_by_gid")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public static unowned Clutter.Actor get_by_gid (uint32 id_);
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_child_at_index (int index_);
+               public Clutter.Matrix get_child_transform ();
+               public GLib.List<weak Clutter.Actor> get_children ();
+               public void get_clip (out float xoff, out float yoff, out float width, out float height);
+               public bool get_clip_to_allocation ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Constraint get_constraint (string name);
+               public GLib.List<weak Clutter.Constraint> get_constraints ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Content get_content ();
+               public Clutter.ActorBox get_content_box ();
+               public Clutter.ContentGravity get_content_gravity ();
+               public Clutter.ContentRepeat get_content_repeat ();
+               public void get_content_scaling_filters (out Clutter.ScalingFilter min_filter, out Clutter.ScalingFilter mag_filter);
+               public unowned Clutter.PaintVolume get_default_paint_volume ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public float get_depth ();
+               public uint get_easing_delay ();
+               public uint get_easing_duration ();
+               public Clutter.AnimationMode get_easing_mode ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Effect get_effect (string name);
+               public GLib.List<weak Clutter.Effect> get_effects ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_first_child ();
+               public bool get_fixed_position_set ();
+               public Clutter.ActorFlags get_flags ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Geometry get_geometry ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public uint32 get_gid ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_actor_has_pointer")]
+               public bool get_has_pointer ();
+               public float get_height ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_last_child ();
+               public unowned Clutter.LayoutManager get_layout_manager ();
+               public void get_margin (Clutter.Margin margin);
+               public float get_margin_bottom ();
+               public float get_margin_left ();
+               public float get_margin_right ();
+               public float get_margin_top ();
+               public int get_n_children ();
+               public unowned string get_name ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_next_sibling ();
+               public Clutter.OffscreenRedirect get_offscreen_redirect ();
+               public uint8 get_opacity ();
+               public bool get_paint_box (out Clutter.ActorBox box);
+               public uint8 get_paint_opacity ();
+               public bool get_paint_visibility ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool get_paint_volume (Clutter.PaintVolume volume);
+               public unowned Pango.Context get_pango_context ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor? get_parent ();
+               public void get_pivot_point (out float pivot_x, out float pivot_y);
+               public float get_pivot_point_z ();
+               public void get_position (out float x, out float y);
+               public virtual void get_preferred_height (float for_width, out float min_height_p, out float natural_height_p);
+               public void get_preferred_size (out float min_width_p, out float min_height_p, out float natural_width_p, out float natural_height_p);
+               public virtual void get_preferred_width (float for_height, out float min_width_p, out float natural_width_p);
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_previous_sibling ();
+               public bool get_reactive ();
+               public Clutter.RequestMode get_request_mode ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public double get_rotation (Clutter.RotateAxis axis, out float x, out float y, out float z);
+               public double get_rotation_angle (Clutter.RotateAxis axis);
+               public void get_scale (out double scale_x, out double scale_y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_scale_center (out float center_x, out float center_y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public Clutter.Gravity get_scale_gravity ();
+               public double get_scale_z ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Shader get_shader ();
+               public void get_size (out float width, out float height);
+               public unowned Clutter.Stage get_stage ();
+               public Clutter.TextDirection get_text_direction ();
+               public Clutter.Matrix get_transform ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public Clutter.Matrix get_transformation_matrix ();
+               public unowned Clutter.PaintVolume get_transformed_paint_volume (Clutter.Actor relative_to_ancestor);
+               public void get_transformed_position (out float x, out float y);
+               public void get_transformed_size (out float width, out float height);
+               public unowned Clutter.Transition get_transition (string name);
+               public void get_translation (out float translate_x, out float translate_y, out float translate_z);
+               public float get_width ();
+               public float get_x ();
+               public Clutter.ActorAlign get_x_align ();
+               public bool get_x_expand ();
+               public float get_y ();
+               public Clutter.ActorAlign get_y_align ();
+               public bool get_y_expand ();
+               public float get_z_position ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public Clutter.Gravity get_z_rotation_gravity ();
+               public void grab_key_focus ();
+               public bool has_actions ();
+               public bool has_allocation ();
+               public bool has_constraints ();
+               public bool has_effects ();
+               public bool has_key_focus ();
+               public virtual bool has_overlaps ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public virtual void hide_all ();
+               public void insert_child_above (Clutter.Actor child, Clutter.Actor? sibling);
+               public void insert_child_at_index (Clutter.Actor child, int index_);
+               public void insert_child_below (Clutter.Actor child, Clutter.Actor? sibling);
+               public bool is_in_clone_paint ();
+               public bool is_mapped ();
+               public bool is_realized ();
+               public bool is_rotated ();
+               public bool is_scaled ();
+               public bool is_visible ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void lower (Clutter.Actor? above);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void lower_bottom ();
+               public virtual void map ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void move_anchor_point (float anchor_x, float anchor_y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void move_anchor_point_from_gravity (Clutter.Gravity gravity);
+               public void move_by (float dx, float dy);
+               public bool needs_expand (Clutter.Orientation orientation);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void paint_node (Clutter.PaintNode root);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void pop_internal ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void push_internal ();
+               public void queue_redraw ();
+               public void queue_redraw_with_clip (Cairo.RectangleInt? clip);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void raise (Clutter.Actor? below);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void raise_top ();
+               public void remove_action (Clutter.Action action);
+               public void remove_action_by_name (string name);
+               public void remove_all_children ();
+               public void remove_all_transitions ();
+               public void remove_child (Clutter.Actor child);
+               public void remove_clip ();
+               public void remove_constraint (Clutter.Constraint constraint);
+               public void remove_constraint_by_name (string name);
+               public void remove_effect (Clutter.Effect effect);
+               public void remove_effect_by_name (string name);
+               public void remove_transition (string name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void reparent (Clutter.Actor new_parent);
+               public void replace_child (Clutter.Actor old_child, Clutter.Actor new_child);
+               public void restore_easing_state ();
+               public void save_easing_state ();
+               public void set_allocation (Clutter.ActorBox box, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_anchor_point (float anchor_x, float anchor_y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_anchor_point_from_gravity (Clutter.Gravity gravity);
+               public void set_background_color (Clutter.Color? color);
+               public void set_child_above_sibling (Clutter.Actor child, Clutter.Actor? sibling);
+               public void set_child_at_index (Clutter.Actor child, int index_);
+               public void set_child_below_sibling (Clutter.Actor child, Clutter.Actor? sibling);
+               public void set_child_transform (Clutter.Matrix? transform);
+               public void set_clip (float xoff, float yoff, float width, float height);
+               public void set_clip_to_allocation (bool clip_set);
+               public void set_content (Clutter.Content? content);
+               public void set_content_gravity (Clutter.ContentGravity gravity);
+               public void set_content_repeat (Clutter.ContentRepeat repeat);
+               public void set_content_scaling_filters (Clutter.ScalingFilter min_filter, Clutter.ScalingFilter mag_filter);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_depth (float depth);
+               public void set_easing_delay (uint msecs);
+               public void set_easing_duration (uint msecs);
+               public void set_easing_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode mode);
+               public void set_fixed_position_set (bool is_set);
+               public void set_flags (Clutter.ActorFlags flags);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_geometry (Clutter.Geometry geometry);
+               public void set_height (float height);
+               public void set_layout_manager (Clutter.LayoutManager? manager);
+               public void set_margin (Clutter.Margin margin);
+               public void set_margin_bottom (float margin);
+               public void set_margin_left (float margin);
+               public void set_margin_right (float margin);
+               public void set_margin_top (float margin);
+               public void set_name (string name);
+               public void set_offscreen_redirect (Clutter.OffscreenRedirect redirect);
+               public void set_opacity (uint8 opacity);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_parent (Clutter.Actor parent);
+               public void set_pivot_point (float pivot_x, float pivot_y);
+               public void set_pivot_point_z (float pivot_z);
+               public void set_position (float x, float y);
+               public void set_reactive (bool reactive);
+               public void set_request_mode (Clutter.RequestMode mode);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_rotation (Clutter.RotateAxis axis, double angle, float x, float y, float z);
+               public void set_rotation_angle (Clutter.RotateAxis axis, double angle);
+               public void set_scale (double scale_x, double scale_y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_scale_full (double scale_x, double scale_y, float center_x, float center_y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_scale_with_gravity (double scale_x, double scale_y, Clutter.Gravity gravity);
+               public void set_scale_z (double scale_z);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public bool set_shader (Clutter.Shader? shader);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void set_shader_param (string param, GLib.Value value);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void set_shader_param_float (string param, float value);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void set_shader_param_int (string param, int value);
+               public void set_size (float width, float height);
+               public void set_text_direction (Clutter.TextDirection text_dir);
+               public void set_transform (Clutter.Matrix? transform);
+               public void set_translation (float translate_x, float translate_y, float translate_z);
+               public void set_width (float width);
+               public void set_x (float x);
+               public void set_x_align (Clutter.ActorAlign x_align);
+               public void set_x_expand (bool expand);
+               public void set_y (float y);
+               public void set_y_align (Clutter.ActorAlign y_align);
+               public void set_y_expand (bool expand);
+               public void set_z_position (float z_position);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_z_rotation_from_gravity (double angle, Clutter.Gravity gravity);
+               public bool should_pick_paint ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public virtual void show_all ();
+               public bool transform_stage_point (float x, float y, out float x_out, out float y_out);
+               public virtual void unmap ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void unparent ();
+               public void unset_flags (Clutter.ActorFlags flags);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Action actions { set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.ActorBox allocation { get; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Gravity anchor_gravity { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float anchor_x { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float anchor_y { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Color background_color { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool background_color_set { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool child_transform_set { get; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Geometry clip { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Rect clip_rect { owned get; set; }
+               public bool clip_to_allocation { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Constraint constraints { set; }
+               public Clutter.Content content { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.ActorBox content_box { get; }
+               public Clutter.ContentGravity content_gravity { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.ContentRepeat content_repeat { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public float depth { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Effect effect { set; }
+               public Clutter.Actor first_child { get; }
+               public bool fixed_position_set { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float fixed_x { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float fixed_y { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool has_clip { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool has_pointer { get; }
+               public float height { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Actor last_child { get; }
+               public Clutter.LayoutManager layout_manager { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.ScalingFilter magnification_filter { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool mapped { get; }
+               public float margin_bottom { get; set; }
+               public float margin_left { get; set; }
+               public float margin_right { get; set; }
+               public float margin_top { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float min_height { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool min_height_set { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float min_width { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool min_width_set { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.ScalingFilter minification_filter { get; set; }
+               public string name { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float natural_height { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool natural_height_set { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float natural_width { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool natural_width_set { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.OffscreenRedirect offscreen_redirect { get; set; }
+               public uint opacity { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Point pivot_point { owned get; set; }
+               public float pivot_point_z { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Point position { owned get; set; }
+               public bool reactive { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool realized { get; }
+               public Clutter.RequestMode request_mode { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double rotation_angle_x { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double rotation_angle_y { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double rotation_angle_z { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Vertex rotation_center_x { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Vertex rotation_center_y { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Vertex rotation_center_z { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Gravity rotation_center_z_gravity { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float scale_center_x { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float scale_center_y { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Gravity scale_gravity { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double scale_x { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double scale_y { get; set; }
+               public double scale_z { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool show_on_set_parent { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Size size { owned get; set; }
+               public Clutter.TextDirection text_direction { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool transform_set { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float translation_x { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float translation_y { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float translation_z { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool visible { get; set; }
+               public float width { get; set; }
+               public float x { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.ActorAlign x_align { get; set; }
+               public bool x_expand { get; set; }
+               public float y { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.ActorAlign y_align { get; set; }
+               public bool y_expand { get; set; }
+               public float z_position { get; set; }
+               public signal void allocation_changed (Clutter.ActorBox box, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags);
+               public virtual signal bool button_press_event (Clutter.ButtonEvent event);
+               public virtual signal bool button_release_event (Clutter.ButtonEvent event);
+               public virtual signal bool captured_event (Clutter.Event event);
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void destroy ();
+               public virtual signal bool enter_event (Clutter.CrossingEvent event);
+               public virtual signal bool event (Clutter.Event event);
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void hide ();
+               public virtual signal void key_focus_in ();
+               public virtual signal void key_focus_out ();
+               public virtual signal bool key_press_event (Clutter.KeyEvent event);
+               public virtual signal bool key_release_event (Clutter.KeyEvent event);
+               public virtual signal bool leave_event (Clutter.CrossingEvent event);
+               public virtual signal bool motion_event (Clutter.MotionEvent event);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void paint ();
+               public virtual signal void parent_set (Clutter.Actor? old_parent);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual signal void pick (Clutter.Color color);
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void queue_relayout ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.16")]
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void realize ();
+               public virtual signal bool scroll_event (Clutter.ScrollEvent event);
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void show ();
+               public virtual signal bool touch_event (Clutter.Event event);
+               public signal void transition_stopped (string name, bool is_finished);
+               public signal void transitions_completed ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.16")]
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void unrealize ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_actor_meta_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class ActorMeta : GLib.InitiallyUnowned {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ActorMeta ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_actor ();
+               public bool get_enabled ();
+               public unowned string get_name ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void set_actor (Clutter.Actor? actor);
+               public void set_enabled (bool is_enabled);
+               public void set_name (string name);
+               public Clutter.Actor actor { get; }
+               public bool enabled { get; set; }
+               public string name { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_align_constraint_get_type ()")]
+       public class AlignConstraint : Clutter.Constraint {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterConstraint*")]
+               public AlignConstraint (Clutter.Actor? source, Clutter.AlignAxis axis, float factor);
+               public Clutter.AlignAxis get_align_axis ();
+               public float get_factor ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_source ();
+               public void set_align_axis (Clutter.AlignAxis axis);
+               public void set_factor (float factor);
+               public void set_source (Clutter.Actor? source);
+               public Clutter.AlignAxis align_axis { get; set construct; }
+               public float factor { get; set construct; }
+               public Clutter.Actor source { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_alpha_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+       public class Alpha : GLib.InitiallyUnowned, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Alpha ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Alpha.full (Clutter.Timeline timeline, ulong mode);
+               public double get_alpha ();
+               public ulong get_mode ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Timeline get_timeline ();
+               public static ulong register_closure (GLib.Closure closure);
+               public static ulong register_func (Clutter.AlphaFunc func);
+               public void set_closure (GLib.Closure closure);
+               public void set_func (owned Clutter.AlphaFunc func);
+               public void set_mode (ulong mode);
+               public void set_timeline (Clutter.Timeline timeline);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Alpha.with_func (Clutter.Timeline timeline, owned Clutter.AlphaFunc func);
+               public double alpha { get; }
+               public ulong mode { get; set construct; }
+               public Clutter.Timeline timeline { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_animation_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+       public class Animation : GLib.Object, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Animation ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation bind (string property_name, GLib.Value final);
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation bind_interval (string property_name, owned Clutter.Interval interval);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Alpha get_alpha ();
+               public uint get_duration ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Interval get_interval (string property_name);
+               public bool get_loop ();
+               public ulong get_mode ();
+               public unowned GLib.Object get_object ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Timeline get_timeline ();
+               public bool has_property (string property_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_alpha (Clutter.Alpha alpha);
+               public void set_duration (uint msecs);
+               public void set_loop (bool loop);
+               public void set_mode (ulong mode);
+               public void set_object (GLib.Object object);
+               public void set_timeline (Clutter.Timeline? timeline);
+               public void unbind_property (string property_name);
+               public unowned Clutter.Animation update (string property_name, GLib.Value final);
+               public void update_interval (string property_name, Clutter.Interval interval);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Alpha alpha { get; set; }
+               public uint duration { get; set; }
+               public bool loop { get; set; }
+               public ulong mode { get; set; }
+               public GLib.Object object { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Timeline timeline { get; set; }
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void completed ();
+               public virtual signal void started ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_animator_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+       public class Animator : GLib.Object, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Animator ();
+               public bool compute_value (GLib.Object object, string property_name, double progress, GLib.Value value);
+               public uint get_duration ();
+               public GLib.List<weak Clutter.AnimatorKey> get_keys (GLib.Object? object, string? property_name, double progress);
+               public unowned Clutter.Timeline get_timeline ();
+               public bool property_get_ease_in (GLib.Object object, string property_name);
+               public Clutter.Interpolation property_get_interpolation (GLib.Object object, string property_name);
+               public void property_set_ease_in (GLib.Object object, string property_name, bool ease_in);
+               public void property_set_interpolation (GLib.Object object, string property_name, Clutter.Interpolation interpolation);
+               public void remove_key (GLib.Object? object, string? property_name, double progress);
+               public void @set (void* first_object, string first_property_name, uint first_mode, ...);
+               public void set_duration (uint duration);
+               public unowned Clutter.Animator set_key (GLib.Object object, string property_name, uint mode, double progress, GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_timeline (Clutter.Timeline timeline);
+               public unowned Clutter.Timeline start ();
+               public uint duration { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Timeline timeline { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "clutter_animator_key_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+       public class AnimatorKey {
+               public ulong get_mode ();
+               public unowned GLib.Object get_object ();
+               public double get_progress ();
+               public unowned string get_property_name ();
+               public GLib.Type get_property_type ();
+               public bool get_value (GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public class Backend : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Backend ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void add_options (GLib.OptionGroup group);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool create_context () throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.StageWindow create_stage (Clutter.Stage wrapper) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void ensure_context (Clutter.Stage stage);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.DeviceManager get_device_manager ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.4")]
+               public uint get_double_click_distance ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.4")]
+               public uint get_double_click_time ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual Clutter.FeatureFlags get_features ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.4")]
+               public unowned string get_font_name ();
+               public unowned Cairo.FontOptions get_font_options ();
+               public double get_resolution ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void init_events ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void init_features ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool post_parse () throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool pre_parse () throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void redraw (Clutter.Stage stage);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.4")]
+               public void set_double_click_distance (uint distance);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.4")]
+               public void set_double_click_time (uint msec);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.4")]
+               public void set_font_name (string font_name);
+               public void set_font_options (Cairo.FontOptions options);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.4")]
+               public void set_resolution (double dpi);
+               public signal void font_changed ();
+               public signal void resolution_changed ();
+               public signal void settings_changed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_behaviour_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+       public abstract class Behaviour : GLib.Object, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Behaviour ();
+               public void actors_foreach (Clutter.BehaviourForeachFunc func);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void alpha_notify (double alpha_value);
+               public void apply (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public GLib.SList<weak Clutter.Actor> get_actors ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Alpha get_alpha ();
+               public int get_n_actors ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_nth_actor (int index_);
+               public bool is_applied (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public void remove (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public void remove_all ();
+               public void set_alpha (Clutter.Alpha alpha);
+               public Clutter.Alpha alpha { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void applied (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public virtual signal void removed (Clutter.Actor actor);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_behaviour_depth_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+       public class BehaviourDepth : Clutter.Behaviour, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterBehaviour*")]
+               public BehaviourDepth (Clutter.Alpha? alpha, int depth_start, int depth_end);
+               public void get_bounds (out int depth_start, out int depth_end);
+               public void set_bounds (int depth_start, int depth_end);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int depth_end { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int depth_start { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_behaviour_ellipse_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+       public class BehaviourEllipse : Clutter.Behaviour, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterBehaviour*")]
+               public BehaviourEllipse (Clutter.Alpha? alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, Clutter.RotateDirection direction, double start, double end);
+               public double get_angle_end ();
+               public double get_angle_start ();
+               public double get_angle_tilt (Clutter.RotateAxis axis);
+               public void get_center (out int x, out int y);
+               public Clutter.RotateDirection get_direction ();
+               public int get_height ();
+               public void get_tilt (out double angle_tilt_x, out double angle_tilt_y, out double angle_tilt_z);
+               public int get_width ();
+               public void set_angle_end (double angle_end);
+               public void set_angle_start (double angle_start);
+               public void set_angle_tilt (Clutter.RotateAxis axis, double angle_tilt);
+               public void set_center (int x, int y);
+               public void set_direction (Clutter.RotateDirection direction);
+               public void set_height (int height);
+               public void set_tilt (double angle_tilt_x, double angle_tilt_y, double angle_tilt_z);
+               public void set_width (int width);
+               public double angle_end { get; set; }
+               public double angle_start { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double angle_tilt_x { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double angle_tilt_y { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double angle_tilt_z { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Knot center { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.RotateDirection direction { get; set; }
+               public int height { get; set; }
+               public int width { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_behaviour_opacity_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+       public class BehaviourOpacity : Clutter.Behaviour, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterBehaviour*")]
+               public BehaviourOpacity (Clutter.Alpha? alpha, uint8 opacity_start, uint8 opacity_end);
+               public void get_bounds (out uint8 opacity_start, out uint8 opacity_end);
+               public void set_bounds (uint8 opacity_start, uint8 opacity_end);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint opacity_end { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint opacity_start { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_behaviour_path_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+       public class BehaviourPath : Clutter.Behaviour, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterBehaviour*")]
+               public BehaviourPath (Clutter.Alpha? alpha, Clutter.Path path);
+               public unowned Clutter.Path get_path ();
+               public void set_path (Clutter.Path path);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterBehaviour*")]
+               public BehaviourPath.with_description (Clutter.Alpha? alpha, string desc);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterBehaviour*")]
+               public BehaviourPath.with_knots (Clutter.Alpha? alpha, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_knots", array_length_pos = 2.1, array_length_type = "guint")] Clutter.Knot[] knots);
+               public Clutter.Path path { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void knot_reached (uint knot_num);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_behaviour_rotate_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+       public class BehaviourRotate : Clutter.Behaviour, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterBehaviour*")]
+               public BehaviourRotate (Clutter.Alpha? alpha, Clutter.RotateAxis axis, Clutter.RotateDirection direction, double angle_start, double angle_end);
+               public Clutter.RotateAxis get_axis ();
+               public void get_bounds (out double angle_start, out double angle_end);
+               public void get_center (out int x, out int y, out int z);
+               public Clutter.RotateDirection get_direction ();
+               public void set_axis (Clutter.RotateAxis axis);
+               public void set_bounds (double angle_start, double angle_end);
+               public void set_center (int x, int y, int z);
+               public void set_direction (Clutter.RotateDirection direction);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double angle_end { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double angle_start { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.RotateAxis axis { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int center_x { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int center_y { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int center_z { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.RotateDirection direction { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_behaviour_scale_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+       public class BehaviourScale : Clutter.Behaviour, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterBehaviour*")]
+               public BehaviourScale (Clutter.Alpha? alpha, double x_scale_start, double y_scale_start, double x_scale_end, double y_scale_end);
+               public void get_bounds (out double x_scale_start, out double y_scale_start, out double x_scale_end, out double y_scale_end);
+               public void set_bounds (double x_scale_start, double y_scale_start, double x_scale_end, double y_scale_end);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double x_scale_end { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double x_scale_start { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double y_scale_end { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double y_scale_start { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_bin_layout_get_type ()")]
+       public class BinLayout : Clutter.LayoutManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterLayoutManager*")]
+               public BinLayout (Clutter.BinAlignment x_align = Clutter.BinAlignment.START, Clutter.BinAlignment y_align = Clutter.BinAlignment.START);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void add (Clutter.Actor child, Clutter.BinAlignment x_align, Clutter.BinAlignment y_align);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_alignment (Clutter.Actor? child, out Clutter.BinAlignment x_align, out Clutter.BinAlignment y_align);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_alignment (Clutter.Actor? child, Clutter.BinAlignment x_align, Clutter.BinAlignment y_align);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.BinAlignment x_align { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.BinAlignment y_align { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_bind_constraint_get_type ()")]
+       public class BindConstraint : Clutter.Constraint {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterConstraint*")]
+               public BindConstraint (Clutter.Actor? source, Clutter.BindCoordinate coordinate, float offset);
+               public Clutter.BindCoordinate get_coordinate ();
+               public float get_offset ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_source ();
+               public void set_coordinate (Clutter.BindCoordinate coordinate);
+               public void set_offset (float offset);
+               public void set_source (Clutter.Actor? source);
+               public Clutter.BindCoordinate coordinate { get; set construct; }
+               public float offset { get; set construct; }
+               public Clutter.Actor source { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_binding_pool_get_type ()")]
+       public class BindingPool : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public BindingPool (string name);
+               public bool activate (uint key_val, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers, GLib.Object gobject);
+               public void block_action (string action_name);
+               public static unowned Clutter.BindingPool find (string name);
+               public unowned string find_action (uint key_val, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers);
+               public static unowned Clutter.BindingPool get_for_class (void* klass);
+               public void install_action (string action_name, uint key_val, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers, owned Clutter.BindingActionFunc callback);
+               public void install_closure (string action_name, uint key_val, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers, GLib.Closure closure);
+               public void override_action (uint key_val, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers, owned GLib.Callback callback);
+               public void override_closure (uint key_val, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers, GLib.Closure closure);
+               public void remove_action (uint key_val, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers);
+               public void unblock_action (string action_name);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string name { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_blur_effect_get_type ()")]
+       public class BlurEffect : Clutter.OffscreenEffect {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterEffect*")]
+               public BlurEffect ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_box_get_type ()")]
+       public class Box : Clutter.Actor, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Box (Clutter.LayoutManager manager);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Color get_color ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public unowned Clutter.LayoutManager get_layout_manager ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void pack (Clutter.Actor actor, ...);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void pack_after (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.Actor? sibling, ...);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void pack_at (Clutter.Actor actor, int position, ...);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void pack_before (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.Actor? sibling, ...);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void packv (Clutter.Actor actor, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_properties", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint")] string[] properties, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_properties", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint")] GLib.Value[] values);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_color (Clutter.Color? color);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_layout_manager (Clutter.LayoutManager manager);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Color color { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool color_set { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.LayoutManager layout_manager { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_box_layout_get_type ()")]
+       public class BoxLayout : Clutter.LayoutManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterLayoutManager*")]
+               public BoxLayout ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_alignment (Clutter.Actor actor, out Clutter.BoxAlignment x_align, out Clutter.BoxAlignment y_align);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public uint get_easing_duration ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public ulong get_easing_mode ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_expand (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_fill (Clutter.Actor actor, out bool x_fill, out bool y_fill);
+               public bool get_homogeneous ();
+               public Clutter.Orientation get_orientation ();
+               public bool get_pack_start ();
+               public uint get_spacing ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_use_animations ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_vertical ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void pack (Clutter.Actor actor, bool expand, bool x_fill, bool y_fill, Clutter.BoxAlignment x_align, Clutter.BoxAlignment y_align);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_alignment (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.BoxAlignment x_align, Clutter.BoxAlignment y_align);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_easing_duration (uint msecs);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_easing_mode (ulong mode);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_expand (Clutter.Actor actor, bool expand);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_fill (Clutter.Actor actor, bool x_fill, bool y_fill);
+               public void set_homogeneous (bool homogeneous);
+               public void set_orientation (Clutter.Orientation orientation);
+               public void set_pack_start (bool pack_start);
+               public void set_spacing (uint spacing);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_use_animations (bool animate);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_vertical (bool vertical);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public uint easing_duration { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public ulong easing_mode { get; set; }
+               public bool homogeneous { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Orientation orientation { get; set; }
+               public bool pack_start { get; set; }
+               public uint spacing { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool use_animations { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool vertical { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_brightness_contrast_effect_get_type ()")]
+       public class BrightnessContrastEffect : Clutter.OffscreenEffect {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterEffect*")]
+               public BrightnessContrastEffect ();
+               public void get_brightness (out float red, out float green, out float blue);
+               public void get_contrast (out float red, out float green, out float blue);
+               public void set_brightness (float brightness);
+               public void set_brightness_full (float red, float green, float blue);
+               public void set_contrast (float contrast);
+               public void set_contrast_full (float red, float green, float blue);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Color brightness { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Color contrast { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_cairo_texture_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+       public class CairoTexture : Clutter.Texture, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               public CairoTexture (uint width, uint height);
+               public void clear ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public Cairo.Context create ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public Cairo.Context create_region (int x_offset, int y_offset, int width, int height);
+               public bool get_auto_resize ();
+               public void get_surface_size (out uint width, out uint height);
+               public void invalidate ();
+               public void invalidate_rectangle (Cairo.RectangleInt? rect);
+               public void set_auto_resize (bool value);
+               public void set_surface_size (uint width, uint height);
+               public bool auto_resize { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint surface_height { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint surface_width { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal Cairo.Surface create_surface (uint width, uint height);
+               public virtual signal bool draw (Cairo.Context cr);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_canvas_get_type ()")]
+       public class Canvas : GLib.Object, Clutter.Content {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Canvas ();
+               public int get_scale_factor ();
+               public static Clutter.Content @new ();
+               public void set_scale_factor (int scale);
+               public bool set_size (int width, int height);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int height { get; set; }
+               public int scale_factor { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool scale_factor_set { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int width { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal bool draw (Cairo.Context cr, int width, int height);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_child_meta_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class ChildMeta : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ChildMeta ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_actor ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Container get_container ();
+               public Clutter.Actor actor { get; construct; }
+               public Clutter.Container container { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_click_action_get_type ()")]
+       public class ClickAction : Clutter.Action {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterAction*")]
+               public ClickAction ();
+               public uint get_button ();
+               public void get_coords (out float press_x, out float press_y);
+               public Clutter.ModifierType get_state ();
+               public void release ();
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool held { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int long_press_duration { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int long_press_threshold { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool pressed { get; }
+               public virtual signal void clicked (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public virtual signal bool long_press (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.LongPressState state);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_clip_node_get_type ()")]
+       public class ClipNode : Clutter.PaintNode {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterPaintNode*")]
+               public ClipNode ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_clone_get_type ()")]
+       public class Clone : Clutter.Actor, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               public Clone (Clutter.Actor source);
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_source ();
+               public void set_source (Clutter.Actor? source);
+               public Clutter.Actor source { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_color_node_get_type ()")]
+       public class ColorNode : Clutter.PipelineNode {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterPaintNode*")]
+               public ColorNode (Clutter.Color? color);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_colorize_effect_get_type ()")]
+       public class ColorizeEffect : Clutter.OffscreenEffect {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterEffect*")]
+               public ColorizeEffect (Clutter.Color tint);
+               public Clutter.Color get_tint ();
+               public void set_tint (Clutter.Color tint);
+               public Clutter.Color tint { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_constraint_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class Constraint : Clutter.ActorMeta {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Constraint ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void update_allocation (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.ActorBox allocation);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void update_preferred_size (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.Orientation direction, float for_size, float minimum_size, float natural_size);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_deform_effect_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class DeformEffect : Clutter.OffscreenEffect {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DeformEffect ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void deform_vertex (float width, float height, Cogl.TextureVertex vertex);
+               public unowned Cogl.Handle get_back_material ();
+               public void get_n_tiles (out uint x_tiles, out uint y_tiles);
+               public void invalidate ();
+               public void set_back_material (Cogl.Handle? material);
+               public void set_n_tiles (uint x_tiles, uint y_tiles);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint x_tiles { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint y_tiles { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_desaturate_effect_get_type ()")]
+       public class DesaturateEffect : Clutter.OffscreenEffect {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterEffect*")]
+               public DesaturateEffect (double factor);
+               public double get_factor ();
+               public void set_factor (double factor);
+               public double factor { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_device_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class DeviceManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DeviceManager ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void add_device (Clutter.InputDevice device);
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.InputDevice get_core_device (Clutter.InputDeviceType device_type);
+               public static unowned Clutter.DeviceManager get_default ();
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.InputDevice get_device (int device_id);
+               public GLib.SList<weak Clutter.InputDevice> list_devices ();
+               public unowned GLib.SList<Clutter.InputDevice> peek_devices ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void remove_device (Clutter.InputDevice device);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void select_stage_events (Clutter.Stage stage);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Backend backend { owned get; construct; }
+               public signal void device_added (Clutter.InputDevice device);
+               public signal void device_removed (Clutter.InputDevice device);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_drag_action_get_type ()")]
+       public class DragAction : Clutter.Action {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterAction*")]
+               public DragAction ();
+               public bool get_drag_area (Clutter.Rect drag_area);
+               public Clutter.DragAxis get_drag_axis ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_drag_handle ();
+               public void get_drag_threshold (out uint x_threshold, out uint y_threshold);
+               public void get_motion_coords (out float motion_x, out float motion_y);
+               public void get_press_coords (out float press_x, out float press_y);
+               public void set_drag_area (Clutter.Rect? drag_area);
+               public void set_drag_axis (Clutter.DragAxis axis);
+               public void set_drag_handle (Clutter.Actor? handle);
+               public void set_drag_threshold (int x_threshold, int y_threshold);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Rect drag_area { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool drag_area_set { get; }
+               public Clutter.DragAxis drag_axis { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Actor drag_handle { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int x_drag_threshold { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int y_drag_threshold { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void drag_begin (Clutter.Actor actor, float event_x, float event_y, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers);
+               public virtual signal void drag_end (Clutter.Actor actor, float event_x, float event_y, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers);
+               public virtual signal void drag_motion (Clutter.Actor actor, float delta_x, float delta_y);
+               public virtual signal bool drag_progress (Clutter.Actor actor, float delta_x, float delta_y);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_drop_action_get_type ()")]
+       public class DropAction : Clutter.Action {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterAction*")]
+               public DropAction ();
+               public virtual signal bool can_drop (Clutter.Actor actor, float event_x, float event_y);
+               public virtual signal void drop (Clutter.Actor actor, float event_x, float event_y);
+               public signal void drop_cancel (Clutter.Actor actor, float event_x, float event_y);
+               public virtual signal void over_in (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public virtual signal void over_out (Clutter.Actor actor);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_effect_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class Effect : Clutter.ActorMeta {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Effect ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool get_paint_volume (Clutter.PaintVolume volume);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void paint (Clutter.EffectPaintFlags flags);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void pick (Clutter.EffectPaintFlags flags);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void post_paint ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool pre_paint ();
+               public void queue_repaint ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "clutter_event_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Event {
+               public Clutter.AnyEvent any;
+               public Clutter.ButtonEvent button;
+               public Clutter.CrossingEvent crossing;
+               public Clutter.KeyEvent key;
+               public Clutter.MotionEvent motion;
+               public Clutter.ScrollEvent scroll;
+               public Clutter.StageStateEvent stage_state;
+               public Clutter.TouchEvent touch;
+               public Clutter.TouchpadPinchEvent touchpad_pinch;
+               public Clutter.TouchpadSwipeEvent touchpad_swipe;
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Event (Clutter.EventType type);
+               public static uint add_filter (Clutter.Stage? stage, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 2.2, destroy_notify_pos = 2.1)] owned Clutter.EventFilterFunc func);
+               public Clutter.Event copy ();
+               public void free ();
+               public static Clutter.Event @get ();
+               public double get_angle (Clutter.Event target);
+               public double get_axes (out uint n_axes);
+               public uint32 get_button ();
+               public uint get_click_count ();
+               public void get_coords (out float x, out float y);
+               public unowned Clutter.InputDevice get_device ();
+               public int get_device_id ();
+               public Clutter.InputDeviceType get_device_type ();
+               public float get_distance (Clutter.Event target);
+               public unowned Clutter.EventSequence get_event_sequence ();
+               public Clutter.EventFlags get_flags ();
+               public void get_gesture_motion_delta (out double dx, out double dy);
+               public Clutter.TouchpadGesturePhase get_gesture_phase ();
+               public double get_gesture_pinch_angle_delta ();
+               public double get_gesture_pinch_scale ();
+               public uint get_gesture_swipe_finger_count ();
+               public uint16 get_key_code ();
+               public uint get_key_symbol ();
+               public unichar get_key_unicode ();
+               public void get_position (Clutter.Point position);
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_related ();
+               public void get_scroll_delta (out double dx, out double dy);
+               public Clutter.ScrollDirection get_scroll_direction ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_source ();
+               public unowned Clutter.InputDevice get_source_device ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Stage get_stage ();
+               public Clutter.ModifierType get_state ();
+               public void get_state_full (out Clutter.ModifierType button_state, out Clutter.ModifierType base_state, out Clutter.ModifierType latched_state, out Clutter.ModifierType locked_state, out Clutter.ModifierType effective_state);
+               public uint32 get_time ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_event_type")]
+               public Clutter.EventType get_type ();
+               public bool has_control_modifier ();
+               public bool has_shift_modifier ();
+               public bool is_pointer_emulated ();
+               public static unowned Clutter.Event peek ();
+               public void put ();
+               public static void remove_filter (uint id);
+               public void set_button (uint32 button);
+               public void set_coords (float x, float y);
+               public void set_device (Clutter.InputDevice? device);
+               public void set_flags (Clutter.EventFlags flags);
+               public void set_key_code (uint16 key_code);
+               public void set_key_symbol (uint key_sym);
+               public void set_key_unicode (unichar key_unicode);
+               public void set_related (Clutter.Actor? actor);
+               public void set_scroll_delta (double dx, double dy);
+               public void set_scroll_direction (Clutter.ScrollDirection direction);
+               public void set_source (Clutter.Actor? actor);
+               public void set_source_device (Clutter.InputDevice? device);
+               public void set_stage (Clutter.Stage? stage);
+               public void set_state (Clutter.ModifierType state);
+               public void set_time (uint32 time_);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "clutter_event_sequence_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class EventSequence {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_fixed_layout_get_type ()")]
+       public class FixedLayout : Clutter.LayoutManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterLayoutManager*")]
+               public FixedLayout ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_flow_layout_get_type ()")]
+       public class FlowLayout : Clutter.LayoutManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterLayoutManager*")]
+               public FlowLayout (Clutter.FlowOrientation orientation);
+               public float get_column_spacing ();
+               public void get_column_width (out float min_width, out float max_width);
+               public bool get_homogeneous ();
+               public Clutter.FlowOrientation get_orientation ();
+               public void get_row_height (out float min_height, out float max_height);
+               public float get_row_spacing ();
+               public bool get_snap_to_grid ();
+               public void set_column_spacing (float spacing);
+               public void set_column_width (float min_width, float max_width);
+               public void set_homogeneous (bool homogeneous);
+               public void set_orientation (Clutter.FlowOrientation orientation);
+               public void set_row_height (float min_height, float max_height);
+               public void set_row_spacing (float spacing);
+               public void set_snap_to_grid (bool snap_to_grid);
+               public float column_spacing { get; set; }
+               public bool homogeneous { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float max_column_width { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float max_row_height { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float min_column_width { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float min_row_height { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.FlowOrientation orientation { get; set construct; }
+               public float row_spacing { get; set; }
+               public bool snap_to_grid { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_gesture_action_get_type ()")]
+       public class GestureAction : Clutter.Action {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterAction*")]
+               public GestureAction ();
+               public void cancel ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool gesture_prepare (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public unowned Clutter.InputDevice get_device (uint point);
+               public unowned Clutter.Event get_last_event (uint point);
+               public void get_motion_coords (uint point, out float motion_x, out float motion_y);
+               public float get_motion_delta (uint point, out float delta_x, out float delta_y);
+               public uint get_n_current_points ();
+               public int get_n_touch_points ();
+               public void get_press_coords (uint point, out float press_x, out float press_y);
+               public void get_release_coords (uint point, out float release_x, out float release_y);
+               public unowned Clutter.EventSequence get_sequence (uint point);
+               public void get_threshold_trigger_distance (out float x, out float y);
+               public Clutter.GestureTriggerEdge get_threshold_trigger_edge ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.20")]
+               public Clutter.GestureTriggerEdge get_threshold_trigger_egde ();
+               public float get_velocity (uint point, out float velocity_x, out float velocity_y);
+               public void set_n_touch_points (int nb_points);
+               public void set_threshold_trigger_distance (float x, float y);
+               public void set_threshold_trigger_edge (Clutter.GestureTriggerEdge edge);
+               public int n_touch_points { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float threshold_trigger_distance_x { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public float threshold_trigger_distance_y { get; construct; }
+               public Clutter.GestureTriggerEdge threshold_trigger_edge { get; construct; }
+               public virtual signal bool gesture_begin (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public virtual signal void gesture_cancel (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public virtual signal void gesture_end (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public virtual signal bool gesture_progress (Clutter.Actor actor);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_grid_layout_get_type ()")]
+       public class GridLayout : Clutter.LayoutManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterLayoutManager*")]
+               public GridLayout ();
+               public void attach (Clutter.Actor child, int left, int top, int width, int height);
+               public void attach_next_to (Clutter.Actor child, Clutter.Actor? sibling, Clutter.GridPosition side, int width, int height);
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_child_at (int left, int top);
+               public bool get_column_homogeneous ();
+               public uint get_column_spacing ();
+               public Clutter.Orientation get_orientation ();
+               public bool get_row_homogeneous ();
+               public uint get_row_spacing ();
+               public void insert_column (int position);
+               public void insert_next_to (Clutter.Actor sibling, Clutter.GridPosition side);
+               public void insert_row (int position);
+               public void set_column_homogeneous (bool homogeneous);
+               public void set_column_spacing (uint spacing);
+               public void set_orientation (Clutter.Orientation orientation);
+               public void set_row_homogeneous (bool homogeneous);
+               public void set_row_spacing (uint spacing);
+               public bool column_homogeneous { get; set; }
+               public uint column_spacing { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Orientation orientation { get; set; }
+               public bool row_homogeneous { get; set; }
+               public uint row_spacing { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_group_get_type ()")]
+       public class Group : Clutter.Actor, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Group ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public int get_n_children ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_nth_child (int index_);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void remove_all ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_image_get_type ()")]
+       public class Image : GLib.Object, Clutter.Content {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Image ();
+               public static Clutter.Content @new ();
+               public bool set_area ([CCode (array_length = false)] uint8[] data, Cogl.PixelFormat pixel_format, Cairo.RectangleInt rect, uint row_stride) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_bytes (GLib.Bytes data, Cogl.PixelFormat pixel_format, uint width, uint height, uint row_stride) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_data ([CCode (array_length = false)] uint8[] data, Cogl.PixelFormat pixel_format, uint width, uint height, uint row_stride) throws GLib.Error;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_input_device_get_type ()")]
+       public class InputDevice : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected InputDevice ();
+               public unowned Clutter.InputDevice get_associated_device ();
+               public Clutter.InputAxis get_axis (uint index_);
+               public bool get_axis_value ([CCode (array_length = false)] double[] axes, Clutter.InputAxis axis, out double value);
+               public bool get_coords (Clutter.EventSequence? sequence, Clutter.Point point);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_device_coords (out int x, out int y);
+               public int get_device_id ();
+               public Clutter.InputMode get_device_mode ();
+               public unowned string get_device_name ();
+               public Clutter.InputDeviceType get_device_type ();
+               public bool get_enabled ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_get_input_device_for_id")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public static unowned Clutter.InputDevice get_for_id (int id_);
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_grabbed_actor ();
+               public bool get_has_cursor ();
+               public bool get_key (uint index_, out uint keyval, out Clutter.ModifierType modifiers);
+               public Clutter.ModifierType get_modifier_state ();
+               public uint get_n_axes ();
+               public uint get_n_keys ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_pointer_actor ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Stage get_pointer_stage ();
+               public unowned string get_product_id ();
+               public GLib.List<weak Clutter.InputDevice> get_slave_devices ();
+               public unowned string get_vendor_id ();
+               public void grab (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public bool keycode_to_evdev (uint hardware_keycode, uint evdev_keycode);
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor sequence_get_grabbed_actor (Clutter.EventSequence sequence);
+               public void sequence_grab (Clutter.EventSequence sequence, Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public void sequence_ungrab (Clutter.EventSequence sequence);
+               public void set_enabled (bool enabled);
+               public void set_key (uint index_, uint keyval, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers);
+               public void ungrab ();
+               public void update_from_event (Clutter.Event event, bool update_stage);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Backend backend { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.DeviceManager device_manager { owned get; construct; }
+               public Clutter.InputMode device_mode { get; construct; }
+               public Clutter.InputDeviceType device_type { get; construct; }
+               public bool enabled { get; set; }
+               public bool has_cursor { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int id { get; construct; }
+               public uint n_axes { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string name { owned get; construct; }
+               public string product_id { get; construct; }
+               public string vendor_id { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_interval_get_type ()")]
+       public class Interval : GLib.InitiallyUnowned, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Interval (GLib.Type gtype, ...);
+               public Clutter.Interval clone ();
+               public unowned GLib.Value? compute (double factor);
+               public virtual bool compute_value (double factor, out GLib.Value value);
+               public GLib.Value get_final_value ();
+               public GLib.Value get_initial_value ();
+               public void get_interval (...);
+               public GLib.Type get_value_type ();
+               public bool is_valid ();
+               public unowned GLib.Value? peek_final_value ();
+               public unowned GLib.Value? peek_initial_value ();
+               public static void register_progress_func (GLib.Type value_type, Clutter.ProgressFunc func);
+               public void set_final (...);
+               public void set_final_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_initial (...);
+               public void set_initial_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_interval (...);
+               public virtual bool validate (GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Interval.with_values (GLib.Type gtype, GLib.Value? initial, GLib.Value? final);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public GLib.Value final { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public GLib.Value initial { owned get; set; }
+               public GLib.Type value_type { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_keyframe_transition_get_type ()")]
+       public class KeyframeTransition : Clutter.PropertyTransition, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterTransition*")]
+               public KeyframeTransition (string property_name);
+               public void clear ();
+               public void get_key_frame (uint index_, out double key, out Clutter.AnimationMode mode, out GLib.Value value);
+               public uint get_n_key_frames ();
+               public void set_key_frame (uint index_, double key, Clutter.AnimationMode mode, GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_key_frames ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_key_frames", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] double[] key_frames);
+               public void set_modes ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_modes", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] Clutter.AnimationMode[] modes);
+               public void set_values ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_values", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] GLib.Value[] values);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_layout_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class LayoutManager : GLib.InitiallyUnowned {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected LayoutManager ();
+               public virtual void allocate (Clutter.Container container, Clutter.ActorBox allocation, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.Alpha begin_animation (uint duration, ulong mode);
+               public void child_get (Clutter.Container container, Clutter.Actor actor, ...);
+               public void child_get_property (Clutter.Container container, Clutter.Actor actor, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+               public void child_set (Clutter.Container container, Clutter.Actor actor, ...);
+               public void child_set_property (Clutter.Container container, Clutter.Actor actor, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.LayoutMeta create_child_meta (Clutter.Container container, Clutter.Actor actor);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual void end_animation ();
+               public unowned GLib.ParamSpec find_child_property (string name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual double get_animation_progress ();
+               public unowned Clutter.LayoutMeta get_child_meta (Clutter.Container container, Clutter.Actor actor);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual GLib.Type get_child_meta_type ();
+               public virtual void get_preferred_height (Clutter.Container container, float for_width, out float min_height_p, out float nat_height_p);
+               public virtual void get_preferred_width (Clutter.Container container, float for_height, out float min_width_p, out float nat_width_p);
+               [CCode (array_length_pos = 0.1, array_length_type = "guint")]
+               public GLib.ParamSpec[] list_child_properties ();
+               public virtual void set_container (Clutter.Container? container);
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void layout_changed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_layout_meta_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class LayoutMeta : Clutter.ChildMeta {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected LayoutMeta ();
+               public unowned Clutter.LayoutManager get_manager ();
+               public Clutter.LayoutManager manager { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_list_model_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.24")]
+       public class ListModel : Clutter.Model, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterModel*")]
+               public ListModel (uint n_columns, ...);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_list_model_newv", has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterModel*")]
+               public ListModel.newv ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] GLib.Type[] types, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] string[] names);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "clutter_margin_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Margin {
+               public float bottom;
+               public float left;
+               public float right;
+               public float top;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Margin ();
+               public Clutter.Margin copy ();
+               public void free ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_model_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.24")]
+       public abstract class Model : GLib.Object, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Model ();
+               public void append (...);
+               public void appendv ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] uint[] columns, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] GLib.Value[] values);
+               public bool filter_iter (Clutter.ModelIter iter);
+               public bool filter_row (uint row);
+               public void @foreach (Clutter.ModelForeachFunc func);
+               public virtual unowned string get_column_name (uint column);
+               public virtual GLib.Type get_column_type (uint column);
+               public bool get_filter_set ();
+               public Clutter.ModelIter get_first_iter ();
+               public virtual Clutter.ModelIter get_iter_at_row (uint row);
+               public Clutter.ModelIter get_last_iter ();
+               public virtual uint get_n_columns ();
+               public virtual uint get_n_rows ();
+               public int get_sorting_column ();
+               public void insert (uint row, ...);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.ModelIter insert_row (int index_);
+               public void insert_value (uint row, uint column, GLib.Value value);
+               public void insertv (uint row, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint")] uint[] columns, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint")] GLib.Value[] values);
+               public void prepend (...);
+               public void prependv ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] uint[] columns, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] GLib.Value[] values);
+               public void remove (uint row);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void remove_row (uint row);
+               public void resort ();
+               public void set_filter (owned Clutter.ModelFilterFunc? func);
+               public void set_names ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] string[] names);
+               public void set_sort (int column, owned Clutter.ModelSortFunc? func);
+               public void set_sorting_column (int column);
+               public void set_types ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_columns", array_length_pos = 0.5, array_length_type = "guint")] GLib.Type[] types);
+               public bool filter_set { get; }
+               public virtual signal void filter_changed ();
+               public virtual signal void row_added (Clutter.ModelIter iter);
+               public virtual signal void row_changed (Clutter.ModelIter iter);
+               public virtual signal void row_removed (Clutter.ModelIter iter);
+               public virtual signal void sort_changed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_model_iter_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.24")]
+       public abstract class ModelIter : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ModelIter ();
+               public virtual Clutter.ModelIter copy ();
+               public void @get (...);
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.Model get_model ();
+               public virtual uint get_row ();
+               public virtual GLib.Value get_value (uint column);
+               public virtual bool is_first ();
+               public virtual bool is_last ();
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.ModelIter next ();
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.ModelIter prev ();
+               public void @set (...);
+               public virtual void set_value (uint column, GLib.Value value);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.Model model { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint row { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_offscreen_effect_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class OffscreenEffect : Clutter.Effect {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected OffscreenEffect ();
+               public virtual Cogl.Handle create_texture (float width, float height);
+               public unowned Cogl.Material get_target ();
+               public bool get_target_rect (out unowned Clutter.Rect rect);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.14")]
+               public bool get_target_size (out float width, out float height);
+               public unowned Cogl.Handle get_texture ();
+               public virtual void paint_target ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_page_turn_effect_get_type ()")]
+       public class PageTurnEffect : Clutter.DeformEffect {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterEffect*")]
+               public PageTurnEffect (double period, double angle, float radius);
+               public double get_angle ();
+               public double get_period ();
+               public float get_radius ();
+               public void set_angle (double angle);
+               public void set_period (double period);
+               public void set_radius (float radius);
+               public double angle { get; set; }
+               public double period { get; set; }
+               public float radius { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_paint_node_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class PaintNode {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected PaintNode ();
+               public void add_child (Clutter.PaintNode child);
+               public void add_rectangle (Clutter.ActorBox rect);
+               public void add_texture_rectangle (Clutter.ActorBox rect, float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2);
+               public Clutter.PaintNode @ref ();
+               public void set_name (string name);
+               public void unref ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "clutter_paint_volume_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class PaintVolume {
+               public Clutter.PaintVolume copy ();
+               public void free ();
+               public float get_depth ();
+               public float get_height ();
+               public Clutter.Vertex get_origin ();
+               public float get_width ();
+               public void set_depth (float depth);
+               public bool set_from_allocation (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public void set_height (float height);
+               public void set_origin (Clutter.Vertex origin);
+               public void set_width (float width);
+               public void union (Clutter.PaintVolume another_pv);
+               public void union_box (Clutter.ActorBox box);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_pan_action_get_type ()")]
+       public class PanAction : Clutter.GestureAction {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterAction*")]
+               public PanAction ();
+               public double get_acceleration_factor ();
+               public float get_constrained_motion_delta (uint point, out float delta_x, out float delta_y);
+               public double get_deceleration ();
+               public bool get_interpolate ();
+               public void get_interpolated_coords (out float interpolated_x, out float interpolated_y);
+               public float get_interpolated_delta (out float delta_x, out float delta_y);
+               public void get_motion_coords (uint point, out float motion_x, out float motion_y);
+               public float get_motion_delta (uint point, out float delta_x, out float delta_y);
+               public Clutter.PanAxis get_pan_axis ();
+               public void set_acceleration_factor (double factor);
+               public void set_deceleration (double rate);
+               public void set_interpolate (bool should_interpolate);
+               public void set_pan_axis (Clutter.PanAxis axis);
+               public double acceleration_factor { get; set; }
+               public double deceleration { get; set; }
+               public bool interpolate { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.PanAxis pan_axis { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal bool pan (Clutter.Actor actor, bool is_interpolated);
+               public virtual signal void pan_stopped (Clutter.Actor actor);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", lower_case_csuffix = "param_units", type_id = "clutter_param_units_get_type ()")]
+       public class ParamSpecUnit : GLib.ParamSpec {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ParamSpecUnit ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_path_get_type ()")]
+       public class Path : GLib.InitiallyUnowned {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Path ();
+               public void add_cairo_path (Cairo.Path cpath);
+               public void add_close ();
+               public void add_curve_to (int x_1, int y_1, int x_2, int y_2, int x_3, int y_3);
+               public void add_line_to (int x, int y);
+               public void add_move_to (int x, int y);
+               public void add_node (Clutter.PathNode node);
+               public void add_rel_curve_to (int x_1, int y_1, int x_2, int y_2, int x_3, int y_3);
+               public void add_rel_line_to (int x, int y);
+               public void add_rel_move_to (int x, int y);
+               public bool add_string (string str);
+               public void clear ();
+               public void @foreach (Clutter.PathCallback callback);
+               public string get_description ();
+               public uint get_length ();
+               public uint get_n_nodes ();
+               public Clutter.PathNode get_node (uint index_);
+               public GLib.SList<weak Clutter.PathNode> get_nodes ();
+               public uint get_position (double progress, out Clutter.Knot position);
+               public void insert_node (int index_, Clutter.PathNode node);
+               public void remove_node (uint index_);
+               public void replace_node (uint index_, Clutter.PathNode node);
+               public bool set_description (string str);
+               public void to_cairo_path (Cairo.Context cr);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Path.with_description (string desc);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string description { owned get; set; }
+               public uint length { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_path_constraint_get_type ()")]
+       public class PathConstraint : Clutter.Constraint {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterConstraint*")]
+               public PathConstraint (Clutter.Path? path, float offset);
+               public float get_offset ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Path get_path ();
+               public void set_offset (float offset);
+               public void set_path (Clutter.Path? path);
+               public float offset { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Path path { get; set; }
+               public signal void node_reached (Clutter.Actor actor, uint index);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_pipeline_node_get_type ()")]
+       public class PipelineNode : Clutter.PaintNode {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected PipelineNode ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "clutter_point_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Point {
+               public float x;
+               public float y;
+               public static Clutter.Point alloc ();
+               public Clutter.Point copy ();
+               public float distance (Clutter.Point b, out float x_distance, out float y_distance);
+               public bool equals (Clutter.Point b);
+               public void free ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Point init (float x, float y);
+               public static unowned Clutter.Point zero ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_property_transition_get_type ()")]
+       public class PropertyTransition : Clutter.Transition, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterTransition*")]
+               public PropertyTransition (string? property_name);
+               public unowned string get_property_name ();
+               public void set_property_name (string? property_name);
+               public string property_name { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "clutter_rect_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Rect {
+               public weak Clutter.Point origin;
+               public weak Clutter.Size size;
+               public static Clutter.Rect alloc ();
+               public void clamp_to_pixel ();
+               public bool contains_point (Clutter.Point point);
+               public bool contains_rect (Clutter.Rect b);
+               public Clutter.Rect copy ();
+               public bool equals (Clutter.Rect b);
+               public void free ();
+               public void get_center (Clutter.Point center);
+               public float get_height ();
+               public float get_width ();
+               public float get_x ();
+               public float get_y ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Rect init (float x, float y, float width, float height);
+               public void inset (float d_x, float d_y);
+               public bool intersection (Clutter.Rect b, Clutter.Rect? res);
+               public Clutter.Rect normalize ();
+               public void offset (float d_x, float d_y);
+               public void union (Clutter.Rect b, Clutter.Rect res);
+               public static unowned Clutter.Rect zero ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_rectangle_get_type ()")]
+       public class Rectangle : Clutter.Actor, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Rectangle ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Color get_border_color ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public uint get_border_width ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Color get_color ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_border_color (Clutter.Color color);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_border_width (uint width);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_color (Clutter.Color color);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Rectangle.with_color (Clutter.Color color);
+               public Clutter.Color border_color { get; set; }
+               public uint border_width { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Color color { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool has_border { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_rotate_action_get_type ()")]
+       public class RotateAction : Clutter.GestureAction {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterAction*")]
+               public RotateAction ();
+               public virtual signal bool rotate (Clutter.Actor actor, double angle);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_score_get_type ()")]
+       public class Score : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public Score ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public ulong append (Clutter.Timeline? parent, Clutter.Timeline timeline);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public ulong append_at_marker (Clutter.Timeline parent, string marker_name, Clutter.Timeline timeline);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public bool get_loop ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Timeline get_timeline (ulong id_);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public bool is_playing ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public GLib.SList<weak Clutter.Timeline> list_timelines ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void pause ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void remove (ulong id_);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void remove_all ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void rewind ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void set_loop (bool loop);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void start ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public void stop ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public bool loop { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public virtual signal void completed ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public virtual signal void paused ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public virtual signal void started ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public virtual signal void timeline_completed (Clutter.Timeline timeline);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public virtual signal void timeline_started (Clutter.Timeline timeline);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_script_get_type ()")]
+       public class Script : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Script ();
+               public void add_search_paths ([CCode (array_length_cname = "n_paths", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] string[] paths);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void add_states (string? name, Clutter.State state);
+               public void connect_signals (void* user_data);
+               public void connect_signals_full (Clutter.ScriptConnectFunc func);
+               public void ensure_objects ();
+               public unowned GLib.Object get_object (string name);
+               public int get_objects (...);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.State get_states (string? name);
+               public unowned string get_translation_domain ();
+               public virtual GLib.Type get_type_from_name (string type_name);
+               public GLib.List<weak GLib.Object> list_objects ();
+               public uint load_from_data (string data, ssize_t length) throws GLib.Error;
+               public uint load_from_file (string filename) throws GLib.Error;
+               public uint load_from_resource (string resource_path) throws GLib.Error;
+               public string lookup_filename (string filename);
+               public void set_translation_domain (string? domain);
+               public void unmerge_objects (uint merge_id);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string filename { owned get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool filename_set { get; }
+               public string translation_domain { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_scroll_actor_get_type ()")]
+       public class ScrollActor : Clutter.Actor, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               public ScrollActor ();
+               public Clutter.ScrollMode get_scroll_mode ();
+               public void scroll_to_point (Clutter.Point point);
+               public void scroll_to_rect (Clutter.Rect rect);
+               public void set_scroll_mode (Clutter.ScrollMode mode);
+               public Clutter.ScrollMode scroll_mode { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_settings_get_type ()")]
+       public class Settings : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Settings ();
+               public static unowned Clutter.Settings get_default ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Backend backend { construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int dnd_drag_threshold { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int double_click_distance { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int double_click_time { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int font_antialias { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int font_dpi { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string font_hint_style { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int font_hinting { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string font_name { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string font_subpixel_order { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint fontconfig_timestamp { set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int long_press_duration { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint password_hint_time { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int unscaled_font_dpi { set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int window_scaling_factor { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_shader_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+       public class Shader : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Shader ();
+               public bool compile () throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Cogl.Handle get_cogl_fragment_shader ();
+               public unowned Cogl.Handle get_cogl_program ();
+               public unowned Cogl.Handle get_cogl_vertex_shader ();
+               public unowned string get_fragment_source ();
+               public bool get_is_enabled ();
+               public unowned string get_vertex_source ();
+               public bool is_compiled ();
+               public void release ();
+               public void set_fragment_source (string data, ssize_t length);
+               public void set_is_enabled (bool enabled);
+               public void set_uniform (string name, GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_vertex_source (string data, ssize_t length);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool compiled { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool enabled { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string fragment_source { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string vertex_source { owned get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_shader_effect_get_type ()")]
+       public class ShaderEffect : Clutter.OffscreenEffect {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterEffect*")]
+               public ShaderEffect (Clutter.ShaderType shader_type);
+               public unowned Cogl.Handle get_program ();
+               public unowned Cogl.Handle get_shader ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual string get_static_shader_source ();
+               public bool set_shader_source (string source);
+               public void set_uniform_value (string name, GLib.Value value);
+               public Clutter.ShaderType shader_type { construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_shader_float_get_type ()")]
+       public class ShaderFloat {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ShaderFloat ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_shader_int_get_type ()")]
+       public class ShaderInt {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ShaderInt ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_shader_matrix_get_type ()")]
+       public class ShaderMatrix {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ShaderMatrix ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "clutter_size_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Size {
+               public float height;
+               public float width;
+               public static Clutter.Size alloc ();
+               public Clutter.Size copy ();
+               public bool equals (Clutter.Size b);
+               public void free ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Size init (float width, float height);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_snap_constraint_get_type ()")]
+       public class SnapConstraint : Clutter.Constraint {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterConstraint*")]
+               public SnapConstraint (Clutter.Actor? source, Clutter.SnapEdge from_edge, Clutter.SnapEdge to_edge, float offset);
+               public void get_edges (out Clutter.SnapEdge from_edge, out Clutter.SnapEdge to_edge);
+               public float get_offset ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_source ();
+               public void set_edges (Clutter.SnapEdge from_edge, Clutter.SnapEdge to_edge);
+               public void set_offset (float offset);
+               public void set_source (Clutter.Actor? source);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.SnapEdge from_edge { get; set construct; }
+               public float offset { get; set construct; }
+               public Clutter.Actor source { get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Clutter.SnapEdge to_edge { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_stage_get_type ()")]
+       public class Stage : Clutter.Group, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               public Stage ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_stage_event")]
+               public bool emit_event (Clutter.Event event);
+               public void ensure_current ();
+               public void ensure_redraw ();
+               public void ensure_viewport ();
+               public bool get_accept_focus ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_actor_at_pos (Clutter.PickMode pick_mode, int x, int y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Color get_color ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public static unowned Clutter.Stage get_default ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Fog get_fog ();
+               public bool get_fullscreen ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor get_key_focus ();
+               public void get_minimum_size (out uint width, out uint height);
+               public bool get_motion_events_enabled ();
+               public bool get_no_clear_hint ();
+               public Clutter.Perspective get_perspective ();
+               public Cairo.RectangleInt get_redraw_clip_bounds ();
+               public bool get_throttle_motion_events ();
+               public unowned string get_title ();
+               public bool get_use_alpha ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public bool get_use_fog ();
+               public bool get_user_resizable ();
+               public void hide_cursor ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public bool is_default ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void queue_redraw ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false)]
+               public uint8[] read_pixels (int x, int y, int width = -1, int height = -1);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_redraw")]
+               public void redraw ();
+               public void set_accept_focus (bool accept_focus);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_color (Clutter.Color color);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_fog (Clutter.Fog fog);
+               public void set_fullscreen (bool fullscreen);
+               public void set_key_focus (Clutter.Actor? actor);
+               public void set_minimum_size (uint width, uint height);
+               public void set_motion_events_enabled (bool enabled);
+               public void set_no_clear_hint (bool no_clear);
+               public void set_perspective (Clutter.Perspective perspective);
+               public void set_throttle_motion_events (bool throttle);
+               public void set_title (string title);
+               public void set_use_alpha (bool use_alpha);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_use_fog (bool fog);
+               public void set_user_resizable (bool resizable);
+               public void show_cursor ();
+               public bool accept_focus { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Color color { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool cursor_visible { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Fog fog { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool fullscreen_set { get; }
+               public Clutter.Actor key_focus { get; set; }
+               public bool no_clear_hint { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool offscreen { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Perspective perspective { get; set; }
+               public string title { get; set; }
+               public bool use_alpha { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public bool use_fog { get; set; }
+               public bool user_resizable { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void activate ();
+               public signal void after_paint ();
+               public virtual signal void deactivate ();
+               public virtual signal bool delete_event (Clutter.Event event);
+               public virtual signal void fullscreen ();
+               public virtual signal void unfullscreen ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_stage_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public class StageManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected StageManager ();
+               public static unowned Clutter.StageManager get_default ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Stage get_default_stage ();
+               public GLib.SList<weak Clutter.Stage> list_stages ();
+               public unowned GLib.SList<Clutter.Stage> peek_stages ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.2")]
+               public void set_default_stage (Clutter.Stage stage);
+               public Clutter.Stage default_stage { get; }
+               public virtual signal void stage_added (Clutter.Stage stage);
+               public virtual signal void stage_removed (Clutter.Stage stage);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_state_get_type ()")]
+       public class State : GLib.Object, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public State ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Animator get_animator (string source_state_name, string target_state_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public uint get_duration (string? source_state_name, string? target_state_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public GLib.List<weak Clutter.StateKey> get_keys (string? source_state_name, string? target_state_name, GLib.Object? object, string? property_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned string get_state ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public GLib.List<weak string> get_states ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Timeline get_timeline ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void remove_key (string? source_state_name, string? target_state_name, GLib.Object? object, string? property_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_animator (string source_state_name, string target_state_name, Clutter.Animator? animator);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_duration (string? source_state_name, string? target_state_name, uint duration);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.State set_key (string? source_state_name, string target_state_name, GLib.Object object, string property_name, uint mode, GLib.Value value, double pre_delay, double post_delay);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Timeline set_state (string target_state_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Clutter.Timeline warp_to_state (string target_state_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint duration { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string state { owned get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual signal void completed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "clutter_state_key_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class StateKey {
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public ulong get_mode ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned GLib.Object get_object ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public double get_post_delay ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public double get_pre_delay ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned string get_property_name ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public GLib.Type get_property_type ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned string get_source_state_name ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned string get_target_state_name ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_value (GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_swipe_action_get_type ()")]
+       public class SwipeAction : Clutter.GestureAction {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterAction*")]
+               public SwipeAction ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.14")]
+               public virtual signal void swept (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.SwipeDirection direction);
+               public virtual signal bool swipe (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.SwipeDirection direction);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_table_layout_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.18")]
+       public class TableLayout : Clutter.LayoutManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterLayoutManager*")]
+               public TableLayout ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_alignment (Clutter.Actor actor, out Clutter.TableAlignment x_align, out Clutter.TableAlignment y_align);
+               public int get_column_count ();
+               public uint get_column_spacing ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public uint get_easing_duration ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public ulong get_easing_mode ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_expand (Clutter.Actor actor, out bool x_expand, out bool y_expand);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_fill (Clutter.Actor actor, out bool x_fill, out bool y_fill);
+               public int get_row_count ();
+               public uint get_row_spacing ();
+               public void get_span (Clutter.Actor actor, out int column_span, out int row_span);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_use_animations ();
+               public void pack (Clutter.Actor actor, int column, int row);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_alignment (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.TableAlignment x_align, Clutter.TableAlignment y_align);
+               public void set_column_spacing (uint spacing);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_easing_duration (uint msecs);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_easing_mode (ulong mode);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_expand (Clutter.Actor actor, bool x_expand, bool y_expand);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_fill (Clutter.Actor actor, bool x_fill, bool y_fill);
+               public void set_row_spacing (uint spacing);
+               public void set_span (Clutter.Actor actor, int column_span, int row_span);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_use_animations (bool animate);
+               public uint column_spacing { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public uint easing_duration { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public ulong easing_mode { get; set; }
+               public uint row_spacing { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool use_animations { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_tap_action_get_type ()")]
+       public class TapAction : Clutter.GestureAction {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterAction*")]
+               public TapAction ();
+               public virtual signal void tap (Clutter.Actor actor);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_text_get_type ()")]
+       public class Text : Clutter.Actor, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               public Text ();
+               public int coords_to_position (float x, float y);
+               public void delete_chars (uint n_chars);
+               public bool delete_selection ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               public Text.full (string font_name, string text, Clutter.Color color);
+               public bool get_activatable ();
+               public unowned Pango.AttrList get_attributes ();
+               public unowned Clutter.TextBuffer get_buffer ();
+               public string get_chars (ssize_t start_pos, ssize_t end_pos);
+               public Clutter.Color get_color ();
+               public Clutter.Color get_cursor_color ();
+               public int get_cursor_position ();
+               public void get_cursor_rect (out unowned Clutter.Rect rect);
+               public uint get_cursor_size ();
+               public bool get_cursor_visible ();
+               public bool get_editable ();
+               public Pango.EllipsizeMode get_ellipsize ();
+               public Pango.FontDescription get_font_description ();
+               public unowned string get_font_name ();
+               public bool get_justify ();
+               public unowned Pango.Layout get_layout ();
+               public void get_layout_offsets (out int x, out int y);
+               public Pango.Alignment get_line_alignment ();
+               public bool get_line_wrap ();
+               public Pango.WrapMode get_line_wrap_mode ();
+               public int get_max_length ();
+               public unichar get_password_char ();
+               public bool get_selectable ();
+               public Clutter.Color get_selected_text_color ();
+               public string get_selection ();
+               public int get_selection_bound ();
+               public Clutter.Color get_selection_color ();
+               public bool get_single_line_mode ();
+               public unowned string get_text ();
+               public bool get_use_markup ();
+               public void insert_text (string text, ssize_t position);
+               public void insert_unichar (unichar wc);
+               public bool position_to_coords (int position, out float x, out float y, out float line_height = null);
+               public void set_activatable (bool activatable);
+               public void set_attributes (Pango.AttrList? attrs);
+               public void set_buffer (Clutter.TextBuffer buffer);
+               public void set_color (Clutter.Color color);
+               public void set_cursor_color (Clutter.Color? color);
+               public void set_cursor_position (int position);
+               public void set_cursor_size (int size);
+               public void set_cursor_visible (bool cursor_visible);
+               public void set_editable (bool editable);
+               public void set_ellipsize (Pango.EllipsizeMode mode);
+               public void set_font_description (Pango.FontDescription font_desc);
+               public void set_font_name (string? font_name);
+               public void set_justify (bool justify);
+               public void set_line_alignment (Pango.Alignment alignment);
+               public void set_line_wrap (bool line_wrap);
+               public void set_line_wrap_mode (Pango.WrapMode wrap_mode);
+               public void set_markup (string? markup);
+               public void set_max_length (int max);
+               public void set_password_char (unichar wc);
+               public void set_preedit_string (string? preedit_str, Pango.AttrList? preedit_attrs, uint cursor_pos);
+               public void set_selectable (bool selectable);
+               public void set_selected_text_color (Clutter.Color? color);
+               public void set_selection (ssize_t start_pos, ssize_t end_pos);
+               public void set_selection_bound (int selection_bound);
+               public void set_selection_color (Clutter.Color? color);
+               public void set_single_line_mode (bool single_line);
+               public void set_text (string? text);
+               public void set_use_markup (bool setting);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_text_activate")]
+               public bool try_activate ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               public Text.with_buffer (Clutter.TextBuffer buffer);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               public Text.with_text (string? font_name, string text);
+               public bool activatable { get; set; }
+               public Pango.AttrList attributes { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.TextBuffer buffer { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Color color { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Color cursor_color { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool cursor_color_set { get; }
+               public int cursor_position { get; set; }
+               public int cursor_size { get; set; }
+               public bool cursor_visible { get; set; }
+               public bool editable { get; set; }
+               public Pango.EllipsizeMode ellipsize { get; set; }
+               public Pango.FontDescription font_description { owned get; set; }
+               public string font_name { get; set; }
+               public bool justify { get; set; }
+               public Pango.Alignment line_alignment { get; set; }
+               public bool line_wrap { get; set; }
+               public Pango.WrapMode line_wrap_mode { get; set; }
+               public int max_length { get; set; }
+               public uint password_char { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int position { get; set; }
+               public bool selectable { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Color selected_text_color { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool selected_text_color_set { get; }
+               public int selection_bound { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Color selection_color { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool selection_color_set { get; }
+               public bool single_line_mode { get; set; }
+               public string text { get; set; }
+               public bool use_markup { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void activate ();
+               public virtual signal void cursor_changed ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.16")]
+               public virtual signal void cursor_event (Clutter.Geometry geometry);
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public signal void delete_text (int start_pos, int end_pos);
+               public virtual signal void text_changed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_text_buffer_get_type ()")]
+       public class TextBuffer : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public TextBuffer ();
+               public virtual uint delete_text (uint position, uint n_chars);
+               public void emit_deleted_text (uint position, uint n_chars);
+               public void emit_inserted_text (uint position, string chars, uint n_chars);
+               public size_t get_bytes ();
+               public virtual uint get_length ();
+               public int get_max_length ();
+               public unowned string get_text ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "get_text")]
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned string get_text_with_length (size_t n_bytes);
+               public virtual uint insert_text (uint position, string chars, uint n_chars);
+               public void set_max_length (int max_length);
+               public void set_text (string chars, int n_chars);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public TextBuffer.with_text (string? text, ssize_t text_len);
+               public uint length { get; }
+               public int max_length { get; set; }
+               public string text { get; }
+               public virtual signal void deleted_text (uint position, uint n_chars);
+               public virtual signal void inserted_text (uint position, string chars, uint n_chars);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_text_node_get_type ()")]
+       public class TextNode : Clutter.PaintNode {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterPaintNode*")]
+               public TextNode (Pango.Layout? layout, Clutter.Color? color);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_texture_get_type ()")]
+       public class Texture : Clutter.Actor, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Scriptable, Atk.Implementor, Clutter.Animatable, Clutter.Container, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public Texture ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public Texture.from_actor (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterActor*")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public Texture.from_file (string filename) throws Clutter.TextureError;
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_base_size (out int width, out int height);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Cogl.Handle get_cogl_material ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public unowned Cogl.Handle get_cogl_texture ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public Clutter.TextureQuality get_filter_quality ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_keep_aspect_ratio ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_load_async ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_load_data_async ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public int get_max_tile_waste ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_pick_with_alpha ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public Cogl.PixelFormat get_pixel_format ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void get_repeat (out bool repeat_x, out bool repeat_y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_sync_size ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool set_area_from_rgb_data ([CCode (array_length = false)] uint8[] data, bool has_alpha, int x, int y, int width, int height, int rowstride, int bpp, Clutter.TextureFlags flags) throws GLib.Error;
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_cogl_material (Cogl.Handle cogl_material);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_cogl_texture (Cogl.Handle cogl_tex);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_filter_quality (Clutter.TextureQuality filter_quality);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool set_from_file (string filename) throws GLib.Error;
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool set_from_rgb_data ([CCode (array_length = false)] uint8[] data, bool has_alpha, int width, int height, int rowstride, int bpp, Clutter.TextureFlags flags) throws GLib.Error;
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public bool set_from_yuv_data ([CCode (array_length = false)] uint8[] data, int width, int height, Clutter.TextureFlags flags) throws GLib.Error;
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_keep_aspect_ratio (bool keep_aspect);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_load_async (bool load_async);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_load_data_async (bool load_async);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_pick_with_alpha (bool pick_with_alpha);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_repeat (bool repeat_x, bool repeat_y);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_sync_size (bool sync_size);
+               public Cogl.Material cogl_material { get; set; }
+               public Cogl.Texture cogl_texture { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool disable_slicing { get; construct; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string filename { owned get; set; }
+               public Clutter.TextureQuality filter_quality { get; set construct; }
+               public bool keep_aspect_ratio { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool load_async { set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool load_data_async { set; }
+               public bool pick_with_alpha { get; set; }
+               public Cogl.PixelFormat pixel_format { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool repeat_x { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool repeat_y { get; set; }
+               public bool sync_size { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int tile_waste { get; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual signal void load_finished (GLib.Error error);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual signal void pixbuf_change ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual signal void size_change (int width, int height);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_texture_node_get_type ()")]
+       public class TextureNode : Clutter.PipelineNode {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterPaintNode*")]
+               public TextureNode (Cogl.Texture texture, Clutter.Color? color, Clutter.ScalingFilter min_filter, Clutter.ScalingFilter mag_filter);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_timeline_get_type ()")]
+       public class Timeline : GLib.Object, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Timeline (uint msecs);
+               public void add_marker (string marker_name, double progress);
+               public void add_marker_at_time (string marker_name, uint msecs);
+               public void advance (uint msecs);
+               public void advance_to_marker (string marker_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public Clutter.Timeline clone ();
+               public bool get_auto_reverse ();
+               public bool get_cubic_bezier_progress (Clutter.Point c_1, Clutter.Point c_2);
+               public int get_current_repeat ();
+               public uint get_delay ();
+               public uint get_delta ();
+               public Clutter.TimelineDirection get_direction ();
+               public uint get_duration ();
+               public int64 get_duration_hint ();
+               public uint get_elapsed_time ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public bool get_loop ();
+               public double get_progress ();
+               public Clutter.AnimationMode get_progress_mode ();
+               public int get_repeat_count ();
+               public bool get_step_progress (out int n_steps, out Clutter.StepMode step_mode);
+               public bool has_marker (string marker_name);
+               public bool is_playing ();
+               [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "gsize", array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public string[] list_markers (int msecs);
+               public void pause ();
+               public void remove_marker (string marker_name);
+               public void rewind ();
+               public void set_auto_reverse (bool reverse);
+               public void set_cubic_bezier_progress (Clutter.Point c_1, Clutter.Point c_2);
+               public void set_delay (uint msecs);
+               public void set_direction (Clutter.TimelineDirection direction);
+               public void set_duration (uint msecs);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void set_loop (bool loop);
+               public void set_progress_func (owned Clutter.TimelineProgressFunc? func);
+               public void set_progress_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode mode);
+               public void set_repeat_count (int count);
+               public void set_step_progress (int n_steps, Clutter.StepMode step_mode);
+               public void skip (uint msecs);
+               public void start ();
+               public void stop ();
+               public bool auto_reverse { get; set; }
+               public uint delay { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.TimelineDirection direction { get; set; }
+               public uint duration { get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public bool loop { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.AnimationMode progress_mode { get; set; }
+               public int repeat_count { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void completed ();
+               public virtual signal void marker_reached (string marker_name, int msecs);
+               public virtual signal void new_frame (int msecs);
+               public virtual signal void paused ();
+               public virtual signal void started ();
+               public virtual signal void stopped (bool is_finished);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+       public class TimeoutPool {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public TimeoutPool (int priority);
+               public uint add (uint fps, owned GLib.SourceFunc func);
+               public void remove (uint id_);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_transition_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class Transition : Clutter.Timeline, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Transition ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void attached (Clutter.Animatable animatable);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void compute_value (Clutter.Animatable animatable, Clutter.Interval interval, double progress);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void detached (Clutter.Animatable animatable);
+               public unowned Clutter.Animatable get_animatable ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Interval get_interval ();
+               public bool get_remove_on_complete ();
+               public void set_animatable (Clutter.Animatable? animatable);
+               public void set_from_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_interval (Clutter.Interval? interval);
+               public void set_remove_on_complete (bool remove_complete);
+               public void set_to_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public Clutter.Animatable animatable { get; set; }
+               public Clutter.Interval interval { get; set; }
+               public bool remove_on_complete { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_transition_group_get_type ()")]
+       public class TransitionGroup : Clutter.Transition, Clutter.Scriptable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterTransition*")]
+               public TransitionGroup ();
+               public void add_transition (Clutter.Transition transition);
+               public void remove_all ();
+               public void remove_transition (Clutter.Transition transition);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_zoom_action_get_type ()")]
+       public class ZoomAction : Clutter.GestureAction {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "ClutterAction*")]
+               public ZoomAction ();
+               public void get_focal_point (Clutter.Point point);
+               public void get_transformed_focal_point (Clutter.Point point);
+               public Clutter.ZoomAxis get_zoom_axis ();
+               public void set_zoom_axis (Clutter.ZoomAxis axis);
+               public Clutter.ZoomAxis zoom_axis { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal bool zoom (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.Point focal_point, double factor);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_animatable_get_type ()")]
+       public interface Animatable : GLib.Object {
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+               public abstract bool animate_property (Clutter.Animation animation, string property_name, GLib.Value initial_value, GLib.Value final_value, double progress, GLib.Value value);
+               public abstract unowned GLib.ParamSpec find_property (string property_name);
+               public abstract void get_initial_state (string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+               public abstract bool interpolate_value (string property_name, Clutter.Interval interval, double progress, out GLib.Value value);
+               public abstract void set_final_state (string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_container_get_type ()")]
+       public interface Container : GLib.Object {
+               public void add (params Clutter.Actor[] actors);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "add")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public abstract void add_actor (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void add_valist (Clutter.Actor first_actor, va_list var_args);
+               public void child_get (Clutter.Actor actor, ...);
+               public void child_get_property (Clutter.Actor child, string property, GLib.Value value);
+               public void child_set (Clutter.Actor actor, ...);
+               public void child_set_property (Clutter.Actor child, string property, GLib.Value value);
+               public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec class_find_child_property (GLib.ObjectClass klass, string property_name);
+               [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")]
+               public static GLib.ParamSpec[] class_list_child_properties (GLib.ObjectClass klass);
+               public virtual void create_child_meta (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public virtual void destroy_child_meta (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public unowned Clutter.Actor find_child_by_name (string child_name);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_container_class_find_child_property")]
+               public class unowned GLib.ParamSpec find_child_property (string property_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public abstract void @foreach (Clutter.Callback callback);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public virtual void foreach_with_internals (Clutter.Callback callback);
+               public virtual unowned Clutter.ChildMeta get_child_meta (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public GLib.List<weak Clutter.Actor> get_children ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_container_class_list_child_properties")]
+               public class unowned GLib.ParamSpec[] list_child_properties ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "lower")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public virtual void lower_child (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.Actor? sibling = null);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "raise")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public virtual void raise_child (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.Actor? sibling = null);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void remove (...);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "remove")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public abstract void remove_actor (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public void remove_valist (Clutter.Actor first_actor, va_list var_args);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+               public abstract void sort_depth_order ();
+               public virtual signal void actor_added (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public virtual signal void actor_removed (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void child_notify (Clutter.Actor child, GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_content_get_type ()")]
+       public interface Content : GLib.Object {
+               public abstract bool get_preferred_size (out float width, out float height);
+               public abstract void invalidate ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void paint_content (Clutter.Actor actor, Clutter.PaintNode node);
+               public virtual signal void attached (Clutter.Actor actor);
+               public virtual signal void detached (Clutter.Actor actor);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_media_get_type ()")]
+       public interface Media : GLib.Object {
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public double get_audio_volume ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public double get_buffer_fill ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_can_seek ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public double get_duration ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public bool get_playing ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public double get_progress ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public string get_subtitle_font_name ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public string get_subtitle_uri ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public string get_uri ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_audio_volume (double volume);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_filename (string filename);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_playing (bool playing);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_progress (double progress);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_subtitle_font_name (string font_name);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_subtitle_uri (string uri);
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public void set_uri (string uri);
+               [ConcreteAccessor]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public abstract double audio_volume { get; set; }
+               [ConcreteAccessor]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public abstract double buffer_fill { get; }
+               [ConcreteAccessor]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public abstract bool can_seek { get; }
+               [ConcreteAccessor]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public abstract double duration { get; }
+               [ConcreteAccessor]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public abstract bool playing { get; set; }
+               [ConcreteAccessor]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public abstract double progress { get; set; }
+               [ConcreteAccessor]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public abstract string subtitle_font_name { owned get; set; }
+               [ConcreteAccessor]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public abstract string subtitle_uri { owned get; set; }
+               [ConcreteAccessor]
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public abstract string uri { owned get; set; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual signal void eos ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+               public virtual signal void error (GLib.Error error);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_scriptable_get_type ()")]
+       public interface Scriptable : GLib.Object {
+               public abstract unowned string get_id ();
+               public abstract bool parse_custom_node (Clutter.Script script, GLib.Value value, string name, Json.Node node);
+               public abstract void set_custom_property (Clutter.Script script, string name, GLib.Value value);
+               public abstract void set_id (string id_);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public interface StageWindow : GLib.Object {
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void add_redraw_clip (Clutter.Geometry stage_rectangle);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void get_geometry (Clutter.Geometry geometry);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract int get_pending_swaps ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract unowned Clutter.Actor get_wrapper ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract bool has_redraw_clips ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void hide ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract bool ignoring_redraw_clips ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract bool realize ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void resize (int width, int height);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void set_cursor_visible (bool cursor_visible);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void set_fullscreen (bool is_fullscreen);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void set_title (string title);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void set_user_resizable (bool is_resizable);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void show (bool do_raise);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void unrealize ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "CLUTTER_TYPE_ACTOR_BOX")]
+       public struct ActorBox {
+               public float x1;
+               public float y1;
+               public float x2;
+               public float y2;
+               public static Clutter.ActorBox? alloc ();
+               public void clamp_to_pixel ();
+               public bool contains (float x, float y);
+               public Clutter.ActorBox? copy ();
+               public bool equal (Clutter.ActorBox box_b);
+               public void free ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_actor_box_from_vertices")]
+               public ActorBox.from_vertices (Clutter.Vertex[] verts);
+               public float get_area ();
+               public float get_height ();
+               public void get_origin (out float x, out float y);
+               public void get_size (out float width, out float height);
+               public float get_width ();
+               public float get_x ();
+               public float get_y ();
+               public unowned Clutter.ActorBox? init (float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2);
+               public void init_rect (float x, float y, float width, float height);
+               public Clutter.ActorBox interpolate (Clutter.ActorBox final, double progress);
+               public void set_origin (float x, float y);
+               public void set_size (float width, float height);
+               public Clutter.ActorBox union (Clutter.ActorBox b);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct ActorIter {
+               public void destroy ();
+               public void init (Clutter.Actor root);
+               public bool is_valid ();
+               public bool next (out unowned Clutter.Actor child);
+               public bool prev (out unowned Clutter.Actor child);
+               public void remove ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct AnyEvent {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct ButtonEvent {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+               public float x;
+               public float y;
+               public Clutter.ModifierType modifier_state;
+               public uint32 button;
+               public uint click_count;
+               public double axes;
+               public weak Clutter.InputDevice device;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "CLUTTER_TYPE_COLOR")]
+       public struct Color {
+               public uint8 red;
+               public uint8 green;
+               public uint8 blue;
+               public uint8 alpha;
+               public Clutter.Color add (Clutter.Color b);
+               public static Clutter.Color? alloc ();
+               public Clutter.Color? copy ();
+               public Clutter.Color darken ();
+               public bool equal (Clutter.Color v2);
+               public void free ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_color_from_hls")]
+               public Color.from_hls (float hue, float luminance, float saturation);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_color_from_pixel")]
+               public Color.from_pixel (uint32 pixel);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_color_from_string")]
+               public Color.from_string (string str);
+               public static unowned Clutter.Color? get_static (Clutter.StaticColor color);
+               public uint hash ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Color? init (uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue, uint8 alpha);
+               public Clutter.Color interpolate (Clutter.Color final, double progress);
+               public Clutter.Color lighten ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_color_from_string")]
+               public bool parse_string (string str);
+               public Clutter.Color shade (double factor);
+               public Clutter.Color subtract (Clutter.Color b);
+               public void to_hls (out float hue, out float luminance, out float saturation);
+               public uint32 to_pixel ();
+               public string to_string ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct CrossingEvent {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+               public float x;
+               public float y;
+               public weak Clutter.InputDevice device;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor related;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_fog_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public struct Fog {
+               public float z_near;
+               public float z_far;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_geometry_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.16")]
+       public struct Geometry {
+               public int x;
+               public int y;
+               public uint width;
+               public uint height;
+               public bool intersects (Clutter.Geometry geometry1);
+               public Clutter.Geometry union (Clutter.Geometry geometry_b);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct KeyEvent {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+               public Clutter.ModifierType modifier_state;
+               public uint keyval;
+               public uint16 hardware_keycode;
+               public unichar unicode_value;
+               public weak Clutter.InputDevice device;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_knot_get_type ()")]
+       public struct Knot {
+               public int x;
+               public int y;
+               public Clutter.Knot? copy ();
+               public bool equal (Clutter.Knot knot_b);
+               public void free ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public struct Matrix : Cogl.Matrix {
+               public static Clutter.Matrix? alloc ();
+               public static void free (Clutter.Matrix? matrix);
+               public static GLib.Type get_type ();
+               public static unowned Clutter.Matrix? init_from_array (Clutter.Matrix matrix, [CCode (array_length = false)] float[] values);
+               public static unowned Clutter.Matrix? init_from_matrix (Clutter.Matrix a, Clutter.Matrix b);
+               public static unowned Clutter.Matrix? init_identity (Clutter.Matrix matrix);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct MotionEvent {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+               public float x;
+               public float y;
+               public Clutter.ModifierType modifier_state;
+               public double axes;
+               public weak Clutter.InputDevice device;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_path_node_get_type ()")]
+       public struct PathNode {
+               public Clutter.PathNodeType type;
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public weak Clutter.Knot[] points;
+               public Clutter.PathNode? copy ();
+               public bool equal (Clutter.PathNode node_b);
+               public void free ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_perspective_get_type ()")]
+       public struct Perspective {
+               public float fovy;
+               public float aspect;
+               public float z_near;
+               public float z_far;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public class ScrollEvent : Event {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+               public float x;
+               public float y;
+               public Clutter.ScrollDirection direction;
+               public Clutter.ModifierType modifier_state;
+               public double axes;
+               public weak Clutter.InputDevice device;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct StageStateEvent {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+               public Clutter.StageState changed_mask;
+               public Clutter.StageState new_state;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct TouchEvent {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+               public float x;
+               public float y;
+               public weak Clutter.EventSequence sequence;
+               public Clutter.ModifierType modifier_state;
+               public double axes;
+               public weak Clutter.InputDevice device;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct TouchpadPinchEvent {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+               public Clutter.TouchpadGesturePhase phase;
+               public float x;
+               public float y;
+               public float dx;
+               public float dy;
+               public float angle_delta;
+               public float scale;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct TouchpadSwipeEvent {
+               public Clutter.EventType type;
+               public uint32 time;
+               public Clutter.EventFlags flags;
+               public weak Clutter.Stage stage;
+               public weak Clutter.Actor source;
+               public Clutter.TouchpadGesturePhase phase;
+               public uint n_fingers;
+               public float x;
+               public float y;
+               public float dx;
+               public float dy;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "CLUTTER_TYPE_UNITS")]
+       public struct Units {
+               public Clutter.Units? copy ();
+               public void free ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_units_from_cm")]
+               public Units.from_cm (float cm);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_units_from_em")]
+               public Units.from_em (float em);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_units_from_em_for_font")]
+               public Units.from_em_for_font (string font_name, float em);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_units_from_mm")]
+               public Units.from_mm (float mm);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_units_from_pixels")]
+               public Units.from_pixels (int px);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_units_from_pt")]
+               public Units.from_pt (float pt);
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_units_from_string")]
+               public Units.from_string (string str);
+               public Clutter.UnitType get_unit_type ();
+               public float get_unit_value ();
+               public float to_pixels ();
+               public string to_string ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", type_id = "clutter_vertex_get_type ()")]
+       public struct Vertex {
+               public float x;
+               public float y;
+               public float z;
+               public static Clutter.Vertex? alloc ();
+               public Clutter.Vertex? copy ();
+               public bool equal (Clutter.Vertex vertex_b);
+               public void free ();
+               public unowned Clutter.Vertex? init (float x, float y, float z);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_ACTOR_ALIGN_", type_id = "clutter_actor_align_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ActorAlign {
+               FILL,
+               START,
+               CENTER,
+               END
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_ACTOR_", type_id = "clutter_actor_flags_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ActorFlags {
+               MAPPED,
+               REALIZED,
+               REACTIVE,
+               VISIBLE,
+               NO_LAYOUT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_ALIGN_", type_id = "clutter_align_axis_get_type ()")]
+       public enum AlignAxis {
+               X_AXIS,
+               Y_AXIS,
+               BOTH
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_", type_id = "clutter_allocation_flags_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum AllocationFlags {
+               ALLOCATION_NONE,
+               DELEGATE_LAYOUT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_", type_id = "clutter_animation_mode_get_type ()")]
+       public enum AnimationMode {
+               CUSTOM_MODE,
+               LINEAR,
+               EASE_IN_QUAD,
+               EASE_OUT_QUAD,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD,
+               EASE_IN_CUBIC,
+               EASE_OUT_CUBIC,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC,
+               EASE_IN_QUART,
+               EASE_OUT_QUART,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_QUART,
+               EASE_IN_QUINT,
+               EASE_OUT_QUINT,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_QUINT,
+               EASE_IN_SINE,
+               EASE_OUT_SINE,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_SINE,
+               EASE_IN_EXPO,
+               EASE_OUT_EXPO,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_EXPO,
+               EASE_IN_CIRC,
+               EASE_OUT_CIRC,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_CIRC,
+               EASE_IN_ELASTIC,
+               EASE_OUT_ELASTIC,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_ELASTIC,
+               EASE_IN_BACK,
+               EASE_OUT_BACK,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_BACK,
+               EASE_IN_BOUNCE,
+               EASE_OUT_BOUNCE,
+               EASE_IN_OUT_BOUNCE,
+               STEPS,
+               STEP_START,
+               STEP_END,
+               CUBIC_BEZIER,
+               EASE,
+               EASE_IN,
+               EASE_OUT,
+               EASE_IN_OUT,
+               ANIMATION_LAST
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_", type_id = "clutter_bin_alignment_get_type ()")]
+       public enum BinAlignment {
+               [Deprecated]
+               FIXED,
+               [Deprecated]
+               FILL,
+               START,
+               [Deprecated]
+               END,
+               [Deprecated]
+               CENTER
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_BIND_", type_id = "clutter_bind_coordinate_get_type ()")]
+       public enum BindCoordinate {
+               X,
+               Y,
+               WIDTH,
+               HEIGHT,
+               POSITION,
+               SIZE,
+               ALL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_BOX_ALIGNMENT_", type_id = "clutter_box_alignment_get_type ()")]
+       public enum BoxAlignment {
+               START,
+               END,
+               CENTER
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_CONTENT_GRAVITY_", type_id = "clutter_content_gravity_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ContentGravity {
+               TOP_LEFT,
+               TOP,
+               TOP_RIGHT,
+               LEFT,
+               CENTER,
+               RIGHT,
+               BOTTOM_LEFT,
+               BOTTOM,
+               BOTTOM_RIGHT,
+               RESIZE_FILL,
+               RESIZE_ASPECT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_REPEAT_", type_id = "clutter_content_repeat_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ContentRepeat {
+               NONE,
+               X_AXIS,
+               Y_AXIS,
+               BOTH
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_DRAG_", type_id = "clutter_drag_axis_get_type ()")]
+       public enum DragAxis {
+               AXIS_NONE,
+               X_AXIS,
+               Y_AXIS
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_EFFECT_PAINT_ACTOR_", type_id = "clutter_effect_paint_flags_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum EffectPaintFlags {
+               [CCode (cname = "CLUTTER_EFFECT_PAINT_ACTOR_DIRTY")]
+               ACTOR_DIRTY
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_EVENT_", type_id = "clutter_event_flags_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum EventFlags {
+               NONE,
+               FLAG_SYNTHETIC
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_", type_id = "clutter_event_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum EventType {
+               NOTHING,
+               KEY_PRESS,
+               KEY_RELEASE,
+               MOTION,
+               ENTER,
+               LEAVE,
+               BUTTON_PRESS,
+               BUTTON_RELEASE,
+               SCROLL,
+               STAGE_STATE,
+               DESTROY_NOTIFY,
+               CLIENT_MESSAGE,
+               DELETE,
+               TOUCH_BEGIN,
+               TOUCH_UPDATE,
+               TOUCH_END,
+               TOUCH_CANCEL,
+               TOUCHPAD_PINCH,
+               TOUCHPAD_SWIPE,
+               EVENT_LAST
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_FEATURE_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum FeatureFlags {
+               TEXTURE_NPOT,
+               SYNC_TO_VBLANK,
+               TEXTURE_YUV,
+               TEXTURE_READ_PIXELS,
+               STAGE_STATIC,
+               STAGE_USER_RESIZE,
+               STAGE_CURSOR,
+               SHADERS_GLSL,
+               OFFSCREEN,
+               STAGE_MULTIPLE,
+               SWAP_EVENTS;
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_feature_available")]
+               public bool is_available ();
+               [CCode (cname = "clutter_feature_get_all")]
+               public static Clutter.FeatureFlags @get ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_FLOW_", type_id = "clutter_flow_orientation_get_type ()")]
+       public enum FlowOrientation {
+               HORIZONTAL,
+               VERTICAL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_FONT_", type_id = "clutter_font_flags_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.22")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum FontFlags {
+               MIPMAPPING,
+               HINTING
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_GESTURE_TRIGGER_EDGE_", type_id = "clutter_gesture_trigger_edge_get_type ()")]
+       public enum GestureTriggerEdge {
+               NONE,
+               AFTER,
+               BEFORE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_GRAVITY_", type_id = "clutter_gravity_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.22")]
+       public enum Gravity {
+               NONE,
+               NORTH,
+               NORTH_EAST,
+               EAST,
+               SOUTH_EAST,
+               SOUTH,
+               SOUTH_WEST,
+               WEST,
+               NORTH_WEST,
+               CENTER
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_GRID_POSITION_", type_id = "clutter_grid_position_get_type ()")]
+       public enum GridPosition {
+               LEFT,
+               RIGHT,
+               TOP,
+               BOTTOM
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_INIT_", type_id = "clutter_init_error_get_type ()")]
+       public enum InitError {
+               SUCCESS,
+               ERROR_UNKNOWN,
+               ERROR_THREADS,
+               ERROR_BACKEND,
+               ERROR_INTERNAL;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_INPUT_AXIS_", type_id = "clutter_input_axis_get_type ()")]
+       public enum InputAxis {
+               IGNORE,
+               X,
+               Y,
+               PRESSURE,
+               XTILT,
+               YTILT,
+               WHEEL,
+               DISTANCE,
+               LAST
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_", type_id = "clutter_input_device_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum InputDeviceType {
+               POINTER_DEVICE,
+               KEYBOARD_DEVICE,
+               EXTENSION_DEVICE,
+               JOYSTICK_DEVICE,
+               TABLET_DEVICE,
+               TOUCHPAD_DEVICE,
+               TOUCHSCREEN_DEVICE,
+               PEN_DEVICE,
+               ERASER_DEVICE,
+               CURSOR_DEVICE,
+               N_DEVICE_TYPES
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_INPUT_MODE_", type_id = "clutter_input_mode_get_type ()")]
+       public enum InputMode {
+               MASTER,
+               SLAVE,
+               FLOATING
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_INTERPOLATION_", type_id = "clutter_interpolation_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.22")]
+       public enum Interpolation {
+               LINEAR,
+               CUBIC
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_LONG_PRESS_", type_id = "clutter_long_press_state_get_type ()")]
+       public enum LongPressState {
+               QUERY,
+               ACTIVATE,
+               CANCEL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_", type_id = "clutter_modifier_type_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ModifierType {
+               SHIFT_MASK,
+               LOCK_MASK,
+               CONTROL_MASK,
+               MOD1_MASK,
+               MOD2_MASK,
+               MOD3_MASK,
+               MOD4_MASK,
+               MOD5_MASK,
+               BUTTON1_MASK,
+               BUTTON2_MASK,
+               BUTTON3_MASK,
+               BUTTON4_MASK,
+               BUTTON5_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_13_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_14_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_15_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_16_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_17_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_18_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_19_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_20_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_21_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_22_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_23_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_24_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_25_MASK,
+               SUPER_MASK,
+               HYPER_MASK,
+               META_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_RESERVED_29_MASK,
+               RELEASE_MASK,
+               MODIFIER_MASK
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_OFFSCREEN_REDIRECT_", type_id = "clutter_offscreen_redirect_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum OffscreenRedirect {
+               AUTOMATIC_FOR_OPACITY,
+               ALWAYS
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_ORIENTATION_", type_id = "clutter_orientation_get_type ()")]
+       public enum Orientation {
+               HORIZONTAL,
+               VERTICAL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_PAN_", type_id = "clutter_pan_axis_get_type ()")]
+       public enum PanAxis {
+               AXIS_NONE,
+               X_AXIS,
+               Y_AXIS,
+               AXIS_AUTO
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_PATH_", type_id = "clutter_path_node_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum PathNodeType {
+               MOVE_TO,
+               LINE_TO,
+               CURVE_TO,
+               CLOSE,
+               REL_MOVE_TO,
+               REL_LINE_TO,
+               REL_CURVE_TO
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_PICK_", type_id = "clutter_pick_mode_get_type ()")]
+       public enum PickMode {
+               NONE,
+               REACTIVE,
+               ALL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_REPAINT_FLAGS_", type_id = "clutter_repaint_flags_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum RepaintFlags {
+               PRE_PAINT,
+               POST_PAINT,
+               QUEUE_REDRAW_ON_ADD
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_REQUEST_", type_id = "clutter_request_mode_get_type ()")]
+       public enum RequestMode {
+               HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH,
+               WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT,
+               CONTENT_SIZE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_", type_id = "clutter_rotate_axis_get_type ()")]
+       public enum RotateAxis {
+               X_AXIS,
+               Y_AXIS,
+               Z_AXIS
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_ROTATE_", type_id = "clutter_rotate_direction_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.22")]
+       public enum RotateDirection {
+               CW,
+               CCW
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_SCALING_FILTER_", type_id = "clutter_scaling_filter_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ScalingFilter {
+               LINEAR,
+               NEAREST,
+               TRILINEAR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_SCROLL_", type_id = "clutter_scroll_direction_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ScrollDirection {
+               UP,
+               DOWN,
+               LEFT,
+               RIGHT,
+               SMOOTH
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_SCROLL_", type_id = "clutter_scroll_mode_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ScrollMode {
+               NONE,
+               HORIZONTALLY,
+               VERTICALLY,
+               BOTH
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_", type_id = "clutter_shader_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ShaderType {
+               VERTEX_SHADER,
+               FRAGMENT_SHADER
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_SNAP_EDGE_", type_id = "clutter_snap_edge_get_type ()")]
+       public enum SnapEdge {
+               TOP,
+               RIGHT,
+               BOTTOM,
+               LEFT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_STAGE_STATE_", type_id = "clutter_stage_state_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum StageState {
+               FULLSCREEN,
+               OFFSCREEN,
+               ACTIVATED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_COLOR_", type_id = "clutter_static_color_get_type ()")]
+       public enum StaticColor {
+               WHITE,
+               BLACK,
+               RED,
+               DARK_RED,
+               GREEN,
+               DARK_GREEN,
+               BLUE,
+               DARK_BLUE,
+               CYAN,
+               DARK_CYAN,
+               MAGENTA,
+               DARK_MAGENTA,
+               YELLOW,
+               DARK_YELLOW,
+               GRAY,
+               DARK_GRAY,
+               LIGHT_GRAY,
+               BUTTER,
+               BUTTER_LIGHT,
+               BUTTER_DARK,
+               ORANGE,
+               ORANGE_LIGHT,
+               ORANGE_DARK,
+               CHOCOLATE,
+               CHOCOLATE_LIGHT,
+               CHOCOLATE_DARK,
+               CHAMELEON,
+               CHAMELEON_LIGHT,
+               CHAMELEON_DARK,
+               SKY_BLUE,
+               SKY_BLUE_LIGHT,
+               SKY_BLUE_DARK,
+               PLUM,
+               PLUM_LIGHT,
+               PLUM_DARK,
+               SCARLET_RED,
+               SCARLET_RED_LIGHT,
+               SCARLET_RED_DARK,
+               ALUMINIUM_1,
+               ALUMINIUM_2,
+               ALUMINIUM_3,
+               ALUMINIUM_4,
+               ALUMINIUM_5,
+               ALUMINIUM_6,
+               TRANSPARENT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_STEP_MODE_", type_id = "clutter_step_mode_get_type ()")]
+       public enum StepMode {
+               START,
+               END
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_SWIPE_DIRECTION_", type_id = "clutter_swipe_direction_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum SwipeDirection {
+               UP,
+               DOWN,
+               LEFT,
+               RIGHT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_TABLE_ALIGNMENT_", type_id = "clutter_table_alignment_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.22")]
+       public enum TableAlignment {
+               START,
+               CENTER,
+               END
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_TEXT_DIRECTION_", type_id = "clutter_text_direction_get_type ()")]
+       public enum TextDirection {
+               DEFAULT,
+               LTR,
+               RTL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_TEXTURE_", type_id = "clutter_texture_flags_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.22")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum TextureFlags {
+               NONE,
+               RGB_FLAG_BGR,
+               RGB_FLAG_PREMULT,
+               YUV_FLAG_YUV2
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_TEXTURE_QUALITY_", type_id = "clutter_texture_quality_get_type ()")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.22")]
+       public enum TextureQuality {
+               LOW,
+               MEDIUM,
+               HIGH
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_TIMELINE_", type_id = "clutter_timeline_direction_get_type ()")]
+       public enum TimelineDirection {
+               FORWARD,
+               BACKWARD
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_", type_id = "clutter_touchpad_gesture_phase_get_type ()")]
+       public enum TouchpadGesturePhase {
+               BEGIN,
+               UPDATE,
+               END,
+               CANCEL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_UNIT_", type_id = "clutter_unit_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum UnitType {
+               PIXEL,
+               EM,
+               MM,
+               POINT,
+               CM
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_ZOOM_", type_id = "clutter_zoom_axis_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ZoomAxis {
+               X_AXIS,
+               Y_AXIS,
+               BOTH
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_IMAGE_ERROR_INVALID_")]
+       public errordomain ImageError {
+               DATA;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_SCRIPT_ERROR_INVALID_")]
+       public errordomain ScriptError {
+               TYPE_FUNCTION,
+               PROPERTY,
+               VALUE;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_SHADER_ERROR_")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+       public errordomain ShaderError {
+               NO_ASM,
+               NO_GLSL,
+               COMPILE;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cprefix = "CLUTTER_TEXTURE_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain TextureError {
+               OUT_OF_MEMORY,
+               NO_YUV,
+               BAD_FORMAT;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 1.9)]
+       public delegate Clutter.Actor ActorCreateChildFunc (GLib.Object item);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 1.9)]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.12")]
+       public delegate double AlphaFunc (Clutter.Alpha alpha);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 2.9)]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.6")]
+       public delegate void BehaviourForeachFunc (Clutter.Behaviour behaviour, Clutter.Actor actor);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 4.9)]
+       public delegate bool BindingActionFunc (GLib.Object gobject, string action_name, uint key_val, Clutter.ModifierType modifiers);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 1.9)]
+       public delegate void Callback (Clutter.Actor actor);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 1.9)]
+       public delegate bool EventFilterFunc (Clutter.Event event);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 2.9)]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.24")]
+       public delegate bool ModelFilterFunc (Clutter.Model model, Clutter.ModelIter iter);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 2.9)]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.24")]
+       public delegate bool ModelForeachFunc (Clutter.Model model, Clutter.ModelIter iter);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 3.9)]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.24")]
+       public delegate int ModelSortFunc (Clutter.Model model, GLib.Value a, GLib.Value b);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 1.9)]
+       public delegate void PathCallback (Clutter.PathNode node);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool ProgressFunc (GLib.Value a, GLib.Value b, double progress, GLib.Value retval);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 6.9)]
+       public delegate void ScriptConnectFunc (Clutter.Script script, GLib.Object object, string signal_name, string handler_name, GLib.Object connect_object, GLib.ConnectFlags flags);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", instance_pos = 3.9)]
+       public delegate double TimelineProgressFunc (Clutter.Timeline timeline, double elapsed, double total);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_COGL")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public const string COGL;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_CURRENT_TIME")]
+       public const int CURRENT_TIME;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_FLAVOUR")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public const string FLAVOUR;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_MAJOR_VERSION")]
+       public const int MAJOR_VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_MICRO_VERSION")]
+       public const int MICRO_VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_MINOR_VERSION")]
+       public const int MINOR_VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_PATH_RELATIVE")]
+       public const int PATH_RELATIVE;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_PRIORITY_REDRAW")]
+       public const int PRIORITY_REDRAW;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_VERSION")]
+       public const double VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_VERSION_HEX")]
+       public const int VERSION_HEX;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h", cname = "CLUTTER_VERSION_S")]
+       public const string VERSION_S;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void base_init ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void cairo_clear (Cairo.Context cr);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void cairo_set_source_color (Cairo.Context cr, Clutter.Color color);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static bool check_version (uint major, uint minor, uint micro);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static bool check_windowing_backend (string backend_type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public static void clear_glyph_cache ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void disable_accessibility ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void do_event (Clutter.Event event);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static bool events_pending ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static bool get_accessibility_enabled ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static unowned Clutter.Event get_current_event ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static uint32 get_current_event_time ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public static bool get_debug_enabled ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static unowned Clutter.Backend get_default_backend ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static uint get_default_frame_rate ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static Clutter.TextDirection get_default_text_direction ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public static Clutter.FontFlags get_font_flags ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static unowned Pango.FontMap get_font_map ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static unowned Clutter.Actor get_keyboard_grab ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+       public static bool get_motion_events_enabled ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static GLib.OptionGroup get_option_group ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static GLib.OptionGroup get_option_group_without_init ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static unowned Clutter.Actor get_pointer_grab ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static unowned string get_script_id (GLib.Object gobject);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public static bool get_show_fps ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public static ulong get_timestamp ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void grab_keyboard (Clutter.Actor actor);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void grab_pointer (Clutter.Actor actor);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public static void grab_pointer_for_device (Clutter.Actor actor, int id_);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static Clutter.InitError init ([CCode (array_length_cname = "argc", array_length_pos = 0.5)] ref unowned string[]? argv);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static Clutter.InitError init_with_args ([CCode (array_length_cname = "argc", array_length_pos = 0.5)] ref unowned string[]? argv, string? parameter_string, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.OptionEntry[]? entries, string? translation_domain) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static uint32 keysym_to_unicode (uint keyval);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void main ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static int main_level ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void main_quit ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public static void set_default_frame_rate (uint frames_per_sec);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public static void set_font_flags (Clutter.FontFlags flags);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.8")]
+       public static void set_motion_events_enabled (bool enable);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void set_windowing_backend (string backend_type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void test_add_data_full (string test_path, owned GLib.TestDataFunc test_func);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static bool test_check_actor_at_point (Clutter.Actor stage, Clutter.Point point, Clutter.Actor actor, out Clutter.Actor? result);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static bool test_check_color_at_point (Clutter.Actor stage, Clutter.Point point, Clutter.Color color, out Clutter.Color result);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static unowned Clutter.Actor test_get_stage ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void test_init (int argc, string argv);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static int test_run ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (replacement = "Threads.add_repaint_func", since = "vala-0.14")]
+       public static uint threads_add_repaint_func (GLib.SourceFunc func, void* data, GLib.DestroyNotify notify);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (replacement = "Threads.remove_repaint_func", since = "vala-0.14")]
+       public static void threads_remove_repaint_func (uint handle_id);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void ungrab_keyboard ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static void ungrab_pointer ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       [Deprecated (since = "1.10")]
+       public static void ungrab_pointer_for_device (int id_);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "clutter/clutter.h")]
+       public static uint unicode_to_keysym (uint32 wc);
diff --git a/src/vapi/gladeui-2.0.vapi b/src/vapi/gladeui-2.0.vapi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3bff958
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1980 @@
+/* gladeui-2.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+namespace Glade {
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class App : GLib.Object {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public App ();
+        public static void add_project (Glade.Project project);
+        public static int config_save ();
+        public static bool do_event (Gdk.Event event);
+        public static unowned Glade.App @get ();
+        public static unowned Gtk.AccelGroup get_accel_group ();
+        public static unowned string get_bin_dir ();
+        public static unowned Glade.Catalog get_catalog (string name);
+        public static bool get_catalog_version (string name, int major, int minor);
+        public static unowned GLib.List<Glade.Catalog> get_catalogs ();
+        public static unowned string get_catalogs_dir ();
+        public static unowned Glade.Clipboard get_clipboard ();
+        public static unowned GLib.KeyFile get_config ();
+        public static unowned string get_locale_dir ();
+        public static unowned string get_modules_dir ();
+        public static unowned string get_pixmaps_dir ();
+        public static unowned string get_plugins_dir ();
+        public static unowned Glade.Project get_project_by_path (string project_path);
+        public static unowned GLib.List<Glade.Project> get_projects ();
+        public static unowned Gtk.Widget get_window ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved5 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved6 ();
+        public static bool is_project_loaded (string project_path);
+        public static void remove_project (Glade.Project project);
+        public static void search_docs (string book, string page, string search);
+        public static void set_accel_group (Gtk.AccelGroup accel_group);
+        public static void set_window (Gtk.Widget window);
+        public virtual signal void doc_search (string p0, string p1, string p2);
+        public virtual signal void signal_editor_created (GLib.Object p0);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class BaseEditor : Gtk.VBox, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public BaseEditor (GLib.Object container, Glade.Editable main_editable);
+        public void add_default_properties (Glade.Widget gchild);
+        public void add_editable (Glade.Widget gchild, Glade.EditorPageType page);
+        public void add_label (string str);
+        public void add_properties (Glade.Widget gchild, bool packing);
+        public void append_types (GLib.Type parent_type);
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved5 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved6 ();
+        public unowned Gtk.Widget pack_new_window (string title, string help_markup);
+        public void set_show_signal_editor (bool val);
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public GLib.Object container { owned get; set; }
+        public virtual signal unowned GLib.Object build_child (GLib.Object p0, uint p1);
+        public virtual signal bool change_type (GLib.Object p0, uint p1);
+        public virtual signal void child_selected (GLib.Object p0);
+        public virtual signal bool delete_child (GLib.Object p0, GLib.Object p1);
+        public virtual signal unowned string get_display_name (GLib.Object p0);
+        public virtual signal bool move_child (GLib.Object p0, GLib.Object p1);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class Catalog {
+        public static void destroy_all ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAdaptor> get_adaptors ();
+        public unowned string get_book ();
+        public unowned string get_domain ();
+        public unowned string get_icon_prefix ();
+        public uint16 get_major_version ();
+        public uint16 get_minor_version ();
+        public unowned string get_name ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.TargetableVersion> get_targets ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetGroup> get_widget_groups ();
+        public static bool is_loaded (string name);
+        public static unowned GLib.List load_all ();
+        public bool supports_gtkbuilder ();
+        public bool supports_libglade ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class CellRendererIcon : Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkCellRenderer*")]
+        public CellRendererIcon ();
+        public bool get_activatable ();
+        public bool get_active ();
+        public void set_activatable (bool setting);
+        public void set_active (bool setting);
+        public bool activatable { get; set; }
+        public bool active { get; set; }
+        public virtual signal void activate (string path);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Clipboard : GLib.Object {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public Clipboard ();
+        public void add (GLib.List<Glade.Widget> widgets);
+        public void clear ();
+        public bool get_has_selection ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Widget> widgets ();
+        public bool has_selection { get; }
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Command : GLib.Object {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected Command ();
+        public static void add (GLib.List<Glade.Widget> widgets, Glade.Widget parent, Glade.Placeholder placeholder, Glade.Project project, bool pasting);
+        public static void add_signal (Glade.Widget glade_widget, Glade.Signal @signal);
+        public static void change_signal (Glade.Widget glade_widget, Glade.Signal old_signal, Glade.Signal new_signal);
+        public virtual void collapse (Glade.Command other);
+        public static unowned Glade.Widget create (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, Glade.Widget parent, Glade.Placeholder placeholder, Glade.Project project);
+        public static void cut (GLib.List<Glade.Widget> widgets);
+        public static void @delete (GLib.List<Glade.Widget> widgets);
+        public unowned string description ();
+        public static void dnd (GLib.List<Glade.Widget> widgets, Glade.Widget parent, Glade.Placeholder placeholder);
+        public virtual bool execute ();
+        public static int get_group_depth ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        public int group_id ();
+        public static void lock_widget (Glade.Widget widget, Glade.Widget @lock);
+        public static void paste (GLib.List<Glade.Widget> widgets, Glade.Widget parent, Glade.Placeholder placeholder, Glade.Project project);
+        public static void pop_group ();
+        public static void push_group (string fmt);
+        public static void remove_signal (Glade.Widget glade_widget, Glade.Signal @signal);
+        public static void set_i18n (Glade.Property property, bool translatable, string context, string comment);
+        public static void set_name (Glade.Widget glade_widget, string name);
+        public static void set_properties (Glade.Property property, GLib.Value old_value, GLib.Value new_value);
+        public static void set_properties_list (Glade.Project project, GLib.List<Glade.Property> props);
+        public static void set_property (Glade.Property property);
+        public static void set_property_value (Glade.Property property, GLib.Value value);
+        public virtual bool undo ();
+        public virtual bool unifies (Glade.Command other);
+        public static void unlock_widget (Glade.Widget widget);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class Cursor {
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor add_widget;
+        public weak Gdk.Pixbuf add_widget_pixbuf;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor drag;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor resize_bottom;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor resize_bottom_left;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor resize_bottom_right;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor resize_left;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor resize_right;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor resize_top;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor resize_top_left;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor resize_top_right;
+        public weak Gdk.Cursor selector;
+        public static unowned Gdk.Pixbuf get_add_widget_pixbuf ();
+        public static void init ();
+        public static void @set (Glade.Project project, Gdk.Window window, Glade.CursorType type);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class DesignView : Gtk.VBox, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+        public DesignView (Glade.Project project);
+        public static unowned Glade.DesignView get_from_project (Glade.Project project);
+        public unowned Glade.Project get_project ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        public Glade.Project project { get; construct; }
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropBool : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropBool ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropColor : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropColor ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropEnum : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropEnum ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropFlags : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropFlags ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropNamedIcon : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropNamedIcon ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropNumeric : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropNumeric ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropObject : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropObject ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropObjects : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropObjects ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropText : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropText ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EPropUnichar : Glade.EditorProperty, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EPropUnichar ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Editor : Gtk.VBox, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public Editor ();
+        public static unowned Gtk.Widget dialog_for_widget (Glade.Widget widget);
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        public void hide_info ();
+        public void load_widget (Glade.Widget widget);
+        public static bool query_dialog (Glade.Widget widget);
+        public void show_info ();
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public Glade.Widget widget { owned get; set; }
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EditorProperty : Gtk.HBox, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected EditorProperty ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void* changed (Glade.Property p2);
+        public void commit_no_callback (GLib.Value value);
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual unowned Gtk.Widget create_input ();
+        public unowned Gtk.Widget get_item_label ();
+        public unowned Glade.PropertyClass get_pclass ();
+        public unowned Glade.Property get_property ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        public virtual void load (Glade.Property property);
+        public void load_by_widget (Glade.Widget widget);
+        public bool loading ();
+        public static bool show_i18n_dialog (Gtk.Widget parent, string text, string context, string comment, bool translatable);
+        public static bool show_object_dialog (Glade.Project project, string title, Gtk.Widget parent, GLib.Type object_type, Glade.Widget exception, out unowned Glade.Widget object);
+        public static bool show_resource_dialog (Glade.Project project, Gtk.Widget parent, string filename);
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public void* property_class { get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public bool use_command { get; set; }
+        public virtual signal void commit (void* p0);
+        public virtual signal void value_changed (Glade.Property p0);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class EditorTable : Gtk.Grid, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable, Glade.Editable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+        public EditorTable (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, Glade.EditorPageType type);
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class GCSetPropData {
+        public GLib.Value new_value;
+        public GLib.Value old_value;
+        public weak Glade.Property property;
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", type_id = "glade_glist_get_type ()")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class GList {
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class GObjectAdaptor : GLib.Object {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected GObjectAdaptor ();
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string book { owned get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string catalog { owned get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public void* cursor { get; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string generic_name { owned get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string icon_name { owned get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string name { owned get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string special_child_type { owned get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string title { owned get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public GLib.Type type { get; construct; }
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Inspector : Gtk.VBox, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+        public Inspector ();
+        public unowned Glade.Project get_project ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Widget> get_selected_items ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        public void set_project (Glade.Project project);
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+        public Inspector.with_project (Glade.Project project);
+        public Glade.Project project { get; set; }
+        public virtual signal void item_activated ();
+        public virtual signal void selection_changed ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", free_function = "glade_name_context_destroy")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class NameContext {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public NameContext ();
+        public bool add_name (string name);
+        public unowned string dual_new_name (Glade.NameContext another_context, string base_name);
+        public bool has_name (string name);
+        public uint n_names ();
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "gchar*")]
+        public (Glade.NameContext context, string base_name);
+        public void release_name (string name);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Palette : Gtk.VBox, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+        public Palette ();
+        public Glade.ItemAppearance get_item_appearance ();
+        public unowned Glade.Project get_project ();
+        public bool get_show_selector_button ();
+        public bool get_use_small_item_icons ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        public void set_item_appearance (Glade.ItemAppearance item_appearance);
+        public void set_project (Glade.Project project);
+        public void set_show_selector_button (bool show_selector_button);
+        public void set_use_small_item_icons (bool use_small_item_icons);
+        public Glade.ItemAppearance item_appearance { get; set; }
+        public Glade.Project project { get; set; }
+        public bool show_selector_button { get; set; }
+        public bool use_small_item_icons { get; set; }
+        public virtual signal void refresh ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class ParamSpecObjects {
+        public void set_type (GLib.Type type);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Placeholder : Gtk.Widget, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Scrollable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+        public Placeholder ();
+        public unowned Glade.Widget get_parent ();
+        public unowned Glade.Project get_project ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAction> packing_actions ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Project : GLib.Object, Gtk.TreeModel {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public Project ();
+        public virtual void add_object (GLib.Object object);
+        public bool available_widget_name (Glade.Widget widget, string name);
+        public void cancel_load ();
+        public void check_reordered (Glade.Widget parent, GLib.List<Glade.Widget> old_order);
+        public void command_cut ();
+        public void command_delete ();
+        public void command_paste (Glade.Placeholder placeholder);
+        public void copy_selection ();
+        public unowned string display_dependencies ();
+        public unowned Glade.WidgetAdaptor get_add_item ();
+        public ulong get_file_mtime ();
+        public bool get_has_selection ();
+        public bool get_modified ();
+        public unowned string get_name ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<GLib.Object> get_objects ();
+        public Glade.PointerMode get_pointer_mode ();
+        public bool get_readonly ();
+        public void get_target_version (string catalog, int major, int minor);
+        public unowned Glade.Widget get_widget_by_name (string name);
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved5 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved6 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved7 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved8 ();
+        public bool has_object (GLib.Object object);
+        public bool is_loading ();
+        public bool is_selected (GLib.Object object);
+        public static unowned Glade.Project load (string path);
+        public bool load_cancelled ();
+        public bool load_from_file (string path);
+        public virtual unowned Glade.Command next_redo_item ();
+        public virtual unowned Glade.Command next_undo_item ();
+        public static unowned Gdk.Pixbuf pointer_mode_render_icon (Glade.PointerMode mode, Gtk.IconSize size);
+        public void preview (Glade.Widget gwidget);
+        public void properties ();
+        public void push_progress ();
+        public virtual void push_undo (Glade.Command cmd);
+        public void queue_selection_changed ();
+        public virtual void redo ();
+        public unowned Gtk.Widget redo_items ();
+        public virtual void remove_object (GLib.Object object);
+        public unowned GLib.List<string> required_libs ();
+        public void reset_path ();
+        public unowned string resource_fullpath (string resource);
+        public bool save (string path) throws GLib.Error;
+        public void selection_add (GLib.Object object, bool emit_signal);
+        public void selection_clear (bool emit_signal);
+        public unowned GLib.List selection_get ();
+        public void selection_remove (GLib.Object object, bool emit_signal);
+        public void selection_set (GLib.Object object, bool emit_signal);
+        public void set_add_item (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor);
+        public void set_pointer_mode (Glade.PointerMode mode);
+        public void set_widget_name (Glade.Widget widget, string name);
+        public unowned GLib.List toplevels ();
+        public virtual void undo ();
+        public unowned Gtk.Widget undo_items ();
+        public static void verify_property (Glade.Property property);
+        public static void verify_signal (Glade.Widget widget, Glade.Signal @signal);
+        public unowned string verify_widget_adaptor (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, Glade.SupportMask mask);
+        public void widget_changed (Glade.Widget gwidget);
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "gchar*")]
+        public Project.widget_name (Glade.Project project, Glade.Widget widget, string base_name);
+        public Glade.GObjectAdaptor add_item { get; }
+        public bool has_selection { get; }
+        public bool modified { get; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string path { owned get; }
+        public Glade.PointerMode pointer_mode { get; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public bool read_only { get; }
+        public virtual signal void add_widget (Glade.Widget p0);
+        public virtual signal void changed (Glade.Command command, bool forward);
+        public virtual signal void close ();
+        public virtual signal void load_progress (int p0, int p1);
+        public virtual signal void parse_began ();
+        public virtual signal void parse_finished ();
+        public virtual signal void remove_widget (Glade.Widget p0);
+        public virtual signal void selection_changed ();
+        public virtual signal void targets_changed ();
+        public virtual signal void widget_name_changed (Glade.Widget widget);
+        public virtual signal void widget_visibility_changed (Glade.Widget p0, bool p1);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Property : GLib.Object {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public Property (Glade.PropertyClass klass, Glade.Widget widget, GLib.Value value);
+        public void add_object (GLib.Object object);
+        public bool @default ();
+        public unowned Glade.Property dup (Glade.Widget widget);
+        public bool equals ();
+        public bool equals_value (GLib.Value value);
+        public void @get ();
+        public unowned Glade.PropertyClass get_class ();
+        public void get_default (GLib.Value value);
+        public bool get_enabled ();
+        public bool get_save_always ();
+        public bool get_sensitive ();
+        public Glade.PropertyState get_state ();
+        public unowned string get_support_warning ();
+        public void get_va_list (void* vl);
+        public void get_value (GLib.Value value);
+        public unowned Glade.Widget get_widget ();
+        public unowned string i18n_get_comment ();
+        public unowned string i18n_get_context ();
+        public bool i18n_get_translatable ();
+        public void i18n_set_comment (string str);
+        public void i18n_set_context (string str);
+        public void i18n_set_translatable (bool translatable);
+        public GLib.Value inline_value ();
+        public void load ();
+        public unowned string make_string ();
+        public bool original_default ();
+        public void original_reset ();
+        public static void pop_superuser ();
+        public static void push_superuser ();
+        public void read (Glade.Project project, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void remove_object (GLib.Object object);
+        public void reset ();
+        public bool @set ();
+        public void set_enabled (bool enabled);
+        public void set_save_always (bool setting);
+        public void set_sensitive (bool sensitive, string reason);
+        public void set_support_warning (bool disable, string reason);
+        public bool set_va_list (void* vl);
+        public bool set_value (GLib.Value value);
+        public void set_widget (Glade.Widget widget);
+        public static bool superuser ();
+        public void sync ();
+        public void write (Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void* @class { get; construct; }
+        public bool enabled { get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string i18n_comment { owned get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string i18n_context { owned get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public bool i18n_translatable { get; set; }
+        public bool sensitive { get; set; }
+        public int state { get; }
+        public virtual signal void tooltip_changed (string p0, string p1, string p2);
+        public virtual signal void value_changed (void* p0, void* p1);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", free_function = "glade_property_class_free")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class PropertyClass {
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_new", has_construct_function = false)]
+        public PropertyClass (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, string id);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_atk")]
+        public bool atk ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_clone")]
+        public unowned Glade.PropertyClass clone (bool reset_version);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_common")]
+        public bool common ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_compare")]
+        public int compare (GLib.Value value1, GLib.Value value2);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_create_type")]
+        public unowned string create_type ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_custom_layout")]
+        public bool custom_layout ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_new_from_spec", has_construct_function = false)]
+        public PropertyClass.from_spec (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.ParamSpec spec);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_new_from_spec_full", has_construct_function = false)]
+        public PropertyClass.from_spec_full (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.ParamSpec spec, bool need_handle);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_adaptor")]
+        public unowned Glade.WidgetAdaptor get_adaptor ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_construct_only")]
+        public bool get_construct_only ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_default")]
+        public GLib.Value get_default ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_default_from_spec")]
+        public static GLib.Value get_default_from_spec (GLib.ParamSpec spec);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_from_gvalue")]
+        public void get_from_gvalue (GLib.Value value);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_ignore")]
+        public bool get_ignore ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_is_packing")]
+        public bool get_is_packing ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_name")]
+        public unowned string get_name ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_original_default")]
+        public GLib.Value get_original_default ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_pspec")]
+        public unowned GLib.ParamSpec get_pspec ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_tooltip")]
+        public unowned string get_tooltip ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_get_virtual")]
+        public bool get_virtual ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_id")]
+        public unowned string id ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_is_object")]
+        public bool is_object ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_is_visible")]
+        public bool is_visible ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_load_defaults_from_spec")]
+        public void load_defaults_from_spec ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_make_adjustment")]
+        public unowned Gtk.Adjustment make_adjustment ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_make_gvalue")]
+        public GLib.Value make_gvalue ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_make_gvalue_from_string")]
+        public GLib.Value make_gvalue_from_string (string str, Glade.Project project);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_make_gvalue_from_vl")]
+        public GLib.Value make_gvalue_from_vl (void* vl);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_make_string_from_gvalue")]
+        public unowned string make_string_from_gvalue (GLib.Value value);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_match")]
+        public bool match (Glade.PropertyClass comp);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_multiline")]
+        public bool multiline ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_needs_sync")]
+        public bool needs_sync ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_optional")]
+        public bool optional ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_optional_default")]
+        public bool optional_default ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_parentless_widget")]
+        public bool parentless_widget ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_query")]
+        public bool query ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_save")]
+        public bool save ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_save_always")]
+        public bool save_always ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_adaptor")]
+        public void set_adaptor (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_construct_only")]
+        public void set_construct_only (bool construct_only);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_ignore")]
+        public void set_ignore (bool ignore);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_is_packing")]
+        public void set_is_packing (bool is_packing);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_name")]
+        public void set_name (string name);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_pspec")]
+        public void set_pspec (GLib.ParamSpec pspec);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_tooltip")]
+        public void set_tooltip (string tooltip);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_virtual")]
+        public void set_virtual (bool value);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_vl_from_gvalue")]
+        public void set_vl_from_gvalue (GLib.Value value, void* vl);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_set_weights")]
+        public static void set_weights (GLib.List<Glade.Property> properties, GLib.Type parent);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_since_major")]
+        public uint16 since_major ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_since_minor")]
+        public uint16 since_minor ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_stock")]
+        public bool stock ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_stock_icon")]
+        public bool stock_icon ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_themed_icon")]
+        public bool themed_icon ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_transfer_on_paste")]
+        public bool transfer_on_paste ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_translatable")]
+        public bool translatable ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_update_from_node")]
+        public static bool update_from_node (Glade.XmlNode node, GLib.Type object_type, out unowned Glade.PropertyClass property_class, string domain);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_void_value")]
+        public bool void_value (GLib.Value value);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_property_class_weight")]
+        public double weight ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class PropertyKlass {
+        public weak GLib.Callback dup;
+        public weak GLib.Callback equals_value;
+        public weak GLib.Callback get_value;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved1;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved2;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved3;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved4;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved5;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved6;
+        public weak GLib.Callback load;
+        public weak GLib.ObjectClass parent_class;
+        public weak GLib.Callback set_value;
+        public weak GLib.Callback sync;
+        public weak GLib.Callback tooltip_changed;
+        public weak GLib.Callback value_changed;
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Signal : GLib.Object {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public Signal (Glade.SignalClass sig_class, string handler, string userdata, bool after, bool swapped);
+        public unowned Glade.Signal clone ();
+        public bool equal (Glade.Signal sig2);
+        public bool get_after ();
+        public unowned Glade.SignalClass get_class ();
+        public unowned string get_handler ();
+        public unowned string get_name ();
+        public unowned string get_support_warning ();
+        public bool get_swapped ();
+        public unowned string get_userdata ();
+        public static unowned Glade.Signal read (Glade.XmlNode node, Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor);
+        public void set_after (bool after);
+        public void set_handler (string handler);
+        public void set_support_warning (string support_warning);
+        public void set_swapped (bool swapped);
+        public void set_userdata (string userdata);
+        public void write (Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public bool after { get; set; }
+        public void* @class { get; construct; }
+        public string handler { get; set; }
+        public string support_warning { get; set; }
+        public bool swapped { get; set; }
+        public string userdata { get; set; }
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", free_function = "glade_signal_class_free")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class SignalClass {
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_signal_class_new", has_construct_function = false)]
+        public SignalClass (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Type for_type, uint signal_id);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_signal_class_get_adaptor")]
+        public unowned Glade.WidgetAdaptor get_adaptor ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_signal_class_get_flags")]
+        public GLib.SignalFlags get_flags ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_signal_class_get_name")]
+        public unowned string get_name ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_signal_class_set_since")]
+        public void set_since (uint16 since_major, uint16 since_minor);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_signal_class_since_major")]
+        public uint16 since_major ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_signal_class_since_minor")]
+        public uint16 since_minor ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_signal_class_update_from_node")]
+        public void update_from_node (Glade.XmlNode node, string domain);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class SignalEditor : Gtk.VBox, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.Orientable {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public SignalEditor ();
+        public void construct_signals_list ();
+        public void enable_dnd (bool enabled);
+        public unowned Glade.Widget get_widget ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved5 ();
+        public void load_widget (Glade.Widget widget);
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public Gtk.TreeModel glade_widget { owned get; set; }
+        public virtual signal unowned string[] callback_suggestions (Glade.Signal @signal);
+        public virtual signal void signal_activated (Glade.Signal p0);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class SignalKlass {
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved1;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved2;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved3;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved4;
+        public weak GLib.ObjectClass object_class;
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class SignalModel : GLib.Object, Gtk.TreeModel, Gtk.TreeDragSource {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkTreeModel*")]
+        public SignalModel (Glade.Widget widget, GLib.HashTable signals);
+        public void* signals { construct; }
+        public Glade.Widget widget { construct; }
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class TargetableVersion {
+        public int major;
+        public int minor;
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class Widget : GLib.InitiallyUnowned {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected Widget ();
+        public virtual void add_child (Glade.Widget child, bool at_mouse);
+        public void add_prop_ref (Glade.Property property);
+        public bool add_verify (Glade.Widget child, bool user_feedback);
+        public void child_get_property (Glade.Widget child, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public void child_set_property (Glade.Widget child, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public void copy_properties (Glade.Widget template_widget, bool copy_parentless, bool exact);
+        public void copy_signals (Glade.Widget template_widget);
+        public unowned Glade.EditorProperty create_editor_property (string property, bool packing, bool use_command);
+        public unowned Glade.Widget dup (bool exact);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Property> dup_properties (GLib.List<Glade.Property> template_props, bool as_load, bool copy_parentless, bool exact);
+        public virtual bool event (Gdk.Event event);
+        public unowned Glade.Widget find_child (string name);
+        public unowned string generate_path_name ();
+        public unowned Glade.WidgetAction get_action (string action_path);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAction> get_actions ();
+        public unowned Glade.WidgetAdaptor get_adaptor ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Widget> get_children ();
+        public static unowned Glade.Widget get_from_gobject (void* object);
+        public unowned string get_internal ();
+        public unowned Glade.Widget get_locker ();
+        public unowned string get_name ();
+        public unowned GLib.Object get_object ();
+        public unowned Glade.WidgetAction get_pack_action (string action_path);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAction> get_pack_actions ();
+        public unowned Glade.Property get_pack_property (string id_property);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Property> get_packing_properties ();
+        public unowned Glade.Widget get_parent ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Widget> get_parentless_reffed_widgets ();
+        public unowned Glade.Property get_parentless_widget_ref ();
+        public unowned Glade.Project get_project ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Property> get_properties ();
+        public unowned Glade.Property get_property (string id_property);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Signal> get_signal_list ();
+        public unowned Gtk.TreeModel get_signal_model ();
+        public unowned Glade.Widget get_toplevel ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved5 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved6 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved7 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved8 ();
+        public bool has_decendant (GLib.Type type);
+        public void hide ();
+        public bool in_project ();
+        public bool is_ancestor (Glade.Widget ancestor);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Widget> list_locked_widgets ();
+        public unowned GLib.List list_prop_refs ();
+        public unowned GLib.PtrArray list_signal_handlers (string signal_name);
+        public void @lock (Glade.Widget locked);
+        public void object_get_property (string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public void object_set_property (string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public bool pack_property_default (string id_property);
+        public bool pack_property_get (string id_property);
+        public bool pack_property_reset (string id_property);
+        public bool pack_property_set (string id_property);
+        public bool pack_property_set_enabled (string id_property, bool enabled);
+        public bool pack_property_set_save_always (string id_property, bool setting);
+        public bool pack_property_set_sensitive (string id_property, bool sensitive, string reason);
+        public unowned string pack_property_string (string id_property, GLib.Value value);
+        public bool placeholder_relation (Glade.Widget widget);
+        public static void pop_superuser ();
+        public bool property_default (string id_property);
+        public bool property_get (string id_property);
+        public bool property_original_default (string id_property);
+        public bool property_reset (string id_property);
+        public bool property_set (string id_property);
+        public bool property_set_enabled (string id_property, bool enabled);
+        public bool property_set_save_always (string id_property, bool setting);
+        public bool property_set_sensitive (string id_property, bool sensitive, string reason);
+        public unowned string property_string (string id_property, GLib.Value value);
+        public static void push_superuser ();
+        public static unowned Glade.Widget read (Glade.Project project, Glade.Widget parent, Glade.XmlNode node, string @internal);
+        public void read_child (Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void rebuild ();
+        public virtual void remove_child (Glade.Widget child);
+        public void remove_prop_ref (Glade.Property property);
+        public void remove_property (string id_property);
+        public void replace (GLib.Object old_object, GLib.Object new_object);
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void replace_child (GLib.Object p2, GLib.Object p3);
+        public bool set_action_sensitive (string action_path, bool sensitive);
+        public bool set_action_visible (string action_path, bool sensitive);
+        public void set_child_type_from_node (GLib.Object child, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void set_in_project (bool in_project);
+        public void set_internal (string @internal);
+        public void set_name (string name);
+        public bool set_pack_action_sensitive (string action_path, bool sensitive);
+        public bool set_pack_action_visible (string action_path, bool sensitive);
+        public void set_packing_properties (Glade.Widget container);
+        public void set_parent (Glade.Widget parent);
+        public void set_project (Glade.Project project);
+        public void set_support_warning (string warning);
+        public void show ();
+        public static bool superuser ();
+        public void unlock ();
+        public void write (Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void write_child (Glade.Widget child, Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void write_placeholder (GLib.Object object, Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void write_signals (Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void write_special_child_prop (GLib.Object object, Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public Glade.GObjectAdaptor adaptor { get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public bool anarchist { get; construct; }
+        public string @internal { get; set construct; }
+        public string internal_name { construct; }
+        public string name { get; set construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public GLib.Object object { owned get; set construct; }
+        public Glade.Widget parent { get; set construct; }
+        public Glade.Project project { get; set construct; }
+        public void* properties { get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public int reason { get; construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public string support_warning { owned get; }
+        public Glade.Widget template { construct; }
+        public bool template_exact { construct; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public int toplevel_height { get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public int toplevel_width { get; set; }
+        [NoAccessorMethod]
+        public bool visible { get; }
+        public virtual signal void add_signal_handler (Glade.Signal p0);
+        public virtual signal bool button_press_event (Gdk.Event p0);
+        public virtual signal bool button_release_event (Gdk.Event p0);
+        public virtual signal void change_signal_handler (Glade.Signal p0);
+        public virtual signal bool motion_notify_event (Gdk.Event p0);
+        public virtual signal void remove_signal_handler (Glade.Signal p0);
+        public virtual signal void support_changed ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public class WidgetAction : GLib.Object {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        protected WidgetAction ();
+        public static unowned Glade.WidgetActionClass class_new (string path);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_widget_action_class_clone")]
+        public class unowned Glade.WidgetActionClass clone ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_widget_action_class_free")]
+        public class void free ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAction> get_children ();
+        public unowned Glade.WidgetActionClass get_class ();
+        public bool get_sensitive ();
+        public bool get_visible ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved1 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved2 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved3 ();
+        [NoWrapper]
+        public virtual void glade_reserved4 ();
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_widget_action_class_set_important")]
+        public class void set_important (bool important);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_widget_action_class_set_label")]
+        public class void set_label (string label);
+        public void set_sensitive (bool sensitive);
+        [CCode (cname = "glade_widget_action_class_set_stock")]
+        public class void set_stock (string stock);
+        public void set_visible (bool visible);
+        public void* @class { construct; }
+        public bool sensitive { get; set; }
+        public bool visible { get; set; }
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class WidgetActionClass {
+        public weak GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAction> actions;
+        public weak string id;
+        public bool important;
+        public weak string label;
+        public weak string path;
+        public weak string stock;
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class WidgetAdaptor {
+        public weak GLib.Object parent_instance;
+        public weak Glade.WidgetAdaptorClass priv;
+        public void action_activate (GLib.Object object, string action_path);
+        public bool action_add (string action_path, string label, string stock, bool important);
+        public bool action_remove (string action_path);
+        public unowned Gtk.Widget action_submenu (GLib.Object object, string action_path);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAction> actions_new ();
+        public void add (GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child);
+        public bool add_verify (GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child, bool user_feedback);
+        public void child_action_activate (GLib.Object container, GLib.Object object, string action_path);
+        public void child_get_property (GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public void child_set_property (GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public bool child_verify_property (GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public unowned GLib.Object construct_object (uint n_parameters, GLib.Parameter parameters);
+        public unowned Glade.Editable create_editable (Glade.EditorPageType type);
+        public unowned Glade.EditorProperty create_eprop (Glade.PropertyClass klass, bool use_command);
+        public unowned Glade.EditorProperty create_eprop_by_name (string property_id, bool packing, bool use_command);
+        public static unowned Glade.Widget create_internal (Glade.Widget parent, GLib.Object internal_object, string internal_name, string parent_name, bool anarchist, Glade.CreateReason reason);
+        public static unowned Glade.Widget create_widget_real (bool query, ...);
+        public GLib.Parameter default_params (bool @construct, uint n_params);
+        public bool depends (Glade.Widget widget, Glade.Widget another);
+        // public static unowned Glade.WidgetAdaptor from_catalog (Glade.Catalog catalog, Glade.XmlNode class_node, GLib.Module module);
+        public unowned Glade.WidgetAdaptor from_pspec (GLib.ParamSpec spec);
+        public static unowned Glade.WidgetAdaptor get_by_name (string name);
+        public static unowned Glade.WidgetAdaptor get_by_type (GLib.Type type);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAdaptor> get_children (GLib.Object container);
+        public unowned string get_generic_name ();
+        public unowned string get_icon_name ();
+        public unowned GLib.Object get_internal_child (GLib.Object object, string internal_name);
+        public unowned string get_missing_icon ();
+        public unowned string get_name ();
+        public GLib.Type get_object_type ();
+        public unowned Glade.PropertyClass get_pack_property_class (string name);
+        public unowned string get_packing_default (Glade.WidgetAdaptor container_adaptor, string id);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Property> get_packing_props ();
+        public unowned Glade.WidgetAdaptor get_parent_adaptor ();
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Property> get_properties ();
+        public void get_property (GLib.Object object, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public unowned Glade.PropertyClass get_property_class (string name);
+        public unowned Glade.SignalClass get_signal_class (string name);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.Signal> get_signals ();
+        public unowned string get_title ();
+        public bool has_child (GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child);
+        public bool has_internal_children ();
+        public bool is_container ();
+        public static unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAdaptor> list_adaptors ();
+        public bool pack_action_add (string action_path, string label, string stock, bool important);
+        public bool pack_action_remove (string action_path);
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAction> pack_actions_new ();
+        public void post_create (GLib.Object object, Glade.CreateReason reason);
+        public bool query ();
+        public void read_child (Glade.Widget widget, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void read_widget (Glade.Widget widget, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void register ();
+        public void remove (GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child);
+        public void replace_child (GLib.Object container, GLib.Object old_obj, GLib.Object new_obj);
+        public void set_property (GLib.Object object, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public unowned string string_from_value (Glade.PropertyClass klass, GLib.Value value);
+        public bool verify_property (GLib.Object object, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+        public void write_child (Glade.Widget widget, Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+        public void write_widget (Glade.Widget widget, Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class WidgetAdaptorClass {
+        public weak Glade.ActionActivateFunc action_activate;
+        public weak Glade.ActionSubmenuFunc action_submenu;
+        public weak Glade.AddChildFunc add;
+        public weak Glade.AddChildVerifyFunc add_verify;
+        public weak Glade.ChildActionActivateFunc child_action_activate;
+        public weak Glade.ChildGetPropertyFunc child_get_property;
+        public weak Glade.ChildSetPropertyFunc child_set_property;
+        public weak Glade.ChildVerifyPropertyFunc child_verify_property;
+        public weak Glade.ConstructObjectFunc construct_object;
+        public weak Glade.CreateEditableFunc create_editable;
+        public weak Glade.CreateEPropFunc create_eprop;
+        public weak Glade.CreateWidgetFunc create_widget;
+        public weak Glade.PostCreateFunc deep_post_create;
+        public int16 default_height;
+        public int16 default_width;
+        public weak Glade.DependsFunc depends;
+        public uint deprecated;
+        public weak Glade.GetChildrenFunc get_children;
+        public weak Glade.GetInternalFunc get_internal_child;
+        public weak Glade.GetPropertyFunc get_property;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved1;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved2;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved3;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved4;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved5;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved6;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved7;
+        public weak GLib.Callback glade_reserved8;
+        public weak GLib.ObjectClass parent_class;
+        public weak Glade.PostCreateFunc post_create;
+        public weak Glade.ReadWidgetFunc read_child;
+        public weak Glade.ReadWidgetFunc read_widget;
+        public weak Glade.RemoveChildFunc remove;
+        public weak Glade.ReplaceChildFunc replace_child;
+        public weak Glade.SetPropertyFunc set_property;
+        public weak Glade.StringFromValueFunc string_from_value;
+        public uint toplevel;
+        public uint use_placeholders;
+        public weak Glade.VerifyPropertyFunc verify_property;
+        public uint16 version_since_major;
+        public uint16 version_since_minor;
+        public weak Glade.WriteWidgetFunc write_child;
+        public weak Glade.WriteWidgetFunc write_widget;
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class WidgetGroup {
+        public unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAdaptor> get_adaptors ();
+        public bool get_expanded ();
+        public unowned string get_name ();
+        public unowned string get_title ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", free_function = "glade_xml_context_destroy")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class XmlContext {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public XmlContext (Glade.XmlDoc doc, string name_space);
+        public void free ();
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public XmlContext.from_path (string full_path, string nspace, string root_name);
+        public unowned Glade.XmlDoc get_doc ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class XmlDoc {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public XmlDoc ();
+        public unowned Glade.XmlNode get_root ();
+        public int save (string full_path);
+        public void set_root (Glade.XmlNode node);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", copy_function = "glade_xml_node_copy")]
+    [Compact]
+    public class XmlNode {
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public XmlNode (Glade.XmlContext context, string name);
+        public void append_child (Glade.XmlNode child);
+        [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+        public XmlNode.comment (Glade.XmlContext context, string comment);
+        public unowned Glade.XmlNode copy ();
+        public void @delete ();
+        public unowned Glade.XmlNode get_children ();
+        public unowned Glade.XmlNode get_children_with_comments ();
+        public unowned string get_name ();
+        public unowned Glade.XmlNode get_parent ();
+        public bool is_comment ();
+        public unowned Glade.XmlNode next ();
+        public unowned Glade.XmlNode next_with_comments ();
+        public void remove ();
+        public void set_property_boolean (string name, bool value);
+        public void set_property_string (string name, string str);
+        public bool verify (string name);
+        public bool verify_silent (string name);
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public interface Editable : Gtk.Widget {
+        public void block ();
+        public abstract void load (Glade.Widget widget);
+        public unowned Glade.Widget loaded_widget ();
+        public bool loading ();
+        public abstract void set_show_name (bool show_name);
+        public void unblock ();
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_CREATE_")]
+    public enum CreateReason {
+        USER,
+        COPY,
+        LOAD,
+        REBUILD
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_CURSOR_", has_type_id = false)]
+    public enum CursorType {
+        SELECTOR,
+        ADD_WIDGET,
+        RESIZE_LEFT,
+        RESIZE_RIGHT,
+        RESIZE_TOP,
+        DRAG
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_PAGE_", has_type_id = false)]
+    public enum EditorPageType {
+        GENERAL,
+        COMMON,
+        PACKING,
+        ATK,
+        QUERY
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_ITEM_")]
+    public enum ItemAppearance {
+        ICON_AND_LABEL,
+        ICON_ONLY,
+        LABEL_ONLY
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "")]
+    public enum PointerMode {
+        select,
+        add,
+        drag_resize,
+        margin_edit,
+        align_edit
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_PROJECT_MODEL_", has_type_id = false)]
+    public enum ProjectModelColumns {
+        COLUMN_NAME,
+        COLUMN_MISC,
+        N_COLUMNS
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_STATE_", has_type_id = false)]
+    public enum PropertyState {
+        NORMAL,
+        CHANGED,
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_SIGNAL_", has_type_id = false)]
+    public enum SignalModelColumns {
+        COLUMN_NAME,
+        COLUMN_SWAP,
+        COLUMN_AFTER,
+        N_COLUMNS
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "")]
+    public enum Stock {
+        About,
+        Add,
+        Apply,
+        Ascending,
+        Back,
+        BestFit,
+        Bold,
+        _Bottom,
+        CDROM,
+        Cancel,
+        Center,
+        Clear,
+        Close,
+        Color,
+        Connect,
+        Convert,
+        Copy,
+        Cut,
+        DecreaseIndent,
+        Delete,
+        Descending,
+        Discard,
+        Disconnect,
+        Down,
+        Edit,
+        Error,
+        Execute,
+        File,
+        Fill,
+        Find,
+        FindandReplace,
+        First,
+        Floppy,
+        Font,
+        Forward,
+        Fullscreen,
+        HardDisk,
+        Help,
+        Home,
+        IncreaseIndent,
+        Index,
+        Information,
+        Italic,
+        Jumpto,
+        Landscape,
+        Last,
+        LeaveFullscreen,
+        Left,
+        Network,
+        New,
+        Next,
+        No,
+        NormalSize,
+        OK,
+        Open,
+        PageSetup,
+        Paste,
+        Pause,
+        Play,
+        Portrait,
+        Preferences,
+        Previous,
+        Print,
+        PrintPreview,
+        Properties,
+        Question,
+        Quit,
+        Record,
+        Redo,
+        Refresh,
+        Remove,
+        Reverselandscape,
+        Reverseportrait,
+        Revert,
+        Rewind,
+        Right,
+        Save,
+        SaveAs,
+        SelectAll,
+        SpellCheck,
+        Stop,
+        Strikethrough,
+        Top,
+        Undelete,
+        Underline,
+        Undo,
+        Up,
+        Warning,
+        Yes,
+        ZoomIn,
+        ZoomOut
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "")]
+    public enum StockImage {
+        About,
+        Add,
+        Apply,
+        Ascending,
+        Back,
+        BestFit,
+        Bold,
+        Bottom,
+        CDROM,
+        Cancel,
+        Center,
+        Clear,
+        Close,
+        Color,
+        Connect,
+        Convert,
+        Copy,
+        Cut,
+        DecreaseIndent,
+        Delete,
+        Descending,
+        Discard,
+        Disconnect,
+        Down,
+        Edit,
+        Error,
+        Execute,
+        File,
+        Fill,
+        Find,
+        FindandReplace,
+        First,
+        Floppy,
+        Font,
+        Forward,
+        Fullscreen,
+        HardDisk,
+        Help,
+        Home,
+        IncreaseIndent,
+        Index,
+        Information,
+        Italic,
+        Jumpto,
+        Landscape,
+        Last,
+        LeaveFullscreen,
+        Left,
+        Network,
+        New,
+        Next,
+        No,
+        NormalSize,
+        OK,
+        Open,
+        PageSetup,
+        Paste,
+        Pause,
+        Play,
+        Portrait,
+        Preferences,
+        Previous,
+        Print,
+        PrintPreview,
+        Properties,
+        Question,
+        Quit,
+        Record,
+        Redo,
+        Refresh,
+        Remove,
+        Reverselandscape,
+        Reverseportrait,
+        Revert,
+        Rewind,
+        Right,
+        Save,
+        SaveAs,
+        SelectAll,
+        SpellCheck,
+        Stop,
+        Strikethrough,
+        Top,
+        Undelete,
+        Underline,
+        Undo,
+        Up,
+        Warning,
+        Yes,
+        ZoomIn,
+        ZoomOut,
+        gtk_color_picker,
+        gtk_dialog_authentication,
+        gtk_directory,
+        gtk_dnd,
+        gtk_dnd_multiple,
+        gtk_file,
+        gtk_missing_image
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_SUPPORT_", has_type_id = false)]
+    public enum SupportMask {
+        OK,
+        DEPRECATED,
+        MISMATCH
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_UI_", has_type_id = false)]
+    public enum UIMessageType {
+        INFO,
+        WARN,
+        ERROR,
+        ARE_YOU_SURE,
+        YES_OR_NO
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", cprefix = "GLADE_FILE_DIALOG_ACTION_", has_type_id = false)]
+    public enum UtilFileDialogType {
+        OPEN,
+        SAVE
+    }
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void ActionActivateFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object object, string action_path);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate unowned Gtk.Widget ActionSubmenuFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object object, string action_path);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void AddChildFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object parent, GLib.Object child);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate bool AddChildVerifyFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object parent, GLib.Object child, bool user_feedback);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void CatalogInitFunc (string name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void ChildActionActivateFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object container, GLib.Object object, string action_path);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void ChildGetPropertyFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void ChildSetPropertyFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate bool ChildVerifyPropertyFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object container, GLib.Object child, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate unowned GLib.Object ConstructObjectFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, uint n_parameters, GLib.Parameter parameters);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate unowned Glade.EditorProperty CreateEPropFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, Glade.PropertyClass klass, bool use_command);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate unowned Glade.Editable CreateEditableFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, Glade.EditorPageType type);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate unowned Glade.Widget CreateWidgetFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, string first_property_name, void* var_args);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate bool DependsFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, Glade.Widget widget, Glade.Widget another);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate unowned GLib.List<Glade.WidgetAdaptor> GetChildrenFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object container);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate unowned GLib.Object GetInternalFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object parent, string name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void GetPropertyFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object object, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void PostCreateFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object object, Glade.CreateReason reason);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void ReadWidgetFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, Glade.Widget widget, Glade.XmlNode node);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void RemoveChildFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object parent, GLib.Object child);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void ReplaceChildFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object container, GLib.Object old_obj, GLib.Object new_obj);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void SetPropertyFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object object, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate unowned string StringFromValueFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, Glade.PropertyClass klass, GLib.Value value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate bool VerifyPropertyFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, GLib.Object object, string property_name, GLib.Value value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h", has_target = false)]
+    public delegate void WriteWidgetFunc (Glade.WidgetAdaptor adaptor, Glade.Widget widget, Glade.XmlContext context, Glade.XmlNode node);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string DEVHELP_FALLBACK_ICON_FILE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string DEVHELP_ICON_NAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string ENV_CATALOG_PATH;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string ENV_MODULE_PATH;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string GPC_OBJECT_DELIMITER;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const int GPC_PROPERTY_NAMELEN;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ACTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ACTIONS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ACTION_ACTIVATE_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ACTION_SUBMENU_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ADAPTOR;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ADD_CHILD_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ADD_CHILD_VERIFY_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ANARCHIST;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ATK_PROPERTY;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_BOOK;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_BUILDER_SINCE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CHILD_ACTION_ACTIVATE_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CHILD_GET_PROP_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CHILD_PROPERTY;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CHILD_SET_PROP_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CHILD_VERIFY_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_COMMENT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_COMMON;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CONSTRUCTOR_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CONSTRUCT_OBJECT_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CONSTRUCT_ONLY;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CONTEXT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CREATE_EDITABLE_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CREATE_EPROP_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CREATE_TYPE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CREATE_WIDGET_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_CUSTOM_LAYOUT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DEEP_POST_CREATE_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DEFAULT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DEFAULT_PALETTE_STATE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DEPENDS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DEPENDS_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DEPRECATED;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DISABLED;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DISPLAYABLE_VALUES;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_DOMAIN;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_EDITABLE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_EVENT_HANDLER_CONNECTED;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_EXPANDED;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_FALSE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GENERIC_NAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GET_CHILDREN_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GET_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GET_INTERNAL_CHILD_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GET_TYPE_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GLADE_CATALOG;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GLADE_WIDGET_CLASS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GLADE_WIDGET_CLASSES;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GLADE_WIDGET_CLASS_REF;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_GLADE_WIDGET_GROUP;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_HAS_CONTEXT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ICON_NAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ICON_PREFIX;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_ID;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_IGNORE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_IMPORTANT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_INIT_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_INTERNAL_CHILDREN;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_KEY;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_LIBRARY;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_MAX_VALUE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_MIN_VALUE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_MULTILINE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_NAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_NEEDS_SYNC;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_NICK;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_NO;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_OPTIONAL;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_OPTIONAL_DEFAULT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_PACKING_ACTIONS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_PACKING_DEFAULTS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_PACKING_PROPERTIES;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_PARENT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_PARENTLESS_WIDGET;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_PARENT_CLASS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_POST_CREATE_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_PROPERTIES;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_PROPERTY;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_QUERY;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_READ_CHILD_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_READ_WIDGET_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_REMOVE_CHILD_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_REPLACE_CHILD_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_RESOURCE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_SAVE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_SAVE_ALWAYS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_SET_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_SIGNAL;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_SIGNALS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_SPEC;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_SPECIAL_CHILD_TYPE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_SPECIFICATIONS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_STOCK;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_STOCK_ICON;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_STRING_FROM_VALUE_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_TARGETABLE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_THEMED_ICON;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_TITLE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_TOOLTIP;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_TOPLEVEL;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_TRANSFER_ON_PASTE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_TRANSLATABLE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_TRUE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_TYPE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_USE_PLACEHOLDERS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_VALUE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_VALUE_TYPE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_VERIFY_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_VERSION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_VERSION_SINCE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_VISIBLE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_WEIGHT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_WRITE_CHILD_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_WRITE_WIDGET_FUNCTION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string TAG_YES;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_AFTER;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_CHILD;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_CLASS;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_FILENAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_HANDLER;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_I18N_TRUE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_ID;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_INTERNAL_CHILD;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_LIB;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_NAME;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_OBJECT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_PACKING;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_PLACEHOLDER;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_PROJECT;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_PROPERTY;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_REQUIRES;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_SIGNAL;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_SIGNAL_FALSE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_SIGNAL_TRUE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_SOURCE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_SOURCES;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_STOCK_ID;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_SWAPPED;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_TYPE;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_VERSION;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public const string XML_TAG_WIDGET;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string get_displayable_value (GLib.Type type, string value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string get_value_from_displayable (GLib.Type type, string displayabe);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static GLib.Type param_objects_get_type ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec param_spec_objects (string name, string nick, string blurb, GLib.Type accepted_type, GLib.ParamFlags flags);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string propert_get_insensitive_tooltip (Glade.Property property);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void register_displayable_value (GLib.Type type, string value, string domain, string str);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void register_translated_value (GLib.Type type, string value, string str);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void setup_log_handlers ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_boolean_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_float_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_gdkcolor_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_int_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_objects_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_pixbuf_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void standard_stock_append_prefix (string prefix);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_stock_image_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_stock_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_string_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_strv_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec standard_uint_spec ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool type_has_displayable_values (GLib.Type type);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.List util_added_in_list (GLib.List old_list, GLib.List new_list);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string util_canonical_path (string path);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool util_check_and_warn_scrollable (Glade.Widget parent, Glade.WidgetAdaptor child_adaptor, Gtk.Widget parent_widget);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static int util_compare_stock_labels (void* a, void* b);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.List util_container_get_all_children (Gtk.Container container);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static int util_count_placeholders (Glade.Widget parent);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string util_duplicate_underscores (string name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned Gtk.Widget util_file_dialog_new (string title, Glade.Project project, Gtk.Window parent, Glade.UtilFileDialogType action);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool util_file_is_writeable (string path);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string util_filename_to_icon_name (string value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static Gtk.TreeIter util_find_iter_by_widget (Gtk.TreeModel model, Glade.Widget findme, int column);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void util_flash_message (Gtk.Widget statusbar, uint context_id, string format);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned Gtk.Widget util_get_devhelp_icon (Gtk.IconSize size);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static ulong util_get_file_mtime (string filename) throws GLib.Error;
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned Gtk.Widget util_get_placeholder_from_pointer (Gtk.Container container);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static GLib.Type util_get_type_from_name (string name, bool have_func);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool util_have_devhelp ();
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string util_icon_name_to_filename (string value);
+    // [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    // public static unowned GLib.Module util_load_library (string library_name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool util_object_is_loading (GLib.Object object);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.List util_purify_list (GLib.List list);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string util_read_prop_name (string str);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.List util_removed_from_list (GLib.List old_list, GLib.List new_list);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void util_replace (string str, char a, char b);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void util_search_devhelp (string book, string page, string search);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool util_ui_message (Gtk.Widget parent, Glade.UIMessageType type, Gtk.Widget widget, string format);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool util_url_show (string url);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void utils_cairo_draw_line (Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Color color, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void utils_cairo_draw_rectangle (Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Color color, bool filled, int x, int y, int width, int height);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string utils_enum_string_from_value (GLib.Type enum_type, int value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string utils_enum_string_from_value_displayable (GLib.Type flags_type, int value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static int utils_enum_value_from_string (GLib.Type enum_type, string strval);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string utils_flags_string_from_value (GLib.Type enum_type, int value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string utils_flags_string_from_value_displayable (GLib.Type flags_type, int value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static int utils_flags_value_from_string (GLib.Type enum_type, string strval);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.ParamSpec utils_get_pspec_from_funcname (string funcname);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static int utils_hijack_key_press (Gtk.Window win, Gdk.EventKey event);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned Gtk.ListStore utils_liststore_from_enum_type (GLib.Type enum_type, bool include_empty);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string utils_replace_home_dir_with_tilde (string path);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string utils_string_from_value (GLib.Value value);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static GLib.Value utils_value_from_string (GLib.Type type, string str, Glade.Project project);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string xml_dump_from_context (Glade.XmlContext context);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool xml_get_boolean (Glade.XmlNode node, string name, bool _default);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string xml_get_content (Glade.XmlNode node_in);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool xml_get_property_boolean (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string name, bool _default);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static double xml_get_property_double (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string name, double _default);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static int xml_get_property_int (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string name, int _default);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string xml_get_property_string (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string xml_get_property_string_required (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string name, string xtra);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned GLib.List xml_get_property_targetable_versions (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool xml_get_property_version (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string name, uint16 major, uint16 minor);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool xml_get_value_int (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string name, int val);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static bool xml_get_value_int_required (Glade.XmlNode node, string name, int val);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string xml_get_value_string (Glade.XmlNode node, string name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned string xml_get_value_string_required (Glade.XmlNode node, string name, string xtra_info);
+    // [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    // public static bool xml_load_sym_from_node (Glade.XmlNode node_in, GLib.Module module, string tagname, void* sym_location);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned Glade.XmlNode xml_search_child (Glade.XmlNode node, string name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static unowned Glade.XmlNode xml_search_child_required (Glade.XmlNode tree, string name);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void xml_set_content (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string content);
+    [CCode (cheader_filename = "gladeui/glade.h")]
+    public static void xml_set_value (Glade.XmlNode node_in, string name, string val);
diff --git a/src/vapi/gobject-introspection-1.0.vapi b/src/vapi/gobject-introspection-1.0.vapi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..44b5dfa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+/* gobject-introspection-1.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+[CCode (cprefix = "GI", gir_namespace = "GIRepository", gir_version = "2.0", lower_case_cprefix = "g_")]
+namespace GI {
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class ArgInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ArgInfo ();
+               public static int get_closure (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static int get_destroy (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static GI.Direction get_direction (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static GI.Transfer get_ownership_transfer (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static GI.ScopeType get_scope (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static GI.TypeInfo get_type (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static bool is_caller_allocates (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static bool is_optional (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static bool is_return_value (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static bool is_skip (GI.ArgInfo info);
+               public static void load_type (GI.ArgInfo info, out unowned GI.TypeInfo type);
+               public static bool may_be_null (GI.ArgInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", lower_case_csuffix = "base_info_gtype", type_id = "g_base_info_gtype_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (cname = "g_base_info_equal")]
+               public bool equal (GI.BaseInfo info2);
+               [CCode (cname = "g_base_info_get_attribute")]
+               public unowned string get_attribute (string name);
+               [CCode (cname = "g_base_info_get_container")]
+               public unowned GI.BaseInfo get_container ();
+               [CCode (cname = "g_base_info_get_name")]
+               public unowned string get_name ();
+               [CCode (cname = "g_base_info_get_namespace")]
+               public unowned string get_namespace ();
+               [CCode (cname = "g_base_info_get_type")]
+               public GI.InfoType get_type ();
+               [CCode (cname = "g_base_info_get_typelib")]
+               public unowned GI.Typelib get_typelib ();
+               [CCode (cname = "g_base_info_is_deprecated")]
+               public bool is_deprecated ();
+               [CCode (cname = "g_base_info_iterate_attributes")]
+               public bool iterate_attributes (GI.AttributeIter iterator, out unowned string name, out unowned string value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class CallableInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected CallableInfo ();
+               public static bool can_throw_gerror (GI.CallableInfo info);
+               public static GI.ArgInfo get_arg (GI.CallableInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.Transfer get_caller_owns (GI.CallableInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_args (GI.CallableInfo info);
+               public static unowned string get_return_attribute (GI.CallableInfo info, string name);
+               public static GI.TypeInfo get_return_type (GI.CallableInfo info);
+               public static bool invoke (GI.CallableInfo info, void* function, GI.Argument in_args, int n_in_args, GI.Argument out_args, int n_out_args, GI.Argument return_value, bool is_method, bool @throws) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static bool is_method (GI.CallableInfo info);
+               public static bool iterate_return_attributes (GI.CallableInfo info, GI.AttributeIter iterator, out unowned string name, out unowned string value);
+               public static void load_arg (GI.CallableInfo info, int n, out unowned GI.ArgInfo arg);
+               public static void load_return_type (GI.CallableInfo info, out unowned GI.TypeInfo type);
+               public static bool may_return_null (GI.CallableInfo info);
+               public static bool skip_return (GI.CallableInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class CallbackInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected CallbackInfo ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class ConstantInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ConstantInfo ();
+               public static GI.TypeInfo get_type (GI.ConstantInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class EnumInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected EnumInfo ();
+               public static unowned string get_error_domain (GI.EnumInfo info);
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo get_method (GI.EnumInfo info, int n);
+               public static int get_n_methods (GI.EnumInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_values (GI.EnumInfo info);
+               public static GI.TypeTag get_storage_type (GI.EnumInfo info);
+               public static GI.ValueInfo get_value (GI.EnumInfo info, int n);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class FieldInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FieldInfo ();
+               public static GI.FieldInfoFlags get_flags (GI.FieldInfo info);
+               public static int get_offset (GI.FieldInfo info);
+               public static int get_size (GI.FieldInfo info);
+               public static GI.TypeInfo get_type (GI.FieldInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class FunctionInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FunctionInfo ();
+               public static GI.FunctionInfoFlags get_flags (GI.FunctionInfo info);
+               public static GI.PropertyInfo get_property (GI.FunctionInfo info);
+               public static unowned string get_symbol (GI.FunctionInfo info);
+               public static GI.VFuncInfo get_vfunc (GI.FunctionInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class InterfaceInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected InterfaceInfo ();
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo find_method (GI.InterfaceInfo info, string name);
+               public static GI.SignalInfo find_signal (GI.InterfaceInfo info, string name);
+               public static GI.VFuncInfo find_vfunc (GI.InterfaceInfo info, string name);
+               public static GI.ConstantInfo get_constant (GI.InterfaceInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.StructInfo get_iface_struct (GI.InterfaceInfo info);
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo get_method (GI.InterfaceInfo info, int n);
+               public static int get_n_constants (GI.InterfaceInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_methods (GI.InterfaceInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_prerequisites (GI.InterfaceInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_properties (GI.InterfaceInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_signals (GI.InterfaceInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_vfuncs (GI.InterfaceInfo info);
+               public static GI.BaseInfo get_prerequisite (GI.InterfaceInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.PropertyInfo get_property (GI.InterfaceInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.SignalInfo get_signal (GI.InterfaceInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.VFuncInfo get_vfunc (GI.InterfaceInfo info, int n);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class ObjectInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ObjectInfo ();
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo find_method (GI.ObjectInfo info, string name);
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo find_method_using_interfaces (GI.ObjectInfo info, string name, out GI.ObjectInfo implementor);
+               public static GI.SignalInfo find_signal (GI.ObjectInfo info, string name);
+               public static GI.VFuncInfo find_vfunc (GI.ObjectInfo info, string name);
+               public static GI.VFuncInfo find_vfunc_using_interfaces (GI.ObjectInfo info, string name, out GI.ObjectInfo implementor);
+               public static bool get_abstract (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static GI.StructInfo get_class_struct (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static GI.ConstantInfo get_constant (GI.ObjectInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.FieldInfo get_field (GI.ObjectInfo info, int n);
+               public static bool get_fundamental (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static unowned string get_get_value_function (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static GI.InterfaceInfo get_interface (GI.ObjectInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo get_method (GI.ObjectInfo info, int n);
+               public static int get_n_constants (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_fields (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_interfaces (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_methods (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_properties (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_signals (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_vfuncs (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static GI.ObjectInfo get_parent (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static GI.PropertyInfo get_property (GI.ObjectInfo info, int n);
+               public static unowned string get_ref_function (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static unowned string get_set_value_function (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static GI.SignalInfo get_signal (GI.ObjectInfo info, int n);
+               public static unowned string get_type_init (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static unowned string get_type_name (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static unowned string get_unref_function (GI.ObjectInfo info);
+               public static GI.VFuncInfo get_vfunc (GI.ObjectInfo info, int n);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class PropertyInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected PropertyInfo ();
+               public static GLib.ParamFlags get_flags (GI.PropertyInfo info);
+               public static GI.Transfer get_ownership_transfer (GI.PropertyInfo info);
+               public static GI.TypeInfo get_type (GI.PropertyInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class RegisteredTypeInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected RegisteredTypeInfo ();
+               public static GLib.Type get_g_type (GI.RegisteredTypeInfo info);
+               public static unowned string get_type_init (GI.RegisteredTypeInfo info);
+               public static unowned string get_type_name (GI.RegisteredTypeInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", lower_case_csuffix = "irepository", type_id = "g_irepository_get_type ()")]
+       public class Repository : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Repository ();
+               public static bool dump (string arg) throws GLib.Error;
+               public GLib.List<string> enumerate_versions (string namespace_);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public GI.EnumInfo find_by_error_domain (GLib.Quark domain);
+               public GI.BaseInfo find_by_gtype (GLib.Type gtype);
+               public GI.BaseInfo find_by_name (string namespace_, string name);
+               public unowned string get_c_prefix (string namespace_);
+               public static unowned GI.Repository get_default ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public string[] get_dependencies (string namespace_);
+               public GI.BaseInfo get_info (string namespace_, int index);
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public string[] get_loaded_namespaces ();
+               public int get_n_infos (string namespace_);
+               public static unowned GLib.SList<string> get_search_path ();
+               public unowned string get_shared_library (string namespace_);
+               public unowned string get_typelib_path (string namespace_);
+               public unowned string get_version (string namespace_);
+               public bool is_registered (string namespace_, string? version);
+               public unowned string load_typelib (GI.Typelib typelib, GI.RepositoryLoadFlags flags) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static void prepend_library_path (string directory);
+               public static void prepend_search_path (string directory);
+               public unowned GI.Typelib require (string namespace_, string? version, GI.RepositoryLoadFlags flags) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GI.Typelib require_private (string typelib_dir, string namespace_, string? version, GI.RepositoryLoadFlags flags) throws GLib.Error;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class SignalInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected SignalInfo ();
+               public static GI.VFuncInfo get_class_closure (GI.SignalInfo info);
+               public static GLib.SignalFlags get_flags (GI.SignalInfo info);
+               public static bool true_stops_emit (GI.SignalInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class StructInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected StructInfo ();
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo find_method (GI.StructInfo info, string name);
+               public static size_t get_alignment (GI.StructInfo info);
+               public static GI.FieldInfo get_field (GI.StructInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo get_method (GI.StructInfo info, int n);
+               public static int get_n_fields (GI.StructInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_methods (GI.StructInfo info);
+               public static size_t get_size (GI.StructInfo info);
+               public static bool is_foreign (GI.StructInfo info);
+               public static bool is_gtype_struct (GI.StructInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class TypeInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected TypeInfo ();
+               public static int get_array_fixed_size (GI.TypeInfo info);
+               public static int get_array_length (GI.TypeInfo info);
+               public static GI.ArrayType get_array_type (GI.TypeInfo info);
+               public static GI.BaseInfo get_interface (GI.TypeInfo info);
+               public static GI.TypeInfo get_param_type (GI.TypeInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.TypeTag get_tag (GI.TypeInfo info);
+               public static bool is_pointer (GI.TypeInfo info);
+               public static bool is_zero_terminated (GI.TypeInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Typelib {
+               public void free ();
+               public unowned string get_namespace ();
+               public bool symbol (string symbol_name, void* symbol);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class UnionInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected UnionInfo ();
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo find_method (GI.UnionInfo info, string name);
+               public static size_t get_alignment (GI.UnionInfo info);
+               public static GI.ConstantInfo get_discriminator (GI.UnionInfo info, int n);
+               public static int get_discriminator_offset (GI.UnionInfo info);
+               public static GI.TypeInfo get_discriminator_type (GI.UnionInfo info);
+               public static GI.FieldInfo get_field (GI.UnionInfo info, int n);
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo get_method (GI.UnionInfo info, int n);
+               public static int get_n_fields (GI.UnionInfo info);
+               public static int get_n_methods (GI.UnionInfo info);
+               public static size_t get_size (GI.UnionInfo info);
+               public static bool is_discriminated (GI.UnionInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class UnresolvedInfo {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class VFuncInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected VFuncInfo ();
+               public static GI.VFuncInfoFlags get_flags (GI.VFuncInfo info);
+               public static GI.FunctionInfo get_invoker (GI.VFuncInfo info);
+               public static int get_offset (GI.VFuncInfo info);
+               public static GI.SignalInfo get_signal (GI.VFuncInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public class ValueInfo : GI.BaseInfo {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ValueInfo ();
+               public static int64 get_value (GI.ValueInfo info);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public struct Argument {
+               public bool v_boolean;
+               public int8 v_int8;
+               public uint8 v_uint8;
+               public int16 v_int16;
+               public uint16 v_uint16;
+               public int32 v_int32;
+               public uint32 v_uint32;
+               public int64 v_int64;
+               public uint64 v_uint64;
+               public float v_float;
+               public double v_double;
+               public short v_short;
+               public ushort v_ushort;
+               public int v_int;
+               public uint v_uint;
+               public long v_long;
+               public ulong v_ulong;
+               public ssize_t v_ssize;
+               public size_t v_size;
+               public weak string v_string;
+               public void* v_pointer;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct AttributeIter {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "GI_ARRAY_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum ArrayType {
+               C,
+               ARRAY,
+               PTR_ARRAY,
+               BYTE_ARRAY
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "GI_DIRECTION_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum Direction {
+               IN,
+               OUT,
+               INOUT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "GI_FIELD_IS_", has_type_id = false)]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum FieldInfoFlags {
+               READABLE,
+               WRITABLE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "GI_FUNCTION_", has_type_id = false)]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum FunctionInfoFlags {
+               IS_METHOD,
+               IS_CONSTRUCTOR,
+               IS_GETTER,
+               IS_SETTER,
+               WRAPS_VFUNC,
+               THROWS
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "GI_INFO_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum InfoType {
+               INVALID,
+               FUNCTION,
+               CALLBACK,
+               STRUCT,
+               BOXED,
+               ENUM,
+               FLAGS,
+               OBJECT,
+               INTERFACE,
+               CONSTANT,
+               INVALID_0,
+               UNION,
+               VALUE,
+               SIGNAL,
+               VFUNC,
+               PROPERTY,
+               FIELD,
+               ARG,
+               TYPE,
+               UNRESOLVED;
+               public static unowned string to_string (GI.InfoType type);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "G_IREPOSITORY_ERROR_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum RepositoryError {
+               TYPELIB_NOT_FOUND,
+               NAMESPACE_MISMATCH,
+               LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "G_IREPOSITORY_LOAD_FLAG_", has_type_id = false)]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum RepositoryLoadFlags {
+               [CCode (cname = "G_IREPOSITORY_LOAD_FLAG_LAZY")]
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "GI_SCOPE_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum ScopeType {
+               INVALID,
+               CALL,
+               ASYNC,
+               NOTIFIED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "GI_TRANSFER_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum Transfer {
+               NOTHING,
+               CONTAINER,
+               EVERYTHING
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "GI_TYPE_TAG_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum TypeTag {
+               VOID,
+               BOOLEAN,
+               INT8,
+               UINT8,
+               INT16,
+               UINT16,
+               INT32,
+               UINT32,
+               INT64,
+               UINT64,
+               FLOAT,
+               DOUBLE,
+               GTYPE,
+               UTF8,
+               FILENAME,
+               ARRAY,
+               INTERFACE,
+               GLIST,
+               GSLIST,
+               GHASH,
+               ERROR,
+               UNICHAR;
+               public static unowned string to_string (GI.TypeTag type);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "GI_VFUNC_", has_type_id = false)]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum VFuncInfoFlags {
+               MUST_CHAIN_UP,
+               MUST_OVERRIDE,
+               MUST_NOT_OVERRIDE,
+               THROWS
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h", cprefix = "G_INVOKE_ERROR_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum nvokeError {
+               FAILED,
+               SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
+               ARGUMENT_MISMATCH
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public static GI.BaseInfo info_new (GI.InfoType type, GI.BaseInfo container, GI.Typelib typelib, uint32 offset);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "girepository.h")]
+       public static GLib.Quark invoke_error_quark ();
diff --git a/src/vapi/javascriptcore.vapi b/src/vapi/javascriptcore.vapi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..425d226
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+/* javascriptcore.vapi
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Sam Thursfield <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/* NOTE: this binding is quite inaccurate and you will have to a bunch of fixing for some functions.
+ *
+ * This is a basic interface to JSCore, a more friendly binding is Seed. See
+ * for more information.
+ */
+[CCode (lower_case_cprefix = "js_", cheader_filename = "JavaScriptCore/JavaScript.h")]
+namespace JSCore {
+  [Compact]
+  [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "JSContextGroupRelease")]
+  public class ContextGroup {
+    [CCode (cname = "JSContextGroupCreate")]
+    public ContextGroup();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSContextCreateInGroup")]
+    public ContextGroup Retain ();
+  }
+  [Compact]
+  [CCode (cname = "void")]
+  public class Context {
+    /* Script Evaluation */
+    [CCode (cname = "JSEvaluateScript")]
+    public Value evaluate_script (String script,
+                                          Object? thisObject,
+                                          String? sourceURL,
+                                          int startingLineNumber,
+                                          out Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSCheckScriptSyntax")]
+    public bool check_script_syntax (JSCore.String script,
+                                     JSCore.String? sourceURL, int startingLineNumber,
+                                     out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSGarbageCollect")]
+    public void garbage_collect ();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSContextGetGlobalObject")]
+    public JSCore.Object get_global_object ();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSContextGetGroup")]
+    public ContextGroup get_group ();
+  }
+  /* Same as Context */
+  [Compact]
+  [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "JSGlobalContextRelease")]
+  public class GlobalContext: Context {
+    [CCode (cname = "JSGlobalContextCreate")]
+    public GlobalContext (Class globalObjectClass);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSGlobalContextCreateInGroup")]
+    public GlobalContext.in_group (ContextGroup group, Class globalObjectClass);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSGlobalContextRetain")]
+    public GlobalContext retain ();
+  }
+  /* FIXME: not sure the significance of this. Vala strings are UTF-8 while it seems
+   *   JSCore uses UCS-2 or UTF-16 ...
+       #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WINSCW__) \
+         && !(defined(__CC_ARM) || defined(__ARMCC__))
+         typedef unsigned short JSChar;
+       #else
+         typedef wchar_t JSChar;
+       #endif
+   */
+  [Compact]
+  [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "JSStringRelease")]
+  public class String {
+    [CCode (cname = "JSStringCreateWithCharacters")]
+    public String.with_characters (ushort *chars, size_t num_chars);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString")]
+    public String.with_utf8_c_string (string _string);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSStringRetain")]
+    public String retain ();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSStringGetLength")]
+    public size_t get_length ();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSStringGetCharactersPtr")]
+    public ushort *get_characters_ptr ();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize")]
+    public size_t get_maximum_utf8_c_string_size ();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSStringGetUTF8CString")]
+    public size_t get_utf8_c_string (char *buffer, size_t buffer_size);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSStringIsEqual")]
+    public bool is_equal (String b);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSStringIsEqualToUTF8CString")]
+    public bool is_equal_to_utf8_c_string (string b);
+  }
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate void                  ObjectInitializeCallback        (Context ctx,
+                                                                        JSCore.Object object);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate void                  ObjectFinalizeCallback          (JSCore.Object object);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate bool                  ObjectHasPropertyCallback       (Context ctx,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object object,
+                                                                         JSCore.String propertyName);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate JSCore.Value  ObjectGetPropertyCallback       (Context ctx,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object object,
+                                                                         JSCore.String propertyName,
+                                                                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate bool                  ObjectSetPropertyCallback       (Context ctx,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object object,
+                                                                         JSCore.String propertyName,
+                                                                         JSCore.Value _value,
+                                                                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate bool                  ObjectDeletePropertyCallback    (Context ctx,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object object,
+                                                                         JSCore.String propertyName,
+                                                                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate void                  ObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback  (Context ctx,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object object,
+                                                                         PropertyNameAccumulator propertyNames);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate JSCore.Value  ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback    (Context ctx,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object function,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object thisObject,
+                                                                           [CCode (array_length_pos=3.9, array_length_type="size_t")]
+                                                                         JSCore.Value[] arguments,
+                                                                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate JSCore.Object ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback (Context ctx,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object constructor,
+                                                                           [CCode (array_length_pos=2.9, array_length_type="size_t")]
+                                                                         JSCore.Value[] arguments,
+                                                                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate bool                  ObjectHasInstanceCallback       (Context ctx,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object constructor,
+                                                                         JSCore.Value possibleInstance,
+                                                                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+  [CCode (has_target = false)]
+  public delegate JSCore.Value  ObjectConvertToTypeCallback     (Context ctx,
+                                                                         JSCore.Object object,
+                                                                         JSCore.Type type,
+                                                                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+  public struct StaticValue {
+    public string name;
+    public ObjectGetPropertyCallback getProperty;
+    public ObjectSetPropertyCallback setProperty;
+    public PropertyAttribute attributes;
+  }
+  [CCode (cname = "JSStaticFunction")]
+  public struct StaticFunction {
+    public string name;
+    public ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback callAsFunction;
+    public PropertyAttribute attributes;
+  }
+  [CCode (cname = "JSClassDefinition")]
+  public struct ClassDefinition {
+    public int version;
+    public ClassAttribute attributes;
+    public string className;
+    public JSCore.Class parentClass;
+    public StaticValue *staticValues;
+    public StaticFunction *staticFunction;
+    public ObjectInitializeCallback          initialize;
+    public ObjectFinalizeCallback            finalize;
+    public ObjectHasPropertyCallback         hasProperty;
+    public ObjectGetPropertyCallback         getProperty;
+    public ObjectSetPropertyCallback         setProperty;
+    public ObjectDeletePropertyCallback      deleteProperty;
+    public ObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback    getPropertyNames;
+    public ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback      callAsFunction;
+    public ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback   callAsConstructor;
+    public ObjectHasInstanceCallback         hasInstance;
+    public ObjectConvertToTypeCallback       convertToType;
+  }
+  [CCode (cname="kJSClassDefinitionEmpty")]
+  extern ClassDefinition ClassDefinitionEmpty;
+  //typedef unsigned JSClassAttributes;
+  [CCode (cprefix="kJSClassAttribute")]
+  [Flags]
+  public enum ClassAttribute {
+    None, NoAutomaticPrototype
+  }
+  [Compact]
+  [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "JSClassRelease")]
+  public class Class {
+    [CCode (cname="JSClassCreate")]
+    public Class (ClassDefinition definition);
+    [CCode (cname="JSClassRetain")]
+    public Class retain (Class js_class);
+  }
+  //typedef unsigned JSPropertyAttributes;
+  [CCode (cprefix="kJSPropertyAttribute")]
+  [Flags]
+  public enum PropertyAttribute {
+    None, ReadOnly, DontEnum, DontDelete
+  }
+  [Compact]
+  [CCode (cname = "void *", free_function = "JSPropertyNameArrayRelease")]
+  public class PropertyNameArray {
+    [CCode (cname = "JSPropertyNameArrayRetain")]
+    public PropertyNameArray retain ();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSPropertyNameArrayGetCount")]
+    public size_t get_count ();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSPropertyNameArrayGetNameAtIndex")]
+    public JSCore.String get_name_at_index (size_t index);
+  }
+  [Compact]
+  [CCode (cname = "void")]
+  public class PropertyNameAccumulator {
+    [CCode (cname = "JSPropertyNameAccumulatorAddName")]
+    public void add_name (String property_name);
+  }
+  [CCode (cprefix="kJSType")]
+  public enum Type {
+    Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, String, Object
+  }
+  [Compact]
+  /* FIXME: free_function causes a warning */
+  [CCode (cname = "void", free_function = "")]
+  public class Value {
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeUndefined")]
+    public Value.undefined (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeNull")]
+    public Value.null (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeBoolean")]
+    public Value.boolean (Context ctx, bool boolean);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeNumber")]
+    public Value.number (Context ctx, double number);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueMakeString")]
+    public Value.string (Context ctx, String js_string);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueGetType", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public JSCore.Type get_type (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsUndefined", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_undefined (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsNull", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_null (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsBoolean", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_boolean (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsNumber", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_number (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsString", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_string (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsObject", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_object (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsNull", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_object_of_class (Context ctx, Value js_value, Class js_class);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsEqual", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_equal (Context ctx, Value b, Value *exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsStrictEqual", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_strict_equal (Context ctx, Value b);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueIsInstanceOfConstructor", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_instance_of_constructor (Context ctx, Value js_value, Object constructor,
+                                            Value *exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueToBoolean", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool to_boolean (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueToNumber", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public double to_number (Context ctx, Value *exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueToStringCopy", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public JSCore.String to_string_copy (Context ctx, out Value *exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueToObject", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public Object to_object (Context ctx, out Value *exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueProtect", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public void protect (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSValueUnprotect", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public void unprotect (Context ctx);
+  }
+  [Compact]
+  /* FIXME: causes a warning */
+  [CCode (cname = "JSObjectRef", free_function = "")]
+  public class Object: JSCore.Value {
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMake")]
+    public Object (Context ctx, Class js_class, void *data);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback")]
+    public Object.function_with_callback (Context ctx, JSCore.String name,
+                                          ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback callAsFunction);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeConstructor")]
+    public Object.constructor (Context ctx, JSCore.Class js_class,
+                               ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback callAsConstructor);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeArray")]
+    public Object.array (Context ctx, size_t argument_count,
+                         JSCore.Value[] arguments,
+                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeDate")]
+    public (Context ctx, size_t argument_count,
+                        JSCore.Value[] arguments,
+                        out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeError")]
+    public Object.error (Context ctx, size_t argument_count,
+                         JSCore.Value[] arguments,
+                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeRegExp")]
+    public Object.regexp (Context ctx, size_t argument_count,
+                         JSCore.Value[] arguments,
+                         out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectMakeFunction")]
+    public Object.function (Context ctx, JSCore.String name,
+                            uint parameter_count, JSCore.String[] parameter_names,
+                            JSCore.String body, JSCore.String source_url,
+                            int starting_line_number, out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectGetPrototype", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public JSCore.Value get_prototype (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectSetPrototype", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public JSCore.Value set_prototype (Context ctx, JSCore.Value _value);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectHasProperty", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool has_property (Context ctx, JSCore.String propertyName);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectGetProperty", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public JSCore.Value get_property (Context ctx, JSCore.String propertyName,
+                                              out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectSetProperty", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public void set_property (Context ctx, JSCore.String property_name, 
+                              JSCore.Value _value, PropertyAttribute attributes, 
+                              out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectDeleteProperty", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool delete_property (Context ctx, JSCore.String property_name, 
+                                 out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public JSCore.Value get_property_at_index (Context ctx, uint property_index,
+                                                       out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectSetPropertyAtIndex", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public void set_property_at_index (Context ctx, uint property_index,
+                                       JSCore.Value _value,
+                                       out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectGetPrivate")]
+    public void *get_private ();
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectSetPrivate")]
+    public bool set_private (void *data);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectIsFunction", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_function (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectCallAsFunction", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public unowned JSCore.Value call_as_function (Context ctx, 
+                                                                  JSCore.Object thisObject,
+                                                                  [CCode (array_length_pos=2.9, array_length_type="size_t")]
+                                                                  JSCore.Value[] arguments,
+                                                                  out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectIsConstructor", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public bool is_constructor (Context ctx);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectCallAsConstructor", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public unowned JSCore.Object call_as_constructor (Context ctx,
+                                                          [CCode (array_length_pos=1.9, array_length_type="size_t")]
+                                                      JSCore.Value[]? arguments,
+                                                      out JSCore.Value exception);
+    [CCode (cname = "JSObjectCopyPropertyNames", instance_pos=1.1)]
+    public unowned PropertyNameArray copy_property_names (Context ctx);
+    /* Handy for debugging */
+    public void dump (JSCore.Context ctx, GLib.FileStream stream) {
+      JSCore.String js_string = this.to_string_copy (ctx, null);
+      char *c_string = new char[1024];
+      js_string.get_utf8_c_string (c_string, 1023);
+      unowned PropertyNameArray property_names = this.copy_property_names (ctx);
+      stream.printf ("Object: %s, %i properties\n", (string)c_string, (int)property_names.get_count());
+      delete c_string;
+      for (var i=0; i<property_names.get_count(); i++) {
+        js_string = property_names.get_name_at_index (i);
+        c_string = new char[1024];
+        js_string.get_utf8_c_string (c_string, 1023);
+        stream.printf ("\t%i: %s\n", i, (string)c_string);
+        delete c_string;
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/vapi/libgda-4.0.deps b/src/vapi/libgda-4.0.deps
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1899619
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/vapi/libgda-4.0.vapi b/src/vapi/libgda-4.0.vapi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..508a982
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2650 @@
+/* libgda-4.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+[Deprecated (replacement = "bindings distributed with libgda-4.0", since = "4.2.13")]
+namespace Gda {
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_attributes_manager_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class AttributesManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public AttributesManager (bool for_objects, Gda.AttributesManagerSignal signal_func, void* signal_data);
+               public void clear (void* ptr);
+               public void copy (void* from, Gda.AttributesManager to_mgr, void* to);
+               public void @foreach (void* ptr, Gda.AttributesManagerFunc func, void* data);
+               public GLib.Value @get (void* ptr, string att_name);
+               public void @set (void* ptr, string att_name, GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_full (void* ptr, string att_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class Batch : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Batch ();
+               public void add_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
+               public unowned Gda.Batch copy ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public bool get_parameters (out unowned Gda.Set out_params) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GLib.SList<Gda.Statement> get_statements ();
+               public void remove_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public virtual signal void changed (GLib.Object changed_stmt);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_binary_copy", type_id = "gda_binary_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Binary {
+               public long binary_length;
+               [CCode (array_length = false)]
+               public weak uchar[] data;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+               public unowned string to_string (uint maxlen);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_blob_copy", type_id = "gda_blob_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Blob {
+               public weak Gda.Binary data;
+               public weak Gda.BlobOp op;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+               public void set_op (Gda.BlobOp op);
+               public unowned string to_string (uint maxlen);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class BlobOp : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected BlobOp ();
+               public virtual long get_length ();
+               public virtual long read (Gda.Blob blob, long offset, long size);
+               public bool read_all (Gda.Blob blob);
+               public virtual long write (Gda.Blob blob, long offset);
+               public virtual bool write_all (Gda.Blob blob);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class Column : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Column ();
+               public unowned Gda.Column copy ();
+               public bool get_allow_null ();
+               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
+               public bool get_auto_increment ();
+               public unowned string get_dbms_type ();
+               public GLib.Value get_default_value ();
+               public unowned string get_description ();
+               public GLib.Type get_g_type ();
+               public unowned string get_name ();
+               public int get_position ();
+               public void set_allow_null (bool allow);
+               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+               public void set_auto_increment (bool is_auto);
+               public void set_dbms_type (string dbms_type);
+               public void set_default_value (GLib.Value default_value);
+               public void set_description (string title);
+               public void set_g_type (GLib.Type type);
+               public void set_name (string name);
+               public void set_position (int position);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string id { owned get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void g_type_changed (GLib.Type old_type, GLib.Type new_type);
+               public virtual signal void name_changed (string old_name);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class Config : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Config ();
+               public static bool can_modify_system_config ();
+               public static bool define_dsn (Gda.DsnInfo info) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static bool dsn_needs_authentication (string dsn_name);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public static unowned Gda.Config @get ();
+               public static Gda.DsnInfo get_dsn_info (string dsn_name);
+               public static Gda.DsnInfo get_dsn_info_at_index (int index);
+               public static int get_dsn_info_index (string dsn_name);
+               public static int get_nb_dsn ();
+               public static unowned Gda.ServerProvider get_provider (string provider_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned Gda.ProviderInfo get_provider_info (string provider_name);
+               public static unowned Gda.DataModel list_dsn ();
+               public static unowned Gda.DataModel list_providers ();
+               public static bool remove_dsn (string dsn_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string system_filename { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string user_filename { owned get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void dsn_added (void* new_dsn);
+               public virtual signal void dsn_changed (void* dsn);
+               public virtual signal void dsn_removed (void* old_dsn);
+               public virtual signal void dsn_to_be_removed (void* old_dsn);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class Connection : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Connection ();
+               public bool add_savepoint (string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool async_cancel (uint task_id) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GLib.Object async_fetch_result (uint task_id, out unowned Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public uint async_statement_execute (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, GLib.Type[] col_types, bool need_last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GLib.SList<GLib.Object> batch_execute (Gda.Batch batch, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool begin_transaction (string name, Gda.TransactionIsolation level) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void close ();
+               public void close_no_warning ();
+               public bool commit_transaction (string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.ServerOperation create_operation (Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.SqlParser create_parser ();
+               public bool delete_row_from_table (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool delete_savepoint (string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public int execute_non_select_command (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel execute_select_command (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string get_authentication ();
+               public unowned string get_cnc_string ();
+               public unowned string get_dsn ();
+               public unowned GLib.List<Gda.ConnectionEvent> get_events ();
+               public unowned Gda.MetaStore get_meta_store ();
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_meta_store_data (Gda.ConnectionMetaType meta_type, int nb_filters) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.DataModel get_meta_store_data_v (Gda.ConnectionMetaType meta_type, GLib.List<Gda.Holder> filters) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.ConnectionOptions get_options ();
+               public unowned Gda.ServerProvider get_provider ();
+               public unowned string get_provider_name ();
+               public unowned Gda.TransactionStatus get_transaction_status ();
+               public bool insert_row_into_table (string table) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool insert_row_into_table_v (string table, GLib.SList col_names, GLib.SList values) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool is_opened ();
+               public bool open () throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned Gda.Connection open_from_dsn (string dsn, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned Gda.Connection open_from_string (string provider_name, string? cnc_string, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws ConnectionError, ConfigError;
+               public unowned Gda.Statement parse_sql_string (string sql, out unowned Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_operation (Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string quote_sql_identifier (string id);
+               public unowned GLib.SList repetitive_statement_execute (Gda.RepetitiveStatement rstmt, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, GLib.Type[] col_types, bool stop_on_error) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool rollback_savepoint (string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool rollback_transaction (string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GLib.Object statement_execute (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, out unowned Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public int statement_execute_non_select (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, out unowned Gda.Set? last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select_full (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, GLib.Type[] col_types) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select_fullv (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool statement_prepare (Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string statement_to_sql (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, GLib.SList<Gda.Holder> params_used) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static void string_split (string str, string out_cnc_params, string out_provider, string out_username, string out_password);
+               public bool supports_feature (Gda.ConnectionFeature feature);
+               public bool update_meta_store (Gda.MetaContext context) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool update_row_in_table (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool update_row_in_table_v (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value, GLib.SList col_names, GLib.SList values) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string value_to_sql_string (GLib.Value from);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string auth_string { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string cnc_string { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string dsn { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int events_history_size { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool is_wrapper { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool monitor_wrapped_in_mainloop { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.ConnectionOptions options { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.ServerProvider provider { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public void* thread_owner { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void conn_closed ();
+               public virtual signal void conn_opened ();
+               public virtual signal void conn_to_close ();
+               public virtual signal void dsn_changed ();
+               public virtual signal void error (Gda.ConnectionEvent error);
+               public virtual signal void transaction_status_changed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class ConnectionEvent : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ConnectionEvent (Gda.ConnectionEventType type);
+               public long get_code ();
+               public unowned string get_description ();
+               public Gda.ConnectionEventType get_event_type ();
+               public Gda.ConnectionEventCode get_gda_code ();
+               public unowned string get_source ();
+               public unowned string get_sqlstate ();
+               public void set_code (long code);
+               public void set_description (string description);
+               public void set_event_type (Gda.ConnectionEventType type);
+               public void set_gda_code (Gda.ConnectionEventCode code);
+               public void set_source (string source);
+               public void set_sqlstate (string sqlstate);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int type { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class DataAccessWrapper : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
+               public DataAccessWrapper (Gda.DataModel model);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class DataComparator : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GObject*")]
+               public DataComparator (Gda.DataModel old_model, Gda.DataModel new_model);
+               public bool compute_diff () throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned Gda.Diff get_diff (int pos);
+               public int get_n_diffs ();
+               public void set_key_columns (int col_numbers, int nb_cols);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel new_model { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel old_model { owned get; set; }
+               public virtual signal bool diff_computed (void* diff);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class DataModelArray : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
+               public DataModelArray (int cols);
+               public void clear ();
+               public static unowned Gda.DataModelArray copy_model (Gda.DataModel src) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.Row get_row (int row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_n_columns (int cols);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, sentinel = "", type = "GdaDataModel*")]
+               public DataModelArray.with_g_types (int cols, ...);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint n_columns { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool read_only { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class DataModelDir : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
+               public DataModelDir (string basedir);
+               public void clean_errors ();
+               public unowned GLib.SList<GLib.Error> get_errors ();
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string basedir { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class DataModelImport : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataModelImport ();
+               public void clean_errors ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
+               public DataModelImport.file (string filename, bool random_access, Gda.Set options);
+               public static bool from_file (Gda.DataModel model, string file, GLib.HashTable cols_trans, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static bool from_model (Gda.DataModel to, Gda.DataModel from, bool overwrite, GLib.HashTable cols_trans) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static bool from_string (Gda.DataModel model, string str, GLib.HashTable cols_trans, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (cname = "gda_data_model_import_new_xml_node", has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
+               public DataModelImport.from_xml_node (Xml.Node node);
+               public unowned GLib.SList<GLib.Error> get_errors ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
+               public DataModelImport.mem (string data, bool random_access, Gda.Set options);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string data_string { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string filename { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Set options { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool random_access { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool strict { get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public void* xml_node { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class DataModelIter : Gda.Set {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataModelIter ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned Gda.Holder get_holder_for_field (int col);
+               public int get_row ();
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (int col);
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_for_field (string field_name);
+               public void invalidate_contents ();
+               public bool is_valid ();
+               public bool move_next ();
+               public static bool move_next_default (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.DataModelIter iter);
+               public bool move_prev ();
+               public static bool move_prev_default (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.DataModelIter iter);
+               public bool move_to_row (int row);
+               public static bool move_to_row_default (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.DataModelIter iter, int row);
+               public bool set_value_at (int col, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int current_row { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel data_model { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel forced_model { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool update_model { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void end_of_data ();
+               public virtual signal void row_changed (int row);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class DataProxy : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GObject*")]
+               public DataProxy (Gda.DataModel model);
+               public void alter_value_attributes (int proxy_row, int col, Gda.ValueAttribute alter_flags);
+               public bool apply_all_changes () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool apply_row_changes (int proxy_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool cancel_all_changes ();
+               public void cancel_row_changes (int proxy_row, int col);
+               public void @delete (int proxy_row);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned string get_filter_expr ();
+               public int get_filtered_n_rows ();
+               public int get_n_modified_rows ();
+               public int get_n_new_rows ();
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_proxied_model ();
+               public int get_proxied_model_n_cols ();
+               public int get_proxied_model_n_rows ();
+               public int get_proxied_model_row (int proxy_row);
+               public int get_sample_end ();
+               public int get_sample_size ();
+               public int get_sample_start ();
+               public Gda.ValueAttribute get_value_attributes (int proxy_row, int col);
+               public unowned GLib.SList<GLib.Value> get_values (int proxy_row, int cols_index, int n_cols);
+               public bool has_changed ();
+               public bool is_read_only ();
+               public bool row_has_changed (int proxy_row);
+               public bool row_is_deleted (int proxy_row);
+               public bool row_is_inserted (int proxy_row);
+               public bool set_filter_expr (string filter_expr) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_ordering_column (int col) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_sample_size (int sample_size);
+               public void set_sample_start (int sample_start);
+               public void undelete (int proxy_row);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool defer_sync { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool prepend_null_entry { get; set; }
+               public int sample_size { get; set construct; }
+               public virtual signal void filter_changed ();
+               public virtual signal void row_changes_applied (int row, int proxied_row);
+               public virtual signal void row_delete_changed (int row, bool to_be_deleted);
+               public virtual signal void sample_changed (int sample_start, int sample_end);
+               public virtual signal void sample_size_changed (int sample_size);
+               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error validate_row_changes (int row, int proxied_row);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class DataSelect : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               public int advertized_nrows;
+               public int nb_stored_rows;
+               public weak Gda.PStmt prep_stmt;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataSelect ();
+               public bool compute_columns_attributes () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool compute_modification_statements () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool compute_row_selection_condition () throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool fetch_at (out unowned Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual int fetch_nb_rows ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool fetch_next (out unowned Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool fetch_prev (out unowned Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool fetch_random (out unowned Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.Connection get_connection ();
+               public unowned Gda.Row get_stored_row (int rownum);
+               public bool rerun () throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_columns (GLib.SList columns);
+               public bool set_modification_statement (Gda.Statement mod_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_modification_statement_sql (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_row_selection_condition (Gda.SqlExpr expr) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_row_selection_condition_sql (string sql_where) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool store_all () throws GLib.Error;
+               public void take_row (Gda.Row row, int rownum);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool auto_reset { get; set; }
+               public Gda.Connection connection { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement delete_stmt { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Set exec_params { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement insert_stmt { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint model_usage { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.PStmt prepared_stmt { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement select_stmt { owned get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool store_all_rows { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement update_stmt { owned get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Diff {
+               public int new_row;
+               public int old_row;
+               public Gda.DiffType type;
+               public weak GLib.HashTable values;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_geometricpoint_copy", free_function = "gda_geometricpoint_free", type_id = "gda_geometricpoint_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class GeometricPoint {
+               public double x;
+               public double y;
+               [CCode (cname = "gda_geometricpoint_copy")]
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class HandlerBin : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
+               public HandlerBin ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerBinPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class HandlerBoolean : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
+               public HandlerBoolean ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerBooleanPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class HandlerNumerical : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
+               public HandlerNumerical ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerNumericalPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class HandlerString : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
+               public HandlerString ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
+               public HandlerString.with_provider (Gda.ServerProvider prov, Gda.Connection cnc);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerStringPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class HandlerTime : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
+               public HandlerTime ();
+               public unowned string get_format (GLib.Type type);
+               public unowned string get_no_locale_str_from_value (GLib.Value value);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
+               public HandlerTime.no_locale ();
+               public void set_sql_spec (GLib.DateDMY first, GLib.DateDMY sec, GLib.DateDMY third, char separator, bool twodigits_years);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerTimePriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class HandlerType : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
+               public HandlerType ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerTypePriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class Holder : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Holder (GLib.Type type);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void att_changed (string att_name, GLib.Value att_value);
+               public unowned Gda.Holder copy ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public void force_invalid ();
+               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
+               public unowned Gda.Holder get_bind ();
+               public GLib.Value get_default_value ();
+               public GLib.Type get_g_type ();
+               public unowned string get_id ();
+               public bool get_not_null ();
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_source_model (int col);
+               public GLib.Value get_value ();
+               public unowned string get_value_str (Gda.DataHandler dh);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Holder.@inline (GLib.Type type, string id);
+               public bool is_valid ();
+               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+               public bool set_bind (Gda.Holder bind_to) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_default_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_not_null (bool not_null);
+               public bool set_source_model (Gda.DataModel model, int col) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_value (GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_value_str (Gda.DataHandler dh, string value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_value_to_default ();
+               public GLib.Value take_static_value (GLib.Value value, bool value_changed) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool take_value (GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool value_is_default ();
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string description { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Holder full_bind { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public GLib.Type g_type { get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string id { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string name { owned get; set; }
+               public bool not_null { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Holder simple_bind { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int source_column { get; set; }
+               public Gda.DataModel source_model { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void attribute_changed (string p0, GLib.Value p1);
+               public virtual signal void changed ();
+               public virtual signal void source_changed ();
+               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error validate_change (GLib.Value new_value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MetaContext {
+               public weak string column_names;
+               public GLib.Value column_values;
+               public int size;
+               public weak string table_name;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MetaDbObject {
+               public weak GLib.SList depend_list;
+               public void* extra;
+               public weak string obj_catalog;
+               public weak string obj_full_name;
+               public weak string obj_name;
+               public weak string obj_owner;
+               public weak string obj_schema;
+               public weak string obj_short_name;
+               public Gda.MetaDbObjectType obj_type;
+               public bool outdated;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class MetaStore : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public MetaStore (string cnc_string);
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel create_modify_data_model (string table_name);
+               public bool declare_foreign_key (Gda.MetaStruct mstruct, string fk_name, string catalog, string schema, string table, string ref_catalog, string ref_schema, string ref_table, uint nb_cols, string colnames, string ref_colnames) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel extract (string select_sql) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool get_attribute_value (string att_name, string att_value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.Connection get_internal_connection ();
+               public int get_version ();
+               public bool modify (string table_name, Gda.DataModel new_data, string condition) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool modify_with_context (Gda.MetaContext context, Gda.DataModel new_data) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool schema_add_custom_object (string xml_description) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GLib.SList schema_get_all_tables ();
+               public unowned GLib.SList schema_get_depend_tables (string table_name);
+               public unowned Gda.MetaStruct schema_get_structure () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool schema_remove_custom_object (string obj_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_attribute_value (string att_name, string att_value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_identifiers_style (Gda.SqlIdentifierStyle style);
+               public void set_reserved_keywords_func (Gda.SqlReservedKeywordsFunc func);
+               public static unowned string sql_identifier_quote (string id, Gda.Connection cnc);
+               public bool undeclare_foreign_key (Gda.MetaStruct mstruct, string fk_name, string catalog, string schema, string table, string ref_catalog, string ref_schema, string ref_table) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public MetaStore.with_file (string file_name);
+               public string catalog { construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection cnc { owned get; construct; }
+               public string cnc_string { construct; }
+               public string schema { construct; }
+               public virtual signal void meta_changed (GLib.SList<Gda.MetaStoreChange> changes);
+               public virtual signal void meta_reset ();
+               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error suggest_update (Gda.MetaContext suggest);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MetaStoreChange {
+               public Gda.MetaStoreChangeType c_type;
+               public weak GLib.HashTable keys;
+               public weak string table_name;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class MetaStruct : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public MetaStruct (Gda.MetaStore store, Gda.MetaStructFeature features);
+               public unowned Gda.MetaDbObject complement (Gda.MetaDbObjectType type, GLib.Value catalog, GLib.Value schema, GLib.Value name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool complement_all () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool complement_default () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool complement_depend (Gda.MetaDbObject dbo) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool complement_schema (GLib.Value catalog, GLib.Value schema) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string dump_as_graph (Gda.MetaGraphInfo info) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public GLib.SList<Gda.MetaDbObject> get_all_db_objects ();
+               public unowned Gda.MetaDbObject get_db_object (GLib.Value catalog, GLib.Value schema, GLib.Value name);
+               public unowned Gda.MetaTableColumn get_table_column (Gda.MetaTable table, GLib.Value col_name);
+               public bool sort_db_objects (Gda.MetaSortType sort_type) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint features { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MetaTable {
+               public weak GLib.SList columns;
+               public weak GLib.SList fk_list;
+               public int pk_cols_array;
+               public int pk_cols_nb;
+               public weak GLib.SList reverse_fk_list;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MetaTableColumn {
+               public weak string column_name;
+               public weak string column_type;
+               public weak string default_value;
+               public GLib.Type gtype;
+               public bool nullok;
+               public bool pkey;
+               public void foreach_attribute (Gda.AttributesManagerFunc func, void* data);
+               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
+               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MetaTableForeignKey {
+               public int cols_nb;
+               public void* declared;
+               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject depend_on;
+               public int fk_cols_array;
+               public weak string fk_name;
+               public weak string fk_names_array;
+               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject meta_table;
+               public void* on_delete_policy;
+               public void* on_update_policy;
+               public int ref_pk_cols_array;
+               public weak string ref_pk_names_array;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MetaView {
+               public bool is_updatable;
+               public weak Gda.MetaTable table;
+               public weak string view_def;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Mutex {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Mutex ();
+               public void @lock ();
+               public bool trylock ();
+               public void unlock ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_numeric_copy", type_id = "gda_numeric_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Numeric {
+               public weak string number;
+               public long precision;
+               public void* reserved;
+               public long width;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class PStmt : GLib.Object {
+               public int ncols;
+               public weak GLib.SList param_ids;
+               public weak string sql;
+               public weak GLib.SList tmpl_columns;
+               [CCode (array_length = false)]
+               public weak GLib.Type[] types;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected PStmt ();
+               public void copy_contents (Gda.PStmt dest);
+               public unowned Gda.Statement get_gda_statement ();
+               public void set_gda_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ProviderInfo {
+               public weak Gda.Set auth_params;
+               public weak string description;
+               public weak Gda.Set dsn_params;
+               public weak string id;
+               public weak string location;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_quark_list_copy", type_id = "gda_quark_list_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class QuarkList {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public QuarkList ();
+               public void add_from_string (string str, bool cleanup);
+               public void clear ();
+               public unowned Gda.QuarkList copy ();
+               public unowned string find (string name);
+               public void @foreach (GLib.HFunc func);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public QuarkList.from_string (string str);
+               public void remove (string name);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class RepetitiveStatement : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public RepetitiveStatement (Gda.Statement stmt);
+               public bool append_set (Gda.Set values, bool make_copy);
+               public unowned GLib.SList get_all_sets ();
+               public bool get_template_set (out unowned Gda.Set @set) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement statement { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class Row : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Row (int count);
+               public int get_length ();
+               public GLib.Value get_value (int num);
+               public void invalidate_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public bool value_is_valid (GLib.Value value);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int nb_values { set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class ServerOperation : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ServerOperation (Gda.ServerOperationType op_type, string xml_file);
+               public uint add_item_to_sequence (string seq_path);
+               public bool del_item_from_sequence (string item_path);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned Gda.ServerOperationNode get_node_info (string path_format);
+               public unowned string get_node_parent (string path);
+               public unowned string get_node_path_portion (string path);
+               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeType get_node_type (string path, Gda.ServerOperationNodeStatus status);
+               public Gda.ServerOperationType get_op_type ();
+               public unowned string get_root_nodes ();
+               public unowned string get_sequence_item_names (string path);
+               public uint get_sequence_max_size (string path);
+               public uint get_sequence_min_size (string path);
+               public unowned string get_sequence_name (string path);
+               public uint get_sequence_size (string path);
+               public unowned string get_sql_identifier_at (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerProvider prov, string path_format);
+               public GLib.Value get_value_at (string path_format);
+               public bool is_valid (string xml_file) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool load_data_from_xml (Xml.Node node) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned string op_type_to_string (Gda.ServerOperationType type);
+               public bool perform_create_database (string provider) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_create_table () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_drop_database (string provider) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_drop_table () throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_database (string provider, string db_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_database (string provider, string db_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Xml.Node save_data_to_xml () throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void seq_item_added (string seq_path, int item_index);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void seq_item_remove (string seq_path, int item_index);
+               public bool set_value_at (string value, string path_format) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static Gda.ServerOperationType string_to_op_type (string str);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               public int op_type { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.ServerProvider provider { owned get; construct; }
+               public string spec_filename { construct; }
+               public virtual signal void sequence_item_added (string p0, int p1);
+               public virtual signal void sequence_item_remove (string p0, int p1);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ServerOperationNode {
+               public weak Gda.Column column;
+               public weak Gda.DataModel model;
+               public weak Gda.Holder param;
+               public weak Gda.Set plist;
+               public void* priv;
+               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeStatus status;
+               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeType type;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class ServerProvider : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ServerProvider ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool add_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool begin_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name, Gda.TransactionIsolation level) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool cancel (Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool close_connection (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool commit_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned Gda.Connection create_connection ();
+               public virtual unowned Gda.ServerOperation create_operation (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public virtual unowned Gda.SqlParser create_parser (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool delete_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public virtual unowned string escape_string (Gda.Connection cnc, string str);
+               public unowned string find_file (string inst_dir, string filename);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
+               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_dbms (Gda.Connection cnc, string for_type);
+               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_default (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type type, string dbms_type);
+               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_g_type (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type for_type);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned string get_database (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned string get_def_dbms_type (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type);
+               public unowned string get_default_dbms_type (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type type);
+               public virtual unowned string get_name ();
+               public static int get_schema_nb_columns (Gda.ConnectionSchema schema);
+               public virtual unowned string get_server_version (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               public virtual unowned string get_version ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool handle_async (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void handler_declare (Gda.DataHandler dh, Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
+               public unowned Gda.DataHandler handler_find (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned string identifier_quote (Gda.Connection cnc, string id, bool for_meta_store, bool force_quotes);
+               public static bool init_schema_model (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.ConnectionSchema schema);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlParser internal_get_parser ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool is_busy (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned string load_file_contents (string inst_dir, string data_dir, string filename);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool open_connection (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.QuarkList @params, Gda.QuarkList auth, uint task_id, Gda.ServerProviderAsyncCallback async_cb, void* cb_data);
+               public virtual bool perform_operation (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_operation_default (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+               public virtual unowned string render_operation (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool rollback_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool rollback_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned GLib.Object statement_execute (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, GLib.Type[] col_types, out unowned Gda.Set last_inserted_row, uint task_id, Gda.ServerProviderExecCallback exec_cb, void* cb_data) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool statement_prepare (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned Gda.SqlStatement statement_rewrite (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned string statement_to_sql (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, GLib.SList params_used) throws GLib.Error;
+               public GLib.Value string_to_value (Gda.Connection cnc, string str, GLib.Type preferred_type, string dbms_type);
+               public virtual bool supports_feature (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ConnectionFeature feature);
+               public virtual bool supports_operation (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set options);
+               public static bool test_schema_model (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.ConnectionSchema schema) throws GLib.Error;
+               public virtual unowned string unescape_string (Gda.Connection cnc, string str);
+               public unowned string value_to_sql_string (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Value from);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ServerProviderHandlerInfo {
+               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
+               public weak string dbms_type;
+               public GLib.Type g_type;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ServerProviderInfo {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ServerProviderMeta {
+               public weak GLib.Callback character_sets;
+               public weak GLib.Callback check_columns;
+               public weak GLib.Callback collations;
+               public weak GLib.Callback columns;
+               public weak GLib.Callback constraints_dom;
+               public weak GLib.Callback constraints_ref;
+               public weak GLib.Callback constraints_tab;
+               public weak GLib.Callback domains;
+               public weak GLib.Callback el_types;
+               public weak GLib.Callback enums;
+               public weak GLib.Callback index_cols;
+               public weak GLib.Callback indexes_tab;
+               public weak GLib.Callback key_columns;
+               public weak GLib.Callback routine_col;
+               public weak GLib.Callback routine_par;
+               public weak GLib.Callback routines;
+               public weak GLib.Callback schemata;
+               public weak GLib.Callback tables_views;
+               public weak GLib.Callback triggers;
+               public weak GLib.Callback udt;
+               public weak GLib.Callback udt_cols;
+               public weak GLib.Callback view_cols;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ServerProviderXa {
+               public weak GLib.Callback xa_commit;
+               public weak GLib.Callback xa_end;
+               public weak GLib.Callback xa_prepare;
+               public weak GLib.Callback xa_recover;
+               public weak GLib.Callback xa_rollback;
+               public weak GLib.Callback xa_start;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class Set : GLib.Object {
+               public weak GLib.SList groups_list;
+               public weak GLib.SList nodes_list;
+               public weak GLib.SList sources_list;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Set (GLib.SList<Gda.Holder> holders);
+               public bool add_holder (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public unowned Gda.Set copy ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Set.from_spec_node (Xml.Node xml_spec) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Set.from_spec_string (string xml_spec) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.SetGroup get_group (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public unowned Gda.Holder get_holder (string holder_id);
+               public GLib.Value get_holder_value (string holder_id);
+               public unowned Gda.SetNode get_node (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public unowned Gda.Holder get_nth_holder (int pos);
+               public unowned Gda.SetSource get_source (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public unowned Gda.SetSource get_source_for_model (Gda.DataModel model);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Set.@inline (int nb);
+               public bool is_valid () throws GLib.Error;
+               public void merge_with_set (Gda.Set set_to_merge);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Set.read_only (GLib.SList holders);
+               public void remove_holder (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public void replace_source_model (Gda.SetSource source, Gda.DataModel model);
+               public bool set_holder_value (string holder_id) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string description { owned get; set; }
+               public void* holders { construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string id { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string name { owned get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void holder_attr_changed (Gda.Holder holder, string attr_name, GLib.Value attr_value);
+               public virtual signal void holder_changed (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public virtual signal void holder_type_set (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public virtual signal void public_data_changed ();
+               public virtual signal void source_model_changed (void* source);
+               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error validate_holder_change (Gda.Holder holder, GLib.Value new_value);
+               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error validate_set ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SetGroup {
+               public weak GLib.SList nodes;
+               public weak Gda.SetSource nodes_source;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SetNode {
+               public weak Gda.Holder holder;
+               public int source_column;
+               public weak Gda.DataModel source_model;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SetSource {
+               public weak Gda.DataModel data_model;
+               public weak GLib.SList nodes;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlAnyPart {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart parent;
+               public Gda.SqlAnyPartType type;
+               public bool check_structure () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool @foreach (Gda.SqlForeachFunc func, void* data) throws GLib.Error;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class SqlBuilder : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlBuilder (Gda.SqlStatementType stmt_type);
+               [CCode (sentinel = "")]
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_case (Gda.SqlBuilderId test_expr, Gda.SqlBuilderId else_expr, ...);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_case_v (Gda.SqlBuilderId test_expr, Gda.SqlBuilderId else_expr, Gda.SqlBuilderId when_array, Gda.SqlBuilderId then_array, int args_size);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_cond (Gda.SqlOperatorType op, Gda.SqlBuilderId op1, Gda.SqlBuilderId op2, Gda.SqlBuilderId op3);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_cond_v (Gda.SqlOperatorType op, Gda.SqlBuilderId op_ids, int op_ids_size);
+               [CCode (sentinel = "")]
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_expr (Gda.DataHandler dh, GLib.Type type, ...);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_expr_value (Gda.DataHandler dh, GLib.Value value);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_field_id (string field_name, string table_name);
+               [CCode (sentinel = "")]
+               public void add_field_value (string field_name, GLib.Type type, ...);
+               public void add_field_value_as_gvalue (string field_name, GLib.Value value);
+               public void add_field_value_id (Gda.SqlBuilderId field_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId value_id);
+               [CCode (sentinel = "")]
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_function (string func_name, ...);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_function_v (string func_name, Gda.SqlBuilderId args, int args_size);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_id (string str);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_param (string param_name, GLib.Type type, bool nullok);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_sub_select (Gda.SqlStatement sqlst);
+               public void compound_add_sub_select (Gda.SqlStatement sqlst);
+               public void compound_set_type (Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType compound_type);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned Gda.SqlExpr export_expression (Gda.SqlBuilderId id);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlStatement get_sql_statement ();
+               public unowned Gda.Statement get_statement () throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId import_expression (Gda.SqlExpr expr);
+               public void join_add_field (Gda.SqlBuilderId join_id, string field_name);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_field (string field_name, string table_name, string alias);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_target (string table_name, string alias);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_target_id (Gda.SqlBuilderId table_id, string alias);
+               public void select_group_by (Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_join_targets (Gda.SqlBuilderId left_target_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId right_target_id, Gda.SqlSelectJoinType join_type, Gda.SqlBuilderId join_expr);
+               public void select_order_by (Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id, bool asc, string collation_name);
+               public void select_set_distinct (bool distinct, Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
+               public void select_set_having (Gda.SqlBuilderId cond_id);
+               public void select_set_limit (Gda.SqlBuilderId limit_count_expr_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId limit_offset_expr_id);
+               public void set_table (string table_name);
+               public void set_where (Gda.SqlBuilderId cond_id);
+               public Gda.SqlStatementType stmt_type { construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_case_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlCase {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr base_expr;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr else_expr;
+               public weak GLib.SList then_expr_list;
+               public weak GLib.SList when_expr_list;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlCase (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlCase copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlErrorType {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_expr_copy", type_id = "gda_sql_expr_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlExpr {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak Gda.SqlCase case_s;
+               public weak string cast_as;
+               public weak Gda.SqlOperation cond;
+               public weak Gda.SqlFunction func;
+               public weak Gda.SqlParamSpec param_spec;
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart select;
+               public GLib.Value value;
+               public void* value_is_ident;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlExpr (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlExpr copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public void take_select (Gda.SqlStatement stmt);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_field_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlField {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak string field_name;
+               public weak Gda.MetaTableColumn validity_meta_table_column;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlField (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlField copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public void take_name (GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_function_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlFunction {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak GLib.SList args_list;
+               public weak string function_name;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlFunction (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public void check_clean ();
+               public unowned Gda.SqlFunction copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public void take_args_list (owned GLib.SList args);
+               public void take_name (GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_operation_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlOperation {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak GLib.SList operands;
+               public Gda.SqlOperatorType operator_type;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlOperation (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlOperation copy ();
+               public static Gda.SqlOperatorType operator_from_string (string op);
+               public static unowned string operator_to_string (Gda.SqlOperatorType op);
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_param_spec_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlParamSpec {
+               public weak string descr;
+               public GLib.Type g_type;
+               public bool is_param;
+               public weak string name;
+               public bool nullok;
+               public void* validity_meta_dict;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlParamSpec (GLib.Value simple_spec);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlParamSpec copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public void take_descr (GLib.Value value);
+               public void take_name (GLib.Value value);
+               public void take_nullok (GLib.Value value);
+               public void take_type (GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class SqlParser : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlParser ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void* delim_alloc (GLib.Callback p1);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void delim_free (void* p1, GLib.Callback p2);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void delim_parse (void* p1, int p2, GLib.Value p3, Gda.SqlParserIface p4);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void delim_trace (void* p1, string p2);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned Gda.Batch parse_file_as_batch (string filename) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.Statement parse_string (string sql, out unowned string remain) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.Batch parse_string_as_batch (string sql, string remain) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void* parser_alloc (GLib.Callback p1);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void parser_free (void* p1, GLib.Callback p2);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void parser_parse (void* p1, int p2, GLib.Value p3, Gda.SqlParserIface p4);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void parser_trace (void* p1, string p2);
+               public void set_overflow_error ();
+               public void set_syntax_error ();
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int column_error { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int line_error { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int mode { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int tokenizer_flavour { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlRenderingContext {
+               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
+               public Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags;
+               public weak Gda.Set @params;
+               public weak GLib.SList params_used;
+               public weak Gda.ServerProvider provider;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_begin;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_case;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_commit;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_compound;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_delete;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_delete_savepoint;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingExpr render_expr;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_field;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_function;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_insert;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_operation;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingPSpecFunc render_param_spec;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_rollback;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_rollback_savepoint;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_savepoint;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_field;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_from;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_join;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_order;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_target;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_table;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_unknown;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_update;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingValue render_value;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_field_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlSelectField {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak string @as;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr expr;
+               public weak string field_name;
+               public weak string table_name;
+               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject validity_meta_object;
+               public weak Gda.MetaTableColumn validity_meta_table_column;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlSelectField (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectField copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public void take_alias (GLib.Value alias);
+               public void take_expr (Gda.SqlExpr expr);
+               public void take_star_value (GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_from_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlSelectFrom {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak GLib.SList joins;
+               public weak GLib.SList targets;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlSelectFrom (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectFrom copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public void take_new_join (Gda.SqlSelectJoin join);
+               public void take_new_target (Gda.SqlSelectTarget target);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_join_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlSelectJoin {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr expr;
+               public int position;
+               public Gda.SqlSelectJoinType type;
+               public weak GLib.SList use;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlSelectJoin (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectJoin copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public static unowned string type_to_string (Gda.SqlSelectJoinType type);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_order_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlSelectOrder {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public bool asc;
+               public weak string collation_name;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr expr;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlSelectOrder (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectOrder copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_target_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlSelectTarget {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak string @as;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr expr;
+               public weak string table_name;
+               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject validity_meta_object;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlSelectTarget (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectTarget copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public void take_alias (GLib.Value alias);
+               public void take_select (Gda.SqlStatement stmt);
+               public void take_table_name (GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_statement_copy", type_id = "gda_sql_statement_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatement {
+               public void* contents;
+               public weak string sql;
+               public Gda.SqlStatementType stmt_type;
+               public weak Gda.MetaStruct validity_meta_struct;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlStatement (Gda.SqlStatementType type);
+               public void check_clean ();
+               public bool check_structure () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool check_validity (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool check_validity_m (Gda.MetaStruct mstruct) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.SqlStatement copy ();
+               public static unowned Gda.SqlStatementContentsInfo get_contents_infos (Gda.SqlStatementType type);
+               public bool normalize (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public static Gda.SqlStatementType string_to_type (string type);
+               public void trans_set_isol_level (Gda.TransactionIsolation level);
+               public void trans_take_mode (GLib.Value value);
+               public void trans_take_name (GLib.Value value);
+               public static unowned string type_to_string (Gda.SqlStatementType type);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementCheckValidityData {
+               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
+               public weak Gda.MetaStruct mstruct;
+               public weak Gda.MetaStore store;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementCompound {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType compound_type;
+               public weak GLib.SList stmt_list;
+               public static void set_type (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType type);
+               public static void take_stmt (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlStatement s);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementContentsInfo {
+               public weak Gda.SqlForeachFunc check_structure_func;
+               public weak Gda.SqlForeachFunc check_validity_func;
+               public weak GLib.Callback @construct;
+               public weak GLib.Callback copy;
+               public weak GLib.Callback free;
+               public weak string name;
+               public weak GLib.Callback serialize;
+               public Gda.SqlStatementType type;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementDelete {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr cond;
+               public weak Gda.SqlTable table;
+               public static void take_condition (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlExpr cond);
+               public static void take_table_name (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementInsert {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak GLib.SList fields_list;
+               public weak string on_conflict;
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart select;
+               public weak Gda.SqlTable table;
+               public weak GLib.SList values_list;
+               public static void take_1_values_list (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlExpr> list);
+               public static void take_extra_values_list (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.SList list);
+               public static void take_fields_list (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlField> list);
+               public static void take_on_conflict (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
+               public static void take_select (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlStatement select);
+               public static void take_table_name (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementSelect {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public bool distinct;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr distinct_expr;
+               public weak GLib.SList expr_list;
+               public weak Gda.SqlSelectFrom from;
+               public weak GLib.SList group_by;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr having_cond;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr limit_count;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr limit_offset;
+               public weak GLib.SList order_by;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr where_cond;
+               public static void take_distinct (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, bool distinct, Gda.SqlExpr distinct_expr);
+               public static void take_expr_list (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlSelectField> expr_list);
+               public static void take_from (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlSelectFrom from);
+               public static void take_group_by (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlExpr> group_by);
+               public static void take_having_cond (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlExpr expr);
+               public static void take_limits (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlExpr count, Gda.SqlExpr offset);
+               public static void take_order_by (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlSelectOrder> order_by);
+               public static void take_where_cond (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned Gda.SqlExpr expr);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementTransaction {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public Gda.TransactionIsolation isolation_level;
+               public weak string trans_mode;
+               public weak string trans_name;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementUnknown {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak GLib.SList expressions;
+               public static void take_expressions (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlExpr> expressions);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementUpdate {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak Gda.SqlExpr cond;
+               public weak GLib.SList expr_list;
+               public weak GLib.SList fields_list;
+               public weak string on_conflict;
+               public weak Gda.SqlTable table;
+               public static void take_condition (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlExpr cond);
+               public static void take_on_conflict (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
+               public static void take_set_value (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value fname, Gda.SqlExpr expr);
+               public static void take_table_name (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_table_copy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlTable {
+               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
+               public weak string table_name;
+               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject validity_meta_object;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlTable (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlTable copy ();
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public void take_name (GLib.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class SqliteProvider : Gda.ServerProvider {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected SqliteProvider ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class Statement : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Statement ();
+               public bool check_structure () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool check_validity (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.Statement copy ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public bool get_parameters (out unowned Gda.Set out_params) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.SqlStatementType get_statement_type ();
+               public bool is_useless ();
+               public bool normalize (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.SqlStatement rewrite_for_default_values (Gda.Set @params, bool remove) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string serialize ();
+               public string to_sql_extended (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, GLib.SList<Gda.Holder>? params_used) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string to_sql_real (Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public void* structure { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void checked (Gda.Connection cnc, bool checked);
+               public virtual signal void reset ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class ThreadWrapper : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ThreadWrapper ();
+               public bool cancel (uint id);
+               public ulong connect_raw (void* instance, string sig_name, bool private_thread, bool private_job, Gda.ThreadWrapperCallback callback, void* data);
+               public void disconnect (ulong id);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public uint execute (Gda.ThreadWrapperFunc func, void* arg, GLib.DestroyNotify arg_destroy_func) throws GLib.Error;
+               public uint execute_void (Gda.ThreadWrapperVoidFunc func, void* arg, GLib.DestroyNotify arg_destroy_func) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void* fetch_result (bool may_lock, uint exp_id) throws GLib.Error;
+               public int get_waiting_size ();
+               public void iterate (bool may_block);
+               public void steal_signal (ulong id);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_time_copy", type_id = "gda_time_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Time {
+               public ulong fraction;
+               public ushort hour;
+               public ushort minute;
+               public ushort second;
+               public long timezone;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+               public bool valid ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_timestamp_copy", type_id = "gda_timestamp_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Timestamp {
+               public ushort day;
+               public ulong fraction;
+               public ushort hour;
+               public ushort minute;
+               public ushort month;
+               public ushort second;
+               public long timezone;
+               public short year;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+               public bool valid ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class TransactionStatus : GLib.Object {
+               public weak GLib.List events;
+               public Gda.TransactionIsolation isolation_level;
+               public weak string name;
+               public Gda.TransactionStatusState state;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public TransactionStatus (string name);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TransactionStatusEvent {
+               public weak Gda.ConnectionEvent conn_event;
+               public void* pl;
+               public weak Gda.TransactionStatus trans;
+               public Gda.TransactionStatusEventType type;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class Tree : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Tree ();
+               public void add_manager (Gda.TreeManager manager);
+               public void clean ();
+               public void dump (Gda.TreeNode node, GLib.FileStream stream);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_node (string tree_path, bool use_names);
+               public unowned Gda.TreeManager get_node_manager (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public unowned string get_node_path (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public unowned GLib.SList get_nodes_in_path (string tree_path, bool use_names);
+               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+               public bool update_all () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool update_part (Gda.TreeNode node) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool is_list { get; }
+               public virtual signal void node_changed (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public virtual signal void node_deleted (string node_path);
+               public virtual signal void node_has_child_toggled (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public virtual signal void node_inserted (Gda.TreeNode node);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class TreeManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected TreeManager ();
+               public void add_manager (Gda.TreeManager sub);
+               public void add_new_node_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value);
+               public unowned Gda.TreeNode create_node (Gda.TreeNode parent, string name);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned GLib.SList get_managers ();
+               public unowned Gda.TreeManagerNodeFunc get_node_create_func ();
+               public void set_node_create_func (Gda.TreeManagerNodeFunc func);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned GLib.SList update_children (Gda.TreeNode node, GLib.SList children_nodes, bool out_error) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public TreeManager.with_func (Gda.TreeManagerNodesFunc update_func);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public void* func { get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool recursive { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class TreeMgrColumns : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrColumns (Gda.Connection cnc, string schema, string table_name);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
+               public string schema { construct; }
+               public string table_name { construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrColumnsPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class TreeMgrLabel : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrLabel (string label);
+               public string label { construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrLabelPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class TreeMgrSchemas : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrSchemas (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrSchemasPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class TreeMgrSelect : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrSelect (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Set @params { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement statement { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrSelectPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class TreeMgrTables : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrTables (Gda.Connection cnc, string schema);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
+               public string schema { construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrTablesPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class TreeNode : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public TreeNode (string name);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void dump_children (string prefix, GLib.StringBuilder in_string);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned string dump_header ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public GLib.Value fetch_attribute (string attribute);
+               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_child_index (int index);
+               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_child_name (string name);
+               public unowned GLib.SList get_children ();
+               public GLib.Value get_node_attribute (string attribute);
+               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_parent ();
+               public void set_node_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string name { owned get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void node_changed (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public virtual signal void node_deleted (string relative_path);
+               public virtual signal void node_has_child_toggled (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public virtual signal void node_inserted (Gda.TreeNode node);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ValueList {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class VconnectionDataModel : Gda.VirtualConnection, Gda.Lockable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected VconnectionDataModel ();
+               public bool add (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec spec, GLib.DestroyNotify spec_free_func, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool add_model (Gda.DataModel model, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void @foreach (Gda.VconnectionDataModelFunc func, void* data);
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_model (string table_name);
+               public unowned string get_table_name (Gda.DataModel model);
+               public bool remove (string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class VconnectionDataModelFilter {
+               public void* aConstraint;
+               public void* aConstraintUsage;
+               public void* aOrderBy;
+               public double estimatedCost;
+               public int idxNum;
+               public void* idxPointer;
+               public int nConstraint;
+               public int nOrderBy;
+               public bool orderByConsumed;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class VconnectionDataModelSpec {
+               public weak Gda.VconnectionDataModelCreateColumnsFunc create_columns_func;
+               public weak Gda.VconnectionDataModelParseFilterFunc create_filter_func;
+               public weak Gda.VconnectionDataModelCreateFModelFunc create_filtered_model_func;
+               public weak Gda.VconnectionDataModelCreateModelFunc create_model_func;
+               public weak Gda.DataModel data_model;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class VconnectionHub : Gda.VconnectionDataModel, Gda.Lockable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected VconnectionHub ();
+               public bool add (Gda.Connection cnc, string ns) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void @foreach (Gda.VConnectionHubFunc func, void* data);
+               public unowned Gda.Connection get_connection (string ns);
+               public bool remove (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class VirtualConnection : Gda.Connection, Gda.Lockable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected VirtualConnection ();
+               public void* internal_get_provider_data ();
+               public void internal_set_provider_data (void* data, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy_func);
+               public static unowned Gda.Connection open (Gda.VirtualProvider virtual_provider) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned Gda.Connection open_extended (Gda.VirtualProvider virtual_provider, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class VirtualProvider : Gda.SqliteProvider {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected VirtualProvider ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class VproviderDataModel : Gda.VirtualProvider {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaVirtualProvider*")]
+               public VproviderDataModel ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class VproviderHub : Gda.VproviderDataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaVirtualProvider*")]
+               public VproviderHub ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public class XaTransaction : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public XaTransaction (uint32 format, string global_transaction_id);
+               public bool begin () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool commit (out GLib.SList<Gda.Connection> cnc_to_recover) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool commit_recovered (out GLib.SList<Gda.Connection> cnc_to_recover) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public bool register_connection (Gda.Connection cnc, string branch) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool rollback () throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned Gda.XaTransactionId string_to_id (string str);
+               public void unregister_connection (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint format_id { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string transaction_id { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class XaTransactionId {
+               public ushort bqual_length;
+               [CCode (array_length = false)]
+               public uint8[] data;
+               public uint32 format;
+               public ushort gtrid_length;
+               public unowned string to_string ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public interface DataHandler : GLib.Object {
+               public abstract bool accepts_g_type (GLib.Type type);
+               public static unowned Gda.DataHandler get_default (GLib.Type for_type);
+               public abstract unowned string get_descr ();
+               public abstract GLib.Value get_sane_init_value (GLib.Type type);
+               public abstract unowned string get_sql_from_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public abstract unowned string get_str_from_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public abstract GLib.Value get_value_from_sql (string sql, GLib.Type type);
+               public abstract GLib.Value get_value_from_str (string str, GLib.Type type);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public interface DataModel : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_append_row")]
+               public virtual int append_row () throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_append_values")]
+               public virtual int append_values (GLib.List<GLib.Value> values) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_create_iter")]
+               public virtual unowned Gda.DataModelIter create_iter ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_describe_column")]
+               public virtual unowned Gda.Column describe_column (int col);
+               public void dump (GLib.FileStream to_stream);
+               public unowned string dump_as_string ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public bool export_to_file (Gda.DataModelIOFormat format, string file, int cols, int nb_cols, int rows, int nb_rows, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string export_to_string (Gda.DataModelIOFormat format, int cols, int nb_cols, int rows, int nb_rows, Gda.Set options);
+               public void freeze ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_access_flags")]
+               public virtual Gda.DataModelAccessFlags get_access_flags ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_attributes_at")]
+               public virtual Gda.ValueAttribute get_attributes_at (int col, int row);
+               public int get_column_index (string name);
+               public unowned string get_column_name (int col);
+               public unowned string get_column_title (int col);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_n_columns")]
+               public virtual int get_n_columns ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_n_rows")]
+               public virtual int get_n_rows ();
+               public int get_row_from_values (GLib.SList<GLib.Value> values, int[] cols_index);
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_typed_value_at (int col, int row, GLib.Type expected_type, bool nullok) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (int col, int row) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_remove_row")]
+               public virtual bool remove_row (int row) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_send_hint")]
+               public virtual void send_hint (Gda.DataModelHint hint, GLib.Value hint_value);
+               public void set_column_name (int col, string name);
+               public void set_column_title (int col, string title);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_set_value_at")]
+               public virtual bool set_value_at (int col, int row, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_set_values")]
+               public virtual bool set_values (int row, GLib.List<GLib.Value> values) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void thaw ();
+               public signal void changed ();
+               public signal void reset ();
+               public signal void row_inserted (int row);
+               public signal void row_removed (int row);
+               public signal void row_updated (int row);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public interface Lockable : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_lock")]
+               public virtual void @lock ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_trylock")]
+               public virtual bool trylock ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_unlock")]
+               public virtual void unlock ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public struct DsnInfo {
+               public weak string name;
+               public weak string provider;
+               public weak string description;
+               public weak string cnc_string;
+               public weak string auth_string;
+               public bool is_system;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [SimpleType]
+       public struct SqlBuilderId : uint {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       protected struct SqlParserIface {
+               public Gda.SqlParser parser;
+               public Gda.SqlStatement parsed_statement;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_BATCH_CONFLICTING_PARAMETER_")]
+       public errordomain BatchError {
+               ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONFIG_")]
+       public errordomain ConfigError {
+               DSN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               PERMISSION_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_")]
+       public errordomain ConnectionError {
+               DSN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               PROVIDER_ERROR,
+               NO_CNC_SPEC_ERROR,
+               NO_PROVIDER_SPEC_ERROR,
+               OPEN_ERROR,
+               STATEMENT_TYPE_ERROR,
+               CANT_LOCK_ERROR,
+               TASK_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               CLOSED_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_EVENT_CODE_")]
+       public enum ConnectionEventCode {
+               RESTRICT_VIOLATION,
+               NOT_NULL_VIOLATION,
+               FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION,
+               UNIQUE_VIOLATION,
+               CHECK_VIOLATION,
+               UNDEFINED_COLUMN,
+               UNDEFINED_FUNCTION,
+               UNDEFINED_TABLE,
+               DUPLICATE_COLUMN,
+               DUPLICATE_DATABASE,
+               DUPLICATE_FUNCTION,
+               DUPLICATE_SCHEMA,
+               DUPLICATE_TABLE,
+               DUPLICATE_ALIAS,
+               DUPLICATE_OBJECT,
+               SYNTAX_ERROR,
+               UNKNOWN
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_EVENT_")]
+       public enum ConnectionEventType {
+               NOTICE,
+               WARNING,
+               ERROR,
+               COMMAND
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_FEATURE_")]
+       public enum ConnectionFeature {
+               AGGREGATES,
+               BLOBS,
+               INDEXES,
+               INHERITANCE,
+               NAMESPACES,
+               PROCEDURES,
+               SEQUENCES,
+               SQL,
+               TRANSACTIONS,
+               SAVEPOINTS,
+               SAVEPOINTS_REMOVE,
+               TRIGGERS,
+               UPDATABLE_CURSOR,
+               USERS,
+               VIEWS,
+               XA_TRANSACTIONS,
+               MULTI_THREADING,
+               LAST
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_META_")]
+       public enum ConnectionMetaType {
+               NAMESPACES,
+               TYPES,
+               TABLES,
+               VIEWS,
+               FIELDS,
+               INDEXES
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_OPTIONS_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ConnectionOptions {
+               NONE,
+               READ_ONLY,
+               THREAD_SAFE,
+               THREAD_ISOLATED,
+               AUTO_META_DATA
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_SCHEMA_")]
+       public enum ConnectionSchema {
+               AGGREGATES,
+               DATABASES,
+               FIELDS,
+               INDEXES,
+               LANGUAGES,
+               NAMESPACES,
+               PARENT_TABLES,
+               PROCEDURES,
+               SEQUENCES,
+               TABLES,
+               TRIGGERS,
+               TYPES,
+               USERS,
+               VIEWS,
+               CONSTRAINTS,
+               TABLE_CONTENTS
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_COMPARATOR_")]
+       public enum DataComparatorError {
+               MODEL_ACCESS_ERROR,
+               USER_CANCELLED_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ACCESS_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum DataModelAccessFlags {
+               RANDOM,
+               CURSOR_FORWARD,
+               CURSOR_BACKWARD,
+               CURSOR,
+               INSERT,
+               UPDATE,
+               DELETE,
+               WRITE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_")]
+       public enum DataModelError {
+               ROW_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR,
+               COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR,
+               VALUES_LIST_ERROR,
+               VALUE_TYPE_ERROR,
+               ROW_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               ACCESS_ERROR,
+               FILE_EXIST_ERROR,
+               XML_FORMAT_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_HINT_")]
+       public enum DataModelHint {
+               START_BATCH_UPDATE,
+               END_BATCH_UPDATE,
+               REFRESH
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_IO_")]
+       public enum DataModelIOFormat {
+               DATA_ARRAY_XML,
+               TEXT_SEPARATED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ITER_COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_")]
+       public enum DataModelIterError {
+               ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PROXY_")]
+       public enum DataProxyError {
+               COMMIT_ERROR,
+               COMMIT_CANCELLED,
+               READ_ONLY_VALUE,
+               READ_ONLY_ROW,
+               FILTER_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_SELECT_")]
+       public enum DataSelectError {
+               CONNECTION_ERROR,
+               ACCESS_ERROR,
+               SQL_ERROR,
+               SAFETY_LOCKED_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DIFF_")]
+       public enum DiffType {
+               ADD_ROW,
+               REMOVE_ROW,
+               MODIFY_ROW
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_EASY_CREATE_TABLE_")]
+       public enum EasyCreateTableFlag {
+               NOTHING_FLAG,
+               PKEY_FLAG,
+               NOT_NULL_FLAG,
+               UNIQUE_FLAG,
+               AUTOINC_FLAG,
+               FKEY_FLAG,
+               PKEY_AUTOINC_FLAG
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_EASY_")]
+       public enum EasyError {
+               OBJECT_NAME_ERROR,
+               INCORRECT_VALUE_ERROR,
+               OPERATION_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_HOLDER_")]
+       public enum HolderError {
+               VALUE_TYPE_ERROR,
+               VALUE_NULL_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_DB_")]
+       public enum MetaDbObjectType {
+               UNKNOWN,
+               TABLE,
+               VIEW
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_FOREIGN_KEY_")]
+       public enum MetaForeignKeyPolicy {
+               UNKNOWN,
+               NONE,
+               NO_ACTION,
+               RESTRICT,
+               CASCADE,
+               SET_NULL,
+               SET_DEFAULT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_GRAPH_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum MetaGraphInfo {
+               COLUMNS
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_SORT_")]
+       public enum MetaSortType {
+               ALHAPETICAL,
+               DEPENDENCIES
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STORE_")]
+       public enum MetaStoreChangeType {
+               ADD,
+               REMOVE,
+               MODIFY
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STORE_")]
+       public enum MetaStoreError {
+               INTERNAL_ERROR,
+               META_CONTEXT_ERROR,
+               MODIFY_CONTENTS_ERROR,
+               EXTRACT_SQL_ERROR,
+               ATTRIBUTE_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STRUCT_")]
+       public enum MetaStructError {
+               UNKNOWN_OBJECT_ERROR,
+               INCOHERENCE_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STRUCT_FEATURE_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum MetaStructFeature {
+               NONE,
+               FOREIGN_KEYS,
+               VIEW_DEPENDENCIES,
+               ALL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum PrefixDir {
+               NO_DIR,
+               BIN_DIR,
+               SBIN_DIR,
+               DATA_DIR,
+               LOCALE_DIR,
+               LIB_DIR,
+               LIBEXEC_DIR,
+               ETC_DIR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_CREATE_TABLE_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ServerOperationCreateTableFlag {
+               NOTHING_FLAG,
+               PKEY_FLAG,
+               NOT_NULL_FLAG,
+               UNIQUE_FLAG,
+               AUTOINC_FLAG,
+               FKEY_FLAG,
+               PKEY_AUTOINC_FLAG
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_")]
+       public enum ServerOperationError {
+               OBJECT_NAME_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_STATUS_")]
+       public enum ServerOperationNodeStatus {
+               OPTIONAL,
+               REQUIRED,
+               UNKNOWN
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_NODE_")]
+       public enum ServerOperationNodeType {
+               PARAMLIST,
+               DATA_MODEL,
+               PARAM,
+               SEQUENCE,
+               SEQUENCE_ITEM,
+               DATA_MODEL_COLUMN,
+               UNKNOWN
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_")]
+       public enum ServerOperationType {
+               CREATE_DB,
+               DROP_DB,
+               CREATE_TABLE,
+               DROP_TABLE,
+               RENAME_TABLE,
+               ADD_COLUMN,
+               DROP_COLUMN,
+               CREATE_INDEX,
+               DROP_INDEX,
+               CREATE_VIEW,
+               DROP_VIEW,
+               COMMENT_TABLE,
+               COMMENT_COLUMN,
+               CREATE_USER,
+               ALTER_USER,
+               DROP_USER,
+               LAST
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_PROVIDER_")]
+       public enum ServerProviderError {
+               PREPARE_STMT_ERROR,
+               EMPTY_STMT_ERROR,
+               MISSING_PARAM_ERROR,
+               STATEMENT_EXEC_ERROR,
+               OPERATION_ERROR,
+               INTERNAL_ERROR,
+               BUSY_ERROR,
+               NON_SUPPORTED_ERROR,
+               SERVER_VERSION_ERROR,
+               DATA_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SET_")]
+       public enum SetError {
+               XML_SPEC_ERROR,
+               HOLDER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               INVALID_ERROR,
+               READ_ONLY_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_ANY_")]
+       public enum SqlAnyPartType {
+               STMT_SELECT,
+               STMT_INSERT,
+               STMT_UPDATE,
+               STMT_DELETE,
+               STMT_COMPOUND,
+               STMT_BEGIN,
+               STMT_ROLLBACK,
+               STMT_COMMIT,
+               STMT_SAVEPOINT,
+               STMT_DELETE_SAVEPOINT,
+               STMT_UNKNOWN,
+               EXPR,
+               SQL_FIELD,
+               SQL_TABLE,
+               SQL_FUNCTION,
+               SQL_OPERATION,
+               SQL_CASE,
+               SQL_SELECT_FIELD,
+               SQL_SELECT_TARGET,
+               SQL_SELECT_JOIN,
+               SQL_SELECT_FROM,
+               SQL_SELECT_ORDER
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_BUILDER_")]
+       public enum SqlBuilderError {
+               WRONG_TYPE_ERROR,
+               MISUSE_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_IDENTIFIERS_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum SqlIdentifierStyle {
+               LOWER_CASE,
+               UPPER_CASE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_OPERATOR_TYPE_")]
+       public enum SqlOperatorType {
+               AND,
+               OR,
+               EQ,
+               IS,
+               LIKE,
+               BETWEEN,
+               GT,
+               LT,
+               GEQ,
+               LEQ,
+               DIFF,
+               REGEXP,
+               REGEXP_CI,
+               NOT_REGEXP,
+               NOT_REGEXP_CI,
+               SIMILAR,
+               ISNULL,
+               ISNOTNULL,
+               NOT,
+               IN,
+               NOTIN,
+               CONCAT,
+               PLUS,
+               MINUS,
+               STAR,
+               DIV,
+               REM,
+               BITAND,
+               BITOR,
+               BITNOT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_")]
+       public enum SqlParserError {
+               SYNTAX_ERROR,
+               OVERFLOW_ERROR,
+               EMPTY_SQL_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_FLAVOUR_")]
+       public enum SqlParserFlavour {
+               STANDARD,
+               SQLITE,
+               MYSQL,
+               ORACLE,
+               POSTGRESQL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_MODE_")]
+       public enum SqlParserMode {
+               PARSE,
+               DELIMIT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_SELECT_JOIN_")]
+       public enum SqlSelectJoinType {
+               CROSS,
+               NATURAL,
+               INNER,
+               LEFT,
+               RIGHT,
+               FULL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_COMPOUND_")]
+       public enum SqlStatementCompoundType {
+               UNION,
+               UNION_ALL,
+               INTERSECT,
+               INTERSECT_ALL,
+               EXCEPT,
+               EXCEPT_ALL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_")]
+       public enum SqlStatementType {
+               SELECT,
+               INSERT,
+               UPDATE,
+               DELETE,
+               COMPOUND,
+               BEGIN,
+               ROLLBACK,
+               COMMIT,
+               SAVEPOINT,
+               ROLLBACK_SAVEPOINT,
+               DELETE_SAVEPOINT,
+               UNKNOWN,
+               NONE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_")]
+       public enum StatementError {
+               PARSE_ERROR,
+               SYNTAX_ERROR,
+               NO_CNC_ERROR,
+               CNC_CLOSED_ERROR,
+               EXEC_ERROR,
+               PARAM_TYPE_ERROR,
+               PARAM_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_MODEL_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum StatementModelUsage {
+               RANDOM_ACCESS,
+               CURSOR_FORWARD,
+               CURSOR_BACKWARD,
+               CURSOR,
+               ALLOW_NOPARAM
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_SQL_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum StatementSqlFlag {
+               PARAMS_AS_VALUES,
+               PRETTY,
+               PARAMS_LONG,
+               PARAMS_SHORT,
+               PARAMS_AS_COLON,
+               PARAMS_AS_DOLLAR,
+               PARAMS_AS_QMARK,
+               PARAMS_AS_UQMARK
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_THREAD_WRAPPER_UNKNOWN_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum ThreadWrapperError {
+               ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION_")]
+       public enum TransactionIsolation {
+               UNKNOWN,
+               READ_COMMITTED,
+               READ_UNCOMMITTED,
+               REPEATABLE_READ,
+               SERIALIZABLE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_STATUS_EVENT_")]
+       public enum TransactionStatusEventType {
+               SAVEPOINT,
+               SQL,
+               SUB_TRANSACTION
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_STATUS_STATE_")]
+       public enum TransactionStatusState {
+               OK,
+               FAILED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_UNKNOWN_")]
+       public enum TreeError {
+               ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_MANAGER_UNKNOWN_")]
+       public enum TreeManagerError {
+               ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_")]
+       public enum TreeNodeError {
+               ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_VALUE_ATTR_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ValueAttribute {
+               NONE,
+               IS_NULL,
+               CAN_BE_NULL,
+               IS_DEFAULT,
+               CAN_BE_DEFAULT,
+               IS_UNCHANGED,
+               ACTIONS_SHOWN,
+               DATA_NON_VALID,
+               HAS_VALUE_ORIG,
+               NO_MODIF,
+               UNUSED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_XA_TRANSACTION_")]
+       public enum XaTransactionError {
+               DTP_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public errordomain SqlError {
+               VALIDATION_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public delegate void AttributesManagerFunc (string att_name, GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public delegate void AttributesManagerSignal (GLib.Object obj, string att_name, GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public delegate void ServerProviderAsyncCallback (Gda.ServerProvider provider, Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id, bool result_status, GLib.Error error);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public delegate void ServerProviderExecCallback (Gda.ServerProvider provider, Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id, GLib.Object result_obj, GLib.Error error);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool SqlForeachFunc (Gda.SqlAnyPart p1, void* p2) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned string SqlRenderingExpr (Gda.SqlExpr expr, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context, bool is_default, bool is_null) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned string SqlRenderingFunc (Gda.SqlAnyPart node, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned string SqlRenderingPSpecFunc (Gda.SqlParamSpec pspec, Gda.SqlExpr expr, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context, bool is_default, bool is_null) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned string SqlRenderingValue (GLib.Value value, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool SqlReservedKeywordsFunc (string word);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public delegate void ThreadWrapperCallback (Gda.ThreadWrapper wrapper, void* instance, string signame, int n_param_values, GLib.Value param_values, void* gda_reserved);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void* ThreadWrapperFunc (void* arg) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ThreadWrapperVoidFunc (void* arg) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned Gda.TreeNode TreeManagerNodeFunc (Gda.TreeManager manager, Gda.TreeNode parent, string name);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned GLib.SList TreeManagerNodesFunc (Gda.TreeManager manager, Gda.TreeNode node, GLib.SList children_nodes, bool out_error) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public delegate void VConnectionHubFunc (Gda.Connection cnc, string ns);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned GLib.List VconnectionDataModelCreateColumnsFunc (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec p1) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned Gda.DataModel VconnectionDataModelCreateFModelFunc (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec p1, int p2, string p3, int p4, out GLib.Value p5);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned Gda.DataModel VconnectionDataModelCreateModelFunc (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec p1);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void VconnectionDataModelFunc (Gda.DataModel p1, string p2, void* p3);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void VconnectionDataModelParseFilterFunc (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec p1, Gda.VconnectionDataModelFilter p2);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_INCREMENT;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_IS_DEFAULT;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_PRECISION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_SCALE;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const string EXTRA_AUTO_INCREMENT;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const string SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const string SQLSTATE_NO_ERROR;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const int TIMEZONE_INVALID;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public const int TYPE_NULL;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string alphanum_to_text (string text);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string completion_list_get (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql, int start, int end);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool compute_dml_statements (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement select_stmt, bool require_pk, out unowned Gda.Statement insert_stmt, out unowned Gda.Statement update_stmt, out unowned Gda.Statement delete_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.SqlStatement compute_select_statement_from_update (Gda.Statement update_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.SqlExpr compute_unique_table_row_condition (Gda.SqlStatementSelect stsel, Gda.MetaTable mtable, bool require_pk) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.SqlExpr compute_unique_table_row_condition_with_cnc (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.SqlStatementSelect stsel, Gda.MetaTable mtable, bool require_pk) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string default_escape_string (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string default_unescape_string (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool delete_row_from_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void dsn_split (string str, string out_dsn, string out_username, string out_password);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Quark easy_error_quark ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static int execute_non_select_command (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.DataModel execute_select_command (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Type g_type_from_string (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string g_type_to_string (GLib.Type type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string gbr_get_file_path (Gda.PrefixDir where);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void gbr_init ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string get_application_exec_path (string app_name);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.DataHandler get_default_handler (GLib.Type for_type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool identifier_equal (string id1, string id2);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static uint identifier_hash (string id);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void init ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool insert_row_into_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool insert_row_into_table_v (Gda.Connection cnc, string table, GLib.SList col_names, GLib.SList values) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void locale_changed ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void log_disable ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void log_enable ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void log_error (string format);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool log_is_enabled ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void log_message (string format);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool parse_iso8601_date (GLib.Date gdate, string value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool parse_iso8601_time (Gda.Time timegda, string value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool parse_iso8601_timestamp (Gda.Timestamp timestamp, string value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.Statement parse_sql_string (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql, out unowned Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool perform_create_database (string provider, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool perform_create_table (Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool perform_drop_database (string provider, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool perform_drop_table (Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_database (string provider, string db_name) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_database (string provider, string db_name) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool rfc1738_decode (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string rfc1738_encode (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.Statement select_alter_select_for_empty (Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Type short_get_type ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Quark sql_error_quark ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string sql_identifier_add_quotes (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool sql_identifier_needs_quotes (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string sql_identifier_quote (string id, Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerProvider prov, bool meta_store_convention, bool force_quotes);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string sql_identifier_remove_quotes (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string sql_identifier_split (string id);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string sql_value_stringify (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.Binary string_to_binary (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.Blob string_to_blob (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string text_to_alphanum (string text);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool update_row_in_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool update_row_in_table_v (Gda.Connection cnc, string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value, GLib.SList col_names, GLib.SList values) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Type ushort_get_type ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool utility_check_data_model (Gda.DataModel model, int nbcols);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool utility_data_model_dump_data_to_xml (Gda.DataModel model, Xml.Node parent, int cols, int nb_cols, int rows, int nb_rows, bool use_col_ids);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string utility_data_model_find_column_description (Gda.DataSelect model, string field_name);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool utility_holder_load_attributes (Gda.Holder holder, Xml.Node node, GLib.SList sources) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static int value_compare (GLib.Value value1, GLib.Value value2);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Value value_copy (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static int value_differ (GLib.Value value1, GLib.Value value2);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_free (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.Binary value_get_binary (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.Blob value_get_blob (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.GeometricPoint value_get_geometric_point (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.ValueList value_get_list (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.Numeric value_get_numeric (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static short value_get_short (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.Time value_get_time (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.Timestamp value_get_timestamp (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static ushort value_get_ushort (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool value_is_null (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool value_is_number (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Value value_new (GLib.Type type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Value value_new_binary (uchar[] val, long size);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Value value_new_blob (uchar[] val, long size);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Value value_new_blob_from_file (string filename);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Value value_new_from_string (string as_string, GLib.Type type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Value value_new_from_xml (Xml.Node node);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Value value_new_timestamp_from_timet (ulong val);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_reset_with_type (GLib.Value value, GLib.Type type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_binary (GLib.Value value, Gda.Binary binary);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_blob (GLib.Value value, Gda.Blob blob);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool value_set_from_string (GLib.Value value, string as_string, GLib.Type type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool value_set_from_value (GLib.Value value, GLib.Value from);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_geometric_point (GLib.Value value, Gda.GeometricPoint val);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_list (GLib.Value value, Gda.ValueList val);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_null (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_numeric (GLib.Value value, Gda.Numeric val);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_short (GLib.Value value, short val);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_time (GLib.Value value, Gda.Time val);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_timestamp (GLib.Value value, Gda.Timestamp val);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_set_ushort (GLib.Value value, ushort val);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string value_stringify (GLib.Value value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_take_binary (GLib.Value value, Gda.Binary binary);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void value_take_blob (GLib.Value value, Gda.Blob blob);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Xml.Node value_to_xml (GLib.Value value);
diff --git a/src/vapi/libgda-5.0.deps b/src/vapi/libgda-5.0.deps
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1899619
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/vapi/libgda-5.0.vapi b/src/vapi/libgda-5.0.vapi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1f5aa0d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2134 @@
+/* libgda-5.0.vapi generated by vapigen-0.16, do not modify. */
+[CCode (cprefix = "Gda", gir_namespace = "Gda", gir_version = "5.0", lower_case_cprefix = "gda_")]
+namespace Gda {
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class AttributesManager {
+               public void clear (void* ptr);
+               public void copy (void* from, Gda.AttributesManager to_mgr, void* to);
+               public void free ();
+               public GLib.Value @get (void* ptr, string att_name);
+               public void @set (void* ptr, string att_name, GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_full (void* ptr, string att_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_batch_get_type ()")]
+       public class Batch : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Batch ();
+               public void add_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
+               public Gda.Batch copy ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public bool get_parameters (out Gda.Set out_params) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GLib.SList<Gda.Statement> get_statements ();
+               public void remove_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
+               public string serialize ();
+               public virtual signal void changed (GLib.Object changed_stmt);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_binary_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Binary {
+               public long binary_length;
+               public uint8 data;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+               public static void free (owned void* boxed);
+               public string to_string (uint maxlen);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_blob_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Blob {
+               public weak Gda.Binary data;
+               public weak Gda.BlobOp op;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+               public static void free (owned void* boxed);
+               public void set_op (Gda.BlobOp? op);
+               public string to_string (uint maxlen);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_blob_op_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class BlobOp : GLib.Object {
+               public void* _gda_reserved1;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected BlobOp ();
+               public virtual long get_length ();
+               public virtual long read (Gda.Blob blob, long offset, long size);
+               public bool read_all (Gda.Blob blob);
+               public virtual long write (Gda.Blob blob, long offset);
+               public virtual bool write_all (Gda.Blob blob);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_column_get_type ()")]
+       public class Column : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Column ();
+               public Gda.Column copy ();
+               public bool get_allow_null ();
+               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
+               public bool get_auto_increment ();
+               public unowned string get_dbms_type ();
+               public GLib.Value get_default_value ();
+               public unowned string get_description ();
+               public GLib.Type get_g_type ();
+               public unowned string get_name ();
+               public int get_position ();
+               public void set_allow_null (bool allow);
+               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value? value, GLib.DestroyNotify? destroy);
+               public void set_auto_increment (bool is_auto);
+               public void set_dbms_type (string dbms_type);
+               public void set_default_value (GLib.Value? default_value);
+               public void set_description (string title);
+               public void set_g_type (GLib.Type type);
+               public void set_name (string name);
+               public void set_position (int position);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string id { owned get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void g_type_changed (GLib.Type old_type, GLib.Type new_type);
+               public virtual signal void name_changed (string old_name);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_config_get_type ()")]
+       public class Config : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Config ();
+               public static bool can_modify_system_config ();
+               public static bool define_dsn (Gda.DsnInfo info) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static bool dsn_needs_authentication (string dsn_name);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public static Gda.Config @get ();
+               public static Gda.DsnInfo get_dsn_info (string dsn_name);
+               public static Gda.DsnInfo get_dsn_info_at_index (int index);
+               public static int get_dsn_info_index (string dsn_name);
+               public static int get_nb_dsn ();
+               public static unowned Gda.ServerProvider get_provider (string provider_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static Gda.ProviderInfo get_provider_info (string provider_name);
+               public static Gda.DataModel list_dsn ();
+               public static Gda.DataModel list_providers ();
+               public static bool remove_dsn (string dsn_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string system_filename { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string user_filename { owned get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void dsn_added (void* new_dsn);
+               public virtual signal void dsn_changed (void* dsn);
+               public virtual signal void dsn_removed (void* old_dsn);
+               public virtual signal void dsn_to_be_removed (void* old_dsn);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_connection_get_type ()")]
+       public class Connection : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Connection ();
+               public void add_event (owned Gda.ConnectionEvent event);
+               public void add_prepared_statement (Gda.Statement gda_stmt, Gda.PStmt prepared_stmt);
+               public bool add_savepoint (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool async_cancel (uint task_id) throws GLib.Error;
+               public GLib.Object async_fetch_result (uint task_id, out Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public uint async_statement_execute (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.Type[]? col_types, bool need_last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public GLib.SList<GLib.Object> batch_execute (Gda.Batch batch, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool begin_transaction (string? name, Gda.TransactionIsolation level) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void clear_events_list ();
+               public void close ();
+               public void close_no_warning ();
+               public bool commit_transaction (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.ServerOperation create_operation (Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set? options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.SqlParser create_parser ();
+               public void del_prepared_statement (Gda.Statement gda_stmt);
+               public bool delete_row_from_table (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool delete_savepoint (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public int execute_non_select_command (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.DataModel execute_select_command (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Connection.from_dsn (string dsn, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Connection.from_string (string? provider_name, string cnc_string, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string get_authentication ();
+               public unowned string get_cnc_string ();
+               public unowned string get_dsn ();
+               public unowned GLib.List<Gda.ConnectionEvent> get_events ();
+               public unowned Gda.MetaStore get_meta_store ();
+               public Gda.DataModel get_meta_store_data_v (Gda.ConnectionMetaType meta_type, GLib.List<Gda.Holder> filters) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.ConnectionOptions get_options ();
+               public unowned Gda.PStmt get_prepared_statement (Gda.Statement gda_stmt);
+               public unowned Gda.ServerProvider get_provider ();
+               public unowned string get_provider_name ();
+               public unowned Gda.TransactionStatus get_transaction_status ();
+               public bool insert_row_into_table_v (string table, GLib.SList<string> col_names, GLib.SList<GLib.Value?> values) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool is_opened ();
+               public bool open () throws GLib.Error;
+               public static Gda.Connection open_from_dsn (string dsn, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static Gda.Connection open_from_string (string? provider_name, string cnc_string, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws ConnectionError, ConfigError;
+               public static Gda.Connection open_sqlite (string? directory, string filename, bool auto_unlink);
+               public Gda.Statement parse_sql_string (string sql, out Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_operation (Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.ConnectionEvent point_available_event (Gda.ConnectionEventType type);
+               public string quote_sql_identifier (string id);
+               public GLib.SList<GLib.Object> repetitive_statement_execute (Gda.RepetitiveStatement rstmt, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.Type[]? col_types, bool stop_on_error) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool rollback_savepoint (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool rollback_transaction (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public GLib.Object statement_execute (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, out Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public int statement_execute_non_select (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, out Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select_full (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.Type[]? col_types) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool statement_prepare (Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+               public string statement_to_sql (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, out GLib.SList<weak Gda.Holder> params_used) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static void string_split (string string, string out_cnc_params, string out_provider, string out_username, string out_password);
+               public bool supports_feature (Gda.ConnectionFeature feature);
+               public bool update_meta_store (Gda.MetaContext? context) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool update_row_in_table_v (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value, GLib.SList<string> col_names, GLib.SList<GLib.Value?> values) throws GLib.Error;
+               public string value_to_sql_string (GLib.Value from);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string auth_string { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string cnc_string { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string dsn { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int events_history_size { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool execution_timer { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool is_wrapper { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool monitor_wrapped_in_mainloop { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.ServerProvider provider { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public void* thread_owner { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void conn_closed ();
+               public virtual signal void conn_opened ();
+               public virtual signal void conn_to_close ();
+               public virtual signal void dsn_changed ();
+               public virtual signal void error (Gda.ConnectionEvent error);
+               public virtual signal void transaction_status_changed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_connection_event_get_type ()")]
+       public class ConnectionEvent : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ConnectionEvent ();
+               public long get_code ();
+               public unowned string get_description ();
+               public Gda.ConnectionEventType get_event_type ();
+               public Gda.ConnectionEventCode get_gda_code ();
+               public unowned string get_source ();
+               public unowned string get_sqlstate ();
+               public void set_code (long code);
+               public void set_description (string description);
+               public void set_event_type (Gda.ConnectionEventType type);
+               public void set_gda_code (Gda.ConnectionEventCode code);
+               public void set_source (string source);
+               public void set_sqlstate (string sqlstate);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int type { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_access_wrapper_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataAccessWrapper : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataAccessWrapper ();
+               public static Gda.DataModel @new (Gda.DataModel model);
+               public bool set_mapping ([CCode (array_length_cname = "mapping_size", array_length_pos = 1.1)] int[]? mapping);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_comparator_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataComparator : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GObject*")]
+               public DataComparator (Gda.DataModel old_model, Gda.DataModel new_model);
+               public bool compute_diff () throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public Gda.Diff get_diff (int pos);
+               public int get_n_diffs ();
+               public void set_key_columns ([CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 1.1)] int[] col_numbers);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel new_model { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel old_model { owned get; set; }
+               public virtual signal bool diff_computed (void* diff);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_array_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataModelArray : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataModelArray ();
+               public void clear ();
+               public unowned Gda.Row get_row (int row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static Gda.DataModel @new (int cols);
+               public static Gda.DataModel new_with_g_types_v (int cols, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.Type[] types);
+               public void set_n_columns (int cols);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint n_columns { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool read_only { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_dir_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataModelDir : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataModelDir ();
+               public void clean_errors ();
+               public static Gda.DataModel @new (string basedir);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string basedir { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_dsn_list_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataModelDsnList : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataModelDsnList ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_import_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataModelImport : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataModelImport ();
+               public void clean_errors ();
+               public static Gda.DataModel new_file (string filename, bool random_access, Gda.Set? options);
+               public static Gda.DataModel new_mem (string data, bool random_access, Gda.Set? options);
+               public static Gda.DataModel new_xml_node ([CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* node);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string data_string { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string filename { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Set options { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool random_access { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool strict { get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public void* xml_node { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_iter_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataModelIter : Gda.Set {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataModelIter ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned Gda.Holder get_holder_for_field (int col);
+               public int get_row ();
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (int col);
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at_e (int col) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_for_field (string field_name);
+               public void invalidate_contents ();
+               public bool is_valid ();
+               public bool move_next ();
+               public bool move_prev ();
+               public bool move_to_row (int row);
+               public bool set_value_at (int col, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int current_row { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel data_model { owned get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel forced_model { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool update_model { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void end_of_data ();
+               public virtual signal void row_changed (int row);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_ldap_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataModelLdap : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataModelLdap ();
+               public static GLib.List<Gda.Column> compute_columns (Gda.Connection cnc, string? attributes);
+               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
+               public static Gda.DataModel @new (Gda.Connection cnc, string? base_dn, string? filter, string? attributes, Gda.LdapSearchScope scope);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public DataModelLdap.with_config (Gda.Connection cnc, string? base_dn, string? filter, string? attributes, Gda.LdapSearchScope scope);
+               public string attributes { construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string @base { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string filter { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int scope { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool use_rdn { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_pivot_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataPivot : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataPivot ();
+               public bool add_data (Gda.DataPivotAggregate aggregate_type, string field, string? alias) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool add_field (Gda.DataPivotFieldType field_type, string field, string? alias) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public static Gda.DataModel @new (Gda.DataModel? model);
+               public bool populate () throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_proxy_get_type ()")]
+       public class DataProxy : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GObject*")]
+               public DataProxy (Gda.DataModel model);
+               public void alter_value_attributes (int proxy_row, int col, Gda.ValueAttribute alter_flags);
+               public bool apply_all_changes () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool apply_row_changes (int proxy_row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool cancel_all_changes ();
+               public void cancel_row_changes (int proxy_row, int col);
+               public void @delete (int proxy_row);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned string get_filter_expr ();
+               public int get_filtered_n_rows ();
+               public int get_n_modified_rows ();
+               public int get_n_new_rows ();
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_proxied_model ();
+               public int get_proxied_model_n_cols ();
+               public int get_proxied_model_n_rows ();
+               public int get_proxied_model_row (int proxy_row);
+               public int get_sample_end ();
+               public int get_sample_size ();
+               public int get_sample_start ();
+               public Gda.ValueAttribute get_value_attributes (int proxy_row, int col);
+               public GLib.SList<weak GLib.Value?> get_values (int proxy_row, [CCode (array_length = false)] int[] cols_index, int n_cols);
+               public bool has_changed ();
+               public bool is_read_only ();
+               public bool row_has_changed (int proxy_row);
+               public bool row_is_deleted (int proxy_row);
+               public bool row_is_inserted (int proxy_row);
+               public bool set_filter_expr (string? filter_expr) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_ordering_column (int col) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_sample_size (int sample_size);
+               public void set_sample_start (int sample_start);
+               public void undelete (int proxy_row);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public DataProxy.with_data_model (Gda.DataModel model);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool defer_sync { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool prepend_null_entry { get; set; }
+               public int sample_size { get; set construct; }
+               public virtual signal void filter_changed ();
+               public virtual signal void row_changes_applied (int row, int proxied_row);
+               public virtual signal void row_delete_changed (int row, bool to_be_deleted);
+               public virtual signal void sample_changed (int sample_start, int sample_end);
+               public virtual signal void sample_size_changed (int sample_size);
+               public virtual signal GLib.Error validate_row_changes (int row, int proxied_row);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_select_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class DataSelect : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
+               public int advertized_nrows;
+               public int nb_stored_rows;
+               public weak Gda.PStmt prep_stmt;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected DataSelect ();
+               public bool compute_columns_attributes () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool compute_modification_statements () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool compute_modification_statements_ext (Gda.DataSelectConditionType cond_type) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool compute_row_selection_condition () throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool fetch_at (Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual int fetch_nb_rows ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool fetch_next (Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool fetch_prev (Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool fetch_random (Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.Connection get_connection ();
+               public bool rerun () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_modification_statement (Gda.Statement mod_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_modification_statement_sql (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_row_selection_condition_sql (string sql_where) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool store_all () throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool auto_reset { get; set; }
+               public Gda.Connection connection { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement delete_stmt { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Set exec_params { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public double execution_delay { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement insert_stmt { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint model_usage { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.PStmt prepared_stmt { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement select_stmt { owned get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool store_all_rows { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement update_stmt { owned get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_default_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Default {
+               public static string escape_string (string string);
+               public static string unescape_string (string string);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", lower_case_csuffix = "geometricpoint", type_id = "gda_geometricpoint_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class GeometricPoint {
+               public double x;
+               public double y;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+               public static void free (void* boxed);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_bin_get_type ()")]
+       public class HandlerBin : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected HandlerBin ();
+               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerBinPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_boolean_get_type ()")]
+       public class HandlerBoolean : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected HandlerBoolean ();
+               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerBooleanPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_numerical_get_type ()")]
+       public class HandlerNumerical : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected HandlerNumerical ();
+               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerNumericalPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_string_get_type ()")]
+       public class HandlerString : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected HandlerString ();
+               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
+               public static Gda.DataHandler new_with_provider (Gda.ServerProvider prov, Gda.Connection? cnc);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerStringPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_time_get_type ()")]
+       public class HandlerTime : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected HandlerTime ();
+               public string get_format (GLib.Type type);
+               public string get_no_locale_str_from_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
+               public static Gda.DataHandler new_no_locale ();
+               public void set_sql_spec (GLib.DateDMY first, GLib.DateDMY sec, GLib.DateDMY third, char separator, bool twodigits_years);
+               public void set_str_spec (GLib.DateDMY first, GLib.DateDMY sec, GLib.DateDMY third, char separator, bool twodigits_years);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerTimePriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_type_get_type ()")]
+       public class HandlerType : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected HandlerType ();
+               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class HandlerTypePriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_holder_get_type ()")]
+       public class Holder : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Holder (GLib.Type type);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void att_changed (string att_name, GLib.Value att_value);
+               public Gda.Holder copy ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public void force_invalid ();
+               public void force_invalid_e (owned GLib.Error? error);
+               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
+               public unowned Gda.Holder get_bind ();
+               public GLib.Value get_default_value ();
+               public GLib.Type get_g_type ();
+               public unowned string get_id ();
+               public bool get_not_null ();
+               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_source_model (int col);
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value ();
+               public string get_value_str (Gda.DataHandler? dh);
+               public bool is_valid ();
+               public bool is_valid_e () throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+               public bool set_bind (Gda.Holder bind_to) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_default_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public void set_not_null (bool not_null);
+               public bool set_source_model (Gda.DataModel model, int col) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_value (GLib.Value? value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_value_str (Gda.DataHandler dh, string value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_value_to_default ();
+               public GLib.Value take_static_value (GLib.Value value, bool value_changed) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool take_value (owned GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool value_is_default ();
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string description { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Holder full_bind { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public GLib.Type g_type { get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string id { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string name { owned get; set; }
+               public bool not_null { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Holder simple_bind { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int source_column { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.DataModel source_model { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool validate_changes { get; set; }
+               public signal void attribute_changed (string att_name, GLib.Value att_value);
+               public virtual signal void changed ();
+               public virtual signal void source_changed ();
+               public virtual signal GLib.Error validate_change (GLib.Value new_value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_meta_context_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MetaContext {
+               [CCode (array_length_cname = "size")]
+               public weak string[] column_names;
+               [CCode (array_length_cname = "size")]
+               public weak GLib.Value[] column_values;
+               public int size;
+               public weak string table_name;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public MetaContext ();
+               public void free ();
+               public unowned string get_table ();
+               public void set_column (string column, GLib.Value value, Gda.Connection? cnc);
+               public void set_table (string table);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_meta_store_get_type ()")]
+       public class MetaStore : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public MetaStore (string? cnc_string);
+               public Gda.DataModel create_modify_data_model (string table_name);
+               public bool declare_foreign_key (Gda.MetaStruct? mstruct, string fk_name, string? catalog, string? schema, string table, string? ref_catalog, string? ref_schema, string ref_table, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 8.5, array_length_type = "guint")] string[] colnames, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 8.5, array_length_type = "guint")] string[] ref_colnames) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               [CCode (cname = "gda_meta_store_extract_v")]
+               public Gda.DataModel extract (string select_sql, GLib.HashTable<string,GLib.Value?>? vars) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool get_attribute_value (string att_name, out string att_value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned Gda.Connection get_internal_connection ();
+               public int get_version ();
+               public bool modify_v (string table_name, Gda.DataModel? new_data, string? condition, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nvalues", array_length_pos = 3.5)] string[] value_names, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nvalues", array_length_pos = 3.5)] GLib.Value[] values) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool modify_with_context (Gda.MetaContext context, Gda.DataModel? new_data) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool schema_add_custom_object (string xml_description) throws GLib.Error;
+               public GLib.SList<weak string> schema_get_all_tables ();
+               public GLib.SList<weak string> schema_get_depend_tables (string table_name);
+               public Gda.MetaStruct schema_get_structure () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool schema_remove_custom_object (string obj_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool set_attribute_value (string att_name, string? att_value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_identifiers_style (Gda.SqlIdentifierStyle style);
+               public void set_reserved_keywords_func (Gda.SqlReservedKeywordsFunc? func);
+               public static string sql_identifier_quote (string id, Gda.Connection cnc);
+               public bool undeclare_foreign_key (Gda.MetaStruct? mstruct, string fk_name, string? catalog, string? schema, string table, string? ref_catalog, string? ref_schema, string ref_table) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public MetaStore.with_file (string file_name);
+               public string catalog { construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection cnc { owned get; construct; }
+               public string cnc_string { construct; }
+               public string schema { construct; }
+               public signal void meta_changed (GLib.SList<Gda.MetaStoreChange> changes);
+               public virtual signal void meta_reset ();
+               public virtual signal GLib.Error suggest_update (Gda.MetaContext suggest);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_meta_struct_get_type ()")]
+       public class MetaStruct : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public MetaStruct (Gda.MetaStore store, Gda.MetaStructFeature features);
+               public Gda.MetaDbObject complement (Gda.MetaDbObjectType type, GLib.Value? catalog, GLib.Value? schema, GLib.Value name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool complement_all () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool complement_default () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool complement_depend (Gda.MetaDbObject dbo) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool complement_schema (GLib.Value? catalog, GLib.Value? schema) throws GLib.Error;
+               public string dump_as_graph (Gda.MetaGraphInfo info) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public GLib.SList<weak Gda.MetaDbObject?> get_all_db_objects ();
+               public Gda.MetaDbObject get_db_object (GLib.Value? catalog, GLib.Value? schema, GLib.Value name);
+               public bool sort_db_objects (Gda.MetaSortType sort_type) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint features { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_null_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Null {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_numeric_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Numeric {
+               public weak string number;
+               public long precision;
+               public long width;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Numeric ();
+               public Gda.Numeric copy ();
+               public void free ();
+               public double get_double ();
+               public long get_precision ();
+               public string? get_string ();
+               public long get_width ();
+               public void set_double (double number);
+               public void set_from_string (string str);
+               public void set_precision (long precision);
+               public void set_width (long width);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_pstmt_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class PStmt : GLib.Object {
+               public int ncols;
+               public weak GLib.SList<string> param_ids;
+               public weak string sql;
+               public GLib.Type types;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected PStmt ();
+               public void copy_contents (Gda.PStmt dest);
+               public unowned Gda.Statement get_gda_statement ();
+               public void set_gda_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_quark_list_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class QuarkList {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public QuarkList ();
+               public void add_from_string (string string, bool cleanup);
+               public void clear ();
+               public Gda.QuarkList copy ();
+               public unowned string find (string name);
+               public void @foreach (GLib.HFunc func);
+               public void free ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public QuarkList.from_string (string string);
+               public void protect_values ();
+               public void remove (string name);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_repetitive_statement_get_type ()")]
+       public class RepetitiveStatement : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public RepetitiveStatement (Gda.Statement stmt);
+               public bool append_set (Gda.Set values, bool make_copy);
+               public GLib.SList<weak Gda.Set> get_all_sets ();
+               public bool get_template_set (Gda.Set @set) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement statement { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_row_get_type ()")]
+       public class Row : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Row (int count);
+               public int get_length ();
+               public GLib.Value? get_value (int num);
+               public void invalidate_value (GLib.Value value);
+               public void invalidate_value_e (GLib.Value value, owned GLib.Error? error);
+               public bool value_is_valid (GLib.Value value);
+               public bool value_is_valid_e (GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int nb_values { set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_server_operation_get_type ()")]
+       public class ServerOperation : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ServerOperation (Gda.ServerOperationType op_type, string xml_file);
+               public uint add_item_to_sequence (string seq_path);
+               public bool del_item_from_sequence (string item_path);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public string get_node_parent (string path);
+               public string get_node_path_portion (string path);
+               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeType get_node_type (string path, Gda.ServerOperationNodeStatus? status);
+               public Gda.ServerOperationType get_op_type ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public string[] get_root_nodes ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public string[] get_sequence_item_names (string path);
+               public uint get_sequence_max_size (string path);
+               public uint get_sequence_min_size (string path);
+               public unowned string get_sequence_name (string path);
+               public uint get_sequence_size (string path);
+               public string get_sql_identifier_at_path (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerProvider? prov, string path);
+               [CCode (cname = "gda_server_operation_get_value_at_path")]
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (string path);
+               public bool is_valid (string? xml_file) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool load_data_from_xml ([CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* node) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static unowned string op_type_to_string (Gda.ServerOperationType type);
+               public bool perform_create_database (string? provider) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_create_table () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_drop_database (string? provider) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_drop_table () throws GLib.Error;
+               public static Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_database (string provider, string? db_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_database (string provider, string? db_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void seq_item_added (string seq_path, int item_index);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void seq_item_remove (string seq_path, int item_index);
+               [CCode (cname = "gda_server_operation_set_value_at_path")]
+               public bool set_value_at (string? value, string path) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static Gda.ServerOperationType string_to_op_type (string str);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               public int op_type { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.ServerProvider provider { owned get; construct; }
+               public string spec_filename { construct; }
+               public signal void sequence_item_added (string seq_path, int item_index);
+               public signal void sequence_item_remove (string seq_path, int item_index);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_server_provider_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class ServerProvider : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ServerProvider ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool add_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool begin_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name, Gda.TransactionIsolation level) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool cancel (Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool close_connection (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool commit_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public virtual Gda.ServerOperation create_operation (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set? options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public virtual Gda.SqlParser create_parser (Gda.Connection? cnc);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool delete_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public virtual string escape_string (Gda.Connection? cnc, string str);
+               public string find_file (string inst_dir, string filename);
+               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_dbms (Gda.Connection? cnc, string for_type);
+               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_default (Gda.Connection? cnc, GLib.Type type, string dbms_type);
+               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_g_type (Gda.Connection? cnc, GLib.Type for_type);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned string get_database (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual unowned string get_def_dbms_type (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type);
+               public unowned string get_default_dbms_type (Gda.Connection? cnc, GLib.Type type);
+               public virtual unowned string get_name ();
+               public virtual unowned string get_server_version (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               public virtual unowned string get_version ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool handle_async (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void handler_declare (Gda.DataHandler dh, Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
+               public unowned Gda.DataHandler handler_find (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual string identifier_quote (Gda.Connection cnc, string id, bool for_meta_store, bool force_quotes);
+               public unowned Gda.SqlParser internal_get_parser ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool is_busy (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static string load_file_contents (string inst_dir, string data_dir, string filename);
+               public bool perform_operation (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool perform_operation_default (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+               public virtual string render_operation (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool rollback_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool rollback_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual bool statement_prepare (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+               public GLib.Value string_to_value (Gda.Connection? cnc, string string, GLib.Type preferred_type, string? dbms_type);
+               public virtual bool supports_feature (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ConnectionFeature feature);
+               public virtual bool supports_operation (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set? options);
+               public virtual string unescape_string (Gda.Connection? cnc, string str);
+               public string value_to_sql_string (Gda.Connection? cnc, GLib.Value from);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ServerProviderInfo {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_set_get_type ()")]
+       public class Set : GLib.Object {
+               public GLib.List<Gda.SetGroup> groups_list;
+               public GLib.List<Gda.SetNode> nodes_list;
+               public GLib.List<Gda.SetSource> sources_list;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Set (GLib.SList<Gda.Holder> holders);
+               public bool add_holder (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public Gda.Set copy ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Set.from_spec_node ([CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* xml_spec) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Set.from_spec_string (string xml_spec) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.SetGroup get_group (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public unowned Gda.Holder get_holder (string holder_id);
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_holder_value (string holder_id);
+               public Gda.SetNode get_node (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public unowned Gda.Holder get_nth_holder (int pos);
+               public Gda.SetSource get_source (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public Gda.SetSource get_source_for_model (Gda.DataModel model);
+               public bool is_valid () throws GLib.Error;
+               public void merge_with_set (Gda.Set set_to_merge);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Set.read_only (GLib.SList<Gda.Holder> holders);
+               public void remove_holder (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public void replace_source_model (Gda.SetSource source, Gda.DataModel model);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string description { owned get; set; }
+               public void* holders { construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string id { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string name { owned get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool validate_changes { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void holder_attr_changed (Gda.Holder holder, string attr_name, GLib.Value attr_value);
+               public virtual signal void holder_changed (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public virtual signal void holder_type_set (Gda.Holder holder);
+               public virtual signal void public_data_changed ();
+               public virtual signal void source_model_changed (void* source);
+               public virtual signal GLib.Error validate_holder_change (Gda.Holder holder, GLib.Value new_value);
+               public virtual signal GLib.Error validate_set ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_short_get_type ()")]
+       public class Short {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Short ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_sql_builder_get_type ()")]
+       public class SqlBuilder : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlBuilder (Gda.SqlStatementType stmt_type);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_case_v (Gda.SqlBuilderId test_expr, Gda.SqlBuilderId else_expr, [CCode (array_length_cname = "args_size", array_length_pos = 4.1)] Gda.SqlBuilderId[] when_array, [CCode (array_length_cname = "args_size", array_length_pos = 4.1)] Gda.SqlBuilderId[] then_array);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_cond (Gda.SqlOperatorType op, Gda.SqlBuilderId op1, Gda.SqlBuilderId op2, Gda.SqlBuilderId op3);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_expr_value (Gda.DataHandler? dh, GLib.Value? value);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_field_id (string field_name, string? table_name);
+               public void add_field_value_as_gvalue (string field_name, GLib.Value? value);
+               public void add_field_value_id (Gda.SqlBuilderId field_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId value_id);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_function_v (string func_name, [CCode (array_length_cname = "args_size", array_length_pos = 2.1)] Gda.SqlBuilderId[] args);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_id (string str);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_param (string param_name, GLib.Type type, bool nullok);
+               public void compound_add_sub_select_from_builder (Gda.SqlBuilder subselect);
+               public void compound_set_type (Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType compound_type);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public Gda.Statement get_statement () throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId import_expression_from_builder (Gda.SqlBuilder query, Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
+               public void join_add_field (Gda.SqlBuilderId join_id, string field_name);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_field (string field_name, string? table_name, string? alias);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_target (string table_name, string? alias);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_target_id (Gda.SqlBuilderId table_id, string? alias);
+               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_join_targets (Gda.SqlBuilderId left_target_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId right_target_id, SqlSelectJoinType join_type, Gda.SqlBuilderId join_expr);
+               public void select_group_by (Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
+               public void select_order_by (Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id, bool asc, string? collation_name);
+               public void select_set_distinct (bool distinct, Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
+               public void select_set_having (Gda.SqlBuilderId cond_id);
+               public void select_set_limit (Gda.SqlBuilderId limit_count_expr_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId limit_offset_expr_id);
+               public void set_table (string table_name);
+               public void set_where (Gda.SqlBuilderId cond_id);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_sql_parser_get_type ()")]
+       public class SqlParser : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public SqlParser ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public Gda.Batch parse_file_as_batch (string filename) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.Statement parse_string (string sql, out string remain) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.Batch parse_string_as_batch (string sql, out string remain) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_overflow_error ();
+               public void set_syntax_error ();
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int column_error { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int line_error { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int mode { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public int tokenizer_flavour { get; set; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatement {
+               public void compound_set_type (Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType type);
+               public void compound_take_stmt (Gda.SqlStatement s);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementDelete {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementInsert {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementSelect {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementTransaction {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementUnknown {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class SqlStatementUpdate {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_statement_get_type ()")]
+       public class Statement : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Statement ();
+               public bool check_structure () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool check_validity (Gda.Connection? cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.Statement copy ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public bool get_parameters (out Gda.Set out_params) throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.SqlStatementType get_statement_type ();
+               public bool is_useless ();
+               public bool normalize (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
+               public string serialize ();
+               public string to_sql_extended (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, out GLib.SList<weak Gda.Holder> params_used) throws GLib.Error;
+               public string to_sql_real (Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public void* structure { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void checked (Gda.Connection cnc, bool checked);
+               public virtual signal void reset ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_thread_wrapper_get_type ()")]
+       public class ThreadWrapper : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ThreadWrapper ();
+               public bool cancel (uint id);
+               public ulong connect_raw (void* instance, string sig_name, bool private_thread, bool private_job, Gda.ThreadWrapperCallback callback);
+               public void disconnect (ulong id);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public uint execute_void ([CCode (destroy_notify_pos = 2.1)] owned Gda.ThreadWrapperVoidFunc func, void* arg) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void* fetch_result (bool may_lock, uint exp_id) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned GLib.IOChannel get_io_channel ();
+               public int get_waiting_size ();
+               public void iterate (bool may_block);
+               public void steal_signal (ulong id);
+               public void unset_io_channel ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_time_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Time {
+               public ulong fraction;
+               public ushort hour;
+               public ushort minute;
+               public ushort second;
+               public long timezone;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+               public static void free (void* boxed);
+               public bool valid ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_timestamp_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Timestamp {
+               public ushort day;
+               public ulong fraction;
+               public ushort hour;
+               public ushort minute;
+               public ushort month;
+               public ushort second;
+               public long timezone;
+               public short year;
+               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
+               public static void free (void* boxed);
+               public bool valid ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_transaction_status_get_type ()")]
+       public class TransactionStatus : GLib.Object {
+               public GLib.List<Gda.TransactionStatusEvent> events;
+               public Gda.TransactionIsolation isolation_level;
+               public weak string name;
+               public Gda.TransactionStatusState state;
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public TransactionStatus (string name);
+               public Gda.TransactionStatus find (string str, Gda.TransactionStatusEvent destev);
+               public Gda.TransactionStatus find_current (Gda.TransactionStatusEvent destev, bool unnamed_only);
+               public void free_events (Gda.TransactionStatusEvent event, bool free_after);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_get_type ()")]
+       public class Tree : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Tree ();
+               public void add_manager (Gda.TreeManager manager);
+               public void clean ();
+               public void dump (Gda.TreeNode? node, void* stream);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_node (string tree_path, bool use_names);
+               public unowned Gda.TreeManager get_node_manager (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public string get_node_path (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public GLib.SList<weak Gda.TreeNode> get_nodes_in_path (string? tree_path, bool use_names);
+               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+               public bool update_all () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool update_children (Gda.TreeNode? node) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool update_part (Gda.TreeNode node) throws GLib.Error;
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool is_list { get; }
+               public virtual signal void node_changed (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public virtual signal void node_deleted (string node_path);
+               public virtual signal void node_has_child_toggled (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public virtual signal void node_inserted (Gda.TreeNode node);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public class TreeManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected TreeManager ();
+               public void add_manager (Gda.TreeManager sub);
+               public void add_new_node_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value? value);
+               public Gda.TreeNode create_node (Gda.TreeNode? parent, string? name);
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public unowned GLib.SList<Gda.TreeManager> get_managers ();
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public void* func { get; set construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool recursive { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_columns_get_type ()")]
+       public class TreeMgrColumns : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrColumns (Gda.Connection cnc, string schema, string table_name);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
+               public string schema { construct; }
+               public string table_name { construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrColumnsPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_label_get_type ()")]
+       public class TreeMgrLabel : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrLabel (string label);
+               public string label { construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrLabelPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_ldap_get_type ()")]
+       public class TreeMgrLdap : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrLdap (Gda.Connection cnc, string? dn);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string dn { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrLdapPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_schemas_get_type ()")]
+       public class TreeMgrSchemas : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrSchemas (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrSchemasPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_select_get_type ()")]
+       public class TreeMgrSelect : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrSelect (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Set @params { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Statement statement { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrSelectPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_tables_get_type ()")]
+       public class TreeMgrTables : Gda.TreeManager {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
+               public TreeMgrTables (Gda.Connection cnc, string? schema);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
+               public string schema { construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class TreeMgrTablesPriv {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_node_get_type ()")]
+       public class TreeNode : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public TreeNode (string? name);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual void dump_children (string prefix, GLib.StringBuilder in_string);
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public virtual string dump_header ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public GLib.Value fetch_attribute (string attribute);
+               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_child_index (int index);
+               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_child_name (string name);
+               public GLib.SList<weak Gda.TreeNode> get_children ();
+               public GLib.Value get_node_attribute (string attribute);
+               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_parent ();
+               public void set_node_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value? value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string name { owned get; set; }
+               public virtual signal void node_changed (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public virtual signal void node_deleted (string relative_path);
+               public virtual signal void node_has_child_toggled (Gda.TreeNode node);
+               public virtual signal void node_inserted (Gda.TreeNode node);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_ushort_get_type ()")]
+       public class UShort {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected UShort ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_xa_transaction_get_type ()")]
+       public class XaTransaction : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public XaTransaction (uint32 format, string global_transaction_id);
+               public bool begin () throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool commit (out GLib.SList<Gda.Connection> cnc_to_recover) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool commit_recovered (out GLib.SList<Gda.Connection> cnc_to_recover) throws GLib.Error;
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public bool register_connection (Gda.Connection cnc, string branch) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool rollback () throws GLib.Error;
+               public void unregister_connection (Gda.Connection cnc);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public uint format_id { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string transaction_id { owned get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_handler_get_type ()")]
+       public interface DataHandler : GLib.Object {
+               public abstract bool accepts_g_type (GLib.Type type);
+               public static unowned Gda.DataHandler get_default (GLib.Type for_type);
+               public abstract unowned string get_descr ();
+               public abstract GLib.Value? get_sane_init_value (GLib.Type type);
+               public abstract string get_sql_from_value (GLib.Value? value);
+               public abstract string get_str_from_value (GLib.Value? value);
+               public abstract GLib.Value? get_value_from_sql (string? sql, GLib.Type type);
+               public abstract GLib.Value? get_value_from_str (string? str, GLib.Type type);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_get_type ()")]
+       public interface DataModel : GLib.Object {
+               public bool add_data_from_xml_node ([CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* node) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_append_row")]
+               public abstract int append_row () throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.DataModelArray array_copy_model () throws GLib.Error;
+               public Gda.DataModelArray array_copy_model_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "ncols", array_length_pos = 0.5)] int[] cols) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_create_iter")]
+               public abstract Gda.DataModelIter create_iter ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_describe_column")]
+               public abstract unowned Gda.Column describe_column (int col);
+               public void dump (void* to_stream);
+               public string dump_as_string ();
+               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+               public bool export_to_file (Gda.DataModelIOFormat format, string file, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 3.5)] int[]? cols, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_rows", array_length_pos = 4.5)] int[]? rows, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public string export_to_string (Gda.DataModelIOFormat format, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 2.5)] int[]? cols, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_rows", array_length_pos = 3.5)] int[]? rows, Gda.Set options);
+               public void freeze ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_access_flags")]
+               public abstract Gda.DataModelAccessFlags get_access_flags ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_attributes_at")]
+               public abstract Gda.ValueAttribute get_attributes_at (int col, int row);
+               public int get_column_index (string name);
+               public unowned string get_column_name (int col);
+               public unowned string get_column_title (int col);
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true, vfunc_name = "i_get_exceptions")]
+               public abstract unowned GLib.Error[] get_exceptions ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_n_columns")]
+               public abstract int get_n_columns ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_n_rows")]
+               public abstract int get_n_rows ();
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_notify")]
+               public abstract bool get_notify ();
+               public unowned GLib.Value? get_typed_value_at (int col, int row, GLib.Type expected_type, bool nullok) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_value_at")]
+               public abstract unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (int col, int row) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool import_from_file (string file, GLib.HashTable<int,int>? cols_trans, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool import_from_model (Gda.DataModel from, bool overwrite, GLib.HashTable<int,int>? cols_trans) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool import_from_string (string string, GLib.HashTable<int,int>? cols_trans, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_iter_at_row")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
+               public abstract bool iter_at_row (Gda.DataModelIter iter, int row);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_iter_next")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
+               public abstract bool iter_next (Gda.DataModelIter iter);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_iter_prev")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
+               public abstract bool iter_prev (Gda.DataModelIter iter);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_iter_set_value")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
+               public abstract bool iter_set_value (Gda.DataModelIter iter, int col, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_remove_row")]
+               public abstract bool remove_row (int row) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_send_hint")]
+               public abstract void send_hint (Gda.DataModelHint hint, GLib.Value? hint_value);
+               public void set_column_name (int col, string name);
+               public void set_column_title (int col, string title);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_set_notify")]
+               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
+               public abstract void set_notify (bool do_notify_changes);
+               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_set_value_at")]
+               public abstract bool set_value_at (int col, int row, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void thaw ();
+               public virtual signal void access_changed ();
+               public virtual signal void changed ();
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void reset ();
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void row_inserted (int row);
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void row_removed (int row);
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public virtual signal void row_updated (int row);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_lockable_get_type ()")]
+       public interface Lockable : GLib.Object {
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void i_lock ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract bool i_trylock ();
+               [NoWrapper]
+               public abstract void i_unlock ();
+               public void @lock ();
+               public bool trylock ();
+               public void unlock ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct DataMetaWrapper {
+               public weak GLib.Object object;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct DataMetaWrapperClass {
+               public weak GLib.ObjectClass parent_class;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct Diff {
+               public Gda.DiffType type;
+               public int old_row;
+               public int new_row;
+               public weak GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> values;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct DsnInfo {
+               public weak string name;
+               public weak string provider;
+               public weak string description;
+               public weak string cnc_string;
+               public weak string auth_string;
+               public bool is_system;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct MetaDbObject {
+               public Gda.MetaDbObjectType obj_type;
+               public bool outdated;
+               public weak string obj_catalog;
+               public weak string obj_schema;
+               public weak string obj_name;
+               public weak string obj_short_name;
+               public weak string obj_full_name;
+               public weak string obj_owner;
+               public GLib.List<Gda.MetaDbObject> depend_list;
+               [CCode (cname = "extra.meta_table")]
+               public Gda.MetaTable extra_meta_table;
+               [CCode (cname = "extra.meta_view")]
+               public Gda.MetaView extra_meta_view;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct MetaStoreChange {
+               public Gda.MetaStoreChangeType c_type;
+               public weak string table_name;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct MetaTable {
+               public GLib.List<Gda.MetaTableColumn> columns;
+               public int pk_cols_array;
+               public int pk_cols_nb;
+               public GLib.List<Gda.MetaTableForeignKey> reverse_fk_list;
+               public GLib.List<Gda.MetaTableForeignKey> fk_list;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct MetaTableColumn {
+               public weak string column_name;
+               public weak string column_type;
+               public GLib.Type gtype;
+               public bool pkey;
+               public bool nullok;
+               public weak string default_value;
+               public void foreach_attribute (Gda.AttributesManagerFunc func);
+               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
+               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value? value, GLib.DestroyNotify? destroy);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct MetaTableForeignKey {
+               public Gda.MetaDbObject meta_table;
+               public Gda.MetaDbObject depend_on;
+               public int cols_nb;
+               public int fk_cols_array;
+               public weak string fk_names_array;
+               public int ref_pk_cols_array;
+               public weak string ref_pk_names_array;
+               public weak string fk_name;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct MetaView {
+               public Gda.MetaTable table;
+               public weak string view_def;
+               public bool is_updatable;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public struct Mutex : GLib.RecMutex {
+               public static void free (Gda.Mutex mutex);
+               public static void @lock (Gda.Mutex mutex);
+               public static bool trylock (Gda.Mutex mutex);
+               public static void unlock (Gda.Mutex mutex);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct ProviderInfo {
+               public weak string id;
+               public weak string location;
+               public weak string description;
+               public weak Gda.Set dsn_params;
+               public weak Gda.Set auth_params;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct ServerProviderHandlerInfo {
+               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
+               public GLib.Type g_type;
+               public weak string dbms_type;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct SetGroup {
+               public GLib.List<Gda.SetNode> nodes;
+               public Gda.SetSource nodes_source;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct SetNode {
+               public weak Gda.Holder holder;
+               public weak Gda.DataModel source_model;
+               public int source_column;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct SetSource {
+               public weak Gda.DataModel data_model;
+               public GLib.List<Gda.SetNode> nodes;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       [SimpleType]
+       public struct SqlBuilderId : uint {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct SqlRenderingContext {
+               public Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags;
+               public weak Gda.Set @params;
+               public GLib.List<Gda.Holder> params_used;
+               public weak Gda.ServerProvider provider;
+               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
+               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingValue render_value;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct ThreadNotification {
+               public Gda.ThreadNotificationType type;
+               public uint job_id;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct TransactionStatusEvent {
+               public weak Gda.TransactionStatus trans;
+               public Gda.TransactionStatusEventType type;
+               public weak Gda.ConnectionEvent conn_event;
+               [CCode (cname = "pl.svp_name")]
+               public weak string pl_svp_name;
+               [CCode (cname = "pl.sql")]
+               public weak string pl_sql;
+               [CCode (cname = "pl.sub_trans")]
+               public weak Gda.TransactionStatus pl_sub_trans;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct XaTransactionId {
+               public uint32 format;
+               public ushort gtrid_length;
+               public ushort bqual_length;
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public weak char[] data;
+               public string to_string ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "_GdaServerOperationNode", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct _ServerOperationNode {
+               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeType type;
+               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeStatus status;
+               public weak Gda.Set plist;
+               public weak Gda.DataModel model;
+               public weak Gda.Column column;
+               public weak Gda.Holder param;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "_GdaSqlParserIface", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct _SqlParserIface {
+               public weak Gda.SqlParser parser;
+               public weak Gda.SqlStatement parsed_statement;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_BATCH_CONFLICTING_PARAMETER_")]
+       public errordomain BatchError {
+               [CCode (cname = "GDA_BATCH_CONFLICTING_PARAMETER_ERROR")]
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONFIG_")]
+       public errordomain ConfigError {
+               DSN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               PERMISSION_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_")]
+       public errordomain ConnectionError {
+               DSN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               PROVIDER_ERROR,
+               NO_CNC_SPEC_ERROR,
+               NO_PROVIDER_SPEC_ERROR,
+               OPEN_ERROR,
+               STATEMENT_TYPE_ERROR,
+               CANT_LOCK_ERROR,
+               TASK_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               CLOSED_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_EVENT_CODE_")]
+       public enum ConnectionEventCode {
+               RESTRICT_VIOLATION,
+               NOT_NULL_VIOLATION,
+               FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION,
+               UNIQUE_VIOLATION,
+               CHECK_VIOLATION,
+               UNDEFINED_COLUMN,
+               UNDEFINED_FUNCTION,
+               UNDEFINED_TABLE,
+               DUPLICATE_COLUMN,
+               DUPLICATE_DATABASE,
+               DUPLICATE_FUNCTION,
+               DUPLICATE_SCHEMA,
+               DUPLICATE_TABLE,
+               DUPLICATE_ALIAS,
+               DUPLICATE_OBJECT,
+               SYNTAX_ERROR,
+               UNKNOWN
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_EVENT_")]
+       public enum ConnectionEventType {
+               NOTICE,
+               WARNING,
+               ERROR,
+               COMMAND
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_FEATURE_")]
+       public enum ConnectionFeature {
+               AGGREGATES,
+               BLOBS,
+               INDEXES,
+               INHERITANCE,
+               NAMESPACES,
+               PROCEDURES,
+               SEQUENCES,
+               SQL,
+               TRANSACTIONS,
+               SAVEPOINTS,
+               SAVEPOINTS_REMOVE,
+               TRIGGERS,
+               UPDATABLE_CURSOR,
+               USERS,
+               VIEWS,
+               XA_TRANSACTIONS,
+               MULTI_THREADING,
+               LAST
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_META_")]
+       public enum ConnectionMetaType {
+               NAMESPACES,
+               TYPES,
+               TABLES,
+               VIEWS,
+               FIELDS,
+               INDEXES
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_OPTIONS_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ConnectionOptions {
+               NONE,
+               READ_ONLY,
+               THREAD_SAFE,
+               THREAD_ISOLATED,
+               AUTO_META_DATA
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_COMPARATOR_")]
+       public enum DataComparatorError {
+               MODEL_ACCESS_ERROR,
+               USER_CANCELLED_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_META_WRAPPER_MODE_")]
+       public enum DataMetaWrapperMode {
+               LC,
+               UC
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ACCESS_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum DataModelAccessFlags {
+               RANDOM,
+               CURSOR_FORWARD,
+               CURSOR_BACKWARD,
+               CURSOR,
+               INSERT,
+               UPDATE,
+               DELETE,
+               WRITE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_HINT_")]
+       public enum DataModelHint {
+               START_BATCH_UPDATE,
+               END_BATCH_UPDATE,
+               REFRESH
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_IO_")]
+       public enum DataModelIOFormat {
+               DATA_ARRAY_XML,
+               TEXT_SEPARATED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ITER_COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_")]
+       public enum DataModelIterError {
+               [CCode (cname = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ITER_COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR")]
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PIVOT_")]
+       public enum DataPivotAggregate {
+               AVG,
+               COUNT,
+               MAX,
+               MIN,
+               SUM
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PIVOT_")]
+       public enum DataPivotError {
+               INTERNAL_ERROR,
+               SOURCE_MODEL_ERROR,
+               FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR,
+               USAGE_ERROR,
+               OVERFLOW_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PIVOT_FIELD_")]
+       public enum DataPivotFieldType {
+               ROW,
+               COLUMN
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PROXY_")]
+       public enum DataProxyError {
+               COMMIT_ERROR,
+               COMMIT_CANCELLED,
+               READ_ONLY_VALUE,
+               READ_ONLY_ROW,
+               FILTER_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_SELECT_COND_")]
+       public enum DataSelectConditionType {
+               PK,
+               ALL_COLUMNS
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_SELECT_")]
+       public enum DataSelectError {
+               CONNECTION_ERROR,
+               ACCESS_ERROR,
+               SQL_ERROR,
+               SAFETY_LOCKED_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DIFF_")]
+       public enum DiffType {
+               ADD_ROW,
+               REMOVE_ROW,
+               MODIFY_ROW
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_HOLDER_")]
+       public enum HolderError {
+               VALUE_TYPE_ERROR,
+               VALUE_NULL_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_LDAP_SEARCH_")]
+       public enum LdapSearchScope {
+               BASE,
+               ONELEVEL,
+               SUBTREE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_DB_")]
+       public enum MetaDbObjectType {
+               UNKNOWN,
+               TABLE,
+               VIEW
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_FOREIGN_KEY_")]
+       public enum MetaForeignKeyPolicy {
+               UNKNOWN,
+               NONE,
+               NO_ACTION,
+               RESTRICT,
+               CASCADE,
+               SET_NULL,
+               SET_DEFAULT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_GRAPH_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum MetaGraphInfo {
+               [CCode (cname = "GDA_META_GRAPH_COLUMNS")]
+               META_GRAPH_COLUMNS
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_SORT_")]
+       public enum MetaSortType {
+               ALHAPETICAL,
+               DEPENDENCIES
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STORE_")]
+       public enum MetaStoreChangeType {
+               ADD,
+               REMOVE,
+               MODIFY
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STORE_")]
+       public enum MetaStoreError {
+               INTERNAL_ERROR,
+               META_CONTEXT_ERROR,
+               MODIFY_CONTENTS_ERROR,
+               EXTRACT_SQL_ERROR,
+               ATTRIBUTE_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STRUCT_")]
+       public enum MetaStructError {
+               UNKNOWN_OBJECT_ERROR,
+               INCOHERENCE_ERROR,
+               XML_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STRUCT_FEATURE_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum MetaStructFeature {
+               NONE,
+               FOREIGN_KEYS,
+               VIEW_DEPENDENCIES,
+               ALL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_CREATE_TABLE_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ServerOperationCreateTableFlag {
+               NOTHING_FLAG,
+               PKEY_FLAG,
+               NOT_NULL_FLAG,
+               UNIQUE_FLAG,
+               AUTOINC_FLAG,
+               FKEY_FLAG,
+               PKEY_AUTOINC_FLAG
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_")]
+       public enum ServerOperationError {
+               OBJECT_NAME_ERROR,
+               INCORRECT_VALUE_ERROR,
+               XML_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_STATUS_")]
+       public enum ServerOperationNodeStatus {
+               OPTIONAL,
+               REQUIRED,
+               UNKNOWN
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_NODE_")]
+       public enum ServerOperationNodeType {
+               PARAMLIST,
+               DATA_MODEL,
+               PARAM,
+               SEQUENCE,
+               SEQUENCE_ITEM,
+               DATA_MODEL_COLUMN,
+               UNKNOWN
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_")]
+       public enum ServerOperationType {
+               CREATE_DB,
+               DROP_DB,
+               CREATE_TABLE,
+               DROP_TABLE,
+               RENAME_TABLE,
+               ADD_COLUMN,
+               DROP_COLUMN,
+               CREATE_INDEX,
+               DROP_INDEX,
+               CREATE_VIEW,
+               DROP_VIEW,
+               COMMENT_TABLE,
+               COMMENT_COLUMN,
+               CREATE_USER,
+               ALTER_USER,
+               DROP_USER,
+               LAST
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_PROVIDER_")]
+       public enum ServerProviderError {
+               PREPARE_STMT_ERROR,
+               EMPTY_STMT_ERROR,
+               MISSING_PARAM_ERROR,
+               STATEMENT_EXEC_ERROR,
+               OPERATION_ERROR,
+               INTERNAL_ERROR,
+               BUSY_ERROR,
+               NON_SUPPORTED_ERROR,
+               SERVER_VERSION_ERROR,
+               DATA_ERROR,
+               MISUSE_ERROR,
+               FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SET_")]
+       public enum SetError {
+               XML_SPEC_ERROR,
+               HOLDER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               INVALID_ERROR,
+               READ_ONLY_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_BUILDER_")]
+       public enum SqlBuilderError {
+               WRONG_TYPE_ERROR,
+               MISUSE_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_IDENTIFIERS_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum SqlIdentifierStyle {
+               LOWER_CASE,
+               UPPER_CASE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_OPERATOR_TYPE_")]
+       public enum SqlOperatorType {
+               AND,
+               OR,
+               EQ,
+               IS,
+               LIKE,
+               BETWEEN,
+               GT,
+               LT,
+               GEQ,
+               LEQ,
+               DIFF,
+               REGEXP,
+               REGEXP_CI,
+               NOT_REGEXP,
+               NOT_REGEXP_CI,
+               SIMILAR,
+               ISNULL,
+               ISNOTNULL,
+               NOT,
+               IN,
+               NOTIN,
+               CONCAT,
+               PLUS,
+               MINUS,
+               STAR,
+               DIV,
+               REM,
+               BITAND,
+               BITOR,
+               BITNOT,
+               ILIKE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_")]
+       public enum SqlParserError {
+               SYNTAX_ERROR,
+               OVERFLOW_ERROR,
+               EMPTY_SQL_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_FLAVOUR_")]
+       public enum SqlParserFlavour {
+               STANDARD,
+               SQLITE,
+               MYSQL,
+               ORACLE,
+               POSTGRESQL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_MODE_")]
+       public enum SqlParserMode {
+               PARSE,
+               DELIMIT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_SELECT_JOIN_")]
+       public enum SqlSelectJoinType {
+               CROSS,
+               NATURAL,
+               INNER,
+               LEFT,
+               RIGHT,
+               FULL;
+               public static unowned string to_string (Gda.SqlSelectJoinType type);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_COMPOUND_")]
+       public enum SqlStatementCompoundType {
+               UNION,
+               UNION_ALL,
+               INTERSECT,
+               INTERSECT_ALL,
+               EXCEPT,
+               EXCEPT_ALL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_")]
+       public enum SqlStatementType {
+               SELECT,
+               INSERT,
+               UPDATE,
+               DELETE,
+               COMPOUND,
+               BEGIN,
+               ROLLBACK,
+               COMMIT,
+               SAVEPOINT,
+               ROLLBACK_SAVEPOINT,
+               DELETE_SAVEPOINT,
+               UNKNOWN,
+               NONE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_")]
+       public enum StatementError {
+               PARSE_ERROR,
+               SYNTAX_ERROR,
+               NO_CNC_ERROR,
+               CNC_CLOSED_ERROR,
+               EXEC_ERROR,
+               PARAM_TYPE_ERROR,
+               PARAM_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_MODEL_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum StatementModelUsage {
+               RANDOM_ACCESS,
+               CURSOR_FORWARD,
+               CURSOR_BACKWARD,
+               CURSOR,
+               ALLOW_NOPARAM
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_SQL_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum StatementSqlFlag {
+               PARAMS_AS_VALUES,
+               PRETTY,
+               PARAMS_LONG,
+               PARAMS_SHORT,
+               PARAMS_AS_COLON,
+               PARAMS_AS_DOLLAR,
+               PARAMS_AS_QMARK,
+               PARAMS_AS_UQMARK
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_THREAD_NOTIFICATION_")]
+       public enum ThreadNotificationType {
+               JOB,
+               SIGNAL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_THREAD_WRAPPER_UNKNOWN_")]
+       public enum ThreadWrapperError {
+               [CCode (cname = "GDA_THREAD_WRAPPER_UNKNOWN_ERROR")]
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION_")]
+       public enum TransactionIsolation {
+               UNKNOWN,
+               READ_COMMITTED,
+               READ_UNCOMMITTED,
+               REPEATABLE_READ,
+               SERIALIZABLE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_STATUS_EVENT_")]
+       public enum TransactionStatusEventType {
+               SAVEPOINT,
+               SQL,
+               SUB_TRANSACTION
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_STATUS_STATE_")]
+       public enum TransactionStatusState {
+               OK,
+               FAILED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_UNKNOWN_")]
+       public enum TreeError {
+               [CCode (cname = "GDA_TREE_UNKNOWN_ERROR")]
+               TREE_UNKNOWN_ERROR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_MANAGER_UNKNOWN_")]
+       public enum TreeManagerError {
+               [CCode (cname = "GDA_TREE_MANAGER_UNKNOWN_ERROR")]
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_")]
+       public enum TreeNodeError {
+               [CCode (cname = "GDA_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR")]
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_VALUE_ATTR_")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum ValueAttribute {
+               NONE,
+               IS_NULL,
+               CAN_BE_NULL,
+               IS_DEFAULT,
+               CAN_BE_DEFAULT,
+               IS_UNCHANGED,
+               ACTIONS_SHOWN,
+               DATA_NON_VALID,
+               HAS_VALUE_ORIG,
+               NO_MODIF,
+               UNUSED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_XA_TRANSACTION_")]
+       public enum XaTransactionError {
+               DTP_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_")]
+       public errordomain DataModelError {
+               ROW_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR,
+               COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR,
+               VALUES_LIST_ERROR,
+               VALUE_TYPE_ERROR,
+               ROW_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+               ACCESS_ERROR,
+               FILE_EXIST_ERROR,
+               XML_FORMAT_ERROR,
+               TRUNCATED_ERROR,
+               OTHER_ERROR;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_")]
+       public errordomain SqlError {
+               VALIDATION_ERROR;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void AttributesManagerFunc (string att_name, GLib.Value value, void* data);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void AttributesManagerSignal (GLib.Object obj, string att_name, GLib.Value value, void* data);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ServerProviderAsyncCallback (Gda.ServerProvider provider, Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id, bool result_status, GLib.Error error, void* data);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ServerProviderExecCallback (Gda.ServerProvider provider, Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id, GLib.Object result_obj, GLib.Error error, void* data);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate string SqlRenderingValue (GLib.Value value, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool SqlReservedKeywordsFunc (string word);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ThreadWrapperCallback (Gda.ThreadWrapper wrapper, void* instance, string signame, int n_param_values, GLib.Value param_values, void* gda_reserved, void* data);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ThreadWrapperVoidFunc (void* arg) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_INCREMENT")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_INCREMENT;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_IS_DEFAULT")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_IS_DEFAULT;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_NAME")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_PRECISION")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_PRECISION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_SCALE")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_SCALE;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN")]
+       public const string ATTRIBUTE_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_EXTRA_AUTO_INCREMENT")]
+       public const string EXTRA_AUTO_INCREMENT;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR")]
+       public const string SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_SQLSTATE_NO_ERROR")]
+       public const string SQLSTATE_NO_ERROR;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_TIMEZONE_INVALID")]
+       public const int TIMEZONE_INVALID;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static string alphanum_to_text (string text);
+       [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true, cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static string[] completion_list_get (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql, int start, int end);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool compute_dml_statements (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement select_stmt, bool require_pk, owned Gda.Statement? insert_stmt, owned Gda.Statement? update_stmt, owned Gda.Statement? delete_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned Gda.DataHandler data_handler_get_default (GLib.Type for_type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void dsn_split (string string, string out_dsn, string out_username, string out_password);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static GLib.Type g_type_from_string (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string g_type_to_string (GLib.Type type);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool identifier_equal (string id1, string id2);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static uint identifier_hash (string id);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void log_disable ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static void log_enable ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool log_is_enabled ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool parse_iso8601_date (GLib.Date gdate, string value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool parse_iso8601_time (Gda.Time timegda, string value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool parse_iso8601_timestamp (Gda.Timestamp timestamp, string value);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool rewrite_statement_for_null_parameters (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, owned Gda.Statement? out_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool rfc1738_decode (string string);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static string rfc1738_encode (string string);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static Gda.Statement select_alter_select_for_empty (Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static string sql_identifier_quote (string id, Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerProvider? prov, bool meta_store_convention, bool force_quotes);
+       [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true, cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static string[] sql_identifier_split (string id);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static Gda.SqlOperatorType sql_operation_operator_from_string (string op);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string sql_operation_operator_to_string (Gda.SqlOperatorType op);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static Gda.Binary string_to_binary (string? str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static Gda.Blob string_to_blob (string str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static string text_to_alphanum (string text);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool utility_check_data_model_v (Gda.DataModel model, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nbcols", array_length_pos = 1.5)] GLib.Type[] types);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool utility_data_model_dump_data_to_xml (Gda.DataModel model, [CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* parent, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 3.5)] int[]? cols, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_rows", array_length_pos = 4.5)] int[]? rows, bool use_col_ids);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static unowned string utility_data_model_find_column_description (Gda.DataSelect model, string field_name);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static bool utility_holder_load_attributes (Gda.Holder holder, [CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* node, GLib.SList<Gda.DataModel> sources) throws GLib.Error;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static int value_compare (GLib.Value value1, GLib.Value value2);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static int value_differ (GLib.Value value1, GLib.Value value2);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
+       public static string value_stringify (GLib.Value value);
diff --git a/src/vapi/seed.vapi b/src/vapi/seed.vapi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c43f245
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+/* seed.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+namespace Seed {
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Class {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", ref_function = "seed_context_ref", unref_function = "seed_context_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Context {
+               public static void collect (Seed.GlobalContext ctx);
+               public static unowned Seed.GlobalContext create (Seed.ContextGroup group, Seed.Class global_class);
+               public unowned Seed.Object get_global_object ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ContextGroup {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", free_function = "seed_engine_destroy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Engine {
+               public weak Seed.GlobalContext context;
+               public weak Seed.Value global;
+               public weak Seed.ContextGroup group;
+               public weak string search_path;
+               public unowned Seed.Value expose_gobject (string js_name, GLib.Object object, string gir_namespace, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public unowned Seed.Value expose_namespace (string namespace_name, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public unowned string get_search_path ();
+               public void set_search_path (string path);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Exception {
+               public static unowned string get_file (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static uint get_line (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned string get_message (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned string get_name (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned string to_string (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Exception exception);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class GlobalContext {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Object {
+               public static unowned Seed.Value call (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, Seed.Object this_object, size_t argument_count, Seed.Value[] arguments, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned string copy_property_names (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object);
+               public void* get_private ();
+               public static unowned Seed.Value get_property (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, string name);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value get_property_at_index (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, int index, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Object get_prototype (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object obj);
+               public static bool is_of_class (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object obj, Seed.Class klass);
+               public void set_private (void* value);
+               public static bool set_property (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, string name, Seed.Value value);
+               public static void set_property_at_index (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, int index, Seed.Value value, Seed.Exception exception);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", free_function = "seed_script_destroy")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Script {
+               public unowned Seed.Exception exception ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Script.from_file (Seed.Context ctx, string file);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", ref_function = "seed_string_ref", unref_function = "seed_string_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class String {
+               public size_t get_maximum_size ();
+               public bool is_equal (Seed.String b);
+               public bool is_equal_utf8 (string b);
+               public size_t to_utf8_buffer (string buffer, size_t buffer_size);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Value {
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_binary_string (Seed.Context ctx, string[] bytes, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_boolean (Seed.Context ctx, bool val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_char (Seed.Context ctx, char val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_double (Seed.Context ctx, double val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_filename (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Value exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_float (Seed.Context ctx, float val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_gvalue (Seed.Context ctx, GLib.Value gval, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_int (Seed.Context ctx, int val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_int64 (Seed.Context ctx, int64 val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_long (Seed.Context ctx, long val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_object (Seed.Context ctx, GLib.Object val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_string (Seed.Context ctx, string val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_uchar (Seed.Context ctx, uchar val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_uint (Seed.Context ctx, uint val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_uint64 (Seed.Context ctx, uint64 val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned Seed.Value from_ulong (Seed.Context ctx, ulong val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static bool is_function (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object value);
+               public static bool is_null (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value value);
+               public static bool is_number (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value value);
+               public static bool is_object (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value value);
+               public static bool is_object_of_class (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value value, Seed.Class klass);
+               public static bool is_string (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value value);
+               public static bool is_undefined (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value value);
+               public static void protect (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value value);
+               public static bool to_boolean (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static char to_char (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static double to_double (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned string to_filename (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Value exception);
+               public static float to_float (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static bool to_format (Seed.Context ctx, string format, Seed.Value values, Seed.Value exception);
+               public static bool to_gvalue (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, GLib.Type type, GLib.Value gval, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static int to_int (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static int64 to_int64 (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static long to_long (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned GLib.Object to_object (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static unowned string to_string (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static uchar to_uchar (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static uint to_uint (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static uint64 to_uint64 (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static ulong to_ulong (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value val, Seed.Exception exception);
+               public static void unprotect (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value value);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class seed_class_definition {
+               public Seed.ClassAttributes attributes;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback call_as_constructor;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback call_as_function;
+               public weak string class_name;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectConvertToTypeCallback convert_to_type;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectDeletePropertyCallback delete_property;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectFinalizeCallback finalize;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectGetPropertyCallback get_property;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback get_property_names;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectHasInstanceCallback has_instance;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectHasPropertyCallback has_property;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectInitializeCallback initialize;
+               public weak Seed.Class parent_class;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectSetPropertyCallback set_property;
+               public weak Seed.seed_static_function static_functions;
+               public weak Seed.seed_static_value static_values;
+               public int version;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class seed_static_function {
+               public Seed.PropertyAttributes attributes;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback callback;
+               public weak string name;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class seed_static_value {
+               public Seed.PropertyAttributes attributes;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectGetPropertyCallback get_property;
+               public weak string name;
+               public weak Seed.ObjectSetPropertyCallback set_property;
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", cprefix = "SEED_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum ClassAttributes {
+               NONE,
+               NO_SHARED_PROTOTYPE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", cprefix = "SEED_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum PropertyAttributes {
+               NONE,
+               READ_ONLY,
+               DONT_ENUM,
+               DONT_DELETE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", cprefix = "SEED_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum Type {
+               UNDEFINED,
+               NULL,
+               BOOLEAN,
+               NUMBER,
+               STRING,
+               OBJECT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned Seed.Value FunctionCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object function, Seed.Object this_object, size_t argument_count, Seed.Value[] arguments, Seed.Exception exception);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned Seed.Object ModuleInitCallback (Seed.Engine eng);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned Seed.Value ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object constructor, size_t argument_count, Seed.Value[] arguments, Seed.Exception exception);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned Seed.Value ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object function, Seed.Object this_object, size_t argument_count, Seed.Value[] arguments, Seed.Exception exception);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned Seed.Value ObjectConvertToTypeCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, Seed.Type type, Seed.Exception exception);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool ObjectDeletePropertyCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, Seed.String property_name, Seed.Exception e);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ObjectFinalizeCallback (Seed.Object object);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate unowned Seed.Value ObjectGetPropertyCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, Seed.String property_name, Seed.Exception e);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool ObjectHasInstanceCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object constructor, Seed.Object instance_p, Seed.Exception exception);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool ObjectHasPropertyCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, Seed.String str);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void ObjectInitializeCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h", has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool ObjectSetPropertyCallback (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object object, Seed.String property_name, Seed.Value value, Seed.Exception e);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Object closure_get_callable (GLib.Closure c);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Value closure_invoke (GLib.Closure closure, Seed.Value args, uint argc, Seed.Exception exception);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Value closure_invoke_with_context (Seed.Context ctx, GLib.Closure closure, Seed.Value args, uint argc, Seed.Exception exception);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned GLib.Closure closure_new (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Object function, string description);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static void closure_warn_exception (GLib.Closure c, Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Exception exception);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Class create_class (Seed.seed_class_definition def);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static void create_function (Seed.Context ctx, string name, Seed.FunctionCallback func, Seed.Object obj);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Value evaluate (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Script s, Seed.Object this_object);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned GLib.OptionGroup get_option_group ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static void importer_add_global (Seed.Context ctx, string name);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static void importer_set_search_path (Seed.Context ctx, string search_path);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Engine init (int argc, string argv);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Engine init_constrained (int argc, string argv);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Engine init_constrained_with_context_and_group (int argc, string argv, Seed.GlobalContext context, Seed.ContextGroup group);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Engine init_with_context (int argc, string? argv, Seed.GlobalContext context);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Engine init_with_context_and_group (int argc, string argv, Seed.GlobalContext context, Seed.ContextGroup group);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Engine init_with_context_group (int argc, string argv, Seed.ContextGroup group);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Object make_array (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value elements, size_t num_elements, Seed.Exception exception);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Object make_constructor (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Class klass, Seed.ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback constructor);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static void make_exception (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Exception exception, string name, string message);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Object make_function (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.FunctionCallback func, string name);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Value make_null (Seed.Context ctx);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Object make_object (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Class klass, void* private_object);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Value make_pointer (Seed.Context ctx, void* pointer);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Script make_script (Seed.Context ctx, string js, string source_url, int line_number);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Value make_undefined (Seed.Context ctx);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static void* pointer_get_pointer (Seed.Context ctx, Seed.Value pointer);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static void prepare_global_context (Seed.Context ctx);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static void signal_connect (Seed.Context ctx, GLib.Object object, string @signal, string script);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static void signal_connect_value (Seed.Context ctx, GLib.Object object, string @signal, Seed.Value function);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "seed.h")]
+       public static unowned Seed.Value simple_evaluate (Seed.Context ctx, string source, Seed.Exception exception);
diff --git a/src/vapi/webkit2gtk-3.0.vapi b/src/vapi/webkit2gtk-3.0.vapi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ba4ea86
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
+/* webkit2gtk-4.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+[CCode (cprefix = "WebKit", gir_namespace = "WebKit2", gir_version = "3.0", lower_case_cprefix = "webkit_")]
+namespace WebKit {
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_authentication_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class AuthenticationRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected AuthenticationRequest ();
+               public void authenticate (WebKit.Credential? credential);
+               public bool can_save_credentials ();
+               public void cancel ();
+               public unowned string get_host ();
+               public uint get_port ();
+               public WebKit.Credential get_proposed_credential ();
+               public unowned string get_realm ();
+               public WebKit.AuthenticationScheme get_scheme ();
+               public bool is_for_proxy ();
+               public bool is_retry ();
+               public signal void cancelled ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_back_forward_list_get_type ()")]
+       public class BackForwardList : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected BackForwardList ();
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardListItem get_back_item ();
+               public GLib.List<weak WebKit.BackForwardListItem> get_back_list ();
+               public GLib.List<weak WebKit.BackForwardListItem> get_back_list_with_limit (uint limit);
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardListItem get_current_item ();
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardListItem get_forward_item ();
+               public GLib.List<weak WebKit.BackForwardListItem> get_forward_list ();
+               public GLib.List<weak WebKit.BackForwardListItem> get_forward_list_with_limit (uint limit);
+               public uint get_length ();
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardListItem get_nth_item (int index);
+               public signal void changed (WebKit.BackForwardListItem? item_added, void* items_removed);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_back_forward_list_item_get_type ()")]
+       public class BackForwardListItem : GLib.InitiallyUnowned {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected BackForwardListItem ();
+               public unowned string get_original_uri ();
+               public unowned string get_title ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_context_menu_get_type ()")]
+       public class ContextMenu : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenu ();
+               public void append (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item);
+               public unowned WebKit.ContextMenuItem first ();
+               public unowned WebKit.ContextMenuItem get_item_at_position (uint position);
+               public unowned GLib.List<WebKit.ContextMenuItem> get_items ();
+               public uint get_n_items ();
+               public void insert (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item, int position);
+               public unowned WebKit.ContextMenuItem last ();
+               public void move_item (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item, int position);
+               public void prepend (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item);
+               public void remove (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item);
+               public void remove_all ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenu.with_items (GLib.List<WebKit.ContextMenuItem> items);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_context_menu_item_get_type ()")]
+       public class ContextMenuItem : GLib.InitiallyUnowned {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem (Gtk.Action action);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem.from_stock_action (WebKit.ContextMenuAction action);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem.from_stock_action_with_label (WebKit.ContextMenuAction action, string label);
+               public unowned Gtk.Action get_action ();
+               public WebKit.ContextMenuAction get_stock_action ();
+               public unowned WebKit.ContextMenu get_submenu ();
+               public bool is_separator ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem.separator ();
+               public void set_submenu (WebKit.ContextMenu? submenu);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem.with_submenu (string label, WebKit.ContextMenu submenu);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_cookie_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public class CookieManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected CookieManager ();
+               public void delete_all_cookies ();
+               public void delete_cookies_for_domain (string domain);
+               public async WebKit.CookieAcceptPolicy get_accept_policy (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public async string[] get_domains_with_cookies (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_accept_policy (WebKit.CookieAcceptPolicy policy);
+               public void set_persistent_storage (string filename, WebKit.CookiePersistentStorage storage);
+               public signal void changed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "webkit_credential_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Credential {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Credential (string username, string password, WebKit.CredentialPersistence persistence);
+               public WebKit.Credential copy ();
+               public void free ();
+               public unowned string get_password ();
+               public WebKit.CredentialPersistence get_persistence ();
+               public unowned string get_username ();
+               public bool has_password ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_download_get_type ()")]
+       public class Download : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Download ();
+               public void cancel ();
+               public unowned string get_destination ();
+               public double get_elapsed_time ();
+               public double get_estimated_progress ();
+               public uint64 get_received_data_length ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIRequest get_request ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIResponse get_response ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebView get_web_view ();
+               public void set_destination (string uri);
+               public string destination { get; }
+               public double estimated_progress { get; }
+               public WebKit.URIResponse response { get; }
+               public signal void created_destination (string destination);
+               public virtual signal bool decide_destination (string suggested_filename);
+               public signal void failed (void* error);
+               public signal void finished ();
+               public signal void received_data (uint64 data_length);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_favicon_database_get_type ()")]
+       public class FaviconDatabase : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FaviconDatabase ();
+               public void clear ();
+               public async Cairo.Surface get_favicon (string page_uri, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public string get_favicon_uri (string page_uri);
+               public signal void favicon_changed (string page_uri, string favicon_uri);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_file_chooser_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class FileChooserRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FileChooserRequest ();
+               public void cancel ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public unowned string[] get_mime_types ();
+               public unowned Gtk.FileFilter get_mime_types_filter ();
+               public bool get_select_multiple ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public unowned string[] get_selected_files ();
+               public void select_files ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] files);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gtk.FileFilter filter { owned get; }
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public string[] mime_types { get; }
+               public bool select_multiple { get; }
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public string[] selected_files { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_find_controller_get_type ()")]
+       public class FindController : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FindController ();
+               public void count_matches (string search_text, uint32 find_options, uint max_match_count);
+               public uint get_max_match_count ();
+               public uint32 get_options ();
+               public unowned string get_search_text ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebView get_web_view ();
+               public void search (string search_text, uint32 find_options, uint max_match_count);
+               public void search_finish ();
+               public void search_next ();
+               public void search_previous ();
+               public uint max_match_count { get; }
+               public WebKit.FindOptions options { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string text { owned get; }
+               public WebKit.WebView web_view { get; construct; }
+               public signal void counted_matches (uint match_count);
+               public signal void failed_to_find_text ();
+               public signal void found_text (uint match_count);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_form_submission_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class FormSubmissionRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FormSubmissionRequest ();
+               public unowned GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> get_text_fields ();
+               public void submit ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_geolocation_permission_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class GeolocationPermissionRequest : GLib.Object, WebKit.PermissionRequest {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected GeolocationPermissionRequest ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_hit_test_result_get_type ()")]
+       public class HitTestResult : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected HitTestResult ();
+               public bool context_is_editable ();
+               public bool context_is_image ();
+               public bool context_is_link ();
+               public bool context_is_media ();
+               public bool context_is_scrollbar ();
+               public uint get_context ();
+               public unowned string get_image_uri ();
+               public unowned string get_link_label ();
+               public unowned string get_link_title ();
+               public unowned string get_link_uri ();
+               public unowned string get_media_uri ();
+               public uint context { get; construct; }
+               public string image_uri { get; construct; }
+               public string link_label { get; construct; }
+               public string link_title { get; construct; }
+               public string link_uri { get; construct; }
+               public string media_uri { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", ref_function = "webkit_javascript_result_ref", type_id = "webkit_javascript_result_get_type ()", unref_function = "webkit_javascript_result_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class JavascriptResult {
+               public WebKit.JavascriptResult @ref ();
+               public void unref ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", ref_function = "webkit_mime_info_ref", type_id = "webkit_mime_info_get_type ()", unref_function = "webkit_mime_info_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MimeInfo {
+               public unowned string get_description ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public unowned string[] get_extensions ();
+               public unowned string get_mime_type ();
+               public WebKit.MimeInfo @ref ();
+               public void unref ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "webkit_navigation_action_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class NavigationAction {
+               public WebKit.NavigationAction copy ();
+               public void free ();
+               public uint get_modifiers ();
+               public uint get_mouse_button ();
+               public WebKit.NavigationType get_navigation_type ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIRequest get_request ();
+               public bool is_user_gesture ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_type ()")]
+       public class NavigationPolicyDecision : WebKit.PolicyDecision {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected NavigationPolicyDecision ();
+               public unowned string get_frame_name ();
+               public uint get_modifiers ();
+               public uint get_mouse_button ();
+               public WebKit.NavigationType get_navigation_type ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIRequest get_request ();
+               public string frame_name { get; }
+               public uint modifiers { get; }
+               public uint mouse_button { get; }
+               public WebKit.NavigationType navigation_type { get; }
+               public WebKit.URIRequest request { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_plugin_get_type ()")]
+       public class Plugin : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Plugin ();
+               public unowned string get_description ();
+               public unowned GLib.List<WebKit.MimeInfo> get_mime_info_list ();
+               public unowned string get_name ();
+               public unowned string get_path ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_policy_decision_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class PolicyDecision : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected PolicyDecision ();
+               public void download ();
+               public void ignore ();
+               public void use ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_print_operation_get_type ()")]
+       public class PrintOperation : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public PrintOperation (WebKit.WebView web_view);
+               public unowned Gtk.PageSetup get_page_setup ();
+               public unowned Gtk.PrintSettings get_print_settings ();
+               public void print ();
+               public WebKit.PrintOperationResponse run_dialog (Gtk.Window? parent);
+               public void set_page_setup (Gtk.PageSetup page_setup);
+               public void set_print_settings (Gtk.PrintSettings print_settings);
+               public Gtk.PageSetup page_setup { get; set; }
+               public Gtk.PrintSettings print_settings { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public WebKit.WebView web_view { owned get; construct; }
+               public signal void failed (void* error);
+               public signal void finished ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_response_policy_decision_get_type ()")]
+       public class ResponsePolicyDecision : WebKit.PolicyDecision {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ResponsePolicyDecision ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIRequest get_request ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIResponse get_response ();
+               public bool is_mime_type_supported ();
+               public WebKit.URIRequest request { get; }
+               public WebKit.URIResponse response { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "webkit_script_dialog_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ScriptDialog {
+               public void confirm_set_confirmed (bool confirmed);
+               public WebKit.ScriptDialogType get_dialog_type ();
+               public unowned string get_message ();
+               public unowned string prompt_get_default_text ();
+               public void prompt_set_text (string text);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_security_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public class SecurityManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected SecurityManager ();
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_cors_enabled (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_display_isolated (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_empty_document (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_local (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_no_access (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_secure (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_cors_enabled (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_display_isolated (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_empty_document (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_local (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_no_access (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_secure (string scheme);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_settings_get_type ()")]
+       public class Settings : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Settings ();
+               public bool get_allow_modal_dialogs ();
+               public bool get_auto_load_images ();
+               public unowned string get_cursive_font_family ();
+               public unowned string get_default_charset ();
+               public unowned string get_default_font_family ();
+               public uint32 get_default_font_size ();
+               public uint32 get_default_monospace_font_size ();
+               public bool get_draw_compositing_indicators ();
+               public bool get_enable_accelerated_2d_canvas ();
+               public bool get_enable_caret_browsing ();
+               public bool get_enable_developer_extras ();
+               public bool get_enable_dns_prefetching ();
+               public bool get_enable_frame_flattening ();
+               public bool get_enable_fullscreen ();
+               public bool get_enable_html5_database ();
+               public bool get_enable_html5_local_storage ();
+               public bool get_enable_hyperlink_auditing ();
+               public bool get_enable_java ();
+               public bool get_enable_javascript ();
+               public bool get_enable_media_stream ();
+               public bool get_enable_mediasource ();
+               public bool get_enable_offline_web_application_cache ();
+               public bool get_enable_page_cache ();
+               public bool get_enable_plugins ();
+               public bool get_enable_private_browsing ();
+               public bool get_enable_resizable_text_areas ();
+               public bool get_enable_site_specific_quirks ();
+               public bool get_enable_smooth_scrolling ();
+               public bool get_enable_spatial_navigation ();
+               public bool get_enable_tabs_to_links ();
+               public bool get_enable_webaudio ();
+               public bool get_enable_webgl ();
+               public bool get_enable_write_console_messages_to_stdout ();
+               public bool get_enable_xss_auditor ();
+               public unowned string get_fantasy_font_family ();
+               public bool get_javascript_can_access_clipboard ();
+               public bool get_javascript_can_open_windows_automatically ();
+               public bool get_load_icons_ignoring_image_load_setting ();
+               public bool get_media_playback_allows_inline ();
+               public bool get_media_playback_requires_user_gesture ();
+               public uint32 get_minimum_font_size ();
+               public unowned string get_monospace_font_family ();
+               public unowned string get_pictograph_font_family ();
+               public bool get_print_backgrounds ();
+               public unowned string get_sans_serif_font_family ();
+               public unowned string get_serif_font_family ();
+               public unowned string get_user_agent ();
+               public bool get_zoom_text_only ();
+               public void set_allow_modal_dialogs (bool allowed);
+               public void set_auto_load_images (bool enabled);
+               public void set_cursive_font_family (string cursive_font_family);
+               public void set_default_charset (string default_charset);
+               public void set_default_font_family (string default_font_family);
+               public void set_default_font_size (uint32 font_size);
+               public void set_default_monospace_font_size (uint32 font_size);
+               public void set_draw_compositing_indicators (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_accelerated_2d_canvas (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_caret_browsing (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_developer_extras (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_dns_prefetching (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_frame_flattening (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_fullscreen (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_html5_database (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_html5_local_storage (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_hyperlink_auditing (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_java (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_javascript (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_media_stream (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_mediasource (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_offline_web_application_cache (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_page_cache (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_plugins (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_private_browsing (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_resizable_text_areas (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_site_specific_quirks (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_smooth_scrolling (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_spatial_navigation (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_tabs_to_links (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_webaudio (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_webgl (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_write_console_messages_to_stdout (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_xss_auditor (bool enabled);
+               public void set_fantasy_font_family (string fantasy_font_family);
+               public void set_javascript_can_access_clipboard (bool enabled);
+               public void set_javascript_can_open_windows_automatically (bool enabled);
+               public void set_load_icons_ignoring_image_load_setting (bool enabled);
+               public void set_media_playback_allows_inline (bool enabled);
+               public void set_media_playback_requires_user_gesture (bool enabled);
+               public void set_minimum_font_size (uint32 font_size);
+               public void set_monospace_font_family (string monospace_font_family);
+               public void set_pictograph_font_family (string pictograph_font_family);
+               public void set_print_backgrounds (bool print_backgrounds);
+               public void set_sans_serif_font_family (string sans_serif_font_family);
+               public void set_serif_font_family (string serif_font_family);
+               public void set_user_agent (string? user_agent);
+               public void set_user_agent_with_application_details (string? application_name, string? application_version);
+               public void set_zoom_text_only (bool zoom_text_only);
+               public bool allow_modal_dialogs { get; set construct; }
+               public bool auto_load_images { get; set construct; }
+               public string cursive_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public string default_charset { get; set construct; }
+               public string default_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public uint default_font_size { get; set construct; }
+               public uint default_monospace_font_size { get; set construct; }
+               public bool draw_compositing_indicators { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_accelerated_2d_canvas { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_caret_browsing { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_developer_extras { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_dns_prefetching { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_frame_flattening { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_fullscreen { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_html5_database { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_html5_local_storage { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_hyperlink_auditing { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_java { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_javascript { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_media_stream { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_mediasource { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_offline_web_application_cache { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_page_cache { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_plugins { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_private_browsing { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_resizable_text_areas { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_site_specific_quirks { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_smooth_scrolling { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_spatial_navigation { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_tabs_to_links { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_webaudio { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_webgl { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_write_console_messages_to_stdout { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_xss_auditor { get; set construct; }
+               public string fantasy_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public bool javascript_can_access_clipboard { get; set construct; }
+               public bool javascript_can_open_windows_automatically { get; set construct; }
+               public bool load_icons_ignoring_image_load_setting { get; set construct; }
+               public bool media_playback_allows_inline { get; set construct; }
+               public bool media_playback_requires_user_gesture { get; set construct; }
+               public uint minimum_font_size { get; set construct; }
+               public string monospace_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public string pictograph_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public bool print_backgrounds { get; set construct; }
+               public string sans_serif_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public string serif_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public string user_agent { get; set construct; }
+               public bool zoom_text_only { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_uri_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class URIRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public URIRequest (string uri);
+               public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders get_http_headers ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public void set_uri (string uri);
+               public string uri { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_uri_response_get_type ()")]
+       public class URIResponse : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected URIResponse ();
+               public uint64 get_content_length ();
+               public unowned string get_mime_type ();
+               public uint get_status_code ();
+               public unowned string get_suggested_filename ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public uint64 content_length { get; }
+               public string mime_type { get; }
+               public uint status_code { get; }
+               public string suggested_filename { get; }
+               public string uri { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_uri_scheme_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class URISchemeRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected URISchemeRequest ();
+               public void finish (GLib.InputStream stream, int64 stream_length, string? mime_type);
+               public void finish_error (GLib.Error error);
+               public unowned string get_path ();
+               public unowned string get_scheme ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebView get_web_view ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_user_content_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public class UserContentManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public UserContentManager ();
+               public void add_style_sheet (WebKit.UserStyleSheet stylesheet);
+               public void remove_all_style_sheets ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", ref_function = "webkit_user_style_sheet_ref", type_id = "webkit_user_style_sheet_get_type ()", unref_function = "webkit_user_style_sheet_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class UserStyleSheet {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public UserStyleSheet (string source, WebKit.UserContentInjectedFrames injected_frames, WebKit.UserStyleLevel level, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? whitelist, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? blacklist);
+               public WebKit.UserStyleSheet @ref ();
+               public void unref ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_context_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebContext : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected WebContext ();
+               public void allow_tls_certificate_for_host (GLib.TlsCertificate certificate, string host);
+               public void clear_cache ();
+               public WebKit.Download download_uri (string uri);
+               public WebKit.CacheModel get_cache_model ();
+               public unowned WebKit.CookieManager get_cookie_manager ();
+               public static unowned WebKit.WebContext get_default ();
+               public unowned WebKit.FaviconDatabase get_favicon_database ();
+               public unowned string get_favicon_database_directory ();
+               public async GLib.List<WebKit.Plugin> get_plugins (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public WebKit.ProcessModel get_process_model ();
+               public unowned WebKit.SecurityManager get_security_manager ();
+               public bool get_spell_checking_enabled ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public unowned string[] get_spell_checking_languages ();
+               public WebKit.TLSErrorsPolicy get_tls_errors_policy ();
+               public void prefetch_dns (string hostname);
+               public void register_uri_scheme (string scheme, owned WebKit.URISchemeRequestCallback callback);
+               public void set_additional_plugins_directory (string directory);
+               public void set_cache_model (WebKit.CacheModel cache_model);
+               public void set_disk_cache_directory (string directory);
+               public void set_favicon_database_directory (string? path);
+               public void set_preferred_languages ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? languages);
+               public void set_process_model (WebKit.ProcessModel process_model);
+               public void set_spell_checking_enabled (bool enabled);
+               public void set_spell_checking_languages ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] languages);
+               public void set_tls_errors_policy (WebKit.TLSErrorsPolicy policy);
+               public void set_web_extensions_directory (string directory);
+               public void set_web_extensions_initialization_user_data (GLib.Variant user_data);
+               public signal void download_started (WebKit.Download download);
+               public signal void initialize_web_extensions ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_inspector_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebInspector : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected WebInspector ();
+               public void close ();
+               public uint get_attached_height ();
+               public unowned string get_inspected_uri ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebViewBase get_web_view ();
+               public bool is_attached ();
+               public void show ();
+               public uint attached_height { get; }
+               public string inspected_uri { get; }
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public signal bool attach ();
+               public signal bool bring_to_front ();
+               public signal void closed ();
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public signal bool detach ();
+               public signal bool open_window ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_resource_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebResource : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected WebResource ();
+               public async uint8[] get_data (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned WebKit.URIResponse get_response ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public WebKit.URIResponse response { get; }
+               public string uri { get; }
+               public signal void failed (void* error);
+               public signal void finished ();
+               public signal void received_data (uint64 data_length);
+               public signal void sent_request (WebKit.URIRequest request, WebKit.URIResponse redirected_response);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_view_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebView : WebKit.WebViewBase, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+               public WebView ();
+               public async bool can_execute_editing_command (string command, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool can_go_back ();
+               public bool can_go_forward ();
+               public bool can_show_mime_type (string mime_type);
+               public WebKit.Download download_uri (string uri);
+               public void execute_editing_command (string command);
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardList get_back_forward_list ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebContext get_context ();
+               public unowned string get_custom_charset ();
+               public double get_estimated_load_progress ();
+               public unowned Cairo.Surface get_favicon ();
+               public unowned WebKit.FindController get_find_controller ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebInspector get_inspector ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebResource get_main_resource ();
+               public uint64 get_page_id ();
+               public unowned WebKit.Settings get_settings ();
+               public async Cairo.Surface get_snapshot (WebKit.SnapshotRegion region, WebKit.SnapshotOptions options, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string get_title ();
+               public bool get_tls_info (out unowned GLib.TlsCertificate certificate, out GLib.TlsCertificateFlags errors);
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public unowned WebKit.UserContentManager get_user_content_manager ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WindowProperties get_window_properties ();
+               public double get_zoom_level ();
+               public void go_back ();
+               public void go_forward ();
+               public void go_to_back_forward_list_item (WebKit.BackForwardListItem list_item);
+               public void load_alternate_html (string content, string content_uri, string? base_uri);
+               public void load_bytes (GLib.Bytes bytes, string? mime_type, string? encoding, string? base_uri);
+               public void load_html (string content, string? base_uri);
+               public void load_plain_text (string plain_text);
+               public void load_request (WebKit.URIRequest request);
+               public void load_uri (string uri);
+               public Gtk.Widget new_with_related_view ();
+               public void reload ();
+               public void reload_bypass_cache ();
+               public async WebKit.JavascriptResult run_javascript (string script, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public async WebKit.JavascriptResult run_javascript_from_gresource (string resource, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public async GLib.InputStream save (WebKit.SaveMode save_mode, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public async bool save_to_file (GLib.File file, WebKit.SaveMode save_mode, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_custom_charset (string? charset);
+               public void set_settings (WebKit.Settings settings);
+               public void set_zoom_level (double zoom_level);
+               public void stop_loading ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+               public WebView.with_context (WebKit.WebContext context);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+               public WebView.with_settings (WebKit.Settings settings);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+               public WebView.with_user_content_manager (WebKit.UserContentManager user_content_manager);
+               public double estimated_load_progress { get; }
+               public void* favicon { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool is_loading { get; }
+               public WebKit.WebView related_view { construct; }
+               public WebKit.Settings settings { set construct; }
+               public string title { get; }
+               public string uri { get; }
+               public WebKit.UserContentManager user_content_manager { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public WebKit.WebContext web_context { owned get; construct; }
+               public double zoom_level { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal bool authenticate (WebKit.AuthenticationRequest request);
+               public virtual signal void close ();
+               public virtual signal bool context_menu (WebKit.ContextMenu context_menu, Gdk.Event event, WebKit.HitTestResult hit_test_result);
+               public virtual signal void context_menu_dismissed ();
+               public signal Gtk.Widget create (WebKit.NavigationAction navigation_action);
+               public virtual signal bool decide_policy (WebKit.PolicyDecision decision, WebKit.PolicyDecisionType type);
+               public virtual signal bool enter_fullscreen ();
+               public virtual signal void insecure_content_detected (WebKit.InsecureContentEvent event);
+               public virtual signal bool leave_fullscreen ();
+               public virtual signal void load_changed (WebKit.LoadEvent load_event);
+               public virtual signal bool load_failed (WebKit.LoadEvent load_event, string failing_uri, void* error);
+               public virtual signal bool load_failed_with_tls_errors (GLib.TlsCertificate certificate, GLib.TlsCertificateFlags errors, string host);
+               public virtual signal void mouse_target_changed (WebKit.HitTestResult hit_test_result, uint modifiers);
+               public virtual signal bool permission_request (WebKit.PermissionRequest permission_request);
+               public virtual signal bool print (WebKit.PrintOperation print_operation);
+               public virtual signal void ready_to_show ();
+               public virtual signal void resource_load_started (WebKit.WebResource resource, WebKit.URIRequest request);
+               public virtual signal void run_as_modal ();
+               public virtual signal bool run_file_chooser (WebKit.FileChooserRequest request);
+               public virtual signal bool script_dialog (WebKit.ScriptDialog dialog);
+               public virtual signal void submit_form (WebKit.FormSubmissionRequest request);
+               public virtual signal bool web_process_crashed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_view_base_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebViewBase : Gtk.Container, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected WebViewBase ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_window_properties_get_type ()")]
+       public class WindowProperties : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected WindowProperties ();
+               public bool get_fullscreen ();
+               public Gdk.Rectangle get_geometry ();
+               public bool get_locationbar_visible ();
+               public bool get_menubar_visible ();
+               public bool get_resizable ();
+               public bool get_scrollbars_visible ();
+               public bool get_statusbar_visible ();
+               public bool get_toolbar_visible ();
+               public bool fullscreen { get; construct; }
+               public Cairo.RectangleInt geometry { get; construct; }
+               public bool locationbar_visible { get; construct; }
+               public bool menubar_visible { get; construct; }
+               public bool resizable { get; construct; }
+               public bool scrollbars_visible { get; construct; }
+               public bool statusbar_visible { get; construct; }
+               public bool toolbar_visible { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_permission_request_get_type ()")]
+       public interface PermissionRequest : GLib.Object {
+               public abstract void allow ();
+               public abstract void deny ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_", type_id = "webkit_authentication_scheme_get_type ()")]
+       public enum AuthenticationScheme {
+               DEFAULT,
+               HTTP_BASIC,
+               HTTP_DIGEST,
+               HTML_FORM,
+               NTLM,
+               NEGOTIATE,
+               UNKNOWN
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_CACHE_MODEL_", type_id = "webkit_cache_model_get_type ()")]
+       public enum CacheModel {
+               DOCUMENT_VIEWER,
+               WEB_BROWSER,
+               DOCUMENT_BROWSER
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_", type_id = "webkit_context_menu_action_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ContextMenuAction {
+               NO_ACTION,
+               OPEN_LINK,
+               OPEN_LINK_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               DOWNLOAD_LINK_TO_DISK,
+               COPY_LINK_TO_CLIPBOARD,
+               OPEN_IMAGE_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_TO_DISK,
+               COPY_IMAGE_TO_CLIPBOARD,
+               OPEN_FRAME_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               GO_BACK,
+               GO_FORWARD,
+               STOP,
+               RELOAD,
+               COPY,
+               CUT,
+               PASTE,
+               DELETE,
+               SELECT_ALL,
+               INPUT_METHODS,
+               UNICODE,
+               SPELLING_GUESS,
+               NO_GUESSES_FOUND,
+               IGNORE_SPELLING,
+               LEARN_SPELLING,
+               IGNORE_GRAMMAR,
+               FONT_MENU,
+               BOLD,
+               ITALIC,
+               UNDERLINE,
+               OUTLINE,
+               INSPECT_ELEMENT,
+               OPEN_VIDEO_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               OPEN_AUDIO_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               TOGGLE_MEDIA_CONTROLS,
+               TOGGLE_MEDIA_LOOP,
+               MEDIA_PLAY,
+               MEDIA_PAUSE,
+               MEDIA_MUTE,
+               DOWNLOAD_VIDEO_TO_DISK,
+               DOWNLOAD_AUDIO_TO_DISK,
+               CUSTOM
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_COOKIE_POLICY_ACCEPT_", type_id = "webkit_cookie_accept_policy_get_type ()")]
+       public enum CookieAcceptPolicy {
+               ALWAYS,
+               NEVER,
+               NO_THIRD_PARTY
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_COOKIE_PERSISTENT_STORAGE_", type_id = "webkit_cookie_persistent_storage_get_type ()")]
+       public enum CookiePersistentStorage {
+               TEXT,
+               SQLITE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_CREDENTIAL_PERSISTENCE_", type_id = "webkit_credential_persistence_get_type ()")]
+       public enum CredentialPersistence {
+               NONE,
+               FOR_SESSION,
+               PERMANENT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_FIND_OPTIONS_", type_id = "webkit_find_options_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum FindOptions {
+               NONE,
+               CASE_INSENSITIVE,
+               AT_WORD_STARTS,
+               BACKWARDS,
+               WRAP_AROUND
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_", type_id = "webkit_hit_test_result_context_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum HitTestResultContext {
+               DOCUMENT,
+               LINK,
+               IMAGE,
+               MEDIA,
+               EDITABLE,
+               SCROLLBAR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_INSECURE_CONTENT_", type_id = "webkit_insecure_content_event_get_type ()")]
+       public enum InsecureContentEvent {
+               RUN,
+               DISPLAYED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_LOAD_", type_id = "webkit_load_event_get_type ()")]
+       public enum LoadEvent {
+               STARTED,
+               REDIRECTED,
+               COMMITTED,
+               FINISHED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_NAVIGATION_TYPE_", type_id = "webkit_navigation_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum NavigationType {
+               LINK_CLICKED,
+               FORM_SUBMITTED,
+               BACK_FORWARD,
+               RELOAD,
+               FORM_RESUBMITTED,
+               OTHER
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_POLICY_DECISION_TYPE_", type_id = "webkit_policy_decision_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum PolicyDecisionType {
+               NAVIGATION_ACTION,
+               NEW_WINDOW_ACTION,
+               RESPONSE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_PRINT_OPERATION_RESPONSE_", type_id = "webkit_print_operation_response_get_type ()")]
+       public enum PrintOperationResponse {
+               PRINT,
+               CANCEL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_PROCESS_MODEL_", type_id = "webkit_process_model_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ProcessModel {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SAVE_MODE_", type_id = "webkit_save_mode_get_type ()")]
+       public enum SaveMode {
+               MHTML
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_", type_id = "webkit_script_dialog_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ScriptDialogType {
+               ALERT,
+               CONFIRM,
+               PROMPT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SNAPSHOT_OPTIONS_", type_id = "webkit_snapshot_options_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum SnapshotOptions {
+               NONE,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SNAPSHOT_REGION_", type_id = "webkit_snapshot_region_get_type ()")]
+       public enum SnapshotRegion {
+               VISIBLE,
+               FULL_DOCUMENT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_TLS_ERRORS_POLICY_", type_id = "webkit_tls_errors_policy_get_type ()")]
+       public enum TLSErrorsPolicy {
+               IGNORE,
+               FAIL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_USER_CONTENT_INJECT_", type_id = "webkit_user_content_injected_frames_get_type ()")]
+       public enum UserContentInjectedFrames {
+               ALL_FRAMES,
+               TOP_FRAME
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_USER_STYLE_LEVEL_", type_id = "webkit_user_style_level_get_type ()")]
+       public enum UserStyleLevel {
+               USER,
+               AUTHOR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain DownloadError {
+               NETWORK,
+               CANCELLED_BY_USER,
+               DESTINATION;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_FAVICON_DATABASE_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain FaviconDatabaseError {
+               NOT_INITIALIZED,
+               FAVICON_NOT_FOUND,
+               FAVICON_UNKNOWN;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_SCRIPT_")]
+       public errordomain JavascriptError {
+               FAILED;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain NetworkError {
+               FAILED,
+               TRANSPORT,
+               UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL,
+               CANCELLED,
+               FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_PLUGIN_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain PluginError {
+               FAILED,
+               CANNOT_FIND_PLUGIN,
+               CANNOT_LOAD_PLUGIN,
+               JAVA_UNAVAILABLE,
+               WILL_HANDLE_LOAD;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_POLICY_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain PolicyError {
+               FAILED,
+               CANNOT_SHOW_MIME_TYPE,
+               CANNOT_SHOW_URI,
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_PRINT_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain PrintError {
+               GENERAL,
+               PRINTER_NOT_FOUND,
+               INVALID_PAGE_RANGE;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SNAPSHOT_ERROR_FAILED_TO_")]
+       public errordomain SnapshotError {
+               CREATE;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", instance_pos = 1.9)]
+       public delegate void URISchemeRequestCallback (WebKit.URISchemeRequest request);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_COPY")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_COPY;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_CUT")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_CUT;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_PASTE")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_PASTE;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_REDO")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_REDO;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_SELECT_ALL")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_SELECT_ALL;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_UNDO")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_UNDO;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_MAJOR_VERSION")]
+       public const int MAJOR_VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_MICRO_VERSION")]
+       public const int MICRO_VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_MINOR_VERSION")]
+       public const int MINOR_VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h")]
+       public static uint get_major_version ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h")]
+       public static uint get_micro_version ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h")]
+       public static uint get_minor_version ();
diff --git a/src/vapi/webkit2gtk-4.0.vapi b/src/vapi/webkit2gtk-4.0.vapi
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f9e76a3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1069 @@
+/* webkit2gtk-4.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+[CCode (cprefix = "WebKit", gir_namespace = "WebKit2", gir_version = "4.0", lower_case_cprefix = "webkit_")]
+namespace WebKit {
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_authentication_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class AuthenticationRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected AuthenticationRequest ();
+               public void authenticate (WebKit.Credential? credential);
+               public bool can_save_credentials ();
+               public void cancel ();
+               public unowned string get_host ();
+               public uint get_port ();
+               public WebKit.Credential get_proposed_credential ();
+               public unowned string get_realm ();
+               public WebKit.AuthenticationScheme get_scheme ();
+               public bool is_for_proxy ();
+               public bool is_retry ();
+               public signal void cancelled ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_back_forward_list_get_type ()")]
+       public class BackForwardList : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected BackForwardList ();
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardListItem get_back_item ();
+               public GLib.List<weak WebKit.BackForwardListItem> get_back_list ();
+               public GLib.List<weak WebKit.BackForwardListItem> get_back_list_with_limit (uint limit);
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardListItem get_current_item ();
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardListItem get_forward_item ();
+               public GLib.List<weak WebKit.BackForwardListItem> get_forward_list ();
+               public GLib.List<weak WebKit.BackForwardListItem> get_forward_list_with_limit (uint limit);
+               public uint get_length ();
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardListItem get_nth_item (int index);
+               public signal void changed (WebKit.BackForwardListItem? item_added, void* items_removed);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_back_forward_list_item_get_type ()")]
+       public class BackForwardListItem : GLib.InitiallyUnowned {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected BackForwardListItem ();
+               public unowned string get_original_uri ();
+               public unowned string get_title ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_color_chooser_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class ColorChooserRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ColorChooserRequest ();
+               public void cancel ();
+               public void finish ();
+               public Gdk.Rectangle get_element_rectangle ();
+               public Gdk.RGBA get_rgba ();
+               public void set_rgba (Gdk.RGBA rgba);
+               public Gdk.RGBA rgba { get; set construct; }
+               public signal void finished ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_context_menu_get_type ()")]
+       public class ContextMenu : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenu ();
+               public void append (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item);
+               public unowned WebKit.ContextMenuItem first ();
+               public unowned WebKit.ContextMenuItem get_item_at_position (uint position);
+               public unowned GLib.List<WebKit.ContextMenuItem> get_items ();
+               public uint get_n_items ();
+               public unowned GLib.Variant get_user_data ();
+               public void insert (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item, int position);
+               public unowned WebKit.ContextMenuItem last ();
+               public void move_item (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item, int position);
+               public void prepend (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item);
+               public void remove (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item);
+               public void remove_all ();
+               public void set_user_data (GLib.Variant user_data);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenu.with_items (GLib.List<WebKit.ContextMenuItem> items);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_context_menu_item_get_type ()")]
+       public class ContextMenuItem : GLib.InitiallyUnowned {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem (Gtk.Action action);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem.from_stock_action (WebKit.ContextMenuAction action);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem.from_stock_action_with_label (WebKit.ContextMenuAction action, string label);
+               public unowned Gtk.Action get_action ();
+               public WebKit.ContextMenuAction get_stock_action ();
+               public unowned WebKit.ContextMenu get_submenu ();
+               public bool is_separator ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem.separator ();
+               public void set_submenu (WebKit.ContextMenu? submenu);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public ContextMenuItem.with_submenu (string label, WebKit.ContextMenu submenu);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_cookie_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public class CookieManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected CookieManager ();
+               public void delete_all_cookies ();
+               public void delete_cookies_for_domain (string domain);
+               public async WebKit.CookieAcceptPolicy get_accept_policy (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public async string[] get_domains_with_cookies (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_accept_policy (WebKit.CookieAcceptPolicy policy);
+               public void set_persistent_storage (string filename, WebKit.CookiePersistentStorage storage);
+               public signal void changed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "webkit_credential_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class Credential {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Credential (string username, string password, WebKit.CredentialPersistence persistence);
+               public WebKit.Credential copy ();
+               public void free ();
+               public unowned string get_password ();
+               public WebKit.CredentialPersistence get_persistence ();
+               public unowned string get_username ();
+               public bool has_password ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_download_get_type ()")]
+       public class Download : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Download ();
+               public void cancel ();
+               public bool get_allow_overwrite ();
+               public unowned string get_destination ();
+               public double get_elapsed_time ();
+               public double get_estimated_progress ();
+               public uint64 get_received_data_length ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIRequest get_request ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIResponse get_response ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebView get_web_view ();
+               public void set_allow_overwrite (bool allowed);
+               public void set_destination (string uri);
+               public bool allow_overwrite { get; set; }
+               public string destination { get; }
+               public double estimated_progress { get; }
+               public WebKit.URIResponse response { get; }
+               public signal void created_destination (string destination);
+               public virtual signal bool decide_destination (string suggested_filename);
+               public signal void failed (void* error);
+               public signal void finished ();
+               public signal void received_data (uint64 data_length);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_favicon_database_get_type ()")]
+       public class FaviconDatabase : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FaviconDatabase ();
+               public void clear ();
+               public async Cairo.Surface get_favicon (string page_uri, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public string get_favicon_uri (string page_uri);
+               public signal void favicon_changed (string page_uri, string favicon_uri);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_file_chooser_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class FileChooserRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FileChooserRequest ();
+               public void cancel ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public unowned string[] get_mime_types ();
+               public unowned Gtk.FileFilter get_mime_types_filter ();
+               public bool get_select_multiple ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public unowned string[] get_selected_files ();
+               public void select_files ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] files);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public Gtk.FileFilter filter { owned get; }
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public string[] mime_types { get; }
+               public bool select_multiple { get; }
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public string[] selected_files { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_find_controller_get_type ()")]
+       public class FindController : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FindController ();
+               public void count_matches (string search_text, uint32 find_options, uint max_match_count);
+               public uint get_max_match_count ();
+               public uint32 get_options ();
+               public unowned string get_search_text ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebView get_web_view ();
+               public void search (string search_text, uint32 find_options, uint max_match_count);
+               public void search_finish ();
+               public void search_next ();
+               public void search_previous ();
+               public uint max_match_count { get; }
+               public WebKit.FindOptions options { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string text { owned get; }
+               public WebKit.WebView web_view { get; construct; }
+               public signal void counted_matches (uint match_count);
+               public signal void failed_to_find_text ();
+               public signal void found_text (uint match_count);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_form_submission_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class FormSubmissionRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected FormSubmissionRequest ();
+               public unowned GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> get_text_fields ();
+               public void submit ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_geolocation_permission_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class GeolocationPermissionRequest : GLib.Object, WebKit.PermissionRequest {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected GeolocationPermissionRequest ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_hit_test_result_get_type ()")]
+       public class HitTestResult : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected HitTestResult ();
+               public bool context_is_editable ();
+               public bool context_is_image ();
+               public bool context_is_link ();
+               public bool context_is_media ();
+               public bool context_is_scrollbar ();
+               public bool context_is_selection ();
+               public uint get_context ();
+               public unowned string get_image_uri ();
+               public unowned string get_link_label ();
+               public unowned string get_link_title ();
+               public unowned string get_link_uri ();
+               public unowned string get_media_uri ();
+               public uint context { get; construct; }
+               public string image_uri { get; construct; }
+               public string link_label { get; construct; }
+               public string link_title { get; construct; }
+               public string link_uri { get; construct; }
+               public string media_uri { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", ref_function = "webkit_javascript_result_ref", type_id = "webkit_javascript_result_get_type ()", unref_function = "webkit_javascript_result_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class JavascriptResult {
+               public WebKit.JavascriptResult @ref ();
+               public void unref ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", ref_function = "webkit_mime_info_ref", type_id = "webkit_mime_info_get_type ()", unref_function = "webkit_mime_info_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class MimeInfo {
+               public unowned string get_description ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public unowned string[] get_extensions ();
+               public unowned string get_mime_type ();
+               public WebKit.MimeInfo @ref ();
+               public void unref ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "webkit_navigation_action_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class NavigationAction {
+               public WebKit.NavigationAction copy ();
+               public void free ();
+               public uint get_modifiers ();
+               public uint get_mouse_button ();
+               public WebKit.NavigationType get_navigation_type ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIRequest get_request ();
+               public bool is_user_gesture ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_type ()")]
+       public class NavigationPolicyDecision : WebKit.PolicyDecision {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected NavigationPolicyDecision ();
+               public unowned string get_frame_name ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "2.6")]
+               public uint get_modifiers ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "2.6")]
+               public uint get_mouse_button ();
+               public unowned WebKit.NavigationAction get_navigation_action ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "2.6")]
+               public WebKit.NavigationType get_navigation_type ();
+               [Deprecated (since = "2.6")]
+               public unowned WebKit.URIRequest get_request ();
+               public string frame_name { get; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "2.6")]
+               public uint modifiers { get; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "2.6")]
+               public uint mouse_button { get; }
+               public WebKit.NavigationAction navigation_action { get; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "2.6")]
+               public WebKit.NavigationType navigation_type { get; }
+               [Deprecated (since = "2.6")]
+               public WebKit.URIRequest request { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_notification_get_type ()")]
+       public class Notification : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Notification ();
+               public void close ();
+               public unowned string get_body ();
+               public uint64 get_id ();
+               public unowned string get_title ();
+               public string body { get; }
+               public uint64 id { get; }
+               public string title { get; }
+               public signal void closed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_notification_permission_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class NotificationPermissionRequest : GLib.Object, WebKit.PermissionRequest {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected NotificationPermissionRequest ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_plugin_get_type ()")]
+       public class Plugin : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected Plugin ();
+               public unowned string get_description ();
+               public unowned GLib.List<WebKit.MimeInfo> get_mime_info_list ();
+               public unowned string get_name ();
+               public unowned string get_path ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_policy_decision_get_type ()")]
+       public abstract class PolicyDecision : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected PolicyDecision ();
+               public void download ();
+               public void ignore ();
+               public void use ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_print_operation_get_type ()")]
+       public class PrintOperation : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public PrintOperation (WebKit.WebView web_view);
+               public unowned Gtk.PageSetup get_page_setup ();
+               public unowned Gtk.PrintSettings get_print_settings ();
+               public void print ();
+               public WebKit.PrintOperationResponse run_dialog (Gtk.Window? parent);
+               public void set_page_setup (Gtk.PageSetup page_setup);
+               public void set_print_settings (Gtk.PrintSettings print_settings);
+               public Gtk.PageSetup page_setup { get; set; }
+               public Gtk.PrintSettings print_settings { get; set; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public WebKit.WebView web_view { owned get; construct; }
+               public signal void failed (void* error);
+               public signal void finished ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_response_policy_decision_get_type ()")]
+       public class ResponsePolicyDecision : WebKit.PolicyDecision {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected ResponsePolicyDecision ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIRequest get_request ();
+               public unowned WebKit.URIResponse get_response ();
+               public bool is_mime_type_supported ();
+               public WebKit.URIRequest request { get; }
+               public WebKit.URIResponse response { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "webkit_script_dialog_get_type ()")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class ScriptDialog {
+               public void confirm_set_confirmed (bool confirmed);
+               public WebKit.ScriptDialogType get_dialog_type ();
+               public unowned string get_message ();
+               public unowned string prompt_get_default_text ();
+               public void prompt_set_text (string text);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_security_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public class SecurityManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected SecurityManager ();
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_cors_enabled (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_display_isolated (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_empty_document (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_local (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_no_access (string scheme);
+               public void register_uri_scheme_as_secure (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_cors_enabled (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_display_isolated (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_empty_document (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_local (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_no_access (string scheme);
+               public bool uri_scheme_is_secure (string scheme);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_settings_get_type ()")]
+       public class Settings : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public Settings ();
+               public bool get_allow_modal_dialogs ();
+               public bool get_auto_load_images ();
+               public unowned string get_cursive_font_family ();
+               public unowned string get_default_charset ();
+               public unowned string get_default_font_family ();
+               public uint32 get_default_font_size ();
+               public uint32 get_default_monospace_font_size ();
+               public bool get_draw_compositing_indicators ();
+               public bool get_enable_accelerated_2d_canvas ();
+               public bool get_enable_caret_browsing ();
+               public bool get_enable_developer_extras ();
+               public bool get_enable_dns_prefetching ();
+               public bool get_enable_frame_flattening ();
+               public bool get_enable_fullscreen ();
+               public bool get_enable_html5_database ();
+               public bool get_enable_html5_local_storage ();
+               public bool get_enable_hyperlink_auditing ();
+               public bool get_enable_java ();
+               public bool get_enable_javascript ();
+               public bool get_enable_media_stream ();
+               public bool get_enable_mediasource ();
+               public bool get_enable_offline_web_application_cache ();
+               public bool get_enable_page_cache ();
+               public bool get_enable_plugins ();
+               public bool get_enable_private_browsing ();
+               public bool get_enable_resizable_text_areas ();
+               public bool get_enable_site_specific_quirks ();
+               public bool get_enable_smooth_scrolling ();
+               public bool get_enable_spatial_navigation ();
+               public bool get_enable_tabs_to_links ();
+               public bool get_enable_webaudio ();
+               public bool get_enable_webgl ();
+               public bool get_enable_write_console_messages_to_stdout ();
+               public bool get_enable_xss_auditor ();
+               public unowned string get_fantasy_font_family ();
+               public bool get_javascript_can_access_clipboard ();
+               public bool get_javascript_can_open_windows_automatically ();
+               public bool get_load_icons_ignoring_image_load_setting ();
+               public bool get_media_playback_allows_inline ();
+               public bool get_media_playback_requires_user_gesture ();
+               public uint32 get_minimum_font_size ();
+               public unowned string get_monospace_font_family ();
+               public unowned string get_pictograph_font_family ();
+               public bool get_print_backgrounds ();
+               public unowned string get_sans_serif_font_family ();
+               public unowned string get_serif_font_family ();
+               public unowned string get_user_agent ();
+               public bool get_zoom_text_only ();
+               public void set_allow_modal_dialogs (bool allowed);
+               public void set_auto_load_images (bool enabled);
+               public void set_cursive_font_family (string cursive_font_family);
+               public void set_default_charset (string default_charset);
+               public void set_default_font_family (string default_font_family);
+               public void set_default_font_size (uint32 font_size);
+               public void set_default_monospace_font_size (uint32 font_size);
+               public void set_draw_compositing_indicators (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_accelerated_2d_canvas (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_caret_browsing (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_developer_extras (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_dns_prefetching (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_frame_flattening (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_fullscreen (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_html5_database (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_html5_local_storage (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_hyperlink_auditing (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_java (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_javascript (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_media_stream (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_mediasource (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_offline_web_application_cache (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_page_cache (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_plugins (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_private_browsing (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_resizable_text_areas (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_site_specific_quirks (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_smooth_scrolling (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_spatial_navigation (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_tabs_to_links (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_webaudio (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_webgl (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_write_console_messages_to_stdout (bool enabled);
+               public void set_enable_xss_auditor (bool enabled);
+               public void set_fantasy_font_family (string fantasy_font_family);
+               public void set_javascript_can_access_clipboard (bool enabled);
+               public void set_javascript_can_open_windows_automatically (bool enabled);
+               public void set_load_icons_ignoring_image_load_setting (bool enabled);
+               public void set_media_playback_allows_inline (bool enabled);
+               public void set_media_playback_requires_user_gesture (bool enabled);
+               public void set_minimum_font_size (uint32 font_size);
+               public void set_monospace_font_family (string monospace_font_family);
+               public void set_pictograph_font_family (string pictograph_font_family);
+               public void set_print_backgrounds (bool print_backgrounds);
+               public void set_sans_serif_font_family (string sans_serif_font_family);
+               public void set_serif_font_family (string serif_font_family);
+               public void set_user_agent (string? user_agent);
+               public void set_user_agent_with_application_details (string? application_name, string? application_version);
+               public void set_zoom_text_only (bool zoom_text_only);
+               public bool allow_modal_dialogs { get; set construct; }
+               public bool auto_load_images { get; set construct; }
+               public string cursive_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public string default_charset { get; set construct; }
+               public string default_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public uint default_font_size { get; set construct; }
+               public uint default_monospace_font_size { get; set construct; }
+               public bool draw_compositing_indicators { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_accelerated_2d_canvas { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_caret_browsing { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_developer_extras { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_dns_prefetching { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_frame_flattening { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_fullscreen { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_html5_database { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_html5_local_storage { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_hyperlink_auditing { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_java { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_javascript { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_media_stream { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_mediasource { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_offline_web_application_cache { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_page_cache { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_plugins { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_private_browsing { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_resizable_text_areas { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_site_specific_quirks { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_smooth_scrolling { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_spatial_navigation { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_tabs_to_links { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_webaudio { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_webgl { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_write_console_messages_to_stdout { get; set construct; }
+               public bool enable_xss_auditor { get; set construct; }
+               public string fantasy_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public bool javascript_can_access_clipboard { get; set construct; }
+               public bool javascript_can_open_windows_automatically { get; set construct; }
+               public bool load_icons_ignoring_image_load_setting { get; set construct; }
+               public bool media_playback_allows_inline { get; set construct; }
+               public bool media_playback_requires_user_gesture { get; set construct; }
+               public uint minimum_font_size { get; set construct; }
+               public string monospace_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public string pictograph_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public bool print_backgrounds { get; set construct; }
+               public string sans_serif_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public string serif_font_family { get; set construct; }
+               public string user_agent { get; set construct; }
+               public bool zoom_text_only { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_uri_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class URIRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public URIRequest (string uri);
+               public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders get_http_headers ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public void set_uri (string uri);
+               public string uri { get; set construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_uri_response_get_type ()")]
+       public class URIResponse : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected URIResponse ();
+               public uint64 get_content_length ();
+               public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders get_http_headers ();
+               public unowned string get_mime_type ();
+               public uint get_status_code ();
+               public unowned string get_suggested_filename ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public uint64 content_length { get; }
+               public Soup.MessageHeaders http_headers { get; }
+               public string mime_type { get; }
+               public uint status_code { get; }
+               public string suggested_filename { get; }
+               public string uri { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_uri_scheme_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class URISchemeRequest : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected URISchemeRequest ();
+               public void finish (GLib.InputStream stream, int64 stream_length, string? mime_type);
+               public void finish_error (GLib.Error error);
+               public unowned string get_path ();
+               public unowned string get_scheme ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebView get_web_view ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_user_content_manager_get_type ()")]
+       public class UserContentManager : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public UserContentManager ();
+               public void add_script (WebKit.UserScript script);
+               public void add_style_sheet (WebKit.UserStyleSheet stylesheet);
+               public bool register_script_message_handler (string name);
+               public void remove_all_scripts ();
+               public void remove_all_style_sheets ();
+               public void unregister_script_message_handler (string name);
+               public signal void script_message_received (WebKit.JavascriptResult js_result);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_user_media_permission_request_get_type ()")]
+       public class UserMediaPermissionRequest : GLib.Object, WebKit.PermissionRequest {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected UserMediaPermissionRequest ();
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool is_for_audio_device { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool is_for_video_device { get; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", ref_function = "webkit_user_script_ref", type_id = "webkit_user_script_get_type ()", unref_function = "webkit_user_script_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class UserScript {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public UserScript (string source, WebKit.UserContentInjectedFrames injected_frames, WebKit.UserScriptInjectionTime injection_time, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? whitelist, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? blacklist);
+               public WebKit.UserScript @ref ();
+               public void unref ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", ref_function = "webkit_user_style_sheet_ref", type_id = "webkit_user_style_sheet_get_type ()", unref_function = "webkit_user_style_sheet_unref")]
+       [Compact]
+       public class UserStyleSheet {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public UserStyleSheet (string source, WebKit.UserContentInjectedFrames injected_frames, WebKit.UserStyleLevel level, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? whitelist, [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? blacklist);
+               public WebKit.UserStyleSheet @ref ();
+               public void unref ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_context_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebContext : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               public WebContext ();
+               public void allow_tls_certificate_for_host (GLib.TlsCertificate certificate, string host);
+               public void clear_cache ();
+               public WebKit.Download download_uri (string uri);
+               public WebKit.CacheModel get_cache_model ();
+               public unowned WebKit.CookieManager get_cookie_manager ();
+               public static unowned WebKit.WebContext get_default ();
+               public unowned WebKit.FaviconDatabase get_favicon_database ();
+               public unowned string get_favicon_database_directory ();
+               public async GLib.List<WebKit.Plugin> get_plugins (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public WebKit.ProcessModel get_process_model ();
+               public unowned WebKit.SecurityManager get_security_manager ();
+               public bool get_spell_checking_enabled ();
+               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+               public unowned string[] get_spell_checking_languages ();
+               public WebKit.TLSErrorsPolicy get_tls_errors_policy ();
+               public void prefetch_dns (string hostname);
+               public void register_uri_scheme (string scheme, owned WebKit.URISchemeRequestCallback callback);
+               public void set_additional_plugins_directory (string directory);
+               public void set_cache_model (WebKit.CacheModel cache_model);
+               public void set_disk_cache_directory (string directory);
+               public void set_favicon_database_directory (string? path);
+               public void set_preferred_languages ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? languages);
+               public void set_process_model (WebKit.ProcessModel process_model);
+               public void set_spell_checking_enabled (bool enabled);
+               public void set_spell_checking_languages ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] languages);
+               public void set_tls_errors_policy (WebKit.TLSErrorsPolicy policy);
+               public void set_web_extensions_directory (string directory);
+               public void set_web_extensions_initialization_user_data (GLib.Variant user_data);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public string local_storage_directory { owned get; construct; }
+               public virtual signal void download_started (WebKit.Download download);
+               public virtual signal void initialize_web_extensions ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_inspector_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebInspector : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected WebInspector ();
+               public void close ();
+               public uint get_attached_height ();
+               public bool get_can_attach ();
+               public unowned string get_inspected_uri ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebViewBase get_web_view ();
+               public bool is_attached ();
+               public void show ();
+               public uint attached_height { get; }
+               public bool can_attach { get; }
+               public string inspected_uri { get; }
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public signal bool attach ();
+               public signal bool bring_to_front ();
+               public signal void closed ();
+               [HasEmitter]
+               public signal bool detach ();
+               public signal bool open_window ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_resource_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebResource : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected WebResource ();
+               public async uint8[] get_data (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned WebKit.URIResponse get_response ();
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public WebKit.URIResponse response { get; }
+               public string uri { get; }
+               public signal void failed (void* error);
+               public signal void failed_with_tls_errors (GLib.TlsCertificate certificate, GLib.TlsCertificateFlags errors);
+               public signal void finished ();
+               public signal void received_data (uint64 data_length);
+               public signal void sent_request (WebKit.URIRequest request, WebKit.URIResponse redirected_response);
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_view_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebView : WebKit.WebViewBase, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+               public WebView ();
+               public async bool can_execute_editing_command (string command, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public bool can_go_back ();
+               public bool can_go_forward ();
+               public bool can_show_mime_type (string mime_type);
+               public WebKit.Download download_uri (string uri);
+               public void execute_editing_command (string command);
+               public unowned WebKit.BackForwardList get_back_forward_list ();
+               public Gdk.RGBA get_background_color ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebContext get_context ();
+               public unowned string get_custom_charset ();
+               public double get_estimated_load_progress ();
+               public unowned Cairo.Surface get_favicon ();
+               public unowned WebKit.FindController get_find_controller ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebInspector get_inspector ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WebResource get_main_resource ();
+               public uint64 get_page_id ();
+               public unowned WebKit.Settings get_settings ();
+               public async Cairo.Surface get_snapshot (WebKit.SnapshotRegion region, WebKit.SnapshotOptions options, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public unowned string get_title ();
+               public bool get_tls_info (out unowned GLib.TlsCertificate certificate, out GLib.TlsCertificateFlags errors);
+               public unowned string get_uri ();
+               public unowned WebKit.UserContentManager get_user_content_manager ();
+               public unowned WebKit.WindowProperties get_window_properties ();
+               public double get_zoom_level ();
+               public void go_back ();
+               public void go_forward ();
+               public void go_to_back_forward_list_item (WebKit.BackForwardListItem list_item);
+               public bool is_editable ();
+               public void load_alternate_html (string content, string content_uri, string? base_uri);
+               public void load_bytes (GLib.Bytes bytes, string? mime_type, string? encoding, string? base_uri);
+               public void load_html (string content, string? base_uri);
+               public void load_plain_text (string plain_text);
+               public void load_request (WebKit.URIRequest request);
+               public void load_uri (string uri);
+               public Gtk.Widget new_with_related_view ();
+               public void reload ();
+               public void reload_bypass_cache ();
+               public async WebKit.JavascriptResult run_javascript (string script, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public async WebKit.JavascriptResult run_javascript_from_gresource (string resource, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public async GLib.InputStream save (WebKit.SaveMode save_mode, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public async bool save_to_file (GLib.File file, WebKit.SaveMode save_mode, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+               public void set_background_color (Gdk.RGBA rgba);
+               public void set_custom_charset (string? charset);
+               public void set_editable (bool editable);
+               public void set_settings (WebKit.Settings settings);
+               public void set_zoom_level (double zoom_level);
+               public void stop_loading ();
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+               public WebView.with_context (WebKit.WebContext context);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+               public WebView.with_settings (WebKit.Settings settings);
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GtkWidget*")]
+               public WebView.with_user_content_manager (WebKit.UserContentManager user_content_manager);
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool editable { get; set; }
+               public double estimated_load_progress { get; }
+               public void* favicon { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool is_loading { get; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public bool is_playing_audio { get; }
+               public WebKit.WebView related_view { construct; }
+               public WebKit.Settings settings { set construct; }
+               public string title { get; }
+               public string uri { get; }
+               public WebKit.UserContentManager user_content_manager { get; construct; }
+               [NoAccessorMethod]
+               public WebKit.WebContext web_context { owned get; construct; }
+               public double zoom_level { get; set; }
+               public virtual signal bool authenticate (WebKit.AuthenticationRequest request);
+               public virtual signal void close ();
+               public virtual signal bool context_menu (WebKit.ContextMenu context_menu, Gdk.Event event, WebKit.HitTestResult hit_test_result);
+               public virtual signal void context_menu_dismissed ();
+               public signal Gtk.Widget create (WebKit.NavigationAction navigation_action);
+               public virtual signal bool decide_policy (WebKit.PolicyDecision decision, WebKit.PolicyDecisionType type);
+               public virtual signal bool enter_fullscreen ();
+               public virtual signal void insecure_content_detected (WebKit.InsecureContentEvent event);
+               public virtual signal bool leave_fullscreen ();
+               public virtual signal void load_changed (WebKit.LoadEvent load_event);
+               public virtual signal bool load_failed (WebKit.LoadEvent load_event, string failing_uri, void* error);
+               public virtual signal bool load_failed_with_tls_errors (string failing_uri, GLib.TlsCertificate certificate, GLib.TlsCertificateFlags errors);
+               public virtual signal void mouse_target_changed (WebKit.HitTestResult hit_test_result, uint modifiers);
+               public virtual signal bool permission_request (WebKit.PermissionRequest permission_request);
+               public virtual signal bool print (WebKit.PrintOperation print_operation);
+               public virtual signal void ready_to_show ();
+               public virtual signal void resource_load_started (WebKit.WebResource resource, WebKit.URIRequest request);
+               public virtual signal void run_as_modal ();
+               public virtual signal bool run_color_chooser (WebKit.ColorChooserRequest request);
+               public virtual signal bool run_file_chooser (WebKit.FileChooserRequest request);
+               public virtual signal bool script_dialog (WebKit.ScriptDialog dialog);
+               public virtual signal bool show_notification (WebKit.Notification notification);
+               public virtual signal void submit_form (WebKit.FormSubmissionRequest request);
+               public virtual signal bool web_process_crashed ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_web_view_base_get_type ()")]
+       public class WebViewBase : Gtk.Container, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected WebViewBase ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_window_properties_get_type ()")]
+       public class WindowProperties : GLib.Object {
+               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+               protected WindowProperties ();
+               public bool get_fullscreen ();
+               public Gdk.Rectangle get_geometry ();
+               public bool get_locationbar_visible ();
+               public bool get_menubar_visible ();
+               public bool get_resizable ();
+               public bool get_scrollbars_visible ();
+               public bool get_statusbar_visible ();
+               public bool get_toolbar_visible ();
+               public bool fullscreen { get; construct; }
+               public Cairo.RectangleInt geometry { get; construct; }
+               public bool locationbar_visible { get; construct; }
+               public bool menubar_visible { get; construct; }
+               public bool resizable { get; construct; }
+               public bool scrollbars_visible { get; construct; }
+               public bool statusbar_visible { get; construct; }
+               public bool toolbar_visible { get; construct; }
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", type_id = "webkit_permission_request_get_type ()")]
+       public interface PermissionRequest : GLib.Object {
+               public abstract void allow ();
+               public abstract void deny ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_", type_id = "webkit_authentication_scheme_get_type ()")]
+       public enum AuthenticationScheme {
+               DEFAULT,
+               HTTP_BASIC,
+               HTTP_DIGEST,
+               HTML_FORM,
+               NTLM,
+               NEGOTIATE,
+               UNKNOWN
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_CACHE_MODEL_", type_id = "webkit_cache_model_get_type ()")]
+       public enum CacheModel {
+               DOCUMENT_VIEWER,
+               WEB_BROWSER,
+               DOCUMENT_BROWSER
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_", type_id = "webkit_context_menu_action_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ContextMenuAction {
+               NO_ACTION,
+               OPEN_LINK,
+               OPEN_LINK_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               DOWNLOAD_LINK_TO_DISK,
+               COPY_LINK_TO_CLIPBOARD,
+               OPEN_IMAGE_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_TO_DISK,
+               COPY_IMAGE_TO_CLIPBOARD,
+               OPEN_FRAME_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               GO_BACK,
+               GO_FORWARD,
+               STOP,
+               RELOAD,
+               COPY,
+               CUT,
+               PASTE,
+               DELETE,
+               SELECT_ALL,
+               INPUT_METHODS,
+               UNICODE,
+               SPELLING_GUESS,
+               NO_GUESSES_FOUND,
+               IGNORE_SPELLING,
+               LEARN_SPELLING,
+               IGNORE_GRAMMAR,
+               FONT_MENU,
+               BOLD,
+               ITALIC,
+               UNDERLINE,
+               OUTLINE,
+               INSPECT_ELEMENT,
+               OPEN_VIDEO_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               OPEN_AUDIO_IN_NEW_WINDOW,
+               TOGGLE_MEDIA_CONTROLS,
+               TOGGLE_MEDIA_LOOP,
+               MEDIA_PLAY,
+               MEDIA_PAUSE,
+               MEDIA_MUTE,
+               DOWNLOAD_VIDEO_TO_DISK,
+               DOWNLOAD_AUDIO_TO_DISK,
+               CUSTOM
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_COOKIE_POLICY_ACCEPT_", type_id = "webkit_cookie_accept_policy_get_type ()")]
+       public enum CookieAcceptPolicy {
+               ALWAYS,
+               NEVER,
+               NO_THIRD_PARTY
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_COOKIE_PERSISTENT_STORAGE_", type_id = "webkit_cookie_persistent_storage_get_type ()")]
+       public enum CookiePersistentStorage {
+               TEXT,
+               SQLITE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_CREDENTIAL_PERSISTENCE_", type_id = "webkit_credential_persistence_get_type ()")]
+       public enum CredentialPersistence {
+               NONE,
+               FOR_SESSION,
+               PERMANENT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_FIND_OPTIONS_", type_id = "webkit_find_options_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum FindOptions {
+               NONE,
+               CASE_INSENSITIVE,
+               AT_WORD_STARTS,
+               BACKWARDS,
+               WRAP_AROUND
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_", type_id = "webkit_hit_test_result_context_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum HitTestResultContext {
+               DOCUMENT,
+               LINK,
+               IMAGE,
+               MEDIA,
+               EDITABLE,
+               SCROLLBAR,
+               SELECTION
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_INSECURE_CONTENT_", type_id = "webkit_insecure_content_event_get_type ()")]
+       public enum InsecureContentEvent {
+               RUN,
+               DISPLAYED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_LOAD_", type_id = "webkit_load_event_get_type ()")]
+       public enum LoadEvent {
+               STARTED,
+               REDIRECTED,
+               COMMITTED,
+               FINISHED
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_NAVIGATION_TYPE_", type_id = "webkit_navigation_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum NavigationType {
+               LINK_CLICKED,
+               FORM_SUBMITTED,
+               BACK_FORWARD,
+               RELOAD,
+               FORM_RESUBMITTED,
+               OTHER
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_POLICY_DECISION_TYPE_", type_id = "webkit_policy_decision_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum PolicyDecisionType {
+               NAVIGATION_ACTION,
+               NEW_WINDOW_ACTION,
+               RESPONSE
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_PRINT_OPERATION_RESPONSE_", type_id = "webkit_print_operation_response_get_type ()")]
+       public enum PrintOperationResponse {
+               PRINT,
+               CANCEL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_PROCESS_MODEL_", type_id = "webkit_process_model_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ProcessModel {
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SAVE_MODE_", type_id = "webkit_save_mode_get_type ()")]
+       public enum SaveMode {
+               MHTML
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_", type_id = "webkit_script_dialog_type_get_type ()")]
+       public enum ScriptDialogType {
+               ALERT,
+               CONFIRM,
+               PROMPT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SNAPSHOT_OPTIONS_", type_id = "webkit_snapshot_options_get_type ()")]
+       [Flags]
+       public enum SnapshotOptions {
+               NONE,
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SNAPSHOT_REGION_", type_id = "webkit_snapshot_region_get_type ()")]
+       public enum SnapshotRegion {
+               VISIBLE,
+               FULL_DOCUMENT
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_TLS_ERRORS_POLICY_", type_id = "webkit_tls_errors_policy_get_type ()")]
+       public enum TLSErrorsPolicy {
+               IGNORE,
+               FAIL
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_USER_CONTENT_INJECT_", type_id = "webkit_user_content_injected_frames_get_type ()")]
+       public enum UserContentInjectedFrames {
+               ALL_FRAMES,
+               TOP_FRAME
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_USER_SCRIPT_INJECT_AT_DOCUMENT_", type_id = "webkit_user_script_injection_time_get_type ()")]
+       public enum UserScriptInjectionTime {
+               START,
+               END
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_USER_STYLE_LEVEL_", type_id = "webkit_user_style_level_get_type ()")]
+       public enum UserStyleLevel {
+               USER,
+               AUTHOR
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain DownloadError {
+               NETWORK,
+               CANCELLED_BY_USER,
+               DESTINATION;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_FAVICON_DATABASE_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain FaviconDatabaseError {
+               NOT_INITIALIZED,
+               FAVICON_NOT_FOUND,
+               FAVICON_UNKNOWN;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_SCRIPT_")]
+       public errordomain JavascriptError {
+               FAILED;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain NetworkError {
+               FAILED,
+               TRANSPORT,
+               UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL,
+               CANCELLED,
+               FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_PLUGIN_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain PluginError {
+               FAILED,
+               CANNOT_FIND_PLUGIN,
+               CANNOT_LOAD_PLUGIN,
+               JAVA_UNAVAILABLE,
+               WILL_HANDLE_LOAD;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_POLICY_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain PolicyError {
+               FAILED,
+               CANNOT_SHOW_MIME_TYPE,
+               CANNOT_SHOW_URI,
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_PRINT_ERROR_")]
+       public errordomain PrintError {
+               GENERAL,
+               PRINTER_NOT_FOUND,
+               INVALID_PAGE_RANGE;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_SNAPSHOT_ERROR_FAILED_TO_")]
+       public errordomain SnapshotError {
+               CREATE;
+               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
+       }
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", instance_pos = 1.9)]
+       public delegate void URISchemeRequestCallback (WebKit.URISchemeRequest request);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_COPY")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_COPY;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_CUT")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_CUT;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_PASTE")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_PASTE;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_REDO")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_REDO;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_SELECT_ALL")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_SELECT_ALL;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_EDITING_COMMAND_UNDO")]
+       public const string EDITING_COMMAND_UNDO;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_MAJOR_VERSION")]
+       public const int MAJOR_VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_MICRO_VERSION")]
+       public const int MICRO_VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h", cname = "WEBKIT_MINOR_VERSION")]
+       public const int MINOR_VERSION;
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h")]
+       public static uint get_major_version ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h")]
+       public static uint get_micro_version ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h")]
+       public static uint get_minor_version ();
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h")]
+       public static bool user_media_permission_is_for_audio_device (WebKit.UserMediaPermissionRequest request);
+       [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit2.h")]
+       public static bool user_media_permission_is_for_video_device (WebKit.UserMediaPermissionRequest request);