remove gda - they should be in libgda-5-dev packages
authorAlan Knowles <>
Tue, 18 Oct 2022 08:37:41 +0000 (16:37 +0800)
committerAlan Knowles <>
Tue, 18 Oct 2022 08:37:41 +0000 (16:37 +0800)
src/vapi/libgda-4.0.deps [deleted file]
src/vapi/libgda-4.0.vapi [deleted file]
src/vapi/libgda-5.0.deps [deleted file]
src/vapi/libgda-5.0.vapi [deleted file]

diff --git a/src/vapi/libgda-4.0.deps b/src/vapi/libgda-4.0.deps
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1899619..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/vapi/libgda-4.0.vapi b/src/vapi/libgda-4.0.vapi
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 508a982..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2650 +0,0 @@
-/* libgda-4.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
-[Deprecated (replacement = "bindings distributed with libgda-4.0", since = "4.2.13")]
-namespace Gda {
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_attributes_manager_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class AttributesManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public AttributesManager (bool for_objects, Gda.AttributesManagerSignal signal_func, void* signal_data);
-               public void clear (void* ptr);
-               public void copy (void* from, Gda.AttributesManager to_mgr, void* to);
-               public void @foreach (void* ptr, Gda.AttributesManagerFunc func, void* data);
-               public GLib.Value @get (void* ptr, string att_name);
-               public void @set (void* ptr, string att_name, GLib.Value value);
-               public void set_full (void* ptr, string att_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class Batch : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Batch ();
-               public void add_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
-               public unowned Gda.Batch copy ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public bool get_parameters (out unowned Gda.Set out_params) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned GLib.SList<Gda.Statement> get_statements ();
-               public void remove_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public virtual signal void changed (GLib.Object changed_stmt);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_binary_copy", type_id = "gda_binary_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Binary {
-               public long binary_length;
-               [CCode (array_length = false)]
-               public weak uchar[] data;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-               public unowned string to_string (uint maxlen);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_blob_copy", type_id = "gda_blob_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Blob {
-               public weak Gda.Binary data;
-               public weak Gda.BlobOp op;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-               public void set_op (Gda.BlobOp op);
-               public unowned string to_string (uint maxlen);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class BlobOp : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected BlobOp ();
-               public virtual long get_length ();
-               public virtual long read (Gda.Blob blob, long offset, long size);
-               public bool read_all (Gda.Blob blob);
-               public virtual long write (Gda.Blob blob, long offset);
-               public virtual bool write_all (Gda.Blob blob);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class Column : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Column ();
-               public unowned Gda.Column copy ();
-               public bool get_allow_null ();
-               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
-               public bool get_auto_increment ();
-               public unowned string get_dbms_type ();
-               public GLib.Value get_default_value ();
-               public unowned string get_description ();
-               public GLib.Type get_g_type ();
-               public unowned string get_name ();
-               public int get_position ();
-               public void set_allow_null (bool allow);
-               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-               public void set_auto_increment (bool is_auto);
-               public void set_dbms_type (string dbms_type);
-               public void set_default_value (GLib.Value default_value);
-               public void set_description (string title);
-               public void set_g_type (GLib.Type type);
-               public void set_name (string name);
-               public void set_position (int position);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string id { owned get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void g_type_changed (GLib.Type old_type, GLib.Type new_type);
-               public virtual signal void name_changed (string old_name);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class Config : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected Config ();
-               public static bool can_modify_system_config ();
-               public static bool define_dsn (Gda.DsnInfo info) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static bool dsn_needs_authentication (string dsn_name);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public static unowned Gda.Config @get ();
-               public static Gda.DsnInfo get_dsn_info (string dsn_name);
-               public static Gda.DsnInfo get_dsn_info_at_index (int index);
-               public static int get_dsn_info_index (string dsn_name);
-               public static int get_nb_dsn ();
-               public static unowned Gda.ServerProvider get_provider (string provider_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned Gda.ProviderInfo get_provider_info (string provider_name);
-               public static unowned Gda.DataModel list_dsn ();
-               public static unowned Gda.DataModel list_providers ();
-               public static bool remove_dsn (string dsn_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string system_filename { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string user_filename { owned get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void dsn_added (void* new_dsn);
-               public virtual signal void dsn_changed (void* dsn);
-               public virtual signal void dsn_removed (void* old_dsn);
-               public virtual signal void dsn_to_be_removed (void* old_dsn);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class Connection : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected Connection ();
-               public bool add_savepoint (string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool async_cancel (uint task_id) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned GLib.Object async_fetch_result (uint task_id, out unowned Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public uint async_statement_execute (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, GLib.Type[] col_types, bool need_last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned GLib.SList<GLib.Object> batch_execute (Gda.Batch batch, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool begin_transaction (string name, Gda.TransactionIsolation level) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void close ();
-               public void close_no_warning ();
-               public bool commit_transaction (string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.ServerOperation create_operation (Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.SqlParser create_parser ();
-               public bool delete_row_from_table (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool delete_savepoint (string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public int execute_non_select_command (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel execute_select_command (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string get_authentication ();
-               public unowned string get_cnc_string ();
-               public unowned string get_dsn ();
-               public unowned GLib.List<Gda.ConnectionEvent> get_events ();
-               public unowned Gda.MetaStore get_meta_store ();
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_meta_store_data (Gda.ConnectionMetaType meta_type, int nb_filters) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.DataModel get_meta_store_data_v (Gda.ConnectionMetaType meta_type, GLib.List<Gda.Holder> filters) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.ConnectionOptions get_options ();
-               public unowned Gda.ServerProvider get_provider ();
-               public unowned string get_provider_name ();
-               public unowned Gda.TransactionStatus get_transaction_status ();
-               public bool insert_row_into_table (string table) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool insert_row_into_table_v (string table, GLib.SList col_names, GLib.SList values) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool is_opened ();
-               public bool open () throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned Gda.Connection open_from_dsn (string dsn, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned Gda.Connection open_from_string (string provider_name, string? cnc_string, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws ConnectionError, ConfigError;
-               public unowned Gda.Statement parse_sql_string (string sql, out unowned Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_operation (Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string quote_sql_identifier (string id);
-               public unowned GLib.SList repetitive_statement_execute (Gda.RepetitiveStatement rstmt, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, GLib.Type[] col_types, bool stop_on_error) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool rollback_savepoint (string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool rollback_transaction (string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned GLib.Object statement_execute (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, out unowned Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public int statement_execute_non_select (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, out unowned Gda.Set? last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select_full (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, GLib.Type[] col_types) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select_fullv (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool statement_prepare (Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string statement_to_sql (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, GLib.SList<Gda.Holder> params_used) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static void string_split (string str, string out_cnc_params, string out_provider, string out_username, string out_password);
-               public bool supports_feature (Gda.ConnectionFeature feature);
-               public bool update_meta_store (Gda.MetaContext context) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool update_row_in_table (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool update_row_in_table_v (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value, GLib.SList col_names, GLib.SList values) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string value_to_sql_string (GLib.Value from);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string auth_string { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string cnc_string { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string dsn { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int events_history_size { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool is_wrapper { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool monitor_wrapped_in_mainloop { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.ConnectionOptions options { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.ServerProvider provider { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public void* thread_owner { get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void conn_closed ();
-               public virtual signal void conn_opened ();
-               public virtual signal void conn_to_close ();
-               public virtual signal void dsn_changed ();
-               public virtual signal void error (Gda.ConnectionEvent error);
-               public virtual signal void transaction_status_changed ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class ConnectionEvent : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public ConnectionEvent (Gda.ConnectionEventType type);
-               public long get_code ();
-               public unowned string get_description ();
-               public Gda.ConnectionEventType get_event_type ();
-               public Gda.ConnectionEventCode get_gda_code ();
-               public unowned string get_source ();
-               public unowned string get_sqlstate ();
-               public void set_code (long code);
-               public void set_description (string description);
-               public void set_event_type (Gda.ConnectionEventType type);
-               public void set_gda_code (Gda.ConnectionEventCode code);
-               public void set_source (string source);
-               public void set_sqlstate (string sqlstate);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int type { get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class DataAccessWrapper : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
-               public DataAccessWrapper (Gda.DataModel model);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class DataComparator : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GObject*")]
-               public DataComparator (Gda.DataModel old_model, Gda.DataModel new_model);
-               public bool compute_diff () throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned Gda.Diff get_diff (int pos);
-               public int get_n_diffs ();
-               public void set_key_columns (int col_numbers, int nb_cols);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel new_model { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel old_model { owned get; set; }
-               public virtual signal bool diff_computed (void* diff);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class DataModelArray : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
-               public DataModelArray (int cols);
-               public void clear ();
-               public static unowned Gda.DataModelArray copy_model (Gda.DataModel src) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.Row get_row (int row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_n_columns (int cols);
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, sentinel = "", type = "GdaDataModel*")]
-               public DataModelArray.with_g_types (int cols, ...);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public uint n_columns { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool read_only { get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class DataModelDir : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
-               public DataModelDir (string basedir);
-               public void clean_errors ();
-               public unowned GLib.SList<GLib.Error> get_errors ();
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string basedir { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class DataModelImport : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataModelImport ();
-               public void clean_errors ();
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
-               public DataModelImport.file (string filename, bool random_access, Gda.Set options);
-               public static bool from_file (Gda.DataModel model, string file, GLib.HashTable cols_trans, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static bool from_model (Gda.DataModel to, Gda.DataModel from, bool overwrite, GLib.HashTable cols_trans) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static bool from_string (Gda.DataModel model, string str, GLib.HashTable cols_trans, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (cname = "gda_data_model_import_new_xml_node", has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
-               public DataModelImport.from_xml_node (Xml.Node node);
-               public unowned GLib.SList<GLib.Error> get_errors ();
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataModel*")]
-               public DataModelImport.mem (string data, bool random_access, Gda.Set options);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string data_string { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string filename { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Set options { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool random_access { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool strict { get; set construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public void* xml_node { get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class DataModelIter : Gda.Set {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataModelIter ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned Gda.Holder get_holder_for_field (int col);
-               public int get_row ();
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (int col);
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_for_field (string field_name);
-               public void invalidate_contents ();
-               public bool is_valid ();
-               public bool move_next ();
-               public static bool move_next_default (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.DataModelIter iter);
-               public bool move_prev ();
-               public static bool move_prev_default (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.DataModelIter iter);
-               public bool move_to_row (int row);
-               public static bool move_to_row_default (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.DataModelIter iter, int row);
-               public bool set_value_at (int col, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int current_row { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel data_model { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel forced_model { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool update_model { get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void end_of_data ();
-               public virtual signal void row_changed (int row);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class DataProxy : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GObject*")]
-               public DataProxy (Gda.DataModel model);
-               public void alter_value_attributes (int proxy_row, int col, Gda.ValueAttribute alter_flags);
-               public bool apply_all_changes () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool apply_row_changes (int proxy_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool cancel_all_changes ();
-               public void cancel_row_changes (int proxy_row, int col);
-               public void @delete (int proxy_row);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned string get_filter_expr ();
-               public int get_filtered_n_rows ();
-               public int get_n_modified_rows ();
-               public int get_n_new_rows ();
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_proxied_model ();
-               public int get_proxied_model_n_cols ();
-               public int get_proxied_model_n_rows ();
-               public int get_proxied_model_row (int proxy_row);
-               public int get_sample_end ();
-               public int get_sample_size ();
-               public int get_sample_start ();
-               public Gda.ValueAttribute get_value_attributes (int proxy_row, int col);
-               public unowned GLib.SList<GLib.Value> get_values (int proxy_row, int cols_index, int n_cols);
-               public bool has_changed ();
-               public bool is_read_only ();
-               public bool row_has_changed (int proxy_row);
-               public bool row_is_deleted (int proxy_row);
-               public bool row_is_inserted (int proxy_row);
-               public bool set_filter_expr (string filter_expr) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_ordering_column (int col) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_sample_size (int sample_size);
-               public void set_sample_start (int sample_start);
-               public void undelete (int proxy_row);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool defer_sync { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; set construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool prepend_null_entry { get; set; }
-               public int sample_size { get; set construct; }
-               public virtual signal void filter_changed ();
-               public virtual signal void row_changes_applied (int row, int proxied_row);
-               public virtual signal void row_delete_changed (int row, bool to_be_deleted);
-               public virtual signal void sample_changed (int sample_start, int sample_end);
-               public virtual signal void sample_size_changed (int sample_size);
-               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error validate_row_changes (int row, int proxied_row);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class DataSelect : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               public int advertized_nrows;
-               public int nb_stored_rows;
-               public weak Gda.PStmt prep_stmt;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataSelect ();
-               public bool compute_columns_attributes () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool compute_modification_statements () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool compute_row_selection_condition () throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool fetch_at (out unowned Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual int fetch_nb_rows ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool fetch_next (out unowned Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool fetch_prev (out unowned Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool fetch_random (out unowned Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.Connection get_connection ();
-               public unowned Gda.Row get_stored_row (int rownum);
-               public bool rerun () throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_columns (GLib.SList columns);
-               public bool set_modification_statement (Gda.Statement mod_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_modification_statement_sql (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_row_selection_condition (Gda.SqlExpr expr) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_row_selection_condition_sql (string sql_where) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool store_all () throws GLib.Error;
-               public void take_row (Gda.Row row, int rownum);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool auto_reset { get; set; }
-               public Gda.Connection connection { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement delete_stmt { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Set exec_params { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement insert_stmt { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public uint model_usage { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.PStmt prepared_stmt { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement select_stmt { owned get; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool store_all_rows { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement update_stmt { owned get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Diff {
-               public int new_row;
-               public int old_row;
-               public Gda.DiffType type;
-               public weak GLib.HashTable values;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_geometricpoint_copy", free_function = "gda_geometricpoint_free", type_id = "gda_geometricpoint_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class GeometricPoint {
-               public double x;
-               public double y;
-               [CCode (cname = "gda_geometricpoint_copy")]
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class HandlerBin : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
-               public HandlerBin ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerBinPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class HandlerBoolean : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
-               public HandlerBoolean ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerBooleanPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class HandlerNumerical : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
-               public HandlerNumerical ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerNumericalPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class HandlerString : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
-               public HandlerString ();
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
-               public HandlerString.with_provider (Gda.ServerProvider prov, Gda.Connection cnc);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerStringPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class HandlerTime : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
-               public HandlerTime ();
-               public unowned string get_format (GLib.Type type);
-               public unowned string get_no_locale_str_from_value (GLib.Value value);
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
-               public HandlerTime.no_locale ();
-               public void set_sql_spec (GLib.DateDMY first, GLib.DateDMY sec, GLib.DateDMY third, char separator, bool twodigits_years);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerTimePriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class HandlerType : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaDataHandler*")]
-               public HandlerType ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerTypePriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class Holder : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Holder (GLib.Type type);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void att_changed (string att_name, GLib.Value att_value);
-               public unowned Gda.Holder copy ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public void force_invalid ();
-               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
-               public unowned Gda.Holder get_bind ();
-               public GLib.Value get_default_value ();
-               public GLib.Type get_g_type ();
-               public unowned string get_id ();
-               public bool get_not_null ();
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_source_model (int col);
-               public GLib.Value get_value ();
-               public unowned string get_value_str (Gda.DataHandler dh);
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Holder.@inline (GLib.Type type, string id);
-               public bool is_valid ();
-               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-               public bool set_bind (Gda.Holder bind_to) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_default_value (GLib.Value value);
-               public void set_not_null (bool not_null);
-               public bool set_source_model (Gda.DataModel model, int col) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_value (GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_value_str (Gda.DataHandler dh, string value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_value_to_default ();
-               public GLib.Value take_static_value (GLib.Value value, bool value_changed) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool take_value (GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool value_is_default ();
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string description { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Holder full_bind { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public GLib.Type g_type { get; set construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string id { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string name { owned get; set; }
-               public bool not_null { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Holder simple_bind { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int source_column { get; set; }
-               public Gda.DataModel source_model { get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void attribute_changed (string p0, GLib.Value p1);
-               public virtual signal void changed ();
-               public virtual signal void source_changed ();
-               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error validate_change (GLib.Value new_value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class MetaContext {
-               public weak string column_names;
-               public GLib.Value column_values;
-               public int size;
-               public weak string table_name;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class MetaDbObject {
-               public weak GLib.SList depend_list;
-               public void* extra;
-               public weak string obj_catalog;
-               public weak string obj_full_name;
-               public weak string obj_name;
-               public weak string obj_owner;
-               public weak string obj_schema;
-               public weak string obj_short_name;
-               public Gda.MetaDbObjectType obj_type;
-               public bool outdated;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class MetaStore : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public MetaStore (string cnc_string);
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel create_modify_data_model (string table_name);
-               public bool declare_foreign_key (Gda.MetaStruct mstruct, string fk_name, string catalog, string schema, string table, string ref_catalog, string ref_schema, string ref_table, uint nb_cols, string colnames, string ref_colnames) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel extract (string select_sql) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool get_attribute_value (string att_name, string att_value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.Connection get_internal_connection ();
-               public int get_version ();
-               public bool modify (string table_name, Gda.DataModel new_data, string condition) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool modify_with_context (Gda.MetaContext context, Gda.DataModel new_data) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool schema_add_custom_object (string xml_description) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned GLib.SList schema_get_all_tables ();
-               public unowned GLib.SList schema_get_depend_tables (string table_name);
-               public unowned Gda.MetaStruct schema_get_structure () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool schema_remove_custom_object (string obj_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_attribute_value (string att_name, string att_value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_identifiers_style (Gda.SqlIdentifierStyle style);
-               public void set_reserved_keywords_func (Gda.SqlReservedKeywordsFunc func);
-               public static unowned string sql_identifier_quote (string id, Gda.Connection cnc);
-               public bool undeclare_foreign_key (Gda.MetaStruct mstruct, string fk_name, string catalog, string schema, string table, string ref_catalog, string ref_schema, string ref_table) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public MetaStore.with_file (string file_name);
-               public string catalog { construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection cnc { owned get; construct; }
-               public string cnc_string { construct; }
-               public string schema { construct; }
-               public virtual signal void meta_changed (GLib.SList<Gda.MetaStoreChange> changes);
-               public virtual signal void meta_reset ();
-               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error suggest_update (Gda.MetaContext suggest);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class MetaStoreChange {
-               public Gda.MetaStoreChangeType c_type;
-               public weak GLib.HashTable keys;
-               public weak string table_name;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class MetaStruct : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public MetaStruct (Gda.MetaStore store, Gda.MetaStructFeature features);
-               public unowned Gda.MetaDbObject complement (Gda.MetaDbObjectType type, GLib.Value catalog, GLib.Value schema, GLib.Value name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool complement_all () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool complement_default () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool complement_depend (Gda.MetaDbObject dbo) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool complement_schema (GLib.Value catalog, GLib.Value schema) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string dump_as_graph (Gda.MetaGraphInfo info) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public GLib.SList<Gda.MetaDbObject> get_all_db_objects ();
-               public unowned Gda.MetaDbObject get_db_object (GLib.Value catalog, GLib.Value schema, GLib.Value name);
-               public unowned Gda.MetaTableColumn get_table_column (Gda.MetaTable table, GLib.Value col_name);
-               public bool sort_db_objects (Gda.MetaSortType sort_type) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public uint features { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class MetaTable {
-               public weak GLib.SList columns;
-               public weak GLib.SList fk_list;
-               public int pk_cols_array;
-               public int pk_cols_nb;
-               public weak GLib.SList reverse_fk_list;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class MetaTableColumn {
-               public weak string column_name;
-               public weak string column_type;
-               public weak string default_value;
-               public GLib.Type gtype;
-               public bool nullok;
-               public bool pkey;
-               public void foreach_attribute (Gda.AttributesManagerFunc func, void* data);
-               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
-               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class MetaTableForeignKey {
-               public int cols_nb;
-               public void* declared;
-               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject depend_on;
-               public int fk_cols_array;
-               public weak string fk_name;
-               public weak string fk_names_array;
-               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject meta_table;
-               public void* on_delete_policy;
-               public void* on_update_policy;
-               public int ref_pk_cols_array;
-               public weak string ref_pk_names_array;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class MetaView {
-               public bool is_updatable;
-               public weak Gda.MetaTable table;
-               public weak string view_def;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Mutex {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Mutex ();
-               public void @lock ();
-               public bool trylock ();
-               public void unlock ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_numeric_copy", type_id = "gda_numeric_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Numeric {
-               public weak string number;
-               public long precision;
-               public void* reserved;
-               public long width;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class PStmt : GLib.Object {
-               public int ncols;
-               public weak GLib.SList param_ids;
-               public weak string sql;
-               public weak GLib.SList tmpl_columns;
-               [CCode (array_length = false)]
-               public weak GLib.Type[] types;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected PStmt ();
-               public void copy_contents (Gda.PStmt dest);
-               public unowned Gda.Statement get_gda_statement ();
-               public void set_gda_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class ProviderInfo {
-               public weak Gda.Set auth_params;
-               public weak string description;
-               public weak Gda.Set dsn_params;
-               public weak string id;
-               public weak string location;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_quark_list_copy", type_id = "gda_quark_list_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class QuarkList {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public QuarkList ();
-               public void add_from_string (string str, bool cleanup);
-               public void clear ();
-               public unowned Gda.QuarkList copy ();
-               public unowned string find (string name);
-               public void @foreach (GLib.HFunc func);
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public QuarkList.from_string (string str);
-               public void remove (string name);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class RepetitiveStatement : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public RepetitiveStatement (Gda.Statement stmt);
-               public bool append_set (Gda.Set values, bool make_copy);
-               public unowned GLib.SList get_all_sets ();
-               public bool get_template_set (out unowned Gda.Set @set) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement statement { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class Row : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Row (int count);
-               public int get_length ();
-               public GLib.Value get_value (int num);
-               public void invalidate_value (GLib.Value value);
-               public bool value_is_valid (GLib.Value value);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int nb_values { set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class ServerOperation : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public ServerOperation (Gda.ServerOperationType op_type, string xml_file);
-               public uint add_item_to_sequence (string seq_path);
-               public bool del_item_from_sequence (string item_path);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned Gda.ServerOperationNode get_node_info (string path_format);
-               public unowned string get_node_parent (string path);
-               public unowned string get_node_path_portion (string path);
-               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeType get_node_type (string path, Gda.ServerOperationNodeStatus status);
-               public Gda.ServerOperationType get_op_type ();
-               public unowned string get_root_nodes ();
-               public unowned string get_sequence_item_names (string path);
-               public uint get_sequence_max_size (string path);
-               public uint get_sequence_min_size (string path);
-               public unowned string get_sequence_name (string path);
-               public uint get_sequence_size (string path);
-               public unowned string get_sql_identifier_at (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerProvider prov, string path_format);
-               public GLib.Value get_value_at (string path_format);
-               public bool is_valid (string xml_file) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool load_data_from_xml (Xml.Node node) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned string op_type_to_string (Gda.ServerOperationType type);
-               public bool perform_create_database (string provider) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_create_table () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_drop_database (string provider) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_drop_table () throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_database (string provider, string db_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_database (string provider, string db_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Xml.Node save_data_to_xml () throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void seq_item_added (string seq_path, int item_index);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void seq_item_remove (string seq_path, int item_index);
-               public bool set_value_at (string value, string path_format) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static Gda.ServerOperationType string_to_op_type (string str);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               public int op_type { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.ServerProvider provider { owned get; construct; }
-               public string spec_filename { construct; }
-               public virtual signal void sequence_item_added (string p0, int p1);
-               public virtual signal void sequence_item_remove (string p0, int p1);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class ServerOperationNode {
-               public weak Gda.Column column;
-               public weak Gda.DataModel model;
-               public weak Gda.Holder param;
-               public weak Gda.Set plist;
-               public void* priv;
-               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeStatus status;
-               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeType type;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class ServerProvider : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected ServerProvider ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool add_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool begin_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name, Gda.TransactionIsolation level) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool cancel (Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool close_connection (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool commit_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned Gda.Connection create_connection ();
-               public virtual unowned Gda.ServerOperation create_operation (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public virtual unowned Gda.SqlParser create_parser (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool delete_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public virtual unowned string escape_string (Gda.Connection cnc, string str);
-               public unowned string find_file (string inst_dir, string filename);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
-               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_dbms (Gda.Connection cnc, string for_type);
-               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_default (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type type, string dbms_type);
-               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_g_type (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type for_type);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned string get_database (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned string get_def_dbms_type (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type);
-               public unowned string get_default_dbms_type (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type type);
-               public virtual unowned string get_name ();
-               public static int get_schema_nb_columns (Gda.ConnectionSchema schema);
-               public virtual unowned string get_server_version (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               public virtual unowned string get_version ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool handle_async (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void handler_declare (Gda.DataHandler dh, Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
-               public unowned Gda.DataHandler handler_find (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned string identifier_quote (Gda.Connection cnc, string id, bool for_meta_store, bool force_quotes);
-               public static bool init_schema_model (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.ConnectionSchema schema);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlParser internal_get_parser ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool is_busy (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned string load_file_contents (string inst_dir, string data_dir, string filename);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool open_connection (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.QuarkList @params, Gda.QuarkList auth, uint task_id, Gda.ServerProviderAsyncCallback async_cb, void* cb_data);
-               public virtual bool perform_operation (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_operation_default (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-               public virtual unowned string render_operation (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool rollback_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool rollback_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned GLib.Object statement_execute (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, GLib.Type[] col_types, out unowned Gda.Set last_inserted_row, uint task_id, Gda.ServerProviderExecCallback exec_cb, void* cb_data) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool statement_prepare (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned Gda.SqlStatement statement_rewrite (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned string statement_to_sql (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, GLib.SList params_used) throws GLib.Error;
-               public GLib.Value string_to_value (Gda.Connection cnc, string str, GLib.Type preferred_type, string dbms_type);
-               public virtual bool supports_feature (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ConnectionFeature feature);
-               public virtual bool supports_operation (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set options);
-               public static bool test_schema_model (Gda.DataModel model, Gda.ConnectionSchema schema) throws GLib.Error;
-               public virtual unowned string unescape_string (Gda.Connection cnc, string str);
-               public unowned string value_to_sql_string (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Value from);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class ServerProviderHandlerInfo {
-               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
-               public weak string dbms_type;
-               public GLib.Type g_type;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class ServerProviderInfo {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class ServerProviderMeta {
-               public weak GLib.Callback character_sets;
-               public weak GLib.Callback check_columns;
-               public weak GLib.Callback collations;
-               public weak GLib.Callback columns;
-               public weak GLib.Callback constraints_dom;
-               public weak GLib.Callback constraints_ref;
-               public weak GLib.Callback constraints_tab;
-               public weak GLib.Callback domains;
-               public weak GLib.Callback el_types;
-               public weak GLib.Callback enums;
-               public weak GLib.Callback index_cols;
-               public weak GLib.Callback indexes_tab;
-               public weak GLib.Callback key_columns;
-               public weak GLib.Callback routine_col;
-               public weak GLib.Callback routine_par;
-               public weak GLib.Callback routines;
-               public weak GLib.Callback schemata;
-               public weak GLib.Callback tables_views;
-               public weak GLib.Callback triggers;
-               public weak GLib.Callback udt;
-               public weak GLib.Callback udt_cols;
-               public weak GLib.Callback view_cols;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class ServerProviderXa {
-               public weak GLib.Callback xa_commit;
-               public weak GLib.Callback xa_end;
-               public weak GLib.Callback xa_prepare;
-               public weak GLib.Callback xa_recover;
-               public weak GLib.Callback xa_rollback;
-               public weak GLib.Callback xa_start;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class Set : GLib.Object {
-               public weak GLib.SList groups_list;
-               public weak GLib.SList nodes_list;
-               public weak GLib.SList sources_list;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Set (GLib.SList<Gda.Holder> holders);
-               public bool add_holder (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public unowned Gda.Set copy ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Set.from_spec_node (Xml.Node xml_spec) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Set.from_spec_string (string xml_spec) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.SetGroup get_group (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public unowned Gda.Holder get_holder (string holder_id);
-               public GLib.Value get_holder_value (string holder_id);
-               public unowned Gda.SetNode get_node (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public unowned Gda.Holder get_nth_holder (int pos);
-               public unowned Gda.SetSource get_source (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public unowned Gda.SetSource get_source_for_model (Gda.DataModel model);
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Set.@inline (int nb);
-               public bool is_valid () throws GLib.Error;
-               public void merge_with_set (Gda.Set set_to_merge);
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Set.read_only (GLib.SList holders);
-               public void remove_holder (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public void replace_source_model (Gda.SetSource source, Gda.DataModel model);
-               public bool set_holder_value (string holder_id) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string description { owned get; set; }
-               public void* holders { construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string id { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string name { owned get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void holder_attr_changed (Gda.Holder holder, string attr_name, GLib.Value attr_value);
-               public virtual signal void holder_changed (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public virtual signal void holder_type_set (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public virtual signal void public_data_changed ();
-               public virtual signal void source_model_changed (void* source);
-               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error validate_holder_change (Gda.Holder holder, GLib.Value new_value);
-               public virtual signal unowned GLib.Error validate_set ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SetGroup {
-               public weak GLib.SList nodes;
-               public weak Gda.SetSource nodes_source;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SetNode {
-               public weak Gda.Holder holder;
-               public int source_column;
-               public weak Gda.DataModel source_model;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SetSource {
-               public weak Gda.DataModel data_model;
-               public weak GLib.SList nodes;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlAnyPart {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart parent;
-               public Gda.SqlAnyPartType type;
-               public bool check_structure () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool @foreach (Gda.SqlForeachFunc func, void* data) throws GLib.Error;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class SqlBuilder : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlBuilder (Gda.SqlStatementType stmt_type);
-               [CCode (sentinel = "")]
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_case (Gda.SqlBuilderId test_expr, Gda.SqlBuilderId else_expr, ...);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_case_v (Gda.SqlBuilderId test_expr, Gda.SqlBuilderId else_expr, Gda.SqlBuilderId when_array, Gda.SqlBuilderId then_array, int args_size);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_cond (Gda.SqlOperatorType op, Gda.SqlBuilderId op1, Gda.SqlBuilderId op2, Gda.SqlBuilderId op3);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_cond_v (Gda.SqlOperatorType op, Gda.SqlBuilderId op_ids, int op_ids_size);
-               [CCode (sentinel = "")]
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_expr (Gda.DataHandler dh, GLib.Type type, ...);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_expr_value (Gda.DataHandler dh, GLib.Value value);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_field_id (string field_name, string table_name);
-               [CCode (sentinel = "")]
-               public void add_field_value (string field_name, GLib.Type type, ...);
-               public void add_field_value_as_gvalue (string field_name, GLib.Value value);
-               public void add_field_value_id (Gda.SqlBuilderId field_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId value_id);
-               [CCode (sentinel = "")]
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_function (string func_name, ...);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_function_v (string func_name, Gda.SqlBuilderId args, int args_size);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_id (string str);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_param (string param_name, GLib.Type type, bool nullok);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_sub_select (Gda.SqlStatement sqlst);
-               public void compound_add_sub_select (Gda.SqlStatement sqlst);
-               public void compound_set_type (Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType compound_type);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned Gda.SqlExpr export_expression (Gda.SqlBuilderId id);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlStatement get_sql_statement ();
-               public unowned Gda.Statement get_statement () throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId import_expression (Gda.SqlExpr expr);
-               public void join_add_field (Gda.SqlBuilderId join_id, string field_name);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_field (string field_name, string table_name, string alias);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_target (string table_name, string alias);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_target_id (Gda.SqlBuilderId table_id, string alias);
-               public void select_group_by (Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_join_targets (Gda.SqlBuilderId left_target_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId right_target_id, Gda.SqlSelectJoinType join_type, Gda.SqlBuilderId join_expr);
-               public void select_order_by (Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id, bool asc, string collation_name);
-               public void select_set_distinct (bool distinct, Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
-               public void select_set_having (Gda.SqlBuilderId cond_id);
-               public void select_set_limit (Gda.SqlBuilderId limit_count_expr_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId limit_offset_expr_id);
-               public void set_table (string table_name);
-               public void set_where (Gda.SqlBuilderId cond_id);
-               public Gda.SqlStatementType stmt_type { construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_case_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlCase {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr base_expr;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr else_expr;
-               public weak GLib.SList then_expr_list;
-               public weak GLib.SList when_expr_list;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlCase (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlCase copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlErrorType {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_expr_copy", type_id = "gda_sql_expr_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlExpr {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak Gda.SqlCase case_s;
-               public weak string cast_as;
-               public weak Gda.SqlOperation cond;
-               public weak Gda.SqlFunction func;
-               public weak Gda.SqlParamSpec param_spec;
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart select;
-               public GLib.Value value;
-               public void* value_is_ident;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlExpr (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlExpr copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public void take_select (Gda.SqlStatement stmt);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_field_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlField {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak string field_name;
-               public weak Gda.MetaTableColumn validity_meta_table_column;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlField (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlField copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public void take_name (GLib.Value value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_function_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlFunction {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak GLib.SList args_list;
-               public weak string function_name;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlFunction (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public void check_clean ();
-               public unowned Gda.SqlFunction copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public void take_args_list (owned GLib.SList args);
-               public void take_name (GLib.Value value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_operation_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlOperation {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak GLib.SList operands;
-               public Gda.SqlOperatorType operator_type;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlOperation (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlOperation copy ();
-               public static Gda.SqlOperatorType operator_from_string (string op);
-               public static unowned string operator_to_string (Gda.SqlOperatorType op);
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_param_spec_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlParamSpec {
-               public weak string descr;
-               public GLib.Type g_type;
-               public bool is_param;
-               public weak string name;
-               public bool nullok;
-               public void* validity_meta_dict;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlParamSpec (GLib.Value simple_spec);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlParamSpec copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public void take_descr (GLib.Value value);
-               public void take_name (GLib.Value value);
-               public void take_nullok (GLib.Value value);
-               public void take_type (GLib.Value value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class SqlParser : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlParser ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void* delim_alloc (GLib.Callback p1);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void delim_free (void* p1, GLib.Callback p2);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void delim_parse (void* p1, int p2, GLib.Value p3, Gda.SqlParserIface p4);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void delim_trace (void* p1, string p2);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned Gda.Batch parse_file_as_batch (string filename) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.Statement parse_string (string sql, out unowned string remain) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.Batch parse_string_as_batch (string sql, string remain) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void* parser_alloc (GLib.Callback p1);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void parser_free (void* p1, GLib.Callback p2);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void parser_parse (void* p1, int p2, GLib.Value p3, Gda.SqlParserIface p4);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void parser_trace (void* p1, string p2);
-               public void set_overflow_error ();
-               public void set_syntax_error ();
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int column_error { get; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int line_error { get; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int mode { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int tokenizer_flavour { get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlRenderingContext {
-               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
-               public Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags;
-               public weak Gda.Set @params;
-               public weak GLib.SList params_used;
-               public weak Gda.ServerProvider provider;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_begin;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_case;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_commit;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_compound;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_delete;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_delete_savepoint;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingExpr render_expr;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_field;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_function;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_insert;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_operation;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingPSpecFunc render_param_spec;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_rollback;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_rollback_savepoint;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_savepoint;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_field;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_from;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_join;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_order;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_select_target;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_table;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_unknown;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingFunc render_update;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingValue render_value;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_field_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlSelectField {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak string @as;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr expr;
-               public weak string field_name;
-               public weak string table_name;
-               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject validity_meta_object;
-               public weak Gda.MetaTableColumn validity_meta_table_column;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlSelectField (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectField copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public void take_alias (GLib.Value alias);
-               public void take_expr (Gda.SqlExpr expr);
-               public void take_star_value (GLib.Value value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_from_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlSelectFrom {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak GLib.SList joins;
-               public weak GLib.SList targets;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlSelectFrom (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectFrom copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public void take_new_join (Gda.SqlSelectJoin join);
-               public void take_new_target (Gda.SqlSelectTarget target);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_join_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlSelectJoin {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr expr;
-               public int position;
-               public Gda.SqlSelectJoinType type;
-               public weak GLib.SList use;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlSelectJoin (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectJoin copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public static unowned string type_to_string (Gda.SqlSelectJoinType type);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_order_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlSelectOrder {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public bool asc;
-               public weak string collation_name;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr expr;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlSelectOrder (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectOrder copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_select_target_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlSelectTarget {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak string @as;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr expr;
-               public weak string table_name;
-               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject validity_meta_object;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlSelectTarget (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlSelectTarget copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public void take_alias (GLib.Value alias);
-               public void take_select (Gda.SqlStatement stmt);
-               public void take_table_name (GLib.Value value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_statement_copy", type_id = "gda_sql_statement_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatement {
-               public void* contents;
-               public weak string sql;
-               public Gda.SqlStatementType stmt_type;
-               public weak Gda.MetaStruct validity_meta_struct;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlStatement (Gda.SqlStatementType type);
-               public void check_clean ();
-               public bool check_structure () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool check_validity (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool check_validity_m (Gda.MetaStruct mstruct) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.SqlStatement copy ();
-               public static unowned Gda.SqlStatementContentsInfo get_contents_infos (Gda.SqlStatementType type);
-               public bool normalize (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public static Gda.SqlStatementType string_to_type (string type);
-               public void trans_set_isol_level (Gda.TransactionIsolation level);
-               public void trans_take_mode (GLib.Value value);
-               public void trans_take_name (GLib.Value value);
-               public static unowned string type_to_string (Gda.SqlStatementType type);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementCheckValidityData {
-               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
-               public weak Gda.MetaStruct mstruct;
-               public weak Gda.MetaStore store;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementCompound {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType compound_type;
-               public weak GLib.SList stmt_list;
-               public static void set_type (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType type);
-               public static void take_stmt (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlStatement s);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementContentsInfo {
-               public weak Gda.SqlForeachFunc check_structure_func;
-               public weak Gda.SqlForeachFunc check_validity_func;
-               public weak GLib.Callback @construct;
-               public weak GLib.Callback copy;
-               public weak GLib.Callback free;
-               public weak string name;
-               public weak GLib.Callback serialize;
-               public Gda.SqlStatementType type;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementDelete {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr cond;
-               public weak Gda.SqlTable table;
-               public static void take_condition (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlExpr cond);
-               public static void take_table_name (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementInsert {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak GLib.SList fields_list;
-               public weak string on_conflict;
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart select;
-               public weak Gda.SqlTable table;
-               public weak GLib.SList values_list;
-               public static void take_1_values_list (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlExpr> list);
-               public static void take_extra_values_list (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.SList list);
-               public static void take_fields_list (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlField> list);
-               public static void take_on_conflict (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
-               public static void take_select (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlStatement select);
-               public static void take_table_name (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementSelect {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public bool distinct;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr distinct_expr;
-               public weak GLib.SList expr_list;
-               public weak Gda.SqlSelectFrom from;
-               public weak GLib.SList group_by;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr having_cond;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr limit_count;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr limit_offset;
-               public weak GLib.SList order_by;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr where_cond;
-               public static void take_distinct (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, bool distinct, Gda.SqlExpr distinct_expr);
-               public static void take_expr_list (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlSelectField> expr_list);
-               public static void take_from (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlSelectFrom from);
-               public static void take_group_by (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlExpr> group_by);
-               public static void take_having_cond (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlExpr expr);
-               public static void take_limits (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlExpr count, Gda.SqlExpr offset);
-               public static void take_order_by (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlSelectOrder> order_by);
-               public static void take_where_cond (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned Gda.SqlExpr expr);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementTransaction {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public Gda.TransactionIsolation isolation_level;
-               public weak string trans_mode;
-               public weak string trans_name;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementUnknown {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak GLib.SList expressions;
-               public static void take_expressions (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, owned GLib.SList<Gda.SqlExpr> expressions);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementUpdate {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak Gda.SqlExpr cond;
-               public weak GLib.SList expr_list;
-               public weak GLib.SList fields_list;
-               public weak string on_conflict;
-               public weak Gda.SqlTable table;
-               public static void take_condition (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, Gda.SqlExpr cond);
-               public static void take_on_conflict (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
-               public static void take_set_value (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value fname, Gda.SqlExpr expr);
-               public static void take_table_name (Gda.SqlStatement stmt, GLib.Value value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_sql_table_copy")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlTable {
-               public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart any;
-               public weak string table_name;
-               public weak Gda.MetaDbObject validity_meta_object;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlTable (Gda.SqlAnyPart parent);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlTable copy ();
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public void take_name (GLib.Value value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class SqliteProvider : Gda.ServerProvider {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected SqliteProvider ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class Statement : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Statement ();
-               public bool check_structure () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool check_validity (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.Statement copy ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public bool get_parameters (out unowned Gda.Set out_params) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.SqlStatementType get_statement_type ();
-               public bool is_useless ();
-               public bool normalize (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.SqlStatement rewrite_for_default_values (Gda.Set @params, bool remove) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string serialize ();
-               public string to_sql_extended (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, GLib.SList<Gda.Holder>? params_used) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string to_sql_real (Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public void* structure { get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void checked (Gda.Connection cnc, bool checked);
-               public virtual signal void reset ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class ThreadWrapper : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public ThreadWrapper ();
-               public bool cancel (uint id);
-               public ulong connect_raw (void* instance, string sig_name, bool private_thread, bool private_job, Gda.ThreadWrapperCallback callback, void* data);
-               public void disconnect (ulong id);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public uint execute (Gda.ThreadWrapperFunc func, void* arg, GLib.DestroyNotify arg_destroy_func) throws GLib.Error;
-               public uint execute_void (Gda.ThreadWrapperVoidFunc func, void* arg, GLib.DestroyNotify arg_destroy_func) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void* fetch_result (bool may_lock, uint exp_id) throws GLib.Error;
-               public int get_waiting_size ();
-               public void iterate (bool may_block);
-               public void steal_signal (ulong id);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_time_copy", type_id = "gda_time_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Time {
-               public ulong fraction;
-               public ushort hour;
-               public ushort minute;
-               public ushort second;
-               public long timezone;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-               public bool valid ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "gda_timestamp_copy", type_id = "gda_timestamp_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Timestamp {
-               public ushort day;
-               public ulong fraction;
-               public ushort hour;
-               public ushort minute;
-               public ushort month;
-               public ushort second;
-               public long timezone;
-               public short year;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-               public bool valid ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class TransactionStatus : GLib.Object {
-               public weak GLib.List events;
-               public Gda.TransactionIsolation isolation_level;
-               public weak string name;
-               public Gda.TransactionStatusState state;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public TransactionStatus (string name);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TransactionStatusEvent {
-               public weak Gda.ConnectionEvent conn_event;
-               public void* pl;
-               public weak Gda.TransactionStatus trans;
-               public Gda.TransactionStatusEventType type;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class Tree : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Tree ();
-               public void add_manager (Gda.TreeManager manager);
-               public void clean ();
-               public void dump (Gda.TreeNode node, GLib.FileStream stream);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_node (string tree_path, bool use_names);
-               public unowned Gda.TreeManager get_node_manager (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public unowned string get_node_path (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public unowned GLib.SList get_nodes_in_path (string tree_path, bool use_names);
-               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-               public bool update_all () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool update_part (Gda.TreeNode node) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool is_list { get; }
-               public virtual signal void node_changed (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public virtual signal void node_deleted (string node_path);
-               public virtual signal void node_has_child_toggled (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public virtual signal void node_inserted (Gda.TreeNode node);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class TreeManager : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected TreeManager ();
-               public void add_manager (Gda.TreeManager sub);
-               public void add_new_node_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value);
-               public unowned Gda.TreeNode create_node (Gda.TreeNode parent, string name);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned GLib.SList get_managers ();
-               public unowned Gda.TreeManagerNodeFunc get_node_create_func ();
-               public void set_node_create_func (Gda.TreeManagerNodeFunc func);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned GLib.SList update_children (Gda.TreeNode node, GLib.SList children_nodes, bool out_error) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public TreeManager.with_func (Gda.TreeManagerNodesFunc update_func);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public void* func { get; set construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool recursive { get; set construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class TreeMgrColumns : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrColumns (Gda.Connection cnc, string schema, string table_name);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
-               public string schema { construct; }
-               public string table_name { construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrColumnsPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class TreeMgrLabel : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrLabel (string label);
-               public string label { construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrLabelPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class TreeMgrSchemas : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrSchemas (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrSchemasPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class TreeMgrSelect : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrSelect (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Set @params { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement statement { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrSelectPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class TreeMgrTables : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrTables (Gda.Connection cnc, string schema);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
-               public string schema { construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrTablesPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class TreeNode : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public TreeNode (string name);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void dump_children (string prefix, GLib.StringBuilder in_string);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned string dump_header ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public GLib.Value fetch_attribute (string attribute);
-               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_child_index (int index);
-               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_child_name (string name);
-               public unowned GLib.SList get_children ();
-               public GLib.Value get_node_attribute (string attribute);
-               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_parent ();
-               public void set_node_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string name { owned get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void node_changed (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public virtual signal void node_deleted (string relative_path);
-               public virtual signal void node_has_child_toggled (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public virtual signal void node_inserted (Gda.TreeNode node);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class ValueList {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class VconnectionDataModel : Gda.VirtualConnection, Gda.Lockable {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected VconnectionDataModel ();
-               public bool add (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec spec, GLib.DestroyNotify spec_free_func, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool add_model (Gda.DataModel model, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void @foreach (Gda.VconnectionDataModelFunc func, void* data);
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_model (string table_name);
-               public unowned string get_table_name (Gda.DataModel model);
-               public bool remove (string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class VconnectionDataModelFilter {
-               public void* aConstraint;
-               public void* aConstraintUsage;
-               public void* aOrderBy;
-               public double estimatedCost;
-               public int idxNum;
-               public void* idxPointer;
-               public int nConstraint;
-               public int nOrderBy;
-               public bool orderByConsumed;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class VconnectionDataModelSpec {
-               public weak Gda.VconnectionDataModelCreateColumnsFunc create_columns_func;
-               public weak Gda.VconnectionDataModelParseFilterFunc create_filter_func;
-               public weak Gda.VconnectionDataModelCreateFModelFunc create_filtered_model_func;
-               public weak Gda.VconnectionDataModelCreateModelFunc create_model_func;
-               public weak Gda.DataModel data_model;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class VconnectionHub : Gda.VconnectionDataModel, Gda.Lockable {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected VconnectionHub ();
-               public bool add (Gda.Connection cnc, string ns) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void @foreach (Gda.VConnectionHubFunc func, void* data);
-               public unowned Gda.Connection get_connection (string ns);
-               public bool remove (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class VirtualConnection : Gda.Connection, Gda.Lockable {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected VirtualConnection ();
-               public void* internal_get_provider_data ();
-               public void internal_set_provider_data (void* data, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy_func);
-               public static unowned Gda.Connection open (Gda.VirtualProvider virtual_provider) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned Gda.Connection open_extended (Gda.VirtualProvider virtual_provider, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class VirtualProvider : Gda.SqliteProvider {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected VirtualProvider ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class VproviderDataModel : Gda.VirtualProvider {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaVirtualProvider*")]
-               public VproviderDataModel ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class VproviderHub : Gda.VproviderDataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaVirtualProvider*")]
-               public VproviderHub ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public class XaTransaction : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public XaTransaction (uint32 format, string global_transaction_id);
-               public bool begin () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool commit (out GLib.SList<Gda.Connection> cnc_to_recover) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool commit_recovered (out GLib.SList<Gda.Connection> cnc_to_recover) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public bool register_connection (Gda.Connection cnc, string branch) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool rollback () throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned Gda.XaTransactionId string_to_id (string str);
-               public void unregister_connection (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public uint format_id { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string transaction_id { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class XaTransactionId {
-               public ushort bqual_length;
-               [CCode (array_length = false)]
-               public uint8[] data;
-               public uint32 format;
-               public ushort gtrid_length;
-               public unowned string to_string ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public interface DataHandler : GLib.Object {
-               public abstract bool accepts_g_type (GLib.Type type);
-               public static unowned Gda.DataHandler get_default (GLib.Type for_type);
-               public abstract unowned string get_descr ();
-               public abstract GLib.Value get_sane_init_value (GLib.Type type);
-               public abstract unowned string get_sql_from_value (GLib.Value value);
-               public abstract unowned string get_str_from_value (GLib.Value value);
-               public abstract GLib.Value get_value_from_sql (string sql, GLib.Type type);
-               public abstract GLib.Value get_value_from_str (string str, GLib.Type type);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public interface DataModel : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_append_row")]
-               public virtual int append_row () throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_append_values")]
-               public virtual int append_values (GLib.List<GLib.Value> values) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_create_iter")]
-               public virtual unowned Gda.DataModelIter create_iter ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_describe_column")]
-               public virtual unowned Gda.Column describe_column (int col);
-               public void dump (GLib.FileStream to_stream);
-               public unowned string dump_as_string ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public bool export_to_file (Gda.DataModelIOFormat format, string file, int cols, int nb_cols, int rows, int nb_rows, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string export_to_string (Gda.DataModelIOFormat format, int cols, int nb_cols, int rows, int nb_rows, Gda.Set options);
-               public void freeze ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_access_flags")]
-               public virtual Gda.DataModelAccessFlags get_access_flags ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_attributes_at")]
-               public virtual Gda.ValueAttribute get_attributes_at (int col, int row);
-               public int get_column_index (string name);
-               public unowned string get_column_name (int col);
-               public unowned string get_column_title (int col);
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_n_columns")]
-               public virtual int get_n_columns ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_n_rows")]
-               public virtual int get_n_rows ();
-               public int get_row_from_values (GLib.SList<GLib.Value> values, int[] cols_index);
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_typed_value_at (int col, int row, GLib.Type expected_type, bool nullok) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (int col, int row) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_remove_row")]
-               public virtual bool remove_row (int row) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_send_hint")]
-               public virtual void send_hint (Gda.DataModelHint hint, GLib.Value hint_value);
-               public void set_column_name (int col, string name);
-               public void set_column_title (int col, string title);
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_set_value_at")]
-               public virtual bool set_value_at (int col, int row, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_set_values")]
-               public virtual bool set_values (int row, GLib.List<GLib.Value> values) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void thaw ();
-               public signal void changed ();
-               public signal void reset ();
-               public signal void row_inserted (int row);
-               public signal void row_removed (int row);
-               public signal void row_updated (int row);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public interface Lockable : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_lock")]
-               public virtual void @lock ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_trylock")]
-               public virtual bool trylock ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_unlock")]
-               public virtual void unlock ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public struct DsnInfo {
-               public weak string name;
-               public weak string provider;
-               public weak string description;
-               public weak string cnc_string;
-               public weak string auth_string;
-               public bool is_system;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [SimpleType]
-       public struct SqlBuilderId : uint {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       protected struct SqlParserIface {
-               public Gda.SqlParser parser;
-               public Gda.SqlStatement parsed_statement;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_BATCH_CONFLICTING_PARAMETER_")]
-       public errordomain BatchError {
-               ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONFIG_")]
-       public errordomain ConfigError {
-               DSN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               PERMISSION_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_")]
-       public errordomain ConnectionError {
-               DSN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               PROVIDER_ERROR,
-               NO_CNC_SPEC_ERROR,
-               NO_PROVIDER_SPEC_ERROR,
-               OPEN_ERROR,
-               STATEMENT_TYPE_ERROR,
-               CANT_LOCK_ERROR,
-               TASK_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               CLOSED_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_EVENT_CODE_")]
-       public enum ConnectionEventCode {
-               RESTRICT_VIOLATION,
-               NOT_NULL_VIOLATION,
-               FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION,
-               UNIQUE_VIOLATION,
-               CHECK_VIOLATION,
-               UNDEFINED_COLUMN,
-               UNDEFINED_FUNCTION,
-               UNDEFINED_TABLE,
-               DUPLICATE_COLUMN,
-               DUPLICATE_DATABASE,
-               DUPLICATE_FUNCTION,
-               DUPLICATE_SCHEMA,
-               DUPLICATE_TABLE,
-               DUPLICATE_ALIAS,
-               DUPLICATE_OBJECT,
-               SYNTAX_ERROR,
-               UNKNOWN
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_EVENT_")]
-       public enum ConnectionEventType {
-               NOTICE,
-               WARNING,
-               ERROR,
-               COMMAND
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_FEATURE_")]
-       public enum ConnectionFeature {
-               AGGREGATES,
-               BLOBS,
-               INDEXES,
-               INHERITANCE,
-               NAMESPACES,
-               PROCEDURES,
-               SEQUENCES,
-               SQL,
-               TRANSACTIONS,
-               SAVEPOINTS,
-               SAVEPOINTS_REMOVE,
-               TRIGGERS,
-               UPDATABLE_CURSOR,
-               USERS,
-               VIEWS,
-               XA_TRANSACTIONS,
-               MULTI_THREADING,
-               LAST
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_META_")]
-       public enum ConnectionMetaType {
-               NAMESPACES,
-               TYPES,
-               TABLES,
-               VIEWS,
-               FIELDS,
-               INDEXES
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_OPTIONS_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum ConnectionOptions {
-               NONE,
-               READ_ONLY,
-               THREAD_SAFE,
-               THREAD_ISOLATED,
-               AUTO_META_DATA
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_SCHEMA_")]
-       public enum ConnectionSchema {
-               AGGREGATES,
-               DATABASES,
-               FIELDS,
-               INDEXES,
-               LANGUAGES,
-               NAMESPACES,
-               PARENT_TABLES,
-               PROCEDURES,
-               SEQUENCES,
-               TABLES,
-               TRIGGERS,
-               TYPES,
-               USERS,
-               VIEWS,
-               CONSTRAINTS,
-               TABLE_CONTENTS
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_COMPARATOR_")]
-       public enum DataComparatorError {
-               MODEL_ACCESS_ERROR,
-               USER_CANCELLED_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ACCESS_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum DataModelAccessFlags {
-               RANDOM,
-               CURSOR_FORWARD,
-               CURSOR_BACKWARD,
-               CURSOR,
-               INSERT,
-               UPDATE,
-               DELETE,
-               WRITE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_")]
-       public enum DataModelError {
-               ROW_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR,
-               COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR,
-               VALUES_LIST_ERROR,
-               VALUE_TYPE_ERROR,
-               ROW_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               ACCESS_ERROR,
-               FILE_EXIST_ERROR,
-               XML_FORMAT_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_HINT_")]
-       public enum DataModelHint {
-               START_BATCH_UPDATE,
-               END_BATCH_UPDATE,
-               REFRESH
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_IO_")]
-       public enum DataModelIOFormat {
-               DATA_ARRAY_XML,
-               TEXT_SEPARATED
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ITER_COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_")]
-       public enum DataModelIterError {
-               ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PROXY_")]
-       public enum DataProxyError {
-               COMMIT_ERROR,
-               COMMIT_CANCELLED,
-               READ_ONLY_VALUE,
-               READ_ONLY_ROW,
-               FILTER_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_SELECT_")]
-       public enum DataSelectError {
-               CONNECTION_ERROR,
-               ACCESS_ERROR,
-               SQL_ERROR,
-               SAFETY_LOCKED_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DIFF_")]
-       public enum DiffType {
-               ADD_ROW,
-               REMOVE_ROW,
-               MODIFY_ROW
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_EASY_CREATE_TABLE_")]
-       public enum EasyCreateTableFlag {
-               NOTHING_FLAG,
-               PKEY_FLAG,
-               NOT_NULL_FLAG,
-               UNIQUE_FLAG,
-               AUTOINC_FLAG,
-               FKEY_FLAG,
-               PKEY_AUTOINC_FLAG
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_EASY_")]
-       public enum EasyError {
-               OBJECT_NAME_ERROR,
-               INCORRECT_VALUE_ERROR,
-               OPERATION_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_HOLDER_")]
-       public enum HolderError {
-               VALUE_TYPE_ERROR,
-               VALUE_NULL_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_DB_")]
-       public enum MetaDbObjectType {
-               UNKNOWN,
-               TABLE,
-               VIEW
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_FOREIGN_KEY_")]
-       public enum MetaForeignKeyPolicy {
-               UNKNOWN,
-               NONE,
-               NO_ACTION,
-               RESTRICT,
-               CASCADE,
-               SET_NULL,
-               SET_DEFAULT
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_GRAPH_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum MetaGraphInfo {
-               COLUMNS
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_SORT_")]
-       public enum MetaSortType {
-               ALHAPETICAL,
-               DEPENDENCIES
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STORE_")]
-       public enum MetaStoreChangeType {
-               ADD,
-               REMOVE,
-               MODIFY
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STORE_")]
-       public enum MetaStoreError {
-               INTERNAL_ERROR,
-               META_CONTEXT_ERROR,
-               MODIFY_CONTENTS_ERROR,
-               EXTRACT_SQL_ERROR,
-               ATTRIBUTE_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STRUCT_")]
-       public enum MetaStructError {
-               UNKNOWN_OBJECT_ERROR,
-               INCOHERENCE_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STRUCT_FEATURE_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum MetaStructFeature {
-               NONE,
-               FOREIGN_KEYS,
-               VIEW_DEPENDENCIES,
-               ALL
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_", has_type_id = false)]
-       public enum PrefixDir {
-               NO_DIR,
-               BIN_DIR,
-               SBIN_DIR,
-               DATA_DIR,
-               LOCALE_DIR,
-               LIB_DIR,
-               LIBEXEC_DIR,
-               ETC_DIR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_CREATE_TABLE_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum ServerOperationCreateTableFlag {
-               NOTHING_FLAG,
-               PKEY_FLAG,
-               NOT_NULL_FLAG,
-               UNIQUE_FLAG,
-               AUTOINC_FLAG,
-               FKEY_FLAG,
-               PKEY_AUTOINC_FLAG
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_")]
-       public enum ServerOperationError {
-               OBJECT_NAME_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_STATUS_")]
-       public enum ServerOperationNodeStatus {
-               OPTIONAL,
-               REQUIRED,
-               UNKNOWN
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_NODE_")]
-       public enum ServerOperationNodeType {
-               PARAMLIST,
-               DATA_MODEL,
-               PARAM,
-               SEQUENCE,
-               SEQUENCE_ITEM,
-               DATA_MODEL_COLUMN,
-               UNKNOWN
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_")]
-       public enum ServerOperationType {
-               CREATE_DB,
-               DROP_DB,
-               CREATE_TABLE,
-               DROP_TABLE,
-               RENAME_TABLE,
-               ADD_COLUMN,
-               DROP_COLUMN,
-               CREATE_INDEX,
-               DROP_INDEX,
-               CREATE_VIEW,
-               DROP_VIEW,
-               COMMENT_TABLE,
-               COMMENT_COLUMN,
-               CREATE_USER,
-               ALTER_USER,
-               DROP_USER,
-               LAST
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_PROVIDER_")]
-       public enum ServerProviderError {
-               PREPARE_STMT_ERROR,
-               EMPTY_STMT_ERROR,
-               MISSING_PARAM_ERROR,
-               STATEMENT_EXEC_ERROR,
-               OPERATION_ERROR,
-               INTERNAL_ERROR,
-               BUSY_ERROR,
-               NON_SUPPORTED_ERROR,
-               SERVER_VERSION_ERROR,
-               DATA_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SET_")]
-       public enum SetError {
-               XML_SPEC_ERROR,
-               HOLDER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               INVALID_ERROR,
-               READ_ONLY_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_ANY_")]
-       public enum SqlAnyPartType {
-               STMT_SELECT,
-               STMT_INSERT,
-               STMT_UPDATE,
-               STMT_DELETE,
-               STMT_COMPOUND,
-               STMT_BEGIN,
-               STMT_ROLLBACK,
-               STMT_COMMIT,
-               STMT_SAVEPOINT,
-               STMT_DELETE_SAVEPOINT,
-               STMT_UNKNOWN,
-               EXPR,
-               SQL_FIELD,
-               SQL_TABLE,
-               SQL_FUNCTION,
-               SQL_OPERATION,
-               SQL_CASE,
-               SQL_SELECT_FIELD,
-               SQL_SELECT_TARGET,
-               SQL_SELECT_JOIN,
-               SQL_SELECT_FROM,
-               SQL_SELECT_ORDER
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_BUILDER_")]
-       public enum SqlBuilderError {
-               WRONG_TYPE_ERROR,
-               MISUSE_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_IDENTIFIERS_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum SqlIdentifierStyle {
-               LOWER_CASE,
-               UPPER_CASE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_OPERATOR_TYPE_")]
-       public enum SqlOperatorType {
-               AND,
-               OR,
-               EQ,
-               IS,
-               LIKE,
-               BETWEEN,
-               GT,
-               LT,
-               GEQ,
-               LEQ,
-               DIFF,
-               REGEXP,
-               REGEXP_CI,
-               NOT_REGEXP,
-               NOT_REGEXP_CI,
-               SIMILAR,
-               ISNULL,
-               ISNOTNULL,
-               NOT,
-               IN,
-               NOTIN,
-               CONCAT,
-               PLUS,
-               MINUS,
-               STAR,
-               DIV,
-               REM,
-               BITAND,
-               BITOR,
-               BITNOT
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_")]
-       public enum SqlParserError {
-               SYNTAX_ERROR,
-               OVERFLOW_ERROR,
-               EMPTY_SQL_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_FLAVOUR_")]
-       public enum SqlParserFlavour {
-               STANDARD,
-               SQLITE,
-               MYSQL,
-               ORACLE,
-               POSTGRESQL
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_MODE_")]
-       public enum SqlParserMode {
-               PARSE,
-               DELIMIT
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_SELECT_JOIN_")]
-       public enum SqlSelectJoinType {
-               CROSS,
-               NATURAL,
-               INNER,
-               LEFT,
-               RIGHT,
-               FULL
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_COMPOUND_")]
-       public enum SqlStatementCompoundType {
-               UNION,
-               UNION_ALL,
-               INTERSECT,
-               INTERSECT_ALL,
-               EXCEPT,
-               EXCEPT_ALL
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_")]
-       public enum SqlStatementType {
-               SELECT,
-               INSERT,
-               UPDATE,
-               DELETE,
-               COMPOUND,
-               BEGIN,
-               ROLLBACK,
-               COMMIT,
-               SAVEPOINT,
-               ROLLBACK_SAVEPOINT,
-               DELETE_SAVEPOINT,
-               UNKNOWN,
-               NONE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_")]
-       public enum StatementError {
-               PARSE_ERROR,
-               SYNTAX_ERROR,
-               NO_CNC_ERROR,
-               CNC_CLOSED_ERROR,
-               EXEC_ERROR,
-               PARAM_TYPE_ERROR,
-               PARAM_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_MODEL_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum StatementModelUsage {
-               RANDOM_ACCESS,
-               CURSOR_FORWARD,
-               CURSOR_BACKWARD,
-               CURSOR,
-               ALLOW_NOPARAM
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_SQL_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum StatementSqlFlag {
-               PARAMS_AS_VALUES,
-               PRETTY,
-               PARAMS_LONG,
-               PARAMS_SHORT,
-               PARAMS_AS_COLON,
-               PARAMS_AS_DOLLAR,
-               PARAMS_AS_QMARK,
-               PARAMS_AS_UQMARK
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_THREAD_WRAPPER_UNKNOWN_", has_type_id = false)]
-       public enum ThreadWrapperError {
-               ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION_")]
-       public enum TransactionIsolation {
-               UNKNOWN,
-               READ_COMMITTED,
-               READ_UNCOMMITTED,
-               REPEATABLE_READ,
-               SERIALIZABLE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_STATUS_EVENT_")]
-       public enum TransactionStatusEventType {
-               SAVEPOINT,
-               SQL,
-               SUB_TRANSACTION
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_STATUS_STATE_")]
-       public enum TransactionStatusState {
-               OK,
-               FAILED
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_UNKNOWN_")]
-       public enum TreeError {
-               ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_MANAGER_UNKNOWN_")]
-       public enum TreeManagerError {
-               ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_")]
-       public enum TreeNodeError {
-               ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_VALUE_ATTR_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum ValueAttribute {
-               NONE,
-               IS_NULL,
-               CAN_BE_NULL,
-               IS_DEFAULT,
-               CAN_BE_DEFAULT,
-               IS_UNCHANGED,
-               ACTIONS_SHOWN,
-               DATA_NON_VALID,
-               HAS_VALUE_ORIG,
-               NO_MODIF,
-               UNUSED
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_XA_TRANSACTION_")]
-       public enum XaTransactionError {
-               DTP_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public errordomain SqlError {
-               VALIDATION_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public delegate void AttributesManagerFunc (string att_name, GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public delegate void AttributesManagerSignal (GLib.Object obj, string att_name, GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public delegate void ServerProviderAsyncCallback (Gda.ServerProvider provider, Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id, bool result_status, GLib.Error error);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public delegate void ServerProviderExecCallback (Gda.ServerProvider provider, Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id, GLib.Object result_obj, GLib.Error error);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate bool SqlForeachFunc (Gda.SqlAnyPart p1, void* p2) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate unowned string SqlRenderingExpr (Gda.SqlExpr expr, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context, bool is_default, bool is_null) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate unowned string SqlRenderingFunc (Gda.SqlAnyPart node, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate unowned string SqlRenderingPSpecFunc (Gda.SqlParamSpec pspec, Gda.SqlExpr expr, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context, bool is_default, bool is_null) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate unowned string SqlRenderingValue (GLib.Value value, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate bool SqlReservedKeywordsFunc (string word);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public delegate void ThreadWrapperCallback (Gda.ThreadWrapper wrapper, void* instance, string signame, int n_param_values, GLib.Value param_values, void* gda_reserved);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void* ThreadWrapperFunc (void* arg) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void ThreadWrapperVoidFunc (void* arg) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate unowned Gda.TreeNode TreeManagerNodeFunc (Gda.TreeManager manager, Gda.TreeNode parent, string name);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate unowned GLib.SList TreeManagerNodesFunc (Gda.TreeManager manager, Gda.TreeNode node, GLib.SList children_nodes, bool out_error) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public delegate void VConnectionHubFunc (Gda.Connection cnc, string ns);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate unowned GLib.List VconnectionDataModelCreateColumnsFunc (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec p1) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate unowned Gda.DataModel VconnectionDataModelCreateFModelFunc (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec p1, int p2, string p3, int p4, out GLib.Value p5);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate unowned Gda.DataModel VconnectionDataModelCreateModelFunc (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec p1);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void VconnectionDataModelFunc (Gda.DataModel p1, string p2, void* p3);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void VconnectionDataModelParseFilterFunc (Gda.VconnectionDataModelSpec p1, Gda.VconnectionDataModelFilter p2);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_INCREMENT;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_IS_DEFAULT;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_PRECISION;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_SCALE;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const string EXTRA_AUTO_INCREMENT;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const string SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const string SQLSTATE_NO_ERROR;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const int TIMEZONE_INVALID;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public const int TYPE_NULL;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string alphanum_to_text (string text);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string completion_list_get (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql, int start, int end);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool compute_dml_statements (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement select_stmt, bool require_pk, out unowned Gda.Statement insert_stmt, out unowned Gda.Statement update_stmt, out unowned Gda.Statement delete_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.SqlStatement compute_select_statement_from_update (Gda.Statement update_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.SqlExpr compute_unique_table_row_condition (Gda.SqlStatementSelect stsel, Gda.MetaTable mtable, bool require_pk) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.SqlExpr compute_unique_table_row_condition_with_cnc (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.SqlStatementSelect stsel, Gda.MetaTable mtable, bool require_pk) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string default_escape_string (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string default_unescape_string (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool delete_row_from_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void dsn_split (string str, string out_dsn, string out_username, string out_password);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Quark easy_error_quark ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static int execute_non_select_command (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.DataModel execute_select_command (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Type g_type_from_string (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string g_type_to_string (GLib.Type type);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string gbr_get_file_path (Gda.PrefixDir where);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void gbr_init ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string get_application_exec_path (string app_name);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.DataHandler get_default_handler (GLib.Type for_type);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool identifier_equal (string id1, string id2);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static uint identifier_hash (string id);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void init ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool insert_row_into_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool insert_row_into_table_v (Gda.Connection cnc, string table, GLib.SList col_names, GLib.SList values) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void locale_changed ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void log_disable ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void log_enable ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void log_error (string format);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool log_is_enabled ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void log_message (string format);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool parse_iso8601_date (GLib.Date gdate, string value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool parse_iso8601_time (Gda.Time timegda, string value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool parse_iso8601_timestamp (Gda.Timestamp timestamp, string value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.Statement parse_sql_string (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql, out unowned Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool perform_create_database (string provider, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool perform_create_table (Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool perform_drop_database (string provider, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool perform_drop_table (Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_database (string provider, string db_name) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_database (string provider, string db_name) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool rfc1738_decode (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string rfc1738_encode (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.Statement select_alter_select_for_empty (Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Type short_get_type ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Quark sql_error_quark ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string sql_identifier_add_quotes (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool sql_identifier_needs_quotes (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string sql_identifier_quote (string id, Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.ServerProvider prov, bool meta_store_convention, bool force_quotes);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string sql_identifier_remove_quotes (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string sql_identifier_split (string id);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string sql_value_stringify (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.Binary string_to_binary (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.Blob string_to_blob (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string text_to_alphanum (string text);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool update_row_in_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool update_row_in_table_v (Gda.Connection cnc, string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value, GLib.SList col_names, GLib.SList values) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Type ushort_get_type ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool utility_check_data_model (Gda.DataModel model, int nbcols);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool utility_data_model_dump_data_to_xml (Gda.DataModel model, Xml.Node parent, int cols, int nb_cols, int rows, int nb_rows, bool use_col_ids);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string utility_data_model_find_column_description (Gda.DataSelect model, string field_name);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool utility_holder_load_attributes (Gda.Holder holder, Xml.Node node, GLib.SList sources) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static int value_compare (GLib.Value value1, GLib.Value value2);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Value value_copy (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static int value_differ (GLib.Value value1, GLib.Value value2);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_free (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.Binary value_get_binary (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.Blob value_get_blob (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.GeometricPoint value_get_geometric_point (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.ValueList value_get_list (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.Numeric value_get_numeric (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static short value_get_short (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.Time value_get_time (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.Timestamp value_get_timestamp (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static ushort value_get_ushort (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool value_is_null (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool value_is_number (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Value value_new (GLib.Type type);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Value value_new_binary (uchar[] val, long size);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Value value_new_blob (uchar[] val, long size);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Value value_new_blob_from_file (string filename);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Value value_new_from_string (string as_string, GLib.Type type);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Value value_new_from_xml (Xml.Node node);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Value value_new_timestamp_from_timet (ulong val);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_reset_with_type (GLib.Value value, GLib.Type type);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_binary (GLib.Value value, Gda.Binary binary);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_blob (GLib.Value value, Gda.Blob blob);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool value_set_from_string (GLib.Value value, string as_string, GLib.Type type);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool value_set_from_value (GLib.Value value, GLib.Value from);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_geometric_point (GLib.Value value, Gda.GeometricPoint val);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_list (GLib.Value value, Gda.ValueList val);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_null (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_numeric (GLib.Value value, Gda.Numeric val);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_short (GLib.Value value, short val);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_time (GLib.Value value, Gda.Time val);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_timestamp (GLib.Value value, Gda.Timestamp val);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_set_ushort (GLib.Value value, ushort val);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string value_stringify (GLib.Value value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_take_binary (GLib.Value value, Gda.Binary binary);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void value_take_blob (GLib.Value value, Gda.Blob blob);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Xml.Node value_to_xml (GLib.Value value);
diff --git a/src/vapi/libgda-5.0.deps b/src/vapi/libgda-5.0.deps
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1899619..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/vapi/libgda-5.0.vapi b/src/vapi/libgda-5.0.vapi
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1f5aa0d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2134 +0,0 @@
-/* libgda-5.0.vapi generated by vapigen-0.16, do not modify. */
-[CCode (cprefix = "Gda", gir_namespace = "Gda", gir_version = "5.0", lower_case_cprefix = "gda_")]
-namespace Gda {
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class AttributesManager {
-               public void clear (void* ptr);
-               public void copy (void* from, Gda.AttributesManager to_mgr, void* to);
-               public void free ();
-               public GLib.Value @get (void* ptr, string att_name);
-               public void @set (void* ptr, string att_name, GLib.Value value);
-               public void set_full (void* ptr, string att_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_batch_get_type ()")]
-       public class Batch : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Batch ();
-               public void add_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
-               public Gda.Batch copy ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public bool get_parameters (out Gda.Set out_params) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned GLib.SList<Gda.Statement> get_statements ();
-               public void remove_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
-               public string serialize ();
-               public virtual signal void changed (GLib.Object changed_stmt);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_binary_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Binary {
-               public long binary_length;
-               public uint8 data;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-               public static void free (owned void* boxed);
-               public string to_string (uint maxlen);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_blob_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Blob {
-               public weak Gda.Binary data;
-               public weak Gda.BlobOp op;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-               public static void free (owned void* boxed);
-               public void set_op (Gda.BlobOp? op);
-               public string to_string (uint maxlen);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_blob_op_get_type ()")]
-       public abstract class BlobOp : GLib.Object {
-               public void* _gda_reserved1;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected BlobOp ();
-               public virtual long get_length ();
-               public virtual long read (Gda.Blob blob, long offset, long size);
-               public bool read_all (Gda.Blob blob);
-               public virtual long write (Gda.Blob blob, long offset);
-               public virtual bool write_all (Gda.Blob blob);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_column_get_type ()")]
-       public class Column : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Column ();
-               public Gda.Column copy ();
-               public bool get_allow_null ();
-               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
-               public bool get_auto_increment ();
-               public unowned string get_dbms_type ();
-               public GLib.Value get_default_value ();
-               public unowned string get_description ();
-               public GLib.Type get_g_type ();
-               public unowned string get_name ();
-               public int get_position ();
-               public void set_allow_null (bool allow);
-               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value? value, GLib.DestroyNotify? destroy);
-               public void set_auto_increment (bool is_auto);
-               public void set_dbms_type (string dbms_type);
-               public void set_default_value (GLib.Value? default_value);
-               public void set_description (string title);
-               public void set_g_type (GLib.Type type);
-               public void set_name (string name);
-               public void set_position (int position);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string id { owned get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void g_type_changed (GLib.Type old_type, GLib.Type new_type);
-               public virtual signal void name_changed (string old_name);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_config_get_type ()")]
-       public class Config : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected Config ();
-               public static bool can_modify_system_config ();
-               public static bool define_dsn (Gda.DsnInfo info) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static bool dsn_needs_authentication (string dsn_name);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public static Gda.Config @get ();
-               public static Gda.DsnInfo get_dsn_info (string dsn_name);
-               public static Gda.DsnInfo get_dsn_info_at_index (int index);
-               public static int get_dsn_info_index (string dsn_name);
-               public static int get_nb_dsn ();
-               public static unowned Gda.ServerProvider get_provider (string provider_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static Gda.ProviderInfo get_provider_info (string provider_name);
-               public static Gda.DataModel list_dsn ();
-               public static Gda.DataModel list_providers ();
-               public static bool remove_dsn (string dsn_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string system_filename { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string user_filename { owned get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void dsn_added (void* new_dsn);
-               public virtual signal void dsn_changed (void* dsn);
-               public virtual signal void dsn_removed (void* old_dsn);
-               public virtual signal void dsn_to_be_removed (void* old_dsn);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_connection_get_type ()")]
-       public class Connection : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected Connection ();
-               public void add_event (owned Gda.ConnectionEvent event);
-               public void add_prepared_statement (Gda.Statement gda_stmt, Gda.PStmt prepared_stmt);
-               public bool add_savepoint (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool async_cancel (uint task_id) throws GLib.Error;
-               public GLib.Object async_fetch_result (uint task_id, out Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public uint async_statement_execute (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.Type[]? col_types, bool need_last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public GLib.SList<GLib.Object> batch_execute (Gda.Batch batch, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool begin_transaction (string? name, Gda.TransactionIsolation level) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void clear_events_list ();
-               public void close ();
-               public void close_no_warning ();
-               public bool commit_transaction (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.ServerOperation create_operation (Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set? options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.SqlParser create_parser ();
-               public void del_prepared_statement (Gda.Statement gda_stmt);
-               public bool delete_row_from_table (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool delete_savepoint (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public int execute_non_select_command (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.DataModel execute_select_command (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Connection.from_dsn (string dsn, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Connection.from_string (string? provider_name, string cnc_string, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned string get_authentication ();
-               public unowned string get_cnc_string ();
-               public unowned string get_dsn ();
-               public unowned GLib.List<Gda.ConnectionEvent> get_events ();
-               public unowned Gda.MetaStore get_meta_store ();
-               public Gda.DataModel get_meta_store_data_v (Gda.ConnectionMetaType meta_type, GLib.List<Gda.Holder> filters) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.ConnectionOptions get_options ();
-               public unowned Gda.PStmt get_prepared_statement (Gda.Statement gda_stmt);
-               public unowned Gda.ServerProvider get_provider ();
-               public unowned string get_provider_name ();
-               public unowned Gda.TransactionStatus get_transaction_status ();
-               public bool insert_row_into_table_v (string table, GLib.SList<string> col_names, GLib.SList<GLib.Value?> values) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool is_opened ();
-               public bool open () throws GLib.Error;
-               public static Gda.Connection open_from_dsn (string dsn, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static Gda.Connection open_from_string (string? provider_name, string cnc_string, string? auth_string, Gda.ConnectionOptions options) throws ConnectionError, ConfigError;
-               public static Gda.Connection open_sqlite (string? directory, string filename, bool auto_unlink);
-               public Gda.Statement parse_sql_string (string sql, out Gda.Set @params) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_operation (Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.ConnectionEvent point_available_event (Gda.ConnectionEventType type);
-               public string quote_sql_identifier (string id);
-               public GLib.SList<GLib.Object> repetitive_statement_execute (Gda.RepetitiveStatement rstmt, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.Type[]? col_types, bool stop_on_error) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool rollback_savepoint (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool rollback_transaction (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public GLib.Object statement_execute (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, out Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public int statement_execute_non_select (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, out Gda.Set last_insert_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.DataModel statement_execute_select_full (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementModelUsage model_usage, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.Type[]? col_types) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool statement_prepare (Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-               public string statement_to_sql (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, out GLib.SList<weak Gda.Holder> params_used) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static void string_split (string string, string out_cnc_params, string out_provider, string out_username, string out_password);
-               public bool supports_feature (Gda.ConnectionFeature feature);
-               public bool update_meta_store (Gda.MetaContext? context) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool update_row_in_table_v (string table, string condition_column_name, GLib.Value condition_value, GLib.SList<string> col_names, GLib.SList<GLib.Value?> values) throws GLib.Error;
-               public string value_to_sql_string (GLib.Value from);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string auth_string { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string cnc_string { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string dsn { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int events_history_size { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool execution_timer { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool is_wrapper { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool monitor_wrapped_in_mainloop { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.ServerProvider provider { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public void* thread_owner { get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void conn_closed ();
-               public virtual signal void conn_opened ();
-               public virtual signal void conn_to_close ();
-               public virtual signal void dsn_changed ();
-               public virtual signal void error (Gda.ConnectionEvent error);
-               public virtual signal void transaction_status_changed ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_connection_event_get_type ()")]
-       public class ConnectionEvent : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected ConnectionEvent ();
-               public long get_code ();
-               public unowned string get_description ();
-               public Gda.ConnectionEventType get_event_type ();
-               public Gda.ConnectionEventCode get_gda_code ();
-               public unowned string get_source ();
-               public unowned string get_sqlstate ();
-               public void set_code (long code);
-               public void set_description (string description);
-               public void set_event_type (Gda.ConnectionEventType type);
-               public void set_gda_code (Gda.ConnectionEventCode code);
-               public void set_source (string source);
-               public void set_sqlstate (string sqlstate);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int type { get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_access_wrapper_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataAccessWrapper : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataAccessWrapper ();
-               public static Gda.DataModel @new (Gda.DataModel model);
-               public bool set_mapping ([CCode (array_length_cname = "mapping_size", array_length_pos = 1.1)] int[]? mapping);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_comparator_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataComparator : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GObject*")]
-               public DataComparator (Gda.DataModel old_model, Gda.DataModel new_model);
-               public bool compute_diff () throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public Gda.Diff get_diff (int pos);
-               public int get_n_diffs ();
-               public void set_key_columns ([CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 1.1)] int[] col_numbers);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel new_model { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel old_model { owned get; set; }
-               public virtual signal bool diff_computed (void* diff);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_array_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataModelArray : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataModelArray ();
-               public void clear ();
-               public unowned Gda.Row get_row (int row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static Gda.DataModel @new (int cols);
-               public static Gda.DataModel new_with_g_types_v (int cols, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.Type[] types);
-               public void set_n_columns (int cols);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public uint n_columns { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool read_only { get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_dir_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataModelDir : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataModelDir ();
-               public void clean_errors ();
-               public static Gda.DataModel @new (string basedir);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string basedir { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_dsn_list_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataModelDsnList : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataModelDsnList ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_import_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataModelImport : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataModelImport ();
-               public void clean_errors ();
-               public static Gda.DataModel new_file (string filename, bool random_access, Gda.Set? options);
-               public static Gda.DataModel new_mem (string data, bool random_access, Gda.Set? options);
-               public static Gda.DataModel new_xml_node ([CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* node);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string data_string { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string filename { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Set options { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool random_access { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool strict { get; set construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public void* xml_node { get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_iter_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataModelIter : Gda.Set {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataModelIter ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned Gda.Holder get_holder_for_field (int col);
-               public int get_row ();
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (int col);
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at_e (int col) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_for_field (string field_name);
-               public void invalidate_contents ();
-               public bool is_valid ();
-               public bool move_next ();
-               public bool move_prev ();
-               public bool move_to_row (int row);
-               public bool set_value_at (int col, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int current_row { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel data_model { owned get; set construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel forced_model { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool update_model { get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void end_of_data ();
-               public virtual signal void row_changed (int row);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_ldap_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataModelLdap : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataModelLdap ();
-               public static GLib.List<Gda.Column> compute_columns (Gda.Connection cnc, string? attributes);
-               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
-               public static Gda.DataModel @new (Gda.Connection cnc, string? base_dn, string? filter, string? attributes, Gda.LdapSearchScope scope);
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public DataModelLdap.with_config (Gda.Connection cnc, string? base_dn, string? filter, string? attributes, Gda.LdapSearchScope scope);
-               public string attributes { construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string @base { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string filter { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int scope { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool use_rdn { get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_pivot_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataPivot : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataPivot ();
-               public bool add_data (Gda.DataPivotAggregate aggregate_type, string field, string? alias) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool add_field (Gda.DataPivotFieldType field_type, string field, string? alias) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public static Gda.DataModel @new (Gda.DataModel? model);
-               public bool populate () throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_proxy_get_type ()")]
-       public class DataProxy : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GObject*")]
-               public DataProxy (Gda.DataModel model);
-               public void alter_value_attributes (int proxy_row, int col, Gda.ValueAttribute alter_flags);
-               public bool apply_all_changes () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool apply_row_changes (int proxy_row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool cancel_all_changes ();
-               public void cancel_row_changes (int proxy_row, int col);
-               public void @delete (int proxy_row);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned string get_filter_expr ();
-               public int get_filtered_n_rows ();
-               public int get_n_modified_rows ();
-               public int get_n_new_rows ();
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_proxied_model ();
-               public int get_proxied_model_n_cols ();
-               public int get_proxied_model_n_rows ();
-               public int get_proxied_model_row (int proxy_row);
-               public int get_sample_end ();
-               public int get_sample_size ();
-               public int get_sample_start ();
-               public Gda.ValueAttribute get_value_attributes (int proxy_row, int col);
-               public GLib.SList<weak GLib.Value?> get_values (int proxy_row, [CCode (array_length = false)] int[] cols_index, int n_cols);
-               public bool has_changed ();
-               public bool is_read_only ();
-               public bool row_has_changed (int proxy_row);
-               public bool row_is_deleted (int proxy_row);
-               public bool row_is_inserted (int proxy_row);
-               public bool set_filter_expr (string? filter_expr) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_ordering_column (int col) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_sample_size (int sample_size);
-               public void set_sample_start (int sample_start);
-               public void undelete (int proxy_row);
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public DataProxy.with_data_model (Gda.DataModel model);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool defer_sync { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel model { owned get; set construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool prepend_null_entry { get; set; }
-               public int sample_size { get; set construct; }
-               public virtual signal void filter_changed ();
-               public virtual signal void row_changes_applied (int row, int proxied_row);
-               public virtual signal void row_delete_changed (int row, bool to_be_deleted);
-               public virtual signal void sample_changed (int sample_start, int sample_end);
-               public virtual signal void sample_size_changed (int sample_size);
-               public virtual signal GLib.Error validate_row_changes (int row, int proxied_row);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_select_get_type ()")]
-       public abstract class DataSelect : GLib.Object, Gda.DataModel {
-               public int advertized_nrows;
-               public int nb_stored_rows;
-               public weak Gda.PStmt prep_stmt;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected DataSelect ();
-               public bool compute_columns_attributes () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool compute_modification_statements () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool compute_modification_statements_ext (Gda.DataSelectConditionType cond_type) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool compute_row_selection_condition () throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool fetch_at (Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual int fetch_nb_rows ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool fetch_next (Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool fetch_prev (Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool fetch_random (Gda.Row prow, int rownum) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.Connection get_connection ();
-               public bool rerun () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_modification_statement (Gda.Statement mod_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_modification_statement_sql (string sql) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_row_selection_condition_sql (string sql_where) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool store_all () throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool auto_reset { get; set; }
-               public Gda.Connection connection { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement delete_stmt { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Set exec_params { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public double execution_delay { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement insert_stmt { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public uint model_usage { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.PStmt prepared_stmt { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement select_stmt { owned get; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool store_all_rows { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement update_stmt { owned get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_default_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Default {
-               public static string escape_string (string string);
-               public static string unescape_string (string string);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", lower_case_csuffix = "geometricpoint", type_id = "gda_geometricpoint_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class GeometricPoint {
-               public double x;
-               public double y;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-               public static void free (void* boxed);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_bin_get_type ()")]
-       public class HandlerBin : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected HandlerBin ();
-               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerBinPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_boolean_get_type ()")]
-       public class HandlerBoolean : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected HandlerBoolean ();
-               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerBooleanPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_numerical_get_type ()")]
-       public class HandlerNumerical : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected HandlerNumerical ();
-               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerNumericalPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_string_get_type ()")]
-       public class HandlerString : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected HandlerString ();
-               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
-               public static Gda.DataHandler new_with_provider (Gda.ServerProvider prov, Gda.Connection? cnc);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerStringPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_time_get_type ()")]
-       public class HandlerTime : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected HandlerTime ();
-               public string get_format (GLib.Type type);
-               public string get_no_locale_str_from_value (GLib.Value value);
-               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
-               public static Gda.DataHandler new_no_locale ();
-               public void set_sql_spec (GLib.DateDMY first, GLib.DateDMY sec, GLib.DateDMY third, char separator, bool twodigits_years);
-               public void set_str_spec (GLib.DateDMY first, GLib.DateDMY sec, GLib.DateDMY third, char separator, bool twodigits_years);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerTimePriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_handler_type_get_type ()")]
-       public class HandlerType : GLib.Object, Gda.DataHandler {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected HandlerType ();
-               public static Gda.DataHandler @new ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class HandlerTypePriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_holder_get_type ()")]
-       public class Holder : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Holder (GLib.Type type);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void att_changed (string att_name, GLib.Value att_value);
-               public Gda.Holder copy ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public void force_invalid ();
-               public void force_invalid_e (owned GLib.Error? error);
-               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
-               public unowned Gda.Holder get_bind ();
-               public GLib.Value get_default_value ();
-               public GLib.Type get_g_type ();
-               public unowned string get_id ();
-               public bool get_not_null ();
-               public unowned Gda.DataModel get_source_model (int col);
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value ();
-               public string get_value_str (Gda.DataHandler? dh);
-               public bool is_valid ();
-               public bool is_valid_e () throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-               public bool set_bind (Gda.Holder bind_to) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_default_value (GLib.Value value);
-               public void set_not_null (bool not_null);
-               public bool set_source_model (Gda.DataModel model, int col) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_value (GLib.Value? value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_value_str (Gda.DataHandler dh, string value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_value_to_default ();
-               public GLib.Value take_static_value (GLib.Value value, bool value_changed) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool take_value (owned GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool value_is_default ();
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string description { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Holder full_bind { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public GLib.Type g_type { get; set construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string id { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string name { owned get; set; }
-               public bool not_null { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Holder simple_bind { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int source_column { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.DataModel source_model { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool validate_changes { get; set; }
-               public signal void attribute_changed (string att_name, GLib.Value att_value);
-               public virtual signal void changed ();
-               public virtual signal void source_changed ();
-               public virtual signal GLib.Error validate_change (GLib.Value new_value);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_meta_context_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class MetaContext {
-               [CCode (array_length_cname = "size")]
-               public weak string[] column_names;
-               [CCode (array_length_cname = "size")]
-               public weak GLib.Value[] column_values;
-               public int size;
-               public weak string table_name;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public MetaContext ();
-               public void free ();
-               public unowned string get_table ();
-               public void set_column (string column, GLib.Value value, Gda.Connection? cnc);
-               public void set_table (string table);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_meta_store_get_type ()")]
-       public class MetaStore : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public MetaStore (string? cnc_string);
-               public Gda.DataModel create_modify_data_model (string table_name);
-               public bool declare_foreign_key (Gda.MetaStruct? mstruct, string fk_name, string? catalog, string? schema, string table, string? ref_catalog, string? ref_schema, string ref_table, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 8.5, array_length_type = "guint")] string[] colnames, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 8.5, array_length_type = "guint")] string[] ref_colnames) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               [CCode (cname = "gda_meta_store_extract_v")]
-               public Gda.DataModel extract (string select_sql, GLib.HashTable<string,GLib.Value?>? vars) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool get_attribute_value (string att_name, out string att_value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned Gda.Connection get_internal_connection ();
-               public int get_version ();
-               public bool modify_v (string table_name, Gda.DataModel? new_data, string? condition, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nvalues", array_length_pos = 3.5)] string[] value_names, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nvalues", array_length_pos = 3.5)] GLib.Value[] values) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool modify_with_context (Gda.MetaContext context, Gda.DataModel? new_data) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool schema_add_custom_object (string xml_description) throws GLib.Error;
-               public GLib.SList<weak string> schema_get_all_tables ();
-               public GLib.SList<weak string> schema_get_depend_tables (string table_name);
-               public Gda.MetaStruct schema_get_structure () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool schema_remove_custom_object (string obj_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool set_attribute_value (string att_name, string? att_value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_identifiers_style (Gda.SqlIdentifierStyle style);
-               public void set_reserved_keywords_func (Gda.SqlReservedKeywordsFunc? func);
-               public static string sql_identifier_quote (string id, Gda.Connection cnc);
-               public bool undeclare_foreign_key (Gda.MetaStruct? mstruct, string fk_name, string? catalog, string? schema, string table, string? ref_catalog, string? ref_schema, string ref_table) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public MetaStore.with_file (string file_name);
-               public string catalog { construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection cnc { owned get; construct; }
-               public string cnc_string { construct; }
-               public string schema { construct; }
-               public signal void meta_changed (GLib.SList<Gda.MetaStoreChange> changes);
-               public virtual signal void meta_reset ();
-               public virtual signal GLib.Error suggest_update (Gda.MetaContext suggest);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_meta_struct_get_type ()")]
-       public class MetaStruct : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public MetaStruct (Gda.MetaStore store, Gda.MetaStructFeature features);
-               public Gda.MetaDbObject complement (Gda.MetaDbObjectType type, GLib.Value? catalog, GLib.Value? schema, GLib.Value name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool complement_all () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool complement_default () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool complement_depend (Gda.MetaDbObject dbo) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool complement_schema (GLib.Value? catalog, GLib.Value? schema) throws GLib.Error;
-               public string dump_as_graph (Gda.MetaGraphInfo info) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public GLib.SList<weak Gda.MetaDbObject?> get_all_db_objects ();
-               public Gda.MetaDbObject get_db_object (GLib.Value? catalog, GLib.Value? schema, GLib.Value name);
-               public bool sort_db_objects (Gda.MetaSortType sort_type) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public uint features { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_null_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Null {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_numeric_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Numeric {
-               public weak string number;
-               public long precision;
-               public long width;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Numeric ();
-               public Gda.Numeric copy ();
-               public void free ();
-               public double get_double ();
-               public long get_precision ();
-               public string? get_string ();
-               public long get_width ();
-               public void set_double (double number);
-               public void set_from_string (string str);
-               public void set_precision (long precision);
-               public void set_width (long width);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_pstmt_get_type ()")]
-       public abstract class PStmt : GLib.Object {
-               public int ncols;
-               public weak GLib.SList<string> param_ids;
-               public weak string sql;
-               public GLib.Type types;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected PStmt ();
-               public void copy_contents (Gda.PStmt dest);
-               public unowned Gda.Statement get_gda_statement ();
-               public void set_gda_statement (Gda.Statement stmt);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_quark_list_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class QuarkList {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public QuarkList ();
-               public void add_from_string (string string, bool cleanup);
-               public void clear ();
-               public Gda.QuarkList copy ();
-               public unowned string find (string name);
-               public void @foreach (GLib.HFunc func);
-               public void free ();
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public QuarkList.from_string (string string);
-               public void protect_values ();
-               public void remove (string name);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_repetitive_statement_get_type ()")]
-       public class RepetitiveStatement : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public RepetitiveStatement (Gda.Statement stmt);
-               public bool append_set (Gda.Set values, bool make_copy);
-               public GLib.SList<weak Gda.Set> get_all_sets ();
-               public bool get_template_set (Gda.Set @set) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement statement { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_row_get_type ()")]
-       public class Row : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Row (int count);
-               public int get_length ();
-               public GLib.Value? get_value (int num);
-               public void invalidate_value (GLib.Value value);
-               public void invalidate_value_e (GLib.Value value, owned GLib.Error? error);
-               public bool value_is_valid (GLib.Value value);
-               public bool value_is_valid_e (GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int nb_values { set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_server_operation_get_type ()")]
-       public class ServerOperation : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public ServerOperation (Gda.ServerOperationType op_type, string xml_file);
-               public uint add_item_to_sequence (string seq_path);
-               public bool del_item_from_sequence (string item_path);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public string get_node_parent (string path);
-               public string get_node_path_portion (string path);
-               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeType get_node_type (string path, Gda.ServerOperationNodeStatus? status);
-               public Gda.ServerOperationType get_op_type ();
-               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
-               public string[] get_root_nodes ();
-               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
-               public string[] get_sequence_item_names (string path);
-               public uint get_sequence_max_size (string path);
-               public uint get_sequence_min_size (string path);
-               public unowned string get_sequence_name (string path);
-               public uint get_sequence_size (string path);
-               public string get_sql_identifier_at_path (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerProvider? prov, string path);
-               [CCode (cname = "gda_server_operation_get_value_at_path")]
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (string path);
-               public bool is_valid (string? xml_file) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool load_data_from_xml ([CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* node) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static unowned string op_type_to_string (Gda.ServerOperationType type);
-               public bool perform_create_database (string? provider) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_create_table () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_drop_database (string? provider) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_drop_table () throws GLib.Error;
-               public static Gda.ServerOperation prepare_create_database (string provider, string? db_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_database (string provider, string? db_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static Gda.ServerOperation prepare_drop_table (Gda.Connection cnc, string table_name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void seq_item_added (string seq_path, int item_index);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void seq_item_remove (string seq_path, int item_index);
-               [CCode (cname = "gda_server_operation_set_value_at_path")]
-               public bool set_value_at (string? value, string path) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static Gda.ServerOperationType string_to_op_type (string str);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               public int op_type { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.ServerProvider provider { owned get; construct; }
-               public string spec_filename { construct; }
-               public signal void sequence_item_added (string seq_path, int item_index);
-               public signal void sequence_item_remove (string seq_path, int item_index);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_server_provider_get_type ()")]
-       public abstract class ServerProvider : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected ServerProvider ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool add_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool begin_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name, Gda.TransactionIsolation level) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool cancel (Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool close_connection (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool commit_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public virtual Gda.ServerOperation create_operation (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set? options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public virtual Gda.SqlParser create_parser (Gda.Connection? cnc);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool delete_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public virtual string escape_string (Gda.Connection? cnc, string str);
-               public string find_file (string inst_dir, string filename);
-               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_dbms (Gda.Connection? cnc, string for_type);
-               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_default (Gda.Connection? cnc, GLib.Type type, string dbms_type);
-               public unowned Gda.DataHandler get_data_handler_g_type (Gda.Connection? cnc, GLib.Type for_type);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned string get_database (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual unowned string get_def_dbms_type (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type);
-               public unowned string get_default_dbms_type (Gda.Connection? cnc, GLib.Type type);
-               public virtual unowned string get_name ();
-               public virtual unowned string get_server_version (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               public virtual unowned string get_version ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool handle_async (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void handler_declare (Gda.DataHandler dh, Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
-               public unowned Gda.DataHandler handler_find (Gda.Connection cnc, GLib.Type g_type, string dbms_type);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual string identifier_quote (Gda.Connection cnc, string id, bool for_meta_store, bool force_quotes);
-               public unowned Gda.SqlParser internal_get_parser ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool is_busy (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static string load_file_contents (string inst_dir, string data_dir, string filename);
-               public bool perform_operation (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool perform_operation_default (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-               public virtual string render_operation (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperation op) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool rollback_savepoint (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool rollback_transaction (Gda.Connection cnc, string name) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual bool statement_prepare (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-               public GLib.Value string_to_value (Gda.Connection? cnc, string string, GLib.Type preferred_type, string? dbms_type);
-               public virtual bool supports_feature (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ConnectionFeature feature);
-               public virtual bool supports_operation (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerOperationType type, Gda.Set? options);
-               public virtual string unescape_string (Gda.Connection? cnc, string str);
-               public string value_to_sql_string (Gda.Connection? cnc, GLib.Value from);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class ServerProviderInfo {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_set_get_type ()")]
-       public class Set : GLib.Object {
-               public GLib.List<Gda.SetGroup> groups_list;
-               public GLib.List<Gda.SetNode> nodes_list;
-               public GLib.List<Gda.SetSource> sources_list;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Set (GLib.SList<Gda.Holder> holders);
-               public bool add_holder (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public Gda.Set copy ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Set.from_spec_node ([CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* xml_spec) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Set.from_spec_string (string xml_spec) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.SetGroup get_group (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public unowned Gda.Holder get_holder (string holder_id);
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_holder_value (string holder_id);
-               public Gda.SetNode get_node (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public unowned Gda.Holder get_nth_holder (int pos);
-               public Gda.SetSource get_source (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public Gda.SetSource get_source_for_model (Gda.DataModel model);
-               public bool is_valid () throws GLib.Error;
-               public void merge_with_set (Gda.Set set_to_merge);
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Set.read_only (GLib.SList<Gda.Holder> holders);
-               public void remove_holder (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public void replace_source_model (Gda.SetSource source, Gda.DataModel model);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string description { owned get; set; }
-               public void* holders { construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string id { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string name { owned get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool validate_changes { get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void holder_attr_changed (Gda.Holder holder, string attr_name, GLib.Value attr_value);
-               public virtual signal void holder_changed (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public virtual signal void holder_type_set (Gda.Holder holder);
-               public virtual signal void public_data_changed ();
-               public virtual signal void source_model_changed (void* source);
-               public virtual signal GLib.Error validate_holder_change (Gda.Holder holder, GLib.Value new_value);
-               public virtual signal GLib.Error validate_set ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_short_get_type ()")]
-       public class Short {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected Short ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_sql_builder_get_type ()")]
-       public class SqlBuilder : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlBuilder (Gda.SqlStatementType stmt_type);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_case_v (Gda.SqlBuilderId test_expr, Gda.SqlBuilderId else_expr, [CCode (array_length_cname = "args_size", array_length_pos = 4.1)] Gda.SqlBuilderId[] when_array, [CCode (array_length_cname = "args_size", array_length_pos = 4.1)] Gda.SqlBuilderId[] then_array);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_cond (Gda.SqlOperatorType op, Gda.SqlBuilderId op1, Gda.SqlBuilderId op2, Gda.SqlBuilderId op3);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_expr_value (Gda.DataHandler? dh, GLib.Value? value);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_field_id (string field_name, string? table_name);
-               public void add_field_value_as_gvalue (string field_name, GLib.Value? value);
-               public void add_field_value_id (Gda.SqlBuilderId field_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId value_id);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_function_v (string func_name, [CCode (array_length_cname = "args_size", array_length_pos = 2.1)] Gda.SqlBuilderId[] args);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_id (string str);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId add_param (string param_name, GLib.Type type, bool nullok);
-               public void compound_add_sub_select_from_builder (Gda.SqlBuilder subselect);
-               public void compound_set_type (Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType compound_type);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public Gda.Statement get_statement () throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId import_expression_from_builder (Gda.SqlBuilder query, Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
-               public void join_add_field (Gda.SqlBuilderId join_id, string field_name);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_field (string field_name, string? table_name, string? alias);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_target (string table_name, string? alias);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_add_target_id (Gda.SqlBuilderId table_id, string? alias);
-               public Gda.SqlBuilderId select_join_targets (Gda.SqlBuilderId left_target_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId right_target_id, SqlSelectJoinType join_type, Gda.SqlBuilderId join_expr);
-               public void select_group_by (Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
-               public void select_order_by (Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id, bool asc, string? collation_name);
-               public void select_set_distinct (bool distinct, Gda.SqlBuilderId expr_id);
-               public void select_set_having (Gda.SqlBuilderId cond_id);
-               public void select_set_limit (Gda.SqlBuilderId limit_count_expr_id, Gda.SqlBuilderId limit_offset_expr_id);
-               public void set_table (string table_name);
-               public void set_where (Gda.SqlBuilderId cond_id);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_sql_parser_get_type ()")]
-       public class SqlParser : GLib.Object, Gda.Lockable {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public SqlParser ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public Gda.Batch parse_file_as_batch (string filename) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.Statement parse_string (string sql, out string remain) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.Batch parse_string_as_batch (string sql, out string remain) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void set_overflow_error ();
-               public void set_syntax_error ();
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int column_error { get; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int line_error { get; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int mode { get; set; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public int tokenizer_flavour { get; set; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatement {
-               public void compound_set_type (Gda.SqlStatementCompoundType type);
-               public void compound_take_stmt (Gda.SqlStatement s);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementDelete {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementInsert {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementSelect {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementTransaction {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementUnknown {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class SqlStatementUpdate {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_statement_get_type ()")]
-       public class Statement : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Statement ();
-               public bool check_structure () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool check_validity (Gda.Connection? cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.Statement copy ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public bool get_parameters (out Gda.Set out_params) throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.SqlStatementType get_statement_type ();
-               public bool is_useless ();
-               public bool normalize (Gda.Connection cnc) throws GLib.Error;
-               public string serialize ();
-               public string to_sql_extended (Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.Set? @params, Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags, out GLib.SList<weak Gda.Holder> params_used) throws GLib.Error;
-               public string to_sql_real (Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public void* structure { get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void checked (Gda.Connection cnc, bool checked);
-               public virtual signal void reset ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_thread_wrapper_get_type ()")]
-       public class ThreadWrapper : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public ThreadWrapper ();
-               public bool cancel (uint id);
-               public ulong connect_raw (void* instance, string sig_name, bool private_thread, bool private_job, Gda.ThreadWrapperCallback callback);
-               public void disconnect (ulong id);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public uint execute_void ([CCode (destroy_notify_pos = 2.1)] owned Gda.ThreadWrapperVoidFunc func, void* arg) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void* fetch_result (bool may_lock, uint exp_id) throws GLib.Error;
-               public unowned GLib.IOChannel get_io_channel ();
-               public int get_waiting_size ();
-               public void iterate (bool may_block);
-               public void steal_signal (ulong id);
-               public void unset_io_channel ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_time_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Time {
-               public ulong fraction;
-               public ushort hour;
-               public ushort minute;
-               public ushort second;
-               public long timezone;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-               public static void free (void* boxed);
-               public bool valid ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gda_timestamp_get_type ()")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class Timestamp {
-               public ushort day;
-               public ulong fraction;
-               public ushort hour;
-               public ushort minute;
-               public ushort month;
-               public ushort second;
-               public long timezone;
-               public short year;
-               public static void* copy (void* boxed);
-               public static void free (void* boxed);
-               public bool valid ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_transaction_status_get_type ()")]
-       public class TransactionStatus : GLib.Object {
-               public GLib.List<Gda.TransactionStatusEvent> events;
-               public Gda.TransactionIsolation isolation_level;
-               public weak string name;
-               public Gda.TransactionStatusState state;
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public TransactionStatus (string name);
-               public Gda.TransactionStatus find (string str, Gda.TransactionStatusEvent destev);
-               public Gda.TransactionStatus find_current (Gda.TransactionStatusEvent destev, bool unnamed_only);
-               public void free_events (Gda.TransactionStatusEvent event, bool free_after);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_get_type ()")]
-       public class Tree : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public Tree ();
-               public void add_manager (Gda.TreeManager manager);
-               public void clean ();
-               public void dump (Gda.TreeNode? node, void* stream);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_node (string tree_path, bool use_names);
-               public unowned Gda.TreeManager get_node_manager (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public string get_node_path (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public GLib.SList<weak Gda.TreeNode> get_nodes_in_path (string? tree_path, bool use_names);
-               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-               public bool update_all () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool update_children (Gda.TreeNode? node) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool update_part (Gda.TreeNode node) throws GLib.Error;
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool is_list { get; }
-               public virtual signal void node_changed (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public virtual signal void node_deleted (string node_path);
-               public virtual signal void node_has_child_toggled (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public virtual signal void node_inserted (Gda.TreeNode node);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_manager_get_type ()")]
-       public class TreeManager : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected TreeManager ();
-               public void add_manager (Gda.TreeManager sub);
-               public void add_new_node_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value? value);
-               public Gda.TreeNode create_node (Gda.TreeNode? parent, string? name);
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public unowned GLib.SList<Gda.TreeManager> get_managers ();
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public void* func { get; set construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public bool recursive { get; set construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_columns_get_type ()")]
-       public class TreeMgrColumns : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrColumns (Gda.Connection cnc, string schema, string table_name);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
-               public string schema { construct; }
-               public string table_name { construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrColumnsPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_label_get_type ()")]
-       public class TreeMgrLabel : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrLabel (string label);
-               public string label { construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrLabelPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_ldap_get_type ()")]
-       public class TreeMgrLdap : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrLdap (Gda.Connection cnc, string? dn);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string dn { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrLdapPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_schemas_get_type ()")]
-       public class TreeMgrSchemas : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrSchemas (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrSchemasPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_select_get_type ()")]
-       public class TreeMgrSelect : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrSelect (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Set @params { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Statement statement { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrSelectPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_mgr_tables_get_type ()")]
-       public class TreeMgrTables : Gda.TreeManager {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GdaTreeManager*")]
-               public TreeMgrTables (Gda.Connection cnc, string? schema);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.Connection connection { owned get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public Gda.MetaStore meta_store { owned get; construct; }
-               public string schema { construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [Compact]
-       public class TreeMgrTablesPriv {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_tree_node_get_type ()")]
-       public class TreeNode : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public TreeNode (string? name);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual void dump_children (string prefix, GLib.StringBuilder in_string);
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public virtual string dump_header ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public GLib.Value fetch_attribute (string attribute);
-               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_child_index (int index);
-               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_child_name (string name);
-               public GLib.SList<weak Gda.TreeNode> get_children ();
-               public GLib.Value get_node_attribute (string attribute);
-               public unowned Gda.TreeNode get_parent ();
-               public void set_node_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value? value, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string name { owned get; set; }
-               public virtual signal void node_changed (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public virtual signal void node_deleted (string relative_path);
-               public virtual signal void node_has_child_toggled (Gda.TreeNode node);
-               public virtual signal void node_inserted (Gda.TreeNode node);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_ushort_get_type ()")]
-       public class UShort {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               protected UShort ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_xa_transaction_get_type ()")]
-       public class XaTransaction : GLib.Object {
-               [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-               public XaTransaction (uint32 format, string global_transaction_id);
-               public bool begin () throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool commit (out GLib.SList<Gda.Connection> cnc_to_recover) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool commit_recovered (out GLib.SList<Gda.Connection> cnc_to_recover) throws GLib.Error;
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public bool register_connection (Gda.Connection cnc, string branch) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool rollback () throws GLib.Error;
-               public void unregister_connection (Gda.Connection cnc);
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public uint format_id { get; construct; }
-               [NoAccessorMethod]
-               public string transaction_id { owned get; construct; }
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_handler_get_type ()")]
-       public interface DataHandler : GLib.Object {
-               public abstract bool accepts_g_type (GLib.Type type);
-               public static unowned Gda.DataHandler get_default (GLib.Type for_type);
-               public abstract unowned string get_descr ();
-               public abstract GLib.Value? get_sane_init_value (GLib.Type type);
-               public abstract string get_sql_from_value (GLib.Value? value);
-               public abstract string get_str_from_value (GLib.Value? value);
-               public abstract GLib.Value? get_value_from_sql (string? sql, GLib.Type type);
-               public abstract GLib.Value? get_value_from_str (string? str, GLib.Type type);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_data_model_get_type ()")]
-       public interface DataModel : GLib.Object {
-               public bool add_data_from_xml_node ([CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* node) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_append_row")]
-               public abstract int append_row () throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.DataModelArray array_copy_model () throws GLib.Error;
-               public Gda.DataModelArray array_copy_model_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "ncols", array_length_pos = 0.5)] int[] cols) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_create_iter")]
-               public abstract Gda.DataModelIter create_iter ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_describe_column")]
-               public abstract unowned Gda.Column describe_column (int col);
-               public void dump (void* to_stream);
-               public string dump_as_string ();
-               public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-               public bool export_to_file (Gda.DataModelIOFormat format, string file, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 3.5)] int[]? cols, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_rows", array_length_pos = 4.5)] int[]? rows, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public string export_to_string (Gda.DataModelIOFormat format, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 2.5)] int[]? cols, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_rows", array_length_pos = 3.5)] int[]? rows, Gda.Set options);
-               public void freeze ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_access_flags")]
-               public abstract Gda.DataModelAccessFlags get_access_flags ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_attributes_at")]
-               public abstract Gda.ValueAttribute get_attributes_at (int col, int row);
-               public int get_column_index (string name);
-               public unowned string get_column_name (int col);
-               public unowned string get_column_title (int col);
-               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true, vfunc_name = "i_get_exceptions")]
-               public abstract unowned GLib.Error[] get_exceptions ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_n_columns")]
-               public abstract int get_n_columns ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_n_rows")]
-               public abstract int get_n_rows ();
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_notify")]
-               public abstract bool get_notify ();
-               public unowned GLib.Value? get_typed_value_at (int col, int row, GLib.Type expected_type, bool nullok) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_get_value_at")]
-               public abstract unowned GLib.Value? get_value_at (int col, int row) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool import_from_file (string file, GLib.HashTable<int,int>? cols_trans, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool import_from_model (Gda.DataModel from, bool overwrite, GLib.HashTable<int,int>? cols_trans) throws GLib.Error;
-               public bool import_from_string (string string, GLib.HashTable<int,int>? cols_trans, Gda.Set options) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_iter_at_row")]
-               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
-               public abstract bool iter_at_row (Gda.DataModelIter iter, int row);
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_iter_next")]
-               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
-               public abstract bool iter_next (Gda.DataModelIter iter);
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_iter_prev")]
-               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
-               public abstract bool iter_prev (Gda.DataModelIter iter);
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_iter_set_value")]
-               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
-               public abstract bool iter_set_value (Gda.DataModelIter iter, int col, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_remove_row")]
-               public abstract bool remove_row (int row) throws GLib.Error;
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_send_hint")]
-               public abstract void send_hint (Gda.DataModelHint hint, GLib.Value? hint_value);
-               public void set_column_name (int col, string name);
-               public void set_column_title (int col, string title);
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_set_notify")]
-               [Deprecated (since = "5.2")]
-               public abstract void set_notify (bool do_notify_changes);
-               [CCode (vfunc_name = "i_set_value_at")]
-               public abstract bool set_value_at (int col, int row, GLib.Value value) throws GLib.Error;
-               public void thaw ();
-               public virtual signal void access_changed ();
-               public virtual signal void changed ();
-               [HasEmitter]
-               public virtual signal void reset ();
-               [HasEmitter]
-               public virtual signal void row_inserted (int row);
-               [HasEmitter]
-               public virtual signal void row_removed (int row);
-               [HasEmitter]
-               public virtual signal void row_updated (int row);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", type_id = "gda_lockable_get_type ()")]
-       public interface Lockable : GLib.Object {
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public abstract void i_lock ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public abstract bool i_trylock ();
-               [NoWrapper]
-               public abstract void i_unlock ();
-               public void @lock ();
-               public bool trylock ();
-               public void unlock ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct DataMetaWrapper {
-               public weak GLib.Object object;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct DataMetaWrapperClass {
-               public weak GLib.ObjectClass parent_class;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct Diff {
-               public Gda.DiffType type;
-               public int old_row;
-               public int new_row;
-               public weak GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> values;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct DsnInfo {
-               public weak string name;
-               public weak string provider;
-               public weak string description;
-               public weak string cnc_string;
-               public weak string auth_string;
-               public bool is_system;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct MetaDbObject {
-               public Gda.MetaDbObjectType obj_type;
-               public bool outdated;
-               public weak string obj_catalog;
-               public weak string obj_schema;
-               public weak string obj_name;
-               public weak string obj_short_name;
-               public weak string obj_full_name;
-               public weak string obj_owner;
-               public GLib.List<Gda.MetaDbObject> depend_list;
-               [CCode (cname = "extra.meta_table")]
-               public Gda.MetaTable extra_meta_table;
-               [CCode (cname = "extra.meta_view")]
-               public Gda.MetaView extra_meta_view;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct MetaStoreChange {
-               public Gda.MetaStoreChangeType c_type;
-               public weak string table_name;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct MetaTable {
-               public GLib.List<Gda.MetaTableColumn> columns;
-               public int pk_cols_array;
-               public int pk_cols_nb;
-               public GLib.List<Gda.MetaTableForeignKey> reverse_fk_list;
-               public GLib.List<Gda.MetaTableForeignKey> fk_list;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct MetaTableColumn {
-               public weak string column_name;
-               public weak string column_type;
-               public GLib.Type gtype;
-               public bool pkey;
-               public bool nullok;
-               public weak string default_value;
-               public void foreach_attribute (Gda.AttributesManagerFunc func);
-               public GLib.Value get_attribute (string attribute);
-               public void set_attribute (string attribute, GLib.Value? value, GLib.DestroyNotify? destroy);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct MetaTableForeignKey {
-               public Gda.MetaDbObject meta_table;
-               public Gda.MetaDbObject depend_on;
-               public int cols_nb;
-               public int fk_cols_array;
-               public weak string fk_names_array;
-               public int ref_pk_cols_array;
-               public weak string ref_pk_names_array;
-               public weak string fk_name;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct MetaView {
-               public Gda.MetaTable table;
-               public weak string view_def;
-               public bool is_updatable;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public struct Mutex : GLib.RecMutex {
-               public static void free (Gda.Mutex mutex);
-               public static void @lock (Gda.Mutex mutex);
-               public static bool trylock (Gda.Mutex mutex);
-               public static void unlock (Gda.Mutex mutex);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct ProviderInfo {
-               public weak string id;
-               public weak string location;
-               public weak string description;
-               public weak Gda.Set dsn_params;
-               public weak Gda.Set auth_params;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct ServerProviderHandlerInfo {
-               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
-               public GLib.Type g_type;
-               public weak string dbms_type;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct SetGroup {
-               public GLib.List<Gda.SetNode> nodes;
-               public Gda.SetSource nodes_source;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct SetNode {
-               public weak Gda.Holder holder;
-               public weak Gda.DataModel source_model;
-               public int source_column;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct SetSource {
-               public weak Gda.DataModel data_model;
-               public GLib.List<Gda.SetNode> nodes;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       [SimpleType]
-       public struct SqlBuilderId : uint {
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct SqlRenderingContext {
-               public Gda.StatementSqlFlag flags;
-               public weak Gda.Set @params;
-               public GLib.List<Gda.Holder> params_used;
-               public weak Gda.ServerProvider provider;
-               public weak Gda.Connection cnc;
-               public weak Gda.SqlRenderingValue render_value;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct ThreadNotification {
-               public Gda.ThreadNotificationType type;
-               public uint job_id;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct TransactionStatusEvent {
-               public weak Gda.TransactionStatus trans;
-               public Gda.TransactionStatusEventType type;
-               public weak Gda.ConnectionEvent conn_event;
-               [CCode (cname = "pl.svp_name")]
-               public weak string pl_svp_name;
-               [CCode (cname = "pl.sql")]
-               public weak string pl_sql;
-               [CCode (cname = "pl.sub_trans")]
-               public weak Gda.TransactionStatus pl_sub_trans;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct XaTransactionId {
-               public uint32 format;
-               public ushort gtrid_length;
-               public ushort bqual_length;
-               [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
-               public weak char[] data;
-               public string to_string ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "_GdaServerOperationNode", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct _ServerOperationNode {
-               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeType type;
-               public Gda.ServerOperationNodeStatus status;
-               public weak Gda.Set plist;
-               public weak Gda.DataModel model;
-               public weak Gda.Column column;
-               public weak Gda.Holder param;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "_GdaSqlParserIface", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct _SqlParserIface {
-               public weak Gda.SqlParser parser;
-               public weak Gda.SqlStatement parsed_statement;
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_BATCH_CONFLICTING_PARAMETER_")]
-       public errordomain BatchError {
-               [CCode (cname = "GDA_BATCH_CONFLICTING_PARAMETER_ERROR")]
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONFIG_")]
-       public errordomain ConfigError {
-               DSN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               PERMISSION_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_")]
-       public errordomain ConnectionError {
-               DSN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               PROVIDER_ERROR,
-               NO_CNC_SPEC_ERROR,
-               NO_PROVIDER_SPEC_ERROR,
-               OPEN_ERROR,
-               STATEMENT_TYPE_ERROR,
-               CANT_LOCK_ERROR,
-               TASK_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               CLOSED_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_EVENT_CODE_")]
-       public enum ConnectionEventCode {
-               RESTRICT_VIOLATION,
-               NOT_NULL_VIOLATION,
-               FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION,
-               UNIQUE_VIOLATION,
-               CHECK_VIOLATION,
-               UNDEFINED_COLUMN,
-               UNDEFINED_FUNCTION,
-               UNDEFINED_TABLE,
-               DUPLICATE_COLUMN,
-               DUPLICATE_DATABASE,
-               DUPLICATE_FUNCTION,
-               DUPLICATE_SCHEMA,
-               DUPLICATE_TABLE,
-               DUPLICATE_ALIAS,
-               DUPLICATE_OBJECT,
-               SYNTAX_ERROR,
-               UNKNOWN
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_EVENT_")]
-       public enum ConnectionEventType {
-               NOTICE,
-               WARNING,
-               ERROR,
-               COMMAND
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_FEATURE_")]
-       public enum ConnectionFeature {
-               AGGREGATES,
-               BLOBS,
-               INDEXES,
-               INHERITANCE,
-               NAMESPACES,
-               PROCEDURES,
-               SEQUENCES,
-               SQL,
-               TRANSACTIONS,
-               SAVEPOINTS,
-               SAVEPOINTS_REMOVE,
-               TRIGGERS,
-               UPDATABLE_CURSOR,
-               USERS,
-               VIEWS,
-               XA_TRANSACTIONS,
-               MULTI_THREADING,
-               LAST
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_META_")]
-       public enum ConnectionMetaType {
-               NAMESPACES,
-               TYPES,
-               TABLES,
-               VIEWS,
-               FIELDS,
-               INDEXES
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_CONNECTION_OPTIONS_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum ConnectionOptions {
-               NONE,
-               READ_ONLY,
-               THREAD_SAFE,
-               THREAD_ISOLATED,
-               AUTO_META_DATA
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_COMPARATOR_")]
-       public enum DataComparatorError {
-               MODEL_ACCESS_ERROR,
-               USER_CANCELLED_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_META_WRAPPER_MODE_")]
-       public enum DataMetaWrapperMode {
-               LC,
-               UC
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ACCESS_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum DataModelAccessFlags {
-               RANDOM,
-               CURSOR_FORWARD,
-               CURSOR_BACKWARD,
-               CURSOR,
-               INSERT,
-               UPDATE,
-               DELETE,
-               WRITE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_HINT_")]
-       public enum DataModelHint {
-               START_BATCH_UPDATE,
-               END_BATCH_UPDATE,
-               REFRESH
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_IO_")]
-       public enum DataModelIOFormat {
-               DATA_ARRAY_XML,
-               TEXT_SEPARATED
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ITER_COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_")]
-       public enum DataModelIterError {
-               [CCode (cname = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_ITER_COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR")]
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PIVOT_")]
-       public enum DataPivotAggregate {
-               AVG,
-               COUNT,
-               MAX,
-               MIN,
-               SUM
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PIVOT_")]
-       public enum DataPivotError {
-               INTERNAL_ERROR,
-               SOURCE_MODEL_ERROR,
-               FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR,
-               USAGE_ERROR,
-               OVERFLOW_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PIVOT_FIELD_")]
-       public enum DataPivotFieldType {
-               ROW,
-               COLUMN
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_PROXY_")]
-       public enum DataProxyError {
-               COMMIT_ERROR,
-               COMMIT_CANCELLED,
-               READ_ONLY_VALUE,
-               READ_ONLY_ROW,
-               FILTER_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_SELECT_COND_")]
-       public enum DataSelectConditionType {
-               PK,
-               ALL_COLUMNS
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_SELECT_")]
-       public enum DataSelectError {
-               CONNECTION_ERROR,
-               ACCESS_ERROR,
-               SQL_ERROR,
-               SAFETY_LOCKED_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DIFF_")]
-       public enum DiffType {
-               ADD_ROW,
-               REMOVE_ROW,
-               MODIFY_ROW
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_HOLDER_")]
-       public enum HolderError {
-               VALUE_TYPE_ERROR,
-               VALUE_NULL_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_LDAP_SEARCH_")]
-       public enum LdapSearchScope {
-               BASE,
-               ONELEVEL,
-               SUBTREE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_DB_")]
-       public enum MetaDbObjectType {
-               UNKNOWN,
-               TABLE,
-               VIEW
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_FOREIGN_KEY_")]
-       public enum MetaForeignKeyPolicy {
-               UNKNOWN,
-               NONE,
-               NO_ACTION,
-               RESTRICT,
-               CASCADE,
-               SET_NULL,
-               SET_DEFAULT
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_GRAPH_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum MetaGraphInfo {
-               [CCode (cname = "GDA_META_GRAPH_COLUMNS")]
-               META_GRAPH_COLUMNS
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_SORT_")]
-       public enum MetaSortType {
-               ALHAPETICAL,
-               DEPENDENCIES
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STORE_")]
-       public enum MetaStoreChangeType {
-               ADD,
-               REMOVE,
-               MODIFY
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STORE_")]
-       public enum MetaStoreError {
-               INTERNAL_ERROR,
-               META_CONTEXT_ERROR,
-               MODIFY_CONTENTS_ERROR,
-               EXTRACT_SQL_ERROR,
-               ATTRIBUTE_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STRUCT_")]
-       public enum MetaStructError {
-               UNKNOWN_OBJECT_ERROR,
-               INCOHERENCE_ERROR,
-               XML_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_META_STRUCT_FEATURE_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum MetaStructFeature {
-               NONE,
-               FOREIGN_KEYS,
-               VIEW_DEPENDENCIES,
-               ALL
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_CREATE_TABLE_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum ServerOperationCreateTableFlag {
-               NOTHING_FLAG,
-               PKEY_FLAG,
-               NOT_NULL_FLAG,
-               UNIQUE_FLAG,
-               AUTOINC_FLAG,
-               FKEY_FLAG,
-               PKEY_AUTOINC_FLAG
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_")]
-       public enum ServerOperationError {
-               OBJECT_NAME_ERROR,
-               INCORRECT_VALUE_ERROR,
-               XML_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_STATUS_")]
-       public enum ServerOperationNodeStatus {
-               OPTIONAL,
-               REQUIRED,
-               UNKNOWN
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_NODE_")]
-       public enum ServerOperationNodeType {
-               PARAMLIST,
-               DATA_MODEL,
-               PARAM,
-               SEQUENCE,
-               SEQUENCE_ITEM,
-               DATA_MODEL_COLUMN,
-               UNKNOWN
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_")]
-       public enum ServerOperationType {
-               CREATE_DB,
-               DROP_DB,
-               CREATE_TABLE,
-               DROP_TABLE,
-               RENAME_TABLE,
-               ADD_COLUMN,
-               DROP_COLUMN,
-               CREATE_INDEX,
-               DROP_INDEX,
-               CREATE_VIEW,
-               DROP_VIEW,
-               COMMENT_TABLE,
-               COMMENT_COLUMN,
-               CREATE_USER,
-               ALTER_USER,
-               DROP_USER,
-               LAST
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SERVER_PROVIDER_")]
-       public enum ServerProviderError {
-               PREPARE_STMT_ERROR,
-               EMPTY_STMT_ERROR,
-               MISSING_PARAM_ERROR,
-               STATEMENT_EXEC_ERROR,
-               OPERATION_ERROR,
-               INTERNAL_ERROR,
-               BUSY_ERROR,
-               NON_SUPPORTED_ERROR,
-               SERVER_VERSION_ERROR,
-               DATA_ERROR,
-               MISUSE_ERROR,
-               FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SET_")]
-       public enum SetError {
-               XML_SPEC_ERROR,
-               HOLDER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               INVALID_ERROR,
-               READ_ONLY_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_BUILDER_")]
-       public enum SqlBuilderError {
-               WRONG_TYPE_ERROR,
-               MISUSE_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_IDENTIFIERS_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum SqlIdentifierStyle {
-               LOWER_CASE,
-               UPPER_CASE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_OPERATOR_TYPE_")]
-       public enum SqlOperatorType {
-               AND,
-               OR,
-               EQ,
-               IS,
-               LIKE,
-               BETWEEN,
-               GT,
-               LT,
-               GEQ,
-               LEQ,
-               DIFF,
-               REGEXP,
-               REGEXP_CI,
-               NOT_REGEXP,
-               NOT_REGEXP_CI,
-               SIMILAR,
-               ISNULL,
-               ISNOTNULL,
-               NOT,
-               IN,
-               NOTIN,
-               CONCAT,
-               PLUS,
-               MINUS,
-               STAR,
-               DIV,
-               REM,
-               BITAND,
-               BITOR,
-               BITNOT,
-               ILIKE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_")]
-       public enum SqlParserError {
-               SYNTAX_ERROR,
-               OVERFLOW_ERROR,
-               EMPTY_SQL_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_FLAVOUR_")]
-       public enum SqlParserFlavour {
-               STANDARD,
-               SQLITE,
-               MYSQL,
-               ORACLE,
-               POSTGRESQL
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_PARSER_MODE_")]
-       public enum SqlParserMode {
-               PARSE,
-               DELIMIT
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_SELECT_JOIN_")]
-       public enum SqlSelectJoinType {
-               CROSS,
-               NATURAL,
-               INNER,
-               LEFT,
-               RIGHT,
-               FULL;
-               public static unowned string to_string (Gda.SqlSelectJoinType type);
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_COMPOUND_")]
-       public enum SqlStatementCompoundType {
-               UNION,
-               UNION_ALL,
-               INTERSECT,
-               INTERSECT_ALL,
-               EXCEPT,
-               EXCEPT_ALL
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_")]
-       public enum SqlStatementType {
-               SELECT,
-               INSERT,
-               UPDATE,
-               DELETE,
-               COMPOUND,
-               BEGIN,
-               ROLLBACK,
-               COMMIT,
-               SAVEPOINT,
-               ROLLBACK_SAVEPOINT,
-               DELETE_SAVEPOINT,
-               UNKNOWN,
-               NONE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_")]
-       public enum StatementError {
-               PARSE_ERROR,
-               SYNTAX_ERROR,
-               NO_CNC_ERROR,
-               CNC_CLOSED_ERROR,
-               EXEC_ERROR,
-               PARAM_TYPE_ERROR,
-               PARAM_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_MODEL_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum StatementModelUsage {
-               RANDOM_ACCESS,
-               CURSOR_FORWARD,
-               CURSOR_BACKWARD,
-               CURSOR,
-               ALLOW_NOPARAM
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_STATEMENT_SQL_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum StatementSqlFlag {
-               PARAMS_AS_VALUES,
-               PRETTY,
-               PARAMS_LONG,
-               PARAMS_SHORT,
-               PARAMS_AS_COLON,
-               PARAMS_AS_DOLLAR,
-               PARAMS_AS_QMARK,
-               PARAMS_AS_UQMARK
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_THREAD_NOTIFICATION_")]
-       public enum ThreadNotificationType {
-               JOB,
-               SIGNAL
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_THREAD_WRAPPER_UNKNOWN_")]
-       public enum ThreadWrapperError {
-               [CCode (cname = "GDA_THREAD_WRAPPER_UNKNOWN_ERROR")]
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION_")]
-       public enum TransactionIsolation {
-               UNKNOWN,
-               READ_COMMITTED,
-               READ_UNCOMMITTED,
-               REPEATABLE_READ,
-               SERIALIZABLE
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_STATUS_EVENT_")]
-       public enum TransactionStatusEventType {
-               SAVEPOINT,
-               SQL,
-               SUB_TRANSACTION
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TRANSACTION_STATUS_STATE_")]
-       public enum TransactionStatusState {
-               OK,
-               FAILED
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_UNKNOWN_")]
-       public enum TreeError {
-               [CCode (cname = "GDA_TREE_UNKNOWN_ERROR")]
-               TREE_UNKNOWN_ERROR
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_MANAGER_UNKNOWN_")]
-       public enum TreeManagerError {
-               [CCode (cname = "GDA_TREE_MANAGER_UNKNOWN_ERROR")]
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_")]
-       public enum TreeNodeError {
-               [CCode (cname = "GDA_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR")]
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_VALUE_ATTR_")]
-       [Flags]
-       public enum ValueAttribute {
-               NONE,
-               IS_NULL,
-               CAN_BE_NULL,
-               IS_DEFAULT,
-               CAN_BE_DEFAULT,
-               IS_UNCHANGED,
-               ACTIONS_SHOWN,
-               DATA_NON_VALID,
-               HAS_VALUE_ORIG,
-               NO_MODIF,
-               UNUSED
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_XA_TRANSACTION_")]
-       public enum XaTransactionError {
-               DTP_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR,
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_DATA_MODEL_")]
-       public errordomain DataModelError {
-               ROW_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR,
-               COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR,
-               VALUES_LIST_ERROR,
-               VALUE_TYPE_ERROR,
-               ROW_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-               ACCESS_ERROR,
-               FILE_EXIST_ERROR,
-               XML_FORMAT_ERROR,
-               TRUNCATED_ERROR,
-               OTHER_ERROR;
-               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cprefix = "GDA_SQL_")]
-       public errordomain SqlError {
-               VALIDATION_ERROR;
-               public static GLib.Quark quark ();
-       }
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void AttributesManagerFunc (string att_name, GLib.Value value, void* data);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void AttributesManagerSignal (GLib.Object obj, string att_name, GLib.Value value, void* data);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void ServerProviderAsyncCallback (Gda.ServerProvider provider, Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id, bool result_status, GLib.Error error, void* data);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void ServerProviderExecCallback (Gda.ServerProvider provider, Gda.Connection cnc, uint task_id, GLib.Object result_obj, GLib.Error error, void* data);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate string SqlRenderingValue (GLib.Value value, Gda.SqlRenderingContext context) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate bool SqlReservedKeywordsFunc (string word);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void ThreadWrapperCallback (Gda.ThreadWrapper wrapper, void* instance, string signame, int n_param_values, GLib.Value param_values, void* gda_reserved, void* data);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", has_target = false)]
-       public delegate void ThreadWrapperVoidFunc (void* arg) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_INCREMENT")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_AUTO_INCREMENT;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_IS_DEFAULT")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_IS_DEFAULT;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_NAME")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_PRECISION")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_PRECISION;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_SCALE")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC_SCALE;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_ATTRIBUTE_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN")]
-       public const string ATTRIBUTE_TREE_NODE_UNKNOWN_CHILDREN;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_EXTRA_AUTO_INCREMENT")]
-       public const string EXTRA_AUTO_INCREMENT;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR")]
-       public const string SQLSTATE_GENERAL_ERROR;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_SQLSTATE_NO_ERROR")]
-       public const string SQLSTATE_NO_ERROR;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h", cname = "GDA_TIMEZONE_INVALID")]
-       public const int TIMEZONE_INVALID;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static string alphanum_to_text (string text);
-       [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true, cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static string[] completion_list_get (Gda.Connection cnc, string sql, int start, int end);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool compute_dml_statements (Gda.Connection cnc, Gda.Statement select_stmt, bool require_pk, owned Gda.Statement? insert_stmt, owned Gda.Statement? update_stmt, owned Gda.Statement? delete_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned Gda.DataHandler data_handler_get_default (GLib.Type for_type);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void dsn_split (string string, string out_dsn, string out_username, string out_password);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static GLib.Type g_type_from_string (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string g_type_to_string (GLib.Type type);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool identifier_equal (string id1, string id2);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static uint identifier_hash (string id);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void log_disable ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static void log_enable ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool log_is_enabled ();
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool parse_iso8601_date (GLib.Date gdate, string value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool parse_iso8601_time (Gda.Time timegda, string value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool parse_iso8601_timestamp (Gda.Timestamp timestamp, string value);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool rewrite_statement_for_null_parameters (Gda.Statement stmt, Gda.Set @params, owned Gda.Statement? out_stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool rfc1738_decode (string string);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static string rfc1738_encode (string string);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static Gda.Statement select_alter_select_for_empty (Gda.Statement stmt) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static string sql_identifier_quote (string id, Gda.Connection? cnc, Gda.ServerProvider? prov, bool meta_store_convention, bool force_quotes);
-       [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true, cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static string[] sql_identifier_split (string id);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static Gda.SqlOperatorType sql_operation_operator_from_string (string op);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string sql_operation_operator_to_string (Gda.SqlOperatorType op);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static Gda.Binary string_to_binary (string? str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static Gda.Blob string_to_blob (string str);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static string text_to_alphanum (string text);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool utility_check_data_model_v (Gda.DataModel model, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nbcols", array_length_pos = 1.5)] GLib.Type[] types);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool utility_data_model_dump_data_to_xml (Gda.DataModel model, [CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* parent, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_cols", array_length_pos = 3.5)] int[]? cols, [CCode (array_length_cname = "nb_rows", array_length_pos = 4.5)] int[]? rows, bool use_col_ids);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static unowned string utility_data_model_find_column_description (Gda.DataSelect model, string field_name);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static bool utility_holder_load_attributes (Gda.Holder holder, [CCode (type = "xmlNodePtr")] Xml.Node* node, GLib.SList<Gda.DataModel> sources) throws GLib.Error;
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static int value_compare (GLib.Value value1, GLib.Value value2);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static int value_differ (GLib.Value value1, GLib.Value value2);
-       [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
-       public static string value_stringify (GLib.Value value);