Color Picker & Color Wheel
authorDmitry Baranovskiy <>
Thu, 4 Mar 2010 23:20:46 +0000 (10:20 +1100)
committerDmitry Baranovskiy <>
Thu, 4 Mar 2010 23:20:46 +0000 (10:20 +1100)
plugins/colorpicker.js [new file with mode: 0644]
plugins/colorwheel.js [new file with mode: 0644]
plugins/jquery.colorpicker.js [new file with mode: 0644]
plugins/jquery.colorwheel.js [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/plugins/colorpicker.js b/plugins/colorpicker.js
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dce88ec
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ * Color Picker 0.1.0 - Raphael plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Baranovskiy (
+ * Based on Color Wheel ( by John Weir (
+ * Licensed under the MIT ( license.
+ */
+ /*
+  * Usage
+  * var cp = Raphael.colorpicker(x, y, size, "#fff"); // #fff is optional init color
+  * cp.color(); // returns "#fff"
+  * cp.color("#fc0"); // sets new color
+  * cp.onchange = function (color) {
+  *    // do something with the color when user change it
+  * }
+  * cp.remove(); // removes widget
+  */
+(function (Raphael) {
+    Raphael.colorpicker = function (x, y, size, initcolor, element) {
+        return new ColorPicker(x, y, size, initcolor, element);
+    };
+    Raphael.fn.colorPickerIcon = function (x, y, r) {
+        var segments = pi * r * 2 / Math.min(r / 8, 4);
+        var a = pi / 2 - pi * 2 / segments * 1.5,
+            path = ["M", x, y - r, "A", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r * Math.cos(a) + x, y - r * Math.sin(a), "L", x, y, "z"].join();
+        for (var i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
+            this.path(path).attr({
+                stroke: "none",
+                fill: "hsb(" + (segments - i) * (255 / segments) + ", 255, 255)",
+                rotation: [90 + (360 / segments) * i, x, y]
+            });
+        }
+        return, y, r).attr({
+            fill: "r#fff-#fff",
+            "fill-opacity": 0,
+            "stroke-width": Math.round(r * .03),
+            stroke: "#fff"
+        });
+    };
+    var pi = Math.PI;
+    function angle(x, y) {
+        return (x < 0) * 180 + Math.atan(-y / -x) * 180 / pi;
+    }
+    var doc = document, win = window,
+        addEvent = (function () {
+        if (doc.addEventListener) {
+            return function (obj, type, fn, element) {
+                var f = function (e) {
+                    return, e);
+                };
+                obj.addEventListener(type, f, false);
+                return function () {
+                    obj.removeEventListener(type, f, false);
+                    return true;
+                };
+            };
+        } else if (doc.attachEvent) {
+            return function (obj, type, fn, element) {
+                var f = function (e) {
+                    return, e || win.event);
+                };
+                obj.attachEvent("on" + type, f);
+                var detacher = function () {
+                    obj.detachEvent("on" + type, f);
+                    return true;
+                };
+                return detacher;
+            };
+        }
+    })(),
+        ColorPicker = function (x, y, size, initcolor, element) {
+            size = size || 200;
+            var w3 = 3 * size / 200,
+                w1 = size / 200,
+                fi = 1.6180339887,
+                size20 = size / 20,
+                size2 = size / 2,
+                padding = 2 * size / 200,
+                height = size + size20 * 2 + padding * 3,
+                t = this,
+                H = 1, S = 1, B = 1, s = size - (size20 * 4),
+                r = element ? Raphael(element, size, height) : Raphael(x, y, size, height),
+                xy = s / 6 + size20 * 2 + padding,
+                wh = s * 2 / 3 - padding * 2;
+            w1 < 1 && (w1 = 1);
+            w3 < 1 && (w3 = 1);
+            r.colorPickerIcon(size2, size2, size2 - padding);
+            t.cursor = r.set();
+            t.cursor.push(, size2, size20 / 2).attr({
+                stroke: "#000",
+                opacity: .5,
+                "stroke-width": w3
+            }));
+            t.cursor.push(t.cursor[0].clone().attr({
+                stroke: "#fff",
+                opacity: 1,
+                "stroke-width": w1
+            }));
+            t.disc =, size2, size2 - padding).attr({
+                fill: "#000",
+                "fill-opacity": 0,
+                stroke: "none",
+                cursor: "crosshair"
+            });
+            var style =;
+            style.unselectable = "on";
+            style.MozUserSelect =  "none";
+            style.WebkitUserSelect= "none";
+            // brightness drawing
+            var h = size20 * 2 + 2;
+            t.brect = r.rect(padding + h / fi / 2, size + padding * 2, size - padding * 2 - h / fi, h - padding * 2).attr({
+                stroke: "#fff",
+                fill: "180-#fff-#000"
+            });
+            t.cursorb = r.set();
+            t.cursorb.push(r.rect(size - padding - h / fi, size + padding, ~~(h / fi), h, w3).attr({
+                stroke: "#000",
+                opacity: .5,
+                "stroke-width": w3
+            }));
+            t.cursorb.push(t.cursorb[0].clone().attr({
+                stroke: "#fff",
+                opacity: 1,
+                "stroke-width": w1
+            }));
+            t.btop = t.brect.clone().attr({
+                stroke: "#000",
+                fill: "#000",
+                opacity: 0
+            });
+            style =;
+            style.unselectable = "on";
+            style.MozUserSelect =  "none";
+            style.WebkitUserSelect= "none";
+            t.bwidth = ~~(h / fi) / 2;
+            t.minx = padding + t.bwidth;
+            t.maxx = size - h / fi - padding + t.bwidth;
+            t.H = t.S = t.B = 1;
+            t.padding = padding;
+            t.raphael = r;
+            t.size2 = size2;
+            t.size20 = size20;
+            t.x = x;
+            t.y = y;
+            // events
+            t.hson = addEvent(t.disc.node, "mousedown", function (e) {
+                var scrollY = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop,
+                    scrollX = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
+                this.hsOnTheMove = true;
+                this.setHS(e.clientX + scrollX - this.x, e.clientY + scrollY - this.y);
+                this.docmove = addEvent(doc, "mousemove", this.docOnMove, this);
+                this.docup = addEvent(doc, "mouseup", this.docOnUp, this);
+            }, t);
+            t.bon = addEvent(t.btop.node, "mousedown", function (e) {
+                var scrollX = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
+                this.bOnTheMove = true;
+                this.setB(e.clientX + scrollX - this.x);
+                this.docmove = addEvent(doc, "mousemove", this.docOnMove, this);
+                this.docup = addEvent(doc, "mouseup", this.docOnUp, this);
+            }, t);
+            t.winunload = addEvent(win, "unload", function () {
+                this.hson();
+                this.bon();
+                this.docmove && this.docmove();
+                this.docup && this.docup();
+                this.winunload();
+            }, t);
+            t.color(initcolor || "#fff");
+            this.onchanged && this.onchanged(this.color());
+        };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.setB = function (x) {
+        x < this.minx && (x = this.minx);
+        x > this.maxx && (x = this.maxx);
+        this.cursorb.attr({x: x - this.bwidth});
+        this.B = (x - this.minx) / (this.maxx - this.minx);
+        this.onchange && this.onchange(this.color());
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.setHS = function (x, y) {
+        var X = x - this.size2,
+            Y = y - this.size2,
+            R = this.size2 - this.size20 / 2 - this.padding,
+            d = angle(X, Y),
+            rd = d * pi / 180;
+        isNaN(d) && (d = 0);
+        if (X * X + Y * Y > R * R) {
+            x = R * Math.cos(rd) + this.size2;
+            y = R * Math.sin(rd) + this.size2;
+        }
+        this.cursor.attr({cx: x, cy: y});
+        this.H = (1 - d / 360) % 1;
+        this.S = Math.min((X * X + Y * Y) / R / R, 1);
+        this.brect.attr({fill: "180-hsb(" + [this.H, this.S] + ",1)-#000"});
+        this.onchange && this.onchange(this.color());
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.docOnMove = function (e) {
+        var scrollY = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop,
+            scrollX = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
+        if (this.hsOnTheMove) {
+            this.setHS(e.clientX + scrollX - this.x, e.clientY + scrollY - this.y);
+        }
+        if (this.bOnTheMove) {
+            this.setB(e.clientX + scrollX - this.x);
+        }
+        e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
+        e.returnValue = false;
+        return false;
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.docOnUp = function (e) {
+        this.hsOnTheMove = this.bOnTheMove = false;
+        this.docmove();
+        delete this.docmove;
+        this.docup();
+        delete this.docup;
+        this.onchanged && this.onchanged(this.color());
+        e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
+        e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
+        e.returnValue = false;
+        return false;
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.remove = function () {
+        this.raphael.remove();
+        this.color = function () {
+            return false;
+        };
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.color = function (color) {
+        if (color) {
+            color = Raphael.getRGB(color);
+            var hex = color.hex;
+            color = Raphael.rgb2hsb(color.r, color.g, color.b);
+            d = color.h * 360;
+            this.H = color.h;
+            this.S = color.s;
+            this.B = color.b;
+            this.cursorb.attr({x: this.B * (this.maxx - this.minx) + this.minx - this.bwidth});
+            this.brect.attr({fill: "180-hsb(" + [this.H, this.S] + ",1)-#000"});
+            var d = (1 - this.H) * 360,
+                rd = d * pi / 180,
+                R = (this.size2 - this.size20 / 2 - this.padding) * this.S,
+                x = Math.cos(rd) * R + this.size2,
+                y = Math.sin(rd) * R + this.size2;
+            this.cursor.attr({cx: x, cy: y});
+            return this;
+        } else {
+            return Raphael.hsb2rgb(this.H, this.S, this.B).hex;
+        }
+    };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/colorwheel.js b/plugins/colorwheel.js
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ecdae52
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * Color Wheel 0.1.0 - Raphael plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 John Weir ( & Dmitry Baranovskiy (
+ * Licensed under the MIT ( license.
+ */
+(function (Raphael) {
+    Raphael.colorpicker = function (x, y, size, initcolor, element) {
+        return new ColorPicker(x, y, size, initcolor, element);
+    };
+    var pi = Math.PI;
+    function angle(x, y) {
+        return (x < 0) * 180 + Math.atan(-y / -x) * 180 / pi;
+    }
+    var doc = document, win = window,
+        addEvent = (function () {
+        if (doc.addEventListener) {
+            return function (obj, type, fn, element) {
+                var f = function (e) {
+                    return, e);
+                };
+                obj.addEventListener(type, f, false);
+                return function () {
+                    obj.removeEventListener(type, f, false);
+                    return true;
+                };
+            };
+        } else if (doc.attachEvent) {
+            return function (obj, type, fn, element) {
+                var f = function (e) {
+                    return, e || win.event);
+                };
+                obj.attachEvent("on" + type, f);
+                var detacher = function () {
+                    obj.detachEvent("on" + type, f);
+                    return true;
+                };
+                return detacher;
+            };
+        }
+    })(),
+        ColorPicker = function (x, y, size, initcolor, element) {
+            size = size || 200;
+            var w3 = 3 * size / 200,
+                w1 = size / 200,
+                fi = 1.6180339887,
+                segments = pi * size / 4,
+                size20 = size / 20,
+                size2 = size / 2,
+                padding = 2 * size / 200,
+                height = size + size20 * 2 + padding * 3,
+                t = this,
+                H = 1, S = 1, B = 1, s = size - (size20 * 4),
+                r = element ? Raphael(element, size, height) : Raphael(x, y, size, height),
+                xy = s / 6 + size20 * 2 + padding,
+                wh = s * 2 / 3 - padding * 2;
+            w1 < 1 && (w1 = 1);
+            w3 < 1 && (w3 = 1);
+            // ring drawing
+            var a = pi / 2 - pi * 2 / segments * 1.3,
+                R = size2 - padding,
+                R2 = size2 - padding - size20 * 2,
+                path = ["M", size2, padding, "A", R, R, 0, 0, 1, R * Math.cos(a) + R + padding, R - R * Math.sin(a) + padding, "L", size2, size2, "z"].join();
+            for (var i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
+                r.path(path).attr({
+                    stroke: "none",
+                    fill: "hsb(" + (segments - i) * (255 / segments) + ", 255, 200)",
+                    rotation: [90 + (360 / segments) * i, size2, size2]
+                });
+            }
+  , size2, R).attr({
+                fill: "r#fff-#fff",
+                "fill-opacity": 0,
+                "stroke-width": 3,
+                stroke: "#fff"
+            });
+            t.cursor = r.set();
+            t.cursor.push(, size2, size20 / 2).attr({
+                stroke: "#000",
+                opacity: .5,
+                "stroke-width": w3
+            }));
+            t.cursor.push(t.cursor[0].clone().attr({
+                stroke: "#fff",
+                opacity: 1,
+                "stroke-width": w1
+            }));
+            t.disc =, size2, R).attr({
+                fill: "#000",
+                "fill-opacity": 0,
+                stroke: "none",
+                cursor: "crosshair"
+            });
+            var style =;
+            style.unselectable = "on";
+            style.MozUserSelect =  "none";
+            style.WebkitUserSelect= "none";
+            // brightness drawing
+            var h = size20 * 2 + 2;
+            t.brect = r.rect(padding + h / fi / 2, size + padding * 2, size - padding * 2 - h / fi, h - padding * 2).attr({
+                stroke: "#fff",
+                fill: "180-#fff-#000"
+            });
+            t.cursorb = r.set();
+            t.cursorb.push(r.rect(size - padding - h / fi, size + padding, ~~(h / fi), h, 3 * size / 200).attr({
+                stroke: "#000",
+                opacity: .5,
+                "stroke-width": w3
+            }));
+            t.cursorb.push(t.cursorb[0].clone().attr({
+                stroke: "#fff",
+                opacity: 1,
+                "stroke-width": w1
+            }));
+            t.btop = t.brect.clone().attr({
+                stroke: "#000",
+                fill: "#000",
+                opacity: 0
+            });
+            style =;
+            style.unselectable = "on";
+            style.MozUserSelect =  "none";
+            style.WebkitUserSelect= "none";
+            t.minx = padding;
+            t.maxx = size - h / fi - padding;
+            t.H = t.S = t.B = 1;
+            t.padding = padding;
+            t.raphael = r;
+            t.size2 = size2;
+            t.size20 = size20;
+            t.x = x;
+            t.y = y;
+            // events
+            t.hson = addEvent(t.disc.node, "mousedown", function (e) {
+                var scrollY = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop,
+                    scrollX = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
+                this.hsOnTheMove = true;
+                this.setHS(e.clientX + scrollX - this.x, e.clientY + scrollY - this.y);
+                this.docmove = addEvent(doc, "mousemove", this.docOnMove, this);
+                this.docup = addEvent(doc, "mouseup", this.docOnUp, this);
+            }, t);
+            t.bon = addEvent(t.btop.node, "mousedown", function (e) {
+                var scrollX = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
+                this.bOnTheMove = true;
+                this.setB(e.clientX + scrollX - this.x);
+                this.docmove = addEvent(doc, "mousemove", this.docOnMove, this);
+                this.docup = addEvent(doc, "mouseup", this.docOnUp, this);
+            }, t);
+            t.winunload = addEvent(win, "unload", function () {
+                this.hson();
+                this.bon();
+                this.docmove && this.docmove();
+                this.docup && this.docup();
+                this.winunload();
+            }, t);
+            t.color(initcolor || "#fff");
+            this.onchanged && this.onchanged(this.color());
+        };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.setB = function (x) {
+        x < this.minx && (x = this.minx);
+        x > this.maxx && (x = this.maxx);
+        this.cursorb.attr({x: x});
+        this.B = (x - this.minx) / (this.maxx - this.minx);
+        this.onchange && this.onchange(this.color());
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.setHS = function (x, y) {
+        var X = x - this.size2,
+            Y = y - this.size2,
+            R = this.size2 - this.size20 / 2 - this.padding,
+            d = angle(X, Y),
+            rd = d * pi / 180;
+        isNaN(d) && (d = 0);
+        if (X * X + Y * Y > R * R) {
+            x = R * Math.cos(rd) + this.size2;
+            y = R * Math.sin(rd) + this.size2;
+        }
+        this.cursor.attr({cx: x, cy: y});
+        this.H = (1 - d / 360) % 1;
+        this.S = Math.min((X * X + Y * Y) / R / R, 1);
+        this.brect.attr({fill: "180-hsb(" + [this.H, this.S] + ",1)-#000"});
+        this.onchange && this.onchange(this.color());
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.docOnMove = function (e) {
+        var scrollY = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop,
+            scrollX = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
+        if (this.hsOnTheMove) {
+            this.setHS(e.clientX + scrollX - this.x, e.clientY + scrollY - this.y);
+        }
+        if (this.bOnTheMove) {
+            this.setB(e.clientX + scrollX - this.x);
+        }
+        e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
+        e.returnValue = false;
+        return false;
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.docOnUp = function (e) {
+        this.hsOnTheMove = this.bOnTheMove = false;
+        this.docmove();
+        delete this.docmove;
+        this.docup();
+        delete this.docup;
+        this.onchanged && this.onchanged(this.color());
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.remove = function () {
+        this.raphael.remove();
+        this.color = function () {
+            return false;
+        };
+    };
+    ColorPicker.prototype.color = function (color) {
+        if (color) {
+            color = Raphael.getRGB(color);
+            var hex = color.hex;
+            color = Raphael.rgb2hsb(color.r, color.g, color.b);
+            d = color.h * 360;
+            this.H = color.h;
+            this.S = color.s;
+            this.B = color.b;
+            this.cursorb.attr({x: this.B * (this.maxx - this.minx) + this.minx});
+            this.brect.attr({fill: "180-hsb(" + [this.H, this.S] + ",1)-#000"});
+            var d = (1 - this.H) * 360,
+                rd = d * pi / 180,
+                R = (this.size2 - this.size20 / 2 - this.padding) * this.S,
+                x = Math.cos(rd) * R + this.size2,
+                y = Math.sin(rd) * R + this.size2;
+            this.cursor.attr({cx: x, cy: y});
+            return this;
+        } else {
+            return Raphael.hsb2rgb(this.H, this.S, this.B).hex;
+        }
+    };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/jquery.colorpicker.js b/plugins/jquery.colorpicker.js
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9c3f7f2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Color Picker 0.1.0 - Raphael plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Baranovskiy (
+ * Based on Color Wheel ( by John Weir (
+ * Licensed under the MIT ( license.
+ */
+(function ($, R) {
+    $.fn.colorpicker = function (size, initcolor) {
+        if (R) {
+            var offset = this.offset();
+            return R.colorpicker(offset.left,, size, initcolor, this[0]);
+        }
+        return null;
+    };
+})(window.jQuery, window.Raphael);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/jquery.colorwheel.js b/plugins/jquery.colorwheel.js
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b8f504d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Color Wheel 0.1.0 - Raphael plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 John Weir ( & Dmitry Baranovskiy (
+ * Licensed under the MIT ( license.
+ */
+(function ($, R) {
+    $.fn.colorwheel = function (size, initcolor) {
+        if (R) {
+            var offset = this.offset();
+            return R.colorpicker(offset.left,, size, initcolor, this[0]);
+        }
+        return null;
+    };
+})(window.jQuery, window.Raphael);
\ No newline at end of file