[raphael] / reference.html
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6         <title>Raphaël Reference</title>
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19             <h1>
20                 Raphaël—JavaScript Library
21             </h1>
22         </div>
23         <div id="content">
24             <div>
25                 <div>
26                     <div id="column-1">
27                         <h2>Main Function</h2>
28                         <h3 id="Raphael">
29                             Raphael
30                         </h3>
31                         <p>
32                             Creates a canvas object on which to draw. You must do this first, as all future calls to drawing methods from this instance will be bound to this canvas.
33                         </p>
34                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
35                         <ol>
36                             <li>container <em>HTMLElement</em> or <em>string</em></li>
37                             <li>width <em>number</em></li>
38                             <li>height <em>number</em></li>
39                         </ol>
40                         <p>or</p>
41                         <ol>
42                             <li>x <em>number</em></li>
43                             <li>y <em>number</em></li>
44                             <li>width <em>number</em></li>
45                             <li>height <em>number</em></li>
46                         </ol>
47                         <h4>Usage</h4>
48                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>// Each of the following examples create a canvas that is 320px wide by 200px high
49 // Canvas is created at the viewport's 10,50 coordinate
50 var paper = Raphael(10, 50, 320, 200);
51 // Canvas is created at the top left corner of the #notepad element (or its top right corner in dir="rtl" elements)
52 var paper = Raphael(document.getElementById("notepad"), 320, 200);
53 // Same as above
54 var paper = Raphael("notepad", 320, 200);</code></pre>
55                         <h2 id="Element">
56                             Element’s generic methods
57                         </h2>
58                         <p>
59                             Each object created on the canvas shares these same generic methods:
60                         </p>
61                         <h3 id="node">
62                             node
63                         </h3>
64                         <p>
65                             Gives you a reference to the DOM object, so you can assign event handlers or just mess around.
66                         </p>
67                         <h4>Usage</h4>
68                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10); // draw a circle at coordinate 10,10 with radius of 10
69 c.node.onclick = function () { c.attr("fill", "red"); };</code></pre>
70                         <h3 id="remove">
71                             remove
72                         </h3>
73                         <p>
74                             Removes element from the DOM. You can’t use it after this method call.
75                         </p>
76                         <h4>Usage</h4>
77                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);
78 c.remove();</code></pre>
79                         <h3 id="hide">
80                             hide
81                         </h3>
82                         <p>
83                             Makes element invisible.
84                         </p>
85                         <h4>Usage</h4>
86                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);
87 c.hide();</code></pre>
88                         <h3 id="show">
89                             show
90                         </h3>
91                         <p>
92                             Makes element visible.
93                         </p>
94                         <h4>Usage</h4>
95                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);
96 c.show();</code></pre>
97                         <h3 id="rotate">
98                             rotate
99                         </h3>
100                         <p>
101                             Rotates the element by the given degree from its center point.
102                         </p>
103                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
104                         <ol>
105                             <li>degree <em>number</em> Degree of rotation (0 – 360°)</li>
106                             <li>isAbsolute <em>boolean</em> [optional] Specifies is degree is relative to previous position (<code>false</code>) or is it absolute angle (<code>true</code>)</li>
107                         </ol>
108                         <h4>Usage</h4>
109                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);
110 c.rotate(45);        // rotation is relative
111 c.rotate(45, true);  // rotation is absolute</code></pre>
112                         <h3 id="translate">
113                             translate
114                         </h3>
115                         <p>
116                             Moves the element around the canvas by the given distances.
117                         </p>
118                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
119                         <ol>
120                             <li>dx <em>number</em> Pixels of translation by X axis</li>
121                             <li>dy <em>number</em> Pixels of translation by Y axis</li>
122                         </ol>
123                         <h4>Usage</h4>
124                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);
125 c.translate(10, 10); // moves the circle down the canvas, in a diagonal line</code></pre>
126                         <h3 id="scale">
127                             scale
128                         </h3>
129                         <p>
130                             Resizes the element by the given multiplier.
131                         </p>
132                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
133                         <ol>
134                             <li>Xtimes <em>number</em> Amount to scale horizontally</li>
135                             <li>Ytimes <em>number</em> Amount to scale vertically</li>
136                         </ol>
137                         <h4>Usage</h4>
138                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);
139 c.scale(1.5, 1.5); // makes the circle 1.5 times larger
140 c.scale(.5, .75);  // makes the circle half as wide, and 75% as high</code></pre>
141                         <h3 id="attr">
142                             attr
143                         </h3>
144                         <p>
145                             Sets the attributes of elements directly.
146                         </p>
147                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
148                         <ol>
149                             <li>attributeName <em>string</em></li>
150                             <li>value <em>string</em></li>
151                         </ol>
152                         <p>or</p>
153                         <ol>
154                             <li>params <em>object</em></li>
155                         </ol>
156                         <p>or</p>
157                         <ol>
158                             <li>attributeName <em>string</em> in this case method returns current value for given attribute name</li>
159                         </ol>
160                         <p>or</p>
161                         <ol>
162                             <li>attributeNames <em>array</em> in this case method returns array of current values for given attribute names</li>
163                         </ol>
164                         <h4>Possible parameters</h4>
165                         <p>Please refer to the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/" title="The W3C Recommendation for the SVG language describes these properties in detail.">SVG specification</a> for an explanation of these parameters.</p>
166                         <ul>
167                             <li>cx <em>number</em></li>
168                             <li>cy <em>number</em></li>
169                             <li>fill <em>colour</em></li>
170                             <li>fill-opacity <em>number</em></li>
171                             <li>font <em>string</em></li>
172                             <li>font-family <em>string</em></li>
173                             <li>font-size <em>number</em></li>
174                             <li>font-weight <em>string</em></li>
175                             <li>gradient <em>object</em></li>
176                             <li>height <em>number</em></li>
177                             <li>opacity <em>number</em></li>
178                             <li>path <em>pathString</em></li>
179                             <li>r <em>number</em></li>
180                             <li>rotation <em>number</em></li>
181                             <li>rx <em>number</em></li>
182                             <li>ry <em>number</em></li>
183                             <li>scale <em>CSV</em></li>
184                             <li>stroke <em>colour</em></li>
185                             <li>stroke-dasharray <em>string</em> [“-”, “.”, “-.”, “-..”, “. ”, “- ”, “--”, “- .”, “--.”, “--..”]</li>
186                             <li>stroke-linecap <em>string</em> [“butt”, “square”, “round”, “miter”]</li>
187                             <li>stroke-linejoin <em>string</em> [“butt”, “square”, “round”, “miter”]</li>
188                             <li>stroke-miterlimit <em>number</em></li>
189                             <li>stroke-opacity <em>number</em></li>
190                             <li>stroke-width <em>number</em></li>
191                             <li>translation <em>CSV</em></li>
192                             <li>width <em>number</em></li>
193                             <li>x <em>number</em></li>
194                             <li>y <em>number</em></li>
195                         </ul>
196                         <h4>Usage</h4>
197                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);
198 c.attr("fill", "black");                              // using strings
199 c.attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "#f00", opacity: 0.5}); // using params object</code></pre>
200                         <h3 id="animate">
201                             animate
202                         </h3>
203                         <p>
204                             Linearly changes an attribute from its current value to its specified value in the given amount of milliseconds.
205                         </p>
206                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
207                         <ol>
208                             <li>newAttrs <em>object</em> A parameters object of the animation results. (Not all attributes can be animated.)</li>
209                             <li>ms <em>number</em> The duration of the animation, given in milliseconds.</li>
210                             <li>callback <em>function</em> [optional]</li>
211                         </ol>
212                         <h4>Attributes that can be animated</h4>
213                         <p>The <code>newAttrs</code> parameter accepts an object whose properties are the attributes to animate. However, not all attributes listed in the <code>attr</code> method reference can be animated. The following is a list of those properties that can be animated:</p>
214                         <ul>
215                             <li>cx <em>number</em></li>
216                             <li>cy <em>number</em></li>
217                             <li>fill <em>colour</em></li>
218                             <li>fill-opacity <em>number</em></li>
219                             <li>font-size <em>number</em></li>
220                             <li>height <em>number</em></li>
221                             <li>opacity <em>number</em></li>
222                             <li>path <em>pathString</em></li>
223                             <li>r <em>number</em></li>
224                             <li>rotation <em>number</em></li>
225                             <li>rx <em>number</em></li>
226                             <li>ry <em>number</em></li>
227                             <li>scale <em>CSV</em></li>
228                             <li>stroke <em>colour</em></li>
229                             <li>stroke-opacity <em>number</em></li>
230                             <li>stroke-width <em>number</em></li>
231                             <li>translation <em>CSV</em></li>
232                             <li>width <em>number</em></li>
233                             <li>x <em>number</em></li>
234                             <li>y <em>number</em></li>
235                         </ul>
236                         <h4>Usage</h4>
237                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);</code>
238 <code>c.animate({cx: 20, r: 20}, 2000);</code></pre>
239                         <h3 id="getBBox">
240                             getBBox
241                         </h3>
242                         <p>
243                             Returns the dimensions of an element.
244                         </p>
245                         <h4>Usage</h4>
246                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);</code>
247 <code>var width = c.getBBox().width;</code></pre>
248                         <h3 id="toFront">
249                             toFront
250                         </h3>
251                         <p>
252                             Moves the element so it is the closest to the viewer’s eyes, on top of other elements.
253                         </p>
254                         <h4>Usage</h4>
255                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);</code>
256 <code>c.toFront();</code></pre>
257                         <h3 id="toBack">
258                             toBack
259                         </h3>
260                         <p>
261                             Moves the element so it is the furthest from the viewer’s eyes, behind other elements.
262                         </p>
263                         <h4>Usage</h4>
264                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);</code>
265 <code>c.toBack();</code></pre>
266                         <h3 id="insertBefore">
267                             insertBefore
268                         </h3>
269                         <p>
270                             Inserts current object before the given one.
271                         </p>
272                         <h4>Usage</h4>
273                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var r = paper.rect(10, 10, 10, 10);</code>
274 <code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);</code>
275 <code>c.insertBefore(r);</code></pre>
276                         <h3 id="insertAfter">
277                             insertAfter
278                         </h3>
279                         <p>
280                             Inserts current object after the given one
281                         </p>
282                         <h4>Usage</h4>
283                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var r = paper.rect(10, 10, 10, 10);</code>
284 <code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);</code>
285 <code>r.insertAfter(c);</code></pre>
286                         <h2>Graphic Primitives</h2>
287                         <h3 id="circle">
288                             circle
289                         </h3>
290                         <p>
291                             Draws a circle.
292                         </p>
293                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
294                         <ol>
295                             <li>x <em>number</em> X coordinate of the centre</li>
296                             <li>y <em>number</em> Y coordinate of the centre</li>
297                             <li>r <em>number</em> radius</li>
298                         </ol>
299                         <h4>Usage</h4>
300                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);</code></pre>
301                         <h3 id="rect">
302                             rect
303                         </h3>
304                         <p>
305                             Draws a rectangle.
306                         </p>
307                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
308                         <ol>
309                             <li>x <em>number</em> X coordinate of top left corner</li>
310                             <li>y <em>number</em> Y coordinate of top left corner</li>
311                             <li>width <em>number</em></li>
312                             <li>height <em>number</em></li>
313                             <li>r <em>number</em> [optional] radius for rounded corners, default is 0</li>
314                         </ol>
315                         <h4>Usage</h4>
316                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>// regular rectangle</code>
317 <code>var c = paper.rect(10, 10, 10, 10);</code>
318 <code>// rectangle with rounded corners</code>
319 <code>var c = paper.rect(10, 10, 100, 50, 10);</code></pre>
320                         <h3 id="ellipse">
321                             ellipse
322                         </h3>
323                         <p>
324                             Draws an ellipse.
325                         </p>
326                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
327                         <ol>
328                             <li>x <em>number</em> X coordinate of the centre</li>
329                             <li>y <em>number</em> X coordinate of the centre</li>
330                             <li>rx <em>number</em> Horisontal radius</li>
331                             <li>ry <em>number</em> Vertical radius</li>
332                         </ol>
333                         <h4>Usage</h4>
334                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.ellipse(100, 100, 30, 40);</code></pre>
335                         <h3 id="image">
336                             image
337                         </h3>
338                         <p>
339                             Embeds an image into the SVG/VML canvas.
340                         </p>
341                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
342                         <ol>
343                             <li>src <em>string</em> URI of the source image</li>
344                             <li>x <em>number</em> X coordinate position</li>
345                             <li>y <em>number</em> Y coordinate position</li>
346                             <li>width <em>number</em> Width of the image</li>
347                             <li>height <em>number</em> Height of the image</li>
348                         </ol>
349                         <h4>Usage</h4>
350                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.image("apple.png", 10, 10, 100, 100);</code></pre>
351                         <h3 id="text">
352                             text
353                         </h3>
354                         <p>
355                             Draws a text string.
356                         </p>
357                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
358                         <ol>
359                             <li>x <em>number</em> X coordinate position.</li>
360                             <li>y <em>number</em> Y coordinate position.</li>
361                             <li>text <em>string</em> The text string to draw.</li>
362                         </ol>
363                         <h4>Usage</h4>
364                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var t = paper.text(10, 10, "Look mom, I'm scalable!");</code></pre>
365                         <h3 id="path">
366                             path
367                         </h3>
368                         <p>
369                             Initialises path drawing. Typically, this function returns an empty <code>path</code> object and to draw paths you use its built-in methods like <code>lineTo</code> and <code>curveTo</code>. However, you can also specify a path literally by supplying the path data as a second argument.
370                         </p>
371                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
372                         <ol>
373                             <li>params <em>object</em> Attributes for the resulting path as described in the <code><a href="#attr">attr</a></code> reference.</li>
374                             <li>pathString <em>string</em> [optional] Path data in <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathData" title="Details of a path's data attribute's format are described in the SVG specification.">SVG path string format</a>.</li>
375                         </ol>
376                         <h4>Usage</h4>
377                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).moveTo(10, 10).lineTo(50, 50); // draw a diagonal line
378 var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}, "M 10 10 L 50 50");            // same</code></pre>
379                         <h2>Path Methods</h2>
380                         <h3 id="absolutely">
381                             absolutely
382                         </h3>
383                         <p>
384                             Sets a trigger to count all following units as absolute ones, unless said otherwise. (This is on by default.)
385                         </p>
386                         <h4>Usage</h4>
387                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).absolutely()
388     .moveTo(10, 10).lineTo(50, 50);</code></pre>
389                         <h3 id="relatively">
390                             relatively
391                         </h3>
392                         <p>
393                             Sets a trigger to count all following units as relative ones, unless said otherwise.
394                         </p>
395                         <h4>Usage</h4>
396                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).relatively()
397     .moveTo(10, 10).lineTo(50, 50);</code></pre>
398                         <h3 id="moveTo">
399                             moveTo
400                         </h3>
401                         <p>
402                             Moves the drawing point to the given coordinates.
403                         </p>
404                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
405                         <ol>
406                             <li>x <em>number</em> X coordinate</li>
407                             <li>y <em>number</em> Y coordinate</li>
408                         </ol>
409                         <h4>Usage</h4>
410                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>// Begins drawing the path at coordinate 10,10
411 var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).moveTo(10, 10).lineTo(50, 50);</code></pre>
412                         <h3 id="lineTo">
413                             lineTo
414                         </h3>
415                         <p>
416                             Draws a straight line to the given coordinates.
417                         </p>
418                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
419                         <ol>
420                             <li>x <em>number</em> X coordinate</li>
421                             <li>y <em>number</em> Y coordinate</li>
422                         </ol>
423                         <h4>Usage</h4>
424                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>// Draws a line starting from 10,10 to 50,50
425 var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).moveTo(10, 10).lineTo(50, 50);</code></pre>
426                         <h3 id="cplineTo">
427                             cplineTo
428                         </h3>
429                         <p>
430                             Draws a curved line to the given coordinates. The line will have horizontal anchors on start and on finish.
431                         </p>
432                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
433                         <ol>
434                             <li>x <em>number</em></li>
435                             <li>y <em>number</em></li>
436                             <li>width <em>number</em></li>
437                         </ol>
438                         <h4>Usage</h4>
439                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).moveTo(10, 10).cplineTo(50, 50);</code></pre>
440                         <h3 id="curveTo">
441                             curveTo
442                         </h3>
443                         <p>
444                             Draws a bicubic curve to the given coordinates.
445                         </p>
446                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
447                         <ol>
448                             <li>x1 <em>number</em></li>
449                             <li>y1 <em>number</em></li>
450                             <li>x2 <em>number</em></li>
451                             <li>y2 <em>number</em></li>
452                             <li>x3 <em>number</em></li>
453                             <li>y3 <em>number</em></li>
454                         </ol>
455                         <h4>Usage</h4>
456                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).moveTo(10, 10).curveTo(10, 15, 45, 45, 50, 50);</code></pre>
457                         <h3 id="qcurveTo">
458                             qcurveTo
459                         </h3>
460                         <p>
461                             Draws a quadratic curve to the given coordinates.
462                         </p>
463                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
464                         <ol>
465                             <li>x1 <em>number</em></li>
466                             <li>y1 <em>number</em></li>
467                             <li>x2 <em>number</em></li>
468                             <li>y2 <em>number</em></li>
469                         </ol>
470                         <h4>Usage</h4>
471                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).moveTo(10, 10).curveTo(10, 15, 45, 45, 50, 50);</code></pre>
472                         <h3 id="addRoundedCorner">
473                             addRoundedCorner
474                         </h3>
475                         <p>
476                             Draws a quarter of a circle from the current drawing point.
477                         </p>
478                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
479                         <ol>
480                             <li>r <em>number</em></li>
481                             <li>dir <em>string</em> Two-letter directional instruction, as described below.</li>
482                         </ol>
483                         <h4>Possible <code>dir</code> values</h4>
484                         <dl>
485                             <dt>lu</dt>
486                             <dd>left up</dd>
487                             <dt>ld</dt>
488                             <dd>left down</dd>
489                             <dt>ru</dt>
490                             <dd>right up</dd>
491                             <dt>rd</dt>
492                             <dd>right down</dd>
493                             <dt>ur</dt>
494                             <dd>up right</dd>
495                             <dt>ul</dt>
496                             <dd>up left</dd>
497                             <dt>dr</dt>
498                             <dd>down right</dd>
499                             <dt>dl</dt>
500                             <dd>down left</dd>
501                         </dl>
502                         <h4>Usage</h4>
503                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).moveTo(10, 10).addRoundedCorner(10, "rd");</code></pre>
504                         <h3 id="andClose">
505                             andClose
506                         </h3>
507                         <p>
508                             Closes the path being drawn.
509                         </p>
510                         <h4>Usage</h4>
511                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.path({stroke: "#036"}).moveTo(10, 10).andClose();</code></pre>
512                         <h3 id="getColor">
513                             getColor
514                         </h3>
515                         <p>
516                             Returns a colour object for the next colour in spectrum
517                         </p>
518                         <h4>Parameters</h4>
519                         <ol>
520                             <li>value <em>number</em> brightness [optional]</li>
521                         </ol>
522                         <h4>Usage</h4>
523                         <pre class="javascript code"><code>var c = paper.path({stroke: Raphael.getColor()}, "M10,10L100,100")</code></pre>
524                         <h3 id="getColor-reset">
525                             getColor.reset
526                         </h3>
527                         <p>
528                             Resets getColor function, so it will start from the beginning
529                         </p>
530                     </div>
531                     <div id="column-2">
532                         <h2>
533                             <a href="index.html">Home</a>
534                         </h2>
535                         <h2>
536                             Contents
537                         </h2>
538                         <ul id="contents">
539                             <li>
540                                 <a href="reference.html#Raphael"><code>Raphael</code></a>
541                             </li>
542                             <li>
543                                 <a href="reference.html#node"><code>node</code></a>
544                             </li>
545                             <li>
546                                 <a href="reference.html#remove"><code>remove</code></a>
547                             </li>
548                             <li>
549                                 <a href="reference.html#hide"><code>hide</code></a>
550                             </li>
551                             <li>
552                                 <a href="reference.html#show"><code>show</code></a>
553                             </li>
554                             <li>
555                                 <a href="reference.html#rotate"><code>rotate</code></a>
556                             </li>
557                             <li>
558                                 <a href="reference.html#translate"><code>translate</code></a>
559                             </li>
560                             <li>
561                                 <a href="reference.html#scale"><code>scale</code></a>
562                             </li>
563                             <li>
564                                 <a href="reference.html#attr"><code>attr</code></a>
565                             </li>
566                             <li>
567                                 <a href="reference.html#animate"><code>animate</code></a>
568                             </li>
569                             <li>
570                                 <a href="reference.html#getBBox"><code>getBBox</code></a>
571                             </li>
572                             <li>
573                                 <a href="reference.html#toFront"><code>toFront</code></a>
574                             </li>
575                             <li>
576                                 <a href="reference.html#toBack"><code>toBack</code></a>
577                             </li>
578                             <li>
579                                 <a href="reference.html#circle"><code>circle</code></a>
580                             </li>
581                             <li>
582                                 <a href="reference.html#rect"><code>rect</code></a>
583                             </li>
584                             <li>
585                                 <a href="reference.html#ellipse"><code>ellipse</code></a>
586                             </li>
587                             <li>
588                                 <a href="reference.html#image"><code>image</code></a>
589                             </li>
590                             <li>
591                                 <a href="reference.html#path"><code>path</code></a>
592                                 <ul>
593                                     <li>
594                                         <a href="reference.html#absolutely"><code>absolutely</code></a>
595                                     </li>
596                                     <li>
597                                         <a href="reference.html#relatively"><code>relatively</code></a>
598                                     </li>
599                                     <li>
600                                         <a href="reference.html#moveTo"><code>moveTo</code></a>
601                                     </li>
602                                     <li>
603                                         <a href="reference.html#lineTo"><code>lineTo</code></a>
604                                     </li>
605                                     <li>
606                                         <a href="reference.html#cplineTo"><code>cplineTo</code></a>
607                                     </li>
608                                     <li>
609                                         <a href="reference.html#curveTo"><code>curveTo</code></a>
610                                     </li>
611                                     <li>
612                                         <a href="reference.html#qcurveTo"><code>qcurveTo</code></a>
613                                     </li>
614                                     <li>
615                                         <a href="reference.html#addRoundedCorner"><code>addRoundedCorner</code></a>
616                                     </li>
617                                     <li>
618                                         <a href="reference.html#andClose"><code>andClose</code></a>
619                                     </li>
620                                 </ul>
621                             </li>
622                             <li>
623                                 <a href="#getColor"><code>getColor</code></a>
624                             </li>
625                             <li>
626                                 <a href="#getColor-reset"><code>getColor.reset</code></a>
627                             </li>
628                         </ul>
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632                             <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" title="Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported" rel="license">Some Rights Reserved</a> by <a href="http://dmitry.baranovskiy.com/">Dmitry Baranovskiy</a>
633                         </h3>
634                         <h3 id="font">
635                             Font by <a href="http://www.exljbris.nl">Jos Buivenga</a> · Logo by <a href="http://wasabicube.com/">Wasabicube</a> ·
636                             Work at this project started as 20% time at <a href="http://www.atlassian.com/" title="Atlassian — Software to Track, Test &#38; Collaborate, from Enterprises to Open Source Projects.">Atlassian</a>
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