[app.Builder.js] / Builder3 / Window.bjs
1 {
2     "id": "file-gtk-1",
3     "name": "Window",
4     "parent": "",
5     "title": false,
6     "path": "/home/alan/gitlive/app.Builder.js/Sample/Window.bjs",
7     "items": [
8         {
9             "listeners": {
10                 "delete_event": "function (self, event) {\n    return false;\n}",
11                 "destroy": "function (self) {\n   Gtk.main_quit();\n}",
12                 "show": "function (self) {\n  print(\"WINDOW SHOWING - trying to hide\");\nimports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager.loadConfig();\n \tthis.get('/MidPropTree').hideWin();\n    this.get('/RightPalete').hide();\n    this.get('/BottomPane').el.hide();\n    //this.get('/Editor').el.show_all();\n\n}"
13             },
14             "border_width": 0,
15             "default_height": 500,
16             "default_width": 800,
17             "id": "Window",
18             "title": "Application Builder",
19             "xtype": "Window",
20             "|init": "function() {\n     this.atoms = {\n           \"STRING\" : Gdk.atom_intern(\"STRING\")\n\t};\n\tthis.targetList = new Gtk.TargetList();\n\tthis.targetList.add( this.atoms[\"STRING\"], 0, 0);\n\t//imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager.loadConfig();\nGtk.rc_parse_string(\n            \"style \\\"gtkcombobox-style\\\" {\\n\" + \n            \"    GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1\\n\" +\n            \"}\\n\"+\n            \"class \\\"GtkComboBox\\\" style \\\"gtkcombobox-style\\\"\\n\");\n;\n    this.el.show_all();\n    \n   \n              \n}\n",
21             "|setTitle": "function(str) {\n    this.el.set_title(this.title + ' - ' + str);\n}\n",
22             "|type": "Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL",
23             "|xns": "Gtk",
24             "items": [
25                 {
26                     "|xns": "Gtk",
27                     "xtype": "VBox",
28                     "id": "w-vbox",
29                     "items": [
30                         {
31                             "|xns": "Gtk",
32                             "xtype": "MenuBar",
33                             "pack": "pack_start,false,false",
34                             "items": [
35                                 {
36                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
37                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
38                                     "|use_underline": true,
39                                     "label": "_File",
40                                     "items": [
41                                         {
42                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
43                                             "xtype": "Menu",
44                                             "pack": "set_submenu",
45                                             "items": [
46                                                 {
47                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
48                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
49                                                     "|use_underline": true,
50                                                     "label": "New _Project",
51                                                     "listeners": {
52                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n         var _this = this;\n\tthis.get('/EditProject').show({\n\t    success : function(pr) {\n\t\t     _this.get('/LeftProjectTree').get('combo').setValue(pr.fn);\n\t    }\n\t});\n}"
53                                                     }
54                                                 },
55                                                 {
56                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
57                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
58                                                     "label": "_New File",
59                                                     "|use_underline": true,
60                                                     "listeners": {
61                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n \tvar fn = this.get('/LeftProjectTree.combo').getValue();\n        if (!fn) {\n            this.get('/LeftProjectTree').showNoProjectSelected();\n            return true;\n        }\n        var pm = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager;\n        this.get('/DialogNewComponent').show({\n            project : pm.getByFn(fn)\n        });\n}"
62                                                     }
63                                                 },
64                                                 {
65                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
66                                                     "xtype": "SeparatorMenuItem",
67                                                     "pack": "add"
68                                                 },
69                                                 {
70                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
71                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
72                                                     "|use_underline": true,
73                                                     "pack": "add",
74                                                     "label": "D_elete Project",
75                                                     "listeners": {
76                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n\tvar fn =  this.get('/LeftProjectTree').get('combo').getValue();\n\tif (!fn.length) {\n\t\tthis.get('/StandardErrorDialog').show(\"Select a project\")\n\t\treturn;\n        }\n\tvar pm = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager;\n\tvar pr  = pm.getByFn(fn);\n\n\t// confirm..\n\tthis.get('/DialogConfirm').show(\"Are you sure you want to delete project '\" + + \"'\", function() {\n\t\tpm.deleteProject(fn);\n\t\tprint(\"DELETE?\");\n\t});\n\n}"
77                                                     }
78                                                 },
79                                                 {
80                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
81                                                     "xtype": "SeparatorMenuItem",
82                                                     "pack": "add"
83                                                 },
84                                                 {
85                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
86                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
87                                                     "pack": "add",
88                                                     "label": "_Quit",
89                                                     "|use_underline": true,
90                                                     "listeners": {
91                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n   Gtk.main_quit();\n} "
92                                                     }
93                                                 }
94                                             ]
95                                         }
96                                     ]
97                                 },
98                                 {
99                                     "label": "_Edit",
100                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
101                                     "|use_underline": true,
102                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
103                                     "pack": "add",
104                                     "items": [
105                                         {
106                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
107                                             "xtype": "Menu",
108                                             "pack": "set_submenu",
109                                             "listeners": {},
110                                             "items": [
111                                                 {
112                                                     "listeners": {
113                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n \tvar fn = this.get('/LeftTree').getActiveFile();\n        if (!fn) {\n            this.get('/StandardErrorDialog').show(\"No File active\");\n            return true;\n        }\n \n        this.get('/DialogNewComponent').show(fn);\n        return true;\n}"
114                                                     },
115                                                     "label": "File _Properties",
116                                                     "pack": "add",
117                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
118                                                     "|use_underline": true,
119                                                     "|xns": "Gtk"
120                                                 },
121                                                 {
122                                                     "listeners": {
123                                                         "activate": "function (self, event) {\n    this.get('/RooProjectProperties').show();\n    return false;\n}"
124                                                     },
125                                                     "label": "Modify Project HTML ",
126                                                     "pack": "add",
127                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
128                                                     "|use_underline": true,
129                                                     "|xns": "Gtk"
130                                                 }
131                                             ]
132                                         }
133                                     ]
134                                 },
135                                 {
136                                     "label": "_View",
137                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
138                                     "|use_underline": true,
139                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
140                                     "items": [
141                                         {
142                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
143                                             "xtype": "Menu",
144                                             "pack": "set_submenu",
145                                             "listeners": {},
146                                             "items": [
147                                                 {
148                                                     "listeners": {
149                                                         "activate": "function (self, event) {\n      var js = this.get('/LeftTree.model').toJS();\n    if (js && js[0]) {\n        this.get('/RightBrowser.view').renderJS(js[0], true);\n    } \n    return false;\n}"
150                                                     },
151                                                     "label": "_Redraw (Roo)",
152                                                     "pack": "add",
153                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
154                                                     "|use_underline": true,
155                                                     "|xns": "Gtk"
156                                                 },
157                                                 {
158                                                     "listeners": {
159                                                         "activate": "function (self, event) \n{\n        /* Firefox testing for debugging..\n          - we can create a /tmp directory, and put.\n            builder.html, builder.html.js, link roojs1 \n            add at the end of builder.html Roo.onload(function() {\n\t  */\n\t if (!this.get('/Window.LeftTree').getActiveFile()) {\n            return;\n        }\n        \n        var js = this.get('/LeftTree.model').toJS();\n         if (!js ||  !js[0]) {\n            return;\n        }\n        var project = this.get('/Window.LeftTree').getActiveFile().project;\n        //print (project.fn);\n        \n        project.runhtml  = project.runhtml || '';\n\n\n\tvar File = imports.File.File;\n\t\n\tvar target = \"/tmp/firetest\"; // fixme..\n\tif (!File.isDirectory(target)) {\n\t    File.mkdir(target);\n        }\n\tFile.copy(__script_path__ + '/../builder.html.js', target+ '/builder.html.js', Gio.FileCopyFlags.OVERWRITE);\n\tif (!File.exists( target+ '/roojs1')) {\n   target+ '/roojs1', __script_path__ + '/../roojs1');\n    \t}\n        \n        \n        \n        var html = + '/../builder.html');\n        html = html.replace('</head>', project.runhtml + '</head>');\n        \n       \n        var     jsstr = JSON.stringify(js[0], null, 4);\n       \n        var runbuilder = '<script type=\"text/javascript\">' + \"\\n\" + \n            \" Builder.render(\" + jsstr + \");\\n\" +\n            '</script>';\n        \n        html = html.replace('</body>', runbuilder + '</body>');\n\n\tFile.write( target+ '/builder.html', html);\n\t\n        this.get('/Terminal').feed(\"RUN DIR:\" + target);\n    \n    this.get('/Terminal').el.fork_command( null , [], [], target\n\t, false,false,false); \n    var cmd = \"firefox file://\" + target + \"/builder.html  \\n\";\n    this.get('/Terminal').el.feed_child(cmd, cmd.length);\n     return false;\n}"
160                                                     },
161                                                     "label": "_Test in Firefox (Roo)",
162                                                     "pack": "add",
163                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
164                                                     "|use_underline": true,
165                                                     "|xns": "Gtk"
166                                                 }
167                                             ]
168                                         }
169                                     ]
170                                 },
171                                 {
172                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
173                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
174                                     "label": "_Help",
175                                     "|use_underline": true,
176                                     "listeners": {},
177                                     "pack": "add",
178                                     "items": [
179                                         {
180                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
181                                             "xtype": "Menu",
182                                             "pack": "set_submenu",
183                                             "listeners": {},
184                                             "items": [
185                                                 {
186                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
187                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
188                                                     "pack": "add",
189                                                     "label": "_About",
190                                                     "|use_underline": true,
191                                                     "listeners": {
192                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n    this.get('/About');\n}"
193                                                     }
194                                                 }
195                                             ]
196                                         }
197                                     ]
198                                 }
199                             ]
200                         },
201                         {
202                             "|xns": "Gtk",
203                             "xtype": "HPaned",
204                             "id": "left",
205                             "position": 400,
206                             "items": [
207                                 {
208                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
209                                     "xtype": "HBox",
210                                     "items": [
211                                         {
212                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
213                                             "xtype": "VPaned",
214                                             "position": 300,
215                                             "id": "leftvpaned",
216                                             "items": [
217                                                 {
218                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
219                                                     "xtype": "VBox",
220                                                     "id": "LeftTopPanel",
221                                                     "items": [
222                                                         {
223                                                             "listeners": {
224                                                                 "activate": "function (self) {\n    // this does not actually expand it..\n    // that is done by GTK..\n    \n    \n \tif (!this.get('/Editor').save()) {\n \t    // popup!! - click handled.. \n \t    return true;\n        }\n\n    if (!this.el.expanded) {\n        this.onExpand();\n    } else {\n        this.onCollapse();\n    }\n\t  \n}",
225                                                                 "enter_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\nreturn;\n     this.el.expanded = !this.el.expanded;\n//if (this.el.expanded ) {\n;\n//   }\n\nreturn true;\n}"
226                                                             },
227                                                             "id": "expander",
228                                                             "label": "Select Project or File",
229                                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,true",
230                                                             "xtype": "Expander",
231                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n   this.el.add_events (Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_MOTION_MASK );\n}\n",
232                                                             "|onCollapse": "function() {\n    \n    var nb = this.get('/LeftTopPanel.notebook');\n    nb.el.set_current_page(0);\n}\n",
233                                                             "|onExpand": "function() {\n    var nb = this.get('/LeftTopPanel.notebook');            \n    var pm  = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager;\n    \n   \n    var model = this.get('/LeftProjectTree.combomodel');\n    //  print (\"loading Projects?\")\n    //console.dump(pm.projects);\n    model.loadData(pm.projects);\n     \n    \n    nb.el.set_current_page(1);\n    //pm.on('changed', function() {\n\t//console.log(\"CAUGHT project manager change\");\n    //    _combo.model.loadData(pm.projects);\n    //}\n    return;\n}\n",
234                                                             "|xns": "Gtk"
235                                                         },
236                                                         {
237                                                             "id": "notebook",
238                                                             "pack": "pack_start,true,true",
239                                                             "xtype": "Notebook",
240                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n\tthis.el.set_current_page(0);\n\n}\n",
241                                                             "|show_border": false,
242                                                             "|show_tabs": false,
243                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
244                                                             "items": [
245                                                                 {
246                                                                     "id": "LeftTree",
247                                                                     "pack": "add",
248                                                                     "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
249                                                                     "|getActiveElement": "function() { // return path to actie node.\n\n     var path = this.getActivePath();\n     if (!path) {\n        return false;\n     }\n     var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n     this.get('model').el.get_iter_from_string(iter, path);\n     \n     var value = new GObject.Value('');\n     this.get('model').el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n        \n     return JSON.parse(value.value);\n}\n",
250                                                                     "|getActiveFile": "function() {\n    return this.get('model').file;\n}\n",
251                                                                     "|getActivePath": "function() {\n    var model = this.get('model');\n    var view = this.get('view');\n    if (view.selection.count_selected_rows() < 1) {\n        return false;\n    }\n    var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n\n    view.selection.get_selected(model.el, iter);\n    return model.el.get_path(iter).to_string();\n}\n",
252                                                                     "|getPaleteProvider": "function() {\n    var model = this.get('model');\n    var pm = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager;\n    return pm.getPalete(model.file.getType());\n}\n",
253                                                                     "|getRenderer": "function() {\n\n\tswitch( this.getActiveFile().getType()) {\n\t\tcase 'Roo':\n\t\t    return this.get('/RightBrowser.view');\n\t\tcase 'Gtk':\n\t\t    return this.get('/RightGtkView');\n\t}\n\n}\n",
254                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n    this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)\n}\n",
255                                                                     "|renderView": "function() {\n    var render = this.getRenderer();\n    var model = this.get('model');\n    if (render) {\n        render.renderJS(model.toJS(false,true)[0]);\n    } else {\n        print(\"NO RENDER JS METHOD?\");\n    }\n}\n",
256                                                                     "|shadow_type": "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
257                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
258                                                                     "items": [
259                                                                         {
260                                                                             "listeners": {
261                                                                                 "button_press_event": "function (self, ev) {\n \tconsole.log(\"button press?\");\n \t\n \tif (!this.get('/Editor').save()) {\n \t    // popup!! - click handled.. \n \t    return true;\n        }\n \t\n        if (ev.type != Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  || ev.button.button != 3) {\n            print(\"click\" + ev.type);\n            return false;\n        }\n      \n    \n        var res = {}; \n        this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.get_path_at_pos(ev.button.x,ev.button.y, res);\n        \n        if (!this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el)  { this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').init(); }\n        \n        this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());\n        this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el.show_all();\n        this.get('/LeftTreeMenu').el.popup(null, null, null, null, 3, ev.button.time);\n        print(\"click:\" + res.path.to_string());\n        return false;\n}",
262                                                                                 "drag_begin": "function (self, drag_context) {\n\tprint('SOURCE: drag-begin');\n         this.targetData = false;\n        // find what is selected in our tree...\n        var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n        var s = this.selection;\n        s.get_selected(this.get('/LeftTree.model').el, iter);\n\n        // set some properties of the tree for use by the dropped element.\n        var value = new GObject.Value('');\n        this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n        var data = JSON.parse(value.value);\n        var xname = this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.guessName(data);\n        \n        this.el.dragData = xname;\n        this.el.dropList = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider().getDropList(xname);\n        \n\n        // make the drag icon a picture of the node that was selected\n        var path = this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.get_path(iter);\n        this.el.treepath = path.to_string();\n        \n        var pix = this.el.create_row_drag_icon ( path);\n        \n        Gtk.drag_set_icon_pixmap (ctx,\n            pix.get_colormap(),\n            pix,\n            null,\n            -10,\n            -10);\n        \n        return true;\n}",
263                                                                                 "drag_end": "function (self, drag_context) {\n\tSeed.print('LEFT-TREE: drag-end');\n        this.el.dragData = false;\n        this.el.dropList = false;\n        this.targetData = false;\n        this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(false);\n        return true;\n}",
264                                                                                 "drag_motion": "function (self, ctx, x, y, time) {\n    console.log(\"LEFT-TREE: drag-motion\");\n                var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n\n                // a drag from  elsewhere...- prevent drop..\n                if (!src.dragData) {\n                    print(\"no drag data!\");\n                    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);\n                    this.targetData = false;\n                    return true;\n                }\n                var action = Gdk.DragAction.COPY;\n                if (src == this.el) {\n                    // unless we are copying!!! ctl button..\n                    action = ctx.actions & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE ? Gdk.DragAction.MOVE : Gdk.DragAction.COPY ;\n                }\n                var data = {};\n\n\t\tif (!this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.iter_n_children(null)) {\n\t\t\t// no children.. -- asume it's ok..\n\t\t\tthis.targetData =  [ '' , Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER , ''];\n\t\t\tGdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time);\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\n                print(\"GETTING POS\");\n                var isOver = this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.get_dest_row_at_pos(x,y, data);\n                print(\"ISOVER? \" + isOver);\n                if (!isOver) {\n                    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);\n                    return false; // not over apoint!?!\n                }\n                // drag node is parent of child..\n                console.log(\"SRC TREEPATH: \" + src.treepath);\n                console.log(\"TARGET TREEPATH: \" + data.path.to_string());\n                \n                // nned to check a  few here..\n                //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER\n                //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_BEFORE\n                //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.AFTER\n                //Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.BEFORE\n                \n                if (typeof(src.treepath) != 'undefined'  && \n                    src.treepath == data.path.to_string().substring(0,src.treepath.length)) {\n                    print(\"subpath drag\");\n                     Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0 ,time);\n                    return false;\n                }\n                \n                // check that \n                //print(\"DUMPING DATA\");\n                //console.dump(data);\n                // path, pos\n                \n                print(data.path.to_string() +' => '+  data.pos);\n                var tg = this.get('/LeftTree.model').findDropNodeByPath(\n                    data.path.to_string(), src.dropList, data.pos);\n                    \n                this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(tg);\n                if (!tg.length) {\n                    print(\"Can not find drop node path\");\n                    this.targetData = false;\n                    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);\n                    return true;\n                }\n                //console.dump(tg);\n                this.targetData = tg;    \n                \n                \n                Gdk.drag_status(ctx, action ,time);\n                 \n                return true;\n}",
265                                                                                 "drag_drop": "function (w, ctx, x, y, time) {\n      Seed.print(\"TARGET: drag-drop\");\n                       \n                        Gtk.drag_get_data\n                        (\n                                w,         /* will receive 'drag-data-received' signal */\n                                ctx,        /* represents the current state of the DnD */\n                                this.get('/Window').atoms[\"STRING\"],    /* the target type we want */\n                                time            /* time stamp */\n                        );\n                        \n                         \n                        /* No target offered by source => error */\n                       \n\n                        return  true;\n}",
266                                                                                 "drag_data_received": "function (self, ctx, x, y, sel_data, info, time) {\n\t print(\"Tree: drag-data-received\");\n\n              var   delete_selection_data = false;\n               var  dnd_success = false;\n                /* Deal with what we are given from source */\n                if( sel_data && sel_data.length ) {\n                    \n                    if (ctx.action == Gdk.DragAction.ASK)  {\n                        /* Ask the user to move or copy, then set the ctx action. */\n                    }\n\n                    if (ctx.action == Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) {\n                        //delete_selection_data = true;\n                    }\n                    \n                    var source = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n\n                    if (this.targetData) {\n                        if (source != this.el) {\n                            this.get('/LeftTree.model').dropNode(this.targetData,  source.dragData);\n                        } else {\n                            // drag around.. - reorder..\n                             this.get('/LeftTree.model').moveNode(this.targetData, ctx.action);\n                            \n                            \n                        }\n                        //Seed.print(this.targetData);\n                      \n                    }\n                    \n                    \n                    \n                    // we can send stuff to souce here...\n\n                    dnd_success = true;\n\n                }\n\n                if (dnd_success == false)\n                {\n                        Seed.print (\"DnD data transfer failed!\\n\");\n                }\n\n                Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, dnd_success, delete_selection_data, time);\n                return true;\n}",
267                                                                                 "cursor_changed": "function (self) {\n     if (this.blockChanges) { // probably not needed.. \n       return true;\n     }\n     var render = this.get('/LeftTree').getRenderer();                \n   \n    \n    if (this.selection.count_selected_rows() < 1) {\n        this.get('/LeftPanel.model').load( false);\n        this.get('/MidPropTree').activeElement =  false;\n        this.get('/MidPropTree').hideWin();\n\n        var pm = this.get('/RightPalete.model');\n        if (!this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider()) {\n            // it may not be loaded yet..\n            return  true;\n        }\n        pm.load( this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider().gatherList(\n            this.get('/LeftTree.model').listAllTypes()));\n        if (render && render.redraw) {\n            render.redraw();\n        }\n        return true;\n    }\n            \n            //console.log('changed');\n        var s = this.selection;\n          var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n        s.get_selected(this.get('/LeftTree.model').el, iter);\n        \n        \n        // var val = \"\";\n        var value = new GObject.Value('');\n        this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n        this.get('/LeftTree.model').activePath = this.get('/LeftTree.model').el.get_path(iter).to_string();\n        \n        var data = JSON.parse(value.value);\n        this.get('/MidPropTree').activeElement =  data;\n        this.get('/MidPropTree').hideWin();\n        this.get('/LeftPanel.model').load( data);\n        \n        console.log(value.value);\n       // _g.button.set_label(''+value.get_string());\n\n        var pm =this.get('/RightPalete.model');\n        pm.load(  this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider().gatherList(\n             this.get('/LeftTree.model').listAllTypes()));\n       \n        \n           if (render && render.redraw) {\n            render.redraw();\n        }\n           \n            //Seed.print( value.get_string());\n            return true;\n                \n}"
268                                                                             },
269                                                                             "id": "view",
270                                                                             "pack": "add",
271                                                                             "tooltip_column": 1,
272                                                                             "xtype": "TreeView",
273                                                                             "|enable_tree_lines": true,
274                                                                             "|headers_visible": false,
275                                                                             "|highlight": "function(treepath_ar) {\n\n        // highlighting for drag/drop\n        if (treepath_ar.length && treepath_ar[0].length ) {\n            this.el.set_drag_dest_row( \n                    new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath_ar[0] ),  treepath_ar[1]);\n            } else {\n                this.el.set_drag_dest_row(null, Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER);\n            }\n             \n        }",
276                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n    \;\n\tvar description = new Pango.FontDescription.c_new();\n\tdescription.set_size(8000);\n\tthis.el.modify_font(description);\n\n\tthis.selection = this.el.get_selection();\n\tthis.selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n\tvar _this = this;\n\n\t// is this really needed??\n\tthis.selection.signal['changed'].connect(function() {\n\t\t_this.get('/LeftTree.view').listeners.cursor_changed.apply(\n\t\t    _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), [ _this.get('/LeftTree.view'), '']\n\t\t);\n\t});\n\n\tGtk.drag_source_set (\n\t\tthis.el,            /* widget will be drag-able */\n\t\tGdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK,       /* modifier that will start a drag */\n\t\tnull,            /* lists of target to support */\n\t\t0,              /* size of list */\n\t\tGdk.DragAction.COPY   | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE           /* what to do with data after dropped */\n\t);\n\n\tGtk.drag_source_set_target_list(this.el, this.get('/Window').targetList);\n\n\tGtk.drag_source_add_text_targets(this.el); \n\tGtk.drag_dest_set\n\t(\n\t    this.el,              /* widget that will accept a drop */\n\t    Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION  | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT,\n\t    null,            /* lists of target to support */\n\t    0,              /* size of list */\n\t    Gdk.DragAction.COPY   | Gdk.DragAction.MOVE       /* what to do with data after dropped */\n\t);\n\n\tGtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, this.get('/Window').targetList);\n\tGtk.drag_dest_add_text_targets(this.el);\n}\n",
277                                                                             "|selectNode": "function(treepath_str) {\n    //this.selection.select_path(new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( treepath_str));\n var tp = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath_str);\n          this.el.set_cursor(tp, null, false);  \n      this.el.scroll_to_cell(tp, null, false, 0,0);\n}\n",
278                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
279                                                                             "items": [
280                                                                                 {
281                                                                                     "activePath": false,
282                                                                                     "currentTree": false,
283                                                                                     "id": "model",
284                                                                                     "pack": "set_model",
285                                                                                     "xtype": "TreeStore",
286                                                                                     "|changed": "function(n, refresh) {\n    //     print(\"MODEL CHANGED CALLED\" + this.activePath);\n         if (this.activePath) {\n            var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n            this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(this.activePath))\n            this.el.set_value(iter, 0, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeTitle(n)]);\n            this.el.set_value(iter, 1, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeTitle(n)]);\n            \n            this.el.set_value(iter, 2, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeToJSON(n)]);\n        }\n            //this.currentTree = this.toJS(false, true)[0];\n        var d = new Date();\n        this.file.items = this.toJS(false, false);\n        print (\"TO JS in \" + ((new Date()) - d) + \"ms\");\n      //  print(\"AFTER CHANGED\");\n        //console.dump(this.file.items);\n;\n        this.currentTree = this.file.items[0];\n        //console.log(this.file.toSource());\n        \n        if (refresh) {\n            print(\"REDNER BROWSER?!\");\n            this.get('/LeftTree').renderView();\n\n            var pm = this.get('/RightPalete.model');\n            if (!this.get('/RightPalete').provider) {\n                pm.load([]);\n                return;\n            }\n            \n            \n            pm.load( this.get('/RightPalete').provider.gatherList(this.listAllTypes()));\n            //imports['Builder/RightBrowser.js'].renderJS(this.toJS());\n        }\n\t          \n}\n",
287                                                                                     "|deleteSelected": "function() {\n    this.get('/LeftTree.view').blockChanges = true;\n    var old_iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    var s = this.get('/LeftTree.view').selection;\n    s.get_selected(this.el, old_iter);\n    var path = this.el.get_path(old_iter).to_string();\n\n    this.activePath= false;      \n    s.unselect_all();\n\n    this.activePath= false;      \n     var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    this.el.get_iter_from_string(iter, path);\n    this.el.remove(iter);\n    \n    // rebuild treemap. -- depreciated.!!\n = {};\n    this.treemap = { };\n    //this.toJS(null, true) // does not do anything?\n    this.activePath= false;      \n    this.changed(false,true);\n    this.get('/LeftTree.view').blockChanges = false;\n}\n",
288                                                                                     "|dropNode": "function(target_data, node) {\n         print(\"drop Node\");\n     // console.dump(node);\n  //    console.dump(target_data);\n        var tp = target_data[0].length ? new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( target_data[0] ) : false;\n        \n        print(\"add \" + tp + \"@\" + target_data[1]  );\n        var parent = tp;\n        var after = false;\n        if (tp && target_data[1]  < 2) { // before or after..\n            var ar = target_data[0].split(':');\n            ar.pop();\n            parent  = new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string( ar.join(':') );\n            after = tp;\n        }\n        var n_iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n        var iter_par = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n        var iter_after = after ? new Gtk.TreeIter() : false;\n        \n        \n        \n        if (parent !== false) {\n            this.el.get_iter(iter_par, parent);\n        } else {\n            iter_par = null;\n        }\n        \n        \n        if (tp && after) {\n            print(target_data[1]  > 0 ? 'insert_after' : 'insert_before');\n            this.el.get_iter(iter_after, after);\n            this.el[ target_data[1]  > 0 ? 'insert_after' : 'insert_before'](\n                    n_iter, iter_par, iter_after);\n            \n        } else {\n            this.el.append(n_iter, iter_par);\n            \n        }\n        \n        if (typeof(node) == 'string') {\n            var ar = node.split('.');\n            var xtype = ar.pop();\n            \n            node = {\n                '|xns' : ar.join('.'),\n                'xtype' : xtype\n            };\n            if (target_data.length == 3 && target_data[2].length) {\n                node['*prop'] = target_data[2];\n            }\n            node = this.get('/DialogTemplateSelect').show(node);\n            \n        }\n        // work out what kind of packing to use..\n        if (typeof(node.pack) == 'undefined'  && parent !== false) {\n            var pal = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();\n            if ( == 'Gtk') {\n                var pname = pal.guessName(this.singleNodeToJS(parent.to_string()));\n                var cname = pal.guessName(node);\n                node.pack = pal.getDefaultPack(pname, cname);\n            }\n            \n        }\n        \n        \n        var xitems = [];\n        if (node.items) {\n            xitems = node.items;\n            delete node.items;\n        }\n// load children - if it has any..\n\n        if (xitems) {\n            this.load(xitems, n_iter);\n            this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(n_iter), true);\n        }\n        if (tp && (xitems || after)) {\n            this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.expand_row(this.el.get_path(iter_par), true);\n        }\n        // wee need to get the empty proptypes from somewhere..\n        \n        //var olditer = this.activeIter;\n        this.activePath = this.el.get_path(n_iter).to_string();\n\n  // changed actually set's the node data..\n        this.changed(node, true);\n        \n        \n        \n        this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.set_cursor(this.el.get_path(n_iter), null, false);\n        \n        //Builder.MidPropTree._model.load(node);\n        //Builder.MidPropTree._win.hideWin();\n        //Builder.LeftPanel._model.load( node);\n        \n            \n}\n",
289                                                                                     "|findDropNode": "function(treepath_str, targets) {\n\n// this is used by the dragdrop code in the roo version AFAIR..\n\n    \t\tvar path = treepath_str.replace(/^builder-/, '');\n            // treemap is depreciated... - should really check if model has any entries..\n\n            if (!this.el.iter_n_children(null)) {\n                print(\"NO KEYS\");\n                return [ '',  Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER];\n            }\n            print(\"FIND treepath: \" + path);\n            //console.dump(this.treemap);\n            \n            if (!treepath_str.match(/^builder-/)) {\n                return []; // nothing!\n            }\n            if (targets === true) {\n                return [ path ];\n            }\n            return this.findDropNodeByPath(path,targets) \n}\n",
290                                                                                     "|findDropNodeByPath": "function(treepath_str, targets, pref) {\n    var path = treepath_str + ''; // dupe it..\n    pref = typeof(pref) == 'undefined' ?  Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER : pref;\n    var last = false;\n    //console.dump(this.treemap);\n    while (path.length) {\n        print(\"LOOKING FOR PATH: \" + path);\n        var node_data = this.singleNodeToJS(path);\n        if (node_data === false) {\n            print(\"node not found\");\n            return [];\n        }\n        \n        var xname = this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.guessName(node_data);\n        var match = false;\n        var prop = '';\n        targets.forEach(function(tg) {\n            if (match) {\n                return;;\n            }\n            if ((tg == xname)  ) {\n                match = tg;\n            }\n            if (tg.indexOf(xname +':') === 0) {\n                match = tg;\n                prop = tg.split(':').pop();\n            }\n        });\n        \n        if (match) {\n            if (last) { // pref is after/before..\n                // then it's after last\n                if (pref > 1) {\n                    return []; // do not allow..\n                }\n                return [ last, pref , prop];\n                \n            }\n            return [ path , Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.INTO_OR_AFTER , prop];\n        }\n        var par = path.split(':');\n        last = path;\n        par.pop();\n        path = par.join(':');\n    }\n    \n    return [];\n            \n}\n",
291                                                                                     "|getIterValue": " function (iter, col) {\n    var gval = new GObject.Value('');\n    this.el.get_value(iter, col ,gval);\n    return  gval.value;\n    \n    \n}",
292                                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n this.el.set_column_types ( 3, [\n            GObject.TYPE_STRING, // title \n            GObject.TYPE_STRING, // tip\n            GObject.TYPE_STRING // source..\n            ] );\n}\n",
293                                                                                     "|listAllTypes": "function() {\n    var s = this.get('/LeftTree.view').selection;\n    print (\"LIST ALL TYPES: \" + s.count_selected_rows() );\n    \n    if (s.count_selected_rows() > 0) {\n        var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();    \n        s.get_selected(this.el, iter);\n\n        // set some properties of the tree for use by the dropped element.\n        var value = new GObject.Value('');\n        this.el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n        var data = JSON.parse(value.value);\n        \n        \n        var xname = this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.guessName(data);\n        console.log('selected:' + xname);\n        if (xname.length) {\n            return [ xname ];\n        }\n        return []; // could not find it..\n    }\n    \n    var ret = [ ];\n    \n   var _this = this;\n    function addall(li)\n    {\n        li.forEach(function(el) {\n            // this is specific to roo!!!?\n            if (!el) { // skip empty?\n                return;\n            }\n            var fullpath =  _this.file.guessName(el);\n            if (fullpath.length && ret.indexOf(fullpath) < 0) {\n                ret.push(fullpath);\n            }\n            \n            \n            if (el.items && el.items.length) {\n                addall(el.items);\n            }\n            \n        });\n        \n        \n    }\n    \n    addall([this.currentTree]);\n    \n    // only if we have nothing, should we add '*top'\n    if (!ret.length) {\n        ret = [ '*top' ];\n    }\n    //console.log('all types in tree');\n    //console.dump(ret);\n    \n    return ret;\n                            \n}\n",
294                                                                                     "|load": "function(tr,iter)\n        {\n            var citer = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n            //this.insert(citer,iter,0);\n            for(var i =0 ; i < tr.length; i++) {\n                if (iter) {\n                    this.el.insert(citer,iter,-1);\n                } else {\n                    this.el.append(citer);\n                }\n                \n                this.el.set_value(citer, 0, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeTitle(tr[i]) ]);\n                this.el.set_value(citer, 1, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeTip(tr[i]) ]);\n                this.el.set_value(citer, 2, [GObject.TYPE_STRING, this.nodeToJSON(tr[i])]);\n                if (tr[i].items && tr[i].items.length) {\n                    this.load(tr[i].items, citer);\n                }\n            }     \n        }",
295                                                                                     "|loadFile": "function(f) {\n    //console.dump(f);\n            this.el.clear();\n            this.file = f;\n            \n            if (!f) {\n                console.log('missing file');\n                return;\n            }\n            \n            // load the file if not loaded..\n            if (f.items === false) {\n                var _this = this;\n                f.loadItems(function() {\n                    _this.loadFile(f);\n                });\n                return;\n                \n            }\n            this.get('/Window').setTitle(f.project.getName() + ' - ' +;\n            \n            if (f.items.length && typeof(f.items[0]) == 'string') {\n            \n                //this.get('/RightEditor');\n                //this.get('/RightEditor.view').load( f.items[0]);\n                return;\n            }\n            print(\"LOAD\");\n            print(JSON.stringify(f.items, null,4));\n            //console.dump(f.items);\n            this.load(f.items);\n            this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.expand_all();\n\n            if (!f.items.length) {\n                // single item..\n                \n                this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(80);\n                // select first...\n                this.get('/LeftTree.view').el.set_cursor( \n                    new  Gtk.TreePath.from_string('0'), null, false);\n                \n                \n            } else {\n                  this.get('/Window.leftvpaned').el.set_position(200);\n            }\n            \n            \n            //print(\"hide right editior\");\n            //this.get('/RightEditor').el.hide();\n            this.get('/Editor').el.hide();\n            //print(\"set current tree\");\n            this.currentTree = this.toJS(false, false)[0];\n            //console.dump(this.currentTree);\n            this.currentTree = this.currentTree || { items: [] };\n            this.get('/LeftTree').renderView();\n            //console.dump(;\n            //var RightPalete     = imports.Builder.RightPalete.RightPalete;\n            var pm = this.get('/RightPalete.model');\n            // set up provider..\n            \n            this.get('/RightPalete').provider = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();\n            \n            if (!this.get('/RightPalete').provider) {\n                print (\"********* PALETE PROVIDER MISSING?!!\");\n            }\n            this.get('/LeftTree').renderView();\n            \n            pm.load( this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider().gatherList(this.listAllTypes()));\n            \n            \n                    \n            this.get('/Window.view-notebook').el.set_current_page(\n                this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.getType()== 'Roo' ? 0 : -1);\n                    \n}\n",
296                                                                                     "|moveNode": "function(target_data, action) {\n     //print(\"MOVE NODE\");\n           // console.dump(target_data);\n            var old_iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n            var s = this.get('/LeftTree.view').selection;\n            s.get_selected(this.el, old_iter);\n            var node = this.nodeToJS(old_iter,false);\n            //console.dump(node);\n            \n            \n            // needs to drop first, otherwise the target_data \n            // treepath will be invalid.\n            \n            this.dropNode(target_data, node);\n\t  if (action & Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) {\n                      //          print(\"REMOVING OLD NODE\");\n                                this.el.remove(old_iter);\n                                \n            }\n            \n            this.activePath= false;\n            this.changed(false,true);\n}\n",
297                                                                                     "|nodeTip": "function(c) {\n    var ret = this.nodeTitle(c,true);\n    var funcs = '';\n\n    \n    for( var i in c) {\n\n        if (!i.length || i[0] != '|') {\n            continue;\n        }\n        if (i == '|init') { \n            continue;\n        }\n        if (typeof(c[i]) != 'string') {\n           continue;\n        }\n        //print(\"prop : \" + i + ':' + c[i]);\n        if (!c[i].match(new RegExp('function'))) {\n            continue;\n        }\n        funcs += \"\\n<b>\" + i.substring(1) + '</b> : ' + c[i].split(/\\n/).shift();\n            \n    }\n    if (funcs.length) {\n        ret+=\"\\n\\nMethods:\" + funcs;\n    }\n    return ret;\n    \n}\n",
298                                                                                     "|nodeTitle": "function(c, renderfull) {\n      var txt = [];\n    c = c || {};\n    var sr = (typeof(c['+buildershow']) != 'undefined') &&  !c['+buildershow'] ? true : false;\n    if (sr) txt.push('<s>');\n    if (typeof(c['*prop']) != 'undefined')   { txt.push(c['*prop']+ ':'); }\n    \n    if (renderfull && c['|xns']) {\n        txt.push(c['|xns']);\n    }\n    \n    if (c.xtype)      { txt.push(c.xtype); }\n    if (      { txt.push('<b>[id=' + + ']</b>'); }\n    if (c.fieldLabel) { txt.push('[' + c.fieldLabel + ']'); }\n    if (c.boxLabel)   { txt.push('[' + c.boxLabel + ']'); }\n    \n    \n    if (c.layout)     { txt.push('<i>' + c.layout + '</i>'); }\n    if (c.title)      { txt.push('<b>' + c.title + '</b>'); }\n    if (c.label)      { txt.push('<b>' + c.label+ '</b>'); }\n    if (c.header)    { txt.push('<b>' + c.header + '</b>'); }\n    if (c.legend)      { txt.push('<b>' + c.legend + '</b>'); }\n    if (c.text)       { txt.push('<b>' + c.text + '</b>'); }\n    if (       { txt.push('<b>' + '</b>'); }\n    if (c.region)     { txt.push('<i>(' + c.region + ')</i>'); }\n    if (c.dataIndex) { txt.push('[' + c.dataIndex+ ']'); }\n    \n    // for flat classes...\n    if (typeof(c['*class']) != 'undefined')  { txt.push('<b>' +  c['*class']+  '</b>'); }\n    if (typeof(c['*extends']) != 'undefined')  { txt.push(': <i>' +  c['*extends']+  '</i>'); }\n    \n    \n    if (sr) txt.push('</s>');\n    return (txt.length == 0 ? \"Element\" : txt.join(\" \"));\n}\n",
299                                                                                     "|nodeToJS": "function (treepath, with_id) \n{\n    \n    var iter = treepath;  // API used to be iter here..\n    if (typeof(iter) == 'string') {\n        iter = new Gtk.TreeIter(); \n        if (!this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath))) {\n            return false;\n        }\n    } \n    var par = new Gtk.TreeIter(); \n    var iv = this.getIterValue(iter, 2);\n   // print(\"IV\" + iv);\n    var k = JSON.parse(iv);\n    if (k.json && !this.el.iter_parent( par, iter  )) {\n        delete k.json;\n    }\n    \n    if (with_id) {\n        var treepath_str = this.el.get_path(iter).to_string();\n        // not sure how we can handle mixed id stuff..\n        if (typeof( == 'undefined')  {\n   =  'builder-'+ treepath_str ;\n        }\n        \n        // needed??\n        this.treemap[  treepath_str ] = k;\n        k.xtreepath = treepath_str ;\n        \n    }\n    if (this.el.iter_has_child(iter)) {\n        citer = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n        this.el.iter_children(citer, iter);\n        k.items = this.toJS(citer,with_id);\n    }\n    return k;\n}\n",
300                                                                                     "|nodeToJSON": "function(c) {\n    var o  = {}\n    for (var i in c) {\n        if (i == 'items') {\n             continue;\n        }\n        o[i] = c[i];\n    }\n    return JSON.stringify(o);\n}\n",
301                                                                                     "|singleNodeToJS": "function (treepath) \n        {\n            var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter(); \n            if (!this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath))) {\n                return false;\n            }\n            \n            var iv = this.getIterValue(iter, 2);\n           \n            return JSON.parse(iv);\n            \n        }",
302                                                                                     "|toJS": "function(treepath, with_id)\n{\n    //Seed.print(\"WITHID: \"+ with_id);\n    var iter = treepath;  // API used to be iter here..\n    if (typeof(iter) == 'string') {\n        iter = new Gtk.TreeIter(); \n        if (!this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath))) {\n            return false;\n        }\n    } \n    var first = false;\n    if (!iter) {\n        \n        this.treemap = { }; \n        \n        iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n        if (!this.el.get_iter_first(iter)) {\n            return [];\n        }\n        first = true;\n    } \n    \n    var ar = [];\n       \n    while (true) {\n        \n        var k = this.nodeToJS(iter, with_id); \n        ar.push(k);\n        \n        \n        if (!this.el.iter_next(iter)) {\n            break;\n        }\n    }\n    \n    if (treepath === false) {\n        //dupe!!!\n        return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ar));\n    }\n    \n    return ar;\n    // convert the list into a json string..\n\n    \n}",
303                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk"
304                                                                                 },
305                                                                                 {
306                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
307                                                                                     "xtype": "TreeViewColumn",
308                                                                                     "pack": "append_column",
309                                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n   this.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'markup', 0 );\n}\n",
310                                                                                     "items": [
311                                                                                         {
312                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
313                                                                                             "xtype": "CellRendererText",
314                                                                                             "pack": "pack_start"
315                                                                                         }
316                                                                                     ]
317                                                                                 }
318                                                                             ]
319                                                                         },
320                                                                         {
321                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
322                                                                             "xtype": "Menu",
323                                                                             "pack": false,
324                                                                             "id": "LeftTreeMenu",
325                                                                             "items": [
326                                                                                 {
327                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
328                                                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
329                                                                                     "pack": "add",
330                                                                                     "label": "Delete Element",
331                                                                                     "listeners": {
332                                                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n     this.get('/LeftTree.model').deleteSelected();\n}"
333                                                                                     }
334                                                                                 },
335                                                                                 {
336                                                                                     "listeners": {
337                                                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n     var tree = this.get('/LeftTree');\n      var model = this.get('/LeftTree.model');\n     var el = tree.getActivePath();\n     print(el);\n     var js = model.toJS(el, false);\n    // print(JSON.stringify(js[0], null,4));\n     this.get('/DialogSaveTemplate').show(JSON.stringify(js[0], null,4));\n     \n    \n}"
338                                                                                     },
339                                                                                     "label": "Save as Template",
340                                                                                     "pack": "add",
341                                                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
342                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk"
343                                                                                 }
344                                                                             ]
345                                                                         }
346                                                                     ]
347                                                                 },
348                                                                 {
349                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
350                                                                     "xtype": "VBox",
351                                                                     "pack": "add",
352                                                                     "id": "LeftProjectTree",
353                                                                     "|showNoProjectSelected": "function() {\n   this.get('/StandardErrorDialog').show(\"Select a Project first.\"); \n}\n",
354                                                                     "|getActiveProject": "function() {\n     return this.project;\n}\n",
355                                                                     "listeners": {
356                                                                         "leave_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n    return false;\n}"
357                                                                     },
358                                                                     "items": [
359                                                                         {
360                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
361                                                                             "xtype": "HBox",
362                                                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,false",
363                                                                             "items": [
364                                                                                 {
365                                                                                     "listeners": {
366                                                                                         "changed": "function (self) {\n\tvar fn = this.getValue();\n\tvar pm  = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager;\n\tthis.get('/LeftProjectTree.model').loadProject(pm.getByFn(fn))\n}"
367                                                                                     },
368                                                                                     "id": "combo",
369                                                                                     "xtype": "ComboBox",
370                                                                                     "|getValue": "function() {\n    var ix = this.el.get_active();\n    if (ix < 0 ) {\n        return false;\n    }\n    var data = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager.projects;\n    if (typeof(data[ix]) == 'undefined') {\n \treturn false; \n    }\n    return data[ix].fn;\n}",
371                                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n    this.el.add_attribute(this.get('render').el , 'markup', 1 );  \n}\n",
372                                                                                     "|setValue": "function(fn)\n{\n    var el = this.el;\n    el.set_active(-1);\n    var data = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager.projects;\n    data.forEach(function(n, ix) {\n        if (fn == n.fn) {\n            el.set_active(ix);\n            return false;\n        }\n    });\n}\n",
373                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
374                                                                                     "items": [
375                                                                                         {
376                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
377                                                                                             "xtype": "CellRendererText",
378                                                                                             "pack": "pack_start,true",
379                                                                                             "id": "render"
380                                                                                         },
381                                                                                         {
382                                                                                             "id": "combomodel",
383                                                                                             "pack": "set_model",
384                                                                                             "xtype": "ListStore",
385                                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n  this.el.set_column_types ( 2, [\n        GObject.TYPE_STRING,  // real key\n        GObject.TYPE_STRING // real type\n        \n        \n    ] );\n   // this.el.set_sort_column_id(1,Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING);\n   var pm = imports.Builder.Provider.ProjectManager.ProjectManager;\n   var _this = this;\n   pm.on('changed', function() {\n       print(\"caught changed hook on project manager - reloading data\");\n\t_this.loadData(pm.projects);\n\n   });\n}\n",
386                                                                                             "|loadData": "function(data) {\n     var ov = this.get('/LeftProjectTree.combo').getValue();\n    this.el.clear();\n    var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    var el = this.el;\n    data.forEach(function(p) {\n        \n        el.append(iter);\n        \n         \n        el.set_value(iter, 0, p.fn);\n        el.set_value(iter, 1,;\n        \n    });\n    \n    this.get('/LeftProjectTree.combo').setValue(ov);\n}\n",
387                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk"
388                                                                                         }
389                                                                                     ]
390                                                                                 }
391                                                                             ]
392                                                                         },
393                                                                         {
394                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
395                                                                             "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
396                                                                             "pack": "add",
397                                                                             "|shadow_type": "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
398                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n    this.el.set_policy  (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC );\n}\n",
399                                                                             "items": [
400                                                                                 {
401                                                                                     "listeners": {
402                                                                                         "cursor_changed": "function (self) {\n \tvar iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n                                \n        if (this.selection.count_selected_rows() < 1) {\n            //XN.get('Builder.LeftTree.model').\n            this.get('/LeftTree.model').load( false);\n            \n            return;\n        }\n        var model = this.get('/LeftProjectTree.model');\n        //console.log('changed');\n        var s = this.selection;\n        s.get_selected(model, iter);\n        value = new GObject.Value('');\n        model.el.get_value(iter, 2, value);\n        \n        console.log(value.value);// id..\n        \n        var file = this.get('/LeftProjectTree').project.getById(value.value);\n        \n        file.items = false;\n        console.log(file);\n        \n\n\n        var nb = this.get('/LeftTopPanel.expander');\n        nb.el.expanded = false;\n        nb.onCollapse();\n        //;\n        //_expander.el.set_expanded(false);\n\n        var ltm = this.get('/LeftTree.model');\n        ltm.loadFile(file);\n        \n        return true;\n}"
403                                                                                     },
404                                                                                     "id": "view",
405                                                                                     "tooltip_column": 1,
406                                                                                     "xtype": "TreeView",
407                                                                                     "|enable_tree_lines": true,
408                                                                                     "|headers_visible": false,
409                                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\nvar description = new Pango.FontDescription.c_new();\n                            description.set_size(8000);\n                            this.el.modify_font(description);\n                            \n                            this.selection = this.el.get_selection();\n                            this.selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n}\n",
410                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
411                                                                                     "items": [
412                                                                                         {
413                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
414                                                                                             "xtype": "TreeStore",
415                                                                                             "pack": "set_model",
416                                                                                             "id": "model",
417                                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n  this.el.set_column_types ( 3, [\n                    GObject.TYPE_STRING, // title \n                    GObject.TYPE_STRING, // tip\n                    GObject.TYPE_STRING // id..\n                    ] );\n   \n}\n",
418                                                                                             "|loadProject": "function(pr) {\nprint(\"LOAD PROJECT\");\n           this.el.clear();\n            if (!pr) {\n                return;\n            }\n            \n            this.get('/LeftProjectTree').project = pr;\n            this.load(pr.toTree());\n            this.get('/LeftProjectTree.view').el.expand_all();\n}\n",
419                                                                                             "|load": "function(tr,iter) {\n  //  console.dump(tr);\n            console.log('Project tree load: ' + tr.length);\n            var citer = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n            //this.insert(citer,iter,0);\n            \n            var _this = this;\n            tr.forEach(function (r) {\n                if (!iter) {\n                    _this.el.append(citer);   \n                } else {\n                    _this.el.insert(citer,iter,-1);\n                }\n                _this.el.set_value(citer, 0,  '' + r.getTitle() ); // title \n                _this.el.set_value(citer, 1, '' + r.getTitleTip()); // tip\n                _this.el.set_value(citer, 2, '' + ); //id\n                if ( && {\n                    _this.load(, citer);\n                }\n                \n            });\n}\n",
420                                                                                             "|getValue": "function(iter, col) {\n    var gval = new GObject.Value('');\n    this.el.get_value(iter, col ,gval);\n    return  '' + gval.value;\n}\n"
421                                                                                         },
422                                                                                         {
423                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
424                                                                                             "xtype": "TreeViewColumn",
425                                                                                             "pack": "append_column",
426                                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n    this.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'markup', 0 );\n}\n",
427                                                                                             "items": [
428                                                                                                 {
429                                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
430                                                                                                     "xtype": "CellRendererText",
431                                                                                                     "pack": "pack_start"
432                                                                                                 }
433                                                                                             ]
434                                                                                         }
435                                                                                     ]
436                                                                                 }
437                                                                             ]
438                                                                         }
439                                                                     ]
440                                                                 }
441                                                             ]
442                                                         }
443                                                     ]
444                                                 },
445                                                 {
446                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
447                                                     "xtype": "VBox",
448                                                     "listeners": {},
449                                                     "items": [
450                                                         {
451                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
452                                                             "xtype": "HBox",
453                                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,true,0",
454                                                             "id": "LeftProps",
455                                                             "items": [
456                                                                 {
457                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
458                                                                     "xtype": "Button",
459                                                                     "pack": "add",
460                                                                     "listeners": {
461                                                                         "button_press_event": "function (self, event) {\n    this.get('/MidPropTree.model').showData('props');\n    return false;\n}"
462                                                                     },
463                                                                     "items": [
464                                                                         {
465                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
466                                                                             "xtype": "HBox",
467                                                                             "pack": "add",
468                                                                             "items": [
469                                                                                 {
470                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
471                                                                                     "xtype": "Image",
472                                                                                     "pack": "add",
473                                                                                     "|stock": "Gtk.STOCK_ADD",
474                                                                                     "|icon_size": "Gtk.IconSize.MENU"
475                                                                                 },
476                                                                                 {
477                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
478                                                                                     "xtype": "Label",
479                                                                                     "pack": "add",
480                                                                                     "label": "Property"
481                                                                                 }
482                                                                             ]
483                                                                         }
484                                                                     ]
485                                                                 },
486                                                                 {
487                                                                     "listeners": {
488                                                                         "button_press_event": "function (self, event) {\n    \n \tif (!this.get('/Editor').save()) {\n \t    // popup!! - click handled.. \n \t    return true;\n        }\n        this.get('/MidPropTree.model').showData('events');\n    return false;\n}"
489                                                                     },
490                                                                     "pack": "add",
491                                                                     "xtype": "Button",
492                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
493                                                                     "items": [
494                                                                         {
495                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
496                                                                             "xtype": "HBox",
497                                                                             "pack": "add",
498                                                                             "items": [
499                                                                                 {
500                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
501                                                                                     "xtype": "Image",
502                                                                                     "pack": "add",
503                                                                                     "|stock": "Gtk.STOCK_ADD",
504                                                                                     "|icon_size": "Gtk.IconSize.MENU"
505                                                                                 },
506                                                                                 {
507                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
508                                                                                     "xtype": "Label",
509                                                                                     "pack": "add",
510                                                                                     "label": "Handler"
511                                                                                 }
512                                                                             ]
513                                                                         }
514                                                                     ]
515                                                                 },
516                                                                 {
517                                                                     "listeners": {
518                                                                         "button_press_event": "function (self, ev) {\n\n \tif (!this.get('/Editor').save()) {\n \t    // popup!! - click handled.. \n \t    return true;\n        }\n        \n\tvar p = this.get('/AddPropertyPopup');\n\tif (!p.el) {\n\t\tp.init();\n\t}\n \tp.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());\n        p.el.show_all();\n         p.el.popup(null, null, null, null, 3, ev.button.time);\n    return true;\n}"
519                                                                     },
520                                                                     "pack": "add",
521                                                                     "xtype": "Button",
522                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
523                                                                     "items": [
524                                                                         {
525                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
526                                                                             "xtype": "HBox",
527                                                                             "pack": "add",
528                                                                             "items": [
529                                                                                 {
530                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
531                                                                                     "xtype": "Image",
532                                                                                     "pack": "add",
533                                                                                     "|stock": "Gtk.STOCK_ADD",
534                                                                                     "|icon_size": "Gtk.IconSize.MENU"
535                                                                                 },
536                                                                                 {
537                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
538                                                                                     "xtype": "Label",
539                                                                                     "pack": "add",
540                                                                                     "label": "Other"
541                                                                                 }
542                                                                             ]
543                                                                         },
544                                                                         {
545                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
546                                                                             "xtype": "Menu",
547                                                                             "pack": false,
548                                                                             "id": "AddPropertyPopup",
549                                                                             "items": [
550                                                                                 {
551                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
552                                                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
553                                                                                     "pack": "append",
554                                                                                     "tooltip_markup": "Using this.get('*someid') will find any id in an application.",
555                                                                                     "label": "ID",
556                                                                                     "listeners": {
557                                                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add( {\n        key : 'id', \n        type : 'string',\n        val : '',\n        //skel  : skel,\n        etype : 'props'\n    });\n}"
558                                                                                     }
559                                                                                 },
560                                                                                 {
561                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
562                                                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
563                                                                                     "pack": "append",
564                                                                                     "tooltip_markup": "Add what type of packing is to be used",
565                                                                                     "label": "PACK",
566                                                                                     "listeners": {
567                                                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add( {\n    \t key : 'pack', \n       \t type : 'string',\n       \t val : 'add',\n          etype : 'props'\n    });\n}"
568                                                                                     }
569                                                                                 },
570                                                                                 {
571                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
572                                                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
573                                                                                     "pack": "append",
574                                                                                     "tooltip_markup": "Override the init method",
575                                                                                     "label": "INIT",
576                                                                                     "listeners": {
577                                                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add( {\n       key : '|init', \n        type : 'function',\n        val  : \"function() {\\n;\\n}\\n\",\n        etype : 'props'\n    });\n}"
578                                                                                     }
579                                                                                 },
580                                                                                 {
581                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
582                                                                                     "xtype": "SeparatorMenuItem",
583                                                                                     "pack": "add"
584                                                                                 },
585                                                                                 {
586                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
587                                                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
588                                                                                     "pack": "append",
589                                                                                     "tooltip_markup": "Add a user defined string property",
590                                                                                     "label": "String",
591                                                                                     "listeners": {
592                                                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add( {\n  \t\t  key : '', \n                type : 'string',\n                val  : \"\",\n                etype : 'props'\n    });\n}"
593                                                                                     }
594                                                                                 },
595                                                                                 {
596                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
597                                                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
598                                                                                     "pack": "append",
599                                                                                     "tooltip_markup": "Add a user defined number property",
600                                                                                     "label": "Number",
601                                                                                     "listeners": {
602                                                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add( {\n  \t\t  key : '', \n                type : 'number',\n                val  : 0,\n                etype : 'props'\n    });\n}"
603                                                                                     }
604                                                                                 },
605                                                                                 {
606                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
607                                                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
608                                                                                     "pack": "append",
609                                                                                     "tooltip_markup": "Add a user defined boolean property",
610                                                                                     "label": "Boolean",
611                                                                                     "listeners": {
612                                                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add( {\n  \t\t  key : '', \n                type : 'boolean',\n                val  : false,\n                etype : 'props'\n    });\n}"
613                                                                                     }
614                                                                                 },
615                                                                                 {
616                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
617                                                                                     "xtype": "SeparatorMenuItem",
618                                                                                     "pack": "add"
619                                                                                 },
620                                                                                 {
621                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
622                                                                                     "xtype": "MenuItem",
623                                                                                     "pack": "append",
624                                                                                     "tooltip_markup": "Add a user function boolean property",
625                                                                                     "label": "Function",
626                                                                                     "listeners": {
627                                                                                         "activate": "function (self) {\n\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add( {\n  \t    key : '|', \n                        type : 'function',\n                        val  : \"function() {\\n    \\n}\\n\",\n                        etype : 'props'\n    });\n}"
628                                                                                     }
629                                                                                 }
630                                                                             ]
631                                                                         }
632                                                                     ]
633                                                                 }
634                                                             ]
635                                                         },
636                                                         {
637                                                             "editing": false,
638                                                             "id": "LeftPanel",
639                                                             "pack": "add",
640                                                             "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
641                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n   this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n}\n",
642                                                             "|shadow_type": "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
643                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
644                                                             "items": [
645                                                                 {
646                                                                     "listeners": {
647                                                                         "button_press_event": "function (self, ev) {\n\n    \n    if (!this.get('/Editor').save()) {\n        // popup!! - click handled.. \n        return true;\n    }\n    var res = { }; \n    \n    if (!this.el.get_path_at_pos(ev.button.x,ev.button.y, res)) {\n        return false; //not on a element.\n    }\n    \n     // right click.\n     if (ev.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS  && ev.button.button == 3) {    \n        // show popup!.   \n        if (res.column.title == 'value' && this.get('/LeftPanel').editing) {\n            return false;\n        }\n        //if (! this.get('/LeftPanelPopup')LeftPanelPopup.el) LeftPanelPopup.init();\n        var p = this.get('/LeftPanelPopup');\n        if (!p.el) {\n            p.init();\n        }\n\n        p.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default());\n        p.el.show_all();\n        p.el.popup(null, null, null, null, 3, ev.button.time);\n        //Seed.print(\"click:\" + res.column.title);\n        \n        \n        return false;\n    }\n    \n     \n    if (res.column.title != 'value') {\n          //  XObject.error(\"column is not value?\");\n        return false; // ignore.. - key click.. ??? should we do this??\n    }\n    \n    // currently editing???\n//    if (  this.activePath) {\n        \n     //   this.activePath = false;\n       // stop editing!!!!\n        if (this.get('/Editor').dirty) {\n            //if (!this.get('/Editor.buffer').checkSyntax()) {\n            //   this.get('/StandardErrorDialog').show(\"Fix errors in code and save..\"); \n            //   return true;\n            //    // error Dialog\n            //}\n            if (!this.get('/Editor.view').save()) {\n                return true;\n            }\n        }   \n        this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn.items[0].el.stop_editing();\n        this.get('/LeftPanel').editing = false;\n    \n    //    XObject.error(\"Currently editing?\");\n     //   return false;\n   // }\n    \n    var renderer = this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn.items[0].el; // set has_entry..\n    \n    var type = this.get('/LeftPanel.model').getType(res.path.to_string());\n        \n    // get options for this type -- this is to support option lists etc..\n    var provider = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();\n    var opts = provider.findOptions(type);\n    \n    if (opts === false) {\n        // it's text etnry\n         this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn.setOptions([]);\n        renderer.has_entry = true;\n    } else {\n         this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn.setOptions(opts);\n        renderer.has_entry = false;\n    }\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').startEditing(res.path.to_string(), 1);\n        \n   //Seed.print(\"click\" + ev.type);\n    //console.dump(res);\n    return false;\n\n              \n   \n}"
648                                                                     },
649                                                                     "id": "view",
650                                                                     "tooltip_column": 5,
651                                                                     "xtype": "TreeView",
652                                                                     "|enable_tree_lines": true,
653                                                                     "|headers_visible": false,
654                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n; \n                       \n                    this.selection = this.el.get_selection();\n                    this.selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n                 \n                    \n                    var description = new Pango.FontDescription.c_new();\n                    description.set_size(8000);\n                    this.el.modify_font(description);\n}\n",
655                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
656                                                                     "items": [
657                                                                         {
658                                                                             "activePath": false,
659                                                                             "id": "model",
660                                                                             "pack": "set_model",
661                                                                             "xtype": "TreeStore",
662                                                                             "|add": "function(info) {\n      // info includes key, val, skel, etype..\n              console.dump(info);\n            type = info.type.toLowerCase();\n            var data = this.toJS();\n            \n            if (info.etype == 'events') {\n                data.listeners = data.listeners || { };\n                if (typeof(data.listeners[info.key]) != 'undefined') {\n                    return; //already set!\n                }\n            } else {\n                if (typeof(data[info.key]) != 'undefined') {\n                    return;\n                }\n            }\n            \n            if (typeof(info.val) == 'undefined') {\n                    \n                info.val = '';\n                if (info.type.toLowerCase() == 'boolean') {\n                    info.val = true;\n                }\n                if (type == 'number') {\n                    info.val = 0;\n                }\n                // utf8 == string..\n                \n                \n            }\n            var k = info.key;\n            if (info.etype == 'events') {\n             \n                data.listeners[info.key] = info.val;\n                k = '!' + info.key;\n            } else {\n                data[info.key] = info.val;\n            }\n            \n            \n            var map = this.load(data);\n            \n            // flag it as changed to the interface..\n\n            this.get('/LeftTree.model').changed(data, true); \n            \n            \n            this.startEditing(map[k]);\n             \n            /*\n            LeftPanel.get('view').el.row_activated(\n                new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(map[k]), \n                LeftPanel.editableColumn.el\n            );\n            */\n}\n",
663                                                                             "|changed": "function(str, doRefresh) {\n    if (!this.activePath) {\n        return;\n    }\n    var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(this.activePath));\n    \n    this.el.set_value(iter, 1, '' +str);\n    this.el.set_value(iter, 3, '' + this.toShort(str));\n    var type = this.getIterValue(iter, 4);\n\n    this.el.set_value(iter, 5, type + ' : ' + str);\n    // update the tree...  \n\n    this.get('/LeftTree.model').changed(this.toJS(), doRefresh); \n}\n",
664                                                                             "|deleteSelected": "function() {\n     var data = this.toJS();\n    var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    var s = this.get('/LeftPanel.view').selection;\n    s.get_selected(this.el, iter);\n         \n       \n    var gval = new GObject.Value('');\n   this.get('/LeftPanel.model').el.get_value(iter, 0 ,gval);\n    \n    var val = gval.value;\n    if (val[0] == '!') {\n        // listener..\n        if (!data.listeners || typeof(data.listeners[  val.substring(1)]) == 'undefined') {\n            return;\n        }\n        delete data.listeners[  val.substring(1)];\n        if (!XObject.keys(data.listeners).length) {\n            delete data.listeners;\n        }\n        \n    } else {\n        if (typeof(data[val]) == 'undefined') {\n            return;\n        }\n        delete data[val];\n    }\n    \n    \n    this.load(data);\n    this.get('/LeftTree.model').changed(data, true);\n    \n}\n",
665                                                                             "|getIterValue": "function(iter, col) {\n     var gval = new GObject.Value('');\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').el.get_value(iter, col ,gval);\n    return '' + gval.value;\n}\n",
666                                                                             "|getType": "function(treepath) {\n     return this.getValue(treepath, 4);\n}\n",
667                                                                             "|getValue": "function(treepath_str, col) \n{\n   // get's the  value in a row.. - keys - returns string, values - formats it..\n\n    var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    this.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(treepath_str));\n    \n    var gval = new GObject.Value('');\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').el.get_value(iter, col ,gval);\n    var val = '' + gval.value;\n   \n    if (col != 1) {\n        return val;\n    }\n    var type = this.getType(this.el.get_path(iter).to_string());\n    //print(\"TYPE: \" +type + \" -  val:\" + val);\n    switch(type.toLowerCase()) {\n        case 'number':\n        case 'uint':\n        case 'int':\n            return parseFloat(val); // Nan ?? invalid!!?        \n        case 'float':\n        case 'gfloat':\n            return 1.0 * parseFloat(val); // Nan ?? invalid!!?\n        case 'boolean':\n            return val == 'true' ? true : false;\n        default: \n            var nv = parseFloat(val);\n            if (!isNaN(nv) && (val == ''+nv)) {\n                return nv;\n            }\n            return val;\n    }\n                            \n}\n",
668                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\nthis.el.set_column_types ( 6, [\n                                GObject.TYPE_STRING,  // 0 real key\n                                GObject.TYPE_STRING, // 1 real value \n                                 GObject.TYPE_STRING,  // 2 visable key\n                                 GObject.TYPE_STRING, // 3 visable value\n                                 GObject.TYPE_STRING, // 4 need to store type of!!!\n                                  GObject.TYPE_STRING // 5 tooltip\n                              \n                            ]);\n}\n",
669                                                                             "|load": "function(ar) {\n// might casue problesm..\n    // this.get('/Editor.RightEditor').save();\n\n       this.get('/Editor').el.hide();\n     this.get('/Editor').activePath = false;\n\n\n  this.el.clear();\n              \n    //this.get('/RightEditor').el.hide();\n    if (ar === false) {\n        return ;\n    }\n    var ret = {}; \n    \n\n    var provider = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();\n     var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n     \n    // sort!!!?\n    var keys  = XObject.keys(ar);\n    keys.sort();\n    ar.listeners = ar.listeners || {};\n    \n    for (var i in ar.listeners ) {\n        this.el.append(iter);\n        var p = this.el.get_path(iter).to_string();\n        ret['!' + i] = p;\n        \n        this.el.set_value(iter, 0, '!'+  i  );\n        this.el.set_value(iter, 1, '' + ar.listeners[i]);\n        this.el.set_value(iter, 2, '<b>'+ i + '</b>');\n        \n        this.el.set_value(iter, 3, '' + this.toShort(ar.listeners[i]));\n        this.el.set_value(iter, 4, 'function');\n        this.el.set_value(iter, 5, i + ' : ' + ar.listeners[i]);\n    }\n    \n    \n   \n    var _this = this;\n    keys.forEach(function(i) {\n        if (typeof(ar[i]) == 'object') {\n            return;\n        }\n        \n        var type = provider.findType(ar, i, ar[i]);\n        \n        _this.el.append(iter);\n        var p = _this.el.get_path(iter).to_string();\n        ret[i] = p;\n        _this.el.set_value(iter, 0, ''+i);\n        _this.el.set_value(iter, 1, '' + ar[i]);  \n        _this.el.set_value(iter, 2, ''+i);\n        _this.el.set_value(iter, 3, ''+ _this.toShort(ar[i]));\n        _this.el.set_value(iter, 4, ''+type);\n        _this.el.set_value(iter, 5, type + ' : ' + ar[i]);\n    })\n    return ret;\n}\n",
670                                                                             "|startEditing": "function(path,col) {\n    \n    // alled by menu 'edit' currently..\n    /**\n    * start editing path (or selected if not set..)\n    * @param {String|false} path  (optional) treepath to edit - selected tree gets\n    *     edited by default.\n    * @param {Number} 0 or 1 (optional)- column to edit. \n    */\n    // fix tp to be the 'treepath' string (eg. 0/1/2...)\n    var tp;\n    if (typeof(path) == 'string') {\n        tp = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path);\n    } else {\n        var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n        var s = this.get('/LeftPanel.view').selection;\n        s.get_selected(this.el, iter);\n        tp = this.el.get_path(iter);\n        path = tp.to_string();\n    }\n    \n   \n    // which colum is to be edited..\n    var colObj = false;\n    \n    // not sure what this does..\n    \n    if (typeof(col) == 'undefined') {\n        var k = this.getValue(path, 0);\n        col = 1;\n        colObj = (!k.length || k == '|') ? \n            this.get('/LeftPanel').propertyColumn : this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn;\n    } else {\n        colObj = col ? this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn : this.get('/LeftPanel').propertyColumn;\n    }\n    \n    // make sure the pulldown is set correctly..\n    // not really needed for second col...\n    var showEditor = false;\n    this.get('/Editor').activePath = false;\n    this.get('/Editor').el.hide();\n     \n    if (col) {\n        var provider = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();\n        var type = this.get('/LeftPanel.model').getType(path);\n        var opts = provider.findOptions(type);\n        var renderer = this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn.items[0].el;\n        \n        if (opts === false) {\n            this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn.setOptions([]);\n            renderer.has_entry = true; \n        } else {\n            this.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn.setOptions(opts);\n            renderer.has_entry = false;/// - pulldowns do not have entries\n        }\n        // determine if we should use the Text editor...\n        var keyname = this.getValue(path, 0);\n        var data_value = this.getValue(path, 1);\n    \n        if ((keyname[0] == '|') || \n            (   \n                (typeof(data_value) == 'string' ) && \n                ( data_value.match(/function/g) || data_value.match(/\\n/g)) // || (data_value.length > 20))\n            )) {\n            showEditor = true;\n        }\n        print(\"SHOW EDITOR\" + showEditor ? 'YES' :'no');\n        \n    }\n    var _this = this;    \n    // end editing..\n   // this.get('/BottomPane').el.hide();\n    //this.get('/RightEditor').el.hide();\n     \n    \n    if (showEditor) {\n\n        this.activePath = false;\n        \n        _this.get('/Editor').el.show_all();\n        GLib.timeout_add(0, 1, function() {\n\n            //_this.get('/BottomPane');\n             //_this.get('/RightEditor');\n            \n            _this.get('/Editor.RightEditor.view').load( _this.getValue(path, 1) );\n            \n            _this.get('/Editor').activePath = path;\n            _this.activePath = path ;\n          \n            return false;\n        });\n        return;\n    }\n      \n    \n    \n\n    // iter now has row...\n    GLib.timeout_add(0, 100, function() {\n        _this.activePath = path;\n        colObj.items[0].el.editable = true; // esp. need for col 0..\n        _this.get('/LeftPanel.view').el.set_cursor_on_cell(\n            tp,\n            colObj.el,\n            colObj.items[0].el,\n            true\n        );\n    });\n    \n}\n",
671                                                                             "|toJS": "function() {\n     var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    this.get('/LeftPanel.model').el.get_iter_first(iter);\n    var ar = {};\n       \n    while (true) {\n        \n        var k = this.getValue(this.el.get_path(iter).to_string(), 0);\n       // Seed.print(k);\n        if (k[0] == '!') {\n            ar.listeners = ar.listeners || {};\n            ar.listeners[  k.substring(1)] = this.getValue(this.el.get_path(iter).to_string(), 1);\n            \n        } else {\n            ar[ k ] = this.getValue(this.el.get_path(iter).to_string(), 1);\n        }\n        \n        if (! this.get('/LeftPanel.model').el.iter_next(iter)) {\n            break;\n        }\n    }\n    \n    \n    //print(JSON.stringify(ar));\n    return ar;\n    // convert the l\n}\n",
672                                                                             "|toShort": "function(str) {\n    var a = typeof(str) == 'string' ? str.split(\"\\n\") : [];\n        return a.length > 1 ? a[0] + '....' : '' + str;\n}\n",
673                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk"
674                                                                         },
675                                                                         {
676                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
677                                                                             "xtype": "TreeViewColumn",
678                                                                             "pack": "append_column",
679                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n\n    this.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'markup', 2 );\n    this.get('/LeftPanel').propertyColumn = this;\n}\n",
680                                                                             "title": "key",
681                                                                             "items": [
682                                                                                 {
683                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
684                                                                                     "xtype": "CellRendererText",
685                                                                                     "pack": "pack_start",
686                                                                                     "listeners": {
687                                                                                         "editing_started": "function (self, editable, path) {\n\n        this.get('/LeftPanel.model').activePath  = path;\n\n}",
688                                                                                         "edited": "function (self, object, p0) {\n\tvar model = this.get('/LeftPanel.model');\n        var path = model.activePath;\n        var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n        model.el.get_iter(iter, new Gtk.TreePath.from_string(path));\n        model.el.set_value(iter, 0, p0);\n        model.el.set_value(iter, 2, p0);\n        \n\tmodel.activePath = false;\n\n\tthis.get('/LeftTree.model').changed(model.toJS(), true); \n        this.el.editable = false;\n}"
689                                                                                     }
690                                                                                 }
691                                                                             ]
692                                                                         },
693                                                                         {
694                                                                             "pack": "append_column",
695                                                                             "title": "value",
696                                                                             "xtype": "TreeViewColumn",
697                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n\tthis.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'text', 3 );\n\tthis.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'sensitive', 3 );\n\t//this.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'editable', 3 );\n          // this.el.set_cell_data_func(cell, age_cell_data_func, NULL, NULL);\n\n \tthis.get('/LeftPanel').editableColumn= this;\n}\n",
698                                                                             "|setOptions": "function(ar) {\n       var m = this.items[0].el.model;\n            m.clear();\n            var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n            ar.forEach(function(i) {\n                   // sort!!!?\n                m.append(iter);\n                m.set_value(iter, 0, i);\n            });\n            \n}\n",
699                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
700                                                                             "items": [
701                                                                                 {
702                                                                                     "listeners": {
703                                                                                         "edited": "function (self, object, p0) {\n \tthis.get('/LeftPanel').editing = false;\n \tvar ap = this.get('/LeftPanel.model').activePath\n\tprint(\"EDITED? \"  + ap + \" - p:\" + p0 + \" t:\" + p0);\n        this.get('/LeftPanel.model').changed(p0, true);\n        this.get('/LeftPanel.model').activePath = false;\n        this.el.editable = false;\n}",
704                                                                                         "editing_started": "function (self, editable, path) {\n   this.get('/LeftPanel').editing  = true;\n\t//  console.log('editing started');\n       // r.has_entry = false;\n\n    this.el.editable = false; // make sure it's not editor...\n   \n}"
705                                                                                     },
706                                                                                     "editable": false,
707                                                                                     "pack": "pack_start",
708                                                                                     "text_column": 0,
709                                                                                     "xtype": "CellRendererCombo",
710                                                                                     "|has_entry": true,
711                                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n   this.el.model = new Gtk.ListStore();\n    this.el.model.set_column_types ( 1, [\n        GObject.TYPE_STRING  // 0 real key\n      ]);\n}\n",
712                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk"
713                                                                                 }
714                                                                             ]
715                                                                         }
716                                                                     ]
717                                                                 },
718                                                                 {
719                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
720                                                                     "xtype": "Menu",
721                                                                     "pack": false,
722                                                                     "id": "LeftPanelPopup",
723                                                                     "items": [
724                                                                         {
725                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
726                                                                             "xtype": "MenuItem",
727                                                                             "pack": "append",
728                                                                             "label": "Delete",
729                                                                             "listeners": {
730                                                                                 "activate": "function (self) {\n\tthis.get('/LeftPanel.model').deleteSelected();\n}"
731                                                                             }
732                                                                         },
733                                                                         {
734                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
735                                                                             "xtype": "MenuItem",
736                                                                             "pack": "append",
737                                                                             "label": "Edit",
738                                                                             "listeners": {
739                                                                                 "activate": "function (self) {\n\tthis.get('/LeftPanel.model').startEditing(false, 0);\n}"
740                                                                             }
741                                                                         }
742                                                                     ]
743                                                                 }
744                                                             ]
745                                                         }
746                                                     ]
747                                                 }
748                                             ]
749                                         },
750                                         {
751                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
752                                             "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
753                                             "pack": "pack_end,false,true,0",
754                                             "id": "MidPropTree",
755                                             "|shadow_type": "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
756                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n; \n    this.el.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)\n    this.el.set_size_request ( 150, -1 );\n    this.shown = true;\n}\n",
757                                             "activeElement": false,
758                                             "|hideWin": "function() {\n     \n    if (!this.shown) {\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    \n    if (this.get('/Window.left').el.position < 160) {\n        return;\n    }\n    this.get('/Window.left').el.position = this.get('/Window.left').el.position  - 150;\n        \n    this.el.hide();\n    this.shown = false;\n}\n",
759                                             "items": [
760                                                 {
761                                                     "listeners": {
762                                                         "cursor_changed": "function (self) {\n       var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n                        \n                        //console.log('changed');\n        var m = this.get('model');\n\tif (!this.selection){\n\t\tthis.selection = this.el.get_selection();\n\t}\n\n        var s = this.selection;\n        if (!s.get_selected(m.el, iter)) {\n\t\treturn; \n\t}\n        var tp = m.el.get_path(iter).to_string();\n        \n        \n        // var val = \"\";\n        \n        var key = m.getValue(tp, 0);\n        \n        var type = m.getValue(tp, 1);\n        var skel = m.getValue(tp, 3);\n        var etype = m.getValue(tp, 5);\n        \n        \n        this.get('/MidPropTree').hideWin();\n\n        if (type.toLowerCase() == 'function') {\n            \n            if (etype != 'events') {\n                key = '|' + key;\n            }\n            \n            this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add({\n                key :  key, \n                type : type,\n                val  : skel,\n                etype : etype\n            })  \n            return;\n        }\n        // has dot in name, and is boolean???? this does not make sense..\n        //if (type.indexOf('.') > -1 ||  type.toLowerCase() == 'boolean') {\n        //     key = '|' + key;\n       // }\n        \n        this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add( {\n            key : key, \n            type : type,\n            //skel  : skel,\n            etype : etype\n           }) //, \n}"
763                                                     },
764                                                     "pack": "add",
765                                                     "tooltip_column": 2,
766                                                     "xtype": "TreeView",
767                                                     "|enable_tree_lines": true,
768                                                     "|headers_visible": false,
769                                                     "|init": "function() {\n\; \n                    \n       var description = new Pango.FontDescription.c_new();\n     description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.modify_font(description);     \n                    \n    //this.selection = this.el.get_selection();\n    // this.selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n \n\n    \n  \n    \n}\n",
770                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
771                                                     "items": [
772                                                         {
773                                                             "id": "model",
774                                                             "pack": "set_model",
775                                                             "xtype": "ListStore",
776                                                             "|getValue": "function(treepath, col)\n{\n    var tp = new Gtk.TreePath.from_string (treepath);\n    var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    this.el.get_iter (iter, tp);\n    var value = new GObject.Value('');\n    this.el.get_value(iter, col, value);\n    return value.value;\n    \n}",
777                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n   this.el.set_column_types ( 6, [\n        GObject.TYPE_STRING,  // real key\n         GObject.TYPE_STRING, // real type\n         GObject.TYPE_STRING, // docs ?\n         GObject.TYPE_STRING, // visable desc\n         GObject.TYPE_STRING, // function desc\n         GObject.TYPE_STRING // element type (event|prop)\n        \n    ] );\n}\n",
778                                                             "|showData": "function(type) {\n    this.el.clear();\n            if (!this.get('/MidPropTree').activeElement || !type) {\n                return; // no active element\n            }\n\n            var fullpath = this.get('/LeftTree.model').file.guessName(this.get('/MidPropTree').activeElement);\n            var palete = this.get('/LeftTree').getPaleteProvider();\n            \n             \n            \n            Seed.print('Showing right?');\n            if (!this.get('/MidPropTree').shown) {\n\n                this.get('/Window.left').el.position = this.get('/Window.left').el.position  + 150;\n                this.get('/MidPropTree');\n                this.get('/MidPropTree').shown = true;\n            }\n            \n            var elementList = palete.getPropertiesFor(fullpath, type).sort(function(a,b) { \n                return > ? 1 : -1;\n            });\n            print (\"GOT \" + elementList.length + \" items for \" + fullpath + \"|\" + type);\n           // console.dump(elementList);\n           \n            \n            var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n            for(var i =0 ; i < elementList.length; i++) {\n                var p=elementList[i];\n                this.el.append(iter);\n              //  console.log( '<b>' + +'</b> ['+p.type+']');\n                    //GObject.TYPE_STRING,  // real key\n                    // GObject.TYPE_STRING, // real type\n                    // GObject.TYPE_STRING, // docs ?this.el.set_value(iter, 0,;et_value(iter, 0,;\n                    // GObject.TYPE_STRING // func def?\n                    \n                \n                this.el.set_value(iter, 0,;\n                this.el.set_value(iter, 1, p.type);\n                this.el.set_value(iter, 2, '<span size=\"small\"><b>' + +'</b> ['+p.type+']</span>' + \"\\n\" + p.desc);\n                this.el.set_value(iter, 3, p.sig ? p.sig  : '');\n                this.el.set_value(iter, 4, '<span size=\"small\"><b>' + +'</b> ['+p.type+']</span>');\n                this.el.set_value(iter, 5, type);\n                \n            }\n                             \n}\n",
779                                                             "|xns": "Gtk"
780                                                         },
781                                                         {
782                                                             "pack": false,
783                                                             "xtype": "TreeViewColumn",
784                                                             "|init": "function() {\n    this.el = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();\n    this.parent.el.append_column(this.el);\n    \n;\n    this.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'markup', 4  );\n}\n",
785                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
786                                                             "items": [
787                                                                 {
788                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
789                                                                     "xtype": "CellRendererText",
790                                                                     "pack": "pack_start,true"
791                                                                 }
792                                                             ]
793                                                         }
794                                                     ]
795                                                 }
796                                             ]
797                                         }
798                                     ]
799                                 },
800                                 {
801                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
802                                     "xtype": "HBox",
803                                     "pack": "add",
804                                     "items": [
805                                         {
806                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
807                                             "xtype": "VPaned",
808                                             "pack": "add",
809                                             "position": 300,
810                                             "items": [
811                                                 {
812                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
813                                                     "xtype": "VBox",
814                                                     "pack": "add",
815                                                     "items": [
816                                                         {
817                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
818                                                             "xtype": "Notebook",
819                                                             "pack": "pack_start,true,true",
820                                                             "id": "view-help-nb",
821                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n   this.el.set_tab_label(this.items[0].el, new Gtk.Label({ label : \"Preview\" }));\n    this.el.set_tab_label(this.items[1].el, new Gtk.Label({ label : \"Help\" }));\n}\n",
822                                                             "items": [
823                                                                 {
824                                                                     "id": "view-notebook",
825                                                                     "pack": "add",
826                                                                     "tab_border": 0,
827                                                                     "xtype": "Notebook",
828                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n    this.el.set_current_page(0);\n    //print(\"SET LABEL?\")\n    this.el.set_tab_label(this.items[0].el, new Gtk.Label({ label : \"Roo View\" }));\n    this.el.set_tab_label(this.items[1].el, new Gtk.Label({ label : \"Gtk View\" }));\n}\n",
829                                                                     "|show_tabs": false,
830                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
831                                                                     "items": [
832                                                                         {
833                                                                             "id": "RightBrowser",
834                                                                             "pack": "add",
835                                                                             "xtype": "VBox",
836                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
837                                                                             "items": [
838                                                                                 {
839                                                                                     "pack": "pack_start,false,true,0",
840                                                                                     "xtype": "HBox",
841                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
842                                                                                     "items": [
843                                                                                         {
844                                                                                             "listeners": {
845                                                                                                 "clicked": "function (self) {\n  this.get('/RightBrowser.view').renderJS(null,true);\n}"
846                                                                                             },
847                                                                                             "label": "Redraw",
848                                                                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,false,0",
849                                                                                             "xtype": "Button",
850                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk"
851                                                                                         },
852                                                                                         {
853                                                                                             "listeners": {
854                                                                                                 "toggled": "function (self, state) {\n    this.el.set_label(  ? \"Auto Redraw On\" : \"Auto Redraw Off\");\n}"
855                                                                                             },
856                                                                                             "active": true,
857                                                                                             "id": "AutoRedraw",
858                                                                                             "label": "Auto Redraw On",
859                                                                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,false,0",
860                                                                                             "xtype": "CheckButton",
861                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk"
862                                                                                         },
863                                                                                         {
864                                                                                             "listeners": {
865                                                                                                 "clicked": "function (self) {\n  this.get('/RightBrowser.view').redraws = 99;\n  this.get('/RightBrowser.view').renderJS(null,true);\n}"
866                                                                                             },
867                                                                                             "label": "Full Redraw",
868                                                                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,false,0",
869                                                                                             "xtype": "Button",
870                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk"
871                                                                                         }
872                                                                                     ]
873                                                                                 },
874                                                                                 {
875                                                                                     "pack": "add",
876                                                                                     "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
877                                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n    this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n}\n",
878                                                                                     "|shadow_type": "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
879                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
880                                                                                     "items": [
881                                                                                         {
882                                                                                             "listeners": {
883                                                                                                 "load_finished": "function (self, object) {\n    print(\"load finished\");\n//    print(\"load_finished\"); return;\n\t// if (this.ready) { // dont do it twice!\n\t //   return; \n\t//}\n\tif (!this.inspectorShown) {\n           this.el.get_inspector().show();\n           this.inspectorShown = true;\n\t}\n\n\tthis.ready = true;\n\t\n        if (this.pendingRedraw) {\n            this.pendingRedraw = false;\n            this.refreshRequired  = true;\n        }\n        //var js = this.get('/LeftTree.model').toJS();\n        //if (js && js[0]) {\n    \t//    this.renderJS(js[0]);\n    \t//}\n\n}",
884                                                                                                 "script_alert": "function (self, object, p0) {\n    // \tprint(p0);\n        return false;\n        return true; // do not display anything...\n}",
885                                                                                                 "console_message": "function (self, object, p0, p1) {\n    print(object);\n   //  console.log(object);\n   \n\n    if (object.match(/variable/) && object.match(/Builder/)) {\n        print(\"got builder missing message\");\n        this.refreshRequired = true;\n        this.lastRedraw = 0;\n        this.runRefresh();\n        return true;\n    }\n    \n   \n        if (!object.match(/^\\{/)) {\n        \n            //this.get('/Terminal').feed(object);\n            return true; // do not handle!!! -> later maybe in console..\n        }\n        \n        \n        \n        \n       // console.log(object);\n        var val =  JSON.parse(object);\n\n        if (typeof(val['hover-node']) != 'undefined') {\n            this.activeNode = val['hover-node'];\n            console.log('active node: ' + this.activeNode);\n            return true;\n        }\n\n         var ret = false;\n         if (typeof(val['id']) != 'undefined') {\n           // this.activeNode = val['id'];\n            var tg = this.get('/LeftTree.model').findDropNode(val['id'], true); \n            if (!tg || typeof(tg[0]) == 'undefined') {\n                return false;\n            }\n            print(\"SELECT node \" + tg[0]);\n            \n            this.get('/LeftTree.view').selectNode(tg[0]);\n            ret  = true;\n            \n        } \n        if (ret && typeof(val['set']) != 'undefined') {\n           this.get('/LeftPanel.model').add({\n                key : val['set'],\n                val : val['value']\n            });\n            //console.log('active node: ' + this.activeNode);\n            \n        }\n        //Seed.print('a:'+a);\n        //Seed.print('b:'+b);\n        //Seed.print('c:'+c);\n        return ret;\n}",
886                                                                                                 "drag_motion": "function (w, ctx,  x,   y,   time, ud) {\n   // console.log('DRAG MOTION'); \n        // status:\n        // if lastCurrentNode == this.currentNode.. -- don't change anything..\n        this.targetData = [];\n        this.el.execute_script(\"Builder.overPos(\" + x +','+ y + \");\");\n        \n        // A) find out from drag all the places that node could be dropped.\n        var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n        if (!src.dropList) {\n            Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);\n            return true;\n        }\n        // b) get what we are over.. (from activeNode)\n        // tree is empty.. - list should be correct..\n        if (!this.get('/LeftTree.model').currentTree) {\n            Gdk.drag_status(ctx, Gdk.DragAction.COPY,time);\n            return true;\n            \n        }\n        // c) ask tree where it should be dropped... - eg. parent.. (after node ontop)\n        \n        var tg = this.get('/LeftTree.model').findDropNode(this.activeNode, src.dropList);\n        console.dump(tg);\n        if (!tg.length) {\n            Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0,time);\n            this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(false);\n            return true;\n        }\n         \n        // if we have a target..\n        // -> highlight it! (in browser)\n        // -> highlight it! (in tree)\n        \n        Gdk.drag_status(ctx, Gdk.DragAction.COPY,time);\n        this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(tg);\n        this.targetData = tg;\n        // for tree we should handle this...\n        return true;\n}",
887                                                                                                 "drag_drop": "function (w, ctx, x, y,time, ud) {\n\tprint(\"TARGET: drag-drop\");\n        var is_valid_drop_site = true;\n        \n         \n        Gtk.drag_get_data\n        (\n                w,         /* will receive 'drag-data-received' signal */\n                ctx,        /* represents the current state of the DnD */\n                this.get('/Window').atoms[\"STRING\"],    /* the target type we want */\n                time            /* time stamp */\n        );\n                        \n                        \n                        /* No target offered by source => error */\n                       \n\n\treturn  is_valid_drop_site;\n}",
888                                                                                                 "drag_data_received": "function (w, ctx,  x,  y, sel_data,  target_type,  time, ud) \n    {\n        print(\"Browser: drag-data-received\");\n        var delete_selection_data = false;\n        vardnd_success = false;\n        /* Deal with what we are given from source */\n        if( sel_data && sel_data.length ) {\n            \n            if (ctx.action == Gdk.DragAction.ASK)  {\n                /* Ask the user to move or copy, then set the ctx action. */\n            }\n\n            if (ctx.action == Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) {\n                delete_selection_data = true;\n            }\n            var source = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n\n            print(\"Browser: source.DRAGDATA? \" + source.dragData);\n            if (this.targetData) {\n                print(this.targetData);\n                this.get('/LeftTree.model').dropNode(this.targetData,  source.dragData);\n            }\n            \n            \n            \n            dnd_success = true;\n\n        }\n\n        if (dnd_success == false)\n        {\n                Seed.print (\"DnD data transfer failed!\\n\");\n        }\n        \n        Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, dnd_success, delete_selection_data, time);\n        return true;\n    }",
889                                                                                                 "create_web_view": "function (self, object) {\n  print(\"CREATE WEB VIEW\");\n   return null; //new WebKit.WebView();\n}"
890                                                                                             },
891                                                                                             "id": "view",
892                                                                                             "pack": "add",
893                                                                                             "redraws": 0,
894                                                                                             "xtype": "WebView",
895                                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n    // this may not work!?\n    var settings =  this.el.get_settings();\n    settings.enable_developer_extras = true;\n    \n    // this was an attempt to change the url perms.. did not work..\n    // settings.enable_file_access_from_file_uris = true;\n    // settings.enable_offline_web_application_cache - true;\n    // settings.enable_universal_access_from_file_uris = true;\n    var _this = this;\n     \n     // init inspector..\n    this.el.get_inspector().signal.inspect_web_view.connect(function(wi, pg) {\n         _this.get('/BottomPane.inspector');\n         return _this.get('/BottomPane.inspector').el;\n    \n    });\n     \n     // FIXME - base url of script..\n     // we need it so some of the database features work.\n    this.el.load_html_string( \"Render not ready\" , \n            //fixme - should be a config option!\n            // or should we catch stuff and fix it up..\n            'http://localhost/app.Builder/'\n    );\n        \n        \n   //'file:///' + __script_path__ + '/../builder.html');\n                          \n    Gtk.drag_dest_set\n    (\n            this.el,              /* widget that will accept a drop */\n            Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION  | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT,\n            null,            /* lists of target to support */\n            0,              /* size of list */\n            Gdk.DragAction.COPY         /* what to do with data after dropped */\n    );\n                            \n   // print(\"RB: TARGETS : \" + LeftTree.atoms[\"STRING\"]);\n    Gtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, this.get('/Window').targetList);\n    \n    GLib.timeout_add_seconds(0, 1, function() {\n        //    print(\"run refresh?\");\n         _this.runRefresh(); \n         return true;\n     });\n    \n    \n}\n",
896                                                                                             "|renderJS": "function(data, force) {\n\n    // this is the public redraw call..\n    // we refresh in a loop privately..\n    var autodraw = this.get('/RightBrowser.AutoRedraw');\n    if (!autodraw && !force) {\n        print(\"Skipping redraw - no force, and autodraw off\");\n        return;\n    }\n    this.refreshRequired  = true;\n}\n",
897                                                                                             "|runRefresh": "function() \n{\n    // this is run every 2 seconds from the init..\n\n  \n    \n    if (!this.refreshRequired) {\n       // print(\"no refresh required\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    if (this.lastRedraw) {\n       // do not redraw if last redraw was less that 5 seconds ago.\n       if (((new Date()) -  this.lastRedraw) < 5000) {\n            return;\n        }\n    }\n    \n    \n    \n    \n     if (!this.get('/Window.LeftTree').getActiveFile()) {\n        return;\n     }\n     this.refreshRequired = false;\n   //  print(\"HTML RENDERING\");\n     \n     this.get('/BottomPane');\n     this.get('/BottomPane').el.set_current_page(2);// webkit inspector\n\n    \n    var js = this.get('/LeftTree.model').toJS();\n    if (!js || !js.length) {\n        print(\"no data\");\n        return;\n    }\n    var  data = js[0];\n    this.redraws++;\n    \n     var project = this.get('/Window.LeftTree').getActiveFile().project;\n     //print (project.fn);\n     // set it to non-empty.\n     project.runhtml  =     project.runhtml  || '';\n     project.runhtml  = project.runhtml.length ?  project.runhtml : '<script type=\"text/javascript\"></script>'; \n    \n\n     this.runhtml  = this.runhtml || '';\n    \n     if ((project.runhtml != this.runhtml) || (this.redraws > 10)) {\n        // then we need to reload the browser using\n        // load_html_string..\n        \n        // then trigger a redraw once it's loaded..\n        this.pendingRedraw = true;\n         var runhtml = '<script type=\"text/javascript\">' + \"\\n\" ;\n         runhtml + '/../builder.html.js') + \"\\n\";\n         runhtml += '</script>'+ \"\\n\" ;\n        \n        this.runhtml = project.runhtml;\n        // need to modify paths\n        \n        \n        \n        var html = + '/../builder.html');\n        html = html.replace('</head>', runhtml + this.runhtml + '</head>');\n        print(\"LOAD HTML \" + html);\n        this.el.load_html_string( html , \n            //fixme - should be a config option!\n            'http://localhost/app.Builder/'\n        );\n        this.redraws = 0;\n        // should trigger load_finished! - which in truns shoudl set refresh Required;\n        return;\n    \n    }\n    \n    \n    this.renderedData = data;\n    var str = JSON.stringify(data) ;\n    \n    if (!this.ready) {\n        console.log('not loaded yet');\n    }\n    this.lastRedraw = new Date();\n\n    this.el.execute_script(\"Builder.render(\" + JSON.stringify(data) + \");\");\n     print( \"before render\" +    this.lastRedraw);\n    print( \"after render\" +    (new Date()));\n    \n}\n",
898                                                                                             "|xns": "WebKit"
899                                                                                         }
900                                                                                     ]
901                                                                                 }
902                                                                             ]
903                                                                         },
904                                                                         {
905                                                                             "id": "RightGtkView",
906                                                                             "pack": "add",
907                                                                             "xtype": "VBox",
908                                                                             "|redraw": "function() {\n   this.highlightWidget = false;\n    print(\"REDRAW CALLED\");\n    this.activePath = this.get('/LeftTree').getActivePath();\n    if (this.renderedEl) {\n      print(\"QUEUE DRAW CALLING\");\n      this.renderedEl.queue_draw();\n   }\n}\n",
909                                                                             "|renderJS": "function(data, withDebug)\n{\n      this.highlightWidget = false;\n   \n    this.withDebug = false;\n    while (this.get('view').el.get_children().length) {\n        var c = this.get('view').el.get_children()[0];\n        this.get('view').el.remove(c);        \n        c.destroy();\n    }\n     if (!data) {\n         return; \n    }\n    \n    var tree =  this.get('/LeftTree.model').toJS(false,true)[0];\n    // in theory tree is actually window..  \n   try {\n  \n        this.renderedEl = this.viewAdd(tree.items[0], this.get('view').el);\n      \n  } catch (e) {\n     print(e.message);\n    return;\n  }\n    this.get('view').el.set_size_request(\n        tree.default_width * 1 || 400, tree.default_height * 1 || 400\n    ) ;\n    if (this.renderedEl) {\n        this.renderedEl.set_size_request(\n            tree.default_width || 600,\n            tree.default_height || 400\n        );\n    }\n    this.get('view').el.show_all();\n    \n    \n    \n}",
910                                                                             "|showInWindow": "function() {\n  print(\"GET PROEJCT\");\n\tvar pr = this.get('/LeftProjectTree').getActiveProject();\n  \n\tconsole.log(pr.paths);\n    return;\n/*\n     var src= this.buildJS(\n\t\tthis.get('/LeftTree.model').toJS()[0], \n\t\ttrue);\n      // show term?? \n\n\n    //var x = new imports.sandbox.Context();\n    //x.add_globals();\n    //print(src);\n    try {\n        Seed.check_syntax('var e = ' + src);\n        //x.eval(src);\n    } catch( e) {\n        this.get('/Terminal').feed(e.message || e.toString() + \"\\n\");\n        this.get('/Terminal').feed(console._dump(e)+\"\\n\");\n        if (e.line) {\n            var lines = src.split(\"\\n\");\n            var start = Math.max(0, e.line - 10);\n            var end = Math.min(lines.length, e.line + 10);\n            for (var i =start ; i < end; i++) {\n                if (i == e.line) {\n                    this.get('/Terminal').feed(\">>>>>\" + lines[i] + \"\\n\");\n                    continue;\n                }\n                this.get('/Terminal').feed(lines[i] + \"\\n\");\n            }\n            \n        }\n        \n        return;\n    }\n     this.get('/BottomPane').el.set_current_page(1);\n    this.get('/Terminal').el.fork_command( null , [], [], \"/tmp\", false,false,false); \n    var cmd = \"/usr/bin/seed /tmp/BuilderGtkView.js\\n\";\n    this.get('/Terminal').el.feed_child(cmd, cmd.length);\n     /*\n    var _top = x.get_global_object()._top;\n    \n    _top.el.set_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default()); // just in case..\n    _top.el.show_all();\n    if (_top.el.popup) {\n        _top.el.popup(null, null, null, null, 3, null);\n    }\n*/\n}\n",
911                                                                             "|viewAdd": "function(item, par)\n{\n\n    // does something similar to xobject..\n    //item.pack = (typeof(item.pack) == 'undefined') ?  'add' : item.pack;\n    \n    // pack is forced to 'false'\n    if (item.pack===false || item.pack === 'false') {  // no ;\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    print(\"CREATE: \" + item['|xns'] + '.' + item['xtype']);\n    \n    \n    var type = item['|xns'] + '.' + item['xtype'];\n    \n    if (item['|xns'] == 'GtkClutter') { // we can not add this yet!\n        return false;\n    }\n    \n    var ns =[item['|xns']];\n    var ctr = ns[item['xtype']]; // why are we using array here..?\n    \n\n    \n    var ctr_args = { };\n    for(var k in item) {\n        var kv = item[k];\n        if (typeof(kv) == 'object' || typeof(kv) == 'function') {\n            continue;\n        }\n        if ( \n            k == 'pack' ||\n            k == 'items' ||\n            k == 'id' ||\n            k == 'xtype' ||\n            k == 'xdebug' ||\n            k == 'xns' ||\n            k == '|xns'\n        ) {\n            continue;\n        }\n        // value is a function..\n\tif (k[0] == '|' && typeof(kv) == 'string') {\n\n\t\tif (kv.match(new RegExp('function'))) {\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n                }\n\t\tprint(\"WASL \" + k + '=' + kv);\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\teval( 'kv = ' + kv);\n\t\t} catch(e) {    continue; }\n                \n\t\tk = k.substring(1);\n             // print(k + '=' + kv);\n\t}\n        if (k[0] == '|') { // should be boolean or number..\n\t\tk = k.substring(1);\n\t\t//print(k + '=' + kv);\n        }\n         \n\tif (k == 'show_tabs') { // force tab showing for notebooks.\n           kv = true;\n        }\n        print(k + '=' + typeof(kv) + \" : \" + kv);\n        ctr_args[k] = kv;\n        \n    } \n    var altctr =  XObject.baseXObject({ xtype:  ctr} );\n    var pack_m  = false;\n    if (!item.pack && altctr) {\n        // try XObject.\n        print(\"SETTING PACK TO XObjectBase method\");\n        pack_m = altctr.prototype.pack;\n        \n        \n    }\n    \n    var el = new ctr(ctr_args);\n    item.el = el;\n    print(\"PACK\" + item.pack);\n    //console.dump(item.pack);\n    \n    \n    \n    \n    var args = [];\n    if (!pack_m) {\n        item.pack = (typeof(item.pack) == 'undefined') ?  'add' : item.pack;\n        if (typeof(item.pack) == 'string') {\n             \n            item.pack.split(',').forEach(function(e, i) {\n                \n                if (e == 'false') { args.push( false); return; }\n                if (e == 'true') {  args.push( true);  return; }\n                if (!isNaN(parseInt(e))) { args.push( parseInt(e)); return; }\n                args.push(e);\n            });\n            //print(args.join(\",\"));\n            \n            pack_m = args.shift();\n        } else {\n            pack_m = item.pack.shift();\n            args = item.pack;\n        }\n    }\n    // handle error.\n    if (typeof(pack_m) == 'string' && typeof(par[pack_m]) == 'undefined') {\n        throw {\n                name: \"ArgumentError\", \n                message : 'pack method not available : ' + + \" : \" + par + '.' +  pack_m +\n                        \"ADDING : \" + + \" \" +  el\n                    \n\t    };\n\n        return;\n    }\n    \n    console.dump(args);\n    args.unshift(el);\n    //if (XObject.debug) print(pack_m + '[' + args.join(',') +']');\n    //Seed.print('args: ' + args.length);\n    if (typeof(pack_m) == 'string') {\n        par[pack_m].apply(par, args);\n    } else if (pack_m) {\n, par, item);\n    }\n    \n    var _this = this;\n    item.items = item.items || [];\n    item.items.forEach(function(ch,n) {\n\n         print (\"type:\" + type);\n          \n         print (\"ch.pack:\" + ch.pack);\n           \n           \n         if (type == 'Gtk.Table' && ch.pack == 'add') {\n            var c = n % item.n_columns;\n            var r = Math.floor(n/item.n_columns);\n            ch.pack = [ 'attach', c, c+1, r, r+1, \n                     typeof(ch.x_options) == 'undefined' ?  5 : ch.x_options,\n                        typeof(ch.y_options) == 'undefined' ?  5 : ch.y_options,\n                        typeof(ch.x_padding) == 'undefined' ?  0 : ch.x_padding,\n                        typeof(ch.x_padding) == 'undefined' ?  0 : ch.x_padding\n            ].join(',');\n        }\n    \n        _this.viewAdd(ch, el);\n    });\n    \n    \n    \n    // add the signal handlers.\n    // is it a widget!?!!?\n   \n    \n    try {\n         \n        \n        el.signal.expose_event.connect(XObject.createDelegate(this.widgetExposeEvent, this, [ item  ], true));\n        el.signal.drag_motion.connect(XObject.createDelegate(this.widgetDragMotionEvent, this,[ item  ], true));\n        el.signal.drag_drop.connect(XObject.createDelegate(this.widgetDragDropEvent, this, [ item  ], true));\n        el.signal.button_press_event.connect(XObject.createDelegate(this.widgetPressEvent, this, [ item  ], true ));\n        el.signal.button_release_event.connect(XObject.createDelegate(this.widgetReleaseEvent, this, [ item  ], true ));\n    } catch(e) {\n        // ignore!\n       }\n    \n    \n    \n    return el;\n    \n}",
912                                                                             "|widgetDragDropEvent": "function() {\n      print(\"WIDGET DRAGDROP\"); \n            return true;\n}\n",
913                                                                             "|widgetDragMotionEvent": "function() {\n     print(\"WIDGET DRAGMOTION\"); \n            return true;\n}\n",
914                                                                             "|widgetExposeEvent": "function(w, evt, ud, item) {\n    var widget = w;\n     if (this.inRender) {\n         return false;\n     }\n     \n     if ( this.highlightWidget) {\n          this.inRender = true;\n          if (item.xtreepath.substring(0, this.activePath.length) == this.activePath) {\n                 Gdk.draw_rectangle(this.highlightWidget.window, this.gc, false, ,,,;\n            }\n           this.inRender = false;\n           return false;\n     }\n     \n     \n     if (this.activePath != item.xtreepath) {\n        return false;\n     }\n     \n   //  print(\"HIGHLIGHT: \" + item.xtreepath ); // draw highlight??\n     // work out the coords of the window..\n     if (!this.gc) {\n      var dr = widget.window;\n      this.gc = (new Gdk.GC.c_new(dr));\n      this.gc.set_rgb_fg_color(new Gdk.Color({ red: 0xFFFF, green: 0, blue : 0 }));\n      this.gc.set_line_attributes(4,  Gdk.LineStyle.SOLID, Gdk.CapStyle.ROUND , Gdk.JoinStyle.ROUND);\n    }\n\n    \n     var r  = evt.expose.area;\n     // console.dump([r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height ] );\n     //return false;\n//     print(widget.get_parent().toString().match(/GtkScrolledWindow/);\n     if (widget.get_parent().toString().match(/GtkScrolledWindow/)) { // eak\n         // happens with gtkscrollview embedded stuff..\n         var np =this.activePath.split(':');\n         np.pop();\n         this.activePath = np.join(':');\n         this.renderedEl.queue_draw();\n         return true;\n\n        \n     }\n\n       \n     \n     \n = {\n        x : r.x - 2,\n        y : r.y - 2,\n        w: r.width + 4,\n        h: r.height + 4\n      }; \n      // let's draw it..\n      this.inRender = true;\n\n      \n      this.highlightWidget = widget;\n    \n    \n \n\n    //  print(\"DRAW BOX\");\n       //console.dump(;\n      Gdk.draw_rectangle(widget.window, this.gc, false, ,,,;\n            this.inRender = false;\n            return false;\n}\n",
915                                                                             "|widgetPressEvent": "function(w,e,u,d) {\n     if (this.get('view').pressed) {\n        return false;\n     }\nthis.get('view').pressed = true;\n      print(\"WIDGET PRESS \" + d.xtreepath );       \n          this.get('/LeftTree.view').selectNode(   d.xtreepath );        \n            return false;\n}\n",
916                                                                             "|widgetReleaseEvent": "function() {\n    this.get('view').pressed = false;\n   return false;\n}\n",
917                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
918                                                                             "items": [
919                                                                                 {
920                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
921                                                                                     "xtype": "HBox",
922                                                                                     "pack": "pack_start,false,true,0",
923                                                                                     "items": [
924                                                                                         {
925                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
926                                                                                             "xtype": "Button",
927                                                                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,false,0",
928                                                                                             "label": "Run The Application",
929                                                                                             "listeners": {
930                                                                                                 "button_press_event": "function (self, event) {\n    // call render on left tree - with special option!?!\n \n    //print(\"GET PROEJCT\");\n    var pr = this.get('/LeftProjectTree').getActiveProject();\n  \n    var dir = '';\n    for (var i in pr.paths) { \n        dir = i;\n        break;\n    }\n    var runner = GLib.path_get_dirname (__script_path__) + '/gtkrun.js'; \n    this.get('/Terminal').feed(\"RUN DIR:\" + dir);\n    \n    this.get('/Terminal').el.fork_command( null , [], [], GLib.path_get_dirname (__script_path__) \n\t, false,false,false); \n    var cmd = \"/usr/bin/seed \" + runner + \" \" + dir + \"\\n\";\n    this.get('/Terminal').el.feed_child(cmd, cmd.length);\n    return false;\n  \n\n}"
931                                                                                             }
932                                                                                         }
933                                                                                     ]
934                                                                                 },
935                                                                                 {
936                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
937                                                                                     "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
938                                                                                     "pack": "add",
939                                                                                     "id": "view-sw",
940                                                                                     "|shadow_type": "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
941                                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n this.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n}\n",
942                                                                                     "items": [
943                                                                                         {
944                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
945                                                                                             "xtype": "EventBox",
946                                                                                             "pack": "add_with_viewport",
947                                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\nthis.el.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, new Gdk.Color({\n            red: 0x9F00, green: 0xB800 , blue : 0xA800\n           }));\n} \n",
948                                                                                             "items": [
949                                                                                                 {
950                                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
951                                                                                                     "xtype": "Fixed",
952                                                                                                     "pack": "add",
953                                                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n\;\n\t//this.el.set_hadjustment(this.parent.el.get_hadjustment());\n\t//this.el.set_vadjustment(this.parent.el.get_vadjustment());\n \n}\n",
954                                                                                                     "items": [
955                                                                                                         {
956                                                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
957                                                                                                             "xtype": "EventBox",
958                                                                                                             "pack": "put,10,10",
959                                                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n\t//this.el =     new Gtk.Image.from_stock (Gtk.STOCK_HOME,  Gtk.IconSize.MENU);\n\;\n\n            Gtk.drag_dest_set\n            (\n                    this.el,              /* widget that will accept a drop */\n                    Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION  | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT,\n                    null,            /* lists of target to support */\n                    0,              /* size of list */\n                    Gdk.DragAction.COPY         /* what to do with data after dropped */\n            );\n            \n           // print(\"RB: TARGETS : \" + LeftTree.atoms[\"STRING\"]);\n            Gtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, this.get('/Window').targetList);\n}\n",
960                                                                                                             "ready": false,
961                                                                                                             "|getActiveNode": "function(x,y)\n{\n   // workout what node is here..\n    return '0'; // top..\n}",
962                                                                                                             "id": "view",
963                                                                                                             "listeners": {
964                                                                                                                 "drag_motion": "function (self, ctx, x, y, time) {\n    \n                // A) find out from drag all the places that node could be dropped.\n                var src = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n                if (!src.dropList) {\n                    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0, time);\n                    return true;\n                }\n                // b) get what we are over.. (from activeNode)\n                // tree is empty.. - list should be correct..\n                if (!this.get('/LeftTree.model').currentTree) {\n                    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, Gdk.DragAction.COPY,time);\n                    return true;\n                    \n                }\n                // c) ask tree where it should be dropped... - eg. parent.. (after node ontop)\n                var activeNode = this.getActiveNode(x, y);\n                \n                \n                var tg = this.get('/LeftTree.model').findDropNode(activeNode, src.dropList);\n                console.dump(tg);\n                if (!tg.length) {\n                    Gdk.drag_status(ctx, 0,time);\n                    this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(false);\n                    return true;\n                }\n                 \n                // if we have a target..\n                // -> highlight it! (in browser)\n                // -> highlight it! (in tree)\n                \n                Gdk.drag_status(ctx, Gdk.DragAction.COPY,time);\n                this.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(tg);\n                this.targetData = tg;\n                // for tree we should handle this...\n                return true;\n}",
965                                                                                                                 "drag_drop": "function (self,ctx, x, y, time) {\n\tSeed.print(\"TARGET: drag-drop\");\n        var is_valid_drop_site = true;\n        \n         \n        Gtk.drag_get_data\n        (\n                self,         /* will receive 'drag-data-received' signal */\n                ctx,        /* represents the current state of the this.gDnD */\n                this.get('/Window').atoms[\"STRING\"],    /* the target type we want */\n                time            /* time stamp */\n        );\n        \n        \n        /* No target offered by source => error */\n       \n\n        return  is_valid_drop_site;\n  \n}",
966                                                                                                                 "drag_data_received": "function (w, ctx,  x,  y, sel_data,  target_type,  time, ud) \n    {\n        Seed.print(\"GtkView: drag-data-received\");\n        var delete_selection_data = false;\n        var dnd_success = false;\n        /* Deal with what we are given from source */\n        if( sel_data && sel_data.length ) {\n            \n            if (ctx.action == Gdk.DragAction.ASK)  {\n                /* Ask the user to move or copy, then set the ctx action. */\n            }\n\n            if (ctx.action == Gdk.DragAction.MOVE) {\n                delete_selection_data = true;\n            }\n            var source = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(ctx);\n\n            Seed.print(\"Browser: source.DRAGDATA? \" + source.dragData);\n            if (this.targetData) {\n                Seed.print(this.targetData);\n                this.get('/LeftTree.model').dropNode(this.targetData,  source.dragData);\n            }\n            \n            \n            \n            dnd_success = true;\n\n        }\n\n        if (dnd_success == false)\n        {\n                Seed.print (\"DnD data transfer failed!\\n\");\n        }\n        \n        Gtk.drag_finish (ctx, dnd_success, delete_selection_data, time);\n        return true;\n    }",
967                                                                                                                 "button_press_event": "function (self, event) {\n  this.pressed = false;\n    return false;\n}"
968                                                                                                             }
969                                                                                                         }
970                                                                                                     ]
971                                                                                                 }
972                                                                                             ]
973                                                                                         }
974                                                                                     ]
975                                                                                 }
976                                                                             ]
977                                                                         }
978                                                                     ]
979                                                                 },
980                                                                 {
981                                                                     "id": "Help",
982                                                                     "pack": "add",
983                                                                     "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
984                                                                     "|show": "function() {\n    \n    var file = this.get('/LeftTree').getActiveFile();\n    if (!file) {\n        return;\n    }\n    var activeEl = this.get('/LeftTree').getActiveElement();\n    var xtype = file.guessName( activeEl )\n    if (!xtype || !xtype.length) {\n        return;\n    }\n    //this.get('/Window.view-help-nb').el.set_current_page(1);\n    \n    // get the active element being edited.\n    var helpurl = file.getHelpUrl(xtype);       \n    \n    // now load the help info in the page..\n    this.get('help-view');\n}\n",
985                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
986                                                                     "items": [
987                                                                         {
988                                                                             "|xns": "WebKit",
989                                                                             "xtype": "WebView",
990                                                                             "pack": "add",
991                                                                             "id": "help-view",
992                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n   this.get('/')\n     \"\");\n\n}\n",
993                                                                             "zoom_level": 0.8
994                                                                         }
995                                                                     ]
996                                                                 }
997                                                             ]
998                                                         }
999                                                     ]
1000                                                 },
1001                                                 {
1002                                                     "id": "BottomPane",
1003                                                     "pack": "add",
1004                                                     "xtype": "Notebook",
1005                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n\t//this.el.set_tab_label(this.items[0].el, new Gtk.Label({ label : \"Code Editor\" }));\n    \tthis.el.set_tab_label(this.items[0].el, new Gtk.Label({ label : \"Console\" }));\n    \tthis.el.set_tab_label(this.items[1].el, new Gtk.Label({ label : \"Inspector\" }));\n}\n",
1006                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
1007                                                     "items": [
1008                                                         {
1009                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1010                                                             "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
1011                                                             "pack": "add",
1012                                                             "items": [
1013                                                                 {
1014                                                                     "|xns": "Vte",
1015                                                                     "xtype": "Terminal",
1016                                                                     "pack": "add",
1017                                                                     "id": "Terminal",
1018                                                                     "|feed": "function(istr) {\n    var str = istr.replace(/\\n/g, \"\\r\\n\") + \"\\r\\n\";\n    // we should make ourselves visable!!!\n    this.get('/BottomPane');\n    this.get('/BottomPane').el.set_current_page(1);\n\n    this.el.feed(str ,str.length);\n}\n",
1019                                                                     "|scroll_on_output": true,
1020                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n    this.el.set_size (80, 1000);\n}\n",
1021                                                                     "scrollback_lines": 1000
1022                                                                 }
1023                                                             ]
1024                                                         },
1025                                                         {
1026                                                             "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
1027                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1028                                                             "pack": "add",
1029                                                             "listeners": {},
1030                                                             "items": [
1031                                                                 {
1032                                                                     "id": "inspector",
1033                                                                     "pack": "add",
1034                                                                     "xtype": "WebView",
1035                                                                     "|xns": "WebKit"
1036                                                                 }
1037                                                             ]
1038                                                         }
1039                                                     ]
1040                                                 }
1041                                             ]
1042                                         },
1043                                         {
1044                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1045                                             "xtype": "VBox",
1046                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,false",
1047                                             "id": "RightPalete",
1048                                             "|hide": "function() {\n    \n      this.get('buttonbar');\n       this.get('viewbox').el.hide();\n    print(\"TRIED TO HIDE\");\n}\n",
1049                                             "|show": "function() {\n    this.get('buttonbar').el.hide();\n    this.get('viewbox');\n   // this.get('model').expanded();\n            \n}\n",
1050                                             "provider": false,
1051                                             "items": [
1052                                                 {
1053                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
1054                                                     "xtype": "VBox",
1055                                                     "pack": "add",
1056                                                     "id": "buttonbar",
1057                                                     "items": [
1058                                                         {
1059                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1060                                                             "xtype": "Button",
1061                                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,true",
1062                                                             "listeners": {
1063                                                                 "clicked": "function (self) {\n\tthis.get('/RightPalete').show();\n}"
1064                                                             },
1065                                                             "items": [
1066                                                                 {
1067                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
1068                                                                     "xtype": "Image",
1069                                                                     "pack": "add",
1070                                                                     "|stock": "Gtk.STOCK_GOTO_FIRST",
1071                                                                     "|icon_size": "Gtk.IconSize.MENU"
1072                                                                 }
1073                                                             ]
1074                                                         },
1075                                                         {
1076                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1077                                                             "xtype": "Label",
1078                                                             "pack": "add",
1079                                                             "label": "Palete",
1080                                                             "angle": 270,
1081                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n    this.el.add_events ( Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_MOTION_MASK );\n}\n",
1082                                                             "listeners": {
1083                                                                 "enter_notify_event": "function (self, event) {\n    this.get('/RightPalete').show();\n    return false;\n}"
1084                                                             }
1085                                                         }
1086                                                     ]
1087                                                 },
1088                                                 {
1089                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
1090                                                     "xtype": "VBox",
1091                                                     "pack": "add",
1092                                                     "id": "viewbox",
1093                                                     "items": [
1094                                                         {
1095                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1096                                                             "xtype": "HBox",
1097                                                             "pack": "pack_start,false,true",
1098                                                             "items": [
1099                                                                 {
1100                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
1101                                                                     "xtype": "Label",
1102                                                                     "pack": "add",
1103                                                                     "label": "Palete"
1104                                                                 },
1105                                                                 {
1106                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
1107                                                                     "xtype": "Button",
1108                                                                     "pack": "pack_start,false,true",
1109                                                                     "listeners": {
1110                                                                         "clicked": "function (self) {\n\tthis.get('/RightPalete').hide();\n}"
1111                                                                     },
1112                                                                     "items": [
1113                                                                         {
1114                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1115                                                                             "xtype": "Image",
1116                                                                             "pack": "add",
1117                                                                             "|stock": "Gtk.STOCK_GOTO_LAST",
1118                                                                             "|icon_size": "Gtk.IconSize.MENU"
1119                                                                         }
1120                                                                     ]
1121                                                                 }
1122                                                             ]
1123                                                         },
1124                                                         {
1125                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1126                                                             "xtype": "ScrolledWindow",
1127                                                             "pack": "add",
1128                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n\tthis.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);\n    this.el.set_size_request(-1,200);\n}\n",
1129                                                             "|shadow_type": "Gtk.ShadowType.IN",
1130                                                             "items": [
1131                                                                 {
1132                                                                     "listeners": {
1133                                                                         "drag_begin": "function (self, ctx) {\n    // we could fill this in now...\n        Seed.print('SOURCE: drag-begin');\n        \n        \n        \n        var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n        var s = this.selection;\n        s.get_selected(this.get('/RightPalete.model').el, iter);\n        var path = this.get('/RightPalete.model').el.get_path(iter);\n        \n        var pix = this.el.create_row_drag_icon ( path);\n            \n                \n        Gtk.drag_set_icon_pixmap (ctx,\n            pix.get_colormap(),\n            pix,\n            null,\n            -10,\n            -10);\n        \n        var value = new GObject.Value('');\n        this.get('/RightPalete.model').el.get_value(iter, 0, value);\n        if (!this.get('/RightPalete').provider) {\n            return false;\n        }\n        this.el.dropList = this.get('/RightPalete').provider.getDropList(value.value);\n        this.el.dragData = value.value;\n        \n        \n        \n        \n        return true;\n}",
1134                                                                         "drag_data_get": "function (self, drag_context, selection_data, info, time) {\n \t//Seed.print('Palete: drag-data-get: ' + target_type);\n        if (this.el.dragData && this.el.dragData.length ) {\n            selection_data.set_text(this.el.dragData ,this.el.dragData.length);\n        }\n        \n        \n        //this.el.dragData = \"TEST from source widget\";\n        \n        \n}",
1135                                                                         "drag_end": "function (self, drag_context) {\n \tSeed.print('SOURCE: drag-end');\n\tthis.el.dragData = false;\n\tthis.el.dropList = false;\n\tthis.get('/LeftTree.view').highlight(false);\n\treturn true;\n}",
1136                                                                         "button_press_event": "function (self, event) {\n\n \tif (!this.get('/Editor').save()) {\n \t    // popup!! - click handled.. \n \t    return true;\n        }\n    return false;\n}"
1137                                                                     },
1138                                                                     "pack": "add",
1139                                                                     "xtype": "TreeView",
1140                                                                     "|enable_tree_lines": true,
1141                                                                     "|headers_visible": false,
1142                                                                     "|init": "function() {\n;\n  this.el.set_size_request(150,-1);\n                          //  set_reorderable: [1]\n                                  \n            var description = new Pango.FontDescription.c_new();\n    description.set_size(8000);\n    this.el.modify_font(description);\n    \n    this.selection = this.el.get_selection();\n    this.selection.set_mode( Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);\n   // this.selection.signal['changed'].connect(function() {\n    //    _view.listeners['cursor-changed'].apply(_view, [ _view, '']);\n    //});\n    // see:\n     \n    Gtk.drag_source_set (\n            this.el,            /* widget will be drag-able */\n            Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK,       /* modifier that will start a drag */\n            null,            /* lists of target to support */\n            0,              /* size of list */\n            Gdk.DragAction.COPY         /* what to do with data after dropped */\n    );\n    //Gtk.drag_source_set_target_list(this.el, LeftTree.targetList);\n   \n    Gtk.drag_source_set_target_list(this.el, this.get('/Window').targetList);\n    Gtk.drag_source_add_text_targets(this.el); \n    /*\n    print(\"RP: TARGET:\" + LeftTree.atoms[\"STRING\"]);\n    targets = new Gtk.TargetList();\n    targets.add( LeftTree.atoms[\"STRING\"], 0, 0);\n    targets.add_text_targets( 1 );\n    Gtk.drag_dest_set_target_list(this.el, LeftTree.targetList);\n    \n    //if you want to allow text to be output elsewhere..\n    //Gtk.drag_source_add_text_targets(this.el);\n    */\n    return true; \n}\n",
1143                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
1144                                                                     "items": [
1145                                                                         {
1146                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1147                                                                             "xtype": "ListStore",
1148                                                                             "pack": "set_model",
1149                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\nthis.el.set_column_types ( 2, [\n                            GObject.TYPE_STRING, // title \n                            GObject.TYPE_STRING // tip\n                            \n                            ] );\n}\n",
1150                                                                             "id": "model",
1151                                                                             "|load": "function(tr,iter)\n{\n    if (!iter) {\n        this.el.clear();\n    }\n    //console.log('Project tree load: ' + tr.length);\n    var citer = new Gtk.TreeIter();\n    //this.insert(citer,iter,0);\n    for(var i =0 ; i < tr.length; i++) {\n        if (!iter) {\n            \n            this.el.append(citer);   \n        } else {\n            this.el.insert(citer,iter,-1);\n        }\n        \n        var r = tr[i];\n        //Seed.print(r);\n        this.el.set_value(citer, 0,  '' +  r ); // title \n        \n        //this.el.set_value(citer, 1,  new GObject.Value( r)); //id\n        //if ( && {\n        //    this.load(, citer);\n        //}\n    }\n    \n    \n}",
1152                                                                             "|getValue": "function (iter, col) {\n    var gval = new GObject.Value('');\n     this.el.get_value(iter, col ,gval);\n    return  gval.value;\n    \n    \n}"
1153                                                                         },
1154                                                                         {
1155                                                                             "|xns": "Gtk",
1156                                                                             "xtype": "TreeViewColumn",
1157                                                                             "pack": "append_column",
1158                                                                             "|init": "function() {\n;\n\tthis.el.add_attribute(this.items[0].el , 'markup', 0 );\n}\n",
1159                                                                             "items": [
1160                                                                                 {
1161                                                                                     "|xns": "Gtk",
1162                                                                                     "xtype": "CellRendererText",
1163                                                                                     "pack": "pack_start"
1164                                                                                 }
1165                                                                             ]
1166                                                                         }
1167                                                                     ]
1168                                                                 }
1169                                                             ]
1170                                                         }
1171                                                     ]
1172                                                 }
1173                                             ]
1174                                         }
1175                                     ]
1176                                 }
1177                             ]
1178                         }
1179                     ]
1180                 }
1181             ]
1182         }
1183     ],
1184     "permname": "",
1185     "modOrder": ""
1186 }