; vim:ts=2:sw=2:et:ft=dosini: ; This file is parsed subject to the following rules: ; ; Unquoted tokens on the right hand side of an equals sign that correspond to ; constants defined in PHP are replaced by the value of that constant. ; ; Values for the form ${name} are substituted with the value of the ; corresponding PHP configuration directive, or if none is found, the ; corresponding environmental variable value. ; ; Values of the form @{section:myname} are substituted with the value of the ; option defined in this configuration file (for example, the "myname" value ; in the "section" section). ; Core configuration options [core] vardir = @VARDIR@ dblocation = "@{core:vardir}/mtrac.db" dsn = @DSN@ searchdb = "@{core:vardir}/search.db" projectname = @PROJECT@ timezone = EST ; mimetype_detect = fileinfo or mimemagic or file - if empty will attempt to detect which one to use or bails ; projectlogo = image url to show in nav bar ; default.repo = name of default repo when constructing changeset links ; weburl = URL (including trailing slash) of canonical home of this instance. used when sending notification email. ; default_email_domain = domain name to use for notification mail when the user is not present in the userinfo table ; includes = comma separated list of files to include; supports plugins ;debug.footer = 1 ; Use .wiki to indicate a wiki filename as distinct from a wiki dir wikifilenamesuffix=.wiki ; Fresh installs start in "admin party" mode, which means that any user ; accessing the system from the loopback ( is treated as admin. admin_party = true ; Which search engine to use. Lucene works out of the box, but Solr has ; better performance and higher quality results. ; MTrackSearchEngineLucene or MTrackSearchEngineSolr search_engine = MTrackSearchEngineLucene [repos] ; If true, permit the creation and forking of per-user repositories allow_user_repo_creation = true ; Where per-user repositories should be created (both git and hg) basedir = "@{core:vardir}/repos" ; The SSH user@host which can be used to access repos. You must have configured ; SSH access as described in the mtrack SSH installation documentation ;serverurl = "code@example.com" ; The URL over which users can clone, push, pull via HG. ; You need to configure this URL yourself using your choice of Mercurial server. ; This is ignored if you have set serverurl. ;hg.serverurl = "http://example.com/hg" ; ; The URL over which users can clone, push, pull via GIT. ; You need to configure this URL yourself using your choice of Git server. ; This is ignored if you have set serverurl. ;git.serverurl = "http://example.com/git" [solr] ; How to find your Solr instance if you're using the Apache Solr search ; engine implementation (search_engine = MTrackSearchEngineLucene) url = "http://localhost:8983/solr" [ticket] default.classification = defect default.severity = normal default.priority = normal [notify] ; Should we use SMTP directly? ; Requires PHP with getmxrr functionality (not Windows on PHP < 5.3) use_smtp = false ; If using SMTP, identifies a smart host via which mail will be routed. ; Otherwise, we'll try to lookup the MX records via DNS. smtp_relay = "" ; If using SMTP, sets the envelope from smtp_from = "noreply@example.com" ; Defines some basic, reasonable, permission sets for 3 classes of user. ; These are used in addition to whatever is selected by auth plugins [user_class_roles] anonymous = ReportViewer,BrowserViewer,WikiViewer,TimelineViewer,RoadmapViewer,TicketViewer authenticated = ReportViewer,BrowserViewer,WikiCreator,TimelineViewer,RoadmapViewer,TicketCreator,UserViewer,SnippetCreator,BrowserForker admin = ReportCreator,BrowserCreator,WikiCreator,TimelineViewer,RoadmapCreator,TicketCreator,EnumerationCreator,ComponentCreator,ProjectCreator,UserCreator,SnippetCreator,BrowserForker ; Explicitly place certain users in certain user classes. This is used mainly ; to provide a means to indicate that particular users are classed as admins. ; The auth module group assignments are the recommended way to go for more ; powerful/flexible group/role assignment [user_classes] ; use the tools section to override the location of certain ; tools, in case you have multiples or in case they live outside ; of the standard locations [tools] @TOOLS@ ; hg = /usr/local/bin/hg ; svn = /opt/msys/3rdParty/bin/svn ; svnlook = /opt/msys/3rdParty/bin/svnlook ; php = /opt/msys/3rdParty/bin/php ; diff3 = /opt/msys/3rdParty/bin/diff3 ; diff = /opt/msys/3rdParty/bin/diff [nav:mainnav] ; If you want to turn off the wiki navigation link (does not disable the wiki, ; just hides the link), uncomment the following line (the empty right hand ; side deletes the link keyed by the left hand side) ; /wiki.php = ; If you want to add in other links, you can do so by adding the link on the ; left hand side of the equals and the label on the right hand side [plugins] ; MTrackAuth_HTTP = /Users/wez/Sites/svn.htgroup, /Users/wez/Sites/svn.htpasswd ; MTrackCommitCheck_NoEmptyLogMessage = ; MTrackCommitCheck_RequiresTimeReference = ; MTrackCaptcha_Recaptcha = public, private, userclasses ; MTrackAuth_OpenID =