authUser) { $this->jerr("not authenticated"); return ''; // no subscriptin data available to public.. } $this->objname = empty($_REQUEST['objname']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['objname']; $this->objid = empty($_REQUEST['objid']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['objid']; $this->objname = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]+/i', '', $this->objname ); $obj = DB_DataObject::factory($this->objname ); // if it's a project watch.. do not do this.. if (!$obj->get($this->objid)) { $this->jerr("invalid object"); } if ($this->objname == 'Projects') { if ($this->objid != $this->currentProject()) { $this->jerr("invalid project id"); } } else { if ($obj->project_id != $this->currentProject()) { $this->jerr("invalid project id on object"); } } // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $w = DB_DataObjecT::Factory('core_watch'); $w->ontable = $this->objname; $w->onid = $this->objid; $w->autoJoin(); // $w->orderBy(' ASC'); $existing = $w->fetchAll(); $this->selfsubscribe = true; foreach($existing as $w) { if ($this->authUser->id == $w->person_id) { $this->selfsubscribe = false; } } $this->subscribers = $existing; if ($this->objname != 'Projects') { $w = DB_DataObjecT::Factory('core_watch'); $w->ontable = 'Projects'; $w->onid = $this->currentProject(); $w->autoJoin(); $existing = $w->fetchAll(); $this->selfsubscribe = true; foreach($existing as $w) { if ($this->authUser->id == $w->person_id) { $this->selfsubscribe = false; } } $this->project_subscribers = $existing; } //print_r($existing); /* require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy/Element.php'; $this->elements['subscribe-add'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('select'); $this->elements['subscribe-add']->setOptions($users); $this->addsubscribe = true; if (count(array_keys($users)) == 1) { $this->addsubscribe = false; } // never inherit.. $this->elements['subscribe-add']->setValue(''); */ //$this->renderEvents(); } function post() { if (!$this->authUser) { $this->jerr("not authenticated"); return ''; // no subscriptin data available to public.. } $table = empty($_REQUEST['objname']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['objname']; $id = empty($_REQUEST['objid']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['objid']; if (empty($table) || empty($id)) { die("invalid"); } if (empty($_REQUEST['userid'])) { die("INVALID USER ID"); } if ($this->authUser->company()->comptype != 'OWNER') { if ($_REQUEST['userid'] != $this->authUser->id) { die("INVALID REQUEST."); } } $table = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]+/i', '', $table); // question ... who do we allow to watch what.. $o = DB_DataObject::factory($table); if (!is_a($o, 'DB_DataObject')) { die('invalid table'); } $o->get((int)$id); if ($table != 'Projects') { if (empty($o->project_id) || $o->project_id != $this->currentProject()) { die("invalid - project id does not match"); // unless it's a project.. } } else { if ($id != $this->currentProject()) { die("invalid - project id does not match"); } } $w = DB_DataObjecT::Factory('core_watch'); $w->ontable = $table; $w->onid = $id; $w->person_id = $_REQUEST['userid']; $w->medium = 'email'; if (!$w->count()) { $w->insert(); } return $this->get(); // carry on and show get(.. } }