baseURL = $ff->cli ? $ff->MTrackCLI['baseURL'] : $ff->page->baseURL; } /** * opts * [display] = text to display * */ function ticket($no, $extras=array()) { if ($no instanceof DB_DataObject) { $tkt = $no; } else if (is_string($no) || is_int($no)) { static $cache = array(); if ($no[0] == '#') { $no = substr($no, 1); } if (!isset($cache[$no])) { $tkt = DB_DataOBject::Factory('mtrack_ticket'); $tkt->get($no); $cache[$no] = $tkt; } else { $tkt = $cache[$no]; } } else { // FIXME: hinted data from reports $tkt = new stdClass; $tkt->id = $no['ticket']; $tkt->summary = $no['summary']; $tkt->status = ''; if (isset($no['state'])) { $tkt->status = $no['state']; } elseif (isset($no['status'])) { $tkt->status = $no['status']; } elseif (isset($no['__status__'])) { $tkt->status = $no['__status__']; } } if ($tkt == NULL) { $tkt = new stdClass; $tkt->id = $no; $tkt->summary = 'No such ticket'; $tkt->status = 'No such ticket'; } $html = "id; if (isset($extras['#'])) { $anchor = '#' . $extras['#']; } else { $anchor = ''; } $html .= "' href=\"{$this->baseURL}/Ticket/$ident$anchor\">"; if (isset($extras['display'])) { $html .= htmlspecialchars($extras['display']); } else { $html .= '#' . htmlspecialchars($ident); } $html .= ""; return $html; } function milestone( $id, $label = '') { // silly but we assume target is urlencoded???... $ms = DB_DataObjecT::factory('mtrack_milestone'); if (empty($label)) { if (empty($id) || !$ms->get($id)) { return '???'; } } else { $ms->id = $id; $ms->name = $label; } return ''. htmlspecialchars(urldecode($ms->name)) . ''; } function help($target, $label, $anchor = '') { // escape anchor??? $target .= !empty($anchor) ? "#$anchor" : ''; return '' . htmlspecialchars($label) . ''; } function username($target, $opts=array()) { if (is_object($target)) { $person = $target; $target = $person->id; } else { $person = DB_DataObject::factory('Person'); $person->get($target); } if (is_string($opts)) { parse_str($opts, $opts); } //print_r($opts); //print_R($person); if (!$person->id) { // we did not find the ysers... // we currently ignore all the formating.... return '' . htmlspecialchars($target). ''; } /* WHY? if (!ctype_alnum($username)) { $target = "{$ABSWEB}user.php?user=" . urlencode($username); if (isset($opts['edit'])) { $target .= '&edit=1'; } } */ $open_a = ''; $dispname = $person->name; //$dispname = preg_match("/^([^+]*)(\+.*)?@(.*)$/", $target) ? $target : $person->id; $size = empty($opts['size']) ? 24 : (int) $opts['size']; // var_dump($opts); $ret = (!empty($opts['no_image']) ? '' : ($open_a . ' ')) . // at this point the old code tries to chop it... // I'm not sure that is a great idea.... (!empty($opts['no_name']) ? '' : ($open_a . htmlspecialchars($dispname) . '')); //var_dump( htmlspecialchars($ret)); return $ret; } function browse($target, $label) { return ''. htmlspecialchars($label) . ''; } function log($target, $label) // what does this do... { return ''. htmlspecialchars($label) . ''; } function branch($branch, $repo = null) { return "" . htmlspecialchars($branch) . ""; } function changeset($cs, $repo = null) { $display = substr($cs, 0, 12); if (empty($repo)) { $repo = MTrack_Repo::loadByChangeSet($cs); } if (is_string($repo)) { $repo = MTrack_Repo::loadByName($rep); } if (!is_a($repo, 'MTrack_Repo')) { $repo = MTrack_Repo::defaultRepo(); } $p = $repo->getBrowseRootName() . '/'. $cs; return '[' . substr($cs, 0, 12) . ']'; } function wiki($pagename, $extras = array()) { return htmlspecialchars($pagename); if ($pagename instanceof MTrack_Wiki_Item) { $wiki = $pagename; } else if (is_string($pagename)) { $wiki = new MTrack_Wiki_Item($pagename); if (!$wiki->file) { $wiki = false; } } else { // FIXME: hinted data from reports throw new Exception("FIXME: wiki"); } if ($wiki) { $pagename = $wiki->pagename; } $pagename .= empty( $extras['#']) ? '' : '#' . $extras['#']; return ''. htmlspecialchars(empty($extras['display']) ? $pagename : $extras['display']) . ''; } // all these are prtty much the same.. function query($target, $label) { return ''. htmlspecialchars($label) . ''; } function report($target, $label) { return ''. htmlspecialchars($label) . ''; } // technically not a link.... function date($tstring, $show_full = false) { /* database time is always relative to UTC */ $d = date_create($tstring, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); if (!is_object($d)) { throw new Exception("could not represent $tstring as a datetime object"); } $iso8601 = $d->format(DateTime::W3C); /* but we want to render relative to user prefs */ date_timezone_set($d, new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); $full = $d->format('D, M d Y H:i'); if (!$show_full) { return "$full"; } return "$full $full"; } }