binary = pack('H*', $src); break; case 16: /* binary string */ $this->binary = $src; break; case 24: /* base64 encoded binary */ $this->binary = base64_decode( str_replace( array('@', '-', '_'), array('=', '/', '+'), $src)); break; default: $this->binary = null; } } else { $this->generate(); } } /** * returns a 32-bit integer that identifies this host. * The node identifier needs to be unique among nodes * in a cluster for a given application in order to * avoid collisions between generated identifiers. * You may extend and override this method if you * want to substitute an alternative means of determining * the node identifier */ protected function getNodeId() { if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { $node = ip2long($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']); } else { /* running from the CLI most likely; * inspect the environment to see if we can * deduce the hostname, and from there, the * IP address */ static $names = array('HOSTNAME', 'HOST'); foreach ($names as $name) { if (isset($_ENV[$name])) { $host = $_ENV[$name]; } else { $host = getenv($name); } if (strlen($host)) break; } if (!strlen($host)) { // punt $node = ip2long(''); } else { $ip = gethostbyname($host); if (strlen($ip)) { $node = ip2long($ip); } else { // punt $node = crc32($host); } } } return $node; } /** * returns a process identifier. * In multi-process servers, this should be the system process ID. * In multi-threaded servers, this should be some unique ID to * prevent two threads from generating precisely the same UUID * at the same time. */ protected function getLockId() { if (function_exists('zend_thread_id')) { return zend_thread_id(); } return getmypid(); } /** * generate an RFC 4122 UUID. * This is psuedo-random UUID influenced by the system clock, IP * address and process ID. * * The intended use is to generate an identifier that can uniquely * identify user generated posts, comments etc. made to a website. * This generation process should be sufficient to avoid collisions * between nodes in a cluster, and between apache children on the * same host. * */ function generate() { $node = $this->getNodeId(); $pid = $this->getLockId(); list($time_mid, $time_lo) = explode(' ', microtime()); $time_lo = (int)$time_lo; $time_mid = (int)substr($time_mid, 2); $time_hi = mt_rand(0, 0xfff); /* version 4 UUID */ $time_hi |= 0x4000; $clock_lo = mt_rand(0, 0xff); $node_lo = $pid; /* type is psuedo-random */ $clock_hi = mt_rand(0, 0x3f); $clock_hi |= 0x80; $this->binary = pack('NnnCCnN', $time_lo, $time_mid & 0xffff, $time_hi, $clock_hi, $clock_lo, $node_lo, $node); } /** * render the UUID as an RFC4122 standard string representation * of the binary bits. */ function toRFC4122String($dashes = true) { $uuid = unpack('Ntl/ntm/nth/Cch/Ccl/nnl/Nn', $this->binary); $fmt = $dashes ? "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%04x%08x" : "%08x%04x%04x%02x%02x%04x%08x"; return sprintf($fmt, $uuid['tl'], $uuid['tm'], $uuid['th'], $uuid['ch'], $uuid['cl'], $uuid['nl'], $uuid['n']); } /** * render the UUID using a modified base64 representation * of the binary bits. This string is shorter than the standard * representation, but is not part of any standard specification. */ function toShortString() { return str_replace( array('=', '/', '+'), array('@', '-', '_'), base64_encode($this->binary)); } } ?>