fetchAll() as $row) { return new self($row[0]); } return null; } static function loadByID($id) { foreach (MTrackDB::q('select mid from milestones where mid = ?', $id) ->fetchAll() as $row) { return new self($row[0]); } return null; } static function enumMilestones($all = false) { if ($all) { $q = MTrackDB::q('select mid, name from milestones where deleted != 1'); } else { $q = MTrackDB::q('select mid, name from milestones where completed is null and deleted != 1'); } $res = array(); foreach ($q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM) as $row) { $res[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } return $res; } function __construct($id = null) { if ($id !== null) { $this->mid = $id; list($row) = MTrackDB::q('select * from milestones where mid = ?', $id) ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($row as $k => $v) { $this->$k = $v; } } $this->deleted = false; } function save(MTrackChangeset $CS) { $this->updated = $CS->cid; if ($this->mid === null) { $this->created = $CS->cid; MTrackDB::q('insert into milestones (name, description, startdate, duedate, completed, created, pmid, updated, deleted) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $this->name, $this->description, $this->startdate, $this->duedate, $this->completed, $this->created, $this->pmid, $this->updated, (int)$this->deleted); $this->mid = MTrackDB::lastInsertId('milestones', 'mid'); } else { list($old) = MTrackDB::q( 'select * from milestones where mid = ?', $this->mid)->fetchAll(); foreach ($old as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'mid' || $k == 'created' || $k == 'updated') { continue; } $CS->add("milestone:$this->mid:$k", $v, $this->$k); } MTrackDB::q('update milestones set name = ?, description = ?, startdate = ?, duedate = ?, completed = ?, updated = ?, deleted = ?, pmid = ? WHERE mid = ?', $this->name, $this->description, $this->startdate, $this->duedate, $this->completed, $this->updated, (int)$this->deleted, $this->pmid, $this->mid); } } static function macro_BurnDown() { global $ABSWEB; $args = func_get_args(); if (!count($args) || (count($args) == 1 && $args[0] == '')) { # Special case for allowing burndown to NOP in the milestone summary return ''; } $params = array( 'width' => '75%', 'height' => '250px', ); foreach ($args as $arg) { list($name, $value) = explode('=', $arg, 2); $params[$name] = $value; } $m = MTrack_Milestone::loadByName($params['milestone']); if (!$m) { return "BurnDown: milestone $params[milestone] is invalid
\n"; } if (!MTrackACL::hasAllRights("milestone:" . $m->mid, 'read')) { return "Not authorized to view milestone $name
\n"; } /* step 1: find all changes on this milestone and its children */ $effort = MTrackDB::q(" select expended, remaining, changedate from ticket_milestones tm left join effort e on (tm.tid = e.tid) left join changes c on (e.cid = c.cid) where (mid = ? or (mid in (select mid from milestones where pmid = ?)) ) and c.changedate is not null order by c.changedate", $m->mid, $m->mid)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); /* estimated hours by day */ $estimate_by_day = array(); /* accumulated work spent by day */ $accum_spent_by_day = array(); /* accumulated remaining hours by day */ $accum_remain_by_day = array(); $current_estimate = null; $min_day = null; $max_value = 0; $total_exp = 0; foreach ($effort as $info) { list($exp, $rem, $date) = $info; list($day, $rest) = explode('T', $date, 2); /* previous day estimate carries over to today */ if (!isset($estimate_by_day[$day])) { $estimate_by_day[$day] = $current_estimate; } /* previous accumulation carries over */ if (!isset($accum_spent_by_day[$day])) { $accum_spent_by_day[$day] = $total_exp; } /* revise the estimate for today; also applies * to the number we carry over to tomorrow */ if ($rem !== null) { $estimate_by_day[$day] += $rem; $current_estimate = $estimate_by_day[$day]; } if ($exp !== null) { if ($exp != 0 && $min_day === null) { $min_day = strtotime($date); } $accum_spent_by_day[$day] += $exp; $total_exp += $exp; } $accum_remain_by_day[$day] = $current_estimate - $total_exp; $max_value = max($max_value, $current_estimate); } $init_estimate = 0; foreach ($estimate_by_day as $v) { if ($v) { $init_estimate = $v; break; } } /* limit the view to the past 3 weeks */ $earliest = strtotime('-3 week'); if ($min_day < $earliest) { // $min_day = $earliest; } $min_day *= 1000; if ($m->duedate) { $maxday = strtotime($m->duedate); } else { $maxday = time(); } $maxday = strtotime('1 week', $maxday) * 1000; /* step 3: compute the day by day remaining value, * and produce data series for remaining and expended time */ $js_remain = array(); $js_estimate = array(); $trend = array(); foreach ($accum_remain_by_day as $day => $remaining) { /* compute javascript timestamp */ list($year, $month, $dayno) = explode('-', $day); $ts = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $dayno, $year) * 1000; $js_remain[] = "[$ts, $remaining]"; $est = (int)$estimate_by_day[$day]; $js_estimate[] = "[$ts, $est]"; $trend[$ts] = $remaining; } $js_remain = join(',', $js_remain); $js_estimate = join(',', $js_estimate); $flot = "bd_graph_" . sha1(join(':', $args) . time()); $max_value *= 1.2; $height = (int)$params['height']; $html = "
"; $delta = $init_estimate - $total_exp; return "
Initial estimate: $init_estimate, Work expended: $total_exp
\n" . $html . "
"; } static function macro_MilestoneSummary($name) { global $ABSWEB; $m = self::loadByName($name); if (!$m) { return "milestone: " . htmlentities($name) . " not found
\n"; } if (!MTrackACL::hasAllRights("milestone:" . $m->mid, 'read')) { return "Not authorized to view milestone $name
\n"; } $completed = mtrack_date($m->completed); $description = $m->description; if (strpos($description, "[[BurnDown(") === false) { $description = "[[BurnDown(milestone=$name,width=50%,height=150)]]\n" . $description; } $desc = MTrack_Wiki::format_to_html($description); $pname = $name; if ($m->completed !== NULL) { $pname = "$name"; $due = "Completed"; } elseif ($m->duedate) { $due = "Due " . mtrack_date($m->duedate); } else { $due = null; } $watch = MTrackWatch::getWatchUI('milestone', $m->mid); $html = <<


HTML; $estimated = 0; $remaining = 0; $open = 0; $total = 0; foreach (MTrackDB::q('select status, estimated, estimated - spent as remaining from ticket_milestones tm left join tickets t on (tm.tid = t.tid) where mid = ?', $m->mid)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $total++; if ($row['status'] != 'closed') { $open++; } $estimated += $row['estimated']; $remaining += $row['remaining']; } $closed = $total - $open; if ($total) { $apct = (int)($open / $total * 100); } else { $apct = 0; } $cpct = 100 - $apct; $html .= << HTML; if ($open) { $html .= << HTML; } $ms = urlencode($name); $html .= << $open open, $closed closed, $total total ($cpct % complete) HTML; return $html; } }