From f88cf3bdd5f9e788a2c376c5102a2cae13683b12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alan Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 16:25:16 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] sync --- Roo/HtmlEditorCore.js | 4 +- Roo/htmleditor/TidyWriter.js | 4 +- roojs-all.js | 60 +- roojs-debug.js | 1325 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- roojs-ui-debug.js | 1325 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- roojs-ui.js | 60 +- 6 files changed, 2694 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-) diff --git a/Roo/HtmlEditorCore.js b/Roo/HtmlEditorCore.js index 96360d6d9b..b997fb1b5f 100644 --- a/Roo/HtmlEditorCore.js +++ b/Roo/HtmlEditorCore.js @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { 'IMG { cursor: pointer } ' + ''; - st += '' + st += ''; var cls = 'notranslate roo-htmleditor-body'; @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { var tidy = new Roo.htmleditor.TidySerializer({ inner: true }); - var html = tidy.serialize(div) + var html = tidy.serialize(div); if(Roo.isSafari){ diff --git a/Roo/htmleditor/TidyWriter.js b/Roo/htmleditor/TidyWriter.js index dfb1144dd7..b461d9e0b9 100644 --- a/Roo/htmleditor/TidyWriter.js +++ b/Roo/htmleditor/TidyWriter.js @@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.prototype = { } if (this.in_inline) { - text = text.replace(/\s+/g,' ') // all white space inc line breaks to a slingle' ' + text = text.replace(/\s+/g,' '); // all white space inc line breaks to a slingle' ' if (text != ' ') { - text = text.replace(/\s+/,' ') // all white space to single white space + text = text.replace(/\s+/,' '); // all white space to single white space // if next tag is '
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diff --git a/roojs-debug.js b/roojs-debug.js index 5d6e7b2ce0..a5e751f0cd 100644 --- a/roojs-debug.js +++ b/roojs-debug.js @@ -46306,41 +46306,1304 @@ Roo.apply(Roo.htmleditor.FilterBlock.prototype, }); -/** - * @class Roo.htmleditor.Tidy - * Tidy HTML - * @cfg {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} core the editor. +/*** + * This is based loosely on tinymce + * @class Roo.htmleditor.TidySerializer + * * @constructor - * Create a new Filter. - * @param {Object} config Configuration options + * @method Serializer + * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object. + * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema Schema instance to use. */ -Roo.htmleditor.Tidy = function(cfg) { - Roo.apply(this, cfg); +Roo.htmleditor.TidySerializer = function(settings) +{ + Roo.apply(this, settings); - this.core.doc.body.innerHTML = this.tidy(this.core.doc.body, ''); - -} + this.writer = new Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter(settings); + + //settings.validate = !('validate' in settings) || settings.validate; + // self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema(); -Roo.htmleditor.Tidy.toString = function(node) +}; +Roo.htmleditor.TidySerializer.prototype = { + + /** + * @param {boolean} inner do the inner of the node. + */ + inner : false, + + writer : false, + + /** + * Serializes the specified node into a string. + * + * @example + * new tinymce.html.Serializer().serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse('


')); + * @method serialize + * @param {DomElement} node Node instance to serialize. + * @return {String} String with HTML based on DOM tree. + */ + serialize : function(node) { + + // = settings.validate; + var writer = this.writer; + var self = this; + this.handlers = { + // #text + 3: function(node) { + + writer.text(node.nodeValue, node); + }, + // #comment + 8: function(node) { + writer.comment(node.nodeValue); + }, + // Processing instruction + 7: function(node) { + writer.pi(, node.nodeValue); + }, + // Doctype + 10: function(node) { + writer.doctype(node.nodeValue); + }, + // CDATA + 4: function(node) { + writer.cdata(node.nodeValue); + }, + // Document fragment + 11: function(node) { + node = node.firstChild; + if (!node) { + return; + } + while(node) { + self.walk(node); + node = node.nextSibling + } + } + }; + writer.reset(); + 1 != node.nodeType || this.inner ? this.handlers[11](node) : this.walk(node); + return writer.getContent(); + }, + + walk: function(node) + { + var attrName, attrValue, sortedAttrs, i, l, elementRule, + handler = this.handlers[node.nodeType]; + + if (handler) { + handler(node); + return; + } + + var name = node.nodeName; + var isEmpty = node.childNodes.length < 1; + + var writer = this.writer; + var attrs = node.attributes; + // Sort attributes + /* + if (validate && attrs && attrs.length > 1) { + sortedAttrs = []; + = {}; + elementRule = schema.getElementRule(; + if (elementRule) { + for (i = 0, l = elementRule.attributesOrder.length; i < l; i++) { + attrName = elementRule.attributesOrder[i]; + if (attrName in { + attrValue =[attrName]; +[attrName] = attrValue; + sortedAttrs.push({ + name: attrName, + value: attrValue + }); + } + } + for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) { + attrName = attrs[i].name; + if (!(attrName in { + attrValue =[attrName]; +[attrName] = attrValue; + sortedAttrs.push({ + name: attrName, + value: attrValue + }); + } + } + attrs = sortedAttrs; + } + } + */ + writer.start(node.nodeName, attrs, isEmpty, node); + if (isEmpty) { + return; + } + node = node.firstChild; + if (!node) { + writer.end(name); + return; + } + while (node) { + this.walk(node); + node = node.nextSibling; + } + writer.end(name); + + + } + // Serialize element and treat all non elements as fragments + +}; + +/*** + * This is based loosely on tinymce + * @class Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter + * + * + * Known issues? + * - not tested much with 'PRE' formated elements. + * + * + * + */ + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter = function(settings) { - return Roo.htmleditor.Tidy.prototype.tidy(node, ''); + + // indent, indentBefore, indentAfter, encode, htmlOutput, html = []; + Roo.apply(this, settings); + this.html = []; + this.state = []; + + this.encode = Roo.htmleditor.TidyEntities.getEncodeFunc(settings.entity_encoding || 'raw', settings.entities); + } +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.prototype = { -Roo.htmleditor.Tidy.prototype = { + + state : false, + indent : ' ', + // part of state... + indentstr : '', + in_pre: false, + in_inline : false, + last_inline : false, + encode : false, - - tidy : function(node, indent) { + /** + * Writes the a start element such as

. + * + * @method start + * @param {String} name Name of the element. + * @param {Array} attrs Optional attribute array or undefined if it hasn't any. + * @param {Boolean} empty Optional empty state if the tag should end like
. + */ + start: function(name, attrs, empty, node) + { + var i, l, attr, value; + + // there are some situations where adding line break && indentation will not work. will not work. + // -1; + var in_pre = this.in_pre || Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.whitespace_elements.indexOf(name) > -1; + + var is_short = empty ? Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.shortend_elements.indexOf(name) > -1 : false; + + var add_lb = name == 'BR' ? false : in_inline; + + if (!add_lb && !this.in_pre && this.lastElementEndsWS()) { + i_inline = false; + } + + var indentstr = this.indentstr; + + // e_inline = elements that can be inline, but still allow \n before and after? + // only 'BR' ??? any others? + + // ADD LINE BEFORE tage + if (!this.in_pre) { + if (in_inline) { + //code + if (name == 'BR') { + this.addLine(); + } else if (this.lastElementEndsWS()) { + this.addLine(); + } else{ + // otherwise - no new line. (and dont indent.) + indentstr = ''; + } + + } else { + this.addLine(); + } + } else { + indentstr = ''; + } + + this.html.push(indentstr + '<', name.toLowerCase()); + + if (attrs) { + for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) { + attr = attrs[i]; + this.html.push(' ',, '="', this.encode(attr.value, true), '"'); + } + } + if (empty) { + if (is_short) { + this.html[this.html.length] = '/>'; + } else { + this.html[this.html.length] = '>'; + } + var e_inline = name == 'BR' ? false : this.in_inline; + + if (!e_inline && !this.in_pre) { + this.addLine(); + } + return; + + } + // not empty.. + this.html[this.html.length] = '>'; + + // there is a special situation, where we need to turn on in_inline - if any of the imediate chidlren are one of these. + /* + if (!in_inline && !in_pre) { + var cn = node.firstChild; + while(cn) { + if (Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements.indexOf(cn.nodeName) > -1) { + in_inline = true + break; + } + cn = cn.nextSibling; + } + + } + */ + + + this.pushState({ + indentstr : in_pre ? '' : (this.indentstr + this.indent), + in_pre : in_pre, + in_inline : in_inline + }); + // add a line after if we are not in a + + if (!in_inline && !in_pre) { + this.addLine(); + } + + + + }, + + lastElementEndsWS : function() + { + var value = this.html.length > 0 ? this.html[this.html.length-1] : false; + if (value === false) { + return true; + } + return value.match(/\s+$/); + + }, + /** + * Writes the a end element such as

. + * + * @method end + * @param {String} name Name of the element. + */ + end: function(name) { + var value; + this.popState(); + var indentstr = ''; + var in_inline = this.in_inline || Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements.indexOf(name) > -1; + + if (!this.in_pre && !in_inline) { + this.addLine(); + indentstr = this.indentstr; + } + this.html.push(indentstr + ''); + this.last_inline = in_inline; + + // pop the indent state.. + }, + /** + * Writes a text node. + * + * In pre - we should not mess with the contents. + * + * + * @method text + * @param {String} text String to write out. + * @param {Boolean} raw Optional raw state if true the contents wont get encoded. + */ + text: function(text, node) + { + // if not in whitespace critical + if (text.length < 1) { + return; + } + if (this.in_pre) { + this.html[this.html.length] = text; + return; + } + + if (this.in_inline) { + text = text.replace(/\s+/g,' '); // all white space inc line breaks to a slingle' ' + if (text != ' ') { + text = text.replace(/\s+/,' '); // all white space to single white space + + + // if next tag is '
', then we can trim right.. + if (node.nextSibling && + node.nextSibling.nodeType == 1 && + node.nextSibling.nodeName == 'BR' ) + { + text = text.replace(/\s+$/g,''); + } + // if previous tag was a BR, we can also trim.. + if (node.previousSibling && + node.previousSibling.nodeType == 1 && + node.previousSibling.nodeName == 'BR' ) + { + text = this.indentstr + text.replace(/^\s+/g,''); + } + if (text.match(/\n/)) { + text = text.replace( + /(?![^\n]{1,64}$)([^\n]{1,64})\s/g, '$1\n' + this.indentstr + ); + // remoeve the last whitespace / line break. + text = text.replace(/\n\s+$/,''); + } + // repace long lines + + } + + this.html[this.html.length] = text; + return; + } + // see if previous element was a inline element. + var indentstr = this.indentstr; + + text = text.replace(/\s+/g," "); // all whitespace into single white space. + + // should trim left? + if (node.previousSibling && + node.previousSibling.nodeType == 1 && + Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements.indexOf(node.previousSibling.nodeName) > -1) + { + indentstr = ''; + + } else { + this.addLine(); + text = text.replace(/^\s+/,''); // trim left + + } + // should trim right? + if (node.nextSibling && + node.nextSibling.nodeType == 1 && + Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements.indexOf(node.nextSibling.nodeName) > -1) + { + // noop + + } else { + text = text.replace(/\s+$/,''); // trim right + } + + + + + + if (text.length < 1) { + return; + } + if (!text.match(/\n/)) { + this.html.push(indentstr + text); + return; + } + + text = this.indentstr + text.replace( + /(?![^\n]{1,64}$)([^\n]{1,64})\s/g, '$1\n' + this.indentstr + ); + // remoeve the last whitespace / line break. + text = text.replace(/\s+$/,''); + + this.html.push(text); + + // split and indent.. + + + }, + /** + * Writes a cdata node such as . + * + * @method cdata + * @param {String} text String to write out inside the cdata. + */ + cdata: function(text) { + this.html.push(''); + }, + /** + * Writes a comment node such as . + * + * @method cdata + * @param {String} text String to write out inside the comment. + */ + comment: function(text) { + this.html.push(''); + }, + /** + * Writes a PI node such as . + * + * @method pi + * @param {String} name Name of the pi. + * @param {String} text String to write out inside the pi. + */ + pi: function(name, text) { + text ? this.html.push('') : this.html.push(''); + this.indent != '' && this.html.push('\n'); + }, + /** + * Writes a doctype node such as . + * + * @method doctype + * @param {String} text String to write out inside the doctype. + */ + doctype: function(text) { + this.html.push('', this.indent != '' ? '\n' : ''); + }, + /** + * Resets the internal buffer if one wants to reuse the writer. + * + * @method reset + */ + reset: function() { + this.html.length = 0; + this.state = []; + this.pushState({ + indentstr : '', + in_pre : false, + in_inline : false + }) + }, + /** + * Returns the contents that got serialized. + * + * @method getContent + * @return {String} HTML contents that got written down. + */ + getContent: function() { + return this.html.join('').replace(/\n$/, ''); + }, + + pushState : function(cfg) + { + this.state.push(cfg); + Roo.apply(this, cfg); + }, + + popState : function() + { + if (this.state.length < 1) { + return; // nothing to push + } + var cfg = { + in_pre: false, + indentstr : '' + }; + this.state.pop(); + if (this.state.length > 0) { + cfg = this.state[this.state.length-1]; + } + Roo.apply(this, cfg); + }, + + addLine: function() + { + if (this.html.length < 1) { + return; + } + + + var value = this.html[this.html.length - 1]; + if (value.length > 0 && '\n' !== value) { + this.html.push('\n'); + } } -} + +//'pre script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object code' +// shortended... 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param embed source wbr track'); +// inline +}; + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements = [ + 'SPAN','STRONG','B','EM','I','FONT','STRIKE','U','VAR', + 'CITE','DFN','CODE','MARK','Q','SUP','SUB','SAMP' +]; +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.shortend_elements = [ + 'AREA','BASE','BASEFONT','BR','COL','FRAME','HR','IMG','INPUT', + 'ISINDEX','LINK','','META','PARAM','EMBED','SOURCE','WBR','TRACK' +]; + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.whitespace_elements = [ + 'PRE','SCRIPT','NOSCRIPT','STYLE','TEXTAREA','VIDEO','AUDIO','IFRAME','OBJECT','CODE' +];/*** + * This is based loosely on tinymce + * @class Roo.htmleditor.TidyEntities + * @static + * + * + * Not 100% sure this is actually used or needed. + */ + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyEntities = { + + /** + * initialize data.. + */ + init : function (){ + + this.namedEntities = this.buildEntitiesLookup(this.namedEntitiesData, 32); + + }, + + + buildEntitiesLookup: function(items, radix) { + var i, chr, entity, lookup = {}; + if (!items) { + return {}; + } + items = typeof(items) == 'string' ? items.split(',') : items; + radix = radix || 10; + // Build entities lookup table + for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) { + chr = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(items[i], radix)); + // Only add non base entities + if (!this.baseEntities[chr]) { + entity = '&' + items[i + 1] + ';'; + lookup[chr] = entity; + lookup[entity] = chr; + } + } + return lookup; + + }, + + asciiMap : { + 128: '€', + 130: '‚', + 131: 'ƒ', + 132: '„', + 133: '…', + 134: '†', + 135: '‡', + 136: 'ˆ', + 137: '‰', + 138: 'Š', + 139: '‹', + 140: 'Œ', + 142: 'Ž', + 145: '‘', + 146: '’', + 147: '“', + 148: '”', + 149: '•', + 150: '–', + 151: '—', + 152: '˜', + 153: '™', + 154: 'š', + 155: '›', + 156: 'œ', + 158: 'ž', + 159: 'Ÿ' + }, + // Raw entities + baseEntities : { + '"': '"', + // Needs to be escaped since the YUI compressor would otherwise break the code + '\'': ''', + '<': '<', + '>': '>', + '&': '&', + '`': '`' + }, + // Reverse lookup table for raw entities + reverseEntities : { + '<': '<', + '>': '>', + '&': '&', + '"': '"', + ''': '\'' + }, + + attrsCharsRegExp : /[&<>\"\u0060\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, + textCharsRegExp : /[<>&\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, + rawCharsRegExp : /[<>&\"\']/g, + entityRegExp : /&#([a-z0-9]+);?|&([a-z0-9]+);/gi, + namedEntities : false, + namedEntitiesData : [ + '50', + 'nbsp', + '51', + 'iexcl', + '52', + 'cent', + '53', + 'pound', + '54', + 'curren', + '55', + 'yen', + '56', + 'brvbar', + '57', + 'sect', + '58', + 'uml', + '59', + 'copy', + '5a', + 'ordf', + '5b', + 'laquo', + '5c', + 'not', + '5d', + 'shy', + '5e', + 'reg', + '5f', + 'macr', + '5g', + 'deg', + '5h', + 'plusmn', + '5i', + 'sup2', + '5j', + 'sup3', + '5k', + 'acute', + '5l', + 'micro', + '5m', + 'para', + '5n', + 'middot', + '5o', + 'cedil', + '5p', + 'sup1', + '5q', + 'ordm', + '5r', + 'raquo', + '5s', + 'frac14', + '5t', + 'frac12', + '5u', + 'frac34', + '5v', + 'iquest', + '60', + 'Agrave', + '61', + 'Aacute', + '62', + 'Acirc', + '63', + 'Atilde', + '64', + 'Auml', + '65', + 'Aring', + '66', + 'AElig', + '67', + 'Ccedil', + '68', + 'Egrave', + '69', + 'Eacute', + '6a', + 'Ecirc', + '6b', + 'Euml', + '6c', + 'Igrave', + '6d', + 'Iacute', + '6e', + 'Icirc', + '6f', + 'Iuml', + '6g', + 'ETH', + '6h', + 'Ntilde', + '6i', + 'Ograve', + '6j', + 'Oacute', + '6k', + 'Ocirc', + '6l', + 'Otilde', + '6m', + 'Ouml', + '6n', + 'times', + '6o', + 'Oslash', + '6p', + 'Ugrave', + '6q', + 'Uacute', + '6r', + 'Ucirc', + '6s', + 'Uuml', + '6t', + 'Yacute', + '6u', + 'THORN', + '6v', + 'szlig', + '70', + 'agrave', + '71', + 'aacute', + '72', + 'acirc', + '73', + 'atilde', + '74', + 'auml', + '75', + 'aring', + '76', + 'aelig', + '77', + 'ccedil', + '78', + 'egrave', + '79', + 'eacute', + '7a', + 'ecirc', + '7b', + 'euml', + '7c', + 'igrave', + '7d', + 'iacute', + '7e', + 'icirc', + '7f', + 'iuml', + '7g', + 'eth', + '7h', + 'ntilde', + '7i', + 'ograve', + '7j', + 'oacute', + '7k', + 'ocirc', + '7l', + 'otilde', + '7m', + 'ouml', + '7n', + 'divide', + '7o', + 'oslash', + '7p', + 'ugrave', + '7q', + 'uacute', + '7r', + 'ucirc', + '7s', + 'uuml', + '7t', + 'yacute', + '7u', + 'thorn', + '7v', + 'yuml', + 'ci', + 'fnof', + 'sh', + 'Alpha', + 'si', + 'Beta', + 'sj', + 'Gamma', + 'sk', + 'Delta', + 'sl', + 'Epsilon', + 'sm', + 'Zeta', + 'sn', + 'Eta', + 'so', + 'Theta', + 'sp', + 'Iota', + 'sq', + 'Kappa', + 'sr', + 'Lambda', + 'ss', + 'Mu', + 'st', + 'Nu', + 'su', + 'Xi', + 'sv', + 'Omicron', + 't0', + 'Pi', + 't1', + 'Rho', + 't3', + 'Sigma', + 't4', + 'Tau', + 't5', + 'Upsilon', + 't6', + 'Phi', + 't7', + 'Chi', + 't8', + 'Psi', + 't9', + 'Omega', + 'th', + 'alpha', + 'ti', + 'beta', + 'tj', + 'gamma', + 'tk', + 'delta', + 'tl', + 'epsilon', + 'tm', + 'zeta', + 'tn', + 'eta', + 'to', + 'theta', + 'tp', + 'iota', + 'tq', + 'kappa', + 'tr', + 'lambda', + 'ts', + 'mu', + 'tt', + 'nu', + 'tu', + 'xi', + 'tv', + 'omicron', + 'u0', + 'pi', + 'u1', + 'rho', + 'u2', + 'sigmaf', + 'u3', + 'sigma', + 'u4', + 'tau', + 'u5', + 'upsilon', + 'u6', + 'phi', + 'u7', + 'chi', + 'u8', + 'psi', + 'u9', + 'omega', + 'uh', + 'thetasym', + 'ui', + 'upsih', + 'um', + 'piv', + '812', + 'bull', + '816', + 'hellip', + '81i', + 'prime', + '81j', + 'Prime', + '81u', + 'oline', + '824', + 'frasl', + '88o', + 'weierp', + '88h', + 'image', + '88s', + 'real', + '892', + 'trade', + '89l', + 'alefsym', + '8cg', + 'larr', + '8ch', + 'uarr', + '8ci', + 'rarr', + '8cj', + 'darr', + '8ck', + 'harr', + '8dl', + 'crarr', + '8eg', + 'lArr', + '8eh', + 'uArr', + '8ei', + 'rArr', + '8ej', + 'dArr', + '8ek', + 'hArr', + '8g0', + 'forall', + '8g2', + 'part', + '8g3', + 'exist', + '8g5', + 'empty', + '8g7', + 'nabla', + '8g8', + 'isin', + '8g9', + 'notin', + '8gb', + 'ni', + '8gf', + 'prod', + '8gh', + 'sum', + '8gi', + 'minus', + '8gn', + 'lowast', + '8gq', + 'radic', + '8gt', + 'prop', + '8gu', + 'infin', + '8h0', + 'ang', + '8h7', + 'and', + '8h8', + 'or', + '8h9', + 'cap', + '8ha', + 'cup', + '8hb', + 'int', + '8hk', + 'there4', + '8hs', + 'sim', + '8i5', + 'cong', + '8i8', + 'asymp', + '8j0', + 'ne', + '8j1', + 'equiv', + '8j4', + 'le', + '8j5', + 'ge', + '8k2', + 'sub', + '8k3', + 'sup', + '8k4', + 'nsub', + '8k6', + 'sube', + '8k7', + 'supe', + '8kl', + 'oplus', + '8kn', + 'otimes', + '8l5', + 'perp', + '8m5', + 'sdot', + '8o8', + 'lceil', + '8o9', + 'rceil', + '8oa', + 'lfloor', + '8ob', + 'rfloor', + '8p9', + 'lang', + '8pa', + 'rang', + '9ea', + 'loz', + '9j0', + 'spades', + '9j3', + 'clubs', + '9j5', + 'hearts', + '9j6', + 'diams', + 'ai', + 'OElig', + 'aj', + 'oelig', + 'b0', + 'Scaron', + 'b1', + 'scaron', + 'bo', + 'Yuml', + 'm6', + 'circ', + 'ms', + 'tilde', + '802', + 'ensp', + '803', + 'emsp', + '809', + 'thinsp', + '80c', + 'zwnj', + '80d', + 'zwj', + '80e', + 'lrm', + '80f', + 'rlm', + '80j', + 'ndash', + '80k', + 'mdash', + '80o', + 'lsquo', + '80p', + 'rsquo', + '80q', + 'sbquo', + '80s', + 'ldquo', + '80t', + 'rdquo', + '80u', + 'bdquo', + '810', + 'dagger', + '811', + 'Dagger', + '81g', + 'permil', + '81p', + 'lsaquo', + '81q', + 'rsaquo', + '85c', + 'euro' + ], + + + /** + * Encodes the specified string using raw entities. This means only the required XML base entities will be encoded. + * + * @method encodeRaw + * @param {String} text Text to encode. + * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents. + * @return {String} Entity encoded text. + */ + encodeRaw: function(text, attr) + { + var t = this; + return text.replace(attr ? this.attrsCharsRegExp : this.textCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + return t.baseEntities[chr] || chr; + }); + }, + /** + * Encoded the specified text with both the attributes and text entities. This function will produce larger text contents + * since it doesn't know if the context is within a attribute or text node. This was added for compatibility + * and is exposed as the DOMUtils.encode function. + * + * @method encodeAllRaw + * @param {String} text Text to encode. + * @return {String} Entity encoded text. + */ + encodeAllRaw: function(text) { + var t = this; + return ('' + text).replace(this.rawCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + return t.baseEntities[chr] || chr; + }); + }, + /** + * Encodes the specified string using numeric entities. The core entities will be + * encoded as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into numeric entities. + * + * @method encodeNumeric + * @param {String} text Text to encode. + * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents. + * @return {String} Entity encoded text. + */ + encodeNumeric: function(text, attr) { + var t = this; + return text.replace(attr ? this.attrsCharsRegExp : this.textCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + // Multi byte sequence convert it to a single entity + if (chr.length > 1) { + return '&#' + (1024 * (chr.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) + (chr.charCodeAt(1) - 56320) + 65536) + ';'; + } + return t.baseEntities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; + }); + }, + /** + * Encodes the specified string using named entities. The core entities will be encoded + * as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into named entities. + * + * @method encodeNamed + * @param {String} text Text to encode. + * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents. + * @param {Object} entities Optional parameter with entities to use. + * @return {String} Entity encoded text. + */ + encodeNamed: function(text, attr, entities) { + var t = this; + entities = entities || this.namedEntities; + return text.replace(attr ? this.attrsCharsRegExp : this.textCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + return t.baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || chr; + }); + }, + /** + * Returns an encode function based on the name(s) and it's optional entities. + * + * @method getEncodeFunc + * @param {String} name Comma separated list of encoders for example named,numeric. + * @param {String} entities Optional parameter with entities to use instead of the built in set. + * @return {function} Encode function to be used. + */ + getEncodeFunc: function(name, entities) { + entities = this.buildEntitiesLookup(entities) || this.namedEntities; + var t = this; + function encodeNamedAndNumeric(text, attr) { + return text.replace(attr ? t.attrsCharsRegExp : t.textCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + return t.baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';' || chr; + }); + } + + function encodeCustomNamed(text, attr) { + return t.encodeNamed(text, attr, entities); + } + // Replace + with , to be compatible with previous TinyMCE versions + name = this.makeMap(name.replace(/\+/g, ',')); + // Named and numeric encoder + if (name.named && name.numeric) { + return this.encodeNamedAndNumeric; + } + // Named encoder + if (name.named) { + // Custom names + if (entities) { + return encodeCustomNamed; + } + return this.encodeNamed; + } + // Numeric + if (name.numeric) { + return this.encodeNumeric; + } + // Raw encoder + return this.encodeRaw; + }, + /** + * Decodes the specified string, this will replace entities with raw UTF characters. + * + * @method decode + * @param {String} text Text to entity decode. + * @return {String} Entity decoded string. + */ + decode: function(text) + { + var t = this; + return text.replace(this.entityRegExp, function(all, numeric) { + if (numeric) { + numeric = 'x' === numeric.charAt(0).toLowerCase() ? parseInt(numeric.substr(1), 16) : parseInt(numeric, 10); + // Support upper UTF + if (numeric > 65535) { + numeric -= 65536; + return String.fromCharCode(55296 + (numeric >> 10), 56320 + (1023 & numeric)); + } + return t.asciiMap[numeric] || String.fromCharCode(numeric); + } + return t.reverseEntities[all] || t.namedEntities[all] || t.nativeDecode(all); + }); + }, + nativeDecode : function (text) { + return text; + }, + makeMap : function (items, delim, map) { + var i; + items = items || []; + delim = delim || ','; + if (typeof items == "string") { + items = items.split(delim); + } + map = map || {}; + i = items.length; + while (i--) { + map[items[i]] = {}; + } + return map; + } +}; + + + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyEntities.init(); /** * @class Roo.htmleditor.KeyEnter * Handle Enter press.. @@ -46775,7 +48038,7 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.htmleditor.BlockFigure, Roo.htmleditor.Block, { tag : 'img', contenteditable : 'false', src : this.image_src, - alt : d.innerText.replace(/\n/g, " "), // removeHTML.. + alt : d.innerText.replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(), // removeHTML and reduce spaces.. style: { width : 'auto', 'max-width': '100%', @@ -48323,14 +49586,16 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { st += ''; - - var cls = 'roo-htmleditor-body'; + + st += ''; + + var cls = 'notranslate roo-htmleditor-body'; if(this.bodyCls.length){ cls += ' ' + this.bodyCls; } - return '' + st + + return '' + st + //' + @@ -48457,7 +49722,8 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { * @param {String} html The HTML to be cleaned * return {String} The cleaned HTML */ - cleanHtml : function(html){ + cleanHtml : function(html) + { html = String(html); if(html.length > 5){ if(Roo.isSafari){ // strip safari nonsense @@ -48486,18 +49752,27 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { var bd = (this.doc.body || this.doc.documentElement); + var sel =; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = bd.innerHTML; - + var gtx = div.getElementsByClassName('gtx-trans-icon'); // google translate - really annoying and difficult to get rid of. + if (gtx.length > 0) { + var rm = gtx.item(0).parentNode; + rm.parentNode.removeChild(rm); + } + if (this.enableBlocks) { new Roo.htmleditor.FilterBlock({ node : div }); } //?? tidy? + var tidy = new Roo.htmleditor.TidySerializer({ + inner: true + }); + var html = tidy.serialize(div); - var html = div.innerHTML; if(Roo.isSafari){ var bs = bd.getAttribute('style'); // Safari puts text-align styles on the body element! var m = bs ? bs.match(/text-align:(.*?);/i) : false; @@ -48636,6 +49911,8 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { //var ss = this.el.getStyles( 'background-image', 'background-repeat'); //ss['background-attachment'] = 'fixed'; // w3c dbody.bgProperties = 'fixed'; // ie + dbody.setAttribute("translate", "no"); + //Roo.DomHelper.applyStyles(dbody, ss); Roo.EventManager.on(this.doc, { diff --git a/roojs-ui-debug.js b/roojs-ui-debug.js index 6e15a5e4be..3b3124f13e 100644 --- a/roojs-ui-debug.js +++ b/roojs-ui-debug.js @@ -21837,41 +21837,1304 @@ Roo.apply(Roo.htmleditor.FilterBlock.prototype, }); -/** - * @class Roo.htmleditor.Tidy - * Tidy HTML - * @cfg {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} core the editor. +/*** + * This is based loosely on tinymce + * @class Roo.htmleditor.TidySerializer + * * @constructor - * Create a new Filter. - * @param {Object} config Configuration options + * @method Serializer + * @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object. + * @param {tinymce.html.Schema} schema Schema instance to use. */ -Roo.htmleditor.Tidy = function(cfg) { - Roo.apply(this, cfg); +Roo.htmleditor.TidySerializer = function(settings) +{ + Roo.apply(this, settings); - this.core.doc.body.innerHTML = this.tidy(this.core.doc.body, ''); - -} + this.writer = new Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter(settings); + + //settings.validate = !('validate' in settings) || settings.validate; + // self.schema = schema = schema || new Schema(); + +}; +Roo.htmleditor.TidySerializer.prototype = { + + /** + * @param {boolean} inner do the inner of the node. + */ + inner : false, + + writer : false, + + /** + * Serializes the specified node into a string. + * + * @example + * new tinymce.html.Serializer().serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse('


')); + * @method serialize + * @param {DomElement} node Node instance to serialize. + * @return {String} String with HTML based on DOM tree. + */ + serialize : function(node) { + + // = settings.validate; + var writer = this.writer; + var self = this; + this.handlers = { + // #text + 3: function(node) { + + writer.text(node.nodeValue, node); + }, + // #comment + 8: function(node) { + writer.comment(node.nodeValue); + }, + // Processing instruction + 7: function(node) { + writer.pi(, node.nodeValue); + }, + // Doctype + 10: function(node) { + writer.doctype(node.nodeValue); + }, + // CDATA + 4: function(node) { + writer.cdata(node.nodeValue); + }, + // Document fragment + 11: function(node) { + node = node.firstChild; + if (!node) { + return; + } + while(node) { + self.walk(node); + node = node.nextSibling + } + } + }; + writer.reset(); + 1 != node.nodeType || this.inner ? this.handlers[11](node) : this.walk(node); + return writer.getContent(); + }, + + walk: function(node) + { + var attrName, attrValue, sortedAttrs, i, l, elementRule, + handler = this.handlers[node.nodeType]; + + if (handler) { + handler(node); + return; + } + + var name = node.nodeName; + var isEmpty = node.childNodes.length < 1; + + var writer = this.writer; + var attrs = node.attributes; + // Sort attributes + /* + if (validate && attrs && attrs.length > 1) { + sortedAttrs = []; + = {}; + elementRule = schema.getElementRule(; + if (elementRule) { + for (i = 0, l = elementRule.attributesOrder.length; i < l; i++) { + attrName = elementRule.attributesOrder[i]; + if (attrName in { + attrValue =[attrName]; +[attrName] = attrValue; + sortedAttrs.push({ + name: attrName, + value: attrValue + }); + } + } + for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) { + attrName = attrs[i].name; + if (!(attrName in { + attrValue =[attrName]; +[attrName] = attrValue; + sortedAttrs.push({ + name: attrName, + value: attrValue + }); + } + } + attrs = sortedAttrs; + } + } + */ + writer.start(node.nodeName, attrs, isEmpty, node); + if (isEmpty) { + return; + } + node = node.firstChild; + if (!node) { + writer.end(name); + return; + } + while (node) { + this.walk(node); + node = node.nextSibling; + } + writer.end(name); + + + } + // Serialize element and treat all non elements as fragments + +}; -Roo.htmleditor.Tidy.toString = function(node) +/*** + * This is based loosely on tinymce + * @class Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter + * + * + * Known issues? + * - not tested much with 'PRE' formated elements. + * + * + * + */ + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter = function(settings) { - return Roo.htmleditor.Tidy.prototype.tidy(node, ''); + + // indent, indentBefore, indentAfter, encode, htmlOutput, html = []; + Roo.apply(this, settings); + this.html = []; + this.state = []; + + this.encode = Roo.htmleditor.TidyEntities.getEncodeFunc(settings.entity_encoding || 'raw', settings.entities); + } +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.prototype = { -Roo.htmleditor.Tidy.prototype = { + + state : false, + indent : ' ', + // part of state... + indentstr : '', + in_pre: false, + in_inline : false, + last_inline : false, + encode : false, - - tidy : function(node, indent) { + /** + * Writes the a start element such as

. + * + * @method start + * @param {String} name Name of the element. + * @param {Array} attrs Optional attribute array or undefined if it hasn't any. + * @param {Boolean} empty Optional empty state if the tag should end like
. + */ + start: function(name, attrs, empty, node) + { + var i, l, attr, value; + + // there are some situations where adding line break && indentation will not work. will not work. + // -1; + var in_pre = this.in_pre || Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.whitespace_elements.indexOf(name) > -1; + + var is_short = empty ? Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.shortend_elements.indexOf(name) > -1 : false; + + var add_lb = name == 'BR' ? false : in_inline; + + if (!add_lb && !this.in_pre && this.lastElementEndsWS()) { + i_inline = false; + } + + var indentstr = this.indentstr; + + // e_inline = elements that can be inline, but still allow \n before and after? + // only 'BR' ??? any others? + + // ADD LINE BEFORE tage + if (!this.in_pre) { + if (in_inline) { + //code + if (name == 'BR') { + this.addLine(); + } else if (this.lastElementEndsWS()) { + this.addLine(); + } else{ + // otherwise - no new line. (and dont indent.) + indentstr = ''; + } + + } else { + this.addLine(); + } + } else { + indentstr = ''; + } + + this.html.push(indentstr + '<', name.toLowerCase()); + + if (attrs) { + for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) { + attr = attrs[i]; + this.html.push(' ',, '="', this.encode(attr.value, true), '"'); + } + } + if (empty) { + if (is_short) { + this.html[this.html.length] = '/>'; + } else { + this.html[this.html.length] = '>'; + } + var e_inline = name == 'BR' ? false : this.in_inline; + + if (!e_inline && !this.in_pre) { + this.addLine(); + } + return; + + } + // not empty.. + this.html[this.html.length] = '>'; + + // there is a special situation, where we need to turn on in_inline - if any of the imediate chidlren are one of these. + /* + if (!in_inline && !in_pre) { + var cn = node.firstChild; + while(cn) { + if (Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements.indexOf(cn.nodeName) > -1) { + in_inline = true + break; + } + cn = cn.nextSibling; + } + + } + */ + + + this.pushState({ + indentstr : in_pre ? '' : (this.indentstr + this.indent), + in_pre : in_pre, + in_inline : in_inline + }); + // add a line after if we are not in a + + if (!in_inline && !in_pre) { + this.addLine(); + } + + + + + }, + + lastElementEndsWS : function() + { + var value = this.html.length > 0 ? this.html[this.html.length-1] : false; + if (value === false) { + return true; + } + return value.match(/\s+$/); + + }, + + /** + * Writes the a end element such as

. + * + * @method end + * @param {String} name Name of the element. + */ + end: function(name) { + var value; + this.popState(); + var indentstr = ''; + var in_inline = this.in_inline || Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements.indexOf(name) > -1; + + if (!this.in_pre && !in_inline) { + this.addLine(); + indentstr = this.indentstr; + } + this.html.push(indentstr + ''); + this.last_inline = in_inline; + + // pop the indent state.. + }, + /** + * Writes a text node. + * + * In pre - we should not mess with the contents. + * + * + * @method text + * @param {String} text String to write out. + * @param {Boolean} raw Optional raw state if true the contents wont get encoded. + */ + text: function(text, node) + { + // if not in whitespace critical + if (text.length < 1) { + return; + } + if (this.in_pre) { + this.html[this.html.length] = text; + return; + } + + if (this.in_inline) { + text = text.replace(/\s+/g,' '); // all white space inc line breaks to a slingle' ' + if (text != ' ') { + text = text.replace(/\s+/,' '); // all white space to single white space + + + // if next tag is '
', then we can trim right.. + if (node.nextSibling && + node.nextSibling.nodeType == 1 && + node.nextSibling.nodeName == 'BR' ) + { + text = text.replace(/\s+$/g,''); + } + // if previous tag was a BR, we can also trim.. + if (node.previousSibling && + node.previousSibling.nodeType == 1 && + node.previousSibling.nodeName == 'BR' ) + { + text = this.indentstr + text.replace(/^\s+/g,''); + } + if (text.match(/\n/)) { + text = text.replace( + /(?![^\n]{1,64}$)([^\n]{1,64})\s/g, '$1\n' + this.indentstr + ); + // remoeve the last whitespace / line break. + text = text.replace(/\n\s+$/,''); + } + // repace long lines + + } + + this.html[this.html.length] = text; + return; + } + // see if previous element was a inline element. + var indentstr = this.indentstr; + + text = text.replace(/\s+/g," "); // all whitespace into single white space. + + // should trim left? + if (node.previousSibling && + node.previousSibling.nodeType == 1 && + Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements.indexOf(node.previousSibling.nodeName) > -1) + { + indentstr = ''; + + } else { + this.addLine(); + text = text.replace(/^\s+/,''); // trim left + + } + // should trim right? + if (node.nextSibling && + node.nextSibling.nodeType == 1 && + Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements.indexOf(node.nextSibling.nodeName) > -1) + { + // noop + + } else { + text = text.replace(/\s+$/,''); // trim right + } + + + + + if (text.length < 1) { + return; + } + if (!text.match(/\n/)) { + this.html.push(indentstr + text); + return; + } + + text = this.indentstr + text.replace( + /(?![^\n]{1,64}$)([^\n]{1,64})\s/g, '$1\n' + this.indentstr + ); + // remoeve the last whitespace / line break. + text = text.replace(/\s+$/,''); + + this.html.push(text); + + // split and indent.. + + + }, + /** + * Writes a cdata node such as . + * + * @method cdata + * @param {String} text String to write out inside the cdata. + */ + cdata: function(text) { + this.html.push(''); + }, + /** + * Writes a comment node such as . + * + * @method cdata + * @param {String} text String to write out inside the comment. + */ + comment: function(text) { + this.html.push(''); + }, + /** + * Writes a PI node such as . + * + * @method pi + * @param {String} name Name of the pi. + * @param {String} text String to write out inside the pi. + */ + pi: function(name, text) { + text ? this.html.push('') : this.html.push(''); + this.indent != '' && this.html.push('\n'); + }, + /** + * Writes a doctype node such as . + * + * @method doctype + * @param {String} text String to write out inside the doctype. + */ + doctype: function(text) { + this.html.push('', this.indent != '' ? '\n' : ''); + }, + /** + * Resets the internal buffer if one wants to reuse the writer. + * + * @method reset + */ + reset: function() { + this.html.length = 0; + this.state = []; + this.pushState({ + indentstr : '', + in_pre : false, + in_inline : false + }) + }, + /** + * Returns the contents that got serialized. + * + * @method getContent + * @return {String} HTML contents that got written down. + */ + getContent: function() { + return this.html.join('').replace(/\n$/, ''); + }, + + pushState : function(cfg) + { + this.state.push(cfg); + Roo.apply(this, cfg); + }, + + popState : function() + { + if (this.state.length < 1) { + return; // nothing to push + } + var cfg = { + in_pre: false, + indentstr : '' + }; + this.state.pop(); + if (this.state.length > 0) { + cfg = this.state[this.state.length-1]; + } + Roo.apply(this, cfg); + }, + addLine: function() + { + if (this.html.length < 1) { + return; + } + + + var value = this.html[this.html.length - 1]; + if (value.length > 0 && '\n' !== value) { + this.html.push('\n'); + } } -} + +//'pre script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object code' +// shortended... 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param embed source wbr track'); +// inline +}; + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.inline_elements = [ + 'SPAN','STRONG','B','EM','I','FONT','STRIKE','U','VAR', + 'CITE','DFN','CODE','MARK','Q','SUP','SUB','SAMP' +]; +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.shortend_elements = [ + 'AREA','BASE','BASEFONT','BR','COL','FRAME','HR','IMG','INPUT', + 'ISINDEX','LINK','','META','PARAM','EMBED','SOURCE','WBR','TRACK' +]; + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyWriter.whitespace_elements = [ + 'PRE','SCRIPT','NOSCRIPT','STYLE','TEXTAREA','VIDEO','AUDIO','IFRAME','OBJECT','CODE' +];/*** + * This is based loosely on tinymce + * @class Roo.htmleditor.TidyEntities + * @static + * + * + * Not 100% sure this is actually used or needed. + */ + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyEntities = { + + /** + * initialize data.. + */ + init : function (){ + + this.namedEntities = this.buildEntitiesLookup(this.namedEntitiesData, 32); + + }, + + + buildEntitiesLookup: function(items, radix) { + var i, chr, entity, lookup = {}; + if (!items) { + return {}; + } + items = typeof(items) == 'string' ? items.split(',') : items; + radix = radix || 10; + // Build entities lookup table + for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) { + chr = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(items[i], radix)); + // Only add non base entities + if (!this.baseEntities[chr]) { + entity = '&' + items[i + 1] + ';'; + lookup[chr] = entity; + lookup[entity] = chr; + } + } + return lookup; + + }, + + asciiMap : { + 128: '€', + 130: '‚', + 131: 'ƒ', + 132: '„', + 133: '…', + 134: '†', + 135: '‡', + 136: 'ˆ', + 137: '‰', + 138: 'Å ', + 139: '‹', + 140: 'Œ', + 142: 'Ž', + 145: '‘', + 146: '’', + 147: '“', + 148: '”', + 149: '•', + 150: '–', + 151: '—', + 152: '˜', + 153: '™', + 154: 'Å¡', + 155: '›', + 156: 'œ', + 158: 'ž', + 159: 'Ÿ' + }, + // Raw entities + baseEntities : { + '"': '"', + // Needs to be escaped since the YUI compressor would otherwise break the code + '\'': ''', + '<': '<', + '>': '>', + '&': '&', + '`': '`' + }, + // Reverse lookup table for raw entities + reverseEntities : { + '<': '<', + '>': '>', + '&': '&', + '"': '"', + ''': '\'' + }, + + attrsCharsRegExp : /[&<>\"\u0060\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, + textCharsRegExp : /[<>&\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, + rawCharsRegExp : /[<>&\"\']/g, + entityRegExp : /&#([a-z0-9]+);?|&([a-z0-9]+);/gi, + namedEntities : false, + namedEntitiesData : [ + '50', + 'nbsp', + '51', + 'iexcl', + '52', + 'cent', + '53', + 'pound', + '54', + 'curren', + '55', + 'yen', + '56', + 'brvbar', + '57', + 'sect', + '58', + 'uml', + '59', + 'copy', + '5a', + 'ordf', + '5b', + 'laquo', + '5c', + 'not', + '5d', + 'shy', + '5e', + 'reg', + '5f', + 'macr', + '5g', + 'deg', + '5h', + 'plusmn', + '5i', + 'sup2', + '5j', + 'sup3', + '5k', + 'acute', + '5l', + 'micro', + '5m', + 'para', + '5n', + 'middot', + '5o', + 'cedil', + '5p', + 'sup1', + '5q', + 'ordm', + '5r', + 'raquo', + '5s', + 'frac14', + '5t', + 'frac12', + '5u', + 'frac34', + '5v', + 'iquest', + '60', + 'Agrave', + '61', + 'Aacute', + '62', + 'Acirc', + '63', + 'Atilde', + '64', + 'Auml', + '65', + 'Aring', + '66', + 'AElig', + '67', + 'Ccedil', + '68', + 'Egrave', + '69', + 'Eacute', + '6a', + 'Ecirc', + '6b', + 'Euml', + '6c', + 'Igrave', + '6d', + 'Iacute', + '6e', + 'Icirc', + '6f', + 'Iuml', + '6g', + 'ETH', + '6h', + 'Ntilde', + '6i', + 'Ograve', + '6j', + 'Oacute', + '6k', + 'Ocirc', + '6l', + 'Otilde', + '6m', + 'Ouml', + '6n', + 'times', + '6o', + 'Oslash', + '6p', + 'Ugrave', + '6q', + 'Uacute', + '6r', + 'Ucirc', + '6s', + 'Uuml', + '6t', + 'Yacute', + '6u', + 'THORN', + '6v', + 'szlig', + '70', + 'agrave', + '71', + 'aacute', + '72', + 'acirc', + '73', + 'atilde', + '74', + 'auml', + '75', + 'aring', + '76', + 'aelig', + '77', + 'ccedil', + '78', + 'egrave', + '79', + 'eacute', + '7a', + 'ecirc', + '7b', + 'euml', + '7c', + 'igrave', + '7d', + 'iacute', + '7e', + 'icirc', + '7f', + 'iuml', + '7g', + 'eth', + '7h', + 'ntilde', + '7i', + 'ograve', + '7j', + 'oacute', + '7k', + 'ocirc', + '7l', + 'otilde', + '7m', + 'ouml', + '7n', + 'divide', + '7o', + 'oslash', + '7p', + 'ugrave', + '7q', + 'uacute', + '7r', + 'ucirc', + '7s', + 'uuml', + '7t', + 'yacute', + '7u', + 'thorn', + '7v', + 'yuml', + 'ci', + 'fnof', + 'sh', + 'Alpha', + 'si', + 'Beta', + 'sj', + 'Gamma', + 'sk', + 'Delta', + 'sl', + 'Epsilon', + 'sm', + 'Zeta', + 'sn', + 'Eta', + 'so', + 'Theta', + 'sp', + 'Iota', + 'sq', + 'Kappa', + 'sr', + 'Lambda', + 'ss', + 'Mu', + 'st', + 'Nu', + 'su', + 'Xi', + 'sv', + 'Omicron', + 't0', + 'Pi', + 't1', + 'Rho', + 't3', + 'Sigma', + 't4', + 'Tau', + 't5', + 'Upsilon', + 't6', + 'Phi', + 't7', + 'Chi', + 't8', + 'Psi', + 't9', + 'Omega', + 'th', + 'alpha', + 'ti', + 'beta', + 'tj', + 'gamma', + 'tk', + 'delta', + 'tl', + 'epsilon', + 'tm', + 'zeta', + 'tn', + 'eta', + 'to', + 'theta', + 'tp', + 'iota', + 'tq', + 'kappa', + 'tr', + 'lambda', + 'ts', + 'mu', + 'tt', + 'nu', + 'tu', + 'xi', + 'tv', + 'omicron', + 'u0', + 'pi', + 'u1', + 'rho', + 'u2', + 'sigmaf', + 'u3', + 'sigma', + 'u4', + 'tau', + 'u5', + 'upsilon', + 'u6', + 'phi', + 'u7', + 'chi', + 'u8', + 'psi', + 'u9', + 'omega', + 'uh', + 'thetasym', + 'ui', + 'upsih', + 'um', + 'piv', + '812', + 'bull', + '816', + 'hellip', + '81i', + 'prime', + '81j', + 'Prime', + '81u', + 'oline', + '824', + 'frasl', + '88o', + 'weierp', + '88h', + 'image', + '88s', + 'real', + '892', + 'trade', + '89l', + 'alefsym', + '8cg', + 'larr', + '8ch', + 'uarr', + '8ci', + 'rarr', + '8cj', + 'darr', + '8ck', + 'harr', + '8dl', + 'crarr', + '8eg', + 'lArr', + '8eh', + 'uArr', + '8ei', + 'rArr', + '8ej', + 'dArr', + '8ek', + 'hArr', + '8g0', + 'forall', + '8g2', + 'part', + '8g3', + 'exist', + '8g5', + 'empty', + '8g7', + 'nabla', + '8g8', + 'isin', + '8g9', + 'notin', + '8gb', + 'ni', + '8gf', + 'prod', + '8gh', + 'sum', + '8gi', + 'minus', + '8gn', + 'lowast', + '8gq', + 'radic', + '8gt', + 'prop', + '8gu', + 'infin', + '8h0', + 'ang', + '8h7', + 'and', + '8h8', + 'or', + '8h9', + 'cap', + '8ha', + 'cup', + '8hb', + 'int', + '8hk', + 'there4', + '8hs', + 'sim', + '8i5', + 'cong', + '8i8', + 'asymp', + '8j0', + 'ne', + '8j1', + 'equiv', + '8j4', + 'le', + '8j5', + 'ge', + '8k2', + 'sub', + '8k3', + 'sup', + '8k4', + 'nsub', + '8k6', + 'sube', + '8k7', + 'supe', + '8kl', + 'oplus', + '8kn', + 'otimes', + '8l5', + 'perp', + '8m5', + 'sdot', + '8o8', + 'lceil', + '8o9', + 'rceil', + '8oa', + 'lfloor', + '8ob', + 'rfloor', + '8p9', + 'lang', + '8pa', + 'rang', + '9ea', + 'loz', + '9j0', + 'spades', + '9j3', + 'clubs', + '9j5', + 'hearts', + '9j6', + 'diams', + 'ai', + 'OElig', + 'aj', + 'oelig', + 'b0', + 'Scaron', + 'b1', + 'scaron', + 'bo', + 'Yuml', + 'm6', + 'circ', + 'ms', + 'tilde', + '802', + 'ensp', + '803', + 'emsp', + '809', + 'thinsp', + '80c', + 'zwnj', + '80d', + 'zwj', + '80e', + 'lrm', + '80f', + 'rlm', + '80j', + 'ndash', + '80k', + 'mdash', + '80o', + 'lsquo', + '80p', + 'rsquo', + '80q', + 'sbquo', + '80s', + 'ldquo', + '80t', + 'rdquo', + '80u', + 'bdquo', + '810', + 'dagger', + '811', + 'Dagger', + '81g', + 'permil', + '81p', + 'lsaquo', + '81q', + 'rsaquo', + '85c', + 'euro' + ], + + + /** + * Encodes the specified string using raw entities. This means only the required XML base entities will be encoded. + * + * @method encodeRaw + * @param {String} text Text to encode. + * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents. + * @return {String} Entity encoded text. + */ + encodeRaw: function(text, attr) + { + var t = this; + return text.replace(attr ? this.attrsCharsRegExp : this.textCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + return t.baseEntities[chr] || chr; + }); + }, + /** + * Encoded the specified text with both the attributes and text entities. This function will produce larger text contents + * since it doesn't know if the context is within a attribute or text node. This was added for compatibility + * and is exposed as the DOMUtils.encode function. + * + * @method encodeAllRaw + * @param {String} text Text to encode. + * @return {String} Entity encoded text. + */ + encodeAllRaw: function(text) { + var t = this; + return ('' + text).replace(this.rawCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + return t.baseEntities[chr] || chr; + }); + }, + /** + * Encodes the specified string using numeric entities. The core entities will be + * encoded as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into numeric entities. + * + * @method encodeNumeric + * @param {String} text Text to encode. + * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents. + * @return {String} Entity encoded text. + */ + encodeNumeric: function(text, attr) { + var t = this; + return text.replace(attr ? this.attrsCharsRegExp : this.textCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + // Multi byte sequence convert it to a single entity + if (chr.length > 1) { + return '&#' + (1024 * (chr.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) + (chr.charCodeAt(1) - 56320) + 65536) + ';'; + } + return t.baseEntities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; + }); + }, + /** + * Encodes the specified string using named entities. The core entities will be encoded + * as named ones but all non lower ascii characters will be encoded into named entities. + * + * @method encodeNamed + * @param {String} text Text to encode. + * @param {Boolean} attr Optional flag to specify if the text is attribute contents. + * @param {Object} entities Optional parameter with entities to use. + * @return {String} Entity encoded text. + */ + encodeNamed: function(text, attr, entities) { + var t = this; + entities = entities || this.namedEntities; + return text.replace(attr ? this.attrsCharsRegExp : this.textCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + return t.baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || chr; + }); + }, + /** + * Returns an encode function based on the name(s) and it's optional entities. + * + * @method getEncodeFunc + * @param {String} name Comma separated list of encoders for example named,numeric. + * @param {String} entities Optional parameter with entities to use instead of the built in set. + * @return {function} Encode function to be used. + */ + getEncodeFunc: function(name, entities) { + entities = this.buildEntitiesLookup(entities) || this.namedEntities; + var t = this; + function encodeNamedAndNumeric(text, attr) { + return text.replace(attr ? t.attrsCharsRegExp : t.textCharsRegExp, function(chr) { + return t.baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';' || chr; + }); + } + + function encodeCustomNamed(text, attr) { + return t.encodeNamed(text, attr, entities); + } + // Replace + with , to be compatible with previous TinyMCE versions + name = this.makeMap(name.replace(/\+/g, ',')); + // Named and numeric encoder + if (name.named && name.numeric) { + return this.encodeNamedAndNumeric; + } + // Named encoder + if (name.named) { + // Custom names + if (entities) { + return encodeCustomNamed; + } + return this.encodeNamed; + } + // Numeric + if (name.numeric) { + return this.encodeNumeric; + } + // Raw encoder + return this.encodeRaw; + }, + /** + * Decodes the specified string, this will replace entities with raw UTF characters. + * + * @method decode + * @param {String} text Text to entity decode. + * @return {String} Entity decoded string. + */ + decode: function(text) + { + var t = this; + return text.replace(this.entityRegExp, function(all, numeric) { + if (numeric) { + numeric = 'x' === numeric.charAt(0).toLowerCase() ? parseInt(numeric.substr(1), 16) : parseInt(numeric, 10); + // Support upper UTF + if (numeric > 65535) { + numeric -= 65536; + return String.fromCharCode(55296 + (numeric >> 10), 56320 + (1023 & numeric)); + } + return t.asciiMap[numeric] || String.fromCharCode(numeric); + } + return t.reverseEntities[all] || t.namedEntities[all] || t.nativeDecode(all); + }); + }, + nativeDecode : function (text) { + return text; + }, + makeMap : function (items, delim, map) { + var i; + items = items || []; + delim = delim || ','; + if (typeof items == "string") { + items = items.split(delim); + } + map = map || {}; + i = items.length; + while (i--) { + map[items[i]] = {}; + } + return map; + } +}; + + + +Roo.htmleditor.TidyEntities.init(); /** * @class Roo.htmleditor.KeyEnter * Handle Enter press.. @@ -22306,7 +23569,7 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.htmleditor.BlockFigure, Roo.htmleditor.Block, { tag : 'img', contenteditable : 'false', src : this.image_src, - alt : d.innerText.replace(/\n/g, " "), // removeHTML.. + alt : d.innerText.replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(), // removeHTML and reduce spaces.. style: { width : 'auto', 'max-width': '100%', @@ -23854,14 +25117,16 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { st += ''; - - var cls = 'roo-htmleditor-body'; + + st += ''; + + var cls = 'notranslate roo-htmleditor-body'; if(this.bodyCls.length){ cls += ' ' + this.bodyCls; } - return '' + st + + return '' + st + //' + @@ -23988,7 +25253,8 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { * @param {String} html The HTML to be cleaned * return {String} The cleaned HTML */ - cleanHtml : function(html){ + cleanHtml : function(html) + { html = String(html); if(html.length > 5){ if(Roo.isSafari){ // strip safari nonsense @@ -24017,18 +25283,27 @@ Roo.extend(Roo.HtmlEditorCore, Roo.Component, { var bd = (this.doc.body || this.doc.documentElement); + var sel =; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = bd.innerHTML; - + var gtx = div.getElementsByClassName('gtx-trans-icon'); // google translate - really annoying and difficult to get rid of. + if (gtx.length > 0) { + var rm = gtx.item(0).parentNode; + rm.parentNode.removeChild(rm); + } + if (this.enableBlocks) { new Roo.htmleditor.FilterBlock({ node : div }); 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