/* paging toolbar */ .table { .pagination .x-paging-position span { padding: 3px 6px; } .pagination .x-paging-position span input { margin: 0 0 0 7px; width: 42px; padding: 0 5px; } } .navbar .pagination>li>span { min-height:34px; } .table tfoot td { padding: 0; } .navbar .pagination { margin: 0; } /* these are technicall adminlte related */ .skin-blue .navbar .pagination > li > a:active, .skin-blue .navbar .pagination > li > a:focus, .skin-blue .navbar .pagination>li>a { background-color: $brand-primary; } .skin-blue .navbar .pagination > li > a:hover { background-color: $gray-light; } .skin-blue table .navbar { background-color: $body-bg; } .skin-blue .navbar .pagination>li.disabled >a{ background-color: $gray-light; } .skin-blue table .navbar { margin-bottom: 0; min-height: 0; } .table .sortable { cursor: pointer; i.fa-arrow-up, i.fa-arrow-down { margin-right: 6px; } } .table-body-fixed tbody { overflow-y: scroll; width: 100%; } .table-body-fixed thead, .table-body-fixed tbody, .table-body-fixed th { display: block; } .table-body-fixed thead { overflow: hidden; user-select: none; } .table-body-fixed tbody td, .table-body-fixed thead > tr> th { float: left; border-bottom-width: 0; /* long headers? and body ?*/ overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; } /** -- the dragable column bar */ .table-body-fixed thead > tr:hover th .x-grid-split { position: absolute; top: 0px; /*right: 0;*/ width: 9px; height: 100%; background: transparent; cursor: col-resize; } .table-body-fixed thead > tr:hover th .x-grid-split:before { position: absolute; content: " "; top: 15%; right: 4px; width: 1px; height: 70%; background: black; cursor: col-resize; } /** vertical bar indicating that columns are being moved. */ .x-grid-resize-proxy { z-index: 40009; position: absolute; background: #666; border: 1px solid #000; overflow: hidden; cursor: col-resize; overflow: hidden; width: 2px; } /* fake infinate widt.. */ .table-body-fixed thead > tr, .table-body-fixed tbody > tr { display: block; overflow: hidden; } /* standard bootstrap does not colour rows very well.. */ .table > tbody > tr.info { background-color: $state-info-bg; //#d9edf7; } .table-hover > tbody > tr.info:hover { background-color: darken($state-info-bg, 5%); //#c4e3f3; } .table tfoot .navbar { min-height : inherit; } /* for ie11 && edge: fixing height inheriting from tbody to tr */ .roo-ie11 table.table tbody tr, .roo-edge table.table tbody tr { height: auto; }