//<script type="text/javascript"> Roo = typeof(Roo) != 'undefined' ? Roo : { util : { }}; /** //+ based on.. Jonas Raoni Soares Silva //@ http://jsfromhell.com/classes/bignumber [rev. #4] **/ /** * @class Roo.util.Math * based on.. Jonas Raoni Soares Silva * http://jsfromhell.com/classes/bignumber [rev. #4] * @constructor * @param {Object|Number} number to wrap * @param {number} precision to use when doing calculations * @param {number} rounding type. */ Roo.util.Math = function(num, precision, roundType){ this.ctor(num,precision, roundType); }; Roo.util.Math.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = (Roo.util.Math.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = (Roo.util.Math.ROUND_HALF_UP = (Roo.util.Math.ROUND_FLOOR = (Roo.util.Math.ROUND_CEIL = (Roo.util.Math.ROUND_DOWN = (Roo.util.Math.ROUND_UP = 0) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1; Roo.util.Math.defaultPrecision = 40; Roo.util.Math.defaultRoundType = Roo.util.Math.ROUND_HALF_UP; Roo.util.Math.prototype = { _s : 0, _f : 0, roundType : 0, precision : 0, //private ctor : function (num, precision, roundType) { var i; if(num instanceof Roo.util.Math){ var o = this; for(i in {precision: 0, roundType: 0, _s: 0, _f: 0}) o[i] = num[i]; this._d = num._d.slice(); return; } this.precision = isNaN(precision = Math.abs(precision)) ? Roo.util.Math.defaultPrecision : precision; this.roundType = isNaN(r = Math.abs(roundType)) ? Roo.util.Math.defaultRoundType : roundType; this._s = (num += "").charAt(0) == "-"; this._f = ( (num = num.replace(/[^\d.]/g, "").split(".", 2))[0] = num[0].replace(/^0+/, "") || "0" ).length; for(i = (num = this._d = (num.join("") || "0").split("")).length; i; num[--i] = +num[i]); this.round(); }, /** * Add number * @param {Object|Number} value to add * @return {Object} The result */ add : function(num) { num = new Roo.util.Math(num, this.precision, this.roundType); if (this._s != num._s) { //netagive... return num._s ^= 1, this.subtract(num); } var o = new Roo.util.Math(this), a = o._d, b = num._d, la = o._f, lb = num._f, num = Math.max(la, lb), i, r; la != lb && ((lb = la - lb) > 0 ? o._zeroes(b, lb, 1) : o._zeroes(a, -lb, 1)); i = (la = a.length) == (lb = b.length) ? a.length : ( (lb = la - lb) > 0 ? o._zeroes(b, lb) : o._zeroes(a, -lb) ).length; for(r = 0; i; r = (a[--i] = a[i] + b[i] + r) / 10 >>> 0, a[i] %= 10 ); r && ++num && a.unshift(r); o._f = num; return o.round(); }, /** * Subtract number * @param {Object|Number} value to subtract * @return {Object} The result */ subtract : function(n){ if(this._s != (n = new Roo.util.Math(n, this.precision, this.roundType))._s) return n._s ^= 1, this.add(n); var o = new Roo.util.Math(this), c = o.abs().compare(n.abs()) + 1, a = c ? o : n, b = c ? n : o, la = a._f, lb = b._f, d = la, i, j; a = a._d, b = b._d, la != lb && ((lb = la - lb) > 0 ? o._zeroes(b, lb, 1) : o._zeroes(a, -lb, 1)); for(i = (la = a.length) == (lb = b.length) ? a.length : ((lb = la - lb) > 0 ? o._zeroes(b, lb) : o._zeroes(a, -lb)).length; i;){ if(a[--i] < b[i]){ for(j = i; j && !a[--j]; a[j] = 9); --a[j], a[i] += 10; } b[i] = a[i] - b[i]; } return c || (o._s ^= 1), o._f = d, o._d = b, o.round(); }, /** * Mulitply number * @param {Object|Number} value to mutiply * @return {Object} The result */ multiply : function(n) { var o = new Roo.util.Math(this), r = o._d.length >= (n = new Roo.util.Math(n, this.precision, this.roundType))._d.length, a = (r ? o : n)._d, b = (r ? n : o)._d, la = a.length, lb = b.length, x = new Roo.util.Math(0,this.precision, this.roundType), i, j, s; for(i = lb; i; r && s.unshift(r), x.set(x.add(new Roo.util.Math(s.join(""), this.precision, this.roundType))) ) { s = (new Array(lb - --i)).join("0").split(""); // pads 000... j = la; for( r = 0 ; j ; r += a[--j] * b[i], s.unshift(r % 10), r = (r / 10) >>> 0); // console.log(s); } // console.log(o); o._s = o._s != n._s; o._f = ( (r = la + lb - o._f - n._f) >= (j = (o._d = x._d).length) ? this._zeroes(o._d, r - j + 1, 1).length : j ) - r; return o.round(); }, divide : function(n){ if((n = new Roo.util.Math(n, this.precision, this.roundType)) == "0") throw new Error("Division by 0"); else if(this == "0") return new Roo.util.Math(0, this.precision, this.roundType); var o = new Roo.util.Math(this), a = o._d, b = n._d, la = a.length - o._f, lb = b.length - n._f, r = new Roo.util.Math(0, this.precision, this.roundType), i = 0, j, s, l, f = 1, c = 0, e = 0; r._s = o._s != n._s, r.precision = Math.max(o.precision, n.precision), r._f = +r._d.pop(), la != lb && o._zeroes(la > lb ? b : a, Math.abs(la - lb)); n._f = b.length, b = n, b._s = false, b = b.round(); for(n = new Roo.util.Math(0, this.precision, this.roundType); a[0] == "0"; a.shift()); out: do{ for(l = c = 0, n == "0" && (n._d = [], n._f = 0); i < a.length && n.compare(b) == -1; ++i){ (l = i + 1 == a.length, (!f && ++c > 1 || (e = l && n == "0" && a[i] == "0"))) && (r._f == r._d.length && ++r._f, r._d.push(0)); (a[i] == "0" && n == "0") || (n._d.push(a[i]), ++n._f); if(e) break out; if((l && n.compare(b) == -1 && (r._f == r._d.length && ++r._f, 1)) || (l = 0)) while(r._d.push(0), n._d.push(0), ++n._f, n.compare(b) == -1); } if(f = 0, n.compare(b) == -1 && !(l = 0)) while(l ? r._d.push(0) : l = 1, n._d.push(0), ++n._f, n.compare(b) == -1); for(s = new Roo.util.Math(0, this.precision, this.roundType), j = 0; n.compare(y = s.add(b)) + 1 && ++j; s.set(y)); n.set(n.subtract(s)), !l && r._f == r._d.length && ++r._f, r._d.push(j); } while((i < a.length || n != "0") && (r._d.length - r._f) <= r.precision); return r.round(); }, /** * Modulus number * @param {Object|Number} value to modulus by * @return {Object} The result */ mod : function(n){ return this.subtract(this.divide(n).intPart().multiply(n)); }, /** * To Power number * @param {Object|Number} value to power by * @return {Object} The result */ pow : function(n){ var o = new Roo.util.Math(this), i; if((n = (new Roo.util.Math(n, this.precision, this.roundType)).intPart()) == 0) return o.set(1); for(i = Math.abs(n); --i; o.set(o.multiply(this))); return n < 0 ? o.set((new Roo.util.Math(1, this.precision, this.roundType)).divide(o)) : o; }, /** * Set number * @param {Object|Number} value to set object to * @return {Object} This */ set : function(n) { this.ctor(n); return this; }, /** * Compare number * @param {Object|Number} value to compare to * @return {boolean} true if the same */ compare : function(n){ var a = this, la = this._f, b = new Roo.util.Math(n, this.precision, this.roundType), lb = b._f, r = [-1, 1], i, l; if(a._s != b._s) return a._s ? -1 : 1; if(la != lb) return r[(la > lb) ^ a._s]; for(la = (a = a._d).length, lb = (b = b._d).length, i = -1, l = Math.min(la, lb); ++i < l;) if(a[i] != b[i]) return r[(a[i] > b[i]) ^ a._s]; return la != lb ? r[(la > lb) ^ a._s] : 0; }, /** * negate number * @return {Object} the result */ negate : function(){ var n = new Roo.util.Math(this); return n._s ^= 1, n; }, /** * abs number * @return {Object} the result */ abs : function(){ var n = new Roo.util.Math(this); return n._s = 0, n; }, /** * integer part of number * @return {Object} the result */ intPart : function(){ return new Roo.util.Math((this._s ? "-" : "", this.precision, this.roundType) + (this._d.slice(0, this._f).join("") || "0")); }, /** * value of thenumber * @return {String} the result */ valueOf : function() { return this.toString(); }, /** * value of the number * @return {String} the result */ toString : function(){ var o = this; return (o._s ? "-" : "") + (o._d.slice(0, o._f).join("") || "0") + (o._f != o._d.length ? "." + o._d.slice(o._f).join("") : ""); }, /** * value of the number at a fixed precission * @return {String} the result */ toFixed : function(x) { var n = new Roo.util.Math(this); n.precision = x; var ret= n.round().toString(); var lr =ret.split('.'); var l = lr.shift(); if (!x) { return l; } var r = lr.length ? lr[0] : ''; for (var i = r.length; i < x; i++) { r+= '0'; } return l+'.'+r; }, //private _zeroes : function(n, l, t){ var s = ["push", "unshift"][t || 0]; for(++l; --l; n[s](0)); return n; }, //private round : function() { var m = Roo.util.Math; if (typeof(m._rounding) != 'undefined') return this; // stop recursion.. m._rounding = true; var r = this.roundType, b = this._d, d, p, n, x; //console.log(b.join(',')); while( this._f > 1 && !b[0]) { --this._f; b.shift(); } //console.log(b.join(',')); for(d = this._f, p = this.precision + d, n = b[p]; b.length > d && !b[b.length -1]; // condition... b.pop() ); x = (this._s ? "-" : "") + (p - d ? "0." + this._zeroes([], p - d - 1).join("") : "") + 1; if(b.length > p && typeof(n) != 'undefined') { //if(b.length > p && n){ //console.log("rounding" +n + " Method? " + r); if ( (r == m.ROUND_UP) || (r == m.ROUND_CEIL && !this._s) || (r == m.ROUND_FLOOR && this._s) || (r == m.ROUND_HALF_UP && n >= 5) || (r == m.ROUND_HALF_DOWN && n > 5) || (r == m.ROUND_HALF_EVEN && n >= 5 && (b[p - 1] & 1)) ) { //console.log("add" +x); // this.precision++; var ret = this.add(x); this._d = ret._d; b=ret._d; //this.precision--; } b.splice(p, b.length - p); } return delete m._rounding, this; } };