/* * - LGPL * * page container. * */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.Container * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Bootstrap Container class * @cfg {Boolean} jumbotron is it a jumbotron element * @cfg {String} html content of element * @cfg {String} well (lg|sm|md) a well, large, small or medium. * @cfg {String} panel (default|primary|success|info|warning|danger) render as panel - type - primary/success..... * @cfg {String} header content of header (for panel) * @cfg {String} footer content of footer (for panel) * @cfg {String} sticky (footer|wrap|push) block to use as footer or body- needs css-bootstrap/sticky-footer.css * @cfg {String} tag (header|aside|section) type of HTML tag. * @cfg {String} alert (success|info|warning|danger) type alert (changes background / border...) * @cfg {String} fa font awesome icon * @cfg {String} icon (info-sign|check|...) glyphicon name * @cfg {Boolean} hidden (true|false) hide the element * @cfg {Boolean} expandable (true|false) default false * @cfg {Boolean} expanded (true|false) default true * @cfg {String} rheader contet on the right of header * @cfg {Boolean} clickable (true|false) default false * * @constructor * Create a new Container * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.Container = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.Container.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.addEvents({ // raw events /** * @event expand * After the panel has been expand * * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Container} this */ "expand" : true, /** * @event collapse * After the panel has been collapsed * * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Container} this */ "collapse" : true, /** * @event click * When a element is chick * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Container} this * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "click" : true }); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.Container, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { jumbotron : false, well: '', panel : '', header: '', footer : '', sticky: '', tag : false, alert : false, fa: false, icon : false, expandable : false, rheader : '', expanded : true, clickable: false, getChildContainer : function() { if(!this.el){ return false; } if (this.panel.length) { return this.el.select('.panel-body',true).first(); } return this.el; }, getAutoCreate : function(){ var cfg = { tag : this.tag || 'div', html : '', cls : '' }; if (this.jumbotron) { cfg.cls = 'jumbotron'; } // - this is applied by the parent.. //if (this.cls) { // cfg.cls = this.cls + ''; //} if (this.sticky.length) { var bd = Roo.get(document.body); if (!bd.hasClass('bootstrap-sticky')) { bd.addClass('bootstrap-sticky'); Roo.select('html',true).setStyle('height', '100%'); } cfg.cls += 'bootstrap-sticky-' + this.sticky; } if (this.well.length) { switch (this.well) { case 'lg': case 'sm': cfg.cls +=' well well-' +this.well; break; default: cfg.cls +=' well'; break; } } if (this.hidden) { cfg.cls += ' hidden'; } if (this.alert && ["success","info","warning", "danger"].indexOf(this.alert) > -1) { cfg.cls +=' alert alert-' + this.alert; } var body = cfg; if (this.panel.length) { cfg.cls += ' panel panel-' + this.panel; cfg.cn = []; if (this.header.length) { var h = []; if(this.expandable){ cfg.cls = cfg.cls + ' expandable'; h.push({ tag: 'i', cls: (this.expanded ? 'fa fa-minus' : 'fa fa-plus') }); } h.push( { tag: 'span', cls : 'panel-title', html : (this.expandable ? '&nbsp;' : '') + this.header }, { tag: 'span', cls: 'panel-header-right', html: this.rheader } ); cfg.cn.push({ cls : 'panel-heading', style : this.expandable ? 'cursor: pointer' : '', cn : h }); } body = false; cfg.cn.push({ cls : 'panel-body' + (this.expanded ? '' : ' hide'), html : this.html }); if (this.footer.length) { cfg.cn.push({ cls : 'panel-footer', html : this.footer }); } } if (body) { body.html = this.html || cfg.html; // prefix with the icons.. if (this.fa) { body.html = '<i class="fa fa-'+this.fa + '"></i>' + body.html ; } if (this.icon) { body.html = '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-'+this.icon + '"></i>' + body.html ; } } if ((!this.cls || !this.cls.length) && (!cfg.cls || !cfg.cls.length)) { cfg.cls = 'container'; } return cfg; }, initEvents: function() { if(this.expandable){ var headerEl = this.headerEl(); if(headerEl){ headerEl.on('click', this.onToggleClick, this); } } if(this.clickable){ this.el.on('click', this.onClick, this); } }, onToggleClick : function() { var headerEl = this.headerEl(); if(!headerEl){ return; } if(this.expanded){ this.collapse(); return; } this.expand(); }, expand : function() { if(this.fireEvent('expand', this)) { this.expanded = true; //this.el.select('.panel-body',true).first().setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).show(); this.el.select('.panel-body',true).first().removeClass('hide'); var toggleEl = this.toggleEl(); if(!toggleEl){ return; } toggleEl.removeClass(['fa-minus', 'fa-plus']).addClass(['fa-minus']); } }, collapse : function() { if(this.fireEvent('collapse', this)) { this.expanded = false; //this.el.select('.panel-body',true).first().setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).hide(); this.el.select('.panel-body',true).first().addClass('hide'); var toggleEl = this.toggleEl(); if(!toggleEl){ return; } toggleEl.removeClass(['fa-minus', 'fa-plus']).addClass(['fa-plus']); } }, toggleEl : function() { if(!this.el || !this.panel.length || !this.header.length || !this.expandable){ return; } return this.el.select('.panel-heading .fa',true).first(); }, headerEl : function() { if(!this.el || !this.panel.length || !this.header.length){ return; } return this.el.select('.panel-heading',true).first() }, bodyEl : function() { if(!this.el || !this.panel.length){ return; } return this.el.select('.panel-body',true).first() }, titleEl : function() { if(!this.el || !this.panel.length || !this.header.length){ return; } return this.el.select('.panel-title',true).first(); }, setTitle : function(v) { var titleEl = this.titleEl(); if(!titleEl){ return; } titleEl.dom.innerHTML = v; }, getTitle : function() { var titleEl = this.titleEl(); if(!titleEl){ return ''; } return titleEl.dom.innerHTML; }, setRightTitle : function(v) { var t = this.el.select('.panel-header-right',true).first(); if(!t){ return; } t.dom.innerHTML = v; }, onClick : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.fireEvent('click', this, e); }, allChildren : function() { var r=new Roo.util.MixedCollection(false, function(o){ return o.id || (o.id = Roo.id()); }); var iter = function(el) { if (el.inputEl) { r.add(el); } if (!el.items) { return; } Roo.each(el.items,function(e) { iter(e); }); }; iter(this); return r; }, checkEmpty : function() { var items = this.allChildren(); var isEmpty = true; items.each(function(f){ if(f.el.isVisible()) { isEmpty = false; } }); return isEmpty; } });