/** * @class Roo.htmleditor.KeyEnter * Handle Enter press.. * @cfg {Roo.HtmlEditorCore} core the editor. * @constructor * Create a new Filter. * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Roo.htmleditor.KeyEnter = function(cfg) { Roo.apply(this, cfg); // this does not actually call walk as it's really just a abstract class Roo.get(this.core.doc.body).on('keypress', this.keypress, this); } //Roo.htmleditor.KeyEnter.i = 0; Roo.htmleditor.KeyEnter.prototype = { core : false, keypress : function(e) { if (e.charCode != 13 && e.charCode != 10) { Roo.log([e.charCode,e]); return true; } e.preventDefault(); // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18552336/prevent-contenteditable-adding-div-on-enter-chrome var doc = this.core.doc; //add a new line var sel = this.core.getSelection(); var range = sel.getRangeAt(0); var n = range.commonAncestorContainer; var pc = range.closest([ 'ol', 'ul']); var pli = range.closest('li'); if (!pc || e.ctrlKey) { sel.insertNode('br', 'after'); this.core.undoManager.addEvent(); this.core.fireEditorEvent(e); return false; } // deal with <li> insetion if (pli.innerText.trim() == '' && pli.previousSibling && pli.previousSibling.nodeName == 'LI' && pli.previousSibling.innerText.trim() == '') { pli.parentNode.removeChild(pli.previousSibling); sel.cursorAfter(pc); this.core.undoManager.addEvent(); this.core.fireEditorEvent(e); return false; } var li = doc.createElement('LI'); li.innerHTML = '&nbsp;'; if (!pli || !pli.firstSibling) { pc.appendChild(li); } else { pli.parentNode.insertBefore(li, pli.firstSibling); } sel.cursorText (li.firstChild); this.core.undoManager.addEvent(); this.core.fireEditorEvent(e); return false; } };