/** * * editing a TD? * * since selections really work on the table cell, then editing really should work from there * * The original plan was to support merging etc... - but that may not be needed yet.. * * So this simple version will support: * add/remove cols * adjust the width +/- * reset the width... * * */ /** * @class Roo.htmleditor.BlockTable * Block that manages a table * * @constructor * Create a new Filter. * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Roo.htmleditor.BlockTd = function(cfg) { if (cfg.node) { this.readElement(cfg.node); this.updateElement(cfg.node); } Roo.apply(this, cfg); } Roo.extend(Roo.htmleditor.BlockTd, Roo.htmleditor.Block, { node : false, width: '', textAlign : 'left', valign : 'top', colspan : 1, rowspan : 1, // used by context menu friendly_name : 'Table Cell', deleteTitle : false, // use our customer delete // context menu is drawn once.. contextMenu : function(toolbar) { var cell = function() { return Roo.htmleditor.Block.factory(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); }; var table = function() { return Roo.htmleditor.Block.factory(toolbar.tb.selectedNode.closest('table')); }; var lr = false; var saveSel = function() { lr = toolbar.editorcore.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); } var restoreSel = function() { if (lr) { (function() { toolbar.editorcore.focus(); var cr = toolbar.editorcore.getSelection(); cr.removeAllRanges(); cr.addRange(lr); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); }).defer(10, this); } } var rooui = typeof(Roo.bootstrap) == 'undefined' ? Roo : Roo.bootstrap; var syncValue = toolbar.editorcore.syncValue; var fields = {}; return [ { xtype : 'Button', text : 'Edit Table', listeners : { click : function() { var t = toolbar.tb.selectedNode.closest('table'); toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(t); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } } }, { xtype : 'TextItem', text : "Column Width: ", xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'Button', text: '-', listeners : { click : function (_self, e) { toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); cell().shrinkColumn(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'Button', text: '+', listeners : { click : function (_self, e) { toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); cell().growColumn(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'TextItem', text : "Vertical Align: ", xns : rooui.Toolbar //Boostrap? }, { xtype : 'ComboBox', allowBlank : false, displayField : 'val', editable : true, listWidth : 100, triggerAction : 'all', typeAhead : true, valueField : 'val', width : 100, name : 'valign', listeners : { select : function (combo, r, index) { toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); var b = cell(); b.valign = r.get('val'); b.updateElement(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.form, store : { xtype : 'SimpleStore', data : [ ['top'], ['middle'], ['bottom'] // there are afew more... ], fields : [ 'val'], xns : Roo.data } }, { xtype : 'TextItem', text : "Merge Cells: ", xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'Button', text: 'Right', listeners : { click : function (_self, e) { toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); cell().mergeRight(); //block().growColumn(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'Button', text: 'Below', listeners : { click : function (_self, e) { toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); cell().mergeBelow(); //block().growColumn(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'TextItem', text : "| ", xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'Button', text: 'Split', listeners : { click : function (_self, e) { //toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); cell().split(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(toolbar.tb.selectedNode); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'Fill', xns : rooui.Toolbar }, { xtype : 'Button', text: 'Delete', xns : rooui.Toolbar, menu : { xtype : 'Menu', xns : rooui.menu, items : [ { xtype : 'Item', html: 'Column', listeners : { click : function (_self, e) { var t = table(); cell().deleteColumn(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(t.node); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.menu }, { xtype : 'Item', html: 'Row', listeners : { click : function (_self, e) { var t = table(); cell().deleteRow(); syncValue(); toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(t.node); toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.menu }, { xtype : 'Separator', xns : rooui.menu }, { xtype : 'Item', html: 'Table', listeners : { click : function (_self, e) { var t = table(); var nn = t.node.nextSibling || t.node.previousSibling; t.node.parentNode.removeChild(t.node); if (nn) { toolbar.editorcore.selectNode(nn, true); } toolbar.editorcore.onEditorEvent(); } }, xns : rooui.menu } ] } } // align... << fixme ]; }, /** * create a DomHelper friendly object - for use with * Roo.DomHelper.markup / overwrite / etc.. * ?? should it be called with option to hide all editing features? */ /** * create a DomHelper friendly object - for use with * Roo.DomHelper.markup / overwrite / etc.. * ?? should it be called with option to hide all editing features? */ toObject : function() { var ret = { tag : 'td', contenteditable : 'true', // this stops cell selection from picking the table. 'data-block' : 'Td', valign : this.valign, style : { 'text-align' : this.textAlign, border : 'solid 1px rgb(0, 0, 0)', // ??? hard coded? 'border-collapse' : 'collapse', padding : '6px', // 8 for desktop / 4 for mobile 'vertical-align': this.valign }, html : this.html }; if (this.width != '') { ret.width = this.width; ret.style.width = this.width; } if (this.colspan > 1) { ret.colspan = this.colspan ; } if (this.rowspan > 1) { ret.rowspan = this.rowspan ; } return ret; }, readElement : function(node) { node = node ? node : this.node ; this.width = node.style.width; this.colspan = Math.max(1,1*node.getAttribute('colspan')); this.rowspan = Math.max(1,1*node.getAttribute('rowspan')); this.html = node.innerHTML; }, // the default cell object... at present... emptyCell : function() { return { colspan : 1, rowspan : 1, textAlign : 'left', html : "&nbsp;" // is this going to be editable now? }; }, removeNode : function() { return this.node.closest('table'); }, cellData : false, colWidths : false, toTableArray : function() { var ret = []; var tab = this.node.closest('tr').closest('table'); Array.from(tab.rows).forEach(function(r, ri){ ret[ri] = []; }); var rn = 0; this.colWidths = []; var all_auto = true; Array.from(tab.rows).forEach(function(r, ri){ var cn = 0; Array.from(r.cells).forEach(function(ce, ci){ var c = { cell : ce, row : rn, col: cn, colspan : ce.colSpan, rowspan : ce.rowSpan }; if (ce.isEqualNode(this.node)) { this.cellData = c; } // if we have been filled up by a row? if (typeof(ret[rn][cn]) != 'undefined') { while(typeof(ret[rn][cn]) != 'undefined') { cn++; } c.col = cn; } if (typeof(this.colWidths[cn]) == 'undefined') { this.colWidths[cn] = ce.style.width; if (this.colWidths[cn] != '') { all_auto = false; } } if (c.colspan < 2 && c.rowspan < 2 ) { ret[rn][cn] = c; cn++; return; } for(var j = 0; j < c.rowspan; j++) { if (typeof(ret[rn+j]) == 'undefined') { continue; // we have a problem.. } ret[rn+j][cn] = c; for(var i = 0; i < c.colspan; i++) { ret[rn+j][cn+i] = c; } } cn += c.colspan; }, this); rn++; }, this); // initalize widths.? // either all widths or no widths.. if (all_auto) { this.colWidths[0] = false; // no widths flag. } return ret; }, mergeRight: function() { // get the contents of the next cell along.. var tr = this.node.closest('tr'); var i = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(tr.childNodes, this.node); if (i >= tr.childNodes.length - 1) { return; // no cells on right to merge with. } var table = this.toTableArray(); if (typeof(table[this.cellData.row][this.cellData.col+this.cellData.colspan]) == 'undefined') { return; // nothing right? } var rc = table[this.cellData.row][this.cellData.col+this.cellData.colspan]; // right cell - must be same rowspan and on the same row. if (rc.rowspan != this.cellData.rowspan || rc.row != this.cellData.row) { return; // right hand side is not same rowspan. } this.node.innerHTML += ' ' + rc.cell.innerHTML; tr.removeChild(rc.cell); this.colspan += rc.colspan; this.node.setAttribute('colspan', this.colspan); }, mergeBelow : function() { var table = this.toTableArray(); if (typeof(table[this.cellData.row+this.cellData.rowspan]) == 'undefined') { return; // no row below } if (typeof(table[this.cellData.row+this.cellData.rowspan][this.cellData.col]) == 'undefined') { return; // nothing right? } var rc = table[this.cellData.row+this.cellData.rowspan][this.cellData.col]; if (rc.colspan != this.cellData.colspan || rc.col != this.cellData.col) { return; // right hand side is not same rowspan. } this.node.innerHTML = this.node.innerHTML + rc.cell.innerHTML ; rc.cell.parentNode.removeChild(rc.cell); this.rowspan += rc.rowspan; this.node.setAttribute('rowspan', this.rowspan); }, split: function() { if (this.node.rowSpan < 2 && this.node.colSpan < 2) { return; } var table = this.toTableArray(); var cd = this.cellData; this.rowspan = 1; this.colspan = 1; for(var r = cd.row; r < cd.row + cd.rowspan; r++) { for(var c = cd.col; c < cd.col + cd.colspan; c++) { if (r == cd.row && c == cd.col) { this.node.removeAttribute('rowspan'); this.node.removeAttribute('colspan'); continue; } var ntd = this.node.cloneNode(); // which col/row should be 0.. ntd.removeAttribute('id'); // //ntd.style.width = ''; ntd.innerHTML = ''; table[r][c] = { cell : ntd, col : c, row: r , colspan : 1 , rowspan : 1 }; } } this.redrawAllCells(table); }, redrawAllCells: function(table) { var tab = this.node.closest('tr').closest('table'); var ctr = tab.rows[0].parentNode; Array.from(tab.rows).forEach(function(r, ri){ Array.from(r.cells).forEach(function(ce, ci){ ce.parentNode.removeChild(ce); }); r.parentNode.removeChild(r); }); for(var r = 0 ; r < table.length; r++) { var re = tab.rows[r]; var re = tab.ownerDocument.createElement('tr'); ctr.appendChild(re); for(var c = 0 ; c < table[r].length; c++) { if (table[r][c].cell === false) { continue; } re.appendChild(table[r][c].cell); table[r][c].cell = false; } } }, updateWidths : function(table) { for(var r = 0 ; r < table.length; r++) { for(var c = 0 ; c < table[r].length; c++) { if (table[r][c].cell === false) { continue; } if (this.colWidths[0] != false && table[r][c].colspan < 2) { var el = Roo.htmleditor.Block.factory(table[r][c].cell); el.width = Math.floor(this.colWidths[c]) +'%'; el.updateElement(el.node); } table[r][c].cell = false; // done } } }, normalizeWidths : function(table) { if (this.colWidths[0] === false) { var nw = 100.0 / this.colWidths.length; this.colWidths.forEach(function(w,i) { this.colWidths[i] = nw; },this); return; } var t = 0, missing = []; this.colWidths.forEach(function(w,i) { //if you mix % and this.colWidths[i] = this.colWidths[i] == '' ? 0 : (this.colWidths[i]+'').replace(/[^0-9]+/g,'')*1; var add = this.colWidths[i]; if (add > 0) { t+=add; return; } missing.push(i); },this); var nc = this.colWidths.length; if (missing.length) { var mult = (nc - missing.length) / (1.0 * nc); var t = mult * t; var ew = (100 -t) / (1.0 * missing.length); this.colWidths.forEach(function(w,i) { if (w > 0) { this.colWidths[i] = w * mult; return; } this.colWidths[i] = ew; }, this); // have to make up numbers.. } // now we should have all the widths.. }, shrinkColumn : function() { var table = this.toTableArray(); this.normalizeWidths(table); var col = this.cellData.col; var nw = this.colWidths[col] * 0.8; if (nw < 5) { return; } var otherAdd = (this.colWidths[col] * 0.2) / (this.colWidths.length -1); this.colWidths.forEach(function(w,i) { if (i == col) { this.colWidths[i] = nw; return; } this.colWidths[i] += otherAdd }, this); this.updateWidths(table); }, growColumn : function() { var table = this.toTableArray(); this.normalizeWidths(table); var col = this.cellData.col; var nw = this.colWidths[col] * 1.2; if (nw > 90) { return; } var otherSub = (this.colWidths[col] * 0.2) / (this.colWidths.length -1); this.colWidths.forEach(function(w,i) { if (i == col) { this.colWidths[i] = nw; return; } this.colWidths[i] -= otherSub }, this); this.updateWidths(table); }, deleteRow : function() { // delete this rows 'tr' // if any of the cells in this row have a rowspan > 1 && row!= this row.. // then reduce the rowspan. var table = this.toTableArray(); // this.cellData.row; for (var i =0;i< table[this.cellData.row].length ; i++) { var c = table[this.cellData.row][i]; if (c.row != this.cellData.row) { c.rowspan--; c.cell.setAttribute('rowspan', c.rowspan); continue; } if (c.rowspan > 1) { c.rowspan--; c.cell.setAttribute('rowspan', c.rowspan); } } table.splice(this.cellData.row,1); this.redrawAllCells(table); }, deleteColumn : function() { var table = this.toTableArray(); for (var i =0;i< table.length ; i++) { var c = table[i][this.cellData.col]; if (c.col != this.cellData.col) { table[i][this.cellData.col].colspan--; } else if (c.colspan > 1) { c.colspan--; c.cell.setAttribute('colspan', c.colspan); } table[i].splice(this.cellData.col,1); } this.redrawAllCells(table); } })