/* * Based on: * Ext JS Library 1.1.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * * Originally Released Under LGPL - original licence link has changed is not relivant. * * Fork - LGPL * <script type="text/javascript"> */ /** * @class Roo.form.TextField * @extends Roo.form.Field * Basic text field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional text inputs, or as the base * class for more sophisticated input controls (like {@link Roo.form.TextArea} and {@link Roo.form.ComboBox}). * @constructor * Creates a new TextField * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Roo.form.TextField = function(config){ Roo.form.TextField.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.addEvents({ /** * @event autosize * Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size * according to the default logic, but this event provides a hook for the developer to apply additional * logic at runtime to resize the field if needed. * @param {Roo.form.Field} this This text field * @param {Number} width The new field width */ autosize : true }); }; Roo.extend(Roo.form.TextField, Roo.form.Field, { /** * @cfg {Boolean} grow True if this field should automatically grow and shrink to its content */ grow : false, /** * @cfg {Number} growMin The minimum width to allow when grow = true (defaults to 30) */ growMin : 30, /** * @cfg {Number} growMax The maximum width to allow when grow = true (defaults to 800) */ growMax : 800, /** * @cfg {String} vtype A validation type name as defined in {@link Roo.form.VTypes} (defaults to null) */ vtype : null, /** * @cfg {String} maskRe An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null) */ maskRe : null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} disableKeyFilter True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false) */ disableKeyFilter : false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} allowBlank False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true) */ allowBlank : true, /** * @cfg {Number} minLength Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0) */ minLength : 0, /** * @cfg {Number} maxLength Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) */ maxLength : Number.MAX_VALUE, /** * @cfg {String} minLengthText Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minLength}") */ minLengthText : "The minimum length for this field is {0}", /** * @cfg {String} maxLengthText Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxLength}") */ maxLengthText : "The maximum length for this field is {0}", /** * @cfg {Boolean} selectOnFocus True to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus (defaults to false) */ selectOnFocus : false, /** * @cfg {String} blankText Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required") */ blankText : "This field is required", /** * @cfg {Function} validator A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). * If available, this function will be called only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the * current field value and expected to return boolean true if the value is valid or a string error message if invalid. */ validator : null, /** * @cfg {RegExp} regex A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). * If available, this regex will be evaluated only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the * current field value. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using {@link #regexText}. */ regex : null, /** * @cfg {String} regexText The error text to display if {@link #regex} is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "") */ regexText : "", /** * @cfg {String} emptyText The default text to display in an empty field - placeholder... (defaults to null). */ emptyText : null, // private initEvents : function() { if (this.emptyText) { this.el.attr('placeholder', this.emptyText); } Roo.form.TextField.superclass.initEvents.call(this); if(this.validationEvent == 'keyup'){ this.validationTask = new Roo.util.DelayedTask(this.validate, this); this.el.on('keyup', this.filterValidation, this); } else if(this.validationEvent !== false){ this.el.on(this.validationEvent, this.validate, this, {buffer: this.validationDelay}); } if(this.selectOnFocus){ this.on("focus", this.preFocus, this); } if(this.maskRe || (this.vtype && this.disableKeyFilter !== true && (this.maskRe = Roo.form.VTypes[this.vtype+'Mask']))){ this.el.on("keypress", this.filterKeys, this); } if(this.grow){ this.el.on("keyup", this.onKeyUp, this, {buffer:50}); this.el.on("click", this.autoSize, this); } if(this.el.is('input[type=password]') && Roo.isSafari){ this.el.on('keydown', this.SafariOnKeyDown, this); } }, processValue : function(value){ if(this.stripCharsRe){ var newValue = value.replace(this.stripCharsRe, ''); if(newValue !== value){ this.setRawValue(newValue); return newValue; } } return value; }, filterValidation : function(e){ if(!e.isNavKeyPress()){ this.validationTask.delay(this.validationDelay); } }, // private onKeyUp : function(e){ if(!e.isNavKeyPress()){ this.autoSize(); } }, /** * Resets the current field value to the originally-loaded value and clears any validation messages. * */ reset : function(){ Roo.form.TextField.superclass.reset.call(this); }, // private preFocus : function(){ if(this.selectOnFocus){ this.el.dom.select(); } }, // private filterKeys : function(e){ var k = e.getKey(); if(!Roo.isIE && (e.isNavKeyPress() || k == e.BACKSPACE || (k == e.DELETE && e.button == -1))){ return; } var c = e.getCharCode(), cc = String.fromCharCode(c); if(Roo.isIE && (e.isSpecialKey() || !cc)){ return; } if(!this.maskRe.test(cc)){ e.stopEvent(); } }, setValue : function(v){ Roo.form.TextField.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); this.autoSize(); }, /** * Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid * if the validation fails * @param {Mixed} value The value to validate * @return {Boolean} True if the value is valid, else false */ validateValue : function(value){ if(value.length < 1) { // if it's blank if(this.allowBlank){ this.clearInvalid(); return true; }else{ this.markInvalid(this.blankText); return false; } } if(value.length < this.minLength){ this.markInvalid(String.format(this.minLengthText, this.minLength)); return false; } if(value.length > this.maxLength){ this.markInvalid(String.format(this.maxLengthText, this.maxLength)); return false; } if(this.vtype){ var vt = Roo.form.VTypes; if(!vt[this.vtype](value, this)){ this.markInvalid(this.vtypeText || vt[this.vtype +'Text']); return false; } } if(typeof this.validator == "function"){ var msg = this.validator(value); if(msg !== true){ this.markInvalid(msg); return false; } } if(this.regex && !this.regex.test(value)){ this.markInvalid(this.regexText); return false; } return true; }, /** * Selects text in this field * @param {Number} start (optional) The index where the selection should start (defaults to 0) * @param {Number} end (optional) The index where the selection should end (defaults to the text length) */ selectText : function(start, end){ var v = this.getRawValue(); if(v.length > 0){ start = start === undefined ? 0 : start; end = end === undefined ? v.length : end; var d = this.el.dom; if(d.setSelectionRange){ d.setSelectionRange(start, end); }else if(d.createTextRange){ var range = d.createTextRange(); range.moveStart("character", start); range.moveEnd("character", v.length-end); range.select(); } } }, /** * Automatically grows the field to accomodate the width of the text up to the maximum field width allowed. * This only takes effect if grow = true, and fires the autosize event. */ autoSize : function(){ if(!this.grow || !this.rendered){ return; } if(!this.metrics){ this.metrics = Roo.util.TextMetrics.createInstance(this.el); } var el = this.el; var v = el.dom.value; var d = document.createElement('div'); d.appendChild(document.createTextNode(v)); v = d.innerHTML; d = null; v += "&#160;"; var w = Math.min(this.growMax, Math.max(this.metrics.getWidth(v) + /* add extra padding */ 10, this.growMin)); this.el.setWidth(w); this.fireEvent("autosize", this, w); }, // private SafariOnKeyDown : function(event) { // this is a workaround for a password hang bug on chrome/ webkit. var isSelectAll = false; if(this.el.dom.selectionEnd > 0){ isSelectAll = (this.el.dom.selectionEnd - this.el.dom.selectionStart - this.getValue().length == 0) ? true : false; } if(((event.getKey() == 8 || event.getKey() == 46) && this.getValue().length ==1)){ // backspace and delete key event.preventDefault(); this.setValue(''); return; } if(isSelectAll && event.getCharCode() > 31){ // backspace and delete key event.preventDefault(); // this is very hacky as keydown always get's upper case. var cc = String.fromCharCode(event.getCharCode()); this.setValue( event.shiftKey ? cc : cc.toLowerCase()); } } });