/** * @class Roo.form.Row * @extends Roo.form.Layout * @children Roo.form.Column Roo.form.Row Roo.form.Field Roo.Button Roo.form.TextItem Roo.form.FieldSet * Creates a row container for layout and rendering of fields in an {@link Roo.form.Form}. * @constructor * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Roo.form.Row = function(config){ Roo.form.Row.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.form.Row, Roo.form.Layout, { /** * @cfg {Number/String} width * The fixed width of the column in pixels or CSS value (defaults to "auto") */ /** * @cfg {Number/String} height * The fixed height of the column in pixels or CSS value (defaults to "auto") */ defaultAutoCreate : {tag: 'div', cls: 'x-form-ct x-form-row'}, padWidth : 20, // private onRender : function(ct, position){ //console.log('row render'); if(!this.rowTpl){ var t = new Roo.Template( '<div class="x-form-item {5}" style="float:left;width:{6}px">', '<label for="{0}" style="{2}">{1}{4}</label>', '<div class="x-form-element" id="x-form-el-{0}" style="{3}">', '</div>', '</div>' ); t.disableFormats = true; t.compile(); Roo.form.Layout.prototype.rowTpl = t; } this.fieldTpl = this.rowTpl; //console.log('lw' + this.labelWidth +', la:' + this.labelAlign); var labelWidth = 100; if ((this.labelAlign != 'top')) { if (typeof this.labelWidth == 'number') { labelWidth = this.labelWidth } this.padWidth = 20 + labelWidth; } Roo.form.Column.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); if(this.width){ this.el.setWidth(this.width); } if(this.height){ this.el.setHeight(this.height); } }, // private renderField : function(f){ f.fieldEl = this.fieldTpl.append(this.el, [ f.id, f.fieldLabel, f.labelStyle||this.labelStyle||'', this.elementStyle||'', typeof f.labelSeparator == 'undefined' ? this.labelSeparator : f.labelSeparator, f.itemCls||this.itemCls||'', f.width ? f.width + this.padWidth : 160 + this.padWidth ],true); } });