/* * Copyright(c) 2010-2012, Roo J Solutions Limited * * Licence LGPL * */ /** * @class Roo.form.ComboBoxArray * @extends Roo.form.TextField * A facebook style adder... for lists of email / people / countries etc... * pick multiple items from a combo box, and shows each one. * * Fred [x] Brian [x] [Pick another |v] * * * For this to work: it needs various extra information * - normal combo problay has * name, hiddenName * + displayField, valueField * * For our purpose... * * * If we change from 'extends' to wrapping... * * * * @constructor * Create a new ComboBoxArray. * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Roo.form.ComboBoxArray = function(config) { this.addEvents({ /** * @event beforeremove * Fires before remove the value from the list * @param {Roo.form.ComboBoxArray} _self This combo box array * @param {Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.Item} item removed item */ 'beforeremove' : true, /** * @event remove * Fires when remove the value from the list * @param {Roo.form.ComboBoxArray} _self This combo box array * @param {Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.Item} item removed item */ 'remove' : true }); Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.items = new Roo.util.MixedCollection(false); // construct the child combo... } Roo.extend(Roo.form.ComboBoxArray, Roo.form.TextField, { /** * @cfg {Roo.form.Combo} combo The combo box that is wrapped */ lastData : false, // behavies liek a hiddne field inputType: 'hidden', /** * @cfg {Number} width The width of the box that displays the selected element */ width: 300, /** * @cfg {String} name The name of the visable items on this form (eg. titles not ids) */ name : false, /** * @cfg {String} hiddenName The hidden name of the field, often contains an comma seperated list of names */ hiddenName : false, /** * @cfg {String} seperator The value seperator normally ',' */ seperator : ',', // private the array of items that are displayed.. items : false, // private - the hidden field el. hiddenEl : false, // private - the filed el.. el : false, //validateValue : function() { return true; }, // all values are ok! //onAddClick: function() { }, onRender : function(ct, position) { // create the standard hidden element //Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); // give fake names to child combo; this.combo.hiddenName = this.hiddenName ? (this.hiddenName+'-subcombo') : this.hiddenName; this.combo.name = this.name ? (this.name+'-subcombo') : this.name; this.combo = Roo.factory(this.combo, Roo.form); this.combo.onRender(ct, position); if (typeof(this.combo.width) != 'undefined') { this.combo.onResize(this.combo.width,0); } this.combo.initEvents(); // assigned so form know we need to do this.. this.store = this.combo.store; this.valueField = this.combo.valueField; this.displayField = this.combo.displayField ; this.combo.wrap.addClass('x-cbarray-grp'); var cbwrap = this.combo.wrap.createChild( {tag: 'div', cls: 'x-cbarray-cb'}, this.combo.el.dom ); this.hiddenEl = this.combo.wrap.createChild({ tag: 'input', type:'hidden' , name: this.hiddenName, value : '' }); this.el = this.combo.wrap.createChild({ tag: 'input', type:'hidden' , name: this.name, value : '' }); // this.el.dom.removeAttribute("name"); this.outerWrap = this.combo.wrap; this.wrap = cbwrap; this.outerWrap.setWidth(this.width); this.outerWrap.dom.removeChild(this.el.dom); this.wrap.dom.appendChild(this.el.dom); this.outerWrap.dom.removeChild(this.combo.trigger.dom); this.combo.wrap.dom.appendChild(this.combo.trigger.dom); this.combo.trigger.setStyle('position','relative'); this.combo.trigger.setStyle('left', '0px'); this.combo.trigger.setStyle('top', '2px'); this.combo.el.setStyle('vertical-align', 'text-bottom'); //this.trigger.setStyle('vertical-align', 'top'); // this should use the code from combo really... on('add' ....) if (this.adder) { this.adder = this.outerWrap.createChild( {tag: 'img', src: Roo.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, cls: 'x-form-adder', style: 'margin-left:2px'}); var _t = this; this.adder.on('click', function(e) { _t.fireEvent('adderclick', this, e); }, _t); } //var _t = this; //this.adder.on('click', this.onAddClick, _t); this.combo.on('select', function(cb, rec, ix) { this.addItem(rec.data); cb.setValue(''); cb.el.dom.value = ''; //cb.lastData = rec.data; // add to list }, this); }, getName: function() { // returns hidden if it's set.. if (!this.rendered) {return ''}; return this.hiddenName ? this.hiddenName : this.name; }, onResize: function(w, h){ return; // not sure if this is needed.. //this.combo.onResize(w,h); if(typeof w != 'number'){ // we do not handle it!?!? return; } var tw = this.combo.trigger.getWidth(); tw += this.addicon ? this.addicon.getWidth() : 0; tw += this.editicon ? this.editicon.getWidth() : 0; var x = w - tw; this.combo.el.setWidth( this.combo.adjustWidth('input', x)); this.combo.trigger.setStyle('left', '0px'); if(this.list && this.listWidth === undefined){ var lw = Math.max(x + this.combo.trigger.getWidth(), this.combo.minListWidth); this.list.setWidth(lw); this.innerList.setWidth(lw - this.list.getFrameWidth('lr')); } }, addItem: function(rec) { var valueField = this.combo.valueField; var displayField = this.combo.displayField; if (this.items.indexOfKey(rec[valueField]) > -1) { //console.log("GOT " + rec.data.id); return; } var x = new Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.Item({ //id : rec[this.idField], data : rec, displayField : displayField , tipField : displayField , cb : this }); // use the this.items.add(rec[valueField],x); // add it before the element.. this.updateHiddenEl(); x.render(this.outerWrap, this.wrap.dom); // add the image handler.. }, updateHiddenEl : function() { this.validate(); if (!this.hiddenEl) { return; } var ar = []; var idField = this.combo.valueField; this.items.each(function(f) { ar.push(f.data[idField]); }); this.hiddenEl.dom.value = ar.join(this.seperator); this.validate(); }, reset : function() { this.items.clear(); Roo.each(this.outerWrap.select('.x-cbarray-item', true).elements, function(el){ el.remove(); }); this.el.dom.value = ''; if (this.hiddenEl) { this.hiddenEl.dom.value = ''; } }, getValue: function() { return this.hiddenEl ? this.hiddenEl.dom.value : ''; }, setValue: function(v) // not a valid action - must use addItems.. { this.reset(); if (this.store.isLocal && (typeof(v) == 'string')) { // then we can use the store to find the values.. // comma seperated at present.. this needs to allow JSON based encoding.. this.hiddenEl.value = v; var v_ar = []; Roo.each(v.split(this.seperator), function(k) { Roo.log("CHECK " + this.valueField + ',' + k); var li = this.store.query(this.valueField, k); if (!li.length) { return; } var add = {}; add[this.valueField] = k; add[this.displayField] = li.item(0).data[this.displayField]; this.addItem(add); }, this) } if (typeof(v) == 'object' ) { // then let's assume it's an array of objects.. Roo.each(v, function(l) { this.addItem(l); }, this); } }, setFromData: function(v) { // this recieves an object, if setValues is called. this.reset(); this.el.dom.value = v[this.displayField]; this.hiddenEl.dom.value = v[this.valueField]; if (typeof(v[this.valueField]) != 'string' || !v[this.valueField].length) { return; } var kv = v[this.valueField]; var dv = v[this.displayField]; kv = typeof(kv) != 'string' ? '' : kv; dv = typeof(dv) != 'string' ? '' : dv; var keys = kv.split(this.seperator); var display = dv.split(this.seperator); for (var i = 0 ; i < keys.length; i++) { add = {}; add[this.valueField] = keys[i]; add[this.displayField] = display[i]; this.addItem(add); } }, /** * Validates the combox array value * @return {Boolean} True if the value is valid, else false */ validate : function(){ if(this.disabled || this.validateValue(this.processValue(this.getValue()))){ this.clearInvalid(); return true; } return false; }, validateValue : function(value){ return Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.superclass.validateValue.call(this, this.getValue()); }, /*@ * overide * */ isDirty : function() { if(this.disabled) { return false; } try { var d = Roo.decode(String(this.originalValue)); } catch (e) { return String(this.getValue()) !== String(this.originalValue); } var originalValue = []; for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++){ originalValue.push(d[i][this.valueField]); } return String(this.getValue()) !== String(originalValue.join(this.seperator)); } }); /** * @class Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.Item * @extends Roo.BoxComponent * A selected item in the list * Fred [x] Brian [x] [Pick another |v] * * @constructor * Create a new item. * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.Item = function(config) { config.id = Roo.id(); Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.Item.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); } Roo.extend(Roo.form.ComboBoxArray.Item, Roo.BoxComponent, { data : {}, cb: false, displayField : false, tipField : false, defaultAutoCreate : { tag: 'div', cls: 'x-cbarray-item', cn : [ { tag: 'div' }, { tag: 'img', width:16, height : 16, src : Roo.BLANK_IMAGE_URL , align: 'center' } ] }, onRender : function(ct, position) { Roo.form.Field.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); if(!this.el){ var cfg = this.getAutoCreate(); this.el = ct.createChild(cfg, position); } this.el.child('img').dom.setAttribute('src', Roo.BLANK_IMAGE_URL); this.el.child('div').dom.innerHTML = this.cb.renderer ? this.cb.renderer(this.data) : String.format('{0}',this.data[this.displayField]); this.el.child('div').dom.setAttribute('qtip', String.format('{0}',this.data[this.tipField]) ); this.el.child('img').on('click', this.remove, this); }, remove : function() { if(this.cb.disabled){ return; } if(false !== this.cb.fireEvent('beforeremove', this.cb, this)){ this.cb.items.remove(this); this.el.child('img').un('click', this.remove, this); this.el.remove(); this.cb.updateHiddenEl(); this.cb.fireEvent('remove', this.cb, this); } } });