/** * @class Roo.bootstrap.panel.Grid * @extends Roo.bootstrap.panel.Content * @constructor * Create a new GridPanel. * @cfg {Roo.bootstrap.Table} grid The grid for this panel * @cfg {Roo.bootstrap.nav.Simplebar} toolbar the toolbar at the top of the grid. * @param {Object} config A the config object */ Roo.bootstrap.panel.Grid = function(config) { this.wrapper = Roo.DomHelper.append(document.body, // wrapper for IE7 strict & safari scroll issue {tag: "div", cls: "roo-layout-grid-wrapper roo-layout-inactive-content"}, true); config.el = this.wrapper; //this.el = this.wrapper; if (config.container) { // ctor'ed from a Border/panel.grid this.wrapper.setStyle("overflow", "hidden"); this.wrapper.addClass('roo-grid-container'); } if(config.toolbar){ var tool_el = this.wrapper.createChild(); this.toolbar = Roo.factory(config.toolbar); var ti = []; if (config.toolbar.items) { ti = config.toolbar.items ; delete config.toolbar.items ; } var nitems = []; this.toolbar.render(tool_el); for(var i =0;i < ti.length;i++) { // Roo.log(['add child', items[i]]); nitems.push(this.toolbar.addxtype(Roo.apply({}, ti[i]))); } this.toolbar.items = nitems; delete config.toolbar; } Roo.bootstrap.panel.Grid.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); config.grid.scrollBody = true;; config.grid.monitorWindowResize = false; // turn off autosizing config.grid.autoHeight = false; config.grid.autoWidth = false; this.grid = new config.grid.xns[config.grid.xtype](config.grid); if (config.background) { // render grid on panel activation (if panel background) this.on('activate', function(gp) { if (!gp.grid.rendered) { gp.grid.render(this.wrapper); gp.grid.getGridEl().replaceClass("roo-layout-inactive-content", "roo-layout-component-panel"); } }); } else { this.grid.render(this.wrapper); this.grid.getGridEl().replaceClass("roo-layout-inactive-content", "roo-layout-component-panel"); } //this.wrapper.dom.appendChild(config.grid.getGridEl().dom); // ??? needed ??? config.el = this.wrapper; // xtype created footer. - not sure if will work as we normally have to render first.. if (this.footer && !this.footer.el && this.footer.xtype) { var ctr = this.grid.getView().getFooterPanel(true); this.footer.dataSource = this.grid.dataSource; this.footer = Roo.factory(this.footer, Roo); this.footer.render(ctr); } }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.panel.Grid, Roo.bootstrap.panel.Content, { getId : function(){ return this.grid.id; }, /** * Returns the grid for this panel * @return {Roo.bootstrap.Table} */ getGrid : function(){ return this.grid; }, setSize : function(width, height) { //if(!this.ignoreResize(width, height)){ var grid = this.grid; var size = this.adjustForComponents(width, height); // tfoot is not a footer? var gridel = grid.getGridEl(); gridel.setSize(size.width, size.height); var tbd = grid.getGridEl().select('tbody', true).first(); var thd = grid.getGridEl().select('thead',true).first(); var tbf= grid.getGridEl().select('tfoot', true).first(); if (tbf) { size.height -= tbf.getHeight(); } if (thd) { size.height -= thd.getHeight(); } tbd.setSize(size.width, size.height ); // this is for the account management tab -seems to work there. var thd = grid.getGridEl().select('thead',true).first(); //if (tbd) { // tbd.setSize(size.width, size.height - thd.getHeight()); //} grid.autoSize(); //} }, beforeSlide : function(){ this.grid.getView().scroller.clip(); }, afterSlide : function(){ this.grid.getView().scroller.unclip(); }, destroy : function(){ this.grid.destroy(); delete this.grid; Roo.bootstrap.panel.Grid.superclass.destroy.call(this); } });