/* * - LGPL * * navbar * */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.nav.Simplebar * @extends Roo.bootstrap.nav.Bar * @children Roo.bootstrap.nav.Group Roo.bootstrap.Container Roo.bootstrap.form.Form Roo.bootstrap.Row Roo.bootstrap.Column Roo.bootstrap.Link * Bootstrap Sidebar class * * @cfg {Boolean} inverse is inverted color * * @cfg {String} type (nav | pills | tabs) * @cfg {Boolean} arrangement stacked | justified * @cfg {String} align (left | right) alignment * * @cfg {Boolean} main (true|false) main nav bar? default false * @cfg {Boolean} loadMask (true|false) loadMask on the bar * * @cfg {String} tag (header|footer|nav|div) default is nav * @cfg {String} weight (light|primary|secondary|success|danger|warning|info|dark|white) default is light. * * * @constructor * Create a new Sidebar * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.nav.Simplebar = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.nav.Simplebar.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.nav.Simplebar, Roo.bootstrap.nav.Bar, { inverse: false, type: false, arrangement: '', align : false, weight : 'light', main : false, tag : false, getAutoCreate : function(){ var cfg = { tag : this.tag || 'div', cls : 'navbar roo-navbar-simple' //navbar-expand-lg ?? }; if (['light','white'].indexOf(this.weight) > -1) { cfg.cls += ['light','white'].indexOf(this.weight) > -1 ? ' navbar-light' : ' navbar-dark'; } cfg.cls += ' bg-' + this.weight; if (this.inverse) { cfg.cls += ' navbar-inverse'; } // i'm not actually sure these are really used - normally we add a navGroup to a navbar if (Roo.bootstrap.version == 4 && this.xtype == 'NavSimplebar') { return cfg; } cfg.cn = [ { cls: 'nav nav-' + this.xtype, tag : 'ul' } ]; this.type = this.type || 'nav'; if (['tabs','pills'].indexOf(this.type) != -1) { cfg.cn[0].cls += ' nav-' + this.type } else { if (this.type!=='nav') { Roo.log('nav type must be nav/tabs/pills') } cfg.cn[0].cls += ' navbar-nav' } if (['stacked','justified'].indexOf(this.arrangement) != -1) { cfg.cn[0].cls += ' nav-' + this.arrangement; } if (this.align === 'right') { cfg.cn[0].cls += ' navbar-right'; } return cfg; } });