/** * @class Roo.bootstrap.form.HtmlEditorToolbar.Standard * @parent Roo.bootstrap.form.HtmlEditor * @extends Roo.bootstrap.nav.Simplebar * Basic Toolbar * * @example * Usage: * new Roo.bootstrap.form.HtmlEditor({ .... toolbars : [ new Roo.bootstrap.form.HtmlEditorToolbar.Standard({ disable : { fonts: 1 , format: 1, ..., ... , ...], btns : [ .... ] }) } * * @cfg {Object} disable List of elements to disable.. * @cfg {Array} btns List of additional buttons. * * * NEEDS Extra CSS? * .x-html-editor-tb .x-edit-none .x-btn-text { background: none; } */ Roo.bootstrap.form.HtmlEditorToolbar.Standard = function(config) { Roo.apply(this, config); // default disabled, based on 'good practice'.. this.disable = this.disable || {}; Roo.applyIf(this.disable, { fontSize : true, colors : true, specialElements : true }); Roo.bootstrap.form.HtmlEditorToolbar.Standard.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.editor = config.editor; this.editorcore = config.editor.editorcore; this.buttons = new Roo.util.MixedCollection(false, function(o) { return o.btnid; }); //Roo.form.HtmlEditorToolbar1.superclass.constructor.call(this, editor.wrap.dom.firstChild, [], config); // dont call parent... till later. } Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.form.HtmlEditorToolbar.Standard, Roo.bootstrap.nav.Simplebar, { bar : true, editor : false, editorcore : false, formats : [ "p" , "h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6", "pre", "code", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "cite", "samp", "var", 'div','span' ], deleteBtn: false, onRender : function(ct, position) { // Roo.log("Call onRender: " + this.xtype); Roo.bootstrap.form.HtmlEditorToolbar.Standard.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); Roo.log(this.el); this.el.dom.style.marginBottom = '0'; var _this = this; var editorcore = this.editorcore; var editor= this.editor; var children = []; var btn = function(id, cmd , toggle, handler, html){ var event = toggle ? 'toggle' : 'click'; var a = { size : 'sm', xtype: 'Button', xns: Roo.bootstrap, //glyphicon : id, btnid : id, fa: id, cls : 'roo-html-editor-btn-' + id, cmd : cmd, // why id || cmd enableToggle: toggle !== false, html : html || '', pressed : toggle ? false : null, listeners : {} }; a.listeners[toggle ? 'toggle' : 'click'] = function() { handler ? handler.call(_this,this) :_this.onBtnClick.call(_this, cmd || id); }; children.push(a); return a; } // var cb_box = function... var style = { xtype: 'Button', size : 'sm', xns: Roo.bootstrap, fa : 'font', cls : 'roo-html-editor-font-chooser', //html : 'submit' menu : { xtype: 'Menu', xns: Roo.bootstrap, items: [] } }; Roo.each(this.formats, function(f) { style.menu.items.push({ xtype :'MenuItem', xns: Roo.bootstrap, html : '<'+ f+' style="margin:2px">'+f +'</'+ f+'>', tagname : f, listeners : { click : function() { editorcore.insertTag(this.tagname); editor.focus(); } } }); }); children.push(style); btn('bold', 'bold',true); btn('italic', 'italic',true); btn('underline', 'underline',true); btn('align-left', 'justifyleft',true); btn('align-center', 'justifycenter',true); btn('align-right' , 'justifyright',true); btn('link', false, true, this.onLinkClick); btn('image', false, true, this.onImageClick); btn('list','insertunorderedlist',true); btn('list-ol','insertorderedlist',true); btn('pencil', false,true, function(btn){ Roo.log(this); this.toggleSourceEdit(btn.pressed); }); if (this.editor.btns.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i<this.editor.btns.length; i++) { children.push(this.editor.btns[i]); } } this.xtype = 'NavSimplebar'; // why? for(var i=0;i< children.length;i++) { this.buttons.add(this.addxtypeChild(children[i])); } this.buildToolbarDelete(); editor.on('editorevent', this.updateToolbar, this); }, buildToolbarDelete : function() { /* this.addxtypeChild({ xtype : 'Element', xns : Roo.bootstrap, cls : 'roo-htmleditor-fill' }); */ this.deleteBtn = this.addxtypeChild({ size : 'sm', xtype: 'Button', xns: Roo.bootstrap, fa: 'trash', listeners : { click : this.onDelete.createDelegate(this) } }); this.deleteBtn.hide(); }, onImageClick : function() { if (this.input) { this.input.un('change', this.onFileSelected, this); } this.input = Roo.get(document.body).createChild({ tag: 'input', type : 'file', style : 'display:none', multiple: 'multiple' }); this.input.on('change', this.onFileSelected, this); this.input.dom.click(); }, onFileSelected : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(typeof(this.input.dom.files) == 'undefined' || !this.input.dom.files.length){ return; } this.addFiles(Array.prototype.slice.call(this.input.dom.files)); }, addFiles : function(far) { if (!far.length) { return; } var f = far.pop(); if (!f.type.match(/^image/)) { this.addFiles(far); return; } var sn = this.selectedNode; var bl = sn && this.editorcore.enableBlocks ? Roo.htmleditor.Block.factory(sn) : false; var editor = this.editorcore; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener('load', (function() { if (bl) { bl.image_src = reader.result; //bl.caption = f.name; bl.updateElement(sn); editor.owner.fireEvent('editorevent', editor, false); // we only do the first file!! and replace. return; } if (this.editorcore.enableBlocks) { var fig = new Roo.htmleditor.BlockFigure({ image_src : reader.result, caption : '', caption_display : 'none' //default to hide captions.. }); editor.insertAtCursor(fig.toHTML()); editor.owner.fireEvent('editorevent', editor, false); return; } // just a standard img.. if (sn && sn.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG') { sn.src = reader.result; editor.owner.fireEvent('editorevent', editor, false); return; } editor.insertAtCursor('<img src="' + reader.result +'">'); editor.owner.fireEvent('editorevent', editor, false); }).createDelegate(this)); reader.readAsDataURL(f); }, onBtnClick : function(id) { this.editorcore.relayCmd(id); this.editorcore.focus(); }, onLinkClick : function(btn) { var url = this.selectedNode && this.selectedNode.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'A' ? this.selectedNode.getAttribute('href') : ''; Roo.bootstrap.MessageBox.show({ title : "Add / Edit Link URL", msg : "Enter the URL for the link", buttons: Roo.bootstrap.MessageBox.OKCANCEL, minWidth: 250, scope : this, prompt:true, multiline: false, modal : true, value : url, fn: function(pressed, newurl) { if (pressed != 'ok') { this.editorcore.focus(); return; } if (url != '') { this.selectedNode.setAttribute('href', newurl); return; } if(newurl && newurl .match(/http(s):\/\/.+/)) { this.editorcore.relayCmd('createlink', newurl); } this.editorcore.focus(); } }); }, /** * Protected method that will not generally be called directly. It triggers * a toolbar update by reading the markup state of the current selection in the editor. */ updateToolbar: function(editor ,ev, sel){ if(!this.editorcore.activated){ this.editor.onFirstFocus(); // is this neeed? return; } var btns = this.buttons; var doc = this.editorcore.doc; var hasToggle = false; btns.each(function(e) { if (e.enableToggle && e.cmd) { hasToggle = hasToggle || (['align-left', 'align-right', 'align-center', 'image' , 'link', 'underline'].indexOf(e.btnid) < 0 && doc.queryCommandState(e.cmd)); e.setActive(doc.queryCommandState(e.cmd)); } }, this); if (ev && (ev.type == 'mouseup' || ev.type == 'click' ) && ev.target && ev.target.tagName != 'BODY' ) { // && ev.target.tagName == 'IMG') { // they have click on an image... // let's see if we can change the selection... sel = ev.target; } var ans = this.editorcore.getAllAncestors(); if (!sel) { sel = ans.length ? (ans[0] ? ans[0] : ans[1]) : this.editorcore.doc.body; sel = sel ? sel : this.editorcore.doc.body; sel = sel.tagName.length ? sel : this.editorcore.doc.body; } var lastSel = this.selectedNode; this.selectedNode = sel; // ok see if we are editing a block? var db = false; // you are not actually selecting the block. if (sel && sel.hasAttribute('data-block')) { db = sel; } else if (sel && sel.closest('[data-block]')) { db = sel.closest('[data-block]'); } Array.from(this.editorcore.doc.body.querySelectorAll('.roo-ed-selection')).forEach(function(e) { e.classList.remove('roo-ed-selection'); }); var block = false; if (db && this.editorcore.enableBlocks) { block = Roo.htmleditor.Block.factory(db); if (block) { db.className = (db.classList.length > 0 ? db.className + ' ' : '') + ' roo-ed-selection'; sel = this.selectedNode = db; } } // highlight the 'a'.. var tn = sel && sel.tagName.toUpperCase() || ''; if (!block && sel && tn != 'A') { var asel = sel.closest('A'); if (asel) { sel = asel; } } btns.get('link').setActive(tn == 'A' && this.selectedNode.hasAttribute('href')); btns.get('image').setActive(tn == 'IMG' || this.editorcore.enableBlocks && tn == 'FIGURE'); btns.get('underline').setActive(tn == 'U' || sel.closest('u') ? true : false); Roo.bootstrap.menu.Manager.hideAll(); // handle delete button.. if (hasToggle || (tn.length && tn == 'BODY')) { this.deleteBtn.hide(); return; } this.deleteBtn.show(); //this.editorsyncValue(); }, onFirstFocus: function() { this.buttons.each(function(item){ item.enable(); }); }, onDelete : function() { var range = this.editorcore.createRange(); var selection = this.editorcore.getSelection(); var sn = this.selectedNode; range.setStart(sn,0); range.setEnd(sn,0); if (sn.hasAttribute('data-block')) { var block = Roo.htmleditor.Block.factory(this.selectedNode); if (block) { sn = block.removeNode(); sn.parentNode.removeChild(sn); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); this.updateToolbar(null, null, null); this.editorcore.fireEditorEvent(false); return; } } if (!sn) { return; // should not really happen.. } if (sn && sn.tagName == 'BODY') { return; } var stn = sn.childNodes[0] || sn.nextSibling || sn.previousSibling || sn.parentNode; // remove and keep parents. a = new Roo.htmleditor.FilterKeepChildren({tag : false}); a.replaceTag(sn); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); this.editorcore.fireEditorEvent(false); }, toggleSourceEdit : function(sourceEditMode){ if(sourceEditMode){ Roo.log("disabling buttons"); this.buttons.each( function(item){ if(item.cmd != 'pencil'){ item.disable(); } }); }else{ Roo.log("enabling buttons"); if(this.editorcore.initialized){ this.buttons.each( function(item){ item.enable(); }); } } Roo.log("calling toggole on editor"); // tell the editor that it's been pressed.. this.editor.toggleSourceEdit(sourceEditMode); } });