/* * - LGPL * * table cell * */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.TableCell * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Bootstrap TableCell class * @cfg {String} html cell contain text * @cfg {String} cls cell class * @cfg {String} tag cell tag (td|th) default td * @cfg {String} abbr Specifies an abbreviated version of the content in a cell * @cfg {String} align Aligns the content in a cell * @cfg {String} axis Categorizes cells * @cfg {String} bgcolor Specifies the background color of a cell * @cfg {Number} charoff Sets the number of characters the content will be aligned from the character specified by the char attribute * @cfg {Number} colspan Specifies the number of columns a cell should span * @cfg {String} headers Specifies one or more header cells a cell is related to * @cfg {Number} height Sets the height of a cell * @cfg {String} nowrap Specifies that the content inside a cell should not wrap * @cfg {Number} rowspan Sets the number of rows a cell should span * @cfg {String} scope Defines a way to associate header cells and data cells in a table * @cfg {String} valign Vertical aligns the content in a cell * @cfg {Number} width Specifies the width of a cell * * @constructor * Create a new TableCell * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.TableCell = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.TableCell.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.TableCell, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { html: false, cls: false, tag: false, abbr: false, align: false, axis: false, bgcolor: false, charoff: false, colspan: false, headers: false, height: false, nowrap: false, rowspan: false, scope: false, valign: false, width: false, getAutoCreate : function(){ var cfg = Roo.apply({}, Roo.bootstrap.TableCell.superclass.getAutoCreate.call(this)); cfg = { tag: 'td' }; if(this.tag){ cfg.tag = this.tag; } if (this.html) { cfg.html=this.html } if (this.cls) { cfg.cls=this.cls } if (this.abbr) { cfg.abbr=this.abbr } if (this.align) { cfg.align=this.align } if (this.axis) { cfg.axis=this.axis } if (this.bgcolor) { cfg.bgcolor=this.bgcolor } if (this.charoff) { cfg.charoff=this.charoff } if (this.colspan) { cfg.colspan=this.colspan } if (this.headers) { cfg.headers=this.headers } if (this.height) { cfg.height=this.height } if (this.nowrap) { cfg.nowrap=this.nowrap } if (this.rowspan) { cfg.rowspan=this.rowspan } if (this.scope) { cfg.scope=this.scope } if (this.valign) { cfg.valign=this.valign } if (this.width) { cfg.width=this.width } return cfg; } });