/* * - LGPL * * table * */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.Table * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Bootstrap Table class * @cfg {String} cls table class * @cfg {String} align (left|center|right) Specifies the alignment of a table according to surrounding text * @cfg {String} bgcolor Specifies the background color for a table * @cfg {Number} border Specifies whether the table cells should have borders or not * @cfg {Number} cellpadding Specifies the space between the cell wall and the cell content * @cfg {Number} cellspacing Specifies the space between cells * @cfg {String} frame Specifies which parts of the outside borders that should be visible * @cfg {String} rules Specifies which parts of the inside borders that should be visible * @cfg {String} sortable Specifies that the table should be sortable * @cfg {String} summary Specifies a summary of the content of a table * @cfg {Number} width Specifies the width of a table * @cfg {String} layout table layout (auto | fixed | initial | inherit) * * @cfg {boolean} striped Should the rows be alternative striped * @cfg {boolean} bordered Add borders to the table * @cfg {boolean} hover Add hover highlighting * @cfg {boolean} condensed Format condensed * @cfg {boolean} responsive Format condensed * @cfg {Boolean} loadMask (true|false) default false * @cfg {Boolean} footerShow (true|false) generate tfoot, default true * @cfg {Boolean} headerShow (true|false) generate thead, default true * @cfg {Boolean} rowSelection (true|false) default false * @cfg {Boolean} cellSelection (true|false) default false * @cfg {Boolean} scrollBody (true|false) default false - body scrolled / fixed header * @cfg {Roo.bootstrap.PagingToolbar} footer a paging toolbar * @cfg {Boolean} lazyLoad auto load data while scrolling to the end (default false) * @cfg {Boolean} auto_hide_footer auto hide footer if only one page (default false) * * @constructor * Create a new Table * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.Table = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.Table.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); // BC... this.rowSelection = (typeof(config.rowSelection) != 'undefined') ? config.rowSelection : this.rowSelection; this.cellSelection = (typeof(config.cellSelection) != 'undefined') ? config.cellSelection : this.cellSelection; this.headerShow = (typeof(config.thead) != 'undefined') ? config.thead : this.headerShow; this.footerShow = (typeof(config.tfoot) != 'undefined') ? config.tfoot : this.footerShow; this.sm = this.sm || {xtype: 'RowSelectionModel'}; if (this.sm) { this.sm.grid = this; this.selModel = Roo.factory(this.sm, Roo.bootstrap.Table); this.sm = this.selModel; this.sm.xmodule = this.xmodule || false; } if (this.cm && typeof(this.cm.config) == 'undefined') { this.colModel = new Roo.grid.ColumnModel(this.cm); this.cm = this.colModel; this.cm.xmodule = this.xmodule || false; } if (this.store) { this.store= Roo.factory(this.store, Roo.data); this.ds = this.store; this.ds.xmodule = this.xmodule || false; } if (this.footer && this.store) { this.footer.dataSource = this.ds; this.footer = Roo.factory(this.footer); } /** @private */ this.addEvents({ /** * @event cellclick * Fires when a cell is clicked * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Roo.Element} el * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Number} columnIndex * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "cellclick" : true, /** * @event celldblclick * Fires when a cell is double clicked * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Roo.Element} el * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Number} columnIndex * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "celldblclick" : true, /** * @event rowclick * Fires when a row is clicked * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Roo.Element} el * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "rowclick" : true, /** * @event rowdblclick * Fires when a row is double clicked * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Roo.Element} el * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "rowdblclick" : true, /** * @event mouseover * Fires when a mouseover occur * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Roo.Element} el * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Number} columnIndex * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "mouseover" : true, /** * @event mouseout * Fires when a mouseout occur * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Roo.Element} el * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Number} columnIndex * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "mouseout" : true, /** * @event rowclass * Fires when a row is rendered, so you can change add a style to it. * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Object} rowcfg contains record rowIndex colIndex and rowClass - set rowClass to add a style. */ 'rowclass' : true, /** * @event rowsrendered * Fires when all the rows have been rendered * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this */ 'rowsrendered' : true, /** * @event contextmenu * The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid. * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "contextmenu" : true, /** * @event rowcontextmenu * Fires when a row is right clicked * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "rowcontextmenu" : true, /** * @event cellcontextmenu * Fires when a cell is right clicked * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Number} rowIndex * @param {Number} cellIndex * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "cellcontextmenu" : true, /** * @event headercontextmenu * Fires when a header is right clicked * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Table} this * @param {Number} columnIndex * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "headercontextmenu" : true }); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.Table, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { cls: false, align: false, bgcolor: false, border: false, cellpadding: false, cellspacing: false, frame: false, rules: false, sortable: false, summary: false, width: false, striped : false, scrollBody : false, bordered: false, hover: false, condensed : false, responsive : false, sm : false, cm : false, store : false, loadMask : false, footerShow : true, headerShow : true, rowSelection : false, cellSelection : false, layout : false, // Roo.Element - the tbody mainBody: false, // Roo.Element - thead element mainHead: false, container: false, // used by gridpanel... lazyLoad : false, CSS : Roo.util.CSS, auto_hide_footer : false, getAutoCreate : function() { var cfg = Roo.apply({}, Roo.bootstrap.Table.superclass.getAutoCreate.call(this)); cfg = { tag: 'table', cls : 'table', cn : [] }; if (this.scrollBody) { cfg.cls += ' table-body-fixed'; } if (this.striped) { cfg.cls += ' table-striped'; } if (this.hover) { cfg.cls += ' table-hover'; } if (this.bordered) { cfg.cls += ' table-bordered'; } if (this.condensed) { cfg.cls += ' table-condensed'; } if (this.responsive) { cfg.cls += ' table-responsive'; } if (this.cls) { cfg.cls+= ' ' +this.cls; } // this lot should be simplifed... var _t = this; var cp = [ 'align', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'frame', 'rules', 'sortable', 'summary', 'width' ].forEach(function(k) { if (_t[k]) { cfg[k] = _t[k]; } }); if (this.layout) { cfg.style = (typeof(cfg.style) == 'undefined') ? ('table-layout:' + this.layout + ';') : (cfg.style + ('table-layout:' + this.layout + ';')); } if(this.store || this.cm){ if(this.headerShow){ cfg.cn.push(this.renderHeader()); } cfg.cn.push(this.renderBody()); if(this.footerShow){ cfg.cn.push(this.renderFooter()); } // where does this come from? //cfg.cls+= ' TableGrid'; } return { cn : [ cfg ] }; }, initEvents : function() { if(!this.store || !this.cm){ return; } if (this.selModel) { this.selModel.initEvents(); } //Roo.log('initEvents with ds!!!!'); this.mainBody = this.el.select('tbody', true).first(); this.mainHead = this.el.select('thead', true).first(); this.mainFoot = this.el.select('tfoot', true).first(); var _this = this; Roo.each(this.el.select('thead th.sortable', true).elements, function(e){ e.on('click', _this.sort, _this); }); this.mainBody.on("click", this.onClick, this); this.mainBody.on("dblclick", this.onDblClick, this); // why is this done????? = it breaks dialogs?? //this.parent().el.setStyle('position', 'relative'); if (this.footer) { this.footer.parentId = this.id; this.footer.onRender(this.el.select('tfoot tr td').first(), null); if(this.lazyLoad){ this.el.select('tfoot tr td').first().addClass('hide'); } } if(this.loadMask) { this.maskEl = new Roo.LoadMask(this.el, { store : this.ds, msgCls: 'roo-el-mask-msg' }); } this.store.on('load', this.onLoad, this); this.store.on('beforeload', this.onBeforeLoad, this); this.store.on('update', this.onUpdate, this); this.store.on('add', this.onAdd, this); this.store.on("clear", this.clear, this); this.el.on("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu, this); this.mainBody.on('scroll', this.onBodyScroll, this); this.cm.on("headerchange", this.onHeaderChange, this); this.cm.on("hiddenchange", this.onHiddenChange, this, arguments); }, onContextMenu : function(e, t) { this.processEvent("contextmenu", e); }, processEvent : function(name, e) { if (name != 'touchstart' ) { this.fireEvent(name, e); } var t = e.getTarget(); var cell = Roo.get(t); if(!cell){ return; } if(cell.findParent('tfoot', false, true)){ return; } if(cell.findParent('thead', false, true)){ if(e.getTarget().nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'th'){ cell = Roo.get(t).findParent('th', false, true); if (!cell) { Roo.log("failed to find th in thead?"); Roo.log(e.getTarget()); return; } } var cellIndex = cell.dom.cellIndex; var ename = name == 'touchstart' ? 'click' : name; this.fireEvent("header" + ename, this, cellIndex, e); return; } if(e.getTarget().nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'td'){ cell = Roo.get(t).findParent('td', false, true); if (!cell) { Roo.log("failed to find th in tbody?"); Roo.log(e.getTarget()); return; } } var row = cell.findParent('tr', false, true); var cellIndex = cell.dom.cellIndex; var rowIndex = row.dom.rowIndex - 1; if(row !== false){ this.fireEvent("row" + name, this, rowIndex, e); if(cell !== false){ this.fireEvent("cell" + name, this, rowIndex, cellIndex, e); } } }, onMouseover : function(e, el) { var cell = Roo.get(el); if(!cell){ return; } if(e.getTarget().nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'td'){ cell = cell.findParent('td', false, true); } var row = cell.findParent('tr', false, true); var cellIndex = cell.dom.cellIndex; var rowIndex = row.dom.rowIndex - 1; // start from 0 this.fireEvent('mouseover', this, cell, rowIndex, cellIndex, e); }, onMouseout : function(e, el) { var cell = Roo.get(el); if(!cell){ return; } if(e.getTarget().nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'td'){ cell = cell.findParent('td', false, true); } var row = cell.findParent('tr', false, true); var cellIndex = cell.dom.cellIndex; var rowIndex = row.dom.rowIndex - 1; // start from 0 this.fireEvent('mouseout', this, cell, rowIndex, cellIndex, e); }, onClick : function(e, el) { var cell = Roo.get(el); if(!cell || (!this.cellSelection && !this.rowSelection)){ return; } if(e.getTarget().nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'td'){ cell = cell.findParent('td', false, true); } if(!cell || typeof(cell) == 'undefined'){ return; } var row = cell.findParent('tr', false, true); if(!row || typeof(row) == 'undefined'){ return; } var cellIndex = cell.dom.cellIndex; var rowIndex = this.getRowIndex(row); // why??? - should these not be based on SelectionModel? if(this.cellSelection){ this.fireEvent('cellclick', this, cell, rowIndex, cellIndex, e); } if(this.rowSelection){ this.fireEvent('rowclick', this, row, rowIndex, e); } }, onDblClick : function(e,el) { var cell = Roo.get(el); if(!cell || (!this.cellSelection && !this.rowSelection)){ return; } if(e.getTarget().nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'td'){ cell = cell.findParent('td', false, true); } if(!cell || typeof(cell) == 'undefined'){ return; } var row = cell.findParent('tr', false, true); if(!row || typeof(row) == 'undefined'){ return; } var cellIndex = cell.dom.cellIndex; var rowIndex = this.getRowIndex(row); if(this.cellSelection){ this.fireEvent('celldblclick', this, cell, rowIndex, cellIndex, e); } if(this.rowSelection){ this.fireEvent('rowdblclick', this, row, rowIndex, e); } }, sort : function(e,el) { var col = Roo.get(el); if(!col.hasClass('sortable')){ return; } var sort = col.attr('sort'); var dir = 'ASC'; if(col.select('i', true).first().hasClass('glyphicon-arrow-up')){ dir = 'DESC'; } this.store.sortInfo = {field : sort, direction : dir}; if (this.footer) { Roo.log("calling footer first"); this.footer.onClick('first'); } else { this.store.load({ params : { start : 0 } }); } }, renderHeader : function() { var header = { tag: 'thead', cn : [] }; var cm = this.cm; this.totalWidth = 0; for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){ var config = cm.config[i]; var c = { tag: 'th', cls : 'x-hcol-' + i, style : '', html: cm.getColumnHeader(i) }; var hh = ''; if(typeof(config.sortable) != 'undefined' && config.sortable){ c.cls = 'sortable'; c.html = '<i class="glyphicon"></i>' + c.html; } // could use BS4 hidden-..-down if(typeof(config.lgHeader) != 'undefined'){ hh += '<span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md ">' + config.lgHeader + '</span>'; } if(typeof(config.mdHeader) != 'undefined'){ hh += '<span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-lg">' + config.mdHeader + '</span>'; } if(typeof(config.smHeader) != 'undefined'){ hh += '<span class="hidden-xs hidden-md hidden-lg">' + config.smHeader + '</span>'; } if(typeof(config.xsHeader) != 'undefined'){ hh += '<span class="hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg">' + config.xsHeader + '</span>'; } if(hh.length){ c.html = hh; } if(typeof(config.tooltip) != 'undefined'){ c.tooltip = config.tooltip; } if(typeof(config.colspan) != 'undefined'){ c.colspan = config.colspan; } if(typeof(config.hidden) != 'undefined' && config.hidden){ c.style += ' display:none;'; } if(typeof(config.dataIndex) != 'undefined'){ c.sort = config.dataIndex; } if(typeof(config.align) != 'undefined' && config.align.length){ c.style += ' text-align:' + config.align + ';'; } if(typeof(config.width) != 'undefined'){ c.style += ' width:' + config.width + 'px;'; this.totalWidth += config.width; } else { this.totalWidth += 100; // assume minimum of 100 per column? } if(typeof(config.cls) != 'undefined'){ c.cls = (typeof(c.cls) == 'undefined') ? config.cls : (c.cls + ' ' + config.cls); } ['xs','sm','md','lg'].map(function(size){ if(typeof(config[size]) == 'undefined'){ return; } if (!config[size]) { // 0 = hidden // BS 4 '0' is treated as hide that column and below. c.cls += ' hidden-' + size + ' hidden' + size + '-down'; return; } c.cls += ' col-' + size + '-' + config[size] + ( size == 'xs' ? (' col-' + config[size] ) : '' // bs4 col-{num} replaces col-xs ); }); header.cn.push(c) } return header; }, renderBody : function() { var body = { tag: 'tbody', cn : [ { tag: 'tr', cn : [ { tag : 'td', colspan : this.cm.getColumnCount() } ] } ] }; return body; }, renderFooter : function() { var footer = { tag: 'tfoot', cn : [ { tag: 'tr', cn : [ { tag : 'td', colspan : this.cm.getColumnCount() } ] } ] }; return footer; }, onLoad : function() { // Roo.log('ds onload'); this.clear(); var _this = this; var cm = this.cm; var ds = this.store; Roo.each(this.el.select('thead th.sortable', true).elements, function(e){ e.select('i', true).removeClass(['glyphicon-arrow-up', 'glyphicon-arrow-down']); if (_this.store.sortInfo) { if(e.hasClass('sortable') && e.attr('sort') == _this.store.sortInfo.field && _this.store.sortInfo.direction.toUpperCase() == 'ASC'){ e.select('i', true).addClass(['glyphicon-arrow-up']); } if(e.hasClass('sortable') && e.attr('sort') == _this.store.sortInfo.field && _this.store.sortInfo.direction.toUpperCase() == 'DESC'){ e.select('i', true).addClass(['glyphicon-arrow-down']); } } }); var tbody = this.mainBody; if(ds.getCount() > 0){ ds.data.each(function(d,rowIndex){ var row = this.renderRow(cm, ds, rowIndex); tbody.createChild(row); var _this = this; if(row.cellObjects.length){ Roo.each(row.cellObjects, function(r){ _this.renderCellObject(r); }) } }, this); } var tfoot = this.el.select('tfoot', true).first(); if(this.footerShow && this.auto_hide_footer && this.mainFoot){ this.mainFoot.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY).hide(); var total = this.ds.getTotalCount(); if(this.footer.pageSize < total){ this.mainFoot.show(); } } Roo.each(this.el.select('tbody td', true).elements, function(e){ e.on('mouseover', _this.onMouseover, _this); }); Roo.each(this.el.select('tbody td', true).elements, function(e){ e.on('mouseout', _this.onMouseout, _this); }); this.fireEvent('rowsrendered', this); this.autoSize(); }, onUpdate : function(ds,record) { this.refreshRow(record); this.autoSize(); }, onRemove : function(ds, record, index, isUpdate){ if(isUpdate !== true){ this.fireEvent("beforerowremoved", this, index, record); } var bt = this.mainBody.dom; var rows = this.el.select('tbody > tr', true).elements; if(typeof(rows[index]) != 'undefined'){ bt.removeChild(rows[index].dom); } // if(bt.rows[index]){ // bt.removeChild(bt.rows[index]); // } if(isUpdate !== true){ //this.stripeRows(index); //this.syncRowHeights(index, index); //this.layout(); this.fireEvent("rowremoved", this, index, record); } }, onAdd : function(ds, records, rowIndex) { //Roo.log('on Add called'); // - note this does not handle multiple adding very well.. var bt = this.mainBody.dom; for (var i =0 ; i < records.length;i++) { //Roo.log('call insert row Add called on ' + rowIndex + ':' + i); //Roo.log(records[i]); //Roo.log(this.store.getAt(rowIndex+i)); this.insertRow(this.store, rowIndex + i, false); return; } }, refreshRow : function(record){ var ds = this.store, index; if(typeof record == 'number'){ index = record; record = ds.getAt(index); }else{ index = ds.indexOf(record); } this.insertRow(ds, index, true); this.autoSize(); this.onRemove(ds, record, index+1, true); this.autoSize(); //this.syncRowHeights(index, index); //this.layout(); this.fireEvent("rowupdated", this, index, record); }, insertRow : function(dm, rowIndex, isUpdate){ if(!isUpdate){ this.fireEvent("beforerowsinserted", this, rowIndex); } //var s = this.getScrollState(); var row = this.renderRow(this.cm, this.store, rowIndex); // insert before rowIndex.. var e = this.mainBody.createChild(row,this.getRowDom(rowIndex)); var _this = this; if(row.cellObjects.length){ Roo.each(row.cellObjects, function(r){ _this.renderCellObject(r); }) } if(!isUpdate){ this.fireEvent("rowsinserted", this, rowIndex); //this.syncRowHeights(firstRow, lastRow); //this.stripeRows(firstRow); //this.layout(); } }, getRowDom : function(rowIndex) { var rows = this.el.select('tbody > tr', true).elements; return (typeof(rows[rowIndex]) == 'undefined') ? false : rows[rowIndex]; }, // returns the object tree for a tr.. renderRow : function(cm, ds, rowIndex) { var d = ds.getAt(rowIndex); var row = { tag : 'tr', cls : 'x-row-' + rowIndex, cn : [] }; var cellObjects = []; for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){ var config = cm.config[i]; var renderer = cm.getRenderer(i); var value = ''; var id = false; if(typeof(renderer) !== 'undefined'){ value = renderer(d.data[cm.getDataIndex(i)], false, d); } // if object are returned, then they are expected to be Roo.bootstrap.Component instances // and are rendered into the cells after the row is rendered - using the id for the element. if(typeof(value) === 'object'){ id = Roo.id(); cellObjects.push({ container : id, cfg : value }) } var rowcfg = { record: d, rowIndex : rowIndex, colIndex : i, rowClass : '' }; this.fireEvent('rowclass', this, rowcfg); var td = { tag: 'td', cls : rowcfg.rowClass + ' x-col-' + i, style: '', html: (typeof(value) === 'object') ? '' : value }; if (id) { td.id = id; } if(typeof(config.colspan) != 'undefined'){ td.colspan = config.colspan; } if(typeof(config.hidden) != 'undefined' && config.hidden){ td.style += ' display:none;'; } if(typeof(config.align) != 'undefined' && config.align.length){ td.style += ' text-align:' + config.align + ';'; } if(typeof(config.valign) != 'undefined' && config.valign.length){ td.style += ' vertical-align:' + config.valign + ';'; } if(typeof(config.width) != 'undefined'){ td.style += ' width:' + config.width + 'px;'; } if(typeof(config.cursor) != 'undefined'){ td.style += ' cursor:' + config.cursor + ';'; } if(typeof(config.cls) != 'undefined'){ td.cls = (typeof(td.cls) == 'undefined') ? config.cls : (td.cls + ' ' + config.cls); } ['xs','sm','md','lg'].map(function(size){ if(typeof(config[size]) == 'undefined'){ return; } if (!config[size]) { // 0 = hidden // BS 4 '0' is treated as hide that column and below. td.cls += ' hidden-' + size + ' hidden' + size + '-down'; return; } td.cls += ' col-' + size + '-' + config[size] + ( size == 'xs' ? (' col-' + config[size] ) : '' // bs4 col-{num} replaces col-xs ); }); row.cn.push(td); } row.cellObjects = cellObjects; return row; }, onBeforeLoad : function() { }, /** * Remove all rows */ clear : function() { this.el.select('tbody', true).first().dom.innerHTML = ''; }, /** * Show or hide a row. * @param {Number} rowIndex to show or hide * @param {Boolean} state hide */ setRowVisibility : function(rowIndex, state) { var bt = this.mainBody.dom; var rows = this.el.select('tbody > tr', true).elements; if(typeof(rows[rowIndex]) == 'undefined'){ return; } rows[rowIndex].dom.style.display = state ? '' : 'none'; }, getSelectionModel : function(){ if(!this.selModel){ this.selModel = new Roo.bootstrap.Table.RowSelectionModel({grid: this}); } return this.selModel; }, /* * Render the Roo.bootstrap object from renderder */ renderCellObject : function(r) { var _this = this; r.cfg.parentId = (typeof(r.container) == 'string') ? r.container : r.container.id; var t = r.cfg.render(r.container); if(r.cfg.cn){ Roo.each(r.cfg.cn, function(c){ var child = { container: t.getChildContainer(), cfg: c }; _this.renderCellObject(child); }) } }, getRowIndex : function(row) { var rowIndex = -1; Roo.each(this.el.select('tbody > tr', true).elements, function(el, index){ if(el != row){ return; } rowIndex = index; }); return rowIndex; }, /** * Returns the grid's underlying element = used by panel.Grid * @return {Element} The element */ getGridEl : function(){ return this.el; }, /** * Forces a resize - used by panel.Grid * @return {Element} The element */ autoSize : function() { //var ctr = Roo.get(this.container.dom.parentElement); var ctr = Roo.get(this.el.dom); var thd = this.getGridEl().select('thead',true).first(); var tbd = this.getGridEl().select('tbody', true).first(); var tfd = this.getGridEl().select('tfoot', true).first(); var cw = ctr.getWidth(); if (tbd) { tbd.setWidth(ctr.getWidth()); // if the body has a max height - and then scrolls - we should perhaps set up the height here // this needs fixing for various usage - currently only hydra job advers I think.. //tdb.setHeight( // ctr.getHeight() - ((thd ? thd.getHeight() : 0) + (tfd ? tfd.getHeight() : 0)) //); var barsize = (tbd.dom.offsetWidth - tbd.dom.clientWidth); cw -= barsize; } cw = Math.max(cw, this.totalWidth); this.getGridEl().select('tr',true).setWidth(cw); // resize 'expandable coloumn? return; // we doe not have a view in this design.. }, onBodyScroll: function() { //Roo.log("body scrolled');" + this.mainBody.dom.scrollLeft); if(this.mainHead){ this.mainHead.setStyle({ 'position' : 'relative', 'left': (-1* this.mainBody.dom.scrollLeft) + 'px' }); } if(this.lazyLoad){ var scrollHeight = this.mainBody.dom.scrollHeight; var scrollTop = Math.ceil(this.mainBody.getScroll().top); var height = this.mainBody.getHeight(); if(scrollHeight - height == scrollTop) { var total = this.ds.getTotalCount(); if(this.footer.cursor + this.footer.pageSize < total){ this.footer.ds.load({ params : { start : this.footer.cursor + this.footer.pageSize, limit : this.footer.pageSize }, add : true }); } } } }, onHeaderChange : function() { var header = this.renderHeader(); var table = this.el.select('table', true).first(); this.mainHead.remove(); this.mainHead = table.createChild(header, this.mainBody, false); }, onHiddenChange : function(colModel, colIndex, hidden) { var thSelector = '#' + this.id + ' .x-hcol-' + colIndex; var tdSelector = '#' + this.id + ' .x-col-' + colIndex; this.CSS.updateRule(thSelector, "display", ""); this.CSS.updateRule(tdSelector, "display", ""); if(hidden){ this.CSS.updateRule(thSelector, "display", "none"); this.CSS.updateRule(tdSelector, "display", "none"); } this.onHeaderChange(); this.onLoad(); }, setColumnWidth: function(col_index, width) { // width = "md-2 xs-2..." if(!this.colModel.config[col_index]) { return; } var w = width.split(" "); var rows = this.el.dom.getElementsByClassName("x-col-"+col_index); var h_row = this.el.dom.getElementsByClassName("x-hcol-"+col_index); for(var j = 0; j < w.length; j++) { if(!w[j]) { continue; } var size_cls = w[j].split("-"); if(!Number.isInteger(size_cls[1] * 1)) { continue; } if(!this.colModel.config[col_index][size_cls[0]]) { continue; } if(!h_row[0].classList.contains("col-"+size_cls[0]+"-"+this.colModel.config[col_index][size_cls[0]])) { continue; } h_row[0].classList.replace( "col-"+size_cls[0]+"-"+this.colModel.config[col_index][size_cls[0]], "col-"+size_cls[0]+"-"+size_cls[1] ); for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var size_cls = w[j].split("-"); if(!Number.isInteger(size_cls[1] * 1)) { continue; } if(!this.colModel.config[col_index][size_cls[0]]) { continue; } if(!rows[i].classList.contains("col-"+size_cls[0]+"-"+this.colModel.config[col_index][size_cls[0]])) { continue; } rows[i].classList.replace( "col-"+size_cls[0]+"-"+this.colModel.config[col_index][size_cls[0]], "col-"+size_cls[0]+"-"+size_cls[1] ); } this.colModel.config[col_index][size_cls[0]] = size_cls[1]; } } });