/* * - LGPL * * element * */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.Popover * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Bootstrap Popover class * @cfg {String} html contents of the popover (or false to use children..) * @cfg {String} title of popover (or false to hide) * @cfg {String|function} (right|top|bottom|left|auto) placement how it is placed * @cfg {String} trigger click || hover (or false to trigger manually) * @cfg {Boolean} modal - popovers that are modal will mask the screen, and must be closed with another event. * @cfg {String|Boolean|Roo.Element} add click hander to trigger show over what element * - if false and it has a 'parent' then it will be automatically added to that element * - if string - Roo.get will be called * @cfg {Number} delay - delay before showing * @constructor * Create a new Popover * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.Popover = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.Popover.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.addEvents({ // raw events /** * @event show * After the popover show * * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Popover} this */ "show" : true, /** * @event hide * After the popover hide * * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Popover} this */ "hide" : true }); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.Popover, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { title: false, html: false, placement : 'right', trigger : 'hover', // hover modal : false, delay : 0, over: false, can_build_overlaid : false, maskEl : false, // the mask element headerEl : false, contentEl : false, alignEl : false, // when show is called with an element - this get's stored. getChildContainer : function() { return this.contentEl; }, getPopoverHeader : function() { this.title = true; // flag not to hide it.. this.headerEl.addClass('p-0'); return this.headerEl }, getAutoCreate : function(){ var cfg = { cls : 'popover roo-dynamic shadow roo-popover' + (this.modal ? '-modal' : ''), style: 'display:block', cn : [ { cls : 'arrow' }, { cls : 'popover-inner ', cn : [ { tag: 'h3', cls: 'popover-title popover-header', html : this.title === false ? '' : this.title }, { cls : 'popover-content popover-body ' + (this.cls || ''), html : this.html || '' } ] } ] }; return cfg; }, /** * @param {string} the title */ setTitle: function(str) { this.title = str; if (this.el) { this.headerEl.dom.innerHTML = str; } }, /** * @param {string} the body content */ setContent: function(str) { this.html = str; if (this.contentEl) { this.contentEl.dom.innerHTML = str; } }, // as it get's added to the bottom of the page. onRender : function(ct, position) { Roo.bootstrap.Component.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); if(!this.el){ var cfg = Roo.apply({}, this.getAutoCreate()); cfg.id = Roo.id(); if (this.cls) { cfg.cls += ' ' + this.cls; } if (this.style) { cfg.style = this.style; } //Roo.log("adding to "); this.el = Roo.get(document.body).createChild(cfg, position); // Roo.log(this.el); } this.contentEl = this.el.select('.popover-content',true).first(); this.headerEl = this.el.select('.popover-title',true).first(); var nitems = []; if(typeof(this.items) != 'undefined'){ var items = this.items; delete this.items; for(var i =0;i < items.length;i++) { nitems.push(this.addxtype(Roo.apply({}, items[i]))); } } this.items = nitems; this.maskEl = Roo.DomHelper.append(document.body, {tag: "div", cls:"x-dlg-mask"}, true); Roo.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.resizeMask, this, true); this.initEvents(); }, resizeMask : function() { this.maskEl.setSize( Roo.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(true), Roo.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(true) ); }, initEvents : function() { if (!this.modal) { Roo.bootstrap.Popover.register(this); } this.arrowEl = this.el.select('.arrow',true).first(); this.headerEl.setVisibilityMode(Roo.Element.DISPLAY); // probably not needed as it's default in BS4 this.el.enableDisplayMode('block'); this.el.hide(); if (this.over === false && !this.parent()) { return; } if (this.triggers === false) { return; } // support parent var on_el = (this.over == 'parent' || this.over === false) ? this.parent().el : Roo.get(this.over); var triggers = this.trigger ? this.trigger.split(' ') : []; Roo.each(triggers, function(trigger) { if (trigger == 'click') { on_el.on('click', this.toggle, this); } else if (trigger != 'manual') { var eventIn = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseenter' : 'focusin'; var eventOut = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseleave' : 'focusout'; on_el.on(eventIn ,this.enter, this); on_el.on(eventOut, this.leave, this); } }, this); }, // private timeout : null, hoverState : null, toggle : function () { this.hoverState == 'in' ? this.leave() : this.enter(); }, enter : function () { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.hoverState = 'in'; if (!this.delay || !this.delay.show) { this.show(); return; } var _t = this; this.timeout = setTimeout(function () { if (_t.hoverState == 'in') { _t.show(); } }, this.delay.show) }, leave : function() { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.hoverState = 'out'; if (!this.delay || !this.delay.hide) { this.hide(); return; } var _t = this; this.timeout = setTimeout(function () { if (_t.hoverState == 'out') { _t.hide(); } }, this.delay.hide) }, /** * Show the popover * @param {Roo.Element|string|Boolean} - element to align and point to. (set align to [ pos, offset ]) * @param {string} (left|right|top|bottom) position */ show : function (on_el, placement) { this.placement = typeof(placement) == 'undefined' ? this.placement : placement; on_el = on_el || false; // default to false if (!on_el) { if (this.parent() && (this.over == 'parent' || (this.over === false))) { on_el = this.parent().el; } else if (this.over) { Roo.get(this.over); } } this.alignEl = on_el; if (!this.el) { this.render(document.body); } if (this.title === false) { this.headerEl.hide(); } this.el.show(); this.el.dom.style.display = 'block'; if (this.alignEl) { this.updatePosition(this.placement, true); } else { // this is usually just done by the builder = to show the popoup in the middle of the scren. var es = this.el.getSize(); var x = Roo.lib.Dom.getViewWidth()/2; var y = Roo.lib.Dom.getViewHeight()/2; this.el.setXY([ x-(es.width/2), y-(es.height/2)] ); } //var arrow = this.el.select('.arrow',true).first(); //arrow.set(align[2], this.el.addClass('in'); this.hoverState = 'in'; if (this.modal) { this.maskEl.setSize(Roo.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(true), Roo.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(true)); this.maskEl.setStyle('z-index', Roo.bootstrap.Popover.zIndex++); this.maskEl.dom.style.display = 'block'; this.maskEl.addClass('show'); } this.el.setStyle('z-index', Roo.bootstrap.Popover.zIndex++); this.fireEvent('show', this); }, /** * fire this manually after loading a grid in the table for example * @param {string} (left|right|top|bottom) where to try and put it (use false to use the last one) * @param {Boolean} try and move it if we cant get right position. */ updatePosition : function(placement, try_move) { // allow for calling with no parameters placement = placement ? placement : this.placement; try_move = typeof(try_move) == 'undefined' ? true : try_move; this.el.removeClass([ 'fade','top','bottom', 'left', 'right','in', 'bs-popover-top','bs-popover-bottom', 'bs-popover-left', 'bs-popover-right' ]); this.el.addClass(placement + ' bs-popover-' + placement); if (!this.alignEl ) { return false; } switch (placement) { case 'right': var exact = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.alignEl, 'tl-tr', [10,0]); var offset = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.alignEl, 'tl-tr?',[10,0]); if (!try_move || exact.equals(offset) || exact[0] == offset[0] ) { //normal display... or moved up/down. this.el.setXY(offset); var xy = this.alignEl.getAnchorXY('tr', false); xy[0]+=2;xy[1]+=5; this.arrowEl.setXY(xy); return true; } // continue through... try_move = false; case 'left': var exact = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.alignEl, 'tr-tl', [-10,0]); var offset = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.alignEl, 'tr-tl?',[-10,0]); if (!try_move || exact.equals(offset) || exact[0] == offset[0] ) { //normal display... or moved up/down. this.el.setXY(offset); var xy = this.alignEl.getAnchorXY('tl', false); xy[0]+=2;xy[1]+=5; // << fix me this.arrowEl.setXY(xy); return true; } // call self... return this.updatePosition('right', false); case 'top': var exact = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.alignEl, 'b-t', [0,-10]); var offset = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.alignEl, 'b-t?',[0,-10]); if (!try_move || exact.equals(offset) || exact[1] == offset[1] ) { //normal display... or moved up/down. this.el.setXY(offset); var xy = this.alignEl.getAnchorXY('t', false); xy[1]-=10; // << fix me this.arrowEl.setXY(xy); return true; } // fall through try_move = false; case 'bottom': var exact = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.alignEl, 't-b', [0,10]); var offset = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.alignEl, 't-b?',[0,10]); if (!try_move || exact.equals(offset) || exact[1] == offset[1] ) { //normal display... or moved up/down. this.el.setXY(offset); var xy = this.alignEl.getAnchorXY('b', false); xy[1]+=2; // << fix me this.arrowEl.setXY(xy); return true; } // fall through return this.updatePosition('top', false); } return false; }, hide : function() { this.el.setXY([0,0]); this.el.removeClass('in'); this.el.hide(); this.hoverState = null; this.maskEl.hide(); // always.. this.fireEvent('hide', this); } }); Roo.apply(Roo.bootstrap.Popover, { alignment : { 'left' : ['r-l', [-10,0], 'left bs-popover-left'], 'right' : ['l-br', [10,0], 'right bs-popover-right'], 'bottom' : ['t-b', [0,10], 'top bs-popover-top'], 'top' : [ 'b-t', [0,-10], 'bottom bs-popover-bottom'] }, zIndex : 20001, clickHander : false, onMouseDown : function(e) { if (!e.getTarget(".roo-popover")) { this.hideAll(); } }, popups : [], register : function(popup) { if (!Roo.bootstrap.Popover.clickHandler) { Roo.bootstrap.Popover.clickHandler = Roo.get(document).on("mousedown", Roo.bootstrap.Popover.onMouseDown, Roo.bootstrap.Popover); } // hide other popups. this.hideAll(); this.popups.push(popup); }, hideAll : function() { this.popups.forEach(function(p) { p.hide(); }); } });