/* * Licence: LGPL */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.Modal * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * @parent none builder * @children Roo.bootstrap.Component * Bootstrap Modal class * @cfg {String} title Title of dialog * @cfg {String} html - the body of the dialog (for simple ones) - you can also use template.. * @cfg {Roo.Template} tmpl - a template with variables. to use it, add a handler in show:method adn * @cfg {Boolean} specificTitle default false * @cfg {Roo.bootstrap.Button} buttons[] Array of buttons or standard button set.. * @cfg {String} buttonPosition (left|right|center) default right (DEPRICATED) - use mr-auto on buttons to put them on the left * @cfg {Boolean} animate default true * @cfg {Boolean} allow_close default true * @cfg {Boolean} fitwindow default false * @cfg {Boolean} bodyOverflow should the body element have overflow auto added default false * @cfg {Number} width fixed width - usefull for chrome extension only really. * @cfg {Number} height fixed height - usefull for chrome extension only really. * @cfg {String} size (sm|lg|xl) default empty * @cfg {Number} max_width set the max width of modal * @cfg {Boolean} editableTitle can the title be edited * * * @constructor * Create a new Modal Dialog * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.Modal = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.Modal.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.addEvents({ // raw events /** * @event btnclick * The raw btnclick event for the button * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "btnclick" : true, /** * @event resize * Fire when dialog resize * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Modal} this * @param {Roo.EventObject} e */ "resize" : true, /** * @event titlechanged * Fire when the editable title has been changed * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Modal} this * @param {Roo.EventObject} value */ "titlechanged" : true }); this.buttons = this.buttons || []; if (this.tmpl) { this.tmpl = Roo.factory(this.tmpl); } }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.Modal, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { title : 'test dialog', buttons : false, // set on load... html: false, tmp: false, specificTitle: false, buttonPosition: 'right', allow_close : true, animate : true, fitwindow: false, // private dialogEl: false, bodyEl: false, footerEl: false, titleEl: false, closeEl: false, size: '', max_width: 0, max_height: 0, fit_content: false, editableTitle : false, onRender : function(ct, position) { Roo.bootstrap.Component.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); if(!this.el){ var cfg = Roo.apply({}, this.getAutoCreate()); cfg.id = Roo.id(); //if(!cfg.name){ // cfg.name = typeof(this.name) == 'undefined' ? this.id : this.name; //} //if (!cfg.name.length) { // delete cfg.name; // } if (this.cls) { cfg.cls += ' ' + this.cls; } if (this.style) { cfg.style = this.style; } this.el = Roo.get(document.body).createChild(cfg, position); } //var type = this.el.dom.type; if(this.tabIndex !== undefined){ this.el.dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', this.tabIndex); } this.dialogEl = this.el.select('.modal-dialog',true).first(); this.bodyEl = this.el.select('.modal-body',true).first(); this.closeEl = this.el.select('.modal-header .close', true).first(); this.headerEl = this.el.select('.modal-header',true).first(); this.titleEl = this.el.select('.modal-title',true).first(); this.footerEl = this.el.select('.modal-footer',true).first(); this.maskEl = Roo.DomHelper.append(document.body, {tag: "div", cls:"x-dlg-mask"}, true); //this.el.addClass("x-dlg-modal"); if (this.buttons.length) { Roo.each(this.buttons, function(bb) { var b = Roo.apply({}, bb); b.xns = b.xns || Roo.bootstrap; b.xtype = b.xtype || 'Button'; if (typeof(b.listeners) == 'undefined') { b.listeners = { click : this.onButtonClick.createDelegate(this) }; } var btn = Roo.factory(b); btn.render(this.getButtonContainer()); },this); } // render the children. var nitems = []; if(typeof(this.items) != 'undefined'){ var items = this.items; delete this.items; for(var i =0;i < items.length;i++) { nitems.push(this.addxtype(Roo.apply({}, items[i]))); } } this.items = nitems; // where are these used - they used to be body/close/footer this.initEvents(); //this.el.addClass([this.fieldClass, this.cls]); }, getAutoCreate : function() { // we will default to modal-body-overflow - might need to remove or make optional later. var bdy = { cls : 'modal-body ' + (this.bodyOverflow ? 'overflow-auto' : ''), html : this.html || '' }; var title = { tag: 'h5', cls : 'modal-title', html : this.title }; if(this.specificTitle){ // WTF is this? title = this.title; } var header = []; if (this.allow_close && Roo.bootstrap.version == 3) { header.push({ tag: 'button', cls : 'close', html : '&times' }); } header.push(title); if (this.editableTitle) { header.push({ cls: 'form-control roo-editable-title d-none', tag: 'input', type: 'text' }); } if (this.allow_close && Roo.bootstrap.version == 4) { header.push({ tag: 'button', cls : 'close', html : '&times' }); } var size = ''; if(this.size.length){ size = 'modal-' + this.size; } var footer = Roo.bootstrap.version == 3 ? { cls : 'modal-footer', cn : [ { tag: 'div', cls: 'btn-' + this.buttonPosition } ] } : { // BS4 uses mr-auto on left buttons.... cls : 'modal-footer' }; var modal = { cls: "modal", cn : [ { cls: "modal-dialog " + size, cn : [ { cls : "modal-content", cn : [ { cls : 'modal-header', cn : header }, bdy, footer ] } ] } ] }; if(this.animate){ modal.cls += ' fade'; } return modal; }, getChildContainer : function() { return this.bodyEl; }, getButtonContainer : function() { return Roo.bootstrap.version == 4 ? this.el.select('.modal-footer',true).first() : this.el.select('.modal-footer div',true).first(); }, initEvents : function() { if (this.allow_close) { this.closeEl.on('click', this.hide, this); } Roo.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.resize, this, true); if (this.editableTitle) { this.headerEditEl = this.headerEl.select('.form-control',true).first(); this.headerEl.on('click', function() { this.toggleHeaderInput(true) } , this); this.headerEditEl.on('keyup', function(e) { if([ e.RETURN , e.TAB , e.ESC ].indexOf(e.keyCode) > -1) { this.toggleHeaderInput(false) } }, this); this.headerEditEl.on('blur', function(e) { this.toggleHeaderInput(false) },this); } }, resize : function() { this.maskEl.setSize( Roo.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(true), Roo.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(true) ); if (this.fitwindow) { this.dialogEl.setStyle( { 'max-width' : '100%' }); this.setSize( this.width || Roo.lib.Dom.getViewportWidth(true) - 30, this.height || Roo.lib.Dom.getViewportHeight(true) // catering margin-top 30 margin-bottom 30 ); return; } if(this.max_width !== 0) { var w = Math.min(this.max_width, Roo.lib.Dom.getViewportWidth(true) - 30); if(this.height) { this.setSize(w, this.height); return; } if(this.max_height) { this.setSize(w,Math.min( this.max_height, Roo.lib.Dom.getViewportHeight(true) - 60 )); return; } if(!this.fit_content) { this.setSize(w, Roo.lib.Dom.getViewportHeight(true) - 60); return; } this.setSize(w, Math.min( 60 + this.headerEl.getHeight() + this.footerEl.getHeight() + this.getChildHeight(this.bodyEl.dom.childNodes), Roo.lib.Dom.getViewportHeight(true) - 60) ); } }, setSize : function(w,h) { if (!w && !h) { return; } this.resizeTo(w,h); }, show : function() { if (!this.rendered) { this.render(); } this.toggleHeaderInput(false); //this.el.setStyle('display', 'block'); this.el.removeClass('hideing'); this.el.dom.style.display='block'; Roo.get(document.body).addClass('modal-open'); if(this.animate){ // element has 'fade' - so stuff happens after .3s ?- not sure why the delay? (function(){ this.el.addClass('show'); this.el.addClass('in'); }).defer(50, this); }else{ this.el.addClass('show'); this.el.addClass('in'); } // not sure how we can show data in here.. //if (this.tmpl) { // this.getChildContainer().dom.innerHTML = this.tmpl.applyTemplate(this); //} Roo.get(document.body).addClass("x-body-masked"); this.maskEl.setSize(Roo.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(true), Roo.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(true)); this.maskEl.setStyle('z-index', Roo.bootstrap.Modal.zIndex++); this.maskEl.dom.style.display = 'block'; this.maskEl.addClass('show'); this.resize(); this.fireEvent('show', this); // set zindex here - otherwise it appears to be ignored... this.el.setStyle('z-index', Roo.bootstrap.Modal.zIndex++); (function () { this.items.forEach( function(e) { e.layout ? e.layout() : false; }); }).defer(100,this); }, hide : function() { if(this.fireEvent("beforehide", this) !== false){ this.maskEl.removeClass('show'); this.maskEl.dom.style.display = ''; Roo.get(document.body).removeClass("x-body-masked"); this.el.removeClass('in'); this.el.select('.modal-dialog', true).first().setStyle('transform',''); if(this.animate){ // why this.el.addClass('hideing'); this.el.removeClass('show'); (function(){ if (!this.el.hasClass('hideing')) { return; // it's been shown again... } this.el.dom.style.display=''; Roo.get(document.body).removeClass('modal-open'); this.el.removeClass('hideing'); }).defer(150,this); }else{ this.el.removeClass('show'); this.el.dom.style.display=''; Roo.get(document.body).removeClass('modal-open'); } this.fireEvent('hide', this); } }, isVisible : function() { return this.el.hasClass('show') && !this.el.hasClass('hideing'); }, addButton : function(str, cb) { var b = Roo.apply({}, { html : str } ); b.xns = b.xns || Roo.bootstrap; b.xtype = b.xtype || 'Button'; if (typeof(b.listeners) == 'undefined') { b.listeners = { click : cb.createDelegate(this) }; } var btn = Roo.factory(b); btn.render(this.getButtonContainer()); return btn; }, setDefaultButton : function(btn) { //this.el.select('.modal-footer').() }, resizeTo: function(w,h) { this.dialogEl.setWidth(w); var diff = this.headerEl.getHeight() + this.footerEl.getHeight() + 60; // dialog margin-bottom: 30 this.bodyEl.setHeight(h - diff); this.fireEvent('resize', this); }, setContentSize : function(w, h) { }, onButtonClick: function(btn,e) { //Roo.log([a,b,c]); this.fireEvent('btnclick', btn.name, e); }, /** * Set the title of the Dialog * @param {String} str new Title */ setTitle: function(str) { this.titleEl.dom.innerHTML = str; this.title = str; }, /** * Set the body of the Dialog * @param {String} str new Title */ setBody: function(str) { this.bodyEl.dom.innerHTML = str; }, /** * Set the body of the Dialog using the template * @param {Obj} data - apply this data to the template and replace the body contents. */ applyBody: function(obj) { if (!this.tmpl) { Roo.log("Error - using apply Body without a template"); //code } this.tmpl.overwrite(this.bodyEl, obj); }, getChildHeight : function(child_nodes) { if( !child_nodes || child_nodes.length == 0 ) { return 0; } var child_height = 0; for(var i = 0; i < child_nodes.length; i++) { /* * for modal with tabs... if(child_nodes[i].classList.contains('roo-layout-panel')) { var layout_childs = child_nodes[i].childNodes; for(var j = 0; j < layout_childs.length; j++) { if(layout_childs[j].classList.contains('roo-layout-panel-body')) { var layout_body_childs = layout_childs[j].childNodes; for(var k = 0; k < layout_body_childs.length; k++) { if(layout_body_childs[k].classList.contains('navbar')) { child_height += layout_body_childs[k].offsetHeight; continue; } if(layout_body_childs[k].classList.contains('roo-layout-tabs-body')) { var layout_body_tab_childs = layout_body_childs[k].childNodes; for(var m = 0; m < layout_body_tab_childs.length; m++) { if(layout_body_tab_childs[m].classList.contains('roo-layout-active-content')) { child_height += this.getChildHeight(layout_body_tab_childs[m].childNodes); continue; } } } } } } continue; } */ child_height += child_nodes[i].offsetHeight; // Roo.log(child_nodes[i].offsetHeight); } return child_height; }, toggleHeaderInput : function(is_edit) { if (!this.editableTitle) { return; // not editable. } if (is_edit && this.is_header_editing) { return; // already editing.. } if (is_edit) { this.headerEditEl.dom.value = this.title; this.headerEditEl.removeClass('d-none'); this.headerEditEl.dom.focus(); this.titleEl.addClass('d-none'); this.is_header_editing = true; return } // flip back to not editing. this.title = this.headerEditEl.dom.value; this.headerEditEl.addClass('d-none'); this.titleEl.removeClass('d-none'); this.titleEl.dom.innerHTML = String.format('{0}', this.title); this.is_header_editing = false; this.fireEvent('titlechanged', this, this.title); } }); Roo.apply(Roo.bootstrap.Modal, { /** * Button config that displays a single OK button * @type Object */ OK : [{ name : 'ok', weight : 'primary', html : 'OK' }], /** * Button config that displays Yes and No buttons * @type Object */ YESNO : [ { name : 'no', html : 'No' }, { name :'yes', weight : 'primary', html : 'Yes' } ], /** * Button config that displays OK and Cancel buttons * @type Object */ OKCANCEL : [ { name : 'cancel', html : 'Cancel' }, { name : 'ok', weight : 'primary', html : 'OK' } ], /** * Button config that displays Yes, No and Cancel buttons * @type Object */ YESNOCANCEL : [ { name : 'yes', weight : 'primary', html : 'Yes' }, { name : 'no', html : 'No' }, { name : 'cancel', html : 'Cancel' } ], zIndex : 10001 });