/* * - LGPL * * This is BS4's Card element.. - similar to our containers probably.. * */ /** * @class Roo.bootstrap.Card * @extends Roo.bootstrap.Component * Bootstrap Card class * * * possible... may not be implemented.. * @cfg {String} header_image src url of image. * @cfg {String|Object} header * @cfg {Number} header_size (0|1|2|3|4|5) H1 or H2 etc.. 0 indicates default * * @cfg {String} title * @cfg {String} subtitle * @cfg {String|Boolean} html -- html contents - or just use children.. use false to hide it.. * @cfg {String} footer * @cfg {String} weight (primary|warning|info|danger|secondary|success|light|dark) * * @cfg {String} margin (0|1|2|3|4|5|auto) * @cfg {String} margin_top (0|1|2|3|4|5|auto) * @cfg {String} margin_bottom (0|1|2|3|4|5|auto) * @cfg {String} margin_left (0|1|2|3|4|5|auto) * @cfg {String} margin_right (0|1|2|3|4|5|auto) * @cfg {String} margin_x (0|1|2|3|4|5|auto) * @cfg {String} margin_y (0|1|2|3|4|5|auto) * * @cfg {String} padding (0|1|2|3|4|5) * @cfg {String} padding_top (0|1|2|3|4|5) * @cfg {String} padding_bottom (0|1|2|3|4|5) * @cfg {String} padding_left (0|1|2|3|4|5) * @cfg {String} padding_right (0|1|2|3|4|5) * @cfg {String} padding_x (0|1|2|3|4|5) * @cfg {String} padding_y (0|1|2|3|4|5) * * @cfg {String} display (none|inline|inline-block|block|table|table-cell|table-row|flex|inline-flex) * @cfg {String} display_xs (none|inline|inline-block|block|table|table-cell|table-row|flex|inline-flex) * @cfg {String} display_sm (none|inline|inline-block|block|table|table-cell|table-row|flex|inline-flex) * @cfg {String} display_lg (none|inline|inline-block|block|table|table-cell|table-row|flex|inline-flex) * @cfg {String} display_xl (none|inline|inline-block|block|table|table-cell|table-row|flex|inline-flex) * @config {Boolean} dragable if this card can be dragged. * @config {String} drag_group group for drag * @config {Boolean} dropable if this card can recieve other cards being dropped onto it.. * @config {String} drop_group group for drag * * @config {Boolean} collapsable can the body be collapsed. * @config {Boolean} collapsed is the body collapsed when rendered... * @config {Boolean} rotateable can the body be rotated by clicking on it.. * @config {Boolean} rotated is the body rotated when rendered... * * @constructor * Create a new Container * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.bootstrap.Card = function(config){ Roo.bootstrap.Card.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.addEvents({ // raw events /** * @event drop * When a element a card is dropped * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Element} this * @param {Roo.Element} n the node being dropped? * @param {Object} dd Drag and drop data * @param {Roo.EventObject} e * @param {Roo.EventObject} data the data passed via getDragData */ 'drop' : true, /** * @event rotate * When a element a card is rotate * @param {Roo.bootstrap.Element} this * @param {Roo.Element} n the node being dropped? * @param {Boolean} rotate status */ 'rotate' : true }); }; Roo.extend(Roo.bootstrap.Card, Roo.bootstrap.Component, { weight : '', margin: '', /// may be better in component? margin_top: '', margin_bottom: '', margin_left: '', margin_right: '', margin_x: '', margin_y: '', padding : '', padding_top: '', padding_bottom: '', padding_left: '', padding_right: '', padding_x: '', padding_y: '', display: '', display_xs: '', display_sm: '', display_lg: '', display_xl: '', header_image : '', header : '', header_size : 0, title : '', subtitle : '', html : '', footer: '', collapsable : false, collapsed : false, rotateable : false, rotated : false, dragable : false, drag_group : false, dropable : false, drop_group : false, childContainer : false, dropEl : false, /// the dom placeholde element that indicates drop location. layoutCls : function() { var cls = ''; var t = this; Roo.log(this.margin_bottom.length); ['', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'x', 'y' ].forEach(function(v) { // in theory these can do margin_top : ml-xs-3 ??? but we don't support that yet if (('' + t['margin' + (v.length ? '_' : '') + v]).length) { cls += ' m' + (v.length ? v[0] : '') + '-' + t['margin' + (v.length ? '_' : '') + v]; } if (('' + t['padding' + (v.length ? '_' : '') + v]).length) { cls += ' p' + (v.length ? v[0] : '') + '-' + t['padding' + (v.length ? '_' : '') + v]; } }); ['', 'xs', 'sm', 'lg', 'xl'].forEach(function(v) { if (('' + t['display' + (v.length ? '_' : '') + v]).length) { cls += ' d' + (v.length ? '-' : '') + v + '-' + t['margin' + (v.length ? '_' : '') + v] } }); // more generic support? if (this.hidden) { cls += ' d-none'; } return cls; }, // Roo.log("Call onRender: " + this.xtype); /* We are looking at something like this. <div class="card"> <img src="..." class="card-img-top" alt="..."> <div class="card-body"> <h5 class="card-title">Card title</h5> <h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Card subtitle</h6> >> this bit is really the body... <div> << we will ad dthis in hopefully it will not break shit. ** card text does not actually have any styling... <p class="card-text">This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.</p> </div> << <a href="#" class="card-link">Card link</a> </div> <div class="card-footer"> <small class="text-muted">Last updated 3 mins ago</small> </div> </div> */ getAutoCreate : function(){ var cfg = { tag : 'div', cls : 'card', cn : [ ] }; if (this.weight.length && this.weight != 'light') { cfg.cls += ' text-white'; } else { cfg.cls += ' text-dark'; // need as it's nested.. } if (this.weight.length) { cfg.cls += ' bg-' + this.weight; } cfg.cls += this.layoutCls(); var hdr = false; if (this.header.length) { hdr = { tag : this.header_size > 0 ? 'h' + this.header_size : 'div', cls : 'card-header', cn : [] }; cfg.cn.push(hdr); hdr_ctr = hdr; } else { hdr = { tag : 'div', cls : 'card-header d-none', cn : [] }; cfg.cn.push(hdr); } if (this.collapsable) { hdr_ctr = { tag : 'a', cls : 'd-block user-select-none', cn: [ { tag: 'i', cls : 'roo-collapse-toggle fa fa-chevron-down float-right ' + (this.collapsed ? 'collapsed' : '') } ] }; hdr.cn.push(hdr_ctr); } hdr_ctr.cn.push( { tag: 'span', cls: 'roo-card-header-ctr' + ( this.header.length ? '' : ' d-none'), html : this.header }) if (this.header_image.length) { cfg.cn.push({ tag : 'img', cls : 'card-img-top', src: this.header_image // escape? }); } else { cfg.cn.push({ tag : 'div', cls : 'card-img-top d-none' }); } var body = { tag : 'div', cls : 'card-body' + (this.html === false ? ' d-none' : ''), cn : [] }; var obody = body; if (this.collapsable || this.rotateable) { obody = { tag: 'div', cls : 'roo-collapsable collapse ' + (this.collapsed || this.rotated ? '' : 'show'), cn : [ body ] }; } cfg.cn.push(obody); if (this.title.length) { body.cn.push({ tag : 'div', cls : 'card-title', src: this.title // escape? }); } if (this.subtitle.length) { body.cn.push({ tag : 'div', cls : 'card-title', src: this.subtitle // escape? }); } body.cn.push({ tag : 'div', cls : 'roo-card-body-ctr' }); if (this.html.length) { body.cn.push({ tag: 'div', html : this.html }); } // fixme ? handle objects? if (this.footer.length) { cfg.cn.push({ cls : 'card-footer ' + (this.rotated ? 'd-none' : ''), html : this.footer }); } else { cfg.cn.push({cls : 'card-footer d-none'}); } // footer... return cfg; }, getCardHeader : function() { var ret = this.el.select('.card-header',true).first(); if (ret.hasClass('d-none')) { ret.removeClass('d-none'); } return ret; }, getCardFooter : function() { var ret = this.el.select('.card-footer',true).first(); if (ret.hasClass('d-none')) { ret.removeClass('d-none'); } return ret; }, getCardImageTop : function() { var ret = this.el.select('.card-img-top',true).first(); if (ret.hasClass('d-none')) { ret.removeClass('d-none'); } return ret; }, getChildContainer : function() { if(!this.el){ return false; } return this.el.select('.roo-card-body-ctr',true).first(); }, initEvents: function() { this.bodyEl = this.getChildContainer(); if(this.dragable){ this.dragZone = new Roo.dd.DragZone(this.getEl(), { containerScroll: true, ddGroup: this.drag_group || 'default_card_drag_group' }); this.dragZone.getDragData = this.getDragData.createDelegate(this); } if (this.dropable) { this.dropZone = new Roo.dd.DropZone(this.el.select('.card-body',true).first() , { containerScroll: true, ddGroup: this.drop_group || 'default_card_drag_group' }); this.dropZone.getTargetFromEvent = this.getTargetFromEvent.createDelegate(this); this.dropZone.onNodeEnter = this.onNodeEnter.createDelegate(this); this.dropZone.onNodeOver = this.onNodeOver.createDelegate(this); this.dropZone.onNodeOut = this.onNodeOut.createDelegate(this); this.dropZone.onNodeDrop = this.onNodeDrop.createDelegate(this); } if (this.collapsable) { this.el.select('.card-header',true).on('click', this.onToggleCollapse, this); } if (this.rotateable) { this.el.select('.card-header',true).on('click', this.onToggleRotate, this); } this.collapsableEl = this.el.select('.roo-collapsable').first(); this.footerEl = this.el.select('.card-footer').first(); this.collapsableToggleEl = this.el.select('.roo-collapse-toggle'); this.headerEl = this.el.select('.roo-card-header-ctr').first(); if (this.rotated) { this.el.addClass('roo-card-rotated'); this.fireEvent('rotate', this, true); } }, getDragData : function(e) { var target = this.getEl(); if (target) { //this.handleSelection(e); var dragData = { source: this, copy: false, nodes: this.getEl(), records: [] }; dragData.ddel = target.dom ; // the div element Roo.log(target.getWidth( )); dragData.ddel.style.width = target.getWidth() + 'px'; return dragData; } return false; }, /** * Part of the Roo.dd.DropZone interface. If no target node is found, the * whole Element becomes the target, and this causes the drop gesture to append. */ getTargetFromEvent : function(e, dragged_card_el) { var target = e.getTarget(); while ((target !== null) && (target.parentNode != this.bodyEl.dom)) { target = target.parentNode; } var ret = { position: '', cards : [], card_n : -1, items_n : -1, card : false, }; //Roo.log([ 'target' , target ? target.id : '--nothing--']); // see if target is one of the 'cards'... //Roo.log(this.items.length); var pos = false; var last_card_n = 0; var cards_len = 0; for (var i = 0;i< this.items.length;i++) { if (!this.items[i].el.hasClass('card')) { continue; } pos = this.getDropPoint(e, this.items[i].el.dom); cards_len = ret.cards.length; //Roo.log(this.items[i].el.dom.id); ret.cards.push(this.items[i]); last_card_n = i; if (ret.card_n < 0 && pos == 'above') { ret.position = cards_len > 0 ? 'below' : pos; ret.items_n = i > 0 ? i - 1 : 0; ret.card_n = cards_len > 0 ? cards_len - 1 : 0; ret.card = ret.cards[ret.card_n]; } } if (!ret.cards.length) { ret.card = true; ret.position = 'below'; ret.items_n; return ret; } // could not find a card.. stick it at the end.. if (ret.card_n < 0) { ret.card_n = last_card_n; ret.card = ret.cards[last_card_n]; ret.items_n = this.items.indexOf(ret.cards[last_card_n]); ret.position = 'below'; } if (this.items[ret.items_n].el == dragged_card_el) { return false; } if (ret.position == 'below') { var card_after = ret.card_n+1 == ret.cards.length ? false : ret.cards[ret.card_n+1]; if (card_after && card_after.el == dragged_card_el) { return false; } return ret; } // its's after .. var card_before = ret.card_n > 0 ? ret.cards[ret.card_n-1] : false; if (card_before && card_before.el == dragged_card_el) { return false; } return ret; }, onNodeEnter : function(n, dd, e, data){ return false; }, onNodeOver : function(n, dd, e, data) { var target_info = this.getTargetFromEvent(e,data.source.el); if (target_info === false) { this.dropPlaceHolder('hide'); return false; } Roo.log(['getTargetFromEvent', target_info ]); this.dropPlaceHolder('show', target_info,data); return false; }, onNodeOut : function(n, dd, e, data){ this.dropPlaceHolder('hide'); }, onNodeDrop : function(n, dd, e, data) { // call drop - return false if // this could actually fail - if the Network drops.. // we will ignore this at present..- client should probably reload // the whole set of cards if stuff like that fails. var info = this.getTargetFromEvent(e,data.source.el); if (info === false) { return false; } if (this.fireEvent("drop", this, n, dd, e, data) === false) { return false; } this.dropPlaceHolder('hide'); // do the dom manipulation first.. var dom = data.source.el.dom; dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom); if (info.card !== true) { var cardel = info.card.el.dom; if (info.position == 'above') { cardel.parentNode.insertBefore(dom, cardel); } else if (cardel.nextSibling) { cardel.parentNode.insertBefore(dom,cardel.nextSibling); } else { cardel.parentNode.append(dom); } } else { // card container??? this.bodyEl.dom.append(dom); } //FIXME HANDLE card = true // add this to the correct place in items. // remove Card from items. var old_parent = data.source.parent(); old_parent.items = old_parent.items.filter(function(e) { return e != data.source }); if (this.items.length) { var nitems = []; Roo.log([info.items_n, info.position, this.items.length]) for (var i =0; i < this.items.length; i++) { if (i == info.items_n && info.position == 'above') { nitems.push(data.source); } nitems.push(this.items[i]); if (i == info.items_n && info.position == 'below') { nitems.push(data.source); } } this.items = nitems; Roo.log(this.items); } else { this.items.push(data.source); } data.source.parentId = this.id; return true; }, /** Decide whether to drop above or below a View node. */ getDropPoint : function(e, n, dd) { if (dd) { return false; } if (n == this.bodyEl.dom) { return "above"; } var t = Roo.lib.Dom.getY(n), b = t + n.offsetHeight; var c = t + (b - t) / 2; var y = Roo.lib.Event.getPageY(e); if(y <= c) { return "above"; }else{ return "below"; } }, onToggleCollapse : function(e) { if (this.collapsed) { this.el.select('.roo-collapse-toggle').removeClass('collapsed'); this.collapsableEl.addClass('show'); this.collapsed = false; return; } this.el.select('.roo-collapse-toggle').addClass('collapsed'); this.collapsableEl.removeClass('show'); this.collapsed = true; }, onToggleRotate : function(e) { this.collapsableEl.removeClass('show'); this.footerEl.removeClass('d-none'); this.el.removeClass('roo-card-rotated'); this.el.removeClass('d-none'); if (this.rotated) { this.collapsableEl.addClass('show'); this.rotated = false; this.fireEvent('rotate', this, this.rotated); return; } this.el.addClass('roo-card-rotated'); this.footerEl.addClass('d-none'); this.el.select('.roo-collapsable').removeClass('show'); this.rotated = true; this.fireEvent('rotate', this, this.rotated); }, dropPlaceHolder: function (action, info, data) { if (this.dropEl === false) { this.dropEl = Roo.DomHelper.append(this.bodyEl, { cls : 'd-none' },true); } this.dropEl.removeClass(['d-none', 'd-block']); if (action == 'hide') { this.dropEl.addClass('d-none'); return; } // FIXME - info.card == true!!! this.dropEl.dom.parentNode.removeChild(this.dropEl.dom); if (info.card !== true) { var cardel = info.card.el.dom; if (info.position == 'above') { cardel.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dropEl.dom, cardel); } else if (cardel.nextSibling) { cardel.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dropEl.dom,cardel.nextSibling); } else { cardel.parentNode.append(this.dropEl.dom); } } else { // card container??? this.bodyEl.dom.append(this.dropEl.dom); } this.dropEl.addClass('d-block roo-card-dropzone'); this.dropEl.setHeight( Roo.get(data.ddel).getHeight() ); }, setHeaderText: function(html) { this.headerEl.dom.innerHTML = html; } });