/* * Based on: * Ext JS Library 1.1.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * * Originally Released Under LGPL - original licence link has changed is not relivant. * * Fork - LGPL * <script type="text/javascript"> */ /** * @class Roo.SplitLayoutRegion * @extends Roo.LayoutRegion * Adds a splitbar and other (private) useful functionality to a {@link Roo.LayoutRegion}. */ Roo.SplitLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config, pos, cursor){ this.cursor = cursor; Roo.SplitLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, pos); }; Roo.extend(Roo.SplitLayoutRegion, Roo.LayoutRegion, { splitTip : "Drag to resize.", collapsibleSplitTip : "Drag to resize. Double click to hide.", useSplitTips : false, applyConfig : function(config){ Roo.SplitLayoutRegion.superclass.applyConfig.call(this, config); if(config.split){ if(!this.split){ var splitEl = Roo.DomHelper.append(this.mgr.el.dom, {tag: "div", id: this.el.id + "-split", cls: "x-layout-split x-layout-split-"+this.position, html: "&#160;"}); /** The SplitBar for this region * @type Roo.SplitBar */ this.split = new Roo.SplitBar(splitEl, this.el, this.orientation); this.split.on("moved", this.onSplitMove, this); this.split.useShim = config.useShim === true; this.split.getMaximumSize = this[this.position == 'north' || this.position == 'south' ? 'getVMaxSize' : 'getHMaxSize'].createDelegate(this); if(this.useSplitTips){ this.split.el.dom.title = config.collapsible ? this.collapsibleSplitTip : this.splitTip; } if(config.collapsible){ this.split.el.on("dblclick", this.collapse, this); } } if(typeof config.minSize != "undefined"){ this.split.minSize = config.minSize; } if(typeof config.maxSize != "undefined"){ this.split.maxSize = config.maxSize; } if(config.hideWhenEmpty || config.hidden || config.collapsed){ this.hideSplitter(); } } }, getHMaxSize : function(){ var cmax = this.config.maxSize || 10000; var center = this.mgr.getRegion("center"); return Math.min(cmax, (this.el.getWidth()+center.getEl().getWidth())-center.getMinWidth()); }, getVMaxSize : function(){ var cmax = this.config.maxSize || 10000; var center = this.mgr.getRegion("center"); return Math.min(cmax, (this.el.getHeight()+center.getEl().getHeight())-center.getMinHeight()); }, onSplitMove : function(split, newSize){ this.fireEvent("resized", this, newSize); }, /** * Returns the {@link Roo.SplitBar} for this region. * @return {Roo.SplitBar} */ getSplitBar : function(){ return this.split; }, hide : function(){ this.hideSplitter(); Roo.SplitLayoutRegion.superclass.hide.call(this); }, hideSplitter : function(){ if(this.split){ this.split.el.setLocation(-2000,-2000); this.split.el.hide(); } }, show : function(){ if(this.split){ this.split.el.show(); } Roo.SplitLayoutRegion.superclass.show.call(this); }, beforeSlide: function(){ if(Roo.isGecko){// firefox overflow auto bug workaround this.bodyEl.clip(); if(this.tabs) { this.tabs.bodyEl.clip(); } if(this.activePanel){ this.activePanel.getEl().clip(); if(this.activePanel.beforeSlide){ this.activePanel.beforeSlide(); } } } }, afterSlide : function(){ if(Roo.isGecko){// firefox overflow auto bug workaround this.bodyEl.unclip(); if(this.tabs) { this.tabs.bodyEl.unclip(); } if(this.activePanel){ this.activePanel.getEl().unclip(); if(this.activePanel.afterSlide){ this.activePanel.afterSlide(); } } } }, initAutoHide : function(){ if(this.autoHide !== false){ if(!this.autoHideHd){ var st = new Roo.util.DelayedTask(this.slideIn, this); this.autoHideHd = { "mouseout": function(e){ if(!e.within(this.el, true)){ st.delay(500); } }, "mouseover" : function(e){ st.cancel(); }, scope : this }; } this.el.on(this.autoHideHd); } }, clearAutoHide : function(){ if(this.autoHide !== false){ this.el.un("mouseout", this.autoHideHd.mouseout); this.el.un("mouseover", this.autoHideHd.mouseover); } }, clearMonitor : function(){ Roo.get(document).un("click", this.slideInIf, this); }, // these names are backwards but not changed for compat slideOut : function(){ if(this.isSlid || this.el.hasActiveFx()){ return; } this.isSlid = true; if(this.collapseBtn){ this.collapseBtn.hide(); } this.closeBtnState = this.closeBtn.getStyle('display'); this.closeBtn.hide(); if(this.stickBtn){ this.stickBtn.show(); } this.el.show(); this.el.alignTo(this.collapsedEl, this.getCollapseAnchor()); this.beforeSlide(); this.el.setStyle("z-index", 10001); this.el.slideIn(this.getSlideAnchor(), { callback: function(){ this.afterSlide(); this.initAutoHide(); Roo.get(document).on("click", this.slideInIf, this); this.fireEvent("slideshow", this); }, scope: this, block: true }); }, afterSlideIn : function(){ this.clearAutoHide(); this.isSlid = false; this.clearMonitor(); this.el.setStyle("z-index", ""); if(this.collapseBtn){ this.collapseBtn.show(); } this.closeBtn.setStyle('display', this.closeBtnState); if(this.stickBtn){ this.stickBtn.hide(); } this.fireEvent("slidehide", this); }, slideIn : function(cb){ if(!this.isSlid || this.el.hasActiveFx()){ Roo.callback(cb); return; } this.isSlid = false; this.beforeSlide(); this.el.slideOut(this.getSlideAnchor(), { callback: function(){ this.el.setLeftTop(-10000, -10000); this.afterSlide(); this.afterSlideIn(); Roo.callback(cb); }, scope: this, block: true }); }, slideInIf : function(e){ if(!e.within(this.el)){ this.slideIn(); } }, animateCollapse : function(){ this.beforeSlide(); this.el.setStyle("z-index", 20000); var anchor = this.getSlideAnchor(); this.el.slideOut(anchor, { callback : function(){ this.el.setStyle("z-index", ""); this.collapsedEl.slideIn(anchor, {duration:.3}); this.afterSlide(); this.el.setLocation(-10000,-10000); this.el.hide(); this.fireEvent("collapsed", this); }, scope: this, block: true }); }, animateExpand : function(){ this.beforeSlide(); this.el.alignTo(this.collapsedEl, this.getCollapseAnchor(), this.getExpandAdj()); this.el.setStyle("z-index", 20000); this.collapsedEl.hide({ duration:.1 }); this.el.slideIn(this.getSlideAnchor(), { callback : function(){ this.el.setStyle("z-index", ""); this.afterSlide(); if(this.split){ this.split.el.show(); } this.fireEvent("invalidated", this); this.fireEvent("expanded", this); }, scope: this, block: true }); }, anchors : { "west" : "left", "east" : "right", "north" : "top", "south" : "bottom" }, sanchors : { "west" : "l", "east" : "r", "north" : "t", "south" : "b" }, canchors : { "west" : "tl-tr", "east" : "tr-tl", "north" : "tl-bl", "south" : "bl-tl" }, getAnchor : function(){ return this.anchors[this.position]; }, getCollapseAnchor : function(){ return this.canchors[this.position]; }, getSlideAnchor : function(){ return this.sanchors[this.position]; }, getAlignAdj : function(){ var cm = this.cmargins; switch(this.position){ case "west": return [0, 0]; break; case "east": return [0, 0]; break; case "north": return [0, 0]; break; case "south": return [0, 0]; break; } }, getExpandAdj : function(){ var c = this.collapsedEl, cm = this.cmargins; switch(this.position){ case "west": return [-(cm.right+c.getWidth()+cm.left), 0]; break; case "east": return [cm.right+c.getWidth()+cm.left, 0]; break; case "north": return [0, -(cm.top+cm.bottom+c.getHeight())]; break; case "south": return [0, cm.top+cm.bottom+c.getHeight()]; break; } } });