/* * Based on: * Ext JS Library 1.1.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * * Originally Released Under LGPL - original licence link has changed is not relivant. * * Fork - LGPL * <script type="text/javascript"> */ /** * @class Roo.DatePicker * @extends Roo.Component * Simple date picker class. * @constructor * Create a new DatePicker * @param {Object} config The config object */ Roo.DatePicker = function(config){ Roo.DatePicker.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.value = config && config.value ? config.value.clearTime() : new Date().clearTime(); this.addEvents({ /** * @event select * Fires when a date is selected * @param {DatePicker} this * @param {Date} date The selected date */ 'select': true, /** * @event monthchange * Fires when the displayed month changes * @param {DatePicker} this * @param {Date} date The selected month */ 'monthchange': true }); if(this.handler){ this.on("select", this.handler, this.scope || this); } // build the disabledDatesRE if(!this.disabledDatesRE && this.disabledDates){ var dd = this.disabledDates; var re = "(?:"; for(var i = 0; i < dd.length; i++){ re += dd[i]; if(i != dd.length-1) { re += "|"; } } this.disabledDatesRE = new RegExp(re + ")"); } }; Roo.extend(Roo.DatePicker, Roo.Component, { /** * @cfg {String} todayText * The text to display on the button that selects the current date (defaults to "Today") */ todayText : "Today", /** * @cfg {String} okText * The text to display on the ok button */ okText : "&#160;OK&#160;", // &#160; to give the user extra clicking room /** * @cfg {String} cancelText * The text to display on the cancel button */ cancelText : "Cancel", /** * @cfg {String} todayTip * The tooltip to display for the button that selects the current date (defaults to "{current date} (Spacebar)") */ todayTip : "{0} (Spacebar)", /** * @cfg {Date} minDate * Minimum allowable date (JavaScript date object, defaults to null) */ minDate : null, /** * @cfg {Date} maxDate * Maximum allowable date (JavaScript date object, defaults to null) */ maxDate : null, /** * @cfg {String} minText * The error text to display if the minDate validation fails (defaults to "This date is before the minimum date") */ minText : "This date is before the minimum date", /** * @cfg {String} maxText * The error text to display if the maxDate validation fails (defaults to "This date is after the maximum date") */ maxText : "This date is after the maximum date", /** * @cfg {String} format * The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be * valid according to {@link Date#parseDate} (defaults to 'm/d/y'). */ format : "m/d/y", /** * @cfg {Array} disabledDays * An array of days to disable, 0-based. For example, [0, 6] disables Sunday and Saturday (defaults to null). */ disabledDays : null, /** * @cfg {String} disabledDaysText * The tooltip to display when the date falls on a disabled day (defaults to "") */ disabledDaysText : "", /** * @cfg {RegExp} disabledDatesRE * JavaScript regular expression used to disable a pattern of dates (defaults to null) */ disabledDatesRE : null, /** * @cfg {String} disabledDatesText * The tooltip text to display when the date falls on a disabled date (defaults to "") */ disabledDatesText : "", /** * @cfg {Boolean} constrainToViewport * True to constrain the date picker to the viewport (defaults to true) */ constrainToViewport : true, /** * @cfg {Array} monthNames * An array of textual month names which can be overriden for localization support (defaults to Date.monthNames) */ monthNames : Date.monthNames, /** * @cfg {Array} dayNames * An array of textual day names which can be overriden for localization support (defaults to Date.dayNames) */ dayNames : Date.dayNames, /** * @cfg {String} nextText * The next month navigation button tooltip (defaults to 'Next Month (Control+Right)') */ nextText: 'Next Month (Control+Right)', /** * @cfg {String} prevText * The previous month navigation button tooltip (defaults to 'Previous Month (Control+Left)') */ prevText: 'Previous Month (Control+Left)', /** * @cfg {String} monthYearText * The header month selector tooltip (defaults to 'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)') */ monthYearText: 'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)', /** * @cfg {Number} startDay * Day index at which the week should begin, 0-based (defaults to 0, which is Sunday) */ startDay : 0, /** * @cfg {Bool} showClear * Show a clear button (usefull for date form elements that can be blank.) */ showClear: false, /** * Sets the value of the date field * @param {Date} value The date to set */ setValue : function(value){ var old = this.value; if (typeof(value) == 'string') { value = Date.parseDate(value, this.format); } if (!value) { value = new Date(); } this.value = value.clearTime(true); if(this.el){ this.update(this.value); } }, /** * Gets the current selected value of the date field * @return {Date} The selected date */ getValue : function(){ return this.value; }, // private focus : function(){ if(this.el){ this.update(this.activeDate); } }, // privateval onRender : function(container, position){ var m = [ '<table cellspacing="0">', '<tr><td class="x-date-left"><a href="#" title="', this.prevText ,'">&#160;</a></td><td class="x-date-middle" align="center"></td><td class="x-date-right"><a href="#" title="', this.nextText ,'">&#160;</a></td></tr>', '<tr><td colspan="3"><table class="x-date-inner" cellspacing="0"><thead><tr>']; var dn = this.dayNames; for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++){ var d = this.startDay+i; if(d > 6){ d = d-7; } m.push("<th><span>", dn[d].substr(0,1), "</span></th>"); } m[m.length] = "</tr></thead><tbody><tr>"; for(var i = 0; i < 42; i++) { if(i % 7 == 0 && i != 0){ m[m.length] = "</tr><tr>"; } m[m.length] = '<td><a href="#" hidefocus="on" class="x-date-date" tabIndex="1"><em><span></span></em></a></td>'; } m[m.length] = '</tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr>'+ '<td colspan="3" class="x-date-bottom" align="center"></td></tr></table><div class="x-date-mp"></div>'; var el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "x-date-picker"; el.innerHTML = m.join(""); container.dom.insertBefore(el, position); this.el = Roo.get(el); this.eventEl = Roo.get(el.firstChild); new Roo.util.ClickRepeater(this.el.child("td.x-date-left a"), { handler: this.showPrevMonth, scope: this, preventDefault:true, stopDefault:true }); new Roo.util.ClickRepeater(this.el.child("td.x-date-right a"), { handler: this.showNextMonth, scope: this, preventDefault:true, stopDefault:true }); this.eventEl.on("mousewheel", this.handleMouseWheel, this); this.monthPicker = this.el.down('div.x-date-mp'); this.monthPicker.enableDisplayMode('block'); var kn = new Roo.KeyNav(this.eventEl, { "left" : function(e){ e.ctrlKey ? this.showPrevMonth() : this.update(this.activeDate.add("d", -1)); }, "right" : function(e){ e.ctrlKey ? this.showNextMonth() : this.update(this.activeDate.add("d", 1)); }, "up" : function(e){ e.ctrlKey ? this.showNextYear() : this.update(this.activeDate.add("d", -7)); }, "down" : function(e){ e.ctrlKey ? this.showPrevYear() : this.update(this.activeDate.add("d", 7)); }, "pageUp" : function(e){ this.showNextMonth(); }, "pageDown" : function(e){ this.showPrevMonth(); }, "enter" : function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); return true; }, scope : this }); this.eventEl.on("click", this.handleDateClick, this, {delegate: "a.x-date-date"}); this.eventEl.addKeyListener(Roo.EventObject.SPACE, this.selectToday, this); this.el.unselectable(); this.cells = this.el.select("table.x-date-inner tbody td"); this.textNodes = this.el.query("table.x-date-inner tbody span"); this.mbtn = new Roo.Button(this.el.child("td.x-date-middle", true), { text: "&#160;", tooltip: this.monthYearText }); this.mbtn.on('click', this.showMonthPicker, this); this.mbtn.el.child(this.mbtn.menuClassTarget).addClass("x-btn-with-menu"); var today = (new Date()).dateFormat(this.format); var baseTb = new Roo.Toolbar(this.el.child("td.x-date-bottom", true)); if (this.showClear) { baseTb.add( new Roo.Toolbar.Fill()); } baseTb.add({ text: String.format(this.todayText, today), tooltip: String.format(this.todayTip, today), handler: this.selectToday, scope: this }); //var todayBtn = new Roo.Button(this.el.child("td.x-date-bottom", true), { //}); if (this.showClear) { baseTb.add( new Roo.Toolbar.Fill()); baseTb.add({ text: '&#160;', cls: 'x-btn-icon x-btn-clear', handler: function() { //this.value = ''; this.fireEvent("select", this, ''); }, scope: this }); } if(Roo.isIE){ this.el.repaint(); } this.update(this.value); }, createMonthPicker : function(){ if(!this.monthPicker.dom.firstChild){ var buf = ['<table border="0" cellspacing="0">']; for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++){ buf.push( '<tr><td class="x-date-mp-month"><a href="#">', this.monthNames[i].substr(0, 3), '</a></td>', '<td class="x-date-mp-month x-date-mp-sep"><a href="#">', this.monthNames[i+6].substr(0, 3), '</a></td>', i == 0 ? '<td class="x-date-mp-ybtn" align="center"><a class="x-date-mp-prev"></a></td><td class="x-date-mp-ybtn" align="center"><a class="x-date-mp-next"></a></td></tr>' : '<td class="x-date-mp-year"><a href="#"></a></td><td class="x-date-mp-year"><a href="#"></a></td></tr>' ); } buf.push( '<tr class="x-date-mp-btns"><td colspan="4"><button type="button" class="x-date-mp-ok">', this.okText, '</button><button type="button" class="x-date-mp-cancel">', this.cancelText, '</button></td></tr>', '</table>' ); this.monthPicker.update(buf.join('')); this.monthPicker.on('click', this.onMonthClick, this); this.monthPicker.on('dblclick', this.onMonthDblClick, this); this.mpMonths = this.monthPicker.select('td.x-date-mp-month'); this.mpYears = this.monthPicker.select('td.x-date-mp-year'); this.mpMonths.each(function(m, a, i){ i += 1; if((i%2) == 0){ m.dom.xmonth = 5 + Math.round(i * .5); }else{ m.dom.xmonth = Math.round((i-1) * .5); } }); } }, showMonthPicker : function(){ this.createMonthPicker(); var size = this.el.getSize(); this.monthPicker.setSize(size); this.monthPicker.child('table').setSize(size); this.mpSelMonth = (this.activeDate || this.value).getMonth(); this.updateMPMonth(this.mpSelMonth); this.mpSelYear = (this.activeDate || this.value).getFullYear(); this.updateMPYear(this.mpSelYear); this.monthPicker.slideIn('t', {duration:.2}); }, updateMPYear : function(y){ this.mpyear = y; var ys = this.mpYears.elements; for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++){ var td = ys[i-1], y2; if((i%2) == 0){ y2 = y + Math.round(i * .5); td.firstChild.innerHTML = y2; td.xyear = y2; }else{ y2 = y - (5-Math.round(i * .5)); td.firstChild.innerHTML = y2; td.xyear = y2; } this.mpYears.item(i-1)[y2 == this.mpSelYear ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('x-date-mp-sel'); } }, updateMPMonth : function(sm){ this.mpMonths.each(function(m, a, i){ m[m.dom.xmonth == sm ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('x-date-mp-sel'); }); }, selectMPMonth: function(m){ }, onMonthClick : function(e, t){ e.stopEvent(); var el = new Roo.Element(t), pn; if(el.is('button.x-date-mp-cancel')){ this.hideMonthPicker(); } else if(el.is('button.x-date-mp-ok')){ this.update(new Date(this.mpSelYear, this.mpSelMonth, (this.activeDate || this.value).getDate())); this.hideMonthPicker(); } else if(pn = el.up('td.x-date-mp-month', 2)){ this.mpMonths.removeClass('x-date-mp-sel'); pn.addClass('x-date-mp-sel'); this.mpSelMonth = pn.dom.xmonth; } else if(pn = el.up('td.x-date-mp-year', 2)){ this.mpYears.removeClass('x-date-mp-sel'); pn.addClass('x-date-mp-sel'); this.mpSelYear = pn.dom.xyear; } else if(el.is('a.x-date-mp-prev')){ this.updateMPYear(this.mpyear-10); } else if(el.is('a.x-date-mp-next')){ this.updateMPYear(this.mpyear+10); } }, onMonthDblClick : function(e, t){ e.stopEvent(); var el = new Roo.Element(t), pn; if(pn = el.up('td.x-date-mp-month', 2)){ this.update(new Date(this.mpSelYear, pn.dom.xmonth, (this.activeDate || this.value).getDate())); this.hideMonthPicker(); } else if(pn = el.up('td.x-date-mp-year', 2)){ this.update(new Date(pn.dom.xyear, this.mpSelMonth, (this.activeDate || this.value).getDate())); this.hideMonthPicker(); } }, hideMonthPicker : function(disableAnim){ if(this.monthPicker){ if(disableAnim === true){ this.monthPicker.hide(); }else{ this.monthPicker.slideOut('t', {duration:.2}); } } }, // private showPrevMonth : function(e){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("mo", -1)); }, // private showNextMonth : function(e){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("mo", 1)); }, // private showPrevYear : function(){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("y", -1)); }, // private showNextYear : function(){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("y", 1)); }, // private handleMouseWheel : function(e){ var delta = e.getWheelDelta(); if(delta > 0){ this.showPrevMonth(); e.stopEvent(); } else if(delta < 0){ this.showNextMonth(); e.stopEvent(); } }, // private handleDateClick : function(e, t){ e.stopEvent(); if(t.dateValue && !Roo.fly(t.parentNode).hasClass("x-date-disabled")){ this.setValue(new Date(t.dateValue)); this.fireEvent("select", this, this.value); } }, // private selectToday : function(){ this.setValue(new Date().clearTime()); this.fireEvent("select", this, this.value); }, // private update : function(date) { var vd = this.activeDate; this.activeDate = date; if(vd && this.el){ var t = date.getTime(); if(vd.getMonth() == date.getMonth() && vd.getFullYear() == date.getFullYear()){ this.cells.removeClass("x-date-selected"); this.cells.each(function(c){ if(c.dom.firstChild.dateValue == t){ c.addClass("x-date-selected"); setTimeout(function(){ try{c.dom.firstChild.focus();}catch(e){} }, 50); return false; } }); return; } } var days = date.getDaysInMonth(); var firstOfMonth = date.getFirstDateOfMonth(); var startingPos = firstOfMonth.getDay()-this.startDay; if(startingPos <= this.startDay){ startingPos += 7; } var pm = date.add("mo", -1); var prevStart = pm.getDaysInMonth()-startingPos; var cells = this.cells.elements; var textEls = this.textNodes; days += startingPos; // convert everything to numbers so it's fast var day = 86400000; var d = (new Date(pm.getFullYear(), pm.getMonth(), prevStart)).clearTime(); var today = new Date().clearTime().getTime(); var sel = date.clearTime().getTime(); var min = this.minDate ? this.minDate.clearTime() : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; var max = this.maxDate ? this.maxDate.clearTime() : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var ddMatch = this.disabledDatesRE; var ddText = this.disabledDatesText; var ddays = this.disabledDays ? this.disabledDays.join("") : false; var ddaysText = this.disabledDaysText; var format = this.format; var setCellClass = function(cal, cell){ cell.title = ""; var t = d.getTime(); cell.firstChild.dateValue = t; if(t == today){ cell.className += " x-date-today"; cell.title = cal.todayText; } if(t == sel){ cell.className += " x-date-selected"; setTimeout(function(){ try{cell.firstChild.focus();}catch(e){} }, 50); } // disabling if(t < min) { cell.className = " x-date-disabled"; cell.title = cal.minText; return; } if(t > max) { cell.className = " x-date-disabled"; cell.title = cal.maxText; return; } if(ddays){ if(ddays.indexOf(d.getDay()) != -1){ cell.title = ddaysText; cell.className = " x-date-disabled"; } } if(ddMatch && format){ var fvalue = d.dateFormat(format); if(ddMatch.test(fvalue)){ cell.title = ddText.replace("%0", fvalue); cell.className = " x-date-disabled"; } } }; var i = 0; for(; i < startingPos; i++) { textEls[i].innerHTML = (++prevStart); d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); cells[i].className = "x-date-prevday"; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); } for(; i < days; i++){ intDay = i - startingPos + 1; textEls[i].innerHTML = (intDay); d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); cells[i].className = "x-date-active"; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); } var extraDays = 0; for(; i < 42; i++) { textEls[i].innerHTML = (++extraDays); d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); cells[i].className = "x-date-nextday"; setCellClass(this, cells[i]); } this.mbtn.setText(this.monthNames[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getFullYear()); this.fireEvent('monthchange', this, date); if(!this.internalRender){ var main = this.el.dom.firstChild; var w = main.offsetWidth; this.el.setWidth(w + this.el.getBorderWidth("lr")); Roo.fly(main).setWidth(w); this.internalRender = true; // opera does not respect the auto grow header center column // then, after it gets a width opera refuses to recalculate // without a second pass if(Roo.isOpera && !this.secondPass){ main.rows[0].cells[1].style.width = (w - (main.rows[0].cells[0].offsetWidth+main.rows[0].cells[2].offsetWidth)) + "px"; this.secondPass = true; this.update.defer(10, this, [date]); } } } });