

Class Roo.BasicLayoutRegion

Defined In: Roo/BasicLayoutRegion.js.
Subclasses: Roo.LayoutRegion, Roo.SplitLayoutRegion, Roo.bootstrap.layout.Split
Extends: Roo.util.Observable
This class represents a lightweight region in a layout manager. This region does not move dom nodes
and does not have a titlebar, tabs or any other features. All it does is size and position
panels. To create a BasicLayoutRegion, add lightweight:true or basic:true to your regions config.
Class Comments / Notes => [Add Your comment/notes about this class]
Config Options (Usually are also Properties)
Options Defined By
Public Properties - Has None
Public Methods
Method Defined By
new Roo.BasicLayoutRegion ()
Create a new Roo.BasicLayoutRegion
Create a new Roo.BasicLayoutRegion
Event Defined By
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