// list of files to be build in order.. // -- to make your own.. // - just copy this file, and add // infront of the files // that you dont think you need.!!! Roo Function String Number Array Date //not sure how many of these are requ.. //was adapter/... Roo.lib.Dom Roo.lib.Event Roo.lib.Ajax Roo.lib.Region //Roo.DomHelper - in twice -- should it be here??? Roo.lib.Point Roo.lib.Anim Roo.lib.AnimBase Roo.lib.AnimMgr Roo.lib.Beizer Roo.lib.Color Roo.lib.ColorAnim Roo.lib.Easing Roo.lib.Motion Roo.lib.Scroll // --- end if base --- Roo.DomHelper Roo.Template Roo.DomQuery Roo.util.Observable Roo.Document Roo.EventManager Roo.Element Roo.Fx Roo.CompositeElement Roo.CompositeElementLite Roo.data.Connection Roo.Ajax Roo.UpdateManager Roo.DomTemplate // -- these two have bits in and out of core... // probably outside of core.. Roo.util.DelayedTask // TaskRunner includes Roo.TaskMgr Roo.util.TaskRunner Roo.util.MixedCollection Roo.util.JSON Roo.util.Format Roo.MasterTemplate Roo.util.CSS Roo.util.ClickRepeater Roo.util.Clipboard Roo.KeyNav Roo.KeyMap Roo.util.TextMetrics Roo.state.Provider Roo.state.Manager Roo.state.CookieProvider // moved from ui.. Roo.ComponentMgr Roo.Component Roo.BoxComponent Roo.Layer Roo.XComponent Roo.Markdown Roo.dd.DragDrop Roo.dd.DragDropMgr Roo.dd.DD Roo.dd.DDProxy Roo.dd.DDTarget Roo.dd.ScrollManager Roo.dd.Registry Roo.dd.StatusProxy Roo.dd.DragSource Roo.dd.DropTarget Roo.dd.DragZone Roo.dd.DropZone