Component hideon = xs,sm,md,lg,print ( adds .hidden-xs) - value can be a combination of any of these showon = xs,sm,md,lg,print ( adds .visible-xs) - value can be a combination of any of these Container - add type : (empty) | jumbotron | page-header | thumbnail - alert (empty) | success | info | warning | danger - dismiss : false | true ** if alert -> then after render??? change all the children.. ** add hook? afterChildRender to Component.. Button.js active: true/false --- good weight : default (or empty) | primary | success | info | warning --- good size : lg / sm / xs (default empty) --- good tag: button (default) | a | input | submit --- input + submit (form) href: // if set then and tag != 'a' = then show error --- good disabled : true/false --- good isClose: true/false --- good glyphicon: volume-up (see components styling) --- good (( if button has items[] then show a carret and crete the ul/ for dropdown)) --- not done, how to I create ul for dropdown? dropdirection : default empty (down) can be 'dropup' --- .dropup class must be added to parent .btn-group div. .pull-right? badge: (empty) or value --- converts to tag a, add pull-right? Navbar.Dropdown --- problem: has autocreate - add align: left (default) right - add pull-right --- what to call it? Navbar.Button (extends Button) --- how do I do this Navbar.Item - add disabled --- no navbar item disabled - if href is empty - then do not use tags. (and use navbar-text) --- problem: if href is empty, it uses default from autocreate instead - add align : right --- the alignment of the parent ul is set, not the li items - add badge --- good Navbar - type : tabs | pills | stacked | justified | fixed-top | fixed-bottom | static-top | inverse (default empty) --- +collapse, problem: justified works only for , not