/** compile: valac src/Builder4/sample_working_gladeui.vala --pkg gladeui-2.0 --pkg gtk+-3.0 -o /tmp/test_glade --vapidir src/vapi This works fine. - however when I added it to the builder - the gtkwindows seperated themselves from the display - I think it tries to get clever and does something with gtk_plug which doesnt really work. There are some downsides to using glade anyway - so probably dont think about it next time. * the UI mouse menu introduces quite a few things that may be difficult to handle. * the drag drop into the view, needs the paleate from glade - which is not really compatible with our one. */ using Glade; using Gtk; static int main (string[] args) { Gtk.init(ref args); Window win = new Window(WindowType.TOPLEVEL); Project proj = new Project(); //Palette pal = new Palette(); //Inspector ins = new Inspector(); DesignView dv = new DesignView(proj); //pal.project = proj; //ins.project = proj; HBox box = new HBox(false,0); //box.pack_start(pal); //box.pack_start(ins); box.pack_start(dv); win.add(box); dv.show(); //pal.show(); //ins.show(); win.set_size_request(300,300); win.show_all(); App.set_window(win); App.add_project(proj); proj.load_from_file("/tmp/glade.xml"); Gtk.main(); return 0; }