/** * Resources * * Idea is to manage resourse used by the app. * * The original code downloaded all the resources before it renders the main window * * This is a bit annoying as although they do change quite a bit, it's not on every app start * * So the Resource fetching behaviour should be a button on the File view page * That starts the refresh of the resources. * * I'm not quite sure how we should flow this - if we do them all at once.. might be a bit of a server * overload... so sequentially may be best... */ public class ResourcesItem : Object { public string target; public string src; public string new_sha; public string cur_sha; public ResourcesItem(string src, string target, string new_sha) { this.target = target; this.src = src; this.new_sha = new_sha; this.cur_sha = ""; this.update_cur_sha(); print("New ResourcesItem %s (%s) => (%s) %s\n", target , this.cur_sha , new_sha, src); } public void update_cur_sha() { if (this.target.contains("*")) { return; } var tfn = BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/" + this.target; if (!GLib.FileUtils.test (tfn, FileTest.IS_REGULAR)) { return; } uint8[] data; uint8[] zero = { 0 }; try { GLib.FileUtils.get_data(tfn, out data); var file = File.new_for_path (tfn); var info = file.query_info( "standard::*", FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE ); var csdata = new GLib.ByteArray.take("blob %s".printf(info.get_size().to_string()).data); csdata.append(zero); csdata.append(data); // git method... blob %d\0...string... this.cur_sha = GLib.Checksum.compute_for_data(GLib.ChecksumType.SHA1, csdata.data ); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.debug("Failed to update SHA: %s", e.message); } } } public class Resources : Object { public signal void updateProgress(uint cur_pos, uint total); static Resources singleton_val; Gee.ArrayList fetch_files; public static Resources singleton() { if (singleton_val == null) { singleton_val = new Resources(); singleton_val.ref(); } return singleton_val; } public Resources () { this.initFiles(); } public void initFiles() { string[] avail_files = { "roodata.json", /// << this is the only one we get now.. // "flutter_tree.json", // "*", // "Editors/*.js", // "vapi/*" }; this.fetch_files = new Gee.ArrayList(); for (var i=0;i < avail_files.length; i++) { var target = avail_files[i]; var src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roojs/roobuilder/master/resources/" + target; if (target == "roodata.json") { src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roojs/roojs1/master/docs/json/roodata.json"; } if (target == "flutter_tree.json") { src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roojs/flutter-docs-json/master/tree.json"; } /* if (target.contains("*")) { var split = target.split("*"); src = "https://api.github.com/repos/roojs/roobuilder/contents/resources/" + split[0]; if (split[0] == "vapi/") { src = "https://api.github.com/repos/roojs/roobuilder/contents/src/vapi"; } } */ this.fetch_files.add(new ResourcesItem(src,target, "")); } } int fetch_pos = 0; public void fetchStart() { this.initFiles(); if (this.fetch_pos > 0) { // only fetch one at a time... return; } this.fetch_pos =0; this.fetchNext(); } public void fetchNext() { var cur = this.fetch_pos; this.fetch_pos++; this.updateProgress(this.fetch_pos, this.fetch_files.size); // min=0; if (this.fetch_pos > this.fetch_files.size) { this.updateProgress(0,0); this.fetch_pos = 0; return; } this.fetchResourceFrom ( this.fetch_files.get(cur) ); } /** * called on start to check we have all the required files.. */ public void checkResources() { bool needsload = false; // this has to check the required files, not the list... string[] required = { /*"bootstrap.builder.html", "bootstrap4.builder.html", "mailer.builder.html", "roo.builder.html", "roo.builder.js", */ "roodata.json", //"RooUsage.txt" ?? not needed it's doen from roodata. // "Gir.overides" //?? needed anymnore? }; for (var i = 0; i < required.length; i++ ) { if (!FileUtils.test( BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/" + required[i], FileTest.EXISTS )) { needsload = true; } } if (!needsload) { return; } this.fetchStart(); } public void parseDirectory(string json, string target) { GLib.debug("%s\n", json); var pa = new Json.Parser(); try { pa.load_from_data(json); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.debug("Faile dto load json file %s", e.message); return; } var node = pa.get_root(); if (node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.ARRAY) { return; //throw new Error.INVALID_FORMAT ("Unexpected element type %s", node.type_name ()); } var split = target.split("*"); var ar = node.get_array (); for(var i = 0; i < ar.get_length(); i++) { var ob = ar.get_object_element(i); var n = ob.get_string_member("name"); if (ob.get_string_member("type") == "dir") { continue; } if (split.length > 1 && !n.has_suffix(split[1])) { // not needed.. continue; } if (this.files_has_target(split[0] + n)) { continue; } var src = ob.get_string_member("download_url"); // "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roojs/app.Builder.js/master/resources/" + split[0] + n; var add = new ResourcesItem(src, split[0] + n, ob.get_string_member("sha") ); //add.new_sha = ob.get_string_member("sha"); this.fetch_files.add(add); } } public bool files_has_target(string target) { for (var i = 0; i < this.fetch_files.size; i++ ) { if (this.fetch_files.get(i).target == target) { return true; } } return false; } public void fetchResourceFrom(ResourcesItem item) { if (item.new_sha != "" && item.new_sha == item.cur_sha) { this.fetchNext(); return; } // fetch... print("downloading %s \nto : %s\n", item.src,item.target); var session = new Soup.Session (); session.user_agent = "App Builder "; var message = new Soup.Message ("GET", item.src ); session.send_and_read_async.begin( message, 0, null, (obj, res) => { GLib.Bytes bytes; try { bytes = session.send_and_read_async.end(res); } catch (GLib.Error e) { GLib.debug("Failed to fetch stream %s" , e.message); this.fetchNext(); return; } if (item.target.contains("*")) { // then it's a directory listing in JSON, and we need to add any new items to our list.. // it's used to fetch Editors (and maybe other stuff..) this.parseDirectory( (string) bytes.get_data(),item.target ); this.fetchNext(); return; } var tfn = BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/" + item.target; // create parent directory if needed if (!GLib.FileUtils.test (GLib.Path.get_dirname(tfn), FileTest.IS_DIR)) { var f = GLib.File.new_for_path(GLib.Path.get_dirname(tfn)); try { f.make_directory_with_parents (); } catch(GLib.Error e) { GLib.error("Problem creating directory %s", e.message); } } // set data??? - if it's binary? try { FileUtils.set_contents( tfn, (string) bytes.get_data()); } catch(GLib.Error e) { GLib.error("Problem writing data %s", e.message); } switch (item.target) { /* case "Gir.overides": // clear all the project caches.... foreach(var p in Project.Project.allProjectsByName()) { if (p is Project.Gtk) { ((Project.Gtk)p).gir_cache = new Gee.HashMap(); } } break; */ case "roodata.json": Palete.Roo.classes_cache = null; // clear the cache. foreach(var p in Project.Project.allProjectsByName()) { if (p is Project.Roo) { p.palete = new Palete.Roo(p); //p.palete.load(); } } break; default: break; } this.fetchNext(); }); } }