namespace Palete { public class ValaCompileRequest : Object { Project.Gtk project; string target; Spawn? spawn = null; public signal void onOutput(string str); public Gee.HashMap? errorByType = null; public Gee.HashMap? errorByFile = null; public ValaCompileRequest ( Project.Gtk project, string target ) { this.project = project; = target; } public async bool run() { //this.queue = queue; if ( == "") { GLib.debug("missing target"); return false; } BuilderApplication.showSpinner("spinner", "running meson"); var res = yield this.runMeson(); if (0 != res) { GLib.debug("Failed to run Meson"); BuilderApplication.showSpinner(""); return false; } BuilderApplication.showSpinner("spinner", "running ninja"); res = yield this.runNinja(); if (0 != res) { GLib.debug("Failed to run ninja"); return false; } BuilderApplication.showSpinner(""); return this.execResult(); } async int runMeson() { if (GLib.FileUtils.test(this.project.path + "/build/meson-info", GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { return 0; //assume it's been set up. } var exe = GLib.Environment.find_program_in_path( "meson"); string[] args = { exe ,"setup", "build", "--prefix=/usr" }; GLib.debug("running meson"); try { this.spawn = new Spawn(this.project.path , args); } catch (GLib.Error e) { return -1; } this.spawn.output_line.connect(( str) => { this.onOutput(str); }); var res = yield this.spawn.run_async(); return res; } async int runNinja() { if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(this.project.path + "/build", GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { GLib.debug("build is missing"); return -1; //assume it's been set up. } var exe = GLib.Environment.find_program_in_path( "ninja"); string[] args = { exe }; try { this.spawn = new Spawn(this.project.path + "/build" , args); } catch (GLib.Error e) { return -1; } this.spawn.output_line.connect(( str) => { this.onOutput(str); }); var res = yield this.spawn.run_async(); return res; } public void cancel() { if (this.spawn != null && > 0) { Posix.kill(, 9); } this.spawn = null; } /* public int totalErrors(string type, JsRender.JsRender? file=null) { var ar = this.errorByType.get(type); if (ar == null) { GLib.debug("by type has no eroros %s", type); return 0; } var ret =0; for(var i =0 ;i< ar.get_n_items();i++) { var ce = (CompileError) ar.get_item(i); if (file == null) { ret += (int)ce.lines.get_n_items(); GLib.debug("got lines type has no eroros %s", type); continue; } if (ce.file.path == file.path) { ret += (int)ce.lines.get_n_items(); } } return ret; } */ public void killChildren(int pid) { if (pid < 1) { return; } var cn = "/proc/%d/task/%d/children".printf(pid,pid); if (!FileUtils.test(cn, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { GLib.debug("%s doesnt exist - killing %d", cn, pid); Posix.kill(pid, 9); return; } string cpids = ""; try { FileUtils.get_contents(cn, out cpids); if (cpids.length > 0) { this.killChildren(int.parse(cpids)); } } catch (GLib.FileError e) { // skip } GLib.debug("killing %d", pid); //Posix.kill(pid, 9); } public int terminal_pid = 0; public bool execResult() { this.killChildren(this.terminal_pid); this.terminal_pid = 0; var exe =; var pr = (Project.Gtk) this.project; var cg = pr.compilegroups.get(exe); var exbin = pr.path + "/build/" + exe; if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(exbin, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { GLib.debug("Missing output file: %s\n",exbin); return false; } var gdb_cfg = pr.path + "/build/.gdb-script"; if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(gdb_cfg, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) { pr.writeFile("build/.gdb-script", "set debuginfod enabled off\nr"); } var gdb = GLib.Environment.find_program_in_path( "gdb"); var term = GLib.Environment.find_program_in_path( "gnome-terminal"); string[] args = @"$term --disable-factory --wait -- $gdb -x".split(" "); args+= gdb_cfg; args += exbin; if (cg.execute_args.length > 0) { args+= "--args"; var aa = cg.execute_args.split(" "); for (var i =0; i < aa.length; i++) { args += aa[i]; } } // should be home directory... try { var exec = new Spawn(pr.path , args); exec.env = GLib.Environ.get(); exec.detach = true;; this.terminal_pid =; GLib.debug("Child PID = %d", this.terminal_pid); } catch(GLib.Error e) { GLib.debug("Failed to spawn: %s", e.message); return false; } return true; } } }