/* protocol.vala * * Copyright 2017-2019 Ben Iofel * Copyright 2017-2020 Princeton Ferro * Copyright 2020 Sergii Fesenko * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ namespace Lsp { /** * Defines how the host (editor) should sync document changes to the language server. */ [CCode (default_value = "LSP_TEXT_DOCUMENT_SYNC_KIND_Unset")] public enum TextDocumentSyncKind { Unset = -1, /** * Documents should not be synced at all. */ None = 0, /** * Documents are synced by always sending the full content of the document. */ Full = 1, /** * Documents are synced by sending the full content on open. After that only incremental * updates to the document are sent. */ Incremental = 2 } public enum DiagnosticSeverity { Unset = 0, /** * Reports an error. */ Error = 1, /** * Reports a warning. */ Warning = 2, /** * Reports an information. */ Information = 3, /** * Reports a hint. */ Hint = 4 } public class Position : Object, Gee.Comparable { /** * Line position in a document (zero-based). */ public uint line { get; set; default = -1; } /** * Character offset on a line in a document (zero-based). Assuming that the line is * represented as a string, the `character` value represents the gap between the * `character` and `character + 1`. * * If the character value is greater than the line length it defaults back to the * line length. */ public uint character { get; set; default = -1; } public int compare_to (Position other) { return line > other.line ? 1 : (line == other.line ? (character > other.character ? 1 : (character == other.character ? 0 : -1)) : -1); } public string to_string () { return @"$line:$character"; } public Position.from_libvala (Vala.SourceLocation sloc) { line = sloc.line - 1; character = sloc.column; } public Position dup () { return this.translate (); } public Position translate (int dl = 0, int dc = 0) { return new Position () { line = this.line + dl, character = this.character + dc }; } } public class Range : Object, Gee.Hashable, Gee.Comparable { /** * The range's start position. */ public Position start { get; set; } /** * The range's end position. */ public Position end { get; set; } private string? filename; public string to_string () { return (filename != null ? @"$filename:" : "") + @"$start -> $end"; } public Range.from_pos (Position pos) { this.start = pos; this.end = pos.dup (); } public Range.from_sourceref (Vala.SourceReference sref) { this.start = new Position.from_libvala (sref.begin); this.end = new Position.from_libvala (sref.end); this.start.character -= 1; this.filename = sref.file.filename; } public uint hash () { return this.to_string ().hash (); } public bool equal_to (Range other) { return this.to_string () == other.to_string (); } public bool equals (Range o) { return this.filename == o.filename && this.start == o.start && this.end == o.end; } public int compare_to (Range other) { return start.compare_to (other.start); } /** * Return a new range that includes `this` and `other`. */ public Range union (Range other) { var range = new Range () { start = start.compare_to (other.start) < 0 ? start : other.start, end = end.compare_to (other.end) < 0 ? other.end : end, }; if (filename == other.filename) range.filename = filename; return range; } public bool contains (Position pos) { return start.compare_to (pos) <= 0 && pos.compare_to (end) <= 0; } } public class Diagnostic : Object { /** * The range at which the message applies. */ public Range range { get; set; } /** * The diagnostic's severity. Can be omitted. If omitted it is up to the * client to interpret diagnostics as error, warning, info or hint. */ public DiagnosticSeverity severity { get; set; } /** * The diagnostic's code. Can be omitted. */ public string? code { get; set; } /** * A human-readable string describing the source of this * diagnostic, e.g. 'typescript' or 'super lint'. */ public string? source { get; set; } /** * The diagnostic's message. */ public string message { get; set; } public string category { get { switch(this.severity) { case DiagnosticSeverity.Error : return "ERR"; case DiagnosticSeverity.Warning : return this.message.contains("deprecated") ? "DEPR" : "WARN"; default : return "WARN"; } } private set {} } public bool equals(Lsp.Diagnostic o) { return this.range.equals(o.range) && this.severity == o.severity && this.message == o.message; } } /** * An event describing a change to a text document. If range and rangeLength are omitted * the new text is considered to be the full content of the document. */ public class TextDocumentContentChangeEvent : Object { public Range? range { get; set; } public int rangeLength { get; set; } public string text { get; set; } } public enum MessageType { /** * An error message. */ Error = 1, /** * A warning message. */ Warning = 2, /** * An information message. */ Info = 3, /** * A log message. */ Log = 4 } public class TextDocumentIdentifier : Object { public string uri { get; set; } } public class VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier : TextDocumentIdentifier { /** * The version number of this document. If a versioned text document identifier * is sent from the server to the client and the file is not open in the editor * (the server has not received an open notification before) the server can send * `null` to indicate that the version is known and the content on disk is the * master (as speced with document content ownership). * * The version number of a document will increase after each change, including * undo/redo. The number doesn't need to be consecutive. */ public int version { get; set; default = -1; } } public class TextDocumentPositionParams : Object { public TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument { get; set; } public Position position { get; set; } } public class ReferenceParams : TextDocumentPositionParams { public class ReferenceContext : Object { public bool includeDeclaration { get; set; } } public ReferenceContext? context { get; set; } } public class Location : Object { public string uri { get; set; } public Range range { get; set; } public Location.from_sourceref (Vala.SourceReference sref) { this (sref.file.filename, new Range.from_sourceref (sref)); } public Location (string filename, Range range) { this.uri = File.new_for_commandline_arg (filename).get_uri (); this.range = range; } } [CCode (default_value = "LSP_DOCUMENT_HIGHLIGHT_KIND_Text")] public enum DocumentHighlightKind { Text = 1, Read = 2, Write = 3 } public class DocumentHighlight : Object { public Range range { get; set; } public DocumentHighlightKind kind { get; set; } } public class DocumentSymbolParams: Object { public TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument { get; set; } } public class DocumentSymbol : Object, Json.Serializable { private Vala.SourceReference? _source_reference; public string name { get; set; } public string? detail { get; set; } public SymbolKind kind { get; set; } public bool deprecated { get; set; } private Range? _initial_range; public Range range { owned get { if (_initial_range == null) _initial_range = new Range.from_sourceref (children.first ()._source_reference); return children.fold ((child, current_range) => current_range.union (child.range), _initial_range); } } public Range selectionRange { get; set; } public Gee.List children { get; private set; default = new Gee.LinkedList (); } public string? parent_name; private DocumentSymbol () {} /** * @param type the data type containing this symbol, if there was one (not available for Namespaces, for example) * @param sym the symbol */ /* public DocumentSymbol.from_vala_symbol (Vala.DataType? type, Vala.Symbol sym, SymbolKind kind) { this.parent_name = sym.parent_symbol != null ? sym.parent_symbol.name : null; this._initial_range = new Range.from_sourceref (sym.source_reference); if (sym is Vala.Subroutine) { var sub = (Vala.Subroutine) sym; var body_sref = sub.body != null ? sub.body.source_reference : null; // debug ("subroutine %s found (body @ %s)", sym.get_full_name (), // body_sref != null ? body_sref.to_string () : null); if (body_sref != null && (body_sref.begin.line < body_sref.end.line || body_sref.begin.line == body_sref.end.line && body_sref.begin.pos <= body_sref.end.pos)) { this._initial_range = this._initial_range.union (new Range.from_sourceref (body_sref)); } } this.name = sym.name; this.detail = Vls.CodeHelp.get_symbol_representation (type, sym, null, false); this.kind = kind; this.selectionRange = new Range.from_sourceref (sym.source_reference); this.deprecated = sym.version.deprecated; } */ public new void Json.Serializable.set_property (ParamSpec pspec, Value value) { base.set_property (pspec.get_name (), value); } public new Value Json.Serializable.get_property (ParamSpec pspec) { Value val = Value (pspec.value_type); base.get_property (pspec.get_name (), ref val); return val; } public unowned ParamSpec? find_property (string name) { return this.get_class ().find_property (name); } public Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, Value value, ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "children") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.ARRAY); node.init_array (new Json.Array ()); var array = node.get_array (); foreach (var child in children) array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (child)); return node; } public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out Value value, ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { if (property_name != "children") { return default_deserialize_property (property_name, out value, pspec, property_node); } value = GLib.Value (GLib.Type.BOXED); if (property_node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.ARRAY) { warning ("unexpected property node type for 'arguments' %s", property_node.get_node_type ().to_string ()); return false; } var arguments = new Gee.ArrayList(); property_node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, element) => { var add= Json.gobject_deserialize ( typeof (DocumentSymbol), array.get_element(index)) as DocumentSymbol; arguments.add( add); }); value.set_boxed (arguments); return true; } } public class SymbolInformation : Object { public string name { get; set; } public SymbolKind kind { get; set; } public Location location { get; set; } public string? containerName { get; set; } public SymbolInformation.from_document_symbol (DocumentSymbol dsym, string uri) { this.name = dsym.name; this.kind = dsym.kind; this.location = new Location (uri, dsym.range); this.containerName = dsym.parent_name; } } [CCode (default_value = "LSP_SYMBOL_KIND_Variable")] public enum SymbolKind { File = 1, Module = 2, Namespace = 3, Package = 4, Class = 5, Method = 6, Property = 7, Field = 8, Constructor = 9, Enum = 10, Interface = 11, Function = 12, Variable = 13, Constant = 14, String = 15, Number = 16, Boolean = 17, Array = 18, Object = 19, Key = 20, Null = 21, EnumMember = 22, Struct = 23, Event = 24, Operator = 25, TypeParameter = 26 } public class CompletionList : Object, Json.Serializable { public bool isIncomplete { get; set; } public Gee.List items { get; private set; default = new Gee.LinkedList (); } public new void Json.Serializable.set_property (ParamSpec pspec, Value value) { base.set_property (pspec.get_name (), value); } public new Value Json.Serializable.get_property (ParamSpec pspec) { Value val = Value(pspec.value_type); base.get_property (pspec.get_name (), ref val); return val; } public unowned ParamSpec? find_property (string name) { return this.get_class ().find_property (name); } public Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, Value value, ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "items") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.ARRAY); node.init_array (new Json.Array ()); var array = node.get_array (); foreach (var child in items) array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (child)); return node; } public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out Value value, ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { error ("deserialization not supported"); } } [CCode (default_value = "LSP_COMPLETION_TRIGGER_KIND_Invoked")] public enum CompletionTriggerKind { /** * Completion was triggered by typing an identifier (24x7 code * complete), manual invocation (e.g Ctrl+Space) or via API. */ Invoked = 1, /** * Completion was triggered by a trigger character specified by * the `triggerCharacters` properties of the `CompletionRegistrationOptions`. */ TriggerCharacter = 2, /** * Completion was re-triggered as the current completion list is incomplete. */ TriggerForIncompleteCompletions = 3 } public class CompletionContext : Object { public CompletionTriggerKind triggerKind { get; set;} public string? triggerCharacter { get; set; } } public class CompletionParams : TextDocumentPositionParams { /** * The completion context. This is only available if the client specifies * to send this using `ClientCapabilities.textDocument.completion.contextSupport === true` */ public CompletionContext? context { get; set; } } public enum CompletionItemTag { // Render a completion as obsolete, usually using a strike-out. Deprecated = 1, } [CCode (default_value = "LSP_INSERT_TEXT_FORMAT_PlainText")] public enum InsertTextFormat { /** * The primary text to be inserted is treated as a plain string. */ PlainText = 1, /** * The primary text to be inserted is treated as a snippet. * * A snippet can define tab stops and placeholders with `$1`, `$2` * and `${3:foo}`. `$0` defines the final tab stop, it defaults to * the end of the snippet. Placeholders with equal identifiers are linked, * that is typing in one will update others too. */ Snippet = 2, } public class CompletionItem : Object, Gee.Hashable, Json.Serializable { public string label { get; set; } public CompletionItemKind kind { get; set; } public string detail { get; set; } public MarkupContent? documentation { get; set; } public bool deprecated { get; set; } public Gee.List tags { get; private set; default = new Gee.ArrayList (); } public string? insertText { get; set; } public InsertTextFormat insertTextFormat { get; set; default = InsertTextFormat.PlainText; } private uint _hash; private CompletionItem () {} public CompletionItem.keyword (string keyword, string? insert_text = null, string? documentation = null) { this.label = keyword; this.kind = CompletionItemKind.Keyword; this.insertText = insert_text; if (insert_text != null && (insert_text.contains ("$0") || insert_text.contains ("${0"))) this.insertTextFormat = InsertTextFormat.Snippet; if (documentation != null) this.documentation = new MarkupContent.from_plaintext (documentation); this._hash = @"$label $kind".hash (); } /** * A completion suggestion from an existing Vala symbol. * * @param instance_type the parent data type of data type of the expression where this symbol appears, or null * @param sym the symbol itself * @param scope the scope to display this in * @param kind the kind of completion to display * @param documentation the documentation to display * @param label_override if non-null, override the displayed symbol name with this */ /* public CompletionItem.from_symbol (Vala.DataType? instance_type, Vala.Symbol sym, Vala.Scope? scope, CompletionItemKind kind, Vls.DocComment? documentation, string? label_override = null) { this.label = label_override ?? sym.name; this.kind = kind; this.detail = Vls.CodeHelp.get_symbol_representation (instance_type, sym, scope, true, null, label_override, false); this._hash = @"$label $kind".hash (); if (documentation != null) this.documentation = new MarkupContent.from_markdown (documentation.body); var version = sym.get_attribute ("Version"); if (version != null && (version.get_bool ("deprecated") || version.get_string ("deprecated_since") != null)) { this.tags.add (CompletionItemTag.Deprecated); this.deprecated = true; }public } */ /** * A completion suggestion from a data type and a synthetic symbol name. * * @param symbol_type the data type of the symbol * @param symbol_name the name of the synthetic symbol * @param scope the scope that this completion item is displayed in, or null * @param kind the type of completion to display * @param documentation the documentation for this symbol, or null */ /* public CompletionItem.from_synthetic_symbol (Vala.DataType symbol_type, string symbol_name, Vala.Scope? scope, CompletionItemKind kind, Vls.DocComment? documentation) { this.label = symbol_name; this.kind = kind; this.detail = @"$(Vls.CodeHelp.get_symbol_representation (symbol_type, null, scope, true, null, null, false)) $symbol_name"; this._hash = @"$label $kind".hash (); if (documentation != null) this.documentation = new MarkupContent.from_markdown (documentation.body); } */ /* public CompletionItem.from_unimplemented_symbol (Vala.Symbol sym, string label, CompletionItemKind kind, string insert_text, Vls.DocComment? documentation) { this.label = label; this.kind = kind; this.insertText = insert_text; if (insert_text.contains ("$0") || insert_text.contains ("${0")) this.insertTextFormat = InsertTextFormat.Snippet; this._hash = @"$label $kind".hash (); if (documentation != null) this.documentation = new MarkupContent.from_markdown (documentation.body); } */ public uint hash () { return this._hash; } public bool equal_to (CompletionItem other) { return other.label == this.label && other.kind == this.kind; } public new void Json.Serializable.set_property (ParamSpec pspec, Value value) { base.set_property (pspec.get_name (), value); } public new Value Json.Serializable.get_property (ParamSpec pspec) { Value val = Value(pspec.value_type); base.get_property (pspec.get_name (), ref val); return val; } public unowned ParamSpec? find_property (string name) { return this.get_class ().find_property (name); } public Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, Value value, ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "tags") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.ARRAY); node.init_array (new Json.Array ()); var array = node.get_array (); foreach (var tag in this.tags) { array.add_int_element (tag); } return node; } public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out Value value, ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { if (property_name != "tags") { return default_deserialize_property (property_name, out value, pspec, property_node); } value = GLib.Value (GLib.Type.BOXED); if (property_node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.ARRAY) { warning ("unexpected property node type for 'arguments' %s", property_node.get_node_type ().to_string ()); return false; } var arguments = new Gee.ArrayList(); property_node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, element) => { try { arguments.add ((CompletionItemTag) Json.gvariant_deserialize (element, null).get_int32() ); } catch (Error e) { warning ("argument %u to command could not be deserialized: %s", index, e.message); } }); value.set_boxed (arguments); return true; } } public class MarkupContent : Object { public string kind { get; set; } public string value { get; set; } private MarkupContent () {} /** * Create a MarkupContent with plain text. */ public MarkupContent.from_plaintext (string doc) { this.kind = "plaintext"; this.value = doc; } /** * Create a MarkupContent with markdown text. */ public MarkupContent.from_markdown (string doc) { this.kind = "markdown"; this.value = doc; } } [CCode (default_value = "LSP_COMPLETION_ITEM_KIND_Text")] public enum CompletionItemKind { Text = 1, Method = 2, Function = 3, Constructor = 4, Field = 5, Variable = 6, Class = 7, Interface = 8, Module = 9, Property = 10, Unit = 11, Value = 12, Enum = 13, Keyword = 14, Snippet = 15, Color = 16, File = 17, Reference = 18, Folder = 19, EnumMember = 20, Constant = 21, Struct = 22, Event = 23, Operator = 24, TypeParameter = 25 } /** * Capabilities of the client/editor for `textDocument/documentSymbol` */ public class DocumentSymbolCapabilities : Object { public bool hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport { get; set; } } /** * Capabilities of the client/editor for `textDocument/rename` */ public class RenameClientCapabilities : Object { public bool prepareSupport { get; set; } } /** * Capabilities of the client/editor pertaining to language features. */ public class TextDocumentClientCapabilities : Object { public DocumentSymbolCapabilities documentSymbol { get; set; default = new DocumentSymbolCapabilities ();} public RenameClientCapabilities rename { get; set; default = new RenameClientCapabilities (); } } /** * Capabilities of the client/editor. */ public class ClientCapabilities : Object { public TextDocumentClientCapabilities textDocument { get; set; default = new TextDocumentClientCapabilities (); } } public class InitializeParams : Object { public int processId { get; set; } public string? rootPath { get; set; } public string? rootUri { get; set; } public ClientCapabilities capabilities { get; set; default = new ClientCapabilities (); } } public class SignatureInformation : Object, Json.Serializable { public string label { get; set; } public MarkupContent documentation { get; set; } public Gee.List parameters { get; private set; default = new Gee.LinkedList (); } public new void Json.Serializable.set_property (ParamSpec pspec, Value value) { base.set_property (pspec.get_name (), value); } public new Value Json.Serializable.get_property (ParamSpec pspec) { Value val = Value(pspec.value_type); base.get_property (pspec.get_name (), ref val); return val; } public unowned ParamSpec? find_property (string name) { return this.get_class ().find_property (name); } public Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, Value value, ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "parameters") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.ARRAY); node.init_array (new Json.Array ()); var array = node.get_array (); foreach (var child in parameters) array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (child)); return node; } public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out Value value, ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { error ("deserialization not supported"); } } public class SignatureHelp : Object, Json.Serializable { public Gee.Collection signatures { get; set; default = new Gee.ArrayList (); } public int activeSignature { get; set; } public int activeParameter { get; set; } public Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, Value value, ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "signatures") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.ARRAY); node.init_array (new Json.Array ()); var array = node.get_array (); foreach (var child in signatures) array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (child)); return node; } public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out Value value, ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { error ("deserialization not supported"); } } public class ParameterInformation : Object { public string label { get; set; } public MarkupContent documentation { get; set; } } public class MarkedString : Object { public string language { get; set; } public string value { get; set; } } public class Hover : Object, Json.Serializable { public Gee.List contents { get; set; default = new Gee.ArrayList (); } public Range range { get; set; } public new void Json.Serializable.set_property (ParamSpec pspec, Value value) { base.set_property (pspec.get_name (), value); } public new Value Json.Serializable.get_property (ParamSpec pspec) { Value val = Value(pspec.value_type); base.get_property (pspec.get_name (), ref val); return val; } public unowned ParamSpec? find_property (string name) { return this.get_class ().find_property (name); } public Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, Value value, ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "contents") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.ARRAY); node.init_array (new Json.Array ()); var array = node.get_array (); foreach (var child in contents) { if (child.language != null) array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (child)); else array.add_element (new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.VALUE).init_string (child.value)); } return node; } public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out Value value, ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { error ("deserialization not supported"); } } /** * A textual edit applicable to a text document. */ public class TextEdit : Object { /** * The range of the text document to be manipulated. To insert * text into a document create a range where ``start === end``. */ public Range range { get; set; } /** * The string to be inserted. For delete operations use an * empty string. */ public string newText { get; set; } public TextEdit (Range range, string new_text = "") { this.range = range; this.newText = new_text; } } /** * Describes textual changes on a single text document. The text document is * referred to as a {@link VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier} to allow clients to * check the text document version before an edit is applied. A * {@link TextDocumentEdit} describes all changes on a version ``Si`` and after they are * applied move the document to version ``Si+1``. So the creator of a * {@link TextDocumentEdit} doesn’t need to sort the array of edits or do any kind * of ordering. However the edits must be non overlapping. */ public class TextDocumentEdit : Object, Json.Serializable { /** * The text document to change. */ public VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument { get; set; } /** * The edits to be applied. */ public Gee.ArrayList edits { get; set; default = new Gee.ArrayList (); } public TextDocumentEdit (VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier text_document) { this.textDocument = text_document; } public Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "edits") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.ARRAY); node.init_array (new Json.Array ()); var array = node.get_array (); foreach (var text_edit in edits) { array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (text_edit)); } return node; } public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out GLib.Value value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { error ("deserialization not supported"); } } public abstract class CommandLike : Object, Json.Serializable { /** * The identifier of the actual command handler. */ public string command { get; set; } /** * Arguments that the command handler should be invoked with. */ public Array? arguments { get; set; } public Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "arguments" || arguments == null) return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var array = new Json.Array (); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) array.add_element (Json.gvariant_serialize (arguments.index (i))); var node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.ARRAY); node.set_array (array); return node; } public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out GLib.Value value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { if (property_name == "arguments") { value = GLib.Value (GLib.Type.BOXED); if (property_node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.ARRAY) { warning ("unexpected property node type for 'arguments' %s", property_node.get_node_type ().to_string ()); return false; } var arguments = new Array (); property_node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, element) => { try { arguments.append_val (Json.gvariant_deserialize (element, null)); } catch (Error e) { warning ("argument %u to command could not be deserialized: %s", index, e.message); } }); value.set_boxed (arguments); return true; } else if (property_name == "command") { // workaround for json-glib < 1.5.2 (Ubuntu 20.04 / eOS 6) if (property_node.get_value_type () != typeof (string)) { value = ""; warning ("unexpected property node type for 'commands' %s", property_node.get_node_type ().to_string ()); return false; } value = property_node.get_string (); return true; } else { return default_deserialize_property (property_name, out value, pspec, property_node); } } } public class ExecuteCommandParams : CommandLike { } /** * Represents a reference to a command. Provides a title which will be used * to represent a command in the UI. Commands are identified by a string * identifier. The recommended way to handle commands is to implement their * execution on the server side if the client and server provides the * corresponding capabilities. Alternatively the tool extension code could * handle the command. The protocol currently doesn’t specify a set of * well-known commands. */ public class Command : CommandLike { /** * The title of the command, like `save`. */ public string title { get; set; } } /** * A code lens represents a command that should be shown along with * source text, like the number of references, a way to run tests, etc. * * A code lens is _unresolved_ when no command is associated to it. For * performance reasons the creation of a code lens and resolving should be done * in two stages. */ public class CodeLens : Object { /** * The range in which this code lens is valid. Should only span a single * line. */ public Range range { get; set; } /** * The command this code lens represents. */ public Command? command { get; set; } } public class DocumentRangeFormattingParams : Object { public TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument { get; set; } public Range? range { get; set; } public FormattingOptions options { get; set; } } public class FormattingOptions : Object { public uint tabSize { get; set; } public bool insertSpaces { get; set; } public bool trimTrailingWhitespace { get; set; } public bool insertFinalNewline { get; set; } public bool trimFinalNewlines { get; set; } } public class CodeActionParams : Object { public TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument { get; set; } public Range range { get; set; } public CodeActionContext context { get; set; } } public class CodeActionContext : Object, Json.Serializable { public Gee.List diagnostics { get; set; default = new Gee.ArrayList (); } public string[]? only { get; set; } /* public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out Value value, ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { if (property_name != "diagnostics") return default_deserialize_property (property_name, out value, pspec, property_node); var diags = new Gee.ArrayList (); property_node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, element) => { try { diags.add (Vls.Util.parse_variant (Json.gvariant_deserialize (element, null))); } catch (Error e) { warning ("argument %u could not be deserialized: %s", index, e.message); } }); value = diags; return true; } */ } public class Diagnostics : Object, Json.Serializable { public string uri { get; set; } public int version { get; set; default = 0; } public Gee.ArrayList? diagnostics { get; set; } public string filename { owned get { return File.new_for_uri (this.uri).get_path(); } private set {} } public bool deserialize_property (string property_name, out GLib.Value val, GLib.ParamSpec pspec, Json.Node property_node) { if (property_name == "diagnostics") { var diags = new Gee.ArrayList (); if (property_node.get_node_type () != Json.NodeType.ARRAY) { val = diags; warning ("unexpected property node type for 'arguments' %s", property_node.get_node_type ().to_string ()); return false; } property_node.get_array ().foreach_element ((array, index, element) => { diags.add (Json.gobject_deserialize (typeof (Lsp.Diagnostic), element) as Diagnostic ); //warning ("argument %u to command could not be deserialized: %s", index, e.message); }); val = diags; return true; } return default_deserialize_property (property_name, out val, pspec, property_node); } } public class CodeAction : Object, Json.Serializable { public string title { get; set; } public string? kind { get; set; } public Gee.Collection? diagnostics { get; set; } public bool isPreferred { get; set; } public WorkspaceEdit? edit { get; set; } public Command? command { get; set; } public Object? data { get; set; } protected void add_diagnostic (Diagnostic diag) { if (diagnostics == null) diagnostics = new Gee.ArrayList (); diagnostics.add (diag); } public override Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "diagnostics") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var array = new Json.Array (); if (diagnostics != null) foreach (var text_edit in diagnostics) array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (text_edit)); return new Json.Node.alloc ().init_array (array); } } public class WorkspaceEdit : Object, Json.Serializable { public Gee.List? documentChanges { get; set; } public Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "documentChanges") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.ARRAY); node.init_array (new Json.Array ()); if (documentChanges != null) { var array = node.get_array (); foreach (var text_edit in documentChanges) { array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (text_edit)); } } return node; } } [Flags] public enum SymbolTags { NONE, DEPRECATED } public class CallHierarchyItem : Object, Json.Serializable { public string name { get; set; } public SymbolKind kind { get; set; } public SymbolTags tags { get; set; } public string? detail { get; set; } public string uri { get; set; } public Range range { get; set; } public Range selectionRange { get; set; } public override Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name != "tags") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var array = new Json.Array (); if (SymbolTags.DEPRECATED in tags) array.add_int_element (SymbolTags.DEPRECATED); return new Json.Node.alloc ().init_array (array); } /* public CallHierarchyItem.from_symbol (Vala.Symbol symbol) { this.name = symbol.get_full_name (); if (symbol is Vala.Method) { if (symbol.parent_symbol is Vala.Namespace) this.kind = SymbolKind.Function; else this.kind = SymbolKind.Method; } else if (symbol is Vala.Signal) { this.kind = SymbolKind.Event; } else if (symbol is Vala.Constructor) { this.kind = SymbolKind.Constructor; } else { this.kind = SymbolKind.Method; } var version = symbol.get_attribute ("Version"); if (version != null && (version.get_bool ("deprecated") || version.get_string ("deprecated_since") != null)) { this.tags |= SymbolTags.DEPRECATED; } this.detail = Vls.CodeHelp.get_symbol_representation (null, symbol, null, true); this.uri = File.new_for_commandline_arg (symbol.source_reference.file.filename).get_uri (); this.range = new Range.from_sourceref (symbol.source_reference); if (symbol.comment != null) this.range = new Range.from_sourceref (symbol.comment.source_reference).union (this.range); if (symbol is Vala.Subroutine && ((Vala.Subroutine)symbol).body != null) this.range = new Range.from_sourceref (((Vala.Subroutine)symbol).body.source_reference).union (this.range); this.selectionRange = new Range.from_sourceref (symbol.source_reference); } */ } public class CallHierarchyIncomingCall : Json.Serializable, Object { /** * The method that calls the query method. */ public CallHierarchyItem from { get; set; } /** * The ranges at which the query method is called by `from`. */ public Gee.ArrayList fromRanges { get; set; default = new Gee.ArrayList (); } public override Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name == "from") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var array = new Json.Array (); foreach (var range in fromRanges) array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (range)); return new Json.Node.alloc ().init_array (array); } } public class CallHierarchyOutgoingCall : Json.Serializable, Object { /** * The method that the query method calls. */ public CallHierarchyItem to { get; set; } /** * The ranges at which the method is called by the query method. */ public Gee.ArrayList fromRanges { get; set; default = new Gee.ArrayList (); } public override Json.Node serialize_property (string property_name, GLib.Value value, GLib.ParamSpec pspec) { if (property_name == "to") return default_serialize_property (property_name, value, pspec); var array = new Json.Array (); foreach (var range in fromRanges) array.add_element (Json.gobject_serialize (range)); return new Json.Node.alloc ().init_array (array); } } public class InlayHintParams : Json.Serializable, Object { public TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument { get; set; } public Range range { get; set; } } public enum InlayHintKind { UNSET, TYPE, PARAMETER } public class InlayHint : Object { public Position position { get; set; } public string label { get; set; } public InlayHintKind kind { get; set; } public string? tooltip { get; set; } public bool paddingLeft { get; set; } public bool paddingRight { get; set; } } public class TypeHierarchyItem : Object, Json.Serializable { /** * The name of this item */ public string name { get; set; } /** * The kind of this item */ public SymbolKind kind { get; set; } /** * Tags for this item */ public SymbolTags tags { get; set; } /** * More detail for this item, e.g. the signature of a function. */ public string? detail { get; set; } /** * The resource identifier of this item. */ public string uri { get; set; } /** * The range enclosing this symbol not including leading/trailing * whitespace, but everything else, e.g. comments and code. */ public Range range { get; set; } /** * The range that should be selected and revealed when this symbol * is being picked, e.g. the name of a function. Must be contained * by {@link TypeHierarchyItem.range} */ public Range selectionRange { get; set; } private TypeHierarchyItem () {} /* public TypeHierarchyItem.from_symbol (Vala.TypeSymbol symbol) { this.name = symbol.get_full_name (); if (symbol is Vala.Class) this.kind = SymbolKind.Class; else if (symbol is Vala.Delegate) this.kind = SymbolKind.Interface; else if (symbol is Vala.Enum) this.kind = SymbolKind.Enum; else if (symbol is Vala.ErrorCode) this.kind = SymbolKind.EnumMember; else if (symbol is Vala.ErrorDomain) this.kind = SymbolKind.Enum; else if (symbol is Vala.Interface) this.kind = SymbolKind.Interface; else if (symbol is Vala.Struct) this.kind = SymbolKind.Struct; else if (symbol is Vala.TypeParameter) this.kind = SymbolKind.TypeParameter; else { this.kind = SymbolKind.Module; warning ("unexpected symbol kind in type hierarchy: `%s'", symbol.type_name); } var version = symbol.get_attribute ("Version"); if (version != null && (version.get_bool ("deprecated") || version.get_string ("deprecated_since") != null)) { this.tags |= SymbolTags.DEPRECATED; } this.detail = Vls.CodeHelp.get_symbol_representation (null, symbol, null, true); this.uri = File.new_for_commandline_arg (symbol.source_reference.file.filename).get_uri (); this.range = new Range.from_sourceref (symbol.source_reference); this.selectionRange = this.range; // widen range to include all members if (symbol is Vala.ObjectTypeSymbol) { foreach (var member in ((Vala.ObjectTypeSymbol)symbol).get_members ()) { if (member.source_reference != null) this.range = this.range.union (new Range.from_sourceref (member.source_reference)); } } else if (symbol is Vala.Enum) { foreach (var member in ((Vala.Enum)symbol).get_values ()) { if (member.source_reference != null) this.range = this.range.union (new Range.from_sourceref (member.source_reference)); } foreach (var method in ((Vala.Enum)symbol).get_methods ()) { if (method.source_reference != null) this.range = this.range.union (new Range.from_sourceref (method.source_reference)); } } else if (symbol is Vala.ErrorDomain) { foreach (var member in ((Vala.ErrorDomain)symbol).get_codes ()) { if (member.source_reference != null) this.range = this.range.union (new Range.from_sourceref (member.source_reference)); } foreach (var method in ((Vala.ErrorDomain)symbol).get_methods ()) { if (method.source_reference != null) this.range = this.range.union (new Range.from_sourceref (method.source_reference)); } } else if (symbol is Vala.Struct) { foreach (var field in ((Vala.Struct)symbol).get_fields ()) { if (field.source_reference != null) this.range = this.range.union (new Range.from_sourceref (field.source_reference)); } foreach (var method in ((Vala.Struct)symbol).get_methods ()) { if (method.source_reference != null) this.range = this.range.union (new Range.from_sourceref (method.source_reference)); } } } */ } }