public class AppSettings : Object { // what are we going to have as settings? public string roo_html_dir { get; set; } public AppSettings() { this.notify.connect(() => {; }); } public static AppSettings factory() { var setting_file = BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/builder.settings"; if (!FileUtils.test(setting_file, FileTest.EXISTS)) { return new AppSettings(); } string data; FileUtils.get_contents(setting_file, out data); return Json.gobject_from_data (typeof (AppSettings), data) as AppSettings; } public void save() { var dirname = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder"; var setting_file = dirname + "/builder.settings"; string data = Json.gobject_to_data (this, null); print("saving application settings\n"); FileUtils.set_contents(setting_file, data); } } public static BuilderApplication application = null; public class BuilderApplication : Gtk.Application { // options - used when builder is run as a compiler // we have to spawn ourself as a compiler as just running libvala // as a task to check syntax causes memory leakage.. // const OptionEntry[] options = { { "project", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_project, "Compile a project", null }, { "target", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_target, "Target to build", null }, { "skip-file", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_skip ,"For test compiles do not add this (usually used in conjunction with add-file ", null }, { "add-file", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_add, "Add this file to compile list", null }, { "output", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_compile_output, "output binary file path", null }, { "debug", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref opt_debug, "Show debug messages", null }, { "pull-resources", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref opt_pull_resources, "Fetch the online resources", null }, // some testing code. { "list-projects", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref opt_list_projects, "List Projects", null }, { "list-files", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref opt_list_files, "List Files (in a project", null}, { "bjs", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_bjs_compile, "convert bjs file (use all to convert all of them and compare output)", null }, { "bjs-glade", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref opt_bjs_compile_glade, "output glade", null }, { "bjs-test-all", 0, 0, OptionArg.NONE, ref opt_bjs_test, "Test all the BJS files to see if the new parser/writer would change anything", null }, { "bjs-target", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_bjs_compile_target, "convert bjs file to tareet : vala / js", null }, { "test", 0, 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_test, "run a test use 'help' to list the available tests", null }, { null } }; public static string opt_compile_project; public static string opt_compile_target; public static string opt_compile_skip; public static string opt_compile_add; public static string opt_compile_output; public static string opt_bjs_compile; public static string opt_bjs_compile_target; public static string opt_test; public static bool opt_debug = false; public static bool opt_list_projects = false; public static bool opt_list_files = false; public static bool opt_pull_resources = false; public static bool opt_bjs_compile_glade = false; public static bool opt_bjs_test = false; public static string _self; public enum Target { INT32, STRING, ROOTWIN } public const Gtk.TargetEntry[] targetList = { { "INTEGER", 0, Target.INT32 }, { "STRING", 0, Target.STRING }, { "application/json", 0, Target.STRING }, { "text/plain", 0, Target.STRING }, { "application/x-rootwindow-drop", 0, Target.ROOTWIN } }; public AppSettings settings = null; public BuilderApplication ( string[] args) { _self = FileUtils.read_link("/proc/self/exe"); GLib.debug("SELF = %s", _self); Object( application_id: "", flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE ); configDirectory(); this.settings = AppSettings.factory(); var opt_context = new OptionContext ("Application Builder"); try { opt_context.set_help_enabled (true); opt_context.add_main_entries (options, null); opt_context.parse (ref args); } catch (OptionError e) { stdout.printf ("error: %s\n", e.message); stdout.printf ("Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n %s", args[0], opt_context.get_help(true,null)); GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_FAILURE); } this.initDebug(); this.runTests(); this.pullResources(); Project.Project.loadAll(); this.listProjects(); var cur_project = this.compileProject(); this.listFiles(cur_project); this.testBjs(cur_project); this.compileBjs(cur_project); this.compileVala(); } public static BuilderApplication singleton( string[] args) { if (application==null) { application = new BuilderApplication( args); } return application; } public static string configDirectory() { var dirname = GLib.Environment.get_home_dir() + "/.Builder"; if (!FileUtils.test(dirname,FileTest.IS_DIR)) { var dir = File.new_for_path(dirname); dir.make_directory(); } if (!FileUtils.test(dirname + "/resources",FileTest.IS_DIR)) { var dir = File.new_for_path(dirname + "/resources"); dir.make_directory(); } return dirname; } // --------------- non static... void initDebug() { if (BuilderApplication.opt_debug || BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project == null) { GLib.Log.set_handler(null, GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG | GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING, (dom, lvl, msg) => { print("%s: %s\n", dom, msg); }); } } void listProjects() { if (!BuilderApplication.opt_list_projects) { return; } print("Projects\n %s\n", Project.Project.listAllToString()); GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } Project.Project? compileProject() { if (BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project == null) { return null; } Project.Project cur_project = null; cur_project = Project.Project.getProjectByHash( BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project); if (cur_project == null) { GLib.error("invalid project %s, use --list-projects to show project ids",BuilderApplication.opt_compile_project); } cur_project.scanDirs(); return cur_project; } void listFiles(Project.Project? cur_project) { if (!BuilderApplication.opt_list_files) { return; } if (cur_project == null) { GLib.error("missing project, use --project to select which project"); } print("Files for %s\n %s\n",, cur_project.listAllFilesToString()); GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } /** Test to see if the internal BJS reader/writer still outputs the same files. -- probably need this for the generator as well. */ void testBjs(Project.Project? cur_project) { if (!BuilderApplication.opt_bjs_test) { return; } if (cur_project == null) { GLib.error("missing project, use --project to select which project"); } print("Checking files\n"); var ar = cur_project.sortedFiles(); foreach(var file in ar) { string oldstr; file.loadItems(); GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(file.path, out oldstr); var outstr = file.toJsonString(); if (outstr != oldstr) { GLib.FileUtils.set_contents("/tmp/" + , outstr); print("meld %s /tmp/%s\n", file.path,; //GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } print("# Files match %s\n",; } print("All files pass"); GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } void compileBjs(Project.Project? cur_project) { if (BuilderApplication.opt_bjs_compile == null) { return; } if (cur_project == null) { GLib.error("missing project, use --project to select which project"); } if (BuilderApplication.opt_bjs_compile == "all") { var ar = cur_project.sortedFiles(); foreach(var file in ar) { string oldstr; file.loadItems(); var oldfn = file.targetName(); GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(oldfn, out oldstr); var outstr = file.toSourceCode(); if (outstr != oldstr) { GLib.FileUtils.set_contents("/tmp/" + + ".out", outstr); print("meld %s /tmp/%s\n", oldfn, + ".out"); //GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } print("# Files match %s\n",; } GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } var file = cur_project.getByName(BuilderApplication.opt_bjs_compile); if (file == null) { // then compile them all, and compare them... GLib.error("missing file %s in project %s", BuilderApplication.opt_bjs_compile,; } file.loadItems(); if (BuilderApplication.opt_bjs_compile_glade) { var str = file.toGlade(); print("%s", str); GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } //BuilderApplication.compileBjs(); var str = file.toSourceCode(); if (!BuilderApplication.opt_debug) { print("%s", str); GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } // dump the node tree file.tree.dumpProps(); var str_ar = str.split("\n"); for(var i =0;i { print("Got %d/%d", (int) p,(int)t); if (p == t) { loop.quit(); } }); Resources.singleton().fetchStart();; GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } void runTests() { if (opt_test == null) { return; } switch(opt_test) { case "help": print(""" help - list available tests flutter-project - create a flutter project in /tmp/test-flutter """); break; case "flutter-project": Project.Project.loadAll(); var p = Project.Project.factory("Flutter", "/tmp/test-flutter"); /*var pa = p.palete as Palete.Flutter; pa.dumpusage(); var ar = pa.getChildList("material.Scaffold"); GLib.debug("childlist for material.Scaffold is %s", string.joinv( "\n-- ", ar) ); ar = pa.getDropList("material.MaterialApp"); GLib.debug("droplist for material.MaterialApp is %s", string.joinv( "\n-- ", ar) ); */ break; default: print("Invalid test\n"); break; } GLib.Process.exit(Posix.EXIT_SUCCESS); } }