| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: FlexyFramework.php,v 1.8 2003/02/22 01:52:50 alan Exp $ // // Description // A Page (URL) to Object Mapper // Cleaned up version.. - for use on new projects -- not BC!! beware!!! //----------------------------------------------------------- // Debian APACHE - some idiot disabled AcceptPathInfo - it needs adding back. //----------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Static Options require_once 'HTML/FlexyFramework2/Page.php'; // To be removed ?? or made optional or something.. // remove E_ANAL error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT ); //ini_set('display_errors','off'); //ini_set('log_errors','off'); /** * The URL to Object Mapper * * Usage: * Create a index.php and add these lines. * * ini_set("include_path", "/path/to/application"); * require_once 'HTML/FlexyFramework.php'; * HTML_FlexyFramework::factory(array("dir"=>"/where/my/config/dir/is"); * * * the path could include pear's path, if you dont install all the pear * packages into the development directory. * * It attempts to load a the config file from the includepath, * looks for ConfigData/default.ini * or ConfigData/{hostname}.ini * if your file is called staging.php rather than index.php * it will try staging.ini * */ #[AllowDynamicProperties] class HTML_FlexyFramework2 { /** * Confirgurable items.. * If we set them to 'true', they must be set, otherwise they are optional. */ var $project; // base class name var $database; // set to true even if nodatabase=true // optional var $debug = false; var $enable = false; // modules var $disable = false; // modules or permissions var $appName = false; var $appNameShort = false; // appname (which has templates) var $version = false; // give it a version name. (appended to compile dir) var $nodatabase = false; // set to true to block db config and testing. var $fatalAction = false; // page to redirct to on failure. (eg. databse down etc.) var $charset = false; // default UTF8 var $dataObjectsCache = true; // use dataobjects ini cache.. - let's try this as the default behaviour... var $dataObjectsCacheExpires = 72000; // 20 hours.. var $languages = false; // language settings -- see _handlelanguage var $projectExtends = false; // if this is an array, it's a fallback of 'Projects' that can be called var $initOnly = false; // use to prevent run() being called... // use $this->run($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],false); to manually boot it.. var $isDev = false; // is development mode (can debug sql?) // derived. var $cli = false; // from cli var $run = false; // from cli var $enableArray = false; // from enable. var $classPrefix = false; // from prject. var $baseDir = false ; // (directory+project) var $rootDir = false ; // (directory that index.php is in!) var $baseURL = false; var $rootURL = false ; // basename($baseURL) var $page = false; // active page.. var $timer = false; // the debug timer var $calls = false; // the number of calls made to run! var $start = false; // the start tiem. var $baseRequest = ''; var $ext; // the striped extention. var $dataObjectsOriginalIni = ''; // 1 houre.. var $locale = 'en'; // used to be $_GLOBALS[__CLASS__] static $singleton; /** * * Constructor - with assoc. array of props as option * called by index.php usually, and runs the app code, * * uses 'universal construcor' format, so the argument relates directly to properties of this object. * */ function __construct($config) { if (isset(self::$singleton)) { trigger_error("FlexyFramework Construct called twice!", E_ERROR); } self::$singleton = $this; $this->calls = 0; $m = explode(' ',microtime()); $this->start = $m[0] + $m[1]; $config = $this->loadModuleConfig($config); foreach($config as $k=>$v) { $this->$k = $v; } $this->_parseConfig(); // echo '
'; print_r($this);exit;
        if ($this->cli) {
            $args = $_SERVER['argv'];
            array_shift($args );
            array_shift($args );
        // handle apache mod_rewrite..
        // it looks like this might not work anymore..
        if ($this->initOnly) {
        if (!empty($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) {
            $this->_run($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],false);
            return ;
     * This is the standard way to get information about the application settings.
     * $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get();
     * if ($ff->SomeVar[...])....
    static function get()
        return self::$singleton;
     * looks for files in the path and load up the default values for config?
    function loadModuleConfig($cfg)
        $proj = $cfg['project'];
        $rootDir = realpath(dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]));

        $cls = $proj.'_Config';
        if (file_exists($rootDir . '/'.str_replace('_','/', $cls). '.php')) {
            require_once str_replace('_','/', $cls). '.php';
            $c = new $cls();
            if (method_exists($c,'init')) {
                $cfg = $c->init($this,$cfg);
        $mods = empty($cfg['enable']) ? array() : explode(',',$cfg['enable']);
        foreach($mods as $m) {
            $cls = $proj. (strlen($m) ? '_'. $m  : '' ) . '_Config';

            if (!file_exists($rootDir . '/'.str_replace('_','/', $cls). '.php')) {
            require_once str_replace('_','/', $cls). '.php';
            $c = new $cls();
            if (method_exists($c,'init')) {
                $cfg = $c->init($this,$cfg);
        return $cfg;
     * parse the configuration set by the constructor.
    function _parseConfig()
        // make sure required values are set.. (anything that is not defaulted to false..)
        foreach(get_class_vars(__CLASS__) as $k =>$v) {
            if ($v === false && !isset($this->$k)) {
                die("$k is not set");
        // enable modules.
        if (!empty($this->enable)) {
            $this->enableArray = explode(',', $this->enable);
            if (!in_array('Core',$this->enableArray ) &&
                !in_array('Core', explode(',', $this->disable ? $this->disable : '')))
                $this->enable = 'Core,'. $this->enable ;
                $this->enableArray = explode(',', $this->enable);
        // are we running cli?
        $this->cli = php_sapi_name() == 'cli'; 
        // will these work ok with cli?
        $bits = explode(basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]), $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
        if (!$this->cli) {
            $bits[0] = str_replace('%2F','/',urlencode($bits[0]));
            $this->baseURL = $bits[0] . basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]);
            if (empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
                $this->baseURL = ''; // ??? this is if we replace top level...
        // if cli - you have to have set baseURL...
        $this->rootDir = realpath(dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]));
        $this->baseDir = $this->rootDir .'/'. $this->project;
        $this->rootURL = dirname($this->baseURL);
        $this->rootURL = ($this->rootURL == '/') ? '' : $this->rootURL;
        if (!isset($this->database) && isset($this->PDO_DataObject['database'])) {
            $this->database = $this->PDO_DataObject['database'];
         $this->classPrefix   = str_replace('/', '_', $this->project) . '_';
        // list the available options..
        if ($this->cli && empty($_SERVER['argv'][1])) {
            require_once 'HTML/FlexyFramework2/Cli.php';
            $fcli = new HTML_FlexyFramework2_Cli($this);
        // see if it's a framework assignment.
        $ishelp = false;
        if ($this->cli) {
            require_once 'HTML/FlexyFramework2/Cli.php';
            $fcli = new HTML_FlexyFramework2_Cli($this);
            $res = $fcli->parseDefaultOpts();
            if ($res === true) {
                $ishelp = true;
        $this->run = $this->cli ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : false;
        if ($this->dataObjectsCache && !$this->nodatabase) {
        //echo '

        if ($ishelp) {

     *'languages' => array(
            'param' => '_lang',
            'avail' => array('en','zh_HK', 'zh_CN'),
            'default' => 'en',
            'cookie' => 'TalentPricing_lang',
            'localemap' => array(
                'en' => 'en_US.utf8',
                'zh_HK' => 'zh_TW.utf8',
                'zh_CN' => 'zh_CN.utf8',
    function _handleLanguages()
        if (
                empty($this->languages) ||
                        !isset($this->languages['cookie']) && !isset($this->languages['default'])
        ) {
        $cfg = $this->languages;
        $default = $cfg['default'];
            $brower_langs = explode(",", $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]);
            foreach ($brower_langs as $bl) {
                $l = preg_replace('/;(.*)/', '', $bl);
                $l = str_replace('-', '_', $l);
                if(!in_array($l, $cfg['avail'])){
                $default = $l;
        $lang = isset($_COOKIE[$cfg['cookie']]) ?  $_COOKIE[$cfg['cookie']] : $default;
         //print_r($_COOKIE); print_R($cfg['cookie']);print_R($lang);exit;
        $lang = preg_replace('/^s:/','', $lang); // for some reason roo's library prefixes values with s:
        if (isset($_REQUEST[$cfg['param']])) {
            $lang = $_REQUEST[$cfg['param']];
        if (!in_array($lang, $cfg['avail'])) {
            $lang = $cfg['default'];
        if (isset($cfg['localemap'][$lang])) {
            setlocale(LC_ALL, $cfg['localemap'][$lang]);
        setcookie($cfg['cookie'], $lang, 0, '/');
        $this->locale = $lang;
        if (!empty($this->HTML_Template_Flexy)) {
            $this->HTML_Template_Flexy['locale'] = $lang;   //set a language for template engine
     * overlay array properties..
    function applyIf($prop, $ar) {
        if (!isset($this->$prop)) {
            $this->$prop = $ar;
        // add only things that where not set!!!.
        $this->$prop = array_merge($ar,$this->$prop);
        //foreach($ar as $k=>$v) {
        //    if (!isset($this->$prop->$k)) {
         //       $this->$prop->$k = $v;
          //  }
       // }
     * DataObject cache 
     * - if turned on (dataObjectsCache = true) then 
     *  a) ini file points to a parsed version of the structure.
     *  b) links.ini is a merged version of the configured link files.
     * This only will force a generation if no file exists at all.. - after that it has to be called manually 
     * from the core page.. - which uses the Expires time to determine if regeneration is needed..
    function _configDataObjectsCache()
        // cli works under different users... it may cause problems..
        if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
            $uinfo = posix_getpwuid( posix_getuid () ); 
            $user = $uinfo['name'];
        } else {
            $user = getenv('USERNAME'); // windows.

        $iniCache = ini_get('session.save_path') .'/' . 
               'pdocfg-' . $user . '/'. str_replace('/', '_', $this->project) ;
        if ($this->appNameShort) {
            $iniCache .= '_' . $this->appNameShort;
        if ($this->version) {
            $iniCache .= '.' . $this->version;
        if ($this->database === false) {
        $dburl = parse_url($this->database);
        if (!empty($dburl['path'])) {
            $iniCache .= '-'.ltrim($dburl['path'],'/');
        $iniCache .= '.ini';
        $this->debug(__METHOD__ . " : ini cache : $iniCache");
        $dburl = parse_url($this->database);
         //override ini setting... - store original..
        if (isset($this->PDO_DataObject['schema_location'])) {
            $this->dataObjectsOriginalIni = $this->PDO_DataObject['schema_location'];
        $this->PDO_DataObject['schema_location']   = $iniCache;
        // we now have the configuration file name..
        if (!file_exists($iniCache) || empty( $this->dataObjectsCacheExpires)) {
     * generateDataobjectsCache:
     * if the 'cache file' does not exist, then
     * create it using HTML_FlexyFramework2_Generator
     * create xxx.ini and xxx.links.ini 
     * @arg force (boolean) force generation - default false;
    function generateDataobjectsCache($force = false)
        //$this->debug('generateDataobjectsCache: force=' . ($force ? 'yes' : 'no'));
        if (!$this->dataObjectsCache) { // does not use dataObjects Caching..
             PDO_DataObject::config('schema_location', $this->dataObjectsOriginalIni );
            $this->debug('generateDataobjectsCache', 'dataObjectsCache - empty');
        $dburl = parse_url($this->database);
        $dbnick =  basename($dburl['path']);
        $iniCache = $this->PDO_DataObject['schema_location'];
        $replace = array();
        if (file_exists($iniCache)) {
            $files = glob(dirname($iniCache).'/*.ini');
            foreach($files as $f) {
                $replace[$f] = md5(file_get_contents($f)); // hash it..
        $iniCacheTmp = $iniCache . '.tmp' .md5(rand());  // random to stop two processes using the same file.
        // has it expired..
        $force = ($force ? $force : !file_exists($iniCache)) || !$this->dataObjectsCacheExpires;
        // $this->debug('generateDataobjectsCache: after check : force=' . ($force ? 'yes' : 'no'));
         // not force or not expired, do not bother..
        if (!$force) {
            if ((filemtime($iniCache) + $this->dataObjectsCacheExpires) >time()) {
        $this->debug('generateDataobjectsCache', 'dataObjectsCache  generating');
         //echo "GENERATE?";
        // force quoting of column names..
        // unless it forced off..
        if (!isset($this->PDO_DataObject['quote_identifiers'] )) { 
            $this->PDO_DataObject['quote_identifiers'] = true;
        if (!file_exists(dirname($iniCache))) {
            mkdir(dirname($iniCache),0700, true);
        $this->PDO_DataObject['schema_location'] = $iniCacheTmp;
        // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1);      
        require_once 'HTML/FlexyFramework2/Generator.php';
        PDO_DataObject::config('database', $this->database);
        $generator = new HTML_FlexyFramework2_Generator();
        $this->debug('generateDataobjectsCache', 'dataObjectsCache  writing');
        HTML_FlexyFramework2_Generator::writeCache($iniCacheTmp, $iniCache, $replace); 
        // reset the cache to the correct lcoation.
        PDO_DataObject::config('schema_location',  $iniCache);
        $this->PDO_DataObject['schema_location'] = $iniCache;
        //$GLOBALS['_DB_DATAOBJECT']['INI'][$this->database] =   parse_ini_file($iniCache, true);
        // clear any dataobject cache..
     * DataObject Configuration:
     * Always in Project/DataObjects
     * unless enableArray is available...
    function _parseConfigDataObjects()
        if ($this->nodatabase && !$this->database) {
        // better done here.. ?? only include if we have database configuration?
        require_once 'PDO/DataObject.php';
        $dburl = parse_url($this->database);
        $dbini = 'ini_'. basename($dburl['path']);
        $dbinis =  array(); //array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Pman/DataObjects/pman.ini');
        $dbreq =  array(); //array( dirname(__FILE__) . '/Pman/DataObjects/');
        $dbcls =  array(); //array('Pman_DataObjects_');

        $project = explode('/',$this->project)[0]; 
        if (!empty($this->enableArray)) {
            $tops = array_merge( array($project), empty($this->projectExtends) ? array() : $this->projectExtends);
            foreach($tops as $td) {
                 $bd = $this->rootDir .'/'.$td;
                foreach($this->enableArray as $m) {
                    // look in Pman/MODULE/DataObjects/*
                     if (file_exists($bd.'/'.$m.'/DataObjects')) {
                        $dbinis[] = $bd.'/'.$m.'/DataObjects/'. strtolower($td).'.ini';
                        $dbcls[] = $td.'_'. $m . '_DataObjects_';
                        $dbreq[] = $bd.'/'.$m.'/DataObjects';
                    // look in MODULE/DataObjects ?? DO WE SUPPORT THIS ANYMORE???
                    if (file_exists($bd.'/../'.$m.'/DataObjects')) {
                        $dbinis[] = $bd.'/../'.$m.'/DataObjects/'. strtolower($td).'.ini';
                        $dbcls[] = $td. '_DataObjects_';
                        $dbreq[] = $bd.'/../'.$m.'/DataObjects';
        } else {
            if (isset($this->PDO_DataObject['schema_location'])) {
                $dbinis[] = $this->PDO_DataObject['schema_location'] .'/'.basename($dburl['path']).'.ini';
            } else {
                $dbinis[] = $this->baseDir.'/DataObjects/'.basename($dburl['path']).'.ini';
            // non modular.
            $dbcls[] = $project .'_DataObjects_';
            $dbreq[] = $this->baseDir.'/DataObjects';
        $this->applyIf('PDO_DataObject', array(   
            'class_location' =>  implode(PATH_SEPARATOR,$dbreq),
            'class_prefix' =>  implode(PATH_SEPARATOR,$dbcls),
            'database'        => $this->database,    
            ///'require_prefix' => 
         //   'schema_location' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Pman/DataObjects/',
             'schema_location' => implode(PATH_SEPARATOR,$dbinis),
           //   'debug' => 5,
     Set up thetemplate
    function _parseConfigTemplate()
        // compile.
        if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
            $uinfo = posix_getpwuid( posix_getuid () ); 
            $user = $uinfo['name'];
        } else {
            $user = getenv('USERNAME'); // windows.
        $compileDir = ini_get('session.save_path') .'/' . 
            $user . '_compiled_templates_' . $this->project;
        if ($this->appNameShort) {
            $compileDir .= '_' . $this->appNameShort;
        if ($this->version) {
            $compileDir .= '.' . $this->version;
        // templates. -- all this should be cached!!!
        $src = array();
        if ($this->appNameShort && !in_array('Core', explode(',', $this->disable ? $this->disable : ''))) {
            // in app based version, template directory is in Core
            $src = array(  
                $this->baseDir . '/Core/templates'
            foreach ($this->projectExtends as $e){
                $add = $this->rootDir . '/' . $e .'/templates';
                if (!in_array($add,$src) && file_exists($add)) {
                    $src[] = $add;
        $src[] = $this->baseDir . '/templates';
        if (!empty($this->enableArray)) {
            foreach($this->enableArray as $m) {
                $add = $this->baseDir . '/' . $m .'/templates';
                if (!in_array($add,$src) && file_exists($add) && $this->appNameShort != $m) {
                    $src[] = $add;
            if (!empty($this->projectExtends)  )  {
                foreach ($this->projectExtends as $extend){
                    foreach($this->enableArray as $m) {
                        $add = $this->rootDir . '/' . $extend . '/' . $m .'/templates';
                        if (!in_array($add,$src) && file_exists($add) && $this->appNameShort != $m) {
                            $src[] = $add;
        if ($this->appNameShort) {
            $src[] =  $this->baseDir . '/'. $this->appNameShort. '/templates';
        // images may come from multiple places: - if we have multiple template directories.?
        // how do we deal with this..?
        // images/ << should always be mapped to master!
        // for overridden appdir ones we will have to se rootURL etc.
        $url_rewrite = 'images/:'. $this->rootURL . '/'. $this->project. '/templates/images/';
        $this->applyIf('HTML_Template_Flexy', array(
            'templateDir' => implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $src),
            'compileDir' => $compileDir,
            'multiSource' => true,
            'forceCompile' => 0,
            'url_rewrite' => $url_rewrite,
            'filters' => 'Php,SimpleTags', /// for non-tokenizer version?
            'debug' => $this->debug ? 1 : 0,
            'useTokenizer' => 1,
    function _parseConfigMail()
        $this->applyIf('HTML_Template_Flexy', array(
           'debug' => 0,
           'driver' => 'smtp',
           'host' => 'localhost',
           'port' => 25,
     * exposes to PEAR::getStaticProperty..
     * at present, only FlexyFramework uses this..
     * // we should really stop it..
     * ctor for Flexy - should read from config...
    function _exposeToPear()
        $cls = array_keys(get_class_vars(__CLASS__));
        $base = array();
        // anything that get's set, that's not in our default properties
        // is assumed to be an option set .
        foreach(get_object_vars($this) as $k=>$v) {
            if (in_array($k,$cls)) {
                $base[$k] = $v;
            $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty($k,'options');
            $options = $v;
       // $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('HTML_FlexyFramework2','options');
       // $options = $base;
         //   apply them..
    function _validateEnv() 
        /* have I been initialized */
        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && !$this->cli) {
                "magic quotes is enabled add the line
php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
to your .htaccess file
(Apache has to be configured to "AllowOverride Options AuthConfig" for the directory) "); } */ // set up error handling - //$this->error = new HTML_FlexyFramework2_Error(); /// fudge work around bugs in PEAR::setErrorHandling(,) //$GLOBALS['_PEAR_default_error_mode'] = PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK; //$GLOBALS['_PEAR_default_error_options'] = array($this->error,'raiseError'); if ($this->debug) { require_once 'Benchmark/Timer.php'; $this->timer = new BenchMark_Timer(true); register_shutdown_function(function() { echo $this->timer->getOutput(); }); } } function _validateDatabase() { //echo "
"; print_r($this);

        if ($this->nodatabase) {
        // database is the only setting - we dont support mult databses?
        $x = new PDO_Dataobject();
        PDO_Dataobject::config('database', $this->database);
        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {

                $this->fatalError("Configuration or Database Error: could not connect to Database, 
Please check the value given to HTML_FlexyFramework2, or run with debug on!

".$e->getMessage()); } if (preg_match('/^mysql/', $this->database)) { $res = $x->PDO()->query("SELECT @@global.read_only as ro"); $row = !is_a($res, 'PDOStatement') ? false : $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$row || !empty($row['ro'])) { if (empty($options['skip-read-only-check'])) { $this->fatalError("Database is configured to be read-only - please check database
"); } $this->database_is_readonly = true; } } } function _validateTemplate() { // check that we have a writeable directory for flexy's compiled templates. if (empty($this->HTML_Template_Flexy['compileDir'])) { return; } if ( !file_exists($this->HTML_Template_Flexy['compileDir'])) { mkdir($this->HTML_Template_Flexy['compileDir'], 0700, true); clearstatcache(); if ( !file_exists($this->HTML_Template_Flexy['compileDir'])) { $this->fatalError("Configuration Error: you specified a directory that does not exist for
HTML_Template_Flexy => compileDir {$this->HTML_Template_Flexy['compileDir']}
\n" ); } } if (!is_writeable($this->HTML_Template_Flexy['compileDir'])) { $this->fatalError("Configuration Error: Please make sure the template cache directory is writeable
chmod 700 {$this->HTML_Template_Flexy['compileDir']}
chgrp apache_user {$this->HTML_Template_Flexy['compileDir']}
\n" ); } //echo "
    * Quality Redirector
    * Usage in a page.:
    * HTML_FlexyFramework::run('someurl/someother',array('somearg'=>'xxx'));
    * ...do clean up...
    * exit; <- dont cary on!!!!
    * You should really
    * @param   string           redirect to url 
    * @param   array Args Optional      any data you want to send to the next page..
    * @return   false
    * @access   public
    * @static
    static function run($request,$args=array()) 
        return false;
     * initPage - load the page up, and set the variables, but do not actually run it.
     * - used where we want features from this framework, buy may actually be running another one..
     * call with ($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) for root page...
    public function initPage($request, $isRedirect=false, $args=array())
        $newRequest = $this->_getRequest($request,$isRedirect);
        // find the class/file to load
        list($classname,$subRequest) = $this->requestToClassName($newRequest,FALSE);
        $this->debug("requestToClassName return = CLASSNAME: $classname SUB REQUEST: $subRequest");
        // assume that this was handled by getclassname ?????
        if (!$classname) {
            return false;
        // make page data/object accessable at anypoint in time using  this
        // not sure if this is used anymore - or even works..?
        $classobj =  new  $classname();  // normally do not have constructors.
        $classobj->baseURL = $this->baseURL;
        $classobj->rootURL = $this->rootURL;
        $classobj->rootDir = $this->rootDir;
        $classobj->bootLoader  = $this;
        $classobj->request = $newRequest;
        $classobj->timer = &$this->timer;
        $classobj->subrequest = $subRequest;
        $this->page = $classobj;
        return $classobj;
    * The main execution loop
    * recursivly self called if redirects (eg. return values from page start methods)
    * @param   string from $_REQUEST or redirect from it'self.
    * @param   boolean isRedirect  = is the request a redirect  TRUE = always handle as 'GET', 1 = handle as POST/GET depending on method, 0 = handle as initial request.
    * @return   false || other    false indicates no page was served!
    * @access   public|private
    * @see      see also methods.....
    public function _run($request,$isRedirect = false,$args = array()) 
        // clean the request up.
        if ($this->calls > 5) {
            // to many redirections...
            trigger_error("FlexyFramework:: too many redirects - backtrace me!",E_USER_ERROR);
        $classobj  = $this->initPage($request,$isRedirect,$args);
        $classobj->cli = $this->cli;
        if ($this->cli && !$isRedirect ) { // redirect always just takes redirect args..
            require_once 'HTML/FlexyFramework2/Cli.php';
            $fcli = new HTML_FlexyFramework2_Cli($this);
            $nargs = $fcli->cliParse(get_class($classobj));
            $args = $nargs === false ? $args : $nargs; /// replace if found.
            $classobj->cli_args = $nargs;
        // echo '
'; print_r($this);exit;
        // echo "CHECK GET AUTH?";
        if (!method_exists($classobj, 'getAuth')) {
        //    echo "NO GET AUTH?";
            $this->fatalError("class ". get_class($classobj) . " does not have a getAuth Method");
            return false;
        /* check auth on the page */
        if (is_string($redirect = $classobj->getAuth())) {
            $this->debug("GOT AUTH REDIRECT".$redirect);
            return $this->_run($redirect,TRUE);
        // used HTML_FlexyFramework::run();

        if ($redirect === false) {
            $this->debug("GOT AUTH FALSE");    
            return false; /// Access deined!!! - 
        // allow the page to implement caching (for the full page..)
        // although normally it should implement caching on the outputBody() method.
        if (method_exists($classobj,"getCache")) {
            if ($result = $classobj->getCache()) {
                return $result;
        /* allow redirect from start */
        if (method_exists($classobj,"start")) {
            if (is_string($redirect = $classobj->start($classobj->subrequest,$isRedirect,$args)))  {
                $this->debug("REDIRECT $redirect 
"); return $this->_run($redirect,TRUE); } if ($redirect === false) { return false; } } // used HTML_FlexyFramework::run(); /* load the modules * Modules are common page components like navigation headers etc. * that can have dynamic code. * Code has been removed now.. */ if ($this->timer) { $this->timer->setMarker("After $request loadModules Modules"); } /* output it - (our base page does not implement output for cli. */ if ( method_exists($classobj,'output')) { $classobj->output(); } if ($this->timer) { $this->timer->setMarker("After $request output"); $this->timer->stop(); //?? really - yes... } if ($this->cli) { return true; } exit; /// die here... } /** * map the request into an object and run the page. * * The core of the work is done here. * * * @param request the request string * @param boolean isRedirect - indicates that it should not attempt to strip the .../index.php from the request. * * @access private */ function _getRequest($request, $isRedirect) { if ($this->cli) { return $request; } $startRequest = $request; $rq = explode('?', $request); $request = array_shift($rq); $this->debug("INPUT REQUEST $request
"); if (!$isRedirect) { // check that request forms contains baseurl???? $subreq = substr($request,0,strlen($this->baseURL)); if ($subreq != substr($this->baseURL,0,strlen($subreq))) { $this->fatalError( "Configuration error: Got base of $subreq which does not match configuration of: $this->baseURL} "); } $request = substr($request,strlen($this->baseURL)); } // strip front // echo "REQUEST WAS: $request
"; // $request = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($base_url,'/').'/','',trim($request)); // echo "IS NOW: $request
"; // strip end // strip valid html stuff //$request = preg_replace('/\/[.]+/','',$request); $request = preg_replace('/^[\/]*/','',$request); $request = preg_replace('/\?.*$/','',$request); $request = preg_replace('/[\/]*$/','',$request); $this->baseRequest = $request; $request = str_replace('&','',$request); // any other invalid characters??? $request = preg_replace('/\.([a-z]+)$/','',$request); $this->ext = substr($this->baseRequest , strlen($request)); // REDIRECT ROO to index.php! for example.. // this has a slight issue when we are using 'hidden index.php' mod_rewrite.. /* normal (non-mod_rewrite) $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] start with baseURL.. */ if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strlen($this->baseURL)) != $this->baseURL) { // then we are rewriting? $this->baseURL = $this->rootURL; return $request; } //var_dump(array($this->baseURL, $this->rootURL, $request ,$isRedirect, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); phpinfo();exit; if (!$request && !$isRedirect) { if ($this->baseURL && (strlen($startRequest) < strlen($this->baseURL))) { // needs to handle https + port $http = ((!empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == 'on')) ? 'https' : 'http'; $sp = ''; if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) { if ((($http == 'http') && ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80)) || (($http == 'https') && ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443))) { // standard ports.. } else { $sp .= ':'.((int) $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); } } //var_dump($startRequest); echo '
'; print_R($this);         phpinfo();exit;
                $host = !empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"] : $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
                header('Location: '.$http.'://'.$host .$sp . $this->baseURL);
            $request = "";
        $this->debug("OUTPUT REQUEST $request
"); return $request; } /** * get the Class name and filename to load * * Parses the request and converts that into a File + Classname * if the class doesnt exist it will attempt to find a file below it, and * call that one with the data. * Used by the module loader to determine the location of the modules * * @param request the request string * @param boolean showError - if false, allows you to continue if the class doesnt exist. * * * @return array classname, filepath * @access private * @static */ function requestToClassName($request,$showError=TRUE) { // if ($request == "error") { // return array("HTML_FlexyFramework_Error",""); // } // special classes :: if ($this->cli && in_array($request, array('DataObjects'))) { require_once 'HTML/FlexyFramework2/'. $request . '.php'; return array('HTML_FlexyFramework2_'. $request,''); } $request_array=explode("/",$request); $original_request_array = $request_array; $sub_request_array = array(); $l = count($request_array)-1; if ($l > 10) { // ?? configurable? //PEAR::raiseError("Request To Long"); $this->fatalError("Request To Long - " . $request); } $classname=''; // tidy up request array if ($request_array) { foreach(array_keys($request_array) as $i) { $request_array[$i] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i','_',urldecode($request_array[$i])); } } //echo "
"; print_r($request_array);
        // technically each module should do a check here... similar to this..
        for ($i=$l;$i >-1;$i--) {
            $location = implode('/',$request_array) . ".php";
            if ($location == '.php') {
                $this->debug("SKIP first path check, as request str is empty");
            $this->debug("baseDIR = {$this->baseDir}");
            $floc = "{$this->baseDir}/$location";
            $this->debug("CHECK LOCATION = $floc");
            if (!empty($location) && $location != '.php' && @file_exists($floc )) {             // hide? error???
                require_once $floc ;
                $classname = $this->classPrefix . implode('_',$request_array);
                if (class_exists($classname) &&
                        (is_a($classname, 'HTML_FlexyFramework2_Page', true) ||
                         is_a($classname, 'HTML_FlexyFramework_Page', true))
                ) {
                    $this->debug("FOUND FILE - SET CLASS = $classname 
"); break; } } // in here check the 'projectExtends' versions..? if(!empty($this->projectExtends)){ $this->debug("Trying project Extends
"); $has_extend_class = false; foreach ($this->projectExtends as $e){ $floc = "{$this->rootDir}/{$e}/$location"; $this->debug("Trying file: $floc"); if (!empty($location) && @file_exists($floc)) { // hide? error??? require_once $floc ; $classname = $e . '_' . implode('_',$request_array); if (class_exists($classname) && (is_a($classname, 'HTML_FlexyFramework2_Page', true) || is_a($classname, 'HTML_FlexyFramework_Page', true)) ) { $has_extend_class = true; $this->debug("FOUND FILE - SET CLASS = $classname
"); break; } } } if(!empty($has_extend_class)){ break; } } $this->debug("$floc - !!FOUND NOT FILE!!"); $sub_request_array[] = $original_request_array[$i]; unset($request_array[$i]); unset($original_request_array[$i]); } // is this really needed here! $classname = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i','_',$classname); $this->debug("CLASSNAME is '$classname'"); // got it ok. if ($classname && class_exists($classname) && (is_a($classname, 'HTML_FlexyFramework2_Page', true) || is_a($classname, 'HTML_FlexyFramework_Page', true))) { $this->debug("using $classname"); //print_r($sub_request_array); return array($classname,implode('/',array_reverse($sub_request_array))); } $this->debug("$classname did not exist - using base"); // stop looping.. if ($showError) { $this->fatalError("INVALID REQUEST: \n $request FILE:".$this->baseDir. "/{$location} CLASS:{$classname}"); } $this->debug("Try base {$this->baseDir}.php"); // try {project name}.php // this used to be silenced @ - if this fails we are usually pretty fried.. if (file_exists($this->baseDir.'.php')) { $classname = str_replace('/', '_', $this->project); // basename($this->baseDir); $this->debug("FOUND {$this->baseDir} requring and checking class $classname"); require_once $this->baseDir.'.php'; $this->debug("require success"); if (!class_exists($classname)) { $this->fatalError( "{$this->baseDir}.php did not contain class $classname"); } } // got projectname.php if ($classname && class_exists($classname) ) { $this->debug("using $classname"); //print_r($sub_request_array); return array($classname,implode('/',array_reverse($sub_request_array))); } $this->fatalError( "can not find {$this->baseDir}.php"); // dies.. } /** * ensure Single CLi process * usage: * HTML_FlexyFramework2::ensureSingle(__FILE__, $this); * @param string filename of running class * @param object class */ static function ensureSingle($sig, $class) { //echo "check single: $sig / ". get_class($class) ."\n"; $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework2::get(); if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $uinfo = posix_getpwuid( posix_getuid () ); $user = $uinfo['name']; } else { $user = getenv('USERNAME'); // windows. } $fdir = ini_get('session.save_path') .'/' . $user . '_cli_' . $ff->project ; if (!file_exists($fdir)) { mkdir($fdir, 0777); } $lock = $fdir.'/'. md5($sig) . '.' . get_class($class); //echo "check single: lock : $lock\n"; if (!file_exists($lock)) { file_put_contents($lock, getmypid()); //echo "check single: lock : DOES NOT EXIST\n"; return true; } $oldpid = file_get_contents($lock); if (!file_exists('/proc/' . $oldpid)) { file_put_contents($lock, getmypid()); // echo "check single: lock : PROC NOT EXIST\n"; return true; } // file exists, but process might not be the same.. $ca = explode('_', get_class($class)); $name = array_pop($ca); $cmd = file_get_contents('/proc/' . $oldpid.'/cmdline'); if (!preg_match('/php/i',$cmd) || !preg_match('/'.$name.'/i',$cmd)) { file_put_contents($lock, getmypid()); //echo "check single: lock : CMDLINE !have PHP \n"; return true; } die("process " . $sig . " already running\n"); } /** * removes the lock for the applicaiton - use with care... * * */ static function ensureSingleClear($sig, $class) { $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework2::get(); if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $uinfo = posix_getpwuid( posix_getuid () ); $user = $uinfo['name']; } else { $user = getenv('USERNAME'); // windows. } $fdir = ini_get('session.save_path') .'/' . $user . '_cli_' . $ff->project ; if (!file_exists($fdir)) { mkdir($fdir, 0777); } $lock = $fdir.'/'. md5($sig); if (!file_exists($lock)) { return true; } unlink($lock);; } /** * Debugging * * @param string text to output. * @access public */ function debug($output) { if (empty($this->debug)) { return; } echo $this->cli ? "HTML_FlexyFramework2::debug - ".$output."\n" : "HTML_FlexyFramework2::debug - ".$output."
\n"; } /** * Raises a fatal error. - normally only used when setting up to help get the config right. * * can redirect to fatal Action page.. - hoepfully not issued before basic vars are set up.. * * @param string text to output. * @access public */ function fatalError($msg,$showConfig = 0) { if ($this->fatalAction) { HTML_FlexyFramework2::run($this->fatalAction,$msg); exit; } header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); header('Status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); header('Retry-After: 300'); echo $this->cli ? $msg ."\n" : "


configuration information
        if ($showConfig) {
        $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework2::get();