using GLib; // compile valac /// # valac --pkg gio-2.0 --pkg posix Spawn.vala -o /tmp/Spawn ///using Gee; // for array list? static int main (string[] args) { // A reference to our file var cfg = new SpawnConfig("", { "ls" } , { "" }); var spawn = new Spawn(cfg); return 0; } //var Gio =; //var GLib =; /** * @namespace Spawn * * Library to wrap GLib.spawn_async_with_pipes * * usage: * v * *var output = new Spawn( SpawnConfig() { cwd = "/home", // empty string to default to homedirectory. args = {"ls", "-l" }, evn = {}, ouput = (line) => { stdout.printf("%d\n", line); } stderr = (line) => { stdout.printf("%d\n", line); } input = () => { return "xxx"; } }; * * */ public delegate void SpawnOutput(string line); public delegate void SpawnErr(string line); public delegate string SpawnInput(); public class SpawnConfig { public string cwd; public string[] args; public string[] env; public bool async; public bool exceptions; // fire exceptions. public bool debug; // fire exceptions. public SpawnOutput output; public SpawnErr stderr; public SpawnInput input; // defaults.. public SpawnConfig(string cwd, string[] args, string[] env ) { this.cwd = cwd; this.args = args; this.env = env; async = false; exceptions = false; debug = false; output = null; stderr = null; input = null; } public void setOptions( bool async, bool exceptions, bool debug ) { this.async = async; this.exceptions = exceptions; this.debug = debug; } public void setHandlers( SpawnOutput output, SpawnErr stderr, SpawnInput input ) { this.output = output; this.stderr = stderr; this.input = input; } } /** * @class Spawn * @param cfg {SpawnConfig} settings - see properties. * * @arg cwd {String} working directory. (defaults to home directory) * @arg args {Array} arguments eg. [ 'ls', '-l' ] * @arg listeners {Object} (optional) handlers for output, stderr, input * stderr/output both receive output line as argument * input should return any standard input * finish recieves result as argument. * @arg env {Array} enviroment eg. [ 'GITDIR=/home/test' ] * @arg async {Boolean} (optional)return instantly, or wait for exit. (default no) * @arg exceptions {Boolean} throw exception on failure (default no) * @arg debug {Boolean} print out what's going on.. (default no) * */ public class Spawn : Object { SpawnConfig cfg; public Spawn(SpawnConfig cfg) throws Error { this.cfg = cfg; this.cfg.cwd = this.cfg.cwd.length || GLib.Enviroment.get_home_dir(); if (!this.cfg.args.length) { throw new Error("No arguments"); }; } bool ctx = false; // the mainloop ctx. /** * @property output {String} resulting output */ string output = ""; /** * @property stderr {String} resulting output from stderr */ string stderr = ""; /** * @property result {Number} execution result. */ int result= 0; /** * @property pid {Number} pid of child process (of false if it's not running) */ int pid = -1; /** * @property in_ch {GLib.IOChannel} input io channel */ IOChannel in_ch = null; /** * @property out_ch {GLib.IOChannel} output io channel */ IOChannel out_ch = null; /** * @property err_ch {GLib.IOChannel} stderr io channel */ IOChannel err_ch = null; /** * @property err_src {int} the watch for errors */ int err_src = -1; /** * @property err_src {int} the watch for output */ int out_src = -1; /** * * @method run * Run the configured command. * result is applied to object properties (eg. 'output' or 'stderr') * @returns {Object} self. */ public void run() { var err_src = false; var out_src = false; int standard_input; int standard_output; int standard_error; var ret = {}; if (this.cfg.debug) { print("cd " + this.cfg.cwd +";" + string.joinv(" ", this.cfg.args)); } Process.spawn_async_with_pipes ( this.cfg.cwd, this.cfg.args, this.cfg.env, SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, null, out, out standard_input, out standard_output, out standard_error); // stdout: //print(JSON.stringify(gret)); if (this.cfg.debug) { print("PID: " +; } ChildWatch.add (, (w_pid, result) => { this.result = result; if (_this.debug) { print("child_watch_add : result: " + result); };; Process.close_pid(; = -1; if (this.ctx) { this.ctx.quit(); } this.tidyup(); //print("DONE TIDYUP"); if (this.cfg.finish) { this.cfg.finish(this.result); } }); this.in_ch = new GLib.IOChannel.unix_new(ret.standard_input); this.out_ch = new GLib.IOChannel.unix_new(ret.standard_output); this.err_ch = new GLib.IOChannel.unix_new(ret.standard_error); // make everything non-blocking! // using NONBLOCKING only works if io_add_watch //returns true/false in right conditions this.in_ch.set_flags (GLib.IOFlags.NONBLOCK); this.out_ch.set_flags (GLib.IOFlags.NONBLOCK); this.err_ch.set_flags (GLib.IOFlags.NONBLOCK); // add handlers for output and stderr. this.out_src = this.out_ch.add_watch ( IOCondition.OUT | IOCondition.IN | IOCondition.PRI | IOCondition.HUP | IOCondition.ERR , (channel, condition) => { return; } ); this.err_src = this.err_ch.add_watch ( IOCondition.OUT | IOCondition.IN | IOCondition.PRI | IOCondition.HUP | IOCondition.ERR , (channel, condition) => { return; } ); // call input.. if ( > -1) { // child can exit before 1we get this far.. if (this.cfg.input != null) { if (this.cfg.debug) print("Trying to call listeners"); try { this.write(this.cfg.input()); // this probably needs to be a bit smarter... //but... let's close input now.. this.in_ch.close(); this.in_ch = -1; } catch (Error e) { this.tidyup(); throw e; } } } // async - if running - return.. if (this.cfg.async && > -1) { return; } // start mainloop if not async.. if ( > -1) { if (this.cfg.debug) { print("starting main loop"); } this.ctx = new MainLoop ();; // wait fore exit? //print("main_loop done!"); } else { this.tidyup(); // tidyup get's called in main loop. } if (this.cfg.exceptions && this.result != 0) { //this.toString = function() { return this.stderr; }; ///throw new Exception this; // we throw self... } // finally throw, or return self.. return; } private void tidyup() { if ( > -1) { Process.close_pid(; // hopefully kills it.. = -1; } if (this.in_ch) this.in_ch.close(); if (this.out_ch) this.out_ch.close(); if (this.err_ch) this.err_ch.close(); // blank out channels this.in_ch = false; this.err_ch = false; this.out_ch = false; // rmeove listeners !! important otherwise we kill the CPU if (this.err_src > -1 ) GLib.source_remove(this.err_src); if (this.out_src > -1 ) GLib.source_remove(this.out_src); this.err_src = -1; this.out_src = -1; } /** * write to stdin of process * @arg str {String} string to write to stdin of process * @returns GLib.IOStatus (0 == error, 1= NORMAL) */ private int write(string str) // write a line to { if (this.in_ch == null) { return 0; // input is closed } //print("write: " + str); // NEEDS GIR FIX! for return value.. let's ignore for the time being.. //var ret = {}; //var res = this.in_ch.write_chars(str, str.length, ret); var res = this.in_ch.write_chars(str, str.length); //print("write_char retunred:" + JSON.stringify(res) + ' ' +JSON.stringify(ret) ); if (res != GLib.IOStatus.NORMAL) { throw "Write failed"; } //return ret.value; return str.length; } /** * read from pipe and call appropriate listerner and add to output or stderr string. * @arg giochannel to read from. * @returns none */ private bool read(IOChannel ch) { string prop = (ch == this.out_ch) ? "output" : "stderr"; // print("prop: " + prop); var _this = this; //print(JSON.stringify(ch, null,4)); while (true) { var x = {}; var status = ch.read_line( x); // print('status: ' +JSON.stringify(status)); // print(JSON.stringify(x)); switch(status) { case GLib.IOStatus.NORMAL: //write(fn, x.str); if (this.listeners[prop]) { this.listeners[prop].call(this, x.str_return); } _this[prop] += x.str_return; if (_this.debug) { print(prop + ':' + x.str_return.replace(/\n/, '')); } if (this.async) { try { if ( {; } } catch(Error e) { } } //this.ctx.iteration(true); continue; case GLib.IOStatus.AGAIN: //print("Should be called again.. waiting for more data.."); return true; break; case GLib.IOStatus.ERROR: case GLib.IOStatus.EOF: return false; break; } break; } //print("RETURNING"); return false; // allow it to be called again.. } } /* // test try { Seed.print(run({ args: ['ls', '/tmp'], debug : true })); } catch (e) { print(JSON.stringify(e)); } var secs = (new Date()).getSeconds() try { Seed.print(run({ args: ['/bin/touch', '/tmp/spawntest-' + secs ], debug : true })); } catch (e) { print( 'Error: ' + JSON.stringify(e)); } */