/** This a mostly a static class that manages an array of it'self... */ static RooProject _RooProject; public class RooProject : Object { public string id; // not really important that they are numbers.. public string code; public string name; public string type; // --- static from here on.... static Gee.ArrayList _projects; static int loadcount = 0; const string roourl = "https://roojs.com/admin.php/Roo"; static RooProject singleton() { if (_RooProject == null) { _RooProject = new RooProject(); RooProject.loadcount = 0; RooProject.loadProjects(); } return _RooProject; } public static Gee.ArrayList projects() { RooProject.singleton(); return RooProject._projects; } public static RooProject? getProjectByRepo(GitRepo repo) { RooProject.singleton(); // fixme -- needs to get from rep list.. var rt = RooTicket.singleton(); if (rt.repos.size < 1) { rt.loadRepos(); } var pid = ""; foreach(var roo_repo in rt.repos) { if (roo_repo.shortname == repo.name) { pid = roo_repo.project_id; break; } } if (pid == "") { GLib.debug("getProjectByRepo: repo has no project"); return null; } // get project by id... foreach(var roo_project in RooProject.projects()) { if (roo_project.id == pid) { GLib.debug("getProjectByRepo: project_id = %s", pid); return roo_project; } } GLib.debug("getProjectByRepo: can not find project"); return null; } public static RooProject addProject(Json.Object t) { RooProject.singleton(); // init... var add = new RooProject(); add.id = t.get_string_member("id"); add.name = t.get_string_member("name"); add.type = t.get_string_member("type"); add.code = t.get_string_member("code"); RooProject._projects.add(add); GLib.debug("ADD project %s : %s : %s", add.id, add.code, add.name); return add; } public static void reload() /// has to be called on singleton.. { RooProject.loadcount = 0; RooProject.singleton(); if (RooProject.loadcount == 0 ) { RooProject.loadProjects(); } } static void loadProjects() // called from singleton... { RooProject._projects = new Gee.ArrayList(); RooProject.loadcount ++; var table = new GLib.HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); table.insert("query[project_filter]","P,N,U"); table.insert("limit","200"); table.insert("sort","name"); table.insert("dir","ASC"); var params = Soup.Form.encode_hash(table); var url = "%s/%s?%s" . printf(roourl, "core_project", params); GLib.debug("request %s", url); var session = new Soup.Session (); session.timeout = 0; var message = new Soup.Message ("GET", url); RooTicket.setAuth(message); session.send_message (message); var data = (string) message.response_body.flatten().data; //GLib.debug("got %s", data); try { var parser = new Json.Parser (); parser.load_from_data (data, -1); var response = parser.get_root().get_object(); var status = response.get_boolean_member("success"); if(!status){ GLib.error(response.get_string_member("errorMsg")); return; } var rd = response.get_array_member ("data"); // got a valid result... for(var i = 0; i < rd.get_length(); i++) { RooProject.addProject(rd.get_object_element(i)); } } catch (Error e) { GLib.error(e.message); return; } } }