void main() { GLib.Log.set_handler(null, GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG | GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING | GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_INFO, (dom, lvl, msg) => { // should we debug.. print("%s\n", msg); } ); Git.Threads.init(); var a = new GitLive.Repo("/home/alan/gitlive/web.Texon"); a.fetchAll(); } namespace GitLive { public class Repo : Object { Git.Repository repo; public Repo (string path) { Git.Repository.open(out this.repo , path); } public void push() { string_array remotes; this.repo.get_remote_list(out remotes); // get the remote. git_remote* remote = NULL; git_remote_lookup( &remote, repository, "origin" ); // connect to remote git_remote_connect( remote, GIT_DIRECTION_PUSH ) // add a push refspec git_remote_add_push( remote, "refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master" ); // configure options git_push_options options; git_push_init_options( &options, GIT_PUSH_OPTIONS_VERSION ); // do the push git_remote_upload( remote, NULL, &options ); git_remote_free( remote ); return true; }