The #WnckActionMenu struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed. The #WnckApplication struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed. The #WnckClassGroup struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed. Type describing the role of the libwnck user. Specifies the type of function passed to wnck_tasklist_set_icon_loader(). at size @size, or %NULL if no icon for @icon_name at size @size could be loaded. it should return a <classname>GdkPixbuf</classname> of @icon_name an icon name as in the Icon field in a .desktop file for the icon to load. the desired icon size. not defined to do anything yet. data passed to the function, set when the #WnckLoadIconFunction has been set for the #WnckTasklist. Type defining a direction in which to search a neighbor #WnckWorkspace. The #WnckPager struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed. Mode defining what a #WnckPager will display. The #WnckResourceUsage struct contains information about the total resource usage of an X client, and the number of resources allocated for each resource type. The #WnckScreen struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed. The #WnckSelector struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed. The #WnckTasklist struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed. Type defining the policy of the #WnckTasklist for grouping multiple #WnckWindow of the same #WnckApplication. The #WnckWindow struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed. Type used as a bitmask to describe the actions that can be done for a #WnckWindow. Flag used when changing the geometry of a #WnckWindow. This is the gravity point to use as a reference for the new position. Flag used as a bitmask when changing the geometry of a #WnckWindow. This indicates which part of the geometry should be changed. Type used as a bitmask to describe the state of a #WnckWindow. Type describing the semantic type of a #WnckWindow. The #WnckWorkspace struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed. The #WnckWorkspaceLayout struct contains information about the layout of #WnckWorkspace on a #WnckScreen, and the exact position of a specific #WnckWorkspace. Deprecated:2.20: