#PangoFcDecoder is a virtual base class that implementations will inherit from. It's the interface that is used to define a custom encoding for a font. These objects are created in your code from a function callback that was originally registered with pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func(). Pango requires information about the supported charset for a font as well as the individual character to glyph conversions. Pango gets that information via the #get_charset and #get_glyph callbacks into your object implementation. Generates an #FcCharSet of supported characters for the fcfont given. The returned #FcCharSet will be a reference to an internal value stored by the #PangoFcDecoder and must not be modified or freed. or freed. the #FcCharset for @fcfont; must not be modified the #PangoFcFont to query. Generates a #PangoGlyph for the given Unicode point using the custom decoder. For complex scripts where there can be multiple glyphs for a single character, the decoder will return whatever glyph is most convenient for it. (Usually whatever glyph is directly in the fonts character map table.) covered by the font. the glyph index, or 0 if the glyph isn't a #PangoFcFont to query. the Unicode code point to convert to a single #PangoGlyph. Generates an #FcCharSet of supported characters for the fcfont given. The returned #FcCharSet will be a reference to an internal value stored by the #PangoFcDecoder and must not be modified or freed. or freed. the #FcCharset for @fcfont; must not be modified the #PangoFcFont to query. Generates a #PangoGlyph for the given Unicode point using the custom decoder. For complex scripts where there can be multiple glyphs for a single character, the decoder will return whatever glyph is most convenient for it. (Usually whatever glyph is directly in the fonts character map table.) covered by the font. the glyph index, or 0 if the glyph isn't a #PangoFcFont to query. the Unicode code point to convert to a single #PangoGlyph. Class structure for #PangoFcDecoder. the #FcCharset for @fcfont; must not be modified the #PangoFcFont to query. the glyph index, or 0 if the glyph isn't a #PangoFcFont to query. the Unicode code point to convert to a single #PangoGlyph. Callback function passed to pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func(). or %NULL if the default decoder handling should be used. a new reference to a custom decoder for this pattern, a fully resolved #FcPattern specifying the font on the system user data passed to pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func() Creates a #PangoFontDescription that matches the specified Fontconfig pattern as closely as possible. Many possible Fontconfig pattern values, such as %FC_RASTERIZER or %FC_DPI, don't make sense in the context of #PangoFontDescription, so will be ignored. pango_font_description_free(). a new #PangoFontDescription. Free with a #FcPattern if %TRUE, the pattern will include the size from the @pattern; otherwise the resulting pattern will be unsized. (only %FC_SIZE is examined, not %FC_PIXEL_SIZE) Gets the FreeType <type>FT_Face</type> associated with a font, This face will be kept around until you call pango_fc_font_unlock_face(). the FreeType <type>FT_Face</type> associated with @font. Releases a font previously obtained with pango_fc_font_lock_face(). Clear all cached information and fontsets for this font map; this should be called whenever there is a change in the output of the default_substitute() virtual function of the font map, or if fontconfig has been reinitialized to new configuration. This function saves a callback method in the #PangoFcFontMap that will be called whenever new fonts are created. If the function returns a #PangoFcDecoder, that decoder will be used to determine both coverage via a #FcCharSet and a one-to-one mapping of characters to glyphs. This will allow applications to have application-specific encodings for various fonts. The #PangoFcDecoderFindFunc callback function User data. A #GDestroyNotify callback that will be called when the fontmap is finalized and the decoder is released. Finds the decoder to use for @pattern. Decoders can be added to a font map using pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func(). no decoder is set for @pattern. a newly created #PangoFcDecoder object or %NULL if The #FcPattern to find the decoder for. Gets the #PangoCoverage for a #PangoFT2Font. Use pango_font_get_coverage() instead. a #PangoCoverage. a #PangoFT2Font. a language tag. Returns the native FreeType2 <type>FT_Face</type> structure used for this #PangoFont. This may be useful if you want to use FreeType2 functions directly. Use pango_fc_font_lock_face() instead; when you are done with a face from pango_fc_font_lock_face() you must call pango_fc_font_unlock_face(). or %NULL if @font is %NULL. a pointer to a <type>FT_Face</type> structure, with the size set correctly, a #PangoFont Retrieves kerning information for a combination of two glyphs. Use pango_fc_font_kern_glyphs() instead. the given combination of glyphs. The amount of kerning (in Pango units) to apply for a #PangoFont the left #PangoGlyph the right #PangoGlyph Return the index of a glyph suitable for drawing unknown characters with If you want to draw an unknown-box for a character that is not covered by the font, use PANGO_GET_UNKNOWN_GLYPH() instead. a glyph index into @font, or %PANGO_GLYPH_EMPTY a #PangoFont