Opaque consistency checker handle. Get one buffer from @pad. Implemented via buffer probes. This function will block until the pipeline passes a buffer over @pad, so for robust behavior in unit tests, you need to use check's timeout to fail out in the case that a buffer never arrives. You must have previously called gst_buffer_straw_start_pipeline() on the captured #GstBuffer. the pipeline previously started via gst_buffer_straw_start_pipeline() the pad previously passed to gst_buffer_straw_start_pipeline() Sets up a pipeline for buffer sucking. This will allow you to call gst_buffer_straw_get_buffer() to access buffers as they pass over @pad. This function is normally used in unit tests that want to verify that a particular element is outputting correct buffers. For example, you would make a pipeline via gst_parse_launch(), pull out the pad you want to monitor, then call gst_buffer_straw_get_buffer() to get the buffers that pass through @pad. The pipeline will block until you have sucked off the buffers. This function will set the state of @bin to PLAYING; to clean up, be sure to call gst_buffer_straw_stop_pipeline(). Note that you may not start two buffer straws at the same time. This function is intended for unit tests, not general API use. In fact it calls fail_if from libcheck, so you cannot use it outside unit tests. the pipeline to run a pad on an element in @bin Set @bin to #GST_STATE_NULL and release resource allocated in gst_buffer_straw_start_pipeline(). You must have previously called gst_buffer_straw_start_pipeline() on the pipeline previously started via gst_buffer_straw_start_pipeline() the pad previously passed to gst_buffer_straw_start_pipeline() Compare two caps with gst_caps_is_equal and fail unless they are equal. first caps to compare second caps to compare Frees the allocated data and probe associated with @consist. The #GstStreamConsistency to free. Sets up a data probe on the given pad which will raise assertions if the data flow is inconsistent. Currently only works for source pads. A #GstStreamConsistency structure used to track data flow. The #GstPad on which the dataflow will be checked. Reset the stream checker's internal variables. The #GstStreamConsistency to reset. Unref and remove all buffers that are in the global @buffers GList, emptying the list. Create an @element with the factory with the name and push the and this will be compared with @buffer_out. We only check the caps and the data of the buffers. This function unrefs the buffers. name of the element that needs to be created push this buffer to the element compare the result with this buffer Create an @element with the factory with the name and push the buffers in the buffers in @buffer_out. We only check the caps, size and the data of the buffers. This function unrefs the buffers in the two lists. The last_flow_return parameter indicates the expected flow return value from pushing the final buffer in the list. This can be used to set up a test which pushes some buffers and then an invalid buffer, when the final buffer is expected to fail, for example. name of the element that needs to be created a list of buffers that needs to be puched to the element a list of buffers that we expect from the element the last buffer push needs to give this GstFlowReturn