The <structname>GAction</structname> structure contains private data and should only be accessed using the provided API The #GActionGroup structure contains private data and should only be accessed using the provided API. The virtual function table for #GActionGroup. Information about an installed application and methods to launch it (with file arguments). Flags used when creating a #GAppInfo. Application Information interface, for operating system portability. Integrating the launch with the launching application. This is used to handle for instance startup notification and launching the new application on the same screen as the launching window. a #GAppInfo a #GList of #GFile objects a #GAppInfo a #GList of of #GFile objects a #GAppInfo a #GList of #GFile objects a #GAppInfo a #GList of of #GFile objects a #GAppInfo a #GList of #GFile objects a #GAppInfo a #GList of of #GFile objects The <structname>GApplication</structname> structure contains private data and should only be accessed using the provided API The <structname>GApplicationClass</structname> structure contains private data only #GAskPasswordFlags are used to request specific information from the user, or to notify the user of their choices in an authentication situation. Interface for asynchronously initializable objects. Provides an interface for asynchronous initializing object such that initialization may fail. Type definition for a function that will be called back when an asynchronous operation within GIO has been completed. the object the asynchronous operation was started with. a #GAsyncResult. user data passed to the callback. Holds results information for an asynchronous operation, usually passed directly to a asynchronous _finish() operation. Interface definition for #GAsyncResult. Implements #GFilterInputStream with a sized input buffer. An implementation of #GFilterOutputStream with a sized buffer. Invoked when a connection to a message bus has been obtained. The #GDBusConnection to a message bus. The name that is requested to be owned. User data passed to g_bus_own_name(). Invoked when the name is acquired. The #GDBusConnection on which to acquired the name. The name being owned. User data passed to g_bus_own_name() or g_bus_own_name_on_connection(). Invoked when the name being watched is known to have to have a owner. The #GDBusConnection the name is being watched on. The name being watched. Unique name of the owner of the name being watched. User data passed to g_bus_watch_name(). Invoked when the name is lost or @connection has been closed. The #GDBusConnection on which to acquire the name or %NULL if the connection was disconnected. The name being owned. User data passed to g_bus_own_name() or g_bus_own_name_on_connection(). Flags used in g_bus_own_name(). Invoked when the name being watched is known not to have to have a owner. The #GDBusConnection the name is being watched on. The name being watched. User data passed to g_bus_watch_name(). Flags used in g_bus_watch_name(). An enumeration for well-known message buses. Allows actions to be cancelled. Seek object for streaming operations. Flags used when calling a g_converter_convert(). Provides an interface for converting data from one type to another type. The conversion can be stateful and may fail at any place. An implementation of #GFilterInputStream that allows data conversion. An implementation of #GFilterOutputStream that allows data conversion. Results returned from g_converter_convert(). Enumeration describing different kinds of native credential types. Information about an annotation. Information about an argument for a method or a signal. Flags used in g_dbus_connection_call() and similar APIs. Capabilities negotiated with the remote peer. Flags used when creating a new #GDBusConnection. A generic error; "something went wrong" - see the error message for more. There was not enough memory to complete an operation. The bus doesn't know how to launch a service to supply the bus name you wanted. The bus name you referenced doesn't exist (i.e. no application owns it). No reply to a message expecting one, usually means a timeout occurred. Something went wrong reading or writing to a socket, for example. A D-Bus bus address was malformed. Requested operation isn't supported (like ENOSYS on UNIX). Some limited resource is exhausted. Security restrictions don't allow doing what you're trying to do. Authentication didn't work. Unable to connect to server (probably caused by ECONNREFUSED on a socket). Certain timeout errors, possibly ETIMEDOUT on a socket. Note that %G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY is used for message reply timeouts. Warning: this is confusingly-named given that %G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMED_OUT also exists. We can't fix it for compatibility reasons so just be careful. No network access (probably ENETUNREACH on a socket). Can't bind a socket since its address is in use (i.e. EADDRINUSE). The connection is disconnected and you're trying to use it. Invalid arguments passed to a method call. Missing file. Existing file and the operation you're using does not silently overwrite. Method name you invoked isn't known by the object you invoked it on. confusingly-named given that %G_DBUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT also exists. We can't fix it for compatibility reasons so just be careful. Tried to remove or modify a match rule that didn't exist. The match rule isn't syntactically valid. While starting a new process, the exec() call failed. While starting a new process, the fork() call failed. While starting a new process, the child exited with a status code. While starting a new process, the child exited on a signal. While starting a new process, something went wrong. We failed to setup the environment correctly. We failed to setup the config parser correctly. Bus name was not valid. Service file not found in system-services directory. Permissions are incorrect on the setuid helper. Service file invalid (Name, User or Exec missing). Tried to get a UNIX process ID and it wasn't available. Tried to get a UNIX process ID and it wasn't available. A type signature is not valid. A file contains invalid syntax or is otherwise broken. Asked for SELinux security context and it wasn't available. Asked for ADT audit data and it wasn't available. There's already an object with the requested object path. Error codes for the %G_DBUS_ERROR error domain. Struct used in g_dbus_error_register_error_domain(). The type of the @get_property function in #GDBusInterfaceVTable. consumed - otherwise its reference count is decreased by one. A #GVariant with the value for @property_name or %NULL if A #GDBusConnection. The unique bus name of the remote caller. The object path that the method was invoked on. The D-Bus interface name for the property. The name of the property to get the value of. Return location for error. The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object(). Information about a D-Bus interface. The type of the @method_call function in #GDBusInterfaceVTable. A #GDBusConnection. The unique bus name of the remote caller. The object path that the method was invoked on. The D-Bus interface name the method was invoked on. The name of the method that was invoked. A #GVariant tuple with parameters. A #GDBusMethodInvocation object that can be used to return a value or error. The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object(). The type of the @set_property function in #GDBusInterfaceVTable. %TRUE if the property was set to @value, %FALSE if @error is set. A #GDBusConnection. The unique bus name of the remote caller. The object path that the method was invoked on. The D-Bus interface name for the property. The name of the property to get the value of. The value to set the property to. Return location for error. The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object(). Virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus interface. If you want to handle getting/setting D-Bus properties asynchronously, simply register an object with the <literal>org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties</literal> D-Bus interface using g_dbus_connection_register_object(). Enumeration used to describe the byte order of a D-Bus message. Signature for function used in g_dbus_connection_add_filter(). If you modify an outgoing message, make sure to return %G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FILTER_RESULT_MESSAGE_ALTERED instead of %G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FILTER_RESULT_NO_EFFECT so the message can be re-serialized. If an error occurs during re-serialization, a warning will be printed on standard error. describing what to do with @message. A value from the #GDBusMessageFilterResult enumeration A #GDBusConnection. A #GDBusMessage. %TRUE if it is a message received from the other peer, %FALSE if it is a message to be sent to the other peer. User data passed when adding the filter. Possible return values for #GDBusMessageFilterFunction when handling a #GDBusMessage. Message flags used in #GDBusMessage. Header fields used in #GDBusMessage. Message types used in #GDBusMessage. Information about a method on an D-Bus interface. Information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy. Information about a D-Bus property on a D-Bus interface. Flags describing the access control of a D-Bus property. The #GDBusProxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API. Class structure for #GDBusProxy. Flags used when constructing an instance of a #GDBusProxy derived class. Flags used when sending #GDBusMessage<!-- -->s on a #GDBusConnection. Flags used when creating a #GDBusServer. Signature for callback function used in g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(). A #GDBusConnection. The unique bus name of the sender of the signal. The object path that the signal was emitted on. The name of the interface. The name of the signal. A #GVariant tuple with parameters for the signal. User data passed when subscribing to the signal. Flags used when subscribing to signals via g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(). Information about a signal on a D-Bus interface. The type of the @dispatch function in #GDBusSubtreeVTable. Subtrees are flat. @node, if non-%NULL, is always exactly one A #GDBusInterfaceVTable or %NULL if you don't want to handle the methods. A #GDBusConnection. The unique bus name of the remote caller. The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). The D-Bus interface name that the method call or property access is for. A node that is a child of @object_path (relative to @object_path) or %NULL for the root of the subtree. Return location for user data to pass to functions in the returned #GDBusInterfaceVTable (never %NULL). The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). The type of the @enumerate function in #GDBusSubtreeVTable. This function is called when generating introspection data and also when preparing to dispatch incoming messages in the event that the %G_DBUS_SUBTREE_FLAGS_DISPATCH_TO_UNENUMERATED_NODES flag is not Hierarchies are not supported; the items that you return should not contain the '/' character. The return value will be freed with g_strfreev(). A newly allocated array of strings for node names that are children of @object_path. A #GDBusConnection. The unique bus name of the remote caller. The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). Flags passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). The type of the @introspect function in #GDBusSubtreeVTable. Subtrees are flat. @node, if non-%NULL, is always exactly one This function should return %NULL to indicate that there is no object at this node. If this function returns non-%NULL, the return value is expected to be a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusInterfaceInfo structures describing the interfaces implemented by @node. This array will have g_dbus_interface_info_unref() called on each item before being freed with g_free(). The difference between returning %NULL and an array containing zero items is that the standard DBus interfaces will returned to the remote introspector in the empty array case, but not in the %NULL case. A %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusInterfaceInfo, or %NULL. A #GDBusConnection. The unique bus name of the remote caller. The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). A node that is a child of @object_path (relative to @object_path) or %NULL for the root of the subtree. The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). Virtual table for handling subtrees registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree(). An implementation of #GBufferedInputStream that allows for high-level data manipulation of arbitrary data (including binary operations). An implementation of #GBufferedOutputStream that allows for high-level data manipulation of arbitrary data (including binary operations). #GDataStreamByteOrder is used to ensure proper endianness of streaming data sources across various machine architectures. #GDataStreamNewlineType is used when checking for or setting the line endings for a given file. Interface that is used by backends to associate default handlers with URI schemes. Opaque drive object. Interface for creating #GDrive implementations. Flags used when starting a drive. Enumeration describing how a drive can be started/stopped. An object for Emblems GEmblemOrigin is used to add information about the origin of the emblem to #GEmblem. An implementation of #GIcon for icons with emblems. A handle to an object implementing the #GFileIface interface. Generally stores a location within the file system. Handles do not necessarily represent files or directories that currently exist. Information about a specific attribute. Flags specifying the behaviour of an attribute. Acts as a lightweight registry for possible valid file attributes. The registry stores Key-Value pair formats as #GFileAttributeInfo<!-- -->s. Determines if a string matches a file attribute. Used by g_file_set_attributes_from_info() when setting file attributes. The data types for file attributes. Flags used when copying or moving files. Flags used when an operation may create a file. An interface for file descriptor based io objects. A per matched file iterator. A subclass of GIOStream for opened files. This adds a few file-specific operations and seeking and truncating. #GFileIOStream implements GSeekable. Gets an icon for a #GFile. Implements #GLoadableIcon. An interface for writing VFS file handles. Stores information about a file system object referenced by a #GFile. (out) A subclass of GInputStream for opened files. This adds a few file-specific operations and seeking. #GFileInputStream implements #GSeekable. Watches for changes to a file. Specifies what type of event a monitor event is. Flags used to set what a #GFileMonitor will watch for. A subclass of GOutputStream for opened files. This adds a few file-specific operations and seeking and truncating. #GFileOutputStream implements GSeekable. When doing file operations that may take a while, such as moving a file or copying a file, a progress callback is used to pass how far along that operation is to the application. the current number of bytes in the operation. the total number of bytes in the operation. user data passed to the callback. Flags used when querying a #GFileInfo. When loading the partial contents of a file with g_file_load_partial_contents_async(), it may become necessary to determine if any more data from the file should be loaded. A #GFileReadMoreCallback function facilitates this by returning %TRUE if more data should be read, or %FALSE otherwise. %TRUE if more data should be read back. %FALSE otherwise. the data as currently read. the size of the data currently read. data passed to the callback. Indicates the file's on-disk type. Completes filenames based on files that exist within the file system. Indicates a hint from the file system whether files should be previewed in a file manager. Returned as the value of the key #G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_USE_PREVIEW. A base class for all input streams that work on an underlying stream. A base class for all output streams that work on an underlying stream. Error codes returned by GIO functions. Opaque module base class for extending GIO. Optional API for GIO modules to implement. Should return a list of all the extension points that may be implemented in this module. This method will not be called in normal use, however it may be called when probing existing modules and recording which extension points that this modle is used for. This means we won't have to load and initialze this module unless its needed. If this function is not implemented by the module the module will always be loaded, initialized and then unloaded on application startup so that it can register its extension points during init. Note that a module need not actually implement all the extension points that g_io_module_query returns, since the exact list of extension may depend on runtime issues. However all extension points actually implemented must be returned by g_io_module_query() (if defined). When installing a module that implements g_io_module_query you must run gio-querymodules in order to build the cache files required for lazy loading. extension points of the module. The array must be suitable for freeing with g_strfreev(). A %NULL-terminated array of strings, listing the supported Required API for GIO modules to implement. This function is ran after the module has been loaded into GIO, to initialize the module. Required API for GIO modules to implement. This function is ran when the module is being unloaded from GIO, to finalize the module. Opaque class for definining and scheduling IO jobs. I/O Job function. Note that depending on whether threads are available, the #GIOScheduler may run jobs in separate threads or in an idle in the mainloop. Long-running jobs should periodically check the @cancellable to see if they have been cancelled. complete the job, %FALSE if the job is complete (or cancelled) %TRUE if this function should be called again to a #GIOSchedulerJob. optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore. the data to pass to callback function Base class for read-write streams. An abstract type that specifies an icon. GIconIface is used to implement GIcon types for various different systems. See #GThemedIcon and #GLoadableIcon for examples of how to implement this interface. Interface for initializable objects. Provides an interface for initializing object such that initialization may fail. Base class for streaming input operations. Structure used for scatter/gather data input. You generally pass in an array of #GInputVector<!-- -->s and the operation will store the read data starting in the first buffer, switching to the next as needed. Generic type for all kinds of icons that can be loaded as a stream. Interface for icons that can be loaded as a stream. Implements #GInputStream for arbitrary memory chunks. Implements #GOutputStream for arbitrary memory chunks. A handle to an object implementing the #GMountIface interface. Interface for implementing operations for mounts. Flags used when mounting a mount. Class for providing authentication methods for mounting operations, such as mounting a file locally, or authenticating with a server. #GMountOperationResult is returned as a result when a request for information is send by the mounting operation. Flags used when an unmounting a mount. Base class for writing output. All classes derived from GOutputStream should implement synchronous writing, splicing, flushing and closing streams, but may implement asynchronous versions. GOutputStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced. Structure used for scatter/gather data output. You generally pass in an array of #GOutputVector<!-- -->s and the operation will use all the buffers as if they were one buffer. #GPasswordSave is used to indicate the lifespan of a saved password. #Gvfs stores passwords in the Gnome keyring when this flag allows it to, and later retrieves it again from there. Interface that handles proxy connection and payload. A subclass of #GSocketAddressEnumerator that takes another address enumerator and wraps its results in #GProxyAddress<!-- -->es as directed by the default #GProxyResolver. Provides an interface for handling proxy connection and payload. Interface that can be used to resolve proxy address. Changes the size of the memory block pointed to by @data to The function should have the same semantics as realloc(). a pointer to the reallocated memory memory block to reallocate size to reallocate @data to An error code used with %G_RESOLVER_ERROR in a #GError returned from a #GResolver routine. Seek object for streaming operations. Provides an interface for implementing seekable functionality on I/O Streams. An implementation of a settings storage repository. Flags used when creating a binding. These flags determine in which direction the binding works. The default is to synchronize in both directions. The type for the function that is used to convert from #GSettings to an object property. The @value is already initialized to hold values of the appropriate type. %TRUE if the conversion succeeded, %FALSE in case of an error return location for the property value the #GVariant user data that was specified when the binding was created The type for the function that is used to convert an object property value to a #GVariant for storing it in #GSettings. a new #GVariant holding the data from @value, or %NULL in case of an error a #GValue containing the property value to map the #GVariantType to create user data that was specified when the binding was created The type of the function that is used to convert from a value stored in a #GSettings to a value that is useful to the application. If the value is successfully mapped, the result should be stored at is not in the right format) then %FALSE should be returned. If @value is %NULL then it means that the mapping function is being given a "last chance" to successfully return a valid value. %TRUE must be returned in this case. %TRUE if the conversion succeeded, %FALSE in case of an error the #GVariant to map, or %NULL the result of the mapping the user data that was passed to g_settings_get_mapped() The #GSimpleActionGroup structure contains private data and should only be accessed using the provided API. A simple implementation of #GAsyncResult. Simple thread function that runs an asynchronous operation and checks for cancellation. a #GSimpleAsyncResult. a #GObject. optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore. A lowlevel network socket object. Enumerator type for objects that contain or generate #GSocketAddress<!-- -->es. A helper class for network servers to listen for and accept connections. Interface for objects that contain or generate #GSocketAddress<!-- -->es. Provides an interface for returning a #GSocketAddressEnumerator and #GProxyAddressEnumerator A socket connection GIOStream object for connection-oriented sockets. Base class for socket-type specific control messages that can be sent and received over #GSocket. The protocol family of a #GSocketAddress. (These values are identical to the system defines %AF_INET, %AF_INET6 and %AF_UNIX, if available.) Flags used in g_socket_receive_message() and g_socket_send_message(). The flags listed in the enum are some commonly available flags, but the values used for them are the same as on the platform, and any other flags are passed in/out as is. So to use a platform specific flag, just include the right system header and pass in the flag. A protocol identifier is specified when creating a #GSocket, which is a family/type specific identifier, where 0 means the default protocol for the particular family/type. This enum contains a set of commonly available and used protocols. You can also pass any other identifiers handled by the platform in order to use protocols not listed here. A helper class for handling accepting incomming connections in the glib mainloop. This is the function type of the callback used for the #GSource returned by g_socket_create_source(). it should return %FALSE if the source should be removed. the #GSocket the current condition at the source fired. data passed in by the user. Flags used when creating a #GSocket. Some protocols may not implement all the socket types. A #GSocketConnection for UNIX domain socket connections. An implementation of #GIcon for themed icons. A helper class for handling accepting incomming connections in the glib mainloop and handling them in a thread. The #GUnixCredentialsMessage structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API. Class structure for #GUnixCredentialsMessage. Implements #GInputStream for reading from selectable unix file descriptors Defines a Unix mount entry (e.g. <filename>/media/cdrom</filename>). This corresponds roughly to a mtab entry. Watches #GUnixMount<!-- -->s for changes. Defines a Unix mount point (e.g. <filename>/dev</filename>). This corresponds roughly to a fstab entry. Implements #GOutputStream for outputting to selectable unix file descriptors The type of name used by a #GUnixSocketAddress. %G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_PATH indicates a traditional unix domain socket bound to a filesystem path. %G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ANONYMOUS indicates a socket not bound to any name (eg, a client-side socket, or a socket created with socketpair()). For abstract sockets, there are two incompatible ways of naming sockaddr_un</literal> as the name, padding the unused parts of the %sun_path field with zeroes; this corresponds to %G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ABSTRACT_PADDED. However, many programs instead just use a portion of %sun_path, and pass an appropriate smaller length to bind() or connect(). This is %G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_ABSTRACT. Virtual File System object. Opaque mountable volume object. Interface for implementing operations for mountable volumes. A Volume Monitor that watches for volume events. Used to select the type of data format to use for #GZlibDecompressor and #GZlibCompressor.