2013-02-09 Thomas Parkfixes #69, subnav-fixed position tweaks v2.2.2+2
2013-02-09 Thomas Parkadd 1px to default top for subnav-fixed
2013-02-07 Thomas Parkpreview pages: get rid of content jumps when subnav...
2013-02-07 Thomas Parkcosmo: fixes #68, .text-state utility classes
2013-02-02 Thomas Parkindex: fix h3 style on previews
2013-01-27 Thomas Parkspruce: remove border-radius 0
2013-01-27 Thomas Parkspruce: more contrast on navbar-inverse search-query...
2013-01-27 Thomas Parkspruce: lighten border and divider colors
2013-01-27 Thomas Parkspruce: fix color on control-label states
2013-01-26 Thomas Parkindex: border on hero-unit
2013-01-26 Thomas Parkindex: move sponsor to own row
2013-01-20 Thomas Parkcosmo: this should fix #66
2013-01-19 Thomas Parkcosmo: fixes #65, nav-tabs border-radius bug
2013-01-09 Thomas Parkreadable: reduced baseFontSize to 17px
2013-01-03 Thomas Parkamelia, superhero: for multiple google web fonts, make... v2.2.2+1
2013-01-03 Thomas Parkswatchmaker: updated less templates to say 2.2.2
2013-01-03 Thomas Parkswatchmaker: updated docs.css to bootswatch.css
2013-01-03 Thomas ParkMerge pull request #60 from buzztabapp/gh-pages
2013-01-01 Robert EstelleMake HTTPS Google Font imports protocol-relative
2013-01-01 Robert EstelleProtocol-relative URLs for Google Font @imports
2012-12-31 Thomas ParkMerge pull request #59 from romanalexander/gh-pages
2012-12-31 romanalexanderfixed broken link in swatchmaker Makefile
2012-12-30 Thomas Parkcosmo: increase .btn size to work with .input-append
2012-12-29 Thomas Parkreadme: add BootstrapCDN link, closes #58
2012-12-28 Thomas Parkupdate comment in default bootstrap's variables.less
2012-12-28 Thomas Parkclean up javascript code
2012-12-28 Thomas Parkamelia, cosmo: fixes #53
2012-12-22 Thomas Parktheme-specific taglines
2012-12-22 Thomas Parkremoved extra ad link
2012-12-20 Thomas Parkapi: added version property
2012-12-20 Thomas Parkindex: removed unncessary ga code
2012-12-10 Thomas Parkcyborg: darkened form input
2012-12-09 Thomas Parkupdate to bootstrap v2.2.2 v2.2.2
2012-12-07 Thomas Parkupdated link to swatchmaker in footer
2012-12-07 Thomas Parkbookmarklet adds responsive stylesheet
2012-12-06 Thomas Parkswatchmaker: added components to test pages
2012-12-06 Thomas Parkindex: switched gh buttons
2012-12-06 Thomas Parkswatchmaker: fixed link in readme, removed zip
2012-12-06 Thomas Parkmoved readme and swatchmaker to gh-pages branch
2012-12-06 Thomas Parkdeleted old book images
2012-12-06 Thomas Parkindex: point older versions link to tags
2012-12-06 Thomas Parkall: widen demo form
2012-12-04 Thomas Parkindex: tweaked favicon v2.1.1+1
2012-12-04 Thomas Parkindex: added favicon
2012-12-04 Thomas Parkindex: restyle hero-unit and social buttons
2012-12-04 Thomas Parkindex: combine css styles
2012-12-01 Thomas Parkcerulean: fixes #48
2012-12-01 Thomas Parkcosmo: tweaked colors to match metro better
2012-11-28 Thomas Parkpreviews: added margin between sections
2012-11-28 Thomas Parkcosmo: changed web font to use https
2012-11-26 Thomas Parklink api to news post
2012-11-26 Thomas Parkadded footer to preview pages
2012-11-26 Thomas Parkindex: added cosmo to bookmarklet
2012-11-25 Thomas Parkcosmo: subnav border fix
2012-11-25 Thomas Parkindex: added meta description and author
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkcosmo: subnav active a:hover fix
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkunited: bug fix on color for dropdown-menu .active > a
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkindex: new preview pages with tables, nav, labels,...
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkcosmo: labels as boxes, badges remove text-shadow
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkcosmo: style btn-mini
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkcosmo: darken blockquote small
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkindex: new thumbnails for updated themes
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkindex: updated links and api for cosmo
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkcosmo: first commit!
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkreadable: simplified theme, changed font to lora
2012-11-24 Thomas Parkspruce: overhaul to light theme with new fonts, navbars...
2012-11-23 Thomas Parkspacelab: changed font to open sans, tweaked buttons...
2012-11-23 Thomas Parkslate: lightened textColor, increased baseFontSize...
2012-11-23 Thomas Parkcyborg: refined navbars, subnav, pager
2012-11-18 Thomas Parkindex: fix ga code
2012-11-16 Thomas Parkindex: no longer using snippets
2012-11-16 Thomas Parkindex: navbar dropdown fix
2012-11-16 Thomas Parkindex: navbar dropdown fix
2012-11-16 Thomas Parkindex: fix navbar dropdowns on mobile
2012-11-13 Thomas Parkindex: updated bootstrap.js to 2.2.1
2012-11-07 Thomas Parkindex: update to 2.2.1
2012-11-07 Thomas Parkupdated to 2.2.1 v2.1.1
2012-10-28 Thomas Parkcerulean, united: should fix #41, hover and active...
2012-10-28 Thomas Parkslate: fixed missing brackets in less, closes #42
2012-10-28 Thomas Parkamelia: different sizes for btns, closes #40
2012-10-24 Thomas Parkcyborg: removes text-shadow on breadcrumb items, closes #36
2012-10-24 Thomas Parkall: fixes pagination issues, closes #37
2012-10-24 Thomas Parkreadable: fixes #38, thanks @ds125v
2012-10-08 Thomas Parkslate: fixes #35, thanks @Airborn
2012-10-05 Thomas Parkall: add horizontalComponentOffset, better match variab...
2012-10-05 Thomas Parkindex: cleaned up markup
2012-10-05 Thomas Parkindex: remove unused styles
2012-10-02 Thomas Parksimplex: reduce navbar shadow, make subnav links bold
2012-10-02 Thomas Parkcerulean: changed alt navbar from gray to dark blue
2012-09-29 Thomas Parkindex: add tooltip to bookmarklet
2012-09-27 Thomas Parkspruce: fix pagination, form validation colors
2012-09-23 Thomas Parkfixes #33, set proper offset for scrollspy, thanks...
2012-09-23 Thomas Parkfixes #32, updated homepage to bootstrap 2.1.1 which...
2012-09-21 Thomas Parkjournal: adjust hero-unit spacing, darken textColor
2012-09-20 Thomas Parkindex: fix google analytics self-referrals
2012-09-20 Thomas Parkslate: change submenu caret from dark to white
2012-09-14 Thomas Parkall: 2.1.0 -> 2.1.1
2012-09-05 Thomas Parkcerulean: tweaked navbar brand margins v2.1.0
2012-09-05 Thomas Parkdefault: add responsive css
2012-09-04 Thomas Parkjournal: add style to navbar divider-vertical