{ "build_module" : "webkitpdf", "items" : [ { "$ xns" : "Gtk", "Gtk.WindowType type" : "Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL", "items" : [ { "$ xns" : "Gtk", "* init" : [ "{", "\tthis.el.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);", "}", "" ], "* pack" : "add", "id" : "scrolled_window", "items" : [ { "# bool print_started" : false, "# int load_try" : 0, "# string cookie_file" : "", "$ xns" : "WebKit", "* init" : [ "", "", "{", "\t\tthis.load_try = 0;", "", "", "", "", "#if GTK3", "\t\t this.el.load_changed.connect( (ev ) => {", " \t\tif (ev != WebKit.LoadEvent.FINISHED) {", "\t\t \t\treturn;\t ", " \t\t }", " \t\t ", " this.printit(); ", "\t ", " ", " });", " ", "\t\t\tthis.el.resource_load_started.connect( (resource, request) => {", "\t\t\t//\tprint(\"Adding referrer header %s\\n\" , request.get_uri());", "\t\t\t\t", "\t\t\t\tif (request.get_http_headers() != null) {", "\t \t\t\t\trequest.get_http_headers().remove(\"Referer\");\t\t", "\t \t\t\t\trequest.get_http_headers().append(\"Referer\", request.get_uri());", "\t\t\t\t}", " });", " var settings = this.el.get_settings();", "\t\t\tsettings.set_user_agent( \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36\" );", "\t\t\tsettings.hardware_acceleration_policy = WebKit.HardwareAccelerationPolicy.NEVER;", "\t\t\tsettings.enable_accelerated_2d_canvas = false;", "\t\t\tif (webkitpdf.opt_disable_javascript) { ", "\t \t\t\tsettings.enable_javascript = false;", " \t\t\t}", "", "\t\t\tWebKit.WebContext.get_default().set_tls_errors_policy(\tWebKit.TLSErrorsPolicy.IGNORE );", " ", "#else", " //listeners", " // this.el.resource_request_starting.connect( (p0, webres, netreq ) => {", " // print(\"resource req. started %s\\n\", netreq.uri);", " ", " // });", " ", " this.el.load_finished.connect( ( ) => {", " \t\t ", " this.printit(); ", " ", " });", " WebKit.get_default_session().request_started.connect((message, socket) => {", " \t Soup.URI uri = message.get_uri();", "\t\t\t", "\t\t\t\tvar host = uri.get_host ();", "\t\t\t\tif (host.contains(\"google-analytics\") || host.contains(\"googlesyndication\") || host.contains(\"facebook\") ) {", "\t\t\t\t\tprint(\"DISCONNECTING: %s\\n\", host);", "\t\t\t\t\tsocket.disconnect();", "\t\t\t\t\treturn;", "\t\t\t\t}", "", "\t\t\t\tprint(\"Adding header: %s\\n\", uri.to_string(false));", "\t\t\t\tmessage.request_headers.remove(\"Referer\");\t\t\t\t", "\t\t\t\tmessage.request_headers.append(\"Referer\", \"http://\"+host+\"/\");", "\t\t\t\t", " ", " });", " var sess = WebKit.get_default_session();", "\t\t\tsess.user_agent= \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36\";", "\t\t\tsess.ssl_strict = false;", "\t\t\t", " var settings = this.el.get_settings();", " ", "\t\t\tsettings.enable_webgl = false;", "\t\t\tsettings.enable_plugins = false;", "\t\t\tsettings.enable_java_applet = false;", "\t\t\tif (webkitpdf.opt_disable_javascript) { ", "\t \t\t\tsettings.enable_scripts = false;", " \t\t\t}", "\t\t\t", "\t\t\t", "\t\t\tthis.el.console_message.connect((msg, line, sid) => {", "\t\t\t\tprint(\"CONSOLE: %s:%d %s\\n\", sid, line, msg);", "\t\t\t\treturn false;", "\t\t\t});", "\t\t\tthis.el.create_web_view.connect((frame) => {", "\t\t\t\tprint(\"WEBFRAME:%s\\n\", frame.uri);", " \t\t\t\treturn new WebKit.WebView();", "\t\t\t});", " ", "#endif", "}", "\t \tthis.cookie_file = \"\";", "\t\tif (webkitpdf.opt_cookies != null) {", "\t\t\tprint(\"setting cookie %s\\n\",webkitpdf.opt_cookies);", "", "\t\t\tvar uri = GLib.Uri.parse (webkitpdf.opt_url, GLib.UriFlags.NONE);", "\t\t\t", "\t\t\tstring[] cookies = webkitpdf.opt_cookies.split (\"=\", 2);", "", "\t\t\tif(cookies.length > 1 ) {", "\t\t", "#if GTK3\t", "\t\t\t\tvar context = WebKit.WebContext.get_default();\t ", "\t\t\t\tvar cookie_manager = context.get_cookie_manager();", "\t\t\t\tcookie_manager.set_accept_policy(WebKit.CookieAcceptPolicy.NEVER);", "\t\t\t\tstring scheme = uri.get_scheme ();", "\t\t\t", "\t\t\t\ttry { ", "\t\t\t\t FileIOStream iostream;\t\t ", "\t\t\t\t File file = File.new_tmp (\"cookie-XXXXXX.txt\", out iostream);", "\t\t\t\t this.cookie_file = file.get_path (); ", "\t\t\t\t print(\"cookie tmp file name: %s\\n\", file.get_path ());", "\t\t \t ", "\t\t\t\t OutputStream ostream = iostream.output_stream;", "\t\t\t\t DataOutputStream dostream = new DataOutputStream (ostream);\t\t\t\t\t ", "\t\t\t\t dostream.put_string (\"%s\\tTRUE\\t/\\t%s\\t2147483647\\t%s\\t%s\".printf(uri.get_host(),scheme == \"http\" ? \"FALSE\" : \"TRUE\",cookies[0],cookies[1]));\t\t ", "\t\t\t\t cookie_manager.set_persistent_storage(file.get_path(), WebKit.CookiePersistentStorage.TEXT);\t\t ", "\t\t\t\t} catch (Error e) {", "\t\t\t\t stdout.printf (\"Error: %s\\n\", e.message);", "\t\t\t\t} \t\t", "#else", "\t\t\t\tvar cookie_jar = new Soup.CookieJar();\t\t", "\t\t\t\tvar cookie = new Soup.Cookie (cookies[0], cookies[1], uri.get_host(), \"/\", -1);", "\t\t\t\tif(uri.get_scheme() ==\"https\") {", "\t\t\t\t cookie.set_secure(true); ", "\t\t\t\t}\t ", "\t\t\t\tcookie_jar.set_accept_policy(Soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy.NEVER);\t\t\t\t ", "\t\t\t\tcookie_jar.add_cookie(cookie);\t\t\t ", "\t\t\t\tWebKit.get_default_session().add_feature(cookie_jar);", "#endif", "\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t\t ", "\t\t\t}", "", "\t\t} ", " // init method" ], "* pack" : "add", "id" : "view", "xtype" : "WebView", "| bool printpdf" : [ "() {", "", "", "", "\t\tvar list = Gtk.PaperSize.get_paper_sizes(false);", "\t var psetup = new Gtk.PageSetup();", "\t for(var i = 0; i < list.length(); i++ ) {", "\t var entry = list.nth_data(i).copy();", "\t if (entry.get_name() == \"iso_a2\") {", "\t psetup.set_paper_size(entry);", "\t }", "\t }", "\t ", "", "#if GTK3\t ", "", "\t\tvar pe = new WebKit.PrintOperation(this.el);", "\t\tpe.set_page_setup(psetup);", "\t\tpe.finished.connect( () => {", "\t\t\tprint(\"print completed\\n\");", " this.delete_cookiefile(); ", "\t\t\t Gtk.main_quit();", " \t\t", "\t\t});", "\t\t", "\t\tvar ps = new Gtk.PrintSettings();", "\t ps.set_printer(\"Print to File\");", "\t ps.set(\"output-file-format\", \"pdf\");", "\t ps.set(\"output-uri\", \"file://\" + webkitpdf.opt_target_pdf);", "", "\t\t", "\t\tpe.set_print_settings(ps);", "\t\t", "", "\t\tpe.print();", " \t\t ", "", "#else\t ", "\t\tvar pe = new Gtk.PrintOperation();", "\t\tpe.export_filename = webkitpdf.opt_target_pdf;", "\t\tprint(\"got callback for print\\n\");", "\t\tpe.ref();", "\t\t/*pe.failed.connect(() => {", "\t\t\tprint(\"print failed\\n\");", "\t\t\t Gtk.main_quit();", " \t\t", "\t\t})", "\t\t*/;", "\t\t pe.done.connect(() => {", "\t\t\tprint(\"print completed\\n\");", " this.delete_cookiefile(); ", "\t\t\t Gtk.main_quit();", " \t\t", "\t\t});", "\t\t", "\t\t//pe.run_dialog(_this.el);", "\t ", "\t\t", "\t ", "", "", "\t pe.set_default_page_setup(psetup);", "\t print(\"Calling Print?\\n\");", "\t //pe.run_dialog(_this.el);", "\t ", "\t ", "", "", "", "\t try {", "\t\t this.el.get_main_frame().print_full(pe,Gtk.PrintOperationAction.EXPORT);", "\t } catch (Error e) {", "\t\t\t// print failed...", "\t\t}", "#endif\t ", "\t ", "\t ", "\t\treturn false;", "}", "" ], "| void delete_cookiefile" : [ "() {", " \tif(this.cookie_file.length < 1 ){", " \t\treturn;", "\t}", " print(\"deleting tmp file %s\\n\",this.cookie_file);", " File file = File.new_for_path (this.cookie_file);", " try {", " if (file.query_exists () == true) {", " file.delete ();\t ", " }", " } catch (Error e) {", " stdout.printf (\"Error: %s\\n\", e.message);", " }", "", "}", "" ], "| void printit" : [ "() {", " print(\"load_finsihed\\n\");", " ", " if (this.print_started) {", " print(\"load_finsihed - already printing..%d %s\\n\", this.load_try, this.el.uri);", " ", " ", " ", " ", " return;", " }", " ", " ", " this.print_started = true; // flag to stop double call.", " ", " ", "\t// inject any javascript if needed..", "\tif (webkitpdf.opt_inject_js != null) {", "\t", "\t\tprint(\"injecting javascript files \\n\");", "\t\tforeach(var inject_js in webkitpdf.opt_inject_js) {", "\t\tprint(\"inject? %s\\n\", inject_js);", "\t\t\tstring str;", "\t\t\ttry {", "\t\t\t\tFileUtils.get_contents( inject_js, out str);", "\t\t\t} catch(FileError e) {", "\t\t\t\tprint(\"Failed to inject %s\\n\", inject_js);", "\t\t\t\tcontinue;", "\t\t\t}", "#if GTK3", "\t\t\tGLib.MainLoop mainloop = new GLib.MainLoop();", "\t\t\tthis.el.run_javascript.begin(str, null, (obj,res) => {", "\t\t\t\tmainloop.quit();", "\t\t\t});", "\t\t\tmainloop.run();", "\t\t\t", "#else \t\t\t", "\t\t\tthis.el.execute_script(str);", "#endif", "\t\t}", "\t}", "\t ", "\tprint(\"calling print in %d seconds\\n\", (int)webkitpdf.opt_delay);", "\tif (webkitpdf.opt_target_pdf != null) {", "\t\tGLib.Timeout.add_seconds(webkitpdf.opt_delay, () => { ", "\t\t\tprint(\"delay done URL: %s\\n\", this.el.uri);", "\t\t", "\t\t\t ", "\t\t\tthis.printpdf();", "\t\t\t return false;", "\t\t}, GLib.Priority.DEFAULT);", "\t\treturn;", "\t}", "\t\t", "", "#if GTK3", "\tGLib.Timeout.add_seconds(webkitpdf.opt_delay, () => { ", "\t\t\tprint(\"delay done URL: %s\\n\", this.el.uri);", "\t\t\tthis.printpng();\t", "\t\t\treturn false;", "\t\t}, GLib.Priority.DEFAULT);", "\t\treturn;", "#else", "\t\t", " GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(webkitpdf.opt_delay, () => { ", " ", "\t\t", "\t\t// ----------------- JPEG ", "\t\t// resize the window...", "\t\t// window.document.documentElement.scrollHeight", "\t\tvar scroll_height = (int) _this.view.el.get_dom_document().document_element.scroll_height;", "\t\tprint(\"Scroll height %d\\n\", scroll_height);", "\t\tif (scroll_height> 1024 || webkitpdf.opt_width > 0 || webkitpdf.opt_height > 0 ) {", "\t\t\tvar w = webkitpdf.opt_width > 0 ? webkitpdf.opt_width : 1200;", "\t\t\tvar h = int.min(scroll_height, 6000);", "\t\t\t_this.scrolled_window.el.set_size_request( w, h); ", "\t\t\t_this.el.resize (w+50, h+50);", "\t\t\tprint(\"Resize to %d, %d\\n\", w,h);", "\t\t GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(webkitpdf.opt_delay > 0 ? webkitpdf.opt_delay : 1 , () => { ", "\t\t\t\tthis.printpng();", "\t\t\t\treturn false;", "\t\t\t }, GLib.Priority.DEFAULT);", " \t\t return false;", "\t\t}", "\t\tthis.printpng();\t\t", "\t\treturn false;", "\t }, GLib.Priority.DEFAULT);", "", "", "#endif ", " ", "}", "" ], "| void printpng" : [ "() {", " //var filename = \"/tmp/test.pdf\";", " //print(\"load_changed %d ?= %d\\n\", le, LoadEvent.FINISHED);", "", " //if (le != LoadEvent.FINISHED) {", " // return;", " // }", " ", "// what size is the documet.", "", " print(\"making screenshot\\n\");", "#if GTK3", "GLib.MainLoop mainloop = new GLib.MainLoop();", " _this.view.el.get_snapshot.begin(WebKit.SnapshotRegion.FULL_DOCUMENT, WebKit.SnapshotOptions.NONE, null, (obj, res) => {", " \t\t var sf = _this.view.el.get_snapshot.end(res);", " \t\t sf.write_to_png(webkitpdf.opt_target_png);", " \tprint(\"Saved to %s\\n\", webkitpdf.opt_target_png);", " \t\t mainloop.quit();", " \t\t ", " });", "", "\tmainloop.run();", "", "#else ", " // fix vapi - get_snapshot add '?' to all null.", " var pixmap = _this.view.el.get_snapshot( null );", "", " ", " ", " int w,h;", " ", " // add out to gdkpixmap.get_size", "\tpixmap.get_size( out w , out h);", "\tvar pixbuf = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_drawable(null, pixmap, null , 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h);", "\tprint(\"pixbuf size: %d x %d\\n \", w,h);", "\t ", " ", " ", " pixbuf.save(webkitpdf.opt_target_png, \"png\");", " print(\"Saved to %s\\n\", webkitpdf.opt_target_png);", " //view.get_snapshot.begin(WebKit.SnapshotRegion.FULL_DOCUMENT, WebKit.SnapshotOptions.NONE, null, (obj, res) => {", " // var sf = view.get_snapshot.end(res);", "", " // sf.write_to_png(Browser.opt_target_png);", " //});", "#endif ", " this.delete_cookiefile(); ", " ", " Gtk.main_quit();", " ", "", " ", " ", "", "}", "" ] } ], "xtype" : "ScrolledWindow" } ], "listeners" : { "destroy" : [ "() => {", " Gtk.main_quit();", "}" ], "show" : [ "() => {", "\t", "\tprint(\"resizing window\\n\");", "\tvar w = webkitpdf.opt_width > 0 ? webkitpdf.opt_width : 1200;", "\tvar h = webkitpdf.opt_height > 0 ? webkitpdf.opt_height : 500;", "\t\t\t", "\t", "\tthis.el.resize(w,h);", "", "\t// we have to do silly stuff with blogspot!!?!?", "\tvar blog = webkitpdf.opt_url;", "", "", " /* Do not redirect if the domain is .com already */", " if (/\\.blogspot\\.com/.match(blog)) {", "\t\tvar r = new Regex (\"\\\\.blogspot\\\\..*?/\");", "\t\tblog = r.replace(blog, blog.length, 0, \".blogspot.com/ncr/\");", " }", "\t", "\tprint(\"loading url %s\\n\",blog);\t", "\tthis.view.el.load_uri(blog);", "\t ", "\t// if we have not finished in 25 seconds", "\t// call printit...", "\tvar cd = webkitpdf.opt_delay > 25 ? webkitpdf.opt_delay : 25;", "\t GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1, () => { ", "\t\tcd--;", "\t\tprint(\"timeout %d seconds :%d\", (int)( webkitpdf.opt_delay > 25 ? webkitpdf.opt_delay : 25), (int)cd);", "\t\tif (cd < 1) {", "\t\t\tprint(\"calling printit - timed out\");", "\t\t\t_this.view.printit();", "\t\t\treturn false;\t\t\t", "\t\t}", "\t\treturn true;", "", "\t});", "\t", "", "}" ] }, "xtype" : "Window" } ], "modOrder" : "", "name" : "BrowserWindow", "parent" : "", "path" : "/home/alan/gitlive/app.webkitpdf/BrowserWindow.bjs", "permname" : "", "title" : "" }