From 7e8d5e29114c483d370fb64d7eb3762d1fde0ad4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alan Knowles Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 14:08:46 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs src/Builder4/WindowRooView.vala --- src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs | 2 +- src/Builder4/WindowRooView.vala | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs b/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs index 6981ee66e..dd9e99b1b 100644 --- a/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs +++ b/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.bjs @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ "xtype" : "WebView", "# WebKit.WebInspector inspector" : "", "# int redraws" : 0, - "| void runRefresh" : " () \n{\n // this is run every 2 seconds from the init..\n\n \n \n if (!this.refreshRequired) {\n // print(\"no refresh required\");\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.lastRedraw != null) {\n // do not redraw if last redraw was less that 5 seconds ago.\n if ((int64)(new DateTime.now_local()).difference(this.lastRedraw) < 5000 ) {\n return;\n }\n }\n \n if (_this.file == null) {\n return;\n }\n \n \n this.refreshRequired = false;\n // print(\"HTML RENDERING\");\n \n \n //this.get('/BottomPane');\n //this.get('/BottomPane').el.set_current_page(2);// webkit inspector\n _this.file.webkit_page_id = this.el.get_page_id();\n \n var js = _this.file.toSourcePreview();\n\n if (js.length < 1) {\n print(\"no data\");\n return;\n }\n// var data = js[0];\n this.redraws++;\n \n var project = _this.file.project; \n\n //print (project.fn);\n // set it to non-empty.\n \n// runhtml = runhtml.length ? runhtml : ''; \n\n\n// this.runhtml = this.runhtml || '';\n \n \n // then we need to reload the browser using\n // load_html_string..\n\n // then trigger a redraw once it's loaded..\n this.pendingRedraw = true;\n\n var runhtml = \"\\n\" ;\n\n // fix to make sure they are the same..\n this.runhtml = project.runhtml;\n // need to modify paths\n\n string inhtml;\n var base_template = _this.file.project.base_template;\n \n if (base_template.length > 0 && !FileUtils.test(\n BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/\" + base_template, FileTest.EXISTS) \n ) {\n print(\"invalid base_template name - using default: %s\\n\", base_template);\n base_template = \"\";\n \n }\n \n GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(\n BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/\" + \n (base_template.length > 0 ? base_template : \"roo.builder.html\")\n , out inhtml);\n \n \n this.renderedData = js;\n\n\n string js_src = js + \"\\n\" +\n\t\"Roo.onReady(function() {\\n\" +\n\t\"if (\" + +\".show) \" + +\".show({});\\n\" +\n\t\";\\n\" +\n\t\"});\\n\";\n\t\n // print(\"render js: \" + js);\n //if (!this.ready) {\n // console.log('not loaded yet');\n //}\n this.lastRedraw = new DateTime.now_local();\n\n var html = inhtml.replace(\"\", runhtml + this.runhtml + \n \n \"\" + \n \n \"\");\n //print(\"LOAD HTML \" + html);\n \n var rootURL = _this.file.project.rootURL;\n \n \n \n this.el.load_html( html , \n //fixme - should be a config option!\n (rootURL.length > 0 ? rootURL : \"xhttp://localhost/app.Builder.js/\")\n );\n \n // force the inspector... \n this.initInspector();\n \n // - no need for this, the builder javascript will call it when build is complete\n //GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1, () => {\n // this.el.run_javascript(\"Builder.saveHTML()\",null);\n // return false;\n //});\n// print( \"before render\" + this.lastRedraw);\n// print( \"after render\" + (new Date()));\n \n}\n ", + "| void runRefresh" : " () \n{\n // this is run every 2 seconds from the init..\n\n \n \n if (!this.refreshRequired) {\n // print(\"no refresh required\");\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.lastRedraw != null) {\n // do not redraw if last redraw was less that 5 seconds ago.\n if ((int64)(new DateTime.now_local()).difference(this.lastRedraw) < 5000 ) {\n return;\n }\n }\n \n if (_this.file == null) {\n return;\n }\n \n \n this.refreshRequired = false;\n // print(\"HTML RENDERING\");\n \n \n //this.get('/BottomPane');\n //this.get('/BottomPane').el.set_current_page(2);// webkit inspector\n _this.file.webkit_page_id = this.el.get_page_id();\n \n var js = _this.file.toSourcePreview();\n\n if (js.length < 1) {\n print(\"no data\");\n return;\n }\n// var data = js[0];\n this.redraws++;\n \n var project = _this.file.project; \n\n //print (project.fn);\n // set it to non-empty.\n \n// runhtml = runhtml.length ? runhtml : ''; \n\n\n// this.runhtml = this.runhtml || '';\n \n \n // then we need to reload the browser using\n // load_html_string..\n\n // then trigger a redraw once it's loaded..\n this.pendingRedraw = true;\n\n var runhtml = \"\\n\" ;\n\n // fix to make sure they are the same..\n this.runhtml = project.runhtml;\n // need to modify paths\n\n string inhtml;\n var base_template = _this.file.project.base_template;\n \n if (base_template.length > 0 && !FileUtils.test(\n BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/\" + base_template, FileTest.EXISTS) \n ) {\n print(\"invalid base_template name - using default: %s\\n\", base_template);\n base_template = \"\";\n \n }\n \n GLib.FileUtils.get_contents(\n BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + \"/resources/\" + \n (base_template.length > 0 ? base_template : \"roo.builder.html\")\n , out inhtml);\n \n \n this.renderedData = js;\n\n\n string js_src = js + \"\\n\" +\n\t\"Roo.onReady(function() {\\n\" +\n\t\"if (\" + +\".show) \" + +\".show({});\\n\" +\n\t\";\\n\" +\n\t\"});\\n\";\n\t\n // print(\"render js: \" + js);\n //if (!this.ready) {\n // console.log('not loaded yet');\n //}\n this.lastRedraw = new DateTime.now_local();\n\n var html = inhtml.replace(\"\", runhtml + this.runhtml + \n \n \"\" + \n \n \"\");\n //print(\"LOAD HTML \" + html);\n \n var rootURL = _this.file.project.rootURL;\n \n \n \n this.el.load_html( html , \n //fixme - should be a config option!\n (rootURL.length > 0 ? rootURL : \"xhttp://localhost/app.Builder.js/\")\n );\n \n // force the inspector... \n // this.initInspector();\n \n // - no need for this, the builder javascript will call it when build is complete\n //GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1, () => {\n // this.el.run_javascript(\"Builder.saveHTML()\",null);\n // return false;\n //});\n// print( \"before render\" + this.lastRedraw);\n// print( \"after render\" + (new Date()));\n \n}\n ", "$ xns" : "WebKit", "| void initInspector" : "() {\n \n if (this.inspector == this.el.get_inspector()) {\n;\n this.inspector.open_window(); \n print(\"init inspecter called, and inspector is the same as existing\\n\");\n return;\n }\n print(\"new inspector?\\n\");\n\n this.inspector = this.el.get_inspector();\n this.inspector.ref();\n \n // got a new inspector...\n \n this.inspector.open_window.connect(() => {\n this.inspector = this.el.get_inspector();\n print(\"inspector attach\\n\");\n var wv = this.inspector.get_web_view();\n if (wv != null) {\n print(\"got inspector web view\\n\");\n \n var cn = _this.inspectorcontainer.el.get_child();\n if (cn != null) {\n _this.inspectorcontainer.el.remove(cn);\n }\n \n _this.inspectorcontainer.el.add(wv);\n;\n } else {\n //this.inspector.close();\n \n //this.inspector = null;\n \n \n }\n return true;\n \n });\n /*\n this.inspector.closed.connect(() => {\n print(\"inspector closed?!?\");\n // if this happens destroy the webkit..\n // recreate it..\n this.el.stop_loading();\n \n if (_this.viewbox.el.get_parent() == null) {\n return;\n }\n \n \n _this.viewbox.el.remove(_this.viewcontainer.el);\n _this.el.remove(_this.inspectorcontainer.el); \n \n // destory seems to cause problems.\n //this.el.destroy();\n //_this.viewcontainer.el.destroy();\n //_this.inspectorcontainer.el.destroy();\n\n this.el = null; \n var nv =new Xcls_viewcontainer(_this);\n nv.ref();\n _this.viewbox.el.pack_end(nv.el,true,true,0);\n \n var inv =new Xcls_inspectorcontainer(_this);\n inv.ref();\n _this.el.pack2(inv.el,true,true);\n \n inv.el.show_all();\n nv.el.show_all();\n //while(Gtk.events_pending ()) Gtk.main_iteration ();\n //_this.view.renderJS(true); \n _this.view.refreshRequired = true;\n \n }); \n */\n \n;\n}\n", "# GLib.DateTime lastRedraw" : "null", diff --git a/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.vala b/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.vala index e460e9277..0ec384b71 100644 --- a/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.vala +++ b/src/Builder4/WindowRooView.vala @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ public class Xcls_WindowRooView : Object ); // force the inspector... - this.initInspector(); + // this.initInspector(); // - no need for this, the builder javascript will call it when build is complete //GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(1, () => { -- 2.39.2