using Gtk; namespace Palete { public class Introspect.El : Object { public enum eltype { NS, CLASS, METHOD, PROP } public eltype type; } public class Gtk : Palete { public Gee.ArrayList package_cache; public Gtk() { base(); = "Gtk"; var context = new Vala.CodeContext (); this.package_cache = this.loadPackages(Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("glib-2.0"))); this.package_cache.add_all( this.loadPackages(Path.get_dirname (context.get_vapi_path("gee-1.0"))) ); //this.load(); // various loader methods.. // = []; //this.load(); //this.proplist = {}; //this.comments = { }; // no parent... } public override void load () { this.loadUsageFile(BuilderApplication.configDirectory() + "/resources/GtkUsage.txt"); } public string doc(string what) { var ns = what.split(".")[0]; var gir = Gir.factory(ns); return gir.doc(what); //return typeof(this.comments[ns][what]) == 'undefined' ? '' : this.comments[ns][what]; } // does not handle implements... public override GirObject? getClass(string ename) { var es = ename.split("."); var gir = Gir.factory(es[0]); return gir.classes.get(es[1]); } public override Gee.HashMap getPropertiesFor(string ename, string type) { //print("Loading for " + ename); // if (typeof(this.proplist[ename]) != 'undefined') { //print("using cache"); // return this.proplist[ename][type]; //} // use introspection to get lists.. var es = ename.split("."); var gir = Gir.factory(es[0]); var cls = gir.classes.get(es[1]); if (cls == null) { var ret = new Gee.HashMap(); return ret; //throw new Error.INVALID_VALUE( "Could not find class: " + ename); } //cls.parseProps(); //cls.parseSignals(); // ?? needed for add handler.. //cls.parseMethods(); // ?? needed for ??.. //cls.parseConstructors(); // ?? needed for ??.. cls.overlayParent(); switch (type) { case "props": return cls.props; case "signals": return cls.signals; case "methods": return cls.methods; case "ctors": return cls.ctors; default: throw new Error.INVALID_VALUE( "getPropertiesFor called with: " + type); //var ret = new Gee.HashMap(); //return ret; } //cls.overlayInterfaces(gir); } public string[] getInheritsFor(string ename) { string[] ret = {}; var cls = Gir.factoryFqn(ename); if (cls == null || cls.nodetype != "Class") { print("getInheritsFor:could not find cls: %s\n", ename); return ret; } return cls.inheritsToStringArray(); } public override void fillPack(JsRender.Node node,JsRender.Node parent) { string inherits = string.joinv(" ", this.getInheritsFor (node.fqn())) + " "; inherits += node.fqn() + " "; //print ("fillPack:Inherits : %s\n", inherits); // parent.fqn() method ( node.fqn() var methods = this.getPropertiesFor (parent.fqn(), "methods"); var res = new Gee.HashMap(); var map = methods.map_iterator(); while ( { var n = map.get_key(); //print ("fillPack:checking method %s\n", n); var meth = map.get_value(); if (meth.paramset == null || meth.paramset.params.size < 1) { print ("fillPack:c -- no params\n"); continue; } var fp = meth.paramset.params.get(0); var type = Gir.fqtypeLookup(fp.type, meth.ns); print ("fillPack:first param type is %s\n", type); if (!inherits.contains(" " + type + " ")) { continue; } var pack =; for(var i =1; i < meth.paramset.params.size; i++) { var ty = Gir.fqtypeLookup(meth.paramset.params.get(i).type, meth.ns); pack += "," + Gir.guessDefaultValueForType(ty); } print ("fillPack:add pack: -- %s\n",pack ); res.set(, pack); } if (res.size < 1) { return ; } if (res.has_key("pack_start")) { node.props.set("* pack", res.get("pack_start")); return; } if (res.has_key("add")) { node.props.set("* pack", res.get("add")); return; } var riter = res.map_iterator(); while( { node.props.set("* pack", riter.get_value()); return; } } public Gee.ArrayList packages(Project.Gtk gproject) { var vapidirs = gproject.vapidirs(); var ret = new Gee.ArrayList(); ret.add_all(this.package_cache); for(var i = 0; i < vapidirs.length;i++) { var add = this.loadPackages(vapidirs[i]); for (var j=0; j < add.size; j++) { if (ret.contains(add.get(j))) { continue; } ret.add(add.get(j)); } } return ret; } public Gee.ArrayList loadPackages(string dirname) { var ret = new Gee.ArrayList(); //this.package_cache = new Gee.ArrayList(); if (!GLib.FileUtils.test(dirname, FileTest.IS_DIR)) { print("opps package directory %s does not exist", dirname); return ret; } var dir = File.new_for_path(dirname); try { var file_enum = dir.enumerate_children( GLib.FileAttribute.STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME, GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null ); FileInfo next_file; while ((next_file = file_enum.next_file(null)) != null) { var fn = next_file.get_display_name(); if (!Regex.match_simple("\\.vapi$", fn)) { continue; } ret.add(Path.get_basename(fn).replace(".vapi", "")); } } catch(Error e) { print("oops - something went wrong scanning the packages\n"); } return ret; } public override bool typeOptions(string fqn, string key, string type, out string[] opts) { opts = {}; print("get typeOptions %s (%s)%s", fqn, type, key); if (type.up() == "BOOL" || type.up() == "BOOLEAN") { opts = { "true", "false" }; return true; } var gir= Gir.factoryFqn(type) ; if (gir == null) { print("could not find Gir data for %s\n", key); return false; } print ("Got type %s", gir.asJSONString()); if (gir.nodetype != "Enum") { return false; } string[] ret = {}; var iter = gir.consts.map_iterator(); while( { ret += (type + "." + iter.get_value().name); } if (ret.length > 0) { opts = ret; return true; } return false; } public override List suggestComplete( JsRender.JsRender file, JsRender.Node? node, string proptype, string key, string complete_string ) { var ret = new List(); // completion rules?? // make sure data is loaded Gir.factory("Gtk"); // Roo...... // this. (based on the node type) // // Node and any determination... if (complete_string.index_of(".",0) < 0) { // string does not have a '.' // offer up vala keywords... / _this .. / look for var string = .. in the code.. var max = (int)Vala.TokenType.YIELD +1; for (var i =0; i < max;i++) { var m = (Vala.TokenType)i; var s = m.to_string(); var ss = s.slice(1,-1); if (s[0] == '`' && GLib.Regex.match_simple("^[a-z]+$", ss) && complete_string != ss && ss.index_of(complete_string,0) == 0 ) { ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (ss, ss, null, "vala : " + ss)); } } var miter = Gir.cache.map_iterator(); while ( { var ss = miter.get_key(); if (complete_string != ss && ss.index_of(complete_string,0) == 0 ) { ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem (ss, ss, null, "vala namespace : " + ss)); } } if (complete_string != "_this" && "_this".index_of(complete_string,0) == 0 ) { // should we ignore exact matches... ??? ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem ("_this - the top level element", "_this", null, "Top level element")); } // basic types.. return ret; } // got at least one ".". var parts = complete_string.split("."); var curtype = ""; var cur_instance = false; if (parts[0] == "this") { // work out from the node, what the type is... if (node == null) { print("node is empty - no return\n"); return ret; // no idea.. } curtype = "*" + node.fqn(); cur_instance = true; } else { if (Gir.cache.get(parts[0]) == null) { return ret; } curtype = parts[0]; } // all Gtk.... etc.. types... //if (parts[0] == "Roo") { // curtype = "Roo"; // cur_instance = false; //} var prevbits = parts[0] + "."; for(var i =1; i < parts.length; i++) { print("matching %d/%d\n", i, parts.length); var is_last = i == parts.length -1; // look up all the properties of the type... var cls = Gir.factoryFqn(curtype); if (cls == null && curtype[0] != '*') { print("could not get class of curtype %s\n", curtype); return ret; } if (!is_last) { if (curtype[0] == '*' && parts[i] == "el") { curtype = curtype.substring(1); prevbits += parts[i] + "."; continue; } // only exact matches from here on... if (cur_instance) { if (cls == null) { return ret; } if (cls.props.has_key(parts[i])) { var prop = cls.props.get(parts[i]); if (prop.type.index_of(".",0) > -1) { // type is another roo object.. curtype = prop.type; prevbits += parts[i] + "."; continue; } return ret; } // check methods?? - we do not export that at present.. return ret; //no idea... } var look = prevbits + parts[i]; var scls = Gir.factoryFqn(look); if (scls == null) { return ret; } curtype = look; prevbits += parts[i] + "."; continue; } // got to the last element.. print("Got last element\n"); if (curtype == "") { // should not happen.. we would have returned already.. return ret; } print("Got last element type %s\n",curtype); if (!cur_instance) { print("matching instance"); // it's a static reference.. var citer = cls.classes.map_iterator(); while ( { var scls = citer.get_key(); if (parts[i].length > 0 && scls.index_of(parts[i],0) != 0) { continue; } // got a starting match.. ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem ( prevbits + scls, prevbits + scls, null, scls)); } // methods.... citer = cls.methods.map_iterator(); while ( { var scls = citer.get_key(); if (parts[i].length > 0 && scls.index_of(parts[i],0) != 0) { continue; } // got a starting match.. ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem ( prevbits + scls + citer.get_value().sig , prevbits + scls, null, scls)); } // enums.... citer = cls.consts.map_iterator(); while ( { var scls = citer.get_key(); if (parts[i].length > 0 && scls.index_of(parts[i],0) != 0) { continue; } // got a starting match.. ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem ( prevbits + scls + citer.get_value().sig , prevbits + scls, null, scls)); } return ret; } print("matching property"); if (cls == null) { return ret; } var citer = cls.methods.map_iterator(); while ( { var prop = citer.get_value(); // does the name start with ... if (parts[i].length > 0 &&[i],0) != 0) { continue; } // got a matching property... // return type? ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem ( + prop.sig + " : ("+ prop.propertyof + ")", prevbits + + "(", null, prop.doctxt)); } // get the properties / methods and subclasses.. of cls.. // we have cls.. - see if the string matches any of the properties.. citer = cls.props.map_iterator(); while ( { var prop = citer.get_value(); // does the name start with ... if (parts[i].length > 0 &&[i],0) != 0) { continue; } // got a matching property... ret.append(new SourceCompletionItem ( + " : " + prop.type + " ("+ prop.propertyof + ")", prevbits +, null, prop.doctxt)); } return ret; } return ret; } } }